THE OMAHA DAILY BBBl SUNDAY , OOTOBBB 2 , 1898. 21 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE Weather Hu a Stimulating Effect on the Local Eetail Situation. JOBBERS FIND THEMSELVES ALL BUSY While Much Moncr I IleliiR Spent In Sninll Onlcrit , ( lie Country Mer chant * Arc Stocking Ul ( or the Home TruUc. Conditions governing trade were all fa vorable to the seller of merchandise lat week. In the first place there wcro a good many strangers In the city , a fuct that would of Ituclf bo uudlclent to keep moving the wheels of commerce , A more potent factor , however , was the weather. The sudden change came without warning , anil the strangers In the city who had leu homo with the thermometer at summer heat suddenly found themselves compelled to lay In a store of winter clotl-.lns or freeze. Then , too , there was the regular local demand from residents of Omaha , which was naturally livened up with th change to colder weather. The result of oil these circumstances was that the retail trade simply boomed during the lust week. The dry goods , clothing nnd Bhoo houses wore thronged from morning until night , and merchants had all the business that they could attend to. Hardware people nlso experienced an unprecedented rush ot orders for everything In the v/.iy of tola weather supplies , stoves , stove llxtures. etc. While the retailers have had a good week , the Jobbers have been no less busy. Coun try merchants have been Hocking In to nee the exposition before the gates arc closed and have taken the time to place orders at the different Jobbing houses. At the same tlrno the cool weather has helped traveling men on the road , so that there have been plenty of orders. Groceries uiul Hardware. The grocery trade last week was , If any thing , heavier than usual. Local Jobbers say they are obliged to work night and day to keep their orders filled promptly. Thla la one of the heaviest months in the year with them , and us the volume of business Is running fur ahead of lust year , and In fact 01 any previous year , they are havliiE about all the trade they can handle. The market on moat lines remains steady but llrm In tone. Whllo there Is us yet no change in sugars , still rellnerlcs report an Increased demand , and consequently u much llrmcr tone than for some little tlrna past , isow that the packing season for canned goods Is practically over It becomes more apparent tnun ever that the crop ot corn and tomatoes Is much lighter than was anticipated. As a result prices on corn advanced lust week ZliftBc per dozen , and the market on tomatoes Is very llrm. The cheese market Is also on the upward grade , twina being reported l.ic higher and the supply ot Young American light. In farinaceous goods , peas , beans and oat meal are all higher than a week ago. Quo tations on evaporated apples show arii ad vance of ? ic and It Is said' that Indications are favorable for still higher prices. Cali fornia , dried fruits are ulno very llrm. An advance In loose muscatel raisins and fancy peaches Is also reported on the coast. Tnero la nothing new to report regarding the hadware trade. Orders are still pour ing in as rapidly ns ever and trade Is brisk In all departments. No change of any consequence In the market Is reported , but the general tone Is very llrm. The shortage In seasonable goods Is still felt to some ex tent , but not as much ns it was a few weeks ago. Local Jobbers are well Pleased with the general outlook , and feel continent , nice trade that tney are going to have a ihrouchout the winter. . The present condition of the weather is very favorable to a brisk retail trade m dry goods. Underwear and hosiery are es- poclallyneeded und munyretallers are learn ing that thcln stocks are not going to last very long and ore sending In new orders. Local Jobbers have already felt the Im provement in trade since the colder weather Hot in , but It Is quite probable they wlII feel it more this coming week , fcuch week Jobbers say they realize more fully that this has been one of tie best If not the very best year they have ever experienced. Trade has come canleV than ever before , us many country merchants have bought their supplies from the house directly and not thiough a man. In previous yearn local Jobbers have had more men on the road nnd done less business than they nave this year , which Is a good Indication thiyt there has been more business to be had this year than last. There are no changes In the schedule of prices worthy of men tion nnd no very Important changes are expected. Cooler Weather Helim Matters. The trade In boots and shoes has also been benefited by the cooler weather. Con- slderlng the time of year local Jobbers say they are having as nice a business as they ever experienced. Their volume of business this season has run far ahead of what they anticipated or even hoped for , consequently they are all feeling well pleased with pre vailing conditions. It Is rubber goods , however , that have been In the best demand for the last week Retailers have had all they could do tc wait upon their customers wishing to pur. chase rubbers and since that Is true , II necessarily follows that the Jobbing tradi would also huvo a spurt. For some time past iocal Jobbers huvo been having a blf run of trade and now with the prospect 01 a long winter they feel sure they are golnj to have the biggest run of trade on record "vlacklntoshes ns well as rubbers are read ) sellers and considerable dllllculty Is belnj experienced In getting sulllclcnt supplies ti till nil the orders promptly. The demand for lumber , however , \ > light and dealers say there Is little or n < hope of there being much improvement be fore the spring trade opens up. Very llttli building has been done out through tin Htate this year and retailers have felt thi dullness considerably , as they were look Ing for a big run of trade and stocked U ] heavily. It is said that most of the coun try merchants still havu a good supply o lumber on hand and so even it ther should bo some Improvements made ye this full , It would have , little or no cffec upon the Jobbing trade. The present con ditlon of the weather In also favorable ti the trade and has cut oft much of th buMnena that was being transacted. Thcr will , however , b eomo business to do , a scattering orders are bound to come li and from some sections of the state ther wilt bo a lining tip of orders. It shouli bo remembered In this connection tha lumbermen have after all had a falrl : good year , as their summer and early ful business was enormous und brings th average for the year up to a very satis factory level The hide and wool market IB In rathe an unsettled condition , up one day an down the next. It Is thought , howevci that It will become more settled shortl and will probably be somewhat lower tha at present quoted. Hides are coming 1 more freely than for some time past , bu It Is expected that the receipts will con tlnue to Increase from now on. Prices o turs will also bo out In a short time. Krult und Produce. Trade with commission men last wee was not productive of any very tmportan changes. The volume ot trade remain about the same no matter what th weather may be , and even the falling o in the number ot strangers In the clt docs not seem to have affected trade t any appreciable extent. New York apples are now In the marke but In a limited amount. More , howovei are reported as being on the road and nt expected to arrive In the next few day : They nro quoted at the present time c from $3.60 to J3.75 and It la thought the will not go much below that prlcu , as nj pies are not very plentiful. A good era IB reported In some sections of New Yorl but theno more fortunate sections at rather far apart. California jx-aches ui still In the market , but are getting scare Twenty-pound cases bring 11.25. Pears ai also to be had , but neither the demur nor the supply Is very great. They ai quoted at $2.25. $ New York grapes ai steadily advancing In price and will sec bo out of the market. They are no ouotcd at ISc , The egg market made several advanci last week and nt the close ot the we < esgs were selling nt lGQ17c. Hocclp ware reported nu being light , while the d mand was quite heavy. Gathered crcati < sry butter is still llrm at 20i21o and sepi rater at 22c , In poultry , hens are dull ni will hardly bring over 6'4c , Spring chic ! ems. .however , are In fairly good demai nnd ilrmed up the latter part of the we < HO that they sold for "ViQSc. 1'rulrlfi chic : em * advanced last week owing to light r celpts and a better demand from the h lulu and restaurants , Young chickens anew now hold ut J4.00 and old ones at 13.1 Ducks are quoted the eame as a week ag St. l.oulM Market. ST. LOUIS , Oct. 22-FLOUK-Stcad firm nnd unchanged ; patents , J3.6Vtf3.7 ( straight ! , S3.25A3.65 ; clear , J2.7Wf3.CO ; low medium , J2.00S2.GO. WHEAT Strong and higher , with Oet her Ic. December 1 l-ScifUia nnd May I 3- up. Spot higher ; No. 2 red cash elevate 7lo bid ; track , 72o ; October. 71Uc ; Decombe 71 c asked ; May , 713-Sc ; No. 2 hard , cus $3 l-8c. COJIN Futures steady to fractional hlfihor Spot higher ; No. 2 cash , 32c not Irml ; October , S2c asked ; December , May , 523-Sc. OATS Futures etcnfly to fractions up. Spot higher ; No. 2 cash , 23c ; track , SCc ; October , 23c , nominal ; December , 2IH 246-50 bid ; May , 23tt 5-So bid ; No. 2 whlto , 77e bid. RYE-Hlgher ; DOc. SEEDS Flaxsccd , nominally higher ; prime timothy need , ntcndjr , $1.40 $ nominal. COnNMEALr-M.GOSil.C3. WHISKY-Btcady ; $1.23. BRAN Scarce , higher ; Racked , east track , csy&c , JlAY Steady to firmer ; timothy , W.00W 9.00 ; prairie , $8.23. BUTTER-Steady to nrm ; creamery , 18j | 23Ho ; dairy , 1BQ20C. EGGS-Steady ; IBc. POULTRY Steady ; chickens , springs , 7ft THc ; old , 6c ; ducks , SVifific ; geese , 6c ; tur keys , SV4S9C. METALS Lead , Nominally lower , $3.52Vi 3.55. Spelter , steady , $1.85 bid. PROVISIONS Pork , weak ; standard mess , jobbing , $3.00. Lard , steady , prlma steam , $4.90 ; choice , $1.95. Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , $4.37H ; extra short clear , $5.25 ; ribs , $5.37W ; shorts , $5.50. Bacon , boxed shoulders , $4.8714 ; extra short clear , $5.7B ; ribs. $5.87H : shorts. $0.00. RECEIPTS Flour. 6,000 bbls. ; wheat. 123.- 000 bu. ; corn , 07,000 bu. ; oats , 38,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 39,000 bu. ; corn , 29,000 bu. ; oats , 7,000 bu. OMAHA OEM3HAL MARKET. Condition of Trade nnd ( Inotntioui an Staple nnd Fancy Produce. EGGS-Good stock. 1GQ17C. BUTTER Common to fair , lOfTlZe ; sep arator , 22c ; gathered creamery , 20g-21c. LIVE POULTRY Hens , S l-2c ; old roosters ters , 4c ; spring chickens , 74QSc ! ; ducks , 6iJ 60 ; geese not wanted. GAME Teal , blue wing , $1.75 ; green wing , $1.50 ; mixed. $1.75 2.25 ; pralrU chickens , young , $4 ; old. $3.50. PIGEONS-Llve , per dox. , 75c. VEAL Choice , 9c. VEGETABLES. CELERY-Per bunch , S035c ; Colorado celery , 40ft46c. ONIONS New , per bu. , 35-S45C. BEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , $1.30 ( Hi.40. POTATOES Per bu. , 4045c for choice. SWEET POTATOES Per bbl. , $2.00g2.25. CABBAGES Per bu. , crated , Ic. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS-Callfornla , $6 ; fancy Messina , ORANGES-Valenclas , J3.75. BANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch , $2.0UQ2,23 ; medium sized bunches , J1.75S2.00. FRUITS. APPLES-Pcr bbl. . Jonathans , J1.75O4.00 : choice shipping stock , J3.50ft3.76 ; other stock. J3.00&3.23 ; eastern apples , J3.5033.75. PEACHES-Callfornla. 20-lb. case , J1.25 ; scarce. PLUMS Oregon , Jl.00ffl.23. PEARS-Bartlctt. California , out of the mar . .fct ; other varieties , J2.25. itAPES California Tokays , Jl.SOffQl.Co ; New York grapes , ISc. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin. tier box , J1.23 ; Cape Cods , per bbl. , J6.2500.50 ; Jerseys , JJ.7CQ6.00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , per lb. , large size , 12@ 13c : small , lie ; Brazils , per lb. . 9IOc : Ene- llsh walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell. 12B > 13c : filberts , per lb. , 10c ; pecans , polished , 6ff7c ( ; cocoanuts , per 100 , J4.60g5.00 ; peanuts , raw. 6i4c ; roasted 7lc. MAPLE 8VTRUP Five-mil. in , oarh. J2.50 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , J12 ; half-gal , cans , J6.25 ; quurt cans , J3.50. HONEY Choice white , 1212 c. DATES Hallowee , w to lU-io. boxes , 6c ; Snlr , DC ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , 9c. FIGS Imported fancy , 3-crown , 14-lb. boxes , loc ; 5-crown. 44-lb. boxes , 13o ; 3-lb. boxes , 22423c ! per box ; California , 10-lb. boxes , J1.10O1.15. CIDEU-Per half bbl. , J3.25fl3.50. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green hides. 6c ; No. 1 salted hides , 8c ; No. 2 salted hides , 7 > ic ; No. 1 veal culf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to IS lb > . , 7c. TALLOW , GREASE. ETC. Tallow. No. 1 , 3e ; tallow. No. 2 , 2Vfcc ; rough tallow , l',4c ; white grease , 2 > yi 2 c ; yellow and brown grease , _ . .v 8HBEP PELTS-Green salted , each , 15 ® 75c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled ' early skins ) , each , 16c ; dry shearings ( short 1 wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry I flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher -wool oelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4@5c ; dry flint , j Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , i per lb. , actual weight , 3 < i4o ; dry Hint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 45c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , ZQAc. Ilnltluiorc Market. BALTIMORE , Oct. 22. KLOUR-Qulet , unchanged. Receipts , 12,958 bbls. ; exports , 195 bbls. WHEAT Strong and higher ; spot and tha month , 75 3-875J4e ; receipts , 138,542 bu. ; ex ports , 66,000 bu. ; southern wheat , by sample , COKN Strong and higher. Spot and the month , 37i/4iff37ic : steamer mixed , Wfa ® 3Gc ; southern white corn , 37V&C asked , OATS Quiet ; No. 2 white , western , 29 @ 30c ; receipts , 13,347 bu. RYE Strong- , higher ; No. 2 western , 67c. Receipts , 10,333 , bu. BUTTER-Steady. unchanged ; Elgin , 22c. EGGS Firm , unchanged. K an HUM City Griilu nnd Provision * . 1 KANSAS CITY. Oct. 22.-WHEAT- Illgher ; No. 1 hard , 65OG6e : No. 2 , 64 ,0 , Cc ; No , 3 , GOtfJGIc ; No. 2 red , 68c ; No. 3 , 66iQ ! G7c : No. 2 spring , 62c ; No. 3 , 550 2c. CORN-Hlgher ; No. 3 mixed , 2930c ; No , 2 white , SOUe ; No. 3 , 30c. OATS Higher ; No. 2 white , 24 RYE-Hlgher ; No. 2 , 51V4o. HAY Unchanged. BUTTER Steady ; seperator , dairy , 16c. EGGS-Flrm ; fresh , 15c. Mlnnennolla AVIient Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 22. WHEAT - Slrong ; December , 66i/4e ; May , 6G0G6 7-8o No. 1 hard , 68 0 ; No. 1 northern , G7&CJ No 2 northern. GSVlc. FLOUR At the present rate of grlndliu there are only four days stock on hand li this city. Sales wore made this week t ( .Austria. Italy and Constantinople , whlcl shows the wide demand for flour ; flrst pat cnts , J3.0034.00 ; second patents , $3.7033.80 llrst clear ? , $2.8032.90. BRAN unchanged. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI , Oct. 22. FLOUR Un chanced. WHEAT-Steady ; No. 2 red , 70o. 1 ! CORN JJrm ; No. 2 mlxed , _ 33e. OATS-Steady ; No. 2 mixed. 25i@ZCc. UYE-Stroni ? : No. 2. 65c. PROVISIONS-Lnrd , easy at $ .SS ; bull i meats , steady at $5.50 ; bacon , steady at JO.DC . WHISKY Active at $1.25. BUTTER-Steady. EGGS-Dull at 13c. CHEESE-Flrm. Toledo Mnrket. TOLEDO. O. , Oct. 22.-WHEAT-TIIghe i nnd active ; No. 2 cash , October and Deccm i her.71sic. . t CORN-Qulet and higher ; No. 2 mixed 33c 1 . OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed RYE Dull and steady ; No. 2 cash. 62 bid. f CLOVERSEED-Actlve and higher ; casl t $4.50 ; October , $4.80. ' Grnlu Itccelpt * at Prlnclnal Market ! t , CHICAGO , Oct. 22. Receipts today ' Wheat , 198 cars ; corn. 463 curs ; oats , 25 ' cars. Estimated receipts for Monday Wheat , 195 cars ; corn , 410 cars ; oats , 22 cars. MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. 22. Receipts Wheat , 7SO rars. _ ST. L.OUIS , Oct. 22. Receipts : wheal f \ ' KANSAS CITY , Oet. 22-RccelpU Wheat , 362 cars. Peorla Markeii , PEORIA. Oct. 22.-CORN-Market flrn higher : No. 2. 31 % . OATS-Market llrm , steady ; No. 2 whit' ' . o , WHISKY Firm , on the basis of J1.25 fc o finished goods , u Liverpool Grain JlnrUet. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 22.-WHEAT-Stcad : lKf2d higher ; October , nominal ; Decembe 6a 3'/-rt : Atarch , Gs 2Hd ; May , nonilnul. CORN Steady , UQVJd lower ; Octobe nominal ; November , 3s 94d ; December , : ! > Hd ; ; March. 3s 7Ud. I'lillnricliilila Market. PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 22.-BUTTER Steady ; fancy western creamery , 225J ! fancy prints , 23c. EGOS-Klrm ; fresh western , ISc. CHEESE-Flrm. [ > , Milwaukee Grain Market , i. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 22. WIIEAT-No. northern. TOHc ; No. 2 northern , GOc. RYE-HlBhor ; No. 1 , 61051',4c. RARLEY-FIrm ; No. 2 , < 6Q 6V4c ; samp ! ) ; SSQUc. o . niilnth When ! Mnrkot. DULUT1I. Oct. 22.-WHEAT-Cah. 60 October. 69W bid ; December , 65Je bid. R celpts , 343,000 bu. ; shipments , 317,000 bu. Hail Frnnelxeii Wlioat Mar're * . SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 22.-WHEAT Firm : December. J1.25U ; May , J1.263.S. BARLEY-Unchanged. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Sensational Boost in Liverpool Market Oanses Wheat to Qo Up Again. DECEMBER GAINS CENT AND AN EIGHTH Export Dctnaniln nnd Heuvj.Specula tive Iluylnif IlrltiK About 11 Stronn 3lnrkct In Corn anil Dalit ProvlxlouH Slendy. CHICAGO , Oct. 22.-A rather ufciisatlotiut advance at Liverpool today , In face of the weakness here yesterday and nn excellent demand for cash grain from Europe , ad vanced wheat sharply , December closed IQl l-8c higher. Corn gained 3-SOV4c ; oats rose Uc , pork lost 6c , lard 2 < , Sc and ribs 5c. An advance of 1 5-84r2d In the price ot wheat at Liverpool and no noteworthy de cline In consols made a decidedly strong and higher market for wheat hero at the opening. Sales for December wcro lVie hlcher at G7iBG8c and there was u further gain of V c. shortly afterward. Accompanying the early news from abroad was a New York report of largo additional soles for export and further purchases of December futures by the ex porters. There were reports of Hour ealea to Italy , the first on recur 1. and also Hut houses with Australian connections were muKing inquiries tor Hour. Bt. Louis mean while advised thut the bids from abroad on whcut vary 3e per bushel higher than nt the close last night and Minneapolis re ported the wheat stock on hand there was sutllclont for only a limited period of Kttnulngr. Northwest receipts were 9b2 cars , which was considerably lighter than ! iov week , as the result of .he recent rough weather. Chicago received 19S cars , against 139 last year. The primary receipts all told showed a liberal quantity of wheat re ceived , being 1,635,000 bushels , as compared with 1,001,000 bushels a year i go. The ex ports for the day from tno loading Allan- tie ports were equal to 752,000 bu. of Under these conditions shorts were forced to cover and the were from G7 io to CStte. There was a liberal volumu of business donu In the pit. Ntur ' .no end the war scare lost some of Us Inlluence when It was found that continental mar kets were nil lower und British consols higher and the price of December reacted to G7&67 7-8c , which was tha cloainu llcure. A good export demand with renowea speculative buying , Incited by the wheat strength and the foreign situation , caused a strong feeling in corn. Receipts were 463 cars. December opened % c higher at 32 ( 32 l-8c , weakened to 31 7-sc , then ad vanced sharply to 32 3-8a32&c , caused by an attempt of the shorts to even up uu trades for the. week. There was considera ble taking of proilts by longs during the closing hour and the price was forced off to 32c at the close. The Improvement in wheat and corn caused a general increase of speculation In o.its and a substantial advance In prices resulted. There was a good cush de mand nnd IOiX > ,000 bu. were taken here for shipment. Traders that sold yesterday bought heavily today and the market closed strong at a shade under the. high prices. Receipts were 251 cars. Muy sturted Vl@3- ! higher nt 24V4Q21 3-Sc , rose to 24 5-Sc and closed at 21 He. Traders In provisions were bearish on account ot the. amazing receipts ot hogs everywhere and a decline In prices for the same , .there was only a slight concess.on on the general list , however , us the strength In gralnu checked nny concerted selling' . January pork opened a shade lower at J9.20. improved to J9.22V4 , declined to J9.15 nnd closed at $9.17'/i. ' The range in lard and ribs was narrow. Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , 195 cars ; corn , 410 cars ; oats , 220 cars ; hogs , 45,000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows : Artlolai. O a. llieh. Low. Close. Ycsd'y. G7H 6M U7W-88 G7 < 67f(01. KWH 69 68H iH X am SIM 32 31N 31H 31M-3i stilti 3SH 33H3H 2.1H 22K-S3 7tS BOO 780 7924 020 9 15 917H 407M 405 80S 605 (05 600 50VM 5 27H I 30 (25 (35 475 47G 477M No. 2. Cash quotations were na follows : FLOUR Firm ; special spring brands , J4.1004.20 ; hard patents , J3.50 < U3.70 ; straights , J3.104JT3.20 ; bakers , J2.20Q2.40. I WHEAT No. 2 spring , G7c ; No. 3 spring , -5SG7c ; No. 2 red , G9ic. ! CORN No. 2 , 32W& l-8e ; No. 2 yellow , "oATS-No. 2 , 2314iR'2.1 o ; No. 2 white , 2614 Q27c ; No. 3 white , 25 4a201 ( < ; C. RYE No. 2. 5014C. BARLEY No. 2 , 330170. SEEDS No. 1 ilaxseed , 98e ; prime Imothv seed , J2.45. PROVISIONS-Mess pork , per bbl. , J7.9C IS7.95. Lard , per 100 Iba. , Jl.9,1405.00. Short Ibs sides ( loose ) , Jj.KKJJ'S.RJ. > ry salted boulders ( boxed ) , ; short cleat Ides ( boxed ) , $3.3W35.0. ! WHlSKY-Dlstlllers' Hnlshed goods , per gal. , $1.25. SUGARS-Cut loaf , $5.61 ; granulated , Tha following are the receipts and ship- menu for today : On the Produce exchange today the but. er market was firm ; creameries , 14022e dairies , 124H9C. Cheese , active ; creameries 7 iQ-9ic. Eggs , steady ; fresh , IGc. Llv < loultry. nrm ; spring chickens. 8c ; hens e ; ducks , 6147c ; turkeys , SQlOc. NEW YO11K UIS.VtaitALi MAUKI2T Qnotatlonn fur the Day on Gcncrn Coiuiuodltlcn. NEW YORK , Oct. 22.-FLOUR-Re celpts , 31,059 bbls. ; exports , 77,112 bbls. Inner but quiet ; Minnesota patents , $4.00f 4.35 ; winter patents , J3.7Gft4.10 ; wlnte : straights , J3.6CKir3.75 ; winter extras , $2.851 3.15 ; winter low grades , $2.2502.45. CORNMEAL Firm ; yellow western , 73c RYE-Bteady ; No. 2 western , 53c c. I. f. Buffalo ; 5714c f. o. b. , nlloat , to arrive. BARLEY MALT Steady ; western , 551 65c. WHEAT Receipts , 251.COO bu. ; exportH 136,378 bu. ; spot steady ; No , 2 rod , 78 5-Si f. o. b. , nlloat. Options opened strong 01 war reports and an unexpected udvanci In cables. They were sustained all th mornlnc by short demand and closed 1 1- ® V > la higher ; No. 2 red May , 73 9-165 73 7-Sc ; closed , 76 7-Se. CORN Receipts , 38,075 hu. ; exports , 9,4S bu. ; spot llrm : No. 2 , 29 3-8c f , o. b. , afloat Options experienced a strong undertone ul the forenoon on a sharp rise In cable * , th strength of wheat and covering und clo c < "o net higher ; May , 39 9-1639 5-Sc ; closeO i 5-8c. OATS Receipts , 142,800 bu. ; exports , 10 , 441 bu , ; spot llrm ; No. 2 , 29c , Options neg lected. HOPS Firm ; stute , common to choice 1890 crop , 6ftSc ; 1S97 crop. lll/13c / ; 189S cror IS Oc. Pacific count , 1890 crop , GIi o ; IkS crop , llffisc ; 1S9S crop , lSO20c. WOOI > Dull : Ilccco. 1762Cc. BUTTER Firm : western creamery , 151 23c ; factory , ll4 ! < 014Vsc ; Elglns , 23c ; Imltti tlon creamery , 13 < Q17c. CHEESE-Qulet ; large white. Slic ; Kirg colored , 8He ; email white , VwS'jci sma colored , 9c. EGGB Receipts. 2.750 pkgs ; steady ; stul and Pennsylvania , 21e ; weftc-rn , 20c. TALLOW-Dull ; city , 35-Sc ; countrj 6-8f3ic. RICE-Dull nt 4 5-8Q6C. MOLASSES-Stcady ; New Orleans' , op- kettle , good to choice , 2S&3JC , METALS-PItr Iron , ute.idy at } 9.75gll.0i ! northern , tn.OOffll.SO. Copper , dJll ; lah broken , $12.25. Lead , easy : domtntlo broV crs , $3.60. After a week of activity nnd li regularity the market for nr lul * close quiet und unsettled. According to the fin naming the settling price for leading wen crn miners nnd smelter ? the quotation fi lead Is J3.eO : copper , $12.25 , und for cpHtli < copper , J11.25. The Metal excnanso Ubuc no report today. COTTONSEED OIL Quiet , but steady I nrm ; prime crude , ISc , nominal ; prln crude , f , o , b. mlllH , 13f13V-c , nomlna prime summer yellow , 22H23c , spot ; n summer yellow , 21o ; butter grade ? , 26ti27i prime winter yellow , 27flJSc , .Voiv York Dry ( ! ooil SInrknt. NEW YORK. Oct. 23.-The dry KOOI market has developed llttlo outfield of tl print cloth market during the week. TI demand In general lines hue bten mm restricted , buyers being present In the cl In fmull numbers and mall orders being only fair size and frequency , The cottt goods market Dhows a stronger front feeling than was the cage n week ago , duo undoubtedly ID the gain In print cloth * dur ing the week. The demand for export goods has shown gradual Improvement dur ing the wet-It. The signing nf the print cloth agreement not resulted In nny freer unles as yrt nnd there Is more Inter- fpt manifested In the mnrket buyers , but they nro Inclined to dclny buying until they llnd out how the new trust styjtem of sell ing Is to bo operated. OPEHAT1O.VS IX STOCKS AXU BOXUS. Snlo * of Stock * on 1'iirclnn Account Mnki-N l"p Mol of Dnv'x HIIMIICKN. | NEW YORK , Oct. 22. The stock market ng.iln showed Itself Independent of tin iio- prfsslng Inllueni'c of London and Europe except "ni the opening , when a few of the International stocks wcro allowed to fall below the London parity. The selling of stocks on foreign account made up u con siderable proportion of th ; day's business nnd wns well absorbed nt advancing prices. The buoyancy of the wheat market made the grain carrying roads prominent In the ! movement , the buying of Atchlson securi ties , particularly the preferred , uicaln oc cupying n conspicuous place. The Hocks of nil the western roads were well bought und advanced In prices. Sugar ended HH down ward course very early and closed nenr the top with n net Rain of Hi , the underlying strength manifest In the market making the bears timid about leaving short con tracts uncovered over Sunday. Tobacco also wns marked up to 1223-8 , with every evidence of violent manipulation , and shorts were driven to cover heavily at every stage of the advance. Even the coalers showed the. effects of the uncertain temper de veloped by the bears and mudo recoveries on short offerings. The bank statement was just about us expected and had llttlo effect one way or the other. The gain In cush had been In Imported gold nnd outgo from the subtreus- ury , and the heavy Increase In loans ot oVer JIO.600,000 represents for the most part loans on stocks. The Increase In deposits from this source expanded the reserve re quirements so far that the Increase rnsh only served to raise the surplus by J3,750,755. Business In both stocks und bonds was well distributed and active und the market showed a 'decided tendency to broaden out. The amount of business done was laiger tnun lor tiny half day for some time. The market has shown a growing strength nnd activity ns the week ndvunced und has fairly shaken off the lethargy which oven the long array of favorable factors In the situation has seemed powerless to awaken It from. Even so phenomlnnl a showing ns St. Paul's earnings for the second end week In October the largest In the rond'a history and nearly $110,000 over those ot last year , served only to eiicourugo a feeble resistance to the Industrial manipu lation for a decline by the board room i traders In stocks. , 1 The uncertainty of the European political , situation was cited us additional argument for a season of dullness and declines. But , curiously enough the more the threatening I developments of European politics have , indirectly - . directly at least , given the stlmulous to the stock mnrket which enabled It to shake off Its torpidity. The week's events in linanclul I circles have , In fact , given a striking demonstration of the strength of this coun try's financial position and Its power to treat with Indifference old world develop ments. There has been nothing in the do mestic Hltuutlon which has caused moro doubts to financiers than the low price In prospect for wheat , when the crop , tem porarily held back , should come forward. But this week has seen the crop coming forward In unprecedented volume. Yet so keen has been the foreign demnnd for our product thut the lurgely augmented primary movement has made but little Impression on the visible supply. Even the domestic demand proves unexptctedly keen , Indicat ing that the sweeping out of the world's reserves by last yenr'n high prices had evi dently left a void which our unprecedented crop wns needed to nil. The later news of the military and naval preparations in France , nnd , toduy , In England , resulted In a feverish demand for wheat , which , It maintained , would mean Incalculable nd- vantage to this country , already enriched by last year's bountiful harvest ut high prices. The. prosperity of the western country from tnlH cause Is conclusively demonstra ted by the large westward movement of merchandise , which carried earnings ot western railroads well bove last year's level even before the. resumption of the grain movement. The week's recovery In stocks logically begun , therefore , amongst the western grain carriers , and owing to Individual causes , Atchlson preferred took a leading pla.ce In the movement. The money markotfl have shown them selves equally Impervious to the influencn of the stringency existing In ull European centers , the Bank , of France being the last of the government aided Institutions to ad vance its discount rate , which It did on Tuesday from 2 to 3 per cent. Meantime the large excess of our exports over im ports , which the grain and cotton move ment aided , hud been making exchange and Instead of drawing- this It hus been loft at Interest , mostly In Germany , to be liquida ted in the future. The money stringency and the war scare abroad have thrown not far from 100,000 shares of stocks on the. New York exchange for liquidation during the week , but these have been ab sorbed at advancing prices and with money rates declining- . Foreign markets are known to bo pretty well stripped of the usual flouting supply of American securi ties. But the conceivable result in the event of an actual war In Europe and the tapping for liquidation of the vast amounts of American securities held abroad for in vestment does not leave the situation free from uneasiness. The bond market has Improved In sym- puthy with stocks ns the week progressed nnd prices have recovered from curly de pression. United States old 4s have ad vanced 14 , the new 4s , coupon , and the 5a , registered , 3-8 , nnd the 3s , coupon , und 5s , coupon , 1-S in the bid price. The London Evening Post's financial ca blegram says : The stock murkets hero opened dull toduy , then rallied slightly , but finally closed Hut on the political Hltuutlon. Business hero so fur as the public Is con cerned Is qulto nt a. standstill and Is likely to remain HO until some definite turn comes In the political situation. The profession als nro also nervous and nro contracting speculation to the narrowest limits. Thu London market discount rate Is 3 7-8 per cent and very firm on the Bank of En gland's control of the mnrket. I learn , however , that New York Is undoubtedly making advances to this market for about three months. The following are the closing quotations of the. leading stocks on the New Yorli market toduy : Increased } 10G07,900 ; specie. Increased $ ' . - 105,700 , Iccal tender * , Increased 3')7,3iiQ ' ; do- posltc , Increased J1S.64S.9W ; circulation , In- crrnKcd IIV.OQO. The bunk * now hold t&V 413,35 ! In oxcrio of the requirement * ot the 25 per cent rule. Xrw York Money Jlnrkol. NEW YOIUv , Oct. 22.-MONEY ON CALL Mnrket steady nt IWfZ per cent ; PAPEU-3U | M per cent. STEHL1NO EXCHANGE Market steady , with nctunt business In bttnk'rs' bills nt JI.S5JH.S5M for demand nnd JI.KfKMU tar sixty days : posted rates , JI.S31fl.s5 ; com mercial bills , J4.SO. SILVER CEUTIFICATES-GOiTClc. HAH siLVfin-GOMc. MEXICAN DOLLARS I7o. GOVERNMENT BONDS Market steady ; new 4s. res12CH ; new 4s. coupon , 127 % ; 4s , rop. , 110-H ; 4 * . roupon. lliu ; 2s. K ; 6s , rcR. , ltl i ; Cs. coupon , 112& : i'acliic 6 ? of 'I'D , ICfiii ; state bonds Inactive ; railroad bonds strong. Closing quotations on bonds wcro us fol lows : Hiiaton Stock Quotation * . BOSTON. Oct. 22. Call loans , 2113 per cent ; time loans , 3Q4 per cent. Closing quotations on stocks , bonds und mining shares : A. . T. & s. v 1W Eel. Kico. Tel . 1UO Amcrlcsui Sugar . . 1127ii Qen. Klectrle pfd.,167 do pfcl 107'-i Atchlson nfd . KM Bay BUtte Clus 1H Atchlaon ( s . ! ' 3 Bell Tcjcphonc 277 Allouoz AIlnltlK Co. 4 Boston & AlL > uliy..2l9 Atlantic . 27 Boston & Ma'nc . . .list Uojion & Montana. .llj'l C. . 1J. & Q 116T4 llutte & Uoiton. . . . 31Mi Fltcliburp lOUi Calumet & Hecla-.K * donwal H'.ectrlo . . . 7SH Centennial . 191' , Mexican Central . . . 41 l-'wjUlln . ! ' , nubbtr 39 [ Old Dom'nlon . "i % fnlon raflilo ! ? , O Joolfl. . MSi Wed EuJ SO Qulncy do tf.l 110 17C \Vtst. EN-ctrlo 334 ! Wolverine . 7'i do l > fd. , 6IU PorroU . 23'i ' Boston L , C9W Humboldt . 43 ; nn KrnnrUi-o Sllnliic Unniutlonn. SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 22. The closing quotations for mining stocks today wcro as follows : Silver bars , COl-Sc ; Mexican dollars , 47U ® 47c. Drafts , sight , 17' < ! 1 : ; telegraph , 20c. \evr York Minim ? Unolntlnna. NEW YORK , Oct. 22. The following are the closing quotations on mlnlnc Htocks : Choler s Ontario SC.1 Crown 1'olnt 6 Ophlr 40 Con. Cat. & Va. . . . 60 I'll-mouth 10 Dca.dwwxl 43 Qulckill\ 125 Qould & Curry 32 do pfd 373 Hale & Norcross . . . 70 Iflrrr Xevada 5" Homestake IOOO Standard liS Iron Hllver C7 .Union . Con 12 Mcxlcnn . . ' 7 Yellow Jacket 12 I-'liianclnl NotoH. OMAHA , Oct. 22. Clearings today were $1,187,766.69 ; balance * were ii5,044.70. Clear ings lust year were J8C6.412.01 ; balances , (104,219.28. Increase In clearings , J301.351.6S. Clearings for six days , with compar'sonts ' : 1S9S. 1897. 1S96. Oct. 17.$1S41MJ7 03 $1.011S > 80 41 S29.721 12 Oct. IS. . . . 1,203,031 57 999,0-1095 205,990 62 Oct. 19. 1,225.243 34 &V4.125 29 371,118 05 Oet , 20. . . . 1,214,114 68 D59.754 9S 254,359 6S Oct. 21. . . . 1,201,577 61 996,620 CO 204,957 01 Oct. 22. . . . 1,167,700 C9 866,412 01 301,331 CS ' $7,855.311 40 $6.687,840 24 $2.107.501 16 NEW YOHK. Oct. 22. The gold and silver movement nt New York for the week endIng - Ing today was : Exports of gold , $7,059 ; of silver , $ S7S,350. Imports of gold , J2,414OOS ; of silver , $41.942. NEW OULEANS , Oct. 22. Clearings , $1- , 145,772 ; balances , $116,3S5. CINCINNATI , Oct. 22. Money , 2WiT6c per cent ; New York exchange , par to 25c pre mium ; clenrlnKS , $1,340,4GO. CHICAGO , Oct. 22.-ClcarlliKS , $17,949,313 ; balances , $1,4S0.371 ; New York exchange , lOc discount ; sterling exchange , posted rates , $4.S2Mf4.S5M. ; actual , $4.b2'l < iI.S5 1-8 ; sixty days. $4.Sl'/j ( < T4.S4. Stocks were dull ; Alley L , 70 ; Biscuit , 33V4 : BlBcult preferred , 97 ; Diamond Match , 169 ; North ChlcoKO , 216V4 ; Strawboard , 30H : West Chicago , 93 3-S. PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 22. Clearings , $10,521S2G : balance. * . $1,716,927. BALTIMORE. Oct. 22. Clearings , $2S37- 920 ; balances. $3CS,163. NEW YOBK , Oct. 22. Bank clearings , $140,059.447 ; balances , $ S.50o,015. BOSTON , Oct. 22. Bank clearings , $14- 146,725 ; balances , $2,040,767. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 22.-ClearlnBS. $3.613,801 ; balances , $307,000 ; money. 4Ii7 per cent ; New York exchange , par bid , lOe asked. Snirnr MnrU > t. NEW ORLEANS , Oct. 22. SUOAR-FIrm ; now. 4 3-lCfM 5-8c ; seconds , SVifflc. MOLASSES Firm ; centrifugal , new , 22c ; open kettle , new , 4547c. SYRUP New. 3Cc. NEW YORK , Oct. 22. SUGAR Raw , firm ; held higher ; fair refilling , 3$4c ; oeii' irlfugnl , 96 test , 4 c ; molasses sugar , 3He , Rellned. mould A , 5V4c ; standard A , 4 7-Sc ; confectioners' A , 47-So ; cut loaf , 6i , c crushed , SVfcc : powdered , G l-8c ; granulated pc ; cubes , Cl-Sc. KniiNnH City Live S < oe.k. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 22-CATTLE-Re. cclpts , 160 head ; for Ihe week , 55 000 head This weck'rt supply won mostly rungo stock Offerings of dressed beef steers lee llghl lo 1111 orders. Prices l&IjlSc higher ; bulchei and canning stock , good demand , flrm tt lOc higher. All desirable stockem am feeders vigorous demand , llrm prices Common and trashy kinds steady lo 23i lower. Choice heavy steers , $3,25fl5.50 ; me dium , $1.7005.25 : light weights. $4.40115.40 stockers and feeders , $3.203.00 ; bntchei cows nnd heifers , $2.704.75 ; butcher bulls $2.70513.75 : western steers , $3.231(5.20 ( ; west rrn butcher cows , $3.001(3.75 ( ; Texas steers $3.00ii4.33 ; Texas butcher cows , $2.70 3.20 canning stock. $2.00i2.65. HOCJS-Rccelpts. ti,200 head. Prices , 5W10 , lower. Receipts for the week , 59,000 head Trade slower ; prices about 5c lower thai last week. Demand for llnlshcd product ! light nnd prices unsatisfactory- Heavies $3.5593.65 ; mixed , $3.5053.65 ; lights , $3.E f 3.60. 3.60.SHEEP SHEEP Receipts , 20 head ; for the week 23,000 head. This week's supply of slaught orlns sheep too light to 1111 orders. De slrablo Hocks quickly absorbed at 15- - higher prices. Good feeders active , Urn prices : other * slow to shade lower. Na tlvo lambs , $5.25 5.60 ; native muttons , $4.1 ® l.f 0 ; western lambs , $3.00fi5.50 ; westnri millions , $3.75fl,35 ; range feeding lambf $4.60ft4.73 ; range feeding sheep , $3.757/4.00 stock ewes , $3.25Q3.S5 , St. LnnlN Live Slol > . ST. LOUIS. Oct. 22.-CATTLE-Rccclpti $00 head , Including 400 Texans ; Hhlpmentf l.WO head ; market steady ; fair to fancy na tlvo tdilpplng nnd export uteerH. fJ.O j.tC bulk of Halc-f , } 5.U 5.iO : ; dressed bcf nn butcher steers , Jl.lMj.'i.M ; bulk of naloa , $ l.r { fo.15 ; steei-H under 1,000 lbn , , $3.10-1(4.25 ( ; tiul of sales , $3.50f(3.5 ( ; stockers and fue-den $2.7B'fi4.40 : bulk of sales. $3.40tJ4.Oi ; cows an holfers , $2.0005.10 ; bulk of cows , $2 2M73.5I Texan and Indian Hteern , 12.701/4.25 ; bulk c sales , $3.2jQ3.S5 ; cows and heifers , $2.001 3.40. 3.40.HOOS HOOS Receipts , 3,000 head ; .shlpmenti 2.700 h nd ; market 6filOo lower ; yorken $3.001(3.70 ( ; packer * , $3.50Q3.65 ; butcher ? . $3,1 SHEEP Receipts , 400 head ; shipment ; 150 head ; market steady ; native mutton : JI.OOQ4.75 ; culls nnd burks. J2.50ft4.00 : Htocli cr , J3.00 ; lambs. J5.00t(5.93. ( Stock lit Slicht. Record of receipts of llvti ntock at tli four principal markets for October 22 : CattliHOB - . Shr > fi Omaha 2,311 ,9".2 l.V Chicago 400 l.ftno u.O KunKOH City iso o.fwo : St. Louis SOO 3,0(0 41 Totals 3.C91 22,832 7,7 ( OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Wcok Ends Up with an Unusually Heavy Run All Around. CORNFED CATTLE SCARCE AND STRONGER llclter Tune .Votrtl til All llriinclirn of tlie lliinliirMH HOK * Hhow Monie i Under Inllui-iu-o of Loner I'rovUloim , SOUTH OMAHA , Oct. 22. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Receipts today 2,311 Official Monday 7MO 4,032 12.471 Official Tuesday 6,751 6.8S6 4,571 Olllclnl Wednesday 8,536 0.263 4,613 oniclul Thursday C.S02 S.WJ 2.W7 Olllclal Friday 0,367 D.SIO 8,730 Total this week . - u mi viitc * * > CUIV ti > * * i * OUt * > V * Week ending Oct. 15..2'.iG01 Average price pan for Hogs several days with comparisons ; 1S9S. | 1S97. | 1S96. | 1895. [ 1894. | 1S)3. | 18S3. Indicates Sunday. The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In toduy by each road was : Cattle , Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C. , M. & St. P. Ry. . . . 5 O. t St. L. Ry 2 II Missouri Pacific Ry. . 'J 13 Union Pncltlc System 32 2 : ! 5 F. , E. & M. V. R. R. . . 2 33 3 a S. C. & 1' . Ry 2 C. , St. P. . M. & O. Ry 3 7 B. & M. R. R. R 21 43 C. , B. & Q. Ry 27 K. C. & St. J IS 1 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , o. . 3 4 1 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , w. . . 1 Total rccclpls S3 1C9 9 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows , each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated : Buyers Catlle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 40 973 G. II. Hammond Co. . . . 67 1,581 Swlfl and Company S 2,158 1,749 Cudahy Packing Co 3.18 3,763 8S9 Armour & Co 124 2,274 II. Becker & Deguli 25 Vnnsant & Co 8 .T.L.Carey 224 Lobmun & Co 10 Bsnton & Underwood . . 55 L. F. HUFZ 135 Hamilton & R 102 McCrtary 13 Hammond , Kansas City 213 Swift , country 333 519 Cudahy , Kansas City . . 651 Other buyers 247 4 2,797 Left over 1,000 75 400 Totals 3,430 11,046 5,854 CATTLE The receipts this morning were heavier than usual on the last day of Ihe week , but Ihere was Ihe usual lack of 111- leresl In thu trade. Values were nominally steady with yesterday. Only a ffcw loads of beef cattle were offered on tne market und they brought steady prices , onu buncb being good enough to sell nt $5.20. Cow bluff was also unchanged. Feeders were as slow und lacking In Interest ns usual on the last day of the week. As will bo noted from the table above this has been a week ot liberal receipts and btlll not much larger than two weeks ago. Fut cattle were scarce ull the week and the market on anything In the way of desirable beef steers was fully steady. In fact corn- fed cattle If anything were u llttU stronger for the week und on most days the trade was active at prevailing prices. Town und heifers , such as would do for killer. s-old nt about steady prices ail tl.e week. On Thursday the trade wns a little s-low und weak , but It wus n lltllo more active on Friday , nnd for the week values were not materially changed. Feeding helf-jrt . CW.IIB to the decline on other feeding cuttle , were 1 lower. I The great bulk of all the catt'o ' recowid ( at the yards during the week con < > ! -ited ol stock and feeding cutllo nnd us the wiuther was such as to cut off much ot the ountrj the market broke badly , ns inlghl have been expjcled. Fancy cattle pel haps did not suffer much decline , but very few ! of thai kind was received. For t.\ampl a feeder paid $4.45 yeslerday for some vcrj cholco dehorned short horns and white I faces. However , the general run ot what might be termed good fesders were 103161 * lower for the week , while the medium tt fair grades were 25c lower. Common nnt Inferior grades nnd lltllo south'rn rn'tls on the Texas order were JinrJ to K JJ ui uny prlco , nnd It Is info to i > y that tin ; , were 25fr35c lower than the previous week Toward the last of the week the Hpeenmton bought very freely , evidently believing tlm' ' the rattle were cheap at the decline uni that prices would soon recover. The r'.tuli wns thai al Iho close of the week Iht surplus cattle In llrst hands wnrpellj well cleaned up. Representative tains : STEERb. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. P : . : , * o. Av. Fr. _ 2.JMOJ450 19..1337 $5 00 53..1403 $5 20 SHORTHORN ! 1..1900 5 G3 2..1030 605 COWS. . 910 2 23 1..1240 291) 2..10CO 3 10 , 9SO 2 51) ) 1..1U90 3 1U 1..1210 350 .1100 2 91) ) HEIFERS. 3. . 73J 3G5 CALVES. 1. . 100 C 09 1. . 200 0 25 1. . 130 6 50 BULLS. 1..1090 2 ( ! 0 1..1260 283 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 070 9..1U07 3 (15 ( 31..1U44 4 00 920 3 33 15..1010 375 20..1007 4 Ol ) 910 I ! 60 7. . 9i 0 3 76 9. . 895 4 00 6b5 : i 50 20..1010 3 83 10. . 985 4 00 WESTERNS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av.-Pr. 4 cows. . . . S37 $2 SO 0 cows 90S $3 20 1 cow. . . . .ItMO 320 1 heifer. . . . 940 340 1 steer. . . , 980 3 23 1 steer 920 3 J5 NEBRASKA. 1 cow. . . , . 660 225 13 feeders..1071 1140 1 cow. . . , . 890 3 25 2 raK'os. . . 25 4 7. , 1 steer. . .1200 3 00 1 calf no U CO 1 calf. . . . 270 4 00 WYOMING. 1 heifer. . . 010 290 1 steer .111' ) 370 1 feeder. . . 980 3 00 1 fleer. .urn : i 73 2 cows 1055 3 UO 1 steer. .10JU S 75 1 cow 1110 350 1 stoj.- . . . .1100 .175 2 steers..1163 .1 50 21 foders. . 910 3 75 2 feeders. . 7SO 3 70 " 1 feednr. . . fitt ) 370 2 feeders" 1210 H 75 4 steers..12.17 3 70 2 slt < > rs..l 10j ; ! 7-3 1 ulcer 1230 3 70 IS Hteera . . .JSM 4 1C 2 steers..1065 3 70 70UTAH. . I Phillips Bros. 1 feeder. . . 830 S 50 22 fsedevs 3 SO ' 46 feeders. . 923 3 70 .5 feo.ltvj 915 2 80 IDAHO. 2 steers..1010 360 2 feeders. . 1005 4 (0 II steers..1010 3 90 7 fecik rri..1077 4 00 25 steers..1003 1 steer 740 2 75 17st-crs..ll62 340 1 cow 930 3 00 1 heifer. . . 250 4 00 2ti feeders. . 873 3 20 41 sleern.2SO 4 40 1 iteer 1'iSO 340 .1031 4 40 13 bulls 1203 240 50 feeders. . 53 303 2 feeders. 1015 SOS 16 hslfers. . 70S li 15 31 feeders. . 922 305 15 heifers. . 715 315 HJUB Thu largo reculptn of yesterda and the day before were supplemented b another largo run today , and not since Jul have there been as many hogs hero on Saturday. H will also bo noted thai ton receipts for the week. In spite of the moi erale run during the llrst two or Ihn days , were unusually large. At the tin of closing yesterday's report there were good many hogs mill unsold , but the lut < trains were bought up on arrival , so th- everything WUH sold before the sculi closed for the day. Yesterday provisions wcro lower , und th morning both Chicago nnd Kunsus CIl came lower , und In addition to these he. Influences theru was the mill further fui of Us being a Saturday , with largo n celpts of hogB In sight. The result wr that the market was ti big lee lower TI demand , however. WUH good at Hie declln the buyers seeming to want the IIOBM : prevailing prices , und It did not take thei very lonir to clean up the early receipt In fact the first eighty loads thai rcachc Ihe yards were all sold and weighed up i n very curly hour. Th later trains change 1m ml a UH fust HH the hogs could be yurdf und the market cloned a little Mirongi than It opened. Whllo the early sale * wei largely fit $3.52 3.55. til ( i late silica wei very generally ui $3.65'0 3.57li. The hog market this week was , as rule , sntlafactory to thcnellcro , thoupll pricci were lower nt the close The dn * mand was large , while tha receipts the llrct thro * ilayn were of moderate proportion * , no that there was no overiupply to breed woaknesd. The week opened with nn ad * vance. hogs selling on Momlny at thn high * rat point touched Mneo October 1 On TueKdny It was a nhndc higher , but on Wednpmlny It recovered Sc , which 'iurl < > 4 U to the highest point ( dnc September 26. Thursday's market \tu not quite no strono and Friday's market closed 61f7tic lower , which was followed by n lOc decline on Saturday , The week closed with values 15a lower tnan they were on Mondavi nnd at thi lowest point touched sine * the llrst week ot the month. Representative v tc : No , Av , 8li. Tr. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 24 107 . . . 340 .257 40 3 65 . .231 . . . $360 60. . . , 120 3 63 49. . . .315 80 ? 50 62. . . . 2SO 3 65 62. . . . .SM * 80SO 80M 3 60 60. . . . 40 3 63 72. . . . .1S7 M > 350 53. . . . 160 3 6T G9. . . . .32S SO 3 62'i ' 69. . . . . .3W 40 3 6T Go. . . . .308 40 3 62ti 63. . . . .270 320 3 60 G7. . . . .2)9 40 3 521,4 6S. . . . .303 80 .1 M 53. . . . .311 160 3 62\i 5S. . . ' 2' * * * 120 36T 73. . . . .2f.6 240 3 521,4 54. . . ! . 3M 160 3 55 71. . . . .262 120 3 624 51. . . . .280 3 65 04. . . . .312 120 3 62K 49. . . . .3S4 365 62. . . . .343 64. . . . .276 SO 355 56. . . . .300 3 62 4 61. . . . .276 80 355 . . .303 120 3 MVi 62. . . . .2GJ 164 .t 65 . . .S03 160 362 69. . . . .311 36T. 47. . . . .334 SO 61. . . , .25l5 120 365 67. . . . .303 SO 3 62V4 10. . . . .233 ' 3 65 61. . . . .2SS 2SO 3 K < & 67. . . . .330 'so 3 65 70. . . . .SOS 120 67. . . , . .318 280 .1 65 G8. . . . .297 SO 363(4 ( 60. . . , . .293 " 3 55 Ti. . . . .2S7 SO 65. . . . .307 40 3 65 63. . . . . J03 352 $ 64. . . . .326 160 3 55 62. . . . .285 320 3 62(4 ( 58. . . . .303 80 365 06. . , . . .293 352H 92. . . . .247 40 3 571,4 61. . . . .299 3 521,4 72. . . . .233 SO 367V4 07. . . . .286 240 3 621-4 69. . . . .23 * 2V ) 367j } 75. . . . .290 SO 3 5214 71. . . . .245 120 367U 79. . . . .283 100 71. . . . .279 80 36715 26. . . . .334 3 62H 119. . . .202 40 3 6714 69. . . . .R06 3 521.4 8(1. ( . . . .229 367M. BO. . . . .309 3 5 > fO. . . . .213 120 3 67i/j 02. . . . .261 40 3 65 79. . . . .252 140 35714 3. . . . .258 120 36.-1 63. . . . .272 40 367V4 . . .262 40 3 65 61. . . . .S38 120 357V4 . . .303 3 65 66. . . . .MO 80 3 571,4 ICO 3 K 63. . . . .217 120 3 5714 ! ! ! 241 120 3 65 63. . . . .314 120 35714 . . .287 100 353 65. . . . .283 SO 3 5714 . . .293 120 3 55 60. . . . .22 80 3 57 > 4 . . .291 80 3 63 101. . . .303 160 3 5714 . . .212 3 65 131. . . .269 210 36714 . . .253 200 3 Ki 52. . . . .315 200 3 571,4 . . .318 100 3 65 69. . . . .243 3 00 . . .260 200 3 63 70. . . . .281 3 GO . . .272 355 53. . . . .202 40 3 GO . . .232 40 3 55 74. . . . .251 80 3 GO . . . .300 80 3 55 SO. . . . .231 120 3 CO . . .330 120 363 77. . . . .215 80 3 00 . . .269 80 3 6T 90. . . . .237 240 3 60 . . .230 40 355 . .231 3 60 . . .317 160 3 63 . . .217 80 3 60 , . . .263 49 355 69. . . .201 120 3 CO j . . .277 120 3 65 59. . . .221 120 3 CO , . . .272 120 3 55 74. . . .213 3 621.4 . . .301 280 3 55 70. . . .l&S 3 65 . . .315 SO 3 65 \ \ SOA ( . . rf LOTS-PI OS. . .543 . . . 260 5 232 . . . 3B2W 02 . . . 285 3 163 . , . 365 1 410 . . . 3 52V 5 286 80 3 65 SHE1CP The few muttons hero that wer * ftdruble met with ready ! < ; this morntnic t steady prices. A load of lambs ana earlliiRS sold ut JI.70. nnd n little bunch f Southdown sheep that hud been up ut lu exposition stock show Mold at J5.0U. A nmb and yearling In the Hnmc bunch rought J5.50 , showing what fancy utult Is cally worth. The market wns In good condition all Mils eek. Mutton sheep were scarce niv.1 the emand good , with the result that the nnrkct was u little stronger than the week : cfore. On the contrary , lambs \\ero In , argcr supply und for that rcupon * nld a ttlo easier , the- decline for the week mounting to lOfflSc. Feeding sheep ami imbs. If good , were pretty fulr hellers ull ho week In splto of unfavorable weather hlch hud a tendency to keep buyers at ome. There was a good nviny common nd old ewes In the ynrds nnd other trush n some days which did not move oft us reely ns It might nuvo done , but il was 11 cleared up before the close of the vcek. Quotations are : Good grass westerns. 1.1004.25 ; fair to good sruss westerns , S3 90 4.00 ; good yearlings. SI.J)04.S5 ; goodl to holco lamb ? , J5.15ft5.30 ; i"nr t } oed lambs , 4.90tf5.00 : feeder wetlurs , 2-year olds untl ver , $3.S50'I.OO ; feeder yeurllmjH , M.dKTI.25 : ecder lumbn , J4.50fi4.85 ; cull , alucp , S2.50 < 0 > 00 ; cull lumb.s$4.001H'.5. Representative ales : o. Av. Pr. 47 ewes R7 J2 23 42 ewes , culls , 7C 233 231 owns 78 3 3D 212 lambs 54 410 ,436 Wyoming lambs , feeders . . . . SO 450 110 yearling ewes 74 470 10 Southdown sheep 171 500 2 Southdown , lamb & yearling 105 C 60 CHICAGO IIVB STOCK MAIUCKT. llcnV- Supply of lion" ScmlH Price * Down Cuttle liiiulimiRol. CHICAGO , Oct. 22. The small supply ot uttlo today was disposed of at unchanged , irlccs. Slnco Thursday , however , a weaker market has been experienced and prices av now about 10015c lower than a week ago , except for the best droves ; choice ftci'rs , 3.45S6.S5 ; medium , JI.SOp3.00 ; beef ste ° r , ; 4.004.73 ; Btockcrs nnd feeders , t3.tVW4.iX ) : bulls , J2.404.00 : cows and heifers , J3.FO .25 ; calves. J3.25 < 5 > 7.50 ; western rangers , J2.63 ? 4.60 ; western fed steers , JI.OOS5.50 ; Texus ; rnss steers , J3.15G4.25. There was universal surprlsn nt the ex ceptionally heavy receipts for hogs for Sat- irday , UH It was the largest run of any day his week. Buyers hud things pretty much heir own way and sales showed un uvcrago lecllna of lOc , Homo droves taking a tumble of 15o ; fair to choice , J3.70fi3.SO ; packing ots , J3.35fl3.C714 ! butchers. $3.4 ft3S3 ; mixed , $3.4083.821,4 ; llBllts , J3.4063.b5 ; pigs , $2.50y 2,65. 2,65.The The trade In sheep wns quite unlimited at unchanged prices ; poor to prime sheep , J2.25 < & 4.75 ; western rangers , JS.OUffUO ; cholca ixtrn , J4.655.0i } ; common to choice lamb ? , J3.S005.GO ; feeders. J5.00W5.10. Receipts : Cuttle. 400 head ; hogs , 4,000 icud ; sheep , 6,000 head. JSf\v York Mvc Hliink. NEW YORK. Oct. 22.-BEEVES-RP- celpts , 350 head ; feeling steady ; eubles slow ; exports , 1,230 head cuttle und 4,515 quurterfl of beef. CALVES Receipts , none ; no trading ; nominally steady , SHEEP AND LAMBS-RecelptH. 1,506 luad ; Hhcop , steady ; good luinh ? . xtendy to firm : sheep , $ I.OOif4.CO ; lambs , J5.OOS6.12Vj. UOGS Receipts , 3.327 head ; nominally llrm ut J4.10Q4.23. NI. JuNfiili Mv Stock. ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 22.-Spoclul.-CAT- ( ) TLE Receipt ? , 700 head ; market nctlvo und steady ; natives steers , J4.501j5.15 ; western Htecrs , J.1.1C i4.83 ; rows nnd heifers , J1.75I9 4.25 : Htorkers and feeder ? , J3.10U5.10. HOGS RecelptB , 0,000 head ; market aver aged lOo lower ; top , J3.G5 ; bulk , J3.55iS3.CO. Cincinnati I.lvc Stock. CINCINNATI , Oct. 22.-HOCS-Actlve at J3.00fi3.83. CATTLE Stonily nt J2.5WiM.83. SHEEP-Qulct ( It J2.25Q1.00 ; lumbs , quiet at JI.OOQ5.50. JAMES E BOYD & GO , . Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS HOARD OP TRADE. Direct wlrin to Chlcafo and New York. Corr ipondi-nt § : John A. w rr n tt Co. H. R. PENNEY & CO. , Iliioiu , N. Y. Life Uliljr. , Onmlin , Nelt. StocksGrainProvisions Ulrcot AVlr'H NriT York , Clucnao aud VVcutern PnlnU. JtiBt out. worth HH weight In gold. Tells how to Invent und not lose ; hie prolits cer tain , tture. ThlH creut volumu la absolutely disinterested. Solely to Introduce our btc Illustrated western weekly pnjicp we will cnd u copy of Ihe INVKSTOU'S dUJDK freu to ull Bending 8 two-cunt Httimps for a ton \vcks' trial Latexl mlnliiK new * , xtorloH of ndvcnturo und lovely views of - , Sixth - AddreHti Brunei Hrcni-ry yi-ar , HOCKY MOUNTAIN GLOBE , Denver , Cot l.iiratliiiiH fur IniliiKlrlcd at Industrie * located on the line of The Belt ItullNMiy Co. of ChlciiKo uro afforded un equalled switching fucllltlcH und the ad- vtntnge of connectltiB with ull Chicago rnll- roudu. They have Ihe hcnellt of competi tive ratcH and nn abundant supplier ot earn for slilpnicnts ut all limes , Purtlen rontemplntliiB Iho e.stubllslimunt of IndiiH- trlea In the vicinity of ChlciiKo uro Invited to communicate with Ihe underHlgned , who will promptly furnish full Information In regard to locutlotiH , switching rutca , car supply , etc. II , ThomaH , P , & G. Slgr , Dearborn litntlon , Chicago. WIIIIAT WILL Hi.VCII 70o A III HUii ; , . Do not wait to cct In at the top. DO so now , Send for our now plan cf speculation. Address for particulars , Muloncy and Mac- aulcy , 22 aud 24 Paclnc Ave. , CblcuKO. I