Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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911011 MKTJ'IO.V.
Stockert Carpet Co. , 205-207 Bwy.
Moore's food kills worms nnd fattens.
Dell G. Morgan , drugs , 142 Broadway.
C. B. .Tacquemln & Co. , Jewelers and op
ticians , 27 South Main street.
Miss Wallace left last evening for Chlcngc
on a visit lo frlrntls and relatives.
Augusta grove , No. 1 , Woodmen of th (
"World , will meet tomorrow evening , when nil
in cm 1) ) ers are requested to be present.
Dr. H. E. Potter nnd wife of Clifton. Kan.
ami G. W. Sparks of Hemlngford. Neb. , an
the guests of i : . 0. Laltu-on nnd family.
John P. TInloy , formerly of thin city , now
major of Dootic , In. . Is visiting Council
BliiIi'K relatives nnd tnltln In th s exposition.
J. C. Illxby. boating and sanitary engineer ,
Plans and ppeclflcallons for heating , plumbIng -
Ing and lighting. 202 Main , Council Bluffft
Don't you think It must be n pretty good
laundry that can please BO many hundredf
of customers ? Well that's the "Eaglo , "
721 Broadway.
Miss Lurlln Hnge , who has been the guest
of her uncle and mint. Captnln and Mr . 0.
M. Brown of South Seventh Btrcct. returned
to her home In Cambridge1 , O. , last evening ,
The opening session .of the Iwenty-scvonUi
annual meeting of the Iowa Equal Suffrage
association will be held this evening at S
o'clock In the auditorium of the First Bnptlsi
.lames S. IloborUon of Washington avenue ,
\\Iio recently lost his left hand ns u result ol
the Bprldrntnl discharge of a gun whllo enl
hunting neiir Superior , Neb. , is able to. be
oi't ' ntil n
Frank Rood , son of Freeman L. Reed ,
rlorl : of the district court , left last evening
frr San Francisco to rejoin his regiment , the
Klfty-flret Iowa , which IB expected to leav ?
Saturday for Manila.
The funeral of Mrs , Molllo Shannon , whc
died Monday nt St. Bernard's hospital , was
lii'ld ycntorday nftnrnoon from the undertak
ing establishment of W. C. Estop , Intermcni
wan In Fnlrvlew ccmoterv.
A trial test was made last night of the
engines recently placed In the motor com
pany's new power house and It proved mosl
satisfactory. The now power house will bi
liut In active operaton In the course of n fev ,
( Itiys.
Eugene Pullman , the mentally wenlt
young man who hat been ut the polled fitn-
tlon for several days past , wna given trans
portation yesterday to Red Oak by the
county authorities. Pullman claimed hlf
homo was In Lincoln. Neb.
County Auditor Matthews yesterday com
pleted the apportionment of tlin Bchool iund
Council BluflH receives $1.107.05 out of th <
luud , which this year amounU to ? t ,109.U7
Tbo oppcrtlonment Is 52 % cents u youth
there being 17,351 children of school age
whjch IH between G nnd 21 years of nge , Ir
the county.
The case of Robert E. Alchln has been re-
foned bv the commissioners of Insanity t <
the State Hoard of Control. He Is a non-
lesldent of this county nnd In accordant
with the new law the commissioners have nt
r.'itliorltv to act In the case until advised bj
the Board o Control , In lhi mcuntlmi
Alchln 1 being detained at the county Jail.
Mrs. Susie E. of Chicago called al
the police station yesterday afternoon am
Idcntlllcd the uocketbook taken from th <
two young cilorcd lads last Sunday as hei
property. The purse contained $ C In cast
nnd two return tickets to Chicago , whlcl
I.Irs. Wend said she- had lost nt the exposi
tion grounds. Thin Is whore the boy !
dr.lmcd they had picked It up.
Physical perfection , tbo secret of beauty
Tall T send for "VlavlMessage. . " Vlavl Co.
S'JB \ it.ilam Block ,
N. Y. Plumblpc A'bmpany. JTolASCO.-
llfxlty Statr * 1IU I'oKltlon.
COUNCIL BLUFFS. la. . Oct. 18. To tin
Kdltor of The Bee. In yotir Iisuo of th
18th you allot considerable space to th
notion commenced by Mrs. James and fron
a perusal of same itho readnr would Infe
that I hot ] , by uilsreprosontaflon , etc. , BO
cured property from hur. I presume you
dvalro is to chronicle the news and den
with facts , and tinker this Impression asi
that you give this as prominent space a
you did the article In question. Followlni
nro the facts : I traded with Judge Jamc
for some property Inthis city that was litho
the name of Mis , James. 1 never held an ;
talk with Mrs. James as to the transaction
as part conslduratlon I deeded Mrs. Jamc
IPiO acres vt land In Holt county. This lam
came to me In a trade by a warranty decs
and as the parties were responsible I tool
it for granted that the < lecd v.-as good nm
under this Impression gave James a warrant ;
deed. During the summer Mr. James sen
for nn abstract of title and It sho\\s a do
foot In the title nnd as a matter of fac
this should be remedied and I have nave :
taken any other position In the matter , ai
1o value or consideration of land. I knov
little nnd hnvu never seen It up to tbo Mini
I traded same to James. F. A. BIXBY.
Walter Johnson , lawyer , notary. Sapp blk
Collections made everywhere In U. S.
Those dcslrlnc conies of the Jublleo edl
tlon of The Dally Dee can secure them a
the Council Bluff B oinco of Thi ; Rep.
Trlnl JIU-OI-N Ornwii.
The following trial Jurors were drawr
yesterday for the November terms of thi
district and superior courts :
. District Court Henry Rlcf. Crescent ; E
L. Cook , Council Bluffs ; A , Hansom , Ncola
V. L. Keller , Council Bluffs ; 0. P. Wlckham
Council Dluffu : Qcorgp Jensen , Hazel Dell
P. T. Chrlstenseu , Missouri Valley ; Lou I :
llcehtel. H. Kingston , A. C. Ranck. Wlllian
Schley. Jr. . L. V. Williams , Peter Nelson
Hans Hansen , C. Wesley , Ocot'ge Graves , J
1. Dalesman. F. H. DoMnsa , W. G. Morris
Council Bluffs ; II. P. , Trlplott. Quick ; C
Miller , Keg Creek ; John McGlll , Pigeon
James Heywoo.1 , Quick ; Fred Sternberg
Superior Court C. A. Rose , D. W , Foster
Martin Kohler , H. W. Goas , W. A. McAneny
D , A. Hclslcr. W. D. KIrkland. R. N. Mcr
rlara , F. M. Phillips , J. J. Brown , Councl
Bluffs ; L , Prouty , Joseph Hancock , Garner
J ) . S. Andrcss , Washington ; E. B. Ryan
Boomer ; Robert Adams , Crescent.
C. H. Orvls used Cole's Hot Blast heate
last winter.
lU-al I'xlnto Trnnnfcri * .
The following transfers wore tiled ycster
day In the abstract , title ami loan office o
J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl btrcut :
Jtliuicho Schullivtm it ml to
Torcan J. Covert , n 45 fcot ( except
w 15 fiH'O ot lot 12. block S , Olen-
dale , nddv d J 1,50
County treasurer to F. A. Woodbury ,
lots 15 nnd 1C , block 39 , Rlddlu's
uubdlv , tax il
County treasurer to F. Afc.Woodbiiry ,
nnd 1-1'J of lot 15 ami und 1-1G ot
lot 1C , block S3. Kiddle's subJIv ,
tax < ! , . . , 1
Thn-o transfers , total J ; 1,61
Patriarchs Militant Hold Their Annual
Conclave for Business.
Conferred on Eighty-Font
Cnnillilntci , Coimiilttco * Xnineil mill
Grnnil rnlrlnruir * Aildrcntt
Ilcnril by Deli-Kntcn to Hod } ' .
The annual conclave of the grand encamp
ment of Patriarchs Militant of the Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows was held yes
terday In the public hall at the temple , be
ing called to order ut 9 o'clock a. m. bj
Grand Patriarch James Scbroeder of Guttcn-
berg. There was a largo attendance , tht
hall being well filled nnd all the grand of
ficers being present. Beyond the appoint
ment of the several committees , through
which most of the business of the grand
encampment Is transacted , little other rout
ine work was undertaken , the time being
chiefly taken up with the conferring ot the
fjrand oncnmpmcnt degree on a class 01
eighty-four1 candidates. The following wen
the committees appointed :
Credentials Z. A. Church. S. B. Smith. D ,
Bols , C. Wolverton , W. C. Adslt , C. E. Coons ,
D. E. McKlm.
Legislation J. C. Longnovllle , M. A ,
Raney , A. D. Van Horn , E. C. Crenelle , W.
n. Havlland. Thomas Bell. J. Gorman.
State of the Order W. E. Harrlmnn. J. J
Mclntlre C. 0. Oreevcr. S. B. Decker.
Finance A. J. Morrison. Charles Wcrtz
A. Ooelde. J. G. Helzel , L. W. White. H. B
Orlffkc. W. C. Kuminer.
Appeals W. T. Holmes , J. C. Koonz , E. W
Hnrtmnn , H. D. Walker , A. Block , N. Jne-
per Jones. Gnu Johnson.
Returns Chariest Schultz. M. Newman. O
R. Ahrens , J. J. Courtney , J. F. Spare , M. F
Glcnson. G. S. Dunn.
Correspondence J. T. Genevay , Theodore
Ivory , C. E. Tucker.
Charters and By-Laws George Whlpple
John Morclnnd , William Putzler. W. W
More. W. K. English , J. C. Mllnes.
Mileage O. L. Rosoronn. E. A. Howlond
W. C. Davis. C. N. Bird , George Adalr , W
H. SlmmoiiK. George F. Smith.
Rcdlstrlctlng J. 1C. Powers , C. H. Illbben
C. Colllngc. D. R. Hlndman , J. P. Lambert
son , C. Brown , W. R. Irwln.
\oniliinllonn for OHIrcrN.
At the afternoon session the followlnf
candidates were placed In nomination , whi
will bo voted unon by the subordinate en
campments nt their regular meeting In Jum
next : Grand patriarch , M. P. Sharts , Bur
llngton ; tirand high priest , N. S. Johnson
Burlington ; grand senior warden , J. C. Mil
llitiuu , Logan ; grand scribe. William Mus
son , Des Molnes , and J. K. Powers , Atlanta
grand treasurer , J. Norwood Clark , lowi
City ; srand Junior warden , Major Raney
Marengo ; W. C. Crummer , Keokuk ; W. K
English , Des Molnes ; S. B. Decker , Waterloo
lee ; grand representatives to sovereign ctr
campment , J. S. Bellamy , Knoxvllle , am
James Schroeder , Guttenberg.
A resolution was adopted permitting thi
patriarchs of Burlington to make an oppea
for funds lo build a monument to the lati
William Garrett of that town , who dlei
In Fcbruaiy , 1895-after having been an offi
cer of the grand encampment for fort ;
years. This action was In opposition ti
the recommendation of Grand Patriarcl
Schroeder In hta annual address , who gavi
as his reasons that It was his principle tha
Odil Fellows should erect living monument
and none from stone or marble. Ho said
"Lot us take care of the sick , protect thi
wltlows and educate the orphans and we wll
erect a monument which neither weathe ;
nor time destroys. "
The recommendations of the cram
patriarch embodied In bis address were con
curred In. They were two "in number am
were ns follows : That section 35 of thi
constitution be changed so that It wll
agree with tUO ritual , making the senlo
warden rank above the hluh priest ; that n
least three schools of' Instruction bo hcli
during the coming year nnd that they hi
hold at the flame time us the subordinate
schools , ouo such school at least being hcl <
In every congressional district In the state
An amendment to the grand constltutior
was submitted which would permit subordi
nate encampments to pay weekly sick bene
fits or not as they might elect. Aftoi
animated discussion this amendment wat
tabled and lies over until next year.
The following officers , elected last June
were Installed : Grand patriarch , John T ,
Temple , Davenport ; grand high priest , M ,
P. Sbartst Burlington ; grand senior warden
N. S. Johnson , Bloomflcld ; grand scribe ,
William Mnsson , Des Molnes ; grand treas
urer , J. Norwood Clark , Iowa .City ; grand
lunlor warden , J. C. Mllllman , Logan ; grand
flentlnel. J. G. Hetzel , Avoca ; grand outside
iipntlnel. 8. P. Smith , Iowa Falls ; gram
marshal , A. D , Steele , Knoxvlllo ; gram :
representative. J. F. Spare , Council Bluffs.
An amendment to the constitution of sub-
nrdlnntu encampments was offered , providing
that Instead of section 3 a section elmllai
In that In the subordinate lodge conetltutloi
bo adopted , which provides for the ulectlot
of representatives from encampment district )
to the grand encampment at the June elec
tion of subordinate encampments , the nomi
nation having been made In the May previ
ous. This amendment was laid over until
next year.
The afternoon session brought the con
clave of the grand encampment to a close
Cirnntl Ijoiluc.
The grand ledge convene * 'this mornlni
nnd will bo In session over Friday. A
1:30 : o'clock there will bo a grand parade
followed by exercises In the big hall , u
\\htch addresses of welcome will bo deliverer
by Mayor Jennings on behalf of the clt ;
nnd by Colonel G. G. Saunders for the loca
lodges. In the evening the visitors will b
entertained by the local lodges at n big ball
This morning a school of Instruction In th
Rccret work will be held In the Masanl
temple for the subordinate lodges , com
mcnclug at 9 o'clock. The morning sesdloi
of the grand lodge will bo mainly takci
up In the conferring of the grand lodg
degree upon all past grands who desire t
receive U.
Last evening the degree team of the Ot
tumwa lodge exemplified the work In the sec
oud degree before a largo number of th
members ot the local subordinate lodges.
The association of past grand masters an
past grand patriarchs , which was organize *
In 1S01 , met last night at the Grand hotc
ana circled the following officers ( or th
ensuing year : I'roaUlcnt , Vf. P. Sharp , Ot
tumwa ; vice president , George Whlppli
Burlington ; secretary. O. L. Hosemnn , Mon
tezuma ; trciwurcr , E. Vf. Hartnian , Indian
ola. The committee appointed last year t
prepare a history' the order In Iowa nn
n biography of the member * of the n'ssocla
tlon was continued.
HelirUnlifi Meet.
When the president , Mrs. Belle Boy
Hetzel , of Avoca called the state assembl
of Ucbeknhs to order yesterday morning 1
the ledge room nt Odd Fellows' temple , al
the officers were present ami ntnety-on
delegates out of the 112 Comprising the ns
sembly. Thj first business on the prograr
was the appointing of the following com
mlttees :
Credentials Alice Jones. Rhclby ; Clan
Maconibcr. Letrlf ; Jane Tracy. Sioux City
Ada Kdnards. Albla : Lilian Reynolds , Du
buque ; J. K. rowers. Cedar Rapids.
Finance Helen It. Orllllth. Cedar Kails
Ida Clark. Walnut ; Sarah Case , Councl
Hluffs ; Anna Hathnmn , Stuart ; C.V. . Do wen
Oniclal Reports Joslo Hitklll. Williams
burg ; Minnie Hefln. Woodbine ; Kmnu
Hnrtol , KcoUuk ; . Martha Brown , \Vntrrloo
Ijtzzlo Dcyo. Clinton ; J. S. Bellamy , Knox
Constitution and By-Laws Alice Bellamy
Knoxvllle ; Blla Gilbert. Dea Mulnes ; Jennl
Martin. Larchnood ; Cella Wasser , Slgour
ncy ; J. W. Bulen. Clinton.
Legislation Llzzlo B. Matthews , Councl
Bluffs ; Martha Richardson. Cedar Rapids
Myra Paiiley , Lcmara ; Myra J. GreenlPt
Llnevlllo ; J. C. Longuoville , Dubuqiie.
Mileage and Per Ulem E. Olive Bulen
Clinton ; Pella Hardy , Hlllsdalc ; Nolllo Rny
burn. Montczuma ; I3va S. Samson. Algona
Amy Brlatow. Rlchland ; W. P. Shnrp , Ot
Memorluls Amelia Weltz McPhcrln. Do
Mollies ; Ida Winolnnd , Avoca ; Louis
Brower. Durham ; Orsavllla Matthewe
Greeley ; P. G. M. Holmes.
Relations to the Grand Lodge Emll
Steele. Knoxvlllo : Cva De Hard. Red Oal ;
Mattlo Reese , Gibbon ; S. Eliza Nelsor
Marshall town : Uerlah Young. Bedford ; P. C
M. Whlpple , Burlington.
Unfinished Business Flora Lathrop. Defiance
fiance : Allco licnncr. Belle Platncs ; Allc
Phillips , Movlllo ; Bertha Steuhmei
Emmetaburg ; Mary E. Given. Marshalltown
A. L. Roseman. Montezuina.
Mrs. Ella Lothian of Gault. Mo. , stat
president of the Missouri assembly , was In
troduccd and presented her credential !
after which she was accorded n scat In th
mooting. Following this J. C. Koonz of Bur
llngton , grand master of the Odd Fellow
of Iowa , addressed the assembly on the goo
of the order , being followed by Major General
oral Sharp , who made n. short speech.
Then the president Introduced Past Gran
Master Sharp of Ottumwa , who talked a
length , giving nn Interesting history of th
Rebekah degree. He said that the first Re
bekah lodge ever Instituted was In lows
He had the honor himself of signing th
first dispensation for the first Rcbeka !
lodge In the \vorld on December 11 , 186S
and It was In this state. Several other state
bo said claimed this honor , but tbo record
show that Iowa Is the state that Is entitle' '
to It without question. This brought th
morning session to a close and an adjournment
mont was taken for dinner.
On the convening of the assembly for th
afternoon session , Mrs. E. Melville , cdlto
of the national organ of the Rebeknhs , wa
Introduced and given a seat In itho meeting
Greetings from the state assemblies of Mich
Igan , Missouri , Nebraska , Colorado , Maine
Kansas and Nevada wore read and Presiden
Hetzel announced that greetings from th
assembly of Honolulu were on their wn
and might possibly reach hero "before th
assembly adjourned. The president's reporl
which wan In printed form , containing a re
view of the work for the last year , wa
presented. Representative to the Suprem
Ledge J. W. Bulen of Clinton gave a repor
of the meeting of the supreme body , follow
Ing it with Instruction In the unwrlttei
work of the order.
This was followed by the presentation o
the reports of the vice president , secretar ;
and treasurer , all of which showed that th
Rcbekahs In Iowa were rapidly coming t
the front rank among the fraternal orders.
Attention was called to the death of Rev
J. W. Lewh of Ottumwa , past grand chap
lain , and n committee was appointed t
draw up memorial resolutions.
A. Block of Atlantic , representative fror
the grand encampment to the sovereign en
campment at Boston last September , gav
nn Interesting resume of the proceeding
of that body which was followed by an ad
dress from Robert Qulgley of McGregoi
Following this nn adjournment was take
until this morning.
In the evening the Rebekah degree tear
of Ottumwa gave nn exemplification of th
work on the tioor and was p-esonted with
handsome banner by the , local lodges.
No use talking nondenso In any advertise
raent. Stale only plain facts and bo ready t
substantiate them. Send us your new shirt
for one year and If they are not In comlltlo
to wear at the end of that period wo will re
place them oxactlv as they were when new
The reliable Bluff Cllv laundry. They'r
easy on clothes.
Those desiring copies of the Jublleo edl
tlon of Tbo Dally Bee cin secure them o
the Council Bluffn office of The Bee.
Mien Julia Officer , teacher of piano , S3
Willow avenue. Fall and winter terra ,
Part 2 of The Bet's paotogravurca of th
exposition Is now ready and can bo bad n
the Council Bluffs ofllcp.
Snap Shots , a beautiful souvenir of th
exposition , containing reproductions of a !
the prominent buildings , together with
blrd's-oyo and general views of the ground ;
ran bo had at the Council Bluffs office c
The Bee for 25 cents. It Is Just the thin
to send to your friends nt n distance.
The wonder of tbo Trannmlsslssppl ! EK
position Is Cole's Hot BlaH heater. It give
absolute cleanliness , evm heat nnd sain
work out of common soft coal ns can bo go
from hard coal. It saves millions. See It a
the Wigwam , or Cole & Colo's , 11 Mnl
street. Council Bluffs ,
Those desiring conies of the Jubilee edl
tlon of The Dally Bee can secure them n
the Council Bluffs office of The Bee.
Ilrclitlnii til Favor of Toil ,
SIOUX CITY. Oct. 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) An Important decision has Jus
been handed down by the supreme court c
the United States which affects the owner
ship of two railways with headquarters 1
Sioux City. Thea roads are the Sioux Clt
& Northern and the Sioux City , O'Neill ,
Western. The decision Is against th
credits Commutation company of Sioux Clt ]
the corporation which owns all the assets c
the organizations , and persons who falle
In Sioux City In the financial crash In ISO ;
The supreme court affirms the decision c
Judge Sblras of the federal court of th
northern district of Iowa In awarding to .
Kennedy Ted & Co. of Now York $1.060.00
of the stock of the Sioux City & Norther
railway and $2,340,000 ot the first mortgajj
bonds of the Sioux City , O'Neill & Wester
railway. These bonds were hypothecate
by A. S. Qarrctson , now democratic candl
data for congress , from the vaults ot th
Union Loan & Truit company In Sioux Clt )
They went to J , Kennedy Ted & Co to gecur
a loan of 11,500,000 to a bridge company , Th
Commutation company contended they wer
really a part of the assets ot the Unlo
Loan & Truit company nnd not the proper !
of the Tods. AB it now stands , the Com
mutation company may redeem them b
paying Ted & Co. $1 , 00,000 and Intcresi
amounting In all to about $ J,000.000 ,
Not Oleared Up by the Investigations of th <
Ooroner ,
Ilcjiort linn It Mint He rornicrl :
crreil a Term In ( he I'onlton-
( tiir > - Siinie Trull in ony Sub
mitted Yevtonlii- .
DCS MOINDS , Oct. 18. ( Special Tele
cram. ) The mystery over the deal'i ot Jen
u < e Stadle. the volunteer's wife who died It
nn ambulance Sunday afternoon , was no
cleared up nt the continued coronar' tuques
today. Joseph Stndle , her husband , Is Bill
missing and it Is reported that he Is a itui
who formerly lived at Waterloo , la. , and la
nerved hie time In the penitentiary. A. J
Sharkoy today testified that Stadlo went ti
tlin homo of Mrs. Gcrlock where Mrs Stadl
had been taken after resuscitation from thi
effects of mornhlno last Thursday. He testl
flfMl that Stndle took sorao pills which ho let
with Mrs. Gcrlock , stating that one'ehouli
bo given his wife every hour and a halt. Hi
testified she took all but ono before tin
Sunday afternoon of her death. Mr. Shnrke ;
alRo testified that on last Monday Mra
Rtndlc took a package of morphine to th
house and that ho destroyed It , but tha
slip said the dose taken Wednesday nigh
when she was with Stadle at the hotel wa
not bought by her nor taken of her own ac
The Iowa supreme court rendered the fol
lowing opinions today :
M. F. Potter against Conrad Clashing am
Charlotte Clashing , appellants ; from Bceme
district. Affirmed.
The Finance Company of Iowa agnlns
Appellant Frank Anderson & Co. , et al. , A
1C. Barlow Intcrvcnor ; from Woodbury dls
Irlct. Reversed on plaintiff's appeal. At
firmed on lutcrvcntor's appeal.
Juda Draco against The City of Sbeuan
doah. appellant ; from Page district. Re
G. N. Leach , appellant , against S. E
Mlulck et al. ; from Buchanan district
Modified nnd affirmed.
W. Weldon against John Conloy , appel
lant : from Hardln district. Affirmed.
Victor Bruguler against Alfred Rcpln
appellant : from Woodbury district. Affirmed
It was learned at the office of the governo
this afturnoou that there are five candidate
for appointment to succeed State Dairy Com
mlssloncr L. S. Gates , who died from i
stroke of apoplexy while making n speed
at a convention In Omaha last week. The ;
are : Dan Shcpan , Osage ; J. M. Daniels
Dayton : G. M. Read , Des Molnes ; P. A
Freeman , Independence ; A , M. Blngham
The weather man stationed hero says tha
the atorm which has been raging In Iowa fo
three days will leave tonight for the lakes
Ho renorts that the barometer has been rls
ing gradually all the afternoon and that thi
storm la sure to go. The thermometer hai
registered an average of 40 degrees today
but It Is going down , nnd very cold weathe
Is expected tomorrow. Snow In the stati
was reported from the eastern part today
whllo vestcrday It was morp prevalent It
the towns west of Des Molnes. There wai
but flftonn-hundrtdths of an Inch of rain
fall last night aml 'merely a trace of rail
today. The only s'o Jpus damage which hai
been done bv the storm Is to the wires
which are still dbnn In many sections.
How TliupM Ilnvo Chuiim : l In North
M enter n Inwu ot I.ute.
SAC CITY , la. , , Oct. 18. ( Special. ) t
northwestern Iowa farmer who vote
, the wrong ticket in 1892 declare
after the Wilson bill began to tel
on the Hock industry that he dldn'
have the courage to look a sheep In the face
Ho felt that the wool had been pulled eve
bis eyes pretty effectually. The effect o
democratic legislation on the Industry I
tlll fresh In the memory of all , nnd partle
ularly of those directly Interested. 1
"didn't do a thing" to the sheep growers
One of them advised that the only way t
lessen the disaster was for the flockmaste
to cut the throats of his sheep. This regio
did not suffer so severely as others mor
largely concerned , but the sheep Industr
of South Dakota , which was very promlsln
and had been demonstrated to bo adapte
to the counrty , was hit hard.
How things have changed Is shown In th
fact that some democratic papers are n
longer afraid to mention the sheep , Th
P.rlmghar Democrat of a recent date note
the shipment by a couple of local farmer
of their spring lambs of 189S to Chlcagc
"We consider this shipment of such 1m
portanco as to warrant more than passln
notice , " say tbo Democrat , and It proceed
to tell why It , o regards It. "Last fall , " I
goes on to relate , "both gentlemen pur
chased the tall-cnders of a big flock of slice
andeach raised about 90 per cent of lambs.
For these lambs , 121 In number , the grow
ers received $3.75 per head. "The owe
sheared $1.40 worth of wool per head nn
are now worth $4 per head. " In the oplnlo
of the Democrat "tho sheep business ha
come to stay In this country and men shoul
romombcr that any good , healthy ewe a
from $3.30 to $4 Is the best Investment the
can make , " for it declares that with decon
care "they will bring In 150 per cent profi
to any fanner. " How different from th
time not long ngo when the flockmaster wa
advised to suvo himself cost and trouble b
cutting the throats of his sheep !
But It Is not nlono sheep that arc valuabl
property for the farmer. The Prlmgha
Democrat , the same authority heretofor
quoted , prints this local item :
W. L. Ross , western representative of i
great live stock commission firm of Chlcugc
arrived hero last night from the ranges
going away today. He came Into Slou :
county with two big tralnloadw of feedlni
cattle nnd has placed them all there , buylni
12,000 bushels of corn at 18 cents to fee- -
them. In speaking with him concernln
prospects in the cattle nnd sheep line w
llml him very hopeful. Ho said : "It Is th
best year for feeding uhecp and cattle v *
have had In thirteen years. The stock Is li
fine shape and good llcsh. and out hero y < >
have the best corn crop In your history. Th
man who knov.H how to feed will make a bli
thing. We will feed several thoumnd heai
of cattle. Cattle are high , being held nt
rents on the range. I shipped 137 cars fior
Pierre last Saturday , and while the rang
stock lins not moved UH freely as formerly 1
Is new going out In tralnloada. and not a ca
can bo had after the 20th of this month. '
Ho told Williams Brothers of some 2.COO nn
yearling wethers , all blade faces , out on tb
range , and they purchased them this morn
Ing by telegraph ,
That's the sort of calamity this region I
suffering from , as appears from democrat !
news sources. Sheep at ICO per cent profit
Range cattle at $4. The beat year for feed
Ing In thirteen years , and the best crop 1
history to feed !
I'roxprrlty I" lumi.
DES MOINES. Oct. IS. ( Special. ) Tb
quarterly statement of the condition o
tha state and savings banks In Iowa for th
quarter ending September 20 has been completed
pletod by Auditor of State McCarthy. Thi
total deposits reported are $61.60CS58. Thi
Is nn Increase of $2,170,000 over the preced
Ing quarter Auditor McCarthy compare
It with the report * of the last elghtcei
months and finds that an Increase over th
deposit * reported n year nnd a quarter B
Is JIG,000,000. This Is ono ot the ntrongcs
of the many Indications ot prosperity li
The stntetnentdoes , not Include condition
ot national and private banking Institution !
Mr. McCarthy gays no doubt the report
from them would show a similar Increase
Reports concerning this large amount c
money nn hand In lawn have been , comln
from the grain dealers constantly sine
grain began lo move. They say that low
money Is to move all grain for the firs
Tloliet III Unit Hlmpp.
SIOUX CITY , la. , Oct. IS. ( Special. ) Th
Judicial ticket of the Fourth Judicial dlstrlc
of lown Is In a sadly mixed up state. It
condition Is such that It Is the cause of con
slderablo worry to the various candidate
and also Vo their ftlcnds nnd supporters. Th
trouble commenced when various member
of the democratic party of the district boltci
the democratic Judicial convention nnd uhei
the populists of the district also concludei
fo put n candidate In the field. It has re
suited In quite a llttlo bitterness among th
different mcmbets of the parties nnd It ha
gone to such nn extent that a profest ha
been made against the name of one Judlcla
candidate. For years past the Judiciary o
the Fourth district has been nonpartlsan-
three republican Judges and ono
The republicans wanted to combine thi
nnd so did n largo number of the democrats
Conventions hero held nt Lemurs and th
democrats nominated Judge F. R. Gnynoi
The republicans nominated William Hutch
Inson , Oeorgo W. Wakcfleld and J. F. Olivet
Then they Indorsed the nomination of Judg
F. R. Gaynor as made by t'hc ' democrats. Al
seemed to be satisfactory until n few week
ago. Then the populists In convention nom
Inated A. L , Beardsloy of Sioux City , i
democrat , ns their candidate for Judlcla
honors. Mr. Beardsley accepted the nom
inntlon nnd began his canvass. Uut sooi
came word from the democratic opponents o
Judge Gaynor that they were going to cal
a convention nnd name a candidate fo
Judge. After a fight they did this an
named young Beardsley , the populist party'
candidate. By naming him they are 1
hopes that ) he can defeat Judge Gaynoi
Now it remains for the latter to dccld
which party he Intends to cling to. Ho nm
have his nnnio placed on the rcpubllcn
ticket Instead of on the democratic. In I
also a fnct that Beardsloy may have to stan
on the populist ticket Instead of the deni
ocrarlc , ns n protest has been made In De
Molnes against his name going' ' on the dcm
ocrntlc ticket. So the way It now stand
flvo men nre seeking to secure foilr posl
tlons within the gift of the people nnd 1
Is hard to forecast ; the result.
Union VetcrniiH * Union.
MARSHALLTOWN. la. , Oct. 18. ( Specla
Telegram. ) The Union Veterans' Union o
Iowa met In Its second annual convention li
this city today. The proceedings so far hav <
been spirited owing to the fnct that In hi ;
annual address Commander J. B. Morgai
took occasion to severely criticise the nctioi
of President McKlnley In appointing Gen
era ! J , Rush Lincoln of the Agrlcultura
college nt Ames as a brigadier general li
the war with Spain , thus , as he claimed
Ignoring the officers of the Iowa Nationa
Guard and Insulting the Union Veterans , ni
Lincoln was n confederate officer. The ad
dress has awakened no Httlo Indignation , ai
at the time of his anpolntmcut Lincoln wa' '
Inspector general of the Iowa Nationa
Guard nnd had been prominently Indentlflcc
with the organization for many years.
Klr.t Car StnHH.
FORT DODGE , la. , Oct. 18. ( Special. )
The first car on the line of fhe Fort Dodg
Street Railway company was run today ani
beginning tomorrow the line in reg
ular operation. The trial trip was made be
fore daylight In a blinding snow sto'rm uhi
everything proved to be In llrst-class condl
tlon. The road Is less than flvo miles I ;
length , but next spring It will be-extendei
to all parts of the town. A number of en
terprlslng citizens will create a park on tb
outskirts of the town , , to which the line wll
bo extended.
IIuvoilii Sioux City.
SIOUX CITY , Oct. 18. ( Special Telegram.
The snow and wind storm of Monda
\vrought terrible havoc In Sioux City. Al
telegraph wires , were down and It was Ira
possible to got communication with the out
side world. Today telegraph and telcphon
wires are hanging in a hopeless mass nl
over the city. Poles have been broken eland
and thousands of dollars worth of damag
has been done. Railway traffic has bee
seriously affected. It was the worst storr
of its kind Known in years.
CoiulenaeU .Milk Factory.
WAVBRLY , la. , Oct. IS. ( Special. ) Al
of the arrangements regarding the COB
denscd milk factory , to bo established hen
were recently completed and the work c
laying the foundation hao been commence !
The structure will bo 130x50 feet and tw
stories high and will cost about ? G,00 (
The citizens contributed about X2.SOO o
XVvr Trlnl for Murilor.
BURLINGTON. la. . Oct. IS. ( Special Tfcl
cgram. ) Whllo Jacob Dill was testifying It
court here that ho struck Chris Helleutha
accidentally nnd In welt defense , word wa ;
brought that his victim was dead. This wll
result In a new trial for murder.
Rain , mixed with snow , has been falllnt
all day. The temperature Is nearly at frcez'
Ing point.
JiulKC Mncy DeuU with \iiiulicr o
Moral Dellnaiieiitn.
The arguments in the injunction case o
the Fort Dodge and Omaha railway agalna
the Chicago & Northwestern railway hav
Ing been completed and the case taken tin
der advisement by Judge Macy , the crlmlna
docket was taken up In the district cour
William Trask pleaded guilty to the high
way robbery of Mary Nelson and wan sen
tcnccd to two years In 'the penitentiary o
Fort Madison. The case against him o
breaking Into the tiouso ot Mrs. Caldwel
and Impersonating an officer- was dismissed
The trial of Dan McSorley , who , wit :
Trnak , was indicted for breaking Into Mrs
Caldwell's house nnd subjecting her to con
stdorable 111 treatment , will bo commence
this morning.
T. W. Gray pleaded guilty to the burglar
of E. E. Belknap's tailor shop on Peat
street and was sentenced to nine months 1
the county Jail. Judge Macy took the occa
ston to read 'the prisoner a severe lectur
at the same time.
The case against B , A , Troutraan wa
continued on motion of the defendant , hi
attorney being engaged before the supretu
court. Troutman wag Indicted on th * charg
of embezzlement , alleged to have been com
raltted while In the employ of the Glob
Publishing company as business manager. I
li charged that he sold railroad transporta
tlon which the company received for adver
Using and put tbo proceeds In his owi
pocl > et , Instead of placing It to the crcdl
of the company.
The case against Harry Hoist , chargei
with the seduction of Fanny Deltchler , l > a
been continued , pending the determlnatlo :
of the civil suit brought by the complain
Ing witness In the xuperlor court.
In the case * of the Omaha National banl
against J , W. Squire , Judge Macy hundc <
down his deslslou , finding for the dcfvujint
The ault was over the possession of Id
acres in Silver Creek township.
In the suit ot the Union Transfer company
against M. C , Vandcrvtcr , judgment vai
You can "back" Battle As
for all you're worth , as the winning brand of
chewing tobacco. It wins because it is , without
exception , the common-sense purchase when it
comes to buying chewing tobacco. Why pay
more money for less tobacco of poorer quality ?
If you have never decided to try the quality of
va KV Tilr % V
now is the time to invest JOc , in the experiment.
by our full tn nUnnnt of Turkish C
furv oo. Klftht Lotftt , D&y Lo * * i , NerTo ] iHynmiU Erections Cure cured , never lijr TurklMi fall * . I
orUmlntpintil ofcr wero. We * < nak CureU > our usiifrfwun own .ii 'lclnrj ybu I I toeti0.lRJUlncloHoip Full trattmeut with Kautm-l , l.oo. I
. |
And yon can rclTja getting well.V > l35iie
rltt > > n iruRrant * with full cure. Singly J HAHN'O PHARMACY. \
L' oulir m i : H nv * l-iiAnjurv. s Ifttli nml Kamftni , r
Thirty years' experience in the treatment of chronic dis
eases. Remedies safe and eilloient.nFreo , consultation * at the
oilice or liy mail.
Diseases of Wonoi&n. a Specialty.
Rooms 3 , 4 , 6 , Marcus Block. - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA ,
Farm and Fruit Lands for Sale. |
The Fruit raisers around Council Bluffs have just closed a profitable fc
season , the yield being from $50 W $100 per acre. Wo Imvo some choice ? J
bargains in Fruit , Vegetable and Farm Lauds near Council Bluffs. Let us O * '
show them to you. FAHM LOANS G PEH CENT INTEREST. Jjl1
39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Searles & Searles ,
Gnnrtintre to cure upeetllly ami mill *
cully all NEHVUD.S , rnilOMC AND
PRIVATE iliieuncii of in on and vrnmca
SUXUALLY. cured for life.
Night KmUslons , Lost Manhood , Hy-
drocele , Verlcocele , Gonorrhea , Qle t , Syph
ilis , Stricture , 1'llcs , Fistula nnd Hectal
Ulcers , Dlabatoo. BrlKht'3 Dlxeabc cured.
and at Homo
by new method without pain or cutting- .
Call on or address uKh btamp. Treatment
by mall.
m , mm i SURLK ,
given for the plaintiff for $303 , the amount
of the note and certified account sued on.
In the ease of Hugh Caniahan , receiver ,
against T. S. Fenlon the dcmunor of the
defendant was overruled.
The Houghton Wagon company commenced
stilt against H. O. Cook to recover Jj-1.13 on
a pioinlftjory note.
On the application of County AUorney
Saundcra' D. E. Stuart was appointed guard
ian of Lawrence Kavency , an incurable In
sane patient at Clarlndu. Kavenoy owes the
county $717 for his care and attendance and
has property which will go to waste If no :
looked after.
Dr. V. L. Troynor was aUo appointed for
tha same reasons guardian of Archibald
Glynu , another Incurably Injano patient at
Clarlnda , The county's bill for the care
of niynn ID fCM.l'G , and through a petition
for divorce filed a few 'lays ago by fcU wife
It developed that ht > has an Interest in con
siderable property.
The caio of the City of Council Illuffs
against the Omaha & Council Blurts U il-
way nnd Ilrldge company In the Hiinurlor
court , which was fct for hearing ycsn rdny ,
was continued to November 1 b/ agreement ,
\ the attorney for the motor company being
out of the city.
gives the clean
liness and even
heat with Boi't
coal , as ; hard J (
-KW coal in Base
Tlio Hot Bloat Draft
Burnt ) and saves the
( rus half of soft coal.
Soft coal tjqual to
hard coal.
I used Colo's Hot lllnst. No , l&O , from
December , ' 97 , till Hprlntf , U ! ha clean an
any wood slovo I ever used. Often n'gruiiu
basKet full of cniil lasted from ono ovi-nln
till the next. It WIIK Htencly , even heat.
Klro only went out once during the winter
and that wurf our fault. U nt-vpr smoked
and walls nnd veiling nro clen'n UK If t
burned wood. It Is the best lo\'e 1 ever
saw MUS. 11. G. JIERIC.1S2S Ninth avenue.
aillton ItnKci'H , Agent , Omaha , Neb.
T G , & w. WOODWIRD"
.Meinli.-r * ( if ( he A. H. C.
Arctiitects and Superintendents
I'lllllN 1111(1 Sl < > llflf IKIOIIH
Kuril iMlii'd.
_ Kccm3. EverottBlk. , Council Bluffs
Ifiio < > n Council IIIufTM nnil Otnnliii ,
Untcs Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed ,
Council muffs otttce. No. 8 North Main
atrcot. Telephone ) 128. Omaha office re
moved to 323 South Fifteenth atrect. Tele-
[ jlioiio 130S.
Connections mndo with South Omaha
iCtli year Vnprecedentca prosperity. :
ProfusHors from s Universities and 5 Euio-
pcun Conscirvatorlea A } 1WM I'liina to liCHt
music pupil. ijcrniun-Amcrlrnn Conserva
tory Xnvcp Kehtirwtnkii , Director Gelicr-
al. present In person during .May. Largest.
Clie.'n > ( -fct. ItfHl. Addre-JH
JOHN W. MILLION , I'rc-s. . 11 ( A St. ) .
Mozlcu , Mo.