THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , OCTOBEB 17 , 1898. I 4 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 8II.NOH MKM'IOK. Btockert Carpet Co. , 205-207 Dwy. Moore's food kills worms and fattens. Dell Q. Morgan , drugs , 112 Uroadway. C. D. Jacqueraln & Co. , jewelers and op ticians , 27 South Main street. The city council will meet In adjourned regular seralon this evening. The regular monthly meeting of the Hoard of Education will bo held this evening. I. N. Fllcklngor left yesterday for DCS Molncs to look after nemo cases before tbo supreme court. J. C. Dlxby , heating and sanitary engineer. J'lans and specifications for heating , plumb * ing and lighting. 202 Main , Council llluffa. Don't you think It must be a pretty good laundry that can please BO many hundreds of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 724 liroadway. Members of Company L , Fifty-Orel Iowa volunteers. In camp at San Francisco , Ituvo written relatives and friends here thot Uc regiment will probably sail October 2i for tbo Philippines. All members of Council Dluffs lodge , No. 270 , ancient Order of United Workmen , arc requested to be at the hnll at 1 o'clock sharp this afternoon to attend the funeral of C. L. Neunas. Colonel 10. H. Fonda and others nf this city are expecting to attend the state en campment of the Union Vetwns' union , which meets at Marshnlltown Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The funeral of the late Mrs. Cornelius Armstrong was held from the residence , i7 Seventeenth uvcnue , yesterday morning , the services being conducted by Hev. Henry De- Long. Interment was In Falrvlew cemetery. The Men's club of the First Prisbyterl.M church has elected the following offlMM for the ensuing year : President , Dr. K S. Thomas ; vice president. A. S. Ilazelton ; eu- retary , II. G. McGee ; treasurer , F. E. Hoag- land. Clarence Pullman , ft young man who claimed to bo from Lincoln , Nob. , applied for lodging at the police station yesterday. He was In a very dilapidated condition nnd appears to bo ailing both physically and mentally. The case of the City of Cnnnc.ll niurfs against the Omaha & Council Bluffs Hall way and Bridge company Is set fov trial In the superior court tomorrow. The city claims from the motor company $ S,4 3 f2 ! foi Intersection paving taxes and the ault. wut originally commenced In 1891. The llttlo streak of sunshine , Sadlo Raymond mend , nnd a really good company In "The Missouri Girl , " was the attraction at the Dohany theater last n'ght ' and It scored i well deserved success. Miss Raymond Ir the title role and Fred Raymond as "Zcke" did some very clever pieces of acting which fairly captured the audience. T .o house was well filled nnd Manager Harrington opens < ho season with the best of prospects. Two small colored boys were found by tin police yesterday trying to imrslmsci a IP- volvcr at Sam Friedman's pawnshop or liroadway. When taken to the ! : illon thj handed over a pocketbook contaln'ng $3 ir cash nnd two return trip tickets to Chicago They claimed to have picked up the poc"t ) book at the exposition. Neither if the boyi waa over 11 years of age so the pollco It- them go , but retained the nockctboi'c ' am contents. Charles Lurtwlg Neunas died at his hnmi at 712 Fourth street Saturday evnlns after i brief Illness. The funeral will lcav < j tin residence this afternoon at 2 o'clock am services will be held at the German Lutnevri church a half hour later. , DeecassJ was ( member of the Ancient Order of Unite Workmen and the members of the ! ods < will attend the funeral In n body. He leavei a wlfo and five children. Mr. Neunas hi'i ' been In the meat business In this city foi uoventcen years. Physical perfection , the secret 'of beauty Call o send for "Vlavl Message. " Vlavl Co. 826 MtiTlam Block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tol. 2CO. Snap Shots , a beautiful souvenir of th exposition , containing reproductions of al the prominent buildings , together with i bird's-eye and general views of the grounds can bo had at the Council Bluffs office o The Bee for 25 cents. It Is Just the thlni to send to your friends at a distance. Miss Julia Omeer , teacher of piano , 53 Willow avenue. Fall and winter term. Will Adi-mi the I3xi "HI ii. Today Is Odd Fellows' day at the Trans iiilttslsslppl Exposition and this accounts fo the arrival of many delegates In advance c the meeting of the grand lodge. The via Ulng nnd local members of the order wl meet this morning at 8:30 : o'clock at Od Fellow's temple on Broadway and procec from there In a body to Omaha. Tomorrow the annual conclave of th grand encampment will be convened In Od Fellers' temple. At the evening Bcssto degrees will bo conferred by the degre staff of Ottuinwa. The Rebckah degree eta of Ottumwa will also confer the Rcbeka degree for the state assembly , which wl bo In session at the same time. Wednesday afternoon there will be grand parade , starting from the temple i 1:30 : o'clock. The parade will bo forme as follow a : Platoon of police , Marshal ( D. Wheeler and aides , band , members < cantons , members of subordinate lodge members of encampments , grand ledge on cera In carriages. The line of march wl bo from the temple west on Broadway Pearl street , south to the Junction of Ma street , north on Main to Broadway , cast South First , north to Washington nvcnu west to Sixth street , south to Broadwt and east to the temple , where the follov ing exercises will be carried out : Addre of welcome by Mayor Victor Jennings , ni dress of welcome on boh alt of local lodg by Colonel C. G. Saunders , response to ai dresses of welcome by J. C. Koonz of Bu II zton , grand master. The day's program will close with a grai ball at night In the largo hall at the ten jile , for which elaborate preparations ha' been made by the local members. Thursday and Friday the delegates w get down to business and the two days w bo devoted to business pertaining to tl meeting of the grand ledge and Rebeki assembly. Condensed Miik HAS No EQUAL AS AN INFANT FOOD. , "INFANT HEALTH"SCNT FREE OH APPLICATION. HtwVcw CwtotusiD MILK CO.N.Y ODD FELLOWS GRAND LODGE Meeting of the Iowa Body Will Be a Most Important Occasion , MANY DELEGATES ARE ALREADY HERE Cclclirntlon nt the Kxpoltlon Drmvn Them In Advance of ( lie Conven tion of ( he Lattice Committee * Hare Their Ilnnilii Full. Council BluffB will be In the hands of the Odd Fellows this week , the occasion be ing the meeting of the grand ledge and the grand encampment and already there Is a goodly number of the members of the fra ternity In the city. The hotels are rapidly filling up and , as between 1,200 and 1,500 visitors arc expected during the week , the question of finding them accommodations Is ono that at present Is of much concern to the members of the local lodges and the entertainment committee In particular. Every room In the Grand hotel has been secured In advance as headquarters for the oflloers of the grand lodge and the grand encampment and as the other hotels arc already well filled up with exposition visit ors , the local committee will find It neces sary to take care of the visiting delegates t private houses. The local committee , on Whose shoulders ests all the responsibility for the arrange ments for the meeting of the grand lodge , s composed as follows : J. F. Spare , chair- nan ; Asa D. Van Horn , secretary ; S. S. Ccllor , Herman Schurz , J. W. Schoenlng , Harris , A. N. Lund , O. D. Wheeler , W. I. Mullen , D. C. Bloomer , L. Hammer , , E. Mitchell , J. B. Illshell , Peter Rnpp , . A , Grout. A reception committee to meet the In- omlng delegates nt the several depots has een appointed as follows : Rock Island nd Milwaukee depots : L. E. Brldensteln ohn Gilbert , Julius Jensen , C. C. Yancey , V. II. Smith , T. H. Rlley , Ed Rosenberg C. F. Lannlng. J. D. Alahel. Northwest ern depot : L. Harris , Peter Rapp , Julius Jngcr. Burlington-depot : I. N. Parsons , E I. Ohlendorf , Ernest Bird , F. A. Grout , C laycs , T. Bailey , A. McMullen , F. Hart transfer depot : S. S. Keller , Harry Lenox J. F. Spare and S. S. Keller comprlsi ho committee on hotels. The question of the location of Odd Fel- ows' Orphans' home will come up at th < meeting of the grand lodge and some flna ctlon In the matter Is looked for. Judg ( Icndereon of Indiana has arrived and will resent the claims of his town before thf odge. Judge ! 5ala A. Church of Jefferson li Iso on the ground and It Is understood h < will urge the claims of his town. Colfax t Is believed , Is now In the field with i roposl'tion. When nsked regarding the Orphans' homi question Mr. Koonz , the grand master , said "I cannot , of course , say what dlsposltloi he grand lodge will make of the matter j\it \ I believe that some action will un oubtcdly be taken at this meeting. For m : lart I sincerely hope It will , 'for such nctloi ertalnly would be for the best Interest : if the order. I understand that Indlnnoli ntcnds holding the grand lodge to Its con- ract of two years. Judge Henderson o ndlanolo. had the matter up on appeal t ( ho sovereign grand lodge In Boston a coupli of weeks ago , but that body sustained th owa grand ledge In refusing to order thi mlldlng of the home at Indlanola. Thu .he matter Is left entirely In the hands o .he grand ledge to decide. " Among the prominent members of th order who arrived yesterday Is J. Norwooi Clark of Iowa City , treasurer of the gram mcampment , who has been a member o ho order for sixty-one years. He Is th oldest living Odd Fellow In lown and prob ably In the United States , It not the world Others who have arrived are : A. J. Morrl son of Marengo , treasurer of grand lodge W. Musson of Dos Molnes , grand secretary iV. P. Sharp of Ottumwa , past grand master J. W. Bulln of Clinton , grand representa Ive to supreme lodge ; W. V. Tufford o Clinton , reporter for grand lodge , and Mrs Tufford , who Is reporter for the Rebekal assembly. Mrs. Belle Boy Hetzel of Avoca president of the Rebekah state assembly , ha arrived and has established her headquar crs at the Grand. Those desiring conies of the Jubilee edl Ion of The Dally Bee can secure them a ho Council Bluffs officeof The Bee. Walter Johnson , lawyer , notary , Sapp bll Collections made everywhere In U. 8. A. C. Ellsworth used Cole's Hot Bias leater last winter , Democrat * Itnlnlnrr the AVI ml. The executive committee of the Pottawnt to County Democratic club and the clt and county central committees held a pow wow yesterday afternoon at the city hal ! The candidates are not showing any grea alacrity In stepping up to the captain1 desk and paying their assessments and t secure funds for the campaign It was de cldod that It would be necessary to mak a levy on officeholders under the presen democratic city administration. This mean that the members of the police force , froi the chief down to the patrol driver , 'nn the members of the sewer gang , from th boss , Pat Sullivan , down to Mike O'Flahert ; who cvnrns $1.50 a day when ho works , wl have to divvy up. Those desiring copies of the Jubilee edl tlon of The Dally Bee can secure them i the Council Bluffs olllco of The Bee. Part 2 of The Bee's pnotogravures of tr. exposition Is now ready and can be had i the Council Bluffs ofUce. Kuuerul t John Alilex. All that was mortal of the late Joh Ahles was laid to rest yi < stenlay afternoc In Falrvlew cemetery. The funeral , whlc was held from the residence on Myustt street , was attended by the members i the Trcubund In a body and a largo nun her of the German . 'esldcnts of the clt The services were conducted by Rev. J. ( Lemen of the Christian Homo and tl casket was covered with many beautlfi Iloral offerings. The pallbearers wer Oeorgo Schlndele , F. Mlttnacht , L. Lusbai It. Orlmmelman , August Schultze at Chris Fnul , Tbo remains were followed the cemetery by a. long certege. Those desiring conies of the Jublleo ed tlon of The Dally lice can secure them the Council UluflB olllco of The Bee. The- wonder of the Transmlsslsslppt E position Is Colo's Hot Blast Heater. It glv absolute cleanliness , even hent aid Bin work out of common soft coal at ; can be i from hard eoul. it saves millions. .See it the Wigwam , or Cole & Cole's , il Ma street , Council Bluffs. Thlevex nt Atluntle. ATLANTIC , la. , Oct. IB. ( Special Tel gram , ) Ma > or Jones of this city reeelvi an anonymous letter Saturday from abro : stating that professional crooks within few days would make a raid on a Jewell or clothing store here. He took the hi and detailed a counfc specials , who abe midnight discovered a burglar In Joe lurncas * clothing store , who was passing lolts of cloth out through a door panel. It was very dark and the light was extin guished. During the scuttle when the ar rest was made one escaped. The other , who was captured , U noncommittal , IMCUI.IAH MATUI.MOMAI , mcoui > . Mnrrleil Thren Tlnien lo the Slime Woman In I Mvn. DBS MOINES , Oct. 1C. ( Special. ) John K. Ware and Esther Gould of Hunnells were married for the third time Friday. The ceremony was performed by Justice Blyler , Ware told hie story to the court yester day , when the ceremony was performed. They were first married In this county In 1890 and removed to Colfax , where they lived together In perfect happiness for sev eral years. Work became slack for Ware , who ls a plasterer by trade , and he wcnl to Falrflcld In search of employment. There ho found work and also another girl. H divided his time between his work and tlu girl until finally a climax was reached ant ho was given his option of marrying the girl or standing trial on a criminal charge Ware was In a quandary. He could nol marry the girl without laying himself llabli to prosecution for bigamy and It he did no marry her ho was In Just as bad a. fix. Finally ho concluded to take the dllemmi by the horns and returned to Colfax , when ho told his story to his wife. She llstcne < through It and finally It was agreed be twecn them that she should secure a ill vorce , naming the Falrfleld girl as co-re spondcnt , and that ho ebould marry the co respondent , but with the understanding tha ho should secure a divorce from1 her at tin earliest possible day and return , to his firs wlfo. The divorce was obtained as agreei and the marriage at Falrflcld solemnlzci and the criminal prosecution dropped. Then Ware commenced to watch for th opportunity to break with his second wife Finally the opportunity presented Itself nm he retained an attorney to sue for a divorce Ho was told that the decree had bcoi granted and hurried back to this county where Esther was waiting for him. They were married and then Ware wa surprised and disappointed to learn that th decree of divorce obtained In Jeffersoi county was Invalid. He was up against possible term In the penitentiary for big amy again , but this time had the satlsfac tlon of knowing that he had acted on th supposition that ho had a perfect and legs right to marry. But he was determined t straighten the tangle out and went bac to Falrfleld , where he retained another at torney and renewed his plea for a divorce Ho was successful and after securing hi decree ho returned at once to his first lov and yesterday they were married again , an this time , they Bay , for the last time an for all time. I.lneoln Tell * of lovrii Solillem. DES MOINES , Oct. 16. ( Special1. ) ; local paper prints the following letter fror Brigadier General Lincoln , dated Hunts vllle : "Knowing you like to publish good thing about the Iowa boys , I send you an cxtrac from a letter I just received from Brlgadle General Charles King , now organizing th department of Hawaii : 'I was "euchercd out of Manila , but had some compensatlo In meeting and knowing the Fifty-firs Iowa , one of the best regiments that gal rant state ever sent to the field , and ther was no better soldier In the brigade I ha the honor to command than your friend an former assistant , Ite tip top adjutant , Majo Davidson. General King Is a good judge c war and regiments. We have an Iowa bo here , from Monroe county , who Is an hona to the state. Captain J. K. Thompsoi assistant adjutant general on the eta ft c General Copplngcr. He Is not only capabli but glad to help those needing his assist ance. If every regular ofllcer would hel as ho does there would not have been s much heard of Inexperienced etaff officer ! Captain Thompson has well performed hi own work , and found time to break 1 others to their work. Ho does not crltlclsi but helps. I am expecting In a few day to know my destination , which , I supposi will bo Cuba. Our corps Is being fined u and will soon be In shape for any dut ; Health good and everything satisfactory. " Reunited After Forty Yearn. MASON CITY , la. , Oct. 10. ( Special.- ) Last week Clerk Keerl granted a marrlag certificate to Hiram Burt and Minnie S Knowlcs. This couple were united In mai rlage before the civil war. Mr. Burt , Ilk all loyal American citizens , deemed It hi duty to go to the front , which be die lolnlne the union army. For a whlhj the corresponded regularly , but finally the coi respondence ceased and she heard no mot from him until the report came that h was ehot and killed In one of the fierce ] contested battles between the north an south. She made all sorts of Inquiries r < gardlag his whereabouts but could find nettIng Ing further. In time she fell In love wit another man and obtained a divorce froi her first husband , after which she marrle and went to live In the east After the w Mr. Burt , who was not dead as suppose ) reeked for his wlfo but could flnd no tra < of her. so he obtained a divorce and mai rled a second wife. Mr. Burt and his secon wife lived happily together In the WG until death separated them. Mr. Burt the returned to the east , where he happened I run across some of his children by his fln wife and then to his great Joy ho fouc his first wife , whoeo husband had died. Tin both came out here and were granted marriage license and are now once moi husband and wife. Reception to u AVnr Correspondent. LEMARS , la. , Oct. 16. ( Special. ) A r ccptlon given to Trumbull White and wl at Washington hall was attended by hui dreds of people. Mr. and Mrs. White hai just come to Lemars from Puerto Rico. M White was the Chicago Record corr spondent at Slboney and Santiago during tl fighting and Mrs. White was on the pe snnal staff of Clara Barton In the Red Cro service. Mrs. White Is a sister of Mr F. B. Yates and formerly lived In Lemai An Informal tafk of an hour by Mr. Wbl on the Inner workings of military ni newspaper life at the front was the spec ! feature of the evening. The lecture was vivid and accurate description of the coui try and the scenes of war. t Women nllil MHHOIIN. | . I FORT MADISON. la. . Oct. 16. ( Spec ! , Telegram. ) The annual convention of t I Des Molncs branch of the W > men's Foreign Missionary soclej with delegates representing low Missouri and Kansas , closed ted with elaborate services In all the church < The work of the society was found to progressing finely. The following offlcf were elected : President , Miss E. Pearsc n ' Dos Molnea , In. ; corresponding secretai 3 ; Mrs. M. S. Houston , Burlington ; recordl ' secretory. Miss Gatchcll , DCS Molnes ; trea 1 urcr. Mrs. E. A. Stanley. Fort Mndlso secretary of supplies , Mrs. Miller , Kans City. Clime ( if I-'UtlciifTx. I RIVERTON , la. . Oct. 18 ( Special. ) 1 William Mayer nnd Luther flrcenler engag i In a fistic carnival In front of the Nlsh r Valley bank Friday evening and did eat t t . other considerable damage , t j Mr. Miller , a young farmer living tie . * M town , was kicked by a horse Saturday and ' his arm broken. „ loirn NeiV In Scott county there ar'I13 public school hotinea and thirteen private ones. The National bank of 'Sidney ' has begun business with an authorized capital of $60- 000. ' The convention of the ilowiv. Rail way Sur geons' association nt Clinton was attended by 170 members. Thomas Scholcs of Madrid has struck two gushers In the form of artesian wells. They flow two barrels a inlnuto and are COO feet deed. deed.Reuben Reuben Bennett of Webster City , known aa the Hamilton county miser , Is ileAd. He lived In a miserable hut , though known to bo wealthy. The election of Women's Christian Tem perance union officers at the Waterloo state convention became so warm that It looked very like politics. Now Dubuque Is enjoying a very different kind of a carnival to that experienced sev eral weeks ago a carnival of crime and the police appear powerless. On November 1 the present contract with the job printers' union at Des Molnei will expire nnd the shops are getting ready to resist the movement for a nine-hour day. A lawyer of Sac City received a handsome mastiff by express , c. o. d. Ho docs not know where It came from , but It Is costing him U.GO a day to feed the handsome aal- mal. mal.The The United States marshal of Iowa has announced that the bootlegg-jra engaged In selling liquor to Indians around Sioux City will be arrested and rearrested until tbo dangerous traffic Is broken up. They fear trouble there similar to that which has i broken out In Minnesota. j A Webster City man , who discovered the destroyer of his domestic happiness occupy- 1 lug his bedroom on his return unexpectedly from a visit , discarded the shotgun and had the fellow sent to the pentcnttary for three years , the maximum penalty. I'remi Comment. Sioux Center Free Press : Talk about there being no money ! A man was noticed on the street yesterday carrying a sackful of coin nearly n half bushel. Sioux City Tribune : Sioux City's big now brewery Is getting along finely now , but U will bo quite a while before It Is doing business. In the meantime Imported beer j will continue to come In by the carload. } Marshalltown Times-Republican : While I so many railroads , are being built Just now ' In Iowa on paper that will probably nevei materialize Into grades and rolling stock , 1 while many corner lots will be sold ti these new ( to be ) towns and lack building for years to come , still we have before us several talked of new railroads for wntcn -there Is a legitimate demand and promising future. It would seem as though , with all of the present railroad lines In lown ( In o , sUite where It Is a fact that one can only gel eleven mllen from a railroad ) they could move the products of the 'soil of Iowa. And It Is true that they do carry the surplus be > - , yond our borders , but not always when thi I shipper wants to sell his stock. Just no\\ \ [ there Is "n car famine' " and conservatlv ( i men estimate that thirty days are nec senrj before cars can be had' ' whoti promptly ' - dered. Some of the trbnble Is located casl of us , where the elevators cannot take ir | the grain as fast as the cars arrive at tt. < distributing points. Whether these nuv paper or real railroads' ' will' prevent an an nual car famine Is a question SOUTH DAKOTA NEWS. Frutcrnlxe rvlth Spiinlnnlx. DEADWOOD , S. D.s Oct. 16. ( Special. : The friends of the Block Hills soldiers who ore now In the Philippines , recelvet another budget of letters yesterday fron the boys. There Is no sickness amoni the soldiers to peak of. Lew Sbnrpe well known In the Black Hills , writes ai Interesting letter. In part he says : "There Is a breach between the Insurgent and the United States soldiers that Is grow Ing wider every day and which Is coin ) to bo hard to heal. We regard the Spaniard , as our friends and mlnglo with them ti i some extent , but we do not fraternize will I the Insurgents. They are a low-down , sneak 1 Ing lot , with no more sense of govcrnmen j than a flock of geese. The only way to gc their respect Is < o prod them with bayonets They are not patriots by a long shot , bu have simply been fighting for the rlcl booty of Manila. There Is an old Spanlsl prison about half a block from hero litho the possession of the Insurgents and the : have about 120 Spanish prisoners conftnei within. We are permitted to go Inside a any time of the day. Our boys are all learn Ing to epeak Spanish quite well. We hav < all taken a. liking to the Spaniards am they to us. Of couree this bos resultci In the escape of many of the prisoners , be caus of the treatment they are gettlngi prison. They all want to come to our prls'on Wo smuggled United States uniforms Int the prison nnd fifty of them have been abl to get out so far. They at once cam through our lines and have our protection Three ot them have been enlisted In thi regiment and will stay , although they ar watched carefully and allowed to do n guard or special duty. The Spanish ofllcer are our prisoners. " Wolf Ilonutr Hentorcd. CHAMBERLAIN. S. D. , Oct. 16. ( Spe clal. ) The commissioners of this ( Brule county have passed a resolution restoring after November 1. next , the bounty of $1.5 for each wolf killed within the limits c the county. It Is probable that other coun ties which ceased offering wolf bountle will also restore them and hunters will thi winter have opportunities to obtain a grea deal of money from this source. Good Republican Spcrcli. LEAD , S. D. , Oct. 16. ( Special. ) Her Webster Davis , assistant secretary of th Interior , delivered one of the best speeche for the republicans last night In this clt that ever was listened to In the Dlac Hills. N < MV AVooilinnii I.OIKP. DEADWOOD , S. D. ' , Oct. 16. ( Special. A camp of the Woodmen of the Worl was organized at Terry ast night , with th CASTdRIA Tor Infants nnd'Children. The Kind You Have'Always Bought i"iii Boars the Signature of Bean the Signature of . . . MANUFAOTVKED BY . . . CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. following officers : I. R. Crow , C. C. ; Daniel nice , A. L. ; S. T. Logan , banker ; C. H , Schand , clerk ; W. L. Elswlck , P. ft C. ; R. O. Roberts , escort ; J. H. Worth , W.J John Anderson , ecntry ; Jay Smith , J. A. Cogdon , Dan Rice , managers ; Dr. Jay Smith , physician. SPORTING NOTES. Clonlnir RrrntN nf Cycle Meet. BT. LOUIS , Oct. 16. Today was perfect for the closing events of the two days' bicycle me > t , but only a Btnall crowd at tended. There were three professional events. Tom Cooper won the one mile open , flying start , but failed to qualify In the lop rutn utter having equalled Mon roe's tlmo In his trial. The multicycle race caused more enthusiasm than any other event on th card. Hcjults : Final heat , one mile open , professional , flying start : Tom Cooper won , J. S. Fisher second , J. 8. Johnson third ; II , E. Terrlll fourth. Time : 1:68 : 3-6. Filial , one lap , flying start , professional : J. S. Fisher won , J. 8. Johnson secotia , lion Monroe third. Time : 0:23 : 2-5. Multicycle handicap , two miles : Bowler , McCarthy and Fisher ( scratch ) won ; Tom Cooper and Jack Coburn second , Dr. Urown and Terrlll third. Time : 3:53. : Ilrooril of n Huuthpnvr. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Oct. 16. At a benefit grime tendered to the I/outsvlllo league players today Huns Wagner , the Colonels' first baseman , bent the loiiR-dlstnnco throwing record made by John llutlleld In 1872 by one yard nnd one-half-lnch. Wag ner threw the ball 131 yards ono foot nnd eight Inches. Precisely twonty-slx years ago. llatfleld , then n member of the Mu- tvmls , made n world's record of 133 yards , ono foot seven and one-half Inches at the Union grounds , Brooklyn. NEW YORK , Oct. Ifl.-Mnrtln Flaherty , the Lowell , Mass. , featherweight pugilist , Is out with a challenge to moet any man In the world from 126 to 130 pounds , Tommy White of Chicago preferred. Iliiln Prevent * tlit > Hun. The rain most effectually put a damper on the proposed wheel run of the Omaha Wheel club to Sarpy Mills yesterday. It Is Indefinitely postponed. Dr. null's Cough Syrup always cures bron chitis nnd asthma. Nothing equals this wonderful remedy. Price , 2,5 cents. lit Murder. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 16. William J. Nolan , ex-member of the Missouri legislature , was last night acquitted ot the charge of mur der. For nearly a year he has been In the shadow of the gallows. Last winter John Wclnand , an old man , was found murdered n his homo here nnd his house robbed. Nolan with four other men was arrested. Twice has Nolan been tried for his life for this crime. The first tlmo the Jury failed to agree. TODAY'S ' WEATHER FORECAST Fairer WentHerj Slowly HIMiic : Tem- porndiro , Northerly Winds for nnil KIUIHHN. WASHINGTON , Oct. 16. Forecast ! for Monday : For Nebraska , South Dakota and Kansas Fair ; slowly rising temperature ; north winds , becoming variable. For Iowa Fair , preceded by rain In the extreme eastern portion ; cooler In extreme eastern portion ; north winds. For Missouri Rain , followed by fair ; much cooler In southern nnd eastern portions tions ; winds shitting to northwest. For North Dakota Partly cloudy weather ; rising temperature ; variable winds. Lnniil Hic < > r < ] . OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , Oct. 16. Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall compared with cor responding day ot the last three years : 1SS3. 1S97. 1896. 1SW. ! Maximum temperature . . Kl 52 65 69 Minimum temperature . .43 39 3S 6.1 Average temperature' . . . . 4S 46 S2 61 Unlnfall 44 .57 .00 .00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1 , 1S9S : Normal for the day 64 Deficiency for the day 8 Accumulated excess since March 1 353 Normal rainfall for the day OS Inch Excess for the day 36 Inch Total rainfall since March 1..23.83 Inches Deficiency since March 1 3.25 Inches Deficiency for cor. period , 1S97..10.54 Inches Excess for cor. period , 1SU6 3.78 Inches Itriiortu from Stiitluim nt R p. 111. 0. ? g STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. ao 0 Omaha , cloudy 5.11 .40 North Platte , clear ' .00 .00T Salt Lake , cloudy .00T Cheyenne , clenr T Rapid City , cloudy .00 Huron , cloudy .00 Wllllston , cloudy . .00.W Chicago , clear .W St. Louis , clear .00 St. Paul , cloudy .36 Davenport , cloudy .01 Helena , clear .01 Kansas City , raining 561.14 Havre , partly cloudy . . . . 46 .00 Ulsmorck , snowing 3.S T Qalvcaton. partly cloudy 821 .00 T Indicates trace or oreclpltatlon. L. A. WELSH , Local Forecast Ofllclal. Dr. Lynn's PERFEfiT UN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. COLE'S HOT BLAST THE ORIGINAL gives the clean liness and even heat with soft coal , as hard TIW' ' coal in Base Burners. The Hot Blast Draft Burns mill euves the Kas half of soft coal. Butt coal equal to hard conl. I used Cole's Hot Blast. No. 180 , from December. ' 97 , till sprlntr. It la na clean na any wood stove I ever used. Often a grape basket full of coal lasted from ono evening till the next. It was steady , evun lirnt. Fire only went out once during the winter and that was our fault. It never smoked anil walls and celling nre clean as If 1 burned wood. It Is the best stove I evui &aw. &aw.MRS. . H. G. MRRK. U28 Ninth nvenue. COLK MUWAUURING CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. . CHICAGO , ILL , Milton Rogers , Agent , Omaha , Neb. J. G , & W. MemluTH of the. A. S. O. Architects and Superintendents I'luiiH and Spf it Room 3 , EverettBlk , , Council Bluffs WM , WELCH TRANSFER LINE llcMvrrn Council UlufTx mid Omulm. Hates Reasonable. Uatlsfactlon Guaranteed Council IlluffH olllco , No. S North Malt street. Telephone 128. Omaha ottlce re moved to 322 South Fifteenth street. Tele phone 1303. Connections mailo with South Omahi Ai It charms with its flavor , delights vyith its taste and conquers with its purity and high quality. VAL.BI.ATZ BREWING Co. MILWAUlUiC , U.S.A. For S Je by Foley Bros * Wholeule Dealer * , 1412 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb , Tel. 10B1 COMBINED TREATMENT GREAT CURATIVE POW 1308 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. We refer to the Best Banks , Business Men and Merclmnts In th city WHEN ALL OTHERS FAIL Remtmbtr -wonderfully iuccusful specialists and trtuiment of this Institute co MEN and WOMEN. Honorable and fair dealing accorded to all. THESE DOCTORS CAEt CURE YOU. SPECIALISTS for DISEASES of MEN SPECIALISTS for DISEASES of WOMEN The great electrical and medical specialists of thin Institute are far the best , most successful and scientific the world has ever known , all of whom are graduates of the best medical colleges In the world , each having had lone and suc cessful practice In Ills specialty , and are achieving results In curing the elck and suffering by their combined Klcotro-Medlcal treatment , which would bo Im possible to secure by lthor electrical or medical treatment alone. The State Electro- Medical Institute Is the ONLY PLACE wbcrb you can obtain the benoHts ot this iticceasful treatment under the most skillful und IrurnoJ vpoglnllst * . UK ASSURED Jthat If any power on earth can cure you these doctors can. They have effected corn * pleta and permanent cures after all othero had fulled. Bom * doctors fall becaUs * of treating the wrong disease ; others from not knowing ths rlgbt treatment. MISTAKES " NO FAILURES. A perfect cure guaranteed jn aii cases accepted. Our special comblntd ELEC TRO-MEDICAL TREATMENT for NERVOUS DEIJILITY naver fulls. YOUNG. MID * DLR-AQED AND OLD MEN. Loft Manhood. The awful effects of Indiscretions Tri youth , self-pollution or excesses In after Ufa. and the effect i of neglected or Improperr ly treated CIMI. producing lack of vitality , SEXUA1 , WEAKNESS , undeveloped , o shrunken parti , pain In back , loins or kidneys , chest palna , nervousness , eleeplwi. n i , weakness of body and brain , dlzzlnoet , falling memory , lack of energy and confidence , despondency , evil forebodings , timidity and other distressing symptoms. unfitting one for business , study , pleasure and enjoyment of life. Buch cases , It neglected , nlmoit always lead to premature decay and death. RUPTURE , VATUCOCKI.E. HYDROCI5LE. SWELLINGS. TENDERNESS. DIB. CHARGES , STRICTURES , KIDNEY AND URINARY DIflEASEH. SMALL , WEAK AND SHRUNKEN PART& . ALL BLOOD , BKIN AND PRIVATE DIBEASE9 , ttbso lutely cured by this treatment , after all other mean ? have , failed. DISEASES OF WOMEN. The combined Electro-Medical Treatment of the State Electro-Medical Institute Is especially effective In the cure , of all female complaints , falling or displacement ol the womb , inflammation or ulcoratlon , bloating , headaches , spinal weakness , did * charges , bladder and kidney troubles. OPEN Dally , from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 to 1 p. m. WRITE IP YOU CANNOT CALL All Correspondence la Plalu Envelope * . Confidential. State Electro-Medical Institute. 1308 FAJlIf AM ST „ O1IAIIA. MUD. WEAK MEN CURED SYPHILIS OR AND BROUGHT TO PERFECT BAD BLOOD. by our full trttni t of Turkish Oiu I Eruptioiu enrol br Turklilil | > 0rwv9 < * uv uw rv , w 4 - tiv < w . , JU.I lujphlll. Cure f 'Dmlntrnuhi * Ourwl up rf ct M yea never I full trvttnient witb gntran-l v > erwtro W * 4iAk oar own f irfirinu - | Andyoaufiarciroaff * ttlnffw tl. I tee , eiO.OU | HngUoioitt.00.1 \ wrltUn iruartuti - 1th full cur * . Bln l HAHN'8 PHARMACY.'i br m * .11. IAUTIH 1'iiARIIACT. | Uth nil Ftrrnni.n * 3 Fan and Fruit Lands for Sale. * ? 8S The Fruit raisers around Council Oluffs have just closed a profitable season , the yield being from $30 Co $160 per acre. We have some choice 4f ? bargains In Fruit , Vegetable and Farm Lands near Council Bluffs. Let us show them to you. FAHM LOANS 5 PER CENT INTEREST. * ? 49 DAY & tmss , 4AQ 39 Pearl Si. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. r Thirty years' experience in the treatment of chronic dis eases. Remedies safe and elllcient. Free consultation at the oilice orby mail. Diseases of Women a Specialty. Rooms 3 , 4 , 6 , Marcus Block- - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , iilUf.VT ] IOVAI. . HARDIN COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY FOR LADIES HUth year. Unprecedented prosperity. 24 Professors from ri Unl. vrrnllUi unil 9 ICurupruu Cuiuert uCorlri. A 8I.CCKJ I'luno to lC t liillRln pupil. < J < nnan-Aiiirrlcuii Conirrvalory. Xuvtr NchurtTcuUu , Ulrcctor-Utiirral , preKculluperioudilrlUf ilar. f - stciicupesu. . , Hesf. AddretH JOHN W. MILLION. Pin. . U A Bt. , MEXICO , MO.