Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1898, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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Breat Editor Talks Encouragmglj of the
Modern Journal
linnqttrt n ( Ontnlin ( 'lull to Dlntln-
Bulilicil Ilronkl > ii Joiirnnllnt Mnile
Mciuornlilc Ity Itciiuirkitlilc Dln-
crltUIoii uu HIM I'rufvttfilnn ,
The complimentary banquet tendered to
St. Clalr McKelway , editor of tlio lliooklyn
Kiglc , at the Omaha club fast evening by a
ecoro of distinguished citizens of Omaha ,
was a brilliant conclusion to the splendid
list of entertainments Unit have marked llio
leaco Jubilee week. The great editor from
tbo City of Churches was given a. bcarty
welcome to tbo Exposition City and his
speech on "Tho Press" wan listened to with
rant attention and received with great ap-
At the head of the banquet board , which
was beautifully decorated with a rich dls-
vlay of roses , sat General Charles F. Man-
Carson. president of the Omaha club and
loastmastcr of the evening. On his right
was seated the guest of honor , St. Clalr
McKolway , and on his left another gucBt of
honor. Colonel Henry Wattcrson. Dr. George
L. Miller tat next to Mr. McKclway and
Judge Wakeley was seated next to Colonel
Wattcrson. Those who occupied places
about the board were : Joseph II. Mlllard ,
Benjamin Wood , Casper E. Yost , Luther
Drake. Edward Ilosowatcr , E. M. Ilartlctt ,
.Tohn E. Wilbur , Frank Hamilton , James E.
Kelby. William Wallace , W. H. McCord ,
George P. Didwell , Charles J. Greene , Gen
eral John C. Cowin , Frank Murphy , Thomas
Kllpatrlck , John K. Ilrady , William Morris
and J. J. Dickey.
In Queuing the pobt-prandlal exercises
General Mandcrson greeted the guests In
felicitous language and remarked that he
found himself strangely surrounded by those
who bad been of the opposite political party
In years past and who , while they were
most charming gentlemen , now found them
selves without any political convictions
whatever. He called the first toast of the
evening , "Our Ouest with length of days
may he have strength and happiness. "
Miller on McICelttny.
Dr. George L. Miller responded to this
toast and was heartily greeted , as ho arose
to speak. Ho said bo esteemed It a rare
honor to respond to the toast and extend
tbo greetings of Omaha to ono of the most
marked men In the country. Ho related
how St. Clalr McKelway had worked up In
the ranks of journalism from an elllcioni
young reporter , "always an honorable po
sition on any leading paper , " to bo ono ol
the greatest editors of the United States ,
Ho spoke of McKclway as tbo Washington
correspondent of the Now York Tribune and
of his later connection with the Brooklyn
Eagle. Ho continued : "His presence hen
tonight Is a compliment to the city and tc
ourselves. Ho stands today with anothei
brilliant star In the field of Journalism , the
distinguished editor who sits on the left
There Is no cloud on the names of McKel-
way and Wattcrson. "
"No silver lining to those clouds , cither , '
interjected Colonel Wattreson , and the ban
queters showed their appreciation of th <
Bound money pledge by prolonged applaus.
The guest of the evening was then callec
upon to respond to this toast : "Tho Press-
In Peace , a Leader ; In War , an Auxiliary. '
Ho Bpoko slowly and distinctly , with fln <
voice and referred only occasionally to hlr
headline notes. Ho was frequently Inter
rupted with applause and when ho had tin
Ishcd the assemblage arose and cheered hln
to the echo. Ills speech lu full follows :
"My Friends : It Is natural you shoul
ask a newspaper man to .talk about th
press. That agent of energy Is your con
plant Informant , your constant suggestei
your constant stimulator. It is ono of th
things to which you cannot bo Indlffercn
You may llko It or you may hate It. Yo
kannot forget It or Ignore It. You ma
ttUnk It 1s bad or good cr a mixture c
both. But you take It Into account , all , th
same , whether you bless It or bar It.
"This Is not owing necessarily to anj
thing In the press Itself , but to the cond
tkms which have como to weigh and I
sway In human affairs. They may be d <
fined as conditions of popular governiuen
The nations moro of less correctly regardt
as free have and need and therefore maV
newspapers. Nations under absolute <
class government possess none or few i
them , while their progress to broader ru
IE marked by the effort of restive Inlli
A surrosKn rnii\n
Gave Him n. Cnnc of Illiciimntliim.
"I bad been In the habit for many yeai
of drinking strong coffee twice a day wlthoi
eugar or milk , hoping > by that means '
moderato the effects upon my nervous sy
I never suspected the coffee habit hr
anything to do with my rheumatism , whl <
was so bad that I was unable to get aboi
without crutches , at times.
T. V. MCIIU1.S ,
About a year and a half ago , I stopp
drinking coffee nnd took Postum Food C <
fee , and after a few failures because of li
proper cooking , finally hod It made strlci
according to directions , ( which Is easy ) , a
found it of such a charming flavor that
have kept up Its use ever since.
Strange as It may appear , the rheumatl
dlsapeared entirely , and I have not had
single attack since. Moreover my fam
have all taken on some good substant
flesh , so that we feel Postum is not enl )
delicious drink In the taste , but that
are living evidences of Its healthful prop.
Tbo preparation of any sort of food
drink Is an Important essential part.
find that many people who have tried r
turn , go at the preparation In a very ca
less way , that Is to say , they put It on '
etovo and let It stand a few minutes , t
think It should be done. Wo put Test
on In cold water. It takes about 15 mlnu
before It begins to toll , then we allow tt
actually boll 15 mlnutca , which as you t
brings out the delicate flavor and good f
Mr. and Mrs. Miller of this city are ug
Postum right along. Mrs. Miller has b
a great sufferer from dyspepsia , had to e
up coffee entirely on that account. ,
njoya good health now , since using Post
Food Coffee.
Mr. and Mrs. Hervcy of Auburn ,
troubled In tbo eamo way , and have b
eurcU by Postum. Bay they were nevei
nr.ces to start newspapers and by the effort
ot omciallsm to control or to suppress them.
The /Ipsirc of people to Know Is the In-
gllgallon of the press ns an InaWuHon. Re
sponse to that desire Informally creates a
telling and a talking body of minds. There
you have Journalism and Journalists. They
use tjpcs as their telling and talking me
dium Just as others use the forum or the
stump or the pulpit or the corner grocei *
or the cross roads as their channels for
news and views.
KraillcM .Medium of 1'xiirrftnloti.
"This wish of people to know , to learn ,
to get on , to Improve , to progress , as we
say , finds In newspapers its readiest medium.
The medium may be crude , rough 01 .n other
ways Imperfect , but It is a medium for all
! that and It serves a useful purpose. Very
likely tbo medium will be ns good or as bad
! as the not crudity or culture of the com-
1 munlty which will be fairly expressed by the
conductors' of newspapers themselves , for
they are only men behind paper masks aud
while the marks are convenient they little
conceal and do not at all change the cbarac-
[ tcrs of the men. A community generally has
the newspapers Us dcscives to have for It
makes them though tne newspapers may
think they make It.
"Th" fact follows from this that the local
newspaper is the first , the provincial newt-
paper the second and tlia national newspaper
the third nnd the cosmopolitan newspaper
i the fourth In an asccti-Jcnlng series. That
I Is relatively true. Moro true Is the fact that
a great newspaper in a degree reflects all
these characteristics , which but express the
I relative wants nnd Interests of mankind.
1 That which Is molt Impjrtaiit and attractive
I to us is what concerns ourselvot aud our
I neighbors and the way lu which we and
they affect ono nnoier. ! Homo news and
| homo views ii.-o 'be backbone of every
newspaper. state , national and \vorld mat
ters play an .iffr p.a.-t. They are attractive
and Important but they are nut solinl or
vivid as homj facts , homo rlghta and home
needs. You c.ia be sure that other foIKs are
minding thulr business. K you do no : mind
your own It will not hu attended to by
others or If uth'ra attend to It , amid your
neglect , they will mal.o n nicos of it.
"Another fact follows : Our homo life
will bo better attended to , If wo learn how
other folk , nearby or remote , arc attend
ing to theirs. Hence the educational ef
fect of news. Hcnco Its tendency to make
men feel Interested In nnd related to ono
another. Hcnco the Increased fellowship
of connected states , which makes for na
tionality and 'the Increased amity between
separated states which makes for peace and
for brotherhood. Thus the newspaper
which bottoms Itself on homo news will
thereon raise a superstructure- Intelli
gence and comment which will every day
exhibit the contributions of the world to
the common stock of human Interests nnd
of human problems. This may seem to be
a florid generalization or an Idealized pic
ture of the newspaper , but It correctly
places It In the classification of philosophy
and In the grouping of history. Some papers
realize this function or suggest it more
than others , but all of them Indicate It tea
a degree , and dose whether they appre
ciate the fact or not. They may bo con
sciously only filling or telling their little
local fields , but they are felt powers in the
general economy of the universe. The
farmers at Concord Bridge knew that they
"fired a shot. " They only wanted to hit
Gage's troops. They did not know their
shot was "heard round the world. " But It
was , though the fact was not recorded , to
their Immortality , until a poet saw the re-
latlon of their action to the scheme and
theme of liberty the earth around aud the
ages through. A newspaper , large or small ,
la a perpetual exposition of vigorous and
versatile life. It has been called the his
tory of the. world for a day. The term Is
very ambitious , and can never be moro than
partly true. It represents an aspiration
rather than nn achievement , but tt Is In a
sense a picture , a promise and a prophecy.
On the corner of a busy street in the
shopping district a morning or two ago a
small crowd gathered on the sidewalk
around , an object which they hid entirely
from view. Passersby , out of curiosity ,
paused and peered over the shoulders ol
people in the group to learn what It was
that attracted their attention. This Is whal
they saw. A dark complexloned Itallar
lad , apparently about 11 years old , bare
Hi legged and hatless , clad In garments worr
and soiled , stood by the side ot a chile
two or three years his Junior. The youngei
boy sat on the sidewalk with a tclegrapt
polo for a back rest. He , too , was sbabbll }
dressed , but unlike his companion , ho wai
fair of face , resembling those Saxon chlldrei
who sat In the Roman forum ono day i
good many centuries ago , of whom Pop <
Gregory , who happened to be passing , said
referring to their tlaxen hair and Ugh
blue eyes , "They are not Angles but angels.1
Between the llttlo fellow's knees was a ha
and into this hat people were tossing pen
nles and some times dimes , for now yoi
saw that the child's eyes were closed and hi
face were that expression of patience am
id resignation that always maflcs the count
enanccs ot the blind.
111 From the women In the crowd there wer
many remarks ot pity that to such a prctt ;
child should befall such a fate. The men
too , wore conscious ot the Injustice ot i
providence which made dark th6 eyes of
child for whom the power of sight woul
have been such a blessing , and to compensate
pensato for nature's neglect they were prodl
gal with small change.
From tlmo to time , when an opening 1
the crowd allowed the opportunity , th
older boy glanced apprehensively up an
down the street , now and then transferrln
the contributions from his companion's hate
to his own trousers pocket. Suddenly b
gave the llttlo lad's coat sleeve a tug , too
him by the arm and hurriedly led hli
through an opening In the crowd. Then th
people were mystified to see the llttl
golden-haired chap scampering down th
street close on the heals ot the Italia
boy , who set a pretty swift pace. The pal
dodged vehicles and horses with an alacrlt
that was surprising and disappeared Inl
the nearest alley. The remark of a police
ed man who came up just then and stood fc
a mlnuto on the corner watching the urcbli
scampering for a place of concealment , o
tly plained the situation. "Those kids , " t
nd said , "make me moro trouble than ar
. Ism old rounders on the beat , and that lltt
ono can take oft a blind boy to perfei
sm tlon. "
My Umlirln Xot In UUIrc .
lat LIVERPOOL. Oct. 15. The Spanls
r awe steamer Madrllenc from St. Johns , N. I
wo reports that on October 10 , when thlrty-s
er- miles west ot Capo Clear , It sighted tl
Cunarder , Umbrla , Captain Dutton , fro
Liverpool October 8 , via Queenstown Oct
orI ber 9. for New York. The Umbrla's engln
os- \\ero stopped , but In reply to Inquiries tl
rc- ship signalled that > lt did not require a
the slstance.
. to NclIIo S. Hawley , Mathilda S. Pierce ai
lay , William J. Gibson have Incorporated t
oed Hawley Manufacturing company for the pr
ductlon of hair remedies , with $100,000 cai
tal stock.
Ing The Irish-American club will give o
ecn of Its entertaining sociables ou next Thui
live day evening , October 20 , at Its ball , Ho
She ker block. An Interesting program b
.um been arranged.
There will bo a general meeting of t
Marquette club Monday evening , Octet
17. In their hall at Eighteenth and Izai
ecu The club room w > 1 be open every uvcul
thereafter. All nurrberi ) are Invited to i
Indian Encampment at the Eiposition
Possesses a Now Fentxire.
All < ltc AVnrU oil ( lie Toiler * nnd
Dvoornilonn In I'erfornird ! > >
Sonic Mfinlicr of ( he
Kionii Trlbo.
At the cast cud ot the Indian village on
the exposition grounds , surrounded by a
canvas eight feet high , Is a new exhibit
which hag been added to the features ot
the Indian congress during the last week.
It Is an historical reproduction In minia
ture of the Ktowa camp circle as It was
pitched at Medicine. Lodge , Kan.i In 1SCT ,
ou the occasion of the last great gatherIng -
Ing of that trlbo before the signing of. the
treaty which placed them , together with the
Comanchcs , Apaches , Cheycnncs and Ara-
pahocs , on government reservations and
ended forever their free life of the plains
by making them wards of Uncle Sam. <
At that time , which was In June the
season of the blooming of the
cotton wood tree the Klowas had
met to celebrate their great annual
ceremonial which Is known as the sun dance ,
the medicine dance , or the torture dance.
The trlbo consisted , according to the re
ports ot the commissioners , of about 1,600
people. They were encamped In a circle
nearly a mile In diameter , each of the 250
tepees being set with precise exactness fac
ing tbo center of the ring and at a uni
form distance from those on cither side ,
Opened to the I'tibllv.
The miniature reproduction of this camp
was opened to the public for the first time
yesterday. It belongs to the Smithsonian
Institute , and has been reproduced through
the efforts of Prof. James Mooney , the gov
ernment ethnological expert , who has been
engaged on this particular work for the
last five years. Each part of the exhibit ,
even to the whittling of the tepee poles ,
has been prepared by members of the
Klowa tribe. Each tepco has been made
by some member of the family who occu
pied tha original. This Is In accordance
with the Indian custom which allows no
ono to Imitate In any way tbo property
of another family. Hence the miniature
circle becomes ot ethnological value to those
Interested In the study of what may be
called Indian heraldry.
The camp as arranged by Prof. Mooncy Is
eighty feet In diameter and consists of
eighty tepees. Ho has selected for this ex
hibit only those which ho thought would
Drove of the greatest Interest , both for their
uniqueness of design and the historical as
sociations connected with them. They are
tot in the same relative positions to each
other and the rest of the circle as in the
original camp. And in front of each hung
on a tripod Is the shield emblematic of the
family to which It belongs. '
Sluriilflcniice of Special Tcpccn.
Passing In at the entrance to the circle ,
which In the reproduction Is on the south ,
but always faced the cast In the original
oncamnments , the first tepco on the left
Is that of the family of the man whose task
is was to provide the buffalo , the skin of
which was used In the dance. When the day
was set for the propitiatory ceremony he
was obliged to go without food until he bad
captured his animal. The ofllco of "buffalo
man" was hereditary and was considered
a high honor as evidenced by the fact that
his tcpeo was allotted the first place in the
The second was the "warrior tepee. " Its
decorations consisted ot numerous pictures
representing battles In which the famous
warriors of the trlbo bad acbleved distinc
tion. Each was painted by the warrior him
self and the occasion was ono of feasting
and sports. In the miniature tcpeo these
pictures have been reproduced by ono man.
A little further around the circle Is the
tepee belonging to the only surviving signer
of the peace treaty. It Is decorated with
black and white circles. Near this Is the
"porcupine" tepee , the property of the pres
ent chief of the tribe.
Almost opposite the entrance Is the "turtle
tepee. " made by ono of the famous medi
cine men ot the tribe. Next to this was
the homo of a member of the tribe who
claimed to understand the language of owls.
One ot the birds wrapped In a red cloth
hangs' to a polo before the door.
Following the circle around one passes
several tepees decorated with rude pictures
ot water monsters , horse tracks , eagles and
.rainbows. Then comes the "scalp tepee"
hung with a collection of scalp locks taken
from enemies In battle. Day and night are
represented on the opposite sides ot the
next with fantastic representations ot the
sun and stars.
Ilnlii Tciicc In Shown.
Conspicuous among tbo shields on the
right of the entrance Is ono that Is painted
with representations of rain drops , from
which the name "rain tcpeo" Is given to
tbo home ot the owner.
The Klowa Apaches , an associated tribe
of the Klowas , were assigned a place In the
clrclo adjoining the entrance on the right
band side. Their chief , "White Man , " oc
cupied a tepee decorated with the arms of
a bear , which was his guardian. In front
of the door stood tbo pabon , a. shaft of
wood wrapped with a beaver skin. This he
carried Into battle nnd drove Into the ground
to fasten himself to the spot where he took
his stand.
The designs on the tepees arc , most of
them , of so ancient an origin that the pres
ent members ot the trlbo cannot remember
how they originated. In general they grew
out ot what the original designer claimed
\vero visions. On dying , tbo warrior who
hold what was called the "tepeo right" dele
gated it to some member of bis family.
When It happened that for any reason ho
. tailed In this , tbo design , or coat of arms ,
1 as It may bo called , became extinct , as no
y ono was allowed to revive It.
0 ' In the center of the circle stood the "raed-
. Icino lodge" built for the celebration of the
I dance whoso celebration called all of the
members of the trlbo together once a year.
This was built ot cotton wood branches In
terwoven on seventeen poles standing In a
clrclo around the center poles seven paces
apart. Hanging to the center polo was the
medicine image , which was kept hid In a
bag under strict surveillance ot the priests
during the year , and only brought out on
the annual Juno festival. U was the head and
shoulders of a man carved out of stone , and
ix grotesquely painted. Above the Image hung
10 a strip of buffalo skin cut from a point a
10m little In. front of the ears to the tall. This
o- was wrapped around a branch ot cottonwood -
es wood , An arbor of cottonwood boughs ,
JO which formed the secret chamber of the
s- priests during the dance , completed the in
terior of tha lodge.
Shield * Coiixi'ornloil to the Sun.
The shields , all ot which were consecrated
to the sun , were arranged In rows In front
and back of 4he lodge. All were painted
yellow the sun color and decorated according
cording to designs revealed In visions. Those
facing tbo entrance were ranged In two
lines ot seven and five respectively. Behind
the lodge were nine others hung on poles ,
and two on tripods , painted black and white.
33 These stood before the tepee , which was oc
cupied by the priests in preparing the cere
he mony.
icr The dance for which these elaborate prep
rd. arations were made was a propttlary sacrl-
, flee to tbo sun god or medicine Image. It
continued for four days and nights , during
I The Transmississippi Exposition
tra din 'T
ary and Special
Attractions Eveats
Many excursions to the Exposition from Mid-West Cities and Towns are being organized for the latter part
of October , for which very low rates are made.
Grand Array of High Bred Live Stock g Tess Exhwt
List of Special Days.
October 17 1. O. O. F.-Day October 19 Nebraska Day.
October 17 North Dakota Day. October 19 Lead and Zinc Day , . ,
October 19 Missouri Live Stock Men's
October 18 Tennessee Day. .
October 18 German Day. October 20 Denver Day.
October 18 Ancient Order United October 20 Eastern Star Day.
Workmen Day , October 21 Apple Day. " -1 : .
War and Navy Exhibits in the Government Building.
War Balloons Used at Santiago. Rare Trophies of the Late War.
" % OO IH"l fl 1 n . "tl Q Representing many tribes participate in realistic sham battles
OwvJ IIlvllil.IlO .
and in sports and tribal ceremonies.
Mttsic by Celebrated Bands Daily ,
The management has made provision for presenting many unique featured during the remainder of the
Exposition Season.
Reduced Rates on all Railroads.
which tlmo those who participated In it took
neither food nor sleep. The dancers offered
themselves as voluntary sacrifices. Some
painted themsalves yellow , meaning that
they intended to hold out to the cud.
Others covered their bodies with a white
phalk which signified 'that they would dance
as long as their strength would allow.
"With their arms hanging at their sides and
the eagle bone whistle In their months , they
circled round nnd round the lodge , keeping t
their eyes fliced on the Image. While the |
dance Is sometimes called the 'torture danccj |
thcro was no cutting , as the sight of blood ,
was abhorent to the god In whoso honor it
was given.
The miniature reproduction ot the Klowa
clrclo exhlbts with a minuteness of detail all
the features of the original. The fact that
It has been constructed by the Indians them
selves adds to the interest that would natur
ally attach Itself to a subject about which
so few are well Informed. It will remain
on the Indian grounds during the remainder
of the exposition season as a part ot the
government exhibit , and will then be return
ed to the Smithsonian Institute.
Of the many educational and religious
conferences that have chosen Omaha , as
their meeting place during the last summer
tt is reasonable to tjupposo that none will
esert a wider Influence upon this community
than the Liberal Congress of Religion , whoso
annual convention win bo held at the First
Congregational church October 18 to 23.
This organization , which Is now five years
old. waa created In answer to a call for
closer fellowship among men holding widely
different beliefs regarding the forms ot re
ligion. Realizing that much of the preju
dice existing among churchmen Is due to
an utter Ignorance of ono another's doc
trines tt was deemed wise to establish a
platform on which all reverent souls , the
orthodox and the heterodox , might present
their own views of religious matters and
thus enlighten ono another. H was on this
basis that the Worrd's I'arllament of Reli
gions was established and In the Eamo spirit
the Liberal Congress has gene forward with
the work during the last five years.
It must bo distinctly understood that the
liberal congress Is in no sense a sectarian
organization. In Its ranks nro orthodox and
liberal advocates and equal opportunity Is
given to all for the free and full expres
sion of religious sentiment. A glance at the
names of the local committee for the con
gress reveals the fact that besides laymen
there are represented In It by their pastors
Methodist. Episcopalian , Jewish , Unitarian
and Unlversarist churches.
At the sessions of the congress everybody
will bo welcome and It Is hoped that few
will fall to avail themselves of so rare an
opportunity to hear the views of the various
churches on vital questions , expounded by
experts and recognized authorities. The
outlined program which follows shows that
a number ot eminent men from all parts
of the country will participate In the de
liberations of the congress. Subject to
sl'ght modification , It will be the following :
Tuesday , October 18 , S P. M. Addresses
of welcome by local committee ; Thomas
Kllpatrlck , chairman ; Rev. John McQuold ,
pastor Methodist church ; Rev. T. J. Mackay ,
rector of All Saints' church , and Hon. W. G.
Whltmorc , Valley , Neb. ; response by the
president , Rev. H. W. Thomas , Chicago ;
opening sermon by Dr. E. G. Hlrscb , Chi
Wednesday , Octooer 10 , 0:30 : A. M. Wel
come ot delegated and response by the same ;
"Tho Problems of the Congress , " by Jenkln
Lloyd Jones , Chicago ; "The Value and
Feasibility of State Organization , ' Rev. J.
II. Palmer , Cedar Rapids , la. ; "One Yea -
After the Nashville Congress , " Rev. Isidore
Lewlnthal , Nashville , Tenn.
8 P. M. Sociological : Rev. R. A. White ,
Chicago , presiding. "The Social Conscience , "
Prof. C. Hanford Henderson of the Pratt
Institute , Brooklyn , N. V. ; "Christ and the
Labor Problem , " Rev. Frank Crane , Chicago ;
"What the Employer Might Do to Settle
, the Labor Problem , " Prof. N. P. Oilman ot
i tba Meadvlllo Theological school , Mead-
vllle. Pa.
Thursday , October 20 , fl.30 A. M. "The
Problem ot Authority lu Religion , " Job
Favlllo , Ph.D. , Appleton , WIs. ; "Tho Com
ing Man : Will Ho Worship ? " Rev. Mrs. S.
L. Crum , Webster City , la. ; "The New
Testament Virtue of Prudence , " Rev. II. II.
Pcabody , Rome , N. Y.
8 P. M. Internationalism : Ex-Senator
Manderson , presiding. "Lest We Forget , "
David Starr Jordan , president of the Leland
Stanford university ; "Tho Growth of Inter
national Sentiment , " Rev. H. M. Simmons ,
Minneapolis ; other addresses.
Friday , October 21 , 0:30 : A. M. "Our
Great Theological and Social Problem , "
Rev. J. W. Frlzzell , Eau Claire , WIs. ;
"Tho Brotherhood of the Kingdom and Its
Work , " by the secretary , Rev. Lclghton
Williams , New York ; "Tho Part Faith Plays
In Science and Religion , " Rev. S. R. Cal-
turop , Syracuse , N. Y.
8 P. M. Missionary : Rev. Joseph Stolz ,
Chicago , presiding. "Tho Greater America
and Her Mission In Asia , " Dr. John Henry
Barrows , Chicago ; "Tho American Develop
ment of Religion , " Rev. Marlon D. Shutter ,
Saturday , October 22 , 0:30 : A. M. "Tho
Attitude of the Church to the Later Re
ligions Thinking , " Rev. Robert T. Jones ,
Ithaca , N. Y. ; "Tho Education ot the
Colored Race in the South , " Prof. W. II.
Council , Huntsvllle , Ala. ; "Tho Evolution
ot Conscience In the Nineteenth Century , "
E. P. Powell , Clinton , N. Y.
8 P. M. Social reunion In First Congrega
tional church , In charge of local committee.
Sunday , October 23 Preaching by the
visiting ministers in as many of the
churches of the city of Omaha and adjoin
ing towns as can be arranged for in the
forenoon. Mass meeting afternoon and
evening under the direction of the local
The local committee consists of Thomas
Kllpatrlck , chairman ; Charles S. Loblngler ,
Rev. Leo M. Franklin , Rev. John McQuold ,
Rev. T. J. Mackay , Rev. Mary Glrard An
drews and Rev. N. M. Maun.
The winter's term of the Child Saving In
stitute will open on November 1 with In
creased facilities for both the educational
and gymnastic work. The gymnasium classes
I will bo under the charge of Physical Di
rector Barnes of the Young Men'fl Christian
I association , and other local athletes and
j four day and four night classes will be
maintained. Mr. Clarke has also taken up
' a new work which will receive consldera-
| ble attention In the curriculum of tbo In-
I stltutlon. It consists of the training ot
| children before they are of age to enter the
kindergarten clashes ot the public schools.
Miss Mary Hamilton , from the Moody Insti
tute , Chicago , will arrive In a few days
to oversee this branch of the work and she
will bo assisted by several local society
girls who have become Interested In the
plan. Children will bo taken between the
ag a of 2 and C , which Mr. Clarke believes
j to be an especially Impressionable period
and they will receive the best ot surround
ings and care during a certain time each
day. There will also be classes started in
housekeeping and sowing for girls and the
usual branches for boys.
One of UHIllarU Hills Rntcrprlicn (
Connldcriililc Magnitude.
LEAD CITY , S. D. , Oct. 15. ( Special. )
The now reservoir Is situated on the apex
of ono of the highest points in the immedi
ate vicinity of Lead City and above the
Ellison hoist , and is now rapidly nearlng
completion , about thirty days moro being
required before It will be ready to hold
The work Is being done under the super
vision of Sam Illackstone , superintendent ot
the company's water system , with George
Holler as foreman , who has under him thirty
men working steady. All the Iron work has
been completed and supply and discharge
pipes laid. On the bottom of the reservoir
a six-Inch floor of cement Is laid firmly Im
bedding the iron stays , and from which the
side and end walls go up , The walls are
built of a composition of five parts stone
crushed to the size of eggs , two and , a halt
parts sand and one part Portland cement
tslxed as It Is used. At the bottom tbo walla
start four and a half feet In width which
narrow down to three and a half at the top ,
n Wooden guides are used as tha wall Is laid
and keep in position until the cement lias
set. The dimensions of this mammoth tank
are as follows : Depth , twenty feet by 155
feet long , and sixty-live feet wide , and
when completed will have a capacity of
1.250.000 gallons , one-half of which wllf
always bo kept In reserve for flro purposes.
The way that this can bo managed will bo
the end of ono of the discharge pipes for
regular use will stand up from the bottom
ol the tank half way so that when the water
gets below that point it will naturally cut
off the supply. The other one , the valve of
which will be controlled at the Ellison hoist
and Ufced for flro purposes only will be sup
plied directly from the bottom. The supply
Pipe Is heavy sixtcen-Iuch steel piping and
is laid for a distance ot about 7,000 feet up
Whltewood gulch , where It then merges Into
a Ilurao on up to the source of supply about
seven miles from the city , where all the
water needed Is obtained and In all seasons.
As stated above there are two of the dis
charge pipes of the twelve-Inch class , only
ono to be used at a time. The ono for flro
purposes goes to the head of M1H street and
down then In a six-Inch pipe which merges
into the regular city mains. At the bank
corner a pressure of 120 pounds to the Inch
will bo obtained. The supply pipe for the
company's use will go down by the Ellison
hoist and crosses the gulch adjoining the
D. C. depot and then up again
to the Old Abe hoist for distribution. The
top of the reservoir Is covered with Iron .
work to bo covered with a six-Inch layer ,
of cement , as In the walls , the woodwork
will bo torn away and the whole banked up |
and covered with dirt. An engine and min
iature hoist arc used to hoist the wheelbar
row loads of material on and Into the works j
and by the same power a No. 1 Gates |
crusher Is run. Eighteen broad-gauge loads
of cement was necessary for the work , -100 j
sacks being In each car , which makes a j
total of 7.200 sacks used. As far ns fire pro
tection and the Homestako company Is con
cerned this will solve the water question
for a number of years to come.
Conl Near DnnKliiM , AVj-o.
DOUGLAS , Wyo. , Oct. lu. ( Special. ) A
vein of superior domestic coal has been dis
covered a short distance from this place by
McFBra. Newfcome , and BlaUdcll , who have
been prospecting for a long time. The vein
Is four feet In thickness an.l was cut at
the face of a tunnel which , has been driven
100 fee. . Shipments of coal from the mine
will commence within two weeks.
DtoccNc ltoillnrlotcil.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. . Oct. 15. ( Special ) -
In the rcdtstrlctlng of the Episcopal dlo-
ot Wyoming and Idaho Into the dioceses
of Laramlo and Boise , Cheyenne will be
In thci Laramlc jurlsidlctlan which comprises
the iiluo eastern counties of Wyoming ,
Ci'ook , Wcston , Sheridan , Johnson , CPI- :
\crsc , Natrona , Albany , Carbon and Lnrn-
mlc , and the western portion of .Nebraska
formerly the Jurisdiction of 'no Vlatte. The
soj city ot the new Jurisdiction will be Laa-
mlo and there the bishop will reside , it Is
bclinvcd by churchmen tliat Rt. Rev. Anaon
R. Graves , the present bishop of the juris
diction of tbo Platte will bo the bishop of
Lnramlc. Dr. Graves nt present resides at
Kearney , Neb. Ho Is a Vcrmonter by birth
and has been a bishop for six years.
CIIHYENNE , Wyo. , Oct. 15. ( Special. ) -
The republican county committee ol
Laiamiu county has named J. C. IJalrd ot
this city as a candidate for the state legis
lature in place of 13. W. Whltcomb , win
has resigned from the ticket. Tha demo
cratic county committee lias named C. K.
Ktigg as a candidate' In place nf A. H. RPP ) ,
who has withdrawn from the domoratio
ticket for tbo same position.
MlNNourl NewHolox. .
Nevada has n now electric light plant
Chapel Hill Is the scene of an epidemic
of typhoid fever.
Warrensburg is to have a postal carrier
service. Three men will bo employed at
Mexico has nn organization called the
Natural Born Gabbers' club. It Is a social
affair for mon only.
Scotts City people have not only driven
all negroes from the town , but -e'used to
let a negro preacher remain there over
Jasper county's horse thieves have becomu (
so numerous that farmers sit up at nlpbt V
with shotguns loaded with slugs , watching
for them.
A man named Peach nt I Can HUH City has
married a Klrl named Payne and the name
ot the mlnlstaer who pinrrlcd them li
Trouble. This combination lu Missouri Is
said to bo proof against any sort of a hoe
doo. All participants are colored.
At Lamar the local paper , In speaking of
the marriage of a young Kansas man to a
Missouri girl of that town , compliments the
groom and says : "Missouri girls are all
' right and we admire tbo Kansas man for
not accepting BO uncertain a product as he
might have gotten at home. "
A Merrvvlllo man who has no faith In
hit ) own promises to quit drinking went
before the local justice of the peace and
made affidavit that ho would not touch liquor
again for six months. The court declares
If he now gets drunk ho will Imprison him
for perjury , nnd Mr , Drunkard Is very much
Trial Packages Mailed to All Who Will Write-Rfieuma
tism Cured No Matter How Severe or
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The Merciless Pains Conquered as if by Magic Even the Trial Package
Brings Joy to the Hearts of Rheumatic Sufferers
Write at Once ,
To fully and completely demonstrate Its
magic power to euro rheumatism u well
known and highly respected citizen of Mil
waukee. WIs. . advertises to end free to all
who will write free trial package of a rem
edy that cured him ami has since cured
hundreds ot well known people In every
leading city of the country
Tliln trial package IH not a bait to g-t
people Interested lu something cite , but IH i
nn honest , whole-souled offer of a Kcnulnu
remedy that absolutely cures rheumatism
and the trial package Is sutllclent to afford
relief and fully convlncn the sufferer that
the remedy will cure. Many a bed-ridden
surferiT through tbo kindness of homo
friend writing for a trial packag" IIUH been
put on his feet and now tells of the mar
velous remedy that all may test who will.
And thousands of those who have hobbled
about and lost valuable tlmo from their
Imulne.vs IIUVP Ix-en entirely cured of their
rheumatlHm by Ida ulorlnuu remedy , Bend
Smith. 71C flmnmerlfeld church Dulldlni ; ,
Mllwaukfi- , Win . and he will end you frcu
by mull a trial pavKago of Gloria Tonic. In
case you cannot wnlt for the sample , which
your name and nddresn to Mr. John A ,
will be mailed promptly , you can t'et a box
of Gloria Tonic at almost any drug tttora
ut 11,00. Or by uendltiK the amount direct
i to Mr Hmlth ha will ncnd It direct to you
, prepaid by mull , Po not dcluy writing for
i tba trial package which won't cost you a.
penny to try and bp convinced that U U H
remarkable remedy.