THE OMAHA DAILY BIDE : SUNDAY , OCTOBER 16 , 180S. WARRANTS FOR ATTORNEYS Eanwtional More in the Mary B , Oonder Eviction Case. AIDING AND ABETTING FORGERY Vnii Cttcn nnil II. 12. Illcli , with Martin < lnlclc and J. II. JitluiMon , Accused of IrrcKtilnrltlcn in Connection irlth Appeal Ilonil. Warrants were sworn out yesterday morn ing In police court for the arrest of Attorneys David Van Etten and H. 10. Rich and Mar tin Quick on the charge of forgery and uttering forged paper. There arc two counts of this kind against the thrco men , J. H. Johnson , one of tbo men , who the police ajr acted as a go-between for the defend ants , is under arrest at the city jail. Ho was arrested on the charge of forgery yes terday at East Omaha by Detectives Duna and Donahue. Th ccomplalnts against the accused men wore drawn up by Assistant County Attor ney Day and sworn to by V. 0. Strlcklcr , attorney for the Portsmouth Savings bank. The two counts cite that the men wcro nldcra and abettors to the forging of the name of Hans J. Johnson , an engineer , and owner of lot 22 In Sherman Avenue addi tion to Omaha , by J. II. Johnson , a young man , who they secured to Impersonate the real Johnson , to a forged deed of his prop erty , nnd also to the forging of a deed to 160 acres of land In Center County , near Broken Bow , the property of a man named Vroman. These forged deeds , It Is alleged In the complaints , were used In qualifying on a bond of $300 In an appeal case from a Juitlce court to Judge Baxter's court. The offenses alleged arc said to have been committed about August SO. Van Elton and Jllcb were attorneys for a Mary B. Condor , who was evicted from her home at Sixteenth And Wlrt streets by the Portsmouth Savings bank because she was In arrears to the In- otltutlon to the amount of $100 for rent. This summary treatment of the tenant was authorized by a judgment and a writ of ouster secured In a justice cotlrt by the bank people. From the decision of the JustIce - Ice court Attorneys Van Etten and Illch took an appeal to Judge Baxter's court , The ap peal bond was fixed at $300. J. H. Johnson Impersonated , It Is alleged , Hans J. Johnson , and went on the bond as a surety after quali fying by exhibiting forged deeds to Hans Johnson's property. The other surety on the bond was Ethel McBurney , a niece of Mrs. Condor , who , It Is alleged , qualified with a forged deed to 1GO acres of land In * Ouster county given her byMartln Quick. Hlch was arrested about 3 o'clock and Van Kttcu and Quick several hours later. All were released on bonds In the sum of 11,000 caph. The dale. of their arraignment on the charge will be sot Monday. None of the accused will talk of the matter for pub lication. Ethel McBurney , who had a forged deed to 160 acres of land near Broken Bow , will not bo drawn Into the case as the In vestigation by tbo detectives and County Attorney Day proved that she had no knowledge that the deed which had been Klvon her by Quick as a present was a forgery. i Ward Voter * . Regular meeting of Eighth Ward repub lican club Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Hon. John L. Webster. Phil Winters and others will speak. Everybody come. n. C. Rowley , chairman ; W. P. Cowger , secre tary. USE IT AT NIGHT. Just before you go to bed rub your hands well with our Egyptian Lotus Cream and in the morning you'll find them iilca and soft. It'fl the best preparation made for chapped hands , face and lips lOc a bottlo. Laxative. Brome Qulnlno . . , 15c Lydla Plnklmm Compound.1 ; 75c Lambert's Llstprlno 75c Palno's Celery Compound 75c Vine Knlufru Kbc Hood's Saraaparllla 75c iPlnaud's Eau do Quinine 38c and 73c Waited I.IIlk 40c , 75c , $3.15 Pond's Extract 40c Ulrnoy's Catarrh Cure 40c Duffy Malt Whiskey S5o Jaynes' Expectorant 75c Kilmer's Swamp Root 75c Warner's Safe Cure 90c 4711 Soap ] 5c Cutlcura Soap 20c CiiHtorla , 2'c Mllps' Remedies 75c Hyrup oC Figs 40c CnUACCCD CUT PRICE OunACrbli DRUGGIST . 10th nnd ChtcnKO. Have you ever stopped to think ? That you'may not bo getting full value re- rnlvcd for the money spent for cigars ; that the cigars you have been smoking may lack como llttlo characteristic that would other- wlno make It good ? Think over the matter -try our Five Cent Jersey Cigar ind you -will bo satisfied. Paxton Block Cigar Store , i 10th and Farnam. Jacob Jaskalok Prop. Afn lon , Umnlin Lodge JVo. 18 , A. O. I' . IV , Omaha lodse , No , 18 , Ancient Order of United Workmen. An adjourned meeting of this lodeo will bo held next Monday evening at 8 o'clock. There will be no meet ing on Tuesday evening. 1'lease bo governed accordingly. C. H. Collier , recorder. H. A. Worley , M. W. Hubermann , furrier , moved to 118 8. 16th. Thirty days only , Ireland In Pictures bound , for S5 ccnta. A. 1. Hoot , 1609 How ard street. Hamilton Wnrren. M. D. . scientific and magnetic physician , has moved his office to the Tlzard block. 224 North 23 < 1 street. Spe- elal attention to all long etaiidlng or linger ing dlronses and to diseases of women and children , Chrlstcnsen cleans cartot8,2223 N 20 tcl 165 ! ) She Mclu-.t HIT HiiMintul Uccauao ho dill not order Omaha Van and Storage Co. to do the moving. The Grand court ot tne Exposition I ; wonderfully beautified at night. No picture of It la so good at The Dee pho togravure. Stop at The Dee office for one and some others. Ihrco for Un cents. Elegant free lunch nt "Tho Place. " Tha Only Ilnllronrt to Chlcneo With a daylight train. Leave Omaha 6:40 : a , m. every day , arriving Chlcagn the aamo evening at-8:15 : , when close connectloni are made with all lines beyond. This train In CO years ahead of the tlmea and Is proving Immensely popular \\tth Omaha people. Other flylns trains leave for Chicago at 4:55 : and 6:55 : p m. Jally. City ticket office , UOl Farnam St. , "Tho Northwestern Linn. " Dest old rye whisky at "The Place. " Her Grand European hotel now open. Ele gant rooms , ladles' and gents' cafe and grill room. Cor. 10th and Howard. About men's A shoes may not be a miss just I 5 JL J. I - . noul when all I II I III sorts of things 1-llllU f/iat look iike OI * " \ shoes are being "fc * I I d I ( I offered just IICHI notice the style this shoe Min new broad round toe the heavy extension- sole so popu- Lir now this shoe is our leader made well so as to wear well in the tan and black $3.00 3.50 4.00 5,00 ana 6.00 and they have all got the style of the $600 kind ottr clerks know how to fit shoes * N. E. Corner 16th & Douglas Special Sale THIS WEEK ON JJVCAATDJBS CENT GAS LAMPS At 85 CENTS. A Complete Line of GAS FIXTURES and FANCY GLOBES. J. Horrisey Plumbing Co. , 319 South 16th Street. Open Night's. Telephone 720. Route Visitors Are Invited , To Inspect the Burlington Route's new depot'at ' tlic south end of the 10th Street Viaduct. It Is one of Omaha's "show places. " Though fnr from being the largest , it Is one of the handsomest railroad stations In the United States. . The double etalrway , the electric Hgthlng arrangements and the decorations are features worthy of special study. Ticket Offlcc : New Depot : 1502 Farnam St. 10th & Mason Sts. Telephone 250. Telephone 128. MAGXIF1CBNT THAU'S To All Principal Wentern Polnii Vll I' nl cm 1'aclflc. TWO trains dally , 4:35 : p. in. nntl 11:55 : p. n. for Denver and Colorado points. TWO trains daily , 8f.O : . a. m. and 4:35 : p. m. for Utah and California mints. O.N'K train oully , 4:55 : p. m. for Utah , Idaho , Montana and Oregon points. For , full Information call at City Ticket office , 1302 Film am St. Tor Bale , 200 palms and decoration plants of all descriptions to close out surplus stock , at reasonable prices. H. Haas , llorlst , 1813 Vlnton street ; telephone , 770. A. D. T. Co. ; messengers furnished : b.iR- gage delivered. 1302 Douclns St. Tel. 177. Hive Hoot pn'lit It All our Il.iJO sterling silver souvenir tea spoons , hand engraving of exposition bulld- ngs In gold btn\J , to bo closed out at $1.00. 3dholm , Jeweler , ICth St. . opp. I' . O. Don't lose your opportunity to buy a ve- ilcle at a special price. Sea Llnlnger & iletcalf CO.'B display In tbo Transportation mlldlug at the exposition grounds. GOT PRICES ON DRUGS Jcechnm's Pitta . 20c Carter's Liver Pills' . lac Chamberlain Cough Cure . . . IMc 'iiBtorla . 25c Jar-field Tea . . . 20c iood'ri Surauptirllla . 75u vemlull's Spavin Cure . 75c Clliner's Swamp Hoot . lee > Isterlno . , . 73o ilellon'H Food . luc 'acker's Tar Soap . 15c 'altip'a Celery Compound . 75o 'ond's Extract . 40c ozzonl Powder . "So 'cars' Unsccntcd Soap . 12c Syrup of K KS . 4 , Vllltam's Pink Pills . 40c Vine of Carditl . 7. > c Carlsbad Spruilol SaltB . S'e 5niridHi'8 | Wonder Sonp . PC Itiinphrey's Remedies . -Oo Laxative Brome Quinine . lite Perec's Pills . Me Conn's Rheumatic Remedy ( guaranteed to cure ) . $1.00 Plato Glass , Art Glass , White Lead , jlnsccd Oil , etc. , at manufacturers' prices. Walton's Sun Proof Mixed Paints , Patton's Master Pointers Finishing White , the best jalnts made. Wo are Sole Agents for them. Don't buy any other , even If represented to be "Just as good. " J. A. FOLLER & GO. Cut 1'rlco 1-lth mill IlotiKlnft titit. ( Open nil iilnht. ) MAOMKICEST TRAINS. O m hit ( < t Chicago , The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail * way has Just placed In service two mas- nlflccnt electric lighted train * between Omaha and ChlciRo. leaving Omaha dally at C:45 : p. m. , arriving Chicago at 8:20 : a , m. and leaving Chicago 6:15 : p. m. and arriving Omaha 8:20 : a. m. Each train Is HghtiM throughout by electricity , has buffet smok ing cars , drawing room deeping cars , dinIng - Ing cars and reclining chair cars and rum ever the shortest line and smoothest road bed between the two cities. Ticket office , 1E04 Farnam street and at Union depo ; . Hubormann. Jeweler , estab. 1S6C , abso lutely reliable , lowest prices guaranteed , 13th and Douglas. Steve repairs of any description , 1207 Douglas , Omaha Steve Iteoalr Works. nemembcr that A. C. Haymcr , the hard ware merchant , 1514 Farnam St. , gives tradIng - Ing stamps. Schlltz's beer nt "Tho Place. " 13uy your coal of Victor Whlto and git trading s' Tailor-Made Shirts. W hnvc just received the services of a competent New York shirt cutter and will offer as a starter 6 white shirts for $9.00 made to your measure and perfect fit guaranteed Albert Calm , FnriilMliinivn tor Men la-S Fnrniiiii Hired The suits and overcoats on special sale at Hayden Bros. this week are from such -well known tailors as Hackett-Car- hart , New York , Ab. Kirschbaum & Co. , Philadelphia , and Hart , Schailner & Marx , Chicago. Made from selected fabrics , dura bly and stylishly lined , strongly silk sewed and stayed , designed and fitted by experts , they represent the highest results of Ameri ca's most skillful tailors and are guaranteed to give the greatest amount of style and ser vice for the Least Money You have ever paid. A great range of fab rics and sizes to choose from at all prices from $8,75 to $22.50. For Monday's sale we offer a special shipment of 450 suits ; in the 4-button sack , double and sin gle breasted styles at $10.00. They come in Scotch chevi ots , fancy worsteds , cassimeres and worsteds and cheviots in dark checks , small plaids and mixtures. They are artistically tailored and finished. Eich appearing garments that are guaranteed to be shape-holding , absolutely all wool and fast dye. You cannot get any better suit from the merchant tailor for less than § 35.00. His are made to orderj these are made to fit. If they don't fit we alter them free of charge until you are satislied. You never got so much for your § 10 before. - At $2 < 5 ° we give you exacily tlie same shapes , the same shades , the same stock in men's Derbies and Fedoras that high-toned hat ters charge you $4.00 and § 5.00 for. We don't have the man ufacturer's name in them , but that is not worth § 2.00. It won't make a hat look any bettor or wear any longer. Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. HAYDEN BROS. Special Prices on NEW FALL SHOES Here are bargains you read of , but never outside of the Big Store. Children's Patent Leather Tip Lace $1.25 School Shoes , sizes 8 to 11 aliases' fine grain Button $1.50 f School Shoes , sizes 12 to 2 * Misses' line calf lace $2.00 f School Shoes , alfea 12 to - ' . . . . * Ladles' fine Silk Vesting Top O Vlcl Kid Lace $3.50 Shoes Ladles' fine Dongola Kid Lace and Button $3.00 Shoes . . . 1 Hoys' fine Satin Calf $1.75 125 Lace Shoes for Boys , r'lno Piitir. Cult $2,00 148 J ure Shoes lot Men's fine Austin Calf $2.25 1 Lace and Congress Shoes Men's new Box Calf and Winter Tan Lace Shoes now bull dog- toe i $1 and $3 Shoes for * * ALWAYS AT IT WINS THE DAY. Sheridan Coal IS NOW RIGHT AT THE FRONT. Sold entirely on its merits , and not under some fancy name to deceive the buyer. Our hard coal is the handsomes't in the city. TRY IT. VICTOR WHITE. 16O5 Farnam St. Telephone 127. I YOU CANNOT DO ANYTHING EL8B If Yon 'Unnt to Mo K t except take < h "Northwestern Line" if you deslro a fast daylight trip between Omaha and Chicago , because no other lint runs a daylight train heave Omaha t > :40 : a , in. , arrive Chicago 8:15 : same evening. Close connection with eastern line * . A good train7 Emphatically YES. City office. 1401 Parnam n.v.Tis nvniivwiiEUE In NelirimUn. Via the Elkhorn. "Northwestern Ilno. " Every Tuesday and Friday In October. Halt faro for the round trip to all points where the faro Is over $ Good 10 Days. City olTlce. 1101 Parnam Street. Depot. 1Mb. and Webster Streets. by buying our $3.50 Regent Shoes ( for men only ) , a shoe that would cost you $5.00 and $6.00 a pair at any other shoo house in Omaha we give you here for § 3.50 and that means any shoo in our stord no matter what size , style or leather patent leather vici kid kangaroo calf , enamel or any color of tans all go at the one price $3.50 higher $3,5O lent Shoe Company , Mail Orders Filled. 205 South 15th Street. < &WmM * fe THE OO.CENT ! STORK. Great special sale Graniteware these are all selected goods and are regularly sold at three to five times this price 2-quart lipped Sauce Pans * 2-quart Preserving Kettles . . Largo Wash Basins 3-quart Milk Pans 3-quart Deep Pudding Pans 2-9 Inch Plo Pans- No. 2 Try Pans , 9-Inch- lOquart Galvanized Palls These goods are on sale in our 1 'Economy" basement. 1519-1521 Douglas g Douglas Street. Street. Near lOtli St Near lOtb St. % /ywwwv / Oma/ia is malcing his tory every day. SO ARE WE. Omaha attracts the exposition patrons. Our Prices and Styles Attract the Shoe Patrons. $2.50 and $3,00 Does It. We have not yet passed the 2,000,000 mark but we're SELLING SHOES at T. B. Norris' , Mail Orders Killed. 1413 Douglas Street. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER , LEADING PIANO DEALERS , 1313 Farnam Street , carry the largest stock of STEINWAY , IVERS & POND , VOSE , EMERSON , PIANOS STEGER AND STERLING in the west and saves the purchasers from § 50 to $100 on any piano bought. Call and be convinced. Kimball Upright , fine condition $125.00 Knubu Grand Square S135.00 New Sample Piano , big bargain. . . , $107.00 Chickeriim left on sale , cheap. Other Pianos and Organs at $15 , $25 , $ * 5 , $65. $75 to close. Every - ery piano guaranteed Easy payments If desired. Now pianos for rent. A , C , MUELLER , Tuner , 'Phone 1625 , A. W. Moore , J. S. Cameron , Trav ellng representatives. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER 1313 FARNAM , STREET. STEINWAY & SONS' REPRESENTATIVES. Its No Secret MAN'S ANTI-SEP- > atARRII T1O la'CAbVPTfS CA- ; SIIOL'ID TAttltll JKtiLY Is com pounded from tlto llncst ! BC Australian Kucclyplus Oil , | IRCAltD Menthol and other vuhmblo nntl-septlo liigredlcntR. H | JUST contains no coculno. mor- plilno or other Harmful sub. | AS ntunc:8. Tlicro is no other lirrpnrntlon that will equal | SOON it for the cure of catarrh. H gives liiHtatit relief mid AS cures the most nbHtlnutn canes of Inilnmiitlnn and ! POSSIBLE congestion 1'rlco 250 nnJ SIIIRMWS CATARRH TABLtIS ( Internal ) 30c. f SHERMAN & McCONNELL * * DRUG COMPANY , 15M DodKe St. , Omaha , Neb You Don't ' Need a Directory To I'M ml Our Store , lu t l''ollc > tv ilio Crimtl. Hood's Snrsaparllla T5c I'nlno's Celery Compound 7 .o Syrup of Figs 40e Hlrney's Catarrh Cure -lOc Carter's Liver Pills 1f > o Uromd Laxative Qtilnlno IKc Mile'HcmiHUes 7-"o 1'lerco's Hemedies ' 7:10 : Stewart's Dyspepsia Tablets -I0J Swamp Hoot .iOc Warner's Sufo Cure 90o Po-ru-na 7S4 Castorla ii.lij William's Pink Pills oo Danderlno 25o nnd Siio Poml'H Extract 4flc Ely's Cream Halm toe Allen's Malt Cream 2ic ! ; , COc and $1.00 Plnkhnm'a Vegetable Compound . . . . 7ic Aycr'a Hair Vigor trio BOSTON STORE ORUG DEPT , TI3X AVKUKS I-'Oll T1J.CUNTS. . That MK family paper , The Illustrated Weekly Sentinel , of Denver , Cole , ( foumlrd 1S ! > 0) ) , will be sent ton ueolu * on trial for 10o ; clubs of C. BOe , 12 for $1. Special offer solely to Introduce It. Latest mlnliiR nous and Illustration of scenery , true atorlcs of love and adventure. Address aa above and mention Bee ; stamjis taken. I The Royal Acorn Is just a little - tlo nhcntl of all imitations \vo oh cor- fully admit that there arc other g o o d base burners ami that Is just the kind wo wish to com- pure with. W o o a n show you that the It o y a 1 Acorn has all the good feat- \\rca \ of others and some few that others have not. It holds lire bo steadily and with oo llltlo fuel that It has como to be known as The Great Fire Keeper Its Improved Duplex Orate Is a big Improvement over the old cool-wasting grate and Its system of hot air circu lation Is perfect. The nickel pinto Is warranted not to tnrnlsh with the heat. A Every size a strong double heater. C John Hussie Hdw , Go , , 207-2409 CumiiiR St. | Did you sco us at tha Exposition ? \ time will soon be here before you realize It perhaps Now while you arc In our city let us show you the most complete line of In the west Wo are exclusive agents for Wm. T. Wood & Go's celebrated , tcols. _ Send for catalogue. JAS. MORTON & SON CO. , IIAIUnVAllK 1511 DOD08 STRRBT TEETH EXTRACTED 25 CENTS. PAINLESS DR. MASON. DENTIST EXTRACTION 4th Floor Drown Blk. , 16th and Douglas Gold Alloy Filling $1.00 Gold Filling $1.OO and up Gold Crowns $5.0O Set Teeth $5.00 BestTeaii $7.50 About Fitting Teeth Oil MAKING NEW TEETH. It's the same as with anything else that you need ; if you want good reliable work , the kind that gives satisfaction without bother , you should go to a reliable time tried don- list , one who takes pride in his work and has a reputation to sustain. You would nov- ir think of going to a temporary exposition oll'ice with the expectation of getting the most permanent work done , Our prices are uniform the same today as ten years ago. A full Set Teeth $5. Gold alloy fillings , $1 Best set teeth , § 7.50 Pure gold ' $2 up # elastic plate , § 10 Gold crowns , $4 to $8 Aluminum and Ku'j- I'orcolaln ber 1'lntes. Bridge Teeth $4 to $0 per tooth. DR. BAILEY , Leading Dentist , ffit Fifteen .Yearn'oxpericno" . llth your In Omaha. Tol. 10 5. Lady attendant. German and Bohemian HDokori.