Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1898, Page 22, Image 22

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    00 TJIE BATLV 3J.EE : SITXDAY , OCTOBER 10 , 18J)8. )
Ailvertlnemrntn for tltcfte colnrani
will lie tnkcn until Iin. . for the
rveninif nnd tintll 8DO | for morning
mil Sunday edition * .
Rntea , 1 J-io n irord flrnt Innrrilon
. Jn n Tvord thereafter. Nothing Inker
for lr than 2Kc for the 11 rut Inner-
Hon. These ndvortUcmcntn itumt lie
run competitively.
Advertiser * , by reriucslliiK n nnm-
liered clirek , cnn linve iinnwer * nil-
ilrcNHed to 11 numbered letter In cnn
< if The Dec. A mover * no nildreci !
trill be delivered OH presentation ol
the check only.
A STENOGRAPHER When you want one
pleaEo cell up the Remington typewrite !
oftlcc , 1619 Furnam St. ; telephone , 1573.
A-M696 017.
WANTED , position as bookkec | > cr or or
the road or In house ; agricultural Imple
ments or hardware preferred ; llftoeti
years' experience : best of references. A ,
Bee offlcc , Council Blurts. A751 17
MAN and wife of experience want posi
tions in first class hotel as manager or
clerk and housekeeper ; will leave city ;
can glva best references. D 43. Bee.
A-M797 16 *
WANTED , position ns managing house
keeper or child's nurse In widower's
homo or good family by refined Amer
ican widow ; experienced and thoroughly
competent to take entire charge ; best city
references. Address D 47 , Beo. A S6S 16 *
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. 1813 Corby.
A-i69 16 *
_ _ _
COMPETENT lady desires position ns
managing housekeeper or care of Invalid.
Those with means apply. 1409 N. 17. L. S ,
A-S70 16 *
WANTED , position as compositor by com
petent young lady. Address 600 20th St. ,
South Omaha. A M902 17 *
SITUATION wanted by a llrst-class , nil-
round candy maker. D 66 , Bee. A 900 16 *
WANTED , position as grain buyer bv man
of experience. Address Lon Tuttle , fcrecn-
Held. Iowa. A M901 21 *
"WANTED , position , first-class stenogra
pher. Address E 7 , Bee. A M965 16 *
M'KINLErS SPEECH-Who was calleel
upon to report U ? This Is not to adver
tise anybody as a reporter , but to direct
attention to Boyles' school and the ad
vantages thereof. H. B. lioylus , the prin
cipal Instructor and director of this
school , was called upon , not only by the
Omaha World-IIoralel and Omaha Bee ,
but by the Associated Press , which In
cludes all the leading dally newspapers
In the country , to report the speech ol
the Jubilee exercises at the Transmlssls-
slppl Exposition.
As Inconsistent ni It may seem , nine busi
ness" colleges and shorthand schools oul
of every ten e-mploy teachers who have
never had any experience us reporters 01
amanuenses. The schools of Omaha have
beieri no exception. What has" been the
result ? The market has been crowded
by a lot of half-taught plug stenogra
phers , giving people , who desire to learr
this valuable art , the Impression that the
profession Is overcrowdeel. This Is the
llrst tlmo In the history of Omaha i :
school has been established where the
manager thereof Is seen actually engagee
In the practice of the profession In n !
eif Its most export lines reporting courl
proceedings , conventions , political elebates
etc. This work Is transcribed In school h
the presence of students and everyone
has the advantage of observing the busi
ness as It Is practiced.
What has been the effect upon students
and business men ? Bnyles' school hru
grown since November last , when It was
started , from the very smallest Institu
tion In the states to the next largest ovei
100 students have entered , every erne ha ;
been secured employment ns soon us competent -
potent , nnel today the demand upon this
school Is largely In excess of the num
ber It Is nblo to supply. Following nre
some of the patrons , thn figure opposite
the name Indicates the number of stenog
raphers called fetr by each firm :
United Typewriter nnd Supplies Co 1'
llcmlngton Typewriter company 1 !
fimlth Premier Typewriter company. . . . I
Mercer Chemical company :
Omaha Dally Bee ;
Omaha World-Herald :
Transmlsslsslppl mid International Expo
sition . . . ]
llurko Electrical company
Mutual Reserve Fund Life association. . '
J'ldellty Mutual Insurance company '
ruelahy Packing company :
Woodmen of the World :
F , 13. & 51. V. Railroad company :
union Pacific Railroad company '
V. W. Fitch , lawyer ;
Mutual Life Insurance company of New
York ;
Omaha Stove Repair works
vlavl company ;
'Union Central Life Insurance company. .
JJr S. D. Mercer
V T. Llndfuy Rubber company
'onunlsslon houses , South Omaha :
Washington Life Insurance company of
Now York
Business and Fraternal association . . . .
Farnam Manufacturing company
Jlobert W. Patrick , lawyer
Omaha Manufacturers 'and Consumers'
pr. William II. Hanchett
W T. Graham , real estate dealer
Metropolitan Llfo Insurance company . . .
prummond Carriage company ,
D. T. Mount , coal dealer
P. W. Sues & Co. , patent olllco
p. N. Robertson , lawyer
Democratic central committee
T. D. Crnno , lawyer
Bchrocder , commission broker
Ilorrlng & Loblnger , lawyers
3 > . T. Jackson , real estate broker
II. & M. Railroad company
Klngmun Implement company
Kennard Publishing company . ,
J. F Coltman
Ilcpubllcan central committee
JJanukera' Union of the World
Day nnd evening sessions. Get circulars
Bee building. B 175 16 *
SALESMEN for cigars ; $125 a month ani
expenses ; old firm ; experience unneces
sary. C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo
TAILORS , attend Dyhr'a cutting school
618 S. 13. B 954Dec2.
SALESMEN can make $100 per month sell
Ing our olllco upcclaltlcs to merchants b'
sample ; tine sldo lines ; big profits. Mode
Mfg. Co. , Box B , South Bend , Ind.
WANTED. We have steady work for i
few good hustlers of good habits and up
pcarance. C. F. Adams Co. , 624 So. 16th st
B-MS49 O22
SALESMAN wanted to sell our cholc >
nlirsury stock ; a printed guarantee glvei
with every order that the stock shall In
first class and true , to label ; good xalaric
iiald. Write for terms to A. C. Grlesa i
Bro. , Lawrence , Kansas. P M92S O2t *
WANTED , men and boys to sell thi
"Peace Jubilee Souvenir. " 60,000 will b' '
Hold Peace Jubilee week. Apply City Clr
culatlon Dcpt. , Omaha Beo. B M541
WANTED , boysto sell Snap Shots am
Peace Jubilee souvenir on the strce
Peace Jubllco week. Apply Clrculatloi
Dcpt. , Omaha. Beo. B M41S
YOU can make from $3 to $10 a day selllni
Pe-aco Jubilee Souvenir nnd Snap Shot
during the Pence Jubilee. Apply Clrcula
tlon Department. Omaha Bee. B M447
WANTED , man to learn barber trade ; ne\
rtcld open ; $60.00 monthly : steady employment
mont ; arraneements Just completed t
place graduates with doctors and hos
pltals ; takes about 500 men fast ntt w
cnn prepare , them ; the knowledge ) of det
mntology , as wo teach It , makes ou
students valuable assistants ; nlxo man
culls from country and city shops ; po
sltlons positively guaranteed ; 8 week
completes ; free transportation to Mole
Collages ut Chicago. St. Louis or Minm
iipojts. Call or write nt once , for fre
catalogue. Moler. Room 11 , Creighto
Bldg. , 15th & Douglas , Omaha. B 631
YOUNG men to learn barber trade ; only
to S weeks required ; wo give our grndi :
ales employment till they receive I
wages as much as they pay for tultlo
and expenses learning. St. Louis Bai
bor college. Odd Fellows' bldg. , Dodge an
14th , Omaha. Prof. Randolph , instructoi
B-M690 N9
WANTED , a good book canvasser ; mut
have good nddrrbs and experience ; goo
money to bo made by the right nnu
apply Circulation Department , Omnh
Hec. B--M702 IS *
CLERIC wanted ( German ) . Young ma
from 22 to 25 years old. Can get a goo
position In general merchandise ) store
Mutit havn experience , In dry goods an
rrocery business. Must speak Germu
and English fluently , GooJ rceommendn
tlons wanted. Address Ekeroth. Carlso
& Co. , Wnkelleld , Neb. B-M794 16
AM : HEM * .
( Continued. )
EXPE it ENCEilnncnBde nnd outsldi
work , Immediately. Write Bower Bros ,
Olcnwooel. la. B-M7h9-
WANTED , Tnllor to niter men's suits a
Boston Store , Omaha , B 807 1(3 (
ACTIVE solicitors wanted everywhere ) foi
"Tho Story of tlm Philippines , " by Murn
Hnlsteud , commissioned by the govern
tnt'iit ( IH ofllclnl historian to the War de
partmcnt ; tells nil about the Philippines
Dowcy the man nnd Dewey the hero , will
nn ofllctal history of our war with Spain
brimful original pictures taken by gov
eminent photographers on the spot ; Inrgi
book : low prices ; big profits ; agents mak
Ing $30 to $300 n week : freight paid : credl
given ; drop all trashy , -unofficial wni
books ; outfits free. Address F. T. Bar
bcr , secretary , 35fi Dearborn street , Chi
cago. B M829 21 *
WANTED , salesman for Northern Ne
braska and Black Hills , to sell Teas A
Cigars. None but experienced men will
nceiualntancu on territory ne-eel apply
Oeo. A. Kennard Oro. Co. , St. Joseph
Mo. B-MS25 21
WANTED , first-class hotel runner for prl
vate- house ; big commission. Addre-ss I
48. Hco. B-M813 16 *
MAN OR WOMAN of energy nnd buslnesi
ability to travel for established firm ; $3
a month nnd nil expenses. P. W. Zlogle
& Co. . 322 Dearborn street , Chlc * jo , HI
B-MM7 16 *
STENOGRAPHER experienced , bright
ejulck ; state age , experience , references
salary expected. Smith-Premier preferred
Address D 40. Bee. B-MS16 16 *
WE can give employment to a number o
young men ; $5.00 to $12.00 a week ; no nr
work or canvassing ; work sent to you
homo ; send addressed envelope for sam
pie and material. Empire work ? . 2.1 Duan
St. , Now York. B 858 16 *
WORK at * home at $10.00 to $23.00 per weel
furnished people of either sex. Expert
ence unnecessary. Particulars free. E. E
Labadlo Co. , Kalamazoo , Midi.
B-S37 16 *
GOVERNMENT positions. All persons de
siring free information concerning thou
sands of appointments to be made , salar
It's , etc. , should write ? nt once to Nal
Cor. Institute Dept. , S. E. , Wnshlngtor
D.C. 13-850 16 *
_ _ _
SALESMAN wanted ; local or traveling
free samples ; protected ground ; ceverii
earn $20.00 weekly. Brattice Co. , 243 Peai
St. , New York. B 855 16 *
GET RICH Fortunes are made by Invest
Ing $2 monthly in stocks : no risk what
ever. Wllcox & Co. , 523 Broadway. N. \
B-SS9-16 *
ENERGETIC salesman ; school supplies
country work : $100 salary and extras. 11
O. Evans & Co. , Chicago. B 873 16 *
WANTED , good bright boy between 14 nm
10 years to assist In olllco In largo rotal
store. Address E 3. Bee. B M937 16 *
WHOLESALE house wants 3 steady inei
for traveling salesmen ; salary and ex
pense ; experience not absolutely required
glvo age nnd previous occupation ; mus
have good reference nnd small capital
Address E. H. D. Co. of Kansas City , Mo ,
332 Diamond bldg. B-M933 17 *
"WANTED , men to learn barber trade ; ni
better chanco'ever offered ; begin now ani
wo guarantee to complete you in clgh
weeks ; turnlsh free transportation to ou
colleges at Chicago , St. Louis or Mlnne
npolls ; donnte complete outfit cf hlgl
grndo tools ; pay wages Saturdays fron
start ; allow commission and give Job a
$60.00 monthly before holidays : we hav
contracted to furnish 500 graduates fo
hospitals ; join at once for one of thes
positions. Cull or address Moler Barbe
College Representative , 11 Crelghton blk ,
13th & Douglas. " B M936 16
GENTLEMEN wanted for light and profit
able work ; no canvassing : easy , fascl
natlng. For particulars send stamp t
Novelty , Box 1531 , Boston , Mass. B
LAWYER WANTED. Unsettled man fo
good location ; recent graduate or ex
perlcnced. Mason & Baucrle , 126 Wash
Ingtem St. , Chicago. B 871 16 *
SALESMEN wanted to handle n llrst-clas
specialty , on commission , ns n side line
Sample can be carried In your vcs
pocket. Can be sold easily at this seaso
of the year In every city and village I
the I'nlted ' States , and If you nro an uii
to-dato salesman you can easily mak
enough out of this articles to pay you
entire traveling expenses. Address Pro
mlum Aelvertlslng Co. . Chamber Commerce
merco Bldg. , Rochester , N. Y. B 872 16 *
GOVERNMENT positions : Don't prepar
for any civil service examination wlthou
seeing our Illustrated catalogue of In
formation. Sent free. Columbian Corrc
spondence College , Washington. D. C.
B 903 16 *
WANTED , man with $20. A good payln
business. Call 1601 Cass St. B M90I 17 *
MANAGER wanted In every largo county
strictly lawful ( nickel ) slot machine fo
drinks and cigars ; write for terrltorj
P. O. Box 721 , Chicago , HI. B-903 16 *
WANTED , two salesmen for staple line
good holiday sellers ; one or three years
contract : glvo references and state line
Hold. W. D. Cannon , jr. , & Co. low
City. la. B-SI7 16 *
SALESMEN wanted to sell confectioner
on the road to the trade : $75.00 to $150 pe
month with expenses paid to right parties
For particulars address Independen
Candy Makers' association room 211 , 22
Dearborn street , Chicago. B SIS 16 *
WANTED , n traveling salesman to sell ou
manufactures of dry goods specialties
go9d commission. Reply with references t
Frank D. LaLanno & Co. , Phlladelphlu
Pa. B-SI9 10 *
WANTED , salesmen ; salary pnlel weekly
experience unnecessary. Pcrmanem
Brown Bros. Co. , Chicago. B
GOOD men to distribute 5,000,000 pieces ad\
matter : big wages : enclose stamp. Mfn
Aelv. Co. . Dept. A. E. . Ill W. 31th St
New York. B
WANTED A 1 salesman to sell the bes
fire c-xtlntrulsher known. Plttsburg Fir
Extinguisher Co. , Plttsburg , Pa. B
WANTED. Immediately , general stat
agents capable of handling subagsnts
also man nnd wlfo to travel ; new , rapl
selling , meritorious article ; permanen
business : exclusive control ; big protlts
Address E C. Bee. B M939 17 *
WANTED , Immediately , n llrst-class. n
around tailor wlvi can cut and fit. Goo
wages nnd stenely employment to th
right man. Apply at once with reference
to J , K. Carter , Sidney , Iowa. B 93S 16 *
WANTED , first-class , experienced gent !
furnishing goods salesmen. Boston Store
Omaha. B-M954 18
A SALESMAN on commission for artlcl
suitable for retail liquor tradex. Addres
Robert Brownell & Co. , 239 Centre st
New York. B M952 16 *
WANTED-1BO girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 871
C-M511 Oct 20
WANTED , lady agents In Omaha and BUI
rounding towns to sell the great renied ;
preventive * and best syringe known ft
women. $3.00 per day easily made. A
correspondence treated professionally an
In strictest confidence. Address Prevenl
Ino Medicine Co. , Room 2 , 211 S. 12t
St. , Omaha , Neb. C M70S 17'
GIRL for general housework , small famllj
3003 Pacific St.
WANTED , three high-class lady sollcltoi
to sell stylish article of dress. $5 a da ;
Address D 42 , care Bee. C M791 16 *
WANTED , competent girl for goners
housework. R. C. Peters. 1314 S. 30th avi
C-MS30 16
WANTED , a. competent cook. airs. Mors
1922 Davenport street. C S77 16 *
NEAT appearing young married lady fc
"lljcfAPI'ly room : , OH Soutn ] : , h s ,
bet. 11 and 3 Monday. C 90 16 *
LADIhS to make sample patches at honv
$ b to $10 weekly ; no canvassing ; reply ci
velope for sample and particulars , Foi
ter Machine Co. , 625 West 29th St. . Ne
C-8G1-16 *
LADIhS to embroider ; wo send work l
your homo prepaid ; send addressed ei
velope for cue piece of ; mbroldery wll
prices j > ald , If our terms or work ni
not to your liking you may return at 01
expense ; steady work nnd good pay. En
plre Embroidery Works. 23 Duane. st
New \ork , CM MO 22 *
WANTED ? fully competent lady boo !
keeper ; one who has had full exporleni
i In commercial set of books and gener
olllco work ; must write good , rapid han
bo correct in figures and have Al reft-
encM ( none others need apply ) . Addrc.
D 69 , Hco olllce. C 576 li ( *
( Continued , )
WANTED , lady performers on manadollt
nnd guitar ; for select dances ; salary ane !
expenses paid. Box 138 , Norfolk. N < b
C-S75 16 *
SALESLADIES to sell toilet soap to deal
ers ; salary $100 monthly nnd expenses ; ex-
perlencs unnecessary. A. Louis Ernst Co. ,
St. Louis. Mo. C M9IO 16 *
WANTED , a young lady to work In whole ,
sale house , good nt figures and penman
ship. Address 13 1. Bee. C M929 IG
LADIES wanted for light and profitable
work ; no canvassing ; easy , fascinating. .
For particulars send stamp to Novelty ,
Box 1531 , Boston , Mass. C
AVANTED , permanently , neat , competent
girl for general housework In small fam
ily ; gooil wages. Apply Immediately , 2 u :
Popplcton nvc. C M9I2 tn *
WANTED , ladles ? to do writing at home
Good pay. Cyrus A. Smalo , Chicago , 111
C-M9I9 16 *
CHOICE houses ) nnel cottages nil over city
$5 to $75. Fidelity , llrst lloor , N. Y. Life
U ) S4
HOUSES ! Bencwa & Co. , 10S N. 15th St.
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block.
FURNITURE nnd leasehold of n 7 and 13-
room modern Hat for sale ; bargain ; gooe
location ; rent low. Bcmts , Paxton block
A FEW cottages. 436 Board Trade.
( tD-162
ALWAYS moving household goods anc
pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 1511V
Fnrnam. Tel. , 1559. p-151
BENEWA'S residence to rent , 3230 Burt.
HOUSES , stores. Bobbins , 1802 Fnrnam
D 155
HOTEL , good business. Furniture for sale
B 56 , Bee. D M793 O20 *
MAGGARD'S Van & Storage. 121 N. loth
Tel. , 1496. D MS31 O22 *
FOR RENT , a iood convenient cottage foi
small family , 26th and Blonde streets , $8
Apply at 607 N. 19th street. D 133
COTTAGE on easy payments. 604 Bee Bldg
HOTEL down town : 16 rooms ; good conell
tlon ; convenient to all car lines : ren
$15.00 a month. The Byron Reed Co. . 21 ;
S. 14th St. D 110
FOR RENT. 10-room House near Hanscon
Park , $30.00 per month.
9-room house. Kountze Place , furnlshei
throughout , $42.00 per month.
9-room house , 9S2 N. 23th avenue , In bcs
repair , $20.00 per month.
Potter & George Co. , 1601 Farnam St.
D-757 16
FOR RENT In Dundee , a 9-room house
In good repair , modern Improvements
Inquire at 4923 Webster St. D-771-16
HOUSES-Chas. E. Benson. 310 Ramgo bldg
D-M7S2Jan. 13 *
AN elegant modern brick dwelling , 9 rooms
201 S. 25th nvc. Apply C. E , Benson , 311
Ramge bldg. D M78320 *
FOR RENT. Nov. 1 , 10-room brick. 1031 S
30th avenue : 7-room cottage , modern , 311
N. 27th street ; 6-room cottage. 3102 N
27th street. Address W. D. Mead. jr.
3114 N. 27th street. D M82G 16 *
THREE-ROOM house at 1403 Pierce St. , $8
7-room house , hall nnd bath room , nlcelj
papered , 2609 N. 19th ave. , $18. R. C. Pe
ters & Co. , U. S. Nafl. Bank Bldg.
D-M915 IS
10-ROOM modern , detached house for ren
Nov. 1. Call 519 So. 25th nvc. D M879 16 *
FURNISHED house , eight rooms , all con
venlences. Will rent for six months. Ap
ply 142 So. 32d street. D 87 $ 16 *
FOR RENT. 7 rooms ( two floors ) ,
nouse. 609 S. 29th. Selby , Board of TruTj
Telephone 1510. D 908
EIGHT room house and barn ; price , $20
Apply to J. A. Scott , at Omaha Natlona
bank. D S40-16
FOR RENT , 10-room modern detachoe
house and barn ; will rent furnished am
take , board If desirable. Box 796.
D-M934 16 *
FOR RENT , 11-room all modern house
largo yard , near Hanscom park : prlci
low. J. II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life.
D M930 17
FURNISHED college , Los Angeles , Cal
1512 Davenport , Omaha. D M961
furnished rooms for transients
2209 Spencer St. , Kountze Place , near ex
cosltlon. E M143
AVE. Home-Rooms for famlles or parties r
specialty. Clean beds 25c up. 1712 Cap. Ave
E-MUOl O23
THE BENEFIT HOUSE , 21st nnd Plnknej
Sts. , fifty daintily furnished rooms : one
square from the Arch of the States
everything new and llrst-class ; terms rea
sonable. E 1D7
FURNISHED rooms , with bath ; one Dlocl
from 24th st. car line. 852 South 2Stl
street. E-567 30
FOR Rent large front room at reasonable
price , 2421 Dodge. E-725-17.
FINE largo alcove front room ; for gentle
men only. Inquire after 6 o'clock. 204
Dodge. E-811-16
FOR RENT , nicely furnished front roon
with alcove. 1137 So. 2Sth St. E-M8SO IS *
TO or three furnished rooms In private
adult family for gentlemen. Reference !
required. D 61 , Bee. E 8SO 16 *
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms for trail
slents , steam heated , reasonable prices
Hat 1 , Davldgo building , opposite Clt'
hall , corner ISth and Farnam streets
llrst landing. Ask for Mrs. Jeffries.
E M933 17 *
MCE room to rent ; private1 family ; neai
car line. 3060 Woolworth ave. , Hanscon
Park. E-95S 16 *
NICE rooms , central , SOc up. 1512 Daven
fort. E M262 029
SARATOGA HOTEL. 24th St. and Ame :
Ave. , 4 blocks west from north gate ex
position grounds ; best rooms. $2 , will
meals , $1.00 without ; families and parties
$1.2o a day and 50c European ; everythliu
now and neat , free baths , double parlors
library nnd piano ; two lines of streei
cars , vast verandahs , best place to see
exposition fire works , Jolly people nnd i
gymnnslum. Telephone , 1934. F 777
TAKE down that "for sale" or "for rent'
sign In your window. The Bee reaches
moro people in n day than will pass youi
window In a month ; and they consul
these columns when they want to buy 01
rent. F S65
THE MERRIAM. first-class family hotel
25th and Dodge Sts , F 15S
FURNISHED rooms with board. 257i
Harney. F-M82I N14 *
FIRST-CLASS rooms and board for per
mancnt parties. 2302 Blondo.FM820
F-M820 17 *
AANTED. . One or two gentlemen , for fur
Dished room , with board ; references re
quired. 2601 Dodge St. F S36
ROOM and board for four nt 2904 N. 2S11
ave. Only nine blocks from exposition.
F M926 10
PRIVATE rooms and board In private fam
lly , Kountzo Place. D 60. Bee. V SS2 16
HANDSOME , large rooms with board
steam. References , 202 No. ISth
F M907 16 *
MCEI/i furnished front room with boare
for gentlleman and wlfo In private famll ;
on 36th st. near Farnam , Address D 50
Bee. F-SS3 16 *
FOH HE.\T-L-\FlJll.\I.Sii > HOOMS.
3 ROOMS , 70S 8. 17th St. G-M293 O20 *
4 OR 5 CHOICE locations , one floor : prl
vate bath ; references necessary. C 36
Bee. G-M29S
UNFURNISHED rooms , N. W , cor 1411
and Lenvenworth , $2.50 ami $3.00 each. In
quire room 331 Board of Trade bldg.
3 LARGE unfurnished rooms , with alcov
nnd bath , for light housekeeping ; goo
locality ; reference. , I ) 52 , Beo.
G-SSS 16 *
FOIl RENT , the 4-ntory brick building nt
01H Farnam St. Thin building has n lire-
tiroof cement basement , water on all
iloorn. gas , etc. Apply at the ofllco of
Tim Bee. 1-910
DESK room. a. Q. Wallace , 313 Brown Hlk
NICR store. Corner 24th and Hamilton , ApPly -
Ply 2518 Caldwoll. 1-160
FOIl HUNT , a good barn box stall , cheap.
1802 Cuss St. 1-M740
IN U. S. Nnt'l Bk. Bide. Inq. 601 Bee Bldg.
1 161
WHOLESALE store nnd warehouse ; track
age ; excellent shipping facilities. C. E.
Benson. 310 Ramgo Bldg. I-SH OJO *
3-STORY nnd basement brick store build
ing , 1003 Farnnm. 22x100. Inquire 314 First
National bnnk building , t M303
UH1CK trackage warehouse , llth nnd
Leaven worth : 22.000 square feet lloor sur
face. S. S. CurtlH , 1S03 Hurney.
1-M566 17'
1207 Howard , 3-story store. F. D. Weael.
Greatest Keller. H , M. Irwln , St. Louis ,
Mo. , Nashville , Tcnn. J-SSO 16 *
NK\V LAMP Bl'HNEU ; fits nil lamps ;
gives brilliant gas light. No chimney or
smell ; cheaper than oil ; outllt free , Per-
fectlon Oas Light Burner Co. , Clnolnnatl ,
O. J-SS3 16 *
AGENTS , $3.00 to $10.0oTi day to Introduce
our pure "Asbestos" wicks ; just patented ;
giving light fully etiual to electricity
nnd lasting from 8 to 10 years. Dept. S.
43 , Fire-proof Safety Wick Works , Colum
bus , O. J
AGENTS , big money selling Improved gas
light burners for kerosene lamps ; \i cost ;
new. Zenda Mnn'fac'y 94 LaSullc , Chicago.
J-M939 16 *
AGENTS , our 700-page. beautifully Il
lustrated "War with Spain , " outclasses
anything published ; Hells Itself ; solicitors
positively making $23 to $50 per week ,
Our now holiday books , bibles , albums ,
war nnd religious pictures , wallpockets ,
nro nil winners ; nil new , up-to-date ;
steady employment ; big money for you.
Write The Patriotic Art Co. , 120-122 Randolph -
dolph St. , Chicago. J-M9I7 16 *
WANTKD , four oxeprlenced salesmen tc
call on beflt retail merchants ; line es
pecially adapted to holiday trades but po
sitions permanent ; $30 per week over ex
penses. Eastern Mfg. Co. , Manhattan
Bldg. . Chicago. J-M9I6 16 *
"U'AR With Spain. " 700 pages , com
plete ; English , Swedish and German ; out-
lit free.V. . A. Hlxenbaugh & Co. . olllcc
14 , Ware hlk. , Omaha. J M945 10
AGENTS WANTED ; odd , Is It not , that
you should bo somebody's slave when you
can easily be your own master ; call a halt
and send a postal for free list of out
practical money recipes nnd for our tag ;
It will pay you to Investigate. Addrss
The Kenllworth Co. , Box 51 , Cincinnati ,
O. . Station D. J-SS4 IS *
AGENTsTf.150.00 monthly selling Marvel
Water Proof Shoe Polishes ; every person
buys ; If you need good wages write for
valuable free samples and circular. S ,
Holladay & Co. , 1S2 Dearborn St. , Chicago.
AGENTS WANTED : before buying anything -
thing In Urn line of slot machines let us
send you our circulars. Leo Canda Co. ,
Cincinnati. Ohio. J 852 1G *
AGENTS nnd canvassers wanted , male and
female , to sell "Admiral" naval war
game ; just out ; everybody buys. Kubec-
Perry Mfg. Co. , 436 W. Madison St. . Chi
cago. J-S51 16 *
AGENTS wanted for the best line of made-
to-measure clothing In America ; write Im
mediately for sample , outfit and territory.
Wnrrlngton Woolen & Worsted Mills. Chicago -
cage , 111. J-S53 IG *
CATCHES mice , dollars , nnd will catch the
live agent when ho writes for free partic
ulars ; we pay freight ; you make 100 per
cent profit ; a sample for 10 cents. Ad
dress A. F. Becse , Davenport , Iowa.
J-850 1C *
SALESMEN , $150 and expenses llrst three
months to canvas , supervise sub-agent
and close deals. Luke Bros. Co. , Chicago.
LADY AGENTS-lf you want the best
money maker you must have Our Hygeln
Electric Corsets the standard for twenty
years. Address Western Corset Co. , St ,
Louis , Mo. J
ACTIVE , reliable agents wanted to sell
our Little Wonder Washer. One or more
sold at every house. Sample sent pro.
pauTupon receipt of 25c. Wholesale price
list upon application. Satisfaction guar
anteed or money refunded. Address W ,
H. Balrd & Co. , Sta , A , Plttsburg. Pa.
J 851 16 *
AGENTS make $6.00 to $10.00 per day sell.
Ing "Our Navy , Picturesque Spain , Cuba
and the Philippines ; " 230 magnificent pic
tures on enameled paper , a splendid art
work , colored maps , etc. , the book every
one wants , tells all about our navy and
these wonderful countries. Splendid
chance and special Inducements to good
agents ; freight paid , credit given. Agents
also wanted for our complete history ,
" \Var with Spain. " Act quick. Interna
tional News and Book Company , Balti
more. J 95G 16 *
MODERN residence , 10 or 12 rooms , within
mile and half of Paxton hotel. D 43 , Bee.
K MS02 16 *
WANTED , on or before November 1 , a fur
nished house. Send full particulars , loca
tion , rent , etc. , to D 62 , Bee. K-S90 1C *
WANTED , 4 unfurnished rooms for light
housekeeping In good locality ; first floor.
References. D 51 , Bee. K 887 16 *
2 OH 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms ,
modern ; permanent. State particulars
and price. D 53 , Bee. K SS9 16 *
WANTED , to rent , a 7 to 0-room steam
heated , modern flat. Address D 65 , Bee ,
1C 913 1C *
WANTED , after November 1 , 2 unfur
nished rooms by man and wife where
board can Vfc hud. Must bo within 1C
blocks of Bee bldgr. Address , with price.
O C3. Bee.
K-913 16
WANTED , warehouse , 66x132 feet , 2 stories
high , south of Harncy , east of 13th ,
north of Davenport , west of 9lh , for ten
years. Rent must bo reasonable. H. C.
Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'I. Bank. Bldg.
K M910 18
WANTED , two unfurnished rooms within
walking distance , by man and wife ; must
bo llrst-class. Address D 67 , Bee.
K-M927 16 *
WANTED , November 1 , 2 rooms and bath
and board will be permanent by man
nnd wife. Vicinity of Hanscom park pre
ferred. Address E 4 , Bee. K 353 16 *
WANTED , by 3 adults , 3 unfurnished rooms
with heat and light for light housekeep
ing : rent must bo moderate ; references.
Address , giving terms , location nnd par
ticulars , Mrs. II. A. Cameron , dcpt ,
concessionaires , expo , grounds.K .
K M966 16 *
IF YOU are In need of anything try the
Want Columns of The Bee ; they will
bring you what you want. N S67
THE BEST HOME ; $2,000 will buy on easy
terms. I am no agent. X 64 , lieu.
N M164
OMAHA Savings accts. Wallace , Brown blk
HOUSES to move. Wallace , 313 Brown blk.
HIGHEST price for secondhand household
goods. Largo lota specialty. Brown , 712 N.
16th. N-M465 N3
WANTED , to buy , for strictly cash , small
modern house near West Farnam or
Hanscom Park cars , Address D 67. Bee ,
N-89 : 16 *
WANTED , chcffonler , sideboard , rug about
ten by fourten , dresser , stair carpet and
bedroom suit. Must nil bo good quality
and cheap. Address D DS , care Bee.
N-E9116 *
CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furniture
nnd stoves below cost ; cot beds. 75c ;
mattresses , GOc ; pillows , 20c. UOS-10 Dodge ,
0-C74 N8
NEW furniture of an S-room house , cheap.
214 N. 23rd St. O-M795 10
FOR SALE , two base burner stoves. 1M
S. 30th avenue. O { 93 1C *
( Continued , )
FOR SALE , cheap. $1,000 worth hotel fur
nit tire , consisting of Iron beds , chairs ,
portlcrts , wlro springs , mattresses , bed
spread ? , etc. ; It will pay country hotel
keepers to call nnd see this furniture
whllo In the city. The Exposition Olllcial
Information Bureau , 1319 Farnam.
O-M827 16
PRIVATESALE. . All goods conlnlnreV | Ji
the farnani TerraceHotel. . Oak bedroom
pots. Iron bersteads. folding beds' , mat
tresses , chairs , tables , crockery , carpets ,
rugs , curtains , bedding , oak counter ,
small safe , etc. These goods nrc gootl
duality nnd all new. Tncy can lie In
spected between the hours of 111 u. in. ami
4 P. in , Goods delivered Nov. 1.
O-M9I8 22 *
FOR SALE , furnturo. of I rooms ! grral
bargain ; leaving city. 1MSU St. MaryV
uve. ; 2d lloor , cast side of hall
O-M931 1C'
HORSE , harness and cart , with top. cheap !
Byron R. Hastings , 212 S. 14th st
P-SIl 1
GOOD , gentle family horse , phaeton ami
harness for Palo cheap. 2112 Miami
P-S9I 16 *
OAK boards. $ lrt per in. ; alco cheapest ulnl
cribbing. 'JQI Douglas street , q IKS
HOG , poultry and l.-iwn fences ; all wireis
best. Wlro Works , llth nnd Hartley.
B. HAAS. Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St. , Tel. 776 ;
plants , cut ( lowers , bouquets , hall , resi
dence , wedding nnd grave decorations.
Orders by mail or express promptly tilled
_ _
FOU SALE , reliable patent for state 01
Nebraska. A , Bee otllcc , Councl
Bluffs. Q 513
FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S. for 5 cents
at druggists ; one gives relief. Q 169
FINE lot Indian curios. Derlght , llir , Far-
nnm. q-tiia QIC
2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1116 Fnrnan
Q-C11 Olti
SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. . mixed paints
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 151 ;
Dodge St. , Omuhu. Q M73S O1S
FISHER makes Ivory rim or plain dres ?
buttons from any cloth. Store , Park nvc
and Leavenworth. Q Mi'75 O19
WOOLF 55ACHARLVS. 1207 Farnam. Plan
Ished Steel Peninsular Ranges , J22.50 it
$40. Heaters sold cheap. Q-MSS7 F1.-24
PRINTING. good , q ulck , cheap. 1302 Farn
Q-M212 O27
BOSTON furniture store removed to 721 N
16th ; furniture , stoves , etc. , below cost.
Q-M405 N4
$150 NAT'L tandem , $47. Omaha Bicycle Co
G M22S O2S
STAMPS , coins , boilght , sold. Mortenron
404 N. 16th. Q-M271 O29
FOR SALE , one Hall sarc. 340 Bso bldg.
Q-M7S3 16 *
FOR SALE , Good base burner , $12.00. 260 ;
Plerco St. Q SOS 16
FOR SALE , lady's ' 95 high grade wheel ;
cost $50 ; sell $23 ; used 3 months. Appl >
Mr. Ruth. Nebraska Clothing Co.
Q-MS2S 16 *
LADIES , clean your kid gloves with Mil.
ler's Gloverlne. for sale only by Thomp
son , Belden & Co. , headquarters for glove :
and sole agents for the genuine Fostei
lacing gloves ; all the most dcalrabli
shades. Gloves lilted and warranted.
Q-SG2-1S *
GOOD camera for sale nt a bargain. Ad
dress D 51 , Bee. Q S93 16 *
INCUBATOR nnd brooder for salo'or trade
What have you ? 4122 Saratoga st.
Q-M923 17 *
FOR SALE , 11 soda fountains , fixtures , Ice
cream freezers , packers' material , build
ings , chairs and tables of the beautlfu
nxhlblt of the Onyx Soda Fountain Co. ai
Fair grounds , to be delivered about Nov. 1
TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the lates
publication Illustrating the. U. S. am
Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc.
almost 200 photographic reproductions
with a large map of the East and West
Indies , at the olllco of The Bee. If or
dered by mail , address Navy Photograpl
Department , Omaha Bee. R S70
FOR RENT Fine upright Stelnway piano
Enqulro at 813 Worthlngton Place.
R-S3S 16 *
Truthful In her predictions , reliable In hei
advice. It matters not what your bellel
may bo nor what your experience will ;
so-called palmists and clairvoyants ma >
have been , Ismar will convince you thai
the past , present and future can bo told
She can be consulted dally at her olllce ,
rooms 20 and 21 , Douglas block , cor. 16tli
and Dodge , opposite Hayden Bros.
S-MI13 N3
EDNA E. LONG will lecture Wed. Oct. 19
S a. m. , Patterson hall , through clair
voyance. This lady Is endorsed by the
press. If you attend one of those seances
you will bo Impressed by their sacred
ness and evidence of spirit return. Flowei
seance Friday , as usual. Readings dally
room 4. S M467 N3
So all Omaha speaks of the famous
READER. Tnls marvelous woman has
the. power to lift the mystic veil from ofl
the future , to expose the hidden mys
teries of the past. In the simple lines 01
your hand she sees your entire life ; cui
tell you things that have be-n , that an
and nro to be. Her advice , based upor
this knowledge , Is of Incnlculablo benefit
Consult her In strictest confidence. Mine
Gylmer has been here more than a year
the public knows her , the press Indorses
her. She Is no stranger no fakir. Monej
refunded If not satisfactory. Hours , 9 t <
7:30 : ; Sundays , 10 to 4 p. in. Parlors , IGO :
Dodge , opp. new P. O. S M944 1U
MME. Gylmer , genuine palmist , 1603 Dodge
S-M444 N3
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , BOS N. 16th.
S MS01 D13
VIENNA fortune teller , 18 years here. 1411
Howard. S-MSOO N13
ANOTHER wonderful seance will be held
at Patterson hall , 17th and Farnam , by
Milton , the medium , Sunday night at S
P. m. Skeptics , scoffers nnd know-nils
especially Invited , Collection , lOc. Prl-
vato sittings dally. All affairs of life ,
business and disease. Satisfaction or no
charge. 1623 Dodge , cor. 17th. Hours , s
n. m. to s p. m. Open Sundays same
hours. Readings by mall. S 837 16
MADAME SMITH. IIS North 15th Street ,
massage and baths ; room 2. T-720-17 *
BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. I'orter , 203 Douglas -
las block. T M691 NO
FLORENCE WINTERS , baths , massage
and magnetic treatment. 119 N. 1C. R. 12 ,
upstairs. T M797 O.'O *
MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath
parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth ,
upstairs. T M711 17 *
LILLIAN HOWARD , new massage nnd
bath ; Austrian treatment. R. 19 , 1623
Farnam St. T MS1S 16 *
BEATRICE HARLOW. tub , hot spring ,
vapor , massage baths , Egyptian treat-
mont. 1701 Leavenworth. T M963 22 *
i- * "
I'KHSiO.VU , .
VIAVI CO. . 348 Bee building. U 171
A LARGE map of the world , one of Cuba
and another of the entire West Indies
showing Cuba , Porto Rlt-o , Haytl , San
Domingo. Martinique ami all the other
West Indian Islands ; 10 cents , ( it The Bee
ofllcc. lly mall , 14 cents. Address Cuban
Map Dept. , Omaha Boo. U SGS
$30 HLPTL'RE cured for $33. No detention
from business ; U years In Omaha. Caller
or write for circulars , limplr * Itupture
Cure. 932-933 New York Life bldg. , Omaha.
Neb. U-172
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before unil
during confinement ; babies mlopled ; < x-
iicrlonccil phyHlclaiia in attendance. H3j (
N. 17th St. , Omaha , U M5su
MASSAGE , cloclrlo and magnetic bathH.
New Ilyglennlc Institute , 220 Ben Bldg :
f 1. 1710 , U-M171
IMHSO.\\I , .
( Continued. )
I'OOKBlNDtNG-Burkley Printing Co.
U-M851 o:2
PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without imlu ;
one treatment does the work : call or
send lor circulars. The Empire Pile Cure ,
933 New York Life building , Omaha.
MASSAOi : , baths. Mmc. Smith. 11S',4 N. 13.
U-2S5 O29 *
NICE baby boy for adoption nt Hitter's
hospital , 2214 Scward St. , Oninlui. Trl.
22,11. , U-M5SSO16
MISS MAYER , lending manicure , chiropo
dist nnd hair dresser. 400 I'nxtnn block.
U-MSM 022
LADIES' Turkish baths. Mmc. Post.
S. 13th. U-M312
BATHS , massage. Mtnepossig't S. ISth
_ _
DR. J. HOY , chiropodist ; rprns re-moved ,
25c up ; new method : no knife , p.ilnloss on-
oration ; 2 , ! yrs * . experience ; 12 yrs > . In
Omaha ; warts , moles nnd superfluous hnlr
removed by electricity. Fronz.r Hlk.
_ _
THE Social club Invites thos > o Interested In
their novel method of making introduc
tions to call or write to their parlors , 311
Karbach block , loth and Douglas ; stamps.
Alllo Turncy , Manager. U M63t > NS
HALF soles and heels , 60c. (105 ( N. ifith.
U-MS1I N14
W 1 VES . 7 . . .
Scud self-addressed envelope and I'll tell
you how to < urc drunkenness without the
patient's knowledge ; don't s < end mnney.
Mrs. May Hawkins , Grand Rapids , Mich.
Lock box 131. 1-2. T. U-S6.1-1G *
HOW doctors , dentists , pharmacists , com
petent undergraduates can soon gi-aSu-
ate. Box 190 , Chicago. f-913 N15 *
MAIDEN lady , IS2 , ownlnsz country estate
nnd Improved city proptrty with SlwUiX ) ,
alone In the world , desires to m.irry
truest , worthy , genlul gentleman. F. , cnre
Bert-or , 131 1-5. 23th St. , New YorK.
GENEHOl'S , kind-hearted bachi-ler ii
mini Income $75.000 , liui * decided to lake
unto hlmi-elf n devoted , homivloving Ilttli' '
wife. Where Is she ? Address I ! , ilavrls ,
11M2 Third nve. , N. Y. Box 23.t-01li 16 *
WANTED. mlilres'H of some one Interested
In patents. Address D 55 , Bee.
U-S9C 16 *
_ _
GENTLEMEN not acquainted In city run
meet congenial ladles In our parlors , 311
Karbach Blk , 13lh and IJoucias.
U M'1 ! 16 *
SrPERFLrot'S hair , moles , etc. , perma
nently removed by electricity ; references ,
Mrs. Cronyn. 10 Crclghton block. U
NUDE IN ART. taken from nature , K
beautiful colored pictures , all nudes , 25c.
French Art Co. , 249 So. 6th St. , Philadel
phia , Pu. U
"MARRY : Denver Corresponding clul :
members worth $100 to $100,000 ; private
lists 2c , Healed ; no $3 fee. H. L. Love ,
Denver. Colo. " U 921 16 *
AN American widow , means $300,000. desire ?
to wed a gentleman of good character ;
means riot necosjsary. Address "Ameri
can , " 1062 Third uv . , New York , box 23 ,
U-920 16 *
WEALTHY widower. $75,000 and prosperous
business , no Incumbrnnccs , will chc't'lsli
and appreciate gracious , sensible wife ,
"Broker. " 133 East C5th St. , N. Y.U919
U-919 16 *
WANTED , choice fnrm and rltv loans. R
C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nafl Bank Bldg
$100.000.00 special fund to loan on llrstclass
Improved Omaha property , or for build
ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
5 % per cent money.licinlx , Paxton block
W 177
$1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved
property. W. Furmim Smith & Co. , 132C
Farnam St. W 178
C PER CENT city and fnrm loans. Gurvln
Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W 179
ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ;
quick mopuy at low rates for choice farm
lands ) In Iowa , Northern Mlsso'irl , Eastern -
ern Nebraska. W 180
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brcnnan-Love Co. , 219 S. lotli
W 181
MORTGAGES. Wallace. 213 Brown Block
0 per cent money. F. D. Wend , 1C ft DOUE
\V ! 7 ! )
WANTED , bonds , stocks , farm and'cltj
mortgages , circular for brokers onlv. In
vestors' Directory , N. Y. W 183
$10 TO $10,000 TO 1OAN ON
air. , at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs ,
No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ,
you can pay the loan oft1 at any time or
in nnv amounts.
OMAHA. X 181
BUY good notes and loan on good rhnt-
tels ; 10 per cent per annum. C. R. Glover ,
302 Kurbach ; notary public ; deeds , mortgages -
gages , leases legally executed. X M40 (
PRIVATE party has money to loan ; nil
business Address , with full
particulars , B 01 , Bee. X MS61 O22
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C F Reed. 319 S IStli
X-MSS6 O23
MONEY loaned salaried people holding
permanent positions with responsible con
cerns upon their own name , without
security ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 70G ,
N. Y. Life Bldg. X 185
DIAMOND loan office , 1315 Douglas , unrc-
dpcmecl diamonds , watches , etc. . Fold
cheap. X 137 Dcc-20
MONEY loaned on life Insurance polh-Ies ,
pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts ,
jewelry , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green ,
room S , Barker Blk. X M1SO
WILL erect building on lot 60x150 on 24th
St. , So. Omaha , Neb. , across from the
now postofllce , for any ( Irst-cluss busl-
nebs. F. J. Lewis , room No : 22 , Ware ul'k.
FOR SALE , established manicure , chiropo
dist and hair dressing business ; reason ,
entering medical college. Miss Mayer. 400
Paxton Blk. Y MS37 O22
SULPHUR Springs Sanitarium soon ready
for business ; splendid clianco'for doctors.
Call Saratoga Hotel , Inquire Pierce.
L ) tl7
COMMUNITY of 400 farmers wants liar-
nessmakcr , banker , newspaper man and
bandmaster. Addreys D 3. ! , lice.
Y-M760 IS *
CLEAN stock general mdse. In good west
ern Iowa , town for cash or good security.
Traders need not answer. C 17 , Bee.
Y-M7S7 20 *
FOR SALE Clan stock of general mer
chandise In one of thn best towns In
northeast Nebraska. Will hell for casher
or part cash and good security. Doing
u largo business. Good reasons for Hell-
Ing. Address D 49 , Hcc. Y M833 21
FOR SALE , furniture of an eleven-room
rooming house , tilled with permanent
roomers. Owner compelled to sell nn ac
count of sickness. Address 1) tit. Bee.
Y-M91I IS *
HOW TO SPECULATE and guldo to In
vestors free. OS Traders' Building , Chi
cago. Y 564-PJ *
HOTEL nnd 8 cottages , furnished ; 10 acres
ground ; Florida ; $16,0uu ; cutty terms ; cost
JIS.OOO. Wiggins , 140 Nassau St. . New
York. Y-M7-16 *
CHICAGO company wants good limn with
somn capital to establish nnd carry on
branch house ; $2'X' per nloiuh and ex-
pcnxfH and share ol profits ; permanent
connection : high rlasn luiHlti'-xx and good
for $3OW per year or more. Applications
ii. ii-ntloii Ml.'ST Htatc financial
c . 'Jiicm and j.vnll Mile cash c-apltal and
nlno name tvn good referenced. Henry
\VailC Jioyre Building , Chicago.V .
V iCC 16 *
How Incomes may bo sccuri-d ; particulars
In juTBon or by mall free. Hughes in-
( urination and Investment Company , 63-G5
Wall st , New York. Highest refereiic-ca
uuou UDDllcuUon. 1' i
( Continued. )
FOR SALE or trade , good bucUboanl. In
quire nt 1319 llnrney ft. Y J97 1 *
WILL give party half Interest In gold min
ing proposition tn help work It ; big vein
JIO.OO ore. Address at once i : 2 , Bee.
Y M9J3 16'
Clfl PER CUNT profit paid on amounts of
$25 nnd upwards Invested through thn
Prudential Investment Co. , lucorpornt.d ,
Fisher bldg. . Chicago. Y-M9II Id-
'oTAHT n mall order business" all home.
Particulars for stamp. Ormond Co. . Chi
cago. Y
CHARTERS for confpanlcs fiom $12 up : dlf.
ferrnt states ; no taxes ; no liability ;
shares sold ; capital procured ; companies
organized , Intcrstnlo Law Aoso. , 40 Wall v
St. . N. Y. Y- /
WANTED , position with mercantile tious- : \
best standing ; tn lieu of same will deposit
$5.000 In the business at very low rate , nm
experienced olllco man ; finest referencis.
Address E 5. Bee. Y-PtW 16 *
FOH i3.\cii.v.\ : .
FOR SALE ; will take Omaha Savings
Bank accounts. German Savings Bnnk
accounts or clear vacant hits as part
payment on homes In Clifton Hill A.
1' . Tukcy , Board of Trade. 55-M733
CALIFORNIA property for Nebraska. 1M1
Davenport , Omaha. / M9'S '
1-OR EXCHANGE , stock of boots and
shoes for western Iowa or eastern Ne
braska farm. A. J. Stephen on , 101 Pearl
street , upMnlrs , Council Bluffs , In.
/-M96I IS
HOUSES , Intr , farms , lands , loans ; also
fire Insurance. Bemlp , Paxton Block.
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
time to dispose of them ; let the pcopla
know that you want to dispose of them.
The Dee reaches the people who Imvp Mi
money. RE S66
FOU SALE , desirable residence lots. 12lx
130 ; In first-class location ; ten minute * '
walk frc.m court house ; cheap for cash.
Address O 61. Bee. HE lb
TO BUY or sell house * , lots or InndA Call
on J. W. Bobbins , 1802 Farnani.
BARGAINS In houses , lots , farms : sale or
trade. J. N. Frenzcr , opp. old P. O.
9-ROOM modern house. Inq. 621 S. 26th nve.
RK-230 O2S *
AN elegant residence of eight roomy , with
a fine basement and good attic ; lint o
prettier homo In Omaha ; line hardwood
finish : everything strictly modern ; loca
tion the best west Farnam st. If you
want n gooil home rendy to step Into , nt a S
bargain , this Is It. A. M. Cowle , 211 S. V
ISth st. RE-M643 7
BEST nnd cheapest 200-acro farm In Ne
braska , near Omaha , at half Its appraised
valuation. W. A. Belden , 2302 Blonde St. ,
Omaha , Neb. RE-M537 N6
FOH SALE , 10-acre lemon nnd ollvo
orchard , Alamltos Heights , near Long
Bench , overlooking ocean and San Pedro
harbor. No trades wanted. Geo. C.
Thornburg , Long Beach , Callt.
RE-G2S 16 *
TWO 7-room modern houses , full Hots , cast
fronts , choice locations , 3 < ! 2 and 366 North
40th ; one with barn $3100 ; the other
$2900 ; about half their value easy terms.
Call and see them. R E 721-17 *
HOTEL FOR SALE A three-story brlcK
hotel. 46x72. and two-story kitchen , 22x32 ;
fortv-iwo rooms ; large office , double
parlor , well arranged dining hall and
two good sample rooms. Sold with or
without furniture. Hotel has good repu
tation and has always done a paying
business. My wife , died Sept. 14th , and
as I nm getting old , desire to sell , and
at a bargain. For further particulars
call or address H. Code , Crete , Net ) .
RE-769-1S *
- -
HOUSE , barn and lot. Ambler Place , $260.
Cottage nnd lot , 20th St. , paving nearly
paid , $ SOO.
Aero good garden ground , $150.
F. D. Wcatl , 16th and Douglas.
FOR SALE. 32 ft. and brick bullcllnRfoppo-
site library ; rented to A. I ) . T. people.
A. P. Tukey , B'd of Trade. RE-831
FOR SALE-FIne cattle ranch ; 150.000 acres
all fenced ; $1 per acre. R. C. Patterson.
UK 839 17
42 ACRES near Florence , first-class Im
provements. Well adapted for a chicken
farm and raising market garden truck.
The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th st.
RE-S41 22
5 ACRES near South Omaha , all level ,
for $300. Byron R. llastlngo , 212 S. lti !
st. RE SI3 16
ONE of thn best resldencos In Omaha , all
modern , 14 rooms , steam heated , very bct
neighborhood , big bargain. If desired w 11
take eastern Nebrankn or Kansas lands
In part payment. Address D 56 , Bee.
RE-S99 20 *
FOR SALE , best stock farm In America ,
1.000 acres , water and feed abundant ,
cheap for cash. Address the owner , Box
43 , Avon , Bon Ilnmmo Co. , S. D.
RE-S9S 19 *
_ _
WANTED , warehouse 66x132 feet. 2 stories
high , south of Harney , cast of 13th. north
of Leavenworth , west of 9th , for ten
years ; rent must be reasonable. R. C.
Peters & Co. . U. S. Nafl Bk. bldg.
RE-M921 IS
600-ACRE stock farm nfar Omaha , half
under cultivation , good buildings , flnn
water works system , good orchard ; $10 per
acre under the market ; owner must sell.
For further particulars apply R , C. Peter *
& Co. . U. S. Nafl Bk. bldg.UEM923
UE-M923 18
FOR SALE , 400 acres In Fnrlbault countv.
Improved with good buildings , rich soil ;
price J43 per acre.
300 acres , Anoka county , Improved with
buildings , 12 miles from St. Paul ; price
$23 ; easy terms.
210 acres , Plpcstone county , all Improved ,
good buildings , rich soil ; price $23 ; very
ISt acres , Wright county. Improved with
buildings , good rich soil ; price $20 ; easy
terms ; a bargain.
160 ncres. Sherburne county , Improved with
buildings , rich soil , ; price $20 ; very cheap.
160 acres. Plpestone county , Improved with
buildings , rich soil ; price $23 ; easy terms.
V.'rlto for prlen lint of cheap farms.
W. H. HARTKOPF , 310 McCncne block.
RE-M922 17
WHITE poodle dog ; $3 reward. Kittle Bale !
114 S. 9th St. LOST-M78620 *
LOST , green alligator skin pocketbook.
with sllvcri monogram on outside , on ex
position grounds. Return to Bee olllco
and receive reward. Lost 842 16
LOST , Friday morning , a bay mare ami
road wagon near 30th and CJ , So. Omaha.
Report to Bee olllce , So. Omaha.
Lost-MS41 18
LOST , Llewellyn srettcr. female , white nos ,
black ears , black saddle , ticked ; name on
collar. F. B. Foster , reward. 16J2 Lnthrop
street. Lost-M932 IS *
UOST. a black satin girdle , with silver
buckles , set with emeralds. Finder will
plcusn leave same at Edholm'ti jewelry
store , opp. postodlce , and receive reward.
Lo t M931 16 *
LOST , a silver chatelaln between Mlllnrd
hotel and Balduff'H store by Mlxn Hen-
rlett.i C'rousman of Mistakes | | | Hap
pen company. Reward for return to Millard -
lard hotel. Lost M950 IK *
ALL women who can't raise family should
consult the ronpwncd German specialist.
Dr. Pries. 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents :
_ _ _ _
MORPHINE , opium , cocoulnu and alcohol
diseases absolutely and permanently
curud'lii from three to Jlvii days. Treat
ment pleasant and harmless , Every cnsn
cured or no charge. Best bank and other
references. Call or uddrc-xs Hill late Hla
Company , 110 Shoc-Iy IllocK , Omaha.
739 2S
' ' Ji1EfUiChlchester's English Pennyroyal .L
I'll H ( Diamond brand ) are the best ; safn. X
reliable ; takci no other ; send 4e Mamn
for particulars , "Relief for Ladles. " in
letter by return mall , at drugging. Chi'
cheater Chemical Co. . rjijlaqoluhla. Pa ,
ALL mirror work done. 70S
-7 Nil