Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1898, Page 21, Image 21

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , OCTOBER. 1C , 1898. o-f M x
Great Crowds of Post Week Make it Lively
for Wholesaler and Retailer ,
Ilni-dvrarc nnil Ilullilliiff Material Mov
y ing Freely Particularly Ilrlglit
Outlook for Denlern lit I'nll
I. nnil AVIilter flooiln.
LnM week was n sreat week In the history
of Omaha. The unprecedented crowds of
visitors gave life and activity to every de
partment of trade und there probably never
was a tlmo when business was any better
than during the last elx days. Hotels ,
boarding houses and private houses were
crowded with people who had to bo fed
and cared for and everything In the way
of provisions was In active demand. Many
of the people , especially those coming from
nearby points , had arranged to do more
or less shopping nt local retail stores , while-
country merchants took advantage of their
presence In the city to visit jobbing houses
und place orders for winter goods. At the
pamo time the cool weather naturally
created n good buying demand for fall and
winter clothing and merchandise of all
kinds. In fact everything seemed to be on
the side of the business people and It Is
hardly possible to Imagine how the condi
tions could bo more favorable.
( irocery 1'rlec * Kir in.
Trade wth ( wholesale grocers last week
was very active. The city was full of coun
try buyert1 and they ull stemed to be In
need of nippllcs. Home trndo was also
unusually lurge , so local jobbers had about
all the business they could comfortably
handle. The market last week showed very
little change , although prices are firm on
nearly nil lines. The dried fruit situation
In practically the sumo as reported a week
ago. Prunes are now on the market and u
better quality of peaches are also arriving.
In canned goods prices are also nbout the
same. Tomatoes , however , are still very
stiff , owing to the short pack. It Is said
that tomatoes have not been as scurco In
many yenru us ut the present time , so It
Is dlfllcult to say what the future of the
market will be. In farinaceous goods , flour
and oatmeal remain about the same , but
rice Is a little easier. Louisiana rice Is now
on the market and is of good quality. Buck
wheat flour Is also In the hands of jobbers
and prices will probably be about the same
as last season. Thu sugar market Is still
weak , but no quotable change wus reported
for last week.
Ilitrdiriiri ! MovliiK Freely.
Hardware Is still in good demand. Job
bers report u largo house trade for last
week and ? ay that mall orders ara still
coming In a very satisfactory manner. This
Is one of thu heaviest months In the year
for hardware Jobber * " , so that they are
having about all the business they cun at
tend to. The scarcity In seasonable goods
reported a week ago wus not felt a much
by local dealcr the lust few days , as sev
eral carloads of supplies1 were received that
helped out very materially. There Is no
change In the schedule of prices worthy of
mention , but the market Is firm In tone on
practically all lines , with every Indication
of Us remaining In that condition for some
tlmo to come.
There Is very little of Interest to report
regarding the dry goods trade. The house
trudo last week , as would naturally be
expected , was unusually large , but the mall
orders are still coming with surprising regu
larity. This , has been ono of the most
satisfactory seasons local Jobbers have ever
experienced , as they have been expanding
their business and reaching out Into new
Holds. The way In which buyers take hold
of now things and novelties Is also notice
able and shows the healthy condition of
trade out In the country. In regard to the
market , there is nothing to be tuld except
that prices" are linn und unchanged OP
practically all lines.
Uoots und shoes are ntlll being shlppec
Into the country to some extent , but ol
course the bulk of the fall business has
already been transacted. What orders are
coming are from the more remote points or
from retailers who llnd their stocks run
ning low In certain lines. The volume of
business this fall Is much larger than local
dealers expected , so they have little to
The , rubbf'r trade Is still more active than
for many years past. Jobbers say they are
unable to fill all their fall orders on ac-
c&unt of the shortage In supplies. During
the summer dealers In general were look
ing for a fairly largo run of business this
full , but no one. expected It to reach pres
ent proportions. Thu shortage Is In mack ,
Intoshes , us well as rubbers , but It Is hopei'
there will soon bo enough to supply al
needs. The number of country merchants
In town lust week was perhaps lurger than
at uny other Urno during the senson , nm *
Jobbers found It dlfllcult to 1111 all thcl-
OITho lumber situation Is about the sann
aa reported a week ago. A few dealer ;
report some Improvement In the orders foi
Immediate shipment , but say they are no
beginning to have the trade they expected. .
One Jobber said If It were July he wpuk
think trade was pretty good , but as It Is
ho considers business dull. .Very few Inv
provements are- being made In the countrj
and us long us that condition lasts retailer
will not reduce their heavy stocks very
rapidly. Local Jobbers , however , are by nr
means discouraged , as t hey realize tha
. taking the year n a whole , they have hai
U very satisfactory trade.
Fruit nnil Produce.
Last week was a very busy time wit.
commission men owing to the Increase *
population within the city. All kinds o
fruit , as well as vegetables , were In gooi
demand , but the. market was well supplta ,
and no dllllculty was experienced. Mlchl
gan' apples are now on the market , and ar
being quoted at $3.251)3.50. Good shlppln' '
stock is being held at $3.00. Callfornl
peaches are still on the market , twent.
.pound "MM bringing $1.10. Oregoni Plum
are also on. sale at from $1.00l.1.25. an.
fruit that' Is most plentiful , however , a
the present tlmo is pears. They are com
Ing mostly from Oregon and Utah , an
the receipts are qulto liberal. Newer ,
grapes have hardly been as good us usua
this year on account of the hot woathe.
lust at the tlmo they were being picked ,
which made them too ripe for long ship
ment. By the tlmo they reach hero they
uro more or less heated and spoiled for
t0ThoUcgg market last week made some
rapid advances. Tha receipts wera light
and at the came tlmo the demand was
unusually heavy , especially from board ! 4s
hSSscs and hqtels. At present the market
Is quoted tlrm at 16 cents. The receipt *
of poultry , on the contrary , wcro very
heavy , and although the demand was large ,
t wu impossible to keen up prices , so hens
fell to BHSCc. and spring chickens to 64 }
ff7c. Live pigeons also fell off In price 25o
per dozen. There Is no change in game.
Receipts are still light , and so Is the de-
mind so there Is no scarcity. Butter s
also the same as reported a week ago , but
the market Is linn ,
Quotatloua for thn Iny on General
CasiiiuodltleB ,
NEW YORK. Oct. IB.-FLOUR-Recelpts ,
14.6G7 * bbls. ; exports , 20.209 bbls. ; market
tlrm : spring patents , $3.9004.50 ; win
ter straights , $3.4033.60 ; winter patents.
$3,7Gf3.85 ; spring clears , $3.15 3.40 ; extra No.
1 winter , $2.SCXff3.X ( > ; extra No. 2 winter , $2.63
T2.75 : no grade. $1.72V4. to arrive. Buck
wheat flour , dull and easy.
BARLBY MALT-Dull ; western , 59580.
WHEAT Receipts , 24b,9.5 bu. ; exports ,
5tU$5 bu. ; spot steady ; No. U red , ID 5-So
f o. b. afloat. Options opened strong on
Liverpool cables , cased off on selling for
both accounts , but displayed llnal strengthen
on ft renewal of largo export demand :
closed unchanged tote higher ; Iso. 2 red ,
May. 70 1-S1J70 5-Sc ; closed , 71c.
CORN-Recelpts. 246,975 bu. ; exports , 66.-
185 bu. ; spot steady ; No. 2. 37 ic f. o. b.
afloat. Option * openesd stronger on the
sharp Liverpool advance , but yielding later
to unloading : closed dull at unchanged
, prices : Mny , 3S 5-80SS 7-8c : closed , 33 6-Sc.
OATS Receipts , 160,000 bu. ; exports , 79-
9S3 bu , : spot firmer ; No. 2 , 2Sc. Options dull
( Hid nominal.
HOPS Strong : state , common to choice ,
iraa crop. Sfidc ; 1897 crop. ll 13o ; 189S crop.
170 o : Pacific coast. 1894 crop. SSSo ; 1891
crop. Il fl3c ; 1693 crop , I7iff20c.
WOOL Dull : tlecce , 174S5c.
COTTONSEED OIL Quiet but firm ;
crude. ISe , nominal ; prime crudes
Frlmo , b. , mlllB. ISftlsuc , nominal ; prime
summer yellow , 22flS24c. spot ; butter
grades , 2i > S27c ; prime winter yellow , 27j
lie BUTTER Receipts , 2,850 pkgs. : market
nrm ; western creamery. I5l22c ; Elglns , 220 ,
r CHEESE Steady ; large white , S 3-Sci
largo colored , 8 6-6lj8 ic ; small , SfcSc.
EOGS-Recelpts , 4.41s pkes. ; market firm :
WMtern. 1M4 < ' - .
TALLOW-Stoady ; city , 3 5-Sc ; country ,
S5-8Jl33.Sc ,
IHCE-Klrm ; fair to extra , 4 5-Sfluc.
MOLABSEfl-Kirm ; western. 5U4c c. I. f. ,
Buffalo ; 65 0 f. o. b , afloat , to arrive.
MKTALS Pig Iron steady : southern
$9,75if 11.00 ; northern , JlO.OOji 11.50 , Copper
firm ; lake , brokers , $12.00. Lead , quiet ;
brokers , J.1.75. Tin , market qulot. Thn marI I
kot has shown steady Improvement during
the laat week , closing today quite firm In
nearly oil departments. Utmlnesg wnn
rather light today , but has picked up very
encouragingly of late and promises to
broaden materially next week. The firm
naming the settling price for leading
miners and smelters at the- west quotes
lead ut J3.75 ; copper , J12.00 ; coating copper ,
Condition of Trade nnil Unntntlon * on
Slnplc nncl Fancy Prodnce.
EQGS Good stock , ICc.
BUTTER Common to fair , 1012c ; sep
arator , 22c ; gathered creamery , 20fi21c ,
LIVE POULTRY-Hens , 6 4a6c ; old roo-
tcrs , 4cj spring chickens , 6tjg7c ! ducks , 5Q >
So. geese , not wanted.
GAME Teal , blue wing. J1.75 : greenwlng ,
J1.30 ; mixed , Jl.73ti2.23 ; prairie chickens ,
young. J3.CO ; old , J2.50.
PIGEONS-Livc , per doz. , 73c.
VEAL Choice , 9c.
CELERY Per bunch. 30fl33c.
ONIONS-Now , per bu , , 25@40c.
BEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , Jl.SO
POTATOES-Per bu. , JOfJ40e.
CABBAGES-Per lb. , crated , le.
ORANGES-Seedllngs. J2.75 ; Mediterra
nean sweets , J3.00.
LEMONS-Callfornla , JG.OO ; fancy Mes
sina. J6.507.09.
BANANAS-Cholce , large stock , per
bunch , J2.00fi2.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
APPLES-Per bbl. , Jonathans , J3.BO ;
choice shipping stock , J3.00 ; other stock ,
J2.6 ! Michigan apples , J3.25f3.50. ?
PEACHES-Callfornla. 20-Ib. case , J1.10.
J'LUMK Ore-Bon , $1.0001.25.
PEARS Bartlett , California , out of the
market ; other varieties , J2.0oy2.23.
GRAPES-Callfornla Tokays , I1.G091.6S ;
New York crapes. IBc.
CRANBERRIES-Wlsconsln. per box ,
J1.25 ; Capo Cods , per bbl. , Jtt.2BQ6.50.
NUTS Almonds , per lb. , large size , 12 ©
13c ; small , lie ; Brazils , per lb. , 9810c ; En
glish walnuts , per lb , , fancy soft shell , 11 ®
12c ; standards , sggc ; filberts , per lb. , lOc ;
pecans , polished , medium , Gfo7o ; : extra
large , 8fc9c ; large hickory nuts , f 1.0001.10
per bu. ; small. J1.13S1.26 per bu. ; cocoanuts ,
per 100 , J4i > ogo.OO ; peanuts , row , GVic ;
roasted , 7',4c.
MAPLE SYRUP-FIve-gal. can , each ,
J2.75J gal. cans , pure , per doz. . J12 ; half-
sal. cans. J6.25 ; quart cans , J3.5U.
HONEY-Cholce white. 12 c.
DATES-Hallowee. GO to 70-lb. boxes , 5Hc ;
Salr. f.c ; Ford , 9-Ib. boxes. 9c.
FIGS Imported , fancy , 3-crown , 14-lb.
boxes , lOc ; B-crown , 44-lb. boxus. 13c ; 3-lb.
boxes , 22@23o per box ; California , 10-lb.
boxes , JI.
CIDER-Per half bbl. , J3.25S3.BO.
HIDEB-No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 2
grean hides. Gc ; No. 1'salted ' hides , 8 io ; No.
2 salted hides , 7c : No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12
Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No.
1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2 > fcc ; rough tallow , IHc ;
white grease , 214fc2\c ; yellow und brown
grease , lVtO2Vtc.
SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each , 15(5) ( )
iBc ; green salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , IBc ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , Be ; dry
flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4Q5c ; dry flint ,
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per lb. , actual weight , SfHc ; dry flint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 4S'6c ; dry Hint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 3y4c.
St. LouU Market.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 15-FLOUR-Unchanged.
patents , J3.4S3.GO ; straights , J3.1BQ3.25 : clear ,
J2.75fi3.00 ; low to decided medium , J2.53.
WHEAT Easy and fractionally lower ,
spot , lower ; No. 2 red. In elevator , 79c bid-
on track , 70fi71c ; October , GSUc bid : 71c
asked ; December , G81-8c ; May , 677-Sc usked
No. 2 hard , cash , C4J4ff63Hc. (
CORN Fractions lower for futures ; spot
steady ; No. 2 cash , 3014c ; December , 2Dai {
297-Sc ; May , 31 l-8c.
OATS Futures irregular , with fractlonn
changes ; spot , lower ; No. 2 ca h , 22'c : De
cember. 23io bid ; May , 23&c ; NO. z'whlte
FLAX8EED Nominally higher nt 8Sc.
BUTTER Firm : creamery , 16flsV4c.
POULTRY Market lower und dull ; chick
ens. spring , GH@7V5o : old , G 6 < 4c ; ducks , 5Vi
GCc : geese. Gc ; turkeys , T'tff"
EGGS Steady at 13c.
LEAD-Dull at J3.70.
SPELTER-Steady at $1.83.
PROVISIONS Pork , steady ; atandore
mess , jobbing , $ S. Lard , higher ; prime
steam , J4.75 ; choice , J4.80. Dry salt meats
extra short , clear , J5.57U ; charts. J5.62V4
Bacon , boxed shoulders , J4.8714 ; extra short
clear , J5.87H : ribs , JG ; shorts , J6.12H.
RECEIPTS Flour. 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 137 ,
000 bu. : corn , 47,000 bu. ; oats , 9,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 7,000 bbls. : wheat
1CH.OOO bu. ; corn , 20,000 bu. ; oats , 14,000 bu
I'ntttinnrc Market.
BALTIMORE , Oct. 15. FLOUR-Flrmcr
receipt ? , 22,026 bbls. ; exports. 33,64
bbls. : western extra , J2.5002.SO ; west
urn family. J3.25tfr3.GO ; winter patent , J3.65J
3.S5 : spring patent , $4.25 4.40 ; Rye extra
J3.7BfTf4.00 ; rye flour , medium to choice , J2.75
WHEAT Firmer : spot and month , 2Vi@
72&c : receipts , 38,744 bu. ; exports , 128,137 bu. ;
southern wheat , by sample , 67@73Vic ; south
ern wheat , on grade , 68f73c.
CORN Firmer ; spot and month , 333-Siij )
3c',4c : steamer mixed , 34 3-8g'344cj ( receipts ,
111,922 bu. : export ? , 135,321 bu. ; southern
white. 33ff36c ; southern , yellow , 3636Hc.
OATS Finn ; No. 2 white , western , 2SV > c ;
receipts , 18,750 bu.
RYE Strong and higher ; No. 2 western ,
65c : receipts , 3,328 bu. ; exports , 48,257 bu.
BUTTER Market steady ; creamery , 18
® 18i4c ; Iowa northwestern ladle , 15o : west
ern store packed , 1213c ; Elgin , 22c.
EGGS Firm and unchanged ; fresh , 151A
© 16c : western , " " " " -
CHEESE Steady : new cheese , full cream
New York , 9 ! $ < 89ic per pound.
Knimnii City ( > rnln and Provision * .
ket active and steady ; No. 1 hard , 631Tfl4c :
No. 2 , 61 )63c : No. 3 , 67 < fi619ic ; No. 2 red
650CGc ; No. 3 , 61iiC3c ; No. a spring. COUc ;
No. 3. GGiffSSc.
CORN Market lower ; No. 2 mixed. 27 ®
27io : No. 3 , 27c.
OATS Market steady ; No. 2 white , 23i ! < 3 >
IlYE-Market firm : No. 2. 4S' ' , c.
HAY Choice prairie , J7.GO ; choice tim
othy. J0.50Q7.00.
BUTTER Market firm ; separator , 19S21c ( :
dairy. 16c.
EGGS-Market firm ; fresh.
Cincinnati Market.
fancy , $2.903.20 : family. $2.2562.60.
WHEAT-FIrm ; No. 2 red , 68c.
CORN-Steady : No. 2 mixed , 31c.
. .
PROVIBIONS-Lard. higher at $4.85. Bulk
meats , firm at $ o.37J4. Bacon , steady at
WHISKY In good demand nt $1.25.
EOGS-Steady ; 13c.
° hio >
Toledo Market.
TOLEDO. Oct. 15-WHEAT-Flrm ; De
cember , 68Uc bid.
CORN-Sold light ; No. 3 mixed , 3lc ; No.
3 mixed. 23c.
RYE Dull and higher ; No. : . GOVtc.
CLOVER8EED - Active and higher ;
prime cash , $4.40.
Mliineniiolla Wheat Market.
ket weaker ; October , 63c : December , Gl 6-8c ;
May , 63Vic ; No. 1 hard , 644c : NO. i north
ern. 63 io ; No , 2 northern , 61 4c.
FLOUR Unchanged.
BRAN-In bulk , $8.60(89.00. (
Liverpool Grnln 3Iurke ( .
LIVERPOOL. Oct. 15. WHEAT Market
quiet. lUQUjd higher : October. 6s 10 id ;
December. 5s lOtid ; March , 5s
CORN-Markct vteady , lu ® id higher ;
October. 3s 7'Jd ; November , 3s TWd ; Decem
ber , 3s 7l d ; March , 3s 5Jd.
I'hllndclplilii Mnrke * .
Flrm : fancy western creamery , 22c ; prints ,
"EGGS Steady : fresh western , 17c ; fresh
southern and southwestern , 16c.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE. Oct. 15-WHEAT-Lower ;
No. 1 northern , C6'jc ; No. 2 northern , C5c.
RYE-Hlgher ; No. 1 , GOc.
BARLEY Firm ; No. 2. 45o ; sample , 3
I'eorln Market.
PEORIA , Oct. 15.-CORN-Flrm ; No. ! ,
OATS-FIrm : No. 2 white. 23'.jg24c.
WHISKY-Flrm. on the , basis of $1.25.
Dulutli AVlieut Market.
DULUTH. Oct. 15 WHEAT-No. I north.
* rn , cash , Hcj October , 65c ; December ,
C6c ; May , 647-8c.
SHII Frnnulneo tVlieat Markrt.
Ensr : December , $1.21 1-8.
BARLEY-Strons ; December , $1.3. i
Weakness in dash Grain in Northwest
Games Buyers to Act Cautiously.
Liverpool Market * Ileoover nnil llc-
l ort Stnrt Trmllnir nl nn A l-
rnncc lit I'll , but De
cline * Later.
CHICAGO , Oct. 15. With tlio demand for
flour subsiding nnil a reappearance of the
weakness In cusli grain In tho' northwest
there- was a disposition In the wheat pit
today to act cautiously on the buying side.
December closed 1-So lower ; corn left oft
unchanged to 1-Sc lower ; oats declined 1-Sc
lower ; pork in unchanged to 2'ic down ;
lard 2 > iQ5c higher and ribs unchanged.
Before the opening there were reports
received from Liverpool that the market
there had recovered ull thnt It lost yester
day. The news hud nn appreciable effect
on the early trading1 here , llrst-class bcln #
at an advance over night of l-SS(3-Sc.
Though New York continued to send re
ports of large export engagements , tha
news had much less Influence than usual ,
the prevailing opinion being that reports
of previous days this week \ ere very much
exaggerated and that the advices today
might bo duplicates. One unfavorable
tea turn of the market , and onu which hud
a great deal of Inlluenco In shaping the
course of prices , was the. weakness of the
cash grain Jn the northwest and reports
from Minneapolis of a pause In the demand
for flour. The primary market receipts tor
the day were. 1,682,000 bit. , against 1,203,000
bu. a week ago , Chicago received 275 curs ,
against 133 last year , and Minneapolis and
Duluth 1,122 cars , as compared with 1,122
a week ago and 1,170 the corresponding
day the your before. The reports of the
export engagements at the seaboard Dually
ran up to 1WJ boatloads. This was entirely
Ignored , however , and the market con
tinued to weaken during the last half hour.
Influenced by lack of speculative demand
and free liquidation by discouraged longs.
December opened \lc \ higher at C5V0C5 3-sc ,
ranged Irregularly downward to ul'.ic and
closed at 6414W64 5-Sc.
A sharp upturn at Liverpool caused corn
to sell early at the highest price touched
on the present rise. Commission houses
executed a fair number of buying orders ,
but the demand proved Insutllclent to hold
the market , there being considerable , long
property for sale and one or two prominent
elevator Interests selling finite freely. Re
ceipts were G22 curs. December began l-S5f >
3-8c higher ut 31 l-SfjIJl 3-Xe , declined to
30 7-8c und closed at 30 7-Sy31c.
There was quite an active trade for the.
first hour In oats and the market ruled
strong ut advanced values. Receipts were
large and almost everybody had something
to sell und prices started un the downward
and winding up at the bottom figure. December -
comber closed 1-Sc higher at 23Kc , sold up
to 23 > ic , then fell to 23V4c , the closing Ilgure.
An advance of Re In hoga ut the yards
and more assuring news regarding the yel
low fever situation In the south were the
strengthening Influences In provisions at
the opening. The weakness In grain , how
ever , and free sales from brokers caused
a substantial reaction later. December
pork opened 7H < & 10c up at J9.30 , declined to
J9.17Vand closed at J9.20 ; January lard
started BO'Hc higher ut $5.07 > , & , weakened
to J5.02H and closed at J5.03 ; January ribs
began 5 < 87c up at J4.SOJi4.S2U. hold steady
at J4.S214 , then fell oft to $4.73 and rallied
to J4.77',5 ' at the close.
The leading futures ranged ai follows :
Articles. Open. lllch. Low. Close. Yest'y
Oct. . . . 64K 05
Deo. . . cm * < * H
Mny. . OUH 06H H
Oct. . . . 31 31 30V. 30M
Dec. . . . 30M-.S 1 ill 30H 30J4-31 81
May. . . ill33H 33H
Oil. .
Dee. . . 2S
Dee. . . 810 S 10 706 797K 707K
Jan. . . . B30 030 9 17H O''O
Deo. . . COO 405 49VW
Jan. . . . B07H G02K BOS 602H
Oct. . . . G37U 837H S.10
Jan. . . . 4 80 475 J77H 477H
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Steady ; spring special brands ,
J4.0004.10 ; hard patents , J4.W4.30 ; winter
straights , J3.00tf3.:0.
WHEAT No. 3 spring , 64$3c ; No. 2 red ,
CORN No. 2 , 30 5-8030 7-Sc.
OATS-NO , i. 22 0 ; NO. 2 white , ' 'jgncc ;
No. 3 white , 2423c.
RYE No. 2. 49049'ic. '
BARLEY 32Hf c.
SEEDS Flaxseed. No. 1 , 91c ; prime tim
othy seed , J2.40.
PROVISIONS-Pork , mess , per bbl. , J7.BO
© 7.83. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , J3.021ASJ5.03. Bacon ,
short ribs sides ( loose ) . J5.20S5.50. Dry
salted shoulders ( boxed ) , Jl.50l.t2'i ; ' ; short
clear aldCB ( boxed ) , J5.25Q5.35.
WHISKY Distillers' llnlshed goods , per
gal. , J1.25.
SUQARS-Cut loaf. J5.47 : granulated , ? 3.14.
The following are the receipts and ship
ments for today :
Articles. Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbla. 14,100 7,100
Wheat , bu. 218.000 lOO.SlK
Corn , bu. . . 587,700 liOO.GW
Oats. bu. . . 452,000 , 157.0IK
Rye , bu. . . . 24.000 1,000
Barley , bu. 140,000 SS.OOO
On the Produce exchange today HIP but
ter market was nrm : creameries. 13'321c ' ;
dairies , 12 < S17c. Eggs , firm and active ; fresh ,
15c. Cheese , dull ; creams , 74Sic.
General I.l t In Disturbed Iij- Erratic
Movement * of Indimtrliilv.
NEW YORK , Oct. 15. There was but llt-
tlo change in the local stock market today ,
the erratic tendency of the leading indus I-
trial specialties keeping the general list
greatly unsettled. The opening decline was
general and was reflected from abroad. 3t
Both Tobacco and Sugar went down at
the opening , but Sugar reached the point
of resistance and encountered largo buying Ity
which put the bears all at sea again. They
covered quite freely and ran the price up
to 112. The urgent demand then stopped
for the day , but the price was held above
last night's close. Tobacco dropped off 3 > ; t
points to 114U and closed at about the low
est. The continued disposition of North l-
ern Pacific to sag also checked any upward
tendency and discouraged activity in the
railway list. There was a conspicuous
mowment In the late , dealings in Louisville
& Nashville and Southern preferred. Thu
trade attributed this to the prospects of
relief from the yellow fever by the coming
of cold weather , but In the case of the
Southern railway there were reports of 10n
approaching dividend declaration. 10d
The picking up of high-grade dividend
stocks In small lots was a continued
healthful feature , of the market. A feature
of the dealings In the outside market WHS
the now Federal Steel company securities
which are to be listed on the Stock ex
change Monday. The stock market en
joyed a brief upward reaction toward the
middle of the week owing to recovery 10d
the group of stocks , which has exercised :
an unsettling Influence for some tlmo past
But a recurrence of weakness In the stockc
has led to surmises whether their recovery
was not due simply to the closing out ; yt
a bear speculation , leaving them for the
future without even the sustaining force Df
a largo outstanding short Interest.
The advance In the general list hnE
halted on account of this doubt , In spite
of the many undercurrents of strengtl
which have manifested themselves. There
Is general confidence In the strength of the
financial and business outlook , so thai
when Tobacco began to advance on th <
strength of the announced acquisition Df
an opposition plug tobacco plant und Sugai
gave evidence of resistance to long tie
cllne , with the reported price of low-grudi
refined sugars ; other stocks , Including
Northern Paclllc , were heavily bought bj )
the eanift brokers , whose earlier sejllnt
was said to represent Inside conflicting' In
terestn. Small room traders all turncc
from bears to bulls and large financial In
tercsts proceeded to bid up the prices nIn
which they were Interested right merrily
Sugar. Northern Pacific nnd Tobaccc
turned downward ugaln and brought t to <
the surface onca more the elements nf
doubt and hesitation. It Is accepted IS
the natural order of things In Wall strce
that there shall be a period of dullness am
reaction preceding a congressional or pres
Identlal election. 8n
There Is felt to bo room for some un
easiness also over the foreign political sltua
tlon the domestic unrest In France , tin
Anglo-French relations , the conflict of In
( crests which may be precipitated by lie
extraordinary event * In China and lie
money stringency In Berlin , The latter par
of the week has Keen a relapse Into dull
ness In the Stock exchange and the renewa
of bear tactics , which Is ahvayi a featur
of dull markets.
The events of the week In financial circle
were the advance In the Bank of Eng
land's minimum rate of discount from Krl
Xo 4 per cent , the almrp rise in the i > rl-
vale dlfcount rate In London In tcsponso
to the bank's borrowings and the rlo In
the rate of exchange on London at Paris.
The effect has been that whllo the demand
and cable transfers on London have hard
ened at New York , those at Paris and Ber
lin have fallen In splto of the ndvanco
In the discount rate of the Gorman bank
'to ' 5 per cent and of the Austrian bank
to 4Vi per cent on Monday , It Is clear
enough that the Bank of England is
maneuvering to divert the demand from
the United States for gold upon Paris and
Mcantlmo money rates In New York arc
tending steadily downward , so that money
Is cheaper hero than In any of the other
great financial markets except Paris. The
ctedlt balance which Is being accumulated
abroad In this country's favor , Instead of
being drawn upon , Is left at Interest. The
week's Increase of J10,023,300 in loans by
New York banks must bo accounted for in
largo part bv the Investment movement In
sterling exchange. The September trade
statement shows a favorable trade balance
of over J42,000.000 ; for nine months past of
jn93 , ! > Vi , ! > fll , and for twelve months past of
J593.591.330. The last week's demand for
grain for export , future engagements of
vciseil room and offerings of future ex
change ngalnjt grain deliveries scorn to tlx
the conviction that the world will absorb
our largo surplus of wheat at good prices
and thus Insure a further Increase In the
country's heavy credit balance.
The market for railroad bonds has been
rather dull , but there has been n good de
mand for high grade Investment bonds.
V. S. new 4s advanced 3-8 ; U. S. coupon
and the old 4s , coupon , l'i : the coupons ,
.1-8 , while the old 4s rcg. , declined 3-S In
the bid price.
The Evening Post's London financial ca
blegram says ; The stock markets hero
were quiet today with a great Improve
ment. Americans were exceptionally dull
on the Now York lead , but the absence of
sales by thnt market caused a favorable
disposition here. There Is much uncer
tainty us to whether New York la buying
gold or not. New York this morning bought
the gold arrival , whllo other reports suy
Jerlln bought. From the best quarters I
earn thnt New York Is not buying for the
noment. Indeed. I nrn Informed a report
? current that New York is lending money
n this market. Spanish 4s und knlllrs
vere better on the Paris Improvement.
Tne followlnc are the closing quotation !
oi the lending stocks on the New York
market today ;
Ctclr'fion ' . 15J * St. P. Om
-W3 do 137V1
< lo pfil . - doP
Baltimore & Ohio. . 4. , P M. 11. . . . m
CiinncU Pacific . . . . 82 Ji So. 1'aclllo
anndu Soiitlitrn . . Mil , Bo. Itnllwuy S"i
vntral 1'nclllo . . . . S > do tifd 34'1
ke fc Ohio. 3HS Texas & Pacific. . . . 13i ?
& Alton. . . 1-2 di > com S2i
. . 11. * Q . IJ * , U. I' , pfd W.
. & E. Ill . " 3 } f tVlwel. & L. K. . . . 3 <
O. C. C. & St. L. . . M'.i ' do pfd IS
ilo I'M . * Adams Kx 1"S
Del. & HudRon . . . .101 Amer. Express 13 °
Del. L. & W . ; l.'nlted Stutca Kx. . 40
) el. & nio O \Vellfi-Fanjo KX..120
Oo pfd Ml. \ . Cot. Oil 38
Srl ( new ) do pfd So
do 1st 1 > M Amer. filrll ] 1H1
't. AVayiwi , Vo pfd 31
Ot. Xor. pfd A mdr. Tolxi ceo . . . . 114 U
tock'ne Valley . . . . 4' Ufd US
II. Cmtral . 10..J. People's Cas 1031 ;
ake Krle & W. . . . JJH ( \mH. Oan ITO'.J '
do pfd . = ' e.'om. C4ible Co 173
Lakti Shore ( - Col. r. & Iron W
& Nash CHI do pfd W
Manhattan L 915 ? C.en. Electrlu 78 %
Mot. TYiictlon lei-la Illinois Hteel Mli
Michigan Ciiitral . .li > ' > Ii e ede Cns 47
Minn. & St. L M Lead 3J'i
ilo l t pfd SSVj do ] ) fd * ' '
Mo. Piiclflr > - > Xat. Unwed Oil. . . . 27
Mobile & Ohio It' 1'aoinc Mall S2 > ;
M. . K. & T 10'4 Pullman P.ltaco
do nfd ajj * Sllvw
X. J. Central 81U fitandnnl II. & T. . . C
X. Y. Central IMi HUKar HI"
X. Y. Chi. & Ht. L. Mi do nfd 107
do 1st pfd 6 > T. C. & Iron :6"
do al pfd ; 'l ' U. S. leather C
Nor. AVost 13 do ufcl Cl
No. Amer. Co " > \t U. M. Itubber S
Xo. I'nclflo < 0 do r > Jl 101
do Jfd ) 7U \Vet. Union M'
Ontario & W l. C. & X. W 130
Ore. 11. & Xav ,2 do pfd 173'i
Ore. Short Line 2H Chi. O. Vest 1ST.
I'lttpljtirc 1W Illo G. West 27
neadlnic l < tt do jifd CT
Hock Inland 101 St. L. & S.V 4 ;
St. L. fc S. F 7H do pfd 3
Are't pd4th ats't pd.
Total sales of stocks today were 110,500
shares. Including : Burlington , 3,220 ; Louls-
vlllo & Nashville. 3,290 ; Northern Paclllc ,
10,080 ; St. Paul. 4,950 ; Erie preferred , 6,731 ;
American Tobacco , 33,303 ; Sugar , 23.3GO.
York Aloiioy MiirUet.
Steady at 2',4 per cent.
Der cent.
actual business in bankers' bills nt $1.84
4.S4V4 for demand , and $4.81J4.819i for sixty
days : posted rates. $4.8204.82 % and J4.831
commercial bills. $4.EO ? 4.fcO .
BONDS State bonds , inactive : railroad
bonds , steady : government bonds , easier :
3s. 105 % ; new 4s. reg. , cx-lnt. , 12CVi : coupon ,
127Vi : 4s , reg. . 110V.- : coupon , 111 : 2s. reg , , 03 1
5s , reg. , ex-int. , in ? ; coupon , 112 .i ; Paclllc
Gs of ' 99 , 102'i.
Closing quotations on bonds w rj ai fol
U.S.newSs 10SH N. J. C. Ba 113
U. S. new4s.rec. . .12fl < N.O.OB 123
13. S. do coup 1S7 ! > N.C.4U 1011
U. S. Js.reK Ill No. 1'aclflc 1B1S..110K
U. S. do coup 11- No. I'acinc 3s o ii
U. 9. yds , rcj 9 No. 1'aclOe 4s 100H
U. B. 6srer 112 N.Y. C.iSt. L. . .1U < )
U.S. 6scoup 11HU N.iW.Os I1.3
District 3.65s im N. W. Consols 142
Ala. , class A 108 N.W. Deb. f. r.'O
Ala.cliiB B 108 * 113
Ala. , clans C 105 Ore. M. 4a OO
Ala. , Currency 10B O. S. L , 6nt. r 1271
AtchlnoiilB 03H O. S. L. 68 t. r 106H
AtchlROn adj. 4a . . . H Paclllc ( In of OD 103U
Canada 30. yds 108M Headlnif4a i"l
Chi.Terms. , 4 SHh R. O. W. Uta 87
C. AO.5S 117 St. L. & I. M. eon 6 * 7
C. H. iD. 4H3 101M St. U4.S. F. Gen. 0.119 } ,
) D.AR. G. ista 11IIH St. P. ConHOla 169 > , U. O. 4s B7Vi St. P. C. & .V. lHtB..120
KastTenn. Ists 106 ? * St. P.C.&P.6B 117
KriuGen. 4n , 71 So. Ily.Ga U7h
P. W. &D. lHt . t. r. 74M S. K.&T.Ua 77
Oen , Elcc.68 104 Tenn.newnet 3 . . . 0
O.H. AS. A. OH ini T.P. L. G. lati 107
O.ll. iS.A. 2d > . . . 105 T. P. He. ' 'da 46
H.T. Cent. 6s Ill H. P. D. i G. lats. . 77
II. &T. C. con. 88..100 Wab. 1st OB lilt !
. lowaC.lstH 1H5H Wab. Uda N
La. Now Con. 4o. . . . 10.1 W.siior 4n 100)
L.&N. Unl. 4B UOh Va. Conturlea 78U
MlBHOtirlOu 100 Vu , Qeferred V4
M. K. .VT. 2dB. . . . 02K WlB. Cent. 1st ! 6UH
U. K , &T. 4s fc'HH U. P. 4a ! 4
N. Y.C. lats
* J3x-lnt.
Snii FrnncUeo Iliiliic tliintatlom.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 15.-The closing
quotations for mining stocks today were as
follows :
Aiu. 3 Justice 4
Alpha Con 1 Kentucky Con 2
Andes 8 Mcxic-an 12
Ilelclier 7 Ophlr 45
Ilest & Botcher 14 Ovennan 1
Bullion 11 1'otoal 11
Caledonia 19 vafitt r.
Challenge Con 1- Sccrplon S
Cliollar § Sierra Xevada 73
Con. CJila and Va. . C > Union Con 18
Crown Point 8 UUih Con 5
Exchequer 1 Yellow Jacket 11
oould & Cur-Tie . . . . " Standard 170
Iale > _ & _ XorcrosB. . . 00 _
Sliver bars , SD 3-fc ; Mexican dollars. 47'i@
474c. Drafts , sight , 17'X c ; telegraph , 20c.
Ilniton StooU Uiiiiiatlon * .
BOSTON , Oct. 15. Call loans , 2Q3' ' < 6 per
cent ; time loans , 304 percent. Closing
quotations on stocks , bonds and mining
shares ; .
A. . T. & S. F 12J1 Rd. Klec. Tel . 1P5
- Amor. . . .nm On. Elec. pfd . If !
- do pfd . . . . 107 W Atch. pfd . 33ti
IViy State Qaa Atchlson 4s . M
nell Telephone . . . .ITS Allouez Mining Co. . " ' . 'i
Boston & Albany..550 Atlantic . ! ' 4
lioslnn & Maine. . . .1W lloston & Mont . K > i
. , ( ' . , II. & Q 114'k llutte & lioMon . . . . " ' .j
Kltchburg l ° Hi IIi--la..07r : >
Oen. Elewtrlo C4 itcnnlal
Mex'ean Central Kranklln 1SS4
Old Colony . . . Old Dominion
Rubber 38 Osocola ea
Union Pao 32 Qulncy 11 ! >
West Knd KjVv Tamarack 174
do iifd 107 Wolverine. S ?
Hle1..33'.i IMrrott a
do Pfd . M'4 Ilumboldt C'.i
Pogton I. , 69 U
Yor't SIliiliiK Onolntlon .
NEW YORK. Ont. U. The following are
r the closing quotations on mlnlnc stocks :
Choler * Ontario 400
Crown 1'olnt s Oplilr < 0
' Con. Cala. und Vn. . M Plymouth 11
Dendwood Quicksilver 1 >
Oould and Curry. IS do pfd 350
- Halo & Norci-o ? . . . 90 Sierra Nevada 7i >
lome take 5K ( ) Standard 1
- Iron Silver CO Un'on Cor. 18
Mexican 13 Yello\v Jacket 11
o I.ouilnn Stock Qiinintlniipi.
_ LONDON , Oct. 15. 1 p. m.-Closlns : _
Consols , money. . . 100 S-16
Constoln. aco't JiO 7-16 Uead'ng
Canadian Pacific . I' . P. l > fd .
- llllnoU Central . .1U Atohlson . . .
Xor. Pac. iifd 'i
St. Paul com. . . . ' Urand Trtink
- X.Y.JLVntral. . . . _ .ll \
DAU SILVER Steady at 27 IMGd.
MONEY-3 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
for short bills. ! ? , i per cent ; for three
rt months' bills. 3'4fj3 5-S per cent.
AVrHily lliinU Stiitrnionl.
NEW YORK. Oct , 13. The weekly bank
state'inent shows the following changes i :
Surplus recerve. Increase , J)17ti30 ; loan S
- increase. J10,020.r.OO ; specie , increase * . J5t ) . -
SOJ ; It-Kal tendera. decrease. J32.200 ; ilesposlts ; ,
- Increase , { 16,337,400 ; circulation , Increase )
J23.400. The banks now hold $19.66IKO In '
excess of the requirements of the 23 per
cent rule.
riuniiclnl .Votes.
OMAHA , Oct. 15. Clearances today were
J1.379.W7.50 ; balances were Clear
ances last year were > 97,4 .30 ; balances.
J106.G15.9S. Increase In clearings , J3 ! > 2,45S.2U.
Clearings for six days , with comparisons ,
are :
1S9S. 1SD7. Increase.
Oct. 10 . .Jl.441,979 K JU3I.394 W % 307.5S4 21
Oct. 11 . . ] ,42fi.l. U Kl 1,078,524 45 316.61373
Oct. 12 . .1.367,93789 1,062,7W 10 306,14979
Oct. 13 . .1CK5 , ( CT 1.0W.301 47 46.29422
Oct. 14 . .1.M0.912C9 1,034,211240 536. 10 29
Oct. IB . . 1,379,957 GO 997,49930 352,45820
J3.26US1 14 Ji5,336S70 C2 11,021,710 62
ClIICAQO , Oct. 15. Stocks : South Sldo
L , 75Vii ; Biscuit , 3i < A ; Biscuit preferred ,
96i ; Diamond Match , ISS'i ; Lake Street L ,
12 6-8 ; North Chicago. 217 ; Strnwbonrd , S2 ;
West Chicago , 93 ; City Railway. 2 < R
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 15.-Clcarlngs , J3.717.927 ;
balances , J5S7,8W : money , 4/7 / pjrcent ; New
York exchange , par bid , 15c premium asked.
NEW YORK. Oct. 15. The gold and silver
movement at New York for the week endIng -
Ing today was : Exports of gold , $ : J,200 ; of
silver , J9i2,0il : ; imports of gold , Jl,90GoUS ; of
silver. J47.710.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 13. Clearings ,
1,518,032 ; balancss , Jl,623,256. For the week :
learings. JtiU.427,513 ; balances , J9.MO.G76.
BALTIMORE. Oct. IB.-ClenrlURs today ,
J.309,404 ; balances. J4CG.727. Eor the week :
learings , J20,07S,2S5 : balances , 3,056,471.
NEW YORK. Oct. 15. Bank clearings ,
L34.G24.722 ; balances , J7,777,7S3.
BOSTON. Oct. IB.-Bank clearings , J16.649-
) S ; balances. Jl,882,751.
CINCINNATI. Oct. IB. Money , 2Hfid per
cnt ; Now York exchange , par ; clearings ,
' . .476,450.
CHICAGO. Oft. lo.-Clearlngs , J1G.029.SS3 ;
alanccs , J1.61S.2S6 ; New York exchange. 1'Jc '
Iscount ; sterling exchange , posted , J4.S2Va
4.ST.H ; actual , J4.814a4.S4 3-S ; sixty days ,
I.SO J5j4.S3'i.
New York Dry liooilN Inrket.
NEW YORK. Oct. 15. The market during
: io week has shown only slight variations ,
.ocully . trading Imn continued light all the.
ree > k in , both cotton and woolen lines. Exert -
ort goods have shown great weakness ,
Ids for sheetings and drills for the fur
nst being far below the standard set by
ellers. The. market for woolen goods of
11 descriptions has confined dull. There
i beginning to be some Interest man-
'csted In new lines. Re-emlers have born
; ght. The print cloth market has been
arefully watched by cotton goods men
his week. The new plan for curtailment
nd the pooling of stock has not yet gone
: ito effect , but Is thought to be a eer-
alnty. The market for both extras and
Jdrt goods is llrmer , though the former are
till quoted nominally ut 1 15-18 cents.
CotTec MnrUi-t.
NEW YORK Oct. 15. COFFEE-Optlons
i-ero dull and unchanged ; ruled inactive
nd featureless with a weak undertone ,
ollowlng unsatisfactory cables and an en-
Ire absence of speculative interest , with
pot buyers making lower bids ; closed quiet
nd unchanged : sales , 12,230 bags ; Uccem-
er , J5.50 ; March , J5.57 ; August und Heptcm-
jer , JO.OO. Spot coffee. Rio , quiet ; No. 7 , In-
, 'olce. J6.12'i ' ; No. 7 , jobbing , JO.C2VMild ,
met ; Cordova , J3.0QiJ15.00.
Ciillfornlii Di-H-.l KrultH.
DRIED FRUITS-FIrm ; evaporated ap-
iles , common. 7 < fiSc per pound ; prime wire
ray , &Mc ; ; choice , 9c ; fancy , 9o. Prunes ,
/i4'ic , as to slze > and ( iimllty. Aprlcos ,
Royal , llfflSc ; Moor Park , 12JJ13C. j'eaches ,
impeded , 7ti9c ; peeled , 12yi5c per pound.
icnervt * Stock * Small , However , ut the
Time tlie lliirvext AV'an
WASHINGTON. Oct. If . The following Is
a summary of the Agricultural department's
eport of agriculture In foreign countries
or October : The Hungarian ministry of
agriculture and the several commercial uu-
horltles have Issued their estimates of the
world's wheat crop of 189S. The Beerbohm
stlmate is equivalent to 2,640,000,000 bushels
if sixty pounds in the grand total , varying
but little from the Hungarian official esti
mate. The estimate for India for 1898 , as
fllclally reported , amounted to 242,021,280
bushels , while the annual average for the
previous flvo years was 226,446,080. Official
figures on area show an increase of 689,172
nrcs in France , of 218.GSG acres In the United
Kingdom , 163,860 In Ontario , Canada , and
147,350 in Manitoba under wheat. The es
timates of production given in tables pub
ished with the report makes the crop of
1898 the largest on record , but the world's
reserve stocks had run extremely low before
The French area under wheat was about
4'/i per cent greater in 1898 , and , taking
wheat , rye and masltn together , the area
increase amounted to 793,170 acres. The
average yleW of wheat this year was nearly
twenty-two bushels per acre , against less
than 1G.2 in 1897. An official estimate for
Hungary puts the wheat crop at 119,968,000
bushels , against 89,924,000 last year : rye ,
38,154,000 bushels , against 35,151,000 last
rear ; barley , 61,446,000 bushels , against 41-
476.000 bushels last year ; oats , 84,041,000
bushels , against C,881,000 bushels lost year ,
The wheat crop of Roumanla has been stated
n English papers , on the authority of an
ofllclal estimate , at 66,800,000 bushels , bu
sorao reports from that country represent
that this estimate is too largo by sevcra
ali'llon bushels. The offers of wheat from
Roumanla and Bulgaria are described as
"rather extraordinarily restricted. "
The preliminary official estimate as to the
Prussian rye crop is said to state It at 246 ,
400,000 , against 223,200,000 bushels last year ,
Too German potato crop was reported In th
middle of September as a full average. In
Austria-Hungary the crops of wheat and
cats are reported as very satisfactory. Bar
ley is above average In quantity , wlillo maze ,
on the whole , Is not a good crop ,
Reports from Russia are qulto conflicting.
Supplies of new wheat for export come for
ward very sparingly and considerable quan
tities of grain are said to bo moving toward
the provinces which suffered so severely
through the failure of the crops last year.
At the beginning of September the crops
of Argentina were reported to be in fine con
dition , but about three weeks , later they wcro
represented as suffering for want of rain and
threatened by Tocusts. Accounts from Aus
tralia represent the crop outlook there as ex
The sowlnp ; of the fall grain crops In Eu-
roco has been delayed by drouth in a num
ber of countries. Complaints on this score
has been qulto serious and widespread.
Ilatloiifi ( or Flood Sufferem.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 15. Government aid
In the shape of army rations will bo given
to the sufferers from the recent floods In
Georgia , who are in need of the barest ne
cessities of life. These applications for as
sistance came to the War department from
the secretary of state of Georgia and Con
gressman Livingston. Secretary Algcr re
ferred the matter to the president , recom
mending favorable action , and the former
suggested that a conference bo had with
the officials of the Department of Justice
before anything was done. This was held
this morning and Solicitor General Rich
ards , who Is acting attorney general , holds
that while there is no direct statutory au
thority for extending such relief , there lane
no statutory prohibition , and In view of the
fact the government has given assistance
In such emergency as the present , he
thought that the executive power generally
would authorize the relief asked for.
I'ralHeH the Marine Corp * .
WASHINGTON. Oct. 15. In his annual
report to the secretary of the navy Colonel
I Icy wood , commandant of marines , finds an
opportunity to give a brief history of the
solendld achievements of the marine battal
ion , which , under the command of Lieuten
ant Colonel Huntlngton , constituted the ad
vance guard of the American attacking force
on Cuba , landing at Guantanamo and holdIng -
Ing It till after Santiago's surrender. The
colonel commandant speaks modestly of this
achievement , contenting himself with the
etatemcnt that the holding of tbo position
nt Guantanamo was of the utmost impor
tance to the navy , as It was tbe only harbor
| where the vessels could seek shelter during
the hurricane season. To supply details ho
appends tbo report of Lieutenant Colonel
Huntlngton , dealing with that exploit of tbe
marine corps.
Customary Slack Run of Oattlo Finds ft
Fcftturclosi Trade.
Week Clone-n rlth Alt firntlr *
Tliiiu I.iiNt HOK" I'ut on Another
McUcI nnel Alt Sell JlrlxUly
nt the Aelvnncc.
Cattle. HOCK. Sheep.
Receipts today 1.S32 I.$01 1,158
Olllclal Monday 0,377 3,004 B.U93
Olllclal Tuesday 6.S70 S.S01 9. . 12
Olllclal Wednesday . C.1S9 7.Cfit .S s
Olllclal Thursday . 5,353 C,40fi 6.2SS
Oillchil Friday . 2.-J41 oi4 <
Averngn price paid for hogs for the last
several days with comparisons :
Oct. 1 371 3 83 3 9S C 2S C 16
Oct. 2 3 79 3 02 3 93 B 27 0 24
Oct. 3 3 66 2 7 3 56 G 00 G 2G 521
Oct. 4 3 61 3 3 82 5 IX ) C2S 5 17
Oct. C 3G4 3 2 93 3 85 4 K 6 32 6 19
ct. 6 3 at 3 3 04 4 M G 31 D27
ct. 7 3 58 3 C4 3 04 3 86 G37 G 31
ct. H 359 3 62 3 13 ] 3 t6 4 S6 531
ct. n I 3 6J 3 131 3 Sol 4 ! l'l ' li Bl | *
ct. 10. . , . 3 64 3SI | 4 S3 6 21 | 6 27
'et. ' 11. . . . H iV 3 S9 | ' . : t idi 4 uii U 24 , 5 30
'ft. ' 12. . . . I ! Grtl 3 fi2l 3 IS1 3 771 4 ! > 4l 6 30l 5 23
ct. 13. . . . 3 53 3 561 3 " ° i | 4 ! ; C 37i 5 27
ct. 14. . . . 3 (13 ( 3 01 3 32 | 37S | * i 6 31 ! 5 21
ct. 15. . . . 3 G9 3 Cl | 3 19 | 3 76 , 4 SO ,
* Indicates Sunday.
The ottlclnl number of cars of stock
fought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
. " . . M. * St. 1 > . Ily . G
.Ilssourl . Paelllc lly. . . 19 5
Tnlnn Pnclllc System. 10 10 4
! ' . . H. * M. v. n. it. . 2 20 . . i
H. C. & P. lly . 1
: . . st. P. , M. & o. Jty : ! c
J. At M. II. 11. 11 . 25 2S
C. , U. & y. Hy . 7
. C. ASt. . J . 1 .
. , 11. 1. it 1 > . lly. , o. . . . 3
. , H. 1. & 1' . lly. , w. 1 1
Total receipts . . . . G7 S6 4 . !
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated : .
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co . . . . . BUO .
a. II. Hammond Co. . . . ; . 1,302 .
Swift und Company . M ) 1.105 .
Cudahy 1'acltlng Co . 136 1,252 "i ,
Armour & Co . . 4 l,3t > $ 13
1. Usckcr < t Degan . G49 .
Vansant & Co . r,6 , .
llenton & . Underwood. . . . 19 .
"luston Ai Co . 50 .
1111 & IluntzliiKer . 9 .
lunimond. Kansas City . 212 .
Cuduhy. Knnsus City. . . . 427 .
Other buyers . 2W . 1.459
' .eft over . . . . . . U > 00
Totals . 1.7DO 5,739 2,300
CATTLK There wus the usual light Sat
urday's run of cattle and1 a considerable
proportion of the few reported In did not
cirrlvo until Into , so that there was not
nough of any one kind of cattle on sale to
rcato nn active or Interesting market. In
act the tradu was without feature of 1m-
ortance , except that .the usuul Saturday's"
ullness and weakness were apparent.
The cattle market for the week has been
n exceptionally good condition und sellers
lave generally been well pleased with re
mits. The receipts have not been us largo
us for the week before , but a little larger
ban two weeks ago und larger by pevetnl
housand head than three weeks ngo , so
hat there has been no occasion for com-
lulnt on the score of the number of cattle
available. However , the packers have com-
ilalncd of a shortage of beef steers and the
narkct In consequence has been very strong ,
Grass beef sold as high as ever and the
few desirable cattle received met with
ready ealo und at prices as high as any
.Ime this season. Curnfed cuttles gradually
.Irmed up during the week und at the elo.xe
are ICkfflBc higher than last week a.ul al
most us high as they have been any time
thin season.
Cows and heifers w"-a 'n very fair re
quest all the week and the arrivals were
kept well cleared up. Values on that kind
of stock did not show much change. The
same was true of bulls , stags , etc. Veul
calves wore In good demand ull the week at
strong prices.
The most of the cattle recalvod during
the week answered to the description of
stockers and feeders. As a very 1'vely
country demand was developed , the market
steadily gained In str ° ngth under the in
fluence of the free buying and at tin1 close
of the week la lOfl'Kc hlgnor than the low
time the middle of lust week. The
lias been the most on the medium to pretty
lair cattle , as they guttered tiu inont < ! <
ciino from the excessive receipts lam week.
Choice feedrs and stor-.tors did not ci'clme
very much when other cattls wore Iv.-oak-
Ing badly , as they were at no tlmo pknfful
and In consequence they hnvp not ainreU '
so very much this week. Representative
sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..11GO J3 23 21. . 1234 J4 73 17. . 1181 ! J5 03
4. . 987 350 63. . 1283 493 22. .1477 G 10
1. . 710 4 23 42. .1132 4 93
1. . 910 250 3. . 923 290 2. .1103 320
2. .1103 CO ] . . 830 300 1..1100 3 : ! 3
810 2 Go 1. . 930 300 2..b90 3 GO
1. . 840 2 75 2. .1240 3 20
3..10SO 335
1. . 740 3 10 3. . 893 3 45 3. . 973 3 30
1. . 250 G 50 1. . 90 G 23 1..1SO 050
1. . 4GO 300 1. . 310 450 450 GOO
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 bull . 1420 $2 40 1 feeder. . . 'JIO $3 fc5
1 cow . 1000 273 S feeder ? . . 100S 410
1 stag . 10G0 310 S feeders. . 931 410
3 feeders. . 943 3 20 1 feeder. . . 'J70 4 10
1 row . 970 ! i 20 2 feeders. . 730 410
1 feeder. . . 1040 3 G5 20 feeders. . 'Jl 4 10
1 feeder. . . 890 3 85
II. W. Howard.
9 heifers. . 933 3 10 5 feeders. . 2S8 4 50
58 feeders. . 733 4 15
HOGS There was a very fair run of hogs
for the lust day of the week , though the
receipts fell short of last Saturdays and the
Saturday before by a few loads , The mar
ket was In very satisfactory condition as
regards the selling Interests , values being
Be higher with the movement active at the
advance. Practically everything In soli
early In the morning , though the close o
the market WUH deferred somewhat by the
late arrival of some of the trains. Heavy
packing hogs sold very largely at ts.esrui
3.G7'/fc , with Homo prime heavy nt $3.70 < f
3.72 % ; good light hogs brought $3.73. Yes
terday , It will be remembered , cdnsldora
bly over halt of all the hogs here sold u
U will bo noted from the figures at thn
head pf the column thnt the receipts for
thu week huvo been of fair proportions us
compared with previous weeks. The mar
ket us a whole has been in better condl
lion than It was during the previous week
that Is , prices have averaged a little higher
The week opened with an advance , bu
there was a sharp break on Tuesday. From
that day on thcv tendency of the ninrke
wus gradually upward , but It was not untl
Friday that prices were hack ugaln to
where they were on the Hrst day of th
week. The advance ut the oloso of th
week carried th market to a point thu
was lOo higher than the close of tne prevl
ous week , and the highest that It has beci
any day since October 1. Rcprescntatlv
sales :
67. . . . .219 . . 37S ! W . . . 212 SO 375
6ti . 220 . . 375 4'l. ' 33S . . 37.1
GS . 221 . . . S75 7G . 193 . . . 3 71
63 . 253 120 3 70
70 . 294 SO 3 75
1 . 330 . . . 200 4 . 475 . . . 3 M
1 . 290 . . . 2 V ) 1 . 415 . . . 360
2 . 75 . . . 2 50 10 . 342 . . . 3 SO
1 . S10 . . . 2 BO 1 . 3X1 . . . 360
2 . 300 . . . 360 S9 . 134 . . . 3 CO
SHEEP-There wnn very Illtlo In the
of either sheep or liiinbs to offer today ,
the market was without chanen nf any
kind. Desirable fat shrop would , without !
doubt , have brought fully steady prices
Tim sheep market has been oxcoodlngly
peed all this week. The arrivals were thu
largest In n good many weeks , but that
did not appear to make any dlfTrrenrtt
with tha market , as thn demand wax cor
respondingly brisk. This Is true of all
kind * , fat xhr p and lambs , an welt ntt
feeder aiul stockiTH. The tendency of the
market has been strong , and for the week
values are R little hlghrr. Quotations arc :
Good grass westerns. J4.10fl4.25 ; f ir to peed
grans westerns , J1.9i > Tfl,00 ; good yearlings ,
Jl.20i4,35 | ; good to choice liitnbft. $ ) l5lf5..15 :
fair to good lamlm , fl.V01iP.uO ; feeder weth
ers , 2-year-olds and over , J3.S5j(4.00 ( ; fredor
yearlings , 4.i Jil.25i feeder lambs , J .50 { | >
4.S3 ; cull sheep , J2.M > ff3.W ; cull lambs. JLOW
4,25 , Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
54 ewes , westerns . ! > 9 J2 73
27 owes , westerns . Dl 2 ,5
2 cull ewes , natives . S3 .100
14 cull ewes , natives . 94 310
23 western owes . , . ICO 335
51 nntlvu cuil wethers . 100 3 4.i
4 yearling culls . 100 3 i
22 yearling culls . 89 365
423 western wethers . 91 420
443 western wethers . 110 420
87 western wethers . 101 420
6i ! western wethers . 109 ' " °
12il western wethers . 103 4 .0
44'J western wethers . 101 425
Offering" "t Medium ( irnile Cattle Sell
Nloul- lit I'lielinniOMl ' Trleex.
CHICAGO. Oct. 15-As Is usual on Satur
day the cattle receipts today were too small
to make a market. The few offerings of me
dium grade cattle were disposed of slowly
nt prices unchanged from ystrrduy. A.
largo Increase In receipts Is looked for Mon
day. Trade In hogs was active and whllu
common droves sold lower , desirable offe'- '
Ings were 2VMKip higher. Hogs sold any
where from $3.40"fi3.50 " for common droves
up to $2. ! < , " 'ii3.93 ' for thn best lots , the bulls
of the offerings crossing the scales at J3.70
63.90. Pigs sold largely at W.SMtJ.GO. There
was a fair business In slu-pp und lambs for
Saturday at jirlccs at about yesterday's
closing point. Prim ? native wethers soul
! at } 4.50i&4.65 ; fair to choice. $3.75(71.33 , fair
I to primp western range sheep , JI.137J4.50 :
prime shipping lambs brought $3.M)0.10 ) :
commoner grades. Jt.30fiG.50.
Receipts : Cuttle. 400 head ; hogs , 17,000
ead ; sheep , 4.0UO head.
Ultima * nty Lite Sloek.
clpts , 1,115 head ; for the week , 19,000 head.
"he lurga supply mainly range stock ; offcr-
igs of dressed beef steers too light to
leet demands ; firm to lOc higher ; butcher
ml canning stock , good demand and
tcady prices ; native and good style rnngn
coders , big demand ; steady to a shudo
Igher ; common quality nbout steady :
holcn heavy steers , $5.80123.73 : medium ,
4.60itG.2o ; light weights , J4.Wf5.S3 ; stoekerrt
ml feeders , JH.SOfr 1.90 ; butcher cows anil
elfers , J2.70fl4.75 : butcher bulls , J2.70tfi3.GO ;
vestern steers , J.I.SOft 1.90 ; western cows ,
2.90JJ3.90 ; Texas steers. W.OO'ri 1.30 ; Texas
utchnr cows. J2.7oy3.33 ; lannlng stock ,
2.10J2.63. |
HOGS Receipts , 4,050 head ; for the week ,
fiOW head. Trading u little more animated
his week and prices advanced G'fTlOc ' ; con-
Itlons more encouraging ; heavy hogs , t.Ga
4)3.75 ) ; mixed , J.1.G04J3.70 ; lights , J.3.50tf3.Gj.
SHEEP Receipts , 1.4IX ) head : for thn
week. 17COrt head ; supply too light to meet
umund ; nil grades slaughtering sheep , 10 © )
"Oe higher ; good feeders brought firm
rlces ; culls lower ; native lambs. Jj.OOJjG.Gu ;
native muttons , J4.OCV5i4.50 ; western lumbs.
lS3f5.35 | ; western muttons , $3.75 4.35 :
ange feeding lambs , J4.50f < l.73 ; rangti
eedlng sheep , $3.301/4.10 / ; stock ewes ,
St. I.KiilK I. lie Slock.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 13-C'ATTLE-Rpcelpts.
00 head , Including 350 Texuns ; shipments ,
900 head ; market dull und steady ; fair to
'ancv native shipping and export steers ,
4.75 < ij5.4n ; bulk of sales , J5.15 5.30 ; dre , seil
> eef and butcher steers , $3.S0fi6.23 ; bulk o
sales , J4.GOfi3.00 ; steers under 1,000 pounds ,
J3.25 < jf3.70 : bulk of sales. J3.2ofi3.90 ; stockera
and feeders , $2.5 ( 4.50 : bulk of sales , J3.GOfi )
6.25 ; cows and heifers , $2.00Ti4.60 ; bulk oC
cows , J2.40ti3.25 : Texas and Indians , J2.90fi >
4.25 ; bulk of sale * ! , $3.455/4.03 ; cows and
iclfers , J2.0OU3.40.
HOGS Receipts , .1,000 head ; shipments ,
2.600 head ; market 5c higher ; yorkers , $3.70
SjS.SO ; packers , $3.731J3.90 ; butchers , $3.855i >
SHEEP Receipts , none ; shipments. 150
head : market nominal ; native muttons ,
I4.0084.GU ; culls and bucks. J2.00fl3.75 ; stockers - * '
ers , $2.7503.40 ; lambs. J4.10i(5.90. (
\oiv York IilvtHtoi'k. .
elpts , 2GI head ; feeling steady ; exports ,
iSO cattle.
CAIjVES Receipts , 173 head ; quiet ; poop
: o medium , J3.OOTj4.70 : western calves , $3.50.
SHEEP AND hAMBS-Recelpts , 2,78(5 (
nead ; sheep , steady ; lambs , weak to lOo
lower ; shepp , J3.3W4.CO ; lambs , J3.50t/G.60 / ,
nalnly J3.GOfiG.OO ,
HOGS-Recelpts. 4,970 head ; nominally
weak at $1.00if4.23.
St. .loNcpli Live Stoek.
ST. JOSEPH , Oct. 13. ( Special. ) CAT.
TLE Receipts , COO head ; steady ; natives ,
JI.GWj5.23 ; cows and heifers , $1.GO@I.OO ;
stockers and feeders. J3.25ii5.00.
HOGS Receipts , 4bOO head : strong to 5o
higher ; top. J3.75 ; bulk , J3.G2'.AiT3.C7Vj. (
SHEEP Receipts , 20 head ; linn.
Cliielniintl Ijlve Stock.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 15. HOGS-Markct ac-
tlvo nt $3.C313.85.
CATTLE-Steady at $2.50 1.83.
SHEEP Market steady at $2.2501. IjJ
ambs , steady nt $1.001)5.75. )
Hide anil Leather Trade.
CHICAGO , Oct. 15. The Shoe anil
Leather Review says :
The hide market closes dull and weak./
The packers have not lowered their quota
tions , but they evince more anxiety to sell. ,
There Is n disposition to curtail the pro
duction of leather that Is likely to prevent )
the packers from selling many hides fop
somti time. H Is not believed that the
I'nlted Stutos Leather company will closii.
any of Its tanneries that use dotnestlojj
hides , but the houses that tan hides from/4
foreign dry hide , houses may shut down. )
for a time. The sensational story printed1 !
In some of the dally papers that the Untied' .
States Leather company would close HHJ
100 tanneries was probably Intended to In- I
llnenco leather stock on the New \orlc I
OH Market.
OIL CITY , Oct. 13.-Credlt balances , $1 12 ; (
certificates opened nt $1.13 bid for cash ;
closed at JUS l ; shipments , 82,992 bbls. ;
runs , 92.724 bbls.
SAVANNAH , Ga. , Oct. lu.-OILS-Spirlts
of turpentine. 30c : sale ! * , 760 bbls. Rosin ,
Him and unchanged.
Spirits of turpentine , nothing doing. Rosin ,
nothing doing. Crude turpentine , firm at
J1.15f)1.70. Tur , steady at $1.10.
Telephone 103n. Oinnlui , Neb
Direct wire * to Chicago and New York.
Corrtipondentt ! John A. Warren It Co.
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
Hooni , N , Y. Life Dldir. , Oiunlin , Neb ,
Oilcutlrr * NIHT York , Clilcauu and
IXVKSTOH'.S ( il'lUE. '
Just out. worth Its weight In gold. Tolls
how to Invest and not lose ; big profits cer
tain , sure. This great volumu Is absolutely
disinterested. Solely to Introduce our big
Illustrates ! western weekly paper we will
Bond ti copy of the INVESTOR'S GUIDE
fre'o to all sending 8 two-cent stumps for
a ten weks' trial. Latest mining news ,
stories of udventuro ami lovely views of.
grand scenery. Sixth year. Address.
l.fientlonn Tor linlimtrleN nt flili-imo.
IndiiBtrles located on the line of Thn Belt
Railway Co. of Chicago are afforded un
equalled switching facilities and the iid-
Vfntage of connecting with all Chicago rail
roads. They have thn hcncllt of competi
tive rates and an abundant supplies of
cars for shipments ut all tlmen. Partle.i
e-ontomplntlng the establishment of Indus
tries In the vicinity of Chicago uro Invited
to communicate ) with the undersigned , who
will promptly furnish full Information In
regard to location * , switching rotes , cur
hupply , etc. B. Thomas. P. & G. Mgr. .
Dearborn Station , ChU-u u.