Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1898, Image 13

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S > a The Lowest s
This week the R. R. Go's are making the lowest rates in the history of the Exposition. The Big Store will make the lowest prices ever named in the Trans-
Mississippi country on high-class desirable goods , ' It will pay out-of-town customers to come hundreds of miles to select from the immense assortments displayed in
every deparment at fully % to % less than regular prices. The goods are absolutely the newest , choicest and best , from the foremost manufacturers of the world ,
Bought direct in vast quantities for spot cash at the most favorable times , we are able to make astonishingly low figures on any goods you need.
Attend the bi clothing sale. ' Make the Big Store your trading headquarters. Agents for Butterick Patterns.
Over 30,000 , new.fall styles to select from
A creat many dress goods houbCH advcr-
tlso SPKCIAI ; BALU8. when they never
educe the price , but merely ay that It Is
i uppclal price. AVhen we advertise Dress
ToodH wo guarantee , that everything Is
nut as represented.
00 dress patterns , 7 yards each. 38-Inch ,
half wool , neat , new , bright two-novel
ties and jacquards , worth 23c per yurd ,
on wile Monday morning nt 93c for entire 98c
500 pieces of half wool novelties , good ,
Htrong material , now from the Arlington
mills , and was manufactured to Bell for
23c , on sale Monday at only , per yurd . .
I Here Is the greatest bargain of all KO
pieces of all wool novelties , silk and
wool novelties , silk , wool and cotton
plaids , stripes , etc , 34 , 30 , 38 Inches wide ,
nil now from the mills , and was made
to sell at GOc , 60c , 75c , all will go on
Monday , for one day only , at the same g- 25c
, . , . , , , , ure , per yard
> < , . . . - i.ciiuliK- I ens rolled
pit the "Vnrnlwli llnitnl , " nml NOVELTIES
Hlniiipril CV TJT lUc ynriln All our Novelties that sold from 7Bc up
irllli < lic : lninifnp iirern' to $1.W per yard , will go on Mondays 59c
! tnnie. sale at
AVo' have moro coverts than any three houses In Nebraska and defy any other
liouso In or out of the stnto to give such value ns wo do. Our G9c covert.Is asgoodas
pome ure Belling for $1.00-our 98o covert Is far superior to nnytlll B o 6 1 ' - ° l
houses nt $1.50. Our $1.39 coverts sold hero In Omaha by other houses at $2.2o. V,0
liavu a $2.25 covert , but there Is nothing to come up to It In this city , no matter what
l > rlco they ask for thulrs.
AVe entry the real genuine tailor suiting made In Bradford. England , uuch as no
other house In the city curries. They are put up In Blnglo patterns , bO-lnch wide and 5
yards to the pattern. They are worth $2.25 to $7.50 per yard.
u'ro very stylish. AVc have 14 different grades , 150 shades , all colors In new
blue" , and rungo In prlco from 75e up to $3.50 yard. , -
carry the largest stock of these west of Chicago. AVe Import the foreign goods _ nna
buy the domestic cloths direct from the mills. AVe are one-third less than others on
till these goods.
" ' "
AVe can truthfully claim that wo have the largest the finest and the best stock
of BLACK DHKSS GOODS west of New York clty-that wo carry more brands of
loading manufacture * than any house wo know of. Como In and examine i esue > ,
AViilkpr. Krold. Sir Edward. Hlpley Sir Tltls. Salts , etc. , black goods , nt lOc , JGc , 19c ,
23o , 29c , 390 , 49c , G9c , C9c , 75c , 9Sc up to $7.50 per yard.
Cotlrtlercs celebrated Crepons nro made In Lyon" , France , and lead the world.
$2.25. $1.0(1. ( S1.50. $1.1)0 ) , up to $10.00 per yurd.
Sl'KCIAL SAM'3 on Mahler's German Crcpons , the $3.50 grade , at $1.75 for Monday
only. Ciopons trom 59c to $10,00 per yard.
.MAII , OIIUUKS . . . .
The upst JIall 'Order house" In America. We send you aampks .free and JK. the
dresH Roods Is not Just as you expected It wo will either exchange it or .rotund the
money. Is there any fairer proposition ? * *
Special sale on table dam
ask , napkins , toweling , towels ,
handkerchief linen , art linen ,
stand covers , dresser scarfs
Lowest prices and largest stock
in the transmississippi coun
try. 72 inch double satin Irish
table damask , worth § 1.50 yard
special sale price 89c. 00
inch grass bleached table dam-
usk , worth ttflc yard special
Bale price 20c. 58 inch extra
heavy cream Scotch table dam
ask , Avorth 45c yard special
sale price 27 ic. 70 inch silver
bleached table damask , Avortk
75c yard special sale price
55c. 60 inch original German
Silver Bleached Damask , worth 7Gc a yard ,
opeclal sale price , 17 c ; CO-lnch celebrated
Clyde Table Damask , worth GOe a yard ,
special sulo prlco 39c ; < H-lneh all Linen
Bleached Irish Damask , worth 75c a yard ,
ppecial sale ptlco 19c ; 64-Inch extra heavy
Cream Holland Damask , worth 63c a yard ,
Bpcclal sale prlco 39c ; OS-Inch heavy all
Lliu-n Austrian Damask , worth $1.00 a yard ,
pcclul sale prlco 65o ; 00-luch Oriental Table
Damask , worth 40c , special sale price 22&c
CO-lnch Monogram Damask , worth GOc , spe
cial sale prlco 23c ; 60-Inch Memphis Table
Damask , German coloring , worth GGc , special
Bale pi Ice ! > 3c ; 36-Inch Butcher's Linen ,
worth 40c , special Ealo prlco 25c ; 36-lnc.h fine
! Art Linen , worth $1.00 , special sale prlco
r > 7&c ! ; 36-Inch Sheer Handkerchief Linen ,
worth $1.00 , special sale prlea C5e ; IS-lnch
Linen crash , yard Gc , 7V c and lOc ; GOO dozen
extra largo Towels , worth lOc , special sale
price Gc ; SOO dozen all linen Huck Towels ,
bUo 18x36 , worth 15c , special sale prlco lOc ;
SOO dozen Satin Damask Towels , fancy bor
ders knotted , fringed , worth 25c , special sale
Iirlco IGc ; 3-4 bleached Damask Napkins ,
'worth ' $1.39 a dozen , special tmla prlro 95c ;
COS dozen 3-4 all Linen Bleached Satin Da
mask Napkins , worth $2.C > 0 a dozen , special
ealo pi lee $1.75 ; 1-4 all linen Stand Covers ,
double row Hemstitched , worth $1.00 , special
ealo prlco GOc ; all Linen Dresser Scarfs ,
double TOW hemstitched , worth $1.00 , special
ealo prlco GOc.
Sheeting and Muslin.
Lonsdale cambric , 3G inches
wide , worth 12.c , special sale
price 7lcExtra heavy LL
V muslin , % inches wide , worth
6e , special sale prlco 3V5o ; 3-4 heavy Broun
Sheeting , SI Inches wide , worth 15c , specla
sale prlco lOc ; soft flulsh Bleached Musllu , 3
inches wide , worth Oc , special saleprlci
< Mic ; SOO dozen Pillow Slips , worth lOo. upe
clul sale prlco tiVjc ; 275 dozen Hemstitched
Pillow Slips , worth ISe. special aale price
12Uc ; 350 dozen ready-to-use Sheets , largo
elie , torn , not cut , worth ( > 5c , special sale
price 42 < ic.
Bed Comforfs.
12 dozen largo size cotton
comfort * , Wuvled tit'd , silko
line covered , ut $1.00 ; 20 dozen Heavy AVInte
weight Comforts , at , caMi 83c ; 25 dozen
Sateen covered Cotton Comforts , $1.5 , $1.GO
2.10 untl } 2,70.
Bed Spreads.
Special sale on bed spreads ,
chenille covers , tapestry cov
ors. Large size crochet spreads
t 39c , 49c , G5c , 65c and 7Gc ; 11-1 spreads
larselllcs patterns , at $1.00 , $1.25 and $1.35
xtra large Fringed Spreads , at $1.23 , $1.50
2.00 , $2.GO and $3.00 ; genuine Marseille
Spreads at $1.50 , $2.00 , $2.50 , $3.00 , up to
3.00 ; big stock Colored Spreads , at $1.00 ant
1.50 ; 6-1 Chenlllo Table Covers , at GOc ; C-4
'apestry Table Covers at 75c ; 4-1 Chenlllo
Tapestry Covers nt 25c , GOc , 65c and 95c.
White wool flannel per yarc
.5c , I8c , 25c , 35c and 45c.
"Wool ilannel shirting stripec
or checked at , yard 20c ; Bonnee Doon flanne
9 Inches wide , at , yard lOc ; 2 cases remnant
of finest English Teazle Down Tennis Flan
ncl , In fancy checks , Tartan Plaids and
Stripes , In beautiful combinations of colors
\orth IGo a yard , at , yard lOc ; 6G.OOO yard
) utlng Flannel , at , yard , 3 c , Gc , 8c and lOc
3 dozen Outing Flannel Skirt patterns , extr.
heavy , each 2Gc ; IZVfcc Cotton Flannel at
yard , Clfcc ; now lot of Shirting at Gc , 6V4c
8V4c , lOo and 12'fcc ; Bed Ticking , at , yard
Gc , 7'/4c , lOc , 12V4c , IGc and 25c.
Bed Blankefs.
3 cases double gray or white
line ileeced bed blankets per
pair 49c. 2 cases each white
and silver gray twill warp , extra heavy 10-4
Bed Blankets , worth $1.23 a pair , exceptional
value , pair 75c ; 2 cases 11-4 AVhlte or Silver
Uray finish , as soft as Down , at , pair 7Gc ;
I case 11-4 Sanitary Wool , Brown and dray
lied Blanket , extra heavy , strong and dura-
tile , worth $2.50 , at , pair $1.98 , 1 case 11-4
Whlto California Wool Blanket , extra heavy
fancy border , a real special value at , pair
$3.75 ; 10 cases all AVool Blankets , pair $2.GO ,
$3.00. $3.50 , $4.CO , $5.00.
Ladies' Furnishings
$1.25 gloves at GOc. 50c
cashmere gloves at 25c. 25c
ileeced lined hose at 12Ac. 25c
children's hose at 12 c. La
dies' 35c A'ests and pants 19c.
GOc A'cats and Pants , 19c. ; GSOc A'csts and
Pants , 25c ; 7Gc Vests and Pants , G50
Ladles' all wool A'csts and Pants , worth $1 ,
at 76c ; Ladles' extra heavy lle ce-llncd
Combination , worth 75c , at GOc. Ladles'
wool mix Combination Suits , worth $1.30 , at
$1.00. Children's fleoce-llned Combination
Suits , worth GOc , at 23c. Children's heavy
fleece-lined A'ests and Pants at lOo up.
aiMcs' Corsets , black and drab , all sizes ,
worth $1.00 , at GOc. Ladles' Muslin Night
gowns , 3'Jc.
Extraordinary Jubilee sales.
All the very newest floor cov
erings at special sale prices.
Compare goods and you Avill
bo convinced that AVO sell car
pets cheaper than any other atore.
Brussels Carpel at 4Su yard. Union In
grains at 35o yard. Best all wool Ingrain
Carpets at GOo yard. All the One Mattings
In our 40c and 45o qualities will go la this
eale at COc yard. _
Cloaks and Suits
Some very special prices for
; his week. Ladies' 4-button.
3ox front beaver Jackets , half
inecl with eatin Khadame ,
small sleeve , ci new nobby
Facket at $3.48. Ladies' tailor
nade Jacket in 4-button double
Dreasted styles , in Astrakhan ,
curly boucle and kersey , lined
ihroughout with silk , high
storm collar , finished with
; ailor stitching at $5.98.
Ladies' line kersey Jackets in
: an , mode , brown , green and
jlue , new style inlaid velvet
collars double , breasted box
front , lined throughout with
line satin or striped taffeta
silk , stitching and strapped
seams at $8.98. Ladles' line tailor mailo
nckcts In Imported kerseys , French bouclcs
and coverts in all the fashionable shades ,
now front , now darted sleeve , lined with
icavy satin , at $10.00. Ladles' Capes In
leaver and rough cloaking , fur trimmed ,
'ancy lining , at $1.98. Ladies' capes In extra
Ino curly boucle , lined and Interlined , high
collar and fronts edged with fur , full sweep ,
at 53.To. Ladles' Kersey and Astrakhan
Capes , lined with satlu ocrge. Interlined
with chamois , double Inverted pleat In back ,
trimmed with Thibet fur , at $5.00. Ladles'
Plush Capes , $2.48. Ladles' Silk Plush
Capes , elaborately trimmed , with Jet braid
and fur , lined with silk , at $1.98. 350 sam
ple Capc6 In silk plush , plain and trimmed ,
all wool Astrakhan cloth and flue Kersey.all
silk lined , latest style and cut , full sweep ,
32 Inches long , at $7.08. Ladles' Electric
Seal Collarettes , silk lined and wadded , at
$1.98. Ladles' Combination Collarettes In j
Astrakhan and Seal trimmed with Marten {
tails , lined with heavy satin , at $1.93. La-
tiles' tailor made new fall suits In serges
and chevolts at $4.98. Ladles' fine tailor
made suits of new cheviot und coverts , box
front jacket , lined with taffeta silk , skirt
lined with pereallne , $10.00. Ladles' tailor
inado suits In fine tailors' cloth in all the
new colorings of tan , brown , blue and checks
'in ' tlght-flttlng , 4-button box front and
rounded jacket and new flounce skirt , jacket
silk lined , perfect fltttng skirt , at " $14.98.
Dress Skirt Ladles' uew flounce skirts In
scrgo and mohair , at S4.50. Figured brll-
llantlno sklrts at 98c. $1.23. $1.50 and $1.98.
Children's Reefer Jackets , sizes 1 to 1 { years
in fancy cloaking in a variety of styles with
large sailor collars , trimmed wltb/brald , at
$1.60. Ladles' now taffeta silk waists In
black and colors , collar of same material ,
nicely lined , at $3.98. Ladles' black satin
waists In fine Eiderdown In all colors , rollIng -
Ing collars and chocbeted edge. * , at 73c. La
dles' French Flannelette Wrappers , all new
patterns and braid trimmed , at $1.25. La
dles' lawn percale and dimity wrappers in
dark colors that have sold at $1.50 , $1.75 and
$2.00 , on sale Monday at 75c.
25c Purses , 5c ; 50c Purses ,
15c ; 75c Combination Books ,
25e$1.00 ; Handbags,25c ; § 1.00 j
Chatelaine Hags , 23c ; Needles , regular price , |
Cc , for one day only , Ic. The finest line of
Imposition Souvenirs In the city ; 25c Sou '
venirs , only lOc ; GOc Souvenlw , only IGc ;
75c Sou\eulrs , only 25c ; $1.50 Souvenirs ,
only 4Sc. ;
Stamped Linens
$1.00 pure all linen Dresser Scarfs , only
25c ; 33c Tray Cloths , 15c ; 25c Splashers , IGc
Dress Trimmings and Chiffon
25c all silk Trimming , Go ; GOc nil silk
Trimmings , 15c ; $1.00 all Bilk Trimmings ,
35c. For Monday only no will sell 75c
Chiffons , Mouscllnc do Solo and Liberty
Silks for 19o per yard. One day only.
Men's Underwear
Special prices for Monday.
§ 1.50 and § 2 underwear at 75c
§ 1 and $1.25 underwear atftOc
and 75c. Underwear at 35c.
lOc and 15c sox at 5c. MQII'U
20c and 25c soxatl2Ac. 35c
wool sox at 17c.
Men's Shirts and Ties
15c bow and string ties 5c.
50c Ties , In all styles , at 25c. GOo Shirts at
35c. $1.00 Shirts at GOc. $1.60 Shirts at 75c.
Hardware , Stoves a n d
Housefurnisliing department.
Now is your time prices never
lower. The largest , newest ,
best up-to-date stock of cook
ing and heating stoves in the
The Prize Stewart has a
large reflector top , hot air cir
culating fluejthe Duplex grate ,
shaking ring , solid fire pot ;
can be remoAred through side
door ; very heavy nickel plated
trimmings ; a beautiful first-
class stove ; .very powerful
heater , $24.75. L
The Stewart Oak is the very
best air tight coal burner made
a line cooker and tine heater
burns everything no dirt t
or smoke , § 13.50.
We have a plain first-class j
air-tight Avood heater , burns 51
everything ; powerful heater ,
i$2.79. A large size Junior
Oak , will heat any ordinary
size room , finely nickel plated ,
$ G.75. The Floral , a beaut ,
15-inch fire pot , a good large
stove , nickel plated base and
foot rail. Come and see this ,
§ 8.95. The Stewart Hot Blast
Avithout doubt , the handsom
est , beat , latest improved ,
down draft air-tight coal stove
made , § 10.95. We carry a
full line of M. tfe D. steel
ranges finest and best on
earth get our prices. We
carry the Triumph Economy
steel range. Can sell you a
fine G-hole , high shelf , low
warming closet Avith reservoir ,
fine largo oven Rotary grate ;
regular § 35 ; our price , $2G.95.
We have a Steel Cook No. 8
that can't be beat for durabil
ity and general usefulness a
very handsome compact and
neat stove , § 13.95. Special
stove sale this Aveek.
Chairs galore , chairs for all.
We have just received two car
loads of chairs. These "were
sold to us at a great reduction ,
OAving to the lateness of the
season. We do not intend to
sell these goods beloAv cost.
No honestly made goods , hon
estly bought goods can be bold betow cost.
But wo will sell them to you cheaper than
similar chairs are sold elsewhere. Can you
csk for more ? All oak goods , cano seats ,
brace arms , new styles , carved backs ; the
nrlces arc 75c , Sue , 95c and $1. Como In ,
look them over , and If we arc not saving you
from 25e to GOc on each and every chair ,
why , goodby. We are also showing a new
and unparalleled line of extension tables.
After the hammering of exposition buyers
during the last few months most Tines are
deplbted. AVe have just received a new line
of Btyllsh extension tables , square extension
tables , S feet , at $0.50 , $7.50 and JS.50. Those
| are all pillar tables , 11-Inch square tops ,
well made , well finished , good , sightly , fine
looking tables and at the above prices very
cheap. If It Is a question ot saving money
vou wllf have to buy your furniture here.
Curtains and Draperies
Latest designs in imported
Bagdad curtains , worth § 7.50
on sale at $3.50. A splendid
line of Turkish tapestry cur
tains at § 5. Chenille curtains ,
all colors , $2 pair. Swiss 80
yard. Silkalines at 5c , Sc , lOc.
"Ruffled point d'e prit , § 2.75.
Brussels net for § 4.50. Brass
extension rods 5c , 8c , lOc.
12ic and 20c.
Monday AVO place our , regu
lar 6c and 7c white blanks on
sale at 4c and 5c. 9-inch
borders , 2c yard. Regular 8c
and lOc Glimmers at Gc and
7c ; 18-inch borders 4c and 5c
yard ; gifts , worth lOc , 12&c , IGc and 17V1-C ,
go at Sc , lOc , 12cJ 15c ; 18-Inch frieze at Oc ,
Sc and lOc yard dark colors In enamel finish
Kilts ; , regular 25c , GOc , 3ac and 40c goods , on
sale at 17' c , 20c , 23c and 30c ; 18-Inch
blended frieze at lOcand 12 0 yard ; ingrains
nt lOc , 12 > c , IGc and 17'c roll ; 18-ln. frieze
lOc and 12V c yard ; best ready mixed paints ,
$1 gallon ; G.r.c half gallon ; 30c quart ; car
riage colors ground in varnish , \ < pints , 23c ;
pints. ! 0c ; quarts. 75c ; varnish wood stains
inr all kinds of oed , ' { . pints , 13c ; pints ,
2oc , household enamel , U pints , 0c , In all
rolors : ( icrstendorfer's bath tub enamel , re
sists hot and cold nater , ' , - : pints , lOc ; pints ,
Hayden Bros The place to
buy Pianos. Here you can se
cure the world famous Chick-
ering for seventy-five years
unsurpassed and unequalled.
The Steinway , the Fischer ,
also Lester , Knabe , Emerson ,
Vose tfe Sons , Ivers & Pond ,
and will guarantee to make
you prices from $75.00 to
§ 100.00 less than you can du
plicate them for anywhere.
Come and see us and be con
vinced. ' If you are not ready
to buy , let us rent you a good
new Piano. Pianos tuned ,
moved and repaired.
Warner's Safe Cure , OOc.
Hood's Sarsaparilla , 75c.
Pierce's Medicines , 75c. Gas-
toria , 25c. Mention's Talcum
Powder , IGc. Cutlcura Soap 20c. 4711.
White Hose , Glycerine , 15c. AVoodbury'n
\ Facial Soap. 18c. 2-quart Fountain Syringe ,
GOc. 2-quart Water Bottle , COc. 3-quart
Water Bottle , 75c.
Grant ! Special Silk Sale Commencing Monday
and Lasting ail Week. k
Thousands of bargains as special offerings that cannot be
equaled anywhere in the world. |
Visit the big Silk department. Newest styles all on display
Plain Silks Hundreds of pieces in all colors , best grade ,
on special sale at 29c.
Scotch Plaids New and pretty , in reds , blues and
greens , very stylish , on special sale at 39c.
French GOUloiSS Silk One oi * > lie most durable silks
made , pretty two-toned effects , on special sale at 39c.
Plain black sros grain , both an excellent
grade of all silk , on special sale at 49c.
All kinds of brocades , plnlde , stripes , Efat
value , on special sale at G9c.
All the new shades In the best quality , on
special ealo at ) C'Jc.
All pure silk , bright and lustrous , on spe
cial sale at 75c.
And plain black gros grain , best that is
made , warranted to wear , best value In the
world , on special sale nt $1.00.
27 Inches wide- , extra value , perfect In
every way , on special sale ad $1.00.
In black and seal brown , finest that Is
made , on special ealo at $1.98.
Guaranteed not to cut or crack , pure dye ,
on special Bale at $1,50.
The Jewelry department is
showing thousands of elegant
and appropriate designs in
souvenirs at the very lowest
prices. Sterling silver Spoons ,
Cream Ladles , Meat Forks
etc. , engraved with sultablo designs , -worth
$2.00 , at 9Sc. Sterling silver souvenir
spoons at 23c up. Special sale on watches.
Men's nickel watches , stem wind and set
reliable timekeepers , 98c each. Men's
gold filled watches , Klgln or Waltham
movements , regular $12.00 watch , on sale
nt $7.93. Men's 14-kt gold filled watches ,
fine Ulgln or Waltham works , regular $20
watch , on sale at $12.f > 0 ( warranted to wear
20 years. Ladles llkt gold filled hunting watches , warranted to wear 20 years ,
regular prlco $20.00 , sale prlco $10.95 , fully
The styles in ladies headwear
. this season are rich , elegant
and varied. The big millinery
department is swarming Avith
exquisite creations from Lon
don , Berlin , Vienna , Paris and
eastern fashion centers. Hero you can ECO
every fashion-sanctioned shape. Your hat Is
here. You cannot fall to find a becom
ing hat In the multitude of styles sho\\n.
"Tho style Is In the millinery , not In the
price. "
Great lOc and 15c decorated
China salo. No article in
this lot worth less than 35c to
75c. The sale Avill include
Gups and Saucers , Sugar
bowls , creamers , covciod mustards , plates.
spooncro , tea tics | , soaps , after dinner cof
fees , aah trays , bowls , etc. , at lOc and I5c
each. A grrat bargain chance.
Sheet iusic
All the very latest sheet
music always on hand our
big hits at present are : "Shu
"Was Bred In Old Kentucky , "
by Uralsted and Curler , ono ot the prettiest
now songs wo have ever had. "Love 13
King. " march , by Itines ; "Charlatan March , "
bv Sousa , regular price , COc ; our price , 2fic ;
everybody should have a copy of each of
these. We also carry two catalogues of cheap
music , sold at Gc and lOc per copy. Among
thin lot are some very pretty new two-steps
and waltzes. Catalogues free.
Monday will be Chicken day
at The Big Store. Choice
spring chickens , 8c ; No. 1
California hams , 5c ; 5-pound
palls best lard , any brand , 2Sc ; choice short
ribs corned beef , Gc , pickled pig's feet , 4&c ;
choice pickled j > ork , Co ; bent No. 1 hame ,
S' ' c ; good Bait pork , Gc ; 3-pound pails best
lard. 18c ; pickled tripe. 3'/4o ; cooked torncd
beef , sliced. lOc , 20-pound palls beat lard ,
only $1 30 ; fresh pork tenderloins , 17e ; freib
rJbi ; tkUitfl Iwoia tor tUclutiQc ,
24 Inches wide , very heavy and all color *
of the rainbow , on special sale at 83a
Ombro stripes , swcllest creation of the
season , on bpcclal sale at Sl.GO-
The prettiest plaids In the world , 1C3
styles , worth $2.00 , on special sale at $1,15.
Flno grade , silk faced velvet , pretty colorj ,
on special sale ofl $1.25.
In every color , extra value , IGO pieces , all
go on special sale at 75c.
In red , green , brown , black , navy und
white , on special sale at 85c.
All colors and black , best grade , Bill ; fin
ished , 21 Inches wide , on special Ealo at G'Oo.
Hayden's bought it all. All
the creamery butter sent to
the Exposition for the pri'/.e
contest was sold to Hayden
Bros again. The blue ribbons
are on display In our butter department. It
is not necessary for us to say any more
about the quality of the butter , as you all
knowIt must bo the best butter that can bo
made , or It would not bo tent to the expo
sition. On Ealo In Butter department ,
The largest butter depart
ment in Omaha. Fine fresh
dairy butter , ll c and 12Ac.
Fancy country creamery , 14c
and Itic. Fresh , sweet , country butter 12c ,
13c and 15c. Exposition prlzo separator
creamery butter , better butter could not bo
made , 17 > Ac , 19c , 21c.
Tea and Coffee
Good Golden Santos , worth
20c , only lOc. Whole Rio
coflee , only 8Ac. Java and
Mocha Sittings , only 12ic.
( iQldcn lllo coffee , 20c. New crop tea siftings -
ings , 17 > / c. English breakfast , 25c and
31 l-3c. Fancy gunpowder tea , 33c.
20 pounds Granulated
Sugar $1.00. Sugar in down.
What is the cause of it ? It is
because the trusts are lighting
other refineries who refuse to
join them to make the people
pay moro for sugar than It Is really worth ,
and they will do It , Just as eon as the
other ones are cither bought out or ehut
do-wn - by item. Buy sugar now , while the
ABC Soda crackers , Gc ; A
B C Oyster crackers , Oc ; Gin
ger snaps , 4-pounds for 25c ;
Shredded Wheat Biscuit , llo ; Newport
Flake ? , He ; tircmncr'a Lunch Biscuit , lOo ,
Grape Nut Food , lie ; Sultana Fruit Cr.irk-
crs. 14c ; Graham Crackers , lOc ; Oatmeal
Crackers. lOc ; Buyles' Celery Pretzels. 13c ;
Ualton's Health Blbcult , 23c ; line Mixed
Cookie. ? , lOc.
New brick or limbergor
cheese , lOc. Young America
full cream cheese , lOc. Switzer -
zer cheese , per pound , 12Ac.
Neufcbatcl cheese , only 3c. Hand cheese ,
only 2 > / c. Imported Swiss cbeeso , per
pound , "So. Blggeet Halo this week ever
Solid packed , extra select
oysteru , quart , 25c. New
Capo Cod cranberries , GAc ,
Smoked white fish , per pound.
12' c. Snow white rodlluli , 2-pound brlckg ,
9r. George's fancy whole white codfUh ,
9' < ie , Mackerel , real Norway , per pound ,
U'J'.V. tfflrway hejrrUij &Jc.