Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1898, Part I, Page 12, Image 12

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M ! >
The greatest of all
Dress Goods
We will place on sale GOO DUESS PAT
TERNS of all wool Scotch cheviot , James
town checks , plaids and stripes , pure silk
and wool novelty mixtures and extra heavy
clothes In all colors , those goods are actually
worth EOe yard , and each pattern contains
seven full yards , on sale at
235 WAIST PATTERNS on sale for Monday -
day for the first time , all perfect , clean ,
new serge plaids , chocks and stripes , beau
tiful bright blending colors , also Illuminat
ed plaids , dark colorings thcso goods ore
actually worth 75o yard , many of them silk
and wool. Each waist pattern containing
2'/4 yards , sufficient for one of those new
ctyllsh waists on sale on bargain square at
75C waist
Grand values at
46-Inch silk and wool zig-zag and Baya
dere effects ; CO-lnch all wool black and
colored ladles' cloth ; 52-Inch pure wool and
ellk and wool novelty tweeds ; CO-lnch all
wool storm serge ; 46-Inch all wool two-
toned worsteds and 44-Inch Imported pure
wool French serges ifi all colors.
Rare bargains at
75L98 C
44-Inch black Plerold Crepons ; 46-Inch
colored and black broadcloths ; 46-Inch silk
and wool Bayadere novelties ; 44-Inch finest
black and colored German Henrietta ; 42-
Inch novelty plaids anil checks , pure wor-
These bargains will make us more talked about than anything that's happened
for months. Money saving opportunities like these are few and very far between
* ;
I6ih and Douglas
Jackets , Capes , Skirts
The now English kersey , mel
ton , curly Persian cloth , coverts
and heavy cheviots , in new dip
front style , four button box coats
or fly front , single or double
breasted Prince Alberts and tight
fitting jackets , in castors , tans ,
army blues , greens , browns and
black , lined with heavy taffeta
silk in bright and dark colors , the nobbiest
coat that will bo shown this year , at
and up to
The swell golf capes with pret
ty plaid hoods and revere fringe ,
trimmed , go at
The swell new fall skirts
in silk and taffeta with the
new flounce or ruffles , also
bailliantine and storm
serge skirts , on eale at
and this
Tomorrow whole
Your Choice of the Finest Ready-to-wear
Men's Suits
Ever manufactured in the United States in
materials fit and tailoring equal to any in the
best custom work for
f Including imported silk mixed cassimeres
imported worsteds in blacks as well
as fancy patterns serges and cheviots
in double breasted sack coats with satin
fftcinc1 round nnd sjquaro sacks 3-button cutaways
and Prince Albert suits all lined with finest Skin-
„ iier'a satin pure 'ilk and imported serge Every suit
guaranteed a perfect lit.
Men's Fall and Winter Suits for $7,50
Which ought to sell and do sell in other
stores at from $12.50 to $15.00 but for this
sale we give you your choice of elegant black
clay worsted , silk and satin
lined line cheviot , black and $750
blue strictly all wool cheviot
and fancy cassimere suits , also
Scotch twoeda , now , elegant patterns ,
elegantly made and forfcct fitting , for
English Covert Cloth Top Coats , made of fancy black highest
prado Covert Cloth of newest herringbone whipcord design , In
light or dark tan shade sleeve lining and reinforced yoke of
U'm. Skinner's Uncut guaranteed Bilk , hunting pockets , strap
ped scams a gentleman's dress coat with
out a peer at 11:1,00 : and Jio.vo wnuo tney
last at
Gentlemen's Overcoats and Ulsters
In black , blue , seal brown , olive or tan
In kerseys , beavers , frieze , Carr Melton
every coat a masterpiece of the tailor's art
with correspondingly excellent linings ,
etc. . etc. , at
$7,50 , $9,98 , $12,50 and $15,00
Washington Beaver. Frlezo and Chinchilla
wear. In black , blue or brown , sizes 31 to
41 , trustworthy lining and most carefully
put together sold throughout the land Tor
J7.50 at
$5.98 and $3.98
Men's ' Fail and Winter Suits for $9.98 $
An elegant line of high grade satin lined
clay worsted suits , imported fancy worsted
suits , in neat checks and plaids , all wool
cassimeres , single and
double breasted blue and
black serges and cheviots ,
that would sell ordinarily at
§ 17.50 your choice to
morrow at
The prettiest VESTEE SUITS for LIT
TLE FELLOWS from 3 to 8 years of ago
will bo yours Monday for a niero fraction
of their actual value silk embroidered lat
est mohair mixtures , exquisitely designed
casslmeres pearl trimmed fancy cheviots ,
etc. , etc. you can be Bulled no matter what
your taste , and none worth less than $3.50
and H.GO Pick them out Monday at only
$2 50
Long Pants Suits for'Bli ? Boys from 12
to 19 years , In unfinished cheviots , pure all
wool fancy and plain cassimeres , worsteds ,
etc. the best the world offers In strongest
make ahd sterling quality { b.60 values at
j $3.98
Exceptionally grand values are Boys'
Pure 'Wool KNEB PANTS SUITS , ages 6
to 15 , th a dark gray diagonal cnsslmerc ,
sailor collar or reefer style , made especial
ly with the Idea of putting within reach of
all an absolutely rellablo be Hoot or workIng -
Ing suit , that is worth and sold at 12 50 and
J3 extra , at
Extra heavy unbleach
ed Scotch Table dam
ask , strictly all linen ,
no more serviceable
goods made , go at 39c
yard ; would be cheap
at 50c.
1,090 Ladies' Tailor Made Suits and Costumes
on Sale Monday and this whole week ,
Having purchased ten sample lines oi' Ladies' Tailor Made Suits , AVO will show to
day , Saturday , some of the highest grade , silk lined throughout skirt and jacket ,
suits and costumes ever shown in Omaha.
At Just About Halt Regular Prics l-
* l/ j \tlt * * C " 4JJ
In this exceptionally large collection ,
you will find everything that is new
and stylish in ready-made
suits. The tight-fitting
Tuxedo and Box Coats ,
all of them with the latest
small sleeve , with or with
out darts , open notch or
high clergical collars ,
skirts seven gore or the
new paquin flounce , in
all new mixtures , cam
els' hair , tweeds , Vene
tian cloth , fine cheviots ,
all in the latest shades
of royal , army and navy blue ,
grays , greens , browns and black ,
in sizes from 32 to 42 , on sale at
Extra heavy all linen
bleached , silver bleach
ed German Table Dam
ask , very fine and soft ,
go at 5oc yard ; would
be cheap at 75c.
The sale of the M. C. Black Chicago wholesale stock gives us opportunities to sell fine
shoes for Men. Women and Children at prices simply impossible to ' any shoe dealer. The
bargains we offer in this sale are so great that we have been obliged' to add more salespeople
to our selling force each day of the sale. Tomorrow the climax of shoe bargain giving is
reached. Be sure you get your share this week.
Every pair warranted
If a scam rips in six months
we'll sow 'ein up for you free
of charge.
Your money back in a second if you buy as
good shoes as these elsewhere for almost
double the price we sell them at.
Your choice of over ten thousand pairs.
Men's fine fSoodyonr welt and McKay sewed shoes , niadp by the very best
shoe makers lu nil the highest grades of leather In black rlcl kid , black calf
We are .skin , black kangaroo , black box calf , winter tan , willow calf , black patent
leather and black outline ] , in single sole , in double sole , in triple sole , some all
sole leather lined , nnd sonic1 with plain drill lining. The cheaiK.'st shoe * In this
agents lot were made to retail at ? 'J.50. and the hlghtst for § 0.00. All shoes that were
made to bdl for § -.50 so In thlw sale at $1.50. '
for these
shoes , All the $3,50 and $4 $ shoes , go at $2 , $2,25 and $2,50
we them sell at All the $5,00 $ shoes $3,00
Al ! the $6,00 shoes go at $3,50
Tills is without doubt the createst sale of men's slioes ever held in Omaha ,
you may have bought cheap shoes before , but you never bought as flue shoes
CUSHION SHOE. for so little money in. your life.
Your choice of over 6,000 pair of the
finest ladies' shoes made in Rochester
to retail for § 5.00 pair , in all widthscall
sizes , in hand turns and wo'tB ' , the very tlncst and
and up-to date styles , your choice of the entire lot
Grand special sale in
Table Damask , snow
white , very heavy
bleached table damask
at 25c yard. You
should see this to ap
preciate what a great
bargain it is.
Best grade heavy dou
ble Satin Damask ,
worth up to $1.25 yard
sample pieces , no
two alike all new pat
terns , go at 75c yard ,
Immense bargain in
Napkins , full 3-4 size ,
strictly all linen , Ger
man Damask Napkins
they would be cheap
at $1.50 , go at $1.00 a
111 our newly refitted Fur de
partment in the front part of the
cloak department wo are prepared
to show the largest assortment of
'high grade and .medium priced
collarettes in marten , Persian
lamb , seal skin and mink , also fur
capes in astrakhan , all lengths ,
genuine marten , seal skin and
mink , at greatly reduced prices
for Saturday only.
Jackets ,
In our Children's department
we have an exceptionally large
selection of jackets in all ages
from 4 to 18 , in plain material ,
fancy rough effects and kerseys ,
in all the new colors military
blue , browns , garnets , cardi
nals and tan , on 'Bale
Grand Special
Bargain in
Extra large size Huck
Towels , Turkish and
Union Towels , very
largest size , worth up
to 20c each , go at 5c
" 25c
100 pieces extra wide
pure silk foulards , dark
colorings , beautiful de
signs , guaranteed 75c
quality , on our bargain
square at 25c yard.
59169 °
All silk black satin
duchesse , rich lustre all
silk gros grains , large
variety of checks , plaids
and all silk black and
colored rhadames.
24 inch fine quality
black peau de soie , 27
inch extra heavy satin
duchesse , plaids and
stripes for waists , reduced from
$1.98 ; .also 22 inch extra line
grade black brocaded satin.
Another gigantic spot cash purchase of
men's ami boys' curly full and sjntcr Capi
will enable us to place on balis n splendid
assortment of new and reasonable goodu at
the lowest prices ever turned.
Your choice of ovnr
, 2,000 CAPS
all styles , colors , bhanos. . .
Men's full stylca Derby and
Fedora hate , guaranteed
fur felt , bilk bands and lin-
Insrs Onlslipil In the highest innn-
noiby hUlllod worUnien ICiiox ,
Dimliinand Younmn.blacks brown
otter a lid silver poarl--yourcholco
Tain O'Shanters , in red ,
green , blue or brown , at 75r a " 'd. .
Military Caps , in gray ,
red or blue , at 503 a id
Men's Winter
Wo liavo just in a Jo
a purchase from one
of the most celebrated \
mills In Now York of
nil the odd cases that
thpy hncl on liiinil we
bought them no choiip
tluite glvo you
tninoliow the most
extiaordlnnrv Imr-
calim ever heard of
In line underwear.
They KO In three lots.
LOT 1 nt ( iOc Consists of double fleeced nn-
derwenr , line wool Ilerced un
derwear , natural wool under *
wear , camel's hair underwear.
In fact every m'aile of under
wear , made to sell at $1.00 ,
go Saturday at
tOT 2 ut COc Consists of a very line brown
and light blue wool underwear ,
In Kood heavy weight , all
ulreH shlrtH' and drawers a
regular J1.23 garment , Satur
day at
LOT 3 at Jl.OO-
Consists of thu finest Australian lamb wool
natural gray and camel's hair
underwear , us well : IH the tin-
est all wool llccci'it underwear
miulo garments that ought to
ell from J1.50 to J2.00. but to
day at
Grand Special Rpd
Bargain in DtJU
Some slightly imperfect
some slightly soiled
worth from 75c to
$1.25 , in one big lot go
at 50'c each on sale
Monday only.
* _ < '
50c' *