t > TiiJfi UMAULA JJA1.LI JJJWJU : SATUKDAY , OCTOBER 15 , 181)8. ) OMAJIIA DAILY BEE 13. nOSBWATCK. Editor. PUBLISHED EVEnYMORNINQ. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : Daily Dee ( Without Sunday ) , Ono Ycar.IS.00 Dully Bee and Sunday. One Year 8.00 Hlx Months . 4.00 Three Months 2-00 Sunday Brc , Ono Year 2.0) Haturday Bee , Ono Year 1.30 Weekly Bee , Ono Year 65 OFFICES. Omaha : The Boo Building. South Omaha : Singer Block , Corner N ftnd Twenty-fourth Streets. Council Bluffs : 10 Pearl Street. Chicago Oince : 002 Chamber of Com merce. Now York : Temple Court. Washington : 01 Fourteenth Street , CORRESPONDENCE. All communications relating1 to news and editorial matter hould be addressed : T * the Editor. Editor.BUSINESS LETTERS. AH liuslnrs.i letters and remittances Rhould bo addressed to The Bee Publishing Company , Omaha. Drafts , checks , express and postofllco money orders to be made payable to the order of the company. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Btato of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss : George B. Tzschuck , secretary of The Bee Publishing company , being duly sworn , eays that the actual number of full and complcto copies of The Dally , Morning , Evening and Sunday Bee , printed during the month of September , 1S9S , was as fol lows : 1 20,800 16 2 ZOO.12 17 25.74W 3 20.00O 18 25,110 4 20.22ft 19 25nna B 25.003 20 25.485 6 25.384 21 25,0. 8 7 25.425 22 25,088 " 8 2O.2OO 23. . 20,000 9 25,018 21 25,000 10 24.0-Jrt 23 25.4OO n 25.451 26 25,078 12 25,002 27 20,0:10 : 13 25.435 23 25,1144 14 25,148 29 25tOO 15 25,981 30 25,505 Total 700,107 less returns and unsold copies. . . 10,45:1 Not total sales .752,054 Net dally average 25.O88 GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK. Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my presence this 30th day of September , 1S9S. N. P. FEIL. Notary Public. WELCOME TO TUB BED BUILDING. No vlnltor to Omaha nnil the expoHltlon nlionld BO nvrny wlthont Inapcctlns The Bee hnllillnR , the luriccit nevr - pnpcr hnlldlne In America , and The Dee nc ynimpcr plniit , oonccded to be the finest hetvrcen Chlcnjjo and Snn Frauclioo. A cordial v clcomo'l extended to nil. Now Chicago will take up the Pence Tubllce refrain. The licrocs of Santiago , Porto Rico nnd Manila arc now afso tlio licrocs of the exposition. It seems that after all a few people liavo heard of the exposition 'through Iho work of the Department of Publicity. Omaha Is today the best advertised city In the United States. Put that down as one of the great results off the exposi tion. The man who was positive the exposi tion could not be made a success seems to have disappeared suddenly from the face of the earth. The French government Is again dis covering plots against the stability of the republic. Franco may need a pence commission of its own some of these fine days. It Is plain that the position of high private in the American volunteers Is nlogether too much for a popocratlc colonel on the staff of. the populist gov ernor. If any one , ever doubted the patriotic loyalty of the west , the continuous ova tion accorded President McKlnley on his transmlsslssippi tour should dispel all misapprehension. The weather men must not bo allowed to Imagine they have concluded their part just because their convention has come to a close. The exposition re mains open until November 1. J. Sterling Morten's word mint Is re sponsible for coining the term Bryan- archlst , which certainly tits quite a number of popocratla lights that are twinkling in this vicinity. Another lot of big gold nuggets is said lo have been fished up In Canadian Alaska. This is only another bait for people who want to get rich without pa tient , pcrsoveriug labor in their own vo cations. Wo were never so well off as wo are today ; wo have gone from business de pression to business activity ; wo have Bono from labor hunting employment to employment hunting labor. President McKluley. When he says "there was no malice in our conflict , no bitterness or resent ment connected with it " , President Mc Klnley emphatically repudiates the theory - ory that the war was carried on to ovengo the Maine. Through the timely and telling speeches delivered by President McKlu- ley on his way cast from Omaha the patriotic inspiration of our great peace jubilee is being happily Inttltrated through the entire country- All the cities and towns that have pro railed upon President McKlnley foi speeches on his trip to nnd from Omaha should join In a resolution of thanks to the exposition management for Indue ing the president to come west. With fair weather the exposition U assured of scoring over 2GOO,000 admls Blous at the gates and it Is within tin range of probability that by Xovombci 1 when the gates close the total flguros will exceed that number by 100,000. The labor problem is still to be solved Arbitration has proved a remedy when botli parties are willing to arbitrate , bui where cither of them is determined tc fight out its differences , wo laud ai ihe point where brute force or starva tlon is the deciding factor. TUB UATTLB FOlt SOUND Representative Dockcry of Missouri , who expects , If the democrats carry the next house of representatives , to ho elected speaker , said In a recent inter view that the campaign of 1SOS is but the skirmish of the big battle which Is to come In 1000 and that there Is to bo but one Issue lu our next national cam paign free silver. "It was the issue of 1SOO , " said Mr. Dockery , "and will be for the campaign of 1000. It Is the ono supreme Issue upon which the great battle will bo fought. " There can be no doubt that this Is the feeling of nearly all the democrats who supported the Chicago platform and candidates two years ago. Except In .four states the democratic conventions of this year have reaffirmed the Chicago platform and in the states where this was not done nit national questions wore Ignored and the democratic campaign is being made on Etatc issues. No democratic convention of tills "year has declared for sound jmoney. Even in those states where the Chicago platform was not renlllrmed it is probable that n majority of the demo crats are favorable to free silver. At all events it now seems assured that the next national convention of the democracy will bo controlled absolutely by the advocates of free ellver. In that case the battla of the 'standards must be fought over again In 1000 , for the republican party Is fully committed to the gold standard and there will bo no departure from this position two years hence. The republican state con ventions of this year have been most explicit In reaffirming the St. Loula plat form and there Is not a shadow of a doubt that this will be done lu 1000. Such being the situation , the duty of the supporters of sound money Is obvious and Imperative. They must support sound money candidates for congress. They cannot afford to neglect this duty. The election next November of a demo cratic house of representatives would un questionably Infuse fresh life and vigor Into the free silver cause. It would give a decided stimulus to the element which accepts the Chicago platform as sound democratic doctrine. That this would have n bad effect upon the country we think unquestionable. It Is true that a democratic house could do nothing to affect the currency. A free sliver ma jority in that body might pass n bill providing for the free and unlimited coinage of silver at 10 to land doubtless would do so , but it could not become law. During the administration of President McKlnley there Is no danger to the existing standard. But n demo cratic house of representatives would most surely cause a feeling of financial uncertainty that could not fail to militate against the advance of pros perity. It would , there Is every reason to believe , exert an influence that would check progress toward the attainment of still better business conditions. At this time financial and business con fidence is strong. There is general faith In the future. With our currency on a sound basis aud sure to remain so at least during the-term of the republican administration capital Ss not distrustful. The election of republican house of representatives will etill further strengthen confidence , because It would glvo assurance that the 'country Is still for sound money. Tlio election of n. democratic house would necessarily pro duce the opposite effect The question of honest money Is the question of first importance in the con gressional campaign and the duty of honest money inon to support honest money candidates is no less imperative now than it was two years ago. THK mou SCHOOL PROPOSITION. The school authorities are attempting to secure opinions of school patrons on the question of enlarging our High school facilities by the distribution of circulars and answer blanks through the children In the schools. The ques tions printed on the cards ask whether the parent Is a taxpayer nnd whether he favors one .central High school or three separate nigh schools. While no one can say In advance what the sentiment reflected by the returns will be , it can bo safely asserted that no bond proposition contemplating the erection and maintenance of three Blgh schools can carry at an election at this time except by extraordinary exertions of those selfishly interested in the scheme , because It Involves n public ex pense that is not justified by the ex isting conditions. Admitting that there is an urgent de mand for additional High school facili ties Because of the crowded condition of the present building , there is no good rcasou why the taxpayers of Omaha should bo compelled to maintain In triplicate the costly staff and operating expenses that the establishment of three High schools would necessitate when they can accomplish the same If not better results much more economically by simply substituting for the present building a new and modern school structure capable of supplying all needs for years to come. Omaha has today In its High school square the finest school si to Iri the United States , affording ample space for building room and recreation grounds for the accommodation of all the High school pupils It will have for another quarter century. In the face of this fact , the proposition to buy two more High school sites lu different parts of the city must strike the average tax payer as nothing more nor less than a gigantic real estate deal for the benefit of some party or parties who uro Inspir ing the scheme. The people of Omaha have had enough of school site scandals and wo do not believe they will endorse any project to cripple their school system by splitting It up nnd add ing a new nnd permanent lia bility upon their annual school re sources just to pnvo the way for un loading upon the city at two prices sev eral tracts of unsalable land that may bavo lodged upon the hands of real es tate epeculntors. The other alleged arguments In favor of a three High school system have no substantial foundation. The pretense that the location of the present High school keppft children away and by its inaccessibility deprives them of higher education is proved by Indisputable uta- tlsllcs to bo n figment of the Imagina tion. Children old enough to attend the High school are old enough to travel a mile to and from a school , If need be. Omaha has not only gotten along nicely with ouo High school ever sluco the establishment of the present public school system , but lias built up for It a reputation as.ono of the most efficient In the country. It can hardly maintain this reputation by dividing its resources and energies nnd supporting three'small and inferior schools , Instead of enlarg ing and strengthening the great High school institution it now has. APPROACHING A GUIS IS. If It be true that the British govern ment has notified the French govern , ment that it must have a definite state ment at once in regard to French Inten tions as to Fashoda a crisis may bo reached wlthlu a week. It Is evidently the purpose of the British government , as it Is the desire of the British public , not to make any sort of compromise lu this matter. It will Insist upon tfranco withdrawing from Fashoda and if this demand if uot compiled with war will result. The course of Lord Salisbury clearly Indicates this , while the declara tion of Lord Hosebery undoubtedly voices the sentiment of the nation. "France must understand , " said the lib eral leader , "that there can bo no com promise of the rights of Egypt. " With conservatives and liberals agreed upon this there can be no doubt that Great Britain will fight for the territory occu pied by Major Marchand. It Is hardly conceivable , however , that the French government will permit this matter to lead to war , since from every point of view it would have everything to lose and nothing to gain by doiug so. In the first place the French claim to the territory Is morally Indefensible. The pretense that France has a conqueror's right to the territory Is too shallow to deceive anybody. It is unquestionably , as the British assert , a part of Egypt , having been so recognized by the chan celleries of Europe. Great Britain Is bound to protect the Integrity of Egyp tian territory and she cannot penult this portion of It to be held by another power without Imperiling more. From a practical point of view France has little If any use for this territory. She already has extensive African posses- slons the development of which will tax her utmost capacity for colonial admin istration for years to come. The most cogent rcasou why France will probably not permit this Issue lo lead to war Is tlio fact that she Is in no condition to fight Gient Britain. A war witli that power would be most disas trous to her. French colonies'would lie open to British Invasion and it would be within the power of England to blockade - ado French ports nnd inflict enormous damage upon French commerce and in dustries. Popular feeling In France IH strong against England , but .those in power will hardly permit thisfyo Influ ence them. It Is safe to predict that France will withdraw her soldiers from Fashoda , but' it Is possible that before doing so she will be able to secure some concessions , though in the - as pect of the situation this does uot ap pear probable. It Is interesting to note the confidence which Englishmen feel In the ability of their country to defend its rights , If need be against u world lu arms. The utterance of Lord Rosebcry in Hits splrljt is peculiarly significant because ho is not , or has not been In the nast , a jingo. But the liberal leader has laid aside his moderation and his wonted circumspection and defiantly declares that Great Britain is as determined as ever to maintain her rights and the honor of her Hag and If the nations are under a different impression.they make a mistake that can only end In a dis astrous conflagration. Language of this kind cannot fall to arouse the patriotism of England , whatever Its effect uiuy bo elsewhere. That the fooling of confi dence is Justified no one will doubt who Is familiar with Great Britain's enor mous sea power. With tills she could cope , with a combined Europe , were that possible , and have at least an even chance of winning. Against any one European power her triumph would , bo certain. No nation knows this better than France. Another sign of Increasing prosperity Is to bo scan In the decreased length of the delinquent tax list now being pub lished according to law. A year ago the delinquent tux ll&t for Douglas county occupied nearly a page of news paper print more than It docs this year und the totals were much larger. When people pay up not only current taxes , but back taxes as well , to say nothing of the taxes added by congress for the support of the war , they must be In much better condition industrially and financially. For this notlceabln Im provement the acknowcdgmcnts must bo made , not to any popocratlc state government , but to restored business confidence and reestablished Industrial activity , brought about by the bcnbficeut Influence of legislative measures put Into effect by a republican congress and a republican national administration. Senator Platt's bank has met with a mishap through the dishonesty of a cashier whoso peculations are said to have covered about twenty years. How any dishonest bank cashier or book keeper could cover his tracks for twenty years unless ho was lu collusion with the bank examiners is n mystery that people who arc not experts In financier ing fail to comprehend. Now that the colonel on the governor's staff who fought the Spaniards nt Chick- auiauga Park with his typewriter has turned his batteries upon his division commander , Colonel Fred Grunt , nn Inky execution may bo expected more fatal than the volleys fired from Wey- ler's famous machine keyboard. President McKlnley and accompanyIng - Ing cabinet members bestow greatest praise upon the beautiful Illustrated peace jubilee number of The Bee , which contains handsome portraits of the pres ident , vice president and entire cnht net us now constituted for the first time grouped together , not to mention other war and exposition notables by the score. Ono or more copies of this souvenir should bo filed away mnoiig the archives of every household hi the city and state nud copies sent to friends In nil parts of the country. 5 o the populist state committee now meets nt the Jacksouinu club and the populist candidate for governor makes jils hcrfdiiuarlers tit this uest of rauU democracy. This must bo Indeed edi fying to the populists throughout the state who have been led to believe they belong to a ref-jriu party , while their party candidates nnd party managers Ure Ill-breeding with the gang of politi cal plunder seekers who have made the name of popocratlc reform a ridiculous farce lu every movement lu Omaha they have undertaken. The railroads hnvo announced what they call very low rates to the exposi tion , which figure out to one and one- fifth cents per mllo. This , however , Is not us low a rates as has heretofore been granted. What they should do Is to give the exposltiou nt least two weeks of ouo cent a mile rate. Even that rate would bo by no means ns great a conccsslAn us thej exposition is entitled to. And TlirolililiiR Warmly. Chicago Inter Ocean. President ! McKlnley's reception at Omaha shows that the heart of the mighty west Is In the right place. IU-N < oreU to llcnlth. Chicago Tribune. At Omaha Wednesday President McKlnley numbered Lee , Jackson and Longstreet among the great ) and heroic men of America and the band " " played "Dixie. The court plasters can all be removed. The old wound has fully healed. MunllM'N I'roKrcmilvc Workmen. Louisville Courier-Journal. The clgarmakers of Manila demand that four days shall constitute ' a week's work. As there are 15i holidays In Manila , I looks as If wo should have to add a few days to the Manila year in order to give the clgarmakers a chance for a week's w ork. ork.'n 'n Sky 1'lllnr. New York Tribune. The newly discovered peak In Alaska , which Is said to be taller than Mount St. Ellas , is away over on the American side of the boundary line nnd Is thus Indisput ably ours , it will bo somewhat rough on Ellas to lose his long-reputed pre-eminence , but as the great landmark of the Inter national boundary line ho may yet get some consolation. Cnr Union. Chicago Chronicle. The effort of the railroad companies to secure a reduction in sleeping car rates Is to bo commended , not only because of its abstract Justice , but because the railroads can press the proposition with perfect pro priety , while a movement by individuals would probably be resented by the sleeping car companies as "an attack upon corporate rights. " More than that , the railroads can bring the sleeping car people to terms If they make up their minds to do it. The ccneral public cpuM accomplish nothing. That there is warrant , for asking for 'a re duction in rates willbe admitted by every one save tbo sleeping car companies. Rail road faree have been reduced again and again , but sleeping car fares have remained the same for twtnty-flvo years. It is about time that the sleeping car companies should come down to Jtfte ruling scale of prices. The railroads cab * mhke" them flo it if the campaign be entered upon lu earnest. Tell * . lt.il * He Snw It. Nashville American. Some of the newspapers , while giving General Wheeler full credit for honesty and sincerity , arc much put out because his tes timony does not sustain the stories written by war correspondents , and these papers Intimate lhat General Wheeler does not know when poMlers are well or Illy cared for. General Wheeler told what ho knew In a manly way , and no ono will dare to Insist that ho was .not thoroughly honest in his testimony. His experience during the latter " years of "the civjl war , with half-starved and 'Illy-clad men , who gloclcd In following him under any and all conditions , may have been in his mind when ho unconsciously drew comparisons , blit his honesty of pur- ooso and high sense of rectitude cannot bo Questioned. General Wheeler would not ex aggerate and misstate his conclusions from facts coming under his observation for the benefit of any man , or set of meu. THIS WI1I3AT aiAUICET. SlRiiltloniicc of the IiicrenMCiI Dcmnnil far Cxport. Kansas City Star. An enormous foreign demand for Ameri can wheat has developed In the last few days contrary to the 'expectations ' of grain mer chants , who feared ithat the ample crops in Europe this year would leave this country with a small and narrowing market for its' huge crop the greatest that It ever raised. According to the latest data Europe pro duced 230,000,000 bushels more wheat this vear than last and it was natural to assume that the demand for American wheat would bo greatly curtailed. The foreign merchants , as well as those of the United States , wore BO strongly .impressed with the idea that supples of brcadstuffs would bo plentiful throughout the year that they started In to buy only what they needed for immediate use. intending to lot wheat accumulate In the warehouses ot the United States Instead of piling up some for future needs in their own market centers. The stocks of wheat In Europe , Including that which Is now on the sea , are only about half what they usually are at this season of the year. The grain merchants of Europe an pear to have been aroused to the danger of carrying such small home supplies and they have commenced to buy Increasing Quantities to provide for future emergencies. The danger of a European , war which will interfere with ocean trade seems to be the motive for the Increased demand for wheat. The controversy between Franco and En- eland over the Fashoda Incident showed the Englishmen that their bread supplies might be endangered any moment by foreign ves sels attempting to blockade their ports. That seems to bo the explanation of the enlarged ! English demand for American wheat. If the foreigners continue to buy as much as they have been taking for a week past there Is certain to bo a substantial advance In prices. It Is probable , however , that a rise of 10 cents a bushel would check the de mand. for tbo English merchants will not relish the idea of piling up large stocks of wheat at homo and taking the chances of a setback In prices after their urgent buying has ceased. They cannot overlook the fact that the world's crops this year are the greatest on record , and they cannot so soon forget the losses they suffered last spring from buying large quantities of grain at ad vancing prices , under the Influence of a war scare , and then having the price go down before they could sell to consumers. As long as present low prices continue Europe 1s likely to take all wheat that America can offer. A moderate advance will check the demand and at the same time It will offer an Inducement to American farm ers to te\ ] \ more freely. Under euch condi tions a substantial and sustained rise In price * does not seem very probable , though It ls not unlikely that values In the next few months will average eomewhat higher than those prevailing at prcicnt , POLITICAL 1HIIFT. Tor the first tlmo In many years the In dependent vote ot New York City Is divided ou old party Hues. A man named Lager Is running for the legislature in Minnesota. Tbo opposition Is striving to can him , According to Iho New York Herald , bet ting odds la favor ot Hooscvelt have disap peared In New York City. It Is even money now. That distinguished English race track sport , Dick Croker , announces that ho Is in the business ot bossing New York demo crats to stay , corao whal may. "I wish to announce now , once and forever , " ho de clares , "that as long as I am alive I shall not retire from the leadership of Tammany Hall. " Dr. Wctmore , ono of the physicians of the state Insane asylum at Topekn , Kan. , has resigned his office nnd makes grave charges against the populist managers of that in stitution. According to the doctor's story , the crimes committed against the unfortu nates in the keeping of the state would put to shanio the barbarians of the Soudan , What remains of the democratic party In Massachusetts has Again approved frco sil ver. The Massachusetts democrats In 1S02 cast 202,814 votes ; In 1894 , 189,30.7 ; In 1890 , In fusion with populists , 105,711 , and in 1897 , S5.G43. Free coinage has cost Massachusetts democrats C5 per cent of their total vote , and they are still on the toboggan. Thomas E. Ellsworth , who at the last session of the legislature fathered a bill prohibiting the printing of cartoons in news papers , has been renomlnated. In his speech of acceptance Ellsworth declared the gag bill was prepared In the offlco ot a New York newspaper. When the bill was being considered by the legislative committee Ellsworth vehemently asserted that the measure was his own. Thomas has a con venient memory. A typical poor-boy congressman is Lem uel W. Kozee of Thirteenth Indiana dis trict. Before he had reached his teens his father died , leaving him as chief sup port of a uiother and two younger sisters. His first Job waa sweeping out offices and stores In the morning. Employers helped him along and bo became a lawyer so quietly that no one know when ho blos somed from offlco boy to attorney. After his admission to the bar his native energy made the path comparatively clear. OMAHA'S OVATlOX TO M'KIXLEY. Fnlrly Overwhelmed with " 11 Genuine , LufitWcntcrn Welcome. " Chicago Post. Omnha could not wait for daylight to show Its patriotic enthusiasm over the visit of President McKlnley. Therefore by the aid of electricity It turned night Into day and fairly overwhelmed Its guest with the evidences o Us genuine , lusty western welcome. It was estimated that more than two hundred thousand cheering Americans of all ages and from every state In the union participated In Omaha's ovation to the nation's chief magistrate. Prom the train to the city hall ho passed through a solid mass of humanity , all pressing eagerly forward to look upon his face and with one mighty volco assuring him of the people's sympathy and esteem. No wonder the president said that such a reception banished all feelings of fatigue over his long journey. ( There Is something so magnetic in the concentrated enthusiasm of a great crowd that refreshes and in vigorates those who evoke It. It has the quality ot mercy in that it blesses those that glvo and him that takes. So when Mr. McKlnley at midnight retired to his apartments In the Omaha club after a day of receptions 'and ovations begin ning with daylight In Chicago and con tinuing across Illinois and Iowa' he had experienced little physical weariness , because - cause he- had been sustained throughout by the subtle current of sympathy that went out from the people to their president. POLITICAL nunmsii. Ilrj-iui'n Latent Contribution * to the Humor of tli < - Cnnipnlftn. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Adversity teaches Bryan neither sense nor truthfulness , In a letter to "Coin" Harvey , the fakir who has been put In charge of the flnancrs of the silver party , Bryan promises to make monthly subscriptions to what he calls the ot "bimetallism" cause until Oc tober , 1900 , and contributes ono or two Pharisaic remarks which figured In many of his speeches during his repudiation cam paign of 189C. "Since our fight , " he says , "Is In the interest of the plain people to use Lincoln's phrase or the common people to borrow a bible term we must appeal to them for the means to carry on the con test. The financiers can contribute largo sums to support the gold standard , because the monopoly of money gives them great pecuniary profit. Surely you can appeal with confidence to the millions who suffer from the rising dollar and falling prices. " Bryan's pretense In the flrst sentence hero quoted that his fight Is In the Interest of the plain people Is very neatly demolished by an examination of his second sentence , which says that the gold standard gives the finan ciers a monopoly of the money of the coun try , and that the dollar Is rising and prices are falling. The falsity of the assertion that the financiers have a monopoly of the money can bo proven In several ways. The circulation per capita , ' according to the treasury statemeht , which , of course , IB nonpartisan - partisan , was J24.24 at the beginning of the present month. It was { 23.89 on October 1 , 1897 , and $21.10 , at that time In 1896 , when Bryan's panic was at Its acute phase. The reason why it waa down to low at that time was because , as the result of the balloting a month later showed , there were 6,500,000 of men In the United States foolish enough to believe Bryan ought tobe elected , and who tried to elect him. Just before the demonetization of 1873 , when the country * had free coinage of stiver , the per caplU circulation was only $18.10 , or $6.14 less for each man , woman and child In the United States than It U now. This Is ouo way of proving that the financiers have no corner on the money market. Another way of showing It is by the Interest rates for money , which are much lower now than they were in the Bryan He days of 1896 , or In the free silver times before 1873. U > ! a easy to expose Bryan's mendacity on the"rising dollar and falling prices" as sertion. One way of showing that the dollar lar Is not rising has been mentioned. The Interest- which U brings la lower now than It ever was In the past. That Is , the dollar lar is falling Instead , of rising. Another way of proving tbo same thing Is by the wages of the ordinary laborer or mechanic , which are higher now than they were ten twenty or thirty years ago , or at any other time. A day's work buys more dollar * than It did In the pas ) . A glance at the quotations for staple articles will show that prices are higher now than they were two years ago , when the fear of Bryan's elec tion was paralyzing business. Most of them are higher than they were five years ago. There Is a general downward tendency In the prices of manufactured products , which Is duo to the Invention of labor-saving ma chinery and the reduction of freight rates , but the farmers and laborers to whom Bryan makes his dlihonest appeals ought to be glad of this , and are , of course , glad ot it. Farm products are higher than they , were a few years ago , and their general ten dency contlnuea upward. The farmer gets more for what he has to sell bis products and he pays lew for what he has to buy. Bryan's falsehoods are silly , They can bo exposed so easily that they fool nobody. Bryan 1s the plain people's enemy and not their friend. , OTltlilt LANDS THAN OCIIS , A striking Illustration of the evil which has brought Kronco to the \CTKO ot revo lution Is had In the suplncncss of the pollco of Paris , whose numerical weakness is ad mittedly the cause of the spread of the strike disorders to their present dimensions. Had there been an effective police force at the beginning of the trouble , the turbulent strikers would have been quelled , the disor ders kept at a minimum and there would .have been no necessity to call out the army and turn Paris Into an armed camp. But the police force , essentially an arm ot the civil government , has boon neglected , as the ml- inlnlotratlon ot justice has been brought Into contempt. Everything has been subor dinated to the army , In their zeal to atone for the mistakes of ' 71 , to bo prepared , when comes the time , to strike a blow to wipe out that disgrace. The French have neglected everything but the army , which has boon set up as a hydrahcadcd god , which all Frenchmen perforce must worship , and the result Is an alleged Kcpubltc , In which mili tarism Is the 'be-all ' and end-all of the re sponsible heads ot the nation. And now this army , which the leaders have fostered , threatens to prove their greatest bnne , for It has been drawn from the people. It is In sympathy with the people , and when the crisis comes who shall say that the armed forces now protecting Paris will not take orders from .Iho eighty thousand and con stantly growing army of strikers , instead of from the president , the premier and the offi cers of the gonernl staff ? . . . The election for the Prussian chamber of deputies take place on the 27th Instant , and the national liberals and two sections of the radicals the moderates , and the sup porters of Herr Ulchter have issued their electoral manifestoes. There are two kinds of reaction against which Prussian Jlbcrals ot all shades are united reaction In the po litical sphere , typified by measures like the recent attempt to curtail the right of asso ciation and of public meeting , and reaction In the ecclesiastical and educational spheres , as exemplified by the bill dealing with rellfe. ious instruction liv the national schools , the proposal which led to the resignation of Count Zedlltz as minister of education and of Count Caprlvl as Prussian minister pres ident. The national liberals go ns far as the radicals In their opposition to educational re action , but are less stalwart on the subject of the rights.of the public meeting. The Prussian Roman Catholic party Is always willing to join the radicals In opposing po litical reaction , but assist the conservatives In what the liberals consider reactionary legislation In the matter of religious In struction. In order not to alienate Catholic voters , the radical left , while Its principles remain unaltered , has omitted all reference to educational questions from Its manifesto , while the national liberals have emphasized their view that the clergy , Lutheran or Catholic , must not obtain control of the schools. It Is thought that the alarm excited by the law of association bill will rally votes enough to the liberal side to prevent reaction In this direction. * The St. Petersburg correspondent of the London Telegraph is responsible for the as sertion that the Russian government some tlmo ago discovered that the sultan had been intriguing to eecuro a union'of ' all the Mohammedan countries. According to this authority , he wrote a letter , proposing a holy alliance , to all the moslem monarchs. Among the rurcrs who received copies of this missive were the emir of Bokhara and the khan of Khiva , who asked permission from Rusela to go to Constantinople for the pur pose of paying adoration to the sacred flag and of visiting the sultan , the head of Islara- iRm. , Russia divined the real project behind the contemplated Journey , because a report had been received from Teheran that the shah was preparing fpr p. visit to Constanti nople , and In conaequence-of this Informa tion tbo requests of the cmlr and the khan were refused. Besides Great Britain and Russia , Franco Is Interested In this question , and the three powers could easily frustrate any design of this sort by declining to allow either the khedlvo of Egypt , the sultans of Morrocco and Tangier , the emir of Afghan istan , or the sovereigns of the Mohamme dan states In India to go to the Turkish capital. It Is suggested that there Is some connection between the recent obstinacy of Turkey and this version of a Mohammedan league. * * * Portuguese finances are and have long been In a bad way , and there ie little pros pect o ( their Improving through any Internal agency. The little kingdom has long been a borrower , and has come perilously near Incurring the reproach of repudiation. In fact , she has repudiated a large share of net Interest obligations by arbitrarily scaling down tbo rate of Interest about one-third of what was stipulated , so that her 3 pei cent bonds are actually paying only about 1 per cent. In that way she has dealt with the great bulk of her debt. Upon some. 145,000,000 she pays 4VS per cent. Practically all the rest , more than $237,000,000 , Is In the 3 per cents , scaled down to 1 per cent. Little wonder that the high-water mark of such securities on the Bourse was only C8.5 , and that a few months ngo they were as low as 16.5. At present they are close to 25 , the only explanation of their rise being the ex- j pectatlon of replenishment of the treasury through a bargain over Dclagoa Bay. Since Portugal has not been subjected to the ex penses of war , wo can charge responsibility for her impccunloulty only upon bad matt- agemcnt at Lisbon , and the charge eeems to bo substantiated by the record. Between 1SC2 and 1801 her government nominally bor rowed and Incurred obligations for nearly $250,000,000. Of that sum she actually re ceived less than $103,000,000. For the dis crepancy bad management or downright dishonesty must bo held accountable. Pretenders to the throne of France , which country for more than twenty-eight years has got along without a throne , sue in the Dreyfus excitement a chance to attract at tention to themselves as men ready and willing to "save society. " The French gov ernment has Instructed the police to watch against the duke of Orleans , who Is sus pected of being about to throw himself upon the French people again. Debarred from residing In Franco by the laws against pre tenders , the duke lives In England , where he Is not to generally esteemed as he might be If ho were different from what ho Is. He has recently put forth a proclamation In which ho told the French pi-op lo that the Dreyfus agitation should teach them that their first duty was to set up a throne again and put him on it. Tbo French people were not greatly Impressed by the proclamation , remembering probably that some years ago Tke Royal Is the highest grade baking powder known. Actual tests sfcow it goes ono- Ulrd further than any other brand. JWOER Absolute/ ! Pure KOMI u ka fooi co. , NI von. the duke presented himself In France , was at once arrested , sent to prison and cm- ployed at basket making. Then he waa con temptuously relented nnd escorted over th frontier. Now thati Turkey lias yielded to the pow ers and consented to evacuate Crete , let in turn back a page or two of current his tory and recall the fact that the removal of Turkish power from the Island was the chief demand ot Grccco In tbo winter and spring of 1S97. Europeat that tlmo might have compelled the evacuation as easily as U has compelled It now , and thus have pre vented the war eo disastrous to Christian Greece and EO helpful to the prestige of Moslem arms. In a wa/ Greece Is now vindicated , slnco the concert has finally been compelled to do what the little Hcl- lento kingdom set out to execute. The af fair of Crcto Illustrates flucly how human relations may bo mismanaged by the com bined wisdom of Europe's statesmen. No ono can pretend to ay that "God was behind" the concert's policy In allowing the Turks to ( ravage Clrocco and In de ferring the final withdrawal of the sultan's authority from the harassed Egcan Islo. Detroit Journal. Of eld , the knight Is on the horse , Who battles for the right- Hut In tlieno late , perverted dayi , The lioreo Is on the knight. Indianapolis Journal. The party warriors advance ! From thlrteen-lnch to blowgun Each piece of partisan ordnancs Is ilrlng off the slogan , Chicago Record. y Ho had no lays for lovo'n soft moan , No volco for pleading word ; But when ho spoke by telephone The damsel always heard. ' , . Washington Star. 'Tin fashion rules the world , no doubt , Bo let us wait awhile ; Perhaps" the bosses will go out And titutcxmcn come. In style. Chicago News. Lnugh , and the world laughs with you , Glad , becaiiHo you are Rind ! Smllo by your lonely , and mister ! But doesn't the world get mad I Uuffalo New ? . Once more , campaigners congregate And sound the cry which naught can check ; "Our man Is noble , good and greatj The other Is a moral wreck. " GROWING HAM ) . Denver Post. As nge creeps upon us wo try to stay young f And frisky us long ns wo can , And show to the world by both action and tongue Wo are u mighty good man. Wo laugh nt gray hairs as no token of nsL' , , But look In the mirror appalled , As wo Ilnd wo are facing that worrying1 ' . . HtURO .v. "When a fellow begins to get bald. ' " ' * It fastens a look of deep' care' ' In the"1 eyes , It anchors a dread in the HOU ) , For here Is a fjaturo we cannot dlfgulsc , A nkatlng rink up on the poll. The ( lend of anxiety tortures the brain , Our taste for enjoyment Is palled. Our pleasure IH tinged with acolor of pain When a fellow begins to get bald. ' - We blow In our money for tonics * and creams. ' i Wo try nil tbo lotions In sight , But ev'ry proventlvo wo platter on seems To hasten the hair In Its flight. Wo wear out our shoes on the specialist' ! stairs Experts Into council are called , , . But nvery day adds to the burden of cares When a fellow begins to "get bald. Wo sit away back a the naughty display Of tlshts at the high-kicking liow , Through fear that' our friends 'may * In humanly nay1 We've hit the old bald-headed row. - At night our once pleasant , delectable dreams „ , , - > , - By visions of 'wigs are enthralled ; " * When waking , the brain with keen misery teems . , When a follow , begins to get bald. Whenever wo meet lady friends on the street Wo blush whllo uplifting our hat. And though they may pinllo us a erecting most sweet Wo know they have got us down pat. Wo seem to rare llttlo when to our reward In the realms of tlio blest wo are called , For half of the pleasure of living scorns floored i When a fellow begins to get bald ! OUH DAILY UtlLLUTIN. MANILLA , Oct. 15. 1898. The Filipino Congress summoned by Agulnaldo as Pres ident and Dictator , and by whom a major ity of the members were appointed , assem bles at Malolos today. This aspiring leader hopes to gain complcto controll of 'all the Islands. "Show is not substance , Realities govern wise men./ . / ; / . There are plenty of .suits and overcoats to be had this fall that are made simply for show. They won't fit and they won't wear. They are not what you want. Ours is not a high-priced store , as a good many people seem to fancy because we do not deal in shoddy. Good suits can be sold at the ordinary prices of the pre tentious "cheap" suits if you buy of the makers. The great volu ne of our manufactures for our system of fourteen stores giving us advantages over the small dealers , and these advan- : ages belong to our customers. j > 8 isn't much for a custom nade suit and we have better 3nes at $10 , $ J2,5U and $15. Overcoats $ JO , $12.50 and $15. These are made in our own factory and are practically cus tom made.