Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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Y The wonderful success of our great clothing sale this week was a fore Tl
ALTERATIONS to insure gone conclusion High grade clothing offered at the prices we offered
them to be the moment them.
A PERFECT PIT were sure bought people saw .
made free of charge. * There never was such a selection of fine grade ready-to-wear
We guarantee a perfect every fit. suit uits and Overcoats for Men , Boys and Children UNTIL TEH O'CLOCK. '
seen in the entire west as we place on sale now.
TIio largest stock
111 tllO tt'Cbt
Ever manufactured in tlie United States in
materials fit and tailoring1 equal to any in the
best custom work for
f Including imported Bilk mixed eassimeres
imported worsteds in blacks as well
as fancy patterns serges and cheviots
in double breasted sack coats with satin
facing round and square suckb it-button cutaways
and Prince Albert suits all lined with finest Skin
ner's satin pure llk and imported serge Every suit
guaranteed u perfect lit.
AVhich ought to sell and do sell in other
stores at from $12.50 to $15.00 but for this
sale we give you your choice of elegant black
clay worsted , silk and satin
lined line cheviot , black and
blue strictly all wool cheviot
and fancy cassimere suits , also
Scotch tweeds , now. elegant patterns ,
olepuntly made and fcrfeet 'fitting , for
today. . . . .
Men's ' Fail and Winter Suits tor $9.98
An elegant line of high grade satin lined
clay worsted suits , imported fancy worsted
suits , in neat checks and plaids , all wool
eassimeres , single and
double breasted blue and
black serges and cheviots ,
that would sell ordinarily at
$17.50 your choice to
day at
the Weather bureau Is an Integral part of
the Department of Agriculture. Prof. W.
L. Moore took the chair and I'rof.'Abbe ob
served that he didn't know what department
would adopt the AVeathcr bureau next h-3
supposed It would belong to the whole gov
ernment eventually.
llii-tli or Hurricane * .
Anticipating the next question , which was
that ot aerial observations , Prof , Mooio
showed the value of alertness on the part ot
observers in the region extending from tha
north shores of South America to latitude
32 north , In the United States , In antlclpat- j
Ing hurricanes. In this region these hurrl- i
canes have their birth an-3 It Is of the utmost - !
most Importance to commerce and niarino ,
Interests that their approach can bo pro- |
dieted. Ho said : i
The West India region , taking In an nrea
as large as the United States , Is today |
brought twice dally under an atmospheric
service that will cnabo ! in in iho future ,
ns It has In two cas-M rcce-illv , to doten the |
development of the most destructive storms '
that visit our continent : to measure them I
In the inception , to keep puce with them as
they come across the Wind\\nrd Islands and
up the Caribbean sea to the Oulf of Mexico ,
and to do what has been the dream of the
meteorologists of England nnd some of Its
countries for n great many years tj wain
the commerce of all nations in that great
region against these dcstfu > ; . ; ve clemeiitb.
It was a singular thing that this year nu
hurricanes passed through that region until
several weeks after their usual time. Provi
dence poeuied to have been on the side of
the right : Providence seemed to have been
on the side of the men who fought against
the oppressors of humanity. Our fleet was
able to leave those waters without encoun
tering a storm that even Incommoded It.
Soon after came a most destructive storm ;
one In which it seemed that all the force , ot
all the storms that should have developed In I
the preceding vceks was gathered and cen
tered. It seemed that nature was keeping' '
up the average and establishing the cqulllb-1
iluin by lettluc It burst In one terrific hurrli i
English Covert Cloth Top Coats , mndo of fancy black highest
tirade Covert Cloth of newest herringbone whipcord design , In
light or dark tan shade sleeve lining find reinforced yoke of
Win. Skinner's llnost guaranteed Hllk , hunting pockets , strapped
seams n gentleman's dress coat without u peer ut J1S.OO und JJft
Saturday whllo they last at
In black , bine , seal b rown , olive or tan In kerseys , beavers ,
frieze , Carr llelton-4every coat a mattterpiece of the tailor's art
with correspondingly excellent linings , etc , etc. , at
$7.50 , $9.98 , $ (2.50 ( and $15.00
Washln-ton Heaver , Frieze und Chinchilla
for men's wear , in bine k , blue or brown , sizes 34 to 44 , trustworthy
lining nnd most carefu lly put together sold throughout the land
for $7.60-Saturday at
$5.98 Ulld $3.98
Exceptionally grand
values are Hoys' 1'uru
SUITS , ages E to 13 ,
in a dark gray diag
onal cassimere , sailor
collar or reefer btylc ,
made especially with
the Idea of putting
within reach of nil an
absolutely reliable
school or working
suit , that is worth
and sold nt J2.BO nnd
$3.00 extra for Satur-
Ladies' ft ® >
Storm | (
Rubbers H E
Wen's * & &
heavy i 1
artics , M
warm lined
Ladies' 7
Over- 7J
gaiters J
Men's Leather Slippers , Men's
Velvet Embroidered Slippers ,
59c ? 65c
* frvfl
7r 5c , 89c
Ladies' Comfort
Slippers 5Oc
Infants' Shoes 39c
Infants' Moccasins
12 to 19 years , In un
finished cheviots ,
pure nil wool fancy
and plain cusslmercs ,
worsteds" , etc. , the best
the world offers In
strongest make nnd
sterling quality $ C.nO
values Saturday at
cano after the American fleet had sailed
liieoiitlnii of tin * HlK Storm.
A point I want to call attention to In con
nection with the warnings Issued In advance
of that great storm Is this ; The morning
survey of that region showed a "cry slight
shadlng-oTf of pressure toward the Wind
ward Ulands. Hut the barometric gradient
was very slight , not enough to Indicate a
hurricane , but enough to put the forecaster
n llttlo on the alert to look for
something later. Now the. observer at
Hnrbadocs , four hours nnd forty minutes
after the regular observation had been '
made , detected the barograph making n llt
tlo drop. His trained eye detected It nnd '
ho Instantly took a special observation and
sent It to the forecast center. Now his ob
servation dl not convcv so much to him ,
It mlgl't ' have been duo to a local dis
turbance , but to the forecast official who
had before him the chart made nearly four
hours before , this sudden dropping of pres
sure at that point , which was the very
center toward which the lines of pressure
showed a shading off , Indicated the de\cl-
opment within a few hours or n few days
of a destructive hurricane. It was the
alertness of that observer ( and for that
alertness he received promotion ) that en
abled him to place those hurricane signals ;
nnd If ho had waited until the storm had
passed bo could not have placed them to
better advantage to warn mariners. Every
nation having \eP6elB In those waters , no
matter what , received benefit from those
warnings. There were certain countries
that were a little backward In giving us
the facilities needed for the service , but to
day would all like to get It.
Aerial Olmi-rviitlonx.
J. C. Tlercy of North 'I'lattc , Neb. , and C.
n. Wurtz. of 1'lerre , S. D. , gave their aerial
observations. The latter thought smaller
Utea would be required for certain purposes.
I'rof , Moore Informed the convention that
within the next thirty days all the aerial
I observers of the country wltl submit papers
i to the central otllco from which meteor-
I oloclcil data wlfl be eccurcJ and
The prettiest V13STBE
LOWS from 3 to S years
of nge will bo yours Sat
urday for n , mere frac
tion of their actual vulue.
silk embroidered latest , i
mohair mixtures , ex
quisitely designed cnsHl-
meres , pearl trimmed
fancy cheviots , ete etc. ,
you can bo suited , no
matter what your taste ,
und nolle worth less than
K.50 and $4.50-Plck them
out Saturday at only
The sale of the M. C. Black Chicago wholesale shoe. ; stock gives opportunities to sell fine shoes for Men , Women and Children at prices
simply impossible to any other shoe dealer. 'The bargains we offer1 fit this sale are so great , that we have been obliged to add more sales
people to our selling force each day of the sale. Today , Saturday , tlie climax of shoe bargain giving is reached. Be sure you get your share.
very pair warranted
If a sonm rips in six months
we'll sow 'urn up for you frco
of ehurgo.
Your money back in a second if you buy as
good shoes as these elsewhere for almost
double the price we sell them at.
Your choice of over ten thousand pairs.
Men's fine CJoodyonr welt nnd McKay sewed shoes , made by the verv best
shoe makers In all the highest grades of leather In black vici kid , black calf
We are skin , black kangaroo , black box calf , winter tan , willow calf , black patent
sole leather and black enamel , In single sole , in double sole , in triple sole , some all
leather lined , and some with plain drill lining. The cheapest shoes In this
agents lot were made to retail at $ -.r. ( ) , and the highest for $ (1.00. ( All shoes that were
for these nuidu to sell for ? 2.oO go hi this sale at $1.50.
shoes , All the $3,50 $ and $4 $ shoes , go at $2 , $2,25 and $2,50
them we at All the $5,00 shoes $3,00
All the $6,00 shoes go at $3,50
Thlh Is without doubt the zreatest sale of men's shoes ever hold In Omaha ,
CUSHION SHOE. yon may have bought cheap shoes before , but you never bought as flue shoes
for so little money In your life.
Value to the Public of Every Step Forward
Pointed Out by Forecasters.
.Moore Drm-rllir * IIinv Ilio lil-
ptloll of Violent MnriiiN IN
'tfd nml
( ( lit HriiiiileiiHt.
Bright and fresh after the banquet of the
evening previous and with their faces evi
dencing nothing of meteorological disturb- ,
nnce , the weather observers resumed their i
dlscusslona In the Commercial club rooms !
promptly on the hour yesterday morning.
Prof. Cleveland Abbe of Washington , who
presided , suggested that as this was the
wind-up of the convention , the business
might bo expedited. The discussion of the
Townscnd rain gauge nnd the mailing stamp
was dispensed with , theeo matters being left
to a committee.
Apparatus for printing wenthor maps by
means of a special typewriter was discussed
by A. 1 \ Slum of Albany , N. Y.
A resolution of thanks to the Omaha Com
mercial club for Its courtesy was adopted.
Prof K'A. A. Hnzeu of Washington offered a
resolution for annual meteorological conven
tions to bo held subject to the call ot the
chief ot the weather bureau. AfUr some re-
inarkn on ft , mostly In Us favor , action was
The question , " -hould Not Certain Impor
tant Weather llureau Starions , the Duties
of Which CON or a Wide Range of Work , be
Designated Stations ot Instruction for Newly
Appointed Observers ? " was then taken up.
On this J. Warren Smith of Columbus , O. ,
r. K. n. Wnppenhaus of Indianapolis , Major
H. C. IJat'o of Knoxville , Tenn. , nnd A. J.
Mitchell ot Jacksonville , Fla. , each gave his
views , being nil In the affirmative with the
exception that It was manifest that observ
ers at the moro imporrUnt stations are averse
to having them turned Into kindergartens for
embryo forecasters.
Climate anil Crop Scrvlc-e.
A very important subject followed in the
discussion of the climate nnd crop service
Ha weekly bulletins. It was presented In
the question : "Should Remarks of Corre
spondents He Published as Supplementary
to General Discussion ? " Also , "Should
Weekly Reports of Temperature Ho Tele
graphed to Section Centers from Selected
Voluntary Stations ? " This subject was dls-
, cussed by A. U. Hackett of Columbus , Mo. ;
[ J. H. Marbury of Atlanta , Ga. ; I. M. Cllne
of Galveston , Tex. ; Major Hate of Knox
ville ; T. I ) . Jennings of Topokn ; T. S. Out-
lam of Minneapolis ; E. W. .McGann of New
nrunswlck , N. J. ; J. W. llaucr of Columbus ,
8. C. ; J. Hucscll Sage , director of Iowa ;
. W. H. Hammon of San Francisco ; F. P.
1 ChalTee of Montgomery , Ala. , and J. War-
rcn Smith of Columbus. O. Chairman Abbe
I summed up the discussion as generally
j agreeing to n wider use of the telegraph
and moro details In the publication of the
1 crop reports. Messrs. Cllno and Sago said
thu newspaper was a good criterion to go |
by. What the newspaper considered Im
portant enough to publish should bo re
ported by the correspondents.
Tbe relation of tbe Weather bureau to the
Department ot Agriculture was handled In a
brief paper by K. 11. Calvcrt of Washington ,
D. C. The three essentials of a nation's
prosperity , climate , agriculture and mineral
products , combined to form the basis of any
nation's prosperity. He considered cllraatol-
| ogy and agriculture as luder.irAble , therefore
Ladies' ' $4 $ Wolf Shoes $2.50
Your choice of nearly 1,000
pair ladies' black vici kid ,
Goodyear welt sole shoes , plain
and patent tips , all sizes and
all widths ,
made to retail
for $4 , go on
sale at $2.50.
Patent Leather Shoes and French Heel
Black Kid Shoes Your choice of
nearly 1,000 pair ladies'
patent leather shoos
with fancy vesting tops
und ladies' line hund turn
French kid Blioos with
Louis XV heels , nil of
these were nmdo to retail
for ? 0.0 ( > , but go in this
bale at $3.60
Dr. H. C. Frankcnfleld will
prepare a final report. Hammon of San
Francisco and Schneider of Lansing , Mich. ,
gave their respective views.
A permanent meteorological record was
talked up by J. W. Ilauer of Columbia , S. C. ,
and G. A. Loveiand ot Lincoln , and W. M.
Wilson of Milwaukee read a paper on atmos
pheric moisture and artificial heating. Quito
a number of other matters Incidental to the
service were taken up and the convention
finally adjourned at 1 o'clock.
Tic Jlldilern on a I'uvlmc Contract
Ton * a Coin to. Sec M'lilrh
( > U the Job.
Luck , pure and simple the flop of a silver
coin yesterday gave the contract for the
jiavlng of Maeon street from Thirty-first to
Thirty-third street to the Grant raving com
pany and demonstrated that of the duo , John
Grant and Hugh Murphy , the former Is the
favorite of Mistress Fickle Fortune.
The Board of Public Works some time ago
received bids for the paving of the street
and when they were opened It was found
that Murphy and Grant had submitted the
lowest and exactly the same flgurcu upon
every portion of the work. It was a cordian
knot that the board did not feel able to solve
and the settlement of the matter was. left
to the two contractors. For several days
the pair of paving caputs wrestled with the
problem together , but with no results and i
finally they agreed that Dame Fortune
should settle the matter through the medium
of a coin , which was to bo flopped by Secretary -
rotary Coburn of the board.
In consequence of this plan , the contractors
yesterday visited the otllco of the board and
explained the situation to Secretary Coburn ,
who agreed readily enough to act as the dl-
rcrto. general of the gambling bout A coin
Klen's Winter
\\'u have- Just innde
a purchase from uno
of the most celebrated
mills in New York of
all the odd cases that
they had on hand we
bought them so cheap
that wo can give you
tomorrow the most
extraordinary bar
gains ever heard of
In line underwear.
They gu In three lots.
LOT 1 at f 0e Ponsltts of double llecced un
derwear , line wool llnecert un
derwear , natural wool under
wear , camel's hair underwear ,
In fact every grade of under
wear , inndo to sell at Jl 00 ,
go Saturday at
1OT 2 at C9c Consists of a very flno brown
and light blue wool underwear , 45 fifa \
in good heavy weight , all
sizes shirts and drawers a
regular J1.-3 garment , Satur
day ut
LOT 3 at $1.00-
Consists of the finest Australian Iamb wool
natural gray und camel's hair
underwear , as well as the llu-
est nil wool lleeci-d underwear
made garments that ought to
Bell from J1.F.U to $2.00 , but to
day at
For tomoirow wo plnce on sale. 200 dozen
of the finest style fine silk Neckwear , in all
the newest and latest combinations and
bright colors that come in tucks , puffs , in
fact all the now fashionable shapes , QCn
for Saturday only at OUU
Your choice of over 0,000
pair of the linosl ladies' shoes
made in Kochester to retail for
§ 5.00 pair , in all widths , all
sizes , in hand turns and welts ,
the very finest
and lip to date
styles , your
choice of the
entire lot
at $ y
was produced and Secretary Coburn flipped
it. "Heads , " yelled Orjar , according 10 r.ri-1
vlous agreement , nnd of cour&o Murphy teak
tails. It waa found to be heads and Grant
got the contract. The. Job is worth several
thousand dollars.
Calln for Iliinil ni
Mayor Moorcs will today issue the
election proclamation calling u special elec
tion , at which will bo submitted the bond
propositions decided upon. One will ask
for $50,000 paving and $50.000 sewer bonds
and the other for $200,000 market bonds.
There is a possibility , however , that the
council will decide not to submit tbe latter.
According to law the proclamation must b !
published twenty daya before the election
The school board has not yet gotten up
its election proclamation regarding the High
school bonds. According to law , however ,
it Is not required to do so until ten days
before election. The document will not bo
drawn up until It la learned whether the
people of the city desire a one-Hlgh-sc'hool
or a tliree-Hlgh-school system , hut It will
bo ready for publication some tlmo next
week , In all probability.
The circulars pointing out the advantages
of the two High school schemes have been
printed. Secretary Glllan advocates the
ono-IIIgh-school plan and Superintendent
1'careo the other scheme. The circulars
are. being distributed in the schools and
1,000 have bren mailed to the business men
of the city.
The following births and deaths were re
ported to the health commlslsoncr during the
twenty-four hours ending at noon yeswrdny
Ilirths W. J. Delford , 27CD Cumlng street ,
boy ; Michael O'Nell , 3103 Patrick avenue ,
boy , 1'cte Johnson , 028 South. Thirty-first
Another gigantic spot cash purchase of
men's and boys' early fall and winter Caps
from ono of the largest factories In New
York will enable us to place on sale a splen
did assortment of now and seasonable
goods nt the lowest prices ever named.
This great lot consists of casslmcres.
twccda , chovlots , corduroys and plushes , la
golf , yacht , brighton and driving shapes.
You cannot afford to miss this great oppor
tunity when wo nnmo the extremely low-
price of 25c for your choice of the greatest
bargain of the season.
We also place on sale a grand purcliaso
of men's fall styles Derby and Fedora Hats ,
guaranteed fur felt , silk bands nnd linings ,
finished in the highest manner by skilled
workmen. Knox , Dunlnp and Youman ,
blacks , browns , otter nnd silver pearls your
cholco the nobbiest hats o the season for
only $ l.r.O.
In children's lints and caps our counters *
are teeming with the latest novelties of
the season. Hero you can find Tnn O'Shan-
tcrs in green , red , blue or brown , nt 750
and COc.
Military Caps , In gray , led or blue , at 50o
and 5c.
Ulcyclo and Golf Caps , In all the nowesb
patterns , nt COc and 23c.
Silk Toques , turbans , fedoras and derbies-
no mother can afford to miss this sale ot
Children's I lead wear.
Exfra Special
For ladies' $0.00
high cut
shoes with
plaid tops ,
Ladies' $3 Shoes $ ! , B0
Your choice of over 1,000 pail-
ladies' black vici kid button
and lace shoes ,
made to retail
for $ ! J , in i his
sale at $1.50. . .
Your choice of over 3,000 pairs ladies'
Tied together and thrown on bargain
squares in the basement ,
all sixes , all colors , all
new styles , your choice
in this sale at 75c pair. . fcU
avenue , boy ; Hugh Hale , SIC South Twcnty-
second , girl ; II. E. Mahaffey , 2821 North
Twenty-sixth , girl.
Heaths Otto W. Ilolmilale , St. Joseph'i
hospital , 28 years ; Dennis A. Lynch , Com
pany C , Third Nebraska volunteers , died
at I'ablo Dcach , Via. , ; Nancy Geer , Salem ,
Ore. , C7 years ; William Andrew Stone , 1714
Dodge , 25 years.
A stubborn cougn or tickling lu the throat
yields to Ono Mlruto Cough Cure. Harmless
In cITcct. touches the light "pot , reliable and
Just \\Iiat Is wanted. Ic acts at once.
Died from . \ Iroliol INIII.
The verdict of the coroner's Jury which
Investigated the circumstances attending the
death or Curtis Hawn yesterday noon wa *
that the deceased died from the effects of
acute alcoholism nnd exposure. Three wit
nesses were examined. Two testified to
finding Hnnn about 10 o'clock In thn morning
doubled up In a manger In a stable at thn
rear of 1108 Farnain street. In what they
supposed was u'drunken trtupor. The third
witness , n driver who keeps his horses In
the. stable , testified that ho found Hawn dead
nbout noon. Thuro was nothing to show how
long Hawn had lain there , nnd as there wan
no ovldeneo of murder or hulcldo' , the Jury
accepted the st dements tnndu by physlclatia
last night after the autopsy and rendered
the verdict given above. Nothing way
learned of the dead man's antcccdenti ! .
For broken surfaces , sores , Insect bites ,
t.urna , skin diseases , and especially plica ,
there Is one rellabls remedy , Hewitt's Wltsh
Hazel Salvo. When you call for DeWltt's
don't accept counterfeit or frauds7. You will
not bo disappointed with DoWltt'j WltcU
Hazel Halve ' . | MJlOlN 10 ( Vl ( H ,
On Saturday'Oct. 15th , a special ealo price
of ten cents will be luado on our elegant
book of 48 views of the Imposition , Thin
prlco Is reduced from 25 cents for this ouu
day only. Don't full to cull at Tbo B o
oIIlCQ for u couv.