Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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RF\DY \ TO irnrr
IVIval/l l\J \ JLISuJj
Jury bf Awards for the Exposition Haa
Organized for
' \
iiTN.IInlil it I'rt'llinliinry M
mill - \ Koiid to Koine- Minor Mutter *
.Niilnrc ( if the Itnlrn lov-
- ( Till UK' ( he A
A preliminary meeting was held 'n the
rooms of the Commercial club last evening
by the jury of awards of the exposition ,
Manager 13. E. Hence ot the Department
of .Exhibits presiding In the absence of the
chairman uf the awards committee , J. M.
Woolworth. Of' the eighty Jurors nearly
halt were present , The superintendents of
thu dlfitjrejtt departments \vcro also on ham ]
to offer their fltiflgi'sllons as to the facllltv
tloir of. the work uf judging. It was tl -
elded to commence judging nt once and
the Jury will , therefore , get together , at0
o'clock this morning at the Department of
Exhibits on the grounds nnd proceed to
cxamlno the different exhibits. The ex
pectation ID that the work will he finished
\Vcdnesdaj * at the utmost.
The peraoifnel of the Jury Is a picked
one. David- . Day of tjioUnited States
geological survey at Washington , who Is
the superintendent of .the Mineral depart
ment , Hays It la the best 'one 'he has seen
oo far and ho was largely instrumental In
selecting the Nashville Jury. Superintend
ent $ , " 15. , Hnrdt oC the Dcpartmeul ot , Ex-
lilblW-p'repaYcd the present list' 'fro m" his
wide ( knowledge of men fitted for. this1 pur
pose and also formulated a .set .of rules
to govcrti the. Jury. Eve > y tt-an'amlsslsslppl
Btato Is represented , bo says , and the list
Includes a number of ex-governors and meu
of national reputation. . Such men as ex-
Oovernor iFurrias'of' this state are on It
und Major 11. C. Ward and F. W. Clarke
of thu govqrnmcut , board.
In general the jury will go about Its
labors lir groups' of three , though there are
aorao HDt'ClaltleA which , requiring experts ,
will bo 'determined ' by ono rrlan each In his
particular line. The recommendations of
the urors YllI be made to the general com-
inltk'6 on awards as fast as arrived at. Ono
uf the Jtjrors In each section has been picked
by tflo cxtilb'ltors , the Bccond by thu com
mittee on , 'awards qnd the third' by the two
acting In .cpnjuuctloa with the committee.
, AVlthln the last few days they have all
been notified and with but 'lc\v exceptions
they are all here.
| f -ItulL-H for the Jury.
According to the rules 'tho Jurors will be
reimbursed for their traveling expenses and
tholr hotel bills while here but otherwise
their appointment Is purely honorary. Man
ager Ilrucu &ays it was surprising how few
declined to fcerve.
No- exhibit will bo allowed to compete
for H-wards which , had not been placed on
exhibition by June 1 unless 'the exhibitor U
abla."to prove that there were good reasons
Tor Us1 deb./ . From this rule , however ,
perishable articles were exempted.
The general classifies on is to follow the
official catalogue , but Jurors may mi'bdivldo
classua .and , recommend awards In each of
the felib.fllYlsion . - Cojlectlvo exhibits "are to
bo Judg-ed as jtlnglo 'exhibits , though upon
< lue ] iotCe'tp | trioawards'committee they niay
bo ( Jl.v.ldcd and the p.'irtfl Judged separately.
If divided they will not bo oltglblo us qol-
lectivb' exhibits. SlafVihints. tnay' bo filed
with the jurors by 'theexhlbitora ' - setting
appeals. The .method of aijnepl..48"f r , nny ,
exhibitor EO desiring to lod'no-hlfa' colriyialnt
with XhcVRUpMntendcnt within forty-eight
hours. f w ihniirbllcatloirof ( tbc'tfattl nf
' ' '
iho'head MfriKro'f the cdmmlhco''lri"the
Manufactures. ' building gallery , each ap
peal , however , to ; bo accompanied by $10 t&
go toWard a special fund for the remunera
tion of experts called In to glvo evidence.
The recommendations ot the Jury are to bo
sealed up In an envelope by the 'superin
tendent to bo passed upon Dually by the
awards committee.
KudiiiMliindc ( 'utlicrliiK- " \Voincn
mill Tlii-lr KrlcmlN.
At iho Nebraska building the women oC
the Women's Hoi let Corps held a celebra
tion at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The
cuerciqcs wore held In the main rotunda
of , tho. building , and were heard by an audi
ence of complimentary proportions , In which
old soldiers and their families were In a
majority.A number'of ' excellent addresses
were mingled with enjoyable Vocal selections
by Leo G , Kratz and Miss Frances Iloeder.
Mayor Frank B. Moores welcomed the or
ganization to Omaha In a brief address , In
which ho spoke earnestly of the Invaluable
services -that they had performed for their
country both In the 60s and during the
more recent war. Ho presented them with
the golden key to the city and assured
them that no body that had visited the city
was received with a more cordial welcome.
Mrs. Abbio A. Adams of Superior , de
partment president for Nebraska , added'a
very graceful greeting In behalf ot the de
partment , and thcsn sentiments wcro recog
nized In an appropriate manner by Mrs ,
Rosalie U. Condon.
The principal address was by Mrs. Flo
Jameson Miller , national president of the
organization , who spoke with much feel
ing and not a little eloquence. Presldeut
Miller nald that on the preceding day while
tha achievements of the army and navy
were being extolled , t < he had waited In vain
to hear ono ot the orators say a word In
bchalt of the women. It was left to the
Cuban , Seuor Quesnda , to pay a well do-
curved tribute to what had been done by
American womanhood in this decisive strug
gle. She added that she did not wish to
detract from the honors that had been won
by the American soldiers and sailors , but
Eho did wish to emphasize the heroic sacri
fices aud services of American women ,
The speaker then referred briefly to the
history ot warfare In this country and
A Woman's Words
Afflicted with Many Diseases-
Weak Stomach , Hourt Trouble
Llfo was Misery until Hood's
Sarsaparllla Curad.
" About two years ago I was in aserlqui
condition. } could uot cat or sleep. My
totnach was very \velk and I had heart
disease so bad that I could not lie down.
I was also aUltctcd with female complaints
nd my life was misery to me. I could
not do my housework mid was reduced to
M mere skeleton. Ono day I decided to try
Hood's Sarsaparllla and I began to feel
better ( ram the first few doses. I could
goon eleep well at night. This medicine
has dona mo 90 muob good that I value it
very a highly and recommend it to my
fricniU 0s a medicine j.hat does Ml it
clalmft'to do. " Mns. JESNIE M. DEPNT ,
Arnold , Nebraska.
It you have decided to take Hood's Bar-
naparllla do.not buy any other instead.
la thebst In fact the One True Hlood I'nrlfler.
Alldruggltts. $1 ; suforjs. Get only Hood's.
u i rtM are sure , mild , effectiva ,
JlOOd'S PlllS Alldru BUU. 3K.
Mpcclolly to the civil war , In which their
organization had Its birth. This conflict
revolutionized all Ideas of war oh land and
tea. Ground was won ami lost arid won
again and nothing In history has over
equated It , War Is no now thing. Every
century , has been ushered In by a great
conflict , and heroes have been cradled in the
lap of every age. The civil war was the
first that had been waged from motives of
humanity. In previous conflicts .ambition
had lighted the fuse , but every gun from
Sumter to Appomattox echoed the 'declara
tion' that God was tired of' slnrcs. She
commented on the galaxy of heroes that the
war had left to tbo country ami on how few
o theni were left. Tbo Cuban war had
also been Inspired by motives' bf humanity
and Its heroes are still with us.
n of tli Hxvuutlvu Committee
of flu ; Mrc Stock Anaoclutlon Ao < .
i , The members of the executive committee
ot thu National Live Stock association who
met In the Dairy llulldlng on the Exposition
grounds yesterday Informally discussed the
various matters which have been referred to
It , also the arrangemsnt of a program for
the annual convention to bo held In Denver ,
Colo. , 'during the week beginning January
23 , 1S9 < > . Final actloa upon these subjects
was postponed to the mc-ctlng of the com
mittee which will be held In Denver just be j
fore the convention , The following resolu
tion was presented and adopted :
Whereas , Complaint has bucn made to the
National Live Stock association that the va
rious railway corporations delivering live
stock at the Union stock yards of Chicago
are continuing to collect a terminal charge
of $2 per car on live stock shipments to the
detilmcnt of itho members , of the associa i
tion , notwithstanding the Interstate Com I
merce commission 'by a decision rendered !
August 4 , 18Sij , < declared this vhtirgo to be
unjust , and Illegal nnd ordered s.nld corpora
tions to discontinue said Illegal terminal
charge on or boioro September 15 , 1808 ,
whlcti order has been wholly Ignored ; tiere- }
fore , bo It
Kesolvcd , by the National Live Stock as-
ffioclatlon , That each and all of these cor
porations merit the censure of this organiza
tion for their refusal to obey the mandate
to abiogato this tax , and It Is hereby de
clared to be the seiise of the executive com
mittee ot this association that the attorney
general of the United States be respectfully
icqucstcd to prosecute In . { he federal courts
each and all of said corporations so refusing
to obey this order of the Interstate Com
merce commission , and wo believe said cor
porations should be compelled to refund to
the shippers the tax to unjustly and arbi
trarily levied from June 1 to this date and
to the end , that srild corporations may be
Impressed with the respect for the law ot
the United States , nnd that the same may
bo more certainly and promptly applied to
these disobeying It , wo demand of our sen
ators and congressmen the passage of senate
bill 33ul , which more specifically gives the
Interstate Commerce commission authority
to enforce its decrees nnd orilers.
This National Live Stock association
hereby pledges Itself to a policy ot open
markets , with no discrimination against any
shipper , with no terminal charge .at such
markets aud with just aud qqultuble freight
rates to and from the same ; with n minimum
charge thereto for yardage , feed and service.
Wo shall oppose by every mean's jit our
command Injustice , extortion and discrimina
tion ngalnut those Interested In the- live
stock industry of the United States.
IJITTM * lllllt.V MnlvlO.S A 3IISTAK1J.
AVIohlla Inillnii A'utnnlly , ( ; < ( Hurt
nnrliiK Uif Sliiini fluttlr.
The next time that Little Horn , aAYlchlta
Indian. ROCS Into a sham battle and. ex
hausts his supply of ammunition and then
fIls down nnd plays the part of a. de-
qtascd warrior ho will select a place on the
field ot carnage whe ra the horses will not
tramp .all over him as" the riders , charge
tacfcand Jo.rth. Yesterday In the sham bat-
tUMtou Jje .for thoj.fimusemea ani .entft-
taimncnf ot General Bhaher tWlt ? ' Hofn
' taadc tho' tnlstdli'o ' rqy'liBullfoMby ' [ dropping'
_ pvcr bh iho ground. Just at a point where
c. .dozen horses stepped on him before ho
could get out of the way. As u result of
this display of poor judgment upon thtf port
of Little Horn he Is In the Emergency bos-
oltal , cut and bruised In a dozen places.
At yesterday's battle General Shatter and
c. number of other army officers occupied
frpnt seats In the reviewing stand and. with
a. great deal of Interest wltnessed'the light
bptwecn the Sioux and their allies and the
Dlackfeot and their allies. As has fre-
auentfy happened before the Sioux wore
i mmanded by Gocs-to-War and the des
tinies of the IJlackfeet and the men who had
cst their lot with them were looked after
by Dig Uravo. It was the eamo old story.
General Shatter has scon all kinds of fightIng -
Ing , but the battle of yesterday was some-
thlng new. After the last shot had been
fired 'Captain Mercer lined all of his In
dians. both young and old , male and female ,
UD In front of the reviewing stand. There
they gave three rousing cheers for the gen
eral , who climbed down from the reserved
scat section to bo the principal In holding
the reception. Geronlmo was the first to bo
Introduced nnd ho received a hearty shako
oJ the hand. Then came American Horse ,
HlK Brave , Notches , Crow Dog , Whlto Swan
Kid scores of other big men , By this time
tbo general discovered that ono hand was
not enough and commenced to use the other ,
bringing both Into action. This continued
unttr ho had greeted every Indian in the
camp and spoken kind words to all.
The whtto people were just as anxious
to meet General Shatter as were the In
dians mul after the reception off the red men
he mounted the steps nf the grandstand
and there spent half an hour receiving the
men and women who clustered about him.
Speaking of 4110 sham battle , General
Shatter eald It was ono of thu most Inter
esting things observed during his long mil
itary career.
1'ruiiurliiK for iVclirnnka. Diiy.
All the people connected with the Ne
braska exhibits are making extensive prep
arations for the observance ot Nebraska
day , which has been set for October 19 , at
which time it is contended that not less
than 00,000 people from the state will be
In 'attendance. There will bo exercises at
the Auditorium , but ns yet the program
has not- been completed. The railroads have
made a low rate for the occasion and this
alone , It Is said , will bring In a crowd that
will bo a record breaker , leaving Presiden
tial day out of consideration.
Ono feature of Nebraska day , however ,
has gouo upon the card and that will bo tbo
frco distribution ot apples from the state
space In the Horticulture building , Super
intendent Younger ? , together with Assist
ants Nowns and 'Marshall and Superintend
ent Walker of the Douglas county exhibit ,
have wciked up the scheme an. ! h.ivo 500
barrels of the finest Nebraska-grown ap
ples that will bo given away. The varieties
are Grimes' Golden , Willow Twigs , North
ern Spies ami all ot the best kinds ot fall
Trulni-r llnillCliuveil. .
Mmo. - Cannlac , the woman at Hagcn-
back'a uho appears in the ring with a
coUple of presumably tame leopards , bad
a thrilling experience with ono of tbo ani
mals yesterday morning. She was standing
In front of their cage -when ono of them
reached out with ono paw and , burying Its
claws lu her shoulder , drew her up to the
bars of the enclosure , whllu with the other
paw It reached for head. She screamed and
several of the people about the place hur
ried to the woman's assistance , beating the
leopard oft with clubs and forks. During
all of the time the other leopard In tbo cage
at up on a shelf and calmly watched the
proceedings. Mine , Cannlac's left shoulder ,
arm and hand wcra terribly lacerated.
TO ci uij A roi.n IN ONU ii.vv.
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All
drUKKlata refund the money It It tails tn
cure. :5c. The cenulno bus L , . U. Q. on
each tablet.
( Continued from First i'age. )
for peace , all within n short period of less
than four months.
Stiiiine on Trmliiccrx.
It Is n sad commentary that these brave
officers nnd soldiers are returning to thulr
own land with more honors accredited by the
world than the army of any other nation
only to find the polfoncd shafts of partisan
traducers. The glory won by them has
been too great nnd too strongly Impressed
on the nations of the earth to have Its bril
liancy and luster bedlmmed by those whet
t would use the horrors of war for such ends.
The president of this nation Is coinmanr
der-ln-chle/ the military nnd naval
forces. Durlnp thlH war ho was common-
'der-ln-chlcf , not only In name , but In fact.
The campaigns by land and sea wcro dU
reeled by him , nnd his constant and cease
less watch for the honor ot our nation and
the welfare , comfort nnd protection of our
hero soldiers and sailors reached from the
early hours of morn Into the beginning of
another day. His close contact and relation
with the departments of government have
been such that hlo fund of Information nnd
knowledge- details Is marvelous nnd
phenomenal. Ills sorrow for the dead , and
solicitude for the living , of these bravo and
courageous defenders of the rights otnuuir
kind , Is that of a father.
To the secretary of war , to the secretary
of the navy , to the major general command
ing thu nrtny , the hero nf Porto Rico ;
Miles , the hero of Santiago , Shatter , the
hero of Manila. Mcrrltt , to the gallant officers
ot the ami } ' and the navy nnd their Intrepid
men , belongs the honor and glory of the
brilliant victory In Cuba , I'orto Hlco and the
Philippines , unprecedented In all the world's
history. The nation will ever sing songs
of praise for the valor and gallantry 'nt
these sons of America. The braver } ' 'arid
couragcousness of our officers and focii as *
founded the world. ' '
Wo have among our fallen hcroea 'of the
navy a Paul Jones , a Perry , n Farragut and
n Porter , nnd now wo have tbose living
heroes Dewey , Sampson and Schley.
Whenever' the nation has wanted n man
for the hour , It has risen In Its wisdom
and found him. When the country called
for such men the people responded with
Washington , Lincoln , ' Grant nnd Garllcld.
In this struggle for human rights the emer
gency called for one to direct the nation , and
from seventy millions of people the masterful
ono -was selected. It was his hand that
guided us to victory. It was he who placed
the nation among the first powersof ; the
earth , the commander-ln-chlrf ot the army
nnd navy , the president * of the United
States , McKlnley.
CliluuMu Mtnlnter'H Aililrt'N.i ,
Wu Ting Fong , the Chinese minister , was
given a reception no less cordial , and hln
happy allusion to the fact that while the
speakers who had preceded him were men
whoso dutyIt Is to prepare for war , It la
ha ! mission to try aud preserve peace , pro- ;
vokcd another approving demonstration.
Continuing , ho spoke briefly of the manner
In which the exposition had been brpugbt to
the attention of the Chinese government a
year ago , and declared that his trip . to
Omaha had proved a most enjoyable expe
rience. Ho had observed the vast ex
tent of this country and the richness of its
soil , but the greatest thing he had learned
was at the exposition. He expressed wonder
that a city only forty-five or flfty years old
had proved to bo ono of thn moat prosperous
cities he had over se n. "I have seen many
expositions , " he added , "but this la the best
I have ever seen , It shows 'thegreatness
bf your country and the energy and jierse-
vcranco of your people. As the representa
tive of the oldest empire In the world , I
greet you In Its name and I hope we ; will
Eomo lmo be able to receive you In my own
country. " In conclusion ho referred to the
pleasant relations that exist between this
couujry and China and expressed the ho'pe
that this pleasant condition may always'con-
tinue. ' '
' ' : " V'rntCorc'n nndr'CuiinT - " " " '
The Korean minister1 whs ncx'f Introduced , '
but as he fs Unfamiliar with the , English
language he simply arose and bowed to the
audience. Hon. Gonzalo do Qucsaila , the
Cuban charge d'affaires , followed and spoke
In part as follows :
In the name of , the youngest nation In the
world , of the people who ewe their progress
to the greatest. It was my honor to salute
the reprewntatlves yesterday. Todny It Is
my ' aamo privilege to offer tribute ito that
sol'dlcr who went to my native land to auffor
not only the bullets of the enemy , but that
greater terror disease. We shall ever re
member that that sword was unsheathed for
the liberty of our country.
I remember when 1 for the first time
shook his hand. I remember when ho de
parted for my country. 1 have again greeted
him today. J find that for every pound of
llesh he has lost ho has gained many years
of Immortality ,
I thank the United States for Its. army
and navy. I could not leave this metropo
lis of the west without expressing ray
gratitude to the state Of Nebraska. Ib AvaB
a representative of this state who flrit'tpok '
the part of our oppressed country. It U ?
agreeable to mo to say that Cuba has never
had a better friend than Senator Allen of
Who was it that explained from one end
of this country to the other how our people ,
Ill-clad nnd ill-armed , were dying of starva
tion ? It was Senator Thurston. And when
the mighty army of thn American people
struck for our redemption Cuba learned to
love another Nebrasknn. It was he who put
In the shade the charge Dalnklavu , As
sistant Secretary ot War Melklejohn. His
heart Is as hie ; as the heart that should
beat In such a manly bosom. Never has
there been n hand outstretched from our
Island asking for a piece of bread that It
has not been filled.
Today Is devoted to i.cace the eagle Is at
rest. May It be so until there Is another
country to bo delivered from oppression.
War Is only to bo excused when the veins
of the natlcn are opened as they were at
Lexington , at Gettysburg or Santiago : The
Cubans have fought enough. There Is not
a flower in our land which docs not grow
from the tombs of our martyrs. But now a
new republic arises. The Cubans will prove
to the world that they have learned much
from the United States. The time Is coming
when fair Columbia will greet the republic
of Cuba , which will come to you with love
and affection and tenderness. And when I
bid you goodbye my volco chokes with grati
tude and all I can" say. is .thanks , thanks ,
to the great American nation.
Senator Thnrntbn' Clone * .
The exercises clpsed wlth'fin address by
Senator Thurston , who said :
Wo are gathered here'ori1 a day dedicated
to civil government , 'the 'only guaranty of
liberty , personal safety or national i > ros-
perlty. Four written documents stand as
the guaranty of the rights of the people.
The ilrst was the Mucna Cbarta. Then his-
tcry moved on and the second was the
Declaration ot Independence , but It was In
complete. It only meant that people of ono
race , ono color , were free and Independent.
When Abraham Lincoln issued the Emanci
pation Proclamation he rounded out the con
stitutional guaranty. But It referred to the
people of our nation only. The United
States issued a declaration ot War against
Spain and UIOEO who voted for It have 110
apologies and no regrets. It was God's war.
The victories were God's victories. When
the American Hue went up the hill at
Santiago It meant * a-bupremer destiny for
the American people -thanr-we had ever an
ticipated in our lives bofore. It meant an
American flag on every public building in
the land , where It would , appeal to all the
world. Mother of Republics , her lullaby has
been sung over every crudlo In the world.
The ancients believed In an Arcadian realm.
This Is that land. The centuries have
given It to the human rare , that tboce op
pressed lu other cllmca may hero live free.
Its hilltops glorify the goodness ot Almighty
The exercises closed with "Tho Star
' " tha band alter
Spangled Warmer" played by ,
which the distinguished visitors were
lunched at the viaduct cate.
Siviiml .Vt'liriiKku .Ytti'iul" .
About ) 100 members ot the Second Ne
braska voluntvcra canio down from Fort
MelUlt'Jolm yesterday morning to assist in
welcoming General Shatter. They' filed into
the Auditorium while the general w.n de
llverlng hlH address and their arrival was
slgimllzed by hpartf applause from the
crd.wd" , After fho exercises mo'st of Iho
soldiers remained on the grounds nnd enJoyed -
Joyed themselves until they were compelled
to return to barracks ,
Dcrllno for SOUK ; Itonxon
to'fio Alicnil > vlh Competition.
Owing to n 'misunderstanding between
Borne ot the exhibitors and the management
the ring showing of the live , stock was dis
continued yesterday afternoon nt 3 o'clock.
The next exhibit was to have been sweep
stakes by ages , beef breeds. The entries In
cluded several fine specimens ot Shorthorns ,
Ilcrcfonls , Galloways and Guernseys. j (
The trouble arose over the selection of ,
judges. These .were three In number , two
of whom wcro to decide on the awards If nny i |
conclusion could , bo reached between them
and the third .was to act as a referee In case ' 1
ot disagreement. As the competition for
premiums In this exhibit was expected to bo
close , those Interested were very solicitous
that no shadow of prejudice should exist In I !
the minds of these delegated to do the ,
Judging. Some ot. them believed that the ,
judges selectejl might bo Inclined to bo par- I i
tlal. and hesitated to show their animals. I
CoiisequenlU' . Commissioner DJnsmore de- I
elded to postpone the showing until this
morning , when ho hopes that all differences
will bo adjusted.
Desldes the compet'ltlon 'for the sweep
stakes by ages the program for today In
cludes rings of Merino * sheep , Essex swine
and Victorias. Awards' were made yester
day In Hampshire ] sheep , Jacks , mules and
small Yorkshire B\vnc. |
Music lnnl NI Klit null Today.
Inhes' thlrd"8yniph6nlc' concert last night
was att'endxl by an amllcuco which packed ]
the big Auditorium , and which rewarded
the magnificent playing of the organization
with unstinted enthusiasm. Among the
more noticeable mftnbers , were the Ensfer
hymn and Intermezzo , from "Cavallerla
Hustlcana , " and the , "Lohengrin" fantasia ,
which concluded with the famous quintet
played by Messrs. Kenney , Wacker , 21m-
merman and the Pcrfetto brothers. Saint ! :
Saons' weird "Danse Macabre" aroused the
Immense audI6nco to a fever ot applause ,
and ono of the most enjoyable concerts ot
the series was brought to a conclusion by the
rendition of Haemlal's hallelujah chorus ,
which was splendidly given by t'he Exposi
tion chorus.
The exposition will bn made bright today
with the happy faces of thousands of chil
dren , In whose honor Bandmaster Innoa has
arranged a special program. All the chil
dren will bo admitted for the sum of fif
teen cents , nnd each ono of them taking
part In the singing of the patriotic songs
which are to be given Is to receive a splen
did Bouvcnlr of the occasion. Innes Is very
enthusiastic over the prospects of the en
tertainment and is sure it will bo n great
All children desiring to participate should ,
If practicable , assemble- the Auditorium
this morning at 9:30 : o'clock for the grand
rehearsal , which Is to take place under the
direction M the famous baud master.
The night concert will witness n reproduc
tion of the spectacular "Anvil Chorus , "
which is repealed in response to nn over-
whelmtns.dcruand. , .T.he regular Sunday aft
ernoon concert. w.lL | take place In the Audi
torium at 3. o'clock tomorrow , and Innes
has moilo up a , program which he thinks
sufficiently diverse to please all tastes.
\V. It. C. Malvt-H 11 Merry llvcnlnir in
. * . ! ! ivldi ItH
. .
Last night In JLIO ] , council charnber of "the
cffffiairihe , WSlnafi's ' Heller corps held a
reception for/the'ttowly / e'/ectcd department
officials Qf 'lhclr older. It had been planned
to havo'lhls reception In the rooms of the
Commercial club , but owing to a misunder
standing hurried arrangements had to bo
made at the last hour for other quarters
and the council chamber was chosen as being
the next most suitable place. The change
necessitated many little Inconveniences In
the way of accommodations and may have
caused a. smaller attendance , but It In no
wise dampened the ardor of any ot the
women prcecnt or lessened ono whit the
pleasures of the evening.
The reception was held to allow members
ol the Relief corps on opportunity to for-
uiairy meet the recently elected state offi
cers. Invitations had been extended to the
Grand Army df'tho Republic and at the
hour appointed for beginning there was a
good sized assembly of people present to
participate In the social pleasures ot the
While tile oretiestra played Ilosey's Hand
icap march the women who are officers of
the department or members of the reception
committee filed Into < the chamber arm In
arm and took a position Just within the rail
ing , where there Is ample room to move
about. They were led by Mrs. James Trey-
nor and Mrs. Ingersol , national aides. Fol
lowing were the officers. They were : Mrs.
Abbio A. Adams , president of the depart
ment , Superior , Neb. ; Mrs. Rosalie IJ. Con-
do'n. Pawnee City , post department preal- .
dent ; Mary R. Morgan , Alma , department/ _
treasurer ; 'Mrs. Fidelia Ruplper , Harvard , i
Inspector of department ; Mrs. Alice LIndsey ,
Table Rock , department councilor.
The aides Introduced the officials to mem
bers of the committee and they In turn In
troduced the officials to all present. The
Misses Ingersol , Holt and Sawhlll , presid
ing over a punch bowl , dispensed pink lemonade -
onado to everybody and conversation was
the order of the evening. The women ex
changed compliments and small talk ; as only
- omen know how , while the men got to
gether and recalled reminiscences In true
Grand Atmv fashloh. AddrcEses closed the
program of the evening. The reception cam-
cUtteo was as foUows : 'Mrs. Sarah E. Pot
ter. Mrs , Anna E. Askwlth , Mrs. Addle E ,
Hough , Mrs. Ingersol , Mrs. Lizzie Hugh ,
Mrs. Louise Deacon. Mrs. I. A. Shceler , Mrs.
George Rhodes , Mrs. Kate Remington , Mrs.
Angellne Whltner , Miss Ingersol , Mrs. Koch ,
Mrs , G , H. Eddy , Mrs. Phoebe McCoy , Mrs.
Nora Williams , Mrs. Jeff Ogg , Mrs. East
man. Mrs. Thoraaa Hull , Mrs. Nichols , Mrs.
Ilonil of tinWentlier Hurenn Snj'x He
< ; < > < * r AKUliiMt u Stl
Prof. Willis Moore , head of the Weather
bureau , experienced a small cyclone yes
terday morning1 in his room In the Mlllard
hotel. The way Mr. Moore tells about ) It Is
this :
"About 8 o'clock In the morning I heard
somebody moving around in the room. 1
was. awake , , though I had my eyes shut and
I distinctly felt the Intruder going through
my clothes. I thought It was my wife and
kept my eyes shut all the tighter for fear
she might make me get up If she thought
I was awake. When I finally did get up to
dress I discovered that the thief bad gotten
away with all the cash In my possession ,
amounting to $ C8. Strange to say It was
the second visitation , the same cyclone ha\
Ing struck mo to , the tune ot some $3 the
day 'before. "
Prof. Moore jnanaged to raise the wind ,
however , in time to get on his feet again
to catch the train last night that t'ook him
back to Washington ,
I.lmlv KuHtiier Held.
Llrzlo Kostner. who was charged with
having in her possession n quantity of wearIng -
Ing apparel stolen from the residence ot
Mrs. Effln Norrls and Dertha King at Seven-
| leeuth and Davvnport streets , was given a
hearing 1 on the charge of grnnd larceny yes-
t ( rJay. H resulted in her being bound over
to ' the district court In lh-ml ot { COO. Her
Msler. ! Maggie1 , arrested nt the same time ,
was discharged , ns no evidence was adduced
that tended to show her connection with the
supposed theft of the clothing.
AVnr m C'oiitfNtn In .Severn ! AVnnN
Over Srlrrtltin of IK-U-Kntrn to
City Contention ,
Republican primaries held 1u the city
yesterday afternoon for delegates to a city
convention to be held nt Washington hall
tonight to nominate five candidates for
positions on the Hoard of Education , were
not devoid of Interest In localities. Flvo
of the wards had contests , and they suc-
cecded In drawing out an unusually largo
vote for such primaries. The light was gen-
orally against the continuance of the pres
ent .majority on the Uoard of 'Education ,
but the returns Indicate that the majority
faction won , nnd may be able tonight to
nominate a ticket , which , If elected , will
Increase the strength of that faction. Ot
the five retiring members of the board four ,
Jordan , Klowlt , Gratton and Dennis , were
class'ed with the majority element and
Irey with the minority. Jordan and Klowlt
have secured their ward delegations for re-
nomination , Gratton was defeated , nnd Den
nis was not a candidate for re-election.
Irey nlso has his ward delegation. The
Third and Fifth wards have no avowed
candidate , nnd the Sixth , Seventh , Eighth
nnd Ninth wards will present now men for
the positions.
"R. C. Jordan carried the First ward 2 to
1 and more over the opposition ticket ,
which was supposed to support R. K. Pax-
ton. Doth the parties carried on an encr-
, ge'tlo canvass and when the polls were
j closed 470 votes had been counted , the big
gest number over cast in a Board of Educa-
| tlou primary in the history of the ward.
I Of this number seventy-nine were , cast by
women. The straight Jordan ticket was
elected by a majority that hovered about
the 150 mark , the highest number cast for
an anti-Jordan delegate being 169 , and tha
lowest for the Jordan delegation 30C. The
fight was a strictly party affray , for a total
ot 410 straight tickets were cast , Jordan
getting 287 ot them. Despite ( ho warmth
of the contest there was no trouble about
the polls.
In the Second ward there was no contest.
Fifty votes were cast , and thn election was
without Incident. The delegation will sup
port Andrew Klowlt In the first ballots of
the convention. After that the delegates
say they will follow their Individual pref
The total vote cast In the Third ward was
fifteen , all colored. No Interest whatever
was manifested lu the election , nnd but
ono candidate tor delegate showed up at
the polls , ho being Frank Heacock.
In the Fourth and Fifth wnrds there were
no contests , and a small volt was cast In
each , there being little interest. The
Fourth Is for G. G. Irey for re-election , but
the Fifth has no candidate.
In the Sixth ward Dr. Frederick F. Teal
carried the day by a small plurality. There
was a warm contest nnd 481 votes were
cast , ot which the women contributed 12'J.
The latter largely supported the doctor.
The low man on the. winning ticket had a
majority of ono over the high man on thu
defeated ticket , and the highest majority
was only four.
The delegation from the Seventh ward
vu8 instructed for Charles S. Hnyward over
Fred J. Smith by a strong majority. A
heavy vote was registered all day , and 28fi
votes had been east when the polls closed.
Of these Hayward received 130 on straight
ballots to 64 of his opponents. The women
ot the ward felt little Interest in the issue
And vcro reprcspntgd by no votps , whU- ;
There was a rather one-tided but lively
fight in the Eighth ward , where C. E.
Black and J. 11. West each had
a delegation in the field. Black
won out in a canter , his delegation
receiving 211 straight ballots out of a total
vote of 417. The women participated quite
freely In the voting , nnd Black's victory was
In some measure duo to the activity of his
supporters in bringing .out the feminine
. There were three candidates In the Ninth ,
and Arthur M. Cowio was the winner , re
ceiving 138 votes , to 31 for E. G. McGll-
ton nnd 13 for O. P. Schrum. Of the 213
votes cast , the women supplied twenty-two ,
twelve of whom were colored.
' The following is the list of delegates
elected to represent the city in the con
vention toqlght :
First Ward John Roslcky , S. W. Scott ,
William Hutton , William Cathroe , George
Armstrong , W. R. Wilson , Dr. W. H.
Hanchctt , Fred Bach. Henry Inman.
Second Ward George Anthes , H. Boyles ,
H. J. Dancker , Gucrgo Colt , A. C. llarte ,
George Reed. Frank Fraud , William Nich
olas.Third Ward Nate Brown , Robert Clan-
cey , Jacob Bloomfield , William Geike , F. E.
Heacock , John Henderson , Thomas W.
Lewis , Charles Morrison , Fred Shafer.
Fourth Ward John W. Battln , Clmiles
H. Bryant , R. S. Ccnnell , Wil
liam F. Qodso , Frank Helmbaugh , John
G. Kuhn , Edgar H , Scott , W. 11. .Whltehorn.
Fifth Ward E. Benedict , Herbert S.
Crane , Cornelius Farrell , Randall K. Brown ,
T. G. Northwall , Gus Plnkerton , Thomas
Stewart , Robert Smith , Louis Pixlry.
Sixth Ward B. S. Anderson , J. S. Cooler ,
William Burrell , Nils Larson , Steva Daniels ,
B. W. Evans , W. T. Rlekle , William Stev
ens , George W. Covell.
Seventh Word C. W. Hiiller , J. W. Rus
sell , John Coatsworth , I ) . Coy. Edmund
Bartlett , M. J. Kcnnard , John Steel , C. L.
Chaffee , Andrew Stoncdahl.
Eighth Ward H. B. Boyles , Grant
Cleveland , J. T. Dalley , E. L.
Dodder , H. J. Drlesbach , A. W. Jefferls , G.
A. Steberg , E. M. Tracy , J. T. H. Woods.
Ninth Ward H. C. Akin. Jonathan Ed
wards , Jomeo Fuller , A. J. Love , A. J. Lunt ,
Charles A. Goss , A. II. Hcnnlngs , Charles
S. Huntlngtou , Samuel T. Wiggins.
To Malic Your Family I.ovr You
Buy "Garland" Stoves and Ranges.
Mrs. Herbert Do Faye Urouard and Mr.
Archlo Coon will sing at Prof. J. E. But
ler's organ recital Sunday afternoon nt 4:30 :
at Trinity cathedral , Capitol avcuuo and
Eighteenth street.
The trouble between the "Venetian Gen
dolas" merry-go-round and Its neighboring
attractions ou the East Midway over tlu
continuous playing of Its organ has been
compromised without further litigation. The
proprietors of tbo merry-go-round have
promised to so arrange the playing of the
Inutrument that It will not Interfere with the
other concessionaires.
Hon. W. J. Council.
Ex-congressman from Nebraska , and at
present Omaha's city attorney , writes :
"To Whom Thlu Comes , Greeting : I take
pleasure in recommending the virtues of
the remedies prepared by the Dr. n , J. Kay
Medical Co. Having known of some re
markable cures of Omaha people affected
by the use of Dr. Kny's Uenovator and Dr.
Kay's Lung Balm , I believe that these great
remedies are worthy of the confidence of
the public. " Thoueands of the most prom
inent people In America know that the above
are facts , and no remedies have effected
so largo a per cent of cures. Send for our
largo Illustrated book. U has great value ,
but will be sent free. Dr. B. J. Kay Medi
cal Cd. , Saratoga Springs , N. Y. , and Omaha ,
13th : md Douglas Sts. , Cm i i
J. U. 31AHKUL A ; SO.V , I'roui.
ill v
Wiio Osed Pain's Celery Gompoiinti Did
Suffer from Fevsr ,
Su . tf f' ' j , > . * t * ? f
The soldiers who did the most good were
these who kept well.
There wcro plenty of brave men who-were
of little use when the time come , because
they took less care ot their health than they
did of their musket.
Malaria and other fevers soon picked out
these men much more unerringly than the
enemy's sharpshooters.
Ono set of men went about keeping well
In a businesslike way. They took Palne's
celery compound at the first Indications of
Intestinal troubles , weakness , or when
fatigued and liable to fevers. They Ubcd
Paliie's celery compound to purify their
blocd and put their health on a firm basis
as soon as they made up their minds to
join the service.
Corporal Deckwlth thinks there was a
great deal of needless sickness among the
volunteers. At Chlckamuuga many of his
messmates followed his example and forti
fied themselves against disease by Palno's
celery compound , and not u man of them
had malaria or fever of any sort or spent a
day In the hospital.
Corporal Beckwith writes :
Camp Olympla , Sept. 17 , 1898.
Dear Sirs When I see so many ot my
poor comrades coming home'looklng'fit only ,
for a hospital cot , I give thanks to Palno'a
celery compound for the fact that I went
through my enlistment without any doctor's
medicine , and am today oven healthier than
when I went to Chlckanmuga. I firmly bo-
Cor. lltli
llarney Sti.
Telephone 2217.
Lentz & Williams. Props , and Mgrs.
W. W. COLE. Act. Manager.
Week commencing , Sunday , Out. 0 ,
M Uinc.-s every clay.
A rare hill of excellency
headed by
assisted by
The ojcratie stars
ECK1JRT and BlilUJ ,
The famous lyric tenor nnd the billllant
The. golden mephlsto associated with
From the .iTemo of relined vaudeville-
Making always the best show In Omaha.
Prices U5c , Me and 50c.
Wonderland Theater
Bert Davla , Mgr. Best Show in Omaha.
1315 1317 Faniam St.
Till ; CLII10 MALI , .
Modern Hercules. ; MAHTI\A.
Moneter Serpent , Old Glory.
Human Ostrich. Preuologist.
01,1) ( iUISI.KV ,
$3,000 collection Rocky Mountain Furs and
Magnetic Wonder. Circassian Bride.
Burlesque Slack Wire Artist.
rilOF. RKOlUiK K.\UI2S ,
Royal English Marionette.
Kitii : THOMAS ,
Fire Klnc.
Garclu Russell , soubrcttc ; John Shannon ,
Comedian ; Adlne , dancer ; Frank Comer ,
slack wire ; Eunice and Frank Ellis ; Harry
Osgood , German Comedian.
A Family HcMirt fur I.mllcn mill
Children OIMMI from 1(1 ( n. in.
to 1O p. in.
MunoBcra Tel. 1910.
TODAY Silllli. TOMCJIIT 8I3. |
The political Futlrc ot the century ,
Hoyl'N ( irciili'Nt ComiMly
Kntlo Putnam ape-dally engaged as liosiy.
W. II. Bray , "Th Minister to Dahomey , "
Herbert K Seurs OH "Maverick Urandtr. "
The original Bison City Quartette.
l i tt I'AXTON & JUKGESS ,
U * J Mnnas r . Tel. 1515.
I-'OI It MillTS
ConiiiiriicliiKr .Siiinln > Mnllnrr , tc ( . 111.
JlllllllfCVlMllllMull ! > '
A generous comic feast
Milk Whlto
Full ot farcical hlliiriousnes * . Mary Mar
ble , the orphan , und u bout of fertile coin
ed la ni nnd frlaky feinulo funster * .
V8ig Redactions in
Brass Band Instruments ,
Drums an. ) Uniforms. Write fur cauloj ,
411 illustrations , IKUH ; u elves UanJ
Music & Instructions ( or Amateur UinJs.
LYON & HEALY.49 Adam * SI.Chicago.
llevo that this good health Is duo to my
using Palne's celery compound last winter
nnd spring , which made my blood pure nnd
nerves strong to resist malaria aud keep me
well. Very truly youre ,
Co. M. First Vt. , Volunteer Infantry.
Secretary of War Stanton used to say that
the best definition of rest Is a change of
occupation. That may be .mo for ono In
health , but a sick person needs to have his
digestion regulated , his blood purlflid and
his nerves invigorated. Palne's'celi-ry compound -
pound brings the sort of rest the sick body
requires through sleep and nourishment.
Just as the great lawyer studies each ono
of his cases till lu > knows It on every side
and In every possible aspect , bo Professor
Edward E. Phclps , M. D. , LI , . D. , ot Dart
mouth College , the discoverer of Palnc'd
celery compound , had studied the nerves In
health nn.l disease , when well nourished
and when under-nourished , In men and
women and children years before ho looked
for the remedy. P.ilnc'a celery compound
was the outcome of his entire professional
life. A fitting memorial to a life of Jiard
study and close observation a remedy that
the world could not lose today , ut nny price !
Palno's celery compound calms and equal
izes nil the .iijrvous jlsauesjind.ljyluccB the
body to"takc on solid flesh. U purities thr
blood as Is so clearly shown by the rapid
clearing of the skin of all evidences of bad
humor : ! within. H Is au infallible relief for
salt rheum , eczema and all blood diseases.
. .
. T l. WSt
O. U. WooUwurd , Ainu'numpnt Director.
TODVY 2iil. : ( TO.MfMIT Silo ,
Xe.-vt Wci-U "A1.AI1A.1I A. "
Kith and Ilarncy Streets.
The most popular resort in the city.
The a traction lor thitt wouk
livery Afternoon mill U
North ol Music Hall , E.Midway
Visit them onYcxi Midway. See ( .he . won
derful glass dress. Souvenir free with each
Streets .of All Nations
Grandest , Best Amusement
Place on Exposition
250 1'cople Kcprcscutiiig Different
g Ostrich Farm J
a62 Gijjaiitic Birds 62
Don't full to take n rifle on
on the MIDWAY , and see a representation
of the BATTLE OP MANILA In the Great
Tunnel. Tilt patent rlubt for these rail
way * In any part f thu United State * for
bain by J. A , Qrlnitlis , t hi * office on tht
Midway ,
od Plantation
100 Southern Negro Dancer * , 8nc ! r . L
and Cake Walkers. I'kkunlnny 3
Quurtot , Handsome Theater. C
Hee tbo Village. J
r fm mjr fr jr-f