Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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for ( liCNC coliiiniin
irlll be taken until 12 in. for ( ho
rvcnlnjc nnil until HiIlO for luoruliiK
11II ( I Sllllllny UllltloilN.
IlnlcM , 1 l.Be n M-oril flrnt Inm-rllon )
lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken i
for lean tliiui U5c for the ttrnt Inner- ]
lion , Tilt-tic ndvi.TtUcineiit * miiNt lie
run coiiNoctitlvcly ,
Advertiser * , liy rrquciitliiK a nuln-
licrcil check * cnn linvo mum em nil-
IrcKKiMt to a numbered letter In cnrc
of The Uec. Aurmorn no mlilroNneil
'rill be delivered on nreiiciitatloii of
tlic check on I- .
A STENOGRAPHER-Whcn you want ono
please call up the Remington typewriter
olllcc , 161D 1-urnnm Bt. , icluphon' ' * , 1573.
A MUM O17.
WANTED , position n bookkeeper or on
the road or In IIOUHO ; ngrlculturnl Imple
ments or hardware preferred ; fifteen
years' cxpcrlc'iico ; b st of references. A ,
Heo olllcc , Council Bluffs. A751 17
MAN and wlfo of experience want posi
tions In first class hotel ns manager or
clerk and housekeeper ; Will Icavo city ;
can give beat references. D 43 , Bee.
A-M7S7 16 *
SALESMEN for cigars ! J125 n month nnd
expenses ; old firm ; experience unneeos-
nary. C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
TAILOIIS , attend Dyhr's cutting school.
CIS S. 13. B-9S4Decl > .
SALESMEN can ma1 < o $100 per month sellIng -
Ing our olHco specialties to merchantH by
n : llho BlJo lines ; big pronta. Model
Mfg. Co. , Box B , South Bend , Ina.
WANTED. We have steady work.for a
few good hustlers of peed habits and. ap
pearance. C. F. Adams Co. , 624 Bo. 16th st.
13 MS43 O22
SALESMAN \vanted to sell our choice
nursery stock ; a printed guarantee plvon
with every order that the stock , shall be
llrst claia and true to label ; good salaries
paid. Wrltu for terms to A. C. Oriesa &
lro. . Lawrence , Kansas. P M923 O24 *
WANTED , men and boys to Sell the
" 1'eace Jubilee. Souvenir. " 50.000 will bo
eold I'eacc Jubilee week , Apply City Cir
culation lcpt. ) , Omaha lice. B M541
WANTED. . boys to sell Snap Shots nnd
Peace Jublleo bnuvenjr on the street
l' ac(3 Jubilee week. Apply Circulation
Uopt. , Omaha Wee , B-M4IS
YOU can make from $5 to $10 a day selling
Peato Jubilee TSouvenlr und Snap Shots
during the 1'eaco Jubilee. Apply Circula
tion Department. Omahu Bee. D M447
WANTED , men to Idarn barber trade ; new
Hold open : $00.00 monthly ; steady umploy-
ment ; urrj.tlgmnunts Just completed' to
place graduates with doctors and hos-
Dltals : tukns about COO men fast as wo
can prepare them ; the knowledge of der
matology , as wo teach It , makes our
students Valuable assistants ; also many
calls from country and city shops , ; po-
tiltlons positively guaranteed ; s weeks
completes ; free transportation to Moler
Colleges at Chicago , St. Louis or Minne
apolis. Call or write at onctf for free
'catalogue. Holer , Room 11 , Crelghton
Bldg. , 15th & Douglas , Omaha. V C31
YOUNG men to learn barber trade ; only C
to S wcekH renulred ; wo glvo our gradu
ates employment till they receive In
wages as much ns they pay for tuition
and oxpcnses learning. St. .Louis Har
bor college. Odd Follows" bldg. , Dodge and
llth , Omaha. 1'rof. Randolph. Instructor.
B-M690 N9
WANTED , a good book canvasser. ; must
have good , address and experience ; good
money toi bo 'madoby' tha right man.
apply Circulation' Department , Omaha
Bee. U-M70J 10 *
THE StandardCattle' Co. , Ames. Nob. ,
want forty 'men ' at once for farm work.
. ' B-M73I 15
CLERK wanted ( Clermun ) . Young man
from 22 to 25 'years old. Cnn get a gobd
position- general merchandise store.
Must have experience. ' In dry goods and
grocery InislneHS , Must FlK'iik German
and English'fluently.Good rucommondu-
tlons wanted. Address Ekcroth , Carlson
k& Co. , Wnlccllcld , Neb. 1J-M791Hi
EXPERIENCED tinner inside nnd outsldo
work. Immediately. WHo Bower Rro * . ,
Glenwood. In. ' B M7&9
WANTED. Tailor to alter men's suits at
Boston Store , Omam. ) B SOT 16
ACTIVE solicitors wunt'd everywhorn for
"Tho Story of the Philippines , " by Mural
Halstcad. commissioned by the govern
ment a ell ! < iul historian to the AVur dc-
partmcnt ; tells'nil ' about the Philippines
Dowov the man and Dewey the hero , with
an olllqlnl history of our war with Spain ;
brimful original pictures taken by gov
ernment photographers on the spot ; largo
book ; low prices ; big prollts ; agents milk.
Ing $50 ti ) $100 a week : freight paid ; credit
given ; drop nil trashy , unolllclnl wai
books ; uutllts free. Address V. T. Uur-
ber. secretary , 330 Dearborn street , Chi
cago. B M829 21 *
WANTHD , salesman for Northern Ne-
briiHka tuid Illnek 1'UK o ll Tea . < .
Cigars. N0ne but experienced men will
acquaintance on tonuury lie-en up.iy
< ! eo. A. Kennard Gro. Co. , St. Joseph
Mo. B-MS25 21
WANTED , reliable und experienced sales
man to handle n good line oC lubricating
nils and greases on commission. Address
The Clinton Oil Co. , Cleveland. OMO
D-MS19 15 >
WANTED , first-class hotel runner for prl
vato house ; big commission. Address D
4S. Bee. p-M61310 *
MAN OR WOMAN of energy and business
ability to truv9l for established linn ; $30
a month and all expenses. P. W. Hlegler
& Co. . Dearborn street , Ohlcugn , 111.
. B-MM7 16'
STENOGRAPHERexperienced ] , bright ,
quick ; stuto nge. experience , raferences ,
salary expected. Smith-Premier preferred.
Address D 40. Bee. B-MS1G 16'
100 GIRLS for nil kinds of work ; $3 to $7
week. Canadian ofllcc , 1522 Douglas.
WANTBD-150. girls. 1521 Dodge : Tel. S7G.
C-M511 Oct 20 ,
WANTED , lady agents in Omaha nnd eur-
loundtiiK towns to sell thu great remedy ,
proventlvo und boat syrlngo known for
women.J5.00 per day easily made. All 1
correspondence treated professionally ( lnd 1
In Btrlctext confidence. Address Provenf-
ino Medicine Co. , Room 2 , 214 S. 12th
st. . Oniahn , Neb. C M70S 17 *
GIRL for general housework , amall family.
3005 Faclllo st.
_ C-726-15.
WANTED , girl for general housework ,
family of. three. Mrs. John Sylvan Brown ,
2631 Davenport nt. ' C M759 15 *
WANTED , a lady of some business experi
ence to travel to thu P.ietllc coast selling
u line of toilet articles en route ; a salary
with transportation , or a commission
will be paid. Address D ,44 , Bet.
C-M793 15'
WANTED. Dining room girl nnd. „ . . , . . .
washer. Apply 20th btreet entrance ex-
position ; 2 pluco from entrance.
] C-SOC H *
WANTED three hlghrduss lady solicitor.1
to sell tyl | h urtlclo of dress. $5 u day
Address D 42 , cnr Beo. C M791 1U
GIRL for general housework. 191S C.iss ,
[ C-OISi5 10
WANTED.1 competent clri for1 "general
housework. R. C. Peters. 1314 S. 30th ave ,
C-MS30 Jfi
CHOICE houses and cottages all over city
$5 to $ T5. Fidelity , first floor , N. Y. Life
HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 103 N. 13th St.
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block.
FURNITURE ami leasehold of n 7 and 13
room modern Mat for sale ; bargain ; gooi
location ; rent low , Bemls , Paxton block
A FEW cottages. 430 Board Trude.
( lD-152
ALAAYS moving household goods am
plunoi ) . Omaha Van A : Storngo Co. , 15UV
Farnnm' . Tel , 1359. D 154
IJENEWA'S residence to rent , 3130 Burt.
( Continued. )
HOUSES , stores. Robblnu , 1802 Fnrnam.
HOTEL , good business. Furniture for nle.
B 66 , Bee. D-M735 O.'Q *
MAGGARD'S Van & Storage. 151 N. 15th.
Tel. , 1490. D-MS34 O22 *
FOR RENT , arood convenient cottage for
small family , 26th and Blonde streets , $ S.
Apply at W7 N. I9tn street , L > ii
COTTAGE oh easy payments. 601 Bee Bids.
HOTEL down town ; 16 rooms ; good condi
tion ; convenient to all car lines ; rent
$15.00 a month. The Byron Reed Co. , 212
S. 14th St. D-110
FOR RENT. 10-room house near Hanscom
Park , $30.00 per month ,
room house , Kountzo Place , furnished
throughout , $12.0) per month ,
room house , SSJ N. 25th avenue , In best
repair , $20.(0 per month.
Potter & George Co. , 16Q1 Farnam 'St.
D 757 18
FOR RENT In Dundee , a 9-room house.
In good repair , modern improvements ,
lliqulro at 41)23 ) Webster St. D-771-16 *
HOUSES-CIias. E. Benson. 310 Rnmge bldg.
D-M782Jun. 13 *
AN elegant modern brick dwelling , 9 rooms.
201 a 23th nvc. Apply C. E. Benson. 310
Ramgo bldg. D-M7S3 20 *
FOR RENT. Nov. 1 , 10-room brick. 1031 S.
30th avenue ! 7-room cottage , modern , 3114
N. 27th street : C-room cottage. 3102 N.
37th street. Address W. D. Mead , jr , ,
3111 N , 27th street. D-MS2U 16 *
NIf'ELY furnished rooms for transients.
2209 Spencer St. , Kountzo Place , near ex
position. E M1I3
AVE. Home-Rooms for fnmlles or parties a
specialty. Glenn beds 25o up. 1712 Cap. Ave.
E-M904 O23
THE BENEFIT HOUSE , 21st and Plnkney
Sts. , fifty daintily furnished rooms : one-
baunro from the Arch of the States ;
everything new and first-class ; terms rea
sonable. E 157
FURNISHED rooms , with bath ; one ulocte
from 21th st. car lino. 852 South 2Sth
Btreet. E-567 30'
SAFE , clean rooms ; Expo. car. 1512 Dav
enport. E-M2G2 O29
FOR Rent largo front room at reasonable
price , 2421 Dodge. E-723-17.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms for tran
sients , steam heated reasonable prices ;
flat 1 , Davldge building , opposite City
hall , corner ISth and Farnam streets ,
llrst landing. Ask for Mrs. Jeffries.
E-i04 15'
FINE largo nlcovo front room ; for gentle
men only. Inquire after 6 o'clock. 2013
Dodge. E bll-16
FURNISHED room for rent. 1516 B st ;
S , 13th car line at end of line , 2 blks.
up switch. E MS12 15 * _
SARATOGA HOTEL , 24th St. and Ames
Ave. , 1 blocks west from north gate ex
position grounds ; best rooms , $2 , with
meals , $1.00 without : families und parties ,
$1.25 a day and SOc European ; everything
new and neat , free baths , double parlors ,
library nnd piano ; two lines of street
cars , vast verandahs , best place to see
exposition fire works. Jolly people und a
gymnasium. Telephone , 1931. F 777
TAKE down that "for sale" or "for rent"
slen in your window. The Bee reaches
more people In a day than will pass your
wndow | in a month ; and they consult
these columns \\hen they want to buy or
rent. F-863
THE MERRIAM , first-class family hotel ,
25th and Dodge Sts. F 15i >
FURNISHED rooms with board , 2376
Ilurney. . .F-MS24 Nit *
FIRST-CLASS rooms nnd board for per
manent parties. 2902 Blondo.F
F MS20 17 *
3 ROOMS. 70S 8. 17th St. G---M295 O20 *
I OR 5 CHOICE locations , one floor ; pri
vate bath ; references necessary. C 38 ,
Bee ,
FOR RENT , the 4-story brick building at
U1G Farnam St. This building has a fire
proof cement basement , water on ull
llooi-H. gus , etc. Apply at the otllco of
The Bee. 1-910
DESK room. G. G. Wallace , 313 Brown Blk
1 159
NICE store. Corner 2lth and Hamilton. Ap
ply 251S Caldwell. I-1GO
FOR RENT , a good barn box stall , cheap.
1902 Casa st. I-M740
IN U. S. Nnt'l Bk. Bldg. Im } . ' 604 Bee Uldg.
I 161
WHOLESALE store and warehouse ; track-
ago ; excellent shipping facilities. C. E.
Benson. 310 Ramgo Bldg. 1-S14 O20 *
3-STORY nnd bhscment brick store buildIng -
Ing , 1003 Farnam , S2xlOO. Inquire 314 First
National bank building. I-M305
BRICK trackage warehouse , llth und
Leavenworth : 22,000 square feet floor sur
face. S. S. Curtis , 1SUS Harney.
1-M5GC 17 *
1207 Howard , 3-story store. F. p. Wend
AGENTS wanted for the only olllclul "His
tory of Our War with Spain , Its Causes ,
Incidents and Results , " civil , military und Steel plates , maps und engravings
By Hon. Henry B. Russell , Senator Proc
tor ( Vt. ) and Senator Thurston ( Neb. )
The greatest Belief ever known. l.OOC
moro agents wanted. We pay freight am !
glvo credit. Write for terms nnd terri
tory to the solo publishers , A. D. Worthington -
ington & Co , , Hartford , Conn.
J-AI821 15 *
FURNISHED room-for light housekeep
ing. D 39 , Bee. 1C 770-11 *
MODERN residence. 10 or.13 rooms , wlthii
mlle and half of Paxton hotel. D 41 , Bee
K-MS02 16 *
IF YOU arc in need of anything try th <
Want Columns of The Bee ; they wll
bring vou what you want. N 867
TUN BEST HOME ; $ i.OOO will buy on eusj
terms. 1 um no agent. X 61 , Bee.
OMAHA Savings accts. Wullacu , Brown bll
HOUSES to move. Wallace , 313 Brown blk
HIGHEST price for secondhand householi
goods. Largo lots specialty. Brown. 712 N
16th. . N-M465 N3
CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furnltur :
and stoves below cost ; cot beds , 75c
mattresses , 60o ; pillows , 200. 140S-10 Dodge
0-674 N8
NEW furnlturo of un S-room house , cheat
214 N. 23rd St. O-M79316
FOR SALE , cheap , $1.000 worth hotel fur
nlture. consisting of Iron beds , cholrt
portler's , wire springs , mattresses , bei
spreads , etc. ; It will pay country hole
keepers to call and see this furnltur
while In the city. The Exposition Olllcla
Information Bureau , 1319 Farnam.
O-MS27 16'
PQNY for sale or trade. 701 South 2t > th si
. 1' M73S 15'
OAK boards. $16 per m. ; al o cheapest sla
cribbing. Ml Douglas slrtct. Q 165
HOG. poultry nnd lawn fences ; nil wire ; i
best. Wire Works , llth and Harney.
B. HAAS. Florist , 1S13 Vinton St. . Tel. 77 (
plants , cut dower * , bouqueta , hall , res !
donee , and grava decoration :
Orders by mull or express promptly tllle
FOR BALK , reliable patent for state c
Nebraska. Addles A , Bee oirice , Counc
Bluffs. Q-543
( Continued.1
FOR SALE , ten R.I P.A.N.8. for S cents ,
nt druggists ; ono gives relief. Q 169
FINE lot Indian curios. Derlght. 1116 Far
nam. Q-612 O10
2D-HAND safe cheap. Dsrlght , 1116 Farnam
Q-611 Olti
SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. . mixed paints.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513
Dodge st. , Omaha. Q M73S O1S
FISHER makes Ivory rim or plain dros
buttons from nny cloth. Store , 1'ark ave.
and Lcavenworth. Q M775 O19
WOOLF 5CACHARIA"8 , 1207 Fnrnam. Plan
ished Steel Peninsular Ranges. $22.60 to
$10. Heaters sold cheap. Q MSS7 Fb2l
PRINTING , Bood.iqulck , cheap. 1302 Far'n.
Q-M212 027
BOSTON furniture store removed to 721 N.
16th ; furniture , stoves , etc. . below cost.
J150 NAT'L tandem , $47. Omaha Bicycle Co.
* "
STAMPS , coins , bought , sold. Morienmn ,
401 N. 16th. Q-M271 O29
GOOD piano , slightly used. Cottugo 2322
Harncy St. Q-M651 15
FOR SALE Five head nice fresh cows.
Cull afternoon , Jester's yard. 23th and
, Burt Sts. , " Omaha. Q 775 15 *
' FOR SALE , one' Hall safe. 310
FOR SALE , Good base burner , $12.00. 2G03
Plcrco St. Q-803 16
FOR SALE , lady's " 93 high grade wheel ;
cost $50 : sell J25 ; used 3 months. Apply
Mr. Ruth , Nebraska Clothing Co.
Q-MS23 1G
TWENTY-FIVE csnts will buy the latest
publication Illustrating the U. S. und
Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. ;
almost 200 photographic reproductions ,
with a largo map of the East and West
Indies , ut the olllcc of The Bee. If or
dered by mall , address Navy'Photogrnph
Department , Omaha Bee. R 870
Truthful In her predictions , reliable in her
advice. It matters not what your belief
may be nor what your experience with
so'called palmists nnd clairvoyants may
have been. Ismarlll convince you that
the past , present and future can bo told.
She can be consulted dally at her olllce , _
rooms 20 and 21 , Douglas block , cor. 16th
and Dodge , opposlto Hayden Br6s.
S-M413 N3
MME , Gylmer , genuine palmist , 1603 DocUre.
t S M444 N3
LECTURE Wednesday , Oct. 11 8 p. m. ; 1
you have never attended ono of those
flower seances don't mlsq it ; you will be
convinced of spirit return ; ladles needing
advlco call on Edna E. Long , the Inspired
Instrument of the spheres , Patterson hall ;
readings dally. S-M467 N3
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , SOS N. 16th.
S-MS01 D13
VIENNA fortune teller , IS years here. 1411
Howard. S-MSOO N13
MASSAGE and baths ; ladles and gentle
men ; magnetic treatment. M. Rrlsson ,
107 N. 12. T M5G1 O16
MADAME SMITH. 118 North 15th Street ,
massage and baths ; room 2. T-720-17 *
BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter , 203 Doug
las block. T M691 N9
FLORENCE WINTERS , baths , massage
and magnetic treatment. 119 N. lii , R. 12 ,
uystulrs. T-M797 O20 *
MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath
parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth ,
upstairs. T M711 17'
BEATRICE HARLOW : elegant new tub ,
thermal baths ; massage. New attendant.
1701 Leavenworth. T MG81 15'
LILLIAN HOWARD , now massage nnd
bath ; Austrian treatment. R. 39 , 1623
Farnam St. , , . T MS1S 1G . , . ,
VIAVI CO. , 318 Bee building. U-171
A LARGE map of the world , ono of Cuba
und another of. the entire West Indies ,
showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Haytl , San
Domingo , Martinique und all the other
West Indian Islands ; 10 cents , at The Bee
olllce. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cuban
Map Dcpt. , Omaha Bee. U S68
$30 RLPTURE cured for $30. No detention
from business ; 6 years in Omaha. Caller
or wrlto for circulars. Empire Rupture
Cure , 932-933 New York Life bldg. , Omaha ,
Neb. U-172
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and
during confinement ; babies adopted ; ex
perienced physicians in attendance. 1136
N. 17th St. , Omaha. U M5SO
FOOKBINDING-Bufkley Printing Co.
U MS51 O22
PILES cured In 7 to 10 dnys , without pain ;
, ono treatment docs the work : call or
send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure ,
932 New. York Life building , Omaha.
MASSAGE , electric and magnetic baths.
Now Hyglennlc Institute , 220 Bee Uldg. ;
tel. 1716. U-M174
MASSAGE , baths. Mme. Smith , 118H N. 15.
, , U-285 O29 *
NICE aby boy for adoption nt Hitter's
hospital. 2214 Seward St. , Omaha. Tel.
2231' U-M583 O16
MISS MAYER , leading manicure , chiropo
dist und hair dresser. 400 Pnxton block
U MS5G O22
, LADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Post. 319&
, S. 15th. U-M312
? ! BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319'4 S. 15th.
DR. J. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed
25c up ; new method ; no knife , painless op
eration ; 23 yrs. experience ; 12 yrs. In
Omaha ; warts , moles and superfluous hair
removed by electricity. Frcnzer Blk.
U 321
THE Social club Invites those Interested In
their novel method of making introduc
tions to call or write to .their parlors , 311
Kurbach block. 15th and Douglas ; stamps
Alllo Turney , Manager. U MG3G NS
HALF soles and heels , 60c. n03 N. 16th.
U MS11 N14
WANTED , choice farm and city loans. R
C. Peters & Co. , U. 3. Nafl Bonk , Bldg
$100,000.00 special fund to loan on flrstclnss
Improved Omnha property , or for build
Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
W 176
5la per cent money. Bcmls , Paxton block
$1.000 and upwards to loan on Improve !
property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 132
Farnam St. W 178
0 PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvln
Bros , . 1613 Farnam St. W 17U
ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L.
quick money at low rates for choice farm
lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri. East
crn Nebraska. W 180
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha rea
estate. Brcnnun-Love Co. , S19 S. 16th.
W 181
MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Bloclc
6 per cent money. F , D.vead , 10 & Doug
W 47 !
AniKu. oonus. . stocks . . . farm and city
mortgages , circular for brokers only. In
D. vestorsr Directory. N. Y. W 183
$10 TO $10,000 TO IOAN ON
_ ° t " . . at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs
No removal of goods ; strictly confidential
you con pay the loan off at any time o
in anv amounts.
0" " '
THE OLDEST , LARa ' ? ? ; 'oNLI
OMAHA. X 184
BUY good notes and loan on good chat
ofll tels : 10 per cent per annum. C. R. Glover
ll 303 Karbach ; notary public ; deeds , mort
caeca. leases legally executed. X HIM
( Ccntlnuod. )
PRIVATE party has money to loan ; all
business confidential , Address , with full
particulars , B 64. Bee. X MS61 O22
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C F Reed , 319 8 13th
X-MSsG 023
MONEY loaned salaried people holding
permanent positions with responsible con
cerns upon their own name , without
security ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 70S ,
N. Y. Life Bldg. X-1SJ
DIAMOND loan office. 1315 Douglas , unre
deemed diamonds , watches , etc. , sold
cheap. X 437 Dec20
MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies ,
pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts ,
Jewelry , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green ,
room S , Barker Blk. X M1S6
WILL erect building on lot COxlSO on 54th
St. , So. Omaha , Neb. , across from the
now postolllcc , for nny flrst-clnss busi
ness. F. J. Lewis , room No. 22 , Ware bl'k.
Y 1S7
FOR SALE , established manicure , chiropo
dist and hair dressing business ; reason ,
entering medical college. Miss Mayer , 400
Paxton Blk. Y-MS57 O22
SULPHUR Springs Sanitarium soon ready
for business ; splendid chance for doctors.
Call Saratoga Hotel , Inquire Pierre.
FURNISHED hotel , doing fine business ,
for sale or exchange. Address I. E.
Baldwin , Stuart , la. Y 743 14'
OMMUN1TY of 400 .farmers . wants hnr-
nessmakcr , banker , newspaper man and
bandmaster. Address D 33 , Bee.
Y-M7CO 18
F YOU WANT TO BUY one of the best
country newspapers In Iowa at 50 cents
on the dollar address D 3S , care Omaha
Bee. Y 772-J4'
OR SALE , A good paying ladles" business
In n nlco country town ; long established ;
on account ot Ill-health. Address for par
ticulars , D 40 , care Bee. Y780 14
CLEAN stock general mdse. in good west
ern Iowa town for cash or good security.
Traders need not answer. C G7. Bfee.
Y M787 20 *
GOOD farms In eastern Nebraska and
one. good farm In western Iowa , to ex
change for general merchandise , dry
goods , boots and shoes , hardware , har
ness outfit and a furniture stock ; will
trade cither farm separate. For particu
lars address George > " . Hutton , Cole
ridge , Neb. SVM161 15'
'OR SALE ; will take Omaha Savings
Bank accounts , German Savings Bank
accounts or clear vacant lots ns part
payment on homes In Clifton Hill A.
P. Tukey , Board of Trade. 55-M733
IOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also
lire insurance. Bemls , Paxton Block.
LYVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
time to dispose of them ! let the people
know that you want'to dispose of them.
The Bee reaches the people who linvo the
money. RE SG6
'OR SALE , desirable residence lots , 124x
130 : In first-class location ; ten minutes'
walk frcm court house ; cheap for cash.
Address O 61 , Bee. RE U9
TO BUY or sell houses , lots or lands. Call
on J. W. Robiilns , 1S02 Farnam.RE190
iARGAINS in houses , lots , farms : sale or
trade. J. N. Frenrcr , opp. old P. O.
ROOM modern house. Inq. 624 S. 2flth ave.
RB-250 O2S'
\.N elegant residence of ' eight room ? , with
n line basement and' good attic ; not a
prettier home In Omaha ; flno hardwood
finish ; everything strictly modern ; loca
tion the best west Fnrnam 8t. If you
want a good home ready-to &tcp Into , at a
bargain , this is it , A j M , | Cowle , 211 8.
18th st. -o\ , RE-M613
BEST and chenpest " 20CWtcro farm in Ne
braska , near Omaha , at-halt Its appraised
valuation. W. A. Beldon ; ' 2502 Blonde St. ,
Omahu , Neb. RE-M537 N6
FOR SALE. 10-acro lemon nnd ollvo
orchard , Alamltos Heights , near Long
Beach , overlooking ocean and San Pedro
harbor. No trades wanted. Goo. C.
Thornburg , Long Beach , Cnllf.
TWO 7-room modern houses. fulHots , east
fronts , choice locations , 302 and 3CG North
40th ; ono with barn $3100 ; the other
$2900 ; . about half their value easy terms.
Call and see them. R E 721-17'
HOTEL FOR SALE A three-story brleK
hotel , 46x72 , nnd two-story kitchen , 22x32 :
forty-two rooms ; large office , double
parlor , well arranged dining hull and
two good sample rooms. Sold with or
without furniture. Hotel has good repu
tation and has always done a paying
business. My wife , died Sept. 14th , und
us I um getting old , desire to sell , and
at a bargain. For further- particulars
call or address II. Code , Crete , Neb.
IOUSE , barn nnd lot. Ambler Place , $2GO.
Cottngo and lot , 20th St. , paving nearly
paid. $ SOO.
Aero good garden ground , $ loO.
F. D. Wead , 16th und Douglas ,
LOST Diamond "stick pin. " between Cass
and cnlcago Sts. on north 22nd St. of on
Davenport St. between 22nd and 21st Sts.
Return to 412 N. 22nd St. and the Under
will bo suitably rewarded. J.ost 771 15'
WHITE poodle dog ; $3 reward. Klttlo Bale ,
J.14 S. 9th St. LOST M7SG20 *
LOST , on South Omaha Strsjt car. last
night , brown dog , with coat on , answers
to name of Tootsy. Finder pleubo return
to Brunswick hotel and receive reward.
F. L. T. Lost-803 11
LOST , card case with valuable papers with
name of E. Wootten. Downer's Grove.
111. Write above for reward or Rev.
Thomas Anderson , city. Lost M83115 *
LOST , two loiters , one addressed to Sioux
City and the other to St. Louis ; finder
please return toi L. R. Hummel. Omnha ,
Club. Lost MS22 15 *
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co , , 1625
Farnam St. ; telephone 12S4. 1J2
WE rent nnd sell the best typewriters
made ; largest stock of good supplies In
Omaha. United Typewriter and Supply
Co. , 1012 Farnam St. 193
REMINGTON Standard typewriter nnd
supplies. 1619 Farnam St. 715
SOLD , rented , repaired. Dcrlght , 1116 Far
nam. 13 Old
ALL women who can't raise family should
consult the renowned German specialist ,
Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents.
MSS5 O23
iIORPHINE , opium , cocoalno nnd alcpho
diseases absolutely nnd permanently
cured In from three to live days. Trdat
ment pleasant and harmless. Every case
cured or no charge. Best bank and other
references. Cull or address Hill lute Rla
Company , 410 Sheely Block , Omaha.
739 Ho * .
VAN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. Nigh
school from Sept. 20. 134
AT OMAHA Bus College , 16th & Douglas
SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by cour
reporters. Boyles" School , 403-B-7 Dee bids
OMAHA Shorthand College , bookkeeping
Bnyd'g theatc- . 543 O25'
V. TAUCHEN , work guaranteed. 1513 Har
ney , 4S3 O13
MAX FOOBL makes , cleans , repair
clothes. 307 S. 17th. -705 N10
JOE YOU8EN , the tailor , Boyd theater.
701 NIO
SCHOOL for cure of these detects. Julia
D. Vauchun. 30 N. Y. L. bids. 75 ? O18
MORAND'S , 1610 Harney St , will reopen
for adults , Friday , October II : children.
Saturday , October 13 , private lessons ,
Btaga or ball room now. Please cull.
MS Olj
MATHEWS school for dancing , 313 South
13th. Rates reasonable. Call or wiltc for
particular * . < BO nS *
PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , 90S-
U1C Jones .general storage and forwarding.
OM. Van & Storage , 1511& Fnrnam. Tel. 1559
GOLD , silver and nlckelplatlng , get your
baseburnor nlckelplatqd. Omaha Plating
Co. , 1302 Farnam , entrance on 13th ,
815 Nil
FOUND , a pointer pup ; lias dog tag No.
S22 on it ; owner can have same by call
ing at the Townscnd Wheel & Gun Co. ,
110 S. 16th street. Found-MS32 13
GOOD cure ; $1.60 per mo. W. F. Snyder ,
69th & Lcavenworth : write 811 S. 2Gth st.
4S3 NS *
EAGLE Loan ofllce , 1211 Douglas ; oldest
established , most reliable , accommodat
ing ; business confidential ; selling $10,000
stock unredeemed diamonds ; big bar-
calns. 333 Nl
VILL repair your shoes while you wait ,
only 15 minutes ; half soles nnd heels for
60c : first class work guaranteed. 710 N.
16th st , also No * 19 So. Main St. , C. B. la.
-2tl ! O29
UPHOLSTERING. Lundeen , 1323 Leav'th
222 Nov29
VE SOLICIT and furnish positions for
stenographers free. The Smith-Premier
Typewriter Co. , Telephone 12SJ. 199
ATEST tailor system ; diplomas awarded.
Mrs. Martin gen'l agt teacher 2233 Charles.
772 O2 4
212 Farnam st. , boxing taught efficiently
In 1 month ; send for circulars. Col. T. II.
Monstery. 473 N3 *
NEW wheels , $17.50 to $23 ; 2nd hand wheels ,
$5 to $10. Omaha Blcyclo Co. , 10 & Chicago ,
JHATBLAINS language school , French
German , Spanish. 301 Boyd's Theater ,
day and evening class. 909-O23.
! YES tested freo. Optical Institute , Sheely
block. -201 N30
WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodge St.
MS27 Oct29
GOLD , silver and nlckelplatlng , get your
baseburner nlckelplatecl. Omaha Plating
Co. , 1302 Farnnm , entrance on V h
M 522 O14
M. S. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331.200
G. STEINBERG , only junk dealer In
Omaha who can buy pop bottles ; ho pays
the best prices for all klnds'of junk , ill
S. llth. b29-O21.
J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 619
Paxton block , want your auction sales of
real estate , merchandise , furniture , live
Block , etc. . 197
ACCORDION pleating , pinking nnd cordIng -
Ing done. Miss Carter , 207 Douglas block.
-63S N9
LESSONS given on mandolin or guitar nt
half price 60 cents a lesson. Prof. WI1-
llnm Hughod. 130 > ; Douglas. M976 20 *
DR. LIEBER , cancers , female diseases.
1912 Lcavenworth. M 117 O19
GOOD , quick , cheap. Down sirs. 1302 Far'm
-M212 027
WORK guaranteed. Lawrence Cycle Co. ,
115 N. 15th. S52 O22
II. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Douglas. . *
817 O28
ALL mirror work done. 703 N. 16th.
747 Nil
MASONWORK Jobber. E. Healy , 1822 Clark.
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick
ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. , 13 & Calif.
GONNELLA manufactures artistic statu
ary. Insldo ornamental work a specl ltyv
317 So. 10th. MC21 N21
OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand pianos
always on hand. C. Sommer , 321 S. 10th.
LUNDEEN. 1523 Lcav'w'th. 222 Nov29
Miss Sturdy , 2504 Davenport.
532 Nov-5 *
W. COY , removed to 1710 St. Mary's Ave.
-813 N23
PIANOS tuned , $1.60 Rose , 1521 Dodgo.
II. MAROWITZ loans money. 418 N. 16.168
C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Sheely blk ,
. -29S-N14.
( Should be rcaa dally by all interested , a :
changes may occur at any timej
1-orelgn malls for the week eiiclink- Octo
ber 15 , 1S93 , will close ( PROMPTLY in all
cases ) at the General Postotllco ai ; follows
PARCELS POST MAILS close ono houi
earlier than closing time shown below.
.Triini-Atliintlo Mil I In.
BATtmDAl'-At 7 "m. for FRANCE ,
( Continued , )
ISH INDIA , per s. i . La Champagne ,
via Havre ( letters for other partii of
Europe must bo directed "per Ln Cham
pagne" ) ; at 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS
direct , per s. . Stittendntn , vlu Rotter
dam ( letters must bo directed "per
Statendam" ) ; nt n. m. for ITAIA , prr
H. 9. Allcr via Naples ( letters must bo
directed "per Allcr' ) ! nt 10 n. m. ( > , .
plementnry 11:30 : u. m. ) for EUROPE , i
per s. s , C.impanla , via Queenstown ; at
10.IM n. m. for EUROPE , per r. s. Rhyli-
land , via Southampton ( letters must be
directed "per Rhynland" ) ; at 11 a. in
for NORWAY direct , per s. B. ThliiRValla I
( letters must bo directed "per Thing-
valla" ) .
After the closing ot the Supplementary
Transatlantic Mnlls named above , nddl-
tlonal supplementary malls are opened on
the piers of the American. English , '
Trench nnd German steamers , anil tcmaln
open until within ten minutes of the hour
of sailing of steamer.
Mull * for South anil Central America ,
Went InillcH , UU\
ATURDAY-At 10 u. m. for SANTOS di
rect , tier s. s. British Prince : at 10 a. in.
( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE
GREYTOWN. per s. s. Athos ( letters for
Costa Rica must bo directed "per Athos" ) ;
ut 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) i
for HAITI , per s. s. Alps ; at 1 p. in. for
NORTH BRAZIL , per s. s. Benedict ; nt
8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per
steamer from North Sydney ; nt 8:30 : p.
in. for ST. PIERRE-MIQUELON , per
steamer from North Sydney.
tails for Newfoundland oy rail to Hall-
fax , nnd thcnco by steamer , close at this
odlco dMly nt 80 : p. in. Mnlls for Ml-
quelon , by rail to Boston , nnd thcnco by
steamer , close nt this ofllco dally nt S.lO :
p. m. Mnlls for Cuba close nt this
olllco dally nt a. m. for for
warding by steamers sailing Mon
days nnd Thursdays from Port Tampa ,
Flo. Malls for Mexico City , overland-
unless specially addressed for despatch by
steamer , Close ntr this otllce dallv at 2JO :
n. m. nnd 2:30 : p. m. 'Registered mall
cloaca at 6:00 : p. m. previous day.
raclllo Miiilx.
.tails . for Hawaii per s. s. Australia ( from
San Frnnclsco ) close here dally up to
October 13th nt C:30 : p. m. Malls for Aus
tralia ( except West Australia ) , New Zea
land , Hawaii and FIJI Islands per s. s.
Warrlmoo ( from Vancouver ) , close here
dally after September 30th and up to Oc
tober ' 13(11 al G:30 : p. in. Malls for China ,
Japan , nnd Hawaii , per s. s. China ( from
San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to
October 14th at C:30 : p. m. Malls for
China nnd Japan , per s. s. Tncoma ( from
Tncoma ) , close here dally up to October
* )7tli ) at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for the Society
Iplands , per ship City of-Papeltl ( from
S.'ti ' Francisco ) , close here dallv up to
October 25th nt GtO : : p. m. Malls for
Australia ( except those for West Aus
tralia. vxhlch are forwarded via Europe ) ,
Now Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Samonn
1 Manila , per s. s. Marljiosa ( from San ) . close hero dally up to October
2Sth at 7:00 : n. in. , 11 n. m. nnd 6:30 : p. in.
( or on arrival at New York of s. s. Et-
rura ! with British malls for Australia ) .
Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Km-
rvoaii of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close
hero dr.lly up to October 31st at 6:30 : p. in.
'ranspaclflc ' malls arc forwarded to port of
sailing dally and the scheduleof closing
Is arranged on the presumption of their
uninterrupted overland transit. 'Regis
tered mail closes nt 6:00 : p. m. previous
Postoftlce , New York , N. Y. , October 7 ,
U. S. Indian Service , Rosebud Agency ,
Rosebud , S. D. , September 21th , 18)S.
posal for Building Material , " etc. , as the
case may be , and addressed to the under
signed ut Rosebud , S. D. , will ba received
at this agency until 1 o'clock p. in. of
Monday , October 17th , 1S93 , for furnishing
and delivering nt this agency with thirty
(30) ( ) days after receipt of notice of approval
of contract , a variety of building material
( consisting of assorted lumber , shingles ,
doors , windows , etc. ; also ten Jersey cows
and ono Jersey bull ) , n full' list nnd de
scription of which , together with the in
structions to bidders , to bo obtained by
making application to the undersigned.
Agent. S24 d21t morn
ton , D. C. , October 7 , 1 ! > ! ) S. Sealed pro
posals will bo received at this Department
until 2 o'clock p. m. , Monday , October 21 ,
1893i to manufacture and place In position ,
In complete working order , In the now U.
S. buildings ut Milwaukee , WIs. , and
Omaha , Nob. , certain mahogany , walnut ,
and quartered whlto oak furniture. Draw
ings , specifications , and blank forms of
proposals can be had upon application to
the Department. The right to reject any
and all bids and to wnlvo defects Is re
served. Proposals should bo addressed to
Plant Department of the Interior , Olllce
of Indian Affairs , Washington , D. C. ,
Sept. 30 , 1S93. Sealed proposals , endorsed
"Proposal for Steam Heating Plant , Ge
noa School , Neb. , " and addressed to the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs , Washing
ton , D. C. , will be received at this olllco
until 1 o'clock p. in. of Friday , October
28 , 1S93 , for furnishing and delivering the
necessary materials und labor required In
the construction and completion of a com
bination high und low pressure steam
heating plant at the Genoa Indian In
dustrial school , Genoa , Neb. , in4 strict ac
cordance with plans , specifications nnd in
structions to bidders , which may bo cx-
umlned nt tills .olllco , the U. S. Indian
warehouse. No. 1C02 State street , Chicago ,
111. , the Builders' and Traders' exchange ,
Omaha , Neb. , the olllces of The "Bee" ol
Omaha , Neb. , the "Journal" of Sioux City ,
la. , and nt this school. For nny additional
Information apply to J. 13. Ross , super
intendent , Genoa School , Neb.
W. A. JONES. Cdmmlssloncr.
O4-6-8 , 11-1V15 , 1S-20-22
A RARE CHANCE-1GO aero Improved
farm In Hitchcock Co , 80 acres under cul
tivation , SO acres prulrlo land all good
reliable land ; housu 14x29 ; barn , 16x40
granery for 2.CKX ) bu. of grain ; chlckei
house , 10x14 ; well and windmill ; clear of
Incumbrance. Will exchange for a clear
cottage In northern part of Omaha.
Howard County 320 acres 5',4 miles from
St. Paul ; good raw land ; price $7.50 per
acre ; one-third cash , balance at 0 per cen :
160 acres 3V4 miles from St. Paul ; gooi
land ; some under cultivation and sowed to
winter wheat ; price , $750 per acre ; one-
third cash ; balance at 6 per cent. These
two tracts arcbargains. .
Fine farms In York , Polk , Clay am
Adams Counties and rare bargains.
209 South 15th Street. Omaha
Overland Route" General
Ofl'ce ' . N. W. Corner Ninth
and Farnnm Streets. ) City
Ticket Ollice , 1302 Fnrnam
Street. Telephone 316. Depot -
pot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone 62S.
Leave. Vrrlve.
"Tho Overland
Limited" for Den
ver , Salt Lake ,
and western p'ts. . 8:50 : am 4:45 : pm
The Colorado Spe
cial , for Denver &
all Colorado p'ts. ' 11:53 : pm * 6:40 : am
Fast Mall Train for '
Denver , Salt Lake.
I'aclllc coast and
all western points 4:35 : pm 6:40 : are
Lincoln , Beatrice &
Stromsburg Ex. . . 3:30 : pra " 12:30 : pm
Fremont , Colum
bus , Norfolk , Gr'd
Island ana North
Plane 4:3"i : pm " 4:15 : pra
Columbus local " 6:60 : pm " 9:40 : am
South Omaha Loral Pass Leaves , 0.1) u.
m. ; 7:00 : n. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. : J:05 : p. m. Ar
rives , 10:30 : a. m , ; 3:30 : p. m. ; 6 p , m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves 0:40 : r. . m. ;
6DO : n. m. : 7:40 : a. m. ; " 9:40 : n. m. ; 10:30 : a !
m , ; 12SO : n. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. : 4:30 : p. m. ; 4:3 : ;
p. m. ; 4:6o : p , m , ; 6:53 : p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m. Ar
rives. 7:20 : n. m. ; 8.25 a. m. : 9:10 : a. m. ; ilia
a. m. ; 3:05 : P. m. ; ' * 3:30 : p. m. ; 4:20 : p. m. :
olio p. m. ; uiaO p. m ; * * 6CO : p. ro t 9:03 : p ,
' '
'Dully , * Dally except Sunday ,
St. Paul Railway city
Ticket Offlre 1604 Farnni ?
Street. Telephone , 2i < . De-
lot , Tentr and Mason
ireets. Telephone , e .
_ , , , , Leave. Arrive ,
Chicago Limited
Express 5:43 : pm ' 8:20 : air
Omaha & Chicago
Express " 11:00 : am " 4:15 : pm
Sioux C'ty and Des
.Motnes Kxprtbs . . " 11:00 : am " ' ' 15pm
Manila Local 'TiOQpra " 9l5ara ;
( Continued , )
crn Rnllwny-Clty Ticket
Olllce , 1401 Fnrrum Btreet.
Telephone. CC1. Depot ,
. - V5J 5 Tenth nnd Mason Streets.
Telephone , CM ,
Leave. Arrive.
Dn 1 > light Chicago
Special 6:40 : am ' 11:55 : pra
Mo. ] Valley , Sioux
City. St. Paul &
Minneapolis 6:00 : am ' 10:45 : pea
Mo. Valley , Sioux
City 7:45 : am DW : pm
Cut i oil , Dfiinlscni ,
Council Bluff * . . . . ' 11:30 : pm 9:40 : am
Eastern Ex. , Des
Molnes , Marshall-
town , Cellar Rap
ids nnd Chicago. . . ' 11:05 : am 4:20 : pm
Atlantic Flyer. Chl
cage and East * 4:65 : pm 4:20 : pm
Fast Mall , Chicago
to Omaha " " " " 3:16 : pra
Northern Express" . . . 5:30 : pm s:40 : am
Uiimlui'Chlcugu ftiio
clal 6:63 : pm 8:25 : am
Omulm-Chlcnco Ex
press . " 9:00 : pm " * 6f.3 : am
Dally. "Dally Ex. Saturday. ' "Dally
Ex Monday.
neupolls1 & Omnlm Railway
General Olllces , Nebraska
Division , Fifteenth and
Webster Streets. City
Ticket Otllce , 1101 Farnnm Street. Tele
phone , 681. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster
Streets" Telephone , li : > s.
, Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City Accotn. . " 8:50 : am 8:33 : pm
Sioux City Aecum. . :50 : am 8:33 : pin
B 1 n I r , Emersnn
Sioux City , I'onca ,
Hnrtlngton and
Bloomlleld " 1:00 : pm " 11:65 : am
Sioux City , Man-
kato , St. Paul &
Minneapolis 6:00 : pm 9:00 : nm
No. 2. St. Paul LIm-
lti d Makes no
( tops in Neb 6:00 : pm
o. 1 Exposition
Limited Makes no
stops In Neb „ 9:00 : am
Jos. 21 and 22
Exposition Local ,
to Emerson , stops
all stations except
Brlggs 6:13 : pm 8:30 : nm
Dally. Dally except Sunday. " * Sun
ny only.
Missouri Vnlley Railway
General Ollices. United
States National Bank Bldg ,
Southwest Corner Twelftli
nit Furmim Streets. Ticket Office , 1401
"iirnam Street. Telephone 5C1. Depot , 15th
ind Webster Streets. Telephone 14M.
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills. Deadwood -
wood , Hot Springs 3:00 : pm C:00 : pm
Vyomlng Casper
nnd Uouftlua " * 3:00 : pin ' " ' 5:00 : pm
lasting ? , York , Da
vid City. Superior ,
Geneva , Exeter &
Seward " 3:00 : pin 5:00 : pm
Norfolk Verdlgre
nnd Fremont ' 8:13 : am " 10:45 : am
Jncoln , Wnhoo &
Fremont " 8:15 : nm " 10:43 : nm
"remont Local " 8:15 : am
York Passenger 6:10 : pin ' 9:40 nm
Dally. " Dally except Sunday. Sun-
lay only. " * Dally except Saturday.
sioux CITS ft. PACIFIC
Railroad Gcnernl Ofllcco ,
United States National
Bank Bulldlnc , S. W. Cor
ner Twelfth and Farnam
Street" Ticket Olllce , . 1101 Farnum Street.
Telephone. Oil. Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streoto. Telephone , 62s.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City , Man-
knto , St. Paul , 6:00 : am 8:40 : am
Minneapolis . . . . . . ' 6w : pm ' 10:45 : pm
Slnux City Local. . 7:45 : am 9:00 : pm
& Qulncy Railroad "Tha
Burlington Burlington Route" Ticket
Olllco , 150 : . ' Furnum Street.
Routs Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth
nnd Muson Streets. Telephone -
phone 12S ,
Leave. Arrive.
Chlcngo Vestlbulcd
Express * 5:0 : > pm 8:10 : nm
Chicago Express. . . 9:13 : am 4:10 : pm
Chicago & St.
Louis Express. . . . 7:45 : pm S:10 : nm
_ rcston Local * 9:15 : nm
I'aclllc J'c't'u Local " 11:33 : am * 5:40 : pm
Fast Mall , 2:50 : pm
Chicago Special ' 2115'iim ' 11:50 pm
Dally. " Dally except Sunday.
seph & Council BIU1TH Railroad -
road "TJitr - JJurllngton
Route" Ticket Olllce , 1503
Farnam Street. Telephone-
230. Depot , Tenth und Ma
son Streets. Telephone 12S.
Express * 9:0j : am 5:10 : pm
Express ' 11:00 : pm 6:30 am
Louis * 4:30 : pm
sourl River Railroad "Tho
Burlington Burlington Routo" Gen
eral Olllcos , N. W. Corner
Tenth and Farnam Streets.
Ticket Olllce , 1502 Farnnm
Street. Telephone 250. De
iot , Tenth al d Muson Streets. Telephone
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln. Hastings
and McCook 8:3o : am 9:35 : am
Lincoln , Denver ,
Colorado , Utah ,
California , Black
Hills , Montana &
Puget Sound 4:33 : pm 4:00 : pm
Hustings Local 7:00 : pm " 7:40 : pm
Lincoln Fast Mall. " 2:55 : pm * 11:40 : am
Denver , Colorado
Utah , California la
Puget Sound , . . . . . 11:60 : jim 2:15 : am
' Dally. " Dally except Sunday.
road General Offices and
Ticket Olllce , Southeast Cor
ner I4th and Douglas Stretta
Telephone. 104. Depot , 15th
nnd Webster Sts. Telephone
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis-Kansas &
Neb. Limited 3:05 : pm ' 12:55 : pm
Kansas City & St.
Joseph Express. . . . 9:30 : pm ' 6:00 : am
Nebraska Local via
Weeping Water. . . " 1:30 : pm " 9:45 : am
Exposition Local via
Nebraska City. . . . * 6:00 : pm " 10:03 : am
Dully. " Dally except Sunday.
Ticket oniee. 1413 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 892. De
pot , ucnth nnd Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
Lcavov Arrive.
St. "Louis "Cunon
"Ball" Express. . . 4:50 : pm 11:30 am
& Pacific Railroad "Tho
Great Rock IMaml Route. "
City Ticket Ofllce , 1323
Farnam Street. Telephone
428. Depot , Tenth and
Mason Streets. Telephone
1.29. .
_ Leave. Arrive.
DCS Molncs Local. . . 7:15 : nm " 11:25 : am
Chicago Express . . . " 11:30 : am " 8:00 : am
Chicago Fust Ex
press 5:00 : pm 1:25 : pm
St. Paul Fust Ex
press 0:00 : pm " 11:25 : am
Lltuoln , Colorado
Springs , Denver ,
Pueblo and West. . 1 1:30 : pm 4:25 : pin
Des Motnes , Rock
Island and Chicago
cage * 7:15 : pm 8:50 : pm
Colorado Flyer 6:40 : pm 8:50 : am
Dally. " Daily except Sunday.
I PORT I road-Omaha. Kansas City &
I ARTHUR ! Eastern Railroad "Tho Port
lev -I Arthur Route" Ticket Olllcn
1115 Farnam Street. Telu-
phonu 322. Depot , Tenth and
Mason Streeta. Telephone 629.
Lcavu. Arrive.
St. Louis Cannon
Ball Express 4:50 : pm ll:30 : am
Kansas City &
12 Y ar la Orntln.
Comulutioa Free. Dookfrc *
8n760. OMAH4.NEB ,