THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : PKIDAT : OCTOBER 14 , 18tS. ) SOJlli NAMES NEVER SPOKEN Matters the Popocratio Sponters Overlook While on the Stnmp. PORTER HAS A CHANCE HE NEGLECTS Uxplnlii n .SnvliiK Hint \V N Mnde In Merrlck Count } ' , lint Arolilfl It When > f Defalcation * . LINCOLN , Oct 13. ( Special. ) The list of defaulting popocratlc county treasurers printed In The Uec yesterday morning Is causing dismay In the ranks of the fusion offlcchuntcrs who were going over the state with the plea that they were all honest and the republicans were all thieves. And now that the public I * awakening to the state of corruption existing among the "reform ers , " evidence la coming In to show that the printed list Is far from complete. It seems that when n , 'reformer" got elected treasurer of a county ho gobbled up the public funds with the same readiness that has characterized Holcomb's assault on the houflo rent fund , Ono remarkable popocratle shortage oc curred In Mcrrlck county , the home of Sec retary Porter , the great "money eavcr. " A fusion treasurer In that county "saved" $31,000 belonging to the county , and while no part of the shortage has been made good the defaulting treasurer Is still fol lowing In the footsteps of the Immaculate Frank Hilton , and Is shouting for "Porter and reform. " The chances are that Porter will not mention the rotten record of the fusion party In his own county as he swings around the circle on his pass-propelling campaign tour , but the people of Merrlck county who pay their taxes and who have to shoulder the additional burden made by the popocratlc defaulter , are apt to remem ber the matter In a substantial way on election day. Porter rides around over the etato telling the voters of the defalcation of Eugene Moore , whllo In his home county Is a defalcation larger than Moore's by over J10.000 , which he passes by In silence. The existence of such a state of affairs In his homo county Is calculated to make the voters Husplclous of the state officer who does not hesitate to borrow his hay and vegetables from the state. Here' * n JVut for SIcNertc. Them Is another matter that the popo- crats have so far failed to explain satis factorily , and that Is the Increase In the tax collections In Red Willow county , the homo of Treasurer Mescrve. In 1893 and ISnC when Mesorve was county treasurer of Red Willow , the amount of taxes reported to the state was much lower than It has been since that time , whllo the money derived from the interest , lease and sale of school lands for two years combined lacked $1,173.44 of bei.,5 as largo as tne collections from the name source during the year 1897 alone , when a new county treasurer was In charge of affairs. Mr. Meservo has made a num ber of speeches since this disclosure was made , but he has not deemed It of enough importance to bring forth an explanation. On the face of the record the Indications nro that , the new treasurer of Red Willow county not only perforsncd his whole duty in the collection of the money1 , but that he also accounted for all of It to the state auditor. The question Is particularly Aa- barrasslng to the reformers who have been claiming that taxes are not being paid In any faster than they were In 1895 and 1896 , and n complete explanation of the Red Wil low case might expose some of the business methods of J. B. Meservo that the reform ers " , would ra.t&cr.kccp ciulot. - > | ( . "ThejVfloJtrplctuVcnsquo prejWrlcatlon of the campaign 'is being exploited by the firm of Smyth & Smith of the ttoruey general's office. This Is In regard to the Ebrlgtit case at Nebraska City. These officials for some unexplained reason neglected to at tend to the case when It came up for a hearing at Nebraska City , although they had several times been notified that their pre sence , there would bo necessary. Now botH Smyth and 'Smith persist In telling how Judge Hayward foiled to do his duty In the prosecution. Their story Is contradicted anil proven false In every particular by the de- nlalB and signed statements of Judge Hayward - ward , County Attorney Jcssen , and the Otoo county judge before whom the hearing was held. The statements made by the Otoe county officials show beyond a shadow of a doubt that tbo attorney general wa ; the man who neglected his duty , but this does not deter the Smyths and Smiths frori : going right on with the prevarication. Thr fact that Hayward bad no connection will the case and was not present at the trial has no effect on them. 1'roniMTlty "t the Cnnltitl. The city of Lincoln Is enjoying Its share of the prosperity that Is prevalent over the country , and proof of this comes up In many ways. During the summer Lincoln people have been loyal to the great exposition at Omaha/ and a largo amount of spending money has gone'In ' that dlrect'on. ' It Is esti mated ( hat the citizens of Lincoln have spenl fully $ { 0,0)0 ( ) In railroad fare , board nnd other expenses while visiting the big show , and , yet , this extraordinary drain seems to have no effect on the business affairs here. An Illustration occurred this week. On MOT. day a la'rgo number of people went to Omaha and on TUe'sday and Wednesday so man ) more made the same trip that It seemed ai If all who had the money to spare must have gone. On Tuesday morning tickets wen placed on sale for an attraction that wa : billed for the opera bouse ; tonight and be. fore evening Tuesday the sale of seats liar eclipsed all previous records , both In num. ber and amount , yesterday all the scati In the house were gone and fully BOO peopli were turned away. Today there was a grea demand for the reservation of standing roon and all of this while the people ar KOlng by the thousands to Omaha to se the exposition and to witness the great tiem onstratton In honor of McKlnley. It Is no only n conclusive proof of the presence o prosperity but It Is In direct contradlctlo : of the claims of the calamity hosiers whi Insist thit } money Is still scarce and that i "slnglo breath would bring on a flnancla panic. " Another 1'opoeriitle Fnkc. The fakes of the popocratlc campaign ar coming to the surface In many rldlculou wayo. A scheme was concocted a few day ago to have eomu money addfd to the con science fimd , aud to have the pretendd con tributors accompany their donations wit letters that could bo used by the calaralt bowlers In their campaign. In furtheranc of this gauzy scheme two letters are now ills played at the state house , signed by flctl tlous parties whose consciences arc strlcke because of the crimes of other people , an who donate a dollar each to bo added t the funcK The public Is not accorded eight of the checks tliat came In the let ( crs , and the envelopes by some unhapp circumstance have been lost since the let tcrs comr. It Is quite possible that Uncl Jake.Is . using this way to pay up his bac taxes , or that ho has made a ssnall collec tlon from Chairman EJmlsten upon tha plec * o ! Dawson county school laud whlc the chairman occupied several years , rec free , and this method Is used ( o get th money Into the treasury and get somu fre advertising for the "reform administration at the came time. It l reported that Congressman Starl : I setting nervous about his campal t In tti Fourth district and that ho will come heir > to look after his fences. Ui ; to llu pmci tlmihe has depended on fool In 3 old rolditi Into votlDK for him on account of his pr < trnse ot activity In pension eases and great deal of his campaign has been VT by telegraph at the expense of the state. Ills Inglorious failure In the scheme to get the Third regiment out of the service has con vinced him that hli long-dlstnnco cam paigning IB not a brilliant success. The report from the Third regiment today flhows 13.1 men In the hospital and forty- three sick In quarters. George Rathman , Company E , of Dlalr , died since the last re port. port.Tnr Tnr Tarklo foot ball team will be here Saturday for a Ramo with the University team. The Tarklos put up a good game last year , and the reports are that they are much Ftronser this year. The University team Is preparing for a hard struggle and wilt en deavor to put more onap In their play than they did last Saturday. Since the change In the police department it Omaha there has been a largo Increase In the number of petty thlcvlngs and depre dations here at Lincoln , Indicating that many of the evil-doers have emigrated from Omaha and lodged here. It Is expected that there will be a. number ot bold hold-ups as soon as the new gang fcts | the lay of the land here. l.nrk tit I'otiullit r.nlliiif ln iii. BROKEN DOW , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special Telegram. ) The lack of populist cnthus1- ! asm In Custcr county was most forcibly manifested today In this city. It was the occasion of the Greene and Hrown debate. The entire crowd present did not exceed 200 nnd Greene with nil his eloquence could not awaken the old-ttmo auolausc. Six years ago when Kern and Whltehcad hod their Joint debate here , the populists were hero by the thousands and at the conclusion of the debate the/ carried K.m through the streets on their shoulders amid great ap plause. There were not more than Bevcnty- flvo populist voters In attendance today and not to exceed a half dozen went to the platform to congratulate him. Among Urown's congratulators was one ardent pop- ullst who came on the rostrum and although within six feet of Greene he did not so much as speak to him. Grceno made but little effort to meet Brown's able and log ical speech , but occupied his time in en- ertalnlng the audience by burlesquing Jrown. Ho undertook to defend his circular ubllshed In 189G when he stated that If iIcKlnley was elected prices of all farm reduce would continue to decline. He maln- alncd the statements .were true and If Jrown could show him a slnRlo hutnnce vhcro It was not , ho would withdraw from ho race. Brown quoted from the Era , tandard and the World-Herald to prove .hat prices of all farm products as well as ho Increase of exports had Increased really In the last eighteen months under epubllcan administration. Hume on a l''urloii li , COLUMBUS. Neb. . Oct. 13. ( Special. ) ohn Smith of Company A , Third regiment , Nebraska volunteers , arrived yesterday from acksonvlllc , Fla. , on a thirty days' fur- ough. At Pablo Beach he was down five weeks with typhoid fever and that was fol- owcd by a four weeks' tussle with the mumps. Ho Is not looking very well and ays there has been much sickness In the amp. Unless he should be Included In those to be mustered under the new arrangement ho will rejoin his command at the expiration of his sick leave. Smith is the only one of the large number of soldiers from here who lias been back on a furlough. It Is thought hero now that the 106 recruits who went torn here In June will soon bo homo from Honolulu , as the arrangement between Gov ernor Holcomb and the War department ivould let them out at once. Tivo Bln c In One Mnht. NORFOLK. . Nob. , Oct. 13. ( Special Tele- cram. ) Norfolk had two fires last night , the first at about 8 o'clock , In the now homo of C. J. Hlbben , that had just been completed and one load ot furniture placed In It. Mr. Ulbben and family Intended moving In a day or two. Cause' of fire unknown. Damage - ago about $500 ; Insured. The second alarm was about 2 o'clock this mornlnR and was In the secondhand store of J. Conley on East Main street. Both Block and building about total loss , fulry in sured. Colclirnte Golden AVeililliiK. WAHOO. Neb. . Oct. 13. ( Special. ) Police Judge Rand and wife of this city celebrated their Kofden wedding last evening. Their children and grandchildren were present and also some friends , in all about sixty. Rev. Swan made a short but appropriate address In giving them the beautiful presents brought by friends. Mr. and Mrs. Rand were married at Carthage , 111 , , where they lived until fifteen years ago , when they came to this county and settled on a farm. Later they removed to this city. Not fin llty. HASTINGS , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special Tele gram. ) W. C. Worrell was before the county court today charged with statutory sapo on Grace A. Pope , on complaint of the girl's father. The defendant entered a plea of not guilty nnd was bound over la tha sura ol $1,000 to await preliminary hearing. Wor rell left the state some months ago and was finally located at Norton , Kan. , from whl"h place ho was brought ! back by SherlCf Sim mering on requisition. Women' * ClirlMInn Temiierniicc Union PAWNEE CITY , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Speelil. ] The annual convention of the Women's Christian Temperance union met In this city last evening. Greetings were .given Ii behalf ot the city by J. L. Little , of tin churches by Rev. Petia , of the union bj Mrs. Dutton , and response by Mrs. Claflln Since it Is the silver anniversary of thi organization a roll call of years was madi and was responded to In a pleasing manner Nomination ! ! . PAPILLION , Neb , , Oct. 13. ( Special Tel cgram. ) The republican county conventloi was held here today and the following noml nations were made : County attorney , Jamei Hassett ; commissioner Third district , Byroi Sage ; legislator , A , L. Spearman. This I considered a strong ticket. Dave Mcrce addressed the convention. Resolutions wen adopted amrmlng tbo national and stat platforms. Fee : ( 'rallied. HASTINGS. Neb. . Oct. 13. ( Special Tele . gram. ) Martin Johnson of Holdr-'gij. brothc of Swen JohnEon of this city , had ono of hi feet badly crushed last nUUt while trjlni to board passenger train No. 1 on the B. t M. Mr. Johnson had allphted vx > secure i lunch and was endeavoring to regain hi ! train when the accident happened. Oild I'VlliMVn nnil the rlY | > oNltlon. ATLANTIC. la. . Oct , 13. ( Speclal.- ) About ( iOO Odd Fellows of Atlantic and othe points In Cass county will leave hero to Omaha on Sunday and Monday morning nen to attend the exposition Odd Fellows' daj October 17. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is a prevcntlv for loss of voice and ulcerated throat. Buy your exposition tickets down town In another column ace dlcolnv ndvcrtlsemen ot the places where tickets are on sale. TODAY'S ' WEATHER FORECAS1 Fair nnil Wnriiter itltli Incrennlm Cloud I noun nnil South AVI'iilM In NelirnNku nnd Kanxns. WASHINGTON. Oct. 13. Forecast fo Friday : For Nebraska and Kansas Fair am warmer , followed by Increasing cloudiness south winds. For Iowa and Missouri Fair ; warmer southerly winds , u | For South Dakota Fair , followd by chow s i crs In western portion ; warmer In caatcri - . portion ; south winds. a. For Wyonlng Fair , followed by increa * d Ing cloudiness ; south winds. DOINGS OF NEBRASKA SYNOD Presbyterians of the Antelope State in Session at Hastings. LIVELY DISCUSSION OVER THE COLLEGES Cinnmlttce nei-nntiiienilN thnt llotlt HiiHlln M anil tlollc iif lie Contin ued nnil dial the Stntc lit1)1 - .tU-il for Their Work. HASTINGS , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special Tele gram. ) Today the Presbyterian Synod of Nebraska , which has been In session hero since Tuesday , was quite lively In many re spects , especially when the discussion caiuo up between the endowment of the Dellevue and Hastings college * . The synod was called to order promptly at 8HO : o'clock this morning. Hair an hour was spent In devol'lonal exercises led by E. Trumbull Leo , D. D. , of the synod of Ohio. The reports of the judicial committee were read and adopted. The moderator by direc tion of the synod appointed the judicial committee with six additional members , to constitute a judicial commission to which the matter In the Woods case should be rt- ferred. The comml.slon Is an follows : W. M. 1'orter. J. N. Hill. Irwln Conklc. David Oastler , Perry Q. Llnkham , C.K. . Greaves , Samuel B. Meyer , N. Chestnut , H. A. Carna- ban and Hitlers Samuel Alexander , C. D. Presser and A , fonts. The report of the committee to visit Hast ings college was read and adopted. The order of the day was taken up and the re port' of the committee on colleges was read and adopted. The report Is as follows : First Your committee would recommend that the application of Bollcvuo to the Hoard of Aid for the sum of $2,000 bo ap proved and that we respectfully and ear nestly urge the board to appropriate an additional $1,000 to the expense of last year. We would also urge the board to promise a Ibcral sum for the permanent endowment. TrnNte.cnnitnil. . Second Wo recommend the election of he following named persons as trustees of Ucllevuo college for the class of 1902 : W. Dldwell , J. C. Wharton , Omaha ; Itev. L. Sexton , Seward ; Herman Kountze , Omaha ; Hev. T. K. Hunter , Vllllsca , la. ; ohn L. Kennedy. Omaha ; George S. Durtch , Bellcvue ; Hev. A. C. Drown , William F. illroy , M. D. . Hev. T. S. Hawley. Hov. T. f. Moc-re and Hev. J. D. Kcrr , all of Omaha , 'or vacancies In the class of 1000. Frank rl. Hall , Lincoln ; Edgar Howard , Paplllton. Of the class of 1901 : Caspar E. Yost , Rev. I. M. L. Bradeu , Omaha ; Hev. William Mlcholl , Bellevue ; Rev. J. B. Currcns , Omaha. , Third That If the Board of Aid , In It's dsdom , can see Its way clear to make an .pproprlatlon to Hastings college , without Iccreaslng Its appropriation to Bellevue , his synod would hall such an act with delight. If this can be done , wo would 'ccommend that the board appropriate 1,200 to Hastings college for tbo fiscal pear ending June , 1S99. Fourth We recommend the election of the ollowlng named persons for the trustees of he class of 1902 : Rev. George A. Ray of St. Paul , Henry 'ox , jr. , of .Nelson. A. L. Wlgton of Omaha , Dr. Charles Buuce of" Hastings , Rev. B. M. Long , D. D. , of York , Prof. W. L. Wilson f Hastings , Rev. T. C. Clark , D. D. , of Omaha , Rev Silas Cooke of Hebron , Rev. tV. F. Rlngland , D. D. , of Granvllle , O. Fifth That to Bellevue college , as a ter- Itory , bo assigned the entire North Platte cglon and to Hastings college the entire South Platte region , except that each college e allowed all the churches 'ond- ' region within fifty miles of the seat of'fho' Col- ege , and'to Bellevue college also be as- Igncd Gage , Pawnee and Richardson and one-half of Lancaster counties and the lastings college be assigned the parts of -.Incoln and Dawson counties north of the "Matte. Bellevue to solicit from the First church In Lincoln and Hastings to take the Second and Third. Sixth Wo recommend the adoption of the amendments to the Articles of Incorpora tion and by-laws of Hastings college. It was then moved to take up the busi ness ad seriatim. The report of the committee on finances was adopted. A recess waa then taken to visit Hastings collcgo. The synod opened at 2 p. m. with a prayer by Rev. Silas Cooke. The reports of the follonlng coramltVecs were read and adopted : Committee on education , home missions and mlnltters of general assembly. The report of the committee on Board of Aid of the col leges waa read and received and resolutions adopted. The report cf the committee on freedmen and the committee on church erec tion were adopted. The committee to visit Omaha seminary and Bellevue was appointed as follows : David Oastler , Box Butte ; E. Vandyke Wight , Hastings ; F. L. Haydcn , Kcarncj ; Silas Cooke , Kearney ; N. Chestnut , Omaha ; D. C. Montgomery. Nlobr ra. Committee to visit Hastings college : W. M , Porter , Hastings ; J. C. Sloan , Box Butte ; George Ray , Kearney ; E. T. Fleming , Ne braska City : John C. Glffln , Nlobrara ; T. W , Lcard , Omaha. The records of the presbytery of Box Butte , Hastings , Kearney , Nebraska City and Omaha were examined and approved. The comm'ttoj on apportionment , appointed last year , consisting of Rev. W. M. Hind- man as chairman and the chairman of the other presbytery committees on home mis sions , was held over for the next year. 1'renli ) terlnl IlenortH. The following reports from presbyteries were presented : The presbytery of Hastings reported twenty-eight ministers and thirty-sever churches and nine candidates for the gos pel ministry. The presbytery has four In stalled pastors , three , pastors-elect , three honorably retired , four women's corps , one college president , one Sunday school mis- s'onary , twelve Sunday schools. Ono church his been organized during the year , viz. : Bostwlck. Dismissed to othei presbyteries , two ministers and two can didates , viz. : Hev. William W. Steele to th < presbytery of Brooklyn , Rev. Robert N Powers to the prenbytery of Mattoon , Can > dldato Charles Arnold to the presbytery o : Kearney , Candidate J. E. Thompson to th < rresbytery of Butler. There have been two Installations and tw < dissolutions of pastoral relations , viz. : Rev James MacNab Installed over the churcl at Stamford , Rev. Halbort D. Crawford Installed - stalled over the church of Aurora , Rev Jarats MacNab released from the church o Stamford , Hev. William Steele rclcaset from the church of Hansen. Six ministers have been received fron other presbyteries , viz. : Alexander Murray from presbytery of Omaha ; Rev. Albert C Jamison , from the presbytery of Baltimore ; Rev. Archibald B. Jamison , from the pres > bytery of Baltimore ; Rev. Perry A. Tlnk' ham , from the presbytery of Paris , Can. ; Rev. John N. Hick , from the presbytery o Boulder ; Hev. A. M. Hendee , from the prcs. bytery of Nebraska City. One candidate M. J. Monroe Stewart , was received from th < presbytery of Athens , licensed and or I dallied. The- presbytery reports a tola ' r membership of 2,381 communicants , o which there were received last year 282 or confession and 134 by letter. Six mori churches give to all the boards this yeai than gave to all last year. Last year fli gave to all the boards , this ytar twelvi pave to all. The earae number gave t < none that did last year , viz. : one. Thi entire presbytery gave $1,618 more thai last year. ' of Oiuahn. The Presbytery of Omaha reports tblrt ; churches , thirty-seven ministers , two licen tiates and fourteen candidates. Six ministers have been received : T. S. Hawley , J. W. Miller , A. C. Brown , W. Nlcholl. W. San- greo and T. V. Moore. Three have been dismissed : K. Daude , S. I ) . Ncllson and A. Murray. Ono has been removed by dtath , the venerable and honorably retired Hev. John O. Schalble. Four.pastoral re lationships have been constituted and one dissolved. Ono new church has been en rolled New Zlon , Bohemian. Ono candi date has been Ucensed/'Flftcen churches have pastors , one a pastor-elect. Seventeen have stated supplies aud twenty are vacant or supplied In part by the pastor-at-largo and ttudenta In the seminary of Omaha. The total membership reported In 4,686 , being n. net gain of 284 over the preceding yeas' . Sixteen churches gave to all the boards. The total amount given by all the churches was (4,728.63 , being an Increase of $480.02 over the preceding year nnd < in average of $1.09 per member for the entire presbytery. Presbytery of ICcnrney. The presbytery of Kearney has upon Its roll twenty-four ministers aud forty thrco churches. During the year ending October 1. 1S98 , there have been dismissed the fol lowing ministers : Rev. G. W. Russell , to the presbytery of Washington City ; Rov. B. R. Bellvllle , to Nebraska City presbytery ; Rov. George Bally , to the Prcsbyujry of Utah. Licentiate William rtcsnemn was dlsmlsbcd. to the Omaha presbytery. The following names have been added to the roll of presbytery : Rev. David L. Wil son from the presbytery of Brooklyn and Rev. D. Irwln Conkle from the presbytery of Cleveland. Presbjtcry has under Its care seven candU dates for the ministry and four local cvau- gcltsts. During the year the following pastoral se- lattons have been dissolved : Hev. S. R. Boll- vlllo and the Wood River church , Rev. F. Graves and the church at Shelcon and Rev. George Bailey and the church at Broken Bow. Hev. L. E. Humphrey has been Installed over the churches of Ashton and Farwell , giving them the first settled pastor In t'hclr history. During the summer months Just closed there have been three students laboring within the bounds of Kearney presbytery and good work has been done. The church at Sweotwater was organized February 2 , 1898 , wltth seventeen members and three ruling elders. One church Is re ported without a slnglo member on the ground , at Gandy. A nominal existence will continue only till the building there can bo rolled across the prairie to Dorp , where It ! Is needed. Two Sunday school missionaries glvo all their tlmo to a splendid work within the bounds of the presbytery and Roy. C. F. ' Graves Is rendering efficient service'as pres bytery missionary. The presbytery would record with sincere sorrow t'he loss of Its beloved brother. Rev. E. L. Dodder , who passed to tils reward July 14 , 1898. The synod tonight was , addressed by Dr. 3. Trumbull Lee of Cincinnati , who elcctrl- ed his audience. The church wan crowded , s several hundred college students were ires en t. SHORT LINE TO BE SEPARATE rrcHldrnt Dnrt Snyn tlmt tlic Union rncluc Will. NotAbsorb the Hond. DENVER , Colo. , Oct.'l3. President Her ace. G. Burt of the .Union Pacific railway and other railway magnates from the cast who have been In attendance at the annual meetings of the .Union Pacific and the Oregon gen Short Line .at SalyLake City , passed through Denver todajuqa. . . ! , to Omaha. ! Whllo here President Burf stated positively ! that the , Union Pacific ( "would not absorb the Union Pacific , .Denver & > Quit , nor any part of It. The Julesburg line has already passed into the control ] of the Union Pa cific. cific."All "All .this talk of the Union Pacific pur chasing any part of the Gulf system seems to bo In Chicago and Denver , " said the president. . "I hear nothing of tt"ln New York. I know nothing' of tho. pittas of the Gulf system. " President Burt also said : "Tho Union Pacific controls the majority of the Short Line stock , but the road will be continued as an .independent system. " PULLMAN STOCKHOLIIUIIS MEI3T , Capital Stock In Iiicrcnnril Fifty Fei Cent Vcnr'x KnriilncB. CHICAGO , Oct. 13. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pullman Palace Car company was held here tonight , over two-thirds of the capital slock being rep resented. The old .Board of Directors \vat elected for the ensuing year. The board passed a resolution Increasing the capital stock of the company 50 per cent , the value of the assets exceeding the par value ol the capital stock by moro than $18,000,000 The'usual quarterly dividend of $2 pel share from net earnings was declared , pay able November 15 to stockholders of recori November 1 , 1898. Robert T. Lincoln was elected chairman of the executive commlttei nnd acting president. The annual statemen for the year ending July 1 , shows gros ! earnings of $10,674,868 , nnd dlsbiirsementi of $8,280 85 not earnings being $2,933,883 Ciovernnient Sprlnun n Snrprlfi * . "One ot the most startling surprises tha has been sprung upon the railroad worli of late transpired the early part of las month , when the secretary of the treasUr ; announced tliat the United States govern ment would be ready to assume what ot thi indebtedness of the Pacific road the govern mpnt does not already hold , just as soon a it became due , " says the Railway Journal "Assistant Secretary Vanderllp stated tha the secretary had called upon him to pre pare a report of all matters relative to th Pacific roads. 'I shall , ' says he. 'endeavor ti unravel the tangle to the best of my ability stripping the case of all unnecessary rei tape , and when my report Is ready it will b an Impartial and concise statement of th case. ' "This unexpected turn In the state of af fairs has aroused tbo English holders of th securities until they have about made u ; their minds that the bezt way for them t do is tt > assume the rtitlro indebtedness b ; paying In full the claims held by the gov ernmcnt. The Imperative manner'In whlcl the administration handled the Union Paclfi affair , no doubt , has convinced those In tcrested fn the Central Pacific that whei their tlmo came for settlement they wouli also have to bow to the Inevitable and mak the best ot It. At least , the announcemen made recently by the secretary Is very con vlnclng along that line and the step tba the English holders have decided to tak shows that they look upon It as the logics , move that has to bo made. " Font Hun to Oiniibn. The special train containing the cscor committee to accompany President McKlnle from this city to St. Louis left ther Wednesday night and made tbo run of 46 miles here over tha Burlington route In te . ' hours and twenty minutes , or forty-flv ? miles per hour , Including stops over fh i whole distance. Part of th'o run was mad 1 at the rate of fifty miles an hour. The trail f consisted only of private cars , In whlcli > among others , were Messrs R. C. Kerens o t the national republican committee ani r Howard Elliot , general manager of the Bur E llngton lines In Missouri. 3 - } Short Line to He Hullt Up. s SALT LAKE. Utah. Oct. 13. The Interes i _ manifested In the election of the board o j directors of the Oregon Short Line ba 1 caused many inquiries as to whether an ; T change ot policy or management was COD Hair is grown by treating the scalp Instead of ttie hair only , which is but a product of the scalp , P H tr en P p o bo * B bog (0 " 1 2 o oCD g CDo % ° DANDER1I o o > o o en DOES It. Stops Hair Falling Absolutely Stops It. \ Cures Dandruff in one week and makes the hair grow healthy and strong. You don't have to wait for months to got results from this preparation. It acts from the very first application. A trial will fully establish its worth as a hair and scalp stimu lant. Danderine is an article that disappoints no one. Hair will not fall out any more. When the treatment is continued until the hair is fully matured , it will never fall out again. It is not a very difficult job to start the hair and grow it an inch or so in length ; but to fully mature it is quite a different thing , and cannot be done by any other known specific. This preparation contains the kind of material that is necessary to produce results , and will not fail in any case if given a fair trial. All druggists who will sent us their names , will receive enough free , for their own per sonal use , to fully establish its efficiency to them ( express charges prepaid by us ) . This article does the work and we want you to know it. Full particulars with every bottle. For sale by druggists. Trial size , 25c ; large size , § 1.00. Ask for Dandorino Scalp Tonic. Knowlton Danderine Company ! Chicago , 111. , Manufacturers. Boston Store Drug Department , Distributing Agents. templated. As to the future of the road , It is understood that tbo line will begin Its new year by adopting a more aggressive policy and under the present management trill Invest In the property In the way of Improved roadbed and equipment and will raise nen capital It necessary to meet the demands of the business In every section through which the road extends. Certain of the obligations of the Short Line arc un derstood to be Income bonds and It is as serted that this will enable the development of the prpperty from earnings to the benefit . .of thopuW aa.welli. * } to the sccurlty.i f .the holders. i i ' < Concmnlon for .Mexican Ilnllirny. MEXICO CITY , Oct. 13. The government has granted a concession for a stand ard gauge railroad of ICO kllo- metera maximum length , with 6,000 kilometers subsidy. The concession aire Is the Inguarcn Copper Mining company , In which the Paris Rothschilds are heavily Interested. The railroad Is being planned to connect the mines with the bay ot Zltuatanesa on the Pacific coast and will bo an outlet for copper produc tions. The Inguarcn mines are believed to be the future rival of the Calumet and Hccla , the greatest known copper property In the United States. The yellow fever Is abating at Vera Cruz and along the coast with the approach of cool weather. I'rcMilcitt IIiiRliItt GOCH Enxt. President Marvin Hughltt of the Chicago & Northwestern road passed through Omaha yesterday morning , but did not stop here. He was returning from the annual meeting of the Union Pacific road , of which he Is a director , at Salt Lake City. President Burt of the Union Pacific nnd party accompanied President Hugbltt as far east as Denver. From there the Union Pacific party left for a trip of Inspection ot the Union Pacific lines In Kansas. They will come up from Kansas City t'he last ot the week. Injnnctloii AKnliiMt Srnlpern Holiln. PITTSDUUO , Oct. 13. The preliminary Injunction Issued against the ticket scalpers by Judge White on Tuesday restraining them from dealing In conclave excursion tickets was continued today. This means a great loss to "the scalpers unless they ar range the matter with the railroad com panies. Director * of St. Pnnl & Dnlutli Meet. ST. PAUL , Oct. 13. The annual meeting of the St. Paul & Duluth road was held today and the old officers ot the company were elected. The directors voted to Issue $5,600,000 first mortgage consolidated bonds be.arlng a rate of Interest not to cxqced 5 per cent per annum. Hallway NotcH nnil I'erNonals. A car U now being built In the shops of the Chicago Great Western for spraying the ballast with oil. as practiced on some of the eastern roads. This is the first western road to attempt the experiment. The Union Pacific has let the contract to John K. Wrlcht of Junction City , Kan. , for P ! the overhauling of the track between and Silver Lake. The track Is to be raised , leveled and ballasted , requiring about five months' time. h c ANXIOUS TO SEE THE FROST n Fourteen CIIBOK mill Onp Dentil from il Yellow Fever nt JIU-UHOII Hc- ilt ilo port of Xew Orlcunfi. JACKSON , Miss. , Oct. 13. Fourteen cases t' of yellow fever and one death Is the record e for today. This Is the highest number of ,1 cases yet reported. Eight of them are whites. Tbo ono death Is that of a negro. The weather continues cool and frost Is anxiously looked for. Traveling Passenger Agent Lemontgomery of the Illinois Central , * who ho remained hero assisting In the relief - ° lief work , was found III In a room at the 3 i depot ( oday. Ills case Is not fully devel- n | oped but It Is feared he has tbo fever. e j NEW ORLEANS , Oct. 13. President Sou- e ebon of the Board of Health makes the fol- 6 lowing dally yellow fever report : a j New Orleans , two new cases , no deaths ; ' ' Wilson , eight cases , no deaths ; Alexandria , . six cases one death ; Houma , eleven cases ; Amlto City , one case , one death ; St. Clalr , West Baton Rouge parish , eleven cases , ono death ; Amlto , in Tahglpahoa parish , and St. Clalr are new points of Infection. t MEMPHIS. Tenn. , Oct. 13. The Memphis ( Merchants' exchange today Issued a call s for a general conference to be held in this f city In November to deal with the yellow , fever problem. COMBINED TREATMENT -OF THE GREAT CURSIVE PO 1308 Fartiam St. , Omaha , Neb. We refer to the Best Banks , Business Men and Merchants in th city WHEN ALL OTHERS FAIL Remember the wonderfully successful specialists and treatment of this Inulltuta com * blue the two greatest factors ot the healing art known to the medical profession ELECTRICITY and MEDICINE. It Is the largest , most thoroughly and compl t ly equipped Institute , both electrically and medically , ever cstabllnhtd In the West far the treatment and absolute cure ot all nervous , chronic and private dlscaitl Of MEN and WOMEN. Honorible and fair dealing nrcordfd to all. SPECIALISTS for DISEASES of MEN SPECIALISTS for DISEASES of WOMEN The great electrical and medical specialists of thin institute are far the best , most ucces tul ttrid Bcicntlllo the world has ever known , all of whom nr graduates of the best medical colleges in the world , each having had long and suc cessful practice In his npcc.nlty , uml are achieving reulta In curing tht lick and mifrtrlnc by their combined Electro-Medical trea ment. which would b Im- DpsBlblo secure by either electrical or mealcal treatment nlone. The State Electro- Medical Institute U the ONLY PLACE where you cnn obtain tha benefits of thl Micofsuful treatment undi-r the most skillful and ! ane.l . spA'-iaUst * . UK ASSURED Jthat If nny power on earth can cure you theee. doctors cnn. They have effected com plete and ponnnnent cur P.P. after all othern had tolled. Homo doctors fall becaui * * f treating the wrong- disease ; others from not knowing the right treatment. MISTAKES HERE AND NO FAILURES. A perfect cure guaranteed In all cases accepted. Our special romblntd El. TRO-MEDICAL.TREATMENT . for NERVOUS DEBILITY ntver falU ? YOUNfjTi . . DLB-'AOKD AND OLD MEN. Lost Manhood. The awful effects of Indlscreefons in confidence , despondency , evil forebodings , timidity and other digressing symptoms , unfitting onp for business , study , pleasure and enjoyment of lite , riuch caste , It neglected , almont always load to prrmatiiro deenv nnd death. RUPTURn. VARirncELE. HYUnOCIOLE. SWELLINGS. TKNDERNE98 DI8- CHAHOES. STP.ICTUIIK9 , KIDNEY AND URINARY DIRKABRWi flMALL. WEAIC AND SHRUNKEN PARTS. ALL BLOOD. SKIN AND PRIVATE DISUAsW & " lutely cured by this treatment , after all other mean hnve. failed. DISEASES OF WOMEN. OPEN-Dally , from S a. m. to S p. m. Sundays-10 to 1 p. m WHITE IK YOU CA.WOT CALL-All Correspondence In l > lnln Con ( III en tint. State Electro-Medical Institute * 1308 ST . . OMAHA. NMB.