1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , OCTOBER 13 , 1898. DESTINY OF THE PHILIPPINES A Pillpino Discusses the Problem of Govern ing the Wands. SOLUTIONS ACCEPTABLE TO INSURGENTS Annexation or UUItnntc Independence Fnvorcil Dlvlnlnii of the Inland * IiiilioMnlhlc AVIiut tii ! Nn- II von Demand. ( Mr. Ramon Reyes Lala , who Is the only native of the Philippines In the United States , with the exception of the two del egates who are on their way to presenC the claims of the natives before the Paris peace commission. Mr. Lala Is a member of a wealthy and Influential native family. Ho was educated In St. John's college , Lon don , and warf for many years prominent In 'tho business and social life ot Manila. As a result of his Interest In the revolu tionary pians of the natives ho was com pelled to change his residence to the United States a few years ago. He Is a representn- tlvq of the moat Intelligent and high minded Filipinos and his remarks are highly In teresting us giving the views ot the people most Interested In the destiny of the Phil ippines. Mr. Lala Is at present engaged In writing a history of the Islands. Ed. ) So much has been written about the Phil ippines In a purely descriptive way that I pre-supposo some knowledge ot them. This articles has to deal with a few of the problems that ] will soon ask for solution at the hands of the conquering Americana. I believe America has an unparalleled op portunity an opportunity not only for wealth and commercial advantage , but also for humanity and for civilization. Ttioiigh Manila Is at present In the hands of .tho Americans , all the rest of Luzon and most of the other islands arc held by tho' ' Insurgents , who have nlno taken Hello and Cobu , the two other chief ports. The peace commission appointed by the president Is to decide , It , Is Bald , what ) Is to bo done with iho Islands. This at least seems to bo the Idea of , the administration : but whatever the commission may decide , I , us a Filipino , with a thorough knowledge ot my coun trymen and of the conditions , assert that the decision of this commission can In no way effect the destiny ot the archipelago. This may seem a strange statement , but It Is nevertheless true. Suppose that the Americans decide to keep the Islands , which are now virtually theirs by right conquest and possession , the natives will receive the exchange of Spanish tyranny for American liberty nil too gladly. There will bo no opposition ; for this Is the logic of destiny and In Una with the trend ot events. IIIvlnloii of iHlandn InipoHnlttlo. Should , 'howqver , the commission decide that the Southern Islands shall , bo given back to Spain while Luzon alone Is retained by the United States , bellevo me , this de cision will bo rendered Impossible by the attltUdo of the natives themselves for the VIsayas , the Inhabitants of the Southern Islands , arc oven more fierce and warlike than the Tagalos , the natives ot the north , and will surely not brook Spanish misrule while their brothers are enjoying "tho bene fits ot American civilization. Suppose , fur thermore , that the commission decides to glvo all the islands back to , Spain , the United States to retain a coaling and navni station and to receive Indemnity for losses incurred while In the orient ? The money might 'be paid and the coalIng - Ing station would probably bo given up ; but the Islands can never again come into Spanish possession. I will lull you how I - know this. Even In 1S9C the Society , of the ' KatlpUndtl. TUirnde-d by f MtfTnlirtfpJne mar tyr , Dr. Rlzal , whoso sworn object it was to drive the Spanish oppressor from the arch ipelago , numbered 300,000 members. Within the last six months this order has grown tremendously. Victory after victory over the once feared Spaniard was won by Agul- naldo and his enthusiastic followers. The .back ot the Spanish power was broken and . the morale of their army was forever do- * etroycd. The natives found that when equally armed , a Filipino was as good aa a Spaniard any day. Thus the cause of the Insurgents has been strengthened and the Katlpunan now numbers 600,000 members , all otwbom have sworn that their country shall bo free from Spanish rule. This is not commonly known , but It la true , and I do not bcllcvo that oven 500,000 Spaniards will now b& able to conquer my country and keep It In subjection. The Filipinos have tasted the sweets of liberty nnd the fruits of victory. They will not and cannot bo deprived of them. The Spaniards have broken every promise that they have ever made and they can nc longer bo trusted. Far different Is the feel ing toward the Americans , who are now regarded by the natives as their deliverers from Spanish bondage. But it the Ameri cans glvo the Islands back to Spain they , as well as the Spaniards , will Incur the eternal hatred of the Islanders. Uciiiiiiidn of tlic Klllnliioi. Now this Is what the Filipinos want , and this I know is what they consider themselves entitled to' have ; In fact it ) Is commonly understood in the islands that the follow ing has been guaranteed them by thcli American allies : Independence from Spanish rule shall b < proclaimed. A protectorate shall bo established , wltl government designated by the Amerlcai representatives und approved by the Insur gent leaders. /his government will recognize such tcm porary adjustments as may bo made by thi American or European commissioners. It a protectorate Is established It will bi ot the same kind and nature as arranged to : Cuba. The ports ot the Philippines shall bi opened free to the commerce of the worM Precautionary measures shall bo adoptet against Chinese Immigration , EO as to r ? g ulato their competition wlrh the uatlvei who at present suffer severely thereby. The corrupt judicial system at prescn existing in the Islands shall be prompt ! ; reformed , uoh reform to h Intrusted ti competent ) American offlclala. The complete liberty of speech , of assocla tlon and of the press shall be declared am maintained. 11 oir to Do It. I would suggest that the American govern ment appoint an administrative advisor ; council or cabinet of nineteen , composed o n native from every civil province , who 1 conversant with the conditions there. Lot the provincial governors , for the prcs ent , also bo Americans not ) politicians , bu jurists ot ability and renown , for the of flee combines Judicial as well as oxecutlv functions , and much revision nnd appllcu tlon of law will bo found necessary , uhouli the offlco ot provincial governor , as well a that of representative to the congress , b made elective , when the natives shall pos veta the franchise , which I believe shouli be based on both an educational and i property quallflcatfon. The minor office should all be filled by natives. Dy thU BJH tern the skeleton of the present govern ment would bo maintained and there wouli be no violent changes. A democratic des potlsin If such a paradox la permlsslblo- 1s what the colony needs before It can b made ready for all the functions ot tru democratic government. The church should bo left alone , wher it does not Interfere with the functions o government. I have heard that consider * bio activity has been manifested by com of the American Protestant churches , wh are getting ready for a "Christian prop * gin da" among the "heathen Klllpluoi. This activity , I think , U entirely uncclle < for. We are , and profess to be , Christians , and it U just as necessary and aa logical for American Protestants to christianize American Catholics as the Catholics of the Philippines. Indeed , 10 Is my belief that Catholicism with Its ritualism and gorgeous ceremonial is more suited to the character of the natives than the colder forms ot Protestant belief , which have never flour ished in Oriental soil , The friars should bo expelled , for they are religious corporations that : bavo no soul and that are unassailable nnd irresponsible , but the church , with Its excellent system of parish spiritual government and Its gentle , refining Influence on the native char acter should be maintained Inviolate , though the separation between church end etate should be made complete. I will conclude by saying a few words about my countrymen. Wo have had , as all the world knows , but lev opportunities , and yet I challenge any other native colonial race the people of Java and of Urltlsh India not cxceptcd to show a finer people than the best Philippine product. All / Utters ers testify to their reflnmcnt , honesty and hospitality , and not a few have shown re markable artistic talent , as for Instance the Luna brothers , whoso genius took all Madrid by storm , and Dr. Illzal , poet , scientist and patriot We have our merchant princes , too. and our great lawyers , who bavo shown cxcop- < tlonal ability and judicial Integrity , under' ' the most demoralising nnd discouraging clr- ' cumstances. And the victories of Emlllo I Agulnaldo and his army of patriots have demonstrated to the world what the Fil ipino Is capable of In the flcld of war. IIAMON UEYES LALA. IIALK-IIOUH JOB. Home Convenience * and Hovr to Make Them. A bench for potted prants Is a very simple affair to make , and consists of iwo sides , two shelves and two aprons. The sides can bo fourteen inches wide and PRODUCTS OF BOOKMAKERS Increased Activity in the Literary Workshops of the Country. BRIGHT BOOKS FOR OLD AND YOUNG WrHem of Note Contribute to the Sum of lliimnn llanulnciia MfiKnilncH of tlic Month Literary Koto * . William Block's novels bavo bad a de served popularity and his admirers will bo Interested In his latest work , "Wild Eclln , " which Is a picturesque story o Scottish life , written In the manner of "A Daughter ot Heth" and "Madcap Violet. " The heroIne - Ino , Eclln Macdonald , a sweet , but capri cious and unreasonable girl , lives with the Bean-an-Tlghern the widow of the chUf ol the Macdonald clan ot Klnvalg In a small highland village. After many escapades and adventures Eelln Is loved by three men , a pot-boy peer , Lord Mountmahon , who holds Klnvalg , the old home of the Macdonalds , Archibald Gllchrlst , a young Journalist , sprung from the people , with whom Eclln has been engaged In literary work , and Somorlcd Macdonald , a young Canadian railroad king , who has come to Scotland In order that his father may spend his last days amid the scenes of his youth. Somerfed Macdonald thinks that Eelln docs not care for htm , hides his love , and when Lord Mountmahon , whom she dislikes , forces his suit Eelln accepts the offer of Gllchrlst Somerled , who had conceived the wild Idea of restoring to Eelln and her mother their old homo , by buying out the present owner , on bearing of the engage ment , buys the paper on which Gllchrlst Is a sub-editor and presents It to QllchrUt as MEDICINE CHEST AND PLANT DENCH. I thirty-four Inches high. The shelves can measure seven Inches wide , and the front shelf la four Inches lower than the rear one. The shelves may bo three or four feet long , or the proper length to correspond with the width of a window or floor space It will occupy. This bench should be put together with screws , and to prevent it from racking , It would be well to place two cross 'strips at the back , as shown. It made of pine or white wood , a few coats of paint will finish It nicely , when it win then bo ready for use. For a bedroom or a bathroom a medicine chest will bo found a very handy llttle'plcce ot furniture ; and ono that any clever boy can readily knock up. Secure a box about eighteen Inches wide by twenty-four Inches long. Cut It down so that when placed abalnst the wall U will not project more than four or five Inches. From a narrow strip ot wood cut a board and nail it fast to the top end ot the box , and to the Inside of the box fasten three shelves at proper distances apart. A door can be made from thin boards and heM together at top and bottom by battens. This door In turn Is to be attached at one , side ot the chest by binges. I Over the entire outside surface , except the back , fasten burlap or heavy linen , with j r liquid glue , and when dry glvo It several i good coats of paint in cream , light green or old rose , shade , and then trim the edges with 3 larcc-hcadcd upholsterers' nails , painted j black. The binges and hasp straps are ot thin * i Iron , such as stovepipes are made from , nnd can bo cut out with a stout pair ot shears or i with a light cold chisel , an old flatlron and a . J small hammer. ' I The design may be drawn on the iron with 1 chalk , and easily followed with the shears or a. chisel. ' . A coat of black paint will bo required before - fore the straps are applied to the wood with nails. ciiAMnniu.Aivs Colic , Cholera nnd Dlnrrhoen Hemcilr Tfcla Is the best medicine in the world for bowel complaints. It acts quickly and can always bo depended upon. When reduced with water It Is plea * nt to take. Many t families are never without this remedy and always Dnd It prompt and effectual. For sale by every druggist In Omaha , llnlienii Corpni for Young Jnmci. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 12. At 10 o'clock this morning a writ of habeas corpus was granted In the case of Jesse James , son of , the noted bandit ot that name , arrested yes- 11 terday on the alleged charge ot having guilty & knowledge of the recent Missouri Pacific s train robbery. Young James was taken In - by the local police yesterday afternoon , but . I his whereabouts were kept a secret. This i . morning F. C. Farr , an attorney and an old- " | time friend ot the James family , applied , before Judge Henry ot the county court for the writ. It was immediately granted and 0 a warrant for the production of young o James Issued for service. IlucUleit'Ji Arnica Salve < THE UEST SALVE In the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores , Ulcers. Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains , Corns and all Skin Eruptions , and positively cure * Piles , or no pay required. It Is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bvx. For sal ? bv Kuhn fi Co. a dowry for Eelln. As the result of an es capade with her friend , Lily Nolle , Eelln is taken sick and when delirious escapes from her nurses and attempts a swimming feat which has always baffled her. She Is res cued by Ollchrlst and ho finds out for the flrst time , by hearing her own confession , made during the ravings of delirium , that she loved Somerled. Ollchrlst resolves to give her up- but Eelln dies. There are many passages throughout the story that glvo good opportunity for a display of the author's fine descriptive powers. Harper & Brothers , $1.75. Mary Johnston , in her story , "Prisoners of Hope , " writes of colonial Virginia In the days when Berkeley was governor. The hero of the tale Is an Innocent convict from England , who leads the famous Ollverlan conspiracy and has thrilling adventures by flood and field wlfh ruffians , ' gentlemen and Indians , who stole the woman ho loved. The story has a valid historical background and is of quite absorbing Interest. Houghton - ton , Mlfflin & Co. , $1.50. Eliza Orno White , who will bo remem bered s the author of a number of works , Including the novels entitled "Winter- borough , " "The Coming of Theodora , " etc. , In addition to several children's books , has published a new novel. This latest story takes its title , "A Lover of Truth , " from a young man who Insists upon speaking the truth In season and out of season. Other characters are a young man of good sense , a pretty girl , a girl who Is much more than pretty , etc. It Is a New England story and la told with much brightness and humor. Houghton , Mlfflln & Co. Lovers of Oriental literature will be Inter , ested in a little volume by Paul Elmer Moore entitled "A Century of Indian Epi grams , " which are taken chiefly from the Sanskrit. Of the stanzas devoted to women some ar very sweet and others very bitter. Those that depict her charms have a pe culiarly melting tone such as are to bo found In some of our own romantic poetry , Houghton , Mimtn & Co. , SI. The possessors of feathered pels will be Interested in a new book Just Issued by Charles N. Page of Des Molnes , la. It is a work ot 140 pages and contains full Instruc tions regarding the care of canaries , parrots and other cage birds. Considerable space Is devoted to Instructions regarding the ( rain ing ot various birds and bow to care for the young. Charles N. Page , Des Molnes. Cloth , 75c. Hoys' Hook * . "Pour-Footed Americans , " by Mable Os- good Wright , Is a book that Is calculated not only to amuse tut to Instruct young people regarding the natural history ot their own country. Instead of adopting the dry and rather tedious method ot describing the various animals peculiar to the country , one at a time , the whole description Is woven into a etory. Dr. Hunter , after traveling for many years , returned to his old home at Orchard Farm , with his daughter , Olive , aged 17 , and Mammy Bun. He invited Nat and Dodo , who had always -lived In the city , to spend tbo summer with him so that they might learn about out-door things. Mr. and Mrs. Blake came for the children in the fall , but Dr. Hunter , who wa always plan ning pleasant surprises , arranged for the whole family to spend the winter In the country. What they did and how they be came acquainted with the four-footed Americans is told in the story. The Mc Millan Company , $1.50. James Otis , who is a prime favorite with boys , has written a story ot tbo time of the stamp act in 1765 , which Is likely to at tract the attention ot a host of boys. The title of. the book Is sufficiently enticing. "Tho Charming Salty , ' A ' 'Privateer Schooner of New York. " Houghton Mlfflln & Co. , $1.50. The Boys of Old Monmouth , " by Everett T. Tomllnson , Is a story of the American revolution. Two boys have part In Im portant scenes , ono acting the hero at the battle of Monmouth. Washington and other prominent personages' figure In the story that can not fall to bo Interesting to boys. Houghton Mlfflln & Co. , $ UO. "In the Bravo Days ot Old" Is a story ot adventure In the time of King James I , by Kuth Hall. It Is a book ot stirring ad venture for boys. Giles Valentine , an English boy , and Jan Verrooy , a Dutch boy , together had a hand In many historical events In England , iHolland , Franco and Amcrca. They aid In detecting the famous gunpowder plot , save the Dutch town of Sluys from the Spanish , sail in the Half Moon with Henry Hudson , spend a win ter In Labrador , go to 'France , and return and settle in New lAmsterdam. There Is a great deal of action in the story , which Is told with great spirit. Houghton Mlfflin & Co. , Jl-50. nil Review * . The October Forum Is very rich In timely articles of great Mnterest. Geoffrey Drage , M. P. , writes of , the relations of "England and Russia in the Far East , " and Senator Justin S. Morrlll of "Tho Populist Conceit The Free Coinage of Sil ver by the United States Alone. " Mark Twain has an article entitled "About Play Acting" nnd "Tho Conduct of the Cubans In the -Lato War" Is .discussed by Major General 0. 0. Howard. Among other features there are : "Amateurs In War , " "Tho Dangers of Imperialism , " "Blsmark , " "Tammany , Past and Present , " "A Decade of Magazine Literature , " "Tramps and Hoboes , " "The Byron Revival. " Under the caption of 'r'Tho United States and tha Far East , " the North Anitrlran Review for October presents In Its opening pages tno extremely Important and timely articles , viz. : "What Shall Bo Dona About the Phlflppmes , " by Majo W. llazcltlne , and "Our Policy In China. " by Hon. Mark B. Dunncll , formerly deputy consul general of the United States at , Shanghai ; "Tho Movement for Municipal Reform" is dls- cusged , by , Clinton Jtoge.rs Woodr.uff.vhllo Prof. Gojdwln Smith contributes an essay on "Tiie'Orlgln of Morality. " Major General J. C. IJrecklnridge , U. S , . A. , writes on "Our ' National Folly and Its \ icllms' , " nnd Ad- islral P. H. Colomb , R..W. , deals with the subject of "The United States Navy Under the New Conditions ot National Life. " A popufar educational article on "Manual Training nnd the Poor" la furnished by El- riott Flower , while "Tho Minimum of Capital of a National Bank" forms the theme of a suggestive financial p-wr .by Thornton Copku. , "Legislative" iUtC lnns in France" are dQscrtbell by Walter' $ .t ' Scalfe , , 'and the "Difficulties In Assimilating Hawaii" elo quently treated by Rear Admiral L. A. Beardslee , U. S. N. A i second * Installment of "Bismarck and Motley" is furnished. Other topics dealt with ar.e ; ' 'Organized Self Help and State.Atd ( n Ireland , " "Cable Cut- Ing in War , " "Danger ft Political Apathy , " "Fancy Work or Nature tUdies , " "How Can Homicide ) Bo Dej3re8sfid , , an4v"-Bpya' Clubs. " The Critic for O.qtouerr.malntalns the high standard reached , by , thai publication and It ? pages will bofound interesting by all who are attracted , In any way toward literature and art. The table ot contents gives , among other features , the following : "Carl Sehurz at Home , " "Tho Sphinx , " " " "Chant of "American Author-Diplomats , the .Archangels' . " ( Faual ) ; I "A .Woman/a Newspaper ; " ' 'Tho' ' Novels of Gilbert Parker. " "A Model American , " "In Honor of Tolstoy. " "A Rule for Humor , " "The Drama. " "Book Revlews.1' The State , a literary Journal and general rovlow , published In the Pacific Northwest nnd representing the material and Intel lectual development of Washington , Oregon nnd Idaho , claims to be the only magazine having permanent headquarters at , the ex position. Each copy tslnco April has con tained articles or editorials , nnd often both , about the exposition. The State's bureau in the Llbaral Arts building has been an in formation bureau for Washington , a state that failed to represent Itself at the ex position. The current number will be found interesting to the. general reader , as well f.a to those whose interests are cen tered In the northwest. Among the most prbmlnent features of GuntoVs Magazine for Obtober are : "Grow ing Political Sense , " "Sound Money Mis representation , " "Distinguished Econo mists , " "Education and 'tho 'State , " "Civic and Educational Notes. " "Irrigation as a Clvlllzer" and "Science nnd Industrial Notes. " The American Kitchen Magazine for the current month contains entertaining article on "Homo Llfo In India. " An article that is especially timely at this season of the year is "Household Fuels and Their Economic Uses. " The Midland Monthly for October Is a war number , "The Cuban Capital Before nnd After the War" and "Spoils of an Army I Correspondent" being leading articles. In addition there is 'tho first installment of Colonel John W. Emerson's "Grant's Life In the West a.- His Mississippi Valley Campaigns. " Ttuvo are profuse Illustra tions of all these articles and , the whole number Is both Interesting and instructive Alnsleo's for October is with the political tldo of the times in presenting a very hand some portrait ot Roosevelt as frontispiece There Is the usual grist of entertaining reading matter , such as abort stories by Robert Barr , Oplo Read , Richard Henry Savage , Harold R. Vynne and a really fas cinating tale from tbo pen of A. Conan Doyle. The Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette for Oc tober contains among other features articles on "Brlght's DUeaso , " "Mechanical Massage " " About the ol sage , "The Truth Teaching Physiology In the Public Schools , " "Cold Air , as an Appetizer , " "Phosphorus and Gluten , " "Arrow Poisons , " "Starving an Army , " "New Method of Preserving Meat , " "The Psychology of Habitual Constipation , " "Dlcl In Hyperacidity , " 'etc. Medians' Monthly , which gives a Prang illustration of some wild flower of , Amer ica , compliments the Pacific states by giv ing , in the October issue , a curious member of the orchid family , the Douglas Hellebo- rlne , or Eplpactls glgantea. The de scriptive chapter takes In the whole history ot the Hclleborlne , even the pathetic mytho logical Etory ot Progne , Terons , and Philo mela , who was turned Into a nightingale , finding a place In the history. The flora of the New England forests and the freezing ot the sap In winter are prominent subjects for the chapter on popular science. "The Chance of the Unknown Writer" Is discussed in Thq Writer ( Boston ) for Octo ber by Ruth Hall , who relates personal ex periences and gives noteworthy facts that have come.'under her observation , in an editorial on the same subject the editor ot The Writer hews conclusively that If a 'literary ring" really does exist it docs not glvo Its members the advantage of frequent publication , and that , Instead ot Its being difficult for n new writer to get into th cadlng magazines , new writers write the greater part ot them. Idah M. Strobrldgo gives some practical bints about filing ma terial for manuscripts In process ot incuba tion , and H. A. Schuler discusses "The Passing ot the Subjunctive. " The current number ot The Bookman la a most entertaining and valuable number. Among the notable features nro : "The Drama of the Month , " "Tho Dawn of the Russian Novel , I , " "Bismarck as an Edi tor , " "Living Continental Critics , VIII , " "Tho American Library and the Drama , " "Tho First Books of some American Au thors , II , " "The Play of the Imagination. " 'Mr. Gladstone's Literary Opinions , " "Tola- ol's Gospel of Art , " "A Pastoral Drama , " by Maurice Hewlett , "A Nlotzscho Breviary. " The last Iseuo ot "Literature" contains n tull page portrait of Varlna Anne Jefferson- Davis. "Daughter of the Confederacy. " The leading article Is entitled "Tho Heritage'of ' Burns , " In addition lo which there Is much matter that will bo found Interesting. The frontispiece In Book News for Oc tober Is a very good likeness of Clara Louise Burnham , whoso latest work , "A Great Love , " was recently reviewed In these columns. The list of contents Includes 'Alms nnd Autographs of Authors , " "Lstters From Boston , London , New York nnd Chicago cage , " "With the New Books , " "Facsimiles of Covers of Forthcoming Books , " "Best Selling Books , " "List ot New Books , " 'Books Announced , " etc. The "House of Hapsburg" Is the leading 'caturo of the October Donahoo's , and a most ntcrcstlng feature It Is , covering the history of the house from Its foundation In the little mountain castle In Argau down to its present existence ) as one of the powers of Europe. The subject , "Anglo-American Alliance ind President McKlnley , " Is discussed by fames E. Wright. Another paper of na- lonal interest Is the "Wolfo Tone Memo rial , " by P. O'Neill Larkln , who describes he ceremonies of the recent celebration In Jublln. Very Rev. Benjamin J. Kelley con- rlbutcs most Interesting personal remlnls- conces of the "Siege and Capture of Rome > y the Pledmonteso in 1870 , " at which time Father Kelley was a student in the Ameri can college In that city. The Charities Review for October contains a brief review of the TransmlsslsalppI Con ference of Charities and Correction. Books received : "Tho War Revenue Law of 1898 Ex plained , " by John M. Gould nnd Edward H. Sayary , Little , Brown & Co. , Boston. "My .Invisible Partner , " by Thpnias S. DennUon. Rand , McNally & Co. , 021- cago. "Tho Wisdom of Fools , " by Margaret De- land. Houghton , Mlfflln & Co. , Boston. "Carpenter's Geographical Reader , " by Frank G. Carpenter. American Book Com pany , New York. "Stories of the Cherokee Hills , " by Maur ice Thompson. Houghton , Mlfflln & Co. , Boston. "The Bllndman's World and Other Stor ies , " by Edward Bellamy. Houghton , Mlf flln & Co , , Boston , "Selection from the Works of-Jean. iP.aul Frlcdrlch. Rlchterby George Stuart Col lins. American Book Company , New York. "Dorothy Deane , " by Ellen Alney Kirk. Houghton , Mifflln & Co. , Boston. "Tho Adventures of Francois , " by S. Weir Mitchell. The Century Co. , Now York. "Tho Instinct ot " Step-Fatherhood , by Lilian Bell. Harper Brothers , New York. "Fables for the Frivolous , " by Guy Wet' more Carryl. Harper Brothers , New York. "Illustrative Notes , a.Quldo to the Study of the International Sunday School Lessons. " Eaton & Mains , New York. "Our Conversational Circle , " by Agnes H. Norton. The Century Co. , New York. "Tho Story of America , " by Hezeklah But- terworth. The Werner Co. , Chicago. "Tho1 Fatal Gift , " by Frankfort Moore. Deed , Mead & Co. , New York. "Wora'an and the Shadow , " by Arabella Kenealy. Rand , McNally Co. , Chicago. "Homo Economics , " by Maria Parloa. The Century Co. , Now York. "Down Dorley Lane , " by Virginia Wood ward Cloud. The Century Co. , New York. "Biblical Apocalyptlcs. " by Milton S. Terry. Eaton & Mains , New York. "A Daughter of Cuba , " by Helen M. Bowen. Rand , McNally & Co. , Chicago. "The Uncalled , " by Paul Lawrence Dun- bar. Dodd , Mead & Co. , Now York. "Crooked Trails. " by Frederic'Remington. Harper & Brothers , New York. "The Lakerlm Athretlo Club , " by Rupert Hughes. The Century Co. , Now York. You Invite disappointment when you ex periment. DeWltt's Little Early Risers are pleasant , easy , thorough little pills. .They cure constipation nnd sick headache Just as sure as you take them. The Kind You Uuvo Always Bought , niul which 1ms been iu use for over 30 ycnrs , 1ms berne the slgimturo of fti l hns been made under his i er- gnnnl supervision since its ini'nney. Allow no ono to deceive you in tills. All Counterfeits , Imitations nnd Substitutes nro but Ex periments that trifle with nnd endanger the health ol Infants and Children Experience against Kxperlineut.J What is CASTOR IA Castorla is a substitute for Castor OH , Paregoric , Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless nnd Pleasant. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Fovcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles , cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food , regulates the Stomach and Bowels , giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought ] In Use For Over 3O Years. THt CCNTAUn COMPANY , TT MUBHAY TRCCT. NCW VOHK OITV. GARDUJX AZLE , Tarrant Co. , Texas , January 30. I suffered from swimming and dizziness in the head and from sick headache , and couldn't get relief. One day I read an advertisement of Wine of Cardul. I tried it , and began to feel better at once. By , the time I finished the bottle I was all right ANNIE FRAZIER. Headaches in women are symptoms and danger signals. They arc. warnings /that / something is seriously , wrong" not In the head , but in those intricate delicate apd sensitive organs that distinguish her sex. Merc It is that the wrong'must be righted. While headache and dizziness are signs of danger , It Is such an easy matter to drive them out Wine of Cardul docs it by regu lating the menses. When regularity is established , the pains not only leave the head , but the sufferer finds herself feeling splen didly in every fibre. Her health comes back , and there Is great satisfaction in knowing that life can be enjoyed to the full. Wine of Cardui b putting gladness and sunshine into many wo men's lives. It Is curing their LADIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT. troubles not only bodily but For Klrlce In coses leqntrlnc epe- ctaldlrocllona , , trtdrcia.slTlnoTrop- . , marital. A really healthy woman - tomi ZxiiK/l1 rtfilorv .Department The Chattanooga CUattannoaa , Term. UedlolmeCo , man Is on Inspiration and a fascination. There Is nothing else so beautiful. And Wine of Cardul puts It within every Woman's reach to be healthy. Druggists Sell Large Bottles for $1.00. F CARDUM MMHWM Have Hit f * the # Sna Bull's-Eye & ft of Public ftS ftS Favor , / i " S . . ' I * Shots The Best ' ; % : ft Exposition # Aft Pictures Out * T * ' # # . Forty-eight * H V v I f p3 I f * . / r7 (5x7 ( Inches ) * * \ / # * Very low rates enlarge f f . # large quantities f 1 & . At the Business Office of Tlie Omaha Bee. S , ftft N. B BY MAIL 3 CENTS EXTRA FOR POSTAGE. ! | ftft &