Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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Breakfast at the Olub and Correspondence
rills Hiii Limited Time ,
Many Citizen * Crovril Aronnd ( lie Clnli
Home < o See the Honored Gncut
of the City I.onTe for
the Gromi'ln.
_ President McKlnlcy arose yesterday nt
8:16 : a. m. , but an hour before this time
the directs surrounding the elegant club
house of the Omaha club at Twentieth and
Dodge streets wcro thronged with thousands
of citizens and visitors moved with ono de
sire to catch a glimpse of the president and
add their greetings to those to numerous ! ;
conferred the evening before.
In the handsomely appointed private dining
room sot apart for the president breakfast
was served to the guest of honor , his
nephew , Captain James McKlnley , nnd his
secretary , J. A. Porter. Immediately after
breakfast the president returned to his suite
of beautiful rooms on the first lloor , and
put In about nn hour's work with necessary
correspondence , dictating quite a batch
of mall and telegrams to his secre
tary. It was now nearly time for the
formation of the party to start to the Trans-
Mississippi Exposition , and the president en
joyed a few minutes' leisure. With his
nephew ho strolled through the artlstlcalfy
decorated flrst floor of the club , and
graciously responded to the morning greet
ings of the few club members who were on
hand to see that everything was perfection
In the matter of appointments. The presi
dent said bo felt fully rested after his long
trip and late duties of the evening before ,
and expressed to the officers of the club his
appreciation of the elegant and comfortable
quarters that bad been assigned him. Ho
sa'ld he especially liked the absolute privacy
of his apartments.
BtriiRKlr ( or a Slant.
Outside of the < club there was
being enacted a scene that contrasted
strongly with the quiet morning affair In
the spacious building. A crowd that ex
ceeded 5,000 men , women and children
were pushing , jamming , shoving to cot
close to the canopy beneath which the
president would walk to his carriage. A
strong cordon of notice held the good
.natured crowd In check and preserved ex
cellent order , but they had their bands full
accomplishing It. It was not a crowd that
fvns inclined to anything like disorder , and
included many representative citizens and
their entire families , who must have had
on early breakfast to secure such good posi
tions near the foreground. In the strong
breeze from the \vesi there fluttered gaily
from the tall flagpole on top of the club
the president's own flag , and this was the
most observed feature In sight up to
this time. With very few exceptions , none
of the spectators had ever seen the bright
red flag with itn pretty stars and shield before -
fore , and it was pleasure to them to merely
gaze- upon It.
"Oh , look at the pretty horses , " said one
pretty girl , while the others thought it , and
the brilliantly appareled governors of the
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben drew rein in front ol
the club house , all under the lead of King
Ak-Sar-Ben IV Major Robert S. Wllcox.
Then there was Major Tbaddeus S. Clarkson ,
general manager of the exposition , alsc
mounted on a handsome steed and busy look
ing after the start of the march toward the
exposition. In fact ho was so very busy EC-
"r curing a place at the head of tbo column that
bo rode away and left a goodly portion ol
tbo diplomatic corps at the club bouse un
provided with means of conveyance to the
exposition grounds. Fortunately for the
hospitality of the city Secretary Charles L ,
Deuel and Mr. W. II. McCord of the Oraatu
club quickly saw the slight nnd by dint ) ol
some energetic hustling secured carriage :
for all tbo exposition guests. *
' Miule a Ilrllllntit Cavalcade.
The procession was a brilliant ono and
contained more notable visitors than evei
before honored Omaha with their presence
The One appearing cavalcade composed o :
the governors of Che Knights of Ak-Sar-Bcr
appeared at the head , preceded by a trooj
of mounted policemen under com
mandof Sergeant Her. Immediately aftci
the red-coated governors came the car
riages containing President ilcKlnley anc
President Gurdon W. Wattles of the exposi
tion directory. Then there was a line o !
carriages extending over a half-mile fron
tbo head of the column and occupied by th <
members of the cabinet , members of th <
diplomatic corps , governors of the trans
mlsslsslppl states , with an Omaha host 01
hostess In each carriage.
Aa the president appeared to take his seal
In the flrst carriage a about of glad acclaln
came up from 5,000 throats and as man ;
hands waved their salutation to him whc
' is "First In war. flrst in peace , " Douglas
street from a block west of the club housi
eastward along the line of marcl
to . Sixteenth street was Ilnei
with enthusiastic spectators win
cheered and cheered the preal
dent while the honored guest smiled , am
with his head uncovered , bowed becoming ! ;
tn recognition of the hearty "good morn
Ing. " At Douglas street the proccssloi
turned northward on Sixteenth street , am
In the olden times ,
physicians accounted
wUe. searched vainly for the
Eixlr { of Life , or the knowledge
whereby life might be prolonged.
We now know that there is no such thinor
KS an BlUlr of Life , But we have learned
that life may be prolonged by those who
take the right measures.
Any man or woman who will take care of
health and Uke the right remedies for ill
health , may live to a ripe old age. When
a man feels out of sorts , when he gets up
in the morning tired out after a restless
night , and goes home in the evening com
pletely knocked out with his day's work ,
without appetite or ambition , he is a sick
nan. If he does not take the right remedy
he will soon be in the grasp of consump
tion , nervous prostration , malaria , or some
other serious malady.
A man in this condition should at once
resort to Dr. Fierce' * Golden Medical Dis
covery. It ia the best of all medicines for
hard-working1 men and women. It makes
the appetite keen and hearty. It gives
sound and refreshing sleep. It tones and
strengthens the whole system. It Invigor
ates the heart and nerves. It makes dices ,
tion perfect , the liver active and the blood
pure. It cure * < ) S per cent , of all cases of
consumption. H strengthens weak lungv
and cures bronchitis , ( pitting- blood and
obstinate coughs. It is the great blood ,
maker and flesh-builder. It does not make
flabby flesh Uke cod liver oil , but firm ,
healthy , muscular tissue. It does pot make
corpulent people more corpulent. Thou <
sands have testified to its marvelous merits.
Sold by all medicine dealers.
You know what you want It is not a
dealer's business to tell you.
Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce , Buffalo , N. Y. ,
for free copy of the " People's Common
Sense Medical Adviser. For paper-covered
copy enclose ai one-cent stamps to covei
miliui only. Cloth-bound ji ( tames.
this busy thoroughfare was even livelier
than ever , and along both sides of the street
tne crowds waved their ( lags nnd their hats
and their handkerchiefs to welcome the
president. The troopers In front held the
Daradu at a sufficiently slow march In order
to afford all who bad assembled along the
line of march an excellent opportunity to ,
eco the president and the other distinguished .
guests. Northward on Sixteenth street to
Sherman avenue the long line advanced , and
everywhere the welcome was the same.
Through Sherman avenue to the en trance of the
exposition It was just alike , crowds of men
and women with their families nnd their
out of town relatives lining the curbs to
shout "hurrah" ns soon as the president was
sighted. The procession entered the expo
sition grounds from Sherman avenue nnd
proceeded directly to the band stand on the
Grand Plaza and there the governors of the
Knights of Ak-Sar-Den parted nnd allowed
the presidential party to drive between their
ranks to the placa wiierc tJio exercises of
the morning wcro held.
( Continued from F'rat 1'ngo. )
the entire line , bowing as Captain Mercer In-
traduced him nlth the words : "Thin Is the
president. " TIO stolldness of the red man
disappeared. Hy far the big majority took
off the headgear that was removable nnd
ducked and grinned PS the president bowed
to them , from Ooronlmo to the toddler hardly
able to waddle. This unique scene was the
concluding and most Interesting act In the
proceedings of the day.
By this time the entire grounds wcro
swarming with people who had broken
through the restraints that had been holding
them In place. The files of the soldiers were
again quickly thrown out and a passageway
for the carriages was formed. Dut the pres
ident concluded to display his republicanism ,
I for he decided not to ride , but to walk to
> the cafe , where supper was to be served.
I With President Wattles as an escort he
I marched out of the grounds and down the
Midway between a couple of files of the mil
itary escort. His entire course was a con
tinual ovation.
The other members of the presidential
party took seats In their carriages amtTode
Chief Kxooittlve AVI11 Take Illn llc
partnre for .St. LonlH at IHIIO.
President McKlnley left the exposition
grounds n few minutes after 0 o'clock last
evening nnd was driven directly to the
Omaha club. Ho found the evening bree/cs
on the exposition grounds qulfo cool nnd to
protect himself from possible cold nnJ to
secure a good night's rest after Iho fatlmio
of the day left for his rooms soon nfte'r the
ovonlng's fireworks were begun.
As the president's carriage wns driven
down the West Midway the distinguished
guest was recognized by Iho Immense
throngs of pleasure seekers and cheer after
cheer followed him. Beneath the Adminis
tration arch , across the Island brldgo over
the lagoon nnd under t'he Arch of States the
president was driven amid shouts of Jc > y.
Outside of the grounds ho was not often
recognized and was driven hurriedly to the
club. A dozen mounted offlcsrs surrounded
the carriage and the two Omaha detectives ,
who have carefully followed the president In
nil of his movements since his arrival hero ,
were right on band , ono being mounted and
the other riding on the driver's --eat.
President McKlnley reached the Omaha
club about 0:30 : o'clock nnd .spent n social
hour In the Inviting reception halls on tbo
first floor of the club , talking freely with
the other distinguished visitors from Wash
ington who arer stopping at the club end
with the club members who chanced to been
on hand. There were probably a ecoro of
gentlemen who enjoyed the hour's social In
tercourse with the president and among
them were noticed : Major Ward , U. S. A. ,
General Manderson , Edward P. Peck , W. H.
McCord , Euclid Martin , John E. Wilbur ,
Luther Drake , Frank Hamilton , J. E. Bnulj ,
Frank Colpetzcr , Allen B. Smith , C. L. Ueucl
and others.
The president retired to his suite In fhc
northwest corner of the flrst iloor before M
o'clock1 nnd by the tlmo the hour struck was
probably sound asleep , as ( ho lights In his
looms wcro soon extinguished. Ills tmlte
had been beautifully decorated with Ameri
can Beauty roses during his stay on the ex
position grounds. His nephew , Captain
James McKlnley , occupied the "suite with
4'lm , while his clerk , John Porter , slept In
a small room just oinaldo of their Eiilte.
The club house was guarded all night by a
dozen policemen. ,
President McKlnley will leave for St. Louis
, I this morning at 930 ; o'clock over the Dnr-
, I llngton route. The special train furnished
by the Pennsylvania railroad will carry the
president and those of t'ho presidential party
who desire to make the St. Louis trip. Sec
retary of the Treasury Gage has changed
his plans and Instead of returning to Chicago
this afternoon both he nnd Mrs. Ciige have
decided to accompany the president tD St.
Louis. Other members of the party will UEC
the car that had been assigned to Secnrcary
i Gage and will leave for Chicago this nfter-
i noon. The president and his nephew will
I breakfast about ! 8:30 : o'clock this morning at
i the Omaha club and when they have finished
they will bo escorted to the new Burlington
station at Tenth nnd Mason streets by the
mounted Board of Governors of the Knights
of Ak-Sar-Ben. Here they will boa.l the
special train which will bo In waiting on the
first track and without further ceremony > vill
leave for the metropolis of the southwest.
Midway Hn a Ilimy Time.
Not since the World's Fair has a Mldwaj
handled such n crowd as did the one at tin
exposition yesterday. All of the show !
opened for business at 9 o'clock yestcrdaj
morning and kept on until the lights wen
turned out last night. At noon there was ;
Jam all along t'ho ' line and by 3 o'clock then
was a crush. Colonel Nlncl of the Streeti
of Cairo and Gnstoa Akoun of the Street
of All Nations las't night In speaking of thi
business said : "With one or two exception
there was nothing like It at the World' ;
Fair. From early morning until late a
night wo gave continuous shows and ha <
as many people as we could accommodate. '
At the Chutes , Heaven and Hell , Lunette
Psycho , the Moorish Palace , Trilby , Hagen
back's and a dozen other places they turuci
people away , notwithstanding the fact thn
they were all giving continuous perform
nnces. The late business , however , fell ol
a trifle , owing to the cold wind that blei
in just at the close of the fireworks an
started everybody toward home much car
Her than they would have otherwise hav
It was expected that eomo of the mem
bers of the presidential party would vUl
the Midway , but they concluded not to mak
the rounds , and as soon as the display u
fireworks was over they were escorted t
their carriages and were whirled away dow
I3any to Secure ,
Strangers In the city had much less dlffi
culty last night in obtaining lodging tha
on the night preceding. During yoitcrda
they had sufficient opportunity to eatablls
themselves in quarters About thb city or t
leave befor nightfall , and there waa no on
who could not bo accommodated. There wer
uo applicants for lodging at the courthous
or the Ak-Sar-Ben den and consequently th
buildings wpre not thrown open. The clt
hall was lighted all night and about a doze
visitors took refuge there. They were ac
commodated with feather cushions and speti
the night comfortably.
Buy your exposition tickets down towi
In another column see display advcrtlsemec
of the places where tickets are on sale.
( Continued from Second Pn o. )
other minor ones , will bo an enlargement
of the Ideas of eastern people regarding the
west. The exposition has been a revelation
to them and has shown to them the won *
derful capabilities of the transmlsslsslppl
country. The effect of the exposition In this
direction , however , will bo greater after the
exposition closes than It is now.
Governor Alva Adams of Colorado was
assigned -to respond to the toast , "The
West , " but ho de lnred > that thcro la no
loiiRur any west. With the magnificent ter
ritorial acquisitions resulting from the late
war the \vpst has been swallowed up.
Omaha was formerly In the west , but meas
ured by the present limits of the United
States It Is far In the east. But even before -
fore the additional territory was secured
proof was given that there la no east and
west , no north and south. Every section
Is as loyal as any other and when the call
for troops was Issued the west was as loyal
and as ready with a response as the east.
In the course of his remarks Governor
Adams said that the reception that has been
given to the president In Omaha has been
magnificent , but It Is no more magnificent
than would have been the one given him
had ho been nbto to have extended his west
ern trip to Colorado. Regardless of politics ,
the people of that state would have joined
to give him a he-arty welcome.
I At the conclusion of the dinner the presi
dential pnrty again took seats In their car-
I rlagcs and wcro driven attout the lagoon In
! the Grand Court. It was the flrst time
that they had seen the Illuminations and
the magnificent spectacle called forth nu
merous comments of admiration. From the
Grand Court the party was taken to the
display of fireworks.
LUNCHEON ron Tim ounsrs.
VlHlturx of the City Entertained lit
Tire DcllKlitftilly Informal Affair * .
Ono of the most brilliant affairs In con
nection with the entertainment of President
McKlnlcy and the visitors Included In the
presidential party was the luncheon given
by the exposition management to the chief
executive , his party , the diplomatic corps
and the visiting journalists on t'ho exposi
tion grounds at 1 o'clock yesterday after
The luncheon , though elaborate in every
detail , was marked by a charming air of
fellclly. It was formal without being stiff.
' The luncheon was served In t'ho open casino
just north of the principal viaduct over
Sherman avenue and the spacious cafe of
Caterer Market was transformed Into n
beautiful garden far above the surging
nsasses of humanity , from which a. beautiful
outlook of the crowded exposition grounds
j with the stately buildings and picturesque
I surroundings could be obtained. The white
columns of the cafe were almost hidden
with flags and trl-color bunting and palms
and potted plants were scattered about In
| rich profusion. An orchestra discoursed
I music throughout ) the luncheon.
I There wns no speech making at the
I luncheon and the unconventional order of
the event was observed to the conclusion.
President McKlnley was greeted with round
jitter round of applause as he took his plnce
at the head of the table. The most marked
feature of the pleasant occasion was when
St. Clalr McKelway , editor of the Brooklyn
Eagle , nrose and proposed the health of
"tho president. " Three cheers were given
I BO hearty that the echo resounded from the
band stand on the ground plaza , and then
the 200 banquettcrs standing drank the
health of "William McKlnley , the president
of the United States. "
President McKlnley , with President Wat
tles of the exposition directory , sat at the
head of the tnblo running across Hho front
of the room. At this table were also seated
members of the exposition executive commit
tee and representatives of the diplomatic
corps. Prom the head table there extended
four long tables running the length of the
room , an'l seated about the luncheon board
were the following notables : The Chinese
minister , Mr. Llndsoy , the Brazilian mlnls-
tcr , Mr. Quesada , Mr : Klrkendall , Secretary
Bliss , Mr , Bruce , Secretary Smith , General
Manderson. Dr. Baker , Senator Thurston ,
Governor Shaw , Mr. Shotllff , Mr. Northen ,
Mr. Neville , Mr. Kemper , Mr. Michael , Mr.
Brownlow , Mr. Ravcnel , Mr. Brown , Senator
Stout , Mr. Houtz , Mr. Smith , Mr. Sterrltt ,
Mr. Smith , Mr. Wallace , Major Wheeler ,
Colonel Bills , Mr. Sawyer , Champion Chose ,
Mr. Stlnson , Mr. Cox , Mr. Stedman , Mr.
True , Mr. Clarke , Mr. Blngham , Mr. Carr ,
Mr .Cook , Mr. Bishop , Judge Munger , Mr.
Martin , Mayor Moores , General Humphrey ,
Mr. Prince , Mr. Wnkelleld , Major Helstand ,
Mr. Webster , Secretary Melklejohn , Secre
tary Porter , Major Ward , Mr. Dunn , Colonel
Mtchler , Colonel Black , Colonel Reber , Cap
tain Whitney , Dr. A. DclVlso , Mr. Mont
gomery , General Grecley , Captain Hodges ,
Captain Beck , Lieutenant Palmer , General
Sumner , General Miles. Mr. Babcock , Mr.
Tarn E. Ye , Mr. Lima , Mr. Blngham , Mr.
Chow Tez Chi , Mr. Wang Chong Hull , Mr.
Kwang Hang , Mr. Mercer , Prof. Moore , Mr.
Yeomans , Mr. Wharton , Dr. Harris , Captain
McWllllams , General Cowln , General Barry ,
General Miles' secretary , Mr. Cortelyou , Dr.
Miller , Mr. McKelway , Mr. Hitchcock , Mr.
Bain , Mr. Curtis , Mr. Shrlver , Mr. Ben-
zlnger , Mr. L. H. Ileed , Mr. Hamilton , Mr.
Henry , Mr. Snyder , Mr. Patterson , Mr. Rich
ardson , Mr. Ronser , Mr. Thompson , Mr.
Albert , Mr. Osborn , Mr. Maddy , Governor
Holcomb , Mr. Reed , Governor Adams , Sec re.
: ory Wilson , Mr. Kountze , Secretary Gage ,
Mr. Rosewater , -the Korean minister. Gov
ernor Saunders , the Argentine minister ,
President McKlnley , President Wattles.
I.ndlen nt ( lie CInli lloune.
Luncheon was enjoyed by the ladles of the
presidential party at the Omaha club aa
the guests of the women of Omaha a little
after 1 p. m. The banquet hall on the
second floor and the adjoining dining room
were so arranged as to open Into one an
other and make It all one. nighty covers
wcro laid , the tables being beautifully dec
orated with American beauty and brides
maid roses and pink carnations. Of these
there were large vases and boquets at In
tervals on the tables and alongside eacl
plate was a lovely American rose.
The menus were in themselves worka ol
art. They had been painted by Mlsse :
Evans , Mumaugh and Curtis. The unique
ness of the design waa very suggestive ol
the progress of Omaha. It was of an' Indian
squatting beside his tepee smoking his plpi
and gazing wistfully at a , steaming kcttU
on his flre of sticks. The smoke of the
pipe and the steam of the kettle combined
Into a dream , so to speak , of what tb <
future had in store for his native haunts
There in the smoke was a vignette of thi
Government building at the exposition. Tbi
contrast between the old and the new tolc
its own tale. All the menu cards wen
painted in water colors. They constitute *
a delicate tribute to the visitors from tbi
women of the bureau of art.
It was but a simple collation of which th <
women partook , consisting of grapes , con
somme , frogs' legs a la Poulette , breast o
prairie chicken , with currant jelly , Waldor
salad , Neapolitan Ice cream and coffee.
Mrs. Clement Chase was master of cere
monies. The posts of honor were occuple
by Mrs. Wu Ting Fang , wife of the Chines
minister , on her right , and Mrs. Chin Poi
Ye , wife of the Korean minister , on he
left. Mrs. Gurdon W. Wattles sat next t
Mrs. Chin Pom Ye , and Mrs. Charles Emor
Smith next to Mrs. Wattles. Next to Mr ;
Wu Ting Fang Mrs. II. T. Clarke sat , an
alongside of Mrs. Clarke was Mrs. Lyman J
Gage. The other visitors were distribute !
among their hostc-stcs , the tables being ar
ranged banquet style. Attogether , tber
were the following present : Mrs. F , F
Klrkendall , Miss Wilson , Mesdames J. t
Webster , NeUon A. Mttes , J , E. Summer
Charles F. Humphrey , Charles F. Mander
son , W. L. Moore and W. N. Babcock ,
Miss Martin , MesdamM J. C.
Cowln , Adams , Z , T. Llndsoy , Richards ,
Weldcnkcn , A. Rosewater. lUrrlson , E.
Dickinson , Carroll S. Montgomery ,
T. M. Orr , E. W. Nash , O. J. B11U , E. Rosewater -
water and W , A. Mercer , Miss Ore ly , Mrs.
Herman Kountze , Miss Humphrey , Mesdniies
Dean , Wallace , Alvln Saundcrc , Baker , John
A. Crelghton , A. L. Reed , W. M. Black , H.
W. Yates. Miss Carr , Dunn , W. li. McCord
and George W. Llnlnger , Miss Pierce ,
Mesdames J. M. Mctcalf , St. Clalr , McKel
way , Brady , Newman , J. A. Wakcfleld ,
J. N. Baldwin , W. V. Cox , O. F. Bldwell.
H. C. Word , E. P. Peck , Trumbull , Silas
A. Holcomb , B. E. Bruce , Harris , Georgn
Joslyn , H. 0. Helstand , Mlllard , C. W. Ly
man , A. W. Greely , G. M. Hitchcock , W. V.
Allen , W. A. Rcdlck , W. J. Council , W. J.
Broatch , J. C. Wharton , Paul Charltou , E.
L. Blerbowcr , C. W. Wllhelm , J. L. Bran-
dels , W. E. Poppleton , Gould Diets , Bnum ,
C. E. Squires , Rogers , Remington , Wheeler ,
George Mercer , LevI Carter , T. J. Mackay ,
Reynolds , Charles Offutt , Frank Colpctzer ,
W. F. Allen and Shlverlck.
After the lunch there were a few pleasant
talks by wny of Interchange of compliments
between the hostesses and their guests and
conversation In general.
OnnrtlliiK ( lie Avenue for the 1'rcnl-
lent n Illlllcult Hit of Duty.
Over 1,000 soldiers formed the military
guard of President McKlnley on the exposi
tion grounds. They consisted of both regu
lars and volunteers the Twenty-second regi
ment from Fort Crook and the Second Ne
braska volunteer infantry from Fort Omaha.
There were about 200 of the former under
the command of Major Van Horn , and some
800 of the volunteers under Colonel Bills.
The regulars reached the grounds flrst , ar
riving shortly after 0 o'clock. They were
headed by the regimental band , and wore
brought -directly to the grounds from the
fort by train , and consequently were In good
condition to stand the strain of the guard
duty that was required of them for several
hours In keeping the crowd back.
The Second Nebraska , boys were astir
early in the morning making preparations
for their trip to the grounds and It was but
a little after 9 o'clock when the order to
advance was given. The entire twelve
companies of tbo regiment were in line and
averaged about seventy men to a company.
The band of the regiment was the escore
while Che company marched to the grounds.
Both the military regiments weref
marched to the Grand Plaza and were there
formed in flies to preserve a passageway to
the stand for ithe presidential party. The
width of t'ho winding path from the Sher
man avenue wagon gate to the stand was
held and there was just enough of the
soldiery , as they stood shoulder to shoulder ,
to form a continuous alignment about t'ho
length of the pathway. *
It was a rather monotonous nnd tiresome
task for the soldiers. Their fl'st work waste
to clear the passageway tnrouejh thfi crowd ,
which had early become massed upon the
Pi'aza , and then to hold it. , The oress in
creased to Immense proportion as the hour
at the arrival of the president approached
and the boys In blue were roughly jostled.
It required repeated efforts on their nnd
their officers' part to keep < the line per
But the crowd was good-natured and the
boys enjoyed themselves for all the weari
ness of their duty. In fact , all along the
line they held an informal reception. The
veteran regulars from Cuba were the center
figures of a good bit of interest and admi
ration : the volunteers were accosted and
greeted by thousands of friends from home ,
as they stood at "rest arms. "
The lines of thojjwldlera were calculated
to stoo travel to iho'tract upon which the
state buildings stand. They formed a
complete trocha across the plaza and
people vero- compelled to walk around the
band stand to get from one side of the
line to the other. This fact produced some
irritation , but with the good nature that
usually Infects people of a crowd it was
not made much of. The exposition guards ,
however , had their hands full In seeing that
forbidden territory was not encroached
Dniit Storm Interfere * vrlth the En
joyment of nn Elaborate Proitrum.
The evening at the grounds could scarcely
be considered enjoyable. After the wind
turned to the north It swept across the
open spaces with a chilling Insistence that
made the people think of home nnd a com
fortable flre. Then the density of tbo crowd
had mndu it impossible to use the sprinklers
during tbo day and the dust that , accumu
lated under the feet of tramplIngUhousands
was carried back and forth In blinding gusts
that drove the crowd to shelter. The
change in tbo conditions had an excellent
effect , however , in starting the crowd homo
early and thus avoiding some part of the
unavoidable crush after the fireworks.
The evening concert by Innes' band drew
a crowd on the Plaza that almost approxi
mated the crush of the morning. The pro
gram was begun at 6:30 : and thus terminated
In time to give the crowd a chance to move
before the fireworks were pulled off. It
was one of the best concerts from a popular
standpoint that has been given on the
grounds and Included more than the usual
number of spectacular 'effects. The flrst
part ended with a rendition of the "Star
Spangled Banner , " which was accompanied
by the battery of electric cannon and the
National Hymn , which was played as a
flnalc , was accompanied by the same fea
ture. The "Forge In the Forest , " with Ha
spectacular accompaniment of electric nnd
anvil effects , was another feature that took
with the crowd , and for more serious tastes
the program included the famous Tann-
hauser overture , a piccolo solo by Mr.
Heidelberg , the overtrue , "Jubel , " by
Weber , a trombone solo by Mr. Innes and
several other excellent numbers.
The effect of the patriotic selections was
emphasized by the magnificent portrait of
President McKlnley in Incandescent lights
which glowed from the" arch over the band
stand. The features of the president were
accurately-reproduced and the portrait was
one of the best pieces of electrical con
struction that has been produced since tbo
exposition opened. It was underlined with
the greeting , "Welcome to our president ,
our country and our flag , " also in electric
lights , and tbo whole formed a brilliant
combination with the festoons of Incan
descent lights that were draped around the
Work of the llonpltol Corp * .
The ambulance was called out on emer
gency cases twenty-five times yesterday ,
This number , althouhg it exceeds that ol
any other day since the opening of the ex
position , la surprisingly small , considering
the number of people who were on the
grounds. There were a number of minor
cases where the patients stopped at the hos
pital to get treatment of ono kind or an
other and of which only two were recorded
The total number of cases treated has beet
greater on two other days. July 4 then
eie fifty-two patients and on September 2 :
thirty-six. On July 4. however , the ambulance
lance- was needed only eight times and 01
the latter date twenty times.
There were no serious emergency call
yecterday. The need of the ambulance wa
chiefly In caring- for those who had faints
or were Buffering with headaches. A fe\
sprained ankles and bruUea. were treatcc
On the whole the record for the day show
that tbo crowd was well handled by th
Buy your exposition tickets down tcwr
In another column see display advertlsemer
of the places where tickets are on tale.
Reproduced in Colors
' By the Tabcr-Prang Art Co. , Boston , From
The Original Paintings of John R , Key.
Mr. Key is famous as the painjter of the World's Fair ,
His paintings are exhibited in the Illinois Building. He
has added new laurels by his paintings of the Transmis-
sissippi Exposition. The name of Prang of Boston is suf
ficient guaranty of the faithfulness of the artistic reproduc
tion. No views published compare in beauty with this
A Portfolio of Six Pictures (14x19) ( ) in. for $1.25 ,
X I.
Single Copies , StiitablG for Jamming , 2
Wit/2 Mats ,
The Bee Publishing Co. , Omaha.
Editor Warmly I'ralnm the ' ,
Kxpoultloii and Itn Iloantlful
Henry Watterson , the famous editor of the '
Louisville Courier-Journal , is In Omaha to
attend the exposition , having arrived from
Atchlson , Kan. , where he has bean delivering
a lecture on his way to Sioux City , where
ho speaks at the end of the week. Colonel
Wattorson timed his lecture dates especially
to glvo him an opportunity to visit Omaha
before the exposition closed.
He spent a few hours on the grounds and
freely admitted that what ho saw exceeded
his expectations. "I've seen all the great
fairs of this country , notably nt Philadel
phia , Chicago , San Francisco , Atlanta and
Nashville , but this Is far more Impressive
than any of them , with tho'posslble oxcep- |
Uon of Chicago. The effect of the buildings
about the lagoon Is almost bewildering and
compares favorably with the most impressive
architecture of Europe.
"I've been expecting great things of the
Omaha exposition , because I kept close traok
of its progress and informed myself of Its
beauties through the magazines and Illus
trated papers and photographs which have
been scut mo among other descriptive ac
counts , but they have In no wlso exaggerated
It. "
Mr. Watterson intended to bring Mrs. Wat
terson to enjoy the exposition , but she was
detained by the return of her son from Porto
nice on the sick list with typhoid fever. AT-
though Colonel Watterson was at the expo
sition grounds at the same time ns the pres
idential party , ho declined to participate In
any of the official functions , saying ho de
tested officialism and all formality of all
Mr. Wntterson's latest telegraphic advices
from his wife nro to the effect that young
Watterson Is getting along nicely.
General Mlleii' Endorsement.
"It is simply wonderful ! "
This Is what General Nelson A. Miles said
of the exposition , as for a moment last even
ing ho chanced to drop Into the Mlllard. Ho
Is a man of few words , and his laconic praise
coca farther than a sermon. Trained In
the stern exigencies of war , ho knows the
value of words , BO when ho spoke with the
last syllable of the word "wonderful" raised
to a high pitch It meant as much as though
ho had said ho was moro than surprised at
what he saw ; certainly that he had not an
ticipated BO much. Ho said ho would not
leave the city until tomorrow , when he will
po to Chicago for a few days. This will
give him and his party a chance to see an
the features of the exposition more at their
leisure than they have yet been able to do.
An effort was made to have the general
express himself onent the criticisms indulged
In by the yellow Journals respecting the War
department and the treatment of the Amer
ican soldiers in the Cuban war , but he ex
cused himself , saying ho would not rare to
discuss that matter at all , considering his
Touching his trip , ho said ho had enjoyed
It hugely. Ho had always had a high opln-
on of the enterprise and progress of the
west , but never had these characteristics
been made so positively manifest to him as
on this trip to Omaha and the Transmlssls-
slppl Exposition. \
1'rcnldcnt'n Day Wind * Un In a I11n e
of Pyrotechnic Glory.
President's day at the exposition was
ounded off with such a display of fireworks
as have never before been seen in the west ,
n fact there was nothing better or more
ilaborato at the World's fair and there were
houaands and thousands out to see set
> Icces and aerial meteors as they were shot
off Into space.
The pyrotechnics were started promptly at
o'clock. . There were fifty-one separate and
distinct features , all prepared by John Due
at his factory on the grounds and all of the
minor details were carried out with the
_ reatest accuracy. The president watched
'he display from the private box for o short
.Ime and then went downtown to secure
eome needed rest. The other members of
the party remained until the conclusion.
The display consisted of a grand prlsmatto
llumlnatlon , "Welcome , " simultaneous firing
of peacock plume rockets , flight of
Due's bouquet rockets , set piece-
emblem of peace , elghteen-lnch bombs ,
silver snakes , mammoth umbrellas ,
flro portrait , secretary of war , me
teor shells , 20 silver plume rockets , per
forming acrobat , flying doves , "shell ol
shells , " American flag seventy-five feel
long , cascade rockets , parachute rockats , sil
ver shells , red , white and blue shells , flr <
portrait , secretary of the navy , the lake or
flro , sixty-inch bombs , phosphorescent rock
cts , bicycle rider , jeweled fountain , median
loal watermelon , floating chain rockets , mag
ncalum sheels , spreading fan , weeping wll
low rockets , locomotive thirty-five feet long
eruption of Vesuvius , mammoth portrait o
President McKlnley , whistling bombs , Nlag
ara Falls on fire , hissing snakes , bouque
of red , white and blue rockets , walkln
elephant , bombardment with thousands of
rockets and shells , with "GooJ Night" for a
The same excellent order was maintained
at the fireworks as on all other parts of the
grounds. When Concessionaire Cummins
had exhausted the capacity of his seats ho
stopped selling tickets and the crowds were
kept back , n. detail of soldiers and police
being used for this purixme. A line of sol-
dlors was thrown nearly around the grounds ,
which made It Impossible for any person to
crowd against the ropes 6r Interfere with
the enjoyment of the distinguished guests of
the evening.
HavliiK Seen tlie SlRlitx Weary Trav-
elern Hoard OntRolnR TrnlitM.
Before the festivities of President's day
were half over the exodus of exposition vis
itors began. Not a very long while after
the throngs of pe6ple who came In the mornIng -
Ing had disappeared from the railroad sta
tion crowds commenced gather there
again , but this time the people Vfcre going
Before 1 o'clock twenty-five trains packed
with people departed for pqlnts In neigh
boring states without seeming to diminish
the crowds waiting for transportation.
The midnight rush at the Burlington sta
tion and union shed was not so great as
had been antlclpAted , but' there was three
times as much passenger traffic
out of the city ns there ordinarily Is at mid
night. The Union Pacific's midnight train
was heavily loaded and carried a dozen cars.
At 11:15 : o'clock tie eame road ran out a
special of sixteen cars , all of which were
well filled. The Rock Island took out a spe
cial at 11:30 : o'clock : Its fourteen Cars were
well filled. The Northwestern took out a
special for Carroll , la. , nt 11:20- : and Its
dozen cars carried over 600 lowans home
The Burlington route took out four lone
special trains in addition to Its midnight
train for the west and 'the flvo trains han
dled nearly 3,000 exposition visitors who
wanted to go home. Two of the special
trains were for the west , running as far ns
Hastings , Neb. , and two were for the east ,
going as far as Creston , la.
Not an accident was reported at the Tenth
street depots during the exodus of the sev
eral thousand travelers. A squad pf police
men preserved order and directed the travel.
Detectives Savage and Uempsey were on the
lookout for train thieves and Just before
midnight picked up a smooth youth from
Cincinnati who is said to bo well up In the
business of working train passengers for
revenue only. In the Burllngtdn station
over 200 people found free lodgings for the
night , sleeping on the benches and oven on
the marble floors all night long. The Topeka
special train of sixteen San'ia Po coaches ,
which will leave this morning , was opened
up an # several hundred weary exposition
visitors spent the night there.
State DnlldliiKM Inundated.
The state buildings on tbo Bluff tract
were completely Inundated with the visitors
yesterday. They came early In the morn
ing , left their luncbea and returned at noon.
Then they went away and returned during
the afternoon to rest. They swarmed
through the rooms and made themselves at
home. * They made up a good-natured crowd
and did not object to being elbowed or
At tbo Nebraska building It Is estimated
that 20,000 people called during the day ,
whllo the register at the Minnesota build
ing showed 1,000 visitors , nearly all of
whom came from tbo North Star state.
Kansas and Iowa wcro close to ibis num
ber , whllo Illinois showed over TOO.
Mm. McKlnlcy Start * to ChlcaKO.
CANTON. 0. , Oct. 12. Mrs ; McKlnley ,
wife of the president , left tonight over the
Pennsylvania railway for Chicago In a pri
vate car attached to the 0:27 : o'clock train.
She was accompanied by her cousin , Mrs.
afayctto Williams , of Chicago , and Webb C.
Hayes. ,
g Ulcers
Oapt. J. l Mo-
BKAYEK'ofLawrenceburgKyjBajs :
"Forycara I Buffered Intensely from
a running sere on my leg , caused by
a wound received in the army. I
was treated by a number of doctors ,
and took many blood 'medicines ,
without the slightest benefit. 8. 8.
8. wns recommended , and the flrst
bottle produced a great ijnprove-
ment. The poison waa forced out ,
and the eoro healed up completely. "
. . .
( Swift's Specific ) is the best blood reme
dy becnnso It cures the worst cases. It
i is guaranteed purely regetable , and completely -
pletely eliminates every trace ol Impure
t blood. Valuable books mailed free by
z Swift SpeciUo Company , Atlanta , Qa.
Primary. Secondary or Tertiary
BLOOD POISON permanently
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can b treated at home for same
prlco under same guaranty. If you
prefer to come hero we wfll contract
to pay railroad faro and hotel bills ,
and no rhatge If we fall to cure ,
taken mercury. Iodide potash nnd still
have nchcs nnd pains , Mucous Patches
in mouth. Sore Throat , Pimples , Cop
per Colored Spots , Ulcers on any purt
of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling
out , It Is thin secondary
We tiuarantee to Uure
We solicit the most obatlnate cases
and challenge the world for a case we
cannot cure. This disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent
1500.000 capital behind our uncondi
tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent
ealed on application. 100 page book
ent free.
Adilreia COOK IIE.MEDY CO. , 14U1
Mmonfe Temple , Chicago. 111.
Searles & Searles.
Guarantee to cure npecdlly and radl
PRIVATE UUeuKCH of men and
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
Nlsht Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hy-
drocele , Verlcocele , Gonorrhea , Qlcet , Syph
ilis , Stricture , Piles , Flatuln. and Rectal
Ulcer * , Diabetes. .Brtght's . Disease cured.
I Stricture - > Gleet
by new method without pain or cutting ;
Call on or address \VIth stamp. Treatment
by mall.
m , mm i wm.
Uy I'tirrhaHlnK ( > oodN Made at the FoU
NclirunUu Kaotorlcm
Carload shipments tnado in our own ra <
frlgerator cars. Blue Ribbon , Kllte Export ,
Vienna Export and Fumlly Export dcllv-
ered to all parts of the city.
JOHN It. : , WUKY , Prop.
Boilers , Tanks nnd Sheet Iron Work.
< J. F. EIU3M2TUH ,
Manufacturer of Galvanized Iron Cornices
Galvanized Iron Skylights. Tin , Iron and
Slate Roofing. Agent for Klnnear's Steel
Celling. 108-10-12 North Eleventh street.
ii. 1GIIMA \ .
Flour. Meal , Feed , Bran. 1013-15-17 North
17th street , Omaha , Neb. C. K. Black ,
Manager. Telephone C92.
Iron and l\fiin FoiindttrH.
Manufacturers and Jobbers of Machinery.
General repairing a specialty. 1501 , 150.1
and ir.05 Jackson street , Omaha , Nob.
Manufacturcrii old process raw linseed
oil , kettle boiled Unseed oil , old proccsa
ground linseed cakes , ground and screened
llaxaecd for druggists , OMAHA , NED.