Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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for hc c column"
Trill lie jtnUcu until li ! pi. tor ( ho
< Mrnl K nnd iiiilll 8:110 for niornliiu
niul .SiiiuliipilltlnriN. .
Itntcn , 1 1-Uc it Miird llrdt lncr < loii |
lu a M-urd tlicronflcr. NotMtiK tnUcn
for lean ( linn -ro for the flrnt Inner-
tlon. TlirMc nilvfrdnvntentH niUNt lie
run c-oiiMc'cutUcly.
Ailvcrtliierfl , ) ) > rcaiicntliiK n tiuni-
licrcil cliccU , cnii luivc nnn vurn nil'
ilrvNxril to a nntiilicrcil letter In cure
of Tlio llec , AiiiivrrM no nililroxiivil
\\l\l \ liv ilellvc-rcil on xirunciitntloii ol
\ ( he check only.
A STRNOORAPHEU-When you want ont
please call tip the Keinlngton typeurltei
olllcc , 1C19 Farnum St. ; tclephaiu1573. .
A MUM O17.
"WANTED , position of any kind ; ncvernl
years. ' experience In retail hardware
Address D 32 , Bee. A-M732 13
WANTED , position us bookkeeper or or
the road or In house : agricultural Iniple
mcntH or hardware preferred ; llftc-or
years' expCrlencar best of references ) . A
Bco office , Council Bluffs. A751 17
SALESMEN for cigars : U23 a month am
expenses ; old firm ; .experience unncccs
sary. C , C. Blahop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo
- U-141.
_ _
TAILORS.'attend Dyhr's cuttlnre" school
61X 8. 13. . B-'J34Dec2.
SALESMEN can make $100 per month nell
Ing our olllco specialties to merchants , t > :
Bamplp ; linn nldo linen ; blR prollts. Mode
Mfg. Co. . Box B , South Bend , 1ml.
B M14G.
WANTED. Wo have steady work for i
few good hustlers good hnbltM uml up
pcaranVio. C. F. Adumu Co. , 621 So. ICth st
SALESMAN wanted to sell our cholc <
nursery stock ; a printed guarantee Klvei
with every order that the stock Bliall b <
first Claris nnd true to label : good salnrle
' .paid. Write for terniH to A. C. Orlesa t
Bro. , Lawrence , Kannai ) . P JISJS O214
WANTED , men , nnd boya to sell thi
"I'eaco Jubilee Souvenir. " 50.000 will b
sold Peace Jubilee week. Apply City Clr
culatlon Dcpt. , Omaha Bee , B M541
WANTED , boys to sell Snap Shots nm
Pcaco Jubllco s6uvcnlr on the strcc
Pence Jubilee -week. Apply Clrculatloi
DoptOniiihrt Boo. .1 ! 1H48
YOU can make from $5 to $10 a dny selllni
I'eaco Jubilee Souvenir nnd Snap Shot
tluHnff the Pcaco Jubilee. Apply Clrcula
tlon Department , Omaha Bee. B M417
AVANTKD , at once , nn experienced dr
goods salesman : must also trim win
dnwB. State Hilary. B. Hlrschkowlt !
Fremont , Neb. . , B M573
WANTED , men to learn barber trade ; ne\
Held open ; JCO.OO monthly ; steady employ
rnent ; arrangements Ji/st "completed t
plueo graduates with doctors nnd hop
Dltals ; takes about 500 men fast ns w
can prepare them ; the knowledge of der
matology , - asvo tench It , mukca on
atudenta valuable assistants ; also man
calls from country nnd city shops ; pc
HltloiiH positively guaranteed ; 8 week
completes ; free transnartntlon to Mole
-Colleges nt Chicago , St. Louis or Mlnnc
apolls. Call or .wrlto nt once- for frc
catalogue. Mol * > r. Room 11 , Crclghto
Dldg , , 16th & DouglnB , Omaha. B-G31
YOUNG men to learn barber trade ; only
to 8 weeks required ; we give our Krudu
ntcs employment till they receive 1
wages as much as they pay for tultlo
and expenses learning. Ht. Louin Bai
bor college. Odd Fellows' bldp. . Dodge nn
14th , Omaha. Prof. Randolph , Instructoi
B MG90 N9
WANTED , n good book canvasser ; muf
have good address and experience ; goo
money to , l > q ma'dd'by'the right mar
npply Circulation Department , Omah
Deo. B-M702 10 *
, a carpenter bV the month ; als
n , fuw hands by the dny picking tjp swee
. nptatoe8vivrheo. ' Williams..MUUaryy UV (
WANTED Card nnd sl'gn palnter'nl ilosto
Store , Omaha. B-723-13.
pare for , nny , civil service cxarnlnntlo
without seeing- our Illustrated catalogu
of Information. Sent free. Columbia
Correspondence. College , Washlngtoi
D. C. . ' B-M730 13'
.THE Standard Cattle Co , , Ames , Neb
want forty men at once for "farm " work.
B M734 15
WANTED- ' forty 'or llfty single men f <
farm- > work < Address D. Ranln , Turlcl
Mq.- . _ B 7SC 12 *
WANTED , Rrnln , mnn to pollclt conslgi
mcnt9 for -Numher One house ; one tin
cnn control business , with a. good n
quilntnnco { with shippers itn southern N
braska ; give references nnd terms. D !
Omaha Bee. . , B-M7C7 14
100'GtftLS for all kinds'of work ; 3 to
week. Canadianollice , 1522 Douglas.
> i fl 14 f
WANTED-15Q girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. SI
, i C M511 Oct 20
WANTED , competent , girl nt once. 30
Chicago street. ' ' C 697 12'
WANTED , A rtlrl for-general houseworl
. Germnn "preferred. Apply to Mrs. J. 1
Haney , 1525 South 2Gth at. C M71S 13 *
GIRL for general housework. Appl 610
25th Avc. C Mil 0013
WANTED , lady agents In Omahn nnd su
rounding towns to sell the great reined
preventive and best syringe known f
women.$5.00 per day enslly made. A
correspondence treated profesilonnlly ui
In strictest confidence. Address 1'rcven
Ine Medicine Co. , , Room , 2 , 214 S. 12
st. , , Omahn , Neb. C M70S 17 <
GIRL for general housework , small famll
3005 Paclllo Bt. C-72C-15.
AVANTED A good cook. Gorman pr
fcrred , reference -required. Call betwei
3 nnd 5 p. rn. at " 526 Dodge st. C-722-13 ,
WANTED , waitresses by Mjirkel Cnterli
Co. , on exposition grounds. Apply tr
morning nt east side of south viaduct '
Sherman avenup. - | < . C 7CS i :
WANTED , girl for general Ious6w'oi )
family of three. Mrs. John Sylvan 11 row
2G31 Davenport St. C M759 15' '
WANTED , two flrt-class dressmakers f
linn work , nt Boston Store , J. L. Brandt
& Sons , proprietors. C M7G113
CHOICE houses nnd cottages all over clt
$5 to $75. Fidelity , first floor , N. Y. LU
' D-ts ;
HOUSES. Benowa & Co. , 108 N. 15th St
D 11 !
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block.
' - D-1S (
FURNITURTJ and Uasehold of n 7 nnd :
room modern tlat for pale ; barguln ; KO
location ; rent'low. Bemls , Pnxton blot.
A FEW cottages. 438 Board Trade.
( in-15 :
ALWAYS movlnp household goods a
pianos. Omaha Vnn & Slqrugo go. , 151
Farnam. Tel. , 1559. D-15
BENEWA'S residence to rent , 3230 Hurt
HOUSES , stores.RobUtns. . 1S02 Fnrna
X D-15
HOTEL , good business. Furniture for sa
H 66 , Bee. D-M735 O20
MAGGARD'S A'nn & Storage. 121 N. 15
Tel. . 1496. D-MV.I QJ2
FOR RENT , arood convenient cottage I
small family , 2Gh ( and Rlondo streets ,
Apply at W7 N. lOtft atrcu , u iJ
COTTAaE"on > asy payments. Bee Bli
FOR RENT , 7-room modern house , $22.
The . H. Fell. 313 Bfawn Blk. D-M43
HOTEL down town ; 10 rooms ; ioud con
tlon : convenient to all car lints ; r <
$15.00 a month. The Byron Reed Co. .
8. St. U-ll
DESIRABLE houses. F. D. Wead. 16 & 1
. D-6551
FOR RENT , house. C rooms , 609 8. 2 !
at . also one. S rooms , 2722 B. 20th. Br-ll
Board Trade BUg. D-M703 1
roil un.vr HOUSES.
( Continued. )
FOR RENT , 10-room house near Hanscom
Park , jjO.oo per month ,
9-room liousu , Kountzc Place , furnished
throughout , $12.00 per month.
9-Yoom house. 9S2 N. 25th avenue , In best
repair , $20.00 per fnonth.
Potter & George Co. , 1601 Farnam St.
D-7S7 16
NICELY furnished rooms for transients.
2209 Spencer St. , Kountzo Place , nenr ex
position. 13 M143
AVn. Home-Rooms for fnmlles or parties a
specialty. Clean beds 23c up. 17IZ Cup. Ave.
E M90I O23
EXPOSITION visitors can pet reliable In
formation In regard to hotels , room * ,
board , etc. , nt the Oltlciul Information
Bureau , 1319 Farnam St. : this bureau Is
under the supervision of the exposition
management. Ollice open day and night ;
no charge for Information. E 156
THE BENEFIT HOUSE , 21st nnd Plnkncy
Sts. , llfty daintily furnished rooms ; one-
( | imro from the Arch of the States ;
everything new and first-class ; terms rea
sonable. E 157
FURNsHDooms , with bath : one
from , 21th st. car lino. 852 South
street. C 567 30 *
SAFE. cl an rooms ; Expo. car. 1512 Duv-
cnport. I3-M2G2 O29
TOR Rent largo front room at rensonnble
prica , 2121 Dodge. E-723-17.
ARATOGA HOTEL , 24th St. and Amts
Avo. , 4 blocks'.west from north gate ex
position srourins ; best rooms , U , with
meals , $1.00 without ; families and parties ,
$1.25 n day nnd 60o Europeun ; everything
new nnd neat , free baths , double parlors ,
library nnd piano ; two lines of street
curs , vast vernndnhs , best plnco to see
exposition fire works , Jolly people nnd a
gymnasium. Telephone , 1931. F 777
"AKE down that "for sale" or "for rent"
sen ! in your window. The Boo reaches
more people in a day than will pass your
window in a month ; and they consult
ihoso columns when they want to buy or
Tent. F 865
THE MERRIAM , first-class family hotel ,
25th and Dodge StH. F-1K >
UTOPIA-Famlly hotel. 1721 Davenport.
F 504 O13
ROOMS. 70S S. 17th St. G M293 O20
OR 6 CHOICE locations , one floor ; pri
vate balh ; references necessary. C 36 ,
Bee. G M298
'IVE ' rooms , private bath , heat nnd llsht ;
references. D 21 , Bee. G CS1
'OR RENT , the 4-story brick building nl
910 Farnam St. This building has a lire-
proof cement bnscment , water on all
doors , gas , etc. Apply at the office ol
The Bee. 1 910
DESK room. G. G. Wallace , 313 Brown Bit
1 159
store. Corner 24th nnd Hamilton. Ap
ply 2518 Cnjdwell. I ICO
FOR RENT , a good barn box stall , cheap
1902 Cass sti I M740
N U. S. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. 601 Bee Bldg
. I 161
WHOLESALE store nnd warehouse ; track ,
ngc ; excellent shipping facilities. C. E
Benson. 310 Rnmgo Bldg. 1-S14 O20 *
STORY nnd basement brick store build.
ItigT , 1005 Fnrnnm , 12x100. Inquire 314 Flrsl
National bank building. I M305
3RICK trackage warehouse , llth ant
Leavenworth : 22.000 square feet floor sur
face. 8. 8. Curtis , 1SOS Harney.
I MCfiG 17 *
VGENTS wanted for tho. only official "His
'tory ' of Our War with .Spain , Its Causes
Incidents and Results , " civil , mllltnry nni
'nnvnl. Steel plates , rnnps nnd engravlngH
" 'By ' Hon. Henry B. Russell , Senator Proc
tor ( Vt. ) nnd Senntor Thurston ( Neb. )
The greatest seller ever known. 1,00
more agents wnnted. Wo pay freight nni
give credit. Wrlto for terms and terrl
tory to the solo publishers , A. D. Worth
Ington & Co. , Hartford , Conn.JM765
J-M765 13
WANTED , furnished house , 7 or 8 .rooms
well located , modern conveniences ; ni
children. J. D. Kenyan , 612 Pnxtoi
Block. K-M5C4
WILL glvo zither lessons In exchange fo
room ; northern part city preferred. D 2i
Bee. K M712 13 *
WANTED , two furnished and heated room
for light housekeeping , within 20 minute ;
of B. & M. depot. D 34 , Bee. K 755 lli * ,
IF "YOU are In need of anything try th
Want Columns 'of The Bee ; they wll
bring" you what you want. N 867
rUR'KEST HOMG ; $2.000 will buy on eas
term : ) . I am no agent. X 64 , Bee.
N M164
WANTED , fc.,00.1 worth of second-ham
fiiriilturo at 301 N. Ibth St. , cor. Daven
Dirt. N M496 O13
OMAHA Savings nccts. Wallace , Brown bll
N MI14'
HOUSES to move. Wallace , 313 Brown blk
WANTED , to buy for part or all cash mod
cm 7 to 9-room house and lot In goo
neighborhood nnd convenient to buslnes
center of the city. Give full dcscnptlo
nnd lowest price. Address C 60 , Be
ofllce j N 130 12 *
HIGHEST price for secondhand househol
goods. Largo lots specialty. Brown , 712 M
Iflth. N M465 N3
roil SALE F
CHICAGO Furniture Co. will soil furnltur
nnd stoves below cost : cot beds , 75c
, mattresses , 50q ; pillows , 20c. 1403-10 Dodgi
O 674 N8
PONY for sale or trade. 701 South > 26th s
. ' P M733 15 *
OAK boards. $10 per m. ; also cheapest slo
cribbing. SOV Douglas strtct. Q 165
HOG. poultry nnd lawn fences ; nil wire ; i
. best. Wire Works , 14th and Hamey.
B. HAAS , Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. , Tel. 77 (
plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , res
dcnco , wedding and grave decoration :
Orders by mall or express promptly tllle
FOR SALE , reliable patent for state <
Nebraska. Addkiss A , Bee olllco , Counc
Bluffs. Q M3
FOU SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S. for 5 cent
nt druggists ; one gives relief. Q 1C3
FINE lot Indian curios. Derlght , 1110 Fa :
num. Q < i2 O10
FOR SALE , reliable patent for state <
Nebraska. Address A , Bee oltlce , Counc
Bluffs. Q-170
2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Kama ;
Q-611 Olti
SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. , mixed paint
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 15
Dodge St. , Omaha. .Q M738 O18
FISHER makes Ivory rim or plain drei
buttons from any cloth. Store , Park av
and Leuvvnworth. Q M775 O19
WOOLF ZACHAUIA'B. 1207 Farnam. Plai
Uhed Steel Peninsular Ranges. $ . ' 2.50 i
$40. Heaters sold cheap. Q-MSS7 Fb24
PRINTING , eood , qulck , cheap. fsoTFar'i
Q-M212 027
$150 NATL tandem. $47. Omaha Bicycle C
STAMPS , coins , boiignt , sold. Mortenro
404 N. 16th. Q-M271 O
WILL sell cheap and give time on 2r
band upright piano. Address D. 31 Bee.
GOOD piano , slightly Used. Cottage S3
Harney St. Q-M&l u
1 LARGE norland office stove , Inquire i
| Meyer & Ruapk . Q-423 12
( Continued. )
BOSTON furniture store removed to 721 N.
' 16th ; furniture , stoves , etc. , below cost ,
LADIES , clean your kid cloves with Mil
ler's cloverlne , for sale only by Thomp
son. Brldon & Co. , headquarter * for
gloves and sole agents for the genuine
Foster lacing gloves , all the most desir
able shades. Gloves fitted nnd war
ranted. Q-M761 13
TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest
publication Illustrating the U. 8. and
Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. ;
almost 200 photographic reproductions ,
with a largo map of the East and West
Indies , at the onice of The Bee. If or
dered by mall , address Navy Photograph
Department , Omaha Bee. R 870
Truthful In her predictions , reliable In her
nilvlcc. It matters not what your bcllff
may bo nor what your experience with
no-culled palmists nnd clairvoyants may
have been , Ismnr will convince you that
the past , present and future can be told.
She can be consulted dully at her ollice ,
rooms 20 and 21 , Douglas block , cor. 16th
and Dudge , opposite llaydcn Bros.
S M443 N3
VIENNA fortune teller , 18 years here. 1411
Howard. . M-433 O13
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 803 N. 10th.
S 4S6 O13
MME. Gylmcr , genuine palmist , 1C05 Dodge.
S M444 N3
MILTON THE MEDIUM , known to every
man , woman nnd child In Omaha , gives
readings dally : all nfTnlrs of life nnd busi
ness , love , Inw , sickness ; changes evil In
fluences ; heals nil diseases by magnetism ,
Rtadings by mall. Send six question ? , $1
1623 Dodge St. . cor. 17th. S M717 It
LECTURE Wednesday , Oct. 11 8 p. m. : U
you have never attended one of those
llowcr seances don't mis It ; you will be
convinced of spirit return ; ladles needing
advice cnll on Edna E. Long , the inspired
Iristrumsnt of the spheres , Patterson hall ;
readings dally. S-M467 N3
MASSAGE and baths ; ladles nnd gentle
men : mngnctlc trenttnent. Mi Brlsson
107 N. 12. T-M6G1 O15
MADAME SMITH. 118 North 15th Street ,
massage and baths ; room 2. T-720-17 *
BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter , 203 Doug ,
las block. T M691 N9
BEATRICE HARLOW , tub , hot spring
vapor , massage baths. 1701 Leavenworth
T-MGS1 15
FLORENCE WINTERS , baths , massagi
and magnetic treatment. 119 N. 1C , R. 12
upstairs. T-M797 O20 *
MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage ball
parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth
upstairs. T-M711 17 *
LILLIAN HOWARD , new massage nni
bath ; Austrian treatment. R. 19 , 162
Fnrnam St. \ T-753 13
VIAV1 CO. , 318 Bee building. U 171
A LARGE map of the world , one of Cub :
nnd nnother of the entire West Indies
showing Cubn , Porto Rico , Hnytl , Sai
Domingo , Martinique and all the othe :
West Indian Islands ; 10 cents , at The lie
ollice. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cubai
Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. U 868
$30 RLPTURB Cured for S30. No detentloi
from business ; 6 years in Omaha. Cal
or- write for circulars. Empire Iluptur
Cure , 932-933 New York Life bldg- . , Omaha
Neb. --U-172
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before am
during confinement ; babies adopted ; ex
perlenced physicians in attendance. 113
N. 17th St. , Omaha. U M5SO
EOOKBINDING-Burkley Printing Co.
U-M851 O22
PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without pain
one treatment ' -does the work : cuu o
send'for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure
933 New York Life building , Omaha.
MASSAGE , electric nnd magnetic bathe
"New Hyglennlc Institute , 220 Bco Bide ,
tel. 1716. U-M174
MASSAGE , baths. Mme. Smith , 118 % N. 1 !
U-2S5 O29
NICE baby boy for adoption fnt Rltter'
hospital , 2214 { Seward , St. , Omaha. , Tel
2234. U-M58 * O10
MISS MAYER , leading manicure , chlropo
dlst and hair dresser. 400 I'axto" blocfc
U M&6 O22
LADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Post. 319 }
S. 15th. U-M312
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319H S. 15tt
U M313
DR. J. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removet
25c up ; new method ; no knife , painless or
erntlon ; 23 yre. experience ; 12 yr . i
Omaha ; warts , moles and superfluous hal
removed by electricity. Frcnzcr Blk.
THE Soclnl club Invites those Interested I
their novel method of making Introduc
lions to cnll or write to their parlors , 31
Knrbach block , 15th and Douglas : stampi
Allle Turney , Manager. U M636 N8
A WELL-TO-DO , middle-aged gent woul
like to correspond with a nice lady I
good circumstances. Address D 35 , Bee.
U-768 12
WANTED , choice fnrm and cltv lonnp T
C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank. Bld |
$100,000,00 special fund to loan on flrstclac
Improved Omahn property , or for build
Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
per cent money. Bemls , Paxton blocl
$1,000 and upwards to loan on Improve
property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 13 :
Farnam St. AV 178
0 PER CENT city and farm loans , Garvl
Bros. , J613 Farnnm St. W 179
ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L
quick money nt low rates for choice fan
lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , Easl
ern Nebraska. AV ISO
MONEY * to loan on Improved Omaha rei
estate. Brcnnan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th.
MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Blocl
6 per cent money. F. D. A\ead , 16 & Doui
i . AV Hi
WANTED , bonds , stocks , farm and clt
mortgages , circular for brokers only. Ir
vestors' Directory. N. Y. AV 183
PRIVATE party has money to loan ; a
business confidential. Address , with fu
particulars , B 64 , Bee. X-MS61 O22
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jev
elry , horses , cows , etc. C P Reed. 319 8 131
X-MSS6 O23
$10 TO $10,000 TO IOAN ON
etc. , nt lowest rates In
Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluff
No removal of goods ; strictly confldentla
you can pay the loan oft at any time <
in nnv amounts.
OMAHA. x 181
MONEY loaned salaried people holdlr
permanent positions with responsible coi
ccrns upon their own name , wlthoi
security ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 7C
N. Y. Life Bldg. X 185
DIAMOND loan office. 1315 Douglas , unr
d emed diamonds , watches , etc. . no
cheap. X 437 Dec2fl
MONEY loaned on life Inlurance pollcle
plunaH , furniture , warehouse receipt
Jewelry , horse * , cows , etc. Duff Gree
I room 8 , Barker Blk. X M1SH
r BUY good notes and loan on coed cha
I t U ; 10 per cent per annum. C. U. Glov *
202 Karbach ; notary public : deeds , mor
iracex. lenxcs Inrnllv nxcmtPrt X M4
t . C. A , CASE , violins repaired. 416 Bhtely bl
. -SBS-Wi.
WILL erect building on lot 00x150 on 21th
St. , So. Omaha , Neb. , across from the
new postofllce , for nny first-class busi
ness. . F. J. Lewis , room No. 22 , Ware bl'k.
' Y 187
FOR SALE , established manicure , chiropo
dist nnd hair dressing buftlnrss : reason ,
entering medical college. * Mlwi Mny r , 400
Paxton Blk. Y-MS57 O22
CLEAN stock general mdso. In good west
ern Iowa town for cnsh or good security.
Traders need not answer , c 7 , Bee.
i M643 13 *
SULPHUR Springs Snnltnrlum soon ready
for business ; splendid chance for doctors.
Call Saratoga Hotel , Inquire Pierce.Y .
Y 517
LYBR valunblo patents for sale or trade ;
models at Sues & Co. , patent attorneys ,
Bee building. Y-M74I 13
FOR SALE or exchange , livery stock ,
horses , carriages , harness ; located In n
good live Nebraska town with 600 popula
tion. A. C. Stoughton , Campbell , Neb.
Y-M733 13
FURNISHED hotel , doing fine business ,
for sale nr exchange. Address I , E.
Baldwin , Stuart , In. Y-748 14
COMMUNITY of 400 fnrmcrs wants hnr-
ncssrnnkcr , bnnker , newspaper man nnd
bandmaster. Address D 33 , Bee.
Y-M760 1S
2 GOOD farms In eastern Nebraska nnd
one. good farm In western lown to ex
change for general merchandise ; dry
goods , boots and shoes , hardware , har
ness outllt nnd a furniture stock ; will
trade either farm separate. For particu
lars nddrcse George AV. Hutton , Cole-
rldce , Neb. Z-M461 15 *
FOR SALE ; will take Omaha
Bank accounts , Germnn Savings Bank
accounts or clear vncnnt lots ns pnrt
payment on homes In Clifton Hill A.
P. Tukoy , Board of Trade. Z M733
HOUSES , lot ? , farms , lands , Ibnns ; also
flro insurance. Bemls , Paxton Block ,
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
time to dispose of them ! let the people
know that you wnnt to dispose of them ,
The Bco reaches the people who hnvf h (
money. RE 806
FOR SALE , desirable residence lotiv 124j
130 : In first-class location ; ten minutes' '
walk , from court houpo ; cheap for cnsh
Address O 61 , Bc6. RE-1S9
TO BUY or sell houses , lots or lands. Cullen
on J. AV. Robbins , 1S03 Fnrnam.RE190
BARGAINS In houses , lots , farm : sale 61
trade. J. N. Frenzcr , opp. old P. O.
RE 191'
9-ROOM modern house. Inq. 624 S. 2Cth nvo
RE 250 O2S
AN elegant residence of eight rooms , will
a fine basement and good attic ; not i
prettier home In Omaha ; fine hardwooi
finish ; everything strictly modern ; loca
tlon the best west Farnnm at. If yet
wnnt a good home rendy to step into , nt t
bargain , this Is U. A. M. Cowlo , 211 S
18th st. RE-M643
BEST and cheapest " 00-acro farm In. Ne
brnska , near Omahn , at half Its approlset
valuation. W. A. Belden , 2502 Blonde st.
Omaha , Neb. RE-M537 N8
FOR SALE , 10-acro lemon and ollvi
orchard , Alamltos Heights , near Loni
Bench , overlooking ocenn nnd San Pedn
harbor. No trades wanted. Geo. C
. Thornburtr , Long Beach , Calif.
FEW choice acres for gardening nni
poultry ; house , stabled fruit nnd shad
trees ; ncnr Benson school , church , ca
line , etc. , Sacrimice. 601 Bee Bldcr.
THE following are. very , low Values :
7-room nil inodern house , 30th.nnd . Jack
son st. , $2.400. ' '
12-room nil modern' ' brick house , 22nd t
AVIrt St. . $12,000.CT
Nice building lot orf'EOWo avenue , oppo
site.George A. Jo'slyn-'rtislrt.ence ' , . $1,200.00.
Fine lot on Georgia liVei and Mnson st. .
8. P. BOSTWICK , 311 Paxton Bik.
' I' RE-M701 13
TAVO 7-room modern housss , fulHotB , cas
fronts , choice locutions , 362 and 3C6 Nort !
40th ; one with barn $3100 ; the othe
$2900 ; nbout half their ivnlue easy terms
Call nnd see them. R E 721-17 *
NEBRASKA farm for sale : 160 ncres o
good land , clear of encumbrance , for $30
cash. A , snap. This Innd Is gtQd ) fo
either farming or stock raising. Other
have become wealthy bv purchastni
cheap lands. You can do the same. Th
safest and best investment you cnn make
Call or nddress , A. C. Grossman , 721 H
Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb.RE
RE 729 12 *
AVILL lady who picked up marten collar
ette Tuesday 4 p. m. nt 29th nnd Lenven
worth return to Howe-Tnlmngo Shoe Co
1515 Douglas , nnd receive reward.
Lost 74912 *
LOST , pockotbooft containing $15 , trans
portatlon from Omaha to Kingfisher , C
T. , on Rock Inland R. R. , several note
nnd receipts. $5 rcwnrd If returned t
II. C. St. Clalr , commissioner Oklahom
exhibit. Agricultural Bldg. , exposltlo
grounds , No. 775. Lost M740 13
LOST , yesterday , a. fox terrier dog ; fia
brown spots , tag nnd collar. Please re
turn to owner , 627 So. 25th avenue , an
receive reward. Lost M737 13
LOST , lady's purse , containing money nn
press pass to exposition , in Mines nn
Mining building , Tuesday. Return to 20 ]
Spencer st. Liberal reward.
Lost * 750 12 *
LOST , ladles mink collarette , on Farnan
between 17th nnd 18th , during parad
Leave nt Bee olllco nnd receive reward.
I Lost-75213'
LOST , Tuesday evening , . 16th nnd Fnrnni
ladles' sealskin collarette. Return to 6 :
Paxton blk. Reward. Lost 731 12 *
LOST , on street car , lady's green pocke
book containing 2 return tickets , to Sa
Lake and considerable money. Llberi
reward for return to Mr. Weller. Rlchan
son Drug Co. Lost M766 14
ALL women who can't ralsd family shoul
consult .the renowned German 8p > clalls
Dr. Pries. 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 centi
MS85 O23
MORPHINE , opium , cocoalno and alcohi
diseases absolutely and permanent ]
cured In from three to live days. Trea
ment pleasant and harmless. Every cat
cured or no charge. Best bank and oth
references. Call or address Hill late III
Company , 410 Shcely BlocK , Omahn.
739 25 *
LADIES , Chlchester's English Pennyroy ;
Pills ( Diamond Brand ) are the best ; saf
reliable ; take no other ; send 4c , stamp
for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " :
letter by return mall ; at'druggists. Ch
Chester Chemical Co. , Philadelphia. Pn.
V-M7C3 13
TYPEAVRITERS for rent , $4.00 per montl
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 16 :
Farnam St. ; telephone 12S4. 192
AVE rent nnd sell the best typewrltei
made ; largest stock of good supplies I
Omaha. United Typewriter and Suppl
Co. . 1012 Farnam St. ' -193
REMINGTON Standard typewriter nr
supplies. ' 1619 Farnam St. 716
SOLD , rented , repaired. Derlght , 1116 Fa"
nam. tils O16
AVESTERN Plating AVorks. 1112 Dodge B
- GOLD , silver and. nlckclplatlng. get yw
1 buscburncr nlckelplated , Omaha Plutlr
Co. , 1302 Farnam , entrance o i"t * >
M-522 O14
EAGLE Loan ofllce , 1211 Douglas ; olde
established , most reliable , nt-comnioda
Ing ; business confidential : iclllnt ; $40t
stock unredeemed diamonds ; big ha
ALL mirror work clone. 708 N. 16th.747
-747 Nil
VAN BANTS school , 717 N. Y. Life. Night
school from Sept. 20. UI
AT OMAIIA Bus CollcBO. 16th & Douglas !
SHORT-HAND , up-to.dnte , tnuttht by court
reporters. Bityles * School , 403-57 Bco Wdt (
* 19C
OMAHA Shorthand College , bookkeeping.
Uoyd's thoate- . 543 O25
MORAND'S , 1610 Harney St. , will reopen
for adults , Friday , October 14 : children.
Saturday , October 15 ; private lessons ,
stage or ball room now. Please call.
5bS O15
SIATIIEW'S school for dancing , 313 South
13th. Rntes rcaaonablo. Call or write for
particulars. C39 nS
V. TAUCHEN , work guaranteed. 1513 Har
ney. 433 O13
MAX FOGEL makes , cleans , repairs
qlothcs. 307 S. 17th. 705 N10
JOH YOUSEN , the tailor , Buyd thenter.
-701 N10
PACIFIC Storage nnd AVnrehouse Co. , 90S-
U1C Jones , general storage nnd forwarding.
OM. Vnn & Storage , 1511',4 Farnam. Tel. 1559
LATEST tnllor system ; diplomas nwnrded.
Mrs , .Martin gcn'l ngt teacher 2235 CluirlcH.
772 021
1212 Fnrnnm st. , boxing tnught cniclontly
In 1 month ; send tor circulars. Col. T. H.
Monstery. 475 N3
NEW wheels. $17.50 to $25 ; 2nd hand wheels ,
$5 to $10 , Omnha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chicago.
CHATELA1N8 language school , Frcndh
German , Spanish. 301 Boyd's Thenter.
day nnd evening class. 909-O23.
EYES tested free. Optical Institute , Bhocly
block. -201 N30
AVILL repair your shoes while you watt ,
only 15 minutes ; half soles nnd heels for
60c : first class work guaranteed. 710 N.
. 16th st , also No. 19 So. Main St. , C. B. la.
I -261 O29
WE SOLICIT and furnish positions for
stenographers free. The Smith-Premier
Typewriter Co. , Telephone 12S4. 199
GOOD care ; $1.50 per mo. AV. F. Snyder ,
59th & Leavenworth : ivrlte 814 S. 26th st.
4S3N3 *
M. S. AVALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331.200
I -200
LATHAM & PECHAC , Mfr. of ornamental
'windows , churches , residences. 1012 Farn ,
M521 O14
G. STEINBERG , only Junk dealer Ir
Omaha who can buy pop bottles ; he payt
the best prices for all Kinds ot junk , 111
"B. llth. 829-O21. .
J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 611
Pnxton block , want your auction sales ol
real estate , merchandise , furniture , IIv <
stock , * etc. . 197
FOUND , horse , Oct. llth. Owner can hav <
same by paying charges. Allstrom , 4521
Izard. Found M762 13
ACCORDION pleating , pinking and cord
ing done. Miss Carter , 207 Douglas block
63S N9
DR. LIEBER , cancers , female diseases
1912 Leavenworth. VH 417 O19
UPHOLSTERING. Lundeen , 1523 Leav'th
222 Nov29
SCHOOL for cure of these defects. Jullt
B. Vnughnn , 308 N. Y. L. bldg. 736 O18
GOOD , quick , cheap. Down strs. 1302 Far'n
M212 O27
AVORK guaranteed. Lawrence Cycle Co.
115 N. 15th. S52 O22
H. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Douglas.817
-817 028
MASONWORK Jobber. E. Healy , 1822 Clnrli
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick
ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. , 13 & Call !
QONNELLA manufactures artistic statu
ary. Ins'de ornamental work a specialty
317 So. 10th. MU21 N24
OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand piano
always on hand. C. Hammer , 321 8. lOtri
* 673
i LUNDBEI1523 ! Lcav'w'th. 222 Nov29
Dressmaking Miss Sturdy , 2504 Davenpori
-532-NOV-5 *
r AV. COY , removed to 1716 St. Mary's Avt
J -S45 N29
r \
> PIANOS tuned , $1.60 Rose , 1521 Dodge.
H. MAROW1TZ loans money. 418 N. 16.168
( Should bo read Uully by all interested , a
changes may occur at any time. )
, Foreign mallii for the week uirtlnK Octc
r bt-r 15 , 1SOS. will close ( PROMPTLY In u
% cases ) nt the General I'ostottlcu a& followi
PARCELS POST MAILS close one hou
- earlier than closing tlma shown below.
- ' Trniii-Atlniitlo Slnll * .
8ATURDAY-At 7 n m. for FRANPI
IfiH INDIA , pr s. 9. La Champagni
via Havro ( lettcrn for other parts c
Europe must bu dlreiteil "per Ln Chnrr
pagne" ) , at 8 a. m. for NBTHEULAND
( Continued.1
direct , per B. e. Stntendatn. via Rotter
dam ( letters must bo directed "pur
StatendBm" ) ! nt 9 n. m. for ITALY , per
B. ? . Aller via Naples ( letters must bo
directed "per AIIcr' ; ) ; nt 10 n. m. ( nup-
plcmcntary 11:30 : u. m. ) for EUROPE ,
per s. s. OVimpnnln , via Quccnstown : nt
10:3a n. m. for EUROPE , per s. p. Rhyn-
Innd , via Southampton ( tetters must be
directed "nor Rhynlnnd" ) ; ut 11 n. m.
for NORWAY direct , per s. s. ThliiRVnlla
( letters must be directed "per Thing-
valla" ) .
fter the closing ot the Sttpplsmentnry
Transatlantic Malls named above , addi
tional supplementary malls are opened on
the piers of the American. Ensllnh ,
French nnd Germnn Btenmers. and temnln
open until within ten minutes ot the hour
ot sailing of steamer.
Mulls fur Smith niul Crntrnl America ,
AVi-M Inillen , Etc.
THURSDAY At 1 p. m. ( stipplemenlnry
1:30 : p. m. ) for NASSAU. N. P. , nnd SAN
TIAGO DE CUBA , per . s. Saratoga ;
at 1 p. m. for JAMAICA , per s. B. Jnson :
nt * 3 p. rn , for TRUX1LLO , per Blcniner
from New Orleans.
FRIDAY-At 1 p. m. for LA PLATA ,
COUNTRIES direct , per B. fl. Knlllr
Prince , .
SATURDAY At 10 n. m. for SANTOS ill-
rcct , per n. s. British 1'rlnnc ; nt 10 u. in.
( supplctneiitiirv 10ou. : m. ) for FORTUNE
OREYTOWN , per s. B. Athos ( letters for
Costa Rica must be directed "per Athos" ) ;
iflt 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. in. )
tor HAITI , per H. s. Alps ; nt 1 p. m. for
NORTH BRAZIL , nrr K. s. Roiic-illct ; nt
8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per
Btcnmer from North Bvilnry : ut 8:30 : p.
m. for ST. P1URRE-M1Q1 > ELON , per
steamer from North Sydney.
Atnlla for Newfoundland oy rail to Hali
fax , and thence byncumer , clo" o nt this
ofllco dMly nt 8:20 : p. m. Malls for Ml-
tniclon , ! > y rail to Boston , nnd thence by
Bteamcr. close nt this office dnlly nt 8:30 :
p. m , Mulls for Cubn close nt this
office dnlly at 1 < i. m. for for
warding by steamers sailing Mon
days nnd Thursdays from Port Tnmpa ,
Fla. Mails for Mexico City , overland ,
unless specially addressed for despatch by
steamer , cloiu nt th'.a mllcc ilnliy nt 2 : 0
n. m. nnd 2:30 : p. m. 'Registered mall
cloaos at 0Ch : ) p , rn. previous day.
TrmiN-l'Mrlilo Matin.
Malls for Hawaii per s. s. Australia ( from
San Francisco ) ilose here dnlly up to
October 13th at Cro : p. m. Malls for Aim-
tr.illn. ( except West Australia ) , New 55en-
Innd , Hawaii and FIJI Islands per B. s.
AVrtrrlmoo ( from Vancouver ) , close here
dally after September 30th nnd up to Oc
tober * 13th at 8:30 : p. m. Mulls for Chlmi ,
Japan and Hawaii , per s. s. China ( from
San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to
October 14th nt 6:30 : p. in. Malls for
China nnd Japan , per s. s. Tr.coma ( from
Tacomn ) , close hero dally up to October
17th at 6:30 : p. m. Mulls for the Society
Islamist , per ship City of Pnpt-ltl ( from
SIMI Francisco ) , clone hero dally up to
October 26th at 8:30 : p. rn. Malls for
Australia ( except those for AVest AUH-
tralialilch are forwarded via Europe ) ,
New /.eilund , Hawaii , FIJI and Samnan
li-lnnd.i. per B. H. Mnrlposn ( from San
Frnnotco ) , close here dally up to October
* 2Sth nt 7:00 : a. m. , 11 n. m. nnd 6:30 : p. m.
( or ca arrival nt Now York of B. B. Et-
rurl.i with British malls for Australln ) .
Mntli for China nnd Japan , per s. a. Em-
rrvaii of Japan ( from Vnncouver ) , close
hero daily up to October 'Slat nt 0:30 : p. m.
Transpacific mnlla nro forwnrded to port of
sailing dnlly and the schedule of closing
Is arranged on the presumption of their
uninterrupted overland transit. Regis
tered mail closes nt 6:00 : p. m. previous
PoRtofllce. New York , N. Y. , October 7 ,
U. S. Indian Service , Rosebud Agency.
Rosebud , S. D. , September 24th , 183S.
.SEALED PROPOSALS , Indorsed "Pro-
posal for Building Material , " etc. , as the
case may be , and addressed to the undersigned -
signed at Rosebud , S. D. , will be received
nt this agency until 1 o'clock p. m. ol
Monday , October 17th , 1SD8 , for furnishing
and delivering at this ngency with thirty
(30) ( ) days after receipt of notice of approval
of contract , a variety of building material
( consisting of assorted lumber , , shingles
doors , windows , etc. ; also ten Jersey cowt
and one Jersey bull ) , a full list and de
scription of which , together with the In-
structlons to bidders , to bo obtained bj
making application to the undersigned
Agent. 824 d21t morn
Plant Department of the Interior. Olllct
of Indian Affairs , Washington , D. C.
Sept. 30 , 1S93. Sealed proposals , endorsee
"Proposal for Steam Heating Plant , Gc'
noa School , Neb. , " nnd addressed to tin
Commissioner of Indian Affairs , Washing ,
ton , D. C. , will be received at this ofllc (
until 1 o'clock p. m. of Friday , Octobei
28 , 1893 , for furnishing1 nnd delivering1 tin
necessary materials and labor required Ir
the construction and completion of a com
btnatlon high nnd low pressuru stean
heating plant at the Genoa Indian In
dustrlal school , Genoa , Neb. , In strict accordance
cordanco with plans , specifications and In
etructlous to bidders , which may bo ex.
amtned nt this office , the U. S. liullut
warehouse. No. 1602 State street , Chicago
III. , the Builders' nnd Traders' exchange
Omaha , Neb. , the offices of The "Bee" o
Omaha , Neb. , the "Journal" of Sioux City
la. , nnd at this school. For any additlona
Information apply to J. E. Ross , super
Intendent , Genoa School , Neb.
W. A. JONES. Commissioner.
O4-6-S , 11-13-15 , 18-20-22
Qulncy Railroad "Th
Burlington Route" Tlcko
Office. 1502 Fnrnam Street
Telephone 250. Depot. Tent !
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 123.
LeaVe' Arrlvo-
' -
Chicago Vestibule * /
Express . 6:03 : pm 8:10 : an
Ch taso Express. . . 9 : am M:10 : pn
Chicago & St.
Louis Express . . . J $ p nr
Creston Local . . . . . . : 2
Pacific Junction
fniV . U:53nm : 6:40pn :
Mall .
2-50 nn
Chlnego Special . . . 2:15 : am 11EO : nn
Dally. Dally except Sunday.
seph & Council Bluffs Rail
road "The Burllngtoi
Route" Ticket Office , 150
Farnam Street. Telephon
,250. , Depot. Tenth and Ma
son Streets. Telephone U'S
Exprras 9:05 : am 6:40 : pr
Express * 11:00 : pm 6:30 : ar
"Rvnnnltlon T71v r"
Louis * 4:30 : cm ' 12:05 : pr
spurl Klver Rallroad-"Th
Burlington Burlington Route "Gen
trnl Olllces N. AV. Corne
Route Tenth nnd Farnnm Street *
Ticket OHlce 1502 Fnrnar
, Street. Telephone , 250. De
) Ct , lerun and Mason Streets. Telephon
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln TT .1
, Hastings
and McCook * 8:35 : am 9:35 : ar
Lincoln , Denver ,
Colorado. Utah ,
California , Black
Hills , Montana &
Puget Sound 4:35 : pm 4:00 pr
Hastings Local 7:00 : pm 7:40 : pr
Lincoln Fust Mail 2:53 : pm Mll:40 : ar
Denver , Colorado ,
Utah , California
nml Puget Sound. 11:50 : p 2:15 : ar
Dally , Dally except Sunday.
, St. , Paul Railway - cit
( MiiUf/11/MF ) .loket S"06 ? ! . 1MI farnnr
- ' Street , Telephone. 231. D (
" ' - pot , Tentr and Maso
Streets. Telephone , Ka.
, . . Leave. Arrlvi
Chicago Limited
Express ' 6:45pm : 8:20 : ai
Omaha & Chicago
Express 11:00 am " 4:16 : pi
Sioux C'ty and Des
Molnes Express . . 11:00 am " ' :16 : pr
Manila Local 7:00pm : " 015ar ;
road-'Oeneral Offices nn
Ticket Office , Southeast Coi
ner nth and DouKlas Street
Telephone , 104. Depot , 15t
ami Webster 8ts. Telephon
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis-Kansas &
Neb. Limited Sttjpm 12:55pi :
Kansas City & St.
Joseph Express. . . . 9:20 pm COOai :
Nebraska Local via
Weeping Water. . . M:30pm : * * 9:45ai :
ExrxiHltlnn Local via ,
Nebraska City. . . , 6:00 : pm "lOiOS ni
j Dully. DAlly except. Sunday.
( Continued. )
cm Rnllwny-Olty Ticket
onice. HOI Fnrrnm Street ,
Telephone , Kl. Depot ,
Tenth niul Mnsun Streets.
clcphone , C29.
Leave. Arrive ,
Dn > light Chicago
Special . 6:40 : am 11:55 : t > n
Mo. A'alloy , Sioux
City. hi. 1'aul &
Minneapolis . 6:00 : am 10:41 : pm
Mo. Valley , Sioux
City . . . . . . . . 7:45 am 9:00 : pm
Curroll , Dennlson ,
Council Bluffs. . . . ll:30pm : 9:40 : am
Eastern Ex. , DCS
Mollies , Marslmll-
towti. Cedar Rnp-
Ula ana Chicago. . . 11:05 : am 4:20 : pra
Atlnntlc Flyer. Chicago
cage and East . * 4:55 : pm 4:20 : pm
Fnst Mall , Chicago
to Omahn . * 3:15 : pm
Northern Express , , . 5:30 : pm 8:40 : urn
Ulimlm-Chluigu bpo-
clal . . . . 6:55 : pm 8:25 : am
Oinalia-Clilcauo Ex-
precs . i. . . . . . . * 9:00 : pm 6W : > am
Dully. "Dally Ex. Satuutay. Dally
Ex , Monday.
ncapolls & Omaha Railway
acncral Olllces , Nebraska
Division , Fifteenth and
AVebHter Streets. City
Tickef"o"lTlGc , 1401 Farnnm Street. Talo-
phone , Cil. ( Depot. Fifteenth and Webster
Streets. Telephone. 1.45.1.
Arr've ,
Sioux City Accom , . * 8:60 : nm 7:00 : pm
Sioux City Accom. . 9:00 : utn 7:00 pw
IS 1 a I r , Emerson
Sioux City , Pones.
Harllngton and
Bloomilold . * 1:00 : pm 11 : am
Sioux City , Man-
knto. St. Paul &
Minneapolis . . 6:00 : ptn 9OQnm :
No. 2 , St. I'uul Lim
ited Makes nb
stops In Net ) . 6:00 : pm . V
No i Exposition
Llmltcd-Miikes no
Btop in Net . ' 8:00 : art
Nog 21 nncl 22 *
KxpoHltlon l.oci\l , >
to Emerson , stops
nil stations except
Brings . . . . 6:15 pm * S:30 am
Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sun
day only. Docs not stop at DeSota , ol
Missouri Valley Railway
General Office * . United
Stntos National Bank Bldg ,
Southwest Corner Twelfth
and F'aFnnm Streets. Ticket Onice , 1401
Farnam Street. Telephone , Dol. Depot ,
15th and Webster StrtutB. Telephone 1.453.
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills , "Dead-
wood , Hot Springs. * 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm
ml Douglas . 3:00 pm 6:00 : pm
Hastings. York Da
vid City , Superior.
Geneva , Exeter &
Scward . 1 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pw
Norfolk , Verdlgro
and Fremont . 8:15 : am " 10:45 : am
Lincoln , Wnhoo &
Fremont . \ . 8:15 : am " 10:45 : am
Fremont Local. . . . . . ' * 8:13 : am
York PassonRer . 6:10 : pm 9:40 : am
Dally. Dally except Sunday. 8un
day only. Dally exceut Saturday.
Railroad General Oillcea ,
United States National
Bank Bulldlne , B. W. Cor-
if tier Twelfth and Farnnm
ItreeTr Tlcket OfHco , HOI Farnam Otreet.
Telephone , B61. Depot , Tenth and -Mason
Streeto. Telephone , 62 ? .
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City , Mon-
knto , St. Paul. 6:00 : nm 8:40"rn :
Minneapolis . . . . . . 6:3 : pm 10:45 : pm
Sioux City Local. . 7:45 : am 9:00 : pm
Overland Route" General
on'ces. ' N. W. Corner Ninth
and Farnam Streets. City
Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam
Street. Telephone 316. Depot -
jfn ( * pot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Tclcphono 62S.
Leave. , Irrlve ,
"Tho Overland
Limited" for Den
ver , Salt Lake ,
and western p'ts. . 8:50 : am 4:45 : pm
The Colorado Spe
cial , for Denver &
all Colorado p'ts. 11:65 : pm s f 6:49 : ant
Fnst Mall Train for
Denver , . Salt Lake.
Pacific coast and
all western points 4:36 : pm 6:40 : aid
Lincoln , Beatrice &
Stromsburg Ex. . . 3:30 : pm
Fremont , Oolum-
bus , Norfolk , Gr'O
Island ana North
Platte 4-r : > I'm 4:15 : pnt
Columbus local * * * * * 6:50 : pm * 9:40 ami
South Omaha Loral Pass Leaves , 6:16 : a.
m , ; 7:00 : a. ni. ; 9:10 : a. m. : J:05 : p. m. Ar
rives , 10:30 : a. m. ; 3:30 : p. m. ; C p. m.
JJ III. , tlQJ ) J * 111. , U.UU | J * ,11 * , U.6V I * . All. 13
rives. 7:20 : n. m. ; 8:25 : a. m. : 9:10 : a. m. ; 11:31 :
a. m. ; 3:0 : ? p. m. ; " 3:30 : p. m. : 4:20 p. m. |
6:40 : p. m. : ti:30 : p. m ; "HsCO p. rn , 9:06 : p ,
m. ; 11:65 : p. m.
Dally. Dally except Sunday.
road Omana , Kansas City 4
Eastern Kiillroatl "The Port
Arthur Route" Ticket Ofllca
1415 Farnam Street. Tele-
i „ . phone 322. Depot , Tenth and
itason Streets. Telephone 629.
Leave. * Arrive.
St. Louis Cannon
Ball Express . . . . 4:50 : pm 11:30 : am
Kansas city &
Qulncy Local . . . . 6:50 : am 9:05 : pm
Kansas City Ex
press 7:15am : ,
Port Arthur Ex
press 8:30 : pm
& Pacinc Railroad "Th
Great Rock Island Route. "
Crty Ticket Office , 1323
Farnnm Street. Telephone
428. Depot. Tenth and
Mnson Streets. Tclephona
Leave. Arrive.
. . - . . Local. . . 7:16 am 11:25 : am
nKioo0"kJPress . . . ii30 ; am 8:00 : am
Fast Ex
press 6:00 : Dm 1:25 : pm
St. Paul Fast Ex-
prens 1 6:00 : pm 11:25 : am
Lincoln , Colorado
Springs , Denver ,
Pueblo nnd AVeat. . 1:30 : pm 4:2S"pis :
Des Molnes , Rock
Island nnd Chi-
cage 7:15 : pm 8:50 : prai
Colorado Flyer ' * :40 : '
j' ( u < iv iJin 8:50 : am
Dally. Dally except Sunday.
Ticket Ofl ce. HIS Farnam
Street. Telephone , 89J. De-
pot. U'enth ' and Mason
ftrecta. Telephone , 629 (
Lcavo , Arrive.
8t. Louis "Canon
"Ball" Express. . . 4:50pra : ll:30ara :
Once Kvcry Ttvo Ileum the Stllctta
ClnlniH IU Vlcllui.
Throughout the kingdom of Italy an
Italian kills on Italian every two hours
during the entire year by means of the
knife , says the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Such are the official statistics which wert
compiled by Baron Garofalo , vice president
and leading spirit of the association which ,
under the presidency of Queen Marguerite
and the patronage of King Humbert , ha
been formed to put down homicide by de
priving U of Us all too convenient and all
too universal weapon , the accursed knife.
During the 305 days of the year 1897
there were placed on record 0,380 homicides
by moans of the knife , a total besides which
the list of killed In the sanguinary battle
of Custozza , and even In the holocaust ot
Abba Carlma In Abyssinia , sinks Into In-
Rlguincance. Italy Is , In fact , engaged In a
personal war with Itself , which costa U on
an average 6,000 lives annually.
The league or association , which has just
been formed under these royal auspices has
very rightly and cleverly placed Itself In
communication with the various labor
unions and trade associations and among
the first of the labor associations to take
up the matter with enthusiasm and with
vigor has been the Union of Associated
Printers , which Includes some of the most
public-spirited and energetic of the work *
Ingmen of Home ,
The league , likewise , has secured a prom
ise from the premier , General rollout , to
submit to the legislature- , when it meets
again , a law rendering It a penal offense for
any one to carry one ot those knives with
which In nearly every case murder Is dou
In tbli country ,