Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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Railroads Surprised at the Bush for Omaha
Monday Morning ,
Nnbrnnkn nncl Mlxnonrl I'cnple I'ur-
ulNli ( lie Hulk iif < lic Flrnt Unr'i *
IMIt Kaiian * mill Iowa
Arc Heiireaenlcil.
The flrat week day ot the Peace Jubllco
ot the Transmlsalsslppl Exposition saw an
Immense crowd of visitors enter the city
through Its two passenger stations and one
shed , The Influx was more numerous than
was anticipated , previous railroad advices
being to the effect that the movement to
ward the first big Jubllco celebration would
_ oot set In before Tuesday.
All of the morning trains from Chicago
ivoro heavily filled. Thcro was not ono ot
the four Chicago-Omaha lines that had the
least kick coming on the amount of travel
it hauled In , but the big crowds were ob-
eerved to como In from the west. It the
attendance at the grand occasion may bo
prejudged by the advance guard the
transmlssourl states arc the ones that arc
going to bo the most numerously repre-
ecntcd. The Union Pacific's morning train
from tbo west arrived In two long sections ,
nil the noon train from Beatrice and
Stromsburg brought In a good crowd. The
Burlington brought in Its McCook express
at 0:35 : In two well filled sections , and the
Hastings train , twenty minutes before noon
delivered COO more Nebraakans to Omaha to
bo well taken care of until the last sky
rocket should bo sent up to tell the Inhabi
tants of Mars and other planets about the
glorious successes of the army and navy ot
tbo United States. In addition to the special
trains the afternoon express ot the Burling
ton from the west were In three sections , and
BO far the road has brought In during the
twenty-four hours ending at noon yesterday
nlnoty-ftvo carloads of Mlssourlans. A spe
cial train from the St. Francis branch ,
Kansas , arrived here at 5 p. m. yesterday
with over 1,000 excursionists.
The Missouri Pacific brought In just 2,434
people during the morning. Most of tbo
crowd came from Missouri to attend the
state celebration at the exposition grounds.
The train reports showed the following num
ber of passengers on the five trains : Six
hundred and twenty-Qvo from Kansas City ,
352 from Kansas City. 410 from Kansas City ,
647 from St. Louis and 500 from Auburn.
Demand for Kiiulpinent.
As the reduced rates to Omaha on account ]
f the Pcaco Jubilee were not available until
ono minute 'after midnight on Monday mornIng -
Ing the passenger men were surprised lo
BOO such a largo crowd como In on the morn
ing trains. , Many of the arrivals must
liavo left home before the reduced ratis went
into effect or else the ticket agents In their
homo towns pushed the clock hands ahead a
few hours.
There Is not a railroad superintendent In
Omaha that 'is feeling easy today. All of
them arc worried about the supply of pas
senger equipment for the crowds this week.
Ono of them remarked to a nee reporter :
"Tho crowd has started with a rush and I
don't know what it will do to us before the
week is over. " Superintendent of Trans
portation Buckingham ot the Union Pacific
has distributed a goodly supply of passenger
coaches at Grand Island , Columbus , Kearney
and other central points and the "Overland
Route" is probably better fixed for handling
the crowds than any other Omaha road1 , and
It is not feeling that it will have nn easy
time of ID. Superintendent Blgnell ot the
n. & M , hao everything In the way ot pas
senger equipment that is on wheels ready for
USD , b t ho Is fcnrful that ho Is going to
ruq short. Thirty odd tourist cars of the
Burlington b.ave been presort into service
and as the 'seats ore wide they arc being
made to accommodate three persons each.
The Burlington has also hauled out a
lot ot new coal cars , cleaned them
up and In case of emergency will
run temporary seats in them and use them
for sbcrt hauls into Omaha to help handle
tbo crowds.
An indication ot the popularity of the peacn
Jubilee throughout Nebraska is gleaned
through the fact that at all of the railroad
headquarters In the city telegrams wore re
ceived throughout the morning from station
agents in Nebraska , Kansas , Colorado , Wyo
ming and South Dakota , asking for addi
tional special tickets to Omaha "on account
ot the way our , citizens are lining up to at
tend the Peac' Jubllco at your exposition. "
The requests for moro tickets were sent by
telegraph and called for bunches of thirty ,
fifty , 100 and .even 200 , to be sent Imme
diately. '
I'ronldcntM Hurl , IIURliKt nil.I Molilcr
Move by RiiNy HtiiKfft.
The special train of the Union Pacific car
rying Presidents Burt , Hughltt nnd Moliler
is making fairly good time. In Its daylight
trips across the country between here and
Salt Lake City. No attempt at any record-
breaking has yet been made , the presiden
tial party making a careful Inspection ot
the road by daylight and stopping at night.
They will probably reach Salt Lake City on
Tuesday morning. John P. Berry , chief
engineer of the Union Pacific , Is with the
Conjectures as to what will be the result ot
iho annual meetings of the Union Pacific and
the Oregon Short Line , to bo held In Salt
Lake City on Tuesday and Wednesday , con
tinue to bo heard from all segments of the
ralrroad circle , but little is definitely known.
Whatever la to bo the outcome will undoubt
edly be very similar to the plan arranged
among the presidents on the special trip to
the meetings. There Is a healthy rumor cir
culating to tbo effect that the directors to
be elected by the stockholders of the two
companies will meet In Salt Lake City this
week , and on the motion of Marvin Hughltt ,
president of the Northwestern , elect Horace
( ] , Burt president of the Union Pacific and
president of the Oregon Short Line , thus
taking the first step toward a consolidation
of the two lines. Opposed to this Is the re
port that the directors' meeting will bo lieM
at n later date In New York City , and that
nothing looking toward an amalgamation
will be accomplished until this time.
of < lie Innt Vcnr nnd the
Nent SnritliiN KnntcMl.
Preparatory to the annual meeting of the
directors the Union Pacific railroad has just
made public a statement showing Its opera
tions far the six months ended Juno 30 last.
The period covered by this report Is only n
fraction ot a year during which the property
held by the company on Juno 30 , 1898 , was
taken over In parcels nnd at different times.
The acquisition of the branch lines and nux-
'ilfary properties had not been accomplished
until after that date. The report of the
operations of the company now made lsi
therefore , necessarily restricted. The re
port follows :
Gross receipts (1,849 miles . , - . . , . .
main line ) . $7,670,5.9 .
Operating expenses find
tuxes . . .
Net receipts from opcr-
iitlonB . $3,136,161
Interest , dividends and
miscellaneous Incomb . . . G06.H2
Totnl income . . . . ' . ,742U8
Interest on funded debt.lSOO,000
Adjustment of taxes paid. Ho.aiS l,91j,918
SurnlUH ( exclusive In
come brunch lines ) Jl.iJG.GSo
The Item of adjustment of taxes represents
taxes paid by the receivers In January Feb
ruary and March on the main line and Kan
sas and Denver Pacific lines In excess of the
amount of taxes apportioned to those months
and Included , In operating expenses and taxes
as shown above. As the company assumed
the payment of the full six months' interest
which fell duo on Its bonds on July 1 , 1898 ,
although It did hot begin to operate Its roads
until February 1 , 1898 , ( main line ) and
April 1 , 1898 , ( Kansas olid Denver lines ) ,
thcro has been Included In the earnings from
operation the net receipts from the opera
tion of those lines during the portion of time
in which they were not operated by the com
pany , the amount representing such net re
ceipts having been received by the company
from the receivers. No Interest Is charged
on the $5,000,000 first mortgage bonds owned
by the company , as they wero- received on
Juno 30 , 1898 , the coupon duo July 1 , 1898 * ,
having been cancelled. The Carbon Cut Off
.railway , Echo and Park City railway , Sallna
and Southwestern railway and Solomon rail
road are branch and auxiliary lines which
were severally operated .from January 1 to
Juno 30 , 1898 , by receivers or under their
own charter , and their earnings are not In
cluded In the statement given above. The
net earnings of these lines for the period
named wcro approximately $416,051) ) , which ,
if added to tha net results ot operation ot
the company , as above given , would make an
aggregate Of $4,189,263 of net income on thfa
basis of the 3,008 miles Which It Is Intended
to embrace In the system ot the company.
To supply new equipment there has been
appropriated from available cash resources
other than earnings from operation , and al
ready In greater part expended , the sum of
$2,4G5,024. The company will acquire 5,601
now freight cars , Increasing the tonnage ca
pacity of its freight equipment 169,525 tons.
Of the sum of $600,000 , being the proceeds
of the sale of the company's three-quarter
Interest In the Pullman equipment purchased
with the railroad property , set aside as an
Improvement and equipment fund , $417,451
has already been expended for new equip
ment. Expenditures amounting to $1,622-
740 have been authorized for the purchase
of rails and ties and for betterments. The
land grant lands and the land contracts now
absolutely owned by the company , or Indi
rectly owned by it through Its ownership of
the securities of the Union Pacific Land com ?
pany ( $100,000 stock and $10,000,000 bonds ) ,
have the following estimated value : Lands ,
6,577,000 acres of on estimated value of
$8,997,500 ; land contracts , $5,884,494 ; total
estimated value , $14,881,994. The Union Pa
cific has also acquired and owns all or a
largo majority of the securities and stock of
the following branch lines , now operated
by the receivers under foreclosure proceed
ings : Junction City and Fort Kearney ,
Kearney and Black Hills , Omaha and Repub
lican Valley and Union Pacific , Lincoln and
Colorado railways , having a total mileage of
801 miles. Arrangements have practically
been completed for the early acquisition of
the line of railroad from La Salle to Jules-
burg , Colo. , known as the "Julcsburg
Branch , " which will add 151 miles to the
system. The company also owns many mis
cellaneous assets , the principal of which are
all the stock and bonds of the Union Pacific
Coal company , two-fifths of the stock of the
Pacific Express company , and one-half of the
stock ot the Occidental and Oriental Steam
ship company.
Clockn for the Ilurllniitnii Station.
The contract for furnishing the new Bur
lington station with clocks has been awarded
to Henry Copley of this city , the contract
price being $2,350. Ono of the clocks will
bo put In the north pediment and the other' '
In the pediment over the main cntrancn
looking west. Both will be wound by elec
tricity and Illuminated by a device at sunset
every night , while the same device will ex
tinguish the light at sunrise every morning.
The north clock will be the larger , with a
dial of six feet. The clock on the west
front will be half this size. In the main
valtlng room there will bo placed a fnc
clock , with a twenty-four-lnch dial , en
closed In a solid marble case. It will have
a synchronizing attachment , making It a
; part of the railway tlmo system to be set
from Washington nt 11 n. m. dally. The
fourth clock will be placed on the mantel in
Every Train
is Placarded.
Every train whl ch arrives at and departs from the Burling
ton's new station Is properly placarded.
No matter whert you are bound for
St. JLouis .Kansas Gity
Chicago Black Hills
Denver California
J You can find your1 train EASILY , quickly , SURELY. No need
to .ask for Information about It. There U Is right ahead of you
and properly placarded.
Ticket Office : New Depot :
1502 Farnam St. 10th & Mason Sts.
Telephone 250. ' Telephone 128.
the women's waiting room. It will bo of
onyx to match the mantel.
\olcn ntnl I'emonnlii.
E. V. Maze , formerly general agent of the
Union Pacific nt Uutte. Mont. . Is In the city.
Senator Warren of Wyomlnj ? called at the
B , & M. hcmluunrters on Sunday morning
nnd went west over the Union Pacific on
Sunday afternoon.
Colonel L , . M. Martin , president ot the Iowa
Central , will arrive over the Northwestern
In his private car this evening to spend a
few days nt the exposition.
General Passenger Agent HcafTord ot the
Milwaukee has Issued a llttlo book entitled
"Spanish-American Self-Instructor la Con
versation nnd Correspondence. "
The Northwestern has arranged special
train service to Omaha this week frotn
Thor , la. , Dakota City , Sioux Rapids and In
termediate points via Alton and Sioux City.
General Agent Clifford at Buttc , Mont , ,
and Julius Dnhlstrom ot the freight depart
ment at Denver are at the general freight
otriees of the Union Pacific here for a few
Bralnnrd Allison , general advertising ngcnt
of the Missouri Pacific. Is here to show the
exposition to a p rty of thirty editors from
southern Indiana. This Is the eighth edi
torial party Mr. Allison has brought to the
The Durllngton has extended the tlmo on
MuBsourl day tickets to October 13. Holders
need not present tlckota to be endorsed for
extension , us conductors have been In
structed to honor such tickets on or before
October 13.
A distinguished party of railroad directors
from Pennsylvania will arrive here In a spe
cial train over the Northwestern at IJ o'clock
on Wednesday morntug to tttke In the Peace
Jublleo nt the exposition. The party In
cludes the president of the board of directors
and many of the directors of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad company. Their special train
will arrive In Chicago on Tuesday afternoon
and at 3 o'clock will leave for Omaha.
Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup cures croup and
whooping cough. It Is a family necessity
Ilittter , Mcntn ami Cliecuc.
Fnncy separator creamery butter , 18J&C ,
I9o & 21c. Fresh dairy butter. 11 He , 12Ho
& 14c. Sugar-cured hams , prime , Cc.
Extra choice new torncd beef , 5c. Pigs feet ,
per pound , 4c. Dry salt pork , per pound Be.
3-lb. palls best lard , 17c. Neufch'atel 'cream
cheese. 3c. Young America full cream , lOc.
New llmberguer or brick kase , lOc. New
chanberrtes only Cc. Strictly fresh eggs , per
dor. 1314c.
Largest provision department In Omaha.
Read Haydcn's clothing ad. on this page.
Ak-Sar-Ben and Peace Jublloo Spoons , tea
size. $1.50 and up. The Busy Jewelers , 1520
Committees ArrniiKc for the Uctnlln
of the I'roccxnloit anil I3xer-
clnen on thnt OcviiHloii.
There was another meeting of the arrange
ments commlttco for the German ( lay cele
bration October 18 , at Turner hall , Sunday.
Delegates from twenty-five societies and
lodges were present. The preparations for
the festival are ncarfy concluded.
It will consist of a parade with floats and
music bands through the streets of the clt ? ,
the societies all taking part In the proces
sion. The parade will go to the exposition
, and In the Auditorium building there the
second part of the festival will , bo > cele
brated. The program for the latter will
consist of a vocal and Instrumental concert
and speeches In German and English. As
German speaker , William Rapp , edltor-ln-
chlef of the Illinois Staats-Zeltung at Chicago
cage , has been secured. Edward Rosewater ,
who was elected honorary president of the
arrangements committee , will address the
gathering In English.
Theodore Slnhold has been elected treasurer
of the commlttco , v.hlle Dr. Max Adler , who
U already corresponding secretary , has also
teen made finance secretary. W. F. Stoecker
was elected marshal of the parade.
The Plattdoutscher vcreln at Lincoln , Tur
ner vercln at Plattsmouth , Germanla society
at Loup City and other outside societies will
come to Omaha on German day In a body
and participate In the parade. The Bennlng-
ton Laudwehr vereln will come to .Omaha
with a fine float drawn by six horses.- The
parade will start from Turner hall , which
bos been made headquarters , at 11 o'clock
a. m.
Colic , Cholera a ml Illarrhoen Itemed ?
This Is the best medicine In the world foi
bowel complaints. It acts quickly and can
always be depended upon. When reduced
with water It Is pleasant to take. Many
families are never without thisremedy and
always find It prompt and effectual. Foi
sale by every druggist In Omaha.
WyoniltiR Cowboy Coming to Oninliu
to He Arrested InHtcnd of Mar
ried , 'UK lie Think * .
When Grant Hlteshaw , a Wyoming cow
boy , and his Intended bride , 15-year-old
Maud Coy of Lusk , Wyo. , enter the county
clerk's ofllco here to obtain a marriage li
cense , as he has planned , he will fall Into
the arms of two police officers and will have
to answer to the charge of kidnaping.
A telegram from the girl's stepmother
from Lusk , Wyo. , authorizes IIteshaw's | ar
rest. In a terse way the telegram states
that the two have been keeping company
against the stepmother's wishes for some
tlmo past. A threat on the part of the step
mother to banish the girl to some relatives
In an eastern city Saturday forced Hlteshaw
to act as he did In order that he would not
lose his sweetheart. Late Saturday night
ho rode his broncho to the home
of hla sweetheart with another bron
cho equipped with a side saddle
leading behind. At a signal the girl lei
the house and mounted the saddled horse
and In nn Instant the young Lochlnvar nm
his to-be brldo were riding at full galloi
toward the nearest rahvay point.
Their departure was noticed and thej
were chased by the girl's relatives , but thpj
got to the depot first and were whirling
east In a train when the girl's cowboy rela
tives dashed up to the station In a cloiu
of dust. Some friends of Hltcshaw's told the
stepmother of their plans of getting mar
ried tbero and she notified Acting Chief ol
Police Haze Monday morning. Up to noor
yesterday the couple had not put In their
appearance at the county Judge's ofllce.
When you call for DoWltt's Witch Hazel
Salve , the great pile cure , don't accept any
thing else. Don't be talked Into accepting a
substitute , for piles , for sores , for brulsfs.
Aiiitiuement * .
The Trocadero offers to Us patrons this
week a bill surpassing all previous attempts
at high class entertainment. Three big so
ciety acts , Kckert and Berg , the operatic
stars ; Flo Irwln and Walter Hawley. Juno
Salma and eoven more of the most success
ful hits of tbo season make up this week's
bill. Every afternoon at 2:30 : and evening
at 8:30. :
The Only llnltrouil < o Chicago
With a daylight train. Leave
Omaha 5:40 : a. tu. every day ,
arriving Chlcapo the same
evening at 8:15 : , when close connectloni
are made with all lines
beyond. This train U CO yean
ahead of the time * and U provlnc
Immensely popular with Omaha
people. Other flylne
trains leave for Chicago at 4:55 : and 6:55 :
p m. dally. City ticket oCTce ,
1401 Farnani St. ,
"The N'orthweatern Linn. " _ _
NORTON James A. , aged 41 years , 10
months and 10 dayD.
Funeral Tuesday. October 12 , at 9 a. m. ,
from family residence , 1305 Chicago street ,
to St. Phllomena's church. Interment at
I'ronpect Hill cemetery. Friends Invited.
Tin } Immense Sneers * of the OpcnliiR
of Our Julillec ItnrRnlii AVrck.
In order to accommodate those thnt can
not come during the day , we will keep our
store open every evening this week.
In tbo great Jubllco sales at
Men's suits nnd overcoats. ,
Ladles' Jackets , capes and wraps ,
Ladles' flno millinery ,
Silks , satins and dress goods ,
blankets and comforts ,
Laces and embroidery ,
Linens , lace curtains and portieres ,
Men's nnd ladles' underwear and hoslory ,
Men's hats and caps.
Boots , shoes and rubbers for men , women
and children.
In fact everything In our Immense es
tablishment In every department Is offered
during this great Jublleo week at price's
never quoted before.
Wo earnestly Invite your attendance at
this sale , the goods are all of the highest
grade , the newest styles , the best patterns.
The nrfccs are almost halt what you would
have to pay elsewhere.
In addition to this , our store will bo mag-
nlflclently lighted up with brilliant electric
display. Wonderful mechanical figures and
grand promenade concert every evening.
ICth & Douclas Sts.
Iloyt'n "A TVXIIN Steer. "
Hoyt's funniest comedy , "A Texas Strcr,1'
ono that will always hold fn\or , will begin
nn epgagement nt the lloyd open house
Thursday , October 13.
This merry political satlro was compo fil
nn the basis of Individual chnrncterlstlis
and peculiarities and the cast Is said to bo
absolutely perfect. Katie Put asm , OIKof
the best known artists on the American
stage , has been especially engaged for ! ho
pnrt of Bossy. Will H. Bray lsvseen in his
old part , the Minister to Dahomey ; Herbert
E. Scars Is the Maverick Brnnder and Mo
support Includes the Bison City quartet
and other capable artists.
MlNNonrl Dnr Ticket *
reading over the Burlington Route and lm- !
-Ited for return to October 12 will be Vo.-
orcd on trains leaving Oouha ThursiUy ,
October 13
County Judge 'Baxter Issued the following
marriage licenses yesteiilay :
Nntno and Residence.
John Boyd , South Omaha 20
Annie Johnston , Morpeth , Canada 2fi
Daniel Kelly. Omaha 23
Nellie Enrlgbt , Omaha ] S
Ira Veall. Mount Pulnskl. Ill 23
Emma E. Dresser. Portage la Pralrlo
Canada 2G
John L. Burke. South Omaha nt
Tortey Kocowrlck , South Omaha . . . . 21
Arthur D. Kcnyon , Victor , Cole 25
Mrs. Pearl Rosy. Meeker , Cole 21
Conrad L. Mllversted , Hooper , Neb 32
Mrs. Louisa M. Burns , Hooper , Neb 32
Burt 'Stronc. Omahit- . ' 22
Metta Lawless. Omaha 20
JohmLucId , South Omaha 24
Johanna Brosnan. Omaha 21
To "Live "Well mill Ilnpully
Use "Garland" Stoves and Ranges.
To All Principal AVcutern Polnta Vli
Union 1'nclflc.
TWO trains'dally , 4:35 : p. m. and 11:55 : p. m.
' 'for
Denver and Colorado points.
TWO trains dally , .8:50 : a. m. and 4:35 : v. m.
Utah and California points.
ONE train dally , 4:35 : p. in.
Utah , Idaho , Mbntana and Oregon points.
For full Information call at City Ticket
office. 1302 Farhnra St.
Her Grand Huro"eari" hotel now open. Ele
gant rooms , ladle.V and gents''cafe and grill
room. Cor. IfithVoncVHoward.
Flt < abnrK"'Ani1 ' Itctnrn , $10.50 ,
via Lake Shorol" & Michigan Southern Ry.
Tickets will be 'on sale from Chicago Oct.
8 to 13 , Inclusive , Return limit may bo ex
tended to Oct. 31. Through sleeping car
service , will be In effect' via this route , leav
ing Chicago ij25 ; p. m. , arriving Plttsburg
11:35 : a. m. ; returning , leave Pltteburg 6:00 :
p. m. . arrive Chicago 7:50 : a. m. B. P.
Humphrey , T. P. A : , Kansas City ; F. M.
Byron , O. W. A. Chicago ; A. J. Smith , G.
P. A. , Cleveland.
Omaha to Chicago.
The Chicago , Milwaukee St. Paul rail
way has Just placed In service two mag
nificent electric , lighted trains between
Omaha and Chlcneo. leaving Omaha dally
at 5:45 : p. m. , arriving Chicago at 8:25 : a. m.
and leaving Chicago 6:15 : p. m. and arriving
Omaha 8:20 : a. m. Each train la lighted
throughout by electricity , has b'uffet amok-
Ing cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dln-
Jng cars and reclining chair cars and runs
ever the shortest line and smoothest road
bed between the two cities.
Ticket ofllce , 1504 Farnam street and at
Union depo' .
If Yon IVniit to tie Bnnt
except take < .h * "Northwestern Line" If
you desire a fasr dayllgnt trip between
Omaha and Chicago , because no other Una
runs a daylight train Leave Omaha 6:40 : a.
m. , arrive Chicago 8:15 : same evening. Close
connection with eastern lines. A good train ?
Emphatically YES.
City office. 1401 Farnara.
VlHltorx to the ExpoiiKIon.
Are cordially Invited to Inspect the exhibi
tion car of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway. The car stnds just north of
the Transportation building.
Of All the CnrpetH I'ncd ' nt the AU-
Snr-Ilvu llnll.
Over 6,000 yards ,
Laid by us for the knights of Ak-Sar-
Bon ball.
Not damaged ,
Yet used ono night nnd consequently can
not bo put back In our stock. Every ynrd
of It must boold nt once and we've made
the price so that there won't bo a yard of
It left bv the end ot the week.
25-ccnt matting at 14c.
Sfi-cpnt matting nt SOc.
55-ccnt carpet nt 35c.
75-ccnt carpet nt 48c.
Not n eliinle yard of It but that Is Just
as good as before the ball. This will boone
ono of the lifetime opportunities for you
to secure now carpets for the entire house
at less than actual wholesale prices.
1414-16-18 Douglas
Ak-Sar-Ben and Peace Jubllco Spoons , tea
size , $1.50 and up. The Busy Jewelers , 1520
Douglas _
KATES Gvisnrwiiisno
In Nclirnnkn.
Vlft the Elkhorn. "Northwestern Lino. "
Every Tuesday and Friday In
October. Half fare tor the round
trip to all points where the faro Is over $3.
Good 10 Days.
City office , 1401 Farnam Street.
Depot. 16tb and Webster Streets.
The Grand court ot tne Exposition Is
wonderfully beautified at night. No
picture of It Is so good SB The Bee pho
togravure. Stop at The Ber office for on *
end some others. Three for ten cents.
Tou may have a course of medical
treatment for
of all kinds at tha
JShepard Medical Institute
New York Life Bldj. , Omaha , Neb ,
QDCfMAI TIPQ- Catarrh , Deof-
.0 CirtulAI-I ItO' ne s and all
. Diseases of the Lungs , Stomach ,
Kidneys , Nerves and Blood. Uefer-
ence , by permission , to 6,000 cured
patients. The largest medical ofllce *
_ and practice In the went. The Omaha
Bee , leading- dally , says : "Tho Shepard -
ard Medical Imitltute la entirely rella-
o bio In a professional and business
way. Dr. Slit-para nd his associate : !
0 have gained anil fully maintained a
leading- reputation In the treatment
c of chronic diseases. The public may
safely trust thorn , "
WRITP For testimonials from
VV It I I L. mtnliters , teachers , busi-
, nrss men , farmers , etc. . tolllne now
they were cured at horn * through Uio
Mall System.
ROOK "The Now Treatment ;
UVJUiN How It Cures , " Is sent free
to all who write. It Is a clean medical
wprk for the whole family to read
. and Is of great value to all who seek
better health. Book and Consultation
Blanks sent free to' all Inquirers.
. Medicines sent everywhere. State
your case and send for opinion and
lowest terms. Charres low. Con-
tatlon freo. personally or by letter.
Mention T'i < Vann. '
's Yankee Pig
The Newest Novelty Out
used as a taps measure.
Price 25c.
Ours Is the ONLY
It has the Composite head on the handle
Be sure and get the right one.
Geo. W. Ryan & Co.
The Jqwclcrft. 101) South lUth St.
4th Floor Brown Blk. , 16th and Dougla *
Gold Alloy Filling $1.00
Gold Filling $1.00 and np
Gold Crowns $5.0O
Set Teeth $5.00
BestTeUli $7.50
Shoes for Men.
"VVe want ta call the particular attention of
the men folks to our unmatchable line of men's
shoes The dictates of swelldom are shown here
in our men's shoes at $3.00 , § 3.50 , § 4.00 , § 5.00
and § 0 No matter what , the price the wearing
qualities the style and the comfort will be
found in every pair Let us show you a real foot-
form , stylish shoe.
N. E. Corner ICIli and Douglas Streets.
A current writer has referred to the people of this country as a "Nation of Bald
Heads , " and It would seem there was ample reason for the observation. The "front
row" at the opera , which has by mutual consent and custom been dedicated to
gentlemen with "high forchoadd , " lias now widened to the front six rows , and
threatens to monopolize all the parquctte seats. The condition among the ladles Is
as bad and If" anything worse. The uaytng , "XVomnn'u crowning glory Is her hair , "
In a majority ot casfH IB now a mere burlesque. U Is H common thing to hear the
complaint. "My hair Is coming out In ImmlrulH. ' or "My hair U nearly all gone. "
The condition of affairs noted above makea the visit of the lady representatives of
the Seven Sutherland Sisters to thin city particularly opportune Just at this time.
These Indies have hair over seven feet lour , grown with the celebrated Seven Suth
erland Bisters' Hair Grower. The wonderful BUCCCHH of the Hiilr Tonlo on their own
hair made these ladles enthusiastic on the subject of the hair and scalp and finally
led to their employment by the Seven Bisters , who have Inducted them Into the sci
ence of growing the hair.
For u few days these experts may be aeen and consulted free of charge at tha
well known pharmacy of Sherman & McConnell Druir Co. on Dodge street between
the old and new poHtoftlces. Their beautiful hair alone Is worth a trip to Omaha
from any part of the state nnd will form one of Omaha's principal attractions Jublle *
week. "Bee thorn In the \ \ Indow. " _ ,
Dec , Oct. 11 , (8.
for si
No trickery. No smartness. No underhanded
business. Straight business , straight values , straight
prices , straight open and above board dealings ;
thats ! The Nebraska store. The two things that wo
are especially proud of are our reputation for honest
treatment of everybody and our reputation for soil
ing good goods goods that will stand the test of
time and service. Today again wo call your atten
tion to the great Suit values wo placed on sale yes
terday. Men's fine winter weight suits in Cassimercs ,
in Worsteds , in silk mixtures , in straight ribbed
worsteds and in first class Cheviots at 7.50 , 8.50 and
10.00. A\fe want every man and woman who is a
judge of clothing to inspect these offerings. We
want everybody who is not a juflgo to inspect them.
AVe don't offer them on the purchaser's judgment ,
nor even on our own judgment but wo offer
them on the distinct understanding that if you can
find bettor values anywhere else after you buy them
you can come brck here and get the money you
paid for them. How many stores in Omaha will
sell you goods on that kind of an understanding ?
We want to say to you right now whether you are a
resident of Omaha or a stranger , whether you trade
here today for the first time or for the hundredth
time that it will be many a long day before your \
money will buy such good suits , such sterling suits ,
such straight , serviceable , honest-all-the-Avay-through
sujts as these suits which wo offer you today at 7.50 ,
8.50 and 10.00 , We want you to come and see them.
To come and see them.
No man would pay the Western. Union the Ic stamp tax
if the'Postal would accept messages and pay it themselves.
In the same way no man would pay other Omaha stores the
$7.50 they are asking for all wool kersey overcoats if he knew
that Hayden Bros , were selling the same thing for $8.75.
This "ad"-is to serve notice on
him to that effect. Several
hundred men can buy stylish
all wool kersey overcoats , well
, made and durable in blues and
\ blacks for $3.75. A large
, assortment of overcoiits made
from selected Washington
beaver , warm and serviceable
for only , $5.00 , A very styl
ish all wool kersey overcoat ,
leatherine body , lining French
faced ; worth § 12.50 , on sale
at $7.50. Strictly all wool
covert overcoats , artistically
tailored ; worth § 10,00 , a spe
cial purchase , on sale at
$4.75. A grand showing of
fancy black covert top coats , made by the most skilled tail
ors ; Skinner's satin ydke and Skinner's satin sleeve lining
( warranted to wear two years ) ; at $7..r > 0 , ? ! ) .nO , $10.00 , Jjsi'J.W ) < in .flO.OO. The
best overcoats made In \ \ \ ytirade \ \ meltons , kiirrs , kerseys and patent beavers ,
equal In any way to the ? 2."t.OO to $ r > 0.00 custom made pirment.- * ; the largest
variety ever shown by one house In America , KO on sale hero Monday at $10 ,
$1'.i.r > < > , Jflo.OO and $18.00. These coats are from the famous manufacturers of
the "Vitals Brand , " Philadelphia ; Hart , Sliaffner & Marx "Co , , Chicago and
the Uackctt-Ourhurt Co. , New York. They coii'e in olive browns , seal browns ,
blues and blacks , and were just closed out to us by the above linns to finish
up their regular overcoat season. These garments will be appreciated where-
ever good clothes are known. Klchness of fabrics , elegance of appearance ,
fashlonablcness and distinguish them. They are guaranteed la
every respect. '
Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
The large and elegant stock of Mr. C. S.
Raymond , Omaha's largest jeweler , is now being
sold at public auction to satisfy the creditors
For years Mr. Raymond has carried the largest
and best selected stock of Diamonds Watches
Jewelry Cut Glass Silverwear Bric-a-Brac
etc. , in the entire west This is a fine opportuni
ty to secure the best at the price of the cheapest
Wedding Stationery engraved to order 100
engraved Visiting Cards and Plato for $1.50.
Corner Douglas and fifteenth.
Sales : Dally at 10 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m.
P. J. Burroughs , Auctioneer.