10 - - - . * > - THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , OCTOBER 1 } , 1S9S. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL "Wheat Rallies Sharply and Starts Well on Heavy Seaboard Acceptances , DECEMBER CENT AND AN EIGHTH HIGHER 9aln , Corn nnit I'rovlnlonn Folloiv > VUcnt Very Sloivly , but All , Uencrnlly Shotr Upward Tendency. CHICAGO , Oct. 10. Tito nppcnranco o war news from abroad today , together with heavy acceptnnccH at the seabonnl , caused a sharp rally In wheat. December closed 1011-Sc higher. Corn gained ! 4c. Oats ad/ancod > 4ft3-Sc. I'ork left oft un changed to 2 0 lilcher , lard unchanged and ribs unchanged to 2&c up. Wheat orcratlonB before business started hero showed nn ndvanco of lUfflVid over Saturday's close on fears ns to the con troversy with Franco over the Nllo ter ritory. That advanced valued hero shortly after nnd traders wcro stimulated Into unusual activity. Additional Impetus was given the market by the fact that shlp- incntn from Russia last week showed a railing off some 600,000 bu. , as compared with these of the preceding week , and because of heavy cable acceptance of wheat offers made over Sunday by ex- jiorterfl. To further add to the discom fort of those who went short from last week , there wcro "pointers" In circula tion that the government crop report would make a very bullish showing In wheat. The combination was sutllclent to cause general covering by shorts of almost every eort. Meanwhllo the early bearish news was entirely disregarded. The Michigan uuthorltlcs estimated the total yield of that ntato as the largest ever known there. Mow South AVales placed Its exportable ii 11 rpluH greater than Is usually reported for all of Australia , and It was also re- portnct that the foreigners were reselling wheat on account of the sharp advance in prices. In consequence of this the market did not fully maintain Its early figures , nevertheless the trade was not disposed to hammer prices , as the liberal rains in the northwest promised to- cut off receipts 1o some extent. Another factor that dis couraged any heavy selling wns the vis ible supply , which showed an Increase of only Olf.uOU bu , , wlicro an Increase of 1,500- 000 bu. had been expected. Chicago re ceived 497 cars , against 303 last year , and Allnneapolls and Duluth receipts were 3,502 cars , compared with 2,413 last week und 1,407 a year ago. Primary market re ceipts wcro 2,151.000 bu. , against 2,817,000 bu. the week previous. Reports from the seaboard that the export , engagements ag gregated 1K > boatloads and the sulo of 200.000 bu. No. 2 spring and No. 2 hard winter wheat hero for Liverpool caused a very strong tone during the closing hour. December opened 7-8l 1-So higher at 63 5-8 C/637-Sc , rose , to 64c , sold oft to 633-8 ® Ci ! c , then recovered to 63&QU37-8C at the close. Corn started strong with wheat , but there was considerable opposition from the receivers , who sold with some freedom. The liberal loans In a good portion of the corn belt were relied upon to cut down the receipts nnd elevator Interests gen erally brought on the belief that the gov ernment report would be a bullish ono. The volume of business was ahead of any reoont day and as the market opened away above calls , there wns a natural dcnlrs on the part of the sellers of these privileges to stop losses. December started * i < H'3-8c higher at 29 7-8030C , declined to 29)ic , and advanced to 29 7-Ec buyers at the close. Oats followed corn. Receipts were 637 ( nars. May began % 83-Sc up at 22 7-8c to 23c. sold oft to 22c , then Improved to 22 7-8 < 323c. the closing figure. The strength In grains , together with a light run of hogs at higher prices , started provisions strong. Disquieting yellow fovcr rumors caused a very unsettled feeling and the advance was seized upon by leading packers of consid erable product. The trade was not broad enough , however , to absorb the offerings and values quickly slumped off. Scalping shorts who rather overdid the selling after they discovered the source of the heavy li quidation early ran the prlco up at the close In an attempt to cov r. Their purchases brought the market up to very nearly the opening figures. January pork opened 5 ® 7Hc higher at $8.90 , declined to $3.75 nnd rallied to $ S.S5 at the close. January lard ) > cgan 2'c up at $4.8214 , sold off to $1.73 , then recovered to $1.SO , the closing figure. January ribs started unchanged to 2&c bet ter at $ I.G211. weakened to $4,65 , then Im proved to $4.62H. the closing prlco. Estimated receipts tomorrow : Wheat , 270 rars : corn , 315 cars ; oats , 430 cars ; hogs , 62,000 head. Ths lehdlner futures ranged ai follows : Artlolei. Op n inch. Low. Close. Safd1/ es 64 U4M-S6 64N 64H 29 , 29U-30 30 Jl 4 J'JH SUfflH S1H 31U-32 21M 21f < SIM am 2 J liiih 770 770 765 7C7 770 800 800 B 75 880 885 473M 4 05 470 470 4SaH 475 480 480 690 620 617H RIO CO * SO 4 U''M No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Steady ; Minnesota hard patents , J3.40a-3.60 ; soft patents. $3.303.40 ; straights , $3.KXtt3.15 ( : bakers' , t2.25B2.40. WHEAT No. 2 spring , C2 < Mf64c ; No. 3 prlng , 62 f63Jo ; No. 2 red , Gjj66c. CORN No. 2 , 29 6(300. OATS-No. 2 , SlV&g21Vtc ; No. 2 white , 24'4 No. 3 white , 23'if(24Hc. UYE-No. 2. 4SVi@48Hc. BARLEY-NO , i. ssffisc. SEEDS Flaxseed , No. 1 , 89 < Ac ; prlmo timothy seed , $2.25. PROVISIONS-Pork , mess per bbl. , $7.65 ® 7.70. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $4.72HfM-75. Bacon , chart ribs sides ( loose ) , $5.05ft5.30. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . $4.CO@4.62K ; short clear Bides ( boxed ) , $5.2S@5.35. WHISKY Distillers1 finished goods , per cal. . $1.25. The following are the receipts and ship ments for today : MSW YOIUC GUNEUAIj MA11KET. Quotation * for the Day on General C < > niiiintlltlo . NEW TOUK , Oct. 10.-FLOUn-necelpts , M.400 bbls. ; exports , 9,113 bbls. ; quiet , but held a shade higher ; spring patents , J3.90j > 4.60 ; winter straights , 3.40G3.60 ; winter - tor patents , J3.75S3.85 ; spring clears , J3.15 < iy3.40 ; extra No. 1 winter N.SOfo'3.00 ; extra No. 2 winter , J2.65S12.75 ; no grade. Jl.72',4 to arrive. Uuckwheut Hour , dull and easy. COUNMEAL Steady ; yellow western , T2c. T2c.KYE KYE Steady ; No. 2 western , COVlc , c. I. f. , Buffalo ; etc. f. o. b. , afloat , to arrive. HAHLKY MALT-QulOt. WHEAT Receipts , 295,075 bu. : exports , 7.780 bu. ; spot steady ; No. 2 red. 74c , afloat. Options opened stronger on higher cables nnd war talk nnd with the exception of a mid-day decline , under realizing , were tlrm nil day , closing 7-Stf-lc net higher. The afternoon advance was due to heavy ex port purchases and a fmall visible supply increase ; May. 69 B-16O69 7-Sc , closed 69c. CO IIN Receipts , 46.375 bu. ; exports , 40- C92 bu. ; spot llrm : No. 2 , 363-Sc , f. o. b. , ntloat. Options were dull but llrm on cable news , prospects of ri bullish crop report nnd .the Jump In wheat ; closed lie net higher. May closed nt 371-Sc. OATS Receipts. 32S.SOO bu. ; exports , 22,145 tin. ; spot easy ; No , 2 , 27c ; options dull and nominal. HOPS Firm ; 1896 crop 4fT7c ; 1697 crop , 11(1 ISe ; 1S9S crop , 16@19c ; Pacific coast , ISSb crop , 467c ; 1897 crop , lieiSc ; 1893 crop , IB WOOL Dull : fleece. 17023c ; Texas , 13gl5c. POULTRY Chickens , So per lb. ; ducks , tier pair. 40ij60c : turkeys , uprlujj. dry picked , largo 13IT11C per lb. OHEKSK-Stendy : largo white , 8 3-S5jS'4c umall white. 87-Si9c : large colored , S3-SIJ B\vo ; small colored , 87-SC9C. TALLOW-Steady ; city , 3 > Jc ; country , 34 ! , OS 5-Sc. y RICE Firm ; fair to extra , 4 5-S05c ; f Japan , fie. I COTTONSEED OIL Steady ; prime crude I mSo : yellow , 2H4 T22c. 1 MUTTER Receipts , 6.336 pkgrs. : nrm western creamery , 151J21c ; Elglns , 21c ; fac tory , llUflHHc. . CHEESE-Reotlpts. 6.107 pkgs. ; quiet large , white , khlf'Siic ! small , white , S tiSc , large , colored , EHO&Uc ; small , colored , . EGGS-Recelpts , 7,074 pkgs. ; firm ; west erns. lie. MOLABSES-Steady. METALS The week opened with the metal market In tolerably good form. Ac cording to today's metal exchange report pig Iron warrants closed quiet but llrm , 7 1-Sc bid , 7 3-8c asked. Lake copper steady , J12.25 bid , J12.3S OHkcd. Tin hlBhcr. 16.i0 bid , $16.s. asked. Lead steady , $3.8714 bid , $3.92',4 asked : brokers' , * 3.77',4. ' Spelter firm , $ < .M bid. $3.00 asked. _ OMAHA GUXIJHAk MAIIKET. Condition of Trnilinml Quotation * on .Staple nml runny Proilncc. EGGS Good stock , Ho , IJUTTER-Common to fair , 10012c ; sep arator , 21c ; gathered creamery , 196"20c. LIVE POULTRY Hens , 614W7o ; old roosters ters , 4c ; spring chickens , T'/WfSc ; ducks , 5 { J6c ; geese , not wanted. GAME Teal , blue wing , $1.75 ; grccnwlng , J1.50 ; mixed , $1.7jW2.2j ! ; pralris chickens , young , $3.CO ; old , $2.50. PIOKONS-Llve , per dor. , $1.00. VEAL-Cholce , 9c. VEGETABLES. CELERY Per bunch , 30g3.'c. ONIONS New , per bu. . 25@40c. HEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , $1.23 571.50. POTATOES-Pcr bu. , 35fl45c. CAUBAGE-Per lb. , Ic. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES-ScedlliiKS , $2.75 ; Mediterra nean sweets , $3.00. LEMONS California , $5.COfi6.00 ; fancy Messina , $ G.50jT7.00. IJANANA8 Choice , large stock , per bunch , $2.CKX32.25 ; medium sized bunches , $1.75 2.00. FRUITS. APPLES-Pcr bbl. , Jonathans , $3.50 ; choice shipping Block , $2,7503.00 ; other stock , $2.50. WATERMELONS-Cratcd , 14015c ; loose , 10012C. PEACHES-Callfornla , 20-lb. case , $1.00. PLUMS Oregon , $1.0081.25. 1'EARS Bartlett. California , out of the market ; other varieties , $2.00li2.23. GRAPES Native , per basket , ISfUVic ; California Tokays , $1.GO3'1.63 ! ; New York grapes , 14R15c. CRANUERRIES-Wlsconsln. per box , 1.25 ; Cape Cods , per bbl. , $ .256.50. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , per lb. , largo size , 12J 3c ; small , He ; Brazils , per lb. , OftlOc : En- ; llsh wnlnutB , per lb. , fancy soft shell , 110 2c ; standards , S c : filberts , per lb. , 10c ; lecans , polished , medium , 6fu/7c ; extra arge , 8Q9c : large hickory nuts , $1,0031.10 per bu. ; small , $1.15 1.25 per bu. ; cocoanute , > er 100 , $1.5000.00 ; peanuts , raw , C',4c ; oasted , DATES Ilallowco , 60 to 70-lb. boxss , u' c ; Salr , Kc ; Fare ) , 9-lb. boxes , 9c. FIGS Imported , fancy , 3-crown. 14-lb. boxes , lOc ; G-crown , 41-lb , boxes , 13c ; 3-lb. boxes , 2223c ( per box ; California , 10-lb. boxes , $1. CIDEU-I'cr half bbl. , $3.2503.50. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green hides , 6c ; No. 1 salted hides , S&c ; No. 2 salted hides , 7o ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 venl calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c. TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2V4c ; rough tallow , iy.c ; white grense , 2H > < if2-4c ; yellow nnd brown crease , 114ft 2'/lc. SHEEP 1'ELTS Green salted , each , 152 75c : green salted shearings ( short woolecl early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each. Bo ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4Q5c ; dry flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 34c ; dry flint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 45c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3o4c. St. Loulx Market. ST. LOUIS , Oct. 10. FLOUR-Stronger , higher : patents. $3.43Q3.60 ; straights , $3.15 ® 3.25 ; clenr , $2.75@3.00 ; low to decided me dium , $2.55. WHEAT Futures strong and higher ; spot steady. No. 2 red. cnsh , elevator , 67c ; track , 69c ; December , 66 7-SfI67c ; May , 673-8 ( Qt7'/4a asked ; No. 2 cash , 6l',4c. CORN Futures fractionally better , ex cept for May , which wns unchanged. Spot steady. No. 2 cash , 29c bid : October , ZUlic asked ; December , 287-8Q'23c bid ; May. 30o bid. OATS Futures a fraction better ; spot higher ; No. 2 cash , 22Ho bid ; track , 23c askedq October , 23c asked ; December , 22Hc blcl ; May , 237-SQ24c bid ; No. 2 white , 25 RYE Steady ; 47o bid. SEEDS FlaxsceO. lower , 8tJc bid. Prime timothy seed , nominally , $2.30. WHISKY-Steady ; $1.25. CORNMEAL Quiet ; tl.60fil.53. BRAN Firm ; sacked , east track , 50c. HAY Steady ; timothy , $6.5009.00 ; prairie , BUTTER Mnrket steady ; creamery , IS ® 22c ; dairy. 135J17&C. EGGS Market stendy nt 13c. POULTRY Market flrm : chickens , young , 8c ; ducks , 6c ; geese , Cc ; turkeys , 9c. METALS Lend , SCi.70fl3.72Vi. Spelter , PROVISIONS-Pork , lower ; standard mess. Jobbing , $7.62 ! < - . Lanl. lower , prlmo steam , $4.57 % ; choice. $1.62 . Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , $4.3714 : extra short clear , $5.2G ; ribs , $3.30 < fI5.37 > 4 ; shorts , $3.EO ® 5.62VJ. Bacon , boxed shoulders , $4.S74 ; extra , short clenr , $3.75 ; ribs , J5.SOJiD.S7V' ' ; shorts , $ G.OO < iJG.12'A RECEIPTS Flo'ur , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat. 261- 000 bu. ; corn , 134.000 bu. : oats. 54,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 55,000 bu , ; corn , 49,000 bu. ; oats , 17,000 bu. KaiiNiiM City Grain anil Provision * . KANSAS CITY , Oct.10. WHEAT Mar ket iyc higher and active : No. 1 hard , GJ c : No. 2 , 60ffl63c ; No. 3 , 67 > 4S6U4c ; No. 2 red , fi5ij66c ; No. 3 , 60i63c. CORN Market flrm ; No. 2 mixed , 27Vi ® 2SVJO ; No. 2 white. 24c ; No. 3 , 27 > ,4c. OATS Market higher and rather slow ; No. 2 white , 2lc. RYE Market flrm : No. 2 , 46Hc. HAY Prairie firmer ; timothy steady ; cholco timothy , $ G.75 < 37.00 ; cholco prairie , $7.00.BUTTER BUTTER Market steady ; separator , 18 © 20c ; dairy , 16c. EGGS Market flrm ; fresh , IS'/Ac. RECEIPTS-Wheat , 334,800 bu. ; corn , 11- 000 bu. : oats. 12,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 121,200 bu. ; corn , 3,900 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu. Cincinnati MarkPt. CINCINNATI , Oct. 10. FLOUR-Fancy , $2.90 3.20 ; family , $2.25Q2.60. WHEAT Firm : No , 2 red , G7c. CORN Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 31c. OATS-Flrmcr ; No. 2 mixed , 24c. RYE-FIrm : No. 2 , 50e. PROVISIONS Lard , quiet , $4.55. Bulk meats , quiet , $5.37& Bacon , steady , JG.OO. WHISKY-Good demand , $1.25. BUTTER Fancy Elgin creamery , 22c ; cholco Ohio. 16iJ17c : gathered creams , 14 ® 15c : prlmo dairy , 12c per lb. SUGAR Active : hard refined , $1.0303.02. EGGS Dull at 13c. CHEESE Firmer ; good to Ohio prime , flat. Sc. Grnlu IleeeliitN at 1'rlnclpnl 3Iarkct * . MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. lO.-Recelpts ; Wheat. SUi cars. ' CHICAGO , Oct. 10. Receipts today : Wheat , 497 cars ; corn , 1,364 cars ; oats , 687 cars. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 270 cars ; corn , 915 cars ; oats , 430 cars. DULUTH , Oct. 10. Receipts : Wheat , 665 cars. Receipts at Primary Markets : Wheat , 2.150,741 bushels ; corn , 957,640 bushels ; oats , 30.iV , bushclH. ST. LOUIS , Oct. lO.-Rccelpts : Wheat , 260 rars. KANSAS CITY , Oct. lO.-Recelpts : Wheat 553 cars. Vlnllilp Grain Supply. NEW YORK , Oct. 10-The statement of the visible supply of grain In store and allont for the week ending Saturday , Octo ber 8. as compiled by the New York Produce exchange , is as follows : Avhoat. 12,210.000 bu. ; Increase , 974.000 bu. Corn , 12.202.000 bu. ; Increase , 79G.OOO bu. Oats. 5.469.000 bu. : Increase. 22.000 bu. Rye. 718,000 bu. ; decrease , 63,000 bu. Barley , 2,319,000 bu. ; Increase , 7,000 bu. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL , Oct. 10. WHEAT Market nrm , l'i < Ul'4d higher ; October , Es Slid ; December. 5s 7id : March. 5s 7d. CORN Market steady , unchanged to U ® Wd higher : October. 3s 4Hd ; November , 3s 5d ; December , 3s BV4d. I'lillailolnhla Market. PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 10.-BUTTER- Firmer ; fancy western creamery , 21c ; fancy prints. 21c. KGGB Quiet but steady : nearby fresh , 174c ! ; fresh western. 17c ; fresh southwest ern and southern , 16c. ToliMlo Marl.-rt. TOLEDO. O. . Oct. 10.-WHEAT-Hlgher nnd llrm ; No. 1 cash , October and Decem ber , fisUc. I I'ORN-Dull and higher : No. 2 mixed , 3lc. OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , S'-.jc. Mllvrnukre Grain Markrl. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 10. - WHEAT - Higher ; No. 1 northern , 6SV4c ; No. 2 north ern , 63V4c. RYE Higher ; No. 1. 4SV4c. BARLEY No. 2 4fl4c ; sample , 32QU'ic. niiitUa AVhcnt Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 10. WHEAT Steady ; October , cic ; Decraber , 0 7-SS61c ; May , 62 7-8g63c ; No. 1 hard. 63fl63 ic : No. 1 , northern , C2Jic ; No. 2 northern , 6o' c. . FLOUR-FIrm ; first patents , $ J.904.00 ; . Fccond patents , $3.70@3.SO ; first clears , $2.70 Q2.SO. BRAN-In bulk , $ S.OOflS.25. J-'nltlinorc Market , BALTIMORE , Oct. lO.-FLOUR-Re- celpts , 26,273 bbls. ; exports , 6,701 bbls. western pxtrn , $2.5002.80 ; western family , $3.253.60 ; winter patent , $3.iSfp 3.sr : spring patent , $4.2504.40 ; Rio extra , $ : i.75Q4.00 ; rye Hour , medium to choice , $2.75 @ 3.00. WHEAT Strong ; spot , 70370UC ! re ceipts , 77,393 bu ; southern wheat , by Hiunplo , 6jQ71c ; southern wheat , on grade , 65H$70Uc. CORN Strong ; spot , 3lf3IUc ; steamer mixed , 3.T833'Jc ' ; receipts , 42,777 bu. ; south ern white , corn , 35S35V4C ; southern yellow , 354f36c. ! OATS-Qulot : No. 2 white , western , 23 ® 29c ; recelnts , 27,195 bu. RYE Stronger : hlRher ; No. 2 western , 52c ; receipts , 15,073 bu. BUTTER Market steady ; creamery , IS © 184c } ; Iowa northwestern ladle , 15c ; west ern store packed , 12' < il3c ; Elgin , 22c. EGGS Firm and unchanged ; fresh , 13',4 ( SlfJc : western , 15315 < 4c. CHEESE Steady ; now cheese , full cream Now York , 9V4'U9 ' > 4C per pound. \civ Orlcann Markpt. NEW ORLEANS , Oct. 10. HOG PROD UCTS Quiet and steady. Pork , standard moss , $9.00. Lard , rcllned tierce , 3ic ; pure lard , 5 l-S JCUc. Boxed meats , dry salt shoulders , $4.S7',4'J3.00 ' ' ( : sides , $5.62',4'i5.75. ? Bacon , sides , clear ribs , $6,75. Hams , cholco sugar-cured , $ S.50Q9.50. COFFEE-Qulet ; Rio , ordinary to fair , 65-MJ81-8C. RICE Firm ; ordinary to peed , 44Cp. ? FLOUR. GRAIN AND FEEDSTUFFS Steady : flour , extra fancy , $3.403(3.50 : pat ents , $3.85W3.90. Prlmo hay , $9.00311.00 ; choice , $12.00Q12.60. CORN No. 2 , sacked , 3SQ39C. OATS-No. 2 , sacked , 27lyi2Sc. Grain Importx at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL Oct. 10. The Imiwirts of wheat Into Liverpool , for the week , from Atlantic ports were. 113,200 quartern ; from Pacific ports , none ; from other ports , 9,000 quartern. The Imports of corn Into Liverpool from Atlantic ports for the week , 62,900 quarters. Sun I'VnnclHco Wheat Market. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 10. WHEAT Dull : December. $1.18. s BARLEY-Dull ; December , $1.2 < H4. Dnlulli Wheat Market. DULtmi , Oct. 10. WHEAT No. 1 north ern , cash , 65Ue ; October , 63c ; December , 66 1-Sc ; May , 6l'ic. OPERATIONS IX STOCKS ANIJ 1IOXDS. Itooin TraderM Turn Hear * AKiiIn anil Sell ThroiiKli the Whole I.lNt. NEW YORK , Oct. 10. The room traders on the Stock exchange turned bears again today and sold stocks nil through the list. Outside of a fuw cases they did not meet with much success In securing a following , but In a number of high priced specialties and , later In the day , In some of the rail roads the declining market did Induce some liquidation. This was notably the case In Northern Paclllc , which went in the last hour to < 38 3-S , u lops of 1 4 per cent , und closed | I heavy In tone. Offerings of this stock wcro very largo and the price movement revived , rumors of Irreconcilable differences between , the two powerful financial Interests' In ths ' property. The large German holding of this stock made It peculiarly susceptible to the effects of money stringency In Berlin. Indi cated In tlu rise In the Imperial bank rate today to 6 per cent. The same factor af fected other railroad stocks also. In fact , the Influence of all foreign markets was on the side of the bears. The relations between Great Britain and France disclosed by the publication of the Fashoda Blua Book caused sufllclcnt appre hension to produce a decline of 3-8 per cent In British consols and to unsettle all the Europ3nn marKets. The continued uneasi ness In Franco over domestic politics and the possibility of the failure of the peace commission to agree upon terms were also upon the side of the bears. There was some alarm over the spread of yellow fever in the south , in which Illi nois Central was the most severe sufferer , losing 1V4 per cent. Losses on the grangers reached a point , except on St. Paul , which resisted the decline. The principal activity on the market , however , continued to cen ter In the Industrial group , and Sugar fell to 110 with no visible support. Ths offerings on the decline were very large. People's Gas , Rubber , Leather preferred , Manhat tan. Metropolitan Street Railway and N3W York Air Brake were all sufferers at onetime time or another during1 the day to the ex tent of from 1 to 714 points. Tobacco was a prominent feature , but ruled nbovs Sat urday's level the greater part of the day on the acquisition of a largo plug tobacco Interest. The prlco advanced from 1 to over 3 points , but the stock closed un changed. Lake Erie & AVestern , common and preferred , fell at ono time 3Vi nnd 1014 per cent , respectively. The preferred rallied nearly 3 points. There was no news to ac count for the decline. A loss of 3 points In Oregon Navigation preferred was also explained. There wns no reflection in the stock market of the active foreign demand for wheat for export or evidences of the expanding business of the country In the Increased demands from the west for money. The transfers of currency nt the subtreasury for shipment to the .west amounted to $810,000. Conditions In the i money market continued easy. Bonds weakened late In the day In sym 1 pathy with stocks , Wisconsin Central firsts losing nn extreme 2i per cent nnd Oregon Short Line 114 per cent. Total sales , $2- 450,000. United States old 4s , coupon , and 5s advanced 14 per cent and the new 4s , registered , and the 4s , coupon , 1-3 per cent In the bid price. The Evening Post's ' London financial ca blegram says : The stock markets here opened flat today on the Fashoda dispute and the rise * In the- German bank , rate , but closed better generally on favorable nd- vlees from Paris. Kafllrs were especially strong on the announcement of a favor able report of crushing by the , Pioneer mlno In the Rhodesia district. The only effect on the German bourse of the rise of the. bank notes was to cause a desire to sell German consols and other country investment stocks on this market. Selling from Berlin of Americans has quite ceased for the moment. Nevertheless Americans were dull , closing near the lowest In the absence of Now York support. Now York and Berlin are competing for gold here nt 77s ll'/id. It Is believed here that the worst of the financial strain at Berlin Is over. The London short rate for money rose to 3 per cent , subject to a possible ndvanco In the Bank of England rate on Thursday. The following are tht closing Quotations oi the leading Btocki on the Naw York market today : Bt. Paul 106'4' do pM. . . . , , . . . . VU dpj > . . . _ . . . . . , . 8I.U _ & 8 , K , ! a. , SOU Total sales of stocks today wcro 276,100 shared. Including : Atchison prefrred , 40.- 6 $ : Uurllngton , 9,623 ; Louisville & Nash ville , 3.556 ; Manhattan , 4,020 ; Metropolitan Street Railway. 9,415 ; Northern Pacific , 37- & 60 ; Northern Pacific preferred. 4,750 ; Kock Island , 3,350 ; Union Pacific. 6.720 ; St. Paul , 11.820 ; Union Pacific preferred , 5,320 ; To bacco. 55.520 ; People's Gas , 6.GB5 ; Sugar , 79- 773 ; United States Uubbfr. 4,120. Statement of Hunk of fJoriminy. OKBLIN , Oct. 10. The we'kly statement of the Imperial Hank of Germany showa the following conditions as compared with tha previous account : Cash In hand , decrease , ll.WO.OOO marks ; treasury notes , decrease , 800.000 marks ; other securltlti , Increase , 47,129,000 mark * ; notes In circulation , decrease , 45,910.000 marks. The rate of discount of the 1m- pcrlnl Bnnk of Germany has been raised from 4 to 5 per cent. York 3V > ' > ' Mnrfert. NEW YORK. Oct. 10. MONEY ON CALL Market sternly nt 2V4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3'40 * per cent. STERLING EXCHANQE-Mnrket steady , with actual business In bankers' bills at $ l.S4fl4.S4 i for demand nnd $4.81i04.S2 for plxty days : posted rates , $4.S2V4 and $4.8j ; commt.relal bills , $ I.81 I.81 < J. SILVER CERTIFICATliS-60361'l. BAR S1LVER-609-16C. MEXICAN DOLLARS I7c. GOVERNMENT BONDS-Markot firmer : United States S , 105H : new 4s , reg. and coupon , 127 : 4s , rep. , 110 < 4 : coupon , 110i ! 2s , 99 ; 5s. reg.i 112JV coupon , 112 % : Paclllc 6s of ' 99 , I02V4. Closing quotstloni on bonds wera ai fol lows : U. s. nnw.ls IOJH N. J.O. As . IU ) U. B.ticw4n. res..1274 N.C.Un . 137 11 , P. do coup 1'J"1 * N.C.4D . 10.1 U.S. Js.rec 110U No. Pacific 1itB..lll ( > i u.s. do com nu No. I'&clflo 3 . GH U.S.yds , rer 7i No. Pacific 4n . 100H U. S. Os , Tff liW ; N.Y. C.iSt. L. 4 . .1U5 U , S. fiH.coup lllllj N. A W.Us . 1 District H. ess 117H N. W. Connola . 1 A1a.clAHs A 108 N.W. Deb. Ri . 118 Ala.ctann D 1U8 Ore. N. Isla . 114 Ala.class C 101) Oro. N. 4a , . 99H Ala. , Currency loft O. S.L.est.r . 127k AtuhlHon 4B H3H O. S. t , . t. r . llU ) > , Atchlnoii adj. 4s . . . 71 Pacific flu of 05 . 10a < 4 OanndaSo. 1'dn 103H Chi. Terms. , 48 SUM U. G. W. Utn . Rd C. AO. Ss lift St. L. 4.1. M. con 6s eu C. H. &D. 4H 104 > l ! St. L. A S. F. Oen. 0.120 D.&ll. U. iBtn link St. P. CoiiBOls . 1S3 U. A. H. R. 4s 7H St. 1' . C. .VT. lstn.llM < KautTonn , lnts..Hi ) ) St. P. C. &P. Os . 11HH KrloGnn. 4s 71 So. I'.y. Bs . U7 K. W. AD. IBIS , t. r. 7 M S. n. iT.Os. . Tim Ucn. KlPC.fis 10SH Tonn. new set 3a. . . f)3Vt O. II. A s. A. OH 104 T. P. L. G. IstR . 100U O. H. AH.A. Mo. . . 10A T. P. Rg. ads . 4 < * < ll.fcT. Cent. 6 lluK tl. V. V.b. O. lalB. . 78 II. iT. C. con. OB..1KH , Wun. till SB . ll'JW lowaC. Intf ) 10 t ( Wsb. 2rt . KHH I.n. New Con. 4S..KI8 W. Shore < n . 10'JH Mlsfiourl On 100 Va. Conturlen . 7H M. K. AT. ' 'ds ! 24 Vn. cio'orreU . 5 U.K. , VT. 48 HHM Win. Cent , lota . Ci > y. Y.C. iBta 117H U.I' . 4B. . OilX Ilnwtou fitoclc dnntntlnn * . BOSTON , Oct. lO.-Cnll loans , Z'iJV.t , per cent : time loans , 3Mj4'/a pur ctnt. ciubing quotntlons on stocks , bonds and mlnlnc gharos : A" . . T. & S , P 33'.i Kd. Klec. Tel 150 American Kuxar . . .110' ; GPU. Elec. pfd lf S do pfd 10i" , AtohUon pfd 32W IWv State Oa . . . . Ill Atchlaon 4s 93 nell Tcleohonc . . . .ISO \Vls. Central let. . . . SOVi lloston & Albany. .231 Allouez MlnlnK Co. . 3 % lioston & Maine . 163 Atlantic MVi C. . 1J. & Q . 114 % HOKtcn & Montana..1.12 Ilutte & nostnn 3 : % CnllCTw.'t & IIecln..5S : Clfncrnl Klectrlc . . . 7l ! Centennial ID Mexican Central . . . 4i'Kr.inklln ' 13M Old Colons- 1J3 Old Dominion 2814 O. Short Line MVi Oscfhla ID Rubber , . . ill Qulny lift Union Pnolflc 31ri ; Tamarack 172V5. West Knd Sfi \Volvcrlno Mi do nfd 11)7 I'arrott . 13 West. Klectr'o 33 Htimboldt 4'.i do nfd 07 Snn Frnnclppn Mlnlnii Onntntlnnn. SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. lO.-The closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows : Alia r Justice 7 Alpha Con 3 Kentucky Con 2 Andes S Mexican 17 Ilclchir 10 Ophlr S3 JH-st & Ilelcher 23 Ovorman 4 llulllon 2 PotoM IS Caledon'a ID Kavajro 7 Challcnso Con 14 Scorpion .1 fhollar 13 Sierra Nevada 78 Confidence 4.1 Union Con 22 Con. Cal. & Va 73 Utah Con 6 Crown Point 13 Yellow Jacket 1 ! ) Oould & GurrlP. . . . 18 Standard 1C5 Hale & Norcross. . . . 90 Silver bars , 60c ; Mexican dollars , . . 47 ic. Drafts , sight , 17&c ; telegraph , 20c. New York Mlnltic Qno < ntlonn. NEW YORK , Oct. lO.-Tho following ar the closing quotations on mlnlnK stocks : Choler 14. Oatarlo 850 Crown I'oint 12 Owhlr CO Con. Cal. & Va. , . . 70 Plymouth 12 Deadwood 0 Quicksilver . . . . .123 Oould & Currle 18 do T > fd 350 Halo & Norcross , . . or Sierra Nevada 74 Homestaka ttOO Standard ICO Iron Silver CO Union Con 2D Mexican 18 Yellow Jacket 17 I.n ml nil Stock dnotntlnnn. LONDON.jOpt. 10.-4 p. m.-CIoslng : _ Consols , money . . . .109HJN . Y. Central . 118V4 Consols , arat . 109 9-16 'Pemnsylvanla ' . GOVl O.inad4an Paclllc. . . . Si'4 Heading . Bria . m ; u. r. pfd . c Rrle. 1st pfd . " > > ! Atohlson . 12i Illlno's Central , . . .113'.i I * , & N . 65 N. Pacific pfd.'T7T4 ! , Grand Trunk . 7Vi St. Paul common.'Allil _ BAR SILVER Steady ; 2Sd per ounce. MONEY 1V4W2V4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open mar ket for short bills was 2 7-8 per cent ; for three months' bills , 3 per cent. Flnnuclnl A'oten. OMAHA , Oct. 10. Clearances today -were $1,441,979.14 ; balances , $175,839.80. Clearances last year were $1,134,394.90 ; balances. $111- I G15.04. Increase In clearings , $307,584.24. I CINCINNATI. , Oct. 10. Money , 2 iTO per cent : Now York exchange , par and 2Jc dis count : clearings , $3,039,950. ST. LOUIS , Oct. 10. Clearings , $3,977,755 ; balances , $174,219 ; money , 4@7 per cent ; Now York exchanue , COc discount bid 30c asked. NKW YOIUC. Oct. 10. Clearings , $91,330- 3SO ; bnlanc3s , $7,831,180. BOSTON , Oct. lO.-Clearlngs , $13,706,073 ; balances. $2,231.413. , PHILADELPHIA , Oct. lO.-Clearlngs , $ S.- 3C2.933 ; balances , $1,540,013. BALTIMORE , Oct. lO.-Clearlngs , $2- 714,123 : balances. $417,033. I NKW ORLEANS , Oct. 10. Clearings. $931.000 ; New York exchange , bank , $1 per $1,000 premium ; commercial , $1.25 discount. CHICAGO. Oct. 10. Stocks were dull ; ills- cult , 39 ; Biscuit preferred. 93 : Diamond Match , 139 1-8 ; Alley L , 734 : Strawboard , 31 ; North Chicago , 210 ; West Chicago , 93. Statement of Itniilc of Spnlii. LONDON. Oct. 10. The weekly statement of the Bank of Spain shows the following conditions : Gold in hand , Increase , 1,611,000 pesetas ; silver In hand , decreas ? , 2.292,000 pesetas ; notes In circulation , increase , 22,593,000 pe setas. ' \evr York Dry f > uodn Market. NEW YORK , Oct. 10. There was moro activity In some lines of dry goods today than has been the case for some weeks. The cooler weather brought many buyers to the city from nearby points. Most of this trade went to , ' the jobbing houses , but sellers nt first hands noted slight Improve ment on many lines of cotton goods. Sell ers of woolens and worsteds have censed to look for any radical Improvement In the > market , and are content to accept whatever re-order business was forthcom ing. The manufacturers of clothing nro the chief reliance of the woolen men nt present. Even their dealings have been on a conservative basis. Print cloth bids for sixty-four squares at the new prlco of 115-16o are by no means numerous. Odrls are also quiet. Staple cottons were slightly Improved In some lines today. The gain was notlceablo more particularly in bleached goods. It was not heavy enough to have particularly lasting effect on tne market. Oil Mnrkc-t. OIL CITY , Pa. . Oct. 10. There were sales of 3.000 bbls. cash certificate oil at $1.11 and the market closed flrm at that figure. There was one bid of l ie for regular : credit bal ances were unchanged ; runs , 83,161 bbls. ; shipments , 162,470 bbls. : buckeye runs , 60,561 bbls. : buckeye shipments , 107,921 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oct. 10.-OIL Turpentine , llrm nt 29Uc. Rosin , flrm and unchanged. WILMINGTON. N. C. , Oct. 10.-OIL- Turpentlne , llrm nt 2SV < T(29c. ( Rosin , nothing doing. Crude turpentine , llrm at tl.lSQIl.70. Tar , steady at $1.15. Cotton Mnrkrt. NEW YORK , Oct. lO.-COFFEE-Optlons opened steady nt unchanged prices to a decline of 5 points ; ruled inactive and fea tureless with a weak undertone under dis appointing cables , slack speculation nnd In- dlffercnco of spot buyers ; closed quiet and i unchanged to 5 points lower ; sales , 2,500 bags , Including March at $3.80. Spot coffee , Rio. steady : No. 7 , Invoice , $6.12V4 ; No. 7. Jobbing , $6.G2 # . Mild , quiet ; Cordova , $8.00 ( fflS.OO. MnrliKt. NEW ORLEANS , Oct. lO.-SUGAR-Dull ; centrifugal , new off yellow , 4'/ic. MOLASSES-Strong ; centrifugal , new , " ' 'NEW YORK. Oct. lO.-SUGAR-Raw , steady ; fair refining , 3 ll-16c ; centrifugal , 96 test. 4 3-16c ; molasses sugar , 3 7-lCc. He- lined , firm. California Drlril Krnltii. NEW YORK. Oct. 10.-CAL1FORNIA DRIED FRUITS-FIrm ; evaporated apples , common , CQSc ; prlmo wlro tray , JfHc ; choice , 9oi fancy , lOc ; prunes , 4fi8Vic : nprl- cots. Royal , HS13c : Moor Park , I2fil6c ; peaches , unpeeled , 7J9c ; peeled , 12@12' , c. Cold Dual front Alualm. VICTORIA. R C. , Oct. 10. Tbe steamer Amur arrived from Skagway , Alaska , with about 300 pounds of gold duit and a num ber of passengers from Dawson , Officers of the Amur report that the steamer AI-KI broke down at Juncau. Her passengers were transferred to the City of Topeka. The sealing schooners Archls , Walter L. Rich and Penelope arrived from Bering eca. All bad small catches , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Opens with a Fairly Liberal Run and Bayers Feeling Bearish. BUSINESS GENERALLY INCLINES TO SLOW I'rlcm Ilnrdly Lower , but l/'r ont Orders Arc Soon Killed mid Then Snlon Drnic In ISvcry Ilrnucli of the Vnril. Indicates Sunday. The olllclal number of rnrs of stock brought In today by each road was : Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r'g. C. . M. & St. P. Ry 2 Missouri Pnjlllc Ry. . . . 1 I'nlon Pacltic System 92 10 12 1 C. & N. W. Ry 1 F. , E. & M. V. R. R. 02 1.1 7 S. C. & P. Ry 1 C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry. . . 1 B. & M. R. R. R. . . 61 10 2 2 C. , B. & Q 2 K. C. & St. J 12 C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. , E. . . 2 C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. , W. . . 1 Total receipts . . . .230 41 21 . . 3 The disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows , each buyer purcnastng the num ber of bend Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 60 . . . . i.a3 The G. H. Hammond Co. S55 D12 i9l Swift and Company SIS 699 819 The Cudahy Packing Co. I3i ! 637 45 Totals 5,653 3,206 3,223 CATTLE There wns a fair run of cattle hero today , though considerably smaller than ono and two weeks ngo , as will be noted from the table of receipts. As was the case all last week , the most of the cat tle here were grass westerns on the feeder order. 1 There were no cornfed steers In the yards , at least none to amount to anything , and for that reason thu market could not be said to have , been tested. Desirable corn- fed cattle would. In all probability , have brought strong prices. There were only a few western cattle good enough for the killers , and the market on anything on the beef order could be called stronger. Quite a string of the pitchfork brand cattle sold to n. pucker at $4. Regular yard traders cleaned up their holdings of cattle pretty well last week , and the most of them were looking for fresh supplies this morning. At the same time they were all anticipating largo receipts for the next two days , and for that rea son were not especially strong buyers. Good cattle , which Just happened to suit a buyer , and were wanted to fill some spe cial' place sold in some cases a little stronger , but the general market on stock ers and feeders was inclined to be slow , in fact , common kind were neglected to a considerable degree , nnd the feeling was rather weak. There were a good many cows and heifers In the yards this mornln ? , the proportion ct that kind of cattle being larger than usual for this market. The result of the large offerings was Hint buyers held oft and the market was very late In opening and when It did open It was slow ana weak. Representative sales : COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . 790 $2 00 1..1270 $3 00 1..1010 $3 10 HEIFERS. 1..1050 3 60 BULLS. 1. . S10 3 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1. . 970 3 00 12. . C30 4 60 WESTERNS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4 bulls 1437 $2 CO 13 COWS 1040 $3 15 Ibull 1180 2 90 21 heifers. . 879 3 25 1 feeder. . 700 3 00 4 feeders. . 767 3 60 11 cows 911 2 75 Icow . 530 2 25 1 cow WO 3 00 2 feeders. . 750 3 50 1 feeder. . . 750 3 70 1 steer . 680 2 75 NEBRASKA. 30 feeders. . SS3 4 30 1 cow 1030 3 00 1 cow 10EO 2 00 12 cows 1110 3 00 2 cpws 715 3 00 1 steer 1010 3 80 8 feeders. 783 2 90 3 feeders. . OG6 3 45 10 cows. . . . 971 2 85 15 cows 954 320 14 feeders. . 4 30 30 COW8. 762 3 00 23 feeders. . 931 4 10 4 cows. 1100 3 15 1 f coder. . . 1080 4 10 21 cows. 913 2 W ) 14 feeders. . 937 3 93 2 cows 1105 2 SO 3 feeders. . S96 3 50 2 cows 910 2 90 3 bulls 1260 2 70 95 fdr. Tex. 859 3 65 1 fdr. Tex. 530 3 65 46 str. Tex. 9S3 2 55 B cows 818 2 65 1 steer 1000 3 60 13 cows 1163 3 00 7 feeders..1210 4 00 11 cows 1055 3 10 30 feeders. . 902 4 10 10 heifers. . 858 3 50 34 feeders..1141 4 20 7 cows 1151 350 21 feeders. . 932 4 25 33 feeders , . 683 SO 11 feeders. . 708 4 33 76 feeders. , 896 4 10 63 feeders. . 623 4 35 J. C. Blrdsell. Istag 830 350 59 feeders. . 917 415 C. D. Kuhl. Scows. . . . S28 235 Ibull 1110 3 30 1 cow. . . . . 880 2 85 6 heifers. 733 3 45 Dan & Hall. 1 cow. . . . . 790 3 00 G cows. . . . 7SO 3 25 13 cows. . . .1000 320 4 cows. . . . 992 3 65 WVOMING. 17 feeders. . 941 4 15 C feeders. , 956 325 13 feeders. . 971 4 00 16 cows 1072 3 20 1 cow 11SO 2 50 1 cow 700 1 75 1 bull 1510 2 CO 1 bull 1070 2 90 4 cows 917 3 30 26 feeders. . 773 4 25 11 feeders. . 797 3 So 27 feeders. . 674 4 50 2S feeders. . 1035 4 00 4 steers.,1292 455 32 feeders. . C41 4 25 D. B. BUDD. 6 feeders..1201 3 50 15 feeders..1197 4 15 F. A. Schabel. 61 feeders..1161 4 10 42 fceders.,1114 4 10 J. A. Black , 2 steers..1175 : r60 32 feeders..1080 4 15 E. S. Swan. 2 cows 1015 1135 C steers..1293 4 00 3 cows 103(5 ( 3 33 85 feeders..1231 4 05 1 steer 1200 3 40 12 steers..1290 4 10 112 steers..1085 4 00 49 steers..1054 4 15 N. W. Grlggs. 23 feeders..1159 4 20 1 steer 1320 4 60 M. Anderson. 22 steers 1090 3 95 J. W. and AV. W. Drisklll. 19 steers..1163 3 45 216 steers..1114 4 00 7 feeders..10183r70 Irwln. 1 COW. . . . 670 2 75 1 cow . 800 2 75 1 calf. . . . 260 5 00 1 steer . 1450 3 50 1 steer. . . , 3 50 1 steer . 1290 2 75 1 steer. . , . . StiO 2 75 1 steer. . 9SO 2 73 1 steer. . . . .1030 275 1 steer. . 960 2 75 1 steer. . . . . 810 275 1 steer. , .1150 275 1 steer. . . , , . 400 1 cow. . . . 770 2 25 1 cow. . . . , . 910 2 25 1 cow. . . . 730 2 25 1 cow , . . . , . 820 1 cow. . . . 650 225 1 cow. . . . , . 810 2 25IDAHO. IDAHO. 2 cows 9CO 2 fO 46 heifers. . 666 3 60 48 cows 991 3 35 11 feeders. .1131 3 95 40 heifers. . 820 3 45 SOUTH DAKOTA. 5 COWH . 1030 280 8 feeders. . 1031 350 4 cows . M- 3 00 34 feeders. . 40 3 90 7 cows . 1019 323 12 feeders. . SOS 360 10 feeders. .1075 3 50 6 feeders. . 916 390 COLORADO. Dcndy & Hull , ,50 feeders. 625 Culver & Gowen. Icow . 1330 275 15 cows . 1028 255 Ibull . 12 ) 275 5 steers. , . . 770 273 2 bulls . 1275 300 15 cows . 1060 315 HOGS The arrivals of hogs today were hardly up to the record of n week ago , but at the amu time the run was larger than the average for a Monday. The trade opened early at an advance over Saturday of a strong 6c. For a time the movement wns active , or until buyers with urgent orders had secured what they required. Then It clacked up , and for a time came to a standstill. The market closed dull with a good share of the mornings ad vance lost. The early salts were largely nt $3.C2',4ff3.65. with a top at $3.70. On Saturday - urday the hogs sold at $3.65 3.65. with the lone string at ! 3.67'i'33. 0. It will be noted I from the table of average ist\ce \ * nt head of column tnat the mnrlKt i * still lower tlinn n week ago by n f < ? w centi. and that the hogs sold today nt the hlchtit point since Tncrdny of last week. It looks now n If the yellow fever reports from Missis sippi might provo on Injury to the hoc market , Everyone knows that the ex istence of fever In one southern state , and especlrlly thl * Into In the season , would mnko no appreciable dlfforMieo to the i < nlo of hog products , but the sentiment Is such on the Chicago Board of Trade that every tlmo there Is any fever talk the bears pro ceed to pound down the market. As n matter of course the price on live hoc follows the lead of provisions. Representa tive sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. f > 4 310 SO $3 60 79 234 200 $3 60 7.1 304 RO 360 R9 2P6 120 SCO 61 301 120 360 72 279 ICO 3 60 114 302 240 360 22 2SS . . . 360 51 3(3 ( . . . 3021.4 59 276 80 3 62 < 4 48 297 M : 62ti 38 318 120 3 C2'4 ' M 359 SO 3 6214 6 255 . . . 3 62(4 ( 73 252 40 3 C2'4 ' 69 266 120 36214 fiO 2S2 80 3 62 < < j 6B 2S3 120 3 62 > ,4 61 33S . . . 36214 73 241 120 362(4 ( 59 2TO 240 3 65 69 206 120 363 58 296 160 365 73 241 $0 365 66 272 160 363 63 301 40 3 Cfi 42 ISO 160 365 60 320 160 365 67 307 40 3 65 76 196 400 363 B8 290 2SO 3 C5 61 263 120 365 63 263 40 3671J 213 160 3 C7'i ' 137 2(2 ( 440 365 33 266 . . . 363' 67 290 ICO 3 6714 SS 233 . . . 370 62 264 200 370 80 213 160 370 68 264 ICO 370 SHEEP The arrivals of sheep showed up pretty well on paper this morning , but a considerable proportion of the arrivals consisted of feeders nnd stackers , so that there was no great number of killers on sale. The market , as a whole , wns rather slow. Buyers for packing houses did not seem particularly anxious for the kind of stuff on sale , and the tr.irto wan Inclined to drnT. Some sheep sold at steady prices and at the same time others brought less money than was paid for same kind last week , but they were generally regarded as buying brought n high prlco last week. Taking It nil In nil the market would have to bo quoted simply ns slow. There were quite a peed many lookers for feeders , and , as usual , with that kind , sellers were en abled to unload at satisfactory prices. Quotations are : Good grans westerns , j4.00ij4.15 ; fair to good grass westerns , $3.90 04.00 ; good yearlings , $4,20@l.33 ; good to choice lambs , J5.15ijf3.30 : fair to cooil lambs , * l.9t ) o.09 ; feeder wethers , 2-yenr-olrts nnrt over , $3.73 4.00 ; feeder yearlings. $4.CKKM.15 ? ; feeucr lambs , $ I:5Q4.S5 ; culls , $2.50if3.00. x ° . Av. Pr. 2 natlvo sheep 83 $3 00 33 native Khcep 106 400 10 western yearling feeders SO 4 00 245 western yearling feeders 80 4 15 1 western yearling wether 140 4 BO 4o6 Colorado , feeders S3 375 2S4 Colorado wethers 97 390 S native lambs 75 B 00 4a western mixed 93 370 293 western wethers , fed 103 4 M 292 western wethers , fed 10-5 4 00 102 western lambs ( il BOO C7 western mixed 90 3 10 172 western ewes fa 340 2rt3 S. D. mixed 125 410 150 western lambs 62 BOO CHICAGO I.I VK STOCK MAKKKT. Prleen IlooMteil Upwartln on Strong DeiniinilN ami Small Supply. CHICAGO , Oct. 10. The competition today for the somewhat small supply of cattle was so great that prices were easily ad vanced 1013c. Choice steers , $5.30ff6.55 ; medium , $4.704.95 ; beef steers , $4.0004,63 ; stockers and feeders , $3.004.70 ; bull * . $2.25 fi'4.26 ; cows and heifers , $3.50ff4.25 ; calves , $3.0CKSV7.23 : western rangers , $2.761.60 ; Texans - ans , $3.15 < Jf4.90. Packers were opposed to paying higher prices for hogs , but the run wns ft ) light that sellers were In a position to take nn independent stand nnd prices showed a gain of 510c. Fair to choice , $3.72fcJ3.90 ! ; packing lots , $3.403.75 ; butchers' . $3.60 ® 3.92J4 ; light , $3.603.90 ; mixed. $3.5583.90 ; pigs , $2.7503.70. There wns a vigorous demand for sheep and lambs and prices advanced lOc. Com mon to cholco muttonr. $3.00@4.60 ; yearlings , $4.454.75 ; ewes , $3.60g4,10 ; feeder ? , $3.60 ® 4.25 ; common to choice " lambs , $4.0066.25. RECEIPTS-Cuttlc. 12,600 head ; hogs , 23.- 000 head : sheep , 17,000 head. ICaiiHun City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY , Oct. lO.-CATTLE-Re- celpts , 8,520 head natives , 5,010 head Tex- nns ; large supply , mostly range stock ; trade active : no dressed beef steers offered ; short fed and best quality straight grass butchers lOc higher , other grades stendy : trashy cnttlo shade lower ; western range teers , $3.15H75 ( ? ; stockern nnd feeders. $3.60 ST4.S5 ; butcher cows nnd heifers , $2.75 4.65 ; butcher bulls , $2.753.50 ; Texas steers , $3.00 04.23 ; Texas butcher cows , $2.7083.10 ; can ning stock , $2.23If2.EO. HOGS Receipts , 3,376 head ; good demand : early trade 65i7'c higher , closed weak ; heavies. $3.6503.70 ; mixed , ' $3.5503.7214 ; lights , $3.5503.7214. SHEEP Receipts , 1,600 head ; supply too light to satlrfy demand ; nil grades slaught ering sheep especially active , flrm prices ; feeders steady ; western muttons , $3.75 ® 4.23 ; western Inmbs , $5.0005.30 : range feedIng - Ing lambs , $ I.301. 65 ; western feeding sheep , $3.7504.00. St. Lonl * Live Slock. ST. LOUIS , Oct. 10.-CATTLE-Rcc lpts , 3,200 head , including 2,330 Texans ; ship ments , O.COO head ; market strong to lOc higher for natives , with Texans 5lCc up : fair to fancy native shipping nnd export steers. $4.6005.60 : bulk of sales , $5.00'ji3.n5 : dressed beef and butcher steers , $3.7005.25 ; bulk of sales , $4.6505.15 : steers under 1,009 Ibs. . $3.4564.70 ; bulk of sales , $4.0001.50 ; stockers nnd feeders , $2.60S4,23 : bulk of sales. $3.501(4.00 ; cows and heifers , $2.00 ® 4.75 ; bulk of cows. $2.5003.25 ; Texas and In dian stotrs , $2.9004.50 ; bulk of sales , $3.23 ® 3.70 : cows nnd heifers , $2.5003.10. HOGS Receipts. 5,300 head ; shipments , 17,000 head ; market opened strong , but later weakened ; yorkers , $3.7503.85 ; packers , $3.70 03.85 ; butchers , $3.8503.90. SHEEP Receipts , 900 head : shipments , 600 hcnd ; mnrkot steady : native muttons , $4.0004.50 ; lambs , $4.6005.25. \ev - York Live Sloe' ? . NEW YORK Oct. . , 10. BEEVES-Re- celpts. 2,503 head ; active nnd higher ; bulls , $2.6503.40 ; cows , $1.501i3.40 : cables were lower : live cattle. 101i@llc , dressed weight ; refrigerator beef , 9c ; exports tomorrow , 636 cattle nnd 2,529 qunrters of beef. CALVES Recelnts , 1,307 head ; active and higher ; veals , $3.00(33.60 ( ; westerns , $4.3714 ® 'SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts , 13.511 head ; active ; good sheep were higher ; com mon and medium , steady : lambs , uneven and from lOc lower to 15o higher ; sheep , $3.0004.75 ; lumbH , $3.00fi0.3714 ; extra state lambs. $6.50 ; culls , $4.5004.75. HOGS Receipts , 14,518 lioad ; slow at $3.85 .15 ; some outside sales ut $1.1504.20. Clneliiiuill Live Stoek. CINCINNATI. Oct. 10.-HOGS-Actvo ! und strom ; at $3.0003.5. CATTLE Active at $2.50I4.S5. SHEEP-Flrm nt $2.0U4.10 ; lambs , strong at $4.3505.75. Stock In Sleht. Record of receipts of live stock nt the four principal markets for October 10 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha . 6,377 3,003 5,093 Chicago . 12,600 23,000 17,000 Kansas City . 13,530 3,376 1.500 St. Louis . 3,20) 6,300 900 Totals 35,607 31,681 24,495 PENSIONS KOIl IVISSTISItN VETT2MAX8. Survivors of Civil War llcnieinlicreil ! the Government. WASHINGTON , Oct. 10. ( Special. ) Pen sions liavo been granted to the following : Issue of September 2S- Nebraska : Original Jacob M. Hill , Omaha , $ G. Restoration and Reissue Brlntnell Taylor , dead , David City , $6. In crease John N. Klrkpatrlck , Fclrfleld , JS to $8 ; Andrew LSowman , Wllsonvlllc , $12 to'$17. Iowa : Original John AV. Leonard , Sol di res' home , Marshall , $8 ; George H. Davis , Lo Clalro , $5. Restoration and Reissue Henry Finch , dead , Hazleton , $14. Increase Horace Wollman , Sheldon. $8 to $16 : Archy Pullcn , Red Oak , $6 to $3. Retfsue and Increase Oeorgo W. Baldwin , West Liberty , $5 to $8. Original Widows , etc. Nancy Relbcr , Marshalltown , $8 ; Allco A. Hazleton. Lament , $8. Mexican War Sur vivors , Increase Scth P. Huntlngton , Del- moncl , $3 to $ .12. Colorado : Original Andrew Kaler , Flor ence , $8 ; John S. Lyne , Colorado City , $3. Increase lionet Ulescbczen , Bllrla , $14 to $17. . Yellmv Kever Situation. JACKSON , Mies. , Oct. 10 Six new cases of yellow fever nnd two deaths wcro reported In Jackson today. The spread of the dlK- face over the state continues and new fever cases multiply rapldl. Hattlesburg , In Perry county. Is now nn Infected point , with ten positive caocs of yellow fever. Governor Will Xot Help Operator * . SPRINGFIELD , 111. . Oct. 10. Governor Tanner lias had a sharp controversy with Manager Lukens of tbe Chlcago-Vlrden Coal company , In regard to sendlne troops to VIrUen , where tfco ppfrntori have been ' plnnnlnjc to use Imported negroes to nil ih places of strikers. Mnnncer Lukens , In re- i ply to n question , snlfl he proposed to Im port labor and would operate his mlno K i necessary at the point of rllles. Governor Tanner said ho would not Rend troops to nnslst the operator * In running their mines with Imported labor , nnd If the operators attempted to enforce their Ideas In regard to the. rifles ho would Bond the national guard to Vlrdon to disarm all. CONDITION OF THE CROPS Corn In Xcliraiika Decline * Five I'olittn from I'rcvloim Report Av- craaen Arc Maintained. WASHINGTON , Oct. 10. The Department of Agriculture today Issued the following J crop report : The October report of the statistician of the Department of Agriculture , John Hyde , shows the average condition of corn on Oc tober 1 to have been 82 points , as compared with 84.1 points on September 1 , with 77.1 points on October 1 , 1897 , and with 83. points , the mean of the October average for the last ten years. All the averages of 100 or upward re ported lost month have disappeared , except In Kentucky , where corn has hold Its own at ono point above the standard. In Ohio and Missouri also the average Is the same nfl last month , while there Is an Improve ment of 4 points In Illinois ami n. decline of 4 points In Indiana , 2 points In Iowa and S In Nebraska , The usual wheat report Is withheld , pend ing the result of further Investigations. The preliminary estimate of the yield per acre of oats Is 27.8 bushels. This Is three- tenths of a bushel per acre less than the pre liminary estimate of the crop of 1S97 , but 2.7 bushels per acre above the averages of the last ten years. The average for quality Is 83.3 against 87.0 ono year ago. The preliminary estimate of the yield per aero of barley Is 21.G bushels , or 2.9 bushcM per aero less than In 1897 nnd 1.3 bushels below the mean October estimates for the last ten years. The average for quality la 01.3 as compared with 87.6 last year. The preliminary estimate of the yield for an acre of rye Is 15.C bushels. This Is flvo- tcnths of a bushel less than the average of last year , but two and nine-tenths of a bushel over the mean of Octo ber averages for ton years. The average quality reported Is 90.1 against 02.7 on year ayo. The condition of buckwheat has declined slnco September 1 12.6 points , being now 76.2. This Is 14.6 points below tbe average on October 1 , 1897 , and 8.3 points below the aean of October averages for the lost ten vears. \ The condition of Irish potatoes declined fi.2 points during September. While It Is still 1.9 points higher than the October con dition last year , It Is 2.7 points below the , mean of the October averages for the last ten years. The apple reports show a continued do- cllno In every staCo In which this crop Is of any commercial Importance , except la Maine- , Michigan , Nebraska and Oregon , where , a slight Improvement Is Indicated. The yield per acre of hops Is generally In \ excess of last year. California , where the yield will probably not exceed 1,000 polnta to the acre , Is the exception. The tobacco reports , as a whole , are some what lees favorable than last monrh , Penn sylvania , Maryland , Virginia nnd North Car olina showing a decline of 19 , 10 , 7 nnd 8 points respectively. Kentucky , however , re ports a condition Indicating 93 per cent ot a full normal crop , an Improvement of 4 points during the month , while Tennessee , Wisconsin and New York report 97 , 98 and 100 per cent , respectively. Slot Telephones Illegal. CHICAGO. Oct. 10. In an opinion ren dered to the judiciary committee of the city council today Corporation Counsel Thornton holds that the slot machine tele phone as used by the Chicago Telephone company Is Illegal. Counsel Thornton con tends that the company has no right to charge any extra to an outsider for the uro of the telephone when the company la already being paid by the party renting the telephone and leaves It to the option of the latter whether ho shall make an extra charge or not. Police Locate nil Ilelre * * . CHICAGO. Oct. 10. After a search of two weeks detectives have today located Mamie Norton , for whom $15,000 In real estate and cash Is waiting in Ccntrnlla , Kan. A letter received from Miss Norton today estab lishes her Identity beyond a doubt. The lucky girl IB a stenographer In the ofllces of Dalton & Salch. manufacturers' agents In Denver. Miss Norton formerly lived In Chicago and went to Denver a year ago to llvo with her mother. Miss Norton was adopted by Frank Norton In Infancy and sh still bears his name. A relative of tha Nortons died In Centralla recently , be queathing the fortune to Mamie. Senator ICeniiry'H CUNC PoHtponcil. WILMINGTON. Dol. , Oct. 10. United States District Attorney Vnndergrlff today made application bcforo Jtidgo Bradford In the United States court for a continuance until after November of the trial of United States Senator Kennoy. Indicted for com plicity with W. N. Boggs in the Dover bank defalcation. The reason given by the district attorney for the postponement woa a dcslro to have the trial disconnected en tirely from partisan Influence- and excite ment pending the political campaign. Th trial will probably be called about the mlcl- dlo of December. \ Murderer Killed by Officer * . CINCINNATI , Oct. 10. The Enqulrcr'i special from Owensboro , Ky. , says : Howard Clark , who was wanted in Louis ville for murder and burglary , and his girl , Hattto Mahoncy , ivoro both killed while re sisting arrest on the Indiana side of the river near hero today. Clark was wanted for the murder of Officer Hcfferman at Lou isville last August and wna attempting to escape la a cltlff by rowing down the Ohio river. Yellow I'Vvcr on tbe Increase. JACKSON. Miss. . Oct. 10. The yellow fever situation In Mississippi grows rapidly worse and unless cool weather comes soon nearly the entlro state bids fair to becorao Infected. Harrlston , In Jefferson county , baa a population of only ICO and nineteen cased developed there yesterday and last night. Harrlaburg , In Perry county , now has fourteen cases. lu JucltEon the Infection Increases rapidly. Startlnur n Ilniilc at Ilonoliiln. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 10. The Call says that when the Gaelic loaves this port tomor row It will have on board two local bankers bound for Hawaii. Upon their arrival a bnnk will be established In Honolulu , which will bo called the First National Dank of Han-all. with a capitalization of $1,000,000. The local bankers , wbcse names are withheld , will be accompanied by Fletcher S. Heath of New York , who represents several wealthy men In that cltv. lo Cotton Crop , LITTLE HOCK , Ark. , Oct. 10. Report ! from various portions of Arkansas report great damage to the cotton crop by excessive rains. In the bottom lands tbe cotton U reported as sprouting In the bolls and the bolls are rotting. In some localities the crop Is almost entirely ruined. JAMES E. BOYD & GO , . Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVIsrONS tind STOCKS HOARD OP TRAD8. Dlr 't wlre to Chicago and New Tork. CorrtipondtnUi John A. Warren A Cn. TGLI2IMIOM3 in.-.3. H. R. PENNEY & CO. , Itoom 4 , JV. Y. Life Dldjr. , Omaha , Neb. StocksGrainProvisions UlroctVlrr * New York , ChicoKO tVcitcru Point * .