Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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Problem with Which Scientific Skill ia
Grappling !
Clieiulfitfl nnil I'lu lolin ( I'rolitiiR He-
neutli the Sniicrflrlitl Surface of
JSnturc Hevloir f Recent
The air about us has always been an ob
ject of Interest to thinking man , writes
Theodore William Richards , assistant pro
fessor of chemistry In Harvard university ,
In the Independent. The ancients Joined
Its various manifestations under such nanws
as Aeolus , Boreas or Zephyrus and all that
pertained to the kingdom of these gods
seemed to them pre-eminently mysterious.
Later , In the gradual evolution of human
thought concerning human environment ,
the air came to bo considered ono of the
fundamental constituents of the universe
and was incorporated by Aristotle In his
natural philosophy as one of the four vague
and unsatisfactory elements. The first man
to observe that there were kinds of air
fundamentally different from ono another
sctms to have been Van Hclmont , a Belgian
alchemist ot Shakespeare's tlmo. He
coined the word gas ( from glstrc , to fer
ment , or possibly from chaos ) , and * called
carbonic acid the "gaz sylvestre. " Borne
years later Hooke , John Roy and Mayow
realized that part of the air was capable ot
supporting combustion , while another part
was not ; but the world was not prepared to
believe that the old "element" was chiefly
composed ot oxygen and nitrogen until
another century had expired. About the
tlmo of Priestley's and Sheele's rediscovery
of this fact , shortly before the Uelgn of Ter
ror , Lavoisier had succeeded in convincing
a reluctant world that matter Is Indestruct
ible and that gasts have weight This was
not an Idea to bo easily grasped by the un
thinking mind of the populace , for a burnln
candle seemed to be annihilated nnd a glass
empty of liquid seemed to contain nothing.
Only a little later It occurred to Cavendish
to Investigate the ordinarily Incombustible
part of nlr , In order to discover whether1
or not it Ii uniform In composition. By
suitable means ho found that almost all
of the residue could be converted into
niter , thus show Ing that most of It Is
certainly nitrogen The small bubble which
remained , less than 1 per cent of the
whole , Cavendish ascribed to "unavoid
able Impurities " In those days chemists
were uiunlly unable to work moro accu
rately than to within 1 psr cent and hence
Cavendish's experiments were considered
conclusive. Argon had t wait 100 years
moro for Its discovery , until Lord Ilalelgh
was able to show by his exceedingly ae-
curate experimentation that the Incombustl-
blo part of nlr Is heavier than the nllrogcr
obtained from niter. It was not ! long bo'oie
r the heavier gas causing this difference In
weight was Isolated , and the small bubble
which Cavendish had rejected li ° cnnio U. .
cornerstone of a new. series of gases. This
epoch-making discovery has been called "a
triumph of the third decimal. " Prof. Ham-
say , In trying to find argon in a gas con
tained in minerals , supposed to bo nitrogen ,
discovered tbo new gas helium , which had
long been known to exist In the sun. Helium
cxlsti on earth onlj in small quantities , and
oddly enough little , If any , is to bo found in
the atmosphere. Ono would naturally have
expected to find so inert ) a substance remain
ing untouched In the gaseous state , like
nitrogen and argon , after all the more active
substances had combined to form the solid
and liquid crust of the globe.
Argon anil Ilellnni.
The question of the homogeneity of these
gases Immediately became a matter of great
moment. Are nigon and helium uniform
substances or mere mixtures of many sub
stances each ? Tbo answering of this ques
tion was difficult because of the .fact that
each of these gases Is wholly Inert. Chemists
usually separate ono substance from another
by acting upon the mixture with some agent
capable ot combining with the offending
material and converting It Into some othei
Btato In which 111 may be separated by filtra
tion , deeantatton or one of the other phjslcal
processes at his disposal. No substance had
over before been discovered devoid of power
to combine with other substances , nnd this
Inertness , which had undoubtedly delayed
for many years the discovery of argon , be
came at ) once a stumbling block in the way
ot Its purification and analysis The onlj
method of separating two absolutely Inert
gases Is by the slow aud unsatisfactory pro
cess ot diffusion a process which nllown a
lighter gas to pass more rapidly than a
heavier gas thiough a porous septum. Argon
nnd helium refused to be spilt ) up by any
such treatment , and as long as they remained
gases there seemed to belittle hope of deter
mining whether or not they are really homo
geneous. As all the world knows , I'rof.
Ilamsay and Mr. Travers sorted the prob
lem by converting the obstinate argon Into
a liquid capable of more varied treatment.
The separation of the several impurities
which have caused so much scientific ex
citement Is precisely similar to the separa
tion of alcohol from water , or naphtha
from kerosene , by distillation. The only dif
ference lies in the temperatures at which
the respective distillations take place ; for
liquid argon bolls at about 300 degrees be
low zero Fahrenheit , Instead ot some hun
dreds above. Whether or not the apparently
now elements , neon and motargou , which
have thus been found to exist In smart pro
portions in argon ( and therefore in still
smaller proportions with krypton In air )
are really elementary , or are mixtures of
jet other elements , ono cannot jet say
Enough has been done to show , with very
little room for reasonable doubt , that since
the beginning of the world Its atmosphere j
has contained a whole series of Inert sub
stances which seem to play the part of
wall-flowers In the festivities of nature.
They nro not needed or sought , and they
eccm to fulfill no useful purpose.
Olijectii of ( iront Intercut.
To the chemist and phjslctst , especially
to the natural philosopher who seeks the
causes underljlng the superficial facts of
nature , argon , helium and their companions
nre objects of unusual Interest. Their very
Inertness excites his curiosity and opens
his eyes to possibilities undreamed ot by
his old philosophy. What ran bo the nature -
turo of a substance which has no affinities ?
Have its smallest particles no attraction
for anjthing , or have they an attraction for
ono another so strong that no Inducement
can persuade them to separate and unite
with particles ot another kind ? Might not ;
clearer Ideas of the nature of affinity Itseft
that Incomprehensible force bo obtained
by the comparison of the properties of
these bodies with their better known active
cousins ? In such speculations ono always
r tnds In profound wonderment as to how
nearly our convenient hjpatbesls of atoms
and molecules really corresponds to the
facts of nature. What are our atoms except
infinitesimal congregations of varied
forces ? But then , what Is a force , aud how
can we conceive of a force manifesting It
self without "material" embodiment ?
These speculations belong rather to the
nalrn of inctaphjslcs than to sober , expe
r rimental uclencc , whoso present end Is to
observe and compare phenomena , without
attempting to penetrate Into the unknow
able. The wlte cheraUt accepts the atomic
hypothesis as a convenient temporary pin-
rail to hang his thoughts upon , without
pretending to regard it as a fixture.
Even the chemist , however , Is tempted to
Imagine the earth as It would have been
f If an Its components had belonged to the
argon scries. The atmosphere would have
consisted of the newly discovered element * ,
the sea would have been rondo of higher
boiling undiscovered members of the series ,
and even rocks and sand might have ex
isted , If any of them were solid at ordinary
temperatures. This world would have had
clouds , winds , rain , tides and waves , but
no life ; for life exists only through chem
ical energy , which reproduces heat ab
sorbed from the sun. Life merely guides
Lbc successive chemical reactions which
build up Its transcendent/ ! mysterious pro
cess ; without the chemlsmnil _ wourd bo
Old H ) ( eni IMncnrdcd.
Leaving the realm of Imagination , ono
finds facts enough to form the basis of
moro legitimate speculation. For Instance ,
there Is no place for these newcomers In
the old "system of the elements , " In which
the seventy or moro older elements arc ar
ranged In the order of the relative weights
of the so-called atoms , their properties re
curring at regular Intervals. Perhaps this
classification might bo reconstructed In
such a way as to admit the newcomers , If
wo could bo certain of their atomic weights ;
but , unfortunately , a very essential part of
the determination of an atomic weight Is
the analysis by weight of ono or more of
the compounds of the clement In question ,
and the newly found gases comblno with
nothing. Whtlo It Is thus Impossible to de
termine the atomic weight of argon by any
chemical process , nothing Is easier than to
discover the weight of Its molecule. Ac
cording to the very definition of the Idea ,
each molecule , when In the state of a gas
at any fixed temperature and pressure ,
occupies exactly the same volume as
every other molecule , of any aeri
form substance whatsoever. Ono may
evidently then obtain the molecular
weight of a gas by comparing the weight
of a given volume of any gas with the weight
of the same volume of a gas whose mole
cular weight Is known Since argon Is not
qulto a third again as heavy as oxjgcu , and
we are accustomed to call the molecular
weight of oxygen 32 , It Is obvious that the
molecular weight of argon must be about 40
In the same way the molecular weight of
helium Is about 4. The molecular weights
of the newer elements are still too uncertain
to be worth stating , tbo uncertainty being
only due to the fact that none have yet been
obtained In a pure state. Now a molecule
may contain one or moro atoms , for exam
ple , the molecule of oxygen gas Is said to
contain two similar atomi , whllo that of
phosphorous vapor Is said to contain four.
The reasons for these assumptions are very
definite , but are too
complex to admit of ex
planation here. Gaccs having more than one
atom to the molecule always seem to use
up a portion of any energy which may bo
expended upon them In adjusting relations
Insldo of the molecule , thus leaving less
energy to Influence the molecule as a whole
Because of this , It Is possible from the rate
of transmission of any form of energy ( for
Instance , sound ) through a gas , to form
some clue as to the number of atoms In the
molecule. Judged by this criterion , which Is
more satisfactory to physicists than to chem
ists , each of the new gases seems to contain
only ono atom In Its molecule. If this Is
the case , It becomes evident that the atoms
themselves are wholly devoid of affinity , the
Inertness of the gases cannot be duo to any
attraction of the particles for ono another.
Adopting the numbers four and forty for
the atomic as well as the molecular weights
of helium and argon , wo are still unable to
find a place for them In the periodic system
of the elements. Some ono has suggested
that these inactive substances would natu
rally form the connecting links between the
powerful electro-negative and
tlvo elements which follow ono another
In successive portions of the table ; but
unfortunately their atomic weights do
not put them In this position
Tlmo will , perhaps , solve the diffi
culty ; for the present ono cannot but be
Impressed with the Inadequacy of a widely
accepted generalization to tope with the new
Arisen' * Sncctrn.
One of the most certain of tbo criteria of
the newness of argon and its comrades Is
the singularity of their spectra. Probably all
gases are capable of yielding at least two
spectra apiece , one being produced by the
vibrations of light caused by intense heat
( as In the sun's atmosphere or In the In
tense Incandescence of the electric spark ) ,
and another being produced by the passage
of a small quantity of galvanic electricity
at acry much lower temperature. Each
of the spectra of each of the argon group
Is utterly different from any spectrum pre
viously known on the earth. It In Interest
ing to know that many of tbo lines In the
hot spectrum of helium had been observed
long ago In the spectra of many stars , es
peclally in some belonging to the constella
tion of Orion ; and the yellow line of helium
has been known In the sun for years. It
Is worthy of note , also , that the hot spectra
of argon and its companions seem to re
quire less heat than those of many otbei
substances. This fact may bo duo to the
assumed separate existence of the atoms
In the now gases ; for the hot spectra nro
supposed to emanate onry from free atoms ,
and not from molecules The hot spectrum
of argon is rich in blue lines , whllo the
cold spectrum Is marked by the predomi
nance of red.
At some future time , when mankind nan
solved the riddle involved In the existence
of the fixed periods of vibration causing the
multitudinous lines In spectra , all these ob
servations will bo rich In meaning. For
the prossntwe can only feel that the phe
nomena Just mentioned bear tbo most Intl-
mate relation possible to the fundamental
essence of material and force. In this field
wo have Just begun to "pan out" a little
gold from a lode which promises to yield
untoll richness.
The members of the American Association
for the Advancement
of Science were as
tounded to hear , at its recent meeting , ot
the possible discovery , by Mr. C , r. Brush ,
of another gas In the atmosphere , a gas sup
posed to bo far lighter than hydrogen and
to permeate all space. It Is needless to
call attention to some obvious theoretical
objcct'ons ' to the existence of this so-called
"etherlon , " and the tlmo Is not > et rlpo
for an adequate Judgment of the matter.
Mr. Brush's observations are extremely In
teresting and Important , even It the Infer
ence from them Is not at once to be ac
cepted. In such a case one must bear In
mind tbo fact that In tbls world of marvels
nothing Is too extraordinary to be believed ,
provided that It Is attested by sufficient
experimental evidence. The only question
In any case can bo as to the sufficiency ot
the evidence to prove the point under con
sideration ; and In this particular Instance
U Is safer not to Indulge In the precarious
pastime of prophecy.
Forty-seven candidates for the railway
postal service were taking a civil service ex
amination In the old Jostofilco building yes
terday. Fred Wanamaker of Washington Is
In charge of the examination.
Phil Stlmmel of this city has filed a pe
tition In the United States court asking to
be declared a bankrupt. He schedules a long
list of liabilities , and has no assets except
such as are exempt under the state law.
HiTt-ptlou l'o ti > nne < I.
The reception to primary Sunday school
teachers arranged for by the Primary union
at Its organization at the clcse of the Sunday
school congrres last week , haa been post
poned until after Peace Jubilee week. Due
notlco will be given of the time of holding1
It. Sunday ecbool superintendents are re-
qcsted to report names and addresses of their
primary teachers at once to the president of
the Primary union , Mrs , George Q. Wallace ,
1916 California street.
P F 0 1
li JJi Ui
Day's ' Program is Devoted Entirely to the
Sisterhood's ' Affairs ,
I'nrt of the Afternoon In Given Orrr to
n Ilcccptlon of Ont-of-Toim Mem *
Iicrn nml < lie MrctltiR Mnkcn
nti AiiMilclotiN Slnrtt
The P. E. 0. congress was held yesterday
at the first Congregational church at Nine
teenth and Davenport streets.
Preceding the morning meeting of the
sisterhood there was an Informal reception
for out-of-town members. Members from
far nnd near renewed their old friendships
and formed now ones.
The meeting was called to order by the
cuprcmo president , Mrs. Flora C. Herring ,
who Introduced the executive committee ,
Mcsdames Herring , West , Campbell , Barnes
and Bryant. Mrs. Herring spoke of the
honor accorded the sisterhood in opening
the women's congress and expressed the
sisterhood's appreciation.
At her request the audience rose and
sang the sisterhood's ode. Then Mrs. Berta
C. Fox of Nelson , Neb , offered prayer
Invoking peace and comfort on the sister
hood and womankind. In conclusion she red
the estimate of woman In the bible.
By special request Mrs. Belle Haeckcr of
Hampton , la , sang the "Holy City , " after
which Mrs. F. B Bryant delivered the ad
dress of welcome , saying.
"It Is an old saying that a woman can
not keep a secret Now who started this
report , which has come to bo a proverb ?
It must have been a man. But in this
twentieth century woman can look with
scorn on this Imputation. If you don't be
lieve It ask some of our members what P.
E 0. means.
"Omaha Is proud to great you and offers
you the freedom of the city. But please
observe Mayor Moorcs' modest request that
> ou leave the new station , for Its the only
ono wo have. Though If you come next
year you will find another.
Tew people realize the vast resources ot
our state and of the west , but I am sure
you will rejoice with us at their display In
the exposition "
AVouinn'M AVorlc Rxempllflril.
Mrs. Klttlo Loughrldge Dutton of Hast
ings delivered the greeting from the Bureau
of Education of tbo Transmlsslsslppl Expo
sition. She traced woman's work from the
birth of Christ. "In the life of the mother of
our Savior wo see unceasing love arid mercv
for the poor nnd unfortunate Woman has
taken Christ's saying , 'The poor jo have
ilwajs with ye , ' to heart. To whom do pco
pie go for sympathy and consolation In time
of trouble ? To women. Look at the glori
ous work of Florence Nightingale during the
Crimean war , which opened the way for the
work of our American women on the Potomac
mac and In the south , and of which the Red
Cross Is the capstone.
"You hear moro concerning WIG hero than
the heroine In times of war , but unjustly I
think. What mother , sister or sweetheart
hesitated when her dear ones were sum
moned In our last war ? Did any of them
flinch ? No ! They said 'Go ! and God bless
> ou ! ' All honor to Che heroes and to those
A ho bore the heroes.
"Steadily has woman marched upward.
Moro gates are open to her and wo feel a
just pride at the sight. Women , realizing
that they should occupy the crowning place
in country , church and home , evolved a
plan and success will be theirs In the end.
The P. E. O. Is doing grand work toward
this end and we extend greeting to all. "
In responding to the welcome and greet
ing , President Herring said : "Wo shduld
be proud and pleased at Omaha's greetings.
Wo organized In 1869 at Mt. Pleasant , la.
Since then reunions have cemented old
friendships and been the cause of new and
undying vows. Throughout our existence
T has been our magic motto. Seven
women formed the sisterhood ; seven mem
bers are required < o start a chapter , and
the members must bo admitted in multiples
of seven. Seven chapters form a state chap
ter , and seven presidents of state chapters
form the supreme council. Our object Is to
live on a broad plane , For we shall be
Judged not by what we have done , but by
what wo might have dono. In the name of
the sisterhood , I thank the chapter and citi
zens of Nebraska for their hospitality. "
Almn of the Order.
The president of the Chicago chapter , Mrs.
E. M. Pratt , was then Introduced. She
spoke on the objects and alms of P. E. O.
'As the Star of the East 1000 years ago
s-hone on Him who brought peace on earth ,
good will to men , so our star has the
name sweet thought. Love bears
to spiritual fife the same relation that elec
tricity doca to physlclal. Love Is the epi
tome of life and makes It ono long , sweet
aong. We appeal not only for an Intellectual
but for a sweet , pure home life. For llfo
Is an education , not a holiday. It Is the
smiles and sympathy that women know co
well how to bestow that count. Truth
should bo our highest aim. We should try
to be a hefp to others. Self-sacrifice is
woman's noblest privilege. It Is not to the
intellectual woman that men go for love and
help , but to the warm-hearted and loving.
The world Is at our feet. Woman as an aid
and counsellor of man , fighting sldo by sldo
with him , can purify the world.
"God's Idea of woman was as n helpmate
to man. But we have fallen far short.
Look at the family of the new woman.
Oftentimes the husband must be nurse and
comforter of his children.
"The glory of a home Is the mother. I
believe In the Trinity of the Father , Mother
and child. That will create trust and truth
at home. Let our aim be for the future what
It has been in the past , 'Love and being
loved. ' "
Mrs. Herring then Introduced Mrs. Walter
Campbell , president of the grand chapter of
Iowa , who read the pathetic story of "Tom
Connell , an Irishman. " It was a dialect
story and Mrs. Campbell read It In a de
lightful Irish brogue.
The morning exercises closed with a clever
monologue , "The Obstruction Hat , " which
Mlas E. M. Crawford , the principal of the
Nebraska School of Oratory , recited. Miss
Crawford has a charming volco. So de
lighted was her audience that It Insisted
on an encore , to which she responded with
"So Was I , " the story of a timid schoolboy.
Mimic fcrtM Them IliRht.
Miss May Cobb of York , Neb. , opened
the afternoon session by an appreciative
rendering of a polonaise by Mlgnon. So
much did the audience enjoy her playing
that they Insisted on several encored. The
music put the Sisterhood In a receptive
mood for Mrs. Dysart's paper , entitled "Per
Gradus. " After paying a glowing tribute
to the United States and Us heroes she
went on to say :
Clubs are of ancient origin. The first
was In Paradise and ever slnco then they
have existed. But there are clubs and clubs.
There are desirable ones , like the P. E. O. ;
harmless cues , like the anti-matrimonial ,
and undeniably bad ones. With all her
clubs , woman should never neglect her du
ties as housewife. Yet the old Idea of wo
man's duty Is wrong , She was brought
up to work and her education was paid
small attention. Her days were passed at
the spinning wheel and all frivolities were
discountenanced. Now woman feels her du
ties are toward those she lows. She has
her clubs for the exchange ot Ideas and the
world endorses tbls change. Marked progress - '
gress has been made In her mental Im
provement and wo all cherish Influences
leading to that.
Education aud culture are the password *
to society nowadajo. And we should nil
make an effort to put our education to some
good uses. P. E. 0. Is a beautiful and en
nobling aid. Good women aid us and add
to our attractions. Wo are broadened by
the mutual exchange of nnalse nnd criti
cisms. This enables us to enjoy our homes.
A bright nnd happy homo should be the
father's kingdom , the child's paradise and
the mother's Joy. Charity begins at home ,
but it does not end there.
The mystery in which our Sisterhood Is
shrouded Is the open sesame to a happy life.
As a book grows chapter by chapter so the
P. E. 0. grows. Let our Ideal be a noble
woman who excels In refinement , grace and
loving kindness ; not In ono excelling In
masculinity or Intelligence.
Value of Clul. 1,1 fe.
Miss Virginia Corbett ot Bozeman , Mont. ,
was unable to bo present to read her pipsr
on "A Laboratory Study , " and It was read
by her sister , M s. Ca 1 Sm th. Mlsa Coi belt's
Idea was to make a laboratory ot the ages
represented by Chauscr , Shakespeare and
George Eliot and study the types ot women
depicted by those authors. Through them
all were found the bearing of all sorts ot
trouble without murmur or complaint. An
unflinching adherence to duty. The value
of club life was then shown , Its aid In thu
mutual growth and the Individual develop
ment. In this respect the value of the local
P. E 0. chapters Is Infinite.
A rest from the task of following these
discourses was furnished by Mrs. Alexander
of Wahoo , accompanied on the piano by
Miss Cobb. She whistled several pieces ,
which were enthusiastically received.
Mrs McN'aughton of Vllllsca , la. , contin
ued the program with n talk on "Backbone "
"Man , " said she , "without an actual back
bone , would be like a pair of tongs. And
without a mental one his actions are slmilai
to those of the tongs. God has given us
our lives and faculties. It is for us to de
velop our backbone. Our forefathers pos
sessed It to a wonderful degree , and we have
lately shown that wo ourselves arc not lackIng -
Ing In It.
"We women are very weak , but man is
also weak , or Adam would not have been
enticed by Eve to bite the apple. But It is
for us , by mutual help , tobulld up our back
bone , to enlighten our homes and to form
high nnd noble Ideals nnd then try to follow
them. Let faith , love and truth be our
guides. "
Mrs. Herring next presented the original
charter member , Mrs Alice Babb , of Mount
Pleasant , la. Mrs. Babb spoke feelingly of
her emotions at her seeing her friends and
the many different memories , some sad ,
others happy , which thej recalled , and com
pared them to a wonderful cave , In which
ire stalactites so perfect that chords can
bo struck on them. Of the flvo cardinal
virtues upon which the P. E. 0. Is founded ,
Mrs. Babb selected for her topic "Justice. "
"It Is Justice , " said Mrs. Babb , "that
rules the world. Nations submit to laws ;
states arc laid down by laws and property
Is protected by laws. Laws needed Inter
preters and the men po doing were calUd
lawjers. But there was arwnys a class of
people that complained against them on
the ground that they were unjust. Law Is
harsh at times The old Mosaic law claimed
an eye for an eye. Now lawyers often
claim two ejcs for one. Hereditary crime Is
the bugaboo of modern Justice and the great
problem Is to tell where mercy should end
and Justice begin. Education seems the
only solution. The mind's wants are more
diverse than the body's , and when not prop
erly treated become diseased.
IVIint the Order Accomplice * .
"Wo are now In the social age. Let us
not forget that wo have risen wonderfully
and the reason of It Is love. First came
the pilgrims. Their whes were always busy
and severe. Then came the wife of the
pioneer , who bore untold hardships without
murmur and did a vast deal toward making
the west what it iq.toijay. AS they made
money the Idea came that'they must educate
their children. But let us pray that these
children will never be ashamed of their
parents , as some have been.
"One great benefit of the P. E. 0. Is tbat
it draws mother and daughter together and
the mother feels no longer compelled to
sit in the kitchen while the daughter enter
tains her friends. There is no longer thit
sad separation of education. But by the i
aid of P. E. 0. they are made one.
"This Is a Justice loving nation , as our war
has proved , and Che women with their Red j t
Cross work are fit companions for these
temperate men.
"Let not small annoyances sour your lives ,
and bo always Just and strong In character. "
Miss Duval , in a paper upon "Woman's
Sphere" traced the indelible mark woman
has left on the world and showed that it
was duo to her love and tenderness. She
said that woman's sphere was continually
becoming more exalted and that In clvllUrd
countries she was now the equal and help
mate , not the slave of man. Then ebo j
warned Aoman against striving for what
was utterly useless to them and said that no
matter how humble , every woman had a
mission to perform. "Mothers have fought
a fight , " said she , "such as men never could
and they have proved themselves silent and
uncomplaining under all trials. "
Mrs. Munro of South Omaha then gave two
delightful recitations and Miss Blanchard
of Beatrice , Neb , played Chopin's Polonaise ,
op. 53. This finished the program and MIB.
Herring closed the convention , wishing all
"God speed" until they met again.
For broken surfaces , sores. Insect bites ,
burns , skin diseases , and especially piles ,
there Is one reliable remedy , DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWltt'a
don't accept counterfeit or frauds. You will
not be disappointed with DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve.
Sweeping the horizon with a glnncc
through a fine marine glass on the sea
shore Is nlvvnys eminently amusing It
your glance Is not good bring your eyes
to our sclentlllc optician and ho will
remedy any Ills that may have befallen
them when he has tested your eyes and
fitted them with glasses you can sweep
the horizon without further aid ho
wouldn't be with us If ho wasn't the
best optician In Omaha Eye examina
tions free.
9drB.tflo Optician *
1403 FarM
> M Street i
* ot L , u
If Teddy R was Here
ho would never go back to New York
until he had one of those special sale
pianos maybe ho would see the big
bargain In the fine , square Moltcr piano
we offer tomorrow at § 85 ? 15 cash ann
? 0 a month an elegant tone whllo
down this v\ay just step In the store
and see the number of Instruments wo
are selling now at special prices ono
of the best bargains wo have for tomor
row Is a slightly used Klmball piano at
$315 the Klmball needs no special rec
ommendation It lias won Its laurels
upon its merits.
Music and Art. 1513 Douglas
Kejntono Stnte .Naltrrn lime n
liooil Old 1'nnliloncil llnxket Af
fair nt Itnimeom 1'urk.
The visiting Ponnsylvnnlnng were enter
tained at a picnic at Hanscom park by the
local Pennsylvania club yesterday , and most
of the visitors Improved the opportunity to
spend the middle of the day In the pretty
! resort and cultivate acquaintanceship with
their Omaha friends. A modicum of No-
i braska sunshine would have contributed
somewhat to their enjoyment of the occasion ,
but although the clouds were overcast the
atmosphere was not uncomfortable , and the
crowd had a very enjoyable social ses
sion The park has Just begun to don its
gorgeous autumn coloring. While the
retains Its summer freshness , the leaves are
tinged with streaks of red and jcllow. and
the park Is even moro beautiful than when
It was one unbroken panorama of green.
At noon long tables were spread on the
portico of the pavilion and the guests sat
down to a bountiful fcnst , whllo excellent
music was rendered by a local orchestra.
Just before the visitors were seated J. N. II.
Patrick's four-ln-hand brought Postmaster
General Charles Emory Smith , General
Mandcrson , President John W. Woodslde of
the Pcnnsjlvanla exposition commission and
other distinguished guests , and at 2 o'clock
there was a brief program ot toasts , In which
the social sentiment of the occasion was
very happily expressed. There was no at
tempt at oratory , as the speeches were
purely Informal , but they abounded In fe
licitous allusions , which reflected the good
fellowship of the reunion.
D. C. Patterson called the crowd to order
nnd Introduced John W. Woodslde- , who was
given a hearty greeting. Mr. Woodslde de
clared that ho and his fellow travelers from
the Keystone state fully appreciated the
courtesy they had received at the hands of
the exposition management , but they were
overwhelmed by the cordiality of their re
ception by the Omaha people , who had once
claimed I'ennsjlvanln as their homo. U had
alwajs been said tbat Pennsjlvanln has the
finest men and women and the sweetest chil
dren In the world , and ho was glad to see
that that reputation was being maintained
in Nebraska. Ho concluded by quoting a
poetic tribute to Pcnns > lTaula
The next speaker was II 11. Baldrlgo of
Omaha , who spoke briefly on "Nebraska"
He icferrcd to the magnificent struggle of
the early pioneers , and called attention to
the wonderful progress that has been made
In the last 100 jcars. Ho declared that the
greatest conquest that the people ot this
country hod ever made was their conquest
of their own territory , and those who had
come from Pennsylvania had done their full
sharp In achieving this grand result.
Postmaster General Smith was given a
genuine ovation when he was Introduced and
the applause was frequently repented during
his address. He gracefully acknowledged
the compliments that his address at the ex
position on the preceding day had received
from the previous speakers , but said that
ono crltlcltm had been suggested which he
was compelled to admit was Just. Ho had
been told that he had not mentioned the
women , and now he wished to apologize
and rectify his error as far as possible. This
ho accomplished by paying a vigorous trlb
utc to the high qualities ot the Pennsylvania
wonion with a graceful reference to the
toothsome repast from which they had Just
Continuing , the speaker said that he had
thoroughly enjoyed his visit to Omaha. Ho
bad been made to feel at home , and he ex
pressed his gratification at discovering lion
great a proportion of the sturdy population
of Nebraska had como from the Kejstone
state In conclusion , he paid a very compll
mentary tribute to General Mandcrson and ,
as the latter gentleman was then Introduced ,
he improved the opportunity to return the
compliment with Interest. General Mandcr
son spoke in happy terms of the great pleas
ure that the local Pennsylvanlans had ex
perienced in being permitted to entertain
their guests nnd declared that their long
separation had not extinguished their inter
est In their native stato.
" - " * -
Given PrlKoner IIIw Release Bocim * ?
Court In > t lit ScMiilon lit
the I'rcNCiit Time.
Judge Scott ordered the release of Prank
Kadleo on habeas corpus and set forth his
reasons In the order.
These reasons were , first , to the effect
that there was not presumptive evidence
of Kadlec's guilt of larceny In taking from
his roommate the watch nnd chain specified
In the complaint , as no criminal motive
could bo proven against nlm ; second , that
the prisoner had already been locked up for
ten weeks , and , third , that Inasmuch as the
criminal branch of the district court had
adjourned until November and the prisoner
Is thereby deprived of his constitutional
right to a speedy trial an unnecessary hard
ship was being placed upon him , resulting
in a deprivation of his natural rights.
Kadlee showed to the court tbat ho really
had not Intended to commit any crime he
had simply taken that method to force his
roommate to return to him his spectacles
which the other had appropriated. Ho Is a
baker by trade , with only a linen suit on
his back , with which to face the coming
winter , and has several children to main
tain , and a wife in suffering circumstances
in Chicago.
Yelner Petition Apparently Defective.
The amended petition expected from John
0. Yclser in the direct legislation matter
Deny themselves the comforts of a home because they
can't pay cash for what they want and can't afford to buy
from people that ask two priced on time. Let us figure
with you. Make a list of the articles yon want , get the
lowest cash price ollerod in Omaha and wo will meet
the price with the samequality and you can have them
on the following terms :
M 50 75 n ' 75SS
The largest and best selected stock of Furniture ,
Carpetings , Stoves and General Iloiwfurnishings in the
west. Everything as represented or your money back
if not satisfied.
asking for the submission of the proposition
at a special city election simultaneous ! }
with the cencral electon on November S ,
was presented to Judge Scott , but Judicial
action was deferred until Saturday morning ,
when City Attorney Connell will endeavor 1
to show that the number of 2,501 signatures
docs not really represent 15 per cent of the
voting strength of the city.
Some 300 names were lost from the peti
tion 'n ' some way. Mr. Yelser will state
that thev were lost by the officers of the
city council. Apart from this Mr. Connell
will try to show that all the names arc not
those of qualified voters For a second
cause of action Mr. Yclser has attached the
second petition with Its 3,101 names.
Judge Scott said again that he believed
the people should have on opportunity to
vote on the Initiative and referendum , If It
can bo shown they want It , and if the court
could be satisfied on tbls point ho would
Issue the peremptory mandamus to City
Clerk Hlgby.
GOMI Appointed HeceHor.
In the suit of the Hamilton National bank
against the stockholders of the defunct
American Loan and Trust company , C. A.
Goss has been appointed receiver In the
interests of the plaintiff and such other
creditors as may Join the bank In the suit.
Carroll S. Montgomery says the action ot
the bank is simply to try In the , district
court what It failed to accomplish In the
United States circuit court , namely , to
base Its claims against the stockholders
on the ground that the loan and trust com
pany was practically a banking institution.
NntPH from ( he ConrtH.
Suit to recover $1,000 on stock In the
East Omaha street railway has been brought
by Charles 0. Wallander in the district
court against Christian C. Lazarus. Wai-
lander charges that on August 3 last he
Are You Satisfied ?
There's a deal of satisfaction In knowIng -
Ing that you have the best It's not only
because we say the .Towel steel range
anil cook stoves arc the best , but every
user of si Jewel range or cook Move in
Omaha anil there are over 500 now In
use agree with us only the best cold
rolled bteel Is used In the building ot
the Jewel no sheet Iron to get like thu
ocean In n storm but steel of the right
weight nnd thickness that can bo bent
when hot but it won't break n range
that will burn hard or soft coal or woou
with n patented oven that Is warranted
not to warn.
A. C. Raymer ,
1514 Farnam Street.
The Electric Parade
Can be no brighter more handsome.
than Drex L. Shooman's line of patent
leathers one In particular so appro
priate for the Ak-Sar-Bon ball Is an
all-patena leather ladies' strap stopper
with even the sttap patent leather this
Louis XV heel in the new shaiies u
swell shop at only ? UOO then , too , wo
have a complete line of satin slippera
In nil the desirable shades at ? : i.r > 0-
Men's patent lentherh for the ball all
kid or cloth lops n wide range of styleq
and prices We always show the new
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
O tun tin' * Up-to-date Shoe llouir.
Carpet News
We are the only exclusive carpet liouso
In Omaha we have the finest and larg
est stock of carpets In vatying degrees
of quality tlio degrees start with goon ,
then go up we would like to sell you a
carpet look about and tec if jou have
not room for one change the parlor car
pet to some other room and put some
freih brightness in the parlor ( he best
room in the house ought always to be
carpeted the best take tlmo to look at
our new stock while In Omaha.
Omaha Carpet Co
Jmalm's Exclusive Carpet House ,
1515 Dodge St.
was Induced to subscribe for the stock on
tbo icpresentatlon of La7nrus that the lat
ter was t'uperlntendent of the company and
would give him that position at $70 per
month. Wallaudcr was then a new arrival
In the city , he eays.
After several da > s' trial In the county
court the cult of Hester & . McCnslIn against
Ktmball brothers , to recover $070 on a sub
contract for the plastering and staff work
of the Ncbrnska t'Uto building at the expo
sition , is now rtndy for argument. The
argument will bo made before Judge Bax
ter this morning
James II , \ an Onsen nnd Willis Todd
wont before Judge Kejsor jesterday with
a petition for a mandamus to compel the
city of South Omaha to pay to them a Judg
ment for $8CI 87 , alleged to have been ren
dered In favor of Charles C Lund nnd as
signed to the rclatorq An alternative writ
was Issued , made returnable before Judge
Kejsor Monday next.
A stubborn cough or tickling in the throat
yields to Ono Mlnutu Cough Cure. Uarmlesi
In effect , touches the right spot , reliable and
Just what is wanted It ncH at once.
OvercoalN .Sou.
The cold wave is dralng the hobo
criminal clement to the theft of clothing.
One of this class stole a heavy ovfcrcoat
from a back loom at the Hcnshaw hotel
Wednesday night. Tuesday night four cases
of the same sort were reported from various
sources. ,
A scantily attired hobo passed the clothIng -
Ing store of William rrlednian , 1417 Doug
las street , Wednesday night and saw an
overcoat hanging on a dummy marked
"cheap at $5 " Removing the co-it and don
ning It , ho hung the sign back on the
figure and wrote across Its face In pencil'
" " ' 111 Bend vou a check for $5 when I reach
Florida. " The scrawl was aimed"I Steal. "
When you call for DoWltt's Witch Hazel
Silve , the great pile cure , don't accept any
thing else. Don't be talked Into accepting a
substitute , for piles , for sores , for bruises.