Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 THE OTSFATTA DATTA 11EE : l KTDAY , OOTOUF/R 7 , 1808.
Annual Convention of the Corporation to
Be Held nt Salt Lake.
I'rcMlili-nt Hurt and Othorn High In
the Miiiiiiurinviit of the Cmiipmi } '
AtTnlrH AVIII I.rnvo on n Hpeolal
Train Krliltiy Afternoon.
Now that the construction of a modern
passenger sr.itlon by the Union Pacific rail
road In Omaha Is assured , the greatest In
terest Is being manifested In Union Pa
cific circles over the outcome of the annual
meetings of the Union Pacific railroad and
of the Oregon Short Line railroad , both an
nual meetings to bo held in Salt Lake City ,
Utah , next : week.
President Hurt of the Union Pacific has
returned to local headquarters from Chicago
cage , whcro the contract for the new station
i was let , In time to leave for Salt Lake CICty ,
where the annual mooring of bla line will
1)0 held. With President Hurt there will
be an official party , Including General Coun
sel Wlnslow S. Pierce , Director T. Jefferson
Coolldgo , ( leneral Manager Edward Dlckln-
lion , General Solicitor William H. Kelly , As
sistant General Solicitor John N. Baldwin
end other attorneys to go out to Salt Lake
city to attend the annual meeting. The
official party will assemble at the Union
I'aclflo headquarters here Friday , prepara
tory to making the western trip. The party
will travel In a handsome special train and
expect to bo gone about a week.
The annual meeting of the Union Pacific
to bo held In Utah's capital city next week
will IK > the first annual meeting of the re
organized company to be held. Unusual
Interest Is manifested In the financial and
other reports that will bo presented on this
occasion. The inciting has to bo held in
Salt Lake City , as the new company Is In
corporated In Utah , under the laws of that
Btatc , only duplicate copies of the articles
of Incorporation having been filed with the
secretary of state of Nebraska , and In the
other states In which the company operates
a railroad.
Almost simultaneous with the annual
meeting of the Union Pacific In Salt Lake
City next Wednesday will occur the annual
meeting of the Oregon Short Line , a former
branch of the Union Pacific. The pros
pective presence of the Union Pacific of
ficials In the llttlo western city on the
occasion of the two annual meetings has
strengthened the report , previously noted ,
to the offcct that the coming meeting will
be the last annual meeting of the Oregon
Short Line to bo held , ns after next week
the Short Line Is expected to become a ,
part of the Union Pacific system.
Alexander Millar of Boston , secretary , and
Wlnslow S. Plcrco of New York , general
counsel of the Union Pacific railroad , ar
rived In Omaha yesterday on their way
to Salt Lake City to attend the annual meetIng -
Ing of the Union Pacific railroad. They
called at the Union Pacific headquarters and
then went out to the exposition grounds.
They will leave hero with the other officials
of the road for Utah on Friday.
llnrlliiKtou I'nrtlully How * to the
Situation oil AVheiit mill Corn.
The cut of 5 cents on wheat and 2 cents
on corn recently announced on all shipment's
over the Missouri Pacific and the Santa Fo
roads , has been met In part by the Burling
ton route. General Freight Agent Crosby
of the D. & M. has Issued a now freight
tariff , in which the grain rates eastward
from Nebraska points are reduced to equal
the cuts of the other lines through Kansas
City. For Instance , If the rate is 20 cents
from a Nebraska point directly to Chicago ,
vyhllo from the same point the rate is 15
rents to Kansas City nnd 10 cents from
Kansas City to Chicago , the direct rate Is
reduced to 23 cents. In this way all the
rates arc levelled to meet the cut rates of
, the Missouri Pacific and the 'Santa Fe
through Kansas City nnd St. Louts.
The Union Pacific , tin Rock Island and
the Elkhorn railroads will take similar ac
tion within the next few days. Ilut such
reductions arc a long way from being equal
to the cuts of & cents on wheat nnd 2 cento
on corn made by the southern lines. The
fact of the matter Is that tha freight officials
of the other western lines nro not allowed
by the executive olllcers of their lines to
Krant the reduced rates on wheat and corn
put into effect on October 1 by the Missouri
I'aclfis nnd the Santa Fe.
The matter of meeting the cuts made by
these lines has gene to the general man-
ngcrs and the presidents , In Bomo cases , and
they arc holding their freight ofilclars back
with the hope that the demoralized freight
situation will soon right Itself without the
recourse to the heroic remedy of reduced
rates. This Is the principal reason why the
cuts of the two lines to the south of
Omaha have not been met by the other
lines , lloth the Missouri Pacific nnd the
Santa Fo are hauling considerable grain
out of this state on the cut rates. The Mis
souri Pacific has several Nebraska lines
nnd the Santa Fo carries traffic through
Superior , Neb. Up to date the cut rates
have not extended to any other cereals but
wheat and com , or to any other class of
freight , but the corn nnd the wheat ship
ments constitute the great bulk of the grain
traffic from the west.
Improving 'IVrmliinU lit Snvimiinh.
SAVANNAH , Ga. . Oct. G. Ono million
dollars Is to bo expended In building railroad
terminals on Hutchtns Island , opposite
Savannah , by the Georgia & Alabama
Terminal company , which Includes a num
ber of northern capitalists. The capital of
J300.000 has been subscribed and bonds to
the extent of Jl.000.000 are to bo issued ,
the Gcorfila & Alabama leasing terminals
when In readiness. The ontlro river front
of the Island haa been bought. Vessels
drawing twrnty-six feet of water will bo
able to load at the docks and there will bo
extensive warehouses. A navigation com
pany has been rhnrtrred and a line of steam
barges will bo put on to northern ports
Some of thoee Interested In the terminal
company analio Interested In the Mobllu
& Ohio railroad and It la understood that
Savannah will bo made an Atlantic outlet
for western products.
sirrTMMitt.vr or A vuv'iVn at'ns-nox
American mul t'niimllnn Itonili Aitrcc
to Arhltrntc UUTrrfiicvN.
WASHINGTON , Oct. C. Ono of the most
irritating questions In the railroad history
of the United States , and ono that has been
the orovoklnn cause of moro destructive
rate wars than any other Is In a fair way
to bo adjusted. The American Transconti
nental lines and the Canadian pcoplo have
agresd to submit to E. S. Washburn , esq ,
president of the Kansas City , Fort Scott &
Memphis railway company ; W. A. Day of
Washington , D. C. , nnd J. W. Midgoly of
Chicago , oa arbitrators , nnd their decision
to bo binding on nil concerned , whether the
Canadian Pacific Railway company shall bo
allowed a differential on freight traffic be
tween the Atlantic coast and certain Pacific
coast points , and If so , what differential
shall bo conceded to the Canadian road.
The arbitration board will meet at Chicago
October 12.
The opinion among the freight traffic of
ficials of Omaha lines Is that a meeting of
the board of arbitration to settle the dif
ferences between the American and the
Canadian lines wllf bo held within the next
ten days. H Is an almost foregone conclu
sion that the decision of the arbiters will
bo against the right of the Canadian Pacific
to longer enjoy n differential of 10 per cent
over American lines on shipments to nnd
from the coast. Most railroaders have ac
cepted the decision of the interstate com
merce commission on the passenger contro
versy , Involving similar points , as a pre
cedent for the settlement of the freight trou
bles. A week ago It was feared that there
would be no arbitration over the freight dif
ficulties nt nlr , owing to the decision of the
commission against the continuance of spe
cial passenger favor to the Canadian lines ,
but it looks now as though a meeting would
bo held with results not unlike those of the
passenger fight.
ItnltivnvolcN mill
H. S. Fordyco has been appointed chief
train dispatcher of the Ohio division of the
Ualtlmoro & Ohio , vlco C. 13. Adams , re
Foreman Frank Orllfin of the Union r-
clfic was badly Injured at Duncan , Neb. , on
Wednesday. Ho was aboard of a fast train
and was struck by a projecting mall crano.
J. A. MacGrcgor , traveling freight agent of
the Rio Grande Western rallwnv , Is In the
eity from Chicago , the guest of Soliciting
Freight Agent Hayes of the Burlington , dur
ing the Ak-Sar-Den festivities.
All of the morning trains were heavily
loaded with visitors for the Al-Sar-Ilcn : fes
tlvitles. Even the passenger agents were
surprised nt the numerous arrivals , as they
had not made ns low rotes nor done nearlj
so much advertising for the Ak-Sar-Hen
events of this year na In previous years.
George H. Campbell , terminal agent of the
Baltimore & Ohio at Baltimore , has , In ad
dition to his present duties , been appointei !
Inspector of fltatlons and terminals over the
whole line. Mr. Campbell has long been
noted for his ability In this direction , ani
the object of the appointment U to secure
at each terminal better service in every re
Governor Stephens of Missouri nnd hla
family , with the members of his persona
staff and other state officials and their fami
lies , will reach Omaha in two special cars
over the Burlington on Monday morning
next. They will leave Kansas City on Sun
day evening at 9:15 : o'clock. It Is bellcvei
that a largo attendance of Mlssourlans wil
bo noted during the Peace Jubilee hero nex
Clirnp TIcKotn to IvnimnH City.
From October 2 to S the Missouri Pacific
railway will sell round trip tickets to Kan
BBS City , Mo. , also Ostobor 2 to 7 to St
Louis at ono fare. For further Informatlni
call at company's office. S C. corner 14tt
and Douglas , or depot , l.ith and Webste
J. O. PHILLIPPI. A. G. F. & P. A.
\i-hriiNkit ,
Via the Elkhorn. "Northwestern Line. "
Every Tuesday and Friday in
October. Half faro for the round
trip to all points where the fare is over $3
Good 10 Davs.
City office , 1101 Faruam Street.
Depot. 13th and Webster Streets.
ST. J.OL'IS AXI1 IM2Tim\ .
On Oct. 2nd to 7th tickets will bo sol
via the Wabash at above rate. Remember
' the Wabash is the short line and makes th
quickest time , with no change from Omaha
For tickets , sleeping car accommodation
call at 1415 Farnam St. or write.
N. W. P. Agt. , Room 302. Karbach Blk
Exhibitors wishing pnoicgrnphs and lln
cuta of their exhibits published tnny pro
cure them by calling upon J. F. Knapu ,
iKint Omaha 13oc , southwest corner Manu
factures building.
F. C. Johnson's Pure Cider Vinegar. Ask
your grocer for it.
The Only Hnllroml lo Chicago
With a daylight train. Leave
Omaha 8:40 : a. m. every day ,
arriving Chicago the same
evening at 8:15 : , when close connectloni
are made with all lines
beyond. This train Is 60 years
ahead of the time * anil Is provtne
Immensely popular with Omaba
people. Other flying
trains leave for Chicago at 4:55 : and 6:55 :
p m. Jally. City ticket office ,
UOl Farnam St. .
"Tho Northwestern LInr. "
Our Best Rates.
Chicago , - - - Daily - - § 11.70
St. Louis , . Daily 10.10 I
St. Louis and rot-urn , Oct. 2-7 11.50
Kansas City and rotuvu , Oct. 1-7 5.80
Denver and return , Daily 25.00
Salt Lake and return Oct. S 30.00
Nebraska Points , -jj , % . Rates.
Ticket Office : New Depot :
1502 Farnam St. 10th & Mason Sts.
Telephone 250. Telephone 12S.
Today Our Grand Eemnant Bale Will
Take Place in the Baaement.
To Properly Accommodate ( he A'nnt
CriMTild Sure ( o Altrinl Thin Grntiil
Itriiiiiant Sule We Devote Our
Kilt Ire IliiNoment ( o It
AND 350.
Imported dress goods remnants , three to
Ix that match , nil nearly n yard long , en-
bllng a lady to make a waist or child's
rcss , worth from JI.OO to 12.00 a yard , In
lain colors , red , navy , brown , black ; also
hecks and plaids , matched pieces sewed to-
ether , go in two lota at ICe anil 33c for
ach piece.
Thousands of yards of broadcloth and all
wool ladles' cloth , all of It a yard and hair
vide , green , tan nnd all colors , actually
\orth $1.23 yard , In lengths from 2 to 7
ards , on sale In batvmcnt at 40c yard.
Thousands yards novelty dress goods that
lave accumulated from our immense dress
goods sales during the past few weeks ,
ough goods , silk and wool Imported goods ,
ilso plain goods , all of them dark colors and
ust the thing for autumn and winter wear ,
n lengths from 2 to 7 yards , no matter
vlmt the value was , all on sale In the
ncnt at 23c yard.
Immense big bargains In the basement for
10,000 yards fleeced back wrapper flannel ,
hort remnants , 2c each.
10,000 yards black and whlto standard
allco , 2'ic yard.
Extra heavy unbleached muslin remnants ,
' ,4o yard , today only.
Fine quality drapery Bilkcllne , 31c yard ,
oday only.
All the balance of our stock of lawns , or-
; andleg , dimities , lace , lawns , etc. , go ate
\ < -o yard.
Grand special bargain , extra heavy cotton
flannel , worth liic yard , go at Bo yard.
Very fine tassel down outing flannel rem-
lauts , worth 12'Ac , go nt S'.fcc yard.
Doutilo flceooci swansdown flannel , 8Sc !
ard , worth loc.
Fleeced batk wrapper flannel remnants ,
c yard , wor'.h U' c.
Sfi-iiioh v' V psriMlP remnants , the 20c
; lid : , go at til. rar , : .
isnsy figured drapery scrim , 42 Inches
vide , go at Slve vard.
ICth and Douglas Sts ,
California Coiiiniiiiiilery Slopn Here
on Itn AVny to tinIMttNluirg
The Knights Templar who are members
of the California commandcry , No. 1 , on a
[ illgrimago to the triennial conclave nt Pltts
burg , arrived In the city yesterday afternoon
at 4:15 : o'clock. They were met at the st.\-
tlon by a largo representation of local
knights and csfortcd at once to the expo
sition , where they passed the afternoon.
The visitors numbered 107 and traveled In
a special train of four vestlbulcd sleepers.
There was also a combined buffet anil bifr-
gage car , the entire train being under the
supervision of W. H. Snedakcr of the Rio
Grande Western road. Eminent Commandci
Frazler was the official In charge of the
sir knights. Among the party were. Sir
Knights Hiram Graves and J. Richardson ,
who have attended every conclave for the
last twenty-fivo years.
Although the train was a few minutes be
hind scheduled time when it reached the
city , the trip through some sections of the
country had been a record breaker. One
mile of the distance from Fremont to Omaha
was traveled In forty-three seconds , and the
average per mile for the entire tilp ccross
Nebraska was less than a minute.
A small party of sir knights , among whom
were G. W. Llnlnger E. Buckingham. L
H. Horty , E. Hnucy ami J.V. . Maynard
met the visitors at Fremont , traveling will
them to this city , where they were turned
over to the local committees on reception
and entertainment. A long line of trolley
cars was waiting on the viaduct and with
out loss of time the visiting sir knights
and their ladles were taken to the exposi
tion. After supper they saw the Ak-Sar-
Ben electrical parade from huge grand
stands in front of 'tho ' Masonic tcmplo
and at 11 o'clock the trip to Plttsburg was
The train was delivered to the Union Pa
cific nt Julesburg four hours late and two
hours of this lost tlmo were made up in the
run across the Nebraska plains. Most of
the tlmo was lost on the Southern Pacific
and Rio Grande Western roads. Engineer
Thomas Grogan , with the big locomotive
No. 1S01 of the Union Pacific , brought the
train into Omaha. Between Julesburg nud
Omaha several stretches of seventy and
seventy-flvo miles In sixty minutes were
The attraction at Boyd's theater for the
first three nights of next week will be Mr.
Henry Miller , who returns to this city after
an absence of four years , during which tluio
ho has been evolved from the leading man
of Charles Frohman's Empire Theater Stock
company to that of star In high claw ro
mantic comedy. The transition , which is
not a startling one when Mr. Miller's former
work Is remembered , has been a successful
ono through the eastern cities , where he
has traveled with his own company for the
past two years. The play "Heartsease. "
which ho offers hero , was his first starring
venture and ran for over 100 nights at the
Garden theater , Now York.
If You AVmit to Co Knit
except take ( ho "Northwestern Lino" If
you deslro a fast daylight trip between
Omaha and Chicago , because no other line
runs a daylight train Leave Omaha 6:40 : a.
m , arrive Chicago 8 15 same evening. Close
connection with eastern lines. A good train ?
Emphatically YES.
City office. 1401 Farnarn.
To All Principal Western Points Vll
Union Pnelllc.
TWO trains dally , 4 : ! 5 p. ra. and 11:55 : p. m.
Denver and Colorado points.
TWO trains dally , S.,10 a. m. and 4:35 : vm. .
Utah and California points.
ONE train dally , 4:35 : p. m.
' for
Utah , Idaho , Montana ami Oregon points.
For full Information call at City Ticket
office. 1302 Farnam St.
.She l.lekeil Her HiiMliiinil
' Because ho did not order our Van and Stor-
ago Co. to do the moving.
Vlult from
When Mrs. II. W. Bornum of 1128 North
Eighteenth street returned to her home
AVcdnesday night after a short visit she
found that burglars had visited It. Every
room was In disorder and showed that the
Intruders bad taken their tlmo and made
n thorough search for valuables. Knfonce
had been effected through a rear window.
The booty secured by the burglars con-
Mfitrd of a valuable diamond ring , { IS In
iash and a collection of old coins and
medals. ,
I'hll Crmio'H Uenth Amintinccil.
The death from malarial fever In Florida
of Philip A. e'rapo. a former attorney ol
H'.lJ city. 03 announced In equity court
loom number C yesterday. Judge Scott
appointed a committee- consisting of Frank
Crawford , J W. Battln , Howard Kennedy ,
Jr , and J. H. Mlthen to draw up suitable
resolutions In memorlam and present them
to the court Saturday morning. Crape was
a member of an Iowa regiment of voluu-
teom. _ i
Men' * ) 3lii < 'UlntoheN li.l : S l.n-
riMex' ? -.r,0 Conti ? U. ! > r. .
Great bnnkrupt pale of mackintoshes and
vaterproofs. Just purchased from the
Walsh Rubber Cu.'s stock nt St. Louis , and
are on snle nt 1311 Fnrnam street.
2,000 men's black Wales roata nt $1.39.
Vakli Rubber Co.'s prlco , fl.tO.
1,300 black or blue , all WDJ ! cheviots nt
3,98. Walsh Rubber Co.'s price , $9.73.
918 fine tan , wool covert cloth , velvet
ollar , sewed and strapped seams. A line
garment for n fall or winter overcoat at
4.97. Walsh Rubber Oo.'s price , $12.
1,160 ladles' wool cashmere coats nt $2.93.
613 ladles' wool cheviot coats at $3 7S.
4SO ladles' line henrlctta cloth at $1.98.
375 misses' and children's coats at $2.45.
1311 Fnrnam St.
of UccilN Tliomnn frocker
Give * Home l-'lKiiren oil Count ) '
Register of Deeds Thomas Crocker has
JCPH able to make a showing of general
prosperity that the political bears cannot
very well contradict. Some tlmo ago The
Bee published some figures on mortgages for
the past three years , showing how , since
189G , the cancellations had constantly In
creased In the aggregate amount of obliga
tions released while there had been a steady
decrease of the total money amount of new-
mortgages filed. The figures for September
liavc kept up the rate most encouragingly.
The now mortgages for last month
amounted to $154,359 for city property nnd
$13,700 for farm property , whilst the can
cellations were $201,469 for city property
and $22,091 for farm property. This Is al
most 33 1-3 per cent In favor of city cancel
lations nnd about 60 per cent In favor of
farm releases.
Man-lane lilcennen.
County Judqo Baxter Issued the following
: narrlago Hcene6s yesterday :
Name and Residence. Age.
Austin M. Lock , North Platt , Neb . 21
Mabel M. Yates , Sutherland , Neb . 23
Matt Schncckcnburg , Omaha . 23
Dflla Baylcss , Memphis , Mo . 20
Albert F. Lambert , La Platte- , Neb . 2C
Mrs. Lulu Everett , La Platte , Neb . 23
Charles Brown , Crookfton. Minn . 2'i
Stollo Castros , Crookston , Mlun . 2G
William Johnson , Benson , Neb . 11
Margaret Abels , Milwaukee , Wis . 20
Francis A. Warren , Tepcka , Kan . 29
ElHo E. Hedge , Topckn. Kan . 2S
Frank 0. Eldrcdge , Lincoln , Neb . 31
LOUE ! < O S. Bartram , Lincoln , Neb . 21
Matthew J. Galvln , Omaha . 3.1
Anna C. Jensen , Falrmount , Minn . 21
Henry Schwoltcr , Jr. , Wichita , Kan . 22
Carrie Helnrlch , Wichita .Kan . 18
John A. Hammctt , South Omaha . 3fl
Nelllo Brown , South Omaha . 27
Onmlm to Chlcauo.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pul rail
way has Just placed In service two mac-
nlflccnt electric lighted trains between
Omaha and Chlcuco. leaving Omaha dally
at 5'45 p. m. , arriving Chicago at 8:25 : a. m.
and leaving Chicago 6:15 : p. m. and arriving
Omaha 8:20 : a. m. Each train is lighted
throushout by electricity , has buffet smok
ing cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dinIng -
Ing cnro and reclining chair cars and runs
ever the shortest line nnd smoothest road
bed between the two i-ltles.
Ticket offlee , 150 } Farnam street nnd nt
Union dcpol.
nnil lletiirn , ijUO.r.O ,
via Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry.
Tickets will been sale from Chicago Oct.
8 to 13 , Inclusive. Return limit may be ex
tended to Oct. 31. Through sleeping car
service will bo in effect via this route , leav
ing Chicago 8:25 : p. m. , arriving Plttsburg
11:35 : n. m. ; 'returning ' , leave Plttsburg G:00 :
p. m. , arrive Chicago 7:50 : a. m. II. P.
Humphrey , T. P.A. . , Kansas City ; F. M.
Byron , G. W. A , Chicago : A. J. Smith , G.
P. A. , Cleveland.
Her Grand European hotel now open. Ele
gant rooms , ladles' and gents' cafe and grill
room. Cor. 16th nnd Howard.
Attention ) Traveling Men !
Slcux City Carnival.
Special train will leave Webster street
depot Saturday morning at 8 o'clock. Special
rates , good band. For Information call up
Traveling Men's club , 'phono 2078. By order
The Grand court o : tnu Exposition IB
wonderfully beautified nt night. No
picture of it is so gcod as The Bee pho
togravure. Stop at The BSB office for one
end some others. Ihree for tf-n cents.
C. St. P. . M. & O. Ry. is selling roundtrip -
trip tickets Omaha to Slcux City at $3.Ub.
Good for return to October 10 Account Sioux
City carnival.
6 of the Grandest Specinl Sales Ever
Attempted in Quo Day.
Siioelnl Sale of rlnnliM Spri-lnl Snip of
ClolliliiK Sjicrlnl Mule of Shorn
.Six-dill Snlc lltnnUolN anil C' "ii-
forln Hiifoliil Snip t'nilprtvcnr.
The remarkably great clothing bargains we
are able to offer In today's sale nro duo
to the recent Immcnee purchases from the
flnopt clothing manufacturers In America.
Noxer was high nrt clothing sold for so
little motioy.
Half price tells the tale.
\Vi ? stand today the leading and greatest
clothing sellers of the west.
Our purchase of M. C. Illack Chicago
wholesale slioo stock Is one of the great
deals that malic us talked about.
Today we make a magnificent display
and pale of ladles' tailor-made suits , Jackets ,
capes , cloak * , furs and millinery.
Wo have gathered some of tha choicest
garments that the markets of Europe , as
well as those of America afford , and wo
put them on sale nt prlcr that considering
the quality of the goods , will make the sale
absolutely sensational.
Thousands of the finest shoes , handturn
and hand wells , In women shoes and Good
year welts In men's shoes , in all styles nud
colors nnd sizes. Are heavy soled ; at hair
prlro. nearly halt price or even lews than
half prlrc.
A lucky Incident threw Immense quanti
ties of blankets and comforts In our hands
at r. fearful sacrifice. We are selling them
nt prices that under ordinary circumstances
would bo Impossible.
Men' . " , women's , misses' and children's
underwear , amounting to over $30,000 , was
sold us by New York Jobbers at a fearful
loss. In the sale you can buy the finest
kind of underwear for almost nothing.
Remember these live sales are the greatest
over held In the west , and Its your exceed
ing good fortune to be able to attend them.
N. W. Cor. Ifitli and Douglas.
Vln ilif I'ort Arthur Itoutr.
Kansas City and return , October 2 to 8.
Plttsburg , Pa. , and return , October 7 to 10.
Homo Seekers' excursions , October 4 and IS.
Faro and one-third round trip to St. Louis ,
on sale every Tuesday and Thursday until
October i9. Vor all Information call at
Port Arthur Route office , H15 Farnam
street ( Pnxton Hotel block ) , or wrlto Harry
R. Moorcs , C. 1' . and T. A. , Omaha , Neb.
Attention 'McnilMTn of K. I1 , of A.
All members of Mondamln lodge No. Ill ,
F. U. of A. are requested to attend special
meeting at Sup. Prss. Rooso's olllce Friday
evening nt 8 p. in. sharp to arrange to at
tend In a body funeral of the late Frater
Kemp Sunday afternoon. Funeral notice
later ,
13. C. WOLCOTT. Secy.
A. E. MACK , Fraternal Master.
I'll ( Nlniri- mill Itpturii.
On October 7 , S , 9 and 10 the Missouri Pa
cific will sell round trip tickets to Plttsburg ,
Pa. Only ono faro for round trip. For
further Information call nt company's new
offices , S. E. corner nth and Douglas street ,
or depot , 15th and Webster.
J , O. PHILLIPPI , A. 0. F. & P. A.
Hear the famous Inncs band clay the offi
cial Ak-Sar-lien marcu.
The cushion shown herewith l Intended
for a chnlr or for buggy. Wo are head
quarters for IIUBDUR GOODS.
Wrlto for catalogue.
Shermsn filcGonnell Drug Go
( Middle of Block. )
15in Dodge Street , - - Omaha , Neb.
Everyone lias beard of "Raymond's" this is
the same firm the same stock all being sold to
the highest bidder. There is Jewelry , Watches ,
Diamonds , Cut Glass , Bric-a-Brac , etc. not a
single article reserved. Select what you want
and it will be sold at auction. Our Wedding
Stationery and Card Engraving department is
thoroughly complete 100 cards and engraved
plate § 1.50.
Corner Douglas and Fifteenth.
Sales : Daily at 10 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m.
P. J. Burroughs , Auctioneer.
are found In our three ware rooms at prices that will otartlo you. New pianos
as low as $167.00 fully guaranteed. Slightly used Knabe , Chlckerlng and Kimball -
ball Pianos { 50.00 and upwards. Mason & Ilamlln. Newman Dros. , and other or
gans from $10.00 upwards. Pianos rented , tuned and exchanged. Kasy monthly
A , C , MUELLER , Tuner , 'Phone 1625 ,
A. W. Moore , J. S. Cameron , Traveling representatives.
Write for catalogues , prices and terms.
Bee , Oct. 7 , 1S9S.
Shoddy and Hocks are not wool. Pressed -wool
scrapings * are not kersey. One of the meanest tricks
of the clothing business is the trick of calling cheap
goods by the names of well known fabrics fabrics
that have a reputation for service and reliability.
Don't go by names. Go by quality. For 3.75 wo
sell a very decent ulster of Vermont gray bandlo
cloth , heavy , warm , serviceable , but not all wool. If
we called it a frieze or a kersey or a melton , it would
pound better , but it wouldn't make the coat any bet
ter. If you want to buy your winter overcoat from
a straight house , from a house that calls a spade a
spade , from a house that never resorts to petty de
ceptions or trickery. Come in here today , if possi
ble , and look over the greatest line of overcoats we
have ever shown that's saying something. If you
want to see the best overcoat ever sold in America ,
for five dollars , we have it. It is a dark blue coat
made from genuine kersey , made as it ought to ho
made to lit , made to wear , made to hold its shape and
its color. We have hundreds of them. If you want
to pay more money we can show you some at 6.00 , at
7.00 , at 8.00 , at 8.50 , at 11.50 , that wo aren't asham
ed to sell you or afraid to have taken around
anywhere for comparison. While we are on the sub
ject of overcoats lot us tell you about some we are
selling very fast at fourteen dollars. They're mel
ton genuine melton. There ain't any hotter wear *
ing fabric made than a genuine melton.
Yon expect your new overcoat to last several seasons.
Everything about it should therefore bo good , cloth , linings ,
sewing everything. The richest , haudsoincst.and . best wear
ing overcoats in America , in the product of the finest cutters
and tailors are here for sale. Made in the latest fashion ,
seams sewed with silk thread , linings of satin , Italian or
leather cloth. The prices are lower by one third to one half
than inferior makes will cost yon elsewhere. Just think of
getting an Aurora melton overcoat for $2.95 , They have
never sold in Omaha before for less than $5. "Well made'
warm , Washington beaver overcoats , on sale at $3.95. Fine
covert cloth overcoats , light colors , newest cut , very stylish ,
a special value at $4.75. You can't buy this coat elsewhere
for less than § 10.00. A largo assortment of the newest styles
in overcoats in kersey at $5 , $6.50 and $7.50 , in blacks ,
blues and browns. A line lot of rich , warm and high grade
kersey and beaver overcoatings , elegantly made up , durable
satin sleeve linings , for $9.50 , $10.00. $12.50 , $15 and
$18. Best imported covert cloth overcoats , Skinner's satin
sleeve linings , the swellest garments made , over 1200 to select
from , in line shades , at $7.50 , $9.50 , $12.50 , $15 and
$17.50. "The V/arm Back , " Ilayden Bros is the only
Omaha house showing the patented "H. S. M. Warmback"
overcoats. They are marie with double thickness of cloth extending -
tending entirely around the upper inside of coat , keeping the
back warm and protecting the lungs and vital organs. The
linest overcoats made $10 , $12.50 and $15. Remember
"Warm Backs. "
Hats and
Prices never were so low on good hats and caps. We are
showing all the new shapes and shades. Men's caps at 15c ,
25c and 45c. Men's § 1.25 fedoras at 75c. Men's $1.50
dorbys at $1.00. Very linest derbys and fedoras made , the
equal in stock and style to any hatter's $5 hat , for $2.50.
Givint ? Away 10,000 lithograph pictures of McKinley for
window decoration.
Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
Needs a
These daya. Wo carry fho
Waterman , Parker and other
Rood makes. Wo have them
from Jl.OO to J5.00.
Wo have a. nlco * lzo for la
dles' use.
Dcforo golnu homo we'd llko
to show you our decant stock
Jeweler. 1510 Douglas. 0
rolli-Kt > nnil
( or LuillvM. 01 luii , Mo ,
fiolil CrouiiH , Miirriintril full
SMk JJ5.00
Troth , JUT toolh nnil iiIT
PorcHnlii L'rim UN tfrj.OII
( olil Alloy rillliiKH qil.UO
I'nri * Ciolil KIllliiKN . . . .tUli.OO uimiirilM
Si-t TIM-Hi ijin.OII
lli-xt Tcrlli f T.BU
Uniform Prices. The Heat Work.
i5.vii.i3v , TIIIJ nn.vrisr ,
: iil Floor I'nxloii Illiifli ,
Kllli anil Knrnuin.
- - T
sr r-rr-
ta j OTI : TH t : . * A 11 s.