THE OMAHA DAILY BEEs FRIDAY , OCTOBER 7 , 1808. 1 1 NOTICES Ailvrrl riiiCin for tlicnc column * tvlll tin taken iiiidt 1IJ in. for tin- vcnliiK mill ittitll HiilO ( or iiiornliiK mill .Similar rilltlon * . ItiitcN , 1 l-2c n word liinortloni In it tvortl thereafter. Nothing tnlii-ii for lc x than lifio fiir tinllmt InmT- tlun. Tlicftu ailvcrtlHcmcntH must lie run ( MitiNcpiitlvi.- ! . AilvcrtlHpm , liy rrqncNtlnpr n ntim- licreil check , cnn Imvc niiHUi-m nd- < lrcNMiil to n numbered letter In care < > f Tlio Her. Atiftivrr * no nddrmned will lie delivered on iirexcntntlon of ( In ; utivek on I- . SITUATIONS WANTED. A STENOGRAPHER When you want one please call up the IlomlnKtcm typewriter olllcc , 16ta Farnam Ht. ; telephone , 1573. A-MB94 017. A RELIABLE man well acquainted In city wnntH position at driving a ilcMviry wagon. Address C 21 , Dee. A-137 6 * POSITION wanted ; ten years' experience In wholesale buttlne-ix. Address E. A. F. , IJee olllce , Council Bluffs. A MIC I 10 POSITION wanted In grocery store or sa loon ; six years' experience ; can speak IQiemlnn. 1'ollsh and English. Address CHoc. . , A-627 G WANTED MALE HUM' . SALESMEN for clears ; $125 a month and expenses ; old firm ; experlrnco unncccs- Bary. C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo. v B-H1. TAILORS , attend Dyhr's cutting school. _ jg 81S - _ _ B-934Dcc2. YOUNG mon to Icnrn barber trade ; only 0 to 8 weeks required ; we give our grndu- ntes employment tilt they receive In wages ns much ns they pay for tuition nnd expenses learning. St. Louis Bar- bar College , Odd Follows' bids. . Dodge and llth , Omaha. Prof. Randolph , In structor. J3M322 O9. SALESMEN can make $100 per month sellIng - Ing our office spcc-laltlcs to merchants by sample ; nno side lines ; biff prollts. Model Mfg. Co. , Box B , South Bend , Iml. B-M140. TWO clothing- salesmen wanted In Omaha nnd one In each county In every state to take orders tor our $3.tX > to $10.00 made-to- measure Hulls and overcoats ; llvo men without experience can m.'iku $150.00 per month ; U you can furnish satisfactory reference we will furnish a complete sample line nnd outfit and start you ut work nt once. For particulars address American Woolen Mills Co. , Enterprise Building , Chicago , B M45S O12 * WANTED. Wo have steady work for a few good hustlers of pond habits and tipI - I Jf pearunco. C. P. Adams Co. , 624 So. 10th st. 1 1 B-MJ4D O22 SALESMAN wanted to sell our choice nursery stock ; n. printed guarantee given with every order that the stock shall be llrst class nnd true to label ; good salaries paid. Wrlto for terms to A. C. Grlcsa & Bro.- Lawrence , Kansas. P M92S O2I * WANTED , experienced llortst , Who cnn wpcnk German < and English ( single man ) . Apply nt 11. Haas , llorlst , 1813 Vlnton. B-M437 10 BEST Investment In Omaha , Lemon Gold Mining company , of British Columbia's stock nt ten cents share , par one dollar Investigate. No wild cat. An Omaha company. Quartz assaying J22.00 per ton frco milling gold now being taken out. Ore samples. Mines building , Exposition. Assay certificates , full Information , 423 Bee building , Omaha. B IS6 0 WANTED. 2 experienced news ugcnt for good runs ; inunt , have security. Apply to Railroad News Co. , Lincoln , Neb. „ . . . B-M001 7 U'ANTED , men to learn barber trade ; frco transportation to Moler colleges' Chicago , St , Louis or M iinuupoiia. L.OIII- plcto outfit of tools nnd book of 100 formulas donated ; wages Saturdays from start , 'also commission allowed ; eight weeks completes ; constant practice fur nished : expert Instructions and lectures ; Hlcndll | ) ( setis'nn to boir'n. ' mil " " > -'tc Jno. A. Moler. room 11 , Crclghton block , 15th nnd * Douglas streets. " ' " " "sB-Mll 'g ' WANTED , tailor to make nlte'ratloim'Tn men's clothing at Boston Storo. Omaha. " B-M510 S WANTED , bushelmcn at Boston StoreT Omaha , B MD20 8 * WANTED , olllce boy for attorney's oIllceT must bo well mannered , imntly dressed nnd reside with parents. Address In own handwriting C 59. Omaha Bee oince. . B-M517 7 WANTED Man or woman cook for small hotel , $30.00 a month. Apply to Ualduff's. B-531-0 BTENOORAPIIER Male. 21 years of age. good penman ; willing to work at small salary. American Express Co. B-633-7' _ _ WANTED Good , llrst class , Hhoo salesmen ; must have Al rpferonues. Boston Storo. Omaha. B 5.11 S UNEMPLOYED Inbor'rs will 'find work by applying nt the Associated Charities. S07 Howard street. B M5IO 9 WANTED , msn and boys to sell the "I'pnro Jublloc Souvenir. " 50.000 will bo sold Peace Jubilee week. Apply City Cir culation Dcpt. , Omaha Bee. B M5I1 WANTED , boyo to sell Snap Shots nnd Pence Jubilee souvenir on the street Pence Jubilee week. Apply Circulation Dept. . Omaha Bee. B M4IS . YOU can mnko from $3 to $10 a day selling Pence Juhllro Souvenir nnd Snap Shots during the I'enco Jubilee. Apply Circula tion Department. Omaha Bee. B M417 WAXTKU KI3MALH HEM' . \ 100 GIRLS Tor nil kinds of work ; J3 to r week. Canudlan olllce , 1522 Douglas. U-lit AVANTED-150 girls. 1521 Dodgo. Trl. S70 C-MMl Oi-t 20 WANTED , 2 A No. 1 thoroughly experi enced clonk salesladies ; none but besl talent and only those that have had yean of experience wanted ; good salaries tc right parties ; none others need apply Peoplc/B Furniture & Carpet Co.CM333 C-M333 7 WANTED , lady partner , good salcswomai required ; will furnish everything und d | . vldo prollts. Inqulro for J. S. . 2101 Cum. Ing fjt- . , C M5IO 7 * WANTED , Indy agents In Omaha and si'ir rounding tuwps to sell the great remedy preventive nnd best syringe known foi women. $3.00 per day easily made. Al correspondence treated professionally nm In strictest conlldcnce. Address Prevent- Ino Medicine Co. . Room 2 , 214 - i gt. , Omaha , Neb. C M432 9 ' WANTED , clrl general housework : two It family. 1024 Park avonuo. C M453 7 * GIRL for general housework ; small fam Uy. 2215 Blnney St. C-M316 9 WANTED , kitchen girl , by Mnrkel Catefim Co. Apply , under south viaduct , exposl tlou grounds. c 530 C GIRL wanted for general housework. An ply 3128 Chicago St , C-524 7 ituyr HOUSES. cUo.IC'U10Wps.n"d ! ! Stages all over c-ty ! Jo to $ .5. . Fidelity , llrst lloor , N. Y. Life li-ist HOUSES. Bcnewa & Co. . IftS N. 15th St. U-143 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block. 13-150 FURNITURE nnd leasehold of a 7 and 13 room modern lint for sale ; bargain ; KOOI location ; rent low. Bemia. Paxton block U-151 A FE\V cottages. 436 Board .Tradn. .Tradn.in152 ( in-152 DUNDEE Place house. COG live. . D-M39I BENEWA'S residence to rent , 3230 Hurt D-M153 T ALWAYS moving household goods am pUnus , Omaha , Van & Storage Co. . I5iu Fnrnnm , Tol. . 1658. D-151 HOUSES , stores. Robblns , ISM Fnrnnm D-lKi 1IP.T.II-BOO(1 ( business. Furniture for sale " 5 > . N O-M733 O2" _ FOR RENT , arood convotiicrrTcottngo fo mall family. JGth und Blonde streets , tt ut V17 th roil nnvi'-iiot HP.S. ( Continued. ) MAGdARD'S Van & Storage. 121 N. loth. Tel. , 1196. D-MS5J O22" COTTAGE on easy payments. 604 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT , 7-room modern house , J22.50. Tho-J. II. Fell. 313 Brown Blk. D-M439 CHOICE 10-r br. Hat. Inq. 601 Bee. Bldg. D-1U3 CHOICE 10-r br. flat. Inq. C04 Bee Bide. D-109 FOR RENT , house 3 rooms , 2722 South 20tni also 3 unfurnished rooms. 14th nnd Leav- enworth , Selby , Board Trade Bldg. D SI 0 HOTEL down town ; 16 rooms ; good condi tion ; convenient to all car lines ; rent JI5.00 a month. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. llth St. D-110 FOR RENT , 10-room modern house und barn , with large and shady grounds. John W. Robblns , Agt. , 1S02 Farnam St. D-252 OS l-'Oll HUNT FUUMSI1HI1 HOO.MS. TROCADERO-Beda 23o ; clean , safe. 1303 Harncv. E M3utf OS' NICELY furnished rooms for transients. 2209 Spencer St. , Kountzu Place , near ex- nosltlon. E M143 KUriNTsHED rooms , with bath ; one fclock from 24th at. car line. 852 South 2Sth street. E-6C7 30 AVE. Home-Rooms for fnmlles or parties a specialty. Clean beds 23o up. 1712 Cup. Ave. E-Milll ) OX EXPOSITION visitors cnn get reliable In formation In regard to hotels , rooms , board , etc. , nt the Ofllclnl Information Bureau , 1319 Farnam st. : this bureau Is under the supervision of the exposition management. Olllce open day and night ; no charge for Information. E 166 SAFE , clean rooms ; Expo. car. 1512 Dav enport. E-M2C2 O29 VYpri\/.d wishing first-class rooms In pri vate family please call or address 1701 Caultol a\cnut , west of P. O. E-M436 10 * TWO nice rooms for Exposition visitors ; private family. Sir S. 25. E 507 11 * THE BENEFIT HOUSE , 21st and Plnkney Sts. , llfty daintily furnished rooms ; one- square from the Arch of the States ; everything new and llrst-class ; terms rea- sonablo. E 157 KUIl.MSIIi : ! ) ROOMS AND 11OAHI ) . SARATOGA HOTEL , 24th St. and Ames Ave.1 blocks west from north gate ex position grounds ; best rooms , } 2 , with meals , $1.00 without ; families and parties , $1.23 a day nnd 50c European ; everything new und neut , free baths , double parlors , library nnd piano ; two lines of street cars , vast verandahs , best place to see exposition fire works , Jolly people nnd a gymnasium. Telephone , 1931. F 777 TAKE down that "for sale" or "for rent" sign In your window. The Bee reaches moro people In a day than will pass your window in n month ; nnd they consult these columns when they want to buy or rent. F S63 THE MERRIAM , first-class family hotel , 25th nnd Dodge Sts. F 16j ! WELL FURNISHED rooms , nno board. 1909 Capitol nve. F M254 O7 UTOPIA Family hotel. 1721 Davenport. F-501 O13 FOR 11EXT UNFURNISHED IIOOMS. 3 ROOMS. 70S S. 17th St. G-M235 O20 4 OR 5 CHOICE locations , one floor ; pri vate bath ; references necessary. C 36 , Bee. . G M293 BACK parlor nnd alcove ; steam heat. 2317 Douglas street. G M622 9 * SEVERAL , good location ; may do light housekeeping ; references. C. 68 , Bee.G609 4 ROOMS , furnished or unfurnished , for housekeeping , with heat. 2205 Farnam. G-M53S 3 VOll HI3.NT STOKKS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT , the 4-story brick building at 016 Farnam St. This building has n fire proof cement basement , water on all itoora , gas , etc. Apply at the olllco of The Bee. 1-910 DESK room. G. G. AYallace , 313 Brown Blk 1-159 NICE store. Corner 24th and Hamilton. Ap ply 2318 Cnldwell. 1 ICO FOR RENT , a good barn box stall , cheap. 1902 Cass st. 1 M740 IN U. S. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. 601 Bee Bldg. 1 161 WHOLESALE store and warehouse ; track age ; excellent shipping facilities. C. 15. Benson. 310 Rnmge Bldg. 1 811 O20 * 3-STORY nnd basement brick store buildIng - Ing , 1003 Fnrnam , 22x100. Inquire 314 First National bank building. I M303 3 story , 1207 Howard st. F. D. Woad. I-47S 10 ARU.Vl'S WANTED. AGENTS nnd branch managers ; salary 01 commission. Hunter Tailoring Co. , Cin cinnati , O. J M9I7 Oil- 'WAR with Spain , " 700 pages , com plete ; English , Swedish and German ; out- lit free. W. A. Hlxenbaugh & Co. , otllct 14 , Ware blk. , Omaha. J-M412 O10 WANTED , lady or gentleman In every town nnd city to sell nn exposition souvenir. For particulars address C. Bell. 503 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha. J-M502 U WANTED TO IlKNT. ALL persons desiring to rent their room ? to exposition visitors kindly call nt oni-e , 210 S. 14th St. K M302 OS GOOD driving horse , weight about 1,1X ( Ibs. 423 N. Y. Life. K-M316 WANTED , n 7-room nousc , modern Im provements , centrally located , by Octo ber 15 ; will pay well for right place. Ad dress A CO , Bee olllce. K M501 0 * \ man nnd wife , 3 or 4 unfurnlahec : rooms ; rent must bo reasonable ; perma nent. C 57 , Bee. K 511 7 ANTED , for the winter. 3 or 4 furnisher rooms for light housekeeping or furnlshet cottage , in desirable location. Reference ; exchanged. C G3 , Beo. K M539 S GENTLEMAN nnd wife want two pleasoni rooms nnd board In modern house for th < winter ; private family und ground flooi rooms preferred ; glvo price. Address C 61. Bee. K-M536 7 WANTED , suite of nicely furnished room" ( party of four ) for one week. Address stating terms. C. . G. Lyman , 213 East 7tt at. , Topeka , Kan. K M344 7 STOUACI2. PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , 90S 91C Jones .general storage and forwarding -M102 OM. Van & Storage , 1511VS Farnam. Tel. 15J M163 WANTED TO BUY. IF YOU are In need of anything try th Want Columns of The Bee ; they wll bring YOU what you want. N SO , THE BEST HOME : $2,000 will buy on eas' terms. I am no agent. X 64 , Be . N-M164 WANTED , JiOM worth of second-hnni fiiriiiluro at 304 N. Hth St. , cor. Daven "ort. N-M4M O13 OMAHA Savings nccts. Wallace , Brown bll N-M114 HOUSES to move. Wallace. 313 Brown blk N-M7W WANTED , to buy for part or nil cash mod crn 7 to 9-room house nnd lot In gooc neighborhood and convenient to buslncs centir of the cttj\ Give full dei Tlptloi nnd lowest price. Address C 60. Be ofllco i N-43012' HIGHEST price for secondhand householi goods. Largo lots specialty. Brown. 712 N N3 FARM or business property If reuldenco I taken In part payment. F. D , Wead. 16tl & Pouzlus. N 477 6 TWO largo stoves for hall nnd email o medium second-hand cooking stove Jacobson , 1515 Chicago. Tel. l l. I N-M54S J SAM : CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furniture nnd stoves below cost ; cot beds , 76o ; mattresses , We , pillows , 20c. 1403-10 Dodge. 0-MJ78 Oi FOR SALE , new furniture of nn S-room house ; cheap. 214 North 23rd st.OM51S O-M51S 9 FOll SALE IIOIISUS , WAGONS. ETC. FAMILY carriages. 3 of them ; great big bargain for $75 ; another $ S5 ; tliee cost originally $375 and $100. Drummond Cge. { Co. , opp court house , I' 122 S | VEHICLES everything on wheels ; get our prices before buying ; wo also offer some bargains In nccond-hand phaetons. Craw ford Co. , 1311 Jones street. P-M310 10 BUGGIES , open nnd top , ? i nnd 7-S size ; few good values or wo wouldn't say so. Drummond Cgo. Co. , ISth and Harney. P-422 3 PHAETONS. 3 of them ; hand-made , painted nnd repaired ; $10 to $30. $ Drum- mend Cge. Co. , Uth and Harm y.P422 P-422 8 2 MILK wagon ! ! , $75 nnd $100 ; tine condi tion ; one used only 3 months ; hung low , Drummond Cge. Co. , opp. public library. P 122 8 GENT'S rubber-tired runabout ; cost $173 ; now $90 ; 6 pas * , carriage , bargain ; 14 pass , wagonette ; one del. wagon , $33. Drum- mend Cge. Co. , opp. county Jail. P 422 S FINE dogcart , adjustable for largo or small horse ; alio highest grade bicycle ; lltttlo used ; make mo an offer , Gannett , Brown Bldg. P 472 6 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. LARGEST stock hardwood lumber , hog fence , waxing brushes , etc. Chas. R. L > ? e , 9th und Douglas. Q 165 HOG , poultry nnd Uwn fences : nil wire ; la best. Wire Works , 14th and Harney. Q-166 B. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St. , Tel. 776 ; plants , cut Mowers , bouquets , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly lllled Q-167 FOIl SALE , reliable patent for state of Nebraska. Addvosa A , Bee olllce , Council Bluffs. Q-643 B CAHN nnd alto Cahn cornet. Marowltz , 418 N. 16th. Q-16S FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S. for 6 cents , nt druggists ; one gives relief. Q 169 FOR SALE , reliable patent for state of Nebraska. Address A , Bee olllcc , Council Bluffs. Q-170 FINE lot Indian curios. Derlght , 1116 Far- num. Q 612 O16 2D-HAND safe cheap. Drlght , 1116 Fnrnnm Q-611 O16 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. . mixed paints. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha. Q M733 O1S FISHER makes Ivory rim or plain dress buttons from any cloth. Store , Park nve. and Lenvenworth. Q 11775 O19 WOOLF ZACHARIA'S , 1207 Farnam. Plan ished Steel Peninsular Ranges , $22.50 to $40. Heaters sold cheap. Q-S1S87 Fb24 PRINTING , good , quick , cheap , 1302 Far'n. Q-M212 O27 $150 NAT'L tandem , $47. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q-M223 O2S STAMPS , coins , bougnt , sold. Mortcns-on , 404 N. 16th. Q-M271 O29 GOOD piano , slightly used. Cottage 2322 Harney St. Q-M4188 A 6-HOLE steel range cheap. 1531 So. lath street. Q-M500 fl * BOSTON furniture store has removed to 719 N. 16th ; furniture , stoves , etc. . below cost. Q M493 N4 1 LARGE Garland ofllco stove. Inquire nt _ Meyer & Raapke. Q-529 12 _ _ MISCELLANEOUS. TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest publication Illustrating the U. S. and Spanish navies , naval commanders , utc. ; almost 200 photographic reproductions , with a largo map of the East and West Indies , 'at the olllco 6f The Bee. If or dered by mail , address Navy Photograph Department , Omaha Bee. R 370 CLAIRVOYANTS. ISMAR THE GYPSY. Truthful In her predictions , reliable In her advice. It matters not what your belief may be nor what your experience with so-called palmists nnd clairvoyants may have been , Ismar will convince you that the past , present nnd future , can be told. She cnn be consulted dally at her olllce , rooms 20 nnd 21 , Douglas block , cor. 16th nnd Dodge , opposite Hayden Bros. S-M443 N3 VIENNA fortune teller , 18 years here. 1411 Howard. M 1S3 O13 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 803 N. 16th. S 4SG O13 MME. Gyliner , genuine palmist , 1605 Dodge. S-M444 N3 IF YOU want revelations of the past , pres ent und future consult the only clairvoy ant and spirit medium In Omaha who can nnd does prove his wonderful power every Sunday night to hundreds of people ; ad vice dally on all affairs of life , changes , love , troubles nnd disease ; can do more than nil others in his line , ns ho has had 15 years' experience ; dally consultation , 1623 Dodge , Dr. Frederick Milton ; satis faction or no charge ; readings by mall. S-M463 7 DON'T fall to attend the flower seance Friday , October 7 , 8 p. m , , room 4 , Pat terson block ; the most astonishing phe nomena of spiritualism may bo witnessed , Come nnd receive llowors from the land of roses. Lecture Wednesday. October 6 , t p. m. Edna E. Long , medium , Patter son hall. S-M467 7 MASSAGE , IIATIIS , ETC. MASSAGE and baths ; ladles nnd gentle men ; magnetic treatment. M. Brlsson , 1 107 N. 12. T M561 O15 MADAME SMITH. US North Hth Street , massage and baths ; room 2. T 141 O10 * BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter , 20 : Douglas block. T 339 O9 LAURA ELLISON , baths , massage am ) magnetic treatment. 119 N. 16. R. 12 , upst's T M797 020' BEATRICE HARLOW , massage nnd tut bath ; Egyptian treatment. 1701 Leav- enworth. T M4108 * MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bati ! parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. lltli , upstairs. T M494 9 LILLIAN HOWARD , new massage anc bath : Australian treatment. R. 19. 162 : Farnam st. T M523 7' PERSONAL. VIAVI CO. . 318 Bee building. U-171 A LARGE map of the world , one of Cubr und another of the entire West Indies showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Haytl , Sar Domingo , Martinique nnd all the othei West Indian Islands ; 10 cents , nt The Bei olflce. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cubat Map Dept. , Omaha Beo. U 868 $30 RUPTURE cured for $30. No detentloi from business ; C years In Omaha. Cal or write for circulars. Empire Ruptun Cure , 932-933 New York Life bids- , Omaha Neb. U 172 PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without pain ono treatment does the work ; cull 01 send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure 932 New York Life building , Omaha. U-173 MASSAGE , electric nnd magnetic baths New Hyglennlc Institute , 22) ) Bee Bldg. tel. 1716. U-M174 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before nm during confinement ; bnblea adopted ; ex perlenced physicians In attendance. 113i N. 17th St. , Omaha. U M5SO SOLES and heels , 45c. Peterson's old re liable shoe shop. Now shoes cheap. 16tl and Cumlng. U M30S O9 i MASSAGE , baths. Mme. SmithIWi N. 15 i U-2S5 O29 11 HOT WATER plant for sale. Inquire ai i J. B. Warrlngton. Pendcr. Neb. I ' U M6S6-OS' THE Omaha Social club Invites attcntloi to Its honorable methods of making In troductlons In our parlors ; nrrunglni marriages , furnishing correspondence strangers welcome ; stamps. 311 Karbarl blk. . 15 & Douglas st . ; Allle Turner. Mgr U MS3 O& EOOKBINDINQ-nurkley Printing Co. U-MS51 023 PERSONAL , ( Continued. ) NICE baby boy for adoption at Rltter's hospital , 2211 Seward St. , Omaha. Tel. 2234. U-M533 O16 MISS MAYER , lending manicure , chiropo dist and hair dresser. 400 Pnxton block. _ JJ-M8o6 022 LADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Post73194 ! 8. Uth. U-J1312 BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 3WS S. 15tnT U-M313 IF PARTIES who entered residence of Samuel 8. Newman , 1902 South loth nnd secured diamond rings , wedding ring nnd ruby ring , etc. , will return same , I will guarantee no prosecution nnd pay $20u reward. Commercial Loan Olllce , Douglas St. , bet. Hth and 15th. U 473 6 DR. J. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed , 2jc up ; new method ; no knife , painless op eration ; 23 yrs. experience ; 12 .yrs. in Omaha ; warts , moles and superfluous hair removed by electricity. Frenzcr Blk. U 321 MONEY TO LOAN RHAL ESTATE. WANTED , choice farm nnd city loans. 'R. C. Peters & Co. , U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldif. W-lio $100,000.00 special fund to loan on llrstclnfs Improved Omaha property , or for build ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. A V 116 6',4 per cent money. Bemls , Paxton block. $1.000 nnd upwards to loan on Improved property.V. . Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam St. W 178 6 PER CENT city nnd farm loans. Garvln Bros. . 1613 Farnam St. W 17i ) ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ; quick mouey at low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , East ern Nebraska. W ISO MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha , real estate. Brcnnan-Lovc Co. , 219 S. 16th. W-181 MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block. W M182 MONEY to loan at low rates on Improved city property In South Omaha , Council Bluffs and Omaha. U. 8. Mortgage & Trust Co. W. II. Thomas , ngym , first Nat'l Bank building. W M277 6 per cent money. F. D. Wead , 16 & Doug. W-479 WANTED , bonds , stocks , form and city mortgages , circular for brokers only. In vestors' Directory , N. Y. w 183 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. $10 TO $10.000 TO IOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS. HORSES , WAGONS AND CAR RIAGES , WAUC.HOUS13 RECEIPTS , etc. , nt lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any time or in anv amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 30 < i SOUTH 16TH. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-1SI MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent positions with responsible con cerns upon their own name , without security ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 706 , N. Y. Life Bldg. X-185 MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies , pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts. Jewelry , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green , i room S , Barker Blk. X M186 DIAMOND loan ofllce , 1315 Douglas , unre I deemed diamonds , watches , etc. , sold cheap , X 137 Dcc20 PRIVATE party has money to loan ; all business confidential. Address , with full particulars , B 64. Bee. X MS64 O22 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C F Reed. 319 S 13th X-MS86 O23 BUY good notes nnd loan on good chat tels ; 10 per cent per annum. C. R.'Glover , 302 Knrbach ; notary public- ; deeds , mort gages , leases legally executed. X M400 BUSINESS CHANCES. " AVILL erect building on lot P.0xl50 on 24th St. , So. Omaha , Neb. , across from the new postoillce , for any first-class busi ness. F. J. Lewis , room No. 22 , Ware bl'k. Y-1S7 FOR SALE , established manicure , chiropo dist nnd hair dressing business ; reason , entering medical college. Miss Mayer , 400 Paxton Blk. Y-MS57 O22 IF YOU want to buy , sell , trade or rent anything call 612 Brown block. ' Y 275 O6 FOR SALE , republican newspaper , with complete news , book and Job plants , In ono of the best cities In Nebraska , for snlo cheap. Other business tnkca up en tire time of owner. Inquire of or write to American Press association. Omaha , Neb. Y-M303 9 HOW to get gold , wanted , n man with some means , to Join me In a working bond on a splendid gold mining proposition ; mine will pay for Itself In three months' time ; vein 15 feet wide. Address C 61 , Bee. Y-528 7 CLEAN stock general mdse. In good west ern Iowa town for cash or good security. Traders need not answer , c 67 , Bee. Y-M543 13 * FOR sale or rent , blacksmith shop , 25x49 , one set tools ; plenty work for the right man ; or will hire a man ; must be good sheer nnd plow man ; good location In the center of the town ; good place. Ad dress E. C. , Columbus , Mont.YM542 Y-M542 8 SULPHUR Springs Sanitarium soon ready for business ; splendid chance for doctors. Call Saratoga Hotel , Inquire Pierce.Y547 Y-547 WANTED , a Indy partner , ago 20 to 30 , with $3,000 to $5,000 to Invest In business ; good real estate security for amount In vested. Address K. Bee olllce. Council Bluffs. Y M519 9 FOIl EXCHANGE. 2 GOOD farms In eastern Nebraska and one. good farm In western Iowa to ex change for gejiernl merchandise , dry goods , boots nnd shoes , hardware , har ness outflt nnd a furniture stock ; will trade either farm separate. For purtlcu- , lars address George \V. Ilutton , Cole- 1 rldce , Neb. 2 M161 15 * FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also lire Insurance. Beml0 , Paxton Block. RE-183 HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the time to dispose of them ; let the people know that you want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who hnvo the money. RE-SCS FOR SALE , desirable residence lots. 124x 130 : In first-class location ; ten minutes' walk from court house ; cheap for cash , Address O 61 , Bee. RE-1S9 FOR SALE , cheap , 1 15-room house nnd lot on 17th at. , north of I.oavenworth ; also 1 11-rootn house on 17th nvo. Call al 701 S. 17th ave. , upstairs. RE-M294 OS TO BUY or sell houses , lots or lands. Call on J. W. Robblns. 16,02 , Farnam' . RE-190 BARGAINS In houses , lots , farms- ; sale 01 trade. J. N. Frenzer. opp , old P. O. RE-191 A GREAT BARGAIN : the O. M. Cartel residence at 3510 Farnnm St. , with 142 feel of ground , large barn , steam heat and modern In every respect ; cost over $40- 000 ; price $16.000 , on terms to suit. Pot- ter-Sholes Co. , agents , 1617 Farnam st. RE-M239 OS 9-ROOM modern house. Inq. 521 S. 26th nve , IlE-250 O2S THE following are very low values : 17th and Martha , CGxUS. house , $900. Fine lots , block from 15th & Vlnton , $500 4-r house , largo lot. 33d & Burt , $1,2UO. 2 houBes , large lot , 32d & California. $1.75 5-r house , full lot , 3 blocks from cur , $500 George G , Wallace , Brown block. RE 471 0 FOR SALE , 9-room house and barn , mod ern , near Hanscom nark , $5tOO ; termi reasonable. Address C 66 , Bee.RE RE 474 9 CHOICE Income producing property ; South Omaha , renting $150 per year , $3.7SO South Omaha , renting $120 per year , $1,5 < X ) South Omaha , renting $200 per year. $2,000 Omaha , renting $100 per year , $3,000. Others fully as good. George U. WaUluco , Drown block. HE-4708 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. ( Continued. ) YOU know this Is the time to buy Omaha real o tnte ; neiirly- every ono concedes that ; don't wait ; better buy the follow ing than government bonds : C-r cottage and barn , w. Hanscom pk , $ 360 6-r cottage , nr. 27 nnd Burdctt 630 4-r cottage , 47 ft. , 20th WO 3 houses , rent $150.00 annually , nil. . . . 1,075 6-r house , permanent walks , 19th 1,260 , S-r house and large lot. nr. Mr. Yates. 1,300 9-r house , West Farnam St 1,700 140 ft. on Lake St. . w. cottage 2,600 Beauty spots on which to build : 2"ncrcs , on Benson car line $ 600 10 acres , 4 miles west on Dodge st. . . . . . 2,000 4 acres , west of Hanscom pk l.SOO 60 ft , E frontage , 32d St. . X2I5 2,600 60 ft. lot ut grade , north Hanscom pk. . 1,100 60 ft .nice grade , just oft W. Fnrnnm one nicest streets l.IOu E front 23 nnd Corby 3oO F. D. Wead , 16 & Douglas St. RE 4SO 6 BEST and cheapest 200-ncro farm In Ne braska , nt half Its appraised valuation. W. A. Beldcn , 2502 Blonde nt. . Omaha , Neb. RE-M637 N6 WELL Improved 400-ncre farm , In eastern Nebraska , with SO acres line hay land ; rich black soil ; 4 miles from good town. For further particulars , write or cull upon R. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat. Bank Bldt' . RE 176 9 LOST. LOST , ladles' gold watch , between loth and Hnrney nnd 16th nnd Jones Sts. Leave at Frcnzer's. 15th and Dodge , nnd receive lib eral reward. Lost 526 8 * LOST , a ladles' gold watch , hunting case , marked B. E. J. , at exposition grounds. Return to J. J. Dickey , Western Union oince. Lost 525 6 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1C26 Farnam St. ; telephone 12il. 192 WE rent nnd self the bfst typewriters made ; largest stock of good supplies in Omaha. United Typewriter and Supply Co. , 1012 Farnam St. 193 REMINGTON Standard typewriter mid supplies. 1619 Furnam St. 715 SOLD , rented , 7cpalrcd berlght , 1116 Farl num ! 61i Olfi SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. Night school from Sept. 20. IV1 AT OMAHA Bus College , IGth & Douglna. 195 SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court reporters. Boyles' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg 196 OMAHA Shorthand College , bookkeeping. Boyd'9 thcate- . 543 O23 * TAILORING. MAX FOGEL makes , cleans , repalrj clothes. 307 S. 17th. M 321 O9 JOE YOUSEN the tailor. Boyd's Theater bldg. ; lovely suits $15 ; clothes cleaned and mended nt most reasonable prices ; woik called fo.- and delivered. Tel. 1S2S. -i3 ! O10 V. TAUCIIEN , work guaranteed. 1513 liar- ney. 1S3 O13 ELECTRO PLATING. WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodge St. MS27 Oct29 GOLD , silver and nlckelplatlng. get your basoburner nlckclplated. Omaha Plating Co. , 1302 Farnam , entrance on intii. M-522 O14 DANCING SCHOOL. MORAND'S , 1510 Hnrney St. , will reopen for adults , Friday , October 14 : children. Saturday , October 15 ; private lessons , stage or ball room now. Please call. 56 $ O15 JUNK. G. STEINBERG , only Junk dealer In Omaha who can buy pop bottles ; he pays the best prices for all kinds of Junk , 111 S. llth. 829-O21. GREAT WESTERN Junk house , 812 Doug- Ins , pays lOc for pop bottles ; good prices for other Junk. Tel. 2163. A. Ferer , Prop. 853-O22. BICYCLES. NEW wheels , $17.50 to $25 ; 2nd hand wheels , $5 to $10. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chicago. 202. PIANO FACTORY. PIANOS of any design made to order , old pianos overhauled and made equal to new : second-hand pianos always on hand. C. Sommcr , prop. , 321 S. 10th St. 265 O6 MISS MINNIE Lovl. Piano Teacher. Dav- Idge building , 18th and Farnam. -37GS * PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan ofllce , 1211 Douglas ; oldest established , most reliable , accommodat ing ; business confidential ; selling $40,000 stock unredeemed diamonds ; big bar- calns. 333 Nl SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE. CHATELAINS language school , French German , Spanish. 301 Boyd's Theater , day and evening class. 909-O23. SCHOOL FOR DRESS CUTTING. LATEST tailor system ; diplomas awarded. Mrs. Martin gcn'l agt teacher 2235 Charles 772 O21 FENCING AND BOXING ACADEMY. 1212 Farnam St. , boxing taught elflclentli In 1 month ; send for circulars. Col. T. H Monstery. 473 N3 * FOUND. POCKETBOOK found , by D. C. Patterson Patterson Blk. , contains consldcrabli cash ; no Identifying marks ; owner wll call on him , provo property nnd pay for this notice. Found M515 7 * MEDICAL. ALL women who can't raise family should consult the renowned German specialist , Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents , M8S3 O23 LADIES. Chlchcster's English Pennyroyal pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4c , stamps for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " Ir letter by return mull ; nt druggists. Chi- Chester Chemical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. -614 6 SHOE REPAIRING. WILL repair your shoes while you wait only 15 minutes ; half soles and heels foi 60c'first : class work guaranteed. 710 N 16th st , also No. 19 So. Main St. , C. B. la , I -261 O29 BUILDINGS FOIl SALE. THE Montana state building , with 01 without the furniture. Send sealed bldi to W. II. Sutherlin. at the building , bj October 10 , . The building was erectei with the view of use as a dwelling anc can be easily removed , 469 7 STENOGRAPHERS. WE SOLICIT and furnish positions foi stenographers free. The Stnlth-Premlci Typewriter Co. , Telephone 12 1. 199 HORSES WINTERED. GOOD care ; $1.60 per mo. W. F. Snyder 59th & Leavenworth ; write 814 8. 2cth st 4S3 N3 * GLASS WORKS. LATHAM & PECHAC. Mfr. of ornamenta windows , churches , residences. 1012 Farn . M521 Oil RUBBER STAMPS AND STENCILS. OMAHA Rubber Stamp Co. , 215 So. 13th Phone 1025. Write for catalogue.MI59 „ -MI59 O13 AUCTION. J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 619 Puxton block , want your nuctlou dales of real estate , merchandise , furnitures llvu lock , etc. 197 PRIVATE HOSPITAL. DR. LIEBER , cancers , female disease * . 1913 Leavenworth. M-417 O19 PIANOS TUNED. PIANOS tuned , $1.50. Rose , 1521 Dodgo. -3 < s O FURNITURE HEPAIU1NO. UPHOLSTERING. Lumleen , 152.1 Leav'th. 222 Nov2U STAMMERING AND STUTTEIUX4J. SCHOOL for cure of these defects. Julia H. Vnughnn , 300 N. Y. L. bldg. 734 O18 FURNITURE PACKED. M. S. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331.soo -soo VIOLINS REPAIRED. C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Sheely blk. PHINTINQ. 30OD , quick , cheap. Down sirs. 1302 Fnr'm M212 O27 11ICYCLE HEPAIIUN < ! . WORK guaranteed. Lawrence Cycle Co. , 115 N. llth. -852 02i OPTICAL. EYES tested free. Optical Institute , She-ely block. -201 N30 STEREO AND ELHCTROTYP1NG. H. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Douglas. 317 O2S MASONWORK. MASONWORK Jobber. E. Ilcaly , 1S22 Clark. 129-O26. HARDWOOD LUM1IEII. OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick ory , nsh , cypress , poplar , etc. , 13 > t Cnllf. 12S-O2G. OONNELLA manufactures artistic statu ary. Inside ornamental work a specialty. 317 So. 10th. -MU21 NL'I VOCAL STUDIO. MISS Bcymcr , vocal studio , 612 Karbach bill 214 027 UPHOLSTERING AND IlEPAIRING. LUNDEEN. 1323 Leav'w'th. 222 Nov29 DRESSMAKING. Dressmaking Miss Sturdy , 2501 Davenport. 532 Nov-5 * HOUSE MOVER. W. COY , removed to 1710 St. Mary's Ave. S13 N29 SUES & CO. , . .PATENT- 1A\\URS AND SULICIIORS Bee lildg , Umoho , Neb. Eend for our frco invent ors' GuicJo. Tel. Hi'ji. ; GUV12KN.MI3NT NOTICES. PROPOSALS for fresh vegetables. Head quarters Department of the Missouri , Olllce of the Chief Commissary. Omaha , Neb. , September 19 , 1S3S. Sealed proposals. In triplicate , will bo received here until 11 o'clock n. m. , central standard time , Octo ber S , 1S9S , and then opened publicly for fur nishing nnd delivery of such quantities of potatoes and onions ns may be required by the Subsistence Department at Forts Crook , Jefferson Barracks , Lenvenworth , Logan H. Roots , Nlobrnrn , Reno , Rlley , Robinson nnd at Omaha depot. Proposals will also bo received and opened by the commissaries at Jefferson Barracks , Lcavenworth , Logan 11. Roots , Reno and Rlley , until Jl o'clock n. m. , central stan dard time , October 9 , 18DS , and by the com missaries at Forts Robinson and Nlobrura , until 10 o'clock n. m. , mountain standard time. , October 9 , 1S9S , each post commissary receiving proposals for his own post only. The right Is reserved to reject any or all proposals In whole or In part. Blank pro posals and specifications , showing In detail the articles and quantities required , nnd giving full Information us to conditions of contract , will bo furnished on application to any of the above mentioned olilcers. Her bert Kntz , major and C. S. Vol. S19-20-21-22 OC-7 PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING MATERIAL - RIAL , COWS AND BULL. U. S. Indian Service , Rosebud Agency. Rosebud , S. D. , September 21th , 1S3S. SEALED PROPOSALS , Indorsed "Pro posal for Building Material , " etc. , ns the case may be , and addressed to the under signed nt Rosebud , S. D. , will be received nt this agency until 1 o'clock p. m. of Monday , October 17th , 1E9S , for furnishing nnd delivering nt this agency with thirty (30) ( ) days after receipt of notice of approval of contract , a variety of building material ( consisting of assorted lumber , shingles , doors , windows , etc. ; also ten Jersey cows and one Jerscv bull ) , a full list und de scription of which , together with the In structions to bidders , to bo obtained by making application to the undersigned. CHARLES E. M'CHESNEV. U. S. Indian Agent. 621 d21t morn CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE.- Omuha , Neb. , Oct. 6 , 1S.9S. . Sealed pro posals , In triplicate , will be. received here and at olllces of quartermasters ut stations named until 1 o'clock p. m , , central time , Nov. 5 , 1S98 , for furnishing fuel , forage nnd straw during the llscal year ending June 30 , H99 , at Omaha , Q. M. Depot , Forta Crook , Robinson and Njobrnra , Neb. , Jef ferson Barracks , Mo. , Forts Lcavenwortl : and Rlley , Kansas , Logan II. Roots , Ark. , Reno and Sill , Okla. Proposals for delivery - livery at other points will bo entertained , U. S. reserves the right to reject or accepl any or all proposals , or any part thereof , Information furnished on application here , or to Quartermasters of stations namefl Envelopes containing proposals to be marked "Proposals for , " and nddressci ; to the undersigned or Quartermasters al stations above named. John Baxter. Jr. , Q. M. O7Dlt-N2.3 ItAll/VVAY TIMIS CAIUI. JHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "Thi Burlington Route" Tlcke Olllcc. 1502 Farnam Street Telephone 230. Depot , Tentl and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 128. LeaV6' ArrlV ° ' Chicago Vestlbuled Express 6:03pm : 8:10 : nrr Chicago Express. . . 9:43 : am 4:10 : pn Chicago & St. Lours Express . . . 7 15 prs S:10 : nrr Creston Local 9-15 an Puclllo Junction Local 11:55 : am 5:40 : pir Fast Mall -50 tin Chlocgp Special . . . 2:15 : am 1150 ; pn Dally. Dally exceot Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO scph & Council Bluffs Rail Burlington road "Tho Burllngtot Route" Ticket Olflce , 150 ; Route Fnrnam Street. Tclephom 230. Depot , Tenth and Ma. son Streets. Telephone 123 Leave. Arrive. Knnins City Diy Express 9:05 : nm 6:40 : pn Kansas City Night Express 11:00 : pra C:30 : air "Exposition Flyer" for St. Joseph and St. Louis 4:30 : nm 12:05 : prr Daily BURLINUTON & MIS sourl River Rallroad-"Thi Burlington Burlington Route "Gen eral Olllces N. W. Cornoi Route Tenth and Farnam Streets Ticket Olllce , 1602 Farnan _ _ _ _ _ Street. Telephone. 250. Du [ > ei. 'lentil and Mason Streets. Tclephom Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hasting : and McCook 8:35 : am 9:35 : an Lincoln , Denver , Colorado. Utah. California , Black Hills , Montana & I'uget Sound 4:35 : pra 400 ; pn Hastings Local 7:00 pm 7:40 : pn Lincoln Fast Mall 2:63 : pm " 11:40 : an Denver , Colorado , Utah. California nnd Puget Sound. " 11:50 : pm 2:18 : an Dally. " Jjaily oxcest Sunday. IIAII.VtAY 'I'l.Mlj AtlD. ( Continued. ) FREMONT , Kl.KHORN & . Missouri Valley Rnllwny I General Olllce . United | States National Bank Bldg , Southwest Corner Twelfth SnA 1-Wimm Streets. Ticket Olllce , 1401 Fiirniini Hit-cot. Telephone , 661. Depot , ISih and Webster Btrwt * . Telephone 1.4M. 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm _ 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm " " " Hastings"Y"ork Da vid City , Superior. $ . ! ? ? ! J - . * " 3:00 : Pm 6W : pm nnd Fremont . . ! . . 8:15 : nm " 10:45 : am Lincoln , Wnhoo & Fremont 8:15 : nm " 10:45 : nui Frfinont Local S15 ; nm York Passenser * 6:10pm : 9:40 : nm Dally. " Dally except Sunday. Sun. day only. Dally oxceut Saturday. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL. MIN- ncnpolls & Omaha Railway General Ofllces , Nebraska Division , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. City Ticket Ofllcr. 1401 Fnrnnm Street. Tele- phcno. 561. Depot. Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. Telephone , 1,45.1. Leave. Arrlva. Sioux City Accom. . 8:50 : nm Sioux City Accom. . 9:50 : am SJ5 ; pra Blair , Emerson Sioux City , Pones. Hartlngton and Bloomlleld 1:00 : pm Sioux City , Man- kato , St. Paul & Minneapolis 6:00 : pm 1 9:00 : art No. 2 , St. Paul Lim ited Makes no stops In Net 6:00 : pm No 1 Exposition Llmlted-Mnk s no stop In Neb. . . , * * ) ' 9oo : am Nos 21 and 22- r- * . Exposition Local , " "V" to Emerson , stops all stations except BHggs 6:15 : pm 8:30 : ant Dally. Dally except Sunday. Bun- day only. Docs not atop nt DeSota or Coffman. SIOUX C1T ! & PACIFIC Railroad General Oillccs. United States National Bank Building. 8. W. Cor- s nrr Twelfth nnd Farnam street Ticket Otllce. 1401 Fnrnam Htreet. reicplionc. 661. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , Arrive. 8lkTo > 6:00 : am 8:40 : am , 10:45 : pm 9oo : pm Dally CHICAGO & NORTHWESTern - orn Railway City Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 5CJ. Depot , _ Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. C29. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Special . 6:40 : am 11:65 : pra Mo. Valley , Sioux 10:45 : pn > - " Mo. Valley , Sioux 9:00 : pm City : arroll , Dennlson , Council Bluffs. . . . ' 11:30 : pm 9:40 : am Eastern Ex. , Dos Molnes , Marshall- town , Cedar RapIds - Ids and Chicago. . . * li:05 : am 4:20 : pnt Atlantic Flyer , Chicago cage nnd East 4:55 : pm 4:20 pm. 'ast Mall , Chicago to Omaha 3:15 : pra orthern Express. . . 6:30 : pm 8:40 : ara 6:55 : pra 8:26 : ara press . . . . " 9:00 : pm " ' 6:56 : am Dnlly. "Dally Ex. Saturday. Dally Ex. Monday. UNION PACIFIC "THI3 Overland Route" General Ofllccs. N. W. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllcc , 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone 316. Do- * $ ? $ $ pot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 62S. Leave. , Vrrlvo. "Tho Overland Limited" for Den ver , Salt Lake , and western p'ts. . 8:50 : am 4:45 : pra The Colorado Spe „ . . t f cial , for Denver & all Colorado p'ts. 11:55 : pm > .6:40anj : Fast Mall Train for r m i > " " { Denver , Salt Lake. . Pacific coast and all western points 4:35 : pm r6:40 : am Lincoln. Beatrice Ai Stromsburg Ex. . . 3:30 : pm 12:80 : pm Fremont , Colum bus , Norfolk , Gr'c ) Island and North 1'latte * 4S5pm : 4:15 pm Columbus local 6:60 : pm 9:40 : am South Omaha Loral Pass Leaves , Bjl5 a. m. : 7:00 : a. m. : 9:10 : n. m. : 4to : p."m. Ar rives. 10:30 : a. m. ; 3:30 : p.m. ; 6 p. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves 6:40 : n. m. ; 6:50 : n. m. ; 7:40 : a. m. : " 3:40 : a. m. ; 10:30 : n. , m. ; I2li0 : p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. : 4:301 : p. m. ; 4:35 : p. m. ; 4:55 : p. m. ; 5:65 : p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m. Ar rives. 7:20 : a. m. ; 8:25 : a. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. : 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:03 : p. m. ; 3:30 : p. m. ; 4:20 : n. m. ; 5:40 : p. m. ; G:30 : p. m ; " 6:50 : p. m , 9:05 : p. m. ; 11:55 : p. m. Dally. * * Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. I'.OCK ISLAND & Pacinc Railroad "Tha Great Rock Island Route. " City Ticket Office , 1333 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 423. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone C29. Leave. Arrive. Des Molnes Local. . . 7:15 : am " 11:25 : am Chicago Express . . . 11:30 : am 8:00 : am Chicago Fust Ex press 6:00 : pm 1:26 : pm St. Paul Fast Ex press 5:00pm : " 11:25 : am Lincoln , Colorado Springs , Denver , Pueblo nnd West. . 1:30 : pm 4:25 : pnt Des Molnes , Rock Island and Chl- cugp 7:15 : pm 8:50 : pra Colorado Flyer 6:40 : pm 8:50 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Ofllces and Ticket Olllce , Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douclas Streets Telephone , 104. Depot , 15th nnd Webster Sts. Telephone Leave. Arrive. St. Louis-Kansas & Neb. Limited 3OGpm : 12:55 : pnt Kansas City & St. Joseph Express. . . . 9:30 : pm 6:00 : am Nebraska Local via Weeping Water. . . " 4:30pm : " 9:45 : am Exposition Local via Nebraska City. . . . 6:00 : pm 10:03 : ara Dally. Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIB RAILroad - road Omana , Kansas City te Eastern Railroad "The Port Arthur Route" Ticket Office 1415 Fnrnam Street. Tele- pn98 32,2 > BP ° t , Tenth and Streets. , , , Telephone 629. 0 , . T , Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express . . . . 4:50 : pm 11:30 : am Kansas city & Quincy Local . . . . 0:50 : am 9:05 : pm Kansas City Ex- press 7:15 : am Port Arthur Ex press 8:30pm : Dan/ CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway city Ticket plllce. 1504 Furnam Street , Telephone , 2S4. Depot - pot , Tentr and Manon Streets. Telephone , B2a. _ . . . Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Express 6:45 : pm 8:20 : am Omaha & Chicago HxprcBs li:00 : ara 4:15 : pm Sioux C'ty and DCS Molnes Exprum . . 11:00 : am < :15 : pm Manila Local : 7:00pm : 9:15am W A B A B II RAILROAD Ticket Olflre. 1416 Farnam Street. Telephone , 892. De pot , Venth and Mnson lUreets. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. St. Ixiuls "Canon "Ball" Express. . . 460 ; pm 11:30 : am Dall/ SUed Him Vn. "Lady. " said a Scotch servant to her mis tress , "I maun tell yo I am to leave your service and be raarrltt. " "Is not tula very sudden. Mary ? " Inquired the lady. "Who Is the person you expect to marry ? " "It Is John Scott , mistress. " "But YOU have known him but a short time : how can you trust n stranger ? " persisted the woman , reluc tant to part with a good servant. "Yes , 'tis true , but bo's ken himself money years , and ho says no's , all right , and I believe ha Is , for I asked him. 'Ild ho ken the ton commandments ? ' and ho cave them Ivery one. I asked him could he say the shorter catechism , and he had It Ivery word ; then I told him to grip his hands quick and bard , and < hen lady , I saw ho wai a strong mtQ4 and I'm tola' to e'o ' him my band. " _ j