Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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Wheat Takes Upward Turn Late in Session
and Advances a Shade.
Corn llrnry on Llhcrn ! Itcrrlpt * mill
Slnck SlilpiihtK Dcinuiiil , lc-
cllnliiK 'I I'onrtk of n Cent
Crop Ileiiorln.
CHICAGO ; Oct. C. Wheat today firmed
up lain In the session and closed at a shade
advance over yesterday's llnal llgurca.
Heavy seaboard engagements and higher
cables brought about the rally. Corn was
heavy on liberal receipts and slack ship
ping demand and declined ' ,40. Oats eased
a Hpllt fraction. Prpvlslons were firm and
closed CO12tc ! higher. Opening prices for
wheat uhoweil u slight decline from yes
terday , December starting nt 62 3-SOC2ic. !
Though the early news was somewhat
bullish In tone , it was evident that shorts
had pretty well covered their lines yester
day , for the market showed no strength
and on the contrary weakness for Homo
tlmo after the opening. In half an hour
December had been nold down to C2 1-bQi
C24c ! under rather frco general gulling.
Liverpool was 3-bd higher. Northwestern
was considerably smaller than of late ,
lllnneapolla and Duluth reporting arrivals
of 8G4 cars , compared with 1,190 last week
nnd 1,040 u year ago. New York reported
foreigners good bidders for spring wheat
for shipment.
Encouragement was given sellers by the
Ohio crop report , which made the crop
63,000 bushels larger than tha government
report tnado It last month. Minneapolis
also contributed to the early weakness by
reporting tin increase of 3UJOw busncls In
country stocks for September. The lirst
Bulling ( lurry over , the market became ex
cessively dull and prices kept within a nar
row range for some time , though a grad
ual Improvement In tone was noticeable.
\\i \ to 12 o'clock , however , December uld
not advance much nbovo M 3-bc , but during
the afternoon buyers became more numer
ous. Outside markets were all stronger
than this , .Minneapolis and Duluth buniK
especially strong lor cash wheat.
Foreign markets also showed strength ,
Tarls reporting 10 centimes ndvunco and
Uuda I'esth 6-hc. Thu strength of foreign
markets was attributed In part to the dry
weather prevailing In England and on the
continent. Thu seaboard reported a de
mand late In the session , putting the ex
port engagements as high as 100 loads.
This , and the higher northwest markets ,
ntartcd shorts to covering freely for the
first tlmo during the session nnd the mar-
Itet reached Its highest point shortly before
the close , December gutting up to C2 6-S j )
62 > ic. The close was 621-8JC2 5-8u.
Corn was slow all day , with prices In
clined to droop. Cables * were not so strong
as expected. Receipts were liberal * M
cars and rather heavy receipts were
looked for tomorrow. Crop reports as a
rule were favorable. Clearances were
nrrall , barely 200,000 bu. Shippers reported
u very slack cash demand. December
ranged from 29 8-&c to 29itf2'J 7-Sc and closed
' , ic lower at 29 5-Sc.
Thq market for oats was very quiet ,
with prices a llttlo lower In sympathy with
corn. Receipts were light 341 cars but cash
demand rather alow. Clearances were 107-
(00 bu. May ranged from 22 7-8o to 23c and
closed a shade lower at 227-Sc.
Llttlo was done In provisions. The mar-
Itct early was weak , mainly on account of
liberal hog receipts and lower prices at the
yurds. After early sellers had disposed of
their offerings , the market became llrrncr
In tone. Demand for meats was good and
lard sales liberal. This helped the specu-
Jatlvu market. Prices gradually advanced ,
the market being linn at the close. Janu-
ury pork closed 7Uc higher at JS.93. Janu-
nry lard 10fr'12Hc ' higher at $ I.S5jri.87'A and
January ribs Z'S'Mc higher at $1.621 4.65.
Estimated receipts Friday : Wheat , 215
cars : corn , 810 cars ; oats , 400 car ? ; ' hogs ,
3,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. Open Hlrh. Low. Clone. Yus'ilj ,
Oct. . . .
Deo. . . 82 *
liity. . DIM tWI 04H
bet. . . . 29HOH IOW
Ore : . . . MH i-OH
ny. . . 311 3IH
Tec. ) . . 21H 21K
Slay. . 23. sail 22H
* '
. . . 705
Oot. " ' '
UPC : , 7'77'4 777K 785 785
Jan. . , 882k 88VM U b''H 88 $ 887.S
Oct. . . 460
Dec. . ] 402K 47S 465
.Inn. . , 470 472 486 476
Oct. . . SSI * B20 517X 20 (30
Jim. . 405 4 U6 407M
No. 2.
Cimh quotations were ns follows :
KI..OUR Quiet : IBc concessions granted ;
winter patents , $3.30iT3.5U ; Hiruiguta , . ; .wu'
f .20 ; spring specials , $4.00 ; spring patents ,
K.SOftS.GO ; Btralehts , $2.i0tii.0o ; ; bakers' , J2.10
WHEAT No. 2 sprlnp , C2c : No. 3 sprint ,
WSElHc : No. 2 reel. 62HfiCI ic.
CORN No. 2 , 29 3-SJj29V6c. |
OATS-NO. 2. f. o. u. . if22 j-sc ; NO. a
vhlt , 26 ia'25Hc : No. 3 white , 23MQ24.C.
RYE No. S. 46e.
11ARLEY No. 2. f. o. b. , Slfillc.
SEEDS No. 1 flaxsced , SD\ic \ ; prlmo
JfnioUiy seed. $2.274(2.30. (
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J7.SO
IP7.S3. Lurd. per 100 Ibs. , 4.C7V4'i4.77 ' > 4.
short ribs sides ( loose ) , to.10U5.30. Dry
inlted nhoulders ( boxed ) . $1.50ff4.ti2V < i ; shorl
clear sides ( boxed ) , J5.aCKffD.40.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , pei
pal. , J1.25. ,
SUGARS Unchanged.
The following are the receipts and ship
ments for today :
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady ; creameries , 131
39Hc ; dairies , 12Q17c. Cheese , steady at 7 > -
i9c. Eggs , lie.
MMV Yoiuc < ; IMHAI : , MAUKKT
Quotation * for tinliny on General
NEW YORK. Oct. C.-FLOUR-Rccclptg ,
S1.434 bbls. ; exports , 4,457 bbls. ; market
u nhado steadier , but without change ;
spring patents , J3.904.50 ; winter straights ,
J5.4frji3.CO ; winter patents , J3.75Q3.S3 ; spring
clears , J3.1&JTJ.40 ; extra No. 1 winter , J2.05J
3.00 ; extra No , 2 winter , J2.G5tf2.75 ; no grade ,
Jl.72',3 to arrive. Buckwheat llour , dull and
RYE Firm ; No. 2 western , 42c , c. I. f. .
liAULEY MALT Quiet ; western , 03Q >
WHEAT-Rccclpts. 239,573 bu. ; exports ,
159,600 bu.j sport , firm ; No. 2 red , 72ic , f. o.
b. . afloat , options opened weak and de
clined under disappointing cables and for
eign selling , particularly May wheat , which
ruled weak all day and closed 3-io lower.
Options , however , experienced nn afternoon
rally on covering , strength In cash circles ,
closing net unchanged to He higher. No.
1 red , May. GS 9-1GJ/G9 / 7-Sc , closed GS 5-Sc.
CORN Receipts , 161,400 bu. ; exports , 8,033
bu. ; spot , steady ; No. 2 , 3378cf. . o. b. ,
afloat. Options quiet nnd steady all day ,
guided by bearish cables , unloading by
room traders and liberal receipts , closing
unchanged. May closed ut 3Gic.
OATS-Recclpts , 12SbOO bu. ; exports. 49-
083 bu , : spot , stronger ; No. 2 , 2G > ? c ; options ,
R1UE Domestic , common to low fair , 3 i
ffi4 > 4c ; fair to good. 45-Mi51-Sc prime to
choice , 5Ujj57-8o ; head , GijGUc. patna , 6Uij | >
Go ; patna In bond , 3V4j3ic ; Japan , 5c ; Java ,
4 6-S > cii3Uc : Rangood In bond , IHif c.
CHEESE Receipts , 5.19S pkgs. ; steady ;
largo Ylllte , SHftS5-Sc ; small white , 87-Sfp
9c ; Inrgo colored , SHUSt-Sc ; small colored ,
5 7-BI(9c. (
HOi'S Klrm ; common to choice , 1S98
crop. 4&7c ; 1S97 crop , lliflSc ; IMS crop , lG'p (
ISc ; Pacific coast , 1 > 9 crop , 4Q7c ; 1S97 crop ,
llfiisc : IMS crop , IGSlSe.
WOOL null : neece , 17fl23c.
COTTONSEED OIU-Stiidy ; prime crude ,
1745riSc ; iirinio crude yellow , 2Usii2-'c.
BUTTER-Recelpts. G.900 pkgs ; tlrm ;
western creamery , 15'fr20sc ? ! ; Elglns , 20Vio ;
imitation factory , ntiHo.
EGGR Receipts , 6,513 pkgs ; llrm ; west
ern , 17' c.
MOl XoSES Firm ; New Orleans centri
fugal , common , 91il2c ; fair , 13fil5c ; good ,
1619c ; prime , 20fi25c ; Now Orleans open
UHIP % common , 27ij2Sc ; fair , 2 ! > a29c : good ,
METALS- FIrmer ; southern , J9.75fMO.00.
Spelter , steady. Exchange : Pig Iron , firmer ,
J7.12VJ. Lake copper , unchanged but llrm ,
Jl.25. Tin , dull , active , J16.G5. Leail , easy ,
} 3.S7V ! brokers' J3.77'j.
OAME Partridges , undrawn , per pair ,
Jl.25ai.50 ; wfstcrn. JlOCVul.ffi : grouse. 7i > f
Kc ) : woodcock , Jl.00tfl.25 ; Kngllsh snipe ,
.Mima ta rOjolr.a. n Uaun. 11 fJI4il Mi wll'l
lurkn , canx-nd. per pair , J1.50t2.Wj ? redhead ,
l.W/1. / BO ; mallard , 50f(73c. (
Couilltloii of Trnilf mill < laotntlonn nit
.Staple uiul I'nnor I'roilnrc.
KOOS-aood stock , He.
UUTTER-Common to fair. 1WJ12C ! cp.
orator. 21c ; gathered crcamfry , 19S2tfi.
LIVE POt'LTRY-Hens , G'4R7c : old rnos-
ers , 4c ; spring chicken ? , 7HS8c ; ducks , B
( Cc ; geese , not wanted.
GAME Teal , blue wing , J1.75 ; grecnwlng ,
1.50 ; mixed , Jl. 731(2.25 ( ; pralris chickens ,
otinp. J3.BO ; old , J2.50.
Pia EONS-LI ve , per doz. , Jl.OO.
VEAL-ChoIce , c.
CELERY-Per bunch , SOflSSc.
ONIONS New , per bu. , 251f40c.
ItEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , J1.25
POTATOES-Pcr bu. , SoSloC.
CAHUAClE-Per lb. , Ic.
OnANGES-Seedllngs , J2.75 ; Medlterra-
ican Hweets , J3.0D.
LEMONS--Cullfornla , J3.60BC.OO ; fancy
Messina , Jtj.50T)7.0i ) ) .
IJANANAS Choice , large stock , per
much , J2.00i(2.25 ( ; medium sized bunches ,
APPLES-Per bbl. . Jonathans , J3.50 ;
cholco whipping stock , J2.751i3.00 ; other
lock , J2.0u < i/2.SO. /
WATERMELONS-Cratcd , HfllSc ; loose ,
CANTALOUPE-Per crate , J1.75.
PEACHES-Callfornla , 20-lb. case , Jl.OO.
1'LUMH Oregon. Jl.OtXTfl.23.
PEARS Bartlett , California , out of the
market ; other varieties , J2.0OT(2.23. (
ORAPES-Natlve. per basket. 13fjl3Hc ;
California Tokays , J1.6W1.63 ; Ohio , per baa-
tet. 15c ; New York grapes , 15yi6c ,
CRANBERRlES-Wisconsln. per box ,
1.25 ; Capo Cods , per bbl. , J6.25QG.50.
NUTS Almonds , per lb. . largo size , 12Q )
3c ; small , lie ; Drazlls , per lb. , 9J10c ; En
glish walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , llij )
2c ; standards , Sfj'Jc ; filberts , per lb. , lOc ;
iccans , polished , medium , C7c ; extra
arge , SJiDc ; large hickory nuts , Jl.00ftl.10
ter bu. ; small , J1.JKQ1.25 per bu. ; cocoanuto ,
per 100 , Jl. 5025-00 ; peanuts , raw , G'/fcc ;
roasted , 7'C. :
MAPLE SYRUP-Flvc-gnl. can , each ,
2.15 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , J12 ; hulf-
gal. cans , $6.25 : quart cans , $3.60.
HONEY Cholco white , 12',4c.
DATES Halloecw , ( JO to 70-ib. boxes , 6 > , ic ;
Salr , 5e ; Fard , 3-lb. boxes , Oc.
FIGS Imported , fancy , 3-crown , 14-lb.
) oxefs , lOc ; 6-crown , 41-lb. boxes , 13c ; 3-lb.
loxcs , 22ft23c per box ; California , 10-lb.
joxes , Jl.
CIDER-Per lialf bbl. , J3.25Q3.50.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2
treen hides. He ; No. 1 salted hides , 8-fio ; No.
2 salted hides , 7lc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12
bs. , 9c ; No. S veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c.
TALLOW , GREASE , KTC.-Tallow , No.
, 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2'e ; ; rough tallow , Itfcc ;
white grease , 2' 2c ; yellow and brown
jfrease. VMi2\\c.
SHEEI' PELTS-Grccn salted , each. 13gi
" 5c ; green salted shearings ( short woolcd
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry
lint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool
> elts , per lb. , actual weight , 4a3c ; dry Hint ,
{ unsay and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
ler lb. , actual weight , 301c ; dry flint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 4'33c ' ; dry Hint , Colorado murrain
wool polls , per lb. , actual weight , 3y4c.
Hnl tlmo re : .Market.
BALTIMORE , Oct. C.-FLOUR-Dull and
unchanged ; receipts , 17,935 bbls. : exports ,
80,000 bbls , ; western extra , J2.50fl2.SO ; west
ern family , J3.25R3.GO ; winter patent , 53.65 ©
3.S5 ; spring patent , J4.2oJT4.40 ; Rio extra ,
J3.75ft4.00 ; rye llour , medium to choice , J2.75
< Jj3.U ) .
CORNMEAL-Per 100 Ibs. . S3cSJ1.00.
WHEAT Strong ; spot , GSV-c bid ; re
ceipts , 60,852 bu. ; southern wheat by sam
ple , G3070C.
CORN Steady ; spot , SS'X.'ffS.I ' li-Sc ; steamer4
mixed , 32" " , < , ® 32 iu ; receipts , G.8SO bu ; south
ern white corn , 33ifj33V4c.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 white western , 2S@
29c : receipts , 1S.4S7 bu.
POULTRY-Sprlng chickens , lOglOHo ;
fowls , 9'fcfJ10c ; young ducks , kflS'.iic ' ; old
roosters , 20S25c nnlece.
HUTTER Steady ; creamery , gathered
cream , ISJ/lS c ; creamery Imitation , 1G& !
IGUc ; Iowa northwestern ladle , 15c : west
ern store packed , 12ft I3c ; Elgin , 22c.
EGGS Firm and unchanged ; fresh , 1514
@ 16c ; western , 15f15Hc. |
CHEESE Active ; new cheese , full cream
Now York , 60 pounds , O'.M ic per pound ;
flats , 35 pounds , 9i < S'10c per pound.
Cincinnati Market.
winter patents , J3. 10(03.75 ( ; fancy , J3,00i)3.25 ;
family. $2.60 2.50 ; extra , J2. 1502.45 ; low
grades. Jl.90Q2.10 ; spring patents , J3.S3 < i ?
4.25 ; spring fancy , J3.23Ti3.50 ; spring family ,
J3.00fl3.20 : low grades , J2.75fi2.'JO.
WHEAT Quiet ; No. 2 red , G6c.
CORN Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 31c.
OATS Active ; No. 2 mixed , 23iQ23 c.
RYE Firm and higher ; No. 2 , 50c.
PROVISIONS Lnrd. active nt J1.55. Bulk
meat ? . J5.37HBacon , steady at J6.53.
AVHISKY-Firm at J1.23.
BUTTER Fancy Elgin creamery , 22c :
cholco Ohio. ICWUc : gathered creams , 148) )
15c ; prlmo dairy , 12o per lb.
SUGAR Active and lower ; hard refined ,
J4.30fjG.r > 7.
EGGS-Dull at 13c.
I'OULTRY Chickens sell nt Sc ; roosters ,
3V4c : fiprlngers , 9c : spring ducks , 7c ; old , Gc ;
spring turkeys , S' c ; old , 7c per lb ,
St. I.nulxMarket. .
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 6. This was a local
holiday and the banks and exchanges were
WHEAT The opening trade In wheat
was nt G5iyf63 ? 5-8c , 1-Sc decline , but the
trade was soon scratched. Then Go 5-Sc and
65 S-SifiGSfte were paid , but this appeared to
exhaust the buying powers. It was not
Icng before some long wheat began to
como out and a decline to G3 3-So took place.
The reaction In wheat was flight. Decem
ber having 65' , < . < C < j5 5-Sc bid , but It was
notable more was for sale than wanted 'and
the price slipped back to 65 3-Sc again.
CORN Heavy , with sellers at 2S B-Sc for
RECEIPTS Wheat , 51,000 bu. ; corn , 30,000
bu. ; oats , 41,000 bu ,
I'lillad.-lphla Market.
Steady ; fancy western creamery , 20V > c ;
fancy prints , 21c.
EGGS Easier : fresh nearby , 17'frfflSc ;
fresh western , 17'e. .
CHEESE Firm ; Now York , full cream ,
new , fancy , 9ff9V c : fair to good , SVittSSic
part skims , G Jj'c ; domestic Swiss No. 1
; Swiss No. 2 , S09c.
Tolrilo Market.
TOLEDO , Oct. G. WHEAT Firm ; No. 2
cash , CGJ4c ; December , C6c bid.
CORN Dull nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed
OATS Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 22c.
RYE Dull anil higher ; No. 2 cash , 47c.
CLOVERSEED-Dull and steady ; prlmo
cash , J3.93 ; October , J4.43 ,
MlnnrapollM AVlicnt Market.
October , G0ie ; December , 5D 5-8059&C ; No
1 hard , G3c.
FLOUR Demand fair ; first patents , J3.90
ffJl.OO : second patents , J3.70Jf3.SO ; llrst clear
BRAN-In bulk. JS.03JTS.25.
Ijlvcruool Crnlu Market.
aid higher- October , nominal ; December
5s 5tyd : March , 5s 5d.
CORN Firm and unchanged to % i
higher ; October. 3s 4Hd ; November. 3s 4
Dececnbcr , 3s 4T d.
ut * ( irnln Mnrkct.
No. 1 northern , G3Vc ; No. 2 northern , G2c.
RYE-Hlgher ; No. 1 , 47c.
BARLEY Steady ; No. 2 , 43c ; sample , 33
< ai5c.
1'eorla Marketi ,
PEORIA , Oct. G.-CORN-Steady ; No. 2
OATS Firm : No. 2 white , 23 10241- .
WHISICY-Flrni ; J1.23.
'XViiol Marliet.
LONDON. Get. G. WOOI The offering
at the wool auction sales today numberei
15,279 bales , Including a fair selection o
medium merinos , which were keenly bh
for , especially by the continental buyers
who secured a majority at full ratea
Cross-breds showed a hardening tcndencj
The following are the sales In detail : Ne\
South Wales , 2,900 bales : scoured , 7',4dt
Is 4d ; greasy. GiTlOd. Queensland. f.SOC
bales ; scoured , lOHdfils i , ( j ; greasy , 6s89d.
Victoria. l.GOO bales ; scoured , si < iTis 7d ;
greasy , 5".filOd. South Australia. 500 bales ;
scoured , Is td'Sls 3J d. Tasmania. 100
b.iles ; scoured , llWdiTls ; greasy , Cji10d. !
New Zealand , 8.SOO bales ; scoured ,
Is Gd ; itreasy.
Cnllforulii Dried Friiltn.
DRIED FRUITS Steady ; evaporated ap
ples , common , CCtSc ; prime wire troy , SV-c ;
choice , 9c ; fancy , 94c. Prunes , 4J/SHe.
Apricots , Royal , Ili713o ; Moor 1'ark , 126
Ific. eaches , unpecled , 7fi9c ; peeled , J2Q
CofYcu MarUet.
NE\V Oct. .
YORK. 6.-COFFEE-Opllons
opened barely steady , with prices 5 points
low' r ; ruled moderately active , with weak
undertone. European cables were disap
pointing. but partially offset by largo warehouse -
house deliveries und only moderate Bra
zilian rtcelptu , brokers timid In vlow of
further ilecreaso In Amerlt-an visible and
general healthy undertone of > pot depart
ment , Cloned steady , prices CWIOc lower.
Sales , 20.750 bags , Including March at J5.83
(36.80 ( , Spot coffee , Rio , cteady : No , 7. In
voice , J6.25 : No. 7. jobbing , JC.75. Mild ,
qulot and steadyj Cordova. J3.00Q 15.00.
StiKnr Sluvlc Itallles After n llreak
unit Support SoniU It t'p n Piiliit.
NEW YORK , Oct. C.-Inllucnces govern
ing the stock market today were largely
conllned to developments In the ppcclaltUfc' .
The status of the war In the Sugar trade
was momentarily loH sight of , owing to
consistent support to the stock. A further
reduction In refined was a signal for a raid ,
but after effecting ! a break of a point the
stock rallied strongly nnd eventually ruled
a point above yesterday's closing price.
Subsequent weakness robbed It of prac-
Icnlly all the gain nnd communicated
iciivlness elsewhere. Pools were evident i
tiring Iho course of the day , and this
nctor , In addition to moderate ; outside pur-
liases , embracing a large sprinkling of the
nactlvo stocks , occasionally sustained
> rlces , although the general run of stocks
nvored a lower level.
Liquidation was very pronounced In
Northern Pnclllc common , Union Pacific ,
Jenver & Gulf ; Loraln preferred nnd To-
acco. The latter broke 4'i. Imt rebounded
requently nnd clo. ed u point above the
owcst. President Duke was quoted as re
using to deny or conllrm the current ru
mors regarding the negotiations with wcst-
rn plants. Dullness bccnmo qutto pro-
icunccd during the afternoon , and but few
hnngcs of note occttrrcil except where spo-
lal considerations operated. The opera-
Ions bv the arbitrage Interests were on
both sides , early purchases being thrown |
ver when the reactionary tendency be-
amo marked. Reports of railway earnings
rom the- less Important lines , which aver-
ged well , coupled with encouraging statc-
nenlB from Influential railway olllclals re
garding the outlook for general business
nnd the announcement of the appointment
of the arbitration committee to settle the i
eng standing light between the Canadian
'aclflc and the American transcontinental
Ino regarding the question of differentials
> otwoen Atlantic nnd Pacific coast points
did not arouse much enthusiasm. Prices of
he railways outside of the grangers and
iome of the fouthwesterns did not get up
o laft night's level and llnal prices all
around were about the lowest.
The bond market continued to rellcct a
steadily Increased outside demand which
oiind expression in purchases of the stand
ard mortgages and speculative buying of
ho middle grade issues. Wisconsin Ccn-
ral Ists were in exceptional demand and
it one time showed a rlso ot 2 points to
9 , but subsequently suffered from reallza-
lens nnd lost half the gain. Total sales ,
Government bonds > 4 bid In prices , but
in active demand for the 3a advanced them
iTho ; Evening Post's London financial ca
blegram says : "he stock markets hero
were quiet today. They opened Hat on de
velopments regarding Fashoda and closed
generally at , about the lowest. Not the
east Important factor Is the financial situ
ation In Germany , to which special refer
ence was made In these dispatches on the.
23d ot September. Berlin has been specu-
atlng In Industrial securities In nil parts
of the world , In addition to American
shares , und there Is some , danger ot nn
overstrain. Bankers here are beginning to
throw out a certain class of German bills
Irawn on German houses with only foreign
agencies here. 1 learn that large amounts
were loaned today to Germany for three
nonths at 414 per cent. Today's further
rise , ot 1-16 per cent In London discounts
s duo to this German position. A rise In
: ho discount rate of the Bank of Germany
s looked for by Monday next , but it Is not
certain. Americans were dull , closing nt
.ho lowCsSt. Spanish 4s , Portuguese securi
ties and mines were all depressed on Paris
selling. Grand Trunk was lower on real-
Tne following nro the closing quotations
or the leading stocks on the New Tor *
rnarket today :
Total sales of stocks today \vero
shares. Including : Atchlson preferred , U-
500 ; Burlington , 4.S50 ; Lake Erie & .C ! < lr
ern preferred. 3,400 : Metropolitan Street
Railway. 20,820 : Northern raelllc. 1V21 ! ;
Northern Pacific preferred , 5,330 : Rock
ishind ? 7,000 ; Union Pacific. 7.400 ; St. Paul.
71,250 ; Union Pacific preferred , 8.849 ; Union
Pacific. Denver & Gulf , 8.2,0 ; Cotton
Oil. 3.220 ; Tobacco , 53,290 ; Chicago Great
Western , 9,370 ; People's Cos. lc.000 : Sugar ,
77,371 ; Rubber. 8,740.
Yorlf aloiioy Market.
Nominally 21 " < R3 per cent.
"STERLING ExciiANGK-steady , with
actual business in bankers' bills at $ I.S45i >
4.S4U for demand nnd .M Slffil si-y. for sixty
days ; posted rates $ l.S2'i nnd $1.85 ; com
mercial bills. J4.SOW , .
States 3s , 10GU ; 4s. registered. llO'.i ; coupon ,
112U ; Pnclllc Cs of ' 99 , ICO.
Closing quotations on oonds wera as fol
lows :
llniik iif MiiKlniKl'M StntiMiient.
. Oct. C.-Tho
JL-ONDON. - weekly Btatemen
of the Rank of England shows ths follow
liiB changes as compared with the prevloui
account :
Total reserve , decrease C2.076.000 ; circula. .
U ? " ' , lD5roas - tW > ; bullion , decrease ,
1,430,000 ; other securltlea , decrease , ! ,
f-S'.OiiO ! other ilepocltg , decrennc , 91,000'
public deposit ! " , decrease. 1,173,000 ; notes
reserve , decrease , -lM.970.Owj government
securities , Increase. JCS78.000.
The proportion of the Bank of England's
reserve to liability Is 44.20 per cent as compared -
pared with 47.60 last week. The Bank of
England's rate of discount remains un
changed at SGo.
Ilonton Stock Qiiotntlonii.
BOSTON , Oct. fi. Call loans. 2y3'4 ' tier
cent ; tlmo loans , SUQ'l'.i l'cr ccr > l. Closing
quotations on utociu , uunUs unU i
chares :
London Stock Unotntlnnn.
_ I.OXDON , Oct. G. 1 P. m. Closing :
Consoln , money..169 9J8N. , Y. Central
Consols , ncc't . .10013-16 Penn ylv nla 00
Canadian I'acino . . . S7i Heading O'.i '
irlo : It U. 1' . pfil SI'S '
Kre 1st pfd 36 Atohlson 13't
Illinois Central . . . .114'i Ij. & N ' "Mi
Xor. roc. pfd 7814 Grand Trunk 7 > .
tit. Paul common..Ill
BAR SILVER-Dull at 27 13-16d per ounce.
MONEY 174 per cent.
The rate ot discount In the open market
for short and three months' bills , 2 3-8 per
Klniiiirlitloli - .
OMAHA , Oct. C. Clearances today were
Jl,197,215.43 ; balances , $ (3,720.21. ( Clearances
lasi ' , . " . . . . Hil'-
year were tlf27.,41.i2 ; oa"i.ii < ? , -
G14.W. Increase in clearings , $ linS74.ill. ;
CHICAGO , Oct. G. cieari.i rf , + .uu.dC'9 ; ,
halanccs , $1,993,514 ; New York exi'liiin c ,
'Me discount ; posted rates , } 4.S2 .y4 ! ? 5.
Stocks very dull but steady ; South Side I , ,
72'a ; Ulscult , S2 1-8 ; Ilia'-lit prcferiC'l , 5 ;
Diamond Match , 110 ; bake Strept L , , 12'a
bid ; North Chicago , 217 bid ; Strnwlmnrn ,
31 ; West Chicago , 43'i ; City Railway , 290.
UOSTON. Oct. C.-Clcarlngs , $17,163.142 ;
balances , $2,150,00) ) .
NK\V YOHK , Oct. G. Clearings , $149,931-
000 ; balances , $7.21G,4GO.
i'JIlLADELPllIA , Oct. G.-Clearlngs , $3-
130.2UO ; balances , $1,433,103.
UALTIMOUK , Oct. G.-Clearlngs , $3,557-
197 ; balances , $499,500.
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. G. Clearings , } 99fl-
C31 ; New York exchange , bank , 50c per
$1,000 premium ; commercial , 25c discount.
CINCINNATI. Oct. C. Money , 2Mjti per
cent ; New York exchange , par ; clearings ,
$2,3 ! > BS50.
LONDON , Oct. C. American securities
fluctuated somewhat after a steady openIng -
Ing , then declined and closed dull. Busi
ness was restricted to arbitrage dealings.
Gold Is quoted ut Buenoa Ayres today at
BERLIN , Oct. G. Private discount was
harder on the bourse today , being quoted
at 3 7-S. International securities llrm.
Americans were dull. Exchange on London ,
20 marks 40' pfgs. for checks.
PARIS , Oct. C. Business on the bourse
today opened with llrm price ? , but they
subsequently weakened on political appre
hensions. Rentes hardened on report of an
approaching termination of the strllke In
the building trade ? , but they afterward de
clined. International securities were easier ,
with the exception of Turkish bonds , which
hardened. Thrco per cent rentes , 102',4f ,
30c for the account. Exchange on London ,
23f 2Vie for checks ,
Hunk of Krniicc'H .Statement.
PARIS , Oct. C. The weekly statement of
the. Bank of France shows the following
changes as compared with the previous ac-
ciiint : Notes In circulation , Increase , 61-
" 23,000 friincs : treasury notes current , de
crease , 41,750.000 Branca ; gold In hand , de
crease , 9,450,000 francsr bills discounted , de
crease , 14,175,00i ) fntncu : silver In hand , de
crease , 5,425,000 francs.
Cotton Market.
middling , 5 7-10c ; net receipts , 223 bales ;
gross receipts , 3,9.0 ! bales ; sales , 410 bales ;
stock , 61,355 bales ; exports to Orcat Britain ,
none ; continent , 200 bales. Totals today :
Net receipts , 52,326 bales ; exports to Great
Britain , 24.2S2 bales ; France , 9.COO bales ;
continent , 13,220 bales ; stock , 611,560 bales.
Consolidated : Net receipts , 2S3.1CS bales ;
exports to Great Britain , 107.223 bales ;
France. 31,175 bales ; continent , 30,517 bales.
Total since September 1 : Net receipts , 969-
943 bales ; exports to Great Britain , 263.945
bales ; France , 47,703 bales ; continent , 151-
225 bales.
steady : ordinary , 39-16c ; good ordinary ,
4Uc ; low middling , 45-Se ; middling , 5c ;
good middling , 55-lCc ; middling fair , 5 0 ;
receipts , 11.S2S bales ; stock , 134.S97 bales.
Futures , steady ; October , 4SG bales ; No
vember , $4.92fil.93 ; December , $4.9Sff4.09 ;
January , $3.03fT5.0l ; February , J5.0S05.00 ;
March , $3.111(5.15 ( ; April , $3.1BiJ3.20 ! ; May ,
$3.2lfi5.25. (
LIVERPOOL. Oct. 6. COTTON-Spot , the
sales of the day were 20,000 bale ? , of which
2,000 bales were for speculation nnd export
and Included 19,100 bales American. Futures
I closed barely steady ; American middling
' , L. M. C. . October , 3 l-6Ifi3 2-64d , buyers ;
i October and November , 3 l-C4d , sellers ; November -
| vember and December , 3d , buyers ; Decem-
i ber and January , 3d , buyers ; January and
. February , 3ffi3 t-CId , buyers ; February and
.March. 3 l-64f/32-fild , fellers ; March and
1 April. 32-64(33-64d ( , sellers ; Anrll and May ,
33-615(34-64(1 , sellers ; May and June , 34-Cld ,
buyers ; June and July , 35-C4d , buyers ; July
land August , 35-GIS3G-64d , sellers ; August
I and September. 3 G-6ld , buyers.
Oil Miit-lci-l.
OIL CITY , Oct. G. Credit balances , $1.07 ;
certltlcates opened $1.07 % bid for cash ;
highest and closing , $1.09 bid ; sales , 1,000
bbls. cash at Jl.OSs',5. 2.000 bbls. cash at
$1.0Sy. ; shipments , & > 5US bbls. ; runs , 17,707
SAVANNAH , Ga. . Oct. G.-OIL Turpen
tine , llrm. 30c. Rosin , llrm. Quote : A , B ,
C. D. $1 ; E. $1.10 ; F. $1.13 ; O , $1.23 ; II. I , K ,
M. $1.40 ; N , $1.60 ; WG. $1.SOVW. : . $2.15.
WILMINGTON. N. C. , Oct. 6. OIL Tur-
pentlne , llrm , 2S4@SOV4e. Rosin , unchanged.
Crude turpentine , steady , $1.10 , $1.60 and
$1.60. Tar , gtcady. $1.15.
Xow York. Dry ( iiioilH Mnrlict.
NEW YORK. Oct. G. The dry goods
market was without many features today.
Cotton goods dealers -were excited over the
reported sales of print cloth extras at 11 ®
lOc In outside markets. Aside from this
there was llttlo of Interest in any division
of the market. Both cottons and woolens
were the subject of a very light Inquiry
on the part of dealers In town nnd the
mall orders of today were no heavier than
has been the case latelv. Staple cottons In
all grades are quiet. The market for un
derwear and hosiery was very dull.
SiiKiir Mnrkol.
NEW ORLEANS , " < * . n.-SUOAR-Dlill ;
no open kettle ; centrifugal 2ds. 2',4 < iT4c.
Molasses , strong ; centrifugal , 4ITllc ; new
I cane syrup , 23123c.
NEW YORK. Oct. G.-SUOAR-Raw , dull ,
weak nnd nominal ; fair rellnlng , 3-74c : cen
trifugal , 96 test , 4.3-32(1 ; molasses sugar ,
3 c. Roflned , weak and Irregular ; mould
A. Blic ; standard A , 1 7-Sc ; confectioners' A ,
47-Sc ; cut loaf. 5' , c ; crushed. 5' , < io : pow
dered. 51-Sc ; granulated. 5c ; cubes , 51-So.
ber , SsSVid ; November , 9-9d. '
li-in < ii-riitlc .Majority In tioor la.
ATLANTA , Ga. . Oct. 6. Hon. Allen D.
Chandler's majo'ity for governor over J. R.
Hogan , populist , Is 65,000. This figure Is
about 20.COO above the democratic majority
for governor two years ago. Several coun
ties which returned ropullst realaMtlcs at
that tlmo show a complete reversal lu favor
of the democrats. The -return of a solid
democratic delegation to congress IB assumed.
The city of Atlanta decided In favor of
municipal ownerch'p ' of the electric plant.
PiiNxiMiKi'r anil Frltlil Train Colllili * .
MILWAUKEE. Oct. R. A collision U re
ported on the Chlcnco & Northwestern rail
way about eight miles south of Milwaukee
between ft passenger and'frelght trnln. The
fireman of the passenger train , a Chicago
man , Is reported killed , and several frelcht
cars nro wrecked nnd the mall car reno > -ted
burned. The passenger train left Milwaukee
about 1 a. m. , and Is said to have crashed
Into the freight
Amilrcx t SliMvnrl'w Sorit.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. G. A. C. Cleve
land of Nevada , who U In this eltv. an
nounces himself us a candidate for United
States senator to succeed \V. M Stewart
He says ho Is an actual resident of the state
and will rrake a hard fight to secure the
: ' place to which he aspires.
Let Up In Receipts Gives the Sellers n
Ohouce to Breathe ,
Killer * Still Hrlnir Ciooil Fluurcn nnil
I'mlcr Crude * Arc Well I'p '
HIIKN Show .Much Sl
on I.oenl Coiiilllliiim ,
. , . . . Cattlu. Hogs. Sheep.
Sme'Ptfltmln-v ' . ' 'M '
, , , , -
R C " Moml'ly , ' . . 'iM ) 3,843 .
P. " ' " a Tuesday . & , & 2ii J , ri3 G.W1
Omclal Wednesday. . . . 8,771 S.211
" *
Four days this week..23.310 25.67"l 2.1,410
Same days Inst week..24,515 2S.72I 14,903
Same days w'k before.21,07 ! ) SI.957 21.3S ! )
Same thrco weeks ago.lSG32 10,374 27.54'J
Average price paid tor hogs for the last
several days with comparisons :
.lS03.lS97.lS9S.lS93.lMli7ji)377s92T | | | | |
1 Indicates Sunday.
The olllctal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C. , M. & St. P. itv. . . . 2
O. & St. 1 , . Hy. . : . . . 2 2
Missouri 1'itclllc Ily. . IS t
rnlon 1'ttc. System. . . 57 12 10 b
C. & N. W. Hy 1
K. . B. & M. V. H. H. 35 20 2 1
C. . St. ! > . , M. .to. Ily. S 4
H. it M. H. H. H. . . . 50 2i : 4
C. , 15. & q. Hy ; i
C. . H. 1. & I' . Hy. , 1C. . . 1
C. , H. I. & I' . Ry. , W. 2 1
Total receipts . . . .172 7.1 15 G
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Huycrs , Cattls. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co * Inn
G. H. Hammond Co 22S 550 GW )
Swift and Company 713 ' 2,390
Cudahy Packing Co r.oti l.'lM
I' . D. Armour , Chicago. G61 1,232
H. Becker and Degan. . 419
Vansant & Co 131
J. l . Carey 540
Lobman & Co 220
Hcntou .fe Underwood. . . 14
Huston & Co 50
Hill & Huntzlnger 169
L. F. Husz 140
Livingston & Schuler. . . 99
Hamilton & R 303
Hammond , from 1C , C 2CO
Cudahy P. Co. , K. C. . . . r.01
Other buyers 5,22 1,050
Left over SCO
Totals 6,168 5,368 5,122
CATTLE Today n receipt" of cattle wftro
a good deal smaller than yesterday and the
smallest of any day since Saturday. Still
there was a fair average run for n Thurs
day. As the week draws toward an end
It was expected that there would be a let
up In the receipts and today's moderate run
was very grateful to sellers , as It gave the
market a breathing spell and an oppor
tunity to got the yards cleared up. In ad
dition to the fresh receipts there were still
a good many stale feeders In the yards , so
that there was no shortage of cattle of that
As has been the case all the week , there
was no great number of fat steers good
enough for the packers. The market on fat
cattle was fairly active and the offerings
for the most part sold early at good , steady
prices. After all the big receipts of cattle
this week , which are the largest of the
year for the four days , and on Tuesday
the largest In the history of the yards , the
market on fat cattle has not fallen off very
much. Cornfed steers are probably 10t15c ?
lower for the "week , but fat grass steers
are fully steady. The Swan cattle sold
today at $4.03 for the Mexicans and $4.15
for the two bars. That was 6tilOc ; lower
than the last told for , but It was claimed
that there was that much difference In the
cuttle. On the other hand the C Y cattle1
sold for lOc more than they brought a
week or so ago , and other examples might
bo given , showing that the western grass
beef are no lower.
The market on cow stuff was not much
different today , as compared with yester
day. The Swan cows brought $3.70. Bulls
were rather slow and lower , as > buyers
complain that the country does not take
hold of them as freely as usual.
A very largo proportion of all the cattle
In the vards consisted of stockers and feed
ers. The feeling this morning was a little
better , and pome were sanguine enough to
expect a stronger market , but while there
were a good many lookers from the country
they did not take hold very freely , so that
the market lacked support , and the cattle
did not sell any more than steady. Good
to choice cattle were sought after and
I moved off freely , but the medium to com
mon kinds were bard to sell. As noted yes
terday , the market on the common to
medium stock cattle nnd feeders. Is all of
20 < I30c lower for the week. Representative
sales :
16 c and li . 7:5 3 15 11 feeders. . 670 4 10
sol'Tii DAKOTA.
Scows . sss .120 17 moors. . . .1163 3 SO
1 steer . 1250 3 SO
.t. M. Onrcy & Ilro.
353 steers. . .1243 \ 00
HOGS Light receipts ami a good demand
constituted an element of strength this
morning uiul the market nt this point , re
gardless of weak reports from other selling
points , opened active ami fully sternly on
heavy and mixed packing hogs. The prices
paid were $ J.50 anil J3.52 < 4. the same , us
ytnterday. Light hogs were n little easier ,
the best selling tip to S3.CO. as against
J3.G5 for the top yesterday. Sonio loads
on the butcher weight order went at J3.M.
but the proportion of sales nt VJ.57'4 iiiul
J3.60 was inueh smaller than yesterday.
inuk'ng ' the average for the whole market
The early market was quite. nrtlvo and
the most of the offerings changed hands
In Bond season , but after the most urgent
orders were lllled the trade naturally
slowed up. Then , too , rnmo the most unfavorable -
favorable reports from Chicago , which In
dicated a lifeline of lO'jloc , with u hirgo
number of hogs unsold. Aw compared with
the Chicago market the hogs sold high
here , t'mler the Inlluenco of the discour
aging reports from Chicago the market
cared off and closed lower , with bids uf
J..43H3. ! 0 on rough heavy.
It will be noted from the figures at head
of column that .the receipts of hogs , while
very large , taking Into consideration the
different markets , have nut been as largo
at this point as they were last week or
thrco weeks ago. Today the receipts were
unusually small for a Thursday , owing un
doubtedly to the break In prices having
caused shippers to hold back the hogs.
The course of the market has been stfadlly
downward all this week. On Saturday of
last week the hogs sold on an average at
jt."l ; , on Monday there was a drop of fie ,
on Tuesday n shade to Sc and on Friday
loo. In other words , the market today was
li'.se lower than It was at the close of last
week. Representative pales :
SHEEP There was a pretty decent run
again today , but the receipts consisted for
the most part of lambs. As a rule , the of
ferings were good enough for the killers ,
and as the demand was good , the most of
the receipts changed hands early. The
market on fat sheep was just about steady
with yesterday , there being no quotable
change. In fact , the market at this point
has shown very little change so far this
There Is nothing new to be said regarding
the market on stock and feeder sheep and
lambs. As has bcf n the case right along , the
demand Is good , and there Is no trouble ex
perienced In disposing of all that arc re
ceived. Values do not show any material
change from day to day.
Quotations are : Good grass westerns ,
J4.OOJM.13 : fair to good grass westerns' , $3.90
< T(4.00 ; good yearlings. S4.15iiJ4.25 : good to
cholco lambs , f5.005io.25 ; fair to good lambs.
J4.90Jt5.00 : feeder wethers , 2-year-olds and
over , J3.75iji4.00 ; feeder yearlings , Jl.00f7l.15 ;
feeder Iambs , J4.25fJT4.S5 ; culls , J2.50ff3.00.
Representative sales :
No- Av. IT.
id ewes . no jo 70
77 cv.'CS . 9S 323
15 western ewes . S6 360
1 western ewe . 70 360
41 Utah ewes . 113 3 60
C native yearlings , culls . 81 3 S3
103 western wethers . .03 4 do
230 Utah Iambs . 69 4 20
73 Utah wethers and yearlings. . . 100 4 23
9 > native yearlings . 9,1 , 4 25
3 cull lambs . 60 4 30
110 native sheep . 103 433
C13 Utah lambs . OS 470
16 native lambs . 62 5 00
Prices of HOKN Drop Ton Con < anil
C.'ooil Cattle StroiiK.
CHICAGO. Oct. 6-Good cattle sold at
strong prices today , but commoner lots
were slow and weak. There was a fair
proportion of good cattle , but not many
prime shipping beevf-s ; native beef steera
were salable at J4. 00 4. 73 for common to
fair grades and at J3.00Ci3.CO for pretty good
? . ' : ' ! ? droves , with extra cattle firm at
Jo. lOff-j.&O ; sales were largely at J3.90fil.50.
with a good many fed westerns selling at
J4.23f(6.25 ( ; the Mocker and feeder branch
of the market was fairly animated at $3.23
' 64. .0 . ; canners and butchers' stuff Hold bet
ter than at the beginning of the work , cowg
going largely at } 2.50f/3.50 , and strictly
choice veal calves wore firm at $7.00Ji7.23
per 100 Ibs. ; grass Texas cattle soM nt J2.SO
CT.l.CO , and western rangers were fairly ae-
tlvo at the recent decline.
The market for hogs was In bad condi
tion , nrloer suffering a further drop of
about lOc. Trade was ncnln slow and si'os '
were largely at J3.50fc3.70 with the common
est lots selling at J3.30fi3.40 and the bcsi at
J3. 7093.75.
Good sheep and lambs sold stronger to
lOc higher. Sheep were In good demand on
a basis of Ji.OOfiS.Oa for culls , up to JI.30 ®
1.50 for good to choice , flock rangers FellIng -
Ing nearly as high as natives. There was a
lively demand for western feeding lip n
and prices advanced to J4.00fi4.20 ; lambs
were In good demand at J4.00fil.50 for com
mon , it ) ) .to J5. 751(0. 00 for choice to prlmo
natives : western range lambs sold at J5.00
< fi3.73. feeders being In active demand at
Receipts : Cattle. 7,500 head ; hogs , 32,000
head ; sheep , 11,000 head.
St. I.ntiU I , litStock. .
ST. LOUIS. Oct. G.-CATTLE-Rcceiptsr.
3.000 head , Including 2,300 Texans ; market
steady , but with no very good cattle hero
today ; f.ilr to fancy native shipping and
export Htfers. J4.70ft5.75 ; bulk of niles , JI.SO
( f/5.40 ; dressed beef and butcher steers , J3.40
'S3. ' 40 ; bulk of sales Jl.00' < i5.03 ; steers under
1.000 Ibs. . $3. lOS 1. 20 ; bulk of pale ? . J3.33ti
3. S3 ; stockers and feeders , J2.SUi4.50 ; bulk
of sales. J2.S5 > ii4.23 ; cows and heifers , J2.00
ifN.SO ; bulk of cows. J2.2iiii3.56 ; Texas and
Indian steers. J3.00fn.6n ; bulk of rales , J3.30
( & 4.30 : cows and heifers. J2.r,07(3.40.
I1OOS Receipt ? . 4000 head ; market 10c
lowtr ; yorkers. $1.6fK5'.C5 ! , packers , J1.COJ ?
3.70 ; butchers , $3. 70 3. 75.
SIIKKl' llccelpts , 1.600 head ; market
steady ; native muttons , J1.00fi-l.30 ; lambs.
_ _ _
XIMV Yorlc I lv ' .Stock" .
celpts , (1,101 ( head : steady : beeves lower ;
live cattle. lO'-ifilHic per pound : refrgt-ra- !
tor beef , Svc ; exports , l.iviO cattle and 2,400
quarters of beef. Calves , receipts , 117 head ;
BU-aov : veals ,
PII1313I' AND LAM IIS Receipts , 2.233
hi > ad : sheep slow : lambs Ilrin : sheep , JH.OOft
4. SO. lambs , J34VJC.OO ( | : culls. JI.OU.
IIOOS Receipts. 1.34G head ; dull and
weak at JJ.064.10.
St. .IiiM'iili l.lvc Stock.
RT. JOSEPH. Oct. C.-Bpeclal.-CATTM1 (
Receipts , 1.500 head ; steady : natives , JI.70
ffi5.23 ; Texas and western. $1.00f)5.35 ; cows
and heifers , Jl.5Ofcl.00 ; stockers and feeders ,
J3 005(6 00.
IlOfiS Receipts. 3000 head : 6c lower ; ac
tive : top. J.1KO ; bulk , J3.4"fi363. ;
H1IKKI' Receipts , I , WO head ; steady.
Cincinnati I.lvc Stud.- .
CINCIN.VATI. Oct. C.-IIOaS-Iulll and
lower at J3.0 < vn3.SO.
CATTMC-StPady at J2.60f4.10. ?
KAMUS-lllgher at Jt.OOfji5.CO.
Mori.In Slubl.
Recoril of receipts of llvo stock at the
three principal markets for October C :
Cattle. 11011 ? Sheen.
Omaha . 4m 5,102 4.17 *
chlcaKo . 7,5tt ) 32.10 ll.oon
Ft. Louis . 3.000 1,000 1,100
Totals . I4 3'l 41.102 TcT
1'c n Cnni * nl Murder.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 6 , A peculiar part of the
circumstances surrounding ' -William Strutt'a
denth , who was found dead In a bath tub
In his apartments at Iho West End hotel ,
1'cs In the fact that his clothes were In his
room , which was securely locked and the
key was down In the odlcn In his box.
Strutt's room wan 100 feet distant from the
bath roow and the walk In n bath robe .
along the corridor would certainly hnvo at-
traded attention hnd ho been seen. Who
turned the key upon Strutt's clothes nnd
then took It to the odlco It n. mystery.
MIIKIu DiniiriuliiK rltlr.cim.
PAXA , 111. . Oct. C. The mllltla hero con-
tlnuo to patrol the streets , holding up and
searching all clnpscs of citizens and reliev
ing them of any firearms , The union tuition
In conference with state labor leaders ol
various organizations Imvo adopted plans fet
n more vlgotous unr against the blacks and
the mlno operators. Every effort will brut
r-ut forth to keep the coal mined by the
blacks out of the market. Every car that \ .
leaves 1'ana Is now mysteriously labeled J
with chalk : "Negro scab coal from 1'anai *
111. " ,
_ _
( 'niinillaii PiilinTII ( \urtlirrrnt. .
TACOMA , Oct. 6. The Canadian police
are completing the establishment of a chain
of police stations along the upper Yukon
from Dawson on to Lake llcnnctt. The sta
tions are about thirty miles apart. Flvi
men have been detailed for each post. Each
station has supplies for two years and nu
merous dogs ,
The soldiers are to carry dispatches and
facilitate the forwarding of malls nnd are
Instructed to assist all travelers , of whom
from 6,000 to 8,000 are expected to come
out over the Ice.
Shipment * of Sheep from the Const.
KEDDINO , Cnl. , Oct. 6. The movement
of sheep eastward has been something re
markable this year It Is stated that up
ward of 200,000 head have been delivered to
rail points In Nevada for shipment east.
An enormous clip of wool will bo marketed.
Lake county , In southeastern Oregon , has
33,000 head of sheep on the road to Ilcno
and other rail points In Nevada cnrouto to
eastern markets. Many thourand beeves nnd
sheep have also been purchased by eastern
linns In California.
Mm. ( .iillford liiillcti-d ,
nmnOEPOKT. Conn. . Oct. 6. Coronei
Doten has completed his Inquest Into thi
death of Emma 0111 , whoso dismembered
body was found In the Yellow Mill pond a
few weeks ago , finding that she came to
her death by felonious homicide at tha
hands of Nancy A. Gullford , nwdstcd and
abetted by Alfred Oxley and Hose Drayton.
The grand jury has Indicted Nancy Qull-
ford for murder In the second degree. This
will facilitate her extradition from England.
Mutual IiihiiranciCoiupiiny ANHIKIIN.
LinEIlTY. Mo. , Oct. 6. The Hankers1 &
Merchants' Mutual Fire Insurance company
of this place hao assigned to E. D. Moore ,
Its general agent. The managers say that
the assignment was due to war made on It
by the board of Insurance companies. It Is
stated that all claims can be liquidated. The
company was organized In 1895 and was said
to have done the largest business of any % t
mutual company In the fitate. w
Cut III I'rlcc of SIIKII- .
NEW YORK. Oct. 6. There was another
cut In sugar today. Domestic refined opened
V e lower per pound for all grades except
cut loaf and crushed , which are unchanged
and Nos. 7 , S , 0 and 10 , which are l-16o
lower. This makes granulated sugar 6c , leas
3-16c and less 2 per cent trade discount ,
bringing the price to 4.71 cents net , as com
pared with centrifugals , 96 test ( raw sugar ) ,
at 4 7-32@4yje net. > ,
( Should bo read dally by all interested , ai
changes may occur at any time. )
Foreign malls for the week ending Octo
ber 8 , 1898. will clone ( PROMPTLY In nil
cases ) at the General Postolllco as follows ;
PARCELS POST .MAILS close one houl
earlier than closing time shown below.
Trnna-Atlmitlu MnllH.
SATURDAY At 0:30 : a. m. for FRANCE.
ISII INDIA , per s. s. La Touralne , via
Havre ( letters for other parts of Europii
must bo directed "per La Touralne. ' ' ) ;
at C:30 : a. m. for EUROPE , per s. s. Et-
rurla , via Qucenstown ( letters for France ,
Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Portugal , Tur
key , Egypt and British India must bo
directed "per Etrurla" ) ; at K a. m. for
NETHERLANDS direct , per s. p. Werk-
endam via Rotterdam ( letters must ba
directed "per Werkcndam" ) ; at 9 a. m.
for ITALY , per s. s. Fulda , via Naple
( letters must bo directed "per Fulda" ) |
at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , PIT
s. s. Ethiopia , via Glasgow ( letters must
bo directed "per Ethiopia" ) .
After the cloning of the Supplementary
Transatlantic Malls numcd above , addi
tional supplementary malls are opened on
the piers of the American. English ,
French and German steamers , and remain
open until within ten minutes of the hour
of sailing of steamer.
MnllH for South mill CeiitrnI America ,
Wcxt Iiiillcx , Utc ,
SATURDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for NEW
FOUNDLAND , per s. s. Siberian , from
Philadelphia ; at 9:30 : a. m. ( supplement
ary 10 ii. m. ) for UARBADOS and DE-
MERARA , per s. s. Carrlbee ; at 10 a. m.
supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE
CARTHAO.KNA , per s. s. Aleuo ( letters
for Costa Rica must be directed "per
Alene" ) : at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 :
a. m. for HAITI and SANTA MARTHA ,
per s. s. Holsteln ; at 10JO : a. m. for URA-
s. s. Llvorno , via Pernambuco and Rio I
Janeiro ( letters for North Hrazll must be * -
directed "per Llvorno" ) : at 11 a. m. fur
THAGENA , via Curacao , per s. s Phila
delphia ; at 12 m. for NEWFOUND
LAND , per H. s. Portia ; at 12 m. for
PORTO RICO direct , per s. s. Winifred ;
at 12 m. ( supplementary 1 p. m. ) for
CENTRAL AMERICA ( excent Costa
Rica ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per
s. s. Advance , via Colon ( letters for
Ciatemala must bo dlrceted "per Ad-
viinco" ) ; at X:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUND
LAND , per steamer from North Sydney. .
Malls for Newfoundland oy rail to Hall-
fax. and thence by steamer , close at this
ofllco dslly at SCO : p. rn. Malls for Ml-
quelon , bv rail to Iloston. and thence by
steamer , clone at this offlco dally at 8:30 :
p. m. Malls for Cuba close at this
office dally at 't a. m. for for
warding by steamers sailing Mon
days and Thursdays from Port Tampa ,
nil. Malls for Mexico City , overland ,
unless specially addressed for despatch by
Mteamer. close at this otllce daliy at 2.(0
a. m. and 2:30 : p. m. 'Registered mall
closes ut 6:00 : p. m. previous day.
Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Em
press of India ( from Vancouver ) , close
hero dally up to October * 3 ut 6:30 : p. m.
Malls for China , Japan and Hawaii , per
s. s. Gaelic ( from San Francisco ) , close
hero dally up to October 5th at 6:30 : p. m.
Malls for Hawaii , per e , H. Australia
from San Francisco ) close hero daily up
to October 13th at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for
Australia ( except West Australia ) , New
Zealand , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s.
s. Warrlmoo ( from Vancouver ; , close
here dally after September 30th and up
to October * 13th at C:30 : p. m. Malls for
China and Japan , per s. s. Tacoma ( from
Tacoma ) , close here dally up to October
17th at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for the Society
Islands , per ship City of Papeltl ( from
San FranciKco ) , close here dally up to
October 23th at C:30 : p. m. Malls for Aus
tralia ( except those for West Australia ,
which are forwarded via Europe ) , New
Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji and Hamo.ui Is
lands , per H. H. Marlposa ( from San Fran
cisco ) , close here daily up to October
2sth at 7f-0 : a. m. , 11 a. m. and (1:30 ( : p. m.
( or on arrival at Now York of B. s. Et
rurla with British malls for Australia.
Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of
sailing dally and Iho schedule of closing
Is arranged on the presumption of their
uninterrupted overland transit. Regis
tered mail closes at 6:00 : p. m. previous
Potitomce , New York , N. Y. , September 30 ,
Telephone 1030. Omnlm , Neb
DlreM wire * to Uncago Jnd New York.
Corr pondfnti > John A , Wtrrtn & Co. *
w -
RnoinI , ft , Y. Life Illilir. , Oiualin , .Vrb ,
Direct AVIr' N MV York , Cliicnco mid
iVcitcrn. l > olnU.