THE OMAILA. DAILY BEE : ( /MONDAY / , OCTOBER 3 , 1898. SPECIAL NOTICES Atlv f rllrninil * tor tlirnr ciiluinnu nlll lie tnken until 12 ni. fur tlif evnnliiK nnU iinlll Hlild for nioriiliiu nnil SjnilMciniiniiB , ItntCR , 1 l-2c n tvnril nrl lnrrllon | In it word tlicrriiflrr. NnllitliK tnlirii for Ic * * tlintt'i < for IIio IIrut Inner- < lnn. Tlicnn nilvcrtln ! inciitN in nut lie rnn coimrcntlv elr , Acli cr liner * , ! ) > rrcurttni ; n num. lierrd rlieek , run Imti * nnmver * nil * flrc Meil l < > n niitulirri-il teller In cure f Tlie llrr. Annivor/i no iuldrcneil \rl\l be delivered on iireMciiliitluii uf the cliccU onlj- . SITUATIONS AVVNTI5I ) A STENOGRAPH ER-AVhen jou want one please call up Remington typewriter olllce , 1619 Farnain at , telephone , 1573 A-MC96 017 A RELIABLE man well acquainted 'n city want * position at driving a uV'vry wngon. Address C 21 , Bee. A 137 6 * CAPABLE lady desires position as house- kcepcr for need people. Address X , Bea olllco , Council JUurrs. A 11243 OS WANTHD MAI.13 IIRLr. SALESMEN for cigars ; 125 a month and expenses ; old firm ; nxperlence unneceo- saiy. C. C , U < shop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo. B-8SO TAILORS , attend Dyhr's cutting school ! 618 H H B-9S4Dec2 YOUNG men to learn barber trnde ; only 6 to 8 weeks required , we give our gradu ates employment till they receive In wages ns much as they pny for tuition nnd ex penses learning. 8t. Loulg Barber Col lege , Odd Fellows' Bldg , Dodge and 14th , Oinahn. Prof. Randolph , Instructor B-M322 O9 SALESMEN cun make J100 per month sellIng - Ing our ofllce specialties to merchants by sample ; fine side lines , big prollts Model life. Co. , Box 1J. South Bend , Ind B-M453 TWO clothing s-ilesmen wanted In Omaha and one In ench county In every state to take orderH for our J3.00 to J10 00 made- to-measuro suits nnd overcoats : llvo men without experience can make $150.00 per month ; If you can furnish satisfactory reference wo will furnish a complete Ham- pie line nnd outfit und start you nt work nt once. For particulars address Ameri can Wooolen Mllla Co. , Enterprise BuildIng - Ing , Chicago. B-M45S O12 WANTED We ha\p Btendy work for u few good husllers of good habits nnd ap pearance C r Adams Co , H34 So 16 Bt. U-MSI9 O22 SALESMAN wanted to sell our choice nursery stock ; n printed guarantee given with every order that the stock Bhnll be firstdasand trtitj to label , good salaries paid. AA'rllo for terms to A. C Orlesa & Bro , Lawrence , Kan B M923 O24 * "WANTED , active men everywhere to tnke orders for "Cuba nnd the \Vnr with Hpaln , " only olllclal book , outnt and full instructions free on application Adilr us Qlobo niblo 1'ub Co , 723 Chestnut St , Phlla . Pa B-M292 3 SALESMEN on cigars , $125 per month nnd expanses ; experience unnecessary , per manent position. Imperial Cigar Co , New York Clt. B-M31S 4 * WANTED , joiing man for bookkeeper rapid ul u riling nnd figures , state Hilary and references , also ynung man 18 fet general work. Address C 40 , Bee B M335 3 AA'ANTED , saleHinen to sell premium goodi or advertising novelties nH a side line Samples free Liberal commissions He- Kent Mfg Co , Chicago. B-M42C 3' WANTED , experienced florist , who can speak Otrmiiii and English ( Hlnglo mill ) Apply al B Huns , Florist , 1813 Vlnton B-107O1 WANTED , Intelligent messenger bovw nl packing house , So. Omaha Address C SO. Bee. B-253 Ol \VANTRD FEMAI/n HELP. 100 GIULS for all kinds of work ; J3 to ' week. Canadian Onico , 1522 Douglas. . C-851 AVANTED-150 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel S76 C M511 Oct-20 WANTED , clrl for general housework small family. Mis. F. L. Gregory , 3141 Mason St C 219 WANTED , competent girl for genera housework ; small family. 112 S 2511 avenue. C M309 3 IlESPECTABLE widow lady lo do worl till March 1 or after for mnll family it country while proprietor and wlfo an away. Address A , box 31 , Elk City , Neb C-M2S3 3 * WANTED A good Blrl. 521 NT20th street C-320 5 PLEASANT homework for men or womer day or evening ; J6 to { 12 weekly ; no can vasalng or experience needed : plain In structlons nnd work mailed on appllca tlon. Brazilian Mfg. Co , New York City C M350 4 X \VANTED , 4 ladles , today , 3rd Jloor , mid die flat , 27th and Curnlng StsCM42I C-M42I 3 FOn HUNT 1IOUS12S. CHOICE houses nnd cottages nil over city 5 to $75. rUellty , llrst lloor , N. Y. Life D-S53 I1OUSC3 Benowa & Co , 108 N. 15th St D-S3J HOUSES , stores. Hc-mla , Paxton block D-b34 FURNITURE nnd leasehold of a 7 and 13 room modern flat for sale ; bargain ; gou location ; rent low. Bemls 1'ax.ton block D b3G A TEW COTTAGES. 436 Board Trade D-S37 DUNDEE Place house. COS Bee. D-M33J 6 AND " .room steam heated ( lats for ren Howard Itanck , agt. , 1010 Chicago Slree D-M273-O7 BUNEWA'S residence to rent , 3230 Hurt D-MU18 AIAVAYS moving bouhtliohl goods an pianos Omulu Van . Storage Co , 1511 < Kurnum Tel , 15.19 D SS5 HOUSES , stores. Hobblns , ISM Farnan D-779 HOTEL , good business Furniture foi sal. . II DC. Bee. D M7'3 O O * HOTEL down town ; 16 rooms ; good court1 tlon. convenient to nil car lines , rer It5 00 a month The I ) > ron Heed Co , 21 H 14th Ht. D-110 _ WAGQAHD'S Van & Storage. 121 N 15tl Tel 14M. D-MS31 Oil * _ CHOICE 10-1 br. flats , liuj. COI liee. Bldg. D-109 CHOICE 10-r br. Hat. Inq COI Ben Bhli D-109 COTTAGE on easy payments , 604 Bee Bld | D-MV > 1 _ FOR RENT , 10roonmodern house an barn , with large nnd shady grounds John W Hobblns , Agt. , 1S02 Furiuun St. RUNT , 11-room all modern detachc house , large yard , neir llnnscom pnrl price reasonable J H Shernnod. 4J3 r V. Life. O-M3S3 3 FOR RRNT FUUNISIIRD IIOOMS. TROCADKRO Beds ! 5c ; clean , nate. 13 Harney. K MIOG OS * NICELY furnished rooms for transient X20) Bpsncer Bt. , KounUe Place , near e : poslton. E M 1 u TRANSIENTS , cool rooms , bath. C14 ! lilh. Lto OJ ROOMS , transients accommodated. 13 Cumins * . EM25 < i Ot > FURNIS1IKD rooms , with bath , one Mrx from 51th t. cur Una. & 32 South 2Si street. K-5J7 30 < AA'E. Home-HnoniH for families or | > i n specialty. CUan bedu ZJc up 1712 t a A' ELEGANTLY furnished it oi s r I DSI prices , flat 1 , Davldge bit ,1 ng. < i b City Hall , cornel Ulu in 1 < flnt landing. Ask for Mr * i roii itnvr ri'iiMsiinu ROOMS. ( Continued. ) ROOMS. Inrge furnished , modern rooms nt exposition , write at once for terms Mrs , E M liiton , 1021 Plnkney St. EXPOSITION visitors can get reliable In formation In regard to hotels , rooms , board , etc , nt the Official Information Bureau , 1319 1'arnntn st , this bureau Is under the supervision of the exposition management. Ofllco open day and night ; no charge for Information E WJ VISITORS wishing flrst-clflBS rooms In pri vate family please call or address 1701 Capitol nvo. . west of P. O. E-M213 03 IuNDSOMTT/v"7urnlsh7d roomsTall modern - ern ( onvenlences 1817 Leavemvorth St. , flal C E-ai2 > jl PC' _ SATE. cl an rooms. Expo , cnr 1312 Dav enport K M2C2 O29 roil RENT , furnished rooms for light housekeeping , nlso nice sleeping rooms ; steam heat , gas and bulh. 1S19 Lenvcn- worlh. E-M304 ROOMS AM ) IIOAUD. SARATOGA HOTEL , 24lh SI nnd Ames Ave , 4 blocks wesl from north gate ex position grounds , betil rooms , J2 , with meals , Jl CO without ; families nnd parties , H 25 a day and 50e European , everything new nnd neat , free baths , double parlors , library and p ano. two lines of street cnrs , vusl verandahs , be l place lo see cxposl- lion fire works Jolly people and n g > mn- astmn Telephone , 1931 r n7 TAKE down Ihnl "for sain" or "for rent" sign In your vslndow. The Bee reaches more people In n day lhan will pass your window in n month ; and Ihey consult columns when Ihey want to buy or rent. F-86S HE MERRIAM , Hirst class family hotel , 23th nnd Dodge St ? F SCO HK BENEFIT HOUSE. 21gt nnd Plnkney Sts , flfly daintily furnished rooms , ono- squnre from the Arch of the States ; e\erjthing new and first class , terms reasonable. F S39 VELL FURNISHED rooms , fine board. 1909 Capitol ave F M2SI O7g TOPIA-Famlly hotel. 1721 Davenport. F-504 Oct 13 * roil unvr U.NFUHMSIIIHJ HOOMS. ROOMS. 708 S. 17lh St. G M2P3 O20 OR 5 CHOICE locations , one floor ; pri vate bath ; references necessary. C 36 , Bee. G M29S OR 5 , location choice , one floor ; private bath references necessary. C 3i > , Bee. O-M293 von. iuvr STOHKI AJSD OFFICES. OR RENT , the 4-story brick building at 916 Farnam St. This building has a lire- proof cement basemcnl , water on all lloors gas , etc. Apply nt the ofllco ol The Bee. 1-910 DESK loom. G G AVnllaccT 313 Brow n Blk. I-6C2 ICE store. Corner 24th and Hamilton Ap ply 2318 Cnldwell. I-S63 OR RENT good barn-box slall , che ip. 1502 Cass St. 1-M740 N U. S. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Inq COI Bee Bldg , 1-112 A'lIOLKSALE store nnd warehouse , traik- age , excellent shipping facilities C E Benson 310 Hnmge Bldg 1-S1I-O20 * STORY nnd b'ascment brick store buildIng - Ing , 1005 Farnam , 22x100. Inquire 314 Flrsl National bank building. I M303 Acnvrs AGENTS and branch managers ; salary 01 commission. Hunter Tailoring Co , Cin cinnati. O J M947 Oct-11 * 'WAR Wllh Spain , " 700 pages , com- plulo , English , Snedlsh and German , out- lit free W A. Hlxenbaugh & Co , olllc 14 , Ware blk , Omaha. J-M412 O10 AGENTS wanted for rapid selling house hold novelty , needed In every house , nelli for cash , and cnn easily be carried in agenl's pocket. No competition , no li cense ; a rare , good thing. Write for par ticulars. Sutllve Brothers , Kcokiik , la. J M6S8 O3 W AM CD TO ALL persons desiring to rent their rooms to exposition visitors kindly call nt once 210 S. 14th St. K M302 OS ! OOD driving horse , weight about 1,101 Ibs. 423 N. Y. Life. K-M316 WANTED , 1 or 2 unfurnished rooms foi Dingle gentleman ; stole , price and loca lion P O box 36. K 231 O3 PACIFIC Slorage and Warehouse Co. , 908 910 Jones , general slorago and ( orwardlnc M-S64 OM. Van & SloraRe , ISllH Farnam. Tel. 155J M S65 \VANTED TO BUT. IF YOU are In need of anything try th Want Columns of The Bee ; Iheywil bring you what you want. N 867 THE BEST HOME ; J2.000will buy on eas' terms. 1 am no agent. X W , Hoe HoeNM751 HIGHEST price for second-hand householi goods. Large lots a specialty. Brown , 71 N. ICth N M200 O3 * WANTED , J2.000 worth of sccond-hani furniture at 301 N. ICth. St. , cor. Daven port N M19C O13 HOUSES TO MOVE. F. D. Wend' N-732 OMAHA Savings accts. Wallace , Brown blk N M114 HOUSES to move. Wallace. 313 Brown bill N M7G3 FOR Svl.r FUIlMTtltK. CHICAGO Furniture Co will sell furnltur nnd stoves below cosl , col beds , 75c maltresses. We , pillows , 20c 14010 ! Dodge O-M2T ! > O7 FOR SAI E-Tv\o beds , one folding , mat iresscs nnd springs No. S3C S 17th St. FOR s\i.n HOUSES , WAOOVS inc. FAMILY carriages , 3 of thorn , great bl b irgnln for 575 , another Jw ? , the o co originally J175 and JIOO. Drummnnd Cgi Co , opp com I house P 122 S VEHICLES oveiylhlng on wheels ; gel ou prices before bu > Ing ; we nlso offer som bargains In bccond-lmnd phaetons Craw ford Co , 1311 Jones street P-M310 10 BUGGIES , open and top. % and 7-S size few good values or wo wouldn I say si Drummond Cge. Co , ISth and Hartley. 1' 422 8 PHAETONS. 3 of them ; hand-mad painted nnd repaired ; J < 0 to X > 0 Drun mend Cge Co , ISth and HarnejP122 P-122 8 FOR SALE High-grade Kentucky bred nn broken combination saddl * nnd harnet horse. Perfectly sound and straight. At dress C 38. Bee P-M3414 2 MILK wagons , $75 nnd $100 ; line cond tlon one used only 3 months , hung lei Drummond Cge. Co , opp. public llbrar P 422 8 GKNT'fi rubber-tired runabout , cost } 17 now J9) ) , B pis * carriage , baignln , 14 paa vv : < gonetlo , one del wagon $13 Drun mend Cgo Co , npp. county jail. P 122 FINE mure , young , drives single or doubl L .Inlmnon. IManlng Mill , 2lth and Gr.ii 8U P-247 Ol LARGEST stork hardwood lumber , he fence , vvnxlng brushes , etc. Chas. R Le 9th and Douglas Q S6S HOO , poultry nnd Inwn f > ncr ; nil wire ; ii beat. Wire Works. 14th and Hurney. Q S57 B HAAS , Fll > . " * VllUon tTTol7 77 lOanla , cut iluwcra. buuU | ls. hall , res dence , wedding and Rruvn decoration Ortl-ra by mall or exprtas promptly fille Q-bCJ FOR SALE , reliable patent lor utalo < Wbracka. Addi sx A , Be * o9)ce ) , Count i Q-64J roil SAIiIMISCRI.I < AMOV9. ( ConllnuedQ n CAHN nnd alto Cahn cornet. Marowltm , 418 N. 16th. Q-8C9 FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N S. for B cents ! nt driiRslsta. one gives relief. Q 870 FINE lot Indian curloa. Derlght , 1116 Far- nnm. Q * 12 O16 2D-1IAND safe cheap. Derleht , 111G Fnrnara Q-tll O16 SHERMAN-WILLIAMS CO , mixed paints. Sherman & . McConncll Drug Co , 1513 Dodge st. . Omaha. Q-M733 O18 FISHER makes Ivory rim or plain dress butlons from any cloth. Store , Park Ave. nnd Leavenworth. Q M775-O19 WOOLF BACHARLVS. 1207 Fnrnnm , Plan ished Steel Pcnln ulnr Ranges , $22.60 to $40. Heaters sold cheap. Q-.MS87 Fel ) 24 PRINTING , good , quick , cheap. 1102 Fnr'n. | Q-M212 027 FOR SALE , battery ot two boilers , 10 ft. CO In In diameter , 4-ln. flues : nil com- plslo with smokestack. Fred Krug Brew. Co. Q-M240 $150 NAT'L tnndcm , $17 Omaha BlrjcleCo C-M22 ? O2S CHICKERING piano for snle client ) cnsh or two years' lime. C 29 Beo. Q 257 O5 STAMPS , coins , bought , sold Morten on , 404 N 16th. Q-M271 O29 SECOND-HAND Singer sewing machine , good as now , cheap for ciinli Neb Cy cle Co. , cor. 15th und Hurncy Q-M3I3 4 15 FINE milch cows and springers. 1 reg istered Jersey bull. 2446 S 20th A Well- man. Q M307 3 * ROLL top typewriter desk , first-class con- dlllon. cheap. C 35 , Bee Q-M2S9 7 GOOD piano , sllghlly used. Collage 2122 Harney Bl. Q-M4188 Ml.HCKI-L/L ROUH. TWENTY-FIVE cenl i will buy Ihe lalest publlcntlon Illustrating the O S nnd Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc ; almost 200 photogriphlc reproduclloii' " , with a largo map of the Eist and West Indies , at the office of The Bee If or dered by mall , address Navy Photograph Department , Omaha Bee. R S70 CLAIUVOYAMS. ISMAR THE OYPSY. Truthful In her predlcllons , relKblo In her ndvlc" . II mnlters not what vour bellet may be nor what your experience with so-called palmists and clnlrvovnnts may .have been , Ismar will convince > ou that the pasl , preset.t and fulure can be told , She can be consulted dully nt her olllce , rooms 20 nnd 21 , Douglas block , i or. Ibth and Dodge , opposite Hayden liros. S-M174 O3 MMC. G\lmer , genuine palmist 1003 Dodge. S-M184 OJ VIENNA fortune teller , IS yrs here. 1411 Howard. M ISS O13 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 80S N inth S 4iG O13 E , 1I.V1II.H , ETC. MASSAGE nnd baths : ladles und gentle men , magnetic treatment M nnsson , 107 N 12. T-M5C1 O15 MADAME SMITH , US North nth Street , massage and biths , room 2. T 141-O3 * BATHS , ladles onlj.Mra. Portc-r , 203 Doug las Blk T 33J O9 LAURA ELLISON , baths , massage nnd magnetic treatment 119 N Ibth , H 12 , upstairs. Attendant wanted wantedT T M797 O20 MRS DR LEON , electric ma&kiiga batll parlors , restful nnd curative 417 S IHh , upstairs T M121 OS * LILLIAN HOWARD , new massage nm ! bath , Australian trt-ilnlent. H 1 ! ) 1(21 ( T M3V7 3 * BEATRICE HARLOW , massage nnd till ] bath ; Egyptian treatment. 1701 Leav- cnworlh. T M410 B PERSONAL. VIAVI CO , 34C Bee building. U-S73 A LARGE Mnp of Ihe World , one of Cub : nnd nnolher of Iho entire. Wesl Indies showing Cuba , Porlo Rico , Hnytl , Sai Domingo , Martinique and all tha othe , AVesl Indian Islands ; 10 cents , nl Th Uei office. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cubai Map Dept. . Omaha Bee , U SCS $30 RUPTURE cured for $30. No detenlloi from business- years In Omnha. Gal or write for circulars. Empire Ruplur Cure , 933-933 New York Life bids. . Omnha Neb. U 873 PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without pain one treatment does the work ; call o send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure S32 New York Life building , Omaha. tl-874 MASSAGE , Electric and magnetic batha New Hyglennlc Institute , 220 Bee Bldg. tel. 1716. U-M333 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before am during confinement ; babies adopted ; ex perlenced physician in attendance. 1136 N 17th at. . Omaha. U M580 SOLES nnd heels 45c. Peterson's old re liable shoe shop. New shoes cheap. ICtl and Cumlng. U M30S O'J HOT WATER plant for sale. Inquire o J. B. Warrlngton , Pender , Neb U-MCSC-O-S' BOOKBINDINO-Burkley Prlnllng Co U MS31 O22 MISS MAYER , leading manicure , chlropo dlsl nnd hair drcsaer. 400 Pnxton block. U-MS50 O22 THE Omaha Social club Invites attentloi to Its honorable methods of making Intro ductlons In our parlors , arranging ilages , furnishing corrvujHinilence , straug , ers welcome , stamps. .Ill Karhach blk ' 15th Ai Douglas sts ; Allle Turney , Mgi U M9il ( IS MASSAGE , baths Mme. Snjllh. HSU N. lj U-2 3 O29 LADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Post. 319 ! S 15th. U M312 NICE baby boy for adoption at Hitter' hospital , 2214 Sewnrd bt , Omiha Te 2231 U-M OH ! BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319' S lrith U M313 : l DR. J. ROY , chiropodist ; corns remove-c I J.ic and up. new method , no knife , : > ears' experience , 12 je-urs In Omaha I warts , moles and supurlluous hair rt moved with electricity. Fenzcr Block U-T21 i ! - SFPOND-IIAND sewing machines froi $300 up Neb. Cjcle Co , cor 15th nn Hartley. U-M3H 4 MONEY TO LOAN' RI3AL HSTATC. WANTED , choice farm and city loans I C. Petcra & Co , U. S. Nafl Bank Bldi W-S75 i $100.00000 special fund lo loan on flrsl das . Impioved Omaha property , or for bulk Ine purposes. Fidelity Trusl Company W-876 per ccnl money. Berals , Paxton Blocl \V-877 $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improve property w Farnam Smith & Co. , 13 : Fnrnain St W 878 6 PEH cent city and farm loans. Garvl Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W 879 ANTHONY Loan Ac Trust Co. . 315 N. Y. L quick mone > at low rates for choice fan lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , Das cm Nebraska. \V-SM ) MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha rti relate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. Hth W-SS1 MORTGAGES. Wallace. 213 Brown Bloc : W-M733 MONEY to loan at low rates on Improve illy property In South Omaha. Counc Bluffs and Omaha U. S. .Mortgage * Trust Co. W. H. Thomas , agent. Fir Nat'l Bank bulldlnt. W-MS77 ANY amount up to JS 000 ; also buy mor tragrs. F. D. Wcad , ICth and Douglas. W-M4M t WANTED , bonrt , stocks , farm and cli ' mortKaKPn. circular for brokers only , Ii veitora' Directory. N , Y. W SSI 91OM2Y TO IMAJi CIIATTKL9. $10 TO $10.000 TO.JibAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS , HORSES , ' WAGONS AND CAR RIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. , at Ib Wc st rat s in Omaha. South OnvtOin and Council Bluffs , No removal of cooUw ) strictly confldentlal ; you can pay the loan off at any time or In any amounts.- OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , " " 308 SOUTH 16TIL THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY IN CORPORATED JiQ N COMPANY IN OMAHA. . , X-8S3 , u Jn MONBY loaned salaried people holding permanent positions with responsible con cerns upon their own name , without security ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 706 , N. Y Life Bldg. X-SS4 _ MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies , pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts , jcwclery , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Barker Blk X M416 DIAMOND loan ofllce , 1315 Douglas , unre deemed diamonds , watches , etc. , sold chuao X 137-Dec 20 PRIVATE party has money to lonn ; all business conlldentlal. Address , with full particulars , B 64 , Bee. X-M864 O22 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cows etc. C. F Reed , 319 S nth X MSSG-O23 BUY good notes and loan on good chat- tola : 10 per cent per nniium , C R Glover , 302 Knrbnch : notary public ; de ds. mort gages , leases legally executed. X M400 1IUSIISEHS CUAXCUS. WILL erect building on lot 60x160 on 24th St. , So Omaha , Neb. , across from the new poslofflce , for any flrsl class busi ness. F. J. Lewis , room No. 22 , Ware Bl'k. Y-11S THR SARATOGA HOTEL near Kxpo. . 21th and Ame.s Av'e , will be sold. Nice , new , cheap Cill. Y-7SO FOR SALE , established manicure , chiropo dist and hair dressing business , reason , entering medical college. Miss Mayer. 400 Paxton Blk. Y M837 O22 PARTY with $5.000 or more can secure safa and profitable Interesl In stock ranch. Addre-s C 12 , Bee Y-M072 31 FOR SALE , established fire Insurance bus iness Good opening for live man with llltlo capital Address K , Bea olllce Y-M212 WANTED , parlner In Ugltlmatc olllcn buslnes i , good business ; Judgment nnd aomei money required. Call 612 Brown blk. Y-M274 06 IF YOU want to buy , sell , trade or rent anjlhlng call 512 Blown blockY275 Y-275 O6 FOR SALE or exchange A lucrallvo en- lerprlse ; partnership considered For par- titulars address S J Tnylor , Phelps City , Mo Y M374 5 * FOIl IF YOUR morlgime Is clue T will Irado clear lot for equity. X 45 , Bee Z-206-S13 WANTFD , to trad" a horse , hit ness and rubb > r t red buii.\ . , cust $ ! uOOO ustd short time ; what have you' C1 23 Bee ' K M234 O3 * 'UILL trade 200 iu.4 < H mnonlh land well impiovcd , l\\o mitts fiom town , for stock of r'licinl imrclMmllFiAildresi C F. Klein Woodruff. linn 55 M27G O3' 2 CLEAR lots for sloro" " fixtures C 37 , Bee. I Z-SI30S 3 FOIl S V'.E nttl ! , HSTATK. HOUSES , lo'.s. furtns , lands , loans ; nlsc lire Insurnnii ; Doinla , 1'axlon Block ' RE-S85 HAVE > ou rome lots to sell ? Now Is Hit tlmo lo depose pf Uiem , lei Iho people know Ihnt jou wj.uitjto dispose of Ihem The Boo reaches tlu people v\ho have tlu monoV " > RE Sf6 FOR SALE , ileslcaWe rrsldencn lots , J24j 130 ; ln"flrst clafls Tocatlbn ; tt > n minutes .walk from routt 'IIOUBO ' ; cli-ap for cash * AddreBS O 61 , Bee. * HE-SS3 FOIt SAI E cheap , 1 15-room house anc lot or Tith si , north of LeaVenworlh also 1 11-rootn house on 17th nve Call at 701 S nth ave , upstairs RE M29I OS * TO BUY or sell houses , lot or lands Cal on J. W. Robbing. 1S02 FarnamRE RE M7R ) RARiiAINS In houses , lots , farms , sale 01 trade. J. N Frenzer , opp. old P O. RE-SS7- A GREAT BARGAIN ; the O M Cartel residence at 1510 Fnrnam st . with 142 fee of ground , largo barn , steam hent am modern In every reaped ; coat over $40 , 000 ; price $15,000 , on lorms to suit. Pol ler-Sholcs Co , agents , 1C17 Farnam si. RE-M239 O8 9-ROOM modern house Inq 524 S ICth nvo RE 250 O28 7-ROOM modern cottage , full lot , eas front , one of the very beat locations It the city ; If sold soon will take $2,90000 call and see It. 362 N. 40th ; easy termi If not sold will bo for rent. R. N Wlthnell , 207 N. Y. , Life. RE M379 4 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4 00 per monlh The Smlth-Premlef Typewriter Co , luj Farnam St ; telephone 12S4 891 AVE rent and sell Ihc besl typewriter ; made ; largest stock of good supplies n Omnhn. United Tjpewrltcr and Suppl ; Co , 1C12 Fainam St S32 REMINGTON Standard typewrller and sup piles , 1C19 Farnam 81. 715 SOLD , renlcd , repaired. Derlghl , 1116 Far nam. t 613 Olfi STATUARY. GONNJ'LI A mfgs arllsllc statuary In bide ornamental work sp'lty " \ \ S lO'Ii M621 Nov24 AMI III3I'IHINO. . LUNDEEN 1123 Lcav'w'th. 222Nov29 niicTiio IM\TI\CS. WESTERN Plating Works 1112 Dodge S M527-Oct-23 GOLD , silver and rdckelplatlng : gel you bascburner nl < kelplatcd Omaha Platln Co , 130J Farnam , entrance on ISth. M 522 OH MKUICAL. ALL women who cnp'l raise family shoul consull the renowncM German speclallsl Dr Pries , 1313 Duilse St. Letlers 2 cenls n -MSb5 O23 TAPE WORM remoygil wllhout detenllo to business For information > \riu to i W Wight. Floront-eJ Neb 133-O 3 VOCAfc'OTUDIO. - li MISS Beymcr , vocalisOUJlo , 512 Karbach bl , , 214 027 S1IORTIIAM ) Afll > > T\ VAN SANT'S schooL.717 N. Y. Life. Nigh school from Scpt.tJO , 8SS AT OMAHA Bus. Qollfce , Ibth & Douff.a : 3 . * " . . . SHORT-HAND , upodnte , taught by com reporters. Boylea' School , 403-5-7 Bee bid * 90 TAILORIMi. MAX FOGEL makes , cleans , repali clothes. M7 S 17th. M-321 O9 JOE YOUSEN. the tailor , Boyd's Theatt blilg. : lovely suits $15 ; clothes cleaned nr mended at most reasonable prices ; wor called for and delivered , Tel , 1828. 413 O10 V. TAUCHEN , work guaranteed. 1513 Ha ney. 483 O13 DANCING SCHOOL. MORAND'S. 1510 Harney St. , will reopc for adults , Friday , October 14 : chlldrei Saturday , October IS ; private lesson stuge or ball room now. Please call. 5CS015 1'AAVJVimOICKHH. EAGLE Loan Ofllct 1211 Douglas ; olde established , most reliable , acccmmodu Ing ; butilnms confidential : Helling $10,0 stock unredeemed diamonds ; big bargain -S-J Octl JUNK. GREAT WI23TERN junk house. Ill D uf- las , pays lOc for pop bottles ; iood prices for other Junk. Tel. 2165. A. Ferer. Prop. 953 O22 Q. STEINBERG , only Junk dealer In Oma ha who can buy pop boltles ; pnvs best prices for all kinds of Junk. Ill S. llth. 29 O21 BICYCLES. NEW wheels , $17 DO to $25 ; 2nd hand wheels , $3 to $10. Omaha Bicycle Co , 16 & Chlcaco. 619 PLUGENO stops punctures : fully guaran teed ; dealers send for terms. Model Mtg. Co , 1604 Cass. 179-O3 1'IA O FACTORY. PIANOS of any design made to order , old pianos overhauled and made equal to new : second-hnnd pianos aln.ivs on hand , C. Sommer , prop , 321 S 10th St. 265 OG MISS MINNIE Lovl , Piano Teacher. Dav- idgo building , isth and Farnum 376 8 SHOP. UUI > AIIII.\U. WILL repair jour shoes while you wait , only IB minutes ; half soles and heels for We ; Hrst class work guaranteed 710 N. 16th st , also No. 19 So. Main St. , C. B la. I -264 O29 EAGLE Lonn office. 1211 Douglns ; oldest established , mosl reliable , accommodal- Ing , business conlldentlal , selling $40,000 stock unredeemed diamonds , big bar- calns. 335 Nl IIICYCLI2 UKI'AIIUNG. WORK guaranteed. Lawrence C > clo Co. , 115 N 15th , KIM'KUMSY ONLY corset made having waist line. Room 10 , Crelghton Blk. , l&lh & Douglas. Ill 026 AUCTION. J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auclloneers , room Bl Paxton block , want your auction sales of real estate , merchandise , furniture , live stock , etc. 893 SCHOOL OF CHATKLAINS language xchool , French , German , Spanish SOI Boyd'B Theater , day and evening class 905-O23 VIOLINS RUPAIIIKD. C , A. CASE.Iullii9 repaired 416 Sheely blk. 293 N14 OPTICAL. EYES tested free. Optical Ins't , Shccly blk. -916 NovSO SCHOOL FOR DIIHSS CUTTIM3. LATEST tnllor svtem , diplomas awarded. Mrs Martin gen 1 agt teachei 2 33 Charles. 772 O24 ; niovrni. W COY. removed to 171b St. Mary's Ave. S45-N-29 PRIV.VTn 1IOMMTA1 , . DR. LIEBER. cancers , female diseases. 1912 Leavenworth. M 417 Oct-l IIUIIIIUU STAMPS AM ) STHISCILS. OMAHA Rubber Slamp Co , 215 So. 13lh. Phone 10 3. AVrllo for catalogue -M459 012 PIANOS TUM3D. PIANOS tuned , $150. Rose , 1521 Dodge. 343 O9 STI\OGR\I > IIIRS. AVE SOLICIT nnd furnish posttons for stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. Telephone 1284. S94 CLASS WORKS. LATHAM & PECHAC. Mfr. of ornamental windows , churches , residences , 1012 Farn. M521 OH STAMMUK1NO AND STUTTKIIING. SCHOOL for euro of these defects Julia E. Vaughan , 30C N. Y Life bldg. 736 O18 FUKMTUIUfi UKPAiniNCJ. UPHOLSTERING. Lundeen. 1521 Leav'lh. 222 Nov29 FINANCIAL. LTFC insurance policies bouulit for cash. Richard Herzfeld , 171 LaSalle SI , Chi- COKO , 99S O3 PACKED. M. S. WALIUN , 2111 CumlnB. Tel , 1331 , 895 MGI1T SCHOOL. OMAHA Shorthand College , bookkeeping. Boyd's theatc- . 643 O25 PRINTING. GOOD , quick , cheap. Down sirs. 1102 Far'ni MJ12 O27 IIICYCLR linPAlllINC. AVOHK guaranteed. Lawrence Cycle Co , 115 N 15 ii Q22 ANI > ILICTROTVPING. II. S. STARK & CO , 1110 Douglas. 817-0-28 MASON AVORIC. MASONWORK Jobber E Healy , 1822 Clark 129 O26 IIARDAVOOD Ll.MIimt. OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co , oak , hick , ory , ash , cj press , poplar , etc. Li & Calif 124 O26 1HII.DINGS ! FOIl SALE. THE Chlqulta building , situated on th < West Midway , Exposition , building en peclally constnicted. easily taken dowi und can be converted to almost any othei purpose. Applv to FRANK C. BOSTOCK , AVoat MMwav. PIANO TRACIIING. MISS MINNIE LOVI. piano teacher , ii ready to receive her pupils Davldgi Building , 18th & Fnrnam M-S-O1 SUES & CO. , . .PATENT- UWYIRS A\0 SOIIUIOX A tee tldg , Omaha. Neb. Eentl for uur frne Invent era' Guide Tel IC..S. 1'OSTOFFICK NOTICn. r J ( Should bu read dally by all interested , a 1 .changes may occur at uny time. ) foreign malls for tlui week ending Octo I lx r S. IS9S. will closu ( PROMPTLY In al * rases ) at the General Postofftce as follow ! ' PARCELS POST MAILS close one hou curlier than closing time shown below , Trans-Atlantic Mull * . TUESDAY AP7 a. m for EUROPE , pe . s. Lahn , via. Southampton and lire men WEDNESDAY At 9 a. m. ( supplomentar 10 M B. m ) for EUROPE , per a. s BrIUr nlc. via Quttnstown : at 10.30 u. m. fc EUROPE , per 8. 8. Frlesland , via Soutli nmpton ( letters must be directed "pe Frlesland. " ) ' THURSDAY At 6 n , m. for EUROPF per s. s. Auguslo Victoria , via Chei 0 bourg. Southampton and Hamburg i. SATURDAY At 630 a. m. for FRANCI SWITZERLAND , ITALY , SPAIN. POU POSTOFFICR NOTICU. TUOAL , TURK12Y , EGYPT and HU1T- 1811 INDIA , per s , s Ln Tournlne , via Havre ( Utters for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per La Touralne ) , nt 6.30 a. m. for EUROPE , ptr B s El- rurln , via Qtieenstown ( letters for Franco , Switzerland , Italy , Spxln , Portugal , Tur key , Kg ) pi nnd British India musl bo directed "per Etrurla" ) , at & n. in. for NETHERLANDS direct , per n s AVcik- cndam via Rotterdam ( letters must bo directed "per AVerkondnm" ) ; at B a , infer for 1'IAIA , per i < s Fuldti , via Naples ( letters must be directed "per Fuldn" ) , at 10 a. m for SCOTLAND direct , per B s. Ethiopia , via Glasgow ( loiters must bo directed "per Ethiopia" ) . After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above , nddl- tlonnl supplementary mails nrn opened on the piers of the American. English , French and German steamcre , and remain open until within ton minutes ot the hour of sailing of steamer. Mtilln for South mill Ccntrnl Ainerlen , Went Indie * , Ijtc. MONDAY At 3 p m for COSTA RICA. BELIZE , PUERTO CORTEX nnd GUA TEMALA , per steamer fiom New Or leans , at 11 p m for JAMAICA , per stenmer from Baltimore. TUESDAY At 1 p m for INAGUA nnd HAITI , per s. s. Navnhoe , at 2 p. m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per s s Eastern Prince ; nt 8:10 : p m for NHWFOUNDALAND , pr steamer from North Sdney , at 10 p. m. for JAMAICA , t > er sttumer from Philadelphia AVEDNESDAY-At 9.10 a. m. for BRAZIL , per s B Hevollus , via Pornnmbuco , Ba- hta nnd Rio Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil and Ixi Plata Countries must bo directed "per He-vellus" ) ; nt 9'30 n m for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per s s. Garrlck , at 10.30 n m for HAITI , per s. B Frliis F Hendrlk ( tellers for Venezuela Curacao , Trinidad , British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per Prins F Hendrlk' ) . ul 1J.3D p in. ( sup- plemenlnry 1 p m ) for ST THOMAS , ST CRO1X , LKEWARD and W1ND- AVARD 1SIANDS , per B B. Pretoria ( let ters for Barbados must bo directed "per Pretoria" ) , nt 1 p m. for BARBADOS direct and NOR1H BRAZIL , via Pnra and Mnnaos , per R n Hubert , nl 1 p m ( supplemeiilnry 1 10 p m ) for NASSAU , N 1' , per s B. Antllla , at 9 p in for PORT ANTONIO , per steamer from Bos- tun THURSDAY At 1 p in. ( supplementary 1.30 p m ) for BERMUDA , per s H Trini dad ; at 1 p m for JAMAICA , per s 8 Ardnnroseletlers for Belize , Puerto Cortez and Guatemala must bo directed "per ArdunroHC ) SATURDAY-At 2 30 a m for NEW FOUNDLAND , per s. s. Siberian , from Philadelphia , nt 9 10 a m ( supplemenl- ary 10 tt. in ) for BARBADOS nnd DE- MERARA , per H s Carrlbeo ; nl 10 a m supplementary 10 30 n. m ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVAN1LLA nnd CAHTHAGENA. per s s Aleno ( letters for Costa Rica musl be directed "per Alone" ) ; nt 10 a m ( supplementary 1030 n m for HAITI nnd SANTA MARTHA , per s s Holsteln , nt 10:30 : n m for BRA ZIL and LA PLATA COUNTRIES , per B s Llvorno , via I'ernambuio and Rio Jnnelio ( letters for North Brazil musl In- directed "per Llvorno" ) : nt 11 a in for PORTO RICO. A'ENE/.UELA nnd CUR- ACAO. nlso SAA'ANILLA nnd C'AR- THAGENA , via Curacao , per H H Phila delphia , < it 12 m for NEWFOUND LAND , per s a Portlu , lit 12 m for PORTO RICO direct , per B B Winifred , at 12 in ( supplementary 1 p m ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( cxceit Costa Hlcn ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per H s Advance , via Colon ( letters for Cintemala must bo dlrceted "per Ad vance' ) , nl S 30 p m foi NEWFOUND LAND , per stwimcr from Norlh Sydney Mnlls for Newfoundland or rail to Hall- fax , and thence by steamer , close nt this olllco dNlly nt 8 : 0 p in. Mails for Ml- quclon , h\ * mil to Boston , and thento b ) steamer , close nt this olllce ilnlly nt S ! ( p in. Malls for Cuba close at thl olllco dally at 7 , i. m for forwarding - warding by steamers balling Mon- clajs and Thursdavs from Port Tampa Fla. Malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for despatch b > Hteiniur , close at this olllce chilli at 2. 1 a. m nnd 2.30 p. m. Registered mat closes at 6.00 p m previous clay. TrniiN-Pnc'lllG Mllllx. Mails for China and Japan , per s s nm' press of India ( from Vancouver ) , closi here dally up to October * 3 nt 6.30 p. m Malls for China , Japan nnd Hawaii , pei s s. Gaelic ( from San Francisco ) , closi hero dally up to October 5th ut 6:30 : p. in Malls for Hawaii , per s. s. Australli from San Francisco ) close hero dally ii | lo October 13th nt 6.30 p m. Malls foi Australia ( except AVcst Australia ) , Nev Zealand , Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , per H s AVnrrlmoo ( from Vancouver ) , closi hero dally afler September 30th and ill to October * 13lh al 6.30 p. m. Mails fo ; China and Japan , per s s. Tacoma ( fron Tacoina ) , close here dally up lo Oclobe ; 17lh at 6.30 p m. Malls for the Soclet ; Islands , per ship Clly of Pnpeilt ( fron San Francisco ) , close- here dally up Ii Oclober 20th nl 6 SO p m. Malls for Aus tralla ( except those for AV > sl Australia which arc forwarded via Europe ) , Nev Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI And Samoan In lands , per s s Mnrlposa ( from San Fran rlsco ) , close hero dally up to Octobe 23th at 7'00 a. m , 11 a. m nnd 6:30 : p m ( or on arrival at New York of s. s Et rnrta wllh British malls for Australia. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port o sailing dally and the schedule of cloain Is arranged on the presumption of thel unlnterrupled overland transit. 'Regis tered mall closes at 6-00 p. m. previou day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. Postofflce , New York , N. Y , September 3C 189S. IIAILWAY TIME : CAIIII. JHICAGO , nURLINGTON i Qulncy Railroad "Th Burlington Route" Tlckc Ofllce , 1602 Farnam Streel Telephone 250. Depot , Tenl and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 128. _ , , Leave. Arrive. Chicago Vestlbuled Express C.03 pm 8:10 ar Chicago Express . . 9:45 : am 4 10 pr Chicago & Ht. Louis Express . . . 7 i5 pn ; in ni Creston Local 9is ; ar Puclllo Junction I-ocal "llioS am 5 40 pi Fubt Mall 2 10 pi Chlacgo Speclnl . . . 2:15 : nro ' 11 50 pr Dally Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY , ST. JC seph & Council Bluffs Hal road "The Burllngto Route" Ticket Olllce. lit Fiirnam Street. Telephon 230 Depot , Tenth nnd Mn BOH Streels Telephone 12 Leave. Arrive. 9.05 am G.40 pi 6.30 at Louis 4:30 : nm 12.03 pi BURLINGTON & MI sourl River Railroad "Tli Burlington Burlington Route "Ger ernl Oltlccs N AV Come Tenth nnd Farnnm Stre-oti Ticket Offlce , 1502 Fnrnui i _ , Street. Telephone. 230 Di pel , 'leiuu and Mason Streets. Telephon 12S Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Haat'nes , and McCook . . . 8:3j : ara 9.35 ai Lincoln , Denver , Colorado , Utah. California , BUclc Hlllu , Montana Se Pugct Sound 4:35 : pm 4:00 : pi Hastings Local . . . 7:00 : pm 7:40 : pi Lincoln Fast Mall 2D5 : pra " 11:40 : ai Denver , Colorado , Utah , California und Puget Sound. 11:50 : nm 2:15 : a : Dally. Dally except Sunday. MISSOUR1 PACIFIC RAJ ] iVJrtni.road General Orllces ni Ji JgM2r ! , Ticket OIHc . Southeast Cu CwrirWWSi ncr Hth a"l DOUKU * Hire-- XrfS-il * > lS * Telephone , 104 Depot , U - nd Webster Sts Telephoi 1451 , Leave. Arrive St LoulB-Kansns & Neb Limited . . 3.05pm ! ' . ' D5 r Kansas City & St Joseph Express. . . , 9.30pm e-COn Nebraska Local via Weeplnit Water. . . 430pm ; } 13 a Exposition Locul via Nebraska City. . . , * ( : ( iOpm iO W n Dally. * Dally except bur 1 y IIAIIANAY TIMn CARD. ( Contlnutd. ) I FREMONT , I'.LKHORN A Missouri A'nlley Hallway General Olllecn , United ntatcs National Bank Bldr , Southwest Corner Twelfth nnd Inninm Streets Ticket Olllce. i i Fnrnam Slrcel Telephone , Et.1 . Depot. 15th nnd Webster Stteots Telephone 1.454. Leave. Arrlvo. Black IHItii , Dcnrt- wood. Hot Springs. 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pro T1DCo1uBlnr ; > er . " 3.00 pm 5-VO | .m Hastings. York Da vid City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter & Siwnrd . . . . 3.00 pm 6:00 : pra Norfolk , A'crdlgre and Fremont 8:15 : am " 10.45 nrr Lincoln , Wnhoo ft Fremont . . . 8-15 nm 10:45 : nm Fremont Local . . S-15 itm York Passenger. 6:10 : pm 9:40 : nra Dally " Dully except Sunday Sun day only. Dally oxccpl Snturdny. HIOAGO. ST. PAUL. MIN. ncnpolls & Omnha Hallway Otneial Ofllcrs. Nebraska Division , Fifteenth nnd AVcbster Streels. Cltr Ticket Office. 1401 Fnrnam Street. Tele- plicno. 661 Depot , Fifteenth and AVcbstcr Btreels Telephone , 1.45S i Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accoin. . 8.50 nm SJ5 : pm Sioux City Accoin . 9:50 : am : S5 pm Blair , Emerson Sioux City , POIIC.I , Hnrtlngton and Bloomlleld . M:00pm : 11-SSam oux City , Man- knto. St. Paul fc Minneapolis 6:00 : pm ' 8.00 Am > Jo 2. St Paul Lim ited Makes no stops In Neb 6:00 : pm o 1 Exposition Llmlted-Miik s no stop In Neb 9:00 : ra S'os 21 nnd 2J KxpoMltlon Local , to Hmcrson , stops nil Htntlons except 6.15 pm ' 8:30 : nm Dnllv Dally ejcccpl Sunday. Sun day only. Docs nol slop al DeSotn or offmnn. SIOUX CIT ? & PACIFIC Hallroad Gonortxl Oincea , United States National Hank Bulldlnc. S. W Cor ner Twelfth and Fnrnntn trcct Ticket Olllco , 1401 Farnain Hlrtvl. elcphonc , 561. l > epol. Tenth and MMSOII trcutt ) . Telenhoiiu , Lcava. Arrive. CHICAGO & NORTHAVKST- oi n Railway-City Tlckot Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone. 5C1. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. UNION PACIFIC Overland Route" General Offices N. AV Corner Ninth und Farnam Streets City Tlckot Oniee , 1.102 Farnain Slreel Telephone 316 Do- pol , Tenlh and Mason itrcels. Telephone 62S. Leave. Vrrlve. The Overland Limited" for Den ver , Salt Lake , and western p'ts . 1 8:50 : am 4:45 : pra 'ho Colorado Spe cial , for Denver & all Colorndo p'ls. 11:55 pm C:40 : am 'nsl Mnll Train for Denver , Sail Lake. Pacific coast and all western points 4:35 : pm G:40 : am Jncoln , Beatrice & Stromsburg Ex. . . 3:30 : pm 12:30 : pm "remont , Colum bus , Norfolk , Gr'cJ Island and North Plattn * 4:35pm : 4:15 : pm Columbus local 0:60 : pra 3:40 : am South Omaha Local Puss Leaves. 0.15 a. i. ; 7:00 : n. ni. ; 9:10 : a. m. : i:06 : p. m. Ar rives , 10.30 n. m. ; 3:30 : p. m. ; 6 p. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves 6:40 n. m. ; :50 : a. m. ; 7:40 : a. m. ; " 9:40 : a. m. ; 10:30 : A. m. ; 12.30 n. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. : 4:30 : j > . m ; 4:35 : P. m. ; 4:55 : p m. ; 5:55 p. m. ; 8.20 p. m. Ar rives , 7:20 : a. m. ; 8:25 : a. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:05 : p. m. ; " 3:30 : p. m. ; 4:20 p. m. : 5:40 : p. m. ; 6:30 : p. m ; 6:50 p. m . 9:05 p. m. ; 11-55 p. m. " Dally. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul nallway City Ticket omce. 1504 Farnam Street , Telephone , 284. De- , Tentr and Mason Sot . Telephone , 6 ) . Leave. Arrive. Chicago Lrtnlled Express 5:45 : pm 8.20 am Omaha & Chicago Express 11:00 : am M:1B : pm Sioux C'ty nnd Des Molnes KxprcHH . . " 11-00 am ' ' 'ilS pm Manila 7:00 : pra 9:15 am CHICAGO. "OCK ISLAND & Pacific Ilallroad "Tho Ureat Hock Inland Route " Clly Ticket Oinco , 1323 Parnnm Streel. Telephonn 428 Deppt , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone Loave. Arrive. DCS Molnes Local. . . 7:15 : nm 11:23 : am Chicago Express . . . " 11.30 am 8:00 : nm Chicago Fast Ex press c.oo pm 1:25 : pra St Paul Fast Ex press . . . . E0o ; pm 11:25 am Lincoln , Colorndo Springs , Denver , Pueblo nnd Went . 1.30 pm 4:25 : pra DCS Molnes , Hock Island and Chicago cage 7-15 pm 8:50 : pm Colorado Flyer 6.40 pm 8:50 : am Dally. " Dally except Sunday W All ASH HA1LROAD- Tlcket Olllre , 1415 r.irnnm Rtrcet Telephone , M ) . ! De pot , 'iCntb and Mason I'trcets Te'cphone , ( .29 Lcavo. Anlve. St. Louis "Canon "Ball" Express . . 4 50 pm 11.30 am Dal/ ! lion UKItcnl KNtnte Mini AVorkM. MADISON , S. D. , Oct 2. ( Special ) A few weeks ago an eastern man examined a halt section of land not a thousand miles from Lake county and desired Its owner ship. The land In question was owned by nn eastern man aUo. A shrewd real estate dealer immediately communicated with the owner and at tlio same tlmo Informed the prospective bujer that ho would secure for him the laud , the buyer departing for home. The owner requested the seller lo com * on and make the transfer. Another tele- cram notified the buyer to come on and receive tha land. It was planned by tha real estate dealer that the buyer and seller arrive at different dates to give himself time to transfer the land to his own hands and of course arrange for bU profits a' middleman. On the date decided upon Mr. Real Relate Dealer went to the train to meet seller , and met him , but to his surprise buyer also stepped off the train. Now the scheming commenced. Both were cordially greeted by the real estate dealer , but not formally Introduced An Immediate appoint ment was made with the seller aud ttui lanJ soon paisert Into the hands of the real estate dialer. The seller was dismissed anil buyer called In , and the land was transferred to him , the middleman cleaning up a profit which taUfi four figures lo represent Both i buyer aud teller arrived on the same train , stopped o\cr night at the same hotel and ili put to J cast on the same tralu without knowing lhat each had been party lo a tran'arllon In which both were Interested The trade was satisfactory all around , hut think of the BURn-lty that had to be exer- clreil b > thx > m'dllrman to lei > p aeller aud bucr a ) art uutll he could satisfy them botb a i < at > ' 'o sane tlmo sallufy himself with a f r ' "i 'hp ( 'ml