Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1898, Image 1

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Sunday Attendance Much Larger Than Waa
Looked For.
Nearly All the Eicunionista Visit Grounds
During the Day.
Local Interest in the Sunday Opening is
Steadily Increasing.
Attrnetlnim that Should Hrlng
Crowd * to the City Are on the
bchcdule iinil the
U&neut ThroiiK"
otnl AdinlNNlonn YoHlerdnr 1B,2H !
To ( ill to Dnte .
After the large attendance of the week ,
It was not expected that there would be
great crowds upon the exposition grounds
Sunday , but the people were Ihere jusl tin
8ame. During the forenoon while the 30-
ccnt rate of admission prevailed , there was
< i larger Sunday morning attendance than
usual. The people who went out early were
mostly from Chicago , They were members
of the party that came Saturday and as on
that day moat ot their time was given up
to taking part In the cxercUc-a and func
tions put on for their cntcrtalumcnl , they
had not had an opportunity of seeing the
exposition. Consequently they went to the
giounds In the morning and spent the fore
noon admiring the beauty of the buildings
and the grounds.
During Ihe aflcruoon Ihe people flocked lethe
the grounds and all of the slrcet cara were
loaded until even standing room was at a
premium There were innny strangers In
the crowd , people who came In Saturday
night and others who came during the early
I > art of the day , Intending to stas during
the week to see the exposition during the
daytlmo and the Ak-Sar-Bcn para'.es at
night. For these people Ihe live slock that
was being Installed In the barns and tht
Indians on the North tract were the prin
cipal utlractlons , though they did not Ig
nore the Main court and the big building ! )
The city people found the exposition
possessed great ntlraclion for Ihem and
during Iho afternoon and evening thc'j were
out In largo numbers. Early In the season
few of the city people visited the exposition
BundajB , but during Iho lasl few weeks
they have made It a Sunday afternoon re-
eorl until now when It has become Ihe
( proper Ihlng to bo there on every day of
rest.The month of Seplember was the record
breaker so far as exposition attendance was
concerned , the records showing that 593,163
people passed the gates during the thlrly
days of that month , while during August ,
which was the next biggest month , the at-
iemlance was 474,177. The biggest week
flurlng the exposition was that of Septem
ber 17-24 , when the aggregate attendance
vas 189,616 , which Included Woodmeii day ,
when there were 62,726 people upon the
This week Is expected to be a record
breaker and It la believed by many that
before next Sunday the atlendance will
como very clouo to touching the 2,000,000
mark. The week Is punctured with star
events , which the exposition management
contends ought to bring thousands of stran
gers to the city every day Of course the
big features of the week are the Ak-Sar-
Dcn parades and the court ball , which will
monopollro Tuesday , Thursday and Friday
evenings In addition to these features ,
which have calned national prominence ,
there nrc a number of special days at the
exposition , all of which ought to draw good
olzed crowds.
Tuesday Is Michigan day , Wednesda )
1'cnnsylvanla and Ohio flay , Friday New
Jersey , P. E. O. and Knox college day and
Saturday Is Now York , Twin City and Good
lloads day. None of these special days are
expected to bring such crowds as came on
Iov"ft day , but It Is known that upon several
of the occasions large excursions will be
run from a distance and In addlllon lo this
many people from nearby arc expected to
come In to meet relatives and old time
AaMo from the features heretofore men
tioned , the live stock show opens today ,
and , as the list of entries Is the largest
In tbo history of the United States , It la
believed that this feature ot the exposition
will bring thousands of visitors who other
wise would not come at this time.
lleiireNentntli e * of the ( Imiker Stiitt
1'n Ilonte to Oninhii.
PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 2. The Pennsyl
vania commissioners to the Transmlsslsslpp
and International Exposition today left It
tlin special car Belfast for Omaha.where
they will tnko part In iho ceremonies In
cident to Pennsylvania day , Wednesday , Oc
tober 6.
Postmaster General Smith , who IB to de
liver the Pennsylvania day oration , nccom
pan led the commissioners. The departing
commissioners were John W. AVoodhldc
Thomas Bradley , Dr. J. Roberts Brjan , I
O. Nlasley , C. S. Overholt , Dr. P. C John.
Fen , T. Livingston Kennedy , L. S Richards
V. C. Boyle , Hiram Young , W. C. Gretzlngci
and O. C McKnln.
The party will reach Omaha on Ibe morn'
Ing of Pennsylvania day. Affor dellverlni
the oration at the exposition Postmaste
General Smith has been invited to make i
number of speeches , political and palrlotlc
b fore returning. Dalei have been arrangci
to October 21 , Leaving Omaha ho wll
epeak aa follows : Topekn , 7th ; Wlchltu
Eth ; Denver , open date ; Omaha , 12th , Co
lumbutf. 0. , 15th ; Crawford , Ind , , 17th
Chicago peace jubilee , ISth and 19th ; Day
ton , 20th , nnd Cleveland , 21st. The po
llttcal rpcoches win be confined to Kansa
and Ohio ,
Here from TCXH * .
Assistant General PassenRer Agent Lup
ton of the San Antonio . Aransas Pass rail
road has written to Prof. Atwater of tli
Texas exhibit that ho will arrive In the clt
Wednesday and will likely remain until attc
the exercises ot Peace Jubilee week , thoug
tie may have to return to Texas to accoru
pany the excursions that will come froi
the outh.
Mr. Lupton says In his letter that th
North and South Handshaking carnlv :
crow a more popular each day and that tb
ludlcattnr point to the attendance of
large nmt'or of the bo > s who were tb
gray durlu ; the < ! 0rand fo-Jght agalni
those- who vore the blue. lie gays that the
regard l ils occasion aa the greatest oppoi
lunlty to cement the bonds of frlenJahl
tnat now exlot between the two sections i
tba country. In Addition to the large deli
Prominent men ot the tout !
Mr. Luplon expects to bring along several
bands of music to participate In the exer-
cl&ci around the banks of the Lagoon.
Whllo the Arannns Pass railroad has no
terminals In Omaha , arrangements have
been completed by which solid trains ot
coaches and sleepers will be run direct from
San Antonio , thus allowing the people of
Texas to reach here without change of cara.
riiuiT MUN AIIU i > FI.NK I-UTTLL : .
All llnTe Thrlr KxhIliltM llrlKht and
1'renh for the CoinlnK C'rotTiln.
About all of the exhibitors In the Horticulture
ticulture building received fruit yesterday
and Instead of spending the day resting they
were busily engaged from morning until
night putting their exhibits In nhape for the
Inupcctlon of Iho throngs that v/lll coma
Nearly a carload of stuff came In for the
Nebraska exhibit. A lot of this went uion
the tables and the balance Into cold stor
age , where It will remain until the last
days of the month , when H Is proposed to
put on a Nebraska exhibit that will exceed
any heretofore seen. The fruit put In place
yesterday Included peaches , as fine as were
ever seen , great red apples and any quan
tity of pears.
Superintendent Courtney , In charge of the
Oregon exhibit , who , for the past week has
been considerably annoyed over the failure
o' his people at home to send on fruit , re
ceived a large consignment of orchard prod
ucts , Including a dozen varieties of pears ,
three of peaches , eleven of apples , four ot
plums and two of crab apples The fruit
came In In first class condition aud Is lu
quantities sufficient to fill the tables.
The fruit Is nol coming lu from Colorado
as rapidly as Superintendents Lane and
Travert desire , but there Is a promise that
thcro will be an abundant supply for next
week , when the big crowds are expected.
estcrday a quantity came on from Garfield -
field county. It Included apples , peaches ,
pears and the Tokay grapes The apples
wcro fine specimens , weighing from one
pound to ono and a-half pounds each. They
wcro raised at an altitude of 6,000 feet ,
Otcro counly , down In the eastern foot
hills , which Is the home of Senator Swlnk ,
sent In a small quantity of peaches , pears
and grapes. The fruit Is fine , but more Is
Douglao county la gelling In shape to
make a great display this week. Superin
tendent Walker spent the greater portion
ot last week out In the country and while
thcro worked up a great deal of enthusiasm
among the grape growers. They have prom-
Iscd to send tn their fruit In quantities
sufficient to keep tbo tables loaded until the
close of the exposition.
The largest apple In the Horticulture
building Is being exhibited In the Iowa
department. It weighs twenly-four ounces
and Is so large that were It not for the
color might easily be mistaken for a
pumpkin. Besides this huge apple there arc
many others that are record breakers when
It comes to olio mailer of size. The condi
tion of the Iowa exhibit has Improved ma
terially since the new superintendent took
hold. The arrangement of the fruit Is bet
ter and the supply pfaccd upon the tablet )
is much greater.
The Lcn Angeles exhibit Is beginning
to show samples ot the fall fruit crop
raised In southern California and while the
quantity Is not largo the specimens are
very fine. Including grapes , pears , apples
and a number of the varieties of the semitropical -
tropical fruit raised down In that portion
of the country.
Missouri's red apples are more In evt-
denco than ever before and the tables than
early In the season were loaded with berries
and peaches are now covered with the ap
ples. They are' pronounced very fine for
this year and are reported to have been
talsed In quite an abundance. In addition
to the apples Superintendent Nelson Is showIng -
Ing some fiuo grapes and pears.
n.\i.\r. roii TIII : i.ivu STOCK snow.
HiiNy SeeneH Around the IlnriiN Denote
the InteiiNe Iiiterext Felt.
Around the live stock barns on the North
tract ithero was nothing to Indicate that yes
terday was the Subbath. Troui early mornIng -
Ing iinlll , late at night , entile , horses , hogs
and sheep wcro being received and taken
away to the barns , where they will bo
housed until the close of the live stock show
that opens today. Yesterday and last night
100 cars of stock came In and half as many
moro are due to arrive "today. "
Whtlo the live stock show opens today , the
exhibits will not bo fully ready for Inspec
tion bcforei tomorrow , as most of the time
today will bo consumed In locating the en
tries , putting the stalls In shape nnd groomIng -
Ing the animals after their long Journey In
the cars. The stock that 1ms arrived Is the
best that bos ever been seen In the west
and the entries are more numerous than
even at the World's fair , which was the
lecord breaker until now.
Last night In speaking ot 4ho live stock
show Superintendent Dlnsmoro said : "I am
satisfied thai It will be yeais and perhaps
centuries before there will be another such
exhibition ot flno animals. I am confident
th&'t never In the history of the counlry
were there such a lot of cattle , tdiecp and
hogs brought together. I have been In the
llvo stock business all my life nnd have at
tended all of the fairs during the last twenty
jears , but at no time have I been such a lot
! of animals. This Is duo , I think , to the
fact that four-fifths ot the cattle and sheep
o ot the United Stales nro raised In the west ,
Hence R IB not such a difficult matter to get
thu animals here.
"Tho simp arc the best ever exhibited In
any counlry and Ihere will bo a ring of
Herefords that will be world-beaters. All
of the cattle are good and I feel confident
that our live stock show will be a success
In every particular. "
MIIH tsic.v's MJW
Anteloiie Mute Taken the Shine Out ol
UN Itltiilx * UlKplnjN.
' People who have labored under the delu
sion that Nebraska Is a land where pool
: crops are the rule have only to look ovei
the state exhibit In the Agriculture build
ing , which has been greatly augmentcO
during the last few days.
When the exposition first opened , the statt
did not nt'empt to show au > thing In the
vegetable line , being content to show the
best corn , wheat , oats , barley , rye aud flaj
ever seen A few weeks ago , however , veg'
3- clables were added to the exhibit and tin
showing has been Kept up ever since , belli !
renewed each we ek. The exhibit now Is thi
finest ot any and U of such a character thu
It Is the envy of every other exhibitor litho
the big building. The vegetables are evei
larger than those grown in the valleja o
the states where the crops are pushed atom
by shtnook winds and irrigation , and thei
everthing Is ro clean and fresh.
Sugar beets , which have become a leade
with the Nebraska farmer , are shown li
endless profusion This year they arc un
usual ! ) large and ore as solid as rocks , thu
tie giving them prsat migar producing proper
al ties The new corn In fhe state exhibit I
Hea even bctler than thai of last tear , many o
a the ears ranging from twelve to slxteei
beat Inches In
ey Three from Texnu.
T- Charles Peterson , E. B. Cote and Leopol
TIP Oahn , members of the Texas Exposltlo
Of cor mission , are In the city to remain unll
( Continued on Fifth race. )
Leaves Gamp ffikoff to Take Command at
Governor's Island.
r * IIIn WIIIKIIINN | | | tii Ajipcnr
llcfurv tilt * llnnril IntcntlKlltliiK the
AVnr nriuirtnient If He
.Should lie AVunU-il.
NEW YORK , Oct. 2. General William R.
Shorter arrived In this city today from Mon-
tauk Point. Ho will goto Governor's Island
tomorrow morning to take command of the
Department of thu East , to which ho had
been assigned. He was accompanied by
Major J. D. Mlley , his aide. When asked
If he expected to remain long In command
of > tlie Department of the East , General
Shatter said :
"I expect lo remain In charge of the De
partment of the East until General Wesley
Merrltt arrives from Manila. On his arrival
I expect ho will assume command of the
department and I will return to the Pacific
coast and re-assumo charge of the Depart
ment of the Pacific. "
When General Shatter was asked If he
had been summoned to testify before the
commission appointed to Investigate army
mailer , ho said "I have not jet been or
dered to appear before the commission. I
have nothing to say of Importance , but If I
am wanted I shall certainly respond to my
notification. "
General Shatter being asked If ho thought
the present army was held In readiness
without mustering out any more soldiers ,
for the purpose of awalllng the decision of
the Paris council , he said. "There are not
enough soldiers now to garrison all Ihe
posts. There Is need of 100,000 soldiers for
that purpose. I do nol know what the In-
lenllou of Iho War department is. "
Concerning Ihe controversy between Gen
eral Miles and Iho War department , he said :
"I have no statement to make , and 1 have
nothing to complain about. I did my duty
as I thought beet and tried to do it faith
fully for the best Interests of all. It will be
time enough to make statements when my
superiors complain and call me to account.
There Is no use- stirring up matters. "
Ciiniii AVIIiofT the Scene of 11 buhlmtt
Afli-rnooii Tribute tn the llrim- .
CAMP W1KOFF , Montauk Point , N. Y.
Oct. 2. Funeral services were held In the
cemetery at Camp Wikoff this afternoon
where are now twenty bodies In the lltlle
cemetery. Fifty-two graves have been dug
and occupied on the hillside since the camp
opened , but thlrly-two bodies have been
taken away for burial at home. Of the
twenty remaining two have not been Iden
tified. Chaplain Henry Swift conducted the
There were present the COO members of
the engineers corps , under command of
Lieutenant Burr. General Shatter and
Colonel McClernand attended. Among the
others were Major John D. Mlley , Major
Ira C. Brown of the general hospital , Major
Ebert , Captain Jacobson of ttw Seventh In
fantry , Captain How ell of the Seventh In
fantry , Captain Goodwin of General Chaf-
feo's staff and representatives of each of
the other regiments lnvcamp. Many flow
ers were sent to decorate the graves.
All joined In singing Ihe opening hymn. '
A regular Episcopal service for the
dead was read ; the firing party
fired three volleys over the graves , and a ,
squad of buglers sounded taps. The sing
ing of "America" ended the service.
Urlgadler General Plerson Is now In com
Thcro were no deaths today. Many of the
sick are Improving and partlculaily Is this
the case In a number of more serious cases ,
which had hardly been expected to re
Wllllumn ( ioeN to Ciilm.
CINCINNATI , O. , Oct. 2. The Enquirer's
special from Jeflersonvllle , Ind , , says :
Colonel Joseph W. Winiams , In charge of
the Jeffersonvllle depot of army supplies ,
today received a dispatch from Quarter-
masler General Ludlngton asking him If
he would accept the appointment of chief
quartermaster for Havana and other prov
ides In Cuba. Ho wired back that ho
would accept. Colonel Williams will leave
for New York and Wedncbday will sail for
Havana. Colonel Wininms came from
Schuylklll arsenal , Philadelphia , ranking as
major , being advanced to lieutenant colonel ,
thence to colonel.
Irm IIIK Cninii Mcuilc.
CAMP MEADE , Mlddletown , Pa. . Oct. 2.
The Second army corps will be shipped from
Camp Meade to Annlston , Ala. , preparatory
to being sent to Cuba. The movement from
hero will begin In about two weeks and
will be completed with the least possible
delay , The flrst division , to which the
Eighth , Thirteenth , Fourteenth and Fif
teenth Pennsylvania regiments are attached ,
will get away firsl. Tomorrow Iho second
division In command of General Davis will
bo moved lo Anntslon and from there to
Cuba to take the place of the First when
It returns for musler-out.
IIr > nii IVflN Hotter.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 2. Colonel William
J. Bryan Is sufficiently recovered froiVhis
atlack of fever lo relurn lo his rcglmenl ,
and this ho Intends to do In a few dajs.
Ho will leave Washington tomorrow over
the Southern railroad for Hot Springs , where
ho stops Iwo or Ihreo dajs. He will then
go lo Pablo Beach , Fla. . where his regi
ment Is stationed. Mrs. Bryan will accom
pany him
Tire DcatliH.
CAMP BOLLAND , Knoxville , Tenn. , Oct.
2 Two deaths were reporled today. They
wore PrlvalM Jacob Fisher , Second Ohio ,
of Van Wert , O , , and J. D. Roseler , Sixth
Ohio volunteers. The record today was two
e received , four discharged , two deaths , 699
' KANSAS CITY , Mo , Oct. 2. Dr. Haber
N. Jackson , division sergeon at Camp Meade ,
Pa. , has tendered his resignation to Ihe
War department and expects soon to re
sume his practice here. Dr Jackson Is home
on a furlough.
I'lllillrIltlit Stllti-lill-nl.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 2 The monthly
statement of the public debt shows that al
the close of bustueea September 30 , 1898 ,
the debt less cash tn the treasury amounted
to $2,067,479,205 , an Increase for the month
i- of $54,608,488. The Increase In the cast
during September was $12,070,418. The total
Inert-ace of the debt on account of the woi
loan , Independent of cash , Is $142,723 , 8Ji
of which about $78,000000 added dur
ing September The dvbt Is capitulated c :
follows Intereit bearing debt , r O/S * r C , ,
debt on which Interest has cenp'd since ma ,
turity , $1,250,790 , debt burlnr m In i-s
$353.391,318 ; total , $ l,3'6,03n ' 08. Th
Maount , however , does not In"li'di J ! If" !
CS3 In cer 'flea ' tea end ti f JUTuc' i I l
amount of cash In the treasury held ( or
their redemption ,
The cash In the treasury IB classified as
follows : Gold , $278,691,45 silver , $509-
308,574 ; paper , $69,608,7C5 ; bonds , deposits
In national banks , disbursing 'ameers' bal
ances , etc. , $82,536,725 ; total , $910,135,524 ,
of which there are demand liabilities out
standing amounting to $632,578,020 , leaving
a cash blancc on hand of $307.557,503 ,
Imnteiifle PlrcH Arc Snlil to lie HiiKliiK
on tinHIIIIK * ' enr
1'lhe'a I'enk.
DENVER. Oct. 2. A special to the News
from Colorado Springs says great clouds of
smoke have hung over the mountains south
of Pike's I'eak and fierce flames have been
seen to shoot up frequently. It ( s reported
that Immense forest flrcs are raging on
the range , and they nro gradually working
their way to Cripple Creek. H Is believed
that the heat from these fires caused the
high winds here during yesterday's fire
which formed such a strong opposing force
igalnst the efforts of those who were fightIng -
Ing the flames.
CUMBERLAND , Wls , Got 2. News of
another death from forest flres comes from
Clinton , this county , tonight. A boy was
lound dead on the banks of the Yellow
. -Ivor with his feet In the water. The feet
were badly burned and appearances Indi
cated that the boy had Bought the river for
MILWAUKEE , Oct. 2. Colonel William
, . IJo > le , who has been appointed by Gov-
jrnor Scofleld to receive contributions and
take charge of the relief work among Ihe
families who have lost everything by Iho
'orest fire In northern Wisconsin , has com-
pleled his plans for the work. Quarlcrs
Rill be opened in this city tomorrow morn
ing , where supplies of clothing , food , fur-
nlturo and immey wilt bo received The
first shipment of supplies will go over the
Chicago & Northwestern road at 6 o'clock
.omorrow night and other shipments as fast
as cor lots can be made up. Colonel Doyle
says that supplies from all over the state
should be sent to Milwaukee to bo dlstilb-
uled Byslemallcally from hero.
ST PAUL. Minn. , Oct. 2. A Rice Lake ,
Wls. , special eajs :
In the burned district ofliters of the dif
ferent towns have had crew ? ft men bury
ing and burning the dead animals today.
in the territory between Uhlb city and Baron -
. -on and Cumberland In every Instance
where homes were destroyed nothing was
saved , people barely escaping with their
lives. Many people saved themselves by
taking refuge In their -wells. As far as
known only Ihrco dealbs have been reported ,
but many have received sev-"ie Injuries.
DENVER , Oct. 2. Snow and rain have
checked the progress of the forest flrcs on
the main ranges In Colorado , and It Is
thought the further destruction of timber
Is checked. The temperature here has fallen
perceptibly and dispatches from the mount
ain towns Indicate a similar fortunate
change. At present nothing like a correct
estimate of damage done can be given , and
It will bo days before a correct estimate of
the loss can bo made.
Went Indian Cj clone Doca Coiinlrter-
nble Ilutnnuc tn tl * Vicinity
of bntniiiinh.
SAVANNAH , Ga. , Get , 2. For eighteen
hours from 3 o'clock this morning until G
o clock tonight Savannah has been tn the
grasp of a West cyclnno During the
time the wind blew steadily from fifty to
seventy miles an hour. While the city es
caped with comparatively little damage , the
loss of property among the sea Islands of
Georgia and South Carolina coasts Is be
lieved to be heavy For miles In every di
rection around Savannah the lowlands along
Iho rivers are submerged Only one fatal-
lly has so far been reported Ihe drown
ing of a negro whllo attempting to reach the
land from a small Island , near Thunderboldt.
Hut heavy loss of life Is feared on the South
Carolina sea Islands , where such fearful loss
of life occurred during the great tidal storm
of Ib93. The condlllons are now similar.
For clghl miles south of Savannah the en
tire country Is a lake. At noon the water
was eight feet above highest tide. Driven
on shore by the northeast storm It filled up
the Islands , swept over banks , carried away
the remnant of the rice crop that was left
by the August storm and had not been gath
ered , and wiped out other crops. The lobs
to rice growers alone will bo from $50,000 to
$75,000. Of the entire rice crop along the
Savannah river , valued at $250,000 , all but
about 15 per cent was lost In this and the
preceding storm.
The damage shipping Is considerable.
The extent to which the railroads Buffered is
not fully known. The naval stoics and cot
ton and lumber yards of thu riant system
are submerged and the track * of the Central
rallioad of Georgia and Georgia & Alabama
railroad around the city mo covered. On
Hutchlnson's island , opposite- Savannah , and
separating the city from the South Caiollna
shore 'there ' were many negro families res
cued by boats from the revenue steamers
Tjbeo and Boutwell.
CHARLESTON , S. C. , Oct. 2. During the
day thu wind reached a velocity of sixty-
two miles and the tide rose two and a half
feet above normal. Several streets In the
city were submerged , but traffic was not
Interrupted. A dispatch from Georgetown
says the storm In that section was verv HO-
vere , the lowlands being under water and
destruction In the fields bqing widespread.
No casualties have been reported.
TjiioKrniihlenl 1 iilou.lii 1'lltNhiirK Hx-
lii-cts to TaUu the Initiative
Ver > Soou.
PITTSBURG , Oct. 2. Tht Test tomorrow
will say :
Ono of the biggest strikes In'the history
of the typographical unlontV IB nn event of
the near future. It will be a concerted move
ment for a working day of nine hours and
will be evidently fought to a finish. It will
bo waged with a fat treasury at.llB back and
the sympathy and co-operation of local labor
unions of all kinds throughout the country.
The movement was begun about one year ago
and it has been announced that the climax
Is near at bond. Word itcelved at Pitts-
burg yesterday by the local typographical
union to be ready for the strike lu the near
Book , job and publlshlnc establishments
that are working moro than nine hours a
day will bo the victims of the strike. Tele
graphic orders will be Usued and the fight
will bo on In earnent. The prevailing oplnlou
among the trade seems to lie that It will be
called on or before October 10 ,
Another Transpacific T tup.
VANCOUVER B. C. . OcU 2. Tbo Cana-
Man Pacific railway will establish another
transpacific line oltnoit immediately. The
3 I teamers Tartar and Atjirntiii of over 4.50C
I ions each , will be run bc'w\en Vnncouvei
and Vladlvoetock , the Urnilnu of the trans-
. -.Url.n railroad lint. Tl.o Athenian wll
, .11 . .re * , loading here V.h lumber end r.Mli
'or 'lu . 'llxrlan line , acd then procecdliif
o U u ! > tsrt Portland , where grain wll
* r at-'y b placul aboatd for famlnt
tu * vn
Mrs. Nancy Qnllford in Close Confinement in
\Vomnii Who Keepn the
HnuNe Where She Wild Arrmted
Tclln Her Htorj ArrnlKH-
iii c lit Ui'eur * Toilny.
( Copyright. 1W , by Press I'ubll hlng Co )
LONDON , Oct. S. ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram ) Mrs. Nancy
Gullford spent Sunday In solitary confine
ment In Dow street Jalt without seeing or
talking to anyone except the female attend
ant who took her her meals. Even to her
she had little to sny and sat on her bed In
a retired part of her cell. She has > pt ic-
talned no counsel , although an opportunity
will bo given her to secure one before she
Is arraigned In the extradition court tomor
row morning. This will be a formal affair ,
however , the detectives simply explaining
the facts concerning the arreit of 'he pris
oner and demanding her extradition This ,
It Is presumed , will be granted en a state
ment of the facts on the pirt of the embassy.
The prisoner will then bo remanded to await
the nrrhal of the proper authority from
merlca with satisfactory evidence of tcr
Mrs Oullford maintained the same stolid
ttltudo toward the police Ihit the did
hen llrst accosted by a icpoilcr at Llvcr-
ool. The fierce mental orJeal that she has
one through during the last six dajs In
he effort to elude the detectives has had a
larked effect upon her , howu\cr , and the
ark lines about the c > cs aud mouth arc
lalbly Incrciscd. She has had little to say
o an > ono since her arr Jl and evidently
news the value of silence.
Miss Vlnney , who keeps the lodging house
n Harrington Square , whcio Mis. Qullford
as arrested , gives further details of her
cnanl's life during the few dajo they were
ogether. Miss Vlnuey aald'
"She seemed most a.ixlous to obtain nn
mediate aslum under my root and although
lie room I had for her was i-npiepaml lor
she Insisted upon occupjlnu It Immcal-
tely. She promised all soils of reference. *
nd displajed considerable money , so that
a her appearance was creditable I took ter
i. She claimed to come fiom a small vll-
age near Aberdeen and when It was sug-
; csted that she spoke with an Ameilcnn nc-
cnt she said she had been In the United
tales , but that was many ysurs ago Thurs-
ay and Friday she remained away from the
ouse nearly all day , but every evening she
ailed me up to say she had signed a one-
car's agreement for a house near Uussell
qimre , but would want to retain my loom
or five or six weeks She seemed to want
: ompany and made all sorts of c.n.usei to
: oep mo or a servant In the room. She
.Ivvays . locked the door and took the key
when she wenl out , however , aud when told
ho arrangement intcrfeicl with louse
leaning said It made no difference cs she
ad many Important papers In her trunk
nd servants were apt to be Inquisitive. She
was a great reader of the ujwspapers and
oubtless saw all that has bc n printed
, bout her. She had just come In with a iium-
ier of afternoon papers Saturday when Jn-
ipcctor Freest arrested her. Tun/ told the
; lrl at the door that they wanted Mrs. Wll.
iur , or Gullford , and when told that r.o one
f either name was there demanded to see
ho woman who had just entered , lira. Gull-
'ord turned deadly palo when the decoctlvcs
nnounced their purpose to arrest her , hut
made no denial or admissions of her Guilt ,
lalmlng simply to be Mrs. McAllister of
iberdccnshlre "
Outside of the contents of the luggage the
nly Ihlng of Importance found In the room
vas the charred and blackened remnants of
many lelters which had been burned in Iho
; rnle. What these remnants will reveal can
nly bo told after a critical examination to
thnt Iho Pence Co in in IF
Hloii .Hay Adjourn Without Ae-
eompllNuliiK An ; tiling.
Cop > right. 1S9S , by Press Publishing Co )
LONDON , Oct. 2. ( New York World Ca-
) legram Special Telegram. ) The Dallj
Mews' Paris dispatch says the peace com
mission may break up without coming to
any decision. The Spanish commissioners
lave received from Sagasta orders not to
yield on the question of the Philippines
t seems likely their uon-possumus will hav
.his effect , first adjournment of a few weeks ,
then another meeting or two at which the
Spaniards will continue to hold out , fol
lowed J > y the recall of the American com
PARIS. Oct. 2. The members of the
United Stales peace commission passed a
quiet flrst Sunday In Paris today , tome of
them atlendlng church. General Merrill Is
oxpecled lo arrive hero Monday forenoon.
MADRID , Oct 3. The conciliatory nnd
cordial spirit shown by the delegates to the
Paris conference has produced a favorable
Impression The newspapers , discussing the
proceedings of the conference , affect to be-
llevo that the United States , besides re
specting Spanish bovcrelgnty in the Philip
pines , will also allow Spain lo have a share
In Iho seltlemcnt of the new regime In
Cuba. Inspired articles assert that Spain
will undertake to carry out the promised
guarantee ot the Cuban debts only until
Cuba herself is able to pay the Interest
and sinking fund.
A dispatch to the Imparclal from Paris
declares that both the Spanish and Ameri
can commissioners have bocn Instructed to
act ad referendum
rrlendH of DrejrfUM IIiHloavor to Make
li I'uhllii DemniiMtriitloii and
Trouble I'liHueM ,
PARIS. Oct 2. The holding of the Drey
fus demonstration , organized by M. Pres
ence , one of tbo leaders of the agitation ,
for this afternoon was prevented by the
closing of the Sallo Wagran. M. Presence
and his friends tried to force an entrance
aud an uproar resulted. Tbo police then In
tervened and arrested M. Presence , M
Vaughan , editor ot Auroro , and Deputy
Morey , amid shouts and counter shouts of
"Vtv revision , " "Vivo arraee , " "Vive
Zola , " and "a baa Les Julfa , " and the crowd
was dispersed. The persons taking Into cus
tody were subsequently released.
It trannplroa that many persons were
slightly Injured In the disturbances which
occurred this evening , though sticks were
the only weapons used. U Is learned that
six of the persona arrested have been held.
An ugly statement U made by the Petlta
Republlque to the effect fbat Colonel Pic-
quart , who had previously taken excrcl ? *
In the court yard ot the jail dally has not
left his celt since Thursday , when to was
seized with symptoms of cerebral conges
tion , followed by coma. There Is no roeana ,
however , of verifying tie statement.
Although the disorders have not been at
tended with serious results they have cre
ated Intense alarm omone the foreigners at
the hotel * aad It Is probable that an czodua
Hour. Dei ; . Hour.
At the CroimdNi
8 11. tn.t I.lte Stock Jihotv O | > eim
N 11. in , < o 111 p. in , , Iiiillnu
on Indian GrouiidN.
1O n. in. , Oiniihii Concert llnnil on
lli.'IO n. in , , Ilnttlenhln lllliioU
DoeUi-d tit Out e-rnnieiit llnlldliiK.
11 ! ni. . I'lre II n THOU IlltchiMl hj Klee-
H 1" . in. . lime * ' II 11 ml In Aiiilltitrliiiu.
it 11. ni , , I nl ( oil Slntc-M I.lfe hnttiiK
Drill on I.ntronn.
4 it. in , , Orjuiii Itccltnl nt Atidltn-
It'lO p. in , , ( in-lit liiillnii llnnoe , Iii-
illaii CronndH.
5 p , in , , Oninliii Concert llnnil , < ot-
eriimeiit IttilltlliiK ,
7 ) i. in. , liiillnii Dunce oil liiillnii
7 11. in. , I nn I'M' lliiiid oil Pinna.
will occur , the guests fearing grave develop *
nicnts. The working classes so far have held
aloot , but the abettors of the rival parties
art ) doing their best to stir them up.
A Le 1'ctlto Republlquc special from Cat-
cnnc saja the cruiser Dubodleu Is lylug off
the Salut Islands uniting to bring Drcvfus
aw ay.
Four Men Are Shut Hend nml One
Other IH Pntiilly
CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. , Oct. 2. A spe
cial from Murfrcesboro to the Times ea > s
An awful trogedv bus occurred In the north
portion of Cannon county , about thlrtly miles
east of this city , In which five men are re
ported to have been savagely assassinated.
John Holllnsworth kllle-d a man named
Higgins in that county something over a
vear ago A suit was brought against Hol-
llnsworth and a judgment taken against !
him by the members of Higgins' family for
5,000. Yesterday there was to bo nn
uctlon sale of his property to ( satisfy this
udgmeut and Holllnswortli , It Is said ,
nowlng that It wns the day for Iho sale ,
loncedled himself and several of his friends
n a largo barn on the place where the sale
as lo bo. When Iho parly ot men came
o carry oul Iho proceedings and had galh-
red In the barn Hollinsworth and his
rlcnds fired Inlo them with double-barreled
hotguns , killing four men and wounding
nether bo badly that ho will hardly re-
over ,
The killed :
Fatally Injured : James Vincent.
Excitement Is running very high. The
men who were killed ore among vho prom-
nent peopro of this section. The sheriff
nd a posse are now In' pursuit of Holllns
worth aud his party.
MnxKed Workmen from Ahrond Tiikv
the Tov\ii of AViiNhliiKtoii ,
Inil. , liy Storm.
CINCINNATI , 0. , Oct. 2 The Commercial
Tribune's special from Washington , Ind. ,
a > s.
This city Is In a great stale of cxcllement
ofilght. One hundred and fifty coal miners
rom Pana , III. , came hero this afternoon
ml met at the fair grounds with the home
union miners and organized. At 10 o'clock
.anight they got togelher and masked , vis-
ted all the shacks where the colored miners
Ived. About fifty of the negroes were
coralled and driven out of town , Ono negro
refused to go and the miners flred on him.
lo has not been found and may be killed.
Ono brave policeman , Anderson Cannon ,
cnt up to the whole mob and demanded
of them to disperse. They answered by level-
ng their pistols at him. The masked min
ers took the town. The chief of police was
called and turned In the fire alarm , which
called out the citizens to assist In keeping
peace. Several are deputized and If there
s a new outbreak ot trouble much bloodshed
s likely to result.
CoMTiior Tanner nnd I'arty Icai < -
ChleiiRO to AnNlNt III the
CHICAGO , Oct. 2. Governor John R. Tan
ner and his staff , with 200 other cltl/ens
of Illinois , left this afternoon for Virginia
on a special train on the Big Four and
Chesapeake S. Ohio. Old Point Comfort will
bo reached tonight. From there they will
leave by boat for Newport News , where
the battleship Illinois will be christened
Tuesday. Miss Nancy Lelter of Ihls clly ,
whom Governor Tanner has aclecled lo
break Iho bottle over the vessel's bow , will
join the delegation at Old Point Comfort.
thc ed I'll ' liy I.JOHN.
BUTTD. Mont. . Oct 2 Walter Blnnchard.
better known as Zeko Walters , the animal
man with Lehman Brothers' circus , was at
tacked In the lions' caxe by one of the lions ,
which felled him with a blow on the head
with Its paws nnd continued the atlack rs
ho lay prostrale Wallers grabbed one of
the bars of the COKC and drew himself lo
his feet , at the same tlmo attempting to
fight off the brute Almost blinded by blood
from the wounds In his head Walters
dragged hlm'xlf to * * C at the rear of
the cage Jnfostenlng It ho leaped to the
Btrcel and fell unconscious to the ground
The door slammed shut after hit , exit , thus
preventing the escape of the animals. Wal
ters' back IB terribly lacerated. The doc
tors bay ho cannot live.
Plve IIt en Iout In 11 Mine.
WILKESBARRE. Pa. . Oct. 2. The fire
In the Mldvale mine caused the loss of five
lives. The body of the fifth victim , Joseph
Torofskl was found tbla inorulnc. All died
from suffocation. After the recovery of To-
rofskl'a body no further search was made ,
as the employes hud been accounted for
Superintendent Lttbrop savs the fire caused
very lltlle damage to the mine and that
work with a full force ot men will bo re
sumed tomorrow.
Kill * Hln Wife nnd Illiimelf.
INDEPENDENCE. Ind. . Oct 2. Thif
cv unlng about 6 o'clock Robert Lash , a des
perate character , went to 1142 West Courl
street , whore his wife was stopping , and
calling her Into the hallway shot her , the
woman dying Inetuntly. Lash then wenl
Into the back , yard and fired a bullet Intt
his own brain. He died at once. The t
was the culmination of many qimrreli
Mat cmriitH of Oueuu i'emteln , Oct.
At New York Arrived La Tourulne , iron
Havre ; Nomadic , from Liverpool.
At Lizard Paised La Normandlo , Iron
Ne > v York for Hnvro
At Quconetown bailed Cfltnpanla , fron
Liverpool ( or New York.
Governor General of the Philippines Talks
About the Islands.
On His Way to Paris to Meet the Poaoa
Commission ,
General Does Not Anticipate Serious
Difficulty with Insurgent Loader.
ill He AiiiennhU * to "vVlmtcM-r I'ovrcV
Taken Control , l'ro % tiled the
bimiiliirilN Are Drlv cu
from the Inland. _ ,
( CopjriRht , 1S9S. by Press Publishing Co )
MARSEILLES , Oct. 2. ( New York Woild
Cablegram Special Telegram ) General
Merrltt , accompanied by Majors Strother ,
Halo , Captain Molt and Private Secretary
Howcll , arrived at Marseilles at G o'clock
this morning on the Ponlnsular and Oriental
mall boat Arcadia , which they Joined at
Colombo , Ccjlon , on the 16th of S < .ptembci.
A special correspondent met the United
Stales commnmler-ln-clilef of the Philip
pines on board. General Merrill looked rosy
and cheerful , and was smoking a long
Manila cheroot and clothed lu fatigue dress.
Hu eald :
"I am going to Paris ns the military ad
viser of the peace commission. I can't say
how long the proceedings will last"
"What Is the condition of affairs In the
Philippines ? "
"When I left the sltuallon had decidedly
Improved , I don't anticipate any ncrlous
difficulty there with the Insurgent leaders.
Hie measures taken by our government at
the request of Admiral Dewey and mvsclf
are ample for the purposes rcqulrc'd. "
"What opinion have you formed of Agul-
"Ho Is a man about whom opinions In
the Philippines dlfier. Some think him
bright and well meaning , whllo others say
ho Is Intractable personally , but he Is amen
able to Rome extent lo nd\ liters whodu coun
sels In Ihe main arc wise. He seemed lo mete
to be gelling on fairly well. You must re
member he suddenly finds hlnuclf after
manj yearn of struggle In a position of un
expected Influence and has naturally become.
In Hated wllh a sense of his own importance.
Ho may be difficult to deal with unk s his
advisers use their Influence discreetj. ! "
"Docs Admiral Dewey Eharo vour vlcwa
of Agulnaldo ? "
"I cannot speak for Admiral Dowey. I
oxprcts my own opinion only , though 4
have no reason to suppose Dewey would dis
approve what I have said. "
"Do you consider the Insurgents fit for
self-government ? "
Ilurill } Fitted for Helf-tlot eminent.
"I doubt If they are nt the present time.
Their leaders are very Intelligent rnd much
more fitted for self-government as for as I
can judge , than Ihe Cuban Insurgent lead
ers The Philippines people , too , are rela
tively better off and better off absolutely
limn Ihought lo be , judged by any of our
standards. I think If they find the Spanish
government Is not to be retained thc-y will
bo perfectly amicable to the government
of what nowcr Is to be established The
permanent forces In the Philippines may bo
relied upon to support a stable government.
The people want peace. They are tired ot
disturbance. They desire to set to worts
to develop the undoubtedly great resources
of the Iflands , "
"Do jou consider annexation of all the
Islands or Luzon only or merely the rslab-
llshmcnt of a naval base at Manila the
best policy In view of your knowledge of
all the circumstances ? "
"That Is a big question to ask and one
I cannot possibly answer until I nm asked
It by the members of the peace commis
sion. To answer It In anticipation would
bo unbecoming' . I don't deny that It Is a
grave problem. "
"Did you consult Dewcy about the aclvlco
to be tendered to the peace commission
lespe-ctlng the future of Ihe Philippines ? "
"Dowoy and myself were of course In con
stant communication , I can speak for him
If the peace commission require me to do
so. "
Merrill's reticence on Dowey's attlludo
was Immovable. He lurned Ihe subject by
saying : "Wo had a very flue voyage and
agreeable company , particularly from Egypt ,
where several British officers who look part
In the baltlc of Omdurman joined us , Wo
found plenty to talk about In our respective
experiences. TheEo Brlllsh ofllceiH are
splendid fellows and enthusiastic soldlcre. "
ConiiillmeiitH for Merrltt.
Captain Loggln of the Arcadia said * "Gen
eral Men lit won the warm admiration of
every one on board. His modesty and good
humor were- delightful and ho mixed with
every on.1. The American partly was In
fact extremely popular altogether. Major
Hale enlivened the evenings wllh his Eongs.
Our paHsengers Incfuded Marquis Tulllbar-
dlne of the Second Life Guards , eldest son
of the duke of Rhol , shot In thu arm ut Om-
duiman and -who Is recommended for the
Victoria cross for distinguished bravery In
having been wounded under fire ; also sev
eral war corrpupondcnts reluming from the
Soudan , Including Iho veteran Vllllcrs ot
cbu Illustrated London News and Bull
of Black and Wh' '
General Merrltt was mot by the American
consul , Robert Skinner , and Intended vlart-
Ing for Paris at 9 o'clock this morning , but
owing lo the delay ot the doctor In com
plying with quarantine regulations vvai
prevented and will reave. Chls evening. The
general dined with Consul Skinner with his
Htaff , meeting a few leading American roel-
dcnts hero. The morning was very wot.
While walling on the quay a reporter
asked the general whether It was true tha |
he was returning to the United BCateg to
be married. He replied : "That Is quite a
personal matter on which I can say noth
ing. "
i'u.sius THU .SAI-AHV AHIUI3.
Auiiliiulilo IlrellnrN to Arrcnt n Civil
M t of 9711,000.
MANILA , Oct 2. The national assembly
at Malclos at a recent sitting voted Agul-
naldo r. civil list of $75,000 , but Agulnaldd
declined to receive anythlne until the turpiy
should have been paid An attempt \ig
made by Palerno , the speaker of the home ,
to have Inserted n clause granting him an
allowance because of his office , but ltd
proposal was rejected. The awcmbly la now
engaged In discussing the ronitllutlon.
The Spanish community la toUeraphlnff
to Madrid In an endeavor to bucure the
enforcement ot the release of prUonen.
Personal Investigations mod * In the pror-
Inccs crapliaslzii the deterralnat'orr ' o ( ttfl
Insurgents to obtain a specific