Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1898, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Smoke "J A n" Co cigar.
Finest work , Uluff City Laundry.
Stockcrt Carpet Co. , 205-207 Bwy.
Mooro'B food kills worms nnd fattens.
C II. Jacrjucmln & Co. , Jewelers nnd op
ticians , 27 South Main street.
Thn October term of the Superior court
will bo convened tomorrow morning by Judge
E A.D ow nnd wife of Plymouth , WIs. ,
nrrlvcd In the city yesterday on a visit to
thn exposition.
Mayor Jennings took out a building permit
yesterday for a barn to partially replace
those recently destroyed by fire.
The convention of "Hcllevcrs" opens this
morning nt Odd I'VJIows' temple nnd will
continue until Wethiesday evening.
J. C. nixby , heating nnd sanitary engineer.
Plans and specifications for heating , plumbing - |
ing nnd lighting. 202 Main. Council Ultiffs. i
The regular mooting of the Theosophlcal
eoclcty will bo held this afternoon nt 3 i
o'clock In room 10 , Odd Fellows' building. '
The annual convention of the lown synod
of the Lutheran church opens Tuesday
evening next in the Lutheran church at
Newton. |
Don't you think It must bo a pi'otty good i
laundry that can please to many hundreds '
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " I
724 Broadway. I
The forged check cashed by W. H. nrnd- .
ley. the Hroadway grocer , was for $8.75 and
born the forged signature of J. W. Temple-
ton , a well to do farmer living near the \
It 1ms jiidt leaked out that Attorney W.
A. MynPtcr , who recently secured a divorce
In the district comt , hero , was married '
nhout n month ago to Miss Elizabeth
Soberer of this city.
Lee Hcnnott. a former reiddent of Council
DIufTs , now living In Chicago , was In the
city yesterday renewing old acquaintances.
Ho came in with the delegation from the
Windy City to the exposition.
Dorothy , the Infant daughter of Mr. nnd
Mra. Thomas Cupel , 1270 East Plorco street ,
died Friday night. The funeral will be held
this afternoon nt 1 o'cock from the residence .
nnd Interment will be In Walnut Hill ceme
tery. ,
The marrlago record In the office of the
clerk of the district court shows that dur
ing the month of September fifty-eight
licenses were Issued , more than half of which
were Issued to parties living outside the ;
state. j
The regular meeting of the Women's |
Christian association will hereafter bo held
on the afternoon of the first Mondnv In ,
< ttch month. The meeting tomorrow after
noon will bo at 2 o'clock at the residence
of Mrs. Sarah n. Rohrer , 239 Vine street.
Jefferson It. Dietrich , clerk of the super
ior court , received a telegram yesterday ,
announcing the death of his father , Adam
Dietrich , at his homo In Ilohcrstown , Lan
caster county. Pa. Mr. Dietrich was 87
yearn of age , and death was duo to old age.
A. M. Htitchlnson , chairman of the popu
list city central committee , Issued a call
yesterday for a convention of the populists
of Kane township to be held at Farmers'
hall , In the county court house next'Tuch-
day evening nt 8 o'clock , for the purpose
of placing In nomination n township ticket.
The Fort Dodge < fc Omaha railroad contin
ues to acquire property In this vicinity.
Yesterday n deed was filed for record that
conveyed from John T. Stewart to the rail
road company 180 acres of land adjoining
the Judson tract , recently purchased by the
Fort Dodge railway people. The consldern-
tlon paid for the Stuart tract was $5,000 ,
being $31.25 nn acre. The tracks of the
Northwestern railway run through n corner
of this property.
Ladles desiring valuable Information con
cerning their ailments should send or call for
"Tho Vlivl Message. " Vlavl Co. , 326 Mer
rlam blk.
N. Y. Plumblnc company. Tel. 250.
Part 2 of The Beb's photogravures of the
exposition Is now ready and can bo had at
the Council Bluffs office.
Night school opens Monday evening , Oc
tober 3 , In Western Iowa college. You may
pursue any part of the business , shorthand
or teachers' course. Tuition only $2.00 per
month. Rooms In the Elseman building.
Pottimnttiitulc PeniiNylrnnlnii * .
The Pcnnsjlvanla club of Pottawattamlo
county is making extensive preparations to
take part In the celebration of Pennsylvania
day at the exposition next Wednesday , at
which Governor Hastings and staff will be
present. On Thursday a. regular old
fashioned Pennsylvania basket picnic will
bo held at Hanscom park In Omaha. The
following reception committee from the
Pottawattamlo club has been appointed to
assist the Omaha society In entertaining the
guests : Miss Hnttlo Spera , Mrs. W. M.
Frederick , Mrs. Samuel Haas , Mrs. J. M.
Welghtman , Miss Flora Spera , Mrs. S. B.
Snyder , Mrs. J. W. Dorland , Messrs. J. P.
Hess , John Llndt , Samuel Haas , W. M.
Frederick , J. W. Welghtman and Major W.
H. Spera.
Choice American Beauties , roses , carna
tions nnd violets. Frey & Kastner , florists ,
No. 4 Pearl street ; 'phone , 90 , Council Bluffs ,
The ladles of Augusta Grove , No. 1 , at
Woodmen of the World hall , will give n
masquerade ball on Thursday evening , Octo
ber 6. All of their friends are respectfully
Invited to bo present. Prizes will bo awarded
to the best masqucd lady and gentleman
Kent KNtutc Trnnifern.
The following transfers were filed yester
day in the abstract , title and loan office ot
J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street :
Kllznbetli Noack to W. H. Welch ,
wta lot 4 , block 10 , Beers' subdlv. ,
w d $ 500
T. G Green to Fort Dodge & Omaha
Railroad Co. , lot S , block 30 , Mul-
lln'H Biibdlv. , w. d 3iS
Thomas Officer and W. II. JJ. Puscy
nnd wives to school township of Min-
clen. 1 KH. uc. In nw. cor. nwVi. sec.
20 , t | > . 77 , r. 41. W d 40
M K. Button and wlfo to J. P. Green-
fOileld.s. lot 7. block 30. Mullln'H sub
dlv , w. d J.200
A J , Carlson to T. U. Northwnll ,
mum lots 20 nnd 21. block 21 , Ferry
iirtd. . < i i * . d 1
It. W Buy lies and w'fo to Jainex Fln-
nerty , nt. ne'i , nwlj. sec. 30 , tp. 77 ,
r 41 , q. c. it I
T. G. Northwnll and wlfo to H. H.
Blood , trustee , Icitu " 0 and 21 , block
24. Ferry add. , q. o d j
Farmers' Loan und Trust Co. to Jler-
cliunta National bank , lot II , and
undli lot 15 , block ti , Sacken'H add. ,
n , e. d 7J
John T. Stewart and wife to Fort
Dodge & Omaha Railroad Co. , BCV ,
mvU. s',4 nc4i , and nwli noU sec. 11 ,
tp. 73 , r. 44 , w. d 6,000
Administrator of Kdmund F. Hooker
to Ernest 1C. Hart , lots 9 to 14 , block
25. lots 1 , 2. 3 and eS7 foot lots 4. S
and 6 , block 27 , Riddle's aubdlv. ,
mini. d. . . . . 300
Tankell A. Smith to Chauncey M.
Chnprnun , 1 nc. HP. cor. neVi R\vH >
sec. 19 , tp. 77 , r. 43 , w. d 60
Eleven transfers , total (7,491
S. Young used Colo's Hot Blast Heater
last winter.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following persons :
Name nnd Residence , Ago.
Edward Barnes , Oakland 2.1
Edith Knight. Oakland 20
C. E. Brewer , Pottawattarole 26
Carrie Coffmnn , Pottawattamlo 21
George O. Howard , Neola 23
Phoebe B. Latham , Pottuwattamle 19
M. J. Flynn , Neola 23
Alice. Flnnerty , Neola , . . 21
\Vbon buying get the beat. Klein's fruits
112 Broadway , cannot bo excelled la Council
Disbarred Attorney is Now Indicted on a
Ohargo of Forgery.
.MnnlpulnMon of nil AlHilnvIt In tlic
Supreme Court Film lir IlnnU of
the I'rcHctitmeiit Upturned
by ( lie Crnnil Jury.
Charles H. Converse of Avoca , a former
well known member of the Pottawattumle ; |
county bar , has been Indicted by the district I
court grand Jury recently In session at Avoca
on the charge of forgery. The indictment is
n Bcauel to the proceedings brought before
Judge Smith In the district court here last
December and which resulted In the dis
barment of Converse. At that time three
charges were brought against Converse , j
The first was that he had procured and i
had assisted In procuring a fraudulent dlsI I
position , which ho Introduced In evidence
In a case brought against him by Mrs. Mar
garet Foote. The second charge was that he
had abstracted this deposition when it was
charged that It was fraudulent from the
flies In the office of the clerk of the district
court in Avoca. The third charge was that
ho had altered an affidavit made by Court
Reporter O. C. Gaston of Tabor before filing
It In connection with a case ho had before
the supreme court. It was on this last
charge that the grand Jury returned an in
dictment against him. Converse was placed
under arrest , but furnished ball In the sum
of $1,000 for his appearance In court.
The exact charge Is that Converse altered
nn affidavit made by Court Reporter Gaston
nnd which Converse presented to the su
preme court In the case of John T. Hnzen ,
sheriff , against Jacob Sleek , appealed from
the district court of Avoca. Converse's
client was defeated In the district court
and nn appeal was Intended , but the proper
steps were delayed until It became necessary
to make a showing In explanation of the
delay * In order to got the case filed with
the supreme court. This Converse , It Is
alleged , sought to do by getting an affidavit
from O. C. Gaston , court reporter for Judge
Thornell , before whom the case was tried ,
to the effect that the transcript In the case
had been ordered "In the spring , " but that
Gaston had been too busy to prepare It In
Mr. Gnston , when this affidavit , prepared
by Converse , was presented to him for his
signature , called attention to the fact that
the order for the transcript had been given
to him In Juno nnd ho refused to sign the
affidavit unless it was altered to conform
to the absolute facts In the case. Finally
a line was drawn through the words "In
the spring" and nbovo It was written
"June , " the erasure nnd addition being
made In Ink. It Is charged that when the
affidavit appeared In the supreme court the
Ink marks had been carefully scratched out ,
leaving it to read that the application for
the transcript was made In the spring In
stead of June. It was further charged that
the affidavit was later secured by Converse
from the supreme court nnd that ho then
erased the word "spring" and wrote In
again the word "June. "
The affidavit was produced In evidence at
the disbarment proceedings , but at the con
clusion of the hearing mysteriously disap
peared from the court filings and no trace
of It has since been gotten. At the time
It was openly charged that Converse or
some of his friends were responsible for Its
disappearance in order that it should not
be introduced In evidence against him in
case criminal proceedings should be
The disbarment of Converse was the first
In the history of the bar of this county
and attracted considerable attention
throughout the state at the time.
of ilio Swell Set for the 1'nnt
S < * en I ) y N.
Mrs. B. Field returned home yesterday
after an extended visit with relatives In
the cast.
Mrs. James Bolllnger of 126 Daughn street
entertained during the last week Mrs. R. E.
Lindsay of Davenport , Miss Mao Adams of
Sioux City , Mr. and Mrs. Mary Fisher Leo
and son of Klngsloy , la. , and Mr. John
Gast of Princeton , la.
Mrs. Ezra Banberger of Nevada , la. , and
.lias Inez Honeycutt of Mllford , Neb. , arc
he guests of F. A. Sackett nnd family of
1116 Third avenue.
Mrs. B. W. Specdltng of Marble Rock , la. ,
and Miss Nelllo Miller of Northwood , In. ,
nro visiting their sister , Mrs. Lee Bmarlno
of Sixth avenue. Mr. H. Roberts of North-
wood Is also a guest at the Emarlne home.
Mr. nnd Mrs. B. C. Lalnson have as their
guests Mrs. L. B. Sparks of Oilman , la. ,
and Mrs. G. W. Sparks of Hcmlngford , Neb.
Lieutenant Paul Duncan of Hastings , Neb. ,
ivas a guest during the last week of George
A. Letson. Lieutenant Duncan was an offi
cer on board the Oregon during the war
with Spain.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Warehara of East Wash-
ngton avenue are entertaining Mr. A. B.
Chappello of Independence , la.
Miss Lizzie Duerr has returned after
spending a year at her old home In Masll-
on. O.
Mrs. Acker of Twenty-third street enter
tained during the last week Mrs. Cyrus
Holmes , Miss Leva Holmes and Forest
Holmes of Shenandoab , la.
C. W. Atwooil leaves today on a visit to
relatives nnd friends at Nantl. Utah.
Mrs. Cameron Patterson nnd Mrs. Helen
P. Altchlson entertained Thursday afternoon
nnd Friday evening at cards fit the Patter
son homo on Willow avenue.
Mrs. J. J. Steadraan and Mrs. Hugh Cole
held a reception Thursday afternoon at the
Steadman residence on Oakland avenue.
Monday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Estep
entertained at their homo on Oakland ave
nue In honor of Lieutenant Will Murphy of
the Twenty-fourth United States Infantry
who la at home on a furlough visiting his
parnts , Mr. an Mrs. L. C. Murphy.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Douglas , who are
spending their wedding trip in Boston , nru
expected home In a couple of weeks.
The Woodmen of the World will give n
dance at their hall on Ilroadway tomorrow
Mr. nnd Mrs , David Turner of Independ
ence , Knn. , were the guests the last week
of M. F. Green nnd mother.
Mr. and MM. S. A. Schack of Stuteman
street are entertaining Mr. Nelson nnd
daughter. Mrs , Cranchrlat and son and Mrs
Schack of Mollne , 111.
The members of Unity Guild were pleas
antly entertained Friday afternoon by Mra
J. T. Madden. About forty of the mem
bers were present. Light refreshments wer
served ,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Horace Pullen have arrived
from Colorado on a short visit at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wright of Third
avenue , , ,
Mrs. J. L. Stewart and Miss Stewart hav
returned from Chlcaeo.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rlcker of Pierce
Neb. , are the euwts while attending th
exposition of Mr. nnd Mrs. N' . Sucksdorf of
Mrs. John N. Baldwin Is entertaining her
sister. Mrs. Canee of Wnterville , N. Y.
Miss Flora Letson of Fourth street had
as her guest during the last week Miss
Mabel Miller of Bcardstown , III.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCall of Clyde ,
Mich. , are visiting ihelr relatives , Mrs.
George R. Wheeler and Mrs. M. W. West.
Robert Bachman , 1817 Second avenue , en
tertained during the last week his brother ,
Ed Bachman , and wife of Ravenna , Neb.
Mr. Paul Aylcsworth Is visiting friends
and relatives In Dcnlson , In.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rlley , 216 Lincoln
avenue , are entertaining Mr. and Mre , ' Et-
tlngcr and daughter of St. Louts. J
Mr. and Mrs. Gil Balrd of Mil ! street |
entertained during the last week Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Clark of Hamilton. Mo. ; C. W.
Johnson nnd daughter Pearl and Miss Jennie
Johnson of Klddcr , Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Manford Tryon of Massenn ,
la. , were the guests during the last week
of Mrs. Tryon's brother , P. J. Emlg. They
were on their wedding trip nnd from here
went to Denver , Salt Lake and other western
Mrs. W. A. Strong and Miss Strong nro
contemplating a trip to southern points In
the near future.
L. V. Williams of Commercial street has
as his guest his sister , Mrs. J. T. Young
of North Bend , WIs.
Miss Nellie Lutz is visiting friends In Ot-
f tumwn.
Miss Viola Otto entertained during the i
last week Miss Alma Baler of Frceport , '
Mrs. A. S. Richardson of the Nonpareil
staff has returned from a month's trip to
Philadelphia and other eastern points.
Mrs. R. Hurlbutt of Tabor , In. , Is spending
a few days In the city taking in the ex-
losltlon nnd visiting her cousins , Mrs. Clark
ind Mrs. Chamberlain , on Bluff street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clint S. Myers of 221 Wash-
ngton avenue entertained during the last
week Mrs. W. S. Cass and Mrs. Pollock of
Cansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. Roht , 721 First avenue , had
as their guest the last week Miss Sophia
iVIsch of Warsaw , 111.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Brown of Third ave
nue are enjoying a , visit from their son ,
" 1. W. Brown , of Kansas City.
A great card with us Is the agency for
ho Story & Clark piano. They are hlgti
grade beauties , dandles In every way , a com-
ort to have In the parlor. Como nnd see
hem. Mueller Piano & Organ Co. , 103 Main
The purest candles at Klein's.
Church Niitex.
Rev. G. Wallls Ohl of Salida , Colo. , will
preach at St. Paul's church this morning ,
ho rector , Rov. L. P. McDonald , preaching
n the evening. Rev. Ohl Is a cousin of Mis.
X. D. Annts of this city and Is a delegate
rom Colorado to the general convention of
ho Episcopal church , which meets this week
n Washington , D. C.
Bishop Gcorgo H. Milliard will preach at
he Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of
Lattter Day Saints this morning at 10 o'clock
nnd in the evening nt 7:45 :
AO the First Congregational church the
mstor , Rev. G. W. Wilson , will take as
: ho subject of his morning sermon today ,
'Saving America to Save the World. " Even
ing services will be nt 7:30 : o'cfock and all
other services as usual.
At the Fifth Avenue Methodist church this
morning the pastor , Rev. G. P. Fry , will
take as the subject of his discourse , "Abund
ant Life , Its Source. " At the evening serv-
ce Dr. D. C. Franklin , presiding elder of
the district , will preach and administer the
sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Class
meeting will bo at 9:45 : a. m. , Sunday school
at noon , Junior league meeting at 3 p. m.
nnd Epworth league meeting at 6:30 : p. m.
Rev. U. Venting , pastor of the First Bap-
tlsB church , will preach this morning on
'Tho Voice of Nature. " After the morn-
np sermon will folfow the ordinance of the
Lord's Supper. Commencing today the Bap-
1st Young People's union service will begin
at 6:30 : p. m. This evening will bo cele-
srated the harvest homo service , for which
; ho church has been lavishly decorated.
Rev. Venting will preach In the evening at
the colored Baptist ! church on Thirteenth
Commencing today the evening services
at Grace Episcopal church will bo at 7:30 :
o'clock Instead of 8 o'clock , as heretofore.
Sunday school will bo at 10 n. m. MornIng -
Ing prayer nnd holy communion at 11 a , m.
Wednesday evening service at 7:30 : o'clock
and Litany service Friday morning at 9
At the First Presbyterian church today
the pastor. Rev. W. S. Barnes , will preach
In the morning on "Bo Still and. Know that
I Am God" and In the evening on "What
Presbyterians Believe in Regard to God's
Government. " At the morning service the
collection will bo for the Presbyterian Board
of Education. Sunday school will be at
noon and Christian Endeavor meeting at
6:30 : p. m. Evening service will commence
at 7:30 : o'clock.
Wanted Girl for general housework ;
family of three ; no children ; $5 per week
If satisfactory and well recommended. Ap
ply to Mrs. W. S. Dlmmock , 219 South Sev
enth street , Council Bluffs.
Mrs. Hans Albert Is ready to accept a
limited number of pupils on the violin. Call
626 Willow avenue.
Prennre for AVInter.
Old hoary-headed winter will soon be here
and the prudent man or woman Is gener
ally prepared for the frost king by the time
of his arrival. Take time by the forelock
and pay a visit to the mammoth furniture
and hardware store of Peterson & Schooning
In the Merrlam block. You cannot rales the
place If you come to this store , for here you
can get anything you want in the house
furnishing line at ridiculously low prices.
Do you want a stove , n fuel saver and a
heater that will heat your rooms ? Come in
nnd see what we have in that line. Or if
you need a cooking stove or a raue w
have what you want and will eav ? you
money on the purchase.
When It comes to furniture we can sup
ply your demands In n manner that will
simply surprise you. Bedsteads , Iron and
various makes. But when you see our parlor
suits you will wonder how wo can sell them
so cheaply. They are beauties and dura
ble. Our bedroom suites are up to date and
wo defy any house to duplicate ours for
the same money. It cannot be done In
Council Bluffs or any other town around
Come In and BOO us. If you don't buy
It won't make UB angry. We enjoy visitors
and will make you feel at home.
Merrlam Block , South Main St.
Wanted Man for city collections ; good op
portunity for right party ; chance for pro
motion. Call room 33 , Baldwin block.
You will always find the most popular
brands of cigars at Klein's , 112 Broadway.
Six Po t In the Inlnnil < n lie Gnrrl-
ouril li > - the Anierlvnn Army.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 1. The War depart
ment has decided to send boards of officers
to Cuba to Investigate nnd report on loca
tions for camps for the army of occupation in
that Island. Each board will consist of a
quartermaster , commissary- a Burgeon.
Havana , Clenfuegos , Mataniaa and Marl l
will bo visited. There will be five posts i's-
tabllshed , Including Mar.zanlllo , and Elx
counting Santiago.
No Trouble Will Occur in Iowa Mines
This Winter.
OrKnnUetl Men Serve nn n Ilnlnncc
AVhpel mill Itcfttrnln the Ilot-
Ilcnilcil Onc.i from
Itndlonl Action.
DES MOINES , Oct. 1. ( Special Telegram. )
The coel miners of DCS Molncs nnd the
DCS Molncs district will not go out on n
strike. They BO decided at n mass meeting
In Governor's square today. The organized
men served as a balancing power In the
conference nnd urged the careful survey of
the situation , which resulted In settling on
"no strike. " First a resolution was read
that this district stand by the resolution
of the Oskaloosa state convention which de
manded 80 cents for the summer and 90"
cents for the winter and ordering nil miners
which could not get this rate to quit work.
This was debated. Some of the more hot
headed miners were loud In denouncing
operators and wanted the resolution passed.
Finally a resolution was passed which en
dorsed the Oskaloosa resolution as to prices ,
but docs not make It binding on the miners ,
but urged that every mine make the best
agreement possible for the winter. H was
stated that several of the large mines had
agreed to pay the 90-cent rate this winter
while some smaller ones were paying 85
cents and would probably not Increase It
under any circumstances. Each mine com
mittee will see the respective operator or
manager nnd acting along with the other
men of that mlno will make such arrange
ments for the winter scale as will bo con
sidered the best possible. Over 4,000 miners
are Interested.
The democratic state central committee
today secured ex-Governor Altgcld of Illi
nois for a campaign speech In this city
on October 12 , the day now set for the
opening of the democratic state campaign
Ho will also deliver a speech at another
point yet to bo determined upon.
The Simpson college foot ball team o
Indlanola today defeated the Highland Park
college team of this city by a score of 2
to 0.
Chairman Hancock of the republican state
central committee announces the following
incomplete list of speakers for the opening
of the campaign October 8 : Iowa Falls
Henderson , Rankln and Dobson. New
Hampton Cummins and Haugen. Osccola
Hepburn and Gear. Atlantic McPhcrson
and Foster. Emmetsburg Dolltver and Al
llson. Lemars Thomas and Shaw.
Stilt nroiiKht liy n Hnllronil for Thlrtj
ThoiiKiiiul Dollnrx.
PRIMGHAR , la. , Oct. 1. ( Special. ) Thu
October term of court meets hero Monday
next nnd the docket contains ono of th <
most Important cases to the people of tin
county that has ever been tried here. I
Is entitled Sioux City & St. Paul Rail
way company against O'Brien county. Thi
company was granted land by act of con <
gress of May 12 , 1864 , for building a roa <
from Sioux City to n point on the Mlnne
sola state line. Part of the road was bull
and is now known as the Chicago , St. Paul
Minneapolis & Omaha. A largo body o
land lay In this county and has been In
litigation for fifteen or twenty years. On
October 21 , 1895 , as a result of this lltlga
tlon the supreme court of the United State. ,
decided that the railway was not entitled
to the land and It was opened up for settle
ment under United States homestead laws
For years the county has attempted t (
tax the land and the railway
company refused -
fused to pay taxes until September 12 , 1881
when a settlement was made between thi
county nnd the railway by the terms o ,
which the railway agreed to pay futun
tuxes If the county would cancel prlo
taxes. The county canceled prior taxes ana
for years the railway has paid the tax on
! the land. Now since the railway has lost
I the land they are sere on their bargain
I and want their money back , claiming tha
I the land was not legally taxable , being gov
\ I eminent land. The county refused to re
fund nnd the suit Is the result. Thi
amount sued for Is only a portion of th' '
original and total claim , but some $30,00
Is Involved In this one case.
Snlolile nt Cedar IlnpliM.
CEDAR RAPIDS. la. , Oct. 1. ( Specla
Telegram. ) John S. Wise , a man about 6
years of age , in business in this city abou
thirty years ago , but until recently cngagei
In the agricultural implement business , com
mlttc suicide early -this morning at th
home of Captain J. M. Searlcs In a peculla
manner. He came to this city with his wlfi
four months ago from Freeport , 111. , bu
their health failed rapidly and this weel
they shipped their goods back to Freeport
expecting to leave for that city at 6 o'clock
in the morning. Before leaving , however ,
they went to the home of Captain Searles
for a short visit. Early this morning Mr.
Wise went to the bathroom and with
razor almost severed the left arm near th
elbow , turning the water on to carry th
blood away. When discovered he waa ver >
weak from the loss of blood nnd died carlrf
this afternoon. The cause of the suicide I
was melancholy superinduced by illness. i
Now Hnllronil Scheme.
IOWA FALLS , la. , Oct. 1. ( Speclal.-As )
an outgrowth of the recent county sent fight
In Hancock county Garner capitalists have
commenced the construction of a rallioad
from Garner to a point northwest of thorn
twenty mires. It Is tacitly understood that
the local company known as the Garner ,
Cedar Rapids & Northwestern will grade
and Iron the road nnd that It will bo oper
ated by the Burlington , Cedar Rapids &
Northern , which It will tap at Hayfleld.
The principal station on the new road will I
be Cryscal Lake , and the town will be built1
on the farm of E. S. Ellsworth of this city ,
* wealthy and wen known land owner in
northern Iowa , who will plat a town site
at once and use his Influence to further
the Interests of the new town , which will
be located on the banks of Crystal lake.
Fun nil Onlltjor Horae Stenllnir.
BOONS , la. , Oct. 1. ( Special. ) John
Henry , alias Leavltt , was found guilty In
the district court yesterday of horse steal
ing and was given a three-year sentence at
Fort Madison by Judge Weaver. He was
taken there today.
Lulu Washington , a colored girl , who stole
J107 from W. J. Johnson a few weeks ago ,
plead guilty to petit larceny today and wan
given twenty days In Jail.
l' "ieil ( n Death In n .lull.
FORT DODGE. la. , Oct. 1. ( Special Tel
egram. ) John iMcCrary. aged 39 years , was
burned to a crisp by the burning down of
the Jail at Clare , a small town a few miles
from this city , at 2 o'clock this morning.
McCraty was a prominent farmer and be
longed to a well to do family. The origin
of the fire U unknown.
kiicr'ft Time I > | NIIINNII | .
SIOUX CITY , Oct. 1. ( Special Telegram , )
The ease against Prof. Herman Brucck
ner , charged with attempted murder by
poisoning his wife , has been dismissed on
motion of the state. It is Impossible to fix
the crlmo on the orchestra leader and It was
That would be a funny color for a residence , but you don't have
to use that color , We have others that will make your house shine
and change it from that old , dingy look to one of beauty and admira
tion , We have been telling you this for several years and the longer
you let it go the more it will cost you when you do paint. If you
don't keep your house well painted it becomes weather-beaten and
worn. We can furnish you paints so cheap that you cannot afford to
let your house go longer without a coat of paint , And our paints , the
ready mixed , are the best made. Don't forget that.
Pretty pictures are another thing we want to call your attention
to. Our art department is filled with them and after you have painted
your home it is necessary to look after the interior. Come in and
look around and let us show you what we have , If you want a pic
ture framed we can do that very reasonable , - Our workmen in the art
department are skilled mechanics and every thing done is warranted
to be satisfactory or you need not take it. That's what we call business.
G.W.PangleM.D ,
Render of Dlsenncit of men nud
World's llerbal Uinpemary of Medlcltw
I CDnn Catarrh of Head , Throat and
f.unirB , Diseases of Eye mid Kar , Fits nnd
Apoplexy , Heart , Liter nnd Kidney Diseases ,
Diabetes , Jlrlght's liljonte , St. Vftus Dnnco.
Rheumatism , Scrofula , Dropsy cured without
lapping , Tune Worms removed , all chronic
Nervous and Prlvato Diseases.
I ftCT EflflMUftflin In yo nff nnd
LUOi raftHNUUiJ tulduleagcdmen.
OVDKJII 1C On' ' ! ' Physician who can
d ! rnlLldi properly euro SYPHILIS
without destroying teeth and boucs. No mer
cury or poison mineral need.
The only Physician who can tell what nlli
you without asking a question.
Those at a distance icnd ( or question
blank. No. 1 for men ; No. 3 for women.
All correspondence strictly confidential
Medlcln ) sent by express.
Address nil letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
5B5 Brondwuy , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 1A
Of"Scnd i-ccnt. emmo for ronlr
Fees Gas
! Gasoline
I to 25O
_ _ 2Horso Fowo
Klevntor Machinery fit All Kind * .
Call on us or write for prices & descriptions.
Council lUnfTx. lovrn.
dismissed on motion of the county attorney.
Brucckner at once retaliated by filing a
suit In the district court for $25,000 damages
against Dr. John Hermann , who placed the
serious charge against him.
The republican rally In Woodbury county
opened at Sloan tonight. Judge Lot Thomas
of Storm Lake , the republican nominee for
congress , was the speaker. A special train
went from Sioux City , taking the men to
the rally.
The Old Settlers' association of Polk county
has been presented with a beautifully deco
rated gavel made from wood taken from the
old Iowa capltol In 1858.
A Des Motnes boy captured a little wcod
rat. The animal bit him slightly on the
band. Blood poison haa set In , and the
Injured member will have to be amputated.
Fonda , Mason City , Rockwell and a num
ber of Iowa towns have organized their
whist players Into a combination and will
hold a number of tournaments during the
The school census of Davenport has Just
been completed and the Interesting fact was
discovered that forty-two boys of school age
of that place are serving In the army and
navy of the nation.
Out of five Iowa cities adopting the curfew
ordinance , Dubuque is the only one that
claims to have reaped any benefit from that
source. The others have found the law a
dead letter and of no practically utility.
Settle Wutuli .MiikiTN * Trouble. .
CHICAGO , Oct. 1. James O'Connell , third
vice president of the American Federation
of Labor nnd Master Workman of the In
ternational Order of Machinists , together
with the executive committee of the Watch
makers' union , today met John M. Cutter ,
General manager f.f the Elgin National
Watch company , In a final conference for
the adjustment of a new wage Hcale. A scale
satisfactory to all concerned was amicably
agreed upon. The new scale concedes the
wages asked by the workmen except for
two grades , on which concessions were made
by both aides and compromise figures agreed
You HUT AViininii I : | < MM- Illi a Soldier.
YOUNOSTOW.N. O. . Oct , J Mies Agnes
A. ilcKclvcy. ducbtcr of a wealthy oil oocr-
/ H "A 9
I 11T1P
To write lengthy advertisements.
We put in our spare moments figur
ing on how to give the people the
best bargains in Carpets ever known-
in Council Bluffs ,
Ru s , PoFtieres ,
Lace Curtains ,
Mattings , Etc.
In endless varieties , all going at the
lowest prices ever heard of in this
vicinity. Come in and take your
Odd Fellows Temple , Council Bluffs.
The World Moves. We Try to Keep Face.
"Fuel Savers" Our Motto.
Great Improvement in Base Burners.
The Best of 1888 Far From Best in 1898 ,
King of 1898 Base Burners
Kvprj- Move a double Iienter , with donlile thenlr flue cnpncHy of any
other utove. Hottent bane Inrgent null ciiiuicUy < loen not ornak.
Our Fuel Snverw Iliiclc Steel Itnnffcit Cole' * Hot lllnut Colc'a Airtight- *
Star Cnm "
41 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
o jo Jo
j Farm and Fruit Lands for Sale. &
I * . >
2 The Fruit raisers around Council Bluffs have Just closed a profitable 1
! .Q season , the yield being from $50 flo $100 per acre. Wo have some cholco P ?
! j3 bargains in Fruit , Vegetable and Farm Lands near Council IHuffa. Let us O1
" 1 show them to you. FARM LOANS 5 PER CENT INTEREST. jfi
, " ! DAY & HESS , $
"S 39 Pearl Si. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. *
Are Just ) what you want to keep peace in the family. Do not annoy your wife by
using Inferior goods. Wo guarantee the nickel not to tarnish. It U the most eco
nomical , durable and finest In design.
Used a 300 Art Garland for six years , heating four irooms , using but two
tons of hard coal each winter. It Is the most cheerful and economical and 'i
gives a more even head than any other base burner I over used. I cannot " - < 1
speak too highly of the Art Garland. j. N. COCHRAN ,
325 North Seventh St. '
r. c.
Agent for Majestic Steel Ranges , Richardson
& Doynton Company Furnaces.
504 Broadway , Council Bluffs. 'Phone 87.
otor nt IJutlrr , Pa. , and Private Dvnjamln
V neatly , Fifth United .States volunteers ,
stationed at Jacksonville. Flu. , eloped to
this city und were married last night ,
Deatty won on a furlough. They left for
Jacksonville last nlidit.
To lip lleiilth- nun
Use "Garland" Stoves and Ranees. _
101. 200 , 208 , 210. Uroadway. Council
Hates , JI.23 per day , 75 rooms. wjr
U oveiy ruspuct , Motor line to < tj |
I ocnl uKt-iicy for the Celebrated Hi