EDITORIAL , FHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE 1 a PART II. ESTABLISHED JTJKE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 2 , 1898. SINGLE COL Y ElVJiJ CENTS. HAYDENi IMMEHSE PURCHASING * FAVORABl This is the keynote of the unusual values at "The Big Store. " Experienced buyers in all great markets watch every opportunity. No deal is too big if the pr\ce and quality are right. For the Exposition year we placed the largest orders manufacturers had ever received from the Trans-Mississippi country and secured great price concessions. In addition to regular orders , and to satisfy the tremendous patronage we have been getting , we bought many large lots when favorable opportunities were presented and have been enabled to offer a sucession of special sales on the very best goods at % and sometimes less than half regular prices. We have concentrated all our energies and resources to make this Ak-Sar-Ben week one of the greatest in American merchandising. Profits have been cut to the smallest margin and every advantage derived from our special purchasing will be offered in these great sales this week. Unlimited assortments of the choicest merchandise in the world go on sale at 30 per cent to 50 per cent under regular values. Agents for Butterick Patterns. Exposition visitors are cordially invited to make themselves at home in the Big Store. Bundles checked free. Silks Grand special silk sale com mencing Monday and lasting all of Ak-Sar-Ben week. Thousands of bargains as special offerings that cannot be equaled anywhere in , the world. Visit the big silk de partment , newest styles al\on display. Plain Silks hun dred of pieces in all colors , best grade , on special sale at 29c. Scotch stripes , new and pretty , in reds , blues and greens , very stylish , on special sale at 39c. French Ganloise silk one of the most durable N f * silks made , pretty two tone effects , on special sale at 39c. Plain black taffeta , plain black gros grain , both an ex cellent grade of all silk , on special sale at 49c. Fancy Bilks all kinds of brocades , , plaids , stripes , great value , on special at f > 9c. Plain colored taffetas , .all the new shades in the best quality , on special sale at 69c. Plain black satin Duchesse , all pure silk , bright and lustrous , on special sale at 75c. Plain black Peau do Soio and 'plain black gros grain , best that is made , war ranted to wear , best value in the world , on special sale at $1.00. Plain black satin Duchesso 27 inches wide , extra value , perfect in every way , on special sale at § 1.00. 30- inch tailor lining satins in black and seal brown , finest that Is made , on special sale at $1.98. BlacV dress Taffeta Gulnct , guaranteed not to cuter or crack , pure dye , on special sale at $1.50 rialn colored satins , 24 Inches wide , Tory heavy and all colors of the rainbow , on special salof nt 85c. Satin Ilaye , ombre stripes , swollest creation of the season , on npeclnl sale nt $1.60. French plaids , the prettiest plaids In the world , 1G3 styles , worth $2.00 , on special sale nt $1.25. Polka dot velvets , flno grade , silk faced velvet , pretty colors , on special sale at $1.25. 1'laln velvets. In every color , extra value , 150 pieces all go on special sale at 75c. 27-Inch Engllnh corduroy , In red , green , brown , black , navy and white , on special sale at 85c. Velveteens , all colors and black , best grade , silk finished , 21 Inches wide , on Bpcclal sale at 50c. Notion Sales Full size package Needles only Ic. Full 200 yards Spool Cotton only 2c. lf > c pearl * Buttons , 5c dozen. lOc Cor set Steels 5o pair. lOo Dress Shields 5c pair. lOc trimmed Dress Stays 5c set. 50c Ex position souvenirs , only 25c. The now renaissance combs for ladies , consisting of three ele gant combs in sot regu lar price 35c , on sale at 10 cents n set. Grand Album Sale : $1.00 photograph albums , only 25c ; $2.00 photograph albums , only 48c ; $3.00 photo graph albums , $1.25 ; elegant fancy ribbons , regular price lOe , only 3c. All widths Satin and Gros Grnln ribbons on sale at half price : Ladles' pockctbooks regular COc and 75c quality , on sale at 25c ; the new army nnd navy book , Including 1'orto Hlco , Havana and the Fhllllplnes , handsomely bound , full of Illustrated his tory , geography and statistics , a regular $3.00 book , for 98c. Ladies' Furnishings. $1.25 gloves at G9c. 50c cashmere gloves 2f > e. 2f c fleece lined hose at 12-ic. 25c chil dren's hose 12 Jc. 35c and 50c hose at 25c. Ladies' vests and pants 19c ; 50c vests and pants ; 25c , 75c vests and pants , EOc ; ladles * all wool vests nnd pants , worth $1.00 , at 75c ; ladles' extra heavy fleece lined combination , worth 75c , at COc : ladles' wool mixed combination eults , worth $1.50 , nt $1.00 ; children's fleece lined combination suits , worth COc , at 25c ; children's heavy fleeced lined vests and pants , aC lOo up ; ladles corsets , black and drab , all sizes , worth $1.00 , at COc ; ladles' muslin ulsnt gowns. 39c. Men's Underwear. Special prices for all week. § 1.50 and $2 underwear at 75c. $1 and $1.25 underwear at 50c. 75c underwear at 35c. Mon'e lOc and 15c sox at 5c ; 20c and 2fie sox at 12 c. 35c wool sox at 17c. MEN'S SHIRTS AND TIES 15c bo * anil string ties , Gc ; GOc ties In all styles al 6c : COc shirts at 35c ; $1.00 shlrti at 50c ; | 1.CO shlrU at 75c. Dress Goods The leading dress goods house of the west. Over 30- 000 styles to select from more dress goods than all the rest of Omaha put together. Now we are in the midst of our season , and our stock contains all the new weaves of Europe .and America not one yard of old goods , or job goods everything purchased direct from the manufacturer. The only house in Omaha that jan use quantities so is to buy from the manufacturer. Goodall's celebrated Paguln orges and novelties , advertised In nil the eadlng fashion journals. 'Military ' cloth 'or ' tailor suitings , 150 shades , at from 980 to 2.00. French velours , for tailor sult- ngs. all colors , 75c , 98c , $1.25 , $1.50 yard. Coverts , 32 different grades and over 600 shades , at from G9c to $7.50. Poplins , In all the now shades , from 79c up to $3.50 yard. Novelties , French , English and German , in all mixtures , from GOc to $4.00. Sir Titus Salts celebrated Slclllians and brilllantlnes nt G5c to $2.53 , broadcloths , as trakhans , French flannels , cloaklngs , etc. Broadcloth , all colors , 7Bc , 93c , $1.25 , $1.50 , $2.50 up to $6.25 yard. Astrakhans , all colors , 98c to $7.00 yard. French flannels , all colors , GOc , 59c , 75c , $1.00 per yard. Cheap Dress Goods Depf. GOO pieces ' . wool , 9c. 1,000 pieces 36- Inch jacauards , 15c. 2,500 pieces all wool mixtures , 25c. 500 pieces jacquands mix tures , 29c. All wool Henrietta , serges , etc. , 39 c. Black Dress Goods Priestley , the standard of the world. 1,500 pieces of his goods at from COc up to $7.50 per yard. To mention Priestley's name Is enough for our black goods. Coulter's celebrated French crcpons are worn In every court In Europe. Arthur Walker & Co.'s English crepons , Mahler's German crepons. Frieze and blister cloths all on sale. Wo have the largest selection west of New York. Mall order department. We send samples to out-of-town customers. Wo guarantee satisfaction or refund your money. Do your shopping by mall. Wash Dress Goods Special sale on calicos , ginghams - " hams and sateens. Ak-Sar- Ben colors in plain oil calico 4Ac yard. Best quality , fig ured turkey red calico 3 o yard. Standard quality apron check gingham,4c yard. Dark dress ginghams , worth lie. at 8ic yard. Plain fast black sateen 6c yard. Heavy napped fleeced suiting lOc yard. Double fold' dress plaids 5c yard. Double fold tweed dress goods lOc yard. Yard wide percales all dark colors , 9c yard. Jewelry Dept. Special sale o n Watches this week. Men's nickle watches stem wind and sot , _ reliable time-keepers 98c each. Men's gold filled Watches , Elgin or Waltham movement , regular § 12.00 Watches , go at § 7.95. Men's 14kt. gold filled Watches , fine Elgin or Waltham works , reg ular $20.00 watch , cases warranted to wear 20 years , sale price $12.50. ladles' 14 kt. gold tilled hunting case watches , warranted I :0 years , regular $20.00 watch , fine Elgin or Waltham works ; sale price $10.95. Sterl ing silver souvenirs , in meat forks , sugar spoons , crenm ladles , tea spoons , olive spoons , etc. , regular value $2.00 each , sale price 9Sc each. The largest line of sterling silver souvenirs In the city at the lowest prices. Roger's $1.50 tea spoons go at 69c set of six. 4-plece quadruple plated gold lined tea sets , regular value $8.00 , sale price $3.03. Rogers' 12 dwt. knives , usual price $3.50 $ , sale price 12.48 for 12 pieces. Cloaks and Suits Some very special prices for this week. Ladies' 4 button box front , Beaver Jackets , half lined with satin Ehadame , small sleeve ; a new nobby Jacket at § 3.48. Ladies' tailor-made Jacket in 4-button double breasted styles , in Astrakhan , Curly Boucle and Kersey , lined throughout with silk high storm collar , finished with tailor stitching at § 5.98. Ladies' fine Kersey Jackets , , in tan , mode , brown , green and blue ; new style inlaid velvet collar , double breasted box front , lined throughout with fine satin or striped Taffeta , silk stitching and strapped seams at § 8.98. Ladies' fine tailor-made Jackets in impor ted Kerseys , French Boucles and Coverts , in all the fashion able shades , new front , new darted sleeve , lined with heavy satin at § 10.00. Ladies'Capes in beaver and rough cloaking , fur trimmed , fancy liningat § 1.98. Ladies' Capes in extra fine Curly Boucle , lined and interlined , high collar and fronts edged with fur , full sweep , at § 3.75. Ladies' Ker sey and Astrakhan Capes lined with satin serge , inter lined with chamois , double in verted pleat , in.backv trimmed with Thibet fur , at § 5.00. Ladies' Plush Capes § 2.48. Ladies silk plush Capes , elab orately trimmed with jet braid and fur , lined with silk , at § 4.98. 350 sample Capes , in silk , plush , plain or trimmed , all wool Astrakhan cloth and fine JKersey , all silk lined , latest style and cut , ful' sweep , 32 inches long at § 7.98. Ladies' electric seal collarettes silk lined and wadded , al § 1.98. Ladies' combination Collarettes in Astrakhan ant Seal , trimmed with Marten tails lined with heavy satin 'at § 4.98. La- dies' tailor- made , new fall suits , in serges and cheviots at § 4.98. La dies' fi n e tailor-made suits of new cheviot and coverts ; box fronts Jack et , lined with taffeta silk , skirt lined with percaline at § 10.00. Ladies' tailor-made suits in fine tailors cloth , in all the now colorings of tan , brown , blue and checks , in tight fitting , 4-button , box front and rounded jacket , new flounce skirt , jacket silk lined , perfect fitting skirt at § 14.98. Dress Skirts Ladies' new flounce skirts in serge and mohair at § 4.50. Figured brilliantine skirts at 98c , § 1.25 , SI.50 and § 1.98. Chil dren's reefer jackets , sizes 4 to 14 years , in fancy cloaking , in a variety of styles , with largo sailor collars trimmed with braid at § 1.50. Ladies' new taffeta silk waists , in black and colors , collar of same material , nicely lined , at $3.98. Ladles' black satin waists , with tucked and corded fronts , at $5.90. Ladles' dressing sacques , In fine eiderdown , In all colors , rolling collars and I clocbeted edges , at 75c. Ladles' French L flannelette wrappers , all new patterns and I braid trimmed , at $1.25. Ladles' lawn , percale - calo and dimity wrappers , In dark colors , that have sold up to $1.60. $1.75 and $2.00 , on sale Monday at 75c. .inens § 100,000 stock. We have lie largest Linen department 0 be found in the transmis- sissippi country we import direct from the leading linen veavers of the world , which Dlaces us in a position to save you 50 per cent on your pur- jhasing. 60-inch bleached 3amask , worth 39c , at 20c yard. 60-inch heavy cream scotch Damask , worth 45c , at 274c yard. 72-inch cream Austrian Damask , worth 65c , at 39c yard. 60-inch silver bleached Gorman Damask , vorth 75c , at 39c yard. 70- nch silver bleached German Damask , worth § 1 , at 49c yard. 60-inch Oriental dam- isk , Gorman coloring , worth 50c , at 25c yard. Turkey red damask , fast colors , worth 25c , at 12V4c yard. 64-Inch full bleached Irish damask , worth 75c , nt 49c yard. 68-Inch extra heavy ilcached damask , worth $1.00 , at 67J/4c yard. 70-Inch very fine double satin * damask , worth $1.39 , at 75c. 72-lrich extra heavy all linen double damask , worth $1.75 , at 98o. 1 bale bleached all linen crash , worth lOc , at 6c yard. 1 bale check glass toweling , 18 Inches wide , worth Sc , at 4c yard. 200 dozen damask towels , fancy headers , knotted fringed , worth 25c , at 12 c. 500 dozen all linen Irlnced fancy border towels , worth 17c , nt lOc. 350 dozen extra largo Turkish towels , double warp , woolen selvage , worth 20c , at lOc. 800 dozen large bleached Turk ish towels , worth lOc , at 5c. 275 dozen guaranteed all linen napkins , worth $1.50 , at OSc dozen. 190 dozen silver bleached linen nankins , worth $1.00 , at 69c dozen Handkerchief linen , 57c. 65c , 75c , Soc. $1.10 and $1.25 yard. - ArUllnoi O/Vie. 65e > 75o and 85c yard. Butchers' linen at 25c and 35c yard. Sheeting Muslins We are headquarters for sheeting muslin , ready to use sheets and pillow cases. 7c quality heavy brown muslin at 3c. 6c quality soft finish bleached muslin at 4 c ynrd. 12 Ac quality Lonsdale cambric 71c yard. 22Hc quality 9-4 bleached sheet ing , 81 Inches wide , nt 17o yard. Ready- to-uso sheets , torn nnd bleached , at 42c , 45c and 50c. Ready-to-uso pillow slips , 45x36 , at 76c } , lOc and 12i c. Bunting- Decoration bunting , Ak-Sar-Ben bunting , by the yard or case. Call and get our prices. Bed Spreads Special sale. The largest stock to be found in the city. 2 cases extra large crochet spreads , fringed on four sides , the § 1.50 kind on sale at § 1. 1 case large crochet spreads , fringed on three sides , the $1.25 kind , at 75c. ] case of 11-4 crochet spreads , Mar seilles pattern , made of 3-ply yarn , both warp and fllllpg , the $1.50 kind , at $1.00. Large spreads at 39c , 49c , 65c , 65c and 75c ; north double. Big stock of fringed Mar seilles spreads at $1.50 , $2.00 , $2.50 and $3.00. Millinery Sale on autumn millinery. Rich Parisian styles , unique , exclusive effects are displayed in the great millinery depart ment. Refined taste dictated and expert skill created these master pieces of modish milli nery. Extra attraction lies in the intrinsic worth of our mil linery. Only materials of thoroughly dependable quality are used. Special sales at surprisingly low prices. See the great showing of Round Hats , Turbans , Bonnets , English Walking Hats and Paris Model Hats. China Department Metal Bracket Lamp with burner and chimny , 29c. Tumblers , ' 2c. White granite cups and saucers , each , 2c. Gallon milk crocks , Be. Decorated Cups and Saucers , 5c. Beautiful line of real Copenhagen ware. Full llnp of the celebrated Mt. Washington and Straus & Sons cut glass at one-half regular price. Solid nickel re- volvlng reflector night lamp , 25c. Flno china decorated plates , 15c. Metal top jelly glasses , 2r. 50c Japanese cups and saucers , ISc. Fancy china sugar and cream . sets from 30c up. Wine glasses , 2c. Beau- I tlful line of vases from lOc up to $25.00. Furniture. Sit down once in a while and take a rest. It does not cost so much now as it used to. Seats came high 100 years ago and there will be lots of seats 100 years from now. The pres ent Is all you have to do with and just now you can buy a largo Rattan Rocker for $3.95 , also an extra largo Rattan Rocker with full roll at $5.00. Both of these rockers are well made , and well finished and we nro willing to sell them close If wo can Interest you In our furniture de partment. The Iron Bed question Is never to bo sotted by selling weak poorly con structed goods , and wo have just put on the Iloor the heaviest , the highest , best finished and best looking bed ever offered at any prlco up to $6.00 , our prlco Is $2.50. This bed has angle Iron at head and foot , the posts are IVi nnd the whole bed Is far and awar better than other beds at this price. Come and sec , wo hare plenty. Wo have always prided ourselves on being the pioneers of low prices on really first-class goods. The prices others get for tbo same proves this. Another lot of those fine little tables In oak , birch , bird's-eye maple at 93c each. Get ready for the jam next week , n'.ike a few dollars , cut beds on the roof , we have lots of cots , mattresses , beds , pil lows and all other bedding. Carpets and Curtains. Bargain giving wile of , . Car pets , Mattings and Oil Cloths. Best all wool Ingrains 50c yard. Art Ingrains 30c yard. Reversible Brussels 75c yard. Brussels Carpet 50c yard. Linen work Jap Matting 20c yard. A large assortment of Brussets cur tains In latest designs from $4.f > 0 to $15.00 per pair , something new in Dobblnctto ruffled curtains nt $2.00 , $3.00 , $4.00. $5.00 and $6.00 pair. 100 pairs of slightly damaged Swiss Curtains at 50c pair. Nottingham cur tains from 75o up. Tapestry portieres In all colors and designs from $1.50 up. Dotted and striped Swiss at Sc , lOc , 12Vfec. Sllkallne. 36-Inch , at 5c and Sc yard. Rope portieres. $2.50. $3.25 nnd $4.50 Wai ! Paper Visit the Wall Paper de partment. Special sale for Ak-Sar-Ben week. Regular line of whlto blanks , worth 7c and Sc , at 4c nnd tic roll. 9-ln. borders , l c and 2c yard. IS-ln. bor ders , 3c and 4c yard. Our regular line ol lOe , 124c ! , 15o and 17'/c , go at 7c , 8c , lOc , 12'jc. 9-ln. borders at 3c and 4c yard. 18- colors , ground In varnish , H pint 25c ; pints , enamel % pints 25c ; ready mixed carriage 40c ; quarts , 75c. Gcrstendorfers bath tub enamel gives a porcelain finish to old , rusty tubs % pints , 40c ; pints , 75c. Pianos The perfection of piano ele gance is attained in the Chick- ering pianos. They represent the best work of modern pi ano building are the stan dard of excellence among ar tistic pianos. The tonal quali ties , construction , beauty nnd durability have made them the most talked eland and most sought for piano of the present day. Wo sell the Checkering along with 20 other different makes. If you want a piano for Its music , wo uphold the bet Instrument made. Wo have low priced pianos and high priced ones. Wo are prepared to give you valuable Informa tion about pianos , no matter If you buy or not. Wo know It will pay you to talk with us before you buy. Sheet Music Special sale on sheet music during the Exposition. Sheet music to everybody half price. Wo carry all the very latest sheet music from all the publishers. Wo also carry two catalogues of cheap editions which wetcan sell you nt EC and lOc per copy. Call or send for cat alogues , which are free. Whiieiy Exerciser , We have accepted the agency for the Whiteiy Exerciser. The greatest home and general exerciser in the world. En dorsed by thousands. Monday to introduce them , wo will hold a great cut price salo. Beginning with the 50c number known as the "Traveler , " wo will make the price 33c each , on what we have in stock. All other sixes and grades up to the § 5.00 number at cut prices. 503 book of instructions free with every exerciser except the 50c size iu this sale. Come in and see them , Hardware , Staves and Housofurnishing depart ment. 3 carloads of heating , ook stoves and ranges to select from. Come in and get prices. The M. & D. range. The heaviest , the best , the most perfect , the only round lire pot with anti-clinker .grate , 0- 8-inch hole with high shelf , large oven , § 81.95. The Tri umph Economy , same style range with high shelf and reservoir , large oven and warming closet , very hand somely nickel plated , war ranted , § 27.50. The Radiant Stewart , the best , the handsomest , the lat- e.st , the most powerful heater made cheap at15.00 our price § 34.95. Wo have at least 25 different kinds of Coal and Wood Heaters , at prices that will surprise you. Air Tight Stoves from $2.7 ! ) up. In Cook Stoves we have the Charter Oak , The Stewards all their best grades at prices never before made In Omaha. Can self you a very handsome Nickel I'latcd Cook , large oven , large square top , 4 8-Inch holes thin Btwvo vouhl sell regular tot $15.00 , our prlco $10.95. House Furnishing Goods H-ounco nil copper Holler. $1.49 ; nickel plated Tea Kettle. No. 8 , We , Folding Iron ing Hoard , GOc ; GO-pound Flour Cans , r,9c ; large Foot Dath Tubs , 33. . , Galvanized Wash Tuba. 37c , complete Cobbler's Outfit In box , 43c ; largo 17-u.uart tin Dish Tan , 16c ; C-fool Step Ladders , 45c ; Stove Hoards , 49c , Coal Hods , lie ; Stove Pipe , 7c ; G-lnch Elbows , 5c ; Fire Shovels , 2c. Flannels and Blankets White wool flannel at yard , 15c , ISc , 25c , 35c , and 45c. All wool embroidered flannel at yard 49c , 55c , 65c , 75c , 85c , 95c , § 1.25 and § 1.00. 1case Scotland flannel dress patterns at yard , Sc. 1 case Now Fall flannelettes , in nearly a hun dred styles , per yard lOc. Swansdown , handsome pat terns for shirt waists and wrappers , looks llko French printed llan- ncls , nt lOc yard. Outing flannncls , lighter or dark colors , nt 3V4f , Gc , Sc and lOc yard. 1 case outing flannel skirt patterns , heavy twilled , In white or colored , at 25o each. Special bargains In remnants of wool flan nel on sale In center table In flannel de partment. Blankets & Comforters The sale on bed blankets is still on and wo are selling more blankets than over ; our prices talk loud. 500 pair 11-4 silver gray blankets at pair , 75c. 250 pair Arctic blankets , fancy border , at pair , $1.00 325 palrn 11-4 extra heavy gray blan kets , $1.25 pair. 100 pairs wool superior blue-gray blankets at $1.35 pair. 100 pairs sanitary natural wool warp and filling at $250 pair. 125 nalrs 70xSI all wool blan kets at $3.7fi pair. 150 pairs all wool extra heavy whlto blankets nt $3.50 and $4.75 pair. The big store carries a big llne.of bed com forters , whole sale and retail al the lowest prices. Groceries patent , Jlou only $1. 12 cakes Cudahy'a i soap for lOc. New navy beans 5 pounds for 15c. 8-pound cans new apple butter only 9c. -pound cans new golden pumpkin , 7 c. Baker's chocolate elate per can only 17Ac. Sweet chocolate per can only 3c. 12 boxes par lor matches for lOc. 2-lb cans now peas only 6c. Largo Valencia raisins per pound , 5c. 20c Santos roasted coffee for lOc. 30o Java nnd Mochn , 20c. 40c high grade Java and Mocha only 30c. 3-lb cans now pre served raspberries 12'/Sc. Corn starch , largo ono pound package , 3 * c. 2-lb cans sliced pineapple , corclcss , 15c. Pearllne , 1776 , Boaplne , etc. , large ono pound pack age for 6c. worth 15c. 2-lb cans string i beans 6c. 2-lb cans corn 6&c. Largo hot- tlo pure tomato catsup 1210. Largo bottle pure horse radish Sc. Cheese and Fish Big bargains. Full cream cheese only lie. Fancy full cream , very fine , 12Ac. Hir- kimer country , double cream , 14c. Ohio Swiss , the finest , 16c. Wisconsin Swiss only 14c ; brick or llmberger , 121 c ; Kdam cheese , each , S5c ; pineapple cheese , each , GOc ; ncuf- chatcl , only 3c. At our fish counter : Snow whlto codfish , per pound , 4V c ; Alaska sal mon , blood red , per pound , GV4c ; fine family whlto fish , per pound , 6c ; flno fat mackerel , each 7cj smoked halibut , per pound , 1214cj smoked whlto fish , per pound , lOc. Butter 37,321 pounds butter. The September prize contest at the Exposition. Minnesota wins the prize in the contest the third timo. The judges and experts declared that better butter could not be mado. It was scored by W. D. Collier , from Chica go. Hayden Bros' bought It nil. You all know that this butter sent to the exposition for the contest must be , and Is the best butter that could bo made. As It was Impos sible to award first prize to all 6f the con testants , the Judges awarded diplomas to those nearest perfection which was IS per cent. Our buyer knowing the h'gh quality of butter our trade demands purchased the ontlro lot , which will be on Hale until all Is sold. Fancy prlzo separator creamery , 16' e , 17c , 19lc nnd 21c. Good dairy butter , lOc , 12&c , lie and 15c. You don't have to pick It out , It Is all good. Meats Visit our big Meat depart ment and note prices. No. 1 hams , 18-20 Ibs. only 8c. No. 1 hams , small lOc. 3-lb. pails best lard 19c. Pickled tripe , cooked , 3-ic. 10-lb. lard in dinner pails 80c. Picnic hams per can , 3Ac. Vienna wiusage and sauerkraut , lOc. Pickled pork , 6Ac. Extra choice lean bacon , 9'Ac. Good Breakfast bacon , 8.Jc. Chipped dried beef , 15o. Short ribs , corned , f > o. Frank fort Hauesgc , 3-lba. for 25c. Best koitle rendered lard , per pound , 7c ,