10 TJL13 OMAHA DAILY' II1515 : THURSDAY , SI5PTI5M1J15H 20 , 1HJKS. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL September Takes a Hurry , Goes Up to 70 Cents and QaietaDown at 08 1-4. PORK , LARD AND RIBS ON A SLIGHT DECLINE I'rnrlftliin MnrUct Ociirrnllx In llrnry nil 1-urKc Ilcui'liitn niul u Dcellne at IJiiTjiocil Corn mill Uutn DOM n < CHICAGO , Sept. 23-A Hurry In S&pl m- tier wheat was the feature on 'change to- ilny. The price of the September option laligcd all the way from CSc to 70c , but wound ui In the- end ut GS < 4c , u loss of Vie as compared with yesterday The closIng - Ing price of December was CJ > ic , precisely the name as the final figures yesterday. Corn lost % o and oafs ' 4r. 1'ork declined J2' ' c , lard 7'/io and ribs 6c Wheal opened al 1(3 ( &c decline from jcsterday's closing price , Iniluenced to Home extent by the unfa\orablo weather , liberal northwest movement and the. fact that cables did not show us much strength IIH expected , Inlcw of the sharp rally liere late yesterday It soon de\eloped , Jiown\er , Unit September was In good rc- niest and aery modi-rate supplj , selling up l ie ; to 70c The advance ulfictcd the rest of the list , which sold up In s > mpath > t'ash values In the northweat rulicl llrm nnd this was also a factor Yesterdaj s east business was ImmeiiHe , 1210,000 bu , und exports also made- good showing , ag- Krtgatlng 917.WW bu New "iork wired that the United Kingdom and the continent wens bujers today and that acceptances xve-ro again fulrl > liberal l"orelgn rs were also credited with purchasing In this nmr- J < ct. Primary receipts wtro .121,009 bu. umaller than a > ear ago , notwithstanding liberal arrivals In the northwest 'Ihe J > ear- Ish showing of the Liverpool closing cablps treated a change In sinllmint and pities ) iero rueeded , although Paris closed GfilOu lilgher. September In New York turned weak late In the day. selling off 1 7-Sc Duluth - luth also ruled easy , declining nearly It Local longs llciuldated and Dual quotations ) ieiu weie around the bottom price North west u-ctlpts wern 997 cars , against 1,710 i urb jeMlcidu > and 9U a week ago Local ji-celpts were 211 cars , Including li > 9 cars of spring wheat , of which 17 cars were of contract grade Receipts at western points weio 1,300,210 bu , against lrslOI2 bu. last > c.ir , and at eastern points 071 GIO bu S ii- tember opened unchanged at GSVii' , so iild up to 70c and closed at CSUc asked. soDe - < ember opened J-Sc lower at 04 .1-Sc , sold up to Clc and closed at bS fiGl 7-Sc Corn lost all the Improvement of yester day and 1-bc besides It was chlelly af fected by the courst of the wheat m irket The rccelptb wcic 54D cars , against 520 esti mated \tstcrday and U7 the corresiond.ng ilay a jear ago Estimated iccelpts for tomorrow , 7.JO cars A fair inquiry tor Hhlpment was recorded , but bujers and Kellers were apart In their view of prices Mirly In the day. IJuslness was dull , but there appeared to be a general disposition to drop September corn Decembei opened Jic higher at 30 1-Sc , Hold up to J0'4c ' and iloscd at 294i729 ( 7-Sc Oats were traded In moderately nnd the market showed strength early , prices ad- vanelng l-SfiV4O ( o\cr yesterday's close. "Weakness developed later , however , and prices closed with a lom of 1-Sfi'ic on the lay May opened l-8c lower at 22 7-Sc , sold up to 23 1-Sc and declined to 22'4'U22 7-Sc at tlld ctOBC Provisions had against them very heay receipts of hogs nnd that , together with the ytllow fc\er reports and Is decline In Ilio jirlco of bacon at Liverpool , caused a lie.ivy market. January pork opened al J907'AS910 ( , sold up to $ D 20 and closed at JTO'i/j July lard closed at $1 87KJanu - iirv ribs opened unchanged at $1 72Vitf4 73 , ttold up to $4 75 and closed at $4 72 > i Estimated receipts for tomorrow . Wheat , JM" tars , corn , 730 cars , oats , 300 cars , hogs , 33,000 head The lending futures ranged tin follows : Articles Opun. High Low a dy , 08' ( 70 GS OHU Gil , G3H < 131tMl4 IHH 05M 30 20J SOU J1J4-S. 21V 82 am 21' aon Jl 2JJI 3 70 8 17 ! H 1A Saalj 8 0" 8271 020 007 O''U 4 77V , 477 > < 476 4 82Vt 4 u o - 4 HI ' 477H 4 87 'n 4 UU 4 HO 4U7Hi 403 B 2' 627W B22 622 B2-i 4 7J 4 70 I 4 70 477i No. 2. c.ish ( iiinlatlonsvcro follows : I'LOUR Stench , \\lnter patcjiils , $3.30T P. W ) , strnlRhtt , $ T 10U3.20. BprliiR ppclal < t SI. 00. 8 | > rliiK patents , ? J 301(3 ( 00 , J2 SOfJI 15. WIIUAT No. 3 Hprlnp , C3QC3'i ' ; No. 2 red C&e- C&eCOHN COHN No. 2 , 294ffn : 7-Sc OATS-NO. 2. 22fi 3-sc. NO 2 jciiow , 3 O.Wl-Sc , No \\hlte , 23'iQ''l\c. HVI3 No 2. lie. HAHLUV-No 2. 3ISllc. SP.I DS-No I ll.ixst-ecl. 02J93c | ; prim timothy seed , nv , $ l5Ot(230 . PUOVISIONS Mess porlt , per bbl , JS 03fi ) K 10 I.nrcl , per 100 11 > H . $1 S-JHfti Sri Shor ribs sides ( Iciose ) , SSlT G i , short cle-n hides ( boxcil ) . Jo 40 350 WI1IHKY DlstlllcrH' llnlslied Roods , ps t-nl , $1 ' < SUOAIlS-TJnclmnKed. Tlui follouliiK' aio the receipts and ments of grain : 0 0 0 On the Produce e\cbaiie ) toclav the lif ter murkct wns sternly ; crenmcries , 11J ) 39'fce , dairies , 12il7c Cheese , steady ut - \\i : KKKH. llrm , fresh , lie. Liv poultry , lull ; turkejs , 7QSc ; chickens , luck" , C'/iBic. MW < : IMUVI : < for < lu- Day on Cciu-ral l-'ulllllllllUtll-N. NEW YOUK. Sept. -rLOUR-He- - cclpts , 19,508 bbls ; exports , 8,902 bbls.j quiet except for a moderate demand for new mirlnb" patents. Tbo undertone was steady ; miring P.itents , J3SOfl445 ; w Inter stralRhts , J340Q360 , winter patents , J375'u400 , spriiiB clears , $3 30ff3 GO ; extra No. 1 winter , $2.73 (1(290. ( extra No. 2 winter , $2 50ft. ! 73. COIINMEAL Dull , jellow western , 72c. 11YI3 Steady ; western , Saftllc. WHEAT Receipts , 31S2UO 'uu ; exports , 106.GOO bu ; spot steady. No 2 red , 7Cc f. o b tifloat. Options opened t > asy through dls- nppolntlnR cables and light forulRii Inte-r- t > st and we-ro Kenerally depressed all clav except for n late morning rally on local i-overlUK The market was somewhat over L loaded after > oste-rdny's strength and , responded easily to bear attacks , particu larly September , which clohPd Hjc net lower. iiK.ilnst SiillHc decllno In other months. Sales Include1 No 2 red , May , G9 1-S Ti > 7o ! > ; closed , b9o , September , "o'iil'S' c ; tloM'd , 76VvC. COHN-Recelpts , 21400 bu. . exports , 103- 847 bu ; hpot easy. No 2. 3(5 ( 1-Sc f o. b ulloat. Options wcro steady most of the ( tension on llRbt ofTerlnKs and fa\ornlio ] vnblox , but lacked speeulat ! > . f.aturo and t-losed eas > , with wheat at l-SQ'jc cledlno ; Way closed , P.ii 5-Sc. September ilosed , 33c. OATS Receipts 133,200 bu , exports , 635 bu ; spot quiet , No 2 , 2Go Options dull. HOPS Klrm. state , common to choice , 1S36 crop , IfiCc ; 1S97 crot ) , " ( ffSc , 1'9S crop , J4Jil7c ; Pacific coast , lv % crop , 4S6c ; 1S97 crop. S5n2c. 1 > .9S . crop , UiT17c AVOOLyDnll ; llecce , 17j23c ; Texas , 139 littTTER Receipts. 7,710 pkRs ; market plead v , western creamery , 15jJ21c } ; Elglns , 21c : factory , imfiH'ic. CHEESE Receipts. ( i,500 pkps ; market Btendy : lurgo white. S\c ; small white , Kt < il Sc , InrKO colored , 84c ; small colored , S 4 ® PC. EGOS Receipts , 10,903 pkgs ; market Btendy : western , 17c. TAM-O\V Steady. OILS-Cottonsecd oil , qulot ; yellow , 22Uc : Iietroleum. llrm. RICE Sternly ; fair to extra , 5 1-SQC c ; Japan , 5 7-Sflfio. MOLASSKS Steady. New Orleans , open Icc-ttle Bond to choice , 2 ftTlc METALS Vlir Iron , exchange steady at J690 ; lake copper , unchanged nt J11.21. tin i , iulPt at JlfilS. lead weak , exchange , J392 > i ; liroUew , 3.S2H ; spelter. < IS2',3 bid. Orli-cinn NK\V OR KANS. Sept. 2S.-PROVISIONS Quiet but steady Pork standard mess. J9 f Vf(9.25 ( , Lnrd rollnp'l tlerc SI * Sy 367'i ; pure , J5 25tf5 37VUoxed meats , dry xalt shoulders , S3 0 > ! } , -i.l2u sides , t.i b2i < U' ' n 7B Bacon , clear rib sides. IS.BOffS.ej. . cholco sugar cured. JU.OVii9.75. nK Steady at 6 tBS c ; Rio , quiet ; feond , 3 , ( [ (4l4C. ( | I'LOUR , ORAIN AND FOODSTUrFS- Dull rioiir f-xtr-i fancy , $1 4o < i1 RO. pat- nt , $1 vr.ii Cornmcal , $1 sotil to llran , Kcitzv Hay prime , $1 coif II no , choice , 12 Wrfjl2 50 Corn No 2 , Bueked , 39c. Oats. S'o 2. nacked , 27'4c ' OM vii v < IIMII : VL MAnicivr. Condition of Trudi- mid Quotations on staple n nil rmie'j Prodiier. KOGS-Goocl stock , 13'iflHc. ' WTTEH-Common to fair. ! M12c ; sop- rater , 20c , gathered creamery , ISc LIVE POULTRY-Hons. 7c , old roosters , c. spring rhlckem > , "f 'jc ' , ducks , CflCc. cese not wanted GAME Teal , blue wing , $175 ; green wins , 150 , mixed , 1 75d2 2.1 , prulrlo chickens , ating1 , $150 , old , $ . ' 50 PIGEONS-Llve , per doz , $1.00. VEAL Choice , flc. .j VEGETABLES. CELERY-Per bunch , SOffllc. ONIONS New , per bu , 40B50C. IlEANS-Huml-plcked nuy , per bu , $1.40 POTATOES-Per bu , S3fl45c. CAUUAUE , per Ib . le TROPICAL rilUITS. OHANGES-Herdllngc. $250 , Mediter ranean HvvoclH , $250ti275 LK.MONS-milfornlu , $373QCOO ; fancy lesslna , $ ( i50ft7 00 11ANANAS Choice. large stock , per lunch , $2UOi2 { > , medium sized bunches , 1 75ft2 00. FRUITS. APPLES-Per bbl. choice shipping stock , 273Tl00. ! other stock , $2 OOti2 HO WATERMELONB-Crated , 12ft 13c ; loose , Kflllc CANTALOUPE Rocky Tord , per crate , PEACHES California. 20-lb. case , 90Q93c. PLUMS-Oregon. 80cfll 00 PEARS Hartlptt , California , scarce about out of market $2 23 ; other varieties , GRAPES Native , per basket , i-mio-in.- . California Tokays , $1 5&IT1 C5 , Ohio , per has- ke-t , Inc. New York gropes , ISiglOc. CHANIlEHRIES-Wlsronsln per box. il.25 , Capo Cods , per bbl , $6 73R7 00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds per Ib. large size , 12 ® 3c ; small , lie , Hrazlls , per Ib , 9B10c ; En glish wnlnuls , per Ib , fancy soft shell. 11(3) ( ) 2c. standards , S5j9c. filberts , per Ib , 10i ; iceans , polished , medium , Gfj7c ; extra" arge , SfiDc , inrge hickory nuts , $1 OOQl 10 per bu . small , $1 15JJ1 23 per bu. , cocoanuts , icr 100 , $1501/500 / , peanuts , raw , bVic ; roasted , 7'ic ' MAPLE SYHUP-rive-gal can. each. 1275 , gal cans , pure , per doz , $12 , half-gal , cans , $02.1 , quart cans , $350 HONEY Choice white. 12-c. DATES-Hnllowee , GO to 70-lb. boxcg , BHcj Salr , Sc , Turd , 9-lb. boxen , 9c. TIGS Imported , fancy 1-crown , 14-lb. joxos , lOc , fi-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 3-lb. : > exes , 2Jft2Jc per box , California , 10-lb. joxes. $1 CIDER-Per half bbl , $1 23tf 3 50. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No 1 green hides. 7c , No 2 green hides , Cc , No 1 sailed hides , 8c , No 2 salted hides , \c , No 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs , 9c. No 2 vral Half , 12 to 13 Ibs , 7c. TALLOW , C.HEASE , ETC Tallow , No. 1 , 3c , tallow , No 2 , 2140 , rough tallow , lUo ; white grease , 2HIS-14C , jellow und brown grease , I' * f2'1c SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , 15i > 75c , green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , l.lc. dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , No 1 , each , 5c , dry flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 4j5e | , dry flint , Knnsas und Nebrusku murrain wool pelts , per Ib. nctual weight , 3 lc , dry flint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per Ib , nctual weight , 4Q5c , dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 3ft4c. St. IOIIHIliirUil. | . ST LOUIS , Sept -FLOUR-Dull , steady und unchanged , patents , $345fi3tO , straights , $1 lOli 1 21. clear. $2 001(2 90 , lye Hour , Jobbing' ut $2.73 in Hacks nnd $ J.OO per WHEAT Steady to le lower than > es- lower , spot , nominal. No 2 cash , 30c , Sep temberW.c . , December , 28 5-&ft2sV asked : Aluv. 30o asked OATS-Steady to a fraction off for fu lures , hpot , steadNo 2 cash , 22'ic ' bid- track , 2-i'be : September. 22V4 < J. December , 22e ! , May. 21c. No 2 white , 23' c IM E Strong and higher at 4 IS'/.c. SEEDS FlUNsecd , steady at & 7'c. ' . "Prime timothy sec'd. Hrmer at $2 10. WIUSKY-Steudj at $123 CORNMEAL Quiet at Jl.53511.60. HUAN Strong , sacked , eaht track , 4Sfp 49cHAY HAY Kirm ; timothy , J6.50BS.25 ; prairie , $5 73511 ! 2" . POULTRY Dull and lower ; chicken' ) , spring , 7HTi8c. old , 7c , ducks , 5"-ibe ) ; Bt to. STin'Ac ; turki-js. 9j 9Hc HL'TTER Unchangc-d , creamery , l fi .2c ; dulrj. lJ'il7'-.c EGGS rinner lit 12' ' c. COTTONTIPS-TOc HAHCIN(3-2 7-SLi ( ! 7-Sc METALS-Lead dull at $3 S3J3.S7',4. ' Spel- tel , steady at $4 CJ'A PROVISIONS-Pork , weak and lower ; standard mess , Jobbing , J1 ! 12 > 4 Lird , lower , prime steam , * l.l > 7M. . choice , $4.72' . Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , $1.73 , e\- tra short cluir , J5.50 , ribs , $5.i2lz. ( shorts , J5 75 Itacon , bo\c > d shoulders , $3 DO , extra short dear. $ G 00 , ribs J 12'i , shorts , $ il 37W. RECEIPTS Hour , J.OOO Kbls , wheat , St- 000 bu , corn , 2S.OOO bu , oats , 2S.OOO bu SHIPMENTS Hour. 9,000 bbls , wheat , 5.WW bu , corn , 22,000 bu , oats , 9,000 bu. Iliiltliuuri * Miirki'l. HALTIMOHE. Sept 23 I'LOUR Dull I and unchanged , receipts , Jfi,113 bbls , ex ports , 1 JSO bbls. westirn superllno , $2 25'U' ' 2 50 , western extia , $ J u3'n3 00 , wlntc-r pat ents , $1 7Dii3 9" ) , srlng ] ) patents , $1.231(4.10 ( , Ulo f xtra. $ ! U > ft3.90 WIIEA'i Las > , spot and month , 72iff 72 1-Sc , October , 715(71 ( E-Sci steamer No 2 lid , Ci'4Tini ( ( 7-Sc , receipts , 51.77G bu , ex ports , 11 9SS bu , southern whe.it , by .sam ple , 6773c , southern wheat , on grade , uvj' ' 72'sc ' CORN Easy ; spot and month , 13 7- © 3lc , rccelts | , 171.2M bu , exports , 123S57 bu , southern white corn , JSftSG'ic , southern jcl- low , 3G 37e OATS Firmer. No 2 white , western , 2Sc bid. receipts , 14,763 bu i RYE-Easler , No 2 western , 52'4c ; re- colpts , 4 G5 bu , exports , 1J.S37 bu llUTTER-Steady and unchanged. IJGOS-KIrm and unchanged CHEESE Steady and unchanged. Cincinnati Mnrkrt. CINCINNATI. Sept 2S-FLOUU-Dull ; fanc$3005i3.20. . family , $ _ ' .G7Li2 ( SO WHEAT Easier. No 2 red. u9f(70c. ( COHN Steady : No 2 mixed. 31c OATS rinn. No 2 mixed , Wt > [ i ° lii.c. RYE-QuiPt. No. 2 , 4bc PROVISIONS Lard , easier at SI.62U ; bulk meatJ , Hrm at J3.37'i ' , bacon , steady at VlIISKY-atcady at $1.23. IJU'ITER Qulot , fancy Elgin creamery , 2 , ' ( . Ohio. 14' 17c ; dairy. HHc SUOAR Steady , hard refined , $1531(610 ( EG(3S-Weaker at IJe. CHEESE-Finn , good to prlmo Ohio flat. . IN A % In-lit Itiirkoc. MINNEAPOLIS , Sept. 28. WHEAT ( Steady. September , CS c , December , CO 5-Sc ; I May , Cl 4&C17-Sc. ( Nc 1 hard. C5 > , c. No. 1 I northern. t > ( ic ; No . ' northern. t > i\c TLOUH Plrst natfiits. $ J.93fi4.05. second atuntu $1 15fi,1.85. second clears , $2.7032.SO. URAN-In bulk , $7 75iiJS.OO. Lltrriiool ( iriiln Murl.i-t. ' LIVERPOOL. Sept. 28-WHEAT-Qulet. unchanged tojSd lower. Seplember , ts Id , December Gs Cd March , 5s Cd CORN Quiet , unchanged to 3-id lower ; September , 33R-Sd ; October , 3s 31-Sd , DC- cember , 3.S 4 3-Sd lllMiniik < > t > ( J nil il Mnrkct. .MILWAUKEE. Sept. 23-WHEAT- ] riimer. No 1 northern , f7' c , No 2 northern - ern Goc HYE-1 Uglier. No 1. 4Sc Dilliith AMiritt Market. DrLUTH , Sept. 2s-WHEAT-NO , i northern , cash. b7c , September , b7 1-Sc. De cember. 015-Sc , May , 63 5-Sc Sun PriiiioiNoo M'lu-iit JInrkcl. SAN I-HANCISCO , Sept 2S WHEAT * " 2' ' "S UARLEY-None ; > Tori , llrv ( iooilH AlnrKot , NEW YORK. Sept 2SThe week In dry goods shows little'gain from flay to day. The bujlntr contingent Is small and mall orders are not above ? a normal amount. Holers ,11 the market while slrlvlng to maintain prlc cs unbroken , are anxious to make sales and leave no stons unturned In Interesting bujers They meet with no great success In woolen goods the mar ket shows signs of Improvement In sta ple cottons continued qul = t conditions pre- \all llle.iched goods for domestic use nro still Inactlvo Prlies nro flrm in most lines , but inquiry Is , as heretofore , llm- Itcd to passing needs Export common shows no change In nn > grade Print cloths are very quiet The end of the cur tailment has thrown the stock damper Intn place again and sellers luivn lost all the snap and vim which have been noted re- * < iirt It * contly Ull MlirUi't. SAVANNAH. Ga. . Sept. 28. OIL Tur pentine , llrm at 27a ( JiJSc. Hosln , llrm : quote A . II. C. 1) , 90c , K. , 9 o , K , Jl C6 ; O. $120. IL. L. $1.30.'K. . M. . II 35Ql.io , N. , $1 GO. W . G $1 SO. W , W . $2 15. WILMINGTON , N , C. , Sept. 23.-OIL - I Turpentine , flrm nt 2W2Vi.1r ? Rosin , tinr changed , crude ttirii'nllne , steady ut $1 lOtf 1.00 Tar , llrm at $1 20 STOllvM > Ilrnrs P.fTc-ct n lire-alt In 'I'liburi-o and SIIKHP lnrliin tb < - DIM , NEW YORK , Sept 2S-lnllences affectj Ing Individual properties furnished the moI llvo for today's Irregular prlco movement. , The bears , flushed with their recent sue-j cesses , attempted to make It Interesting for their opponents nt the outset and effected n break In Tobacco uncl Sugar. Iho latter went down on the announcement of n reduction in grades of the product , but heavy supporting orders turn d the1 current und foreed heavy covering Subsequent fluctuations were very eirntlc In H > mpathy with thn changes elsewhere , but the stock n'bound-d strong ! } and ended at the top. 'Jho futile efforts of the chorts to Intlli t damage on thu railway list caused the traders to rungo on the long side- for u turn und bullish sentiment became more marked Absorption of the standard divi dend stocks has been In progress lutely by Interests capable of holding them until the geneiul situation became eleur und outside confidence returned Consequently after the apparent diminution In the flowIng - Ing supply of stock came u mo- mentnry scramble und values Im proved sharply in many directions. Later developments seemed to favor a belief that the bears were "plavlng pos sum" and conte-nt to wait until tbo market reached u higher level in order to make the losses more aeutc. Dullness followed tbo rlso and little of Interest developed until Into In the session , when Tobacco was MIN- ( igely attuckud Tobacco , which reached u level fractionally above last night , slumpud 7 points to 127V4 nnd the market for Rubber and some other stocks was cut nwa > The i demoralization In Tobicco forced holde-rs lo sacrifice their Interests elsewhere In or 1 der to meet the urgent demands by com mission houses for additional margins Hej j 1 ports regarding the nature of the forth coming Ilurllngton statement added to the break and largo blocks were let go with resultant losses The success of tbo bear , party In causing the current demoraliza tion In Sugar and Tobacco aroused consld. eruble nervousness and uncertainty among security holders The steadiness of tin monej market during the flurry nnd the i statement that the government would nn- tlclputc the Interest on the bonds fulled to cheek the selling movement Final deal ings were very feverish , but last prices ruled about the lowest , with the declines exceeding 1 point , mainly In the industrials. Speculation in rullwaj mortgages was at tended with Increased animation and lower prices Atchlson adjustments were thrown on the market In large volume and closed with a net loss of ! ' < per ce-nt Total sales , $ . ' , bCO,000 Government bonds moved Independtnly of. tbo other markets nnd showed considerable ) llrmnesq , the old 4s rising ' 4. The Evening Post's London financial caI blegiam sajs The stock miirket hare was quiet but ilrmcr today , tbo chief feature being the strength of Argentines nnd of Uruzlls Knlllrs closed strong on u renewal of Trench support. Americans opened dull , but the buvlng of Northern Pacific for Ger ! many Imparted a better tone Inter und thn I close wns hteudy. Moncj was eas > today I and moic than i2,000COO was borrowed dur ing the day. 'inn following are the closlnc quotations I or the leadlnc stocks on the Nevr York , a-'t pd " 3rd asj't pd "Offered Totnl siles of Btoc-ks tocln > - u.-ro 41070) ) slmrcs iiKliKtlne : Ate bKon preferred , 23- Ki5 , Metropolitan Stiect Ilnllw.iv , f 12s. Northern Piulflc preferred , n SSO , St Pinl , 12"71 ! , Union Pnrlllc , 9 , iOO , I'nlon P.telllc- lire ferrod , 1210 , American Cotton Oil , 12" , American Tobacco ISi.S'n , Chlo ice Oreat . Western , 10.1CO , People's Gas , 12,260 , United States Leather preferred , 2,270 : N MV " \ rU llono > Market. NEW YORK , Sept 28 MONEY ON CALIr Nominally. "HIT I per cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4J5 ( per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE rirmlth ac tual businesw in bankers' bills at $ IS4H for demand nnd $4 81i fcr sl\ty dajs ; posted rates , $1 S2iiJI S2 > ,3 and ? ) S5 ; commercial bills. $1 SO'iiT4Sl ) SILVER CERTIFICATES Cl5J62c. HAII SILVER ClVtc MEXICAN DOLLARS 47 c. GOVERNMENT BONDS Irregular ; 3s , 105'i ! new 4s , reg nnd eoupon , 127 ; 4s , res , 110 , coupon , 111 ? * : 2s , 99 , fin. reg. , 112'4 ; co\ipon , 112 , Pacllle Cs of ' 99 , 102'/2 Cloilne quotations on bonds werj as fol- lo\\'s : Itcntoii Rtnclc QiintntlniiM. BOSTON , Sept 23-Call loans , 2V fr4 per cent ; time loans. J"'j5 | | per cent Closing quotations on Btocku , bonds and minlrr shares : A . T & s r O t : pfil ( ne-w ) . . Atchlfon pfd Amer Sugar , . II1) ) 2s0 ilo jifa , : Iloston & . J lla > .state Gas . . lloaton A. Maine . . .l l i : ill C , It & Q . 113' Uchlnon ts 93 ntchliurit . . .10s | Ot-n Klec SB . . 10G4 Oen Ulectrl'3 ( ne ) 75 tt'li Central 6a - IlllnoH SteI . Ut Ulouez Mln'nsr Co , Mexican Ontral 6\ Atlantic N V i N U pfd. " S Ilo ton & Mont . . , < > ld Colonj 191 llutte & . Dostcm On- Short Line . . 3 Calumet S. Hecli i Itubbrr . . 41 fVntennlal Union Pacific . . 32Vj 'rnnkl n 11 , \ \ est Knd S..ij niii Dominion do 11 fd Wi Oareola i \\estlntrh Klec JHj Qulay 117 do | lfd W 171 Wlwotwln C ntril . ' Uen Klectrlc ( old ) 47'j I'urrott do pfd . 101 llumbolilt HOKlcm L 6J'4 1'orelurn I'luanc-liil. IliniMN. Sept 2S-On tbo bourse hero today prices we'o tlrm International He- curltles were mnlntnlned and Americans und Canadian 1'uclflcn were easier in re sponse to the New York market i\chango i on London , 20m 41 > tpfc for checks LONDON Sept 28 The amount of bullion - lion withdrawn from the Hank of Kngland on balance today was 20,000 This gold is for shipment to New York American securities opined dull uncl lower and later reacted and dtirlnir the rtst nf the clay wcro ilitlet ( ; , with a hardening tend my , the clos- liiK tone wn cte-ady Unr silver In good demand at 2.8 S-M per ounce , sellers we-urce Hur gold. 77n lll d ; Ainerlciin e.-iKltp , 7C iSil Uold Is cjuoted nt lluenos Ajres at 15i 70 1'AIIIS , Sept " > S On the bourse hero to day price * opened undei Idc-d , but later a more cheerful tone prevailed The np- proat-h I nf the settlement caused large re ,1 purchase * Tlu > imirket clo'cd llrm Uru- zlllan Hccurltl't were the featureof the ilni. s transactions and they rose substan tially i on the Improvement In the rate of exi liiinge Itlo 'llntos niUnneod sharply on dividend J rumors Uelleir * mines shares , werc > beubut subsequently Improved. Tinoo per cent lentos , 102f 62'tcfor the ac count , cxehaiigo on London , 25f 3c for checks. PrnnHico Mining ( Imitation * . SAN rilANCISCO , Sept. 2STho olllclal cloning quotations for mining stoeks today wcru as followa. Alitia Con Justice . . . , . 11 Kentucky Con . S lli-lclicr 17 Mexican 2.1 He t , \ , llelchcr 1 Ocvlilentnl Con . M ) llulllim 1 Oihlr | f > inennan . . . . G CliallcnKo Con . . . . 19 il'oto- > l 17 ehillnr IS Savnici 14 donflilenoej . , , . . . . 5.1 Scorpion . . . . 4 Con Cnlu. nnd Va. . S4 Sierra Nevada SI Con Impc-rlnl 1 Union Con " ' C'on New York. . . . 3 L'nh ( Con . 7 e'rtmn 1'olnt . . .11 Yellow Jacket , 23 Mould & Currlc . 23 MatultirJ ICO Jul < i I Silver bars , COC-Sc ; Mexican dollars , 47'i ' ® 47 > ic. Drafts , night , 17'sc , telegraph , 20c. No\v York Mliilfin : Qnolntloim. NUW YOUK , Sent. 2S. The follow Ing nro the closing quotations on mining stocks : Chollar . . i : > Ontario 30) e'lcran Point 13 Ophlr 45 Con Cal & Va . . 71 I'lj mouth . . 12 31 Quicksilver . . 15" Onulil .t Curry 20 < lo pM . 375 Halo A. Norcross 78 S crriv Ncv aJa . 77 'Standard ' IM Iron Hllver . . . . I/O ll'nlon Con . . . Mexican IS l\ellow Jacket " 0 Iondeia Sleek ( lue.tnf Ion * . LONDON , Sept 25 4 p. m Closing ; Consols , monej Y rrntr.il . . 120U HOCt. . 10J 13 1 > inin > l\anla . I'nn 1'afllle Ilrlo . . . . . 13' , f r. pfa . ( lo 1st pfil . . 3fS Vtolil'on . 127W Illlnos Central 113 lj f. N . V ? Nor 1'ac pfd 74 iiund Trunk . 7'i ' Kt 1'iul . ' eommon 11.'a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HAH SILVER-Steady at 23 7-lCd per ounce. ti ( MONEY 2 < S per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills. 2 4 per eent , for three months' bills , 2 1 per cent. I i OMAHA , Sept 23 Clearances today are $1 035.SX1 54 , bilunecs , $ t > 0,2ll 06 ; clearances lust > ear were $31G,20S32 , balances , $5 90722 , I'xeebS In e-learlngs , $ I3JU7G22 CINCINNATI , Sept 2S-Money , 2'/I6 per cent. New York exchanges 25c premium ; clc-urlncs , $1S"3 dOO NEU ORLEANS , Sept. -Clearings , $917,187 , New York exchange , bank , 50c pre mium , commercial , $1 2o per $1,000 discount. ST LOUIS Sept 28. Clearings , $4,511 ( J , balances , $302,5)3 ) , money , 4'y7 per cent , New York exchange , 30o discount bid , 15c dls- eount tisked. CHICAGO. Sept. 23-Clearings , $17.017.- 401 , bilance's , $2,1S7SS3. New York exchange , lOo discount , posted rates , $ l.h2's'ii ' I SI. Stocks were lower. Alley L , 75 , Hlsctilt , common. 32 3-S. Hlscult preferred , 91'iDia ; mend Match , 139 , Luke Street , 13 , North Chicago , 220 , Straw board , 31 ; West Chi eago , 93. Cltv Hnilwii } , 290 PHILADELPHIA , Sept -Clearings , $1,207,401 , balances , $2,007,532 HALTIMORE , Sept 2S-Clearings , , $2- 23S2S1 , balances. $352.413. NEW YOHK. Sept 23-Clearings , $131- 829 013. balances , $0,104,343. HOSTON. Sept. 2S-Clearings , $10,018,450 balances , $1,415,577 NEW YOHK , Sept 2.S Silver moved up- waid todn > on u good demand , which cn- dliuirlly it this season Is partlculuily brisk for commercial purposes Certificates al tl r exchange rose to ( > 1 5-S. London was at active bidder , the purchases being dcstlnec. for the bllver-using eounttles , prlnelpall } India. AVool . lurki-t. LONDON , Sept 28 At the wool auction sales today 14,100 bales were offered There wus a keen demand earlv in the session but Inter It t.lack ned. Prices , however were firmly maintained Merinos and fine crossbreds were In demand. Good selcc tlons of New South Wales und Queenslanc sold freely. Conoe Mnrkrt. YORK. Sept 2S-COFrKn-Op tlons closed Htendy , unchanged to 5 points lower , sale" , 21 OOl ) bags. Including Sdptem ber , $3.25 ; October , $3.33 ; November , $5 45 December , $1 SO. Spot coffee , Ulo firm. No 7. Invoice. $0.25 ; No. 7 , Jobbing , $ B.75. Mild veiy stead ) ; Cordovn , $3.00515.00. California Dilccl Friillx. NEW YOHK. Sept. 28-CALIKOHNIA DninD ntUlT-Steady , evuporated ap l > les , common , ftiiiic per Ib , prime wire trav , Vie , cholec- , 9efaney , 9Hc , prunes I'uSiVji , uprkots , llo > al , IKaltc , Moor Putk UTdCc , pcaehes , unpeelcd , 7Sj9c , peeled , l illoc eotl.ui > lirl. < ' ( . LIVHHPOOL , Sept -COTTON-Spot Inn eased demnnd. prices flrm , Amerlcai middling , 3 1-Sd The sales of the clay were l.'OOO bales , of which 1,000 were for spe-eil litlon nnd export and Included 11,300 Amer lean ; reeeipts , 11 200 bales , all American I'uHires opened steady with a fair demanc nnd closed steady ; American middling , L M C , September , 1 l-G4fi3 2-Old , buvers September und October , 3d , bikers , Octo ber nnd November , 2 C.1-t4d , selleis , No v ember und December , 2 C2-GlIj2 C3-tld , sellers lors , Deccmbor and January , 2 CJ-W 2 Cl-04d. sellers ; Jnnuury and Tcbruary 2 f2-i,4'ij2 ' CJ-CId , buvers , l > bruary unt " 'lircli , 2 fi2-04W2 fi3-tld , March and April 3U * ! l-i4d. ( buji'rs. April nnd M.IV , 3 1-,4f ( , 3 2-fi4d , value. May and June , 3tlfil 3-C4d vellen > , Juno and July , 3 3-G45J3 4-tld , sel leisNEW NEW OHLEANS. Sept. 2S COTTON futures linn , September , $ J 81 ; October 14 M. November , JnUilOJ , December , $49 ( H499 , Jnnnarv. $1iMr ) U4 , Kebruurv , $107 BO ) , Manh , $3115(3 ( II , April , $517Sj519 ; May. J321O121 Spot tlrm , sales , 4,100 bales ; ordln iry , 3 7-1bc , good ordinary , 4 1-Sc ; low middling , 4' ' .c , middlliif ? , 4 7-bo ; good middling. 5 J-ltc , Middling fair , 5 3-Sc ; reecipts , 9,110 bales , stock , llb.JJtf bales. NEW ORLEANS. Sept -SUGAR-No open kettle ; centrifugal fatronj ; , seconds , 2'ifi 1 3-lfc MOLASSES Easv ; centrifugal. 4Rllr. NEW YOHK , Sept. 28 SUGAH-Huw , dull nnd nominal ; lower to sell , fair re- llnlng , 3 4c : centrifugal , M tcFt , 4 5-lfc ; mould A , 53-8c ; standard A. BUc , confec tioners' A , 6'ie ' , eut loaf , B13-10C. crui-he-d. C13-lic ( : powdered. 5 5-Sc ; granulated , 53-8c ; cubes , G5-Sc KIIIIHIIK Cllj IU < - Slock. KANSAS CITY , Sept. -CATTLE Ro- celpts , 12.J90 natlvis , 3,270 Texnns , Inrgo supply , mostly range stnek , market active ; all desliable slaughtering nnd feeding eat tle stead > , trashy stock 5r to 10c Iowjr ; rholco heavy steers $525f(5t,1 , medium , $490 ti52.1. lights $43of/123 stockers and feed ers , $150rj500. butchers' eows and heifers , $2SOJ4t > 3 , western steers , $175 175 : Texas steers , $100'iTI25 ' ; Texns butcher cows , $275 ( Tfl'tO , canning stock $ J2.if 275 HOGS Receipts , 11,220 head The sharp decline In provisions caused hogs to sell MilOo lower , heavies , Jl CU3 70 , mixed , $353 | U > . llchts. $5501i3S2'i SHEEP Receipts , 4.4UO head , excellent i demand , all desirable Hocks quickly nb- sorbed nt llrm prices ; nntlve muttons , $ . ! 90 (84 30 , range feeding lambs , $4 25f4 50 , range feeding sheep , $390 < S400. atock ewes , $3 238 > SCO. _ _ Cliic-liniall LUt * Stork. CINCINNATI. O , Sept. -HOGS- - Steaclv ttt $1 OOT(4 ( 00. CATTLE-Steudy ut $2 4i174 50. SHEEP Stendv at $2.00'ff4.C'0 ' ' ; lambs , quiet at $3 2355 JO. iN CIO ( irnlii and Prot iNlonx. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 28 WHEAT Lower , No. 1 hard. CCc , No 2 , ( iKff63 > Xjc ; No 3 , CO&C3'/4c , No 2 red , C7c ; No. 3 , 63'/ < . ( jJCCc ; No. 2 spring , 62ffG3c ( ; No 3 , G8i60c CORN Slow , No. 2 mixed , 27 > , ic ; No. 2 white , 27c , No 3 , 2GHc. OATS Slow. No 2 white , 24'iC. RYE No 2. COJT51C HAY Weak , choice timothy. $7.00 7.25 ; choice prnlrle , $6 2506 SO. I1UTTEK I'lrm. separator , 18V4@20c , dairy , IGc nnn < s rirm- fresh 12c RECEIPTS Wheat 103,000 bu ; corn , 21- 40(1 ( bu . oats 7 000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 157,200 bu ; corn , 11,300 bu , oats , 5COO bu. ( Jrnln lltH'fliitH nl I'rliifliuil CHICAGO , Sept. 28 Receipts today : Wheat. 241 cars ; corn. 549 cars , oats. 264 cars Estimated cars for tomorrow : Wheat , 241. corn , 730 , oats , SCO. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 28. Receipts : Wheat. 478 cars ST LOUIS , Sept. 28 Receipts : Wheat , 69 cars ni'LUTH. Sept 28 Receipts- Wheat , 519 care Receipts at primary markets Wheat , 1,360,510 bu . corn , 820,041 bu . oats , 36.076 bu. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET jlboral Hun of Oattlo and Hogs at Local Yards Continues. GOOD CATTLE RULE JUST ABOUT STEADY Inclined In Dlsc'rlnilnntr In .Milk I UK Mc-lc-i-tloiiN HoK" I.o er Lnder rnllliiK Plot Ulonn , but Co Ofl Itiuililly. i SOUTH OMAHA , Sept 28 Receipts today 7.5JS S.'JIl 4511 Otllclal Monday 2SS > < 4,450 Otllclal Tuesday 10,117 4lu5 Three da > s this week . . 20,71 22,218 13,371 Sumo days lust week 14b4S loM > 17.1JO Same da > s week before 12.I7J UJi)7 2J 20J Average prlcu paid for hogs for the last sevciul dais with Lomparlsons : Sept. l . . .1 01 , i 9 | i 77 5 21 4 < U Sept 2 . . J i > 9 | 4 07 2 SI 4 31 ' , o Si. 5 01 Sept. J. . . . Sffi 4 071 2 ! > 1 4 31) ) B 25) ) Sept 4. . . . 4 04 , 2 il 4 21 S 61 | B Jlj Sept. B. . . . 3 621 2 761 4 13 , 6 65 | B 441 5 17 Sept. b . , 3 t > 3 405 r 4 20 & 01 | 6 45 B OS " ' ' ' 3 63 4 1)2 ) 2 4 22 5 57 | u Wi b 00 Sept" S. . . . 3 60 4 00 2 SI * I 5 5S | 5 54 | B 11 bupt. 9 . . . 3 ( i7l 3 91 h 2 SI 4 21i * I & (67 B IS Sept. 10 . . 3 bS | 3 83 J 2 Sbj 4 1)6 ) 5 6 ; ( B 24 Sept. 11. . , 3 S4 | 2 SS 4 09 5 S2 | 568 Sopt. 12 . 3 77 | * I 2 791 4 ( X , D SOI 5 12 B 20 Sept. 13. . . 3791 3821 | 4 W ) .5 73 | 5 7B 5 12' ' Kept. 14. . . 3 M | 3 S9 2 69 | 4 OD | C 72 | S 78 ! 5 03 kept. IB. .1 12 I Si , 2 701 3 to f , 07 Sept IS. . 3 CS , 3 84 | 2 73 | 4 12 [ : .i B MI G IS Sept. 17. . . 3 68 3 8b , 2 65i 4 OJ B 6' , 6 20 Sept. 18. . . 3 91 ] 2 71 4 04 , 5 01 | 5 90 | hept l'j . . 3 74 * I 2 81 4 ai | 6 ld | U &l | 525 Sept 20. . . 3 71 4 01 4 02 B 41 , 6 OS , 5 17 Sept 21. . . J 71 I Oil 2 83 3 9b | D 3J | G 13 | 5 18 Sept 22 . . 3 73 3 Sb 2 M ' 8 20. b t | 5 36 .Sept. JJ. . . 3 77 3 76) ) 2 83 4 C0 | * I b 241 5 21 Sept. 24 . 3 77 3 8S | 2 M 3 83 | 5 36 B 16 Sept 23 * 3 821 2 90 .1 82 5 4U G 31 , Sept. i , . . 3 71 * I 2 S9 3 84 , 5 37 b 111 n 17 Sept 27 .1 7J 3 78 | .1 bS 5 20 b 26 | 6 18 Sept 2S. 3 G4 J 83 | 3 9 | 3 J2a \ 17 | C 071 C 13 Indicates Sunday The official number of cars of stock biought In today by each road was : Cattle 1 loirs Sheep. C , M ,1 St. P Ry 2 O \ . St. L Ry 1 Missouri Pacllle Rj 39 7 Union Pacific Sjstem 1.7 IS 18 C' A. N. W. R > 1 T , E & M. V 11. R CS J3 S C A : P. R > 1 C , St P. M A : O Ry I 11 U. A M R R R 41 41. C , H & Q Ry J 7 C , R 1. < t P. Rj , cast. . . . i 5 C , R. I. & P. Ry , west. . . . 9 2 Total receipts 2 J2 137 IS The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each bujcr purchasing the num ber of head Indicated' Uujers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha , Packing Co 21 two . . . U. 11. Hammond Co . . . . 2 l.lbb . , . . Swift nnd Compans MX ) 2,21.1 219 Cudahy Packing Co 1,11 ! 2,001 ! 2,6Jf Armour iv Co 604 2,6SO R Uecker Degnn 137 Vansunt & - Co 44 J. L Carey 127 Lobman & . Co J30 W. 1. Stephens b7 Ilenton te Underwood. . . IS" Huston i - Co uo Hill Ac Huntzlnger I7J LUinsston Ac bchaler. . . 147 Hamilton & . Itothschllds 2u2 Nels Morris U'j Cudahj , Kansas City. . . 1,101 Other bujers l.uoj i-jja Loft 0\cT 1,250 . . . . 1,900 Totals 7,794 8 930 KsliJ CATLLE Tbo receipts of cattle were again largo today und after deducting the two trains that were consigned direct to packers there was still a big showing of cattle on sale. The market as a whole was In prettj- fair shape considering the large run for the two dajs and the big bulk sold lu reasonably good season. There were In the neighborhood of twenty to twenty-live cars of corn-fed steers and the demand for the good kinds was quite active , so that the market \sas not materi ally changed. In some cases sellers were calling It easier , but as a rule they Tvcre the holders of cattle that were undesirable. Some heavy corn-feds sold at { 3.30. Good grass westerns such as the packers could use were Just about steady with > esterTJay and quite icady sellers If really desirable. The feeder market was lower , especially the common and medium Kinds and for the two dajs It would bo safe to say that there has been a loss In values of 10 < fiir > e nuy- crs seemed to feel that there were plenty of cattle for all comers , and they were in clined to beery disci Imlnatlng and to bear down hard upon anything that the > did not especially want. Heprebentatl\o sulis. STEERS' No. Av. Pr No Ai Pr No Av Pr 11 110) $3 40 14 107(1 ( $4 Ii3 20 121.9 J5 15 Jl 11 i'J 1 10 18 H10 5 0' 11 1015 5 20 1 IftiO 4 60 20 1270 1 10 COWS 2 905 2 Sbrt 2 bl 10J. 110.1 SIO 2 15 111.1 2 75 J. 121U .750 2 23 910 2 SI 102S I ! 50 900 2 40 1WW 1 00 951 T ro 1000 2 50 115(1 ( 1 00 1010 . 970 2 50 1U9S . ! 05 3 71 . G30 2 50 1130 1 HI .1290 3 71 .SCO 2 50 95' ' . 3 15 1180 3 90 0 39S 2 73 1 . ' )10 ) t Ul 2 . 780 3 Co STEEHS AND HEH'EHS. 14 .990 1 & 0 HULLS 1 1CIO 285 1 1230 50 L. SSO .150 16. . 297 4 75 2 'lOo .l'00 1 . 300 D 00 STOC'KEKR AN'I ) 3 2 . 760 4 00 21. 1009 4 10 910 3 70 2 . 773 4 00 22 1097 4 15 CJO 3 fcO K > 1011 I 03 110 1190 4 30 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. No. Av Pr No Av Pr 2 COWS 1010 $1 10 1 steer . . 1)10 ) $1 73 1 cow . . ire 2 21 20 feeders (07 ( 4 20 2 cows . 915 2 00 II feeders. U1S 4 25 1 cow 1120 2 0) 2 feeders. fSO 171) 1 eow . . . 790 ; : 2 > 710 3 00 1 e-jv. 800 3 11 29 feeders 993 1 30 1 eow 1000 2 fieclers MO 4 00 .1 cow s 1020 3 15 10 feeders S7S 3 73 7 heifers 91S 1 10 1 feeder 12,10 3 75 2 cows. . . . . 9S3 2 CO 1 feedei , SI ) 3 7' > 1 eow 1110 2 90 2 feeders . 910 3 75 3 cows . USD 2 90 " feeders f'91 3 90 G cows 11SO ! 20 C heifers S1G 3 30 4 cows . 10C2 .1 11 3 bulls . 1011 3 25 1 bull . . 12bO 2 50 1 bull 1240 111,0 3 33 11 str Jig. b4 ! 1 10 3 fe-ed-rs. 991 3 HO 2 fctr 800 3 W 1 helfei. . . 3 0) ) 2 bti > lg 400 5 23 1 steer. . . , SJO .1 00 1 bull . 2 23 2 cows . 910 2 00 1 cow . . . 870 2 50 1 cow . . 1000 2 00 2 cows . . . 910 2 cows . 1400 3 81 31 feeders . 922 4 00 1 cow S30 2 CO 14 fecde-rs . 7,7 ( 4 21 5 cows . ' 3 15 1 bull . . 1290 2 bO 1 bulls. . . 'l440 2 no 3 cows . .nm ; 2 bO 1 cow . & 70 2 SO 1 helfor. . bfw 3 25 4 heifers. 793 3 bO 1 cow. . . .1150 3 00 2 cows . 1100 2 75 2 heifers . 503 a 53 11 feeders. CS1 I 00 7 str Tex. 90S 3 25 BO f-edeis 3 75 75 tcedcrs .10.18 3 70 21 feeders CIO 3 63 7 eows. . . 974 2 75 20 feeders 97. ! 4 00 4 cows . . . .10G7 3 10 1 feeder . 820 3 00 11 cows . . .1066 2 M ) 1 steer. . . . 12CO 3 00 C 11. I feeders. . 6.15 J JO ( 34 feeders. . GIO 3 75 1 bull . . .11SO 32.1 Ifecdir . 4JO 350 1 feede-r 770 J 23 C9 feeders .795 4 03 J feeders. . 746 3 71 WYOMING E H. Sehoonmaker. IS cows. . , . P90 J 03 57 feeders 1121 .1 91 1 cow . . 1000 305 19 feeders..1150 400 IVel & rriend. 11 cows . .10S6 3 00 L-7 feeders . Sll 3 71 1 eow . 10T.O ,150 101 feeders , llo'i ' 390 4G cows . \M2 \ \ U ) 1 feeder. 1&90 3 90 1 cow. . . 970 3 CO 157 feeders..1170 4 10 1 eow. . . .WO 1 tO Prank Campbell . . , . . 20 . . .111S 3 70 JT * cows. 47 steels. . . 11S1 4 23 1 steer. 10CO 4 00 Charles Coffee. 2 cows .1005 2 80 5 steers. 1292 4 15 1 cow. . 810 2 80 17 steers. 121. ! 4 15 11 cows . MO 2 80 41 ste-ers 1190 4 15 61 cows Dll 1 13 4 bullii. . , 1275 4 80 199 steers. .1156 4 W s i : Reel. 47 steers. . .1146 3 I .1146A A \V Smith. 1 steer . 1120 a M 9 hteer ? . . . .1133 410 COLORADO 7 cowi. . . .1001 370 1 cow . 1110 365 1 bull . . . 1500 273 14 feeders. 1025 4 m 1 bull . . . 1410 275 9 feeders . 974 405 2 cows . .101,0 110 7 steers- 111,4 410 32 feeders nil 330 23 feeders Oil 415 tVl feeders . 759 3 50 IS steers 1 07 4 23 M ) f. eders 1CKH 3 W ) 38 stcert 12IS 425 Jcows .1W1 353 2 > 6teirs 117' ! 410 Icow. . . 1170 353 23 steers .12J2 4 JO SOUTH DAKOTA. J II. l.Pil'h 20 cows 93S 2 CO 5 cows 10S2 320 1 cow , .1120 2 CO 1 ox . .1170 3 40 1 cow. . WO 2 W Reddlck. Wood & Hull Scows . .970 270 16 cows IW2 320 10) steers , Arizona 1145 3 M ) HOGS Large receipts of hogs and yellow fever reports cauneil a weak and lower pro vision market yesterday This morning largo receipts of hogs at nil market points end yesterday's decllno in provisions tavo the ! market on live hogs n downward turn , A still further cniife for wenktum wan the feeling among local bttvcrs that they have bctn paving pmty ntlff prices as compared with other market * . All these Influences combined caused the market hero to open close to lOc lower than jestcrday The bids wcro generally $3 $ 60 3 05 , nn ngnlniit $3 70 03 75 jcslerday Kven at those prices buy crs did not appear In any hurry to till orders and the market at the opening was slow | tthen the trade wns once under way the movement was falrlv acllvi > and the alleys wcro soon tilled with hogs going toward the scales , so that the big bulk of all the hogs we're sold In good season In upltp of the market being lower Heavy rough hogs cold largely nt $ J 60 good heavy mixed packing hogs largely at $3 62 , light und medium weight mixed loads at $3 G1 and good light leads $3 70 A choice' light load as good as a sort brought $375. It will bo noted from the table of average prices at head of column that the average price paid for the hogs loday was the low est since the second v cck of the month , when It fell below $3 GO Another notlco- nblo feature todav was the fact that the ro- colpts wcro the' largest for a Wednesday this month Reptescntallvn sales- No Av Sh Pr No Av Sh Pr. OSJI3 200 $1 bO M .US . . $1 CO BO 3S1 . 1 Ml bO 301 80 3 bO 43 319 . 3 bO 71 257 40 3 GO 110 . 2SO 50 3 CO 6 * . 30S 160 3 CO 79 26S 3 CO 6.1 291 80 3 CO 74 2S.I 240 3 CO 61 . . . 112 . . 3 00 45 117 80 3 00 CS . . 2Mt . . 3 f2'4 ' CO 27G 120 3 62U 69. . . 301 40 3 C2ty CO 304 200 3 G2U 64 . . . . 2S5 80 .1 fl24 51 , . 265 . . 1 C2l { M . . .161 Ibi ) 3 024 59. 3IG SO .1 62'C2. . . . .27B 120 3 12U 14 2t2 80 3C2i tfl . . 2.16 SO 3 G2 < 4 70 . 20.X SO 3 f2 < 4 C1 . . 317 SO 3 C2 < ? G4 . 2Sn 160 3 b2t < i GS . . . . 2f.9 . . 3 B2'4 G4 204 40 3 62'i ' ' 4 ( ! . 112 . 3 62j } CS . 281 200 3 62'4 54 322 200 3 62'8 Bfi . 113 160 , t 62'i ' 82 . .247 80 3 C2 < 4 6.1 264 SO 3 ti2'4 61. . . .243 . 3 02V4 G 2C8 40 1 62H , 60 . . . . 2Vt 40 3 02' * del . . 2SG 120 3 62 ft " ! 2s 2W S t'-'S CG 22 > 120 3 C2K , Gl . . . .20.1 120 3 C2Vi 2fi . 1S1 . . 3 C2(5 ( 29 . 32S . 3 C2 s 5G. . 312 SO 302V. 71 . . 2iO 160 1 b2-j } C4 271 80 3 f2'i 20 . . . .3.11 . 1 02& 46 129 80 3 C2' ' < . 6S . 25 ICO 3 62'j 67 . . 211 80 .163 6.1 . . . .23S . . 3 G5 bO 2(0 ( SO . ! l > 3 60 . .12 SO 3 65 fO .299 403 OS CO . . .301 . 3 f.1 5G .281 40 363 GL. . . 264 80 365 70 26S 40 1 05 74 . . .271 . . . .1 65 70 2x1 120 3 C3 64 349 . . 3 U1 71 251 40 30.1 71 . . . .231 160 3 Cl 50 21J ( . . 361 01. . . .UNO IbO 3 bi ! 61. 102 80 1 G3 70 271 80 361 59 2.VJ 40 3 01 71 . . . 2b3 10 3 GS 61 . .262 . . 3 G5 GS 264 120 3 ( A TO .201 . . . .1 M 06 2SI IbO 365 CS . . .264 . . 3(5 ( 83 234 IbO 3 bfi 54 . . 321 80 .1 C5 06 2S6 80 3 ( T > 57 291 . . 3 (1 ( 69 248 80 3 Cl 77. 245 32(1 ( .1 C5 4S . ! ( ! . . . 305 10. . 2bJ 80 J bo 59 292 80 3 G3 b7 .231 80 1 bo 10 . . . . 24S . . 3 Cl 81 . 2.16 200 3 65 65 . . . . 233 . . 361 72 .27S 120 J 65 83 . . . 215 . . J 06 57 27.1 IbO 165 45 2W 40 3 bo 81 230 160 .1 63 49. . . 216 2tK ) 3 b5 b9 . 2bl 40 365 61 22S 10 31.5 6s 291 120 163 64. . . . 217 120 .1 b5 6S . .219 SO 8 bi'J ' 77. . .232 . . . 1 07V4 82 224 IbO 3 67' ' * 47 . . . 20S . . 3 67M- 70 2281) ) J 67'fc ' 71 . . .278 3 67'ii 84 22S 120 3 67V& 71 247 200 3 67Ms 01 . . 235 80 J 70 81 . . . . 257 IbO 1 67'j 6S . . . Al . 3 70 70. . . 222 . 3 70 6 ! . . 2U7 120 370 71 215 80 ,170 72 . 231 .3 70 61 251 120 3 70 70 . . . 2u2 . 3 75 \VAGON LOTS-PIGS 3 . 313 . . . 2 CO 7 . . .110 . . 3 40 5. . . .188 . . S 51 4. . . 292 80 3 60 1 Ut ) . . . 3 bO 6 411 80 3 60 7 . . " 04 . . . 3 00 4 . . % 2 . . 3 CO 6 . . 2 % . . . 3 62'A ' 7 . . Ul . . . 3 b5 2 315 . . . 3 63 6 . 3t > S . . . J Gl 6 . . . 236 . . . , i fie 4 . . 275 . . .1 01 3 230 . . . 3 Co 9 . .2US . . . 301 7. . 183 . . . 3 65 7 238 . . 3 b7'i SHEEP The receipts today were not very liberal and none of them arrived until rather late In the morning , f-o that the forenoon was well advanced before there was any thing to make a market. The demand on the part of local packers was os good as usual and when there was anything in sight bujers went after It and the market was without material change as compared with yesterday , values being steady. The demand for feeding sheep and lambs holds up and everything of that description meets with ready sale at flrm prices. Quotations are : Good gross westerns. $4.004.15 ; fair to good grass westerns. $3.6004.00 ; good yearlings. $4 154 25 ; good to choice lambs. $5.00fi.1.25 ; fair to good lambs , $4. 0ff5 ( 00 , feeder wethers , 2- vcar-oldsaml over. $3 75114.00 , feeder joar- Hngs , $4.0004.15 ; feeder Iambs , $4 V > n1. \ . ' 205 TTtah sheep 1M > $4 oO 2010 Wyo sheo panel \enrllngs . OS 4 11 30 Wjo. sheep nnd yearlings 9S 360 CIUCARO MM * > ! OtK Cattle Actlicnnd UlRlKr.ogn AVcuk nnd Slii-rp M * nil . CHICAGO , Sc-pt 28 Ther- was an nc- tl\o general demand for cattle today nnd prices were mostly htejd > , good fat eattle showing d ° eldeil strength The Ixst booes were 6fflOc ( higher nnd hold .is high a ut liny tlmo this jenr. Native beef steers wern In good d > mnnd nt ? 3.Mrii3 60 for the commonest to the ben offorltiRM the greater pan of the sill's bulng at Jl M > < ; 5 W. There was a ery fair -stocker nnd feeder trade at $2 401(1 ( bl. Canning nnd butchurlne ealtlo were active at btendy prices , while ( nhes and milch cows we're lower Northern fed western nnd Texas cuttle brought 8tonl > pikes , and western ratiKi rs wi'ie In good tit ni mil nt the prices lntel > ruling , cboiee lots telling 51il ( > e higlK i The innrket for hogs w is In i bud tondl- tlon , with a slow trade ut declining price" ? The din's sales wen ut un eMieme rnnito of } 3 10t < l 00 for common to pilnif dir\ei l the bulk of the sales bcliiB at Tl 70f(3 ( ! ' 0 I I'rlc-es for sheep und lambs wtre well malntnined , tr.ido being animated Sheep sold all the wu > from J2.5oji. ! 50 for the commoner lots , up to } ! CO for choke niithe withers , western le < ders selling ut $1 75'51 ' 4 10 Runge heep sold ut Jl 711/4 / 10 , liugih . al < l OOfil 31 l.ambH sold acthilv ut $1 M ) ' ffd 90 for f < eders und at Jl 50' < j6 73 for nn- tl\o 1lightering lot- * , limited numbers nf eho'ce ' to prime Inmbs fi'tchlnir J.1 9HiG [ 21. HecelptsCattli - , 16 ( " 00 bead , bogs , .IC.OOO head , slieep. Id WO bend SI. I.IMllN I.H.SlooU. . ST LOUIS , fc-pt 2S-CATTLi-HeeeliitH. : 620(1 ( head. Including 1M Tcxans , .ship- mints I.liiO heid , m irket 5frlOi lower lor nutlves. 10ilowi for Texuns , fnncv tci fair nutl\o shlpjilng und c-xport steeis. $4 SO r,5 C5 , bulk of Bill's , $1 0(1 ( 13 13. dreised benf und bilteliir steiis , $ ! S'"ir > 31 , bulk of Miles , II 00 5 15 , steeiH under 1,000 Ibs , JJ.A1f(4 ( 90. bulk of xal < M. tjio'al 43. wtoekeis und feed ers. $2SO'l440 , bulk of silcJ1.0CK5I.M , c iwo and heifers Ji 00i ! I Ki TOX.IH und In dian Hteorrt , $3 7Vn4 21. bulk of sales , J3 31 ( il ! 73 lows and heifers , J2 23fj3 10 IIOOH-IUcelptH , 8000 head , shipments , 1 'IK ) he-nd , market lower , jorkers Jl 80ii 3 ! 0 , p ukers , JJ 70fl3 95. butchers , Jl 80til 93 SlinilP Hceelpts , 2200 head , shipments imim. muiket ftc.iily. nathc ; mutton' * , M.OO dll 30 , lambs , $4 ( XX 6 W \i-\\ \arli ll\f Moek. NH\V YOUK. sept 25 nnivis iie- cnlpts. 20SO hnail. top grades wen.steady , oxen and stags , J200fi"lGO , bulls , $ . ' 60iri75 , cows , Jl 7f/uJ 71 , eubles were' stands , ll\e cuttle. ll'j&lAl , exports toda > , 2,460 quar- tera of botr-f CAl.VKH-Hecelpts. 2708 head. VIMB | 25f ( 60c lower , \dils , J5 0 ( i8 fO , tops , J82WS50 ( SIIU1U' AND KAMIlS-Hece-lpts , 8844 heuel , slu-eii , steady , lambs , llrm , Bbe-e-p , 3 ( X ri4 W. Iambs , J5 2Vi(6 00 MOOS Ilccelpts , 9,223 heaj , market lower at J4 Will 23 St , , IONClIl ll\ t * StOl'U , ST JOSni'II , Sept 28 - ( SpecialCAT - TM : HecelptH , 2.JOO head , opened strong. closed eusnathex , J4W > fl540 , cows uncl heifers. Jl 50 4 O ) , stockers uncl feeders , Jl 4Wio 00 , Tixnns nnd westerns , Jl 10ii450 HOOfc Receipts , 4,000 head , opiined 6c lower , Mosul lOt lower , top , J3 75 , bulk , Ji ( KI ! i 70 , none SloiUIn Sl lit. Hecord of receipts of live stock at the four principal markets for September 28 Cuttle HOKS Sheep Omaha . 7 52S 8,941 4511 Chicago . .ICOW ) 10.000 16 OCu ) KunnaH City . . 16,000 11.220 I.4CU St. I-OUls . 6,200 8,500 2,200 Totals . 433SS C4 601 27 113 JAMES . BOYD GO , , Tclcphonu lO.'lit. Oinalin , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PUOVISIONS and STOCKS IIIMII ) 01' TIIAUH. Dlrft wtren to Ltilcavn ana New York. Corrxpondrntu Jchn A Uirrin A Co. H. R. PENNEY & . . CO. , Itiinni 4 , .V V. Life Illdu. , Oinalinel > , StocksGrainProvisions Direct Wr' * w Ycirl. , Clilcuco nucj Wcnteru 1'ulntif The battle of Ne braska that will culmin ate in an election next November is on. The opposing polit ical parties are already lining up and strength ening their organiza tion. The candidates pre sented to the favor of the voters are entering the field and the active work of the campaign about to be begun. For the latest reli able news of the battle of Nebraska in 1898THE OMAHA BEE will be unex celled Although a republi * can newspaper voicing the principles of the republican partyTHE , BEE prints all the news of all political parties. No one who wants to keep informed regarding I I garding the progress of this great political bat tle can afford to do without THE BEE. From all newsdealers 15c a week. By mall 50c per month without Sunday. $2 for three months with Sunday. THE DCE PUBLISHING CO. , Omabfu