THE OKATJA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 'Jo , 1808 , JJ5 . . Browning ; , VB.KW o we will make a special exhibition of our new patterns and styles in Fall Clothing and Fur- W nishings. We shall then be ready to show you what has been engaging the energies of our fac You areo tory for the past six months for remember we MAKE all the clothing we sell. There will be music by Kaufman's orchestra all day and evening the store will be beautifully decorated with flowers and , and will handsome souvenirs. plants we give away To Attend Our Fall Opening , Which Takes Place On this particular occasion we shall have some "special bargains" to offer but no one need stay \BK > away for fear of being opportuned to buy , as we will only be too well pleased if you will come and look " \ / * Wednesday , September 28th over our elegant goods in the different departments. We hope to see you. \ \ a// From 9 A. M. Till 10 P. M. Remember the Date , Wednesday , September 28th. WK W ? Men's Fall Suits The attractive styles and patterns shown here this season are without rivals. Everything - thing from the latest jl checks and mixtures is shown * at $8 , $10 , $12.50 , $15 , $18 , $20 , $22 and $25 made up like any tailor makes them , to fit and to wear with the very best. But our $15 suit is the ono we are proud of $15 includes ever well known fabric every conceivable style frocks , sacks all the latest colorings the par excellence of suit making Fall Overcoats The opening will show all the latest styles in covert cloths and cheviots in shades to match the suit. Special attention will be given to our all wool English covert cloth top coat , which is made up in the newest and most approved pattern of modern coat making double silk stitched Italian lined , silk button holes all that $18 top coats require. Opening - ing day price will be Winter Overcoats There's usually not 4 much to be said about beauty when it comes to a winter overcoat but for that very reason our tailors have exerted themselves on winter overcoats to make I ] them so perfectly per fect that it is a pleas ure to wear them a _ _ time to be looked for ward to when you will be really well dressed. They iit nicely they are warm they are fashionable they price at $10 , S12.50 , $15 , $18 , 820 , $25 and $30. A special inducement offer comes out in our now Meltons , Koi-soys , and $10.OO Irish Frieze overcoats at. Men's Mackintoshes At our opening sale we offer a choice of a lot of § 10 Mackin toshes , box coat style , light and dark shades , all the newest shapes , as a special attraction at $5.00 Just to have people see what we have and to find out that although its always first class it need not necessarily be high priced you'll like them opening Bale pri Men's Trousers It takes so little to make a new suit look newer then buy an extra pair of pants ; and there you are. We are sure to please you in trous ers , for we can show you them from $2,00 up , they include all that's de sirable in fabric , in style or in finish , made up in our own usual tailor made style. Opening sale price , Men's Hats We mcsb cordially invite you to call and examine our new fall line of Hats and Caps for Men , Boys and Children.We are showing a very large and most exclusive line of new fall novelties. Our Special Feature a $2.50 Hat Wo are positively selling the best $2.50 stiff and soft hats in the world ( you can't touch them elsewhere for less than 60c to 81 more ) . Wo are now showing our new fall line of Men's Crushers in black , blue black , mocha , tan and gray also Stetson's now fall shapes. Boys' and Children's Hats 2nd Floor In this donartmont wo are showing all the newest and natty designs in Boys' Fedoras , Crushers and other novelties at prices to suit all. and many other men ot renown In their day. The chair of the senate was occupied by Mr. George M. Dallas ot Pennsylvania , who pre sided with rare grace and dignity. The speaker of the house was Mr. John W. Davis of Indiana , afterward governor of Oregon. And on the floor were Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois , Andrew Johnson of Tennessee , Jef ferson Davis of Mississippi , Alexander II. Stephens of Georgia , George P. Marsh of Vermont , the most accomplished scholar we have had in our public life , and who was for many years later our representative at Con stantinople and then at Rome. Among many other gifted men were Colonel K. P. Baker of the Springfield district , Illinois , who was succeeded in tbo following congress by Abra ham Lincoln. Mr. Daker was killed In one of the early battled of the civil war Ball's Bluff and was at the same time a senator from Oregon. "It was a rare privilege to be brought Into agreeable relations with eo largo a group of able and distinguished men ( o hear them discourse In public and In private. James K. Polk of Tennessee had defeated Mr. Clay for the presidency In the election of 1814 , and the Mexican war was declared In May , 1S46. One of the most popular orators of the country Tom Corwln of Ohio ccaled hli political fate by determined opposition to the war. "In 1853 I was again elected chaplain and Men's Furnishing Dept. Our underwear de partment this season is unquestionably the most carefully select ed stock we have ever shown. It em braces the celebrated "Jaros Hygenic Wear , " the "Mat- telutz Steam Shrunk Sanitary System , " the "Norfolk and New Brunswick High Grade Goods" and all popular weights and colors , in the American Hosiery Co.'s make besides in- numberable other standard makes. We sell the best 50c and § 1.00 garment made. Smoking Jackets. House Coats , Bath Robes , Dress ing Gowns , no other house carries such a variety of the latest imported novelties as we do and we know we can please you as to price. Shirts Only the new and correct autumn styles exclusive patterns specially designed for us patterns which have "chic" and "snap" but not loud. 0100 | ll50 Opening day price M5 A ana xp 1 Neckwear. Always tlio latest not the cheapest but the best Our cases are burdened with this sea son's choicest ideas , Ascots , Puffs , Tecks , Four- in-hands Opening day price 50c. Strings and Bows We ar < 3 offering a special value in Silk Strings and Bows for Opening Day at 15c two for 25c. Gloves Pique kid taffeta silk lined $1.00 Pique kid unlined 1.00 Mocha and Reindeer Orivintr Gloves. . . . $1 and 1.50 Pen-ins Best Pique Gloves 2.00 Collars and Cuffs Browning , King & Co.'s brand of Collars and Cufts are 2100 linen 4-ply hand laundered Collars 10c Cuffs 20c. Souvenir Handkerchiefs Ono of our handsome sllK Exposition Handkerchiefs makes a desirable gift to take homo with you Price 75c. S. W , Cor. I5ih and Douglas Streets , Browning , Ki Co.S. R. S. Wilcox , Manager. / \ D p r\/ \B s K/ & wwwwwwww ' W w WWW W SAW NEBRASKA'S ' BIRTH Chaplain Milburn Tells Some History of United States Senate. / MET MANY FAMOUS MF.N IN WASHINGTON Tnkuii Olt nn Olilo nlver Stcnmliont to Do Made Chaplain of a Ciiu- Krc s AVlioie Member * Slinno National Ic Uiiy. Hev. W. II. Milburn , the blind chaplain of the United States senate , who was In the city last week and delivered a lecture on "What a Blind Man Saw In England , " has a store ot Interesting anecdotes concerning the prominent men whom he has met during his lifetime's work In Washington. Ho has known personally more presidents than any other living man , and bin wonderful mem ory enables him to recount Incidents that happened In the nation's capital years ago with vividness of detail that makes tha htufor almost believe that they occurred but yetterday. During his stay In Omaha be was requested to give a few of bis many reminiscences for the benefit of the read ers ot The Bee. This la what be Bald : "In November , 1815 , I happened to preach a sermon on an Ohio river steamer which engaged the Interest of a good many sona- ators and members of congress from the west and southwest on theli4 way to Wash ington for tbo beginning of the Twenty- ninth congress , which convened at the first of December of that year. They were so far Interested as to secure my election by the house of representatives as chaplain for that congress. I was a llttlo over 22 years of ago and at the beginning of my third year In the ministry , and had been sent by the Illinois conference , of which I was a mem ber , to lay our educational needs before the people ot the east , and was , therefore , the youngest man that has ever opened his mouth in the American cap- itol. In those daya wo were chaplains of congress , ofllclatlnc In ono house as much as In the other , so that I was brought Into as close relation with the senators as with the representatives. It was a brilliant world one full of Instruction and Inspiration for a boy who had grown up In the prairies and groves ot the far west as Illinois then was. : \niue * KIIIMVII In IlUtory. "In the eonate were Mr. Webster and Mr. Calhoun , Colonel Benton of Missouri , then the farthest western state , the Clayton brothers ot Delaware , Honest John Davis of Massachusetts , Mr. Crtttendcn ot Kentucky happened to bo brought Into intimate rela tion with an old minister of our Methodist church , Rev. Thomas Johnson , who had for many years been a missionary among the Indians ot Kansas and Nebraska. He was sent by the people of tbo western country as a delegate to congress to urge the or ganization ot a territory on the upper waters , as they were then thought to bo of the Missouri river. Thus the attention ot the country was for the first tlmo directed to what are now the great elates of Ne braska and Kansas , which thqn occupied a place on the maps of the day as a part of the great American desert and supposed to be thetracklees home of the Indian and bU buffalo , and It was predicted that they would remain so far Into the next century. Stephen A. Douglas had been translated from the bouse ot representatives to the senate and was chairman of Us committee on ter ritories. He drafted a bill organizing the territories of Kansas and Nebraska , repeal ing tbo Missouri compromise of 1820 and adopting the doctrine of 'squatter boverelgnty , ' as It was called. A tidal wave had brought Into the house of repre sentatives a great number of 'know noth ings' chiefly from the north and east , but the democracy still had a majority In both houses , and Judge Dougla ' bill was passed , but only after a meet vigorous and deter * mined resistance. "The great light of the senate of my first congress had passed away and a group of new men bad come to the front. Franklin Pierce of Now Hampshire was the occupant of the White House , Colonel William U. King of Alabama , an old senator and form erly our representative at Paris , had been elected as vice president , with Mr. Pierce , but , dying before he could toke his seat , his chair In the senate was filled by Mr. AtchIson - Ison of Missouri , who acted as vice president during that term , "Governor Seward of New York , Fessen- den of Maine , Charles Sumner of Massa chusetts and Salmon B. Chase of Ohio were among the now men that had come Into the senate and who ltd the desperate flsbt against Judge Douglas' Nebraska bill. This was the birth of the republican party , markIng - Ing an era In our history , so that Nebraska stands Intimately related , although then de clared to be a. desert , with one of the most Important events In our annals. No prophet was then gifted with prescience to foresee the great state which holds Its re splendent position amidst tha starry group of our flag , or to forecast the great clly ot Omaha that has risen on the bank of the Missouri , which today Is yet moro Illus trious because of the spacious and stately halls and domes of the Transmlsslsslppl ex position , ono of the triumphs of the cen tury , nenowned as has been the achieve ments of our soldiers and sailors In the brief Spanish war , the victories of peace , no less V Children's Suits The great second floor is full to overflowing O with the latest and best. Erown Mixed Brownie Suits All wool , trimmed with narrow brown braid , trousers lined up front and made with patent waist bands sizes 3 to 8 years. Kegular price $4.00. Opening day price Mixed Cheviot Double Breasted 2-Piece Suits All wool , made with heavy serge lining and sewed with silk , trousers lined up front and made with pat ent waist bands and seams all taped sizes 7 to 16 years. Regular price $4.00. Opening day price $2.50 A Special Line of Knee Trousers in Mixed Cheviots All wool patent bands and lined over front § 1.00 qualities at Nobby Plaid Scotch Cheviot 2-Piece Suits Double breasted , all wool , box back and serge lined , trousers made with double / sewed seam and lined over front , sizes 8 to 15 years. Eegular price $7.00 OLA f\'l Opening day price. . . AP V-rv/ [ Cape Overcoats The handsomest line we have ever shown all wool , brown and gray cheviots , made with two box pleats in back and lined with heavy plaid worsted lining , sixes 3 to 7 years , llegular price SG. 00 Opening day price renowned than those of the stricken field , arc exemplified ID this noble exposition. "I served my second congresH , the Thirty- third , and left Washington In March , 1855. The late John Sherman of Ohio and Senator Morrell of Vermont entered the house af representatives the following December. They are called the fathers of congress , but as I served ten years before they en * tered I must bo the grandfather. After an absence of thirty years , during which I trav eled a million miles or more , by sea and land , In this country and In England , I was again elected chaplain In 1885 , and have held the position ever since. " JMl'IKTIUS. When the lord mayor of London received the delegates to tbo world's Sunday school convention Ilev. L. I ) . Maxwell , a negro Congregational minister , was presented an from South Carolina. Tbo mayor hesitated a moment , then asked ; "Do you speak English ? " "I generally do , " replied Mr. Maxwell , as be passed on. It was an Ayrshire parson , and Into the customary prayer for the royalties he had Introduced a feeling reference K > the acci dent which bad befallen the prince of Walfes. "And now , brethren , " continued the unwitting cleric , "we will Join In sing ing hymn No. so-and-so , 'Courage brother , Do Not Stumble. ' " The congregation saw the joke , though the minister did not. A scripture examination was being held recently In an English school , the lesson being Elijah offering up a sacrifice on Mount Carmel. As the children looked llko good scholars , the Inspector gave them a question , saying ; "Now , you have told mo that Elijah put the bullock on tbo attar. Why did ho put water round the altar ? " The children looked amazed , except on * lltflo boy , who stood up and said : "Please , sir , to make the gravy. " A Mulno man -who recently experienced religion now cocs about the state preach ing for the reformation of sinners , and tha other day ho was announced to deliver n sermon In a school house In the town of Wayne , the homo of the gunmnklng Maxims. When ho got to the school house there was only ono man In tbo building. After wait- Ins a while for the crowd to appear tha evangelist declared to the audience of ODD that ho should co on and preach Just tha same as If the roam were crowded. So b * did preach for about an hour and a half , and at the close be asked tbo lone llbtencr to lead In prayer. The man looked puzzled , and then , fishing out a little slate , wrotei "I am deaf and dumb and haven't heard ( , blank word you said. "