THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SVSDAY , SEPTEKBETC 25 , 1898. 10 AMUSEMENTS. I The now pla > s , which before the opening of the acaon were heralded as so full o ! promise , have not OK a rule como up to the standard of the managerial announcements One which the Frohmnns had brought ou' ' elaborately , "Little Miss Nobody , " was HOvercly criticised nt Philadelphia and wo- transferred to Baltimore In the hopes tha change of atmosphere might revive It , bu without BUCOCRB. and the company will b ( dUlnndcd Stuart Robson's "Tho Meddler , ' while It has done fair business In Nev York , was treated rather roughly by thi critics This lies been the story of tnos of the pretentious new plays Some o last year's New York successes , notnbl ; "The romiufrors " which was brought t < Chicago , have been unmercifully scored ni carrying the problem play far beyond thi borderland of decency Outsldo critics taki the same view of the run of the new ploy nov. running In NPW York. "Tho Turtle' being marked as the chief offender Th financial success ot these three plays I furnishing texts for numerous sermons 01 the moral degeneracy of the metropolis. With the more pretentious new produc tlons as a rule being set down as dramatl failures or bad In their tendencies th lesser lights have as a rule been fortunat in their selections and bavo broucht ou some choice , clean drama and are reapln their reward. Another noticeable featur ot the jet joung season Is the phenomena business done by practically every one o the plays which have been reigning favor ites durlnc the last two or three yean Borne which last year gave evidence c being worked out have taken on a new leas ot life. Modjcska Is Bald to be contemplating revival of "Cleopatra" It Is general ! conceded that of all living women Modjesk IB best fltteil to Interpret this fasctnatln character. It Is promised that In case it I finally decided to produce It her nri Is t be supplemented by the most elaborate an perfect of state * setting. Omaha la not alone In the matter of larg attendance at theaters. Prom almost ever city come * * the same story. The countr linn been all summer living under a stral caused by "the war , and whllo great event v > cro happening or Impending the people ha llttlo mind for pleasure. Now that the wa Is o\ And the tension Is rclaxcl they tur town , , famusements with nn nppetlto whet ted by a period of abstinence. The Improve ment in the business situation Is also moving cause. The lost week has , kept up the rccor of the ono which preceded It In the way c phenomenal business nt the local places c amusement. All places looked alike to tli crowds of people who were In the city. Tli Woodward Stock company nt the Cielghtoi with an excellent presentation of a fin drama , "Lost Paradise , " the Trocndcro , wit nn exceptionally good vaudeville bill , and tli Hoyd , with its second week of "Hogan's A Jcy , " all drew crowded houses. There ai legitimate reasons for the success ot th first two , but a dcslro to go somewhoi nlono can account for a production Ilk "Hogan's Alley" running two weeks. Outsldo of the amusement feature llttl Miss Gertie Cochran , one of the attraction lost week nt the Trocadero , Is worthy < moro thnn a pisslni ; notiicc. She Is glftc with n memory which Is a marvel a ph < nomenal gift. Just as the musical Instlm wns born In Hllnd Tom. Unlike the Intte however , she Is not deficient In other ri spccts than In the line of her special glf She Is not ) n "child wonder" In the sens that she has the Instincts and manncrlsn of nn adult , but Is Just like other brlgl children ot her age 8 years enjoys U Bamo pastimes and possesses the same get oral characteristics. Without nny speeli effoitl on her part , however , Bho retains I her memorj any fact , date , event or colle < tlon of figures and recalls them Instantl at will. It would seem to be Impossible tin such a faculty at her ago should bo tl product of education , but Is rather a n < i ural gift which these of an Inquiring tui of mind might study with profit. Mr. Henry Miller , well known here i lending mnn of the Lyceum nnd Empl Theater Stock companies , will make h first appearance hero as a star shortly i Hoyd's theater He has Just closed a nu > icssful engagement of three weeks In SE 'Francisco , where they spoke of Mr. Mill BB even better thnn In his Block da > s , ai of hU plays as charming and Intcrcstln All these are new hero. They Inclui "Heartsease , " "Tho Master , " nnd "A Ma rlagc of Convenience " AiiniHiiiceiiirntN. CoraraenclnB with the matinee today tl Woodward Stock company nt the Crelghti will bo seen In nn oHhorato revival of "Tl Two Orphans. " Tor this production tl management has secured Kate elusion's vc Blon , which Is much superior to any ov used In 'the ' past. The costumes have be prepared especially for this play by M Thcodoro lichen. Mr Enos has been payli special attention to all details and a cot plcto and artistic production Is promise The now company In Its Increased numb should gl\e a very excellent performance this crund old play. The advance sale d notes a continuation of the same excellc business for this popular company , as sen > mo sold two weeks In advance , and there a also H large number who have listed tin names for the entire season , procuring many scats weekly. Next Sunday the cot pany will bo seen In a play entirely m to Omaha people , entitled "Tho Two r culcheonB , " by Sidney Rosenfeld This pi IB described ns a delightful , high class coi dy , and will bo much enjoyed by < he p < rons of this beautiful play house. At t Wednesday matinee < hls week a cabin photograph of Mr , Hal Davis will bo glv < o every woman In attendance. At Uo > il's opera house this afternoon t ? Hanlons will open wltli n new product ! of thtlr paulomtmo spectacle , under the t caption of "Supcrba. " Ipto this popul spectacle have been Introduced much tt Is new and apropos of the times , with su Jects suggested by the action of the tlm They have found n world of material vvl \vhlch to embellish their story of fairy fam ' nnd with the best mechanical genius ei jilojcd have constructed such wonderi , ' things that the fumed gvnll of the far x ' may well look to their laurels. Such 1 ; ' ever been the Hanlons' reputation. In tl > oar's production there will i)0 four n < ballots , a new and clever specialty In humorous bicycle- act by the three I'ov , < Brothers , fre h from a tour of the contlnei ornu charming tjro'.ean warbling and clev ionologuo by Helolse Dupont and eccent ; iuslcal renderings , both vocal and luatr mental. The scenery Is all bright und n- - from the artists' frame , Hanlon's "Superb ecms to have a perennial hold on the p < plo nnd year after jear Its advent Is hall with delight , for such Is Its Infinite % arli that It pleosea with all classes of theai govrs. Its beautiful scenery Is alone woi the price of adtnUslon and its gorgec transformation scenes at the end of i second and third acts are given with a < gree of magnificence which seems almi inllmltablo. The "Ship of Hoses" Is t I'f the most delightful scenic pictures tl luas ever bcreu given In this city. Owing < o the exceptional success of I calc-walk last \\cek the management QuIU'fl Concert garden has decided to re peat It at the conclusion of the big Lentil performance given In honor of Olllihan nu Jelmoro on Thursday evening nejrt. nievei couple * will take pan , live of them bcln irlze winners already The Dainm family orchestra Is the at traction at Sculltz Hoof Garden for thi neck. The current week brlnzs forth an e\ ceptlonally strong vaudeville performanc ! and beginning with today's matinee th management of the popular Trocadero wi alter the following wrll chosen hlgh-clas and society vaudeville performers , Th feature of the week's bill Is the speck engagement of the musical marvels , Smlt and Puller , picscntlng the most refine musical act ever before the public. On th week's bill is a late Huropean Importatlot meritorious from Its unique and origin : manner of presentation of living statuar of picturesque beauty and refinement , Intrc duced by Mile. Chester , assisted by M William Chester and her pure white settc dog , Purely The remainder of a splcndl hill Is made up from the following we chosen performers , all of whom make the Initial Omaha appearance The Morell troupe , William , Ida , Hob and Pete , I their acrobatic novelty , William Castelli and Lizzie Hall , In a new and novel corned creation entitled "Tho Arrival of the Mil Train , " Comar , "Tho Adonis of the swln wire , " comedy Indian club juggler an equilibrist , Miss Ada Hulmes , di scrlptivo vocalist of unusual cot tralto vocal powers , Howard ar Alton , In their national dcscrlpth creation , "A Nautical Pllrtatlon , " a corned travesty concluding with living art pli turea of Hugland , Ireland , Cuba and Amc ; lea , Hobctt Myers , America's acknowledge successor to the late Rcmenyl as a viol ! soloist , Powers and Throbald , comet flketcb team , and Misses DcMarle and 0 lando , clean and vivacious singing ar dancing comediennes. The orchestral coi certs given after the regular pcrformani will remain one of the pleasant featur of the week's entertainment Vloni ; tlu > Mlfliin > . Mr. Fritz Mueller , the proprietor o Schlltz * pavilion , Twentieth and Mldvva has opened a new resort at the cattle e hlblt or live stock exchange , near the Ii dlanlllacc , where drinks and refrcsl mcnts , as well as luncb , will be serve Ostcn , the eccentric comedian , Is drawh big crowds with his "Hlecke. " The o chestra , under the direction of H. Dlaufuss , Is rendering line selections ai Is still Increasing Us repertoire. That the public enjoys exhibitions things that are mysterious and dlmcult understand Is shown by the continued su cess of the Automaton Psycho. This Hit wooden man Is proving to be one of t : best attractions of the exposition and i all sides ono hears the mystery of Psyc discussed. Many people go and go nga to try to Bolvo the problem and nnd o "how It Is done. " Psycho Is a very clev production of science , simply that and not Ing more. Senators Allen and Thurston , Congrca man Mercer and a party of distinguish friends were Interested spectators at a sp clal performance nt the Palace of My terlcs on Government day and before lea Ing complimented Manager Tebbetts In t highest terms on the beauty , Interest ai general attractiveness of the show In go oral and of Lunette , the Maid of the Moo In particular. LaDelle Sellka Introduc a new- dance on Friday night , which very pretty. On Monday night , after t Plaza concert , lahmael , the Hindoo m glclan , will grow a mango tree , this bcl considered ono of the cleverest tricks that clover personage. This performan will take alace Inside of the Palace Mysteries and not In the lobby. During t day and evening ho will appear as usi In the lobby entertainment. The Ltbby Glass Blowers and Engrave are having a great attendance. The Gla Dress IR the wonder of the age and necktl mndo of spun glass. The glass blovvln ns well as engraving , Is wonderful / goods on sale and engraving of names each piece free. You should go and s this. A prominent clergyman who Is very de \lslted the "Trilby" exhibition last we In company with one of the exposition i rectors , their only means of comraunlc tlon being signs or'paper nnd pencil. T clergyman wns asked how ho liked "Trllb and ho wrote "Splendid ; It was very bca ttful. " The two then went to anotb exhibition and as they were leaving the ml Inter wrote , "I have been thinking abc 'Trilby' o\cr since I left the exhlbltl and have been wondering how she can sta so still. " "Why , that Is not a womat wrote the director ; "thoit Is a painting cxnvas. " "Well ! well ! " was the wrltt reply , "that's ono on me ; I thought It w a living model. " The Streets of All Nations was headqui ters jesterday for the traveling men n all day the freedom ot itho Streets was < tended to them. At 10 o'clock last nlghl special performance was given the vlslti and they thoroughly enjoyed It all the w through. The management of the Streets All Nations never does anthing by hal' and as a result the place Is very popu with all classes ot people from all parts the country. The New Olympla Vaudeville theater Hast Midway opens at 2 p. m. today w a high class vaudeville company. It v formerly Known as the Casino. With u management and new attractions Its succi Is assured. The opening this afternoon v bo a grand affair. Mr. Harry Dlltz Is I new manager , with unlimited backing very prominent business men. The Chinese theater Is the big attract on the Midway this week. The beaut ! llttlo baby daughter of Chlng Ling I named Gee Tl , 2H jeare old , just learnl to talk English , Is greatly admired by i visitors. Chlng Ling Fee , the great ma clan , has a family who are all develop wonderful powers and brightness. He , 1 a son , Wong Tl , an actor In the theat Sol Stone , connected with the village , lea for London soon under engagement w Darnum & Bailey's circus The last week has been the very largest far in attendance at Hagenback's fami trained wild animal show at the exposltl The Immense crowds which attended performances , especially on Iowa day t Woodmen's day , strongly Indicated wide reputation which Hngenback's enj as a superior animal exhibition. At < ferent times on each of tbo above days luimcnso amphitheater was packed so I of humanity that even standing room was n , premium. Bronco Bocaclo , the celebra Indian lion hunter ; Monsieur Canlac , Trench wild animal expert ; Colonel Tred Ick Woods and his animal kludergart Ilcrr Hass and his magnificent mutter lion. Prince ; Prof. Matt Johnson and performing elephant , Jolly ; Prof. Aglnt the famous roller skater ; Mmc. Sahara , beautiful Algerian lion queen ; Mme. Lot Morell , the accomplished Parisian , in daring acts with a group of African le ards , and funny Cardonos , with bis scb n' rbwn dogx , monke\s and trick quagga and mules , never before In the history ot ( . . < exposition appeared to such npprecla- tlui cronds nn were prrnent on the above occasions The following week the program will be still moro strengthened by n genu ine Monkey Paradise , which will Include , among others , one male and two female ? , which were purchased feme six joars ngc and placed In u park In Colorado The col. ony now numbers thirteen. A remark ble thing In connection Is seen In last year'i progeny and this year the > oung at thi tireaM. Mr. Prank C Bostock , who hai he n Identified with zoos all his life , BUJ : that ho never saw aiithlng like It before Monkey breeding has been repeatedly trle < i. . different times , but with no ultimate sue cess. It was tried In several leading gar dens In hurope , especially nt the Jardu d'Acclamatlon , Paris , but failed of the re suits desired One of the greatest events of the MIdwa ; durlng the past week was the arrival o the light sidebar buggy made especially fo Mr. Pearson of the South African ostrlcl farm by Studebaker Brothers , and the drlv In ? of Admiral DewVy In harness for th first time attached to the buggy. H. 1 Campbell , the trainer of "Doncy , " Is no\ \ very busy every day training Colonel "Bo Ingcraoll , " a perfect mite , for Admlra Dewey to drive In double harness with hi mate. They will bo driven double on th Midway as soon as the harness nnd pol to the buggy are furnished and It will be th novelty of the Midway. Griffith's Scenic railway Is Justly beln recognized as the leading feature of th exposition It Is In fact the only place o the Midway to go for a pleasant half hour' ' utlng , with flno music , nice scenery an a most exhilarating ride , The "Maine" Is receiving the grcz mtronago It Is entitled to as a flrst-clas lace of entertainment. Visitors seem t appreciate the high order or class of Ir tructlve entertainment given at this plac if amusement and It Is crowded day an night. The first exposition romance Is made put Ic at the Old Plantation by the announce nent of the marriage of two of Its pel formers , Will Hurst , the old negi preacher , so laughable In his "Evening \buso , " and Miss Lillian Drake , ono < he charming "black gals" of the call walk. The management of Old Plontntlo las taken the affair In hand and will pn vide the ceremony that was In vogue hi 'ore ' the war on southern plantations. Tl 31d Plantation boss and a negro parson ni the dignitaries , the bridal couple "jumi do broomstick" nnd are declared man ar Wlfp. The Japanese tea garden and curio sto : Is always thronged with visitors , maklr purchases and looking at the many art ies new and novel to our people. Tl ardcn Is becoming very popular as a plai for lunching nnd a fine , superior hot ci of tea mndo by experienced natives fro the best of tea In their native land. I'lnjN niul I'ln > T . The emperor of Germany Is said to 1 laving plays written on the glory of tl loheuzollerns. The management of "The Christian , " which Viola Allen will star , will defy popi ar superstition by the selection of Friday i opening night. Eflle Shannon was born In Boston. SI nado her first appearance on the stage as ihlld in the famous production of "Corli anus" by John McCullough. New York has thirty-six theatero open. Mrs. Langtry contemplates returning : he stage and will in all probability be se < n a new comedv this season. A new war play rejoices In the conipr icnslvo title of "Uncle Sam's Visit Cuba. " The trial of Evangellne Cisner froms part of the plot. Sol Smith Russell produces Martha Mo on's new comedy , "Undo Dick , " Septemb IS. During October he will play cngagemcn n Plttsburg , Brooklyn nnd Boston. Madeleine Lucette Ryley has completed now play for Roland Reed , which she cal 'Tho Voyagers The scene of the play laid In San Francisco and Honolulu. The James-Ktdder-Wnrde triumvirate b gins en engagement at the Grand Ope louse In New York September 26 , openii n an elaborate revival of "The School f Scandal. " Mlso Mny Irwln will open her tour Ticnton September 22 and after a ti weeks' trip will return to the Bijou theate Now York , for the balance of the seaso She has a new- play entitled "Kate Kl Bujer , " written for her bv Glen MncDo ; ough , which will enable her , It Is sale : o show that she is as versatile as she funny. In historical productions a manager Is a ; o allow one or more anachronisms to n uar , but none Is to be found In "A Virgin Courtship , " which William H. Crane giving so successfully nt the Hollls Stre theater. It took nast amount of rendii to get everything ready for the produetlc hut the result has moro than paid for t trouble. An r.iilorprlMiiiKr Irne rl t. There are few raen more nlde awake ai enterprising than Kuha & Co. , who spare pains to secure the best of ever > thing their line for their many customers. Th now have the valuable agency for Dr Kin ; New Discovery for Consumption , Coughs a Colds. This Is the wonderful remedy that producing such a fuw all over the count by Its many startling cures. It absolute cures Asthma , Bronchitis , Hoarseness and ; affections of the Throat , Cheat and Luni Call at above drug store and get a trial bnt free or a regular size for SO cents and $1.1 Guaranteed to cure or price refunded , MUCH GIVINGN' MARRIAG I.ncnl AKriitn of II > mon Ilnvc Ilei Kept I'roltj lltmy Since the I2xi > OMtloii ! Opened. The exposition has Riven quite a hoc to the local matrimonial market , partlc larly for the numerous visitors who ha como to Omaha , for It would seem as thou the local > oung folk have , as an nddll'lor mark of the general hospitality of the cli decided to let the outsiders do most of t mnrrjlng Slnco the exposition opened on June there have heen 480 licenses Issued and pro ahly three-fifths of this number have be U ) happy couples from other states , wl Missouri , Kansas and Iowa leading. Coup' have come hero all the way from New Voi Kentucky , Louisiana , California , Monta and oven Canada to tie the hymeneal kn They have not been very particular as agi ? , cither , for hoary-hcadcxl men of > ears have formed unions with buxom you widows of 30 A goodly proportion of t grooms who have led brides tripping C murcly to the nltar for better or worse ha been between SO and 10 , and n large pi portion of these same brides have been ages ranging from 20 to 35 , Some days over a dozen licenses have be recorded at the office of County Judge B < ter. On Thursday there were thirteen them , and out ; of these only two of t couples were residents of Omaha and one South Omaha. An Increase In the numl of licenses Issued has always accompanl the excursions hero on the etato days. 7 Oklahoma folks did v.-ell In this respect , I the lowans went them a few better. To i married In Omaha rather adds fo the i mauco of alstt to the exposition and I sures for it an enduring remembrance. Just now the names of a great many you folk from this state outside of Doug county are being bracketted together , Bho Ing that the fall harvests and the expo tlon have combined as favorable aujpli for autumn weddings for the lads and lass of the country people Hocking into the cl To lie llriillhy anil Stronc Use "Garland" Stoves and Range * . "Le Uol cat Mort' Vive Ic Hoi1" KM the Mexican band Enter the Inncs hand. For sl\ weeks the musical people who have visited the exposition have had n treat. The concerts which have been Riven by the Mexican band have elicited the hearty ap plause and sincere commendation ot all who arc Interested In the better class ot musical composition * . The band , governed as It Is under the strict laws ot military discipline , Is obliged to attend regular dally rehearsal , whether the members may need It or not. With tha carctut guidance ot the highly educated maestro , Hlcanlo Pnchcco , these rehearsals are used for the production ot a repertory which would seem to be endless. Captain 1'acheco Is a thorough musician , well versed In the music ot all schools. Ho conducts with equal case and Interprets with absolute accuracy. The suite "Scenes I'lttorcBques" ot Massenet , the "Paellacd" prologue ot Leoncavallo , and the "Tann- hauser" overture of Richard Wagner , thereby showing a great fund ot musical knowledge , playing such widely different compositions , each a supreme masterpiece of one of the thrco great modern schools The band Is composed ot forty musicians vho lead an Ideal existence. It Is quite a common mistake to suppose these Mexican oldlcrs have a very bird time , but from nformatlon obtained from the most reliable ourco It appears that they arc treated with great consideration and they thoroughly en- oy life. It Is truly wonderful to see them lay some of the standard operatic fantasies The emotion that IB displayed , In such ma- erlallstlc Instruments as the cornet , trom- > on § , and c\en the kettle drums when Ir ho hands of their respective owners anil musters , Is astonishing. On Wcdncsdaj night last "Tro\atoro" was played. Th < ones which emanated from the trombone Ir playing the "Prison Scene" were beautiful chety , and more like the rich diapason o an old mellow organ. The trombone sololsi s the sergeant of the band. The plccolc eololst Is also a wonder on his Instrument. The band has made a magnificent Inv presslon icon the visitors of the exposl < .Ion and especially upon all those who an ntirestecl In music of the high grade , am it Is with feelings of great regret that thi word soodbic Is said. The peculiar unl forms , with the nodding plume , the tas sele < l chevron and the mysterious llttli black bac , have gone. "La Paloma" wll doubtless bo played hero again by othe bands , but it will never be the "La Paloma' of the last six weeks. The "Golondrlna1 plajed by any other band will be lacktni In Its own Intensity. The gallant captain with his fascinating bow , his magnctl charm In conducting and his cap , nlway a little to one side of bis head , will n longer grace the beautiful structure whicl stands on the Grand Plaza , a monumen dedicated to art. And so , the Mexican band has gone an once more Mexico will be bright wit' ' music , and for us as far as the Mexico band Is concerned "Darkness again and ; Bllencc. " But while the Mexican band leaves , Inne : the creat bandmaster of New York , ar rives and will give his opening cancel today at 3:30 : p. m. Mr. Innes Is a ma of stronc personality , very magnetic an very commanding. He Is a fine musicia and an excellent conductor , making hi personality felt by all those who come 1 contact with him. He plays programs c the very best order. Ho knows how to catc : the people and will be fully as popula as Sousa would bo. He has with him som very fine solo Instrumentalists and Mr. Inne himself Is a celebrated trombone sololsl In fact , ho made his debut In the musics world with that Instrument. The Choral congress , which was to ha\ been held In connection with the expoiitlo nit this very time , had to bo abandoned fo three reasons. First , the fact that advan tageous railroad rates could not be secure' ' Second , because a great many people wh had decided to como changed their plan when they heard of the Peace Jubilee , nn th fact that the president of the Unite States was to bo here. Third , the dlscourag Ing apathy which seems to exist when an educational musical feature Is attempted The exposition management has been writ ten to and preached nt about the glorlou opportunity for developing art , and the e\po sltion management has already bhovvn tha It Is willing to do anything to advance th cause of art by sinking many thousands c ( Jollars In concert work. It Is urged noi that this Is the time to glvo concerts. Tha the people will go to them now , but un one who is a judge of human natiuo an who Is at all Interested in watching th crowds will find out with certainty that 1 * I Impossible to get an audience to stay quU In one place for nn hour or an hour nn a half In any entertainment. Cven th band concerts have a fluctuating audlenci The Auditorium , during the organ rccitali holds an audience of about 800 from start t finish , but that 800 changes Its Identity aftc every number. The people are restless , the are on the move to see all they can In n short a time ns possible. Therefore the will go In and hear one number of a concei merely to bo able > to go bat U homo nn say they have heard such and such a or play or sing. The exposition crowds ni not seriously disposed. They are out for good time und they don't want education. And speaking along this line , a gre : many Omaha musicians have complained bli terly because they have not reclved en ngi monts , because the management does n < run a series of symphony concerts and son recitals for the benefit of a few artists an an audience of I'bout 150 people , and yi singers who are known to donate their sen Ive to many events of minor Importanc that take place In Omaha have attached I their service for Iho exposition a price whlc they were never known ho have received IK fore. THOMAS J. KELLY. MtiNlcnl .Nolfn. The Kountze Memorial chorus will begl Its work for the season next Monday eve : Ing , September 20 , In the parlors of tl church A change has been made In the time < the concerts at the exposition and beglnnlr tomorrow these concerts will bo given In tl afternoon at 3 p. m Instead of 2 30 ns hen tcfore. . It Is with feelings of sincere regret th ; the musical world of Omaha parts with M and Mrs. Martin Cahn. Mr. Cahn Is no located in Chicago , where Mrs. Cahn wl follow In December and where their music talent and ability will surely receive Imnv recognition Miss Eugenia Getner of Lincoln , Net eang the offertory solo at the First Metl odlst church last Sunday morning H work In Granlcr's "Hosanna" was high commendable , She showed a voice of e : celknt culture , natural ability and though ful Interpretation , strong requisites In s letting a choir leader or precentor. Mr. Tabcr , long known hero as a popul organist , was In the city Inat week. Ho hi moved to Denver , through his assoclatli with the army , and will once more mn ] his residence In the west. Ho pla > ed recital for his own amusement on the orgt of the First Congregational church and na It made him homesick to be seated on more at his own Instrument , A quartet composed of Mrs Kelly , Mr Drouard. Mr , Walter Wilklns and Mr. Hi Moore furnished the music for the banqu cf the Old Time Telegraphers last we < on the exposition grounds , They met wl a moot enthusiastic reception It Is mo than probable that they will sng | us tl president's escort on the Lagoon when 1 arrives In the week of Peace Jubilee. Iliit Work for rireinen , DETROIT , Mich. , Sept , 21. A savage fl broke out In the heart of the Woodward av Due business district at 12.30 today in tl AMUSEMENTS MATINKES- * I ° ' * * ° " ST1 ALL THIS fl fl 8 SUNDAY. THE AT . . : > AY. WEEK. SATURDAY. 5 AT MAT1NHE TODAY , THF-WORLD-FAMOUS-HANLONS'-NEWEST M WITH NOVELTIES THIS VEAIt. YOU WON'T RIT.OKMZi : IT. Full of New Acts , Spe cialties , Scenery , Trans YOU PREPARED FOR SURPRISES ? formations and Ballets. IT IS FULL OF THEM. READ THE NEW FEATURES : The Bathing Girls. Shadow Battle. Combination Bedstead , Accommodating Whale. Funny Billiard Scene. Amusing Bicyclists. Daz/.ling Arctic effects. Elongated Candles. Educated Babies. NEVBALLETS. . Ballet of Bathers. Nocturnal Gavotte , Dance of the Orient. Sicilian Bandits. Prices , Nioht 25c to 75c. Matinee 25c and 50c Paxton , TiaCIMIONB nnd Woodtvird , 1531. MnmaorH THE WOODWARD STOCK CO. ALL PREVIOUS EFFORTS ECLIPSED-PLAYIN'G TO STANDING ROOM EVERY PERFORMANCE -TICKETS SOLlTT\VO WEiKS : IX ADVANCE HIG LISTS _ UiXF.I ) FOR SEATS FOR ENTIRE SEASON - SON A MAGNIFICEN1' COMPANY-LOAUIKNCING WITH MATINEE TODAY- SKATE CLAXTON'S SPECIAL NOTICE-AT THE WEDNESDAY MATINEE A CABINET PHOTOGRAPH OF MR. HAL E. DAVIS WILL BE GIVEN TO EVERY LADY PURCHASING A TICKET FOR THE FIRST FLOOR. Next week The Two Escutcheons Telephone 2217. Lentz & William * . Pi ops. and Merc. W. "W COLE. Act. Manager. ONE WCniC COMMCNCIISO SUNDAY , Matinees Sunday , Wednesday & Saturday. ALWAYS THE HfiST .SHOW IN OMAHA Specially engaged .SMITH A. ri 1,1,1:11 The Musical Marvels Huropean Nov .lu Living Statuary As- s'stcd by Wm Chester Till : MOUiilO TJlOLI'i : William , Ida , Bob nnd Pete Acrobatic Noveltlst'i CO MA It The Adonis on the swinging : wire , Di-MUlIi : mill OKI , VMM ) Slnslntr and dancingcomedians. . COSTKIjI.AT .V IIAfjIi The Arlvnl of the Milk Tialn. MlhS AI ) V HI MII > Descriptive Vocalist : : oWAIll ) A.IION Travesty Sketch Artists i'n\vrith .1 Tiinon ti.i ) Corned \ Sketch Artists iiiritnsiMuvi's. Kveij thins new next .Sunday THE BjbST Vaudeville Slftow In the City Daily from 8 to 12 p. m. ' Matinees daily ( except Monday ) from 2:30 : to 5:30 : p. m. SCHLITZ ROOf GARDEN , Kith and Ilm-ney Streets. The most popular resort hi the city. The a' traction for this week DAMM FAMILY LADY ORCHESTRA AMiTiioon anil H AUinlbiiloii I'ri-t. . IIOTKI.S. THE MiLLARD 13th and Dnuttias Sts. , Omnh i CENTRALLY LOCATED -A9iniUGA. > AM > UUUOI'IJAN l'IY.\- J. K. MAU1CUI. A. bOV , l'r < in . MUltRA.Y UOT73X , , Hth o.vd Ilarney St. Strictly first class Street cars from depots to hotel and only U mlnutcn ride to Expo- sltlon Rates { 2.00 tc SI 00 B. SU LOWAY Manager four-story building occupied by the Michi gan Electric company , outfitters and dealers In electric supplies and phonograph ! ) and other electrical Inctruments The bla e , which started In the basement from somu unknown canco , darted up the elevator shaft at the rear of the bulUIng with startling rapldlt ) . setting the contents on cvtry lloor a tire and seriously threatening adjoining buildings. It was confined to the elect tic establishment , however , after a half hour's thorough drenching The loss on building and contents will probably reach { 50,000 ; amount of Insurance not yet known A stubborn cough or tickling In the threat yields to One Mlnuto PougU Cure Hurmlcs.i In eftect , touches the right ppot , reliable and just what is wanted , it acts at once. MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS. THE NEW OLYMPIA VAUDEVILLE THEATER. ( FORMERLY THE CASINO. ) ON THE EAST MIDWAY. WILL OPEN TODAY AT 2 P. M. With New Management , and a Will be 1O Geijts Oijly. BARNEY NATHAN , - Manager. g o TEA CURIO COOLEST AMD FINEST PLACE. Northol Music Mail , E.Midway. X SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA H g Ostrich Farm g WEST MIDWAY. a 62 Gigantic Birds 62 Do Not Forget to Visit the Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss House on West Midway. J * " I * 1 BU Kf n C"I 1B Sec B the Great B Q TUB WONDER oi > TUB ART WORLD . EAST MIUWAY-lOtfts. I VISIT T1IU DESTRUCTION or nit : MAINE. The two main features of the exposi tion are the model of the Maine In the Government building and the De struction of thu Mnlnn on the Midway , next to the Gypsy Fortune Tellers. VMI SIJMIJNTS. Are you K < > ii ) [ ; to the Omaha Museum and Theater inis.i.-m Fin-mini BIGOE&T & SHOW IN TOWN , Admission 10 cunts. Streets of All Nations Grandest , Best Amusement Place on Exposition Grounds. 250 People Representing Different Nations. Don't call to take a rifle on GRIFFITHS' ' SCENIC RAILWAY on the MIDWAY , and s e a representation of the DATTLK OF MANILA fn the Qrittt Tunnel The potent rltht for these rail- wa > s In any part of th * United State * for nalo by J. A. Griffiths , at till office on tha Midway , HAGENBAGH' Trained Wild Animal Show , Hrnorlnu In her Dfnof Per louitc .Uortll forming Leopardi. THE AUTOMATON from Egyptain Hull. London , Enat Midway , 10 cents. YOU SKU Of WEST t.d t.g MIDWAY. d M i KMW k V V M \ Old Plantation 1 th Quartet. Handsome Theater , 8 j the Village. j k" jer wikjrmOTtntvmjr MIDWAY ATTIIACTIOXS. | 03 PKITZ MUELLER OF . . SCHLITZ PAVILION Hns "rencd n now place nt the led Llvo stock Kxnhungo near the I. Indian Village , vvho-o rofioah- mcnta of all kinds can bo bad.