THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 21 , 1808. * The Big Rug Sale 16th and Douglas The Big Rug Sals Omaha , which we prepared i'or you which \vo prepared for yo begins today. U.lRtW&SOIS . begins today. PROPRIETORS. v Jackets , Capes , Suits , Furs This sale and display consists of a mag nificent array of fashionable apparel for ladies' misses' and children's wear. It in cludes some of the most stylish garments and costumes some from Europe as well as some that are the finest specimens of Ameri can workmanship such as tailor made suits , fine jackets , capes , cloaks splendid furs , tea gowns , waists , skirts , etc. all at prices which are within reach of any lady , and much lower priced than like qualities could be found elsewhere. Wo have just received a lot of SUITS in brown Scotch tweeds , latest cut jackets lined with silk , skirts S * C& $ ! with good quality cotton taffeta , price Saturday "SswO Kersey Jackets , all lined with silk and all staple colors , regular $8 and SI2 val ues , for this sale § 4.98 and $7.50. Collarettes in full skin astrakhan , also in combination of chinchilla and electric seal , special for today Handsome plush Capes in all lengths , nmde of genu ine Salt's plush and London dyed , values from § 6 to $10 , go in this sale at $2.25 , § 3.98 , $4.98 and § 7.50. $2.25. . $3.98 , $4.98 , $7.50 Latest patterns in Go f Capes , with and without Spanish flounces , go at $9.98 and $12.50. TRAVELING MEN IN SESSION Men of a Mutual Insurance Association Gather for Consultation. WESTERN TRAVELERS' ' ACCIDENT MEETS Mayor Moored llldn Them Welcome on Itcprencntittlv < * H of ( lie I'linh unil that Han Made the Desert n I'araillne. The headquarters of 'the ' Western Travel ers' Accident association will be moved to Omaha from Grand Island , Neb. , where they have been located since the founding ot the organization In 1S92. The change will 'take ' place the first of the year. This move was determined on at the afternoon session yes terday , after a long discussion Involving the relative advantages of locating such an asso ciation In a largo city and In a small one. The change was finally authorized by un al most unanimous vote. The sixth annual meeting of the Western Travelers' Accident association was opened yesterday morning at 10 o'clock In the coun cil chamber , city hall , with ISO members In attendance. The association Is not confined to the western states , as tbo name would In- dlcate , but drummers from many states ot the union are on Its roll of membership and several have come from a great distance to attend the meeting C. S. Strccter of Omaha , president of the association , called the meeting to order. Mayor Frank E. Moores delivered a short address of welcome and presented the boys with the golden keys of the city , saying In part : I know of no body of men who ought to be more cordially welcome to our city than the traveling men. At least this should be true of every live , progressive city , and that ds the kind of a town Omaha claims to be. Wo are glad to see you because you repre- * unt the thrift , the commercial activity and the general prosperity of the times nnd we feel that you are In a largo measure re sponsible for these conditions. Only a few years ugo depression , business stagnation nnd bankruptcy were present on qvery hand , caused by lack of confidence. Traveling men were culled off ths road. But after the dark night of financial gloom the light of return ing confidence began to break , presaging better times. Enthusiasm and confidence nro contagious and I believe that the travel ing men , with their cheerful faces and worm handshakes , had a grent deal to do with has tening the return of prosperity. I congratulte you gentlemen on the splen did business condition now prevalent In all parts of the country. About a year ago many pjrsons urged the exposition manage ment to secure statuary for the grounds whl h should Illustrate the history of the trcnsmUslsslppl states and a heroic sized Indian In the net of spearing buffalo met with popular favor. Were I asked to name a subject , I should suggest a traveling man , grip In band , In the act of rushlnu to catcli n train. He would express the life , the en ergy , the push and the enthusiasm which have transformed the great American desert Into a patadlso nnd peopled It with the most progressive and Intelligent people on the face of the earth. At the close of his address tbo mayoi presented the keys to the city to President 'strceter , who accented them on behalf ol the association , saying that by Monday the knlcbts ot the grip would have the town decorated with the national colors. They would put on the first coat , red , tonight ; tomorrow the second , white , at tbo White City ; and Sunday the prevalent hue would be blue. Ho then delivered to the associa tion the president's annual address , reviewIng - Ing briefly the history of the association Blnco Its organization , September 24 , 1802 tbo cost of membership and tbo advantage : to be obtained therefrom and the benefit ! of tbo emergency fund. He called upon the members to each constitute themselves i I 500 Skirts iu all styles and colors , choicest pattern ? , on tale athnlf rocrular price , mudo of cheviot , clays , brllllantlnos , Sicilian and English novelties , in prices from $1.03 to 82o. We also carry a full line of Suits , Jackets and Cupes in the latest nove ties at prices from $12.50 to $75. committee of ono to see that all just claims are allowed and none that are unjust. Tel owing ho ai d ess of PresI ent Strccter the report of the expert accountant was read , showing that the association Is In excel lent financial condition nnd that the treas urer's books during 'the year ending Sep tember 22 , 1898 , have been kept with strict est accuracy. The report showed that the total receipts during the year were $14,344.57. The dlsbursemments were $13,981.28. In the fund tha report showed that the receipts were $4,920 , the dlsbursament-i JT.iO , leav ing n balance in the emergency fund of $1- 170 , and the total balance In the treaiury ? ! , - 533.59. Tbo reports ot the Uiainmin of the executive board and the sec rotary were passed until the autumn session. F. E. Haley of Des Molnes , secretary of the Iowa State Travelers' association , was called uoon and save a short talk on th relations existing between that society and the Western Travelers' Accident assoclatlor. The president then announced the follow Ing committees : Nominating committee , M. Meyer , O. S. Tostevln and Cal Diamond ; committee on amendments , J. L. Huston , E. E. Elliott and O. II. Miller ; committee on resolutions , H. W. Curtis , J. H. Wlntersteen nnd R. S. Seun ; committee on miscellaneous subjects , L. W. Garoutte , J. Rogers and B. Joseph. The secretary's report was the first order of business. It showed that the total ad mitted during the year was 624. Deducting from this the number of losses by lapses , deaths , cancellations and resignations tbo net Increase was 130 , making the present enrollment 1,717. There are members In thirty-eight states. Nebraska , Kansas , Iowa and Illinois furnish 1,101. There has been collected during the year $13,900 , of which $9,917.93 has been returned In benefits. An amendment to the constitution was offered opening the membership to employers and jobbers , but after much discussion It was decided ithat for the present It would be more advantageous to the organization for the membership la be limited to drum mers only. The nominating committee recommended the following officers for the coming year and they wore elected unanimously : U. U. Streetor of Omaha , president ; J. II. Rogeiti ot Fremont , vlco president ; A. L. Sheetz ot Grand Island , secretary and treasurer. The new members on the executive board will be : W. H. Butts of Omaha , F. H. Garroa of Council Bluffs and H. W. Curtis. It was decided i'.o hold the next annual meeting at Lincoln , Neb. Indian Co life re net * . ROSEBUD , S. D. , Sect. 23. ( Special. ) One of the largest and most Interesting gatherings of Indians Is now at Rosebud. It Is tbo annual conference ot the Indian Congregational and Presbyterian churches. About 3,000 are now In camp. For four days there has been an Institute. The lectures have been given by the white mis sionaries. About seventy-five attended these lectures. The remainder of the week wilt be occuoled In discussions by the Indians on topics of Tltal Interest to their develop ment and church life. The camp Is sit uated on a large table near Little White river and 1,000 tents are seen In a large circle. A largo pine bower Is used as a mooting place , with a seating capacity ot 2,000. Each tribe la camped together and at evening and morning groups of 100 or moro may be seen at prayers. lloji Wer < * to Illume. RAPID CITY , S. D. , Sept. 23. ( Special. ) Rev. 0. S. Clevenger has recently re turned to his home In this city from Camp Thomas , where be has been with Qrlgsby'a regiment as chaplain. In an Interview with the chaplain it Is learned that the wholt-sale condemnation ot the officers and surgeons Is entirely wronc. One great trouble was that Camp Thomas was estab lished with the Intention of keeping the troops there only a few days. The boys were greatly to blame themselves on the v We have prepared a charm ing surprise in this depart ment which is undoubtedly the largest , grandest and fin est fall millinery display ever assembled in one house It occupies an entire floor Our artists have just returned from the east with a galaxy of beautiful creations which totally eclipse and out-class all former displays there are models from Virot Camille R oger , Caroline Reboux , Loys , Paul Verot et Bertha and Jesse , etc. In addition to this elaborate display we will place on sale over 2,000 newnobby , stylish ef fects the productions of our own work rooms. Handsome Velvet Hats Trimmed in the newest fall style 3 c Nobby Street Hats , stylishly trimmed from $2,50 $ to $7,50 Snowin Grand Bof Trimmed Walking Hats and Sailors , Untrimmed Hats , Fancy Feathers and Millinery Novelties- Ladies'r Trimmed k The Roosevelt hat and Military hat , all trimmed with ribbons , ready to wear on sale at 75cand each start for poor sanitary conditions. When they began to get sick the civilian sur geons , appointed as army surgeons , did not know the requirements of an army hospital nor did they know where to got the ne cessities. This Is the compliment that Colonel nel Grlgsby pays to Chaplain Clevenger : "He Is a model chaplain. I have never seen an army chaplain who could approach him In energy , kindliness and constant care for his men. He was Idolized by all the men and saved the lives of many. " TO IIUVIVU TUB IJUATII PENALTY. Colorndo'H Experiment In Thin Direc tion Xol SlUlNfncitory. DENVER , Sept. 23. ( Special. ) The Indi cations are that a movement will be In augurated before the next assembly meets providing for a revival of the death punish ment law. Ever xslnco executions were abolished two years ago there has been a crying dcmiind from some quarters that the old law bo reinstated as soon as possible In order that the epidemic of crime that seems Imminent could be checked. Ill some of the San Juan counties and In the Cripple Creek district , It Is claimed by adherents of the hangman's noose , there has been a wanton disregard of human life by robbera and desperadoes on account of the abolish ment of capital punishment and It looks like there would bo a concerted effort on the part of the supporters of the law to have It made effective again. The Doard of Charities and Corrections has been engaged for some tlmo past In collecting statistics In criminology and the Increase or decrease of crime In the various counties for the years 1897 and 1S9S , bat owing to the failure of a number of counties to report the figures are yet In an Incomplete state. Figures In all the more Important counties , excepting Arapahoe and El Paso , are In , however , and , contrary to the expec tations and against the arguments of the people who think hanging Is the best thing to lessen crime , the aggregate shows that there has been no Increase In murder since the law was abrogated. In several of the counties crime has actually decreased , which has compensated , for the Increase of It In the southwestern counties. Whether this Is the ultimate result of the doing away with the death penalty or Is only the result of circumstances is not definitely known. Thu anti-capital punish ment people claim It Is the former. They hold that Imprisonment for life has more terrors for a man with murder In his heart than death by hanging and on this point they will make their argument If the matter Is brought before the coming legislature. Arapahoe and El Paso counties , It Is be lieved , will show a much more bloody record for the last two years than for any corresponding spending period except during frontier days , though nothing definite on this point Is yet In the hands of the Board of Charities , This board Itself Is divided on the ques tion of capital punishment. About three of the members oppose It , while the other half of the board will put Its stamp of ap proval on any effort to revive the old law. Former Attorney General Engley was the father of the bill abolishing capital punish ment In the lower house In 1S97. He Is a candidate for re-election this year and If ho Is chosen for a seat In the bouse his friends announce that he will put up a vigorous light In behalf of a continuance of the present conditions. In order to make the fear of the criminal moro Intense , the anti-hanging class may Introduce legislation taking away the par doning power In all capital cases , thus In suring every person a life term In the pen itentiary who receives a sentence of that nature. With such a law U is claimed there would be absolutely no need of capital pun ishment , as the positive declaration that first degree murderers would spend the bal ance of their days In prison would have a better moral effect on criminals than the black cap and noose etarlng them In the face. ON RING AK-SAR-BEN'S ' WAY Electricity Will Dispel the Darkness from His Majesty's Eoute. ILLUMINATIONS TO BE ON GRAND SCALE Novel IdciiN Adopted by City Elec trician ShnrlK In AVorltlnif Out the DettillH for Street UnlitM Uiirliiir Ciirnlvul Week. The street Illuminations during the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben carnival this year will be the finest that have happened since King Sampson took up his abode in this city. Not only has the city council ap propriated $500 more money for the purpose , the total being $3OCO , and thus permitted more decoration , but City Electrician Sburlg has added a few new-fangled Ideas to his plan that will make the Illuminations pret tier and more effective. The principal change will bo In the form of the decorations on the street corners. In past years festoons have been strung diagonally across Intersections. Thin year the decorations will consist of arches. Early In the year the city electrician wanted the business men to erect light steel arches across the streets , but this Idea was turned down on account of the expense. He has worked out this plan as far as practicable. Four high arches of wire are strung at each Intersection. On each of these will be placed forty Incandescent lamps , or a total of 160 on each corner. In the past but llfty lights , or twenty-five on each of the festoons , com prised the corner decorations. Moreover , the height of the arches has enabled the city electrician to attach lamps to an electric wlro of high voltage. The result will be that the lights will be as bright as those In any of the stores of the city. Their voltage will be ICO , whereas last year they were of about ninety volts. As In the past years the Incandescent lights will be strung along the fildo of the streets in the same fashion. The same route as last year will bo pur sued. On Sixteenth the lights will stretch from Cum Ing to Howard , on Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets from Capitol avenue to Howard , on Farnam street from Tenth to Eighteenth , on Douglas from Tenth to Six teenth and on Eighteenth to Douglas , Tbero will be about 100 extra arc lights , located on Sixteenth from Cumlng to Chicago and on the two lower blocks of Farnam and Douglas. All the other Illumination will be by Incandescent lamps. A total of 4,500 of the latter will be used as against 3,000 used last year. Workmen have been engaged for several days In stringing the wires. Every Hue will be In shape to receive the lamps by the end of next week and on Friday before carnival week City Electrician Shu rig ex pects to have everything ready. Hook Not I'p to Oinnlm'M Komi. Mayor Moores will veto the appropria tion of about $600 passed by the city coun cil to pay the cost of publishing In book form the annual reports of the city offi cials. Ho does this because he Is dissat isfied with the book. "U Is a disgrace for the city to publish such a report , " he says. "Every other city of the size of Omaha has a report fully four times as large and complete In crery way. This report , on the other hand , Is In no sense complete. The council set aside a certain number of pages for each department and the reports were cut down to fit Into the space allowed. For example , the maps nad plans that accompanied the city engineer's report , which were the most i Important portions of the document , were Begins Today. The greatest rug sale ever in the west. All the rugs from the Philadelphia manufacturer , retiring from business , are now on sale. All the week wo ha\e been telling yon about them now they are here , come and see them. All the SMALL MATS , made from Velvet , Moquette and Wilton Carpet , go at 25c each All the LARGE A1ATS , one yard long and 27 inches wide handsomely fringed on both ends go at 59c each All the two yard long SMYRNA RUGS , Velour Hugs , Moquettc Rugs , Gobelin Hugs , and Wilton lings , worth up to § 8.50 , go at $1.25 each All the LARGE SIZE MOQUETTE RUGS , SMYRNA RUGS , etc that generally sell up to $4.50 , go at 81.59 each all in the newest and most handsome patterns All the large two yards long , one yard wide HEAVY MOQUEiTE RUGS , best grade Sedan Smyrna Rugs , worth up to $7.50 , go tit . C IC 11 VM * * 'O < * * * * * s That are Room Sizes All the 9x12 Smyrna Rugs , all rich , hand some colors same on both sides go at $9.98 each worth $20.00 / ' All the MOOUETTE RUGS-8-3xlO-6 size- worth $25,00 and $35.00 go at $15.00 each BH9u6"UJ | bSiTpOlS Immense lot of made-up carpets , in all sizes , styles and qualities , made from Royal Wilton Carpet , Gobelin Carpet , Extra Velvet Carpet , Mo- quette Carpet , etc. , in prices ranging from $5.00 to $25.00 , which in some instances is less than one-fourth real value. If any of these lit your room you can secure an immense bargain. Yon ulioiilil lny In n nnpply of carpet nt thin mile , an never attain mny ncli an opportunity occur. Sale bcRlnit promptly at 8 o'clock. Special help haii been provided and nil will be waited on with promptness and dlaputcli. thrown out. It Is much the same with ) other reports. As a consequence the book Is worse than useless. I am so ashamed of It that I will not send It to any city In the country. " NOT A TRIUMPH OF FACTION1 Chinese Mliilatcr toVn lilnBloi Talks Concerning the Develop- I iiicntu In III * Country. I WASHINGTON , Sept. 23. The Chinese minister , Mr. Wu Ting Fang , today received a cable dispatch from the Chinese foreign office giving the text of the edict Issued by the emperor , In which , owing to the critical condition of Chinese affairs , he calls back to power the empress dowager and commits to her hands the direction of the vast affairs of the empire. The edict , freely translated from the cipher cable , ls as follows : j Now that China is disturbed and there Is need that all business shall be well done , we , the emperor , agitated from morning to evening for the welfare of all affairs nnd fearful lest errors may occur , observing from th'j beginning of the reign of Tung Chi that the empress dowager had twice given In structions to the emperor , each time with In- nal ability and success , so we now , consid ering the Important Interests of the em- plru. have begged the empress dowager to glvu in the emperor the benefit of her wise experience. The dowager empress has been pleased to accede to this request. Therefore , It Is to the good fortune of the. whole em pire that this auspicious event la brought about. From today the empress dowager conducts the business In the Imperial apart ments and on the 8th day of the present month ( Chinese calendar , meaning today , English calendar ) we will take all the princes and ministers to perform the rcre- mony In the Chin Chung palace. Let the Yamen ( foreign ofllce ) prepare that the cere mony be performed with fitting honors. The Chinese minister was seen at the le gation today and talked freely concerning the edict. Ho said there was no secrecy about U , nothing to Indicate that It was a triumph of one clement over another and that Us essential purpose was to strengthen China hcrsolf at the time "hen Ff-rtous foreign problems were presented. It was qult'e natural , ho said , that the dowager empress should be called to the aid of the emperor , owing to the dynastic reasons. The present dowager has survived three dynasties , beginning with that of Emperor Hslen Fung She was the second wife of the emperor and bore him a son , Tung Chi , who , on the death of his father , became em peror. The latter was nn Infant ruler and the mother and now dowager empress di rected for him the vast off-.lrs of fr em pire. On his death without Issue the em press elected her nephew , i\ang .iu , to become the emperor and h's rolrn now In progrers. Ho was a child when bo took the throne twcnuy-four jcars ago and up to nine years ago the dowager directed af fairs for him , acting much as the queen regent of Spain acts for the boy king. It Is this dowager empress who Is now re called to the active assistance of the em peror , " { his , t'he Chinese minister points out , Is a natural move toward the strength- | cnlng of the hands of the emperor , giving him that same aid which the dowager cm- press gave him while the fiupe.oi auu his predecessor were Infant rulers. Concerning the report that the empress' return to power was a coup d'etat favorable to Kuss'la , the minister says be does not con sider 'he move favorable to any power as against another. Its effect , be says , would bo toward strict Impartiality in China's treatment of Ituesla , Qreat Britain , Ger many , France , the United States , Japan and the world nt large. During the former regency of the empress she bad shown marked friendship for tbi English , so that In the opinion of the minister It was un fair to presume that she had English preju dices. As to Its effect upon LI Hung Chang , the minister says the dowager empress bad long admired the rumed ability of the old statesman , but bo did not think this would \ result In the return of LI to the foreign office , from which post he was recently re lieved , owing , It was understood , to for eign Influences. It Is probable , the min ister believes , that Prince LI will continue In his nominal post as Imperial secretary. When asked If China had the strength to resist dismemberment by foreign powers , Mr. Wu Ting Fan said : "I am confident China will remain Intact , and I am glad to note that your late min ister to China , Mr. Denby , has the same opinion. China has the native resources , wealth and population to mnko her strong within herself. It should not bo overlooked that some of the foreign Influences , such as concessions for railways , etc. , will benefit and develop China far more than they can benefit ixny foreign country. These conces sions will tap the rich Interior of China , give highways for the products now con fined to the Interior and carry them to out side markets. " SUGAR TllUST'S IllC ! SCHKMU. Would Pnrclinne mill Irrigate Mil oh Colorado Arid Land. DENVER , Sept. 23. ( Special. ) The su gar trust Is reaching out Its hand for more Colorado real estate. Attorneys for the big monopoly have presentedan , application for the purchase of about 12",000 acres of state school land situated In the eastern rain belt counties. The land Is located high and dry above the water , and It Is claimed that it will cost a fortune to Irrigate It , so far Is the tract away from streams. The tract comes under the head of grazing land and usually sells at a minimum of $2.50 and a maximum price of $3.CO per acre. The sugar trust proposes to buy this tract If It can do so as grazing land , though In reality it will bo agricultural land before the corporation gets through with It. The object of the trust In getting hold of so much IB to commence the culture of sugar beets on a large scale. The land board It self Is somewhat divided on the question of disposing of It by sale. Several of the members think that the old policy of holding the remaining school do main Intact should bo' adhered to In this case , while two or three of them believe It would retard the progress of a great and profitable Industry , that of beet sugar grow ing , If the application for a sale Is denied. The trust Is not willing to lease or rent lands , but wants a clear title to every acre It proposes to place under cultivation. The Twin Lakes reservoir lands are now practically under the control of the trust , and the attorneys say that all of the Idle lands will be sown In sugar beets In a very short time. In case the 12,000 acres applied for today Is sold , It Is stated that the com pany will begin the construction of Immense reservoirs on the tract within the nevt year and that the entire plot will be In cultivation shortly afterward. Platt Rogers will lay the proposition of Sugar Magnate _ Scarlcs before the board and will present 'a host of arguments In support of It. Regiaier Paddock of the land board said that ne for ono favored selling the land. "We may hold It for fifty years and never get an offer of any kind , If wo don't take advantage of this opportunity , " ho said. "This land will never be of any use to the state from a revenue standpoint , as nobody cares to take a lease on land that ls miles and miles from water In every direction , with absolutely no hope of securing Irriga tion without the expenditure of millions , Another thing , I think the sugar beet Indus try should bo encouraged In every manner possible , and If we refuse these people lands when they want them they will aurcly put a check on any capital that they propose to send to the state , " Storiiin on tinllnltlo. . . MEMMKU Prussia , Sept. 23. Heavy storms are prevailing In the Baltic ecu nml 120 fishermen have been drowned betv/t'er ; Polangen and Labeau , seaport town * ut the province of Courland , Prussia Lace Cur tains From the Custom House , For nearly a week the sale lias been going on ; ( ho excitement was Intense , because bargains were great. After a week's ( telling the bargains today arc as big ns they o\cr were. There were $15,000 worth of lace cur tains on special Bale nt ono time. For Saturday wo place on Bale nearly 6.000 pnlr of Fine Lace Curtains thr.l liavo novel- boon shown bf-foro. Wo mnko Saturdaytho grandest day of the sale rcmoinbor ull the curtains go tit $ U.f > 0 per pair There Is only ono price , all the fiuo high class Brussels Effects , Not tingham Irish Point and other high oluss norolty worth many tlmo- the price , but for Saturday $2.50 per puir Grand Special Sale TAPESTRY PORTIERES From a well-known Now York manufac turer we buy his entire stock on haniJ of Tapestry Portieres. Never were there such a quantity of flno portieres placed on sale at one time. Wo have divided them Into lots niul put prices on them that arc bound to mnko Saturday nn immcnso portiere day. All the Portieres worth up to J3.GO pnlr go in ono big lot at $1.08. . . . All the flno $5.00 - > ox CH large and wide go ut $2.08 pair All the finest extra heavy -Derby Curtains Ottoman ribbed , heavy < f ringed top and bottom , ! worth from S7.GO to $10 ' pair ail the now colors , ( jo Saturday at $3.08 pair , NEW BOARD ASSUMES DUTIES Commission Appointed by the Council Takes Hold of Ita Work. ASKS CHIEF GALLAGHER TO RESIGN Captain Haze Made Actinic Chief nml Clerk WclnhiiiiH Continued lu Ofllce Diirlne the Interim 1'cndlnir Reorganization. The now Board of Fire nnd Police Com missioners held a meeting yesterday and , unlike meetings which have occurred ot other boards In many years past , It was comparatively harmonious and business like. All the members were present , as follows : Mayor Frank E. Moores , C. J. Karbach , Dr. Victor H. Coffman , Peter W. Blrkhauser and M. H. Collins. Almost Immediately after the board waa called to order Chief Qallacher was sent for and was made acquainted with the new situation and bis resignation requested. This was promised at any time the board wished It nnd ho was given until Monday In which ( o flic the written docm.u > nt. The board adopted a formal resolution , citing the decision ot the supreme court and the writ of ouster and taking possession of the ofllco and all the records. Clerk Wclshans was sent out after Chief Gallagher and when that officer appeared Mayor Moores told him the new board wished to treat him In a gentlemanly man ner , but felt that the chief realized It would bo unpleasant for himself and the board for him to continue as chief and requested that ho resign the position. Mr. Gallagher replied that he had never attempted to hold on to un otllce nftur It had been called for and he wai willing to glvo his reslpnctton as chief : u nny time the board wanted It. He asked If It should bo banded In at once or at some future tlmo and the mayor told him It would dn to have It In by Monday. The chief then thanked the board and the board thanked the chief and the latter withdrew. A resolution was passed directing that Captain Haze take charge of the duties of the chief upon \Mr. Gallagher's resignation and to report nt the chief's ofllce at once. The chief was also directed to place an other officer In charge of the police at the exposition to take the place ot Captain Haze. Haze.W. W. J. Welshans wag directed to continue acting as clerk for the board till further notice and adjournment was taken until next Monday evening at 9 o'clock. Iti-vlval lii .Mining IiidiMtry. BOULDEIl , Colo. , Sept. 23. ( Special ) The Ktlton Reduction company has pur chased 100 per cent more ore during the last six months than during the same period of tlmo last year. The estimate of Charles Snyder , rcpresentatlvo of the company , of the output of Boulder county will bo fully $300,000 $ greater than the output of a year ago. And this , In splto of the shutting down of the Utlca mine on account of heavy devel opment work , begun since the lire. Caribou district Is getting Into excellent shape for shipments and great things may bo expected of the old camp hereafter. Con siderable ere is being shipped flora Caribou. lliilili-KoMT H. WASHINGTON , Sept. 23. It Is stated at the War department that Lieutenant Colonel nel Bush S , Huldckopor , who was chief surgeon - geon at Camp Thomas , has forwarded hit resignation and has been granted an honorable - able discharge. He vtaa appointed front i Pennsylvania.