Tin- ; dovortf thenuplvcs The law points Involved' exhr.uatlvely dlai.ms.-d and I.U" tone of Judge Sc'iU's cohcltl- U H generally admitted , Il > ' vir tue of Hit d-clslo.i ( fir mayor ant .city council. wflu tilt celt < 1 to proceed nt once to appoint , H'4Ho1ir4 of faro and Police Coui- mlBjlonerH anil nt c sutn ; ioiit : n.ef'lns ot that borly the mayor' * aiimliitnltnt'of I'VJ. Kaibir't. Victor It. Coffn : n , I'cicr AV. Ulrkhnuicr nnd Maltha H. Colli.i * was ronhrrao'l. jTli botids ot I bo. commissioners \\ero tirefi'i > 't ' ( V.aa'l approved and they nt on a rtlaiki a fforrwldcnitffl for the pos- session' or the" 6fllc'Tu ' . . | was refused by the nlmfi.hoftfd. . ' wjilbli declared Its Inten tion tq.carry * the Might to the last resort. ? In ( ln > 1iiiniin | * fount . . The case , was taton tC the * uprpma/court Januarv 22iv \ Attorne ? fieneral' Smyth with the approval of Muynr Moores and til associates In tbe. jiirantlme _ .lhe legal board made no further cffbrt to- take pos- bufjhlon nfr the Iicu : , but quietly awaited the declslo.ii o' thr superior tribunal. Jhl vat. ser tired on. thp- last 'lay ot June'nnd' ' It unit n complete conllrmntlon of lhe.de- clslijq previously llhndtd down Jn the ills- trict ; coutt' TJi.0 Bupr.enm court ruled that tli ft law In unconstltutlnna ) In that It de prives' ' the ' citizens or Om'.MM of tilt- right to , reculato ihplr. . < own nff.ilns In fiver of j , the bo.ird atipojhtvil by i thn mayor. Tht Hordman gang used all legal tiictl"s to Booucy delay and stave off the Inevitable 1 A" wjjt'of"prohibition was asked * from the. sjUpriiiie o'CrrT by Herdman. but was d < yiiqi ) { Tijitwa3 | on July 1Later an liijuncOf/tt.'rtps , Bijcurcd from Judco Key- Bor , rcstnwilngVihe'huw board from attemptIng - Ing lcTi1&alHllt ( * ; < l'undcr''tho < decision until the raa rJjnil.ljei'n flnall ) determined In the fltii > iernJcyui-f. : Under this the matter linar beoa' ' > 3 nt68P'cn3lon | | ? lnec July 19. when tlir nioHqn I/jr n rcheajjng' was filed In the ' " ' " " b'jpi-r-nie couVl. Tliu attorneys who argued the case on be- lialf of .thf-X' ty and the new board were Jufliw' iL 'ix'ijtc'cs'pf ' Lincoln , special coun sel , "City Attorney \ \ , j. connell and McCoy & Olmsted. ' 1 * - , , " ; \ ' I'rliic'ljilc' ot liiiw .Involved. The underlying principle In the brief of McCoy & Olmsted attacking the law Is that every voter Is possessed of an Individual sovereignty which gives him the right to say who shrill occilpy the various offices In the municipality ttithln which ha lives. He shall not only have the right to vote for the offi cers lo manage the affairs of the state , but nlto In congressional districts , judicial dis tricts , counties , cities , nchool districts and townships. Tbe , legislature may say that certain ofllccrs shall bo , provided for , but It Is for , , tlio , rioter nlonojto decide who shall (111 tlisVonices. H Is pointed out that this right Is/guaranteed tj the voter by the con stitution. 'pf the state , and of th'as .United States , thAlrlt was a principle ot the dec laration of Independence , was In the organic not creating the territory of Nebraska and wan otio ot the promises 'mado to tlio gen eral government when tho' state was created. The law cpnUjcJod with this principle , In that It' Baw o'Jbo ; 'governor of tho"stato - the poyver , tq pll certain offices within the city of , Omaha" Whlohi only , the voters of the city have _ Bright to exercise , ' For these rea sons . ' 'this attorney , contended successfully that 'the/law .was , unconstitutional. - ' , < In no\V' roiii3 oKiVrcKiis TAKU IT. Chief GuIliiKliiT UefriiilN IIIn Ilccoril mill HIIJB lit- Will ItfNlK'i. When the announcement.was made at police headquarters at noon' that the supreme court had denied the outfawcd flro.and po lice'board a rfchearlng of Hq case It' cast a pall of gloom over those members of the department who had been enemies of the legitimate board , The report ! fell the heavi est , on tbo. heads of the department , as they , with but , few exceptions , were creations of the outlawed board. , Chief Gallagher1 , was the only ono who wou.jdj cxpreja himselffreely , , on thp subject. He'safd , when as'kcd forxan expression oa the matter : "As the supremo-eovjrt has rendered a Decision agatnst-us I suppose thcro Is nothjnff 'left ' forlus to do but sub ( mit' to'thVmanqate and throw tip ouip'handa. When the writ of ouster Is served on me 1 ehall acknowledge It. "I , want to say thts , , however , that dcsplto all the adverse criticism that bas been heaped on the police , the city Is freer from crime than U ever has been In Its hlstbry : Under the present board nnd police administration crime has been minimized Thcro Is less crime , and I have statistics to prjjvo Jt , In Omaha than In any other city of Its stzo In the country. Even though wo haj'o , n great exposition within our gates thcro Is less crlmo 4han there was ten years ago. I believe , In view of recent happen ings , that the police department will bo forted Into partisan politics and I consider that when't.hls Is brought about It wll be1 the , greatest calamity that ever befcl the city. ' 'I .don't think politics ought to meddle with tbo police department , as It destroys the efficiency of the force. Regardless of what'has been said to the contrary , I never Infer/ere'd In polities' and my record as a public officer , whlfh did not b'cgln In the poflf.0 , dcpar'tino.nt , , but aa postmaster , will bear jmo ° llt In tht t statement. " Police Captain Slgwart would not ex press himself on the matter and Chief of DoVttlyoB McCrath was equally as non- comjfiftnlcatlve. Sergeants' Halter and King would not discuss' the action of tho' supreme court Dyspepsia Is-.weakness , of tbo stomach. It is the eourco ot untold misery. It may be cured by toning and strengthening th ( stomach and enriching and purifying the blood with Hood's Barsaparllla. Man ; thousands have been cured by this medl clno and. ' ' > vrlte that now they "can cat anythlng'-thcy wish without distress. " Hood's Sarsaparilla Is prepared by 0.1. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Sold by druggists. $1 , six for f5. Get HOOD'S HOOD'S"I "I The Omaha Bee Map of Cuba Coupon t Present this Coupon with tt ti JOc for t A Map of Cuba. A Map of tha Wast Indie * , i And a Map of the World , | By Mail 14 cent * . t | Theipinaji'ii , Dally Bee i-.y . - f 1 vl EXPOSITION * | . i " < i RliOJTOGlWVlJRE' I ) r ; * iCOUPON" : ; ; j I I i This coupon nnd 10 Cents will t I obtain three photogravures ? I of the Exposition , * ; IIY MAIL , 2c EXTRA. \ \ ; further than to say that "they supposed they would now have to take their medi cine. " Captain Hate , who was removed from hli potftlun oi police headquarters and trans ferred to the exposition grounds some weeks- ago ft.r cottilug out flht-footcil against the outlawed board , teli'Uhoned to a frletid hli cnttto satisfaction with'tho ruling. * Cap tain Moatyn , who Is oh night duty , could not be rrachcd at noon , but It In known that the ultimatum will be to his liking , as he several weeks ago Rworo fealty to the In coming board. Sergeant Her , aUb an oppo nent ot fho outlawed board , c&uld not be scciij an he Is nli > o on night duty. Chief Iledell of the fire department ex pressed himself aa being well eatlsfled with the-decision , ns It placed'tho-government of the- two departments under home tulo. Under 'tho old board , which was manipu lated from Lincoln , he said the needs of thn t\vo \ departments wcrp not properly attended to. He has served under five different loantn. ) Ho does not think thd change will affect , his department's personnel. Clile.f Gallagher , one of his captains , his chief of dctcctlvcn and two of his sergeants bill probably avail themselves of the op- ) ortunlty of leaving the department grace- ully when the writ of ouster Is served. To the majority of the rank and file of 1m department the change 1 % ono that they h.ivo long hoped for. , . ' HUME , SCHOOL AND CHURCH Three SiiftlalnliiK.InlluonceN ' of All Th nt U Si'iuiiil/und I'll re In ClVlUzntlon. The home , the schoolud she church , thro , , sustaining influences back of all .that Is bound and pure In civilization , were.spoken of by Dr. Leo M. Franklin last night In the weekly lecture at Temple Israel. U was shown that the prosperity of nations In creased ns rovercnco was paid to those Insti tutions and that'national decay followed their disregard. Dr. Franklin wade an earnest and convincing arraignment of the spirit of materialism , which sets at naught those Influences ns an empty sentiment. "There are free Institutions upon which the stability of human sqclcty is absolutely dependent , " he said , "and whose removal would mean a long , backward step toward heathenism. Indeed , BO 'necessary are they to the permanence of human Institutions that without them the very headwaters of the world's progress would bo checked. The three Institutions which form , as it were , the structure of society are the home , the bchool and the church and the growth of the civilizing forces of tnanklnd Is exactly com mensurate with these factors.1 'Their vital Importance Is apparent even In the narrow scope which wo , ns"lhdviduals , { , have of the whole social fabric , Imagine the unutter able destitution ! our own lives If the doors of home and church Iwcr'o- closed to us and If the school denied our children entrance. For every homo tlo broken , for every empty school or church , a work" house , nn asylum , a prison would needs bo opened. Why do you think Franco , a government once'fore most among the nations , Is crumbling to decay ? Not because ot political 'Intrigue or of military scandal only , but beyond and behind all this , because of a deterioration In Its Inner life that Is ruining the nation as It deserves when Its homes have losl their purity and sanctity. If we como Hearer home It Is clear that the awful crimes of negroes In the south can be traced to an enforced .Ignorance In their denial of pub lic school privileges' ; What- has brought Spain so low that It is n Jest arid a byword of the nations ? Not a. Weakness Of her navy or cowardice of her ? oldlery , for the Span- lards met their foe llko men. Deeper than any material defense lay the cause of her helplessness , her Inherent unrighteousness. It Is true that there has been an established church In Spain for generations , but from It has gene forth bigotry , hatred and Inhu manity. It has been to all Intents no cluirch , and the- national llfo has felt the restraint of no religious Influence. "It Is not necessary to dwell upon the Im portance ofthe home- and the school to Americans who prldo themselves upon the purity of the one and the excellence of the other. They feel that it Is hopeless for any community lo attempt to maintain itself un aided by such Influences nnd that political Issues or other material matters nro of no account besldo them. But often the third factor , the church , Is not so generally ap preciated as a vital part of the scheme. It Is not clearly felt that the 'three elements are Interdependent , that Incompetency In one may destroy the effect of the others. The Influence of the homo and the school would bo fruitless wlthouit that of the church , which adds the spiritual to the mental and reconciles itho heart nnd the Intellect. The chu ch should take Its place without question as the safeguard of the home and the co- laborer wl'th ' the school. Without one It should bo seen that the others are Impotent and unavailing , for wherever the Influence of the home and school Is preserved there Is found equally a reverence for the church , "Tho Jews have always made these factors 1 a part of their national life. Their rabbi has been both their teacher nnd tlielr priest and the nation has always been as ambi tious for knowledge as U has bcen , observ ant and sincere in religion. None the less 1 have they sustained the sanctity of their homo llfo and thcso things have reflected themselves In thulr Influence among men. " Sunday night the "Eve of the Atonement" will bo observed by memorial services nt the ' temple. They will bo commemorative 1 throughout and the address wljl bo upon 1 "Memorial Thoughts. " On Monday thp fes- tjvat of the Atonement will be carried out by a service lasting through the day. The 1 ceremonials Incident to the season will bo ) observed and there will bo a lecture by Dr. . Franklin upon "Casting the First Stone. " ' The subject of the evening address will be > "After Confession , What ? " The music at the .temple will ba unusually good during the winter , the voices of Mrs. A. P. Ely and I Harry Burkley being added to those of Mrs. L. T. Sunderland nnd Walter Wilklns. DEATH RECORD. I'rnnilnoiit American. ( Copyright , 1S9S , by Press Publishing Co. ) l VIENNA , Sept. S3. ( New York World Ca . blegram Special Telegram. ) Dr. Quldo Ilruno Charles do Frcye , an American , died I hero suddenly on July 4 , leaving evidence of large wealth , for which no heirs can be found. Dr. Freyc was a large , handsome man. Ho registered as Dr. Charlrs de Freyo of San Francisco. Ho died suddenly of kid ney trouble , Among his papers wcro a Wclls-Fnrgo letter of creilli for J2.000. bank books , showing recent deposits of several | thousands of dollars and several thousand shares of mining stock. It was learned from his effects that he had practiced medicine In Spokane and that he had a sister whose uamo and whereabouts are unknown. I'rcnlilcnt Sulincir , l < ma UnlvvrnKy. H I IOWA CITY , la. , Sept. 23. ( Special Tele gram. ) President Charles A. Schaeffer ol ' the University of Iowa died this morning after a few days' Illness of acute stomach ' troubles. See ABERDEEN. B. D. , Sept. 23. ( Speclal.- ) Tbe extension of tbe See line west fron : Kuhn has been completed to Napoleon oni cars are now running to that poln { . Nlsheli , Is the best town on the new line , brlnt the center ot an extensive st < Kk district j The company has purchased a largo trad of land near the iqwn , which gives It con trol of a line body ot water that can b < utilized by stock shippers. V CUUl } . A tTOLU 1 > O.M3 11AY ' Tnlia .Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All i drUKElsta refund , tlie money If It ( alia , tc euro" 2lc. The genuine has X * 13. Q. oi j each tablet.0- , if . v > Sensational Expose of Germany's Alleged Flans in the Philippines , S SECRETLY ARMING THE INSURGENTS On . \ | iinrrntljfiouil | Authority It In Snlil the Scheme In Unit-Mini for Auiilnnlilii ( n .lliike Oli- on Our Force1 * ! . SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 23. The Evening Post pVlnts an article oday In which It makes knoun the plans of the Germans ) n regard to the disposition of the Philippines. U will bo remembcied that some time ago the Post published an exclusive article re garding the seizure of the LadronS falanda by the United States. The details of the plot on the part of thp government arc furnished by n high author ity In the opinion of the government otn- clnlg of this country and Germany. The snme man now states that Germany Is en deavoring to embitter the followers of Agulnaldo against the Americans and tbnt he has.odlcers In their ranks secretly drillIng - Ing them. The man In question states that this has been going on for years and pi lor to the Interference of the United States In the Philippine affairs utmost everv Ger man vessel that landed' there carried ono or more olllers In disguise and stacks of arms and ammunition for the Insurgents. ThePost's Informant has Just received a letter from an authoritative source In Ham burg , giving the details of'Germany's futilrn plan In regard to these Islands. The plan Is ns follows : Germany will send numerous trading ves sels to the Islands and will arm 150.000 Filipinos , besides furnishing Krupp guns and artillery for field use. The Islanders are to bo drilled by German ofllccrs and by February Scnor Agulnaldo will be prepared to make an onslaught on the American forces. To aid this plot the letter says Germany Is trying to Induce China to pur chase a > large number of big war vessels , ostensibly to strengthen her navy , but re ally to be held for transfer to Germany should complications arise. The Get man agents who have made n re port to their government say It will bo Impossible for the United States to land moro than 50,000 men In the Islands before - fore Aculnnldo Is ready to make his coup. The German correspondent says tha ( Amer ica's only hope Is to disarm the Insurgents. The Post regards the recent ordering of j ' additional troops to Manila , after their mus tering out had been ordered , as an Indica tion that the United States has been In formed of Germany's attempt to frustrate American acquisition of the Islands. Uctoi't ( hi * I'olnoii In Time. MANILA , Philippine Islands- Sept , 23 , A careful Investigation of the attemptto poi son Agulnaldo' shows that the cookIs not dead as reported and that no trJWta ? hrfS , Implicated , as alleged by the fn'jj'u'rgeats. Paterno , the president of the Philippine assembly , exaggerated the facts In the case. Several Spanish casedores were allowed" remain nt liberty at Malolos and two of them were employed In Agulnaldo's house hold. One of these put a packet-of oxalate - ate of potash powder Into the soup , but the cook detected it Immediately and nobody was injured. A packet was also folind. In the casederoa' pocket. There Is no reason to believe that ho had any accompllcK-'Tho Filipinos and the Filipino government pro posed to send a long dispatch to President McKlnley , protesting against certain al leged Spanish mlsstatcmcnts as being calcu lated to "undermine the friendship between the Filipinos and the Americans. " but in stead-of sodoing , , they simply1scnt'a.lls - jatch tendering to the American go-vprfi- ment and the American people through President McKlnley an expression of "high esteem and unity of sentiment towards the champions and protectors of oppressed pee ples. " On Thursday the Filipinos Intend to have a great festival at Malolos In celebration of their Independence. The Filipino Na tional association has decided to request the Americans , first , to recognize the In dependence of the Islands ; second , to estab lish a protectorate over their external af fairs and to Induce the powers to recognize their Independence ; third , to appoint a joint commission ot Americans and Filipinos for the arrangement of details to "reciprocate the Americans' services. " NOT 1IU IIUCOOM/.KIJ OFFICIALLY , How AKUltmlilo'N AuentM Will He Ilc- colvcil nt the White Hoiine. WASHINGTON. Sept. 23. It Is probable that Agonclllo and Lopez , the representa- I lives of Agulnaldo who arrived nt San Fran cisco yesterday , will call at the White House on their way through Washington td Paris. i They will be admitted to see President Me- Klnley , but only ns Individuals- not as .representatives of any goveri acnt. . It would be plainly impolitic and Inconsistent for. the president at this date and pending the con clusion of the pqace conferenceatParis to allow U to be understood , by according : i formal reception to the delegates , that1 he bad thereby recognized the Philippine gov ernment as an Independent nationality. H's attitude toward the Filipinos uould bo 61m- liar to that assumed by him toward the Cubans. As the Filipinos have repeatedly sought to convey the Impression that the United States representatives In Manila have at some time during the war recognized -Agul- naldo as an Independent ally and entered Into formal co-operation with him , It may bo stated that the government at Washlng- ton Is unaware that any such thing has 1 happened. Admiral Dewcy , who was In command of all tho.UpHed States forces I during the most' critical period , expressly cabled the secretary of- the navy that ho had entered Into no formal agreement with Agulnaldo. As for Consul General Wlldman , any understand he may have assumed with Agulnaldo must have been upon his own , personal and Individual responsibility and would bo without foimal standing , Inasmuch as ho had not the express author- Izatlon frpm the State department absolutely required to negotiate In such cases. The peace commissioners arc , free to "deal with the Philippine 'problem at Paris absolutely without , restriction beyond that which might be supposed to arise from a sense of moral obligation to avoid , committing the Filipinos' again into the hands of their late rulers. DIVISION 7x FIMIMXOS' HANKS. I I AllcKCil to lie the WnrU ot the j Clerlcnl I'nrty. 1 NEW YORK. Sept. 23. A dispatch to the Herald from Manila says : The schemes ol 1 I the Spanish clerical party have divided the Filipinos almost beyond the hope o ' ! reconciliation. On' Sunday , when the archbishop - bishop of Manila ' went to Oaco to ad- minister the rlto of'confirmatlon , a party oi ' rebels attempted to kidnap the prelate. The success of the plot was prevented by the Interference of jh'o Amerlcan soldiers whc are stationed there. The purpose of the kidnappers was to take the "archbishop tc % . Melolos , where Agulnaldo- holding foui c Spanish prests ( as prisoners , En en Filipinos .wero detected yesterdaj at Santa Ana with * money received fron some Spanish priests , TJTejr were arrcstei _ on a direct order from Agulnaldo , desplti the protest of Plo Plar , the commander-ln' chief of the district. Tbry. vlll be shot 10 , ' morrow. ' Privates Carrier , Dennis ami chultz o the Thirteenth"kMliinesota reglmjifl havi dlod In the hospitali hts jveek. Tregl ' went has fortV-flyo mftf.'qiiJ.'ttio-'Slck list. NEMESIS PURSUES ITS FATE Ye 11 I'M r Trnuc.ly of ( lie Yi-llmv Mill I'onil linn Anotlirr ( ilionllali Chapter Ailtlcil. SbUTHINOTQN , Conn , Sept. 23. Some strange Nemesis seems to pursue the re mains of the unfortunate young woman who was the victim of the Yellow Mill pond tragedy and who has been Identified as Emma GUI of this village. This morning the remains wcro exhumed from the potter's "field In Bridgeport and brought hci'e for burial. Funeral services were held this afternoon , and the remains were scarcely again returned to the grave when Dr. Roscnbluth received a telegram from Coroner DotOn of Bridgeport , asking ' him to make nn Investigation of the teeth , The body had boon burled but a permit wus Issued and th.o remains will be disinterred tomorrow and the examination made. Dr. Rosenbluth la the dentist who did all tha work on Misn Gill's teeth. Harry Owley land Howard Guernsey , two youn men of prominent families , have bfcn nrrcs'ted ' for suhp.oscd connection with ( the ; case nnd taken to Bridgeport tonight. No ono In the village seems .to have any knowledge Guernsey being In the company - ' pany of Miss Gill , while It was well knonn ' .thai Ottley was well acquainted with her and has received frequent letters from her. What evidence the detectives have cannot be learned. BRIDGEPORT. Conn. , Sept. Charles A. Plumb , arrested In Stratford Wednesday night on suspicion that ho wns Implicated In the Gill murder , wns released tonight , as It was urpved that ho had no connection with the case. Young Gullford Is still held. ELMIKA , N. Y. , Sept. 23. Eudora Gull- ford , daughter of Dr. Nancy Gullford , wus arrested at the residence of her uncle , Ste phen Brown , In Wellsburg , for complicity In the Bridgeport murder. BURIAL OF WINNIE DAVIS Service * Conilucteil from the HH- torlrnl Church In 'Which Her Father AVnti Conllmieil. RICHMOND , Vn. , Sept. 23. Varina Anne Jefferson Davis , "Tho Daughter of the Con federacy , " sleeps her last sleep In the bosom ot the land she loved so well. Her remains arrived here at 8:40 : this morning nnd were met at the depot by Lee camp , Confederate Veterans , of which she was a member , and delegates from Picket camp. The casket was boruo to the hcarso from the funeral car by the men selected for active pall-bearers and Ihe 'guard of honor and tle ] veteran escort followed In columns of fours. There w.e/re four beautiful whlto horses attached to the hearse , each ono being led by a coloretrman. ' The casket * rns placed In the lecture room of St. Pdul's'church. The casket was surrounded by'floral 'tributes from Georgia , Virginia , South Carolina nnd other states. To the- left of 'tho casket was the furled flag of trie coMfederacy. St , ' .Paul's " ; churcf'Mn ) which the futjera } BrvIces"\yifto conduqffd nnd of which Rsvi Dr. Hartley Carmlohaei Is the rector , was the church In which Mr. Davis was con firmed and was seatqd when ho received , April 3 , 1803 , ' the message from General ' ' Lee which pcccss.'lta'ted the evacuation of Richmond by the confederate troops. PLAN fo" HAVE BIG'JUBILEE llulnliiK of Ain rlcnu Flan Ovt-r City , - of San Juun to lie Made 'MehiornTile. SAN JUAN , Porlo'RIcb , Sijpt. 23. Every thing 'regarding the evacuation of the Island of Porto Rico by the Spanish troops Is pro ceeding satisfactorily. The Spaniards are acting ln-'porfocr > gootl faith and are turning over everything- . they quit the various towns' . "r i Preparations'ard'being made for an elabo rate and Impressive ceremony when the American flag Is raised over San Juan. The military commission has adjourned until Monday next. The lights on the north coast of the Island , which have been dark since the , yar begap , have ben relighted by the Spaniards , except at San Juan , where the lighthouse was de stroyed In the bombardment by the fleet under Rear Admiral Sampson. The lights of the city warn mariners approaching the port. We bear the expense of the mainte nance of the coast lights. United States Consul Hanna Is flooded with letters from fortune hunters. He strongly advises all of them to remain at' homo until the Americans are In complete control. Soldier * Die nt KiinmnK Cltr. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 23. W. T. Kln- nard , sergeant of Company I , nnd Charles Merlclo , a private In Compapy F , Third Missouri volunteers , died hero today of . 'typhoid fever contracted In camp at Camp ' Alger and Camp Meade , respectively. FIRE RECORD. ! , - < r.t Ki BDOEMONT. S. D. ' , Sept. 23. ( Special Telegram. ) Plre started at 1:30 : this after- UOqn In the building occupied by P. J. Franzen as a millinery store. A tremendous deus gale waa blowing and a whole block. was dcstroved before the fire was put out. The loss will foot up to over $150,090 , par tially Ins'ured. The store * block belonging ' to't1. CN Qrablc. the grocer } * 'store of 0. H. Davidson , with Us .cntlro stock , apd sev eral other stocks of goods are the prin cipal losses. The , block will bo rebuilt. 1 Inrn Ucnlroyecl. PAPILLION , Nob. , Sept. 23. ( Special. ) Last night about 9 o'clock the large barn of Charles P.osencranz was burned down. Strenuous efforts were made to save the building , but without avail. Besides the barn several Ions of hay , chickens , etc. , were destroyed. The building was also used as a work house. Loss , about $500 , with J200 Insurance. HYMENEAL , Foray lh-.Y < l nnix. COZAD , Neb. . Sept. 23. ( Special. ) The marriage of Miss Llbble Adams of this place and Mr , W. II. H. Forsyth of Ansley , Neb. , was celebrated last evening at the home ot the bride's parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. N. M. Adams , only the Immediate rela- lives of the bride and groom being present , The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. D. Forsyth , a brother of the groom. The bride is an estimable young woman and wna formerly a teacher In the public schools. The croom Is a promising young mlnlstor In tbo Methodist Episcopal church , having Just been returned to the pastorate at Ansley , Neb. , for another year. ' IliilTulo HIM IM Htt < -r. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 23. Colonel William F. Cody ( Buffalo Bill ) , who was last night token to All Saints' hospital suffering from nervous strain , Is considerably Improved to- day and expects to join his show at Joplln tomorrow. It was erroneously stated thai Colonel Cody was suffering from an uttncli or typhoid fever. Mrs , Cody arrived from North Platte , Neb. , today. llrnvy Cattle W1BIWB , S. D. , Sept. 23. ( Special Tele- Bfa.mi ) Cars are In the yards hero , to taki „ QU 3CQp , head of catle which are read ! . tp crpss the river for shipment. Moat o ' ( ' . tifie'jse cattle will go out tomorrow and'Sun day'"ami w'lll probably be one of the hear { > cst shipments of the season. ° Mnr < MiieillMof ; Oeeali Vi-in 'U1Sejif. . -i : " At Liverpool Arrived Cevjc. "Irom Nev York-- ' ' . ' * - - - < : GAS AND FIRE-DAMP EXPLODE Miraculous Escape of Over Fifty Miners from a Ooal Pit. EIGHT MEN MEET A HORRIBLE DEATH Seventy Are nt Work When K\i1 - fllon Oeenrn , lint Mont of ' 1'lu-iu I > enie TlirntiKh nil Aneleut Tiiniii-1 The Injnreit , BROWNSVILLE , Pa. , . Sept. 23. Seventy- men uere entombed today In the Empire nilno of Snondcn , Gould & Co. , as the re sult of an explosion of gas , followed by nno.hcr explosion of lire damp. Of tlic number entombed nil escaped or wcic taken ' out by rosc'ulng parties , , except eight , \\lio wcro killed' outright and three moro or loss hurt. The list or the dead and Injured nro : JOHN HA1STON. mlucr , aged 35 , colored , wife and two children. SALEM HA1STON , miner , his brother , aged 25 , single. ROBERT DAVIDSON , miner , aged 45 , no family. JOHN DENNETT , driver , aged 22 , single. WILLIAM PR1TCHARD , miner , aged GO , wlfo and seven children. , . HENRY HAGAR , driver , aged 17 , badly burned , JOHN CARTWRIGHT , miner , aged GO , married but no children. JAMES HALL , miner , aged 27 , unmarried. The following wcro Injured : George Baker , miner , burned on breast and face. John Baker , slightly burned. Samuel Mclntyre , cut on head by fall of slate. The explosion Is said to have been caused by the loosening of a large block of coal which opened a pocket of gas. Immediately following the explosion of gas there was a ' second explosion of flro damp. Thcro wcro seventy men nt work In the mlno at the time of the disaster and at flrst It eeemcd an Impossibility for any of the fifty-four men In mines Nos. 9 and 10 , where the explosion occurred , to escape. Four men , Jacobs , Davis , Whesca nnd Wal ker , who were near the entrance , managed to crawl out and the others , with the ex ception of those caught by falling coal , escaped by traversing a mile and a half of underground passage , coming out nt the en trance near Lynn station. This' point Is four miles from the opening" of the mine , on the Monongnhela river. j Slo tly a.tor he re-o ; t was circulated that an exploslo.n had taken place at the Em pire mlno and that many miners were en tombed , Water street , a narrow thorough fare leading to It , was crowded with men , women and children , nil moving nt break neck saecd towards the mines. When the mlno was reached wilting hands at once went to-1 work. There wag no waiting. Hferj > bodysedmed to vnnt to co Into the mlhoi It was by sh'cer' force that these In charge at tlio entrance kept tlio crowd oirt. There was a sufficient force Inside to do rescue work when a' weary and painful wait of hours took place. It was several hours later that the tink ling of the electric boll In the engine house announced that a train pf coal cars rwas coming from within. The scene of the dis aster Is more than a mlle from the en trance. The ci\rs are taken In and out by means of heavy bales , wrapped and un wrapped by two largo spools. It took about ten minutes for the first load to reach the outside world. While the coble was wind ing there was a suspense that bordered on the awful. When the little train of cars emcrced a ahuddor. was yjslblo In the crowd. First there came tweycars loaded with coal. Then three cars , In each of which there were two bodies. In one were two brothers , side by side , John and Salem Halston. In the others were Robert Davidson and John Bennett , William Prltchard and John Cartwrlght. James Hill was In the last car. During the cntlro afternoon there was a doaperato wait. It was announced that many men had come out of the mlno from an abandoned entry nearly three 'miles dis tant. This allayed the fears of many and as fast as the men wore accounted for to their friends and families rejoicings and congratulations followed. At 9 o'clock the last of the explorers from the mlno came out and announced that there was nothing living or dead behind In the mine , leaving the llet of fatalities as given. Flro Boss Henry Farrar and Pit Boss James Broderlck were In the party that made the last search of the mlno to night. When questioned as to the cause of thp disaster they would.not talk , merely saying they had nothing to say for publi cation. Much Interest Is manifested In the cause of the explosion and Coroner Smith , who. Arrived from Uulontown tonight , Bays a searching Investigation will bo made at the Inquest , Firemen Turn Delix Down , TORONTO , Sept..23. Vice Grand Master Hanrahan of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen has announced that he will not be a candidate for grand master. This means that Mr. Sargent' will be elected unani mously. The convention has rejected the report of the grand executive board on the report of the board of grand trustees. Its report was not made public , Eugene V. Debs has como and gone , but'he. did not cnp- Expert bicyclists ivc already suc ceeded in riding- single wheel , or unicycle , for short distances. In years to come the unicycle - cle may become ni common a mode of loco motion as the bicycle. Only a - few j ears ago x people would * \ have laughed at , J the idea that J- * all the world -would shortly i be awheel. It is not in me chanics alone that the world is making rapid progress. Not many years ago all physicians pronounced consumption an incurable disease. To day a large proportion of people recognize that it is a distinctly curable disease. Doctor Picrce's Golden Medical Discovery cures § 3 per cent , of all cases of consumption. It has stood the test for thirty years. Thou sands of people who were given up by their doctors , and had lost all hope owe their lives to this marvelous remedy. It acts j directly on the lungs , driving but all im purities and disease germs. It restores the appetite , corrects all disorders of the diges tion , strengthens the weak stomach , makes the assimilation of the life-giving elements of the food perfect , invigorates the liver , purifies the blood and tones the nerves. It is the great blood-maker and flesh-builder. It does not make flabby flesh like cod liver oil , but the firm , muscular tissue of abso lute health. An honest dealer will not offer you an inferior substitute for the sake of a little added profit. Miss Mary Whitman , of Kast Dickinson , Prankllu Co. , N. Y. , writes : " I'or nearly ten months I liaxe had a bad cough , and instead of getting better , It grew worse. I wa said to have consumption. I tried Dr. Hcrcejs Golden Med ical Discovery , and when the second bottle was empty I had no cough and , was cured. " Dr. Pierce's and rood health Is largely a matter of healthy activity of the bowels. Dr. Pierce'i Pleasant Pellrts cure constipation. They are safe , * ure and speedy , and once taken do not have to be taken alwayi. One little "relict" Is a gentle laxalfvr , and two a mild v * * . cathartic. They never B-'Al E ATC gripe. Drucglsts sell them. * . WISWUjJ * f \ ture any oftlcp In the Rift of the order. It U now descried that vihat Mr. Urb * wanted was hla old position of rrand secretary- treasurer and editor of the Flrrnien'N Maga zine. Jinn til Oiiiulin sun , H- MHO * . Thrco more truck loads of gambling de vices from South Omaha have come Into the ' po uslon of Stlporltiundpnt Miles Houck of tlio court hottso. Two of them con sisted of lilclel-ln-thc-slot ; mnvi nes gath- eicd up In the general raid on rtie saloons of the Magic city Thursday nlg'it. The third load was added yesterday. It came from the saloon of J. U. Harvey , whu e | Ucc was pulled by Detective Court ney on a warrant Issued by Jurtlco of the I'cacoVhlto on complaint of a detective named Cook , In Courfncy's employ. Harvey was anostcd. Courtney has been noting under the In structions of the county nttoinry. At Mr. Haldrlpi's oPIcc jrrtcrday It was stated that Deputy Attorney II. L. tiiiv vo .Id Invi- cliatco of the p'osocitCon of all tlu < South Onahtcasts , of which there Is now ijulto a big batch. Tlio futtilturc found In the place over Hanoi's bar consisted of a cinp tnblo , n lovlette Irble and wheel , tuso faro layouto and n "Klondike" device after the chuck , luck older. irintN \ rdi I Im id ( Ur. . Judge Cordon drllvrred bis decision In the case of Co rje Aichlbnld , the Pacific Express company's ditvor , who 1st rtllegcd to have Ftolen nn expires package contain ing ? 3OCO from a srfo In one ot thp coin- pony's wnrons , ycstirdny aftcrn nn. While admitting that the state did not bring out ft very sir nj ; cac his honor thought hu wns Justified In binding the def ° n innt over to tlu dlptrlrt court. Ho at flst i laeed the bond at $1/00 but icducrd It lo $1.200. Half an hour aflrr the dcdMon was rendered - dored Archlbildas free nn bonds , his sure ties being the Mcrehnuts' National bank. i'lilinil ( " . Irl In 'IVituli'i * . Mamie Po'-t , n Pulnn girl , \\rs pass-nc ; along Capitol nvrpiie , near Kcurtt" ' I' ' street Ircf rl"lit , v ' en she r-i-niirfired Hunttnct'-n. n'i ne' r , rrturn'ro ' from work nt a. i"Vlc hnll. ll'-ntlrrlon trle'l to M'-V ' the glrlM dog and \\lien sue prnlrstnl ma'l an rffort to strlV" bcr Tl'f rlrl siurd her slipper def'lv r.nd do. It Hvntlnrtou sn h n ' - tl'nt his rnr wna partially severed. Doth wcro arrested for fis Mnrrlnsi- , | M-IIH.-H. County Judge Itaxtcr Issued the follow- lug marrl.igo licenses yesterday : Name and Residence. Age. R-nst Uronhaus , St. Louis . 31 Mary Wlttltopf , St. Louis . 27 Walter Pokorakl , South Omnlia . 23 Rosa Cera , South Omaha . 19 George A. Beam , South Omaha . 40 R. Alice Grimth , South Omaha . 26 Clil Jleoti Toil ay , There will bo a meeting of the western members of the Sigma Chi Greek Letter fraternity In Omaha today. Acceptances to Invltat'lons have boon received from prom- Incut collegians belonging to the fraternity , THE HCaiGICE OF SYIOT OF FIGS is due not only to the originality nnd simplicity of the combination , but also to the care and hldll with which it is mannfuctured by scientific processes known to tbe C.vJi.iroifXiA Fie Svuur Co. only , nnd wo wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true anil original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIFOHNIA Fie SVIIUP Co. - illy , a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par- wies. The high standing of the CAI.I- jtouNiA Fie Syutrv Co. with the medi cal profession , and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has ifiven to millions of families makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is t'ar in advance of all other laxatives , us it acts on the kidneys , liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial fleets , please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FUANCISCI ) , Cnl. r. itr \C\V VOIIV. N.Y. now residing In tlio west , nnd delegations a e expected fiom Ohicntso , Kuutiu Oily , Lincoln and Nebraska City. The morning will bo dcxotrd to n mcuing at the Mur ray hotel , at' whleti matteis concerning lha general fraternity will be ells'1.1 * < d In thp afternoon the visitors will put In their time at the exposition. At 7 oYlocK n ban quet will be served In the Maikcl cnfc on the oxio.ttion grounds , and following fills will be n tour of the Mld ay. AMI Cor. l.i .ml lljr.ui' i i TcU-pli me i217 ! .vii * It unlluni-v Plops , nnd Mgrs. \V. W CU1..I3 Act. Multiuser. Sept. IS. II ) , i.1" , Ul , ! ! . > . Ut : mill 1M. i\ct-.i . \i > iilnu mill iniitMicon Mimlay , Wi'iliK-Kiln.i mill Mitm-ilny. IU > 'I.\LI > .v ( i.Asir.vii VAI nnvu.i.i : ( iiit in : i-oi-nii \ \ . Elglit-ycur-old Mental Prodigy , ( * . i . * * ti i o t ii liUenmtlomU Musliul C'onilquca. ' IMi.i HAM m wivrmi .v IS\MIJY , Kketil > and Travesty Artist , 'I IK. . .It'l 1 llfSlls MM , < > . Comedy Horizontal llur Experts. i i < < it ri I.H it The Copper nnd tlu Kid. ANV.i. I i. | . U , \ , , i 1,1 , ( in. normun Character and Clmngo Artlit. * > on anil i i.\ i . Comedian and Comedienne. ( . it uti n : c M..T10 ! Supreme Monologlst. , TUT. til i m\ { ii I I'M1 * . Singing and Uuiu-lm : Ariub.ita. ChiillciiKf ( iichiNtii t OIU--I-IM mill ttl-rrrMliiiM" ! ( < , V.\ irjSunday an cntli-c > ! > > Show. BOYD'S ' THEATER" Trl SIC M ) wrrK-UMHMHii s si ccnss. TODAY ISiilo. TO.MtJUT Mil.- . AIiKluec Miliiriliij . cn.Moiti : A. MOvim's Price * l.AUGHINQ SWCIiSg 15 written to rag-time music 50 25 flllay" Prrtt 75 CuUliy Bright Music Specialties r > 'S > I I'AtfroN & jritnnss. I Mumisers Tel 1918. S L X D A Y M A TIX K12 , S K1 " . % . - , . Weilnemliiy anil SiUurilaj llntliiueB. The World Famous Hanlon's No\\cat SUPERBA Full of new gorgeous features , magnificent scenery , ballets , pantomime tricks and spec ialties. NEW INTERPOLATIONS-Tho bathing girls , shadow battle , combination bedstead , angry husband , accommodating whale , vlc- .Ilntlng blllard table , funny bicyclists , dazzling Arctic scene , elongated caudle , ed ucated babies , storm tossed occou. Prices 25c , COc , 7Gc. Matinees. 2Gc , fiOc. , , , , , O. u , > \i > oU\vurU. Amusement Director. TOHAY anto. TOMUIIT Miirt. T111J U'OtimVAUU .TdClC CO. I'UKSENTINO Lost Paradise Next Weik TWO OIU'IIA.VS. Arc you Roiug to the Omatia Museum and Theater 1315-1.317 Fariuim BIGGEST SHOW IN TOWN , Admission 10 cents. SCKLITZ ROOf GARDEN , 10th and H.irncy Streets. TiSscs ir 11001 DAMM FAMILY LADY ORCHESTRA livery Afternoon anil UreiiliiK AUmlNHlun Free. Big Reductions in Brass Band Instruments , Drums and Uniforms. Write fnr c.lnloc. 4J5 Illustrations. PRURj it Cv ! Uanj Music U Instructions for Amateur BanJs. < UONllHEALY.49Atfami St.Chicago. IIOTHI.S. THE MILLARD 13'-0 AMUUIC'.V.N IJIJUOl' ' AMI ' ! ' I'l V\ J. 12. 3I.V11KUI , & HUS. 1'roin. TicrFi L' 14th u.id Harney St. Strictly flrst clngs. Street cars from depots to hotel nnd only U mlnutea ride to Kxno- tltlon. Rates J2.00 tc Ji.oo. U. SII LQWAY Manager MIDWAY ATTBACTIO1XTS. I TEA CURIO STORE COOLEST AND FINEST PLACE. North ol Music Hall , E. Midway. j * SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA J g Ostrich Farm g WEST 91 111 WAY. Q Q a62 Gijjantic Birds 62 a Do Not Forget to Visit tha CHINESE Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss House on West Midway. . * TUB WONDRR 01' TIIU ART WOULD EAST MIDWAY-JO Its. VlblT TIIU DESTRUCTION or HIE MAINZ. The two main features ut the Exposi tion are the model of the Maine In the Government building and the De struction of the Matno on the Midway , next to the Gypsy Fortune Tellers. j Old Plantation 100 Southern Negro Dancers , Hlngcru , and CukoVull.era. . Pickaninny Quartet , Handaon.n Theater , Heu the V.llage. THE PAUCEJf MYSTERIES The Best Show Ever Produced at an Exposition. FOUR RIII3AT ATTRACTIONS. " 1.I/XI2TTI , " The Mystery of the Air. A Wonderful iSypnotlc Production , "SIIK. " "IA Iini.MO SKI.IICA , " In the Dancing Girl Illusion. "ISHJIAEI , , " The Famous Hindoo Magician. CONTINUOUS Streets of All Nations Grandest , Best Amusement Place on Exposition Grounds. 250 People Representing Different Nations. Don't fall to take rt rifle on GRIFFITHS' ' SCENIC RAILWAY on the MIDWAY , and see a representation or the BATTM3 OF MANILA In the Great Tunnel , The patent right for these rail- \vuyn In any part of the United Btatei ( or eale by J. A. GrIIIHhB. at hla office on tha Midway. Midway.HAGENBACH'S Trained Wild Animal Show , .VIIUI-/MU In her Irn of I'or /OK/JO Morell forming Leopard * . THE AUiOMA-TON from I-gyptiun H < tl. Loiulon , East Midway , 1C ) cents. roi/ sun THE f AIL or WRST