Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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Activity in Wheat Market Eases Off a Trifle
and Selling is Weak ,
1'rovlilonn Arc Indciicnilcnllr Strong
f and Clone from Seven to Ten
Cento IllKliur All
Arouiiil ,
CHICAGO , Sept. 23. Wheat today abaied
a good deal of Its recent bullishness and
closed nt a decline of about &c In Decem
ber. Talk of Increased receipts In the north
west and southwest anil estimates of a
lioavy world's crop promoted active selling
on the part of recent buyers and kept the
market weak most of the wsslon. Corn nnd
oatt , were sympathetically weak , corn clew
ing Uo lower and oats % c lower. Provl-
Blons were Independently strong nnd closed
7140'lOe higher.
Weakness was shown by wheat right
from the start. Prices at Liverpool were a
disappointment to traders , that market re-
njiondlnc feebly to yesterday's sharp advance
here. Northwest inalkcta opened at lower
prices. Open'ng tluJcs In December were
ot Cl@G4'ic , compared with yesterday's
closing prlco of G4'/4Glc. There was a
Kood deal of realizing at the start by weak-
kneed holders , which made the market
rather wobbly for a time. An undertone of
strength soon developed , however , when
later advices showed nn Improvement In
prices , both in the northwest markets and
nt Liverpool. When the northwest again bo-
Kan to decline , which It soon did , the prlco
Blld off again and to lower figures than he-
lore , December declining from 610G4'/4c
to 63c. The decline was gradual for some
tline , as buyers were present In sufficient
iiumUrs to take care of the offerings. Re-
jiortb of freer country offerings , which came
from all over the west , \\cro responsible for
a good deal of selling. Bullish news was
not lacking Drv weather vat > reported ' .u
Argentina , with wheat throitcned by locusts.
Drouth was said to prevail In parts of Rus-
u I R , preventing seeding operations. .Minne
apolis nnd Duluth receipts amounted to 955
cars , compared with 1,099 last week and
3,000 cars a year ago. Chicago receipts
\voro 219 cars. The break of the day came
when Uccrbohm'8 estimate on the world's
wheat crop was received from Liverpool.
U put the total at 2,640,000,000 bushels ,
which was very much higher nnd 500.000
bushels over last year's estimate. This
brought nil classes of holders on the mar
ket and buyers were flooded with offerings.
December touched 63 c before the bottom
was reached nnd though covering by shorts
beoamo fairly heavy at that prlco the mar
ket recovered very little. Late In the ses-
tilon cables showing strong continental
markets stopped the liquidation in a de
gree and from then to the close the market
was steadier. Paris showed an advance ot
SO centimes and Amsterdam and Berlin also
allowed good advances. Seaboard claimed
forty loads for export. December advanced
Irregularly to 63c nnd closed at that price
bid. x
Corn was Blow all day. There was a fair
amount ot buying of December against cash
sales , but not sufficient to sustain the mar
ket , prices ruling slightly lower all duy.
Sympathy with wheat was the principal fac
tor. Receipts were liberal , 854 cars. Ex
port sales wore reported at GO loads. Coun
try offerings to arrive were light. Decem
ber ranged from 299429c to 29c and
closed % © ' /4c lower at 29c.
Oats wcro dull nnd weak. Attempts to
take profits and a poor demand caused n
material decline In prices. Weakness ol
wheat was responsible for a good deal ol
Rolling. There was a good cash Inquiry and
clearances were large. Receipts were 401
cars. May ranged from Z3c to 22c nnd
closed % c lower at 2222c.
Provisions showed Independence of grain
markets and though the market waa Inact
ive with the exception of a short time before
the close , prices were well sustained. Yel
low fever talk apparently had no effect.
l > aokcrswore good buyers of ribs. Trading
was mainly local. December pork closec
7V4o higher at $8.27 % ; December lard , IOc
higher at $1.85 and January ribs , 7'-ic higher
at $4.77 % .
Estimated receipts Saturday : Wheat , 220
cars ; corn , 800' ' cars ; oats , 380 cars ; hogs ,
15,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles , Optn. lllrh. Low. Clone. Yos'd'j
87 07 67M
05H 04H 06H
20H ! 20K < aH 20M
20K ! f JOH
21K 22
21 BOJi Hc i
May. . . 2211-23 23
Oct. . . . 817 817M S 10
Dec. . . HIO : 8 VS
Jan. . . . 820 012K 017H 007
Oct. . . 4BR 472H 480 472
Dec. . . 477M 487N 475 485 47S
Jnn. . . 4 US 405 485 4 US 48S
Bli't Ulb
Oct . . . B27H CS2H 625 635 625
Jnn. . . 470 477H 407Hi 477H 470
Cash Quotations wcro as follows :
FLOUR Firm ; special brands , $4.25 < fZ
4.00 ; hard winter patents. J3.40gn.CO ; sofl
patents , J3.30-S3.40 ; straights , J3.0003.10.
bakers , $2.00Jj'2.10.
WHKAT No. 3 spring , 63QG3 7-Sc ; No. !
red. 67ilG7Wc.
CORN-NO. 2 , 29 c-soia v-sc.
OATS No. 2 , 22Uff23c , f. o. b. ; No. 2
white , 24VSc ; No. 3 white , 23V4@26V4c.
IlYB-No. 2. 48V4C.
IIARLICY No. 2 , 33 ® 45c.
S1313DS No. 1 tluxsecd , 90c ; prime
timothy seed , { 2.30.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , JS.20
J8.25. Lard. per 100 Ibs. , $4.TrH4.82H.
Hliort rlba sides ( loose ) , J3.20iiG.40 ; dry
Halted shoulders ( boxed ) , $4.5034.75 ; short
clear sides ( boxed ) , S5.40ijG.5Q.
WHISKY-DIstllfera' llnlshed goods , per
BUl. . $1.25.
Following are the receipts and shipment !
for today :
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was easy ; creameries , ISf Oc ;
dairies , HH@17c. Cheese , steady at 76SV.C.
tlrm ; fresh , He.
CluoditlunB for tlit liny on Gciicrnl
NEW YORK , Sept. 23-FLOUR-Re-
relpts , 20,545 bbls. ; exports , 12,500 bbls. ;
fairly active and llrm for new spring pat
ents , but dull otherwise ; spring patents ,
J3.SOIf4.45 ; winter straights , J3.40y3.60j win
ter patents , $3.7504,00 ; spring clears , J3.30S
3.50 ; extra No. 1 winter , $2.75Q2.90 ; extra
No. 2 winter , $2.00 2.75.
CORNMEAL Yellow western. SOc.
HA HLEt MALT Steady.
WHEAT Receipts , 274,725 bu. ; exports ,
118,400 bu. ; spot easier ; No. 2 red , 75i75V-c
f. o. b. ailoat. Options opened ens\
through disappointing cables and declined
further on account of local unloading-
later a partial recovery took place or
higher French cables , but the close was
dull and unsettled nt 3-SJflc net decline-
latter on September. Sales Included No. 2
red , September , 73 l-S < Q75Uc ; closed , 73 7-Sc ;
December , 6SJW ) 9Hc ; closed , U9c.
CORN Receipts , 160,900 bu. ; exports , 253-
WO bu. ; spot Hteady ; No. 2 , 35 5-So f. o. b.
ulloat. Options dull , easier and affected by
the break In wheat , good weather news and
liberal car lot estimates , closing 1-Sc nel
lower ; September clotted , 3 Uc ; December ,
OATS Receipts , 132,000 bu , ; exports , 42.
t7 bu. ; spot quiet ; No. 2 , 20c ; No. 2 white ,
SSV4 2 c. Options dull nnd nominal.
HOPS-FIrm : state , 1WG crop. 48tc ! : 1S91
crop , 8 SV4c : 1S3S crop , 14ijl7c ; Paclllc coast
1SW crop , 461)0.
WOOL Fine , twelve months , 49g50c ; me-
dlum , twelve months , 46K4Sc ; course , 40J
43o ; California , spring , 4Sii60c ; Oregon ,
eastern. 47j/4Sc ; territory , staple , 62c.
CHEESE-Strong ; largo white , S 3-SJj8 c
Finall white. SUfojVie : large colored , 8 3-bj
SUa ; mrmll colored , SSVi to'jo.
UUTTER-Rccelpts. .1.21,5 pkKS. : nrm ;
western creamery , 15J4U21c ; Klglns , 21c
factory. HHljUUc.
KGQS Receipts , 6KS pkgs. ; steady ;
western , 17c.
COTTONtiKED OIL Steady ; prime yel-
low. 22Uc.
METALS The mctnl market developed
considerable Irregularity today , some de-
parlments showing pronounced strength ,
while on the other hand , lead nnd tin were
wrnk , with a slight dccrenoo In prices.
Business on the whole was decidedly bet
ter than during the last few days. At the
cloco the metal exchange called pig Iron
warrants llrmer. with $0.95 bid and $7.05
asked : Inko copper quiet nnd unchanged ,
with $12.50 bid and J13.00 risked ; tin quiet ,
with JlC.o ) bid nnd $1R.15 risked ; lend cnsy ,
with $3.95 bid and $1.04 nskcd ; spelter un
changed , with $1.S2 4 bid nnd $ I.S5 asked.
The linn that llxow the Fcttllnc price for
item quoted lead at $3.Sj.
CondKloii of Trade nml Quotation * on
Staple nnd I'nnity I'rodiice.
EGGS-Good stock , 134c. !
BUTTER-Common to fair , lMM2c ; sep
arator , 20c ; gathered creamery , 18c.
LIVE POULTRY lions. 7c ; old roosters ,
4c ; spring chickens , 707V4c ; ducks , EfjGc ;
Kfose. not wanted ,
GAME Teal , blue wing , $1.75 ; green wing ,
$1.50 ; mixed , * 1.75'ii2.25 ; prairie chickens ,
young. $3.50 ; old , $2.50.
I'IGKONS Live , per doz. , $1.00.
VEAL Choice , 9c.
CELKRY-Per bunch , 300350.
ONIONS-Ncw , per bu. , 4i j50c.
BEANS Hnnd-plcked navy , per bu. , $1.40
CABBAGE , per lb. . Ic.
TOMATOES Per four-basket crate , 20 ®
30r.CfCUMBERSHomo grown , per doz. ,
ORANOES-Seedllngs , $2.75 ; Mediter
ranean sweets , J2.755l3.00.
LE.MONS-Callfornia , $6 ; fancy Messina ,
$ G.DO7.00.
UANANAS-Cholce , large stock , per
bunch , $2.0032.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
APPLES-Per bbl. , choice shipping stock ,
WATERMELONS-Crntcd. 13S14c ; loose.
CANTALOUPE Rocky Ford , per crate ,
PEACHES-Callfornla , 20-lb. case , OOc.
PLUMS-Oregon , $1.00.
PEARS Bartlett. California , scarce
about out of market $2.25 ; other varieties ,
"GRAPES-Natlve , per basket , 12Hfll3e ;
California Tokays , $1.50 ; Ohio , per basket ,
15c.CRANBERRIESAVIxoons'n , per box ,
$1.25 ; Cape Cods , per bbl. , $7.
NUTS Almonds , per lb. , largo size , 12 ®
I3c ; small , lie ; Brazils , per lb. , 9010c : Kn-
Kllsh walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell. 11 ©
12c ; standards. S09c ; filberts , per lb. , IOc ;
pecans , polished , medium , 607c : extra
large , SQ9c ; largo hickory nuts , $1.00(31.10 (
per bu. ; small , $1.1501.25 per bu. ; cocoanuts ,
per 100 , $1.5005.00 ; peanuts , raw , G',4c ;
roasted , 7' , c.
MAPLE SYRUP Five-gal , can. each ,
$2.75 ; ijnl. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gal ,
cans , $ n.25 ; quart cans , $3.50.
HONEY Choice white , 12'&c. ' &
DATES Hallowee , GO to 70-lb. boxes , BVicj
Salr , 5c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , 9c.
FIGS Imported , fnncy 3-crown , 14-lb.
boxes , IOc ; C-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 3-lb.
boxes , 22023o per box ; California , 10-lb.
boxes , $1.
CIDER-Per half bbl. , $3.2503.50.
HIDES-No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 2
green hides. Gc ; No. 1 salted hides , 8&c ; No.
2 salted hides , 7 ic ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12
Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 venl salf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No.
1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2. 24c ! ; rough tallow , lVc ;
white grease , 2H62&CJ yellow nnd brown
grease , l402'/4c. !
SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each , 150
i5c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry
Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 405c ; dry flint ,
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per lb. . actual weight , 304e ; dry Hint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , nctual
weight , 405c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 34c.
St. Io u In Market.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 23.-FLOUR-Strongcr
but unchanged ; patents , $3.4503.60 ;
straights , $3.1003.25 : clear , $2.GOii2.90 ; rye
jlour , jobbing at $2.75 In sacks and $3.00 per
WHEAT Easier , closing with futures
fractionally lower than yesterday. Spot ,
steady ; No. 2 red. cash , elevator and track ,
iOc ; September , Gflc asked : December , 663-8
WML * . Mayi cfl'-.gc ' bla. No _ 2 hard cnsh
CORN Futures fractionally lower ; spot
dull , steady ; No. 2 cnsh , 29c asked ; Sep
tember , 28ic ; December , 2SU02S3-8c ; May ,
OATS A Hhado easier for futures ; spot
steady ; No. 2 cash , 23c bid ; track , 23c , nom
inal ; September , 24i asked ; December ,
22Vc asked ; May , 241-8c asked ; No. 2 white ,
RYE-Strong , WAc bid.
SEEDS Flnxseed easier , 87o bid ; prime
timothy , nominally $2.B3.
CORNMEAL Quiet , $1.5531.60.
BRAN Scarce and In demand ; sacked ,
cast track , 47c.
HAY Strong ; timothy , $0.5009.00 ; prairie ,
BUTTER-Flrm ; creamery , 18@22c ; dairy ,
EGGS-Hlgher , 13c , loss off.
WHISKY Steady nt $1.23.
METALS Quiet , $3.87 ? ; spelter , nominal ,
PROVISIONS Pork , firmer ; staddard
mess , Jobbing , $8.23. Lard , higher ; prime
steam , $1.70 ; choice , $4.75. Dry salt meats ,
boxed shoulders. $4.75 ; extra short clear ,
$5.60 ; ribs , $5.G2'A ; shorts , $5.75. Bacon ,
boxed shoulders , $5.50 ; extra short clear ,
$ G.OO : ribs , $6.12H ; shorts , $0.37 % .
RECEIPTS Flour , 8,000 bbls. ; wheat , C3-
000 bu. ; corn. 13,000 bu. ; oats , 28,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 5,000 bbls. : wheat ,
24,000 bu. ; corn , 16,000 bu. ; oats , 19,000 bu.
Ilnltlmorr Market.
BALTIMORE , Sept. 23. FLOUR-Flrmer.
Receipts , 14,218 bbls. : exports , 9,570 bbls. ;
western superfine , $2.2502.50 : western extra ,
$2.6503.00 : winter patents , $3.75 3.95 ; spring
patent. $4.25514.40 ; Rio extra , $3.0503.90.
WHEAT Easy ; spot and month , 72 ©
721c ! ; October. 70U : steamer No. 2 red , GSc.
Receipts , 31,500 bu. ; exports , 20,000 bu.
Southern wheat by sample , C70 > 73c.
CORN Easy ; spot and month , 33V-0) )
335-8c ; October , 335-8033ic. Receipts , 59.-
000 bu. ; exports , 60,000 bu. ; southern white
corn , 35c.
OATS-Firmer : No. 2 white western , 27 >
02Sc ; receipts. 28,000 bu , ; exports , none.
nUTTBU Steady ; store packed , 1213c.
KGQS Fresh , llrm nt IGc.
CHEESE Active ; fancy New York , 6c ;
large , 90DV c ; large medium , 99iS10c ; small ,
Cincinnati Market.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 23. FLOUR Easier ;
fancy , $3.0003.20 : family , $2.5302.80 ; winter
patent , J3.4003.73 ; extra , $2.2502.40.
WHEAT Quiet ; No. 2 red , 70c.
CORN Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 31c.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 25c.
RYE-FIrm : No. 2 , 4Sc.
PROVISIONS-Lard , llrm , $6.70 ; bulk
meats In fair demand , $6.47V4 ; bacon , firm ,
$6.55 ,
WHISKY Firm , $1.25.
BUTTER Steady and unchanged ; fancy
Elgin creamery , 22c ; Ohio , 14&lSc ; dairy ,
SUGAR Steady ; bard refined , J4.53S6.10.
KGGS-QuIet at 13c.
CHEESE Firm ; good to prime Ohio fiat ,
, Toledo Market.
TOLEDO , Sept. 23. WHEAT Dull nnd
weak ; No. 2 cash and September , 71c ; De
cember , 67 l-8c.
CORN Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 31c.
OATS Dull and higher ; No. 2 mixed , 22c.
RYE Dull : No. 2 cash , 4S c.
CLOVERSEUD Active nnd lower ; prime
cash , old , $3.90 ; October , $4.70.
Xew OrlemiN Market.
COFFEE Steady ; Rio , ordinary to fair.
RICE In fair demand ; ordinary to good ,
3 7-804 7-Sc.
FLOUR Extra fancy , J3.3003.40 ; patents ,
MliineapollN AV heat Market.
Quiet ; September , GIHc ; December , GS c ;
No. 1 hard , 4Sc.
FLOUR-Flrst patents. $3.9304.03 ; second
patents. $3.7503.85 ; first clears , $2.7002.50.
BRAN-Hlghcr ; bulk , $7.5508.00.
Milwaukee ( iraln Mnrket.
WHEAT Lower ; No. 1 northern , 6Sc ; De
cember , nominal.
RYE Firm : No. 1 , 49c.
BARLEY-Easlcr ; No. 2 , 43043Hc ;
sample , 31Q13c ,
IMillaileliililn Market.
Flrm : fancy western , 27c.
EGOS Firm , 2o higher ; fresh western ,
16 17e.
CHEESE-FIrm nnd higher.
California Itrloil FrnltH.
DRIED FRUITS Steady ; evaporated ap
ples. common , GSSc per pound : crime wire
trny , SUc ; choice , 9e ; fancy , 9'2e ' Prune ? ,
4 iitc ! per pound , ns to size nnd quality.
Apricots. Roynl. llwiSc ; Moor Pnrk. IMP
16c. Peachtfl , unpcclcd , "I/9c ! peeled , 12 $
15c per pound.
Liverpool ( irnlii Market ,
LIVERPOOL , Sept. 23. WHEAT-FIrm ,
l-SfJ iil higher ; September , 6s IVid ; Decem
ber , 6s Sd ; March , 6s 6d.
CORN Steady nnd unohntiKCd to 1-S0
3-Sd higher ; September , 3n 2 o-Sd ; October ,
3s 2 7-Sd ; December , 3s 3d.
San I-'rniiclnoo Wheat Slarket.
Stendy : December , $1.22-)4.
BARLEY-Strong ; December , $1.24 ? * .
Market Actn In n SltiKKliU anil Hcn-
ItntlnK Manner ,
NEW YORK , Sept. 23. There was only
n ripple hero and there on the surface of
today's stock market. There were wide
gaps In the list of usually active stocks
nnd the prominent securities , which wcte
moved nt all did so In n sluggish nnd hes
itating manner and. on u small amount of
trading. The bears seemed to have the
upper hand nt the opening and clipped the
prlco of St. Paul a point in addition to the
Wt per cent dividend which was taken oiT
today. General Electric IIMV stock , Sugar ,
Metropolitan Railway and People's Uns
all showed declines ranging from a sharp
fraction up to nearly IVa. Sugar showed
resistance and drifted back to the neigh
borhood of last night's closing price. With
that the market fell Into n torpor , the
boar * being discouraged from further op
erations In face of the hardness of prices
and the easier tendency of the money mar
ket , and the bulls being disinclined to re
new the campaign until conditions In the
money market become moro settled , borne
reliance baa been placed on the drawing
Interest In Americans , which was manifest
on the London exchange ns a help to the
next bull campaign. But New ork s de
mand upon London for gold and the con
sequent stiffening of the money rate there ,
which went to 2 per cent today for call
loans nnd 2 3-S&2-vi per cent for private
discount , has brought speculation In Lon
don to u standstill. Americans have fallen
Hat there along with the other markets.
There were movements In Individual stocks
today , but the market as n. whole presented
a waiting attitude. Tobacco was weak and
sold us low as 147 3-S. The mercurial New
York Air Brake dipped 10 points and re
covered 7 without any perceptible intluence
on the general market. Terminal , bvans-
vlllo & Terre. Haute Central. Southern Pa
cific nnd a few other comparatively obscure -
scuro stocks showed noteworthy advances.
People's Gas was up on the announced set
tlement of the controversy with the In
diana Natural Gas company. There was
good buying on a small scale of the grang
ers and the Pnclllcs on the statement of
earnings. Net changes In the majority of
cases are small and fall to retlect any gen
eral condition of business.
' financial cablegram
The Evening Post's London
blegram says : The stock markets hero
opened Hat today on the developments in
China. Argentines were especially weaken
Times editorial
on a pessimistic London
concerning the boundary question. AVhen
the information given In these dispatches
yesterday concerning Buenos Ayrcs buying
became known , however , a sharp rise fol
lowed , the foreign buying being backed b >
Rothschild purchases and Chill securities
closing at the best. I am told that private
telegrams state that a document providing
boundary by arbitration
for a settlement of the
tration has been signed. Americans opened
rather dull on realizations by English bulls
in such specialties us Erie. New York , On
tario & Western and Missouri Pacific.
Louisville & Nashville was offered on an
exaggerated report of the weak condition
of the cotton market. Subssquetitly New
York bought Union Pacific. Louisville. &
Nashville and Central Pacific and the mar
ket closed steady. There was a decline in
the number of American bills ottered for
future delivery. 1 am told that orders for
the. withdrawal of eagles from the Bank
of England tomornw morning have been
countermanded , but I cannot confirm this.
The financial position in Berlin requires
careful watching. The numbev of German
accommodation bills In London has in
creased enormously of late and It will bo
surprising If this is not a money squeeze
3rd ass't pd. ,
The bond market was extremely dull ,
with the exception of San Antonio and
Aransas Pass 4s , which went up 2 points
on large transactions. Prlco changes were
Irregular. Government bonds were un
NCMV York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Sept. 23. MONEY On call ,
steady at 4 per cent.
tual business In bankers' bills at $4.83 % @
4.S4 for demand and $4.S1U4.8HS for sixty
days ; posted rates , $4.82',4if4.85 ; commer
cial bills. $ t.SO % .
GOVERNMENT BONDS Firm ; 3s , 105U :
now 4s , registered , 122 ; coupon , 127 ; 4s , reg
istered , 110 % ; coupon , 111 * ' . 2a , 99 ; Es ,
registered nnd coupon , 112l/4 ; Pacific 6s ot
' 89 , 102' .
n/\R SILVER Glc.
Closing quotations on bonds were as fol
lows :
I'liinueliil .Vuti'H.
OMAHA , Sept. 23. Clearances today were
11,039.693.31 ; balances , $55.651.23. Clear
ances last year were $991,190.52 ; balances ,
$175.834.53. Increase in rlonrlncs. . < " " > " > .
CHICAOO , Sept. 23. Clearings , $16.452,181 ;
balances , Jl.210,193. New York exchange.
10 premium. Posted rates , $ l.S2i@4.5. !
Stocks dull but steady ; Southern Side Ele
vated , 77 ; Jllsrult , 33 ; Illscutt preferred ,
95H : Diamond JIatch , 140 ; Lake Street Ele
vated , 133-8 ; North Chicago , 222 ; Strawboard -
board , 31 ; West Chicago , 91 ; City Railway ,
290.PHILADELPHIA. . Sept. 23. - Clearings ,
f9.847.8)S ) : balances. J1.373.7S3.
HALTIMORE , Sept. 23. Clearings , $2,682.-
118 : balances , I423CA4.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 23-Money , 2JiQ6 per
cent. New York exchange , par. Clearings ,
NEW YORK. Sept. 23.-ClearIiiEs , $1HSOV
SOO ; balances , J9,74J,7S4.
ST. LOUIS , Sent. 23.-Clenrlngs , $1,145,208 ;
balances , $390,474. Money , 407 per cent.
Now York exchange , 35c discount bid , 20o
discount asked.
NEW ORLEANS , Sept. 23.-Clcarlngfl ,
J87C.SS9. New York cxchanso , bank , Wo
premium per $1,000 ; commercial , $1.25 per
$1,000 discount.
llonton Slock Quotation * .
BOSTON , Sept. 23. Call loans , 2U04 per
cent ; time loans , 405 per cent. Closing
quotations on stocks , bonds und mining
hares :
StiKur Mnrket.
Centrifugal strong ; seconds , 214jj4 ( 3-lGc.
Molasses , easy ; centrifugal. 4fTllf.
tobcr. OH Oil.
NEW YORK , Sept. 23.-SUGAR-Steady ;
fair refining , 3 ic ; centrifugal , 96 test ,
4 5-16c. Molasses , 3&c ; refined llrm.
Oil Market.
OIL CITY , Pa. , Sept. 23.-Credlt balances ,
$1.04. Certificates opened $1.03 ! & bid ; closed
with sales of 31,000 bbls. cash oil at $1.03H-
Total sales , 11,000 bbls. cash at $1.0254 ; 1.000
bbls cash at J1.03V4 ; shipments , 77,000 , bbls. ;
runs , 80,290 bbls.
Iv a ii MII a City Grnlii anil Prorlnlonn.
tive and about steady ; No. 1 hard , 65@66c ;
No. 2 , 620 > 66c ; No. 3 , 69&66c : No. 3 , 69 %
@ 63c ; No. 2 red , 66c ; No. 3 , 6162c ; No.
2 spring , GSc ; No. 3 , 57@59c.
CORN Slow nnd about steady ; No. 2
mixed. 27H@27V4c ; No. 2 white , 27&c ; No.
3 , 26ttc.
OATS Slow ; No. 2 white , 24 , c.
RYE No. 2. EOe.
HAY Steady and active ; choice timothy ,
$7.25ffi7.50 : choice prairie , $7.
BUTTER Firm ; separator , 18',4@20c ;
dairy , IGc.
EGGS Steady ; fresh. 12c.
Crnln IteeelptH at Principal Market * .
MINNEAPOLIS , Sept. 23. Receipts :
Wheat , 484 cars.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 23. Receipts : Wheat ,
70 cars.
CHICAGO , Sept. 23. Receipts : Wheat ,
219 cars ; corn , 854 cars ; oats , 404 cars.
Estimated carlots 'for tomorrow : Wheat ,
225 ; corn , 800 ; oats' ; 3SO.
DULUTH , Sept. 23. Receipts : Wheat ,
471 .
cars. - - -
Grain receipts nt'prlmary markets : Wheat.
1,069,273 bu. ; corn662,664 bu. ; oats , 28,855
Pcorln Market * .
PEORIA , Sept. 23. CORN Steady ; No. 2.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 white , 24c.
WHISKY Firm at $1.25.
A Theory as to the U e of the Tab by
Yoiin anil Old.
"Thousands of persons , " said a doctor tea
a Now York Sun reporter , "do not pay
proper attention to the rules that should
govern the bath. Many persons bathe too
much , others too little.
"Tho most Important rule , and the one
most often violated , Is that of rubbing
down after Indulging in exercise. Every
day thousands go cycling or take other ex
ercise , utter which they neglect to remove
their underclothes and take a vigorous rub
down with a coarse towel and a little wood
"More than 1 ; ilr the pleasure in exercise
lies In the feeling of new llfo obtained from
this dry bath , for when you replace your
damp underwear with that which ID dry
you feel like a new person , KO Invigorated
and refreshed have- you become. Catching
cold , or rather catching heat , often comes
from the neglect to properly care for your
self after exercise.
"According to at least ono authority ,
from the. ngts of 10 to 16 years children
should not bathe more than twice a week ,
although , of course , a sponge bath should
bo taken , every day. Once a week is sulll-
cient for cleanliness ; less than that Is not.
The temperature of the water should be 90
degrees , Fahrenheit. The best time for the
bath is just before going to bed , although
this is not obligatory.
"If taken at any other time It should be
followed by a cold shower. From 16 to 22
years the baths 'for ' cleanliness are the
same. A tub bath , with the water between
60 and 70 degrees. Fahrenheit , may be taken
every day in rising from bed , nnd If the
person bo In very robust health and ho or
she likes the bath , It may bo taken dally.
In place of It a shower bath for two or
three minutes with the water at 60 degrees ,
Fahrenheit , may be substituted. When this
Is the practice the tub bath , at 90 degrees ,
Fahrenheit , should never be taken moro
than once In seven days , and then at bed-
tlmo , followed by a cool shower. These
rules-apply to all adults In good health un
til the lirst effects of ago become apparent.
"A bath should never be taken within
two hours after a hearty meal. The first
effects of Immersion In warm or In cold
water is to seriously derange the digestive
process If this Is progressing at the time ,
nnd , by n. physiological effect that natur
ally follows , to unbalance or derange the
whole nervous system. The result to that
It is extremely dangerous to the bather.
There are numerous Instances of severe
illness , nnd oven of death , caused by bath
ing while the' ' stomach was full. "
Transport HeturiiN from Police.
NEW YORK , Sept. 23. The United States
transport Seneca from Ponce , September 17 ,
arrived In Quarantine at 6:40 : this morning.
It has on board 170 members of the Illinois
Signal corps bound for Washington bar
racks and 100 troops and government em
ployes for this city.
Committee Completed.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 23. The president
told his visitors today that the commission
to Investigate the conduct of the War de
partment had been completed and would
consist of nine members as first announced.
Ho has not announced the full member
Till } HIJAl/1'Y MAH1CBT.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday ,
September 23 , 1E9S :
Warrant ! ' Iueiln.
C. H. Dole to J. S. Briant , lot 19 ,
block 4 , Pruyn park $ 500
South Omaha Land Co. to H. B.
NovtH. lot 16. block 133 , So. Omaha. 450
Union flock Yards Co. to Phil Cur-
rnn. lot 1 , block 4 , 2d add. to Bed
ford 600
C. H. Dole to J. S. Briant , lot 19 , block
4 , Pi'ivn nuik , 500
I F. J. Evcvllt and w.fe to A , F. R ,
1 AniJoreT. lot 4 , Burr Oak 800
' Alblnus Nanco and wife to F. A.
, Weinmer , e 50 feet lots 11 and 12 ,
bloc ! : 21. f-Mi-h O.rnha 450
It. I ) ItlcharObon and wife to C. E.
Wilkins , lot 1 , block 23. Waterloo. . . 300
I Llrzie Slinln nno husband to Peter
1 nnd Dora Bellman , w > 4 lot 24 , block
15 , L'nnvn park 285
herlfC to South Omaha Savings bank ,
lot 4 , block . ' ' , 1st raid to So , Omnhu. 450
Total amount of transfers $3,835
mi i ll \ i nTP PTnpif Mini'pT
Only a Saturday's Run of Oattlo Ecachos the
Local Yards.
Cirndtinl Improvement In lln-f Trndc
Continue * UOKN Stiirt Slmrly ,
but Sell from n Simileto
1'Kc Cvitt *
SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 23.
. , Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
today . 1.770 4iys sto
. , .
Tuesday . 5,177 ti,517 2&t6
Otllclal Wednesday . . . . < ,7ii ) 7.W.J < .4 s
Olllclul Thursday . c.431 6,1'JJ 3.9C9
t'lve days this week . . 22.S35 2 , fiM 22 , 203
isame days last week . . 22,40-j I5i3'j 27,961
Same days wee.k before 1S.2W 2Vi 0 2SSi7
Average prlco paid for boss for the last
several days with comparisons :
CATTLE There were eo few cattle here
that it seemed almost like a Saturday's
markat nnd ii'ost everything was sold IMT | >
and the yards deserted except by visitors ,
who were far more numerous than the re
ceipts of stock. The market as a whole was
In very satisfactory condition and entirely
satisfactory to the selling Interests.
There were between twenty and twenty-
Ove cars of corn-fed steers in the yards this
morning , and that constituted about every
thing lu the way of boef. The demand on
tuo part of local packers was very good ,
and the opened early and active. It
could bo summed up as a good strong and
active market. The market this week has
been gradually firming up and there has
been n gain of at least IOc for the five days ,
some would say more. Cattle sold today IOc
higher than a cut-off of the same cattle
brought two days ago. There was no west
ern grass bee ! hero to amount to anything ,
but what than * way brought strong prices.
The supply of cows and heifers was so
small that there was not enough to make a
real test of the market , but what there waa
brought firm prices , llulla nnd calves were
not materially changed In regard to value.
As the week draws to a close the feeder
trade naturally slackens up , as speculators
do not like to load up with cattle that will
have to bo carried over Sunday unless they
con get a sufficient concession in the price
to make it some object. For that reason
holders in some cases were complaining that
their holdings did not move off quite as
briskly as yesterday , and that buyers were
inclined to shade prices. Still the fresh of
ferings were light , and that was in sellers'
f.tvor. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..11SO J4 BO 59..1323 S3 00 87..1154 Jl 15
11. . 92S 4 SO 20..11G1 500 1..1140 5 15
30..11G9 4 90 19..1070 5 00 19..1197 B 20
50..1244 4 90 24..1083 E 00 40..120G 5 30
41..1196 4 95 14..1106 5 00 19..13G2 5 30
7. . 770 S3
1. . 900 2 35 1..1290 3 10 1..1020 3 25
1. . 9SO 250 1..1110 3 15 25. . 9S5 3 40
1..1110 2 75 3..10S3 3 25 2..1233 3 60
1..1010 3 00
11. . 8S4 330 1. . 470 4 00 4. . 855 4 60
4. . 652 3 75
1..1420 275 2..12GO 290 1..1110 323
1..1500 276 1..1070 3 15 1. . 730 375
2. . 120 650 1. . 150 G50 1. . 120 675
1. . 480 2 25 23. . 990 4 00 1. . 720 4 23
1. . S40 2 75 1. . 680 4 00 11. . 750 4 30
30. . 823 375 3. . 966 4 15
No. . . Ay. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 bull 12SO J2 50 27 heifers. . 639 J3 40
1 bull 1370 2 GO 3 heifers. . C93 3 60
6 cows 768 2 75 1 feeder. . . 1GO 3 50
26 COWS 1053 2 SO 1 feeder..1100 4 00
1 cow 1010 3 00 2 feeders..1330 4 fO
3 heifers. . 916 3 13 SG feeders..1016 4 20
1 steer 10T.O 3 23 15 feeders..1098 4 30
1 steer 1130 3 23 49 feeders. . C66 4 35
1 COW 10X0 3 25 1 heifer. . . 330 4 50
20 feeders. . G01 3 40 1 calf 250 6 50
1 COW 10GO 2 25 1 feeder. . . 630 4 23
1 cow 1100 2 83 1 feeder..1030 3 GO
1 cow 1110 300 1 feeder. . . 7GO 380
2 cows EQj 323 1 feeder..1140 410
1 cow 810 2 75 19 feeders. . 605 3 40
1 bull 910 3 45 1 calf 170 5 00
2 feeders. . 890 4 15 1 calf 540 4 40
42 feeders. . S23 3 90 1 calf 350 4 00
M. Tuttle ,
26 feeders. . 902 4 20
F. O. Harrison.
10 steers. . . . 960 340 19 feeders..1029 400
9 steers..1076 355 2 steers..1290 410
25 feeders..103S 4 05 3 steers..1230 4 10
1 feeder. . . 740 3 75 18 feeders..1092 4 20
1 cow 10GO 3 73 13 feeders. . 671 4 30
3 feeders. . 723 375 14 feeders. . 411 4 S5
9 feeders. . 848 4 15 1 calf 190 G 00
It feeders..1230 4 15 5 heifers. . G74 3 70
73 feeders..1149 3 90 4 steers..1317 4 00
J. T. Braddock.
2 steers..1240 375 5 steers..1186 410
18 steers..1094 3 85
J. VBraddock. .
13 steers..1252 390 5 steers..1170 403
10 feeders..1252 4 00
West & Hcan.
Scows 1053 300 21 feeders. . 1176 415
5 cows 916 325 22 feeders. . 9SS 415
1 feeder..1210 3 75
No. Av. Pr.
13 ewes , culls 76 $2 00
32 ewes , culls 77 200
13 owes , culls 92 300
10 western ewes Ida 350
50 owes and wethers 96 3 CO
230 western ewes 103 375
452 yearlings 9S 400
HOGS A glance at tbe figures In the table
of receipts will show that the arrivals today
wore very small. In fact they were the small
est of the month for a Friday. At the name
time tbe demand was of the usual liberal
proportions , so that there was a decided
shortage In the supply. The supply of hogs
nas been small all this week , the falling off
( is compared with the five days of last week
being 8,681. and buyers have been kept hun
gry , so that they have been ready and willIng -
Ing to pay strong prices as compared with
other markets.
The trade this morning did not open quite
as early as on some days , owing to the fact
that sellers bad pretty high Ideas of what
the market should be and were nuking stilt
prices. At first buyers bid no more tbuu
steady prices , and in pome cases lower prlcCa
than yesterday , but when the market really
oj ncd It wan at prices that were a shade
to DC higher. The hogs sold at $3.7503.85 ,
as against J3.70S3.SO yesterday , with the
long string at J3.75O3.SO today and J3.72K
( J3.75 yesterday. It will be noted from tbe
Mbla clove that the average cf nil the snlcs
wan 4c nbovi * vosterdny's m.irliof
Tod-y s advance cnrrlcy t.e mnrkpt to the
lilsh point of the week so far nnd the lings
todny sold IOc higher tlmn one week ago.
With the exception of Tuer.dny and Wednes
day nt last week the hogs today Bold nt
the high point of the mouth. Representa
est since Saturday of last week nnd there
as not cuotiKli ot tiny one kind to tnaUe u
test of the innrkct. It would be wfo.
however , to call the market fully steady nnd
the few fat sheep to be had met with rcniiy
sale. The kind of fat sheen that have
been coming this week have been none too
good , but In pplto of that fact values nt
this point have remained Just nbout sta
tionary , while at Chicago the market has
been gradually gMng lower. The rause
for the strength at this point Is to be found
In the very active demand on the part of
local packers , who have been free buyers
every day.
Feeding sheep have been In active de
mand nil the week nnd arrivals have met
with rendy sale at prices entirely satisfac
tory to the owners.
Quotations are : Good grass westerns.
$3.9004.00 ; fair to good , J3.SOr3.9U ; good
yearlings , $1.1504.25 ; good to choice lambs ,
$3.00J(6.25 ; fair to good lambs , J4.90f(5.00 ( ;
feeder wethers. 2-ycur-olds nnd over , $3.75@
4.00 ; feeder yearlings , $1.0004.16 ; feeder
lambs , $1.2504.75. Representative ] eales :
CnUlf Supply Si-llN OIT to Guoil lc-
iniinil mill UOKM Arc Higher.
CHICAGO , Sept. 23. There was a fair
Friday supply of cattle , 3,000 head being re
ceived. The demand was good for so late
in the week nnd prices were generally
steady , choice cattle ruling strong , with a
limited supply. Prime cattle sold nt the
best prices of the year , f5.70iiI5.S5 , there
being too few choice droves to go around.
Native beef steers sold largely at J 1.901(5.50 ( ,
the poorest lots selling at J1.00W4.75 ; stockers -
ers and fedcrs brought J3.00f(4.75 nnd cows
and heifers ranged from J3.5085.00 for the
better grades.
Prices for hogs averaged 5c higher , under
the Influence of an active demand from
local packers and shippers. Sales were
largely at J3.75ff3.93 ; common packers sellIng -
Ing at J3.45iT3.70 ; choice to extra hogs fetch
ing J3.90fi4.05. As compared with a week
ago common hogs sold a little lower and
prime droves a little higher. Thfre was an
active demand for sheei nml lambs nnd
prices ruled much higher , most of the dc >
cllne. It not all , belnc recovered.
Sheep sold on a basis of $2.7.VJ(3.50 for thu
poorer lots up to Jl.50Jf4.75 for choice to
fancy natives. Western range sheep were
saleable at J3.75ffl.IO ; feeders being in th
usual demand nt J3.75ff4.00 ; lambs wure
wanted at J3.7fvH6.00 ; fair to good western
being saleable ut J5.008G.50 and feeding
lambs at J4.5304.85.
RECEIPTS Cattle , 3,000 head ; hogs , 20,000
head ; sheep , 4,000 head.
KniiNiiN City Iltc Stock.
colpts , 3..1SO natives , 1.2GO Texnnn ; dressed
beef steers , butcher stock , good range killing
ing- and foodlnir stock IOc higher , others
steady ; choice heavy steers , $5.20515.40 ; me
dium. Jl.70iju.20 ; light weights , J4.G5ff5.30 ;
stackers nnd feeders , S3.GOW4.75 ; butcher
cows nnd heifers , J2S5fi5.10 ; western wteers ,
S3.60Jio.10 ; Texas steers , $3.15ij4.35 ; Texns
butcher cows , J2.S50J.50 ; canning stock ,
HOGS Receipts , 5,923 head ; light supply ,
good demand , prices 5c higher ; heavies ,
tt.TO'nS.SS : mixed , $3.65f3.75 } ; lights , $3.G5ff
? .SO.
SHEEP Receipts , 11,375 head. The large
supply served to stimulate demand ; choice
stock nnd feeding sheep 5fnOc higher ;
slaughtering nnd common feeding sheep
steady ; range lambs , J5.03 ; range muttons ,
J3.75J4,00 | ; range- feeding lambs , JI.GO ; range
feeding sheep , J3.S004.00 ; stock ewes , J3.COS ( >
St. In Live Slock.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 21-CATTLE-Recelpti ,
1,900 head , Including 1,100 Texans ; ship
ments. 1,900. Market steady for natives ,
with Texans easier. Fair to choice native
shipping and export steers. J4.GOJi5.G5 ; bulk
of sales , J4.SOy5.CO ; dressed beef and
butcher steers , J4.4005.35 ; bulk of sales , J1.40
05.15 ; steers under 1,000 pounds , J3.30fff4.GO ;
stackers and feeders , J2.S004.50 ; bulk of
sales , J2.7504.25 ; cows nnd heifers , J2.0004.0 ;
bulk of cows. J2.50l33.50 : bulls , J2.7504.00 ;
Texans and Indians , J2.0004.30 ; cows und
heifers. 2.6003.20.
HOGS Receipts. 4,000 head ; shipments ,
1,900 head. Market steady ; yorkers , J3.90JJ )
4.00 ; packers , $3.7504.00 ; butchers , J3.9304.05.
SHEEP Receipts , GOO head ; shipments ,
700 head. Market steady : native muttons ,
J4.0004.30 ; lamba , J5.00ft5.50.
New York I.Ive Stock.
NEW YORK. Sept. 23. HEEVES-Re-
ceipts. 2.3S1 head ; slow ; good to choice
steers steady , others 10015c lower ; rough
stuff weaker ; bulls , Mjloc lower ; native
steers. Jl.501(5.15 ; oxen nnd stags , $3.351,14.80 :
bulls , $2.90' 3.50 ; cows , $2.0083.75 ; cables
steady : exports , none.
CALVES Receipts , 178 head ; weak and
lower ; veals. J5.00'(8.75 { ( ; gnissers nnd but
termilks , J3.50ff4.60 ; no westerns.
SMKBP AND LAMHS-Recelnts , 6,811
bead ; slow ami weak ; Iambs , 15o lower ;
sheep. $3.25Jf4.70 ; lambs. J1.75I&5.93.
HOGS Receipts , 1,438 head ; easier at JI.20
04.45 ; pigs , J4.50.
Cincinnati l.lvc Stock.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 23 , HOGS-Actlve at
WCATTLE-Stcady at $2.6004.75.
SHEEP-Steady at $2.001)3.50 ) ; lambs ,
steady at $ : i.6Ka3.50. (
Stock In Slirli * .
Record of receipts of live stock at the
four principal markets for September 23 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha 1.776 4.m Su9
Chicago 4,610 5.9J5 11,373
Kansas City 3,000 20.000 4,000
St. Louis .f 1.900 4.000 600
Totals 11,416 21,123 18,784
Over Tuo-TlilrcU of FrelKlit Cum
iiiil | | > pcil ivllh Safety ApplliniccH.
An amendment to the Interstate com
merce act , approved March 2 , 1893 , required
railroads engaged In Interstate traffic to
i equip their rolling stock with safety ap-
| pllanccs by January 1 , 1S9S , but falling to
1 comply the commission , * under authority
conferred by the amendment , extended the
terms of the net for two years. The last
report of the statistician to the commls-
' slon dhows 1,693 railway employes were
killed and 27,667 Injured.
I The order ot the commission granting the
j extension , relates the Washington Post , required -
| quired the unequipped carriers to furnish
semi-annual statements showing the cars
and engines equipped during the period
I with couplers and brakes as prescribed.
The first report of the roads under this
order shows that ot 295 petitioning carriers
! 290 owned on Juno 1 , 1898 , 1,153,290 freight
! cars , an Increase of 20,567 over the number
as reported owned on December 1 , 1897.
There are 119,611 freight cars reported
j equipped with automatic couplers and 67-
' 202 reported equipped with train brakes
during the six months ending June 1 , 189S ,
which makes a total of 792,443 , or 69 per
cent of the freight cars equipped with train
brakes up to June 1 , 1898. Of 32,323 loco
motives owned Juno 1 , 1SOS. there are 20,103
or 00 per cent which are equipped with
driving wheel brakes.
There nre 360.SI7 frcltht cnra out of
lli"3,390 , or 31 per cent that nro still un
equipped with automatic couplers ; 642,6:11 ,
or 60 per cent tlint nre unequipped with
train brakes , nnd 3,221. or 10 per cent of
the Iccomttvcs unequipped with driving
wheel brakes tip to Juno 1 , ISflS.
limit .Mini llli-N In Mo
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 23. I'rlvnto
George K. Or.ihnm of Company I ) , Fifty-
first Iowa regiment , lias died In the division
hospital ot pneumonia , following an attack
of measles.
Primary , Fecondnry or Tertiary
BLOOD POISON permanently
Cured in 15 to 36 Days.
You cnn be treated nt home for same
price under same uuarantv. If you
prefer to come here we will contract
to pay railroad f.uo nnd hotel bills ,
and no charge It wu fall to cure.
token mercury , lodldn potash and still
nries ! nnd pain ? . Mucous r.itch"s
In mouth , Sore Thront , Pimples , Cop
per Colored KpotB , Vli rrs on any pnrt
of ibe body. Hair or Kyrbrows fnlllnr
out. It in thin ycrondary
Vtto & 33i'ante6 to f isre
We solicit the most obstinate cases
and challenge the world for n case we
cannot cure. Tills disease 1ms nlwnys
bnlllcd the skill of the moot eminent
physic'ans. '
JiOO.OOO capital brhlnd our uncondi
tional guaranty. Absolute proofs . cnt
acnlcil on application. 100 page book
sent freu.
Mninutc Temiilo , Chicago. III.
It's nnt a "patent" medicine , but Is prepared
direct Irom ti o formulii of B. E. Barton. M. D. ,
Clovcland'smost eminent Kpecinllrt.bylljnlmcr
a BensonPh. V. , B. b. HA u-l > KN U therreat-
est known restorative nnd invltorator. Itcrc-
atca solid flesh , nmsrlo nml pfrrngtli , clears
tlio brain , makes the blood
1 uro nnd rich nnd CUURCH a
ptncral f Celine of health ,
sticnpth and renewed vital
ity , v.hllo the ccneratlvo or
gans nro helped toreenln their
ncrmul powers and tlio suf
ferer Is quickly mnCo con
scious ot direct benefit. Ore
box will work wonders , Nix
t-hould perfect n cure. Full
1 directions lu every tini , or 1111
out the diagnosis Micet you
find enclosed , end we n ill giro
your case special attention without extra
charge. HAll-HKN ii for solo nt all Unlit
stores , a 00-dono tins for CO ci'iiti , or we will
mall it Kccurply KCnlod on roci'lpt of price.
91 liar-Ben Block , Cleveland , a
Far snlo by Kuhn & Co. . 13th nnd Doug
las ; J. A. Fuller & Co. , 1102 Douglas St. ,
and Graham Drug Co. , 15th and Fnrnnm ;
King Pharmacy , 27th and Lcnvenworth ;
Peyton's Pharmacy , 24th nnd Leavenworth ;
E. J. Seykorn , South Omaha , nnd all other
druggists In Omuhu , South Omaha , Council
Summer Complaints.
A half to a teaspoonful of Ready Relief
In a half tumbler of water , repeated as of
ten as the discharges continue , nnd a llan-
n l saturated with Ready Relief placed
over the stomach and bowels will afford
immediate Relief nnd soon effect a cure.
Internally A half to a teuspoonfUl In
half a tumbler of wnter wii ! In s fsw min
utes cure Cramps , Spasms. Sour Stomach ,
Nnusen , Vomiting , Heartburn , Nervous
ness , Sick Headache , Flatulency nnd all
Internal pains.
Mnlm-lu In ItM VnrloiiM Kurmn Cureil
ii n ( I I'ri'vutitpil.
Prluc fiQc iicr liottlc.Soli ! by ( lrtilMtH
5.1 131 m Street. Now York.
Is a preparation of tne Drug by which lt
Injurious effects are removfic ! , while the vol-
unblo medicinal properties are rctnlned. It
possesses all the eedntlvc , anodyne nnd antl-
spnsmodlc powers of Opium , but produces
no sickness of the stomach , no vomiting , no
costlvencES , no headache. In acute nervous
disorders It Is an invalunblo remedy , and 'd
recommended by the best physicians.
E , FERRETT , Agon i
a Pc-nrt St. , iViMV York.
br Vbuto or other I'.ICOMM onif "fnUv
crotlonn. ThruuuMlu and
i-Mtore t it Vltalllr in ol.l . or roonir. anS
flt a mou for itady , huslnwn or nun-lain.
, _ . . . . , Irwnt Jnsanttr and ConiumoUon If
tttknn m time. Thelrnw nhowg ImmoriUto fmproTa.
mom and eBooU a CUIlE nhoro all other fall In.
fi t upon huTtna the countne Aiax Tolilcti. ThoT
hiTOouroJtlioukcndinnil Blllcurcjou. Wn clro or > 0 .
ItlTe nrlttim cnarantoa tooCfuct ncuro Cfl OVO In
enjhco eor rotund the money. 1'rlonOU b I dinar
pnclia. a | or lU t'kzz * ( full treatment ) for I2.H ) . llr
mail , fo ln - . . -
fl nTaMyn- n rpcelptot rrlrn. f-ircnlar
fn-AJAX REMEDY CO , , "cS ' [ , r *
N. 16th , Kuhn & Co. " , ib't'li urd 'D..UCUM-iud
to Council liluiT br O. II. Umwr. r > r.ulu.
12 Yr ui In Om lu.
iConsuluiienFrte. Bookfret
[ OfficeKlhJiFarnamSti
Rox7fi6. OMAHA. NEB.
. ChK.
Ml by til LocU 1)1
JAf.iES E. QOYD & GO , .
Tclcplionu 1039. Omaha , Neb
Dlrft wire * tu Chlcavn > ncl New York.
Corrtipondrntu John A. Warrtn tt Co.
. . CO. ,
HOUIII 4 , X , V. Life II I UK. , Omnlia , Neb ,
HlreotVlrrn \c t York , Clilcuuo
iVotcru Point * .