THE OMATTA DAILY PlUnAY , REPTEMirBTt 2,1 , 1808. 0 PATROLLING THE YOSEMITE Task of Protecting it from Herdsmen and Their Flocks of Sheep , DUTY FALLS TO THE FOURTH CAVALRY niul Dlinctilt Mnrrlirn Over the 1'orcit Trnll * \ .MnKiHIlccnt Hen- crintloit Saved from Hnlu by the Trooper * . About 175 miles cast ) of San Francisco as the crow flics Is ono of the wonderlands of North America , the Yosemlte Nallonaf park. This park was set asldo by congress as a national reserve In 1890 , In pursuance of Iho wlso policy of husbanding Iho llmberland near the headwaters of our great rivers. Carved from the very heart of the Cowering Sierra Novados , comprising an area of about 1,400 square miles , this reservation con tains within its limits no less than twenty snow-clad peaks , among the loftiest In the United Stoles ; a forcsl of Iho grandest pro portions , Including a grove of the celebrated glgantea sequoia , or "big trees , " hundreds ot beautiful lakes nnd mountain streams al most without number. Thcso , fcjd from the perpetual snows of the higher altitudes , make their way In n series of grand cataracts and through gorges of amazing depth , to unlto eventually , when free ot the moun- Accordlngly , when the season advanced , and the grass htd become poor In the taflcya and foothills , the sheepmen , as usual , had moved up Into the mountains , paying no at tention to any of the warnings that they had received. Tncklln * ihe Ilnnntftil Herder * . Not long after Captain Wood had gone Into camp the sheepmen had a chance to make good their boasting. On one of his first expeditions Davis had left h little party In the canyon , and had climbed a steep , barren sopc , to take a general obse'natlon of the country and catch the lay ot the land , After a while ho thought that ho detected the faint tinkle of a bell In the distance ; listening , ho made sure of the direction , and started for It. After clambering over rocks and through brush for some time , he came In sight of the outnt a large flock of sheep In charge of four Portuguese attendants , or shepherds , and a motley collection of dogs. The men were all armed with rifles and had seen Davis as soon as ho saw them. Not deterred , however , ho drew his revolver and advanced upon them , ordering them at the same time , both by word and gesture , to throw up their hands a movement they executed with haste. Davis then proceeded to take them Into camp with htm. At first they pretended not to understand English , but , seeing his determination , and overawed by the threatening six-shooter , they changed their tactics , and begged him not to take thorn , away , promising to leave tha park Immediately , and offering him a largo sum ( )200) in gold If ho would glvo them their freedom. But ho was inexorable , and x "fas'i * Is vb&ft * tt-s * tar fS J § IS ? i-A - - - - - . W ® KJO/il' . .g _ _ _ _ DETACHMENT OP YOSH MITE CAVALRY AT REST. tains , within the great central vatley ot the San Joaquln a river which Is to the bajln through which It flows what the Nile Is to lower Egypt. Near the head valleys of many of the streams In the park , before they have en tered their canyous , arc to bo found exten sive strips of grass land , called "meadows , " from a half-mlio to s. mile In width , and oftentimes several miles long , affording In the proper season excellent pasturage. When the grass In the , valley , begins to dry up the sheepmen ( usually Portuguese and Mexican herders ) have.-been accustomed to work their way gradually ijpUntb the foot hills and mountains , advancing with the sea son , to take advantage of this fresh pasturage - ago , still dnjen from the recently melted snows. In the advance with their great Hocks , numbering ; oftentimes several thou sand head ot siiccp ea'c'h , they'.resemblo the march of an Invading and destroying army , cat'lng up Everything that Is green and eata ble. It makes no difference what their line of advance the sheep are turned looao and allowed to graze everywhere , bo the property private or public. With the approach preach of winter the sheepmen set Ore to * ei \ 1 * "THC LHUZ2LY GIANT" (93 FCC' ' ROUND ITS DASK. ) the dry timber land , In receding from th i mountains , so that na much vegetation ni possible will bo Killed , In order that th snow may be earlier In melting the ensulni season , nnd tholr return to the mountain bo correspondingly advanced. The sheer unlike the cattle , keep together In larg herds , tramalo down and kill the youni quail , nnd BO completely clean up every thing eatable In their progress that the ; have practically forced the deer , enc < numerous In this region , to migrate to othe parts for subsistence. A still greater cvi results from the appetite which the sheep above all other animals , possesses for thi bark and twigs of the young trees. Thu with all the old timber destroyed by fores fires ot their kindling , on the ono hand , am nil the young timber .destroyed by thcl r Hocks , on the other , the sheepmen have wel been called the "curse of the Sierras , " am 'their progress through the mountains hai been not Inaptly compared with that of thi destroying Huns through the dofenseles : Roman empire , AViirU of llio Cnvnlrr 1'ntrol. These farts were to some extent known t < the government w hen the Yosemlto Natlona park was set aside ; and the War depart tnent was requested ro furnish a troop o cavalry for Its patrol. The late Captall Abram C. Wood , with Troop I , Fourtl United States cavalry , was assigned to thli duty , and ho became , through the authorltj of fho secretary of the Interior , the actlni superintendent of the park. As soon as tin snow had sufficiently disappeared to raaki it practicable Captain Wood marched hli troop into the park , and established hli main camp on the south fork of the Mcrce < rl\er. In a beautiful grove , not far fron the southern boundary of the park. He a once sent out details to patrol the park establish trails , "blaze" the trees along th boundary lines , and put up printed notice furulshrd by the Interior department , warn ing against ! the starting ot forest fires , th trespassing of cattle , sheep , etc. , and era bodying the other regulations of the depart ment. The captain also took pains to writ letters to all the stockmen and sheep own crs In the San Joaquln valTey whose name ho could obtain , In which ho defined th limits ot the park , and enclosed a copy o the regulations calling for the expulsion o trespassing sheep and cattle. These , how ever , while respected by the cattleraci pretty generally , had little effect upon th sheep herders. Mere paper regulations the did not respect at all , and they cxpressei the % lew frcsfy that , with their knowledg of the country , they would graze their shee where they chose ; and that , if any soldier should come near to molest them , It woul b oa y enough to draw back further int the mounralns , where the soldiers woul not dare to venture with their horses. In deed , BO complete and autocratic had bee their former sway , that they looked upo the pasturage of this region as their ow property ; and they freely boasted that the would resort to the logic ot their rifles be fora they would bo crowded out Of thel by a lot of "chucklfc-heacUd soldiers. ordered them to unload their weapons and precede him In the direction of his detach ment. When the men In the detachment saw "tho lieutenant" coming down the hill with four burly Portuguese sheep herders in advance , each carrying a Winchester rlllo on his shoulder , they were considerably as tonished ; and their astonishment was In creased , when , as was soon ascertained , the men ho had apprehended were proved to bo the very ones that bad made the loudest vaunts about how they would deal with the "chucklo-headPd soldiers. " Davis escorted them Into the main camp before Captain Wood , who warned them nol to trespass again upon the park , nnd caused them to be ejected on the side ot the reservation opposite to that near which thoj had been apprehended. Dy the time the ; had gathered together their flocks , now well dispersed among the mountains , they were willing enough to profit by the lesson. Thi measure adopted may seem harsh , but II was the only ono within the superintendent1 ! power that would effectively prevent tres. passing. Thcso Httlo detachments were always oc companlcd by a small train of pack mules For a detachment of ten men It would b < necessary to have along four or five of thes < hardy llttlo animate , to carry the necessar : supplies for the men. The pack mule Is i small , wiry beast that develops a wondcrfu amount of sagacity and ability to look ou for himself. They are loaded with about 151 pounds of luggage each , being as much ai they can carry' over such rough trails , am with the scanty forage that they can plcl up on such trips as these. They are nofl led but are trained to follow on behind the trooi or detachment. Generally ono or two expe rlenccd soldiers are detailed as packers o muleteers , to see that the mules come aloni all right , and the most capable and doctl raulo is put In the lead , the others follow Ing In single file. On account of tbo wldtl of their packs , it is not always possible to the mures to go between obstructions tha afford sufficient space for a horse and rider and they learn with a wonderful nicety jus what size of hole they can slip through. Storied of "Kelly , " tlie Mnle. There was a particular mule in Captali Woods' troop that ) was always glvlni trouble. This mule was "Kelly , " and h possessed a wonderfully original and inde pendent mind , cien for a mulo. If the mule broke away and left the beaten trail , Ken ; was nhvnjs Euro to be In the lead ; If then was any way by which he could shake hi pack loose , Kelly was sure to find it out and so It was In all other species ot devlltr ; known to mule nature. One day In maklni an ascent from an unusually deep canyoi by a rough zigzag trail Kelly became tlrei and decided to arrest the march for awhile 80 at a convenient pfaco he deliberate ! ; threw himself over backward and startei down the rough , stony mountain side , atrik Ing alternately on his pack aud on his feel until , having gene in this highly novel wa a distance of some 300 yards , he brought u by landing In the top of a scrub oak tree considerably shaken up , It la true , but other I wlso not seriously Injured , On another occasion it became necessar ; for the detachment to cross a deep , narrow gorge , using for a bridge the trunk of i j huge pine that bad been blown down acres : tbo chasm. The sheepmen bad adapted tbli to their needs by securing two small tap lings , about thirty inches apart , along thi "KELLY" IN REPOSE. top of the tree to prevent their sheep fror slipping off In crossing. Tbo horses In th detachment were readily led across , for well trained cavalry horse will follow hi rider almost anywhere. The most tractabl pack mules followed , not so , however , wit "Kelly , " who , having proceeded peaceful ! . about half way across the stream , sudden ! . seemed to awaken to the fact thai this soi ot brldgo was nol orthodox , and , as thei was not room enough for him to tur around , he executed a "backstep" ( a dlt tance of some fifteen or twenty feet ) unt { he was on solid ground. Nor could h again be Induced to venture upon tb bridge , notwithstanding all the other anl mats had crossed to the other side. .A , . last a lariat was attached to his saddle an be was hauled across by sheer force , 9 j Xcce l < > ' fur Military Protection , The park bss now been under mllltar a protection since May , 1891 , when it wa a first opened , and the beneficial results ar a very marked and freely commented upo T by Ibose familiar with the country , Tb boundaries of the park have been careful ! marked out and the trespass of sheep an cattle prevented. Many ot ( he lakes an streams , once flMilcsi , have been stocked with trout and other Huh. Torest fires ha\e become almost n thing of the past , young trees are gran Ing up with astonishing vigor , lawlessness has given place to order and tha natural haunts of the quail and deer have been restored to them. At a time when so much discussion Is being carried on concerning Ihe preserva tion of our remaining forests and theories freely advanced as to the best methods for Its accAmpllshment , It will be well to take a glance at the facts here presented. The first great requirement for forest preserva tion Is protection ; no mere printed notices , be they posted upon every tree , will ac complish this. The class of men by whom the monstrous depredations In our forests are committed Is the class to which force and force alone appeals. And the sight ot a blue uniform , entoppcd with the broad brim of a campaign hat , and engirdled with a woven belt , well stocked with cartridges , Is to them a more potent argument than all the enactments contained In the great volume called the "Revised Statutes of the United States. " OK A .MIGHTY HIVKIl. IotiK Ilcforo It Itcnchcii Sen the Itlilnc I.OMP * Iti Strength niul Ili-nuly. The second time I was at I eyden , says Do Amlcls In "Holland and its People , " I went to see the death of the marvelous i river. The first time I crossed the old Rhino I had stopped on the bridge , ask ing mys lf whether that Email and humble stream of water was really the same river that I had socn rushing in thunder o\or the rocks at Schaffhausen , spreading majestic ally before Mnyence , passing In triumph under the fortress of Ehrcnbrcltsteln , beatIng - Ing In sonorous cadence at the foot of the Seven mountains , rcflectlnc In Its course Gothic cathedrals , princely castles , fertile hills , steep rocks , famous ruins , cities , groves nnd gardens ; everywhere covered with vessels of all sorts , and saluted with music and song ; and thinking of these things , with my gaze fixed upon the llttlo stream shut In between two flat and desert shores , I had repeated : "Is this the Rhino ? " The vicissitudes which accompany the agony nnd death of this great river In Hol land are such as really to exclto a sense of pity. From the neighborhood of Em- merlck , before reaching the Dutch frontier , It has lost all the beauty ot Its banks , and flows In great curves through vast nnd ugly flats , which seem to mark the approach preach to old age. At Mllllngen it runs entirely In the territory ot Holland ; a llttlo farther on It divides. The main branch shamefully loses Its name , and goes to throw STAMPEDE OF COL ! ) SEEKERS Humlm Qatland Tells of the Rush to the Newest Klondike. SKAGWAY EMPTIED IN SHORT ORDER Ton unpeople Carried Army by Tnlc of llli'h DlKKhiRNenr Attlu Lake How the Strike IVnn Miuli ? niul the ! SKAOWAY , Aug. 30. After long travel and some tribulation n genuine "stampede" has been found. The latest "rush" has In- \olved the correspondent along with almost everybody else In this dl'trlct. Skagway Is as quiet as n pralrlo town ' In winter. There Is no shooting , no "grafting , " no "rolling" of newly arrived Dawson miners and very little gambling. Every man who can get away has gone or Is going to the now strike at Pine Creek and those w.ho can't get away arc sending some one. They believe In this utrlke. They were hot carried away by the stampede to Walsh creek last winter , but they nro excited now. Out of l.SOO men working on the railway nearly 1,000 have quit work. Many of the small shopkeepers have locked their doors or turned their business over to their wives. On every sldo ono may see men with packs on their backs plodding along the trails to Join a long procession of other heavily laden two-legged beetles With noses set to the north. The excitement began a week ago yester day. The story goes that a man by the name ot Roberts has been quietly working on a small creek which runs Into Atlln lake from the easterly side. Ho thought ho was In Northwest Territory and subject to royalty , therefore ho said little about his output. Some ten days ago he came Into Bennett City to buy some provisions and In a moment of Indiscretion his secret escaped htm. Dennett was boiling with the news when a steamer came up the Yukon with some Daw son ad > enturers aboard and Borne of them turned back and made a determined rush to get "next , " the UiiNh. Two of these men ha\o returned to Skag way and their report has put the final push to an evacuation. Ono man ( Mr. Tcnnant , n reputable citizen ) says ho dug a small hole in his claim and at four feet panned a cot'plo of shovels of dirt out of which ho claims to have taken out about 30 cents. J100 each. It Is about \K miles by way of boat and about fifty by a dubious trail. Short cuts are being tried and no doubt the resolute prospectors will yet find a way to get to the diggings In three dajs. One attempt by way of a glacier has ended In disaster. The glacier is said to bo enormous and filled with deep crcvaaes. Souio of the party became snow blind and all were badly worn out by the trip. It has disposed of that trail as n short cut for the present nnd also settled that there Is no truth In the story that some man had made n rich strike Just over the glacier The weather Is fair In the middle of the day , but clouds hover on the mountains continually nnd the sunlight Is faint nnd cold. Winter Is not far away ; his grim presence is on the passes already. HAMUN OAKLAND. To Mnke Your Home Ilnppy Use "Garland" Btoves and llanges. nillllS IO M > T KOHGUT HIM. IlenutlCnl Scene tlint In Ennctcd Dally Nenr Auiltibun'ii Grave. There Is a little scene of rural nature en acted every evening up on Washington heights that probably cannot bo seen In any other thickly settled part of New York , re ports the Herald. Thousands of swallows , which make tholr homes In the big chimney of a church , gather from e > ery direction about sunset and circle around over Trinity cemetery , retiring gradually to their nests. At daybreak they rise from the chimney In clouds and scatter to all points of the com pass. Residents of the neighborhood regard thceo dally flights with affectionate itncrest As I stood near the cemetery the other even ing , watching the gathering hosts of birds circling against the pale light of the sky , I noticed a whlto haired old man leaning against a tree and gazing upward. From north and south , cast and west. Hocks of the graceful birds were arriving e > ery moment to Join the swirling multitudes. There were literally thousands of them , swooping in a wide circle over the silent graveyard and filling the nlr with plaintive cries. Sud denly the old man addressed me. "What a beautiful sight that Is , " he said. "I have watched these flights for years. During the summer the birds come every evening about C o'clock and for nn hour or more fly In that swift circle overhead before seeking rest. " "Why have they chosen this spot ? " I asked. "It has been their haunt for many yeans , said the old man. "I like to think It Is , because their friend sleeps yonder. Can you ECO that monument ? " Ho pointed with his stick through the massive iron fence SCENES ON THE TRAIL TO ATLIN LAKE. Itself Into the Mouse. The other branch , Insulted by the tltlo of the Dannerden canal , flows nearly to the City of Arnhem , when It 3 once more divides Into two branches. Ono empties Into the Gulf of Zuyder-Zee. The other , still called , out of compassion , the Lower Rhine , goes as far as the village ot Duurstede , where It divides for the third time ; a humiliation now ot old date. Ono of these branches , changing Its name like a coward , throws Itself Into the Meuse at Rotterdam ; the ether , still called the Rhine , but with the ridiculous surname of "Curved , " reaches Utrecht with difficulty , when for the fourth time It 3r'n i .ii- ai capricious as an old man in bis dotage. Ono part , denying Its oKl name , uiut > a it self as far as Mulden , where it falls into the Zuydor-Zee ; the other , with the name of Old Rhine , or simply The Old , flows slowly to the city of Leyden , whoso streets It crosses almost without giving a sign of movement , and is finally gathered Into ono canal by which It goes to Us miserable death on tbo North sea. Dut It Is not many } ears since this piti ful end was denied It. From the year 839 , In which a furious tempest had ircii'rii- lated mountains of sand at Its mouth , unrll the beginning of the present century the Old Rhine lost Itself in tbo eaud before reaching the sea and covered a vast tract of country with pools nnd marshes. Under the reign of Louis Ronoparto the waters were collected Into a largo canal , protected by three enormous sluice gates , and from that time the Rhine flows directly to the sea. These sluices are the greatest monument In Hoi/and , and , perhaps , the most admirable hydraulic work In Europe. The dykes , which protect the mouth of the canal , the walls , pillars and gates , present altogether the aspect of a cyclopean fortress , against which it seems that not only that sea , but 0 the united forces of all seas , must break as against a granite mountain. That enormous fortification which , on a desert shore , defends a dying river and a fallen city from the ocean , has something ot solemnity which commands respect and ad miration. For broncu surface : , sores , insect bites , burns , skin diseases , and especially piles , there Is one reliable remedy , DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWltt's don't accept counterfeit or frauds. You will not be disappointed with DoWltt'a Witch H ul Salva _ _ I have seen the gold , but as it Is in a bottle and looks very much llko other bottles tles of gold from Daw son , I am not pre pared to announce a great strike on Atlln lake. lake.Tho other man who has been to this promising land and returned is Mr. Jeff Evans of Portland , Ore. Ho also was on the way back from Daw son and caught the inspiriting news at Hcnnett. Ho returned last night and has told his story to me and has drawn a map of the country as It appears to his eye. Ho has some coarse gold In nn envelope which ho claims to have token from the ground on a second creek near the discovery. Ho reports people streaming In by boat and trail and that locations are being made with great rapidity. Ho considers It a cheerful country to mine In open , easily traversable , with plenty of water for sluic ing or rocking. The lake is beautiful and the soil a black alluvium. The gold ho showed was of mixed character. It con sisted ot flno dust , flat scales and ono or t\.o larger Hat nuggets. Ho claimed to have secured this by digging a few feet In the soil of his claim. Ho did not go to bed rock. It will thus bo seen that no decisive thing can be reported at the present moment. The air Is full of gold , but/the gold is mainly In the blue distance jet. I am to go In In a day or two to see for myself what the new mines contain. Skagway has acquired unquestioned su premacy among the coast cities. Its Im provements are more permanent nnd during my stay in the town I have hardly realized that I was In n far northern part tbo cold winds from the mountains alone remind mo of It. The land Is cold and majestic , with out color or grace Bronze-green , dull gray sea and vast rivers of Ice descending from i the clouds In splendid sweeping curves , while far above the peaks , half hid In angry mist , are stern and menacing Men are beginning to roll Into the toun from the south In response to the Cottage Clt's report Returned Dawson miners may be seen on the street surrounded by clusters ot eager listeners , but the man from 'Atlln lake Is treated with almost as great re spect. Rates for freight to LaVe Dennett range from 8 to 10 cents per pound. Fare by boat to the head of Taken Arm is $20 one way , J30 the round trip. Ono hundred pounds cf grub free. UoaU arc from 175 to that surrounds the cemetery. Through the gathering dusk I could moke out a great white cross , on a high pedestal , glimmer ing In the twilight. "That is in memory of Audubon , " said the old man. "On ono side of that cross are the sculptured forms of many birds. "Just a block away Is the old mansion where Audubon lived , now occupied by for mer Mayor Daniel F. Tlcmann. "Etery evening In summer the swallows wing their swift way from Now Jersey , from Westchester and Long Island , and swing In that strange circle over the tomb of the naturalist and within sight of the place where he lived and worked. It seems as though It were a ceremony before a shrine. " Overhead the birds still swirled In a swift circle , and the darkening graveyard lay silent by for the soft rustling of the leaves. The sunset light faded. Sudden ) } ono of tbo swallows widened tbo circle and a hundred swung out after htm. The twlt < terlng cries grew fainter and stopped. The first detachment circled rapidly toward the chimney of the Church of St. Catherine of Genoa nnd dropped Into It ono by one. They had not all disappeared when another com pany swept out of the circle nnd dlbap- pcarcd. Rapidly the host grew less until finally the last of the birds had darted over and fluttered Into the nests. Tl\o old man walked away slowly. All was darkness be yond the Iron gates , and silence. I.OVHI.Y WOMAN AS COMiKCTOR. Fair mill IliiNlnrHNllko l"Viuulon A ill ! Our Voontlon < o Tliclr Lint. Delinquent debtors who have been be sought , Importuned nnd even threatened by their Indignant creditors have another foe to meet these days. She Is a handsome , fascinating young woman , who goes Into offices and other places of business and by blandishments wheedles the money from him who never thought to "glvo up , " She presents a smile of great swectneas with the bill and is so gentle , albeit persistent , that ho Is brave indeed who can rcalst. Women bill collectors are the latest type of tbo progressive woman. They are much nioro successful than their brothers In this particular branch of business. Hut It is a vocation open to pretty women only. No one but a daughter of Venus need apply for the situation and she must bo a stylish child of beauty at that. When a charralnc. graceful woman , well- Budweiser , ( The Michelob , Muenchcner , Faust , Anheuser-Standard , Pale Lager. * The"King of Bottled Beers" „ & -holding the world's record for output as well as for quality-thc universal beverage- served in every part of the habitable globe-now in the second half billion bottling. "NOT HOW CHEAPj BUT HOW GOOD , " is the motto of the ANHEUSEB- Its brew commands the highest price , because of its choice flavor and absolute purity ; the use of the best materials and full maturity before placing on the market. „ the recuperative food-drink , the great up-buildcr , is prepared by this association. "Biographical Sketch of the ANMEUSER.BU5CII BREWING MS'N , St. Louis , U. S. A. * Free ( o all who desire It. OK OMAHA. BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORKS , Wilson Sncccninrn AVIInoti & DraUe. Manufacturers bollore , smoke stacks nnd breechlngs , pressure , rendering , sheep dip , l.ird nnd w tiler tanks , holler tubes con stantly on hand , nccond Imnil bolleru bought nnd sold Special nwl prompt to repairs In city or country. 19th nnd Pierce. BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , n merican Hand 1 V Sewed Shoe GeM M frs | Jobbers of Foot Wear WESTERS AQBNT8 FOn The Joseph Banlgan Rubber Oo. F H. Sprape 6 Rubbers and Mackintoshes. Cor. Klcveiilh < t Knrnnm St * . , OmnTut. Bootst Shoes and Rubbers Bl iroom UOMJOi-llM Harney OtnL CARRIAGES. - & / & ? jxV .Inl'i ' Sldo i i A * . i , , AO Horse Motion. Got a Simpson Huggy with the Atkinson Spring hest and easiest rider In the world. 1100-11 lloilK CHICORY 'he Amertaaq Chicory Go. Grower * and manufacturer ! of all form * of Chicory Omoha-Fremont-O'Nell DRUG-i. R ! ichardson Drug Co. 902-906 Jackson Sf. T. O. RICHARDSON , Prwt a V. WELLE R. V. Prut. T Sl'fn ftantnra fhartnaofutleal Prtfarct * ( ton * JSpceal jr rm"t prepared to Ordfr. Kind for Catalogue. L ber torj , ! 1I Howard Et , Omaha. ists and Stationery "Quera Bte" Specialties , Cttarn , Wlnai nnd Urandle * . Corns ? XCtb and lUrney 8tre U. groomed and prettily gowned , flutters Into a dingy downtown office and secures an In terview with the head of the firm she opens her campaign with anything but the prosaic subject of bills. She simply implies she docs not know shorthand from the hieroglyphics the gentlemen with queues dccorato her cuff3 with. Ho feels E.ifc. She does not want a position. She Is not a book agent , ho Is sure. She has no samples with her. Sue Is not a friend of his wife , who Is out of town , or nho would not have presented a letter so In formally. Acry pretty girl , of that be Is sure , however. He asks her to have a bite and a hottlo to talk It over , whatever It Is. Slnco she < lees not want a position he will not have to take refuge behind that shvltcr- iug rock , the war , which Is lib present ex cuse for the Btagnatlon of business aod his refusal to go to any further expense. In fact , ho rather goon out of bis way to Im press her that his Is a very busy ofllce. This ! makes the Implied compliment to her all the ' greater ho Is gladly devoting so much of . his tlmo to her when he could bo making thousands , I The woman collector readily accepts his DRY GOODS. Importers and Jobber * of Dry Goodsi Furnishing Goods AND NOTIONS. CREAMERY SUPPLIES The Sharpies Company Creamery Machinery and Supplies. boilers , Knglnes , Feed Cookcri , Wood PuWi leys , Shafting , Beninliutter Fack- . * ? e of * " kind * . * - Kr7-809 Jonea BL - - - - - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. \A/ eslern ESecirica vv Elctrical Supplies. Electric Wiring Belle nnd Gns Llphtlng O. W. JOHNSTON. Her. J&W Howard SU John 1 Burke , ELECTRIC LIGHT and PO WER PLANTS 4 t South 15th St. FRUIT-PRODUCE. iro8-nro Harnev St. Btcam Pumps. Engines and Hollers , Wind Mills , Steam and Plumbing Material , BMHne , IIo3 , Etc. HARDWARE ! 'octar&Wiihslmy ' Ga Wholesale Hardware. Omaha. L ee-Glark addresser , Hardware Go Wholesale Hardware. BlojclM tnd Hportlof Goodi. 1310.3128 Hu * o6y ue t. HARNESS-SADDLERY. J UAitrrms , HADDLKH Jobber * of Leather , tiadillrt'y JTardtcarn , Kta , We solicit your orders 1315 Howard St. STEAM-WATER SUPPLIES. Go 10I4 > IO6 Douglas Street. Manufacturer * uid Jobber * of Bteam. Ot * u Water Supplies of AJI Kinds. Invitation to lunch , oven though she Is a modest woman. The unceremoniousness of It is lost In the buslncsi of the affair. It is all In her day's work. This Is playing Into her hand. The lunch Is as necessary In her line as the scandal Is to the actress or the picture nnd woman's page slush is to the popular and rising author. After lunch she presents her bill , and II ho is a dot above a brute ho pays It on tha spot. If his refinement Is equal to a chim ney sweep's ho pretends ho know what shn wa from the first. Anyway ho Is shanml Into paying the bill , whether It is the butcher's , that of his long-suffering tailor or whether the amount Is due for his wife/a bonnet. The woman collector bows , smiles sweetly , returns to her ofilce , pockets her commis sion , If she Is fortunate to bo engaged oa , those terms , and rests on her oars. You Invite disappointment when you ex periment. new-Ill's Llttlo Harly Hlscrs are pleasant , easy , thorough llttlo pills. They cure constipation and sick headache just g euro u you take them ,