Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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Oriole 'Ms Uin Tllevcnth find Twelfth from
, r > Chicago Jxullj ,
' 'I'OMitrif' Iliiru * ' Ht , I'niil Hey l' < niiilnl
iy lln < IlicHlniorc Hn | -
> \V < i"ilN tnr * lln > HIT *
mill Miinin Illiimi'lf ,
IIAI/riMOItll , Kept. 22Tim
riiiiillcd | Ihn provliinn rro/hl of Ihn
fur ntrnliflil vlrloilci Indd by
tiy luldiii ! Ihn i.lnvunlli iind Iwidflli iilnc
ffiin I ( HI Orplmiiti lnrt.iy nl Onion iMrk. Th
( ' ( i/iliuld / t/rui i/ln/i'd / In u drl/Kln that WHS
ii I in out ciiillnniim ) dud ( it HineH tumnmti'd
to Kinnrt nliiiwi'iH. Tlio llml CIIIIMI wan a
wnliivi'r | ' , Ihn birds liilldlriK on Phylri hard
mul o flu n from HIM nturt. Woods lonl thn
RncfiiMl cuirid in Ilin fourth Innlnit when u
and two ( louhlm , irimhliind with
error , nnttnd HIM hornn I mm
run * . At Hid end of Ihn nix Hi Iniiliu ;
( tin downpour c/iiinml a iiimperiiildii of hontll-
Illori. Hr.orn , flint
HU it A II II II O A i :
, aii..a I 0 irrf . . < i i a u 'i '
Kmii-r , n , > I 0 0 llin.ri . , rf I i aii
lnMnliiK , MI i i n ii
li'll'f , if .0 0 0 ( I I'llIImr. III 't H II
Hull , ft . . . .0 II I II 0 Mel I" * , rn , ,1
M''liilill , Hi I I VI I ) ll In MICK , if .1
i folium , ir i * .1 I 0 . ,11111.1- , 1 .
JMitiionl , l\i \ , | n a iII i
JtiiMliiHiii , u . i ) .1o I'liyl" . p
Klldvti , ti , , 1 3 o a
14 21 8
la 2 ; n
r , 2 o o 4 a ; i i - n
CliluiKf ) . 0 0 I ) 'I 0 ( ) 0 1 2
K/iriied lilliuIliilllinotn , 10 ; ( 'lilnii | ( > , Q.
Illolnn liiini'H ( 'minor , MiOmw nnd Lalign.
'I'wo-liiifin lillir .lennlncB , Kitllny nnd Liim ; < t.
Klint liuim on IxillH Off Phvlo. U. off Klt-
IKIII , ,1 , lilt by pltiiliml built lly I'liyln , U ,
Itlruck out lly I'hylo ' , Z ; by Klimm , r >
I'limiml liull' NIcliNlit. Lilft on ImneH. llul-
Illiloi" , 'lt (1hlii : ; o , H. Tlmn of ganin. Two
Iiuiirn. Uinidntii. O'Duy and Iliown. At-
tdflllllllCd , l.Htlt ) ,
III urn , I'wond
II II ( ' A It II O A
Mrflnnv , .H 1 I ( l'llll , ir i ) n
Itrnlur , if . ( I I ) 3 II tf.V ? u it
.iKIIIlllIKH , UK I I I 0 c , tli , | 0 ii
l { ll y , I Thiiiiitiin , < f.O i ) l
M , ilium , Hi u n M . . ; i n
If Hi . 'I ' n 7 n ii
iHiiii'iiil , 2)i ) CtiiiiKir , Uli . .o it n ti U
i'I i\l In' , n . NliiluitM , n , .0 o t u u
IIIIHlim , l > . 0 U \\Mn.lH , U o 1 o
T"lnl , U 4 ID I I Tiilnln . . . . 1 3 PI II I
( i o o ; i o o n
i o n o o o-i
Ortinii called nt the end of nlxtb on ne-
I'oiint of ruin ,
lOiunnd riinn : llnlllmoin , "i Ohleago , 1.
' 1'wo-liiiiiM lilt" ! llnlmen and Dmiuinl. IIIHI
bin playnMerlen In Ciiniior In l.uiilio. I'Mint
linnn mi bullii ( irf Ihinln'ii , , I , nfl' Wnndn , I
Illrunk out lly IIUKhcn , II. Left on huneii.
llalllmuio , V , OlilitiiKo , I. Tlmo of umiin
Oiin hour and tblity mlnulon. Hmplii < ii.
O'Duy nnd mown. AtliMiiUuen. I.ilNil ,
; IIOIH < IN n ' > u < iiii'i < ntiiri' .
NIQ\V VoitK. 1'i'Hl - Hit" uheii ( boy
wnin needinl and oriotn by Ihn Now YmkA
won tlin iiiinin fur tbn Cnliinids today , ( liady
buil Hie Indiu flimriof bin rluht hand hrolinn
by it foul tip and will plnlmhly bn.iuit . ot Ihn
iiuiun for thn bnlnncn of thn ncason. Hooin :
II II it A 19. II II.t ) A 11 ,
Ir i a a l ) II I'Urlie , If . .I I ll rt Ii
jtiiviM , M . . .i a a A 0 Hoy. of . . . a a l o o
.lllX'K , III . . . II II M 0 n iWn. if . a ou
imiiy , rt . . . i o u WHHII.T , 9li 0 I I
Iliiiiimii , if . 0 I ) II II ll 1 III
\Viii HIT , o . il rt I 0 0 I
llnymoiir , ft 0 o rilnuimiii. I ,1
( UiMlmm , till. l > I a n KlllliMuiO.I ,1I
( Mil * , ( h . . U a n IKiwIlllit , ll I
Kinlvr , Jit . II t t o
Mor'.dll , p . .I I o n To I nil , u n u u
TnUU . . . 3 I tl 11 J
Now Yoik . i n o o i n n ' 0-3
l.milnvlllo . n 0 ( ) U U U U 7
( lulled rw.tUiOiHIIll Of dtU'Knei. , , , ,
Knriuul nmiii New YmU , l ( Urtilnvlllo , 8.
lUtilim lniMi t ttltrblo. Tvyn-liuuo hltrtt tlrady ,
Moekln , KUIrldRO. Tlireivbli > lilt ! l uvl
Homo runt * CliifUn , SUorllleo blf Muxtcr.
Doilbto play | Ou\U tt > .loyeo. Klmt IKIHO
on tmlMi Off Mnokln , I ; off Dawllnt ; . 1. lilt
liv Vlli'lied ball ! JuVon. Hlruek out : lly
IMeeliln , 1 ! ) by IKwiW , 4 , I'a.i d bull
\ VixrnorVlld iillotu MivKIn , Loft on
batten ) Now York , ? ! Lolllnvlllo , 0 , .Tlmn
of r.tuuo ! Onn lumr iud forty ini\uli-n | , Um.
Hunt and ( Inminllv. Attendiinei'i , dOO.
Nluliiit AiuiltiKr ,
PlllLADIJl.l'IIIA. S'ept. 2'\-l'hllndolphla
bit dippy nlmoHt at \\lll today nndoii a
dull , iliilntitrimtlnit KIIHUS 'I'hn llvldlng of
thn xlnltnrnart oven worsn Itinu Jt'nlur-
day. Atpndnmx\ ( l. Mi , Heorn1
IIII o A M It U IX A I !
( Ninliiy , or . 1 I a o < u t i ft 0
iMimUn n , .1 n 1,1 t iMOiU. ! t t
liolrlunly , If ; l 4 0 0 M-Kv > ii , 1 tD
l. Ji > ln , ti , 0 3 V ll lUliti-'ch ' , i'f , , I 0
I'lliK , rt , . I I 0 0
Ab'llihK , ir.9 0 A IId lli.o > > \ n
1 , > r , ) n. , 0 > d i i ) o .1 a
lli'KMniiit , o 1 t rf . . .I ! l I 0
' | ( > v , . . , . t t > 1 4
1'ln ii. p . o
TulitU , S II 31 7 s
'INilrtU . , . , ) ) tl < 81 I ) rt
Vhlbidelphliv .1 n o o o s-ia
fllovelnnd , . . . , l 0 o t t--t :
Kurned num : rhllndnlphla , fi ; Cleveland , 8.
Two-lmiio hllM Oooloy mid Unlohnuty Wnl-
lno > . bll : Uoiiiilunii , Lnjolo.
luiuly. ( 'iiiiloy. Left on baiieMI'hlludelphlu ,
111 ; iMoMtlmul , V. fluuik mitt llv flippy ,
Ii by Klllelrt , : t Douldo pbiN ; ( 'rain und
l.ivlolo , MeKciui to Tebeau tn O'Connor. Writ
bnito oilalliv : , (1ft ( Cuppy , 1 ; off V'llleld , 3.
Ull by ullobiVi by ( 'tippy. 1. ( Implies
HwiirlwoiM nud Ntulth. Tlmo nf KHUIO
Two hum it ,
Tlo ( liiuio lit llriuiUlyit ,
lUlOOKl.YN , Si l < t. S3.-Tho llrownn nnd
? . ,1Tllly : darknoiM Wfr * V\V" \ } l-'K-lnnlUR Kumn
toilny ,
tnpplnK further trouble ,
Thn Iwrtln um , | Oitrlern hltn off Huuhny ,
lull tlio in-own * ' lleldliifi wa too fn t. three
IHIMI being eaiiKht at ( ho pUie. Heoru :
lUU.O.A.ll. . 11.110 A.M.
i. > f , t'j j o ( > rt . . \ t \
JlMIM , t ( . . . ll $ S 0 0 ' , vt . \ t \ l t
A , UmllU , Urt o | l'iv , J i . , ,1 \ i
I UiiiMiU , ol t t |
R 0 JUilll * mi , : i , t t J J rt
rt It t 0 If . t ) o J t 1
\Vm\.vr , JU < o t t tl > . , # tl 7 V ) v >
. J 0 1 1 fmlth , > 0 i\ j tt o
\ \ \ t 0 > 0 H iilif.\ , 0 00
' ( VUli . . . . J ti Jtf U
ilioklU | . . . . 0 0 > 0 rt 0 0 t 0 rtJ
K. tam * . . . . o o o i > i a o 0s
KM nisi runn ; lls > klju. t : St. l.ouU , s ,
Two-bino Win UrliWn. Sleniel , Homn rin\ .
Clmumtt * . riril buto w\ erwrsUrookhn ,
8 , l tt oiKi i' , lUvokl\n. SI ; SI. l.uuln
. Ntrtu'V out lly MelCcniiit , I , by Hiiisbey ,
4 , Hlolcu b4 * ' Jont > , MMKVVMI'l und
I'wm HrtorllUv hlta Wrtisner. StVtuel.
bate on N\ll llMcKenun , \ , by
, . \ , l > ouldc plixy U At Icy and Clem-
U. HU by pllehed Ull MoKemu. 4
o WttRuer AttotuUiu-e , V
. llltlt > ltlU llxlltl TluMII DtlMII ,
. . cp ( . SJ Klobcd.ui * held ( ho
dowu ( ( hree. bit * today , wbllp
lhi < t\ited ( ( lar liuer b.iul nud
U IUVK U it o \ u.
Cf ) t Cl l > . If I l A A
. ll > S t\ v \ > > ' ( > * t t ll
> JI , , I 1 J I t If. * l > S l > 4
uv. . ti > i
\v. 0 \ i '
iviiiit * . t > < t > i < . " 'lit i t t S l
M M , if , , ( i I iluvx , > 0 * > v < I t
, o * i ) i i ) \ \ > . > v > J 1 i >
\ - l > t >
t P \ > * J
. . . . i w u "J nvuu . , .1 "j
a J to rt l 0
l o o o o rt o
Karuixl run * ;
lUutUUni * u > v ,4UK hit
B'Urlen. Stolen HatvlUou HU.l IAMI .
( .Vlllvu , Hrm Ivuo
XUwplrxv1 MclVwaUl rtixd ilattue ) ,
V > 4
Ueiuotiitlc i ; ion tn
- v
V.'n blnr i.ll . l < 1 M Z ?
Hi IsKit * 111 M ! f , V,1
l'Hini- tii'tuy rhl'HKH At IjBlMlfi'iri- ,
PlKMiurK nt it'iif tin , Hi ln ' 4 nt lirorj
trf > 'iT ' V Ifn it N w r < .ik , ( 'l-vilurnl nt
wl'-iphlii , Jindnnmi HI
< 'iiiHM'K ( ( 'rrnniiiilNilMHliiiil Tru-
| ili > ullli
Tim iridlA i-vml ut ih second djy of
lti I'Hirmir/iout / of Ilin Otipont < lmi < lul >
WNfi Mix rm > for tlio flhaiMilniiililp | nt lur-
Ki'ln nt Urn tranmnlitglmlpiil uiintry , Th' ;
Ito/ihy / , n Imrnlronin silver cup , r/i.w won
lir ( Ii"ir o W. I/.iftnl , nftcr a liot run , In
Wlllrh lilt vn ( OIIH-lli'd | \ Ulliauli twrflly-
n I no ntrnlKht blilo n : < 'M * .
Thiiro wnrc llfiy-flvo rntrl'ii In thin mnlri
' vent on thf ilny'fi raid. All but tlireo of
Iliw ilioppnl out iMforn ( h twenty lurKClM
wcro run out Wh n thn flnnl round W H
coiiiplcird ihcru wfrw only thrro Bhunlrm
who Ind tv/Mily Mrulxht t' > HiPlr credit ,
Tlir-nu wcrii ( l. W. lyjoinlii , William Ilrowcr
nnd K. ( ' Mi-imlmw of Hplrlt I.akc. Ac-
riii'llliK lo HIM coridltloilH of Ihn mulch , tha
wlnm-r WIIH ili 'lilcO oti , n nhoot-off of Ilia
lie. whf'h lu'iiiili won. Ilrowcr mlnncd bin
Prut bird fljnl llonnlmw inlitfd hlii ninth.
Thn trophy In to bn awardnd tocliy. Tbrro
wan u bit of liiud luck In tbn mutch from
Ilin fuel Hint Con YOUIIR nnd Chnrlln Cur *
I In nf HilH dty both lirokii their tarR'dii
ttlriilKht until Hi 'i ' IjvfUtk'Ui round won
riuolicd , when hotli lolKKcd.
In MID tiitiinl. evrnln of Ihn dny tint riport
\VJin < txn plloiiully KOinl , Ilc lic thenii un-
ti > ritii , tliiTiiYIIK u llvd bird Mhoot , which
n I it D nmlilted In a hot rufn. Kavh of the
liirKeln ( ivciilH wnn nl llflonn blrdn. II TiO
niitiiilico fno , The i nullM wwro IIH followii.
Dvniit No. 1 , forly-clKlit Mtltlr * . llruy ,
I , , I IciiMlinw , Hiininliirn , in. l.lnnoy , Vitndei-
liuri ; , ( I. | j T , 11 , ( } . llniliillliw , Tliitli-r ,
( 'liipp , Iliiiiiilon , Towniifiiil , Null. 15 , Hi
MorlMwen , Vmier , Wrialil. O. 11. Henrlen ,
Thumliiii , Ilioolt , Merion , Hnndy , Iwornk ,
T. Klinliiill , I ) Klmlmll , LoiiinlH , lloyd ,
'I'nrlirny , \VorlliliiKlnn ; , llmwrr , Cnlile ,
liliiKlnr , ( Iriiy , Diinrnn. Welch , Ciillf ,
lleli'lnirl , CdiiMif'ump , lOdwurdM , Nlcolul ,
lllitKliiii , AndritWM , Iliirlm , U ,
I'.vi'tit No , & llflv-foiir enlilmr. Trollcr ,
II. KT , in , Iliuy , Miiori' , llmwcr , Vundi r-
Illiri ; , Ciililr , I , ItrllHllllW , DlllKllll , Hl'lllli'H ,
Iliown , Iti'li'bnil , I ) . Klinliiill , Nn 15 , Code
till. II : W'iriliiiiHlim , Alnili'iiHiiii , Cnllf ,
lOi'liniunliip , I'MwiirilK , Iti'iiiliiKloii , An-
illiiWH. Ilillkr , Hiillily , DwiiliiU , LddliilK ,
Tiulieiry , IdiKi'lH , 111 ; l.lnin-y , Wrlitbt ,
HIiiHlnr , I ! , lli'iiHlniWr Clupli , llliilldoll ,
Mm Inn , llnyil , 'J'uiner , Ilininliiill , I" .
llvnnt No : i , Hlxty-two eiitrlen. iiri'Wfr ,
llnilir , 'I'liwiiHi'iiil , If , ; llruy , Viiinli'iliuri , ' ,
Wilwhl , I. . llnnnliiixv , t'ul If , lliiiok ,
A.iuiilil , Kniti'iM , I'lieKtlll , Hoc , II ,
l.lnilnny , MOIIIII , 10. 1 li'iinlmw ' , Tnillor ,
< 'lupp , llruwii , Nli'olul , llliiKlnn , Hiimly ,
U. Klinliiill. l.oiiiiilii , llujil , WnlHon ,
Mi Woithlimlon < 'arlnr , Duty , 'riiurn-
toii , llriiiidiiii , ItiMiilimtnn , Aiiilrnwii ,
lliimiiliTH , liriiinhiill , liiiuiiiiiii , 11
I'ivi ' nl NM I , iilxlv-llin1" eiitilcii llri'Wi'r ' ,
I , . IlKiiHlimv , Tnilli'i' , ( liny , Clnpp , in ,
limy , Cniiiir. Hi'iirli'ii , rallf. liiiindon ,
Ki'li'liMll , Mtiilun , IteilllllKlull , AndinwH ,
'I'owiiiinnil , Ainnlil , Coilnlll , M ; Vaildrr *
linur , 10 , I IniMlniw , Ilinwii , lltooli , I''l-
wiildH , lliulii > , ltt'uiiillloyil. Tiulieiry ,
liininliiill , iii'nVnlNiiii , \voiihiini'in : ,
( 'nnip ' , lllr.Hlii" , Hnndy , ' ! ' . Klinbull ,
l.llllllllll , I'J.
Hvi'lil ' I'J.Nil. . B. llfly-twii ellttlcM ! Mourn ,
Viinilriliiuir , Merion , 1H ; Worihlnitloii ,
lilndfiiiy , ll wrr , 10 llniiHliiiw. I , Men-
( diiuv , Itniiiiimlnii. Dworuli , lloyd , U'litmiti ,
II , llruy , Oinv. Mum-mi , llnuitlnii , PM-
wnnlM , AiiilmwH , Hinimli'in. UnuiiilN. 'I'dVMi-
ni'iiil , Ailiolil. I'MXlon , Coi'Uilll , Ilriiiuball ,
I.I , ( 'miniVililil [ , Hi'Hl li'H , II . H , llclrli-
ni'l , Hiniilv , I > Klinliiill , lli-o , Ilin Ion ,
lllnhiMi , Hrlllli'liliT , IV.
Kvenl No ll. llfly-lwo entrli'ii : Worlb-
Inuloll , liniv , Illinvnr , 'I'l'dltur , Uriiiidon , T.
Klinliiill , lllhliop , I'VKK ' , Hlovum , K. . 1 , llrn-
Hbaw , Hruili'M , Cnllr , lllnHlii" , AndinwH ,
Iliiudy , IHvotuU , 1 > . Klinbull , Ililitnn , Hi
l.lndNpy , niiiinin , Iti'lrhurl , Cldwnrdn ,
Ijaiiiiili'i'ii , l.ooiiiln , Atiiidd , Hinniliiill , HIH > ,
tlcliiii-ldi-r , Voiinit , III , Mooic , Puxlon , I'oek-
rill , No. in , Dim.l.udwlK , (2 (
Kvi'iil No , 7 , tlilrly-llvii cnlrli < M : Iliiin-
iluii , iCi'hi < niMiiiip , Miiiuly , l.oiiinbi , liiirton ,
\ \VnrllilnrliMi , MIMUO , II. lleiinlniw , U.
I loiiHliiiw , lli'li'lnn I , AndiowH , Hnndy ,
DwuriiU , II ; ViinilnrliurKi t'lirlcr. Wilxlit ,
linn , WcliMi. Hi'iiiliitflnii. 'I' . Klnilmll , I ) .
Klinliiill , llniinbiill , ii : ; tltuy , LMnpp , An-
ill'duii. Tuu HMi'iul , Arnold , I" .
The llvo bliihi dSdiil wan 41 1 ton plKCOiiH ,
K > cnlriiiu'it fi'o , illvlih'il Into three inoncyH.
Thn follovsliiK tu'oro HIOWH | Unit the rncu
for thn ruin In thin event wnn tin iiplrlled
IIH In llm ovenlit at Iinuilinulo objculH
( Miipn . rill Itn. . f !
Hlilltli . . . . . . 1'JJia 21121 It )
Minimi. . . . , , . . . , . tun aiii--o
l.luclHi'y . , . . . , . , , . , , . . , . , , 2211'J 2VU 0
ii , Kinibiiiii . iirrj ir.'J - P
T , Klnilmll , . , , . I'JI''J Illllli 8
lieu . . . ' . . . . ' . . . . . SI I3 21011-- ! *
VandnitilllK , . . . . . . . . . , , ' . ' ( Ol 20122 T
llollliitnr . . . . , . I'JUhl 11212 tn
lieu . . . IUIII 12122 9
llmmloll . , . , , . . , . .WJ 11222T
ICohoncaillti . , , . . , . . . . , , , . .1. . . , 20 < li)2 ) M222--7
llufer . , . , . , . 12211 l' ' . ' Jr. 9
llray . . . . . . . . . , . . HtlU 22I2I--
Uilldlll . 11111 11222 10
lIlllKo . L'JIlt 10212 U
10. HcllMllHW . H2I21 22201 H
lloiild . 10120 mill 7
Hoiirlrn . 12J2J 11210-
T > > diiyH curd i-oiiHlntH ot HOIIIH ton t'M'iiU
nt tiirii'tH ; und n Iho bird iihuot at llfloen
pliteotiN. Tln lutter will lu < ltii < event of
Hie dny. The elitniiit'o fee In $10 and $20
will hn iiddnd lo thn purHO.
hunt nlKbl ( enU'ltoui were taken out
to llu * eApoMlliMi by the DupiMil club.
CoiidllloiiN l'fio'iii-iillii | ( or ( loiul
'I'liuo nnd Murk * ' llir i > \\lnn.
Ill3Al > VHl.n , MttfiK. . Sept. l"--llurrlim
Slur I'olnier , ( ho twn futllmt luit'iu-as IIOI-HCH
lu tbo world , Jon I'atchen nnd John U. ( len
to. bud n mnU'li ruco ut Ihn Itondvllln duck
liuliiy , nnd ( ho Mni'liH1 hnmo won In two
tiiilKht her.t" . A"nllff wind blow down
( ho ntiotfli und buhl thn liormt back , KO llm
tlnittia liv\v. the llrxt bent bflUK In 2.03\
und thn ttevoml In li'OfVt ,
Thn duy WIIH eloudy nd dull , but a crowd
of o\or MOO w In the blK uluud. The
crack piiceru I'unm out nbortly fter 3 o'elook
und , lifter neoiliiic three Iliurs , they cuaie
down the ground nnd rrcold tbo worJ.
I'ntohenhii wnn ilrhen by bin owner , C.
W. Murku of ChliMMV hud the j olimul at
oui'o went nhend , Imluit IK length lu Ibo Icid
ul the ( junrler. Th lioini-n kept the naino
rolutlMi piviltloun until we\l \ by thn halt
polo , when tJentry t < \ > gun to close up , Worn
thn throtMiuitrtern to HIP flnluh ttu < rrond
miw u Kfaiul race , for AUrku drove In the
best qt ) lo and imin.iitcd to keep Uentry at
hlH wheel until jut ut the n lnli , when the
blK bny lmo < < t enuiibt htm. the two hornen
Kv > lm ; under the wlro with only I'liU'lien' *
bliick IIOKO lu fivut Thp next heat up lethe
the Imlf nillo vni practically n ivpetltliMi
ot tlu > llrst. for I'ltU'lu'ii went luiniedlAtely
( o tlu > trout und not only kept the
but \\IIH ttueo leniith * nbead an tbo bor fa
crtiuo to the thtve-uuivrtern' pole Attain ( Jen-
( ry mudo a crisit xpurt lu lift * mretrh , but
was i > ot fnut oiiouch for 1'utfhen , Mud the
lutlor wot\ the bent and tbo rnco lv > - u Kood
TU\ > other rai-e.i wore won lu titralitbt
hertts , neither Trauk U > sxllk lu the. J U > p.ux >
uiif Hal II. lu the S II p < ic < < belUK pushed
to any evieut.
3 H > ( MeltiK. pure $700. l-riuik Hysdlk won
In xUAlnlit lu'nU. UoM time , 3,12 * , . l.ittlo
Olrl. lurk t.'Klit. ' Mr. MArynbal. M.vry rtirlt-
tliui , l.lliliU' 0. , XellUi H. and tbo luki < lso
utnt ted ,
Matoh rurc , puuo , JJ.OOvX
Joe rntvhen. blk h . . . . . . . . . . 1 \
John U. Ucutiy. b b . . . . . 3 3
Time'S8V l-ii4 i , I 3J , S M i ; :8S. : tOJi : ,
t S4. S tHV
U IMCIIIK : pur o (700 : Hal U. won In
luMto. ito-t time. 3 U-V
litiaUnh I'rlxUt'terii Vlotorloii * .
NUVVOUU. . J ept. SiTtu > lnt rn.itloiul
erleket uialoh betwwn 0. H Wnrner' * KUK-
llh | < l. ) > ( and thi > New York elc\xn , which
bo * , u > wter\ly nl the Suteu l ! .uid Orlckot
elub' * Kivundii. termliuitevl ti\l. < > hi A hol >
UwUtoiy for the > l llv > r , who wv > hy
4U UllltUK AlUl JI7 1UUS.
, \ onvter U > . the bowlluc and fleldlUK
of the. HiitUhrr * wrw almo t Krfeot. but
the New York pU > * rs went to the cor *
wtlli i\n\Hlouoo , with tbo M ult ( hey nearly
Itvtdeil the wr * of > * tt\luy. Wbeu tumv
wvrdruwu k * t r.lsht lu * vv { the Kniluli
wickets bad fallen f\MT a total ot 413 tun * .
while ih XoYv > rk cricketer * bad only com-
l Ul fwty- t e rum lu ( heir tlwt lumiu * .
Wh * > \ pU ) wo * iMututsI tovlay U. Hewn *
And 0. U Alkuwwrth. th > > not-out luru ot
> \ wtftoy. . went to theHi to ovwvr-lete thr
nr i luntktKA but tailed to sc\x . AUtuHuti
th # KX > A ! utcu l ttixl muoh uwr * ftvely than
I H their Mr t MttxHtipl. ( hey wily e\-uroxl l.'J
ruin fur tbe lo * * v > f tw wlckvt * .
Albloit wFw 7
A1.MIO.V , NeK , S * > t. J. ( Spwlal Tel * .
srvu , ) The Ut of the rle * ct thivo tvkll
4 jd evl h * t sUy tt ea Al-
V\v\MH llniv * . S vre : AlMou , T ;
H \ \ > t. tUttertf * : AlMou. Ula Jo
: Klory ,
icro was a uiccuilt ui uivuuui
Tlii tJU'ln Ijrollirm pluytd their usual Rood
name an < 1 were mipiortr | < l all mound by the
nvnvr.i ox TIIH iiriMi THICK * .
f'ntnrll * for Mrnhm * * ! * Hdtlir * I'ln } *
III llnril Illicit nl < Jriiviriul. .
NKW VOHK , Hopt. 2Z.-H wn cold and
at ( Irnvmeml mid n Ntriull crowd
nomn ordinary boraon win.
wan thu fnvorllo fur thn
Ixilterrr nml lenap < > Rot thn boot
of ii poor nlart nml njioucd up a bin Rip ,
Kofiio liclni ; In the rear and runnlm ; there
from nlnrt to flnlnli. An thn lot rouridud the
upper turn Nonoy went out ami when
ntrulilitpin' ; < l out for liotnn hail a jjood Icoil ,
which hn imilntulm'd to the end unit won
euHlly. llllilrotli , bin owner , then claimed
( JcorKo Kceno for JS.WO. Hcnultn :
I'I rut , race , ono inlln and onn-Hlxteonth :
Decanter won , Ihmlella tiocond , Hnndncl
third. Tim o. 1.60.
Hrcatnl rnco , llv nnd one-half furlong * :
I.adjr Mndnny won , I'n'HlldlKllntrlcu second ,
Union Thomas third. Time : 1.09.
Thlril rncu , Hunhrei-zo tiike . ono mile ,
nrlllfift. None/ won , Lennpo Hecond , Ilninp-
don third. Tlmo : 1-4214.
fourth rnu1 , ono tnllu and onc-qimrtor :
Dr. Cntllett won , Handball nccotid , Manns-
BHH third. Time2:09 : ,
Fifth race , nvi ) furlong * , flelllnK' Dimin
utive won , IJffiirvmccnt nccond , I''ulldrr8B
third Time. 1.01 % .
Hlxth rnrc , llvo furlong. nclllnR : Mr.
I'hlnlHHy won , AiinKrnm second , Cumbrian
third. Tlmo : 1-02.
IIUI'TAI.O , Hcpt. 22. It wan Rrtnwny dny
nt Kort Hrlo. Wenthcr rnlny , truck faHt.
Klml race , 3-year-old * nnd up , BcllliiK , nix
fiirlongH- fan ! I Hco 'Htn won. .loacphlno K
Hccond , Karl Konmi third. Tlmo1 1 in.
Heconrt rnco , tnnldcn 2-yrar-oldn , nvu fur-
| OII H : Kltllo Urganl won , Mnrlt Hnnna BUG-
end , Hod third. Tlmn1.03 % .
Third race , Allen Nellnon ptirnn , 3-year-
oldH and up : Kd Pnrrni'l won. Henry Lnunt
net ond. Hlmon 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1-1U4-
Fourth rare , 2-yiir-oldn , Hlx futlotiBH ,
nelllnr' lly ( leorgo won , Moimcltoff nccond ,
Coimmla third. Time1.17U. .
Fifth rac < 1 , nvo furlonKH , 2-yrar-oldn nnd
tipCliiy r < ilnt < ir won , lloekwood nc-cond ,
Pred K third. Tlmo : 2-11 % .
Hlxlli nice , 3-yenr-oldn nnd tin. Hlx fur-
IOII H , iiflllnt ; : Lndy Irnno won , Halton HCC-
end , Fiiimllfo llilid. Time1 1 1 .
CINCINNATI , Bept. TL Thn Newport
truck wan Hloppy nnd nil tlio wlnncrn Imd
nn ouny llmo for Ihn monoy. Only two
favoillen won. IteHiiltH :
Klnit rnwi , HX ! furlongH , nulling : Hungry
Mill won , Lufni iiecond , fllnckholin third.
TlmoI I 17U.
Hecnfid raeo , flvo nnd olin-hnlf fnrlnngji :
Hln lllim-n won , Vex Rccond , I'lccnln third.
TimeMl. .
Third rnee , ono mlo | nml iiovciuy ynnm :
The Doctor won. Libation second , Loyalty
third. Tlmn : I-IIU4.
Fourth men , handicap , nix furlotiRH : Flrn.
iildo won , Loving Cup Kocond , Hiimoviir
third. Tlmo : I 17.
Fifth inco. nix and one-liiilf furlonpR , Boll-
Ini ; Minn Ilrnmbln won. ICIcunor Ilolincfi
Kccnnd , Itoao Anil third. Time1'24'J. .
Hlxlh men. one > mlle and B"venty vnrdn ,
nellliiKKdlliln May won , Cecil noeonil. Kv-
nllno Ihlld. Tlinci : I'M.
Nlniiiinn \ \ on lOnidldli Turf ,
( Copvrluhl , HOS , by I'lotH 1'iilillahlng Co. )
LONDON , Sept. 22.Now ( York AVorld Clu-
blfurnm HpeclHl Tt'legrnin ) Todd Sloan ,
the Amerlrnn jockey , who IIIHI autumn made
nu Inlnrnutlonal reputation by bin nticceBH-
ful riding on three Important lOngUim raeo
ooiimn , iiimK1 hl.i reappearance on thu ICiin-
lluli lurf tiKluy with thn opening of Man-
rhuitor Ueptumbcr mcrllni ; . It WIIH at Mun-
rbeHlnr thut Kl6an limt year nchloved blx
KrmiloHt f.ui'ccm loday , tboiiKh lenn nuc-
ceiiful tlmn before , ho todo one winner nml
WIIH loudly nnd heal illy applauded by rnro-
KoerH , with whom thn llttlo American IH n
nriint fnvoilln. MWH'H wlnulni ; mount wan
an American IIOIHO of ( bo Lorlllnrd-lloreHford
( dnhlen , ran II. by Simon MoRUH-l'andiHM ,
u 'I yonr-nld. Ho Unbilled llr t for the
ThiirKday knllliig plnte of 200ono mlle.wllb
HlrniiHiill , by Common-FtoHtlvo , t-ycnr-i.ld ,
Nncond , and The Tinman , by Hnniud-Nal-
rotto , Ihlld. Kliiht IIOPHCH ran. In
two ollior nirefi Slurtn'n moiinlii were
bnalon. Ho KHU | Jiff II for Lord , William
llcrenfnid at 101 potindH hi the Do Trnffoid
handleiip of XTillO , om < mlle and a half ,
won by M. (1. ( H. I'lmnmor'H 1-year-old bay
Illly Carnation , iMrrylnc lOfi punmlH Nine
liomeH ran. Jiff II WIIH unplaced. In I'ool
liar plain of 201) ) for " and : i-year-oblH ,
Iho furloiiKH. Bhxin'H mount wan thn Lorll-
liird-llnienrord Htablen' Man.ilee. I'Mvo hornra
run nml H Mr'alinont'n ( llauthlv. ; 2-your-
old , won , with U'oodbury , 11-year-old , ntvniid ,
and Mannteti , third.
Nl. .1(10 llltl-NO WIlIN II I'l'Uc.
KANSAS CITY , Sept. 22 The fcatiiro of
Iho hunio dhow win. Iho rich Midland Hotel
lalj for leiidatciH , lu which there were
twelve eiltrleii. The borHO Wort , M'lit fiom
St. Joseph , Mo. , cairled off Ihn houom , wlu-
nlni ; over Iho host Htix'kH ho\\u by the
lllluoln and Kentiioky breedeiH.
Today a attendunco. tboiiRb Hiniillcr than
on tbo openliiK duy , wax the bent of the
premml week. Kully l.iiflO peinoim worn In
Iho Kiund Nlaiid. AIIIOIIK the other pilco
wlniipi-ii of the dny wan (1. ( I1. Kluter'H | polo
puny , Sullle Campbell , of Sioux City , la. ,
who took recond
Itlllll Spolln 'I'l'ITO lllllllO 'I'l'lU'li.
TI2IIUK HAl'TH ' , Ind. Sept 2S- The Ikht
Hbo\\or , wh It'll commonrod to full lant nlnlil ,
developed Into u lioavy rain whleb plueed
thn track out of eomlltlon for ruiMiiK this
nftnrnoon. Star I'Mnler. wbn was to o
nKi'liml IIH ! iivuid , In ullll hero , and It tli
voathor tdmorrovv In piuiuUliiK tbn bor e
will io ; HKKliiRt tlmo olllior In thn afternoon
or S.iturdny.
Duly < o Mi-i-l ICuull > li U
NK\V YOUIC , Sept. 22. A watch linn
made between Jack Daly \Vllmtnicton ,
Dol. , iinil .1 \ \ * . rurr n of lliinluml. llKht-
nnlKhtH , Thn tlnht lit to talio plneo brforo
tbo Kmplro cluh of S ) raeitno , October 17.
Inilliiu * Drop i\
OKNTJ5H I'OINT , la. . Sept. 85. ( Spoclnl
TelrRram. ) Center 1'olut defontod tbo N < -
bi\mkH ItultuiiR In n tWo-lnnlng nnmp In the
mud today by u score of 10 to 7.
Dnilnl or ( ho Story ( lint ll > < Mniln nn
Aii ( < - - > torom Sliiti'iuont tlint
llt < Hturtrtl ( u llrutli.
DKSVKU , Sopt. S2.-C ntaln Chnrlos A.
\Vordou of Company K , Sovontb Unltod
Sliito.i Infantry , \\lui dlod yi\stor\lay from
tbo effects of uuUurlul fever , contracted in
the c.MiipnlKU bcforo Suntlnso , wna burltnl
today Ht 1'Alrmount cometcry with inllltixry
houc-rs. Cluplnln McOloory rcrtd the army
burial norvlco lu the pnxienc of tbo family
of tUo deceased ixt I'ort IAIRKII. A mixed
company of tuvldu-ra , beloiiKliiK to tbo Sov-
eivth nml V'lttoeutb rvKlmrut * . xmder com-
maud of Captain Carter , escorted the ro-
iual to this city , \\her * they \\erc- met at
the Union dr ot by General K. V. Sumner ,
commnndor of the Department of the Colorado
rado , and staff. A procession , headed by
the HeorRo A. Crok drum corps , and In
cluding besides the military many promt-
ncut men , accomptxled the remains to the
cemetery. Vrlcuda of the lat > Captain \Vor-
dcu belle > o that ho would have. reco\cr\'d
had ho recol\eil proper care during bl ten
dy ' di'tentlou In qu rantltio at Tampa.
Kl * . afetr hi * arrival from A Mtl.xKo. but
thpy Indlitnautly deny the vubllshcvl r vi > ort
that ho tuado a dyltiR Ktatexuent to the ef
fect that the co\ eminent had allowed him
to tne to vletuh. They say that ho xitter > J
nootl ot complaint J duxl , a * h * fousht.
at r.l C.uiey , Hku ix true soldier ,
Hnlu tuo-rtere * UU H > ! < .
UVNTSY1M.K. Ala. , Sept. : i t7cnerit
CoppltiRvr' * retlew of the enllitoJ men now
lx rx wn aisata i > vitix < nevl tixlay on account
ot rHi , It U now bell veJ that toiuorrow's
la honor of Secretary Alser will
to tw shu up ovilnj : to \ > e <
A lvhy t > oy * rrlvvJ lu th * fmlly of JaniM
McAt\\l \ > of INI Skmth T * nty-thlrvt tr * <
) rtr\lar. Th mother * uj chIM ar * del t
Mary llu o , * upr B > suirxlUn c ( the
\\\xslvui ' * circle. \ > lll she an iJJr * " at
th imvttat of PruKl catmYixsJnwn ot tbe
Ujr UHIIttUU diuioa > . ,
K it
| A Krcat many people do not umlrratand
the Bchcmc now being puilied by thn city
oIIK-lalg In relation to the repairs on the
viaducts. An ordinance Is to bo paused
when the council mcetn declaring the neces
sity ' /or the re-pairs on the \i \ street brldgo
and apportioning thu cost between the Union
Pacific arid the Union Stock Yards Hallway
companion. The repairs , according to the
ordinance , ore to bo tnado In accordance
I with plans now on Ilia In the oltlcit of the
i city engineer and the city clerk Is directed
to advcrtlflo for bids and to fix a tlmn and
place for the receiving and opening of bids ,
The cost of the repairs , by the terms
of thin ordinance , 1 apportioned between
the two railroads mi follows : The Union
I'acino 31 per cent and the Union Stock
yards C9 ccr cent.
The last paragraph of the ordinance Is of
particular Interest and rends as followo :
"That the acceptance of thu conditions ot
thin ordinance and n promise to pay and the
payment of the cost of the repairs herein
provided for by the Union Pacific and the
Union Stock Yards companies shall not
projudlco the rights of cither of said com
panies In respect to any further re-
palm or of the reconstruction of said via
duct or any part thereof In the future. "
It IH understood that ns BOOH as the ordi
nance In passed nnd the council advertised
for bids the two railroad companies will
pay Into the city treasury the sum needed
for the repairs. In thl way the city bo-
cornea responsible for the work nnd assumes
all liability for accidents , but ns the work
will ho done under the nupcrvlslon of the
city engineer , these details will bo watched
Homo people Bcrm to think that the rail-
roadB should put their own bridge gangs
at work and make the repairs without any
red tnpo. The rallroailH prefer to liavo the
city superintend the work and It will bo
no arranged. Knglnccr Deal estimates that
the cost of the rcpalt'H to the L street bridge
will amount to $1,100. This will not In
clude the painting of the wood work. No
dellnllo arrangements have been inudo about
the painting and the way matters stand now
It In hardly piobnblo that any painting will
bo done.
| | Slot .Miiuhlnrn.
A raid on the lot machines WIIB made yes
terday afternoon by J. D. Courtney and a
number ot asdlutniils , who uro working
under orders of the comity attorney. Caurt-
noy was armed with Keurch warrants and
also papers for the arrest of ncrnons known
to bo maintaining tdot machines. In all
twmily-Ilvo warrants weio ncrvod and a llko
number of machines confiscated. Thcno machines -
chinos wcro loaded onto n wagon and taken
to the county court house In Omaha. Only
formal nricsts were made by Courtney , ho
allowing the pursoiiH named In the war
rants to nppear before Juotlco Whlto at
their own convenience In order to arrnngo
Those who were nerved with warrants
wcro : Kdward Ulster , Chris Christiansen ,
Paul & llurth , 11. V. Iluddleoou , Sam llemor ,
August Pnpoz , Ilulott & llllss. Oeorge
Outhurd , Welsh & Martin , C. Klllppl , John
Hnnh , Otto Mntiror , Murkeson Itros. , Mlko
HoiTiiinn , Swan Larson , Joe Duffy , Larson
& Larson , M. ! > ' . Chapman , Chris Ivorson ,
Chris ( lurvorsen , William Ludwlg , J. I' .
Thompson , 1) . J. Juckbon , Fred Ilclllngcr
nnd Oeorgo Schuler.
A general cleanup of the slot machines
In the city was made nnd last night there
\MIH not u guino ot any kind going In the
city. The puitlcB arrested will bo tried In
a Justice court for operating and main
taining gambling Oevlecs.
The slot jiiachluns In use hero are sup-
poned to IIP llcenned , by the city authorities.
an ordlimnco having been passed n short time
ago llxlng thn yearly llcmmo fee at $10.
Many of the operators of idol machines
Hli'PI'od ' Into the treasurer's oflleo and paid
the money , but BOIUO did not. Those who
neglected to pay worn not molested by tbo
elty authorities ! and as fur ns known no
attempt was made , to enforce the ordinance.
Mnny VUUorH ,
Yesterday was a record breaker for visit
ors. Uven nt ) early H 8 o'clock the cars
f i om Omaha ennio down crowded and this
curt of fhlng kept up all day. Hundreds
walked dcnui N Htrcet to the stvick yards
and fiom Micro scattered to the packing
houses , xvhllo others waited nt the Junction
for the Htub ear linn which ruus every now
nnd then. At the Armour plant ) Ihn crowd
\\JIR most noticeable UH the new plant nut-
umrly attracted more attention than the
olhem. Visitors worn taKen fhrough this
plant nt tbo ruto ot WO an hour , guides
leaving every ilftecn minutes with batclus
of 100 each. Tbo Cuduhy pcoplo entertained
fully as many visitors as the Armour people
did with the other packing bouses a close
Hecond. The street ) car facilities to the
packing houses are entirely Inadequate nd
many complaints were board about the
service given on the stub Hup.
Day nt < lic I'nlr.
Some of the business men bore and runny
of the commission men at the yards are
anxious to have n South Omaha day at the
exposition. It has been suggested that an
attempt be made to have n duy designated
and then try to Induce every one to turn lu
and nmUo a sucee s of the * venture. Among
the plans proponed la tv > have a parade of
tbo Stock Yards Uquentrlan club , to be
followed by a drill. This will bo qulto a
novelty , ns during the Ak-Sar-Ilen parades
two years ago tbo Rtock yards rldtnc club
carried off tbo honors and a burk of the np-
plnuso. If such a day could bo arranged It
U though ( that the commission men could
manage t\ > get through with their work at
noon , when all of the principal business
houfca would close In order to give everyone
ono nn opportunity of spending an afternoon
mul evening at the exposition.
AVorUium to HIMO n tteoopdou.
South Omaha lods \ No. 6i5 , Ancient Order
United Workmen , will on Tuesday evening
next glvo a reception aud banquet to the
soldier members who hnvo Just returned
from the war. J. 0. Tatv , chaplain of the
Second Nebraska volunteer Inf.xutry. M. K.
Sohult * . grand master of Ileatrlco. and
Uoliert U Wheerer , IX IX. of tbU city , will
deliver addrt-sses. Sergeant J. Sheehy of
company tl , Twenty-second I'nlted States
Infantry , and Oorroral Keefo of the siint
comivxny nnd reKluieut ) will tell of Uio bat-
tld of ii : Cdney nnd of the fight up the hill
at San Juan. All Workmen aw cordially
lu\ttt\l to bo present.
Hetiullilliiif the Sniokeliituiir.
A hundrxxl or ruorx men an now em
ployed on the Cudahy nuoko house , \\hlch
a destrojeil by tire a few Ua > s p > . It i
was stated > eter\lay that th work of reconstruction - j !
construction would bo coraplereJ by Mouday |
next and meats wouM Iw smoking In the
house by Tms lay. A portlou of the wst
wall was torn Jo\\n and was rebuilt front
the ground. Several Unpr\vt > im > nts atv UMns
placed In the interior ot the butMlag and
when the change * are cvvnipleteJ the sosoke
house will N > Ntt\T than U was b fore the
Three atv lights hive K > ? n looatod OB the
* lto of the new Armour building ami p4l *
UrUluK KV > S on day ml ulstit- Some of tW
piers for the support of the bis MMfer are
e > eteU a d work H tlBS pasheJ as
as po ilb > . Tb * nails ot the star
are up atoi * tke ftnt s-tory l vJ ws
the tvrectioo at the fcilr JryWic Uo f Vi
rati < i ; o * Us * t o J of
the tract still co ul * 5 astl U U binl to
tell Just wtoa ttv cf etion ot tbo electric j
light building and car nhojvs will com
J H Blit/pp Is no\r employed In the drcsecc
beef dcpartrn < nt at Armour's.
A rncetlnp of democrats will bo held a
Ptvonka's hill tonight to organize a club.
Prof. Wolfe , tha ntw superintendent of the
public schools , will not arrive until Tucida )
Mayor Unnor returned ycMerdny from a
two itcoki' visit with relatives at St. Paul
Homo of tbo brick sidewalks on K street
which were waihcd out by the recent rains
are being rclald.
Mrs. Mary Sherman ot Dlanclmrd , la
Is upending a few days with her sister
Mrs. W. II. Vnnrant.
Kobert Plerson of Lovelt's Grove , la.
Is visiting the family of W. D. Vansant
Twenty-fourth nnd K streets.
Mrs. Catherine Parks , mother of George
and Kobert Parkx , left for Chicago last night
where alic will tlslt for some time.
Allle , the young son of J. K. Mclleynolds
has returned from Douglas , Wyo. , where he
spent a year , nnd will attend school here
W. H. Uedrlck , who Is connected will
the Government Printing Office at Washing
ton , Is In thu city , the guest ot A. W. Uab
cock and family ,
Sheriff McDonald elated > citcrday thn
Deputy Miles Mitchell would be stntlonci
bore until after the close of the exposition
Ho asserted that on account of the numerous
complaints made to him ho deemed 11 ncces
lary to keep an officer hero In order to pro
tect strangers.
H. H. Faxon , city editor of the Newton
Kan. , Republican , was among yesterday's
visitors. He says that ) exposition enthusiasm
Is booming air over Kansas and points to
the fact that over 400 "Jayliawkers" wcro
registered at the Kansas building yesterday
forenoon. "Kvcryone who had visited the
show from Kansas , " ho continued , "thinks
It IH splendid. Tor myself It exceeds m >
highest ) anticipations , "
Bpeaklng of the political outlook Mr
Faxon declared that the stale that had sect
HO much of populism will turn down nlne-
tcnthH of the fusion candidates this fall
Ho avers that t'lio Seventh district , In whlcl
IIP resides , will never send Jerry Slmpsoi
to congress again.
Charles 0. MacKay of New York Is at Hit
Mlllnnl ,
AV. I ) . Uiirs'ow of Ord , Neb. , Is at the
II. S. llowman and xvlfo of Iowa are a
the Mlllard.
Paul W. Moore of Redlamls , Cal. , Is at
thn Her Grand.
William U. nidgcloy of Noxv York Is a
the Her Grand. .
II. J. Hounds cf New York Is a gues
of the Mlllard.
3. II. Lockett and baby of Chicago are
stopping nt the Mlllard.
Posloillco Inspector D. J. Sinclair of Lin
coin Is at thp Her Grand.
Oavld G. Kvans and wife , Qulncy , III ,
are stopping at the Mlllard.
W. C. Johnston nud wlfo of St. Joe , Mo.
uro ttopplng r.t the Mlllard.
Otto Oramm , wlfo and daughter of Lar-
nmle , Wyo. , arc at the Mlllard.
Kx-t'ongres.unan Frank W. Mondcll o
Wyoming Is n visitor In Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Sprague and child
of San Francisco are attending the expo
Otto Gramm , xvlfe and daughter of Lara-
mlo , Wye. , are nt the Millar I and attend
ing the exposition.
Mrs. II. S. Wnlbrldginnd T. H. Walbrldge
and wife of Toledo are among the exposi
tion's Ohio visitors.
S. D. Kllpatrlck of Newcastle , Wyo.
owner of the big coal mines In that local
ity , is a vlfitur In the city.
I A. lloxvnrd and wife , Miss Ilertrt E
Hallor and E. H. Montgomeiy of Illuo
Springs , Mo. , are visiting the exposition.
J. Hurtman and L. G. Hnssoholt of Cheyenne -
onno nnd II. Hamburger of Salt Lake City
are at tl.o Her Grand for a few days.
Mrs. C\ A.Thomas , Miss Thomas and
Swvi'll , liubeit and George Thomas of Den
ver are in the city doing the exposition.
Mrs V. K. Ilatea , Mrs. Frances Darker
nnd MID. A. II. In\e3 of Kansas City arc
at tUo Her Grand and attending the expe
Edward K. Campbell of Louisiana , Mo. ,
an attorney and also editor of the Times
at that place , Is In the city doing the ex
Mrs. A. C. Powers , who has been crit
ically ill for several weeks , 1 now conva
lescent , and her ultimate recovery Is con
sidered iiosured.
Sam O. Duggor of Chicago , president of
the Standard liadlalor company of that city ,
la attending tbo exposition , and Is stopping
at the Her Grand.
Kdward H. Strung of Mechnnlcsvlllo , N.
Y. , president of the Meclmnlcsvllle Knitting
company , ono of the largest concerns of the
ktud In the country. Is at the Her Grand.
Ho Is nttinctod to this city by the exposi
Charles Showaliur , C. J. Carroll. J. W.
Uramsall , F. W. Cockrell , John Sullivan , S.
C. Whitman , F. M. Cox and W. L. Lege'tt <
are a parly of Woodmen from Kansas City
at the Mlllard , who ctime up to attend the
Yul HIatr , jr. , ono of Milwaukee's big
brewers , accompanied by bis wife , Is In Hi'1
city. lu the patty are also John Kremer ,
wlfo and daughter ; Mlsa H. Elser and James
Gurbade , all of Milwaukee. They are
( stored at the Her Grand. Tbo party Is
Just reluming In a * peclal car from a trip
to the northwest and west , which Included
a jNirney through Yellowstone Park. They
will remain In Omaha for several days to
\Ult the exposition.
Nobrnskuns at the hotels : A. Schultz ,
P. Schult.Hurnboldt ; Clement L.
Wilson , Johnson ; A. E. Coleman ,
W. A. Achwlmay and wlfo David
City ; E. M. Wood , Sterling G. Hell-
man , Adams : J. R. Cook and wife , Kene-
saw ; C. H. Glllln and wife. St. Paxil : Will
Humphrey , J. T. Ilrooks , Franklin : E. P.
Pussell and wife. Columbus ; H. W. Hock ,
Grand Island ; W. P. Everlngham , Ixmp
City. H. Huby , Danbury ; D. T. Hoof. H. I ! .
Hoof , James E. Winter. A E. Aukman.
Arnold ; J. Kasa and wife. Chadron ; H. L.
Ilnxuu and wife. Tekamah ; John U. Cary and
wlfo. Waketlold : E. F. Uuruham , Broken
How. S. F. Halph. T. Drake , Fullerton. S.
L. Cable. Murray : Hugh A. Platte , Grand
Island ; H. E. Norton nnd wlfo. Kenesaw ,
W H Seevers and wife. North Bend ; Jos
eph Matousek. Dralnard. C S. Hollman , Da
kota City ; Charles llrlfiht , Allo Ularler.
Kt-unard. J. Hratt. North Platte ; H. C.
Hanson. Hasting * . W. P. Harstow , Ord.
( leorKo llotlf M'niiilrr * A ny from
limmiiuid HuMiltnl n d Can
not ) lc Found.
Gconro Uoslo Is the name of a youth 13
years oM who left Immanuel hospital , where
ho has been under treatment , Sunday night
and has not been heard of since. The young
man's father ( a J. W. Bogle of Holbrook.
Furnas county. Neb. Friday , two weeks
n i > , he was brought by hi * parents to this
city and placet In the hospital for treatment
for a disorder ot the stomach. Sunday
nlsht jouns Bogle left the hospital without
notifying an > one and since that time nflthor
the hospital authorities nor hU parents hare
hMrU ef him. The boy's father Is worried
over hU ton's unaccountable disappearance
and U making erery effort to discover come
trac ? ot him.
When the boy left the hospital he u
cUnhjJ ia a suit ot blue mixture anJ wore
a ll bl brown bat. HU balr is UgM aa4
h is smooth ot f cc , ot jpare bxiild lad
about five f t eli-tea lnch
I'alli Iraiu n Cur.
Miss Any Kv us ut rkMtly hurt Uit
nlcbt la altempttcK to Ifare a BMTta ; strv t
cr it T * otT-founSi anU Palrkk areaue.
1C vrs her UteBthw to slap at BurUette
ir ( . but tvy ooie raUxMk > lenlBdlai ; ( he
a cJirriM tn > y aU her UrstHuttaw. B far
lie ar bid c an ? to a fitH ftaft at the neit
lzs MiJJ Eraai iltenptM to sttp fron
Surgeon. Is there anything I can do to relieve youmy man ?
l&ugh 'Kjder. Give me a chew of Battle Ax quick I
The qualities that have brought the "Rough
Riders" their envied position courage dash
perseverance and determined purpose have
been used in making
the best known and largest selling chewing tobac
co in the world. Every intrenchment of prejudice
( against low price ) and tradition ( against large
piece ) has been successfully stormed and carried
by Battle Ax. High value at low cost.
bjr our lull of Turkish Cihiulrs
fur , 00. MlKhl lx > i f i , Ii y l.aitn , Ntrro
or Drain trouble ttircd ttfttlrvt n > you
e rwere. Wt lakn our eon .ni-JIclnt'n
lid ion cnn rely an ( rtttlnir well , W- l ae
wrlllfn puannte * with full cnra. Klngl
Hoi. | l MbT milt HAHN'H
the jilatfonn , but missed her footing and fell
heavily upon the pavement. She yvas at
tended by a passing phjslclan and Inter
taken to her homo at 2G19 Durdctte street.
Severe bruiscacro found upon tha head
and body and there are also Internal in
Woman'M Mjtltt nt ( lie dull.
It was wuman'L night at the British and
Canadian-American club last night ami the
program as mainly In charge ot talented
women from Omaha and abroad. The chair
wus occupied by Mrs. 13. M. Wilson of Snn
Francisco , Cal. . who ID prominent In the
Scottish clan of that city. She Intioduccd
Mlsa Jean McGregor ot Chicago , the main
attraction of the evening , who gave a num
ber of Scottish songs and recitations in a
X'ery dramatic manner. The singing of lon- !
nlo Dundee \MIS especially well done. An
address followed by A. Gordon Murray of
Chicago , one of tbo Itadeis in the national
organl/atlon of Clan Gordon. Ho gave nn
interesting sketch of his experience llrst as
n Scot , then as a Canadian and finally as tin
American. James McMonles , secretary of the
local club , then puke of the objects of the
organisation , doscilblug what has boon ac
complished In the way of entertaining MS-
Itlng Britons and furthering the Intorcsis
of their nationality at the exposition. Trlnco
Hdn aril's island bad u representative present
in Oavld I. Hayden , who spoke of chnractei
and customs lu his natUo land. Others who
spoke xxeio Mesbrs. McMillan , Glascott , Mi'-
Laln , Wilson and Miss 1C. C. McCabe. The
meeting adjourned to the chorus of "Aulcl
Lang Syne. "
Tvtii Toui-ht'il t ir Ten.
John Howard , direct fiom Iowa , encoun
tered Hertlia Travis , one of the Third ward B
cleverest , last night at tbo corner of Klev-
enth and Farnam streets. In some manner
unknown to Howard $10 , which he had In
tended for another purpose , passed Into the
woman's possession and be was left penni
less among strangers. The women Is under
arrest and Howard Is biding at tbo station
awaiting money from home.
Hlchard Alexander , who says that his
fnrm Is In the Nebraska sandhills near
Krlckson , was robbed of $10 last night by
some unknown woman who noticed his lone
liness and tried to make it pleasant for him.
Jumped linoUnurd iroiii the Car.
C. A. Nelson received a probable concus
sion of the brain through jumping back
wards from a moving Hanscom park car
near Twenty-third street on Cumlug last
evening. Nelson la a stranger In the city
nnd Is lodging at 170S South Thirteenth
street. Ho is lu a precarious condition and
the exact nature of his Injuries cannot be
told until tomorrow. Dr. W. Upjohn Is at
tending the case.
According to eye witnesses , the accident
wus entirely duo to Nelson's carelessness In
jumping from the car against the conduc
tor's warning.
Sue * for 1. 1ftInxurniicf * .
Suit was commenced In the district court
yesterday by John W. McDonald to recover
$1,000 from the State Mutual Life Insurance
company of Worcester , Mass. , on a polio-
Issued to Kenneth Montgomery , said to have
been assigned to the plaintiff In January ,
1S93. Montgomery died last year. McDon
ald represents that an annual premium of
1:7.90 was paid by him on the policy last
December and accepted by the company , but
that the company has since refused to
furnish him with the necessary blanks so he
could claim tbo Insurance In proper form.
Mil.MnrUcHOii Held fur Trlnl.
County Judge Baxter held Mike Markcson
: h South Omaha saloon keeper , to the dis
trict court yesterday under the cbarge of
bribery brought by Justice of the 1'eace Al
bert S. White Attorney Kelkenney did not
put In any defense. The bond of Marncson
was Hied at Jl.OOO. His old bondsman , Al
derman A. K. Kelly of South Omaha , became
its surety ataln. ; The two witnesses , Htcli-
mend and Pierce , were also bound over on
their own recognizances of $150 each.
Klllfil by n Trnlu.
MARYVILI.K. Mo. . Sept. 22. ( Special Tel
egram ) William Shaw , aged 16. fell under
he wheels of a Chicago Great Western p 3-
cnger near HavenwooJ , last night and was
natantly killed , his head , both legs an-i
one arm tcim cut off. It wa * about 1"
o'clock whtn be boarded the train and tried
o steal a ride. The brckernan put him cff
and u U supposed bo tried to get on ngdin
while the train w&j moving. His reraairs
were found lying near the track by Uu
ooKiDwr of a northbound freight at 2 o'clock
his morclns His home was at C- .
llc uinc l\ | > rr > * Strainer > cri Ice.
NEW YORK , Sept. JJ The In-ern tioa l
NaYlgaUcQ company annouoc l today the re-
uoiloE of Its regular eekl > mail anil rii-
* Bgt r service betweeo New York anJ South
amptou by the eiprwa cteaarrv St. Louii.
t. Paul. New York i&d Parii anJ th * 4lt
t filllae from New York. TU * first MMBi rte
to re uw the route 1II U tW SL U > uU.
whkh ill tall from New York ra OxtalMT
: , UieA the St. Pint , O ( * k r 1J , i = J th *
Octpber 5 ,
Primary , Fecondnry or Tertiary
BLOOD POISON permanently
Cured in 16 to 35 Days.
You can be treated nt homo for same
price under eama guaranty. If you
prefer to come here wo will contract
to pay railroad fare and hotel bllla ,
and no charge It we fall to cure.
taken mercury. Iodide potash nnd Mill
have aches and pains , Mucous I'alrbes
In mouth , Sore Throat , Pimples , Cop
per Colored Spots , Ulcers on any part
of the body. Hair or EycbroWB falling
out. It la this secondary
We solicit the most obstinate cases
and challenge the world for a ca" < e wo
cannot pjro This dl case has always
baflled the skill of tbo moat eminent
j $000,000 capital behind our uncondi
tional guaranty. Absolute proofs Hrnt
sealed on application. 100 paga book
Bent free.
AddrrxN COOK HKMiiY CO. , 1-1U1
Alnnniilo TVmnlc , flilrnKO. Ill ,
Searles & Searles.
Gnnruntec to pure niiccillly tuiil rndl *
cnllr nil MIHVdl'M , CIIUO.MC AND
IMIIVATK tllirRBri of men and ncuncu
BBXUALLY. cured for life
Nleht Emissions. Lost Manhood , Hy.
drocele , Verlcocele , Oonorrha , Qlcet , Syph
ilis , Stricture , Plies. Fistula and HtcUl
Ulcers , Diabetes , Bright a Disease cured ,
by new method without pain or cuttlnr.
Call on or address with stamp. Treatment
by mail.
m , mm i SURIES. * &i'ttA
Ainrrli-n' l.r school of .Mu > le ,
AnUllnrlnm IlldK. . Chlcneo.
Eocution , Dramatic Art and Languages
lMH\AI.ii > P.CILT\ ,
Cataiojuc ir. ' a free AJdrr ,
HHKMIAIIU LI.HU1I. . . Manncrr.
Collc . and Cuuncrvnlarr ,
I1 * * ' for Ladle * . . Mexico " , Mo ,