10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 23 , 1898. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL 77hoat Scores Sharp Upward Advance on Qood Ooah Markets , REPORTS OF POOR RUSSIAN GRAIN CROPS Corn Active mill Stronc , Jrrnctloii IIlRhcr ) l'rnUlonn Ilcttcr lit Tone Tluiu ( or Home Time. CHICAGO , Sept. 22. Wheat today scored the bwt advance that ban occurred In some time , December tloalnn IVifrl-VjO hlKhcrand Heptcmber l > 4c higher. Strong cables , higher cash markets nntl heavy export eUEagcmciitii drpvo shortB to cover and ruado a broad , active market. Corn wns moro iictlvo and Btroug , with wheat , closing 140 hlchcr. Oau advanced J4e. with a big trade. Provisions Jfcro dull , but steady , helped by grain , clos ing at slight advances. AH the weakness which marked the close or yesterday's wheat market had disappeared at the opening today and vvao replaced by utrcngth exceeding that shown tor several wceko. Nearly all the features Influencing the market wore- distinctly In favor ot thi buying side. Liverpool was strong anil higher nt the opening and continued to ad vance during the day. Paris was also higher , showing an advance of 25 centimes. Dulutl and other outside markets reported mate rially higher prices for the cash article Northwest receipts were at first reported al 831 cars , against Oil last week nnd 1,133 o year ago. These figures were afterward cor rected to 031 cars , but the correction had apparently no effect on prices. OpenlnE trades for cDccinber ranged from 634c tc 64c , compared with yesterday's closing price of 63Vic. This lias about nt call price and Belling against those privileges caused the market to hesitate for a short time , a fers Bales being maOo at 6363)ic. That was the low point of the day. The demand from uhorts , which was good at the opening , grew heavier ns the session progressed , and , as no great amount of wheat en mo out , a steady upward movement took place , which did nol Btop until 63tic had been reached. At those figures holders began to let go more freely , and the advance was checked , Very little reaction In prices oc curred , however , as offerings were hardly sufficient to satisfy the demand and when fresh bull news was received later In the day the market moved up very easily , Some selling was caused by reports of rains In the winter wheat belt , which were badly needed , and receipts yeiterday and today ol 220,000 bushels of wheat brought hero foi mixing purposes nnd which wcro expected to grade 1,000,000 bushels below grade whcal was also a Blight Incentive to sell , but nol enough to affect prices much. Late In the day the market , which for some time pre vious had been rather quiet , became active ngaln on reports from Now York that eighty boat loads had been worked for export. 1'rl- % ate London cables reported poor Russian crop prospects. Buying orders became very Jicavy after that nnd offerings became still moro restricted. Before the close Decem ber prices had moved up to G4 > 6@G49gC and that prlco wns bid ns the close boll rang , Corn was steady , wllli a somewhat bottei trade. Shorts were froxs buyers , and then was a good speculative demand for the long account. The market vas influenced somewhat - t'l ' what by wheat. Receipts were mod- crate , C98 cars. Heavier receipts are looked for tomorrow. There was a good eastern nnd export demand. Offerings from wesl of the Mississippi were extremely light , Prices fluctuated narrowly , ruling slightly higher nil day. December ranged froir to 2929c , closing Ho higher al Thcro was a light trwlo In oats nnd prices ogaln rallied sharply. Commission houses , which have recently been largo sellers , bought heavily , and elevator psoplo anO Phorts were also frco buyers. The cash de mand was excellent. London was 3d higher Receipts wcro 258 cars. Tlio strength cl wheat was a minor Influence. May ranged from 23c to 22o and closed % c higher ul Trade In provisions was light The firm- Jiea > of grain markets acted as a check on short celling , and , though the demand was light , offerings were still more so. Ship ments were largo. Iho close was steady : December pork 2V4c higher nt $8.20 ; Decem ber lard a shade higher nt $4.75 , and Jan uary ribs 2 > c higher at $1.70. Estimated receplts Friday : Wheat , 20f cars : corn , 800 cars ; oats , 330 cars ; hogs 6,000 head. The leading futures ranged aa follows : Articles Open. High. Low. Close. Void 'j 07 07HM fiOIJ 07N U3U-IU < 07HWi < * H Wi usaii COM 20K3K S04 20H JO 2SM9J fan JUi-32 * * 1M S3 33 con iaV. . 2UH 'j i'j 810 Bin 810 8 10 810 H 17H 82S 8 17K H20 817H 010 010 007V > 007M 005 470 47/5 / 470 472V , 470 477X 475 475 4 bU 485 480 486 Oct. . . 635 . B3B 625 625 Jan. . . 405 472 405 470 4b7U No. i Cash quotations wcro ns follows : . 1'LOUH rirm ; special brands , $4.25W i'CLmrd.Won4F ! ! ptltcnts. ' , " .4003.60 ; soft ; No. 2 red , CORN-NO. 2 , SOQSOI-SC ; NO. 2 yellow , SO 3-8c. OATS-NO. 2 , 22 i-st ic : NO. 2 white , 24W 26e ; No. 3 white , 24 < 321ic. ! HYE-No. 2. 49c. BARLEY No. 2 , 3342c. SEHDS No. 1 llnxsecd , 91UQ92c. Prime timothy s ed , $2. Kii2.10. PROVISIONS-Mcsa pork , per bbl. , $8.15 C S.20. Lnrd , per 100 Ibs . $1.7504.77'A Short ribs sides ( loose ) , $5.15i5.30. | Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . $1.5004.75. Short clear eldcfl ( boxed ) , $5.40ft3.50. SUGARS-Unchanged. rollowlng are the receipts and shipments for todny : Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 12,000 11XK ( "Wheat , bu . 345,000 T2.001 Corn , Ini . 3S1.000 2G5.CKX Oats , bu . 350,000 1SO.CXX Rye. bu . , . 15,000 . Hurley , bu . 1,000 6,00 ( On the Produce exchange today the but ter market wns steady ; creameries , IStf.'Oc ; dairies , ll'417c. ' Cheese , steady at 7 { { ! > tc Kggs , firm at 14c. Llvo poultry , weak : tur keys , 7QSc ; chickens , SSS c ; ducks , 7c. JVKW Y011K GUMHIAL , MAUICUT Unotntloim for tlic Day nil Genera CnmnioilltlrN. NEW YORK , Sept 22-FLOUR-Recolpts 85,110 bbls. ; exports , 1,709 bbls. ; firm am' held higher on all but spring patents Bprlng patents , $3.8004.45 ; winter straights $3.403.60 ; winter patents , $3.751H 00 ; sprint clears , $3.30ft3.60i extra No. 1 winter , $2.75(5 ( 2.90 ; extra No. 2 winter , $2.5002.75. CORNMHAL Yellow western , SOc. lIARLiBY MALT Quiet. "WHEAT Receipts. 212,750 bu. ; exports 243,112 bu. ; spot strong ; No. 2 red , 70io f. o b. afloat ; options -were active and strong al day , closing e-SfflHo net higher latter It Beptember throuch heavy covering. Be nldcs foreign buying and easier cables thi market was helped by big export trade etrong cash markets and broadening spec illation ; No. 2 red , September , 7 , 0750 closed at 75c ; December , 63 13-1CQC3 9-lCc closed at 69'sc. CORN Receipts , 03,199 bu. : exports , 21 , 7S4 bu. ; spot Arm ; No. 2 , 357-Sc f. o. b afloat ; options firm and moderately actlvi all day on export demand , higher cable ; and the strength In wheat ; closed 1iti3-Si | hlxher ; September closed at 3 ! 3-Sc ; Decem bor. 34 9-16j34 7-Sc ; closed nt 34 7-Sc. OATS Receipts , 19,347 bu. ; exports , 130 , 809 bu. : spot firmer ; No. 2 , 23c bid ; No. ; white , S&Q29c ; options dull and uomlnall ; higher. HOPS-Flrm ; state. 1SJO crop , 4ii6c ; 1S9 wop , 8SHc : IMS crop , 14Sfl7c ; Pncltlc coast 1SW crop , 4i | c. 3VOOL Fine , twelve months , 49560c ; me Alum , twelve months , 46ifMSc : coarse , 4CVJ 43c ; California , spring , 4SljiOc ; Oregon , cast ern. 47fM6c ( ; territory , staple , 62c. CHEESE-Steady ; large while. email white , 8 Vic ; large colored , pmall colored , S'lc. BUTTER-Recelpts. 3,623 pkgs. ; wcsteri rnery , lG4j20Mc ; Elglns , 25c ; factory , 11V loa 8 Receipts , 7,958 pk&s. ; firm ; west cm. ITa. COTTONSEED OIL Easy , exporters ask tSf Iftc concessional prime summer yellow I \ 22',4e ' nuked ; upot , 22c. future delivery ; oft summer yellow , 22Q221,4cj prims winter yel low , 27fi2Sr. MHTAI.B Buyers anil sellers alike , wcro npnthctlc today and In the absence ot sup port , of any description , prices In some In- fitp.ti' on t-nrTgcd off slightly. Tin dccllno WTH largely nomtinl. At the close the Mttnl cxrhanno called | ) | R Iron warrants unchunpul at JC.S3 bid nnd JO.95 asked ; lake copper , qultt , with J12.25 bid nnd J12.37V4 nfkfd ; tin , cinttt. with J15.15 bid and HG.22V.I nuked : lead , dull and easy , with $3.9Vi bid nnd t4.92'nslccd ' ; spelter , unrhangcd , with Jl.K'Xj lild and } 4.S7'/j asked. The iirm nam- Injf the settling prlco ot landing miners nnd Bmellcia quotcy lead at Jl.So. OMAHA ( Jli.NUHAI , .HAniCCT. CnnilKInn of Trnilr mill Q.nnnlnnB on Simile nnil I'liiiuy Prodncc. EGGS Good stock , 14c. BUTTI Jr. Common to fair , 10ifl2c ; eep- aiator. lie : path rcd crenmery , 19c. L1VC rofhTUY Hens , 7o ; old roosters , 4c , nprlnfr chicken * ) , 7'ic ; ducks , 5BOo ; KCCBO not wanted GAMlTcal , blue wing , $1.75 ; green wing , Jl W ! mlx d , Jl 75fi2 25 , prairie chickens , young. SI GO ; old , $250. IMOnoNS-litve. per doz , $100. VnAL-ChoIcc , 9c. VEGCTADLES. Per doz. bunches , 30S33o. ONIONS New , prr bu , 40350c. UHANS-Hand-plcked navy , per bu. , $1.25. POTATOns-Pcr bu. . COc. CAHUAGn. per Ib. Ic. TOMATOES Per four-batkct crate , 20 ® SOc. SOc.CUCUMBEHSHomo grown , per doz. , 100200. TROPICAL PUUITS. OltANOES Secdllncs. $2.75 ; Medlter- ranonn snects , J375Q300 LUSIONS-Callfornla , $ C ; fancy Messina , $6.50&7.00. IlANANAS-Cholce , large stock , per bunch , $2 00@2 25 ; medium sized bunches , $1.752.00. TRUITS. APPLES-Per bbl. , choice shipping stock , $2 75fo 3 00 WATERMELONS-Crated , ISIfHc ; loose , CANTALOUPE-Rocky Tord , per crate. PEACHES-Callfornla , 20-lb. case , 00c < 3 > $1.00. 1'L.UMS-Oregon , $1.00. I'EAHS-Bnrtlott , California , $225 ; other varieties , $200 GRAPES Native , per hn ket. 12V4c ; Cnll- fornla Tokays , $1.50 ; Ohio , per basket , 15c. CIIANBHHHIES Wlcronsin , ptr box , $1.23 ; Capo Cods , per bbl. , $7. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS-Almonds , per Ib , large size , 12 ® 13c ; small , lie ; Brazils , per Ib , 9@10c ; En glish walnuts , per Ib , fancy soft shell , 11 ® 12c ; standards , gg9c ; Illbcrts , per Ib. , lOa ; pecans , polished , medium , C7c : extra large , 89o ; largo hickory nuts , $1 001.10 per bu. : small , Jl.15ftl.23 per bu. ; cocoanuts , per 100 , $4 60Q5 00 ; peanuts , raw , 6'/4c ; roasted , 7' c. MAPLE SYnUP-rive-g.il. can. each. $2.75 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz , $12 ; half-gal , cans , $025 ; quart cans , $360. HONEY-ChoIco white , 12 e. DATES Hallow ce , CO to 70-lb. boxes , Bc ; Salr , 60 ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , 9c. FIGS Imported , fancy 3-crown , 14-lb. boxes , lOc ; 5-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 3-lb. boxc'i , 2223c per box ; California , 10-lb. boxes , $1. CIDER Per half bbl. , $3 233 50. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. IIIDES-No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green hides , 60 ; No. 1 salted hides , 8io ; No. 2 Baited hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs , 9c ; No. 2 veal Half , 12 to 15 Ibq , 7c. TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2' c ; rough tallow , IHc ; white grease , 2V4S2)ic ; jellovv and brown grease , H4fi2Vic. SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each , 15 ® i5c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , 15o ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4lj5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 304c ; dry Hint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 405c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 3@4c. St. I.on IM Miirki-t. ST. LOUIS. Sept. -FLOUR-FIrm ; patents. $3 45f 3 CO ; straights , $310i5J325 : clear , $2COS290 ; rye Hour , Jobbing at $2.75 In sacks and $300 per bbl. WHEAT Closed strong , with September % c , December Ic and May 5-Sc above yes terday ; spot higher ; No. 2 red , cnsh , ele vator , 70c bid ; track , 70o ; September , 69V c : December , CO 7-Sc : May , 67'/4c asked ; No. 2 hard , cash , CCc bid. CORN Futures steady to fractions higher ; spot stronger ; No. 2 cash and Sep tember , 29c bid ; December , 2S'c asked ; Mav , 29 7-8Q30C bid. OATS Futures strong nnd higher , rang ing J/4c to 1 3-8c above yesterday : spot higher ; No. 2 cash. 23c bid ; track , 23W24c ; September , 24 7-8c bid ; December , 22wc bid ; May , 24 1-Sc bid ; No. 2 white , 2CfI26 < 2C. RYE Nominal and higher at 4i'nC. SEEDS riaxseed , higher nt SSc ; prime timothy Heed , steady at $2 35 CORNMEAL Quiet nt $1.5031.60. BRAN Stronger and higher ; sacked , east track , 47c. HAY-FIrm ; timothy , $7.000900 ; prairie , $5 50ti7 50 BUTTER Steady and unchanged. EGGS Firm nt 12Hc , loss oft. WHISKY Steady nt $1 25 COTTON TIES AND BAGGING-'Oc. METALS Lead , steady at $3974 } ; spelter , nominal at J4 62V4. PROVISIONS Pork , standard mess , job bing , $ S 25. Lard , steady ; prime stenm , $4 C5 ; choice , $4.70 Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , $175 ; extra short cler , $550 ; ribs , $5C2V4 ; shorts , $5.75. Bacon , boxed should ers , $5 50 ; extra short clear , $6 00 ; ribs , $012 4 ; shorts , $6 37 ! . RECEIPTS-Flour , 6,000 bbls. ; wheat , 38- 000 bu. : corn , 19,000 bu. ; oats , 26.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 6,000 bbli. : wheat , 27,000 bu. ; corn , 13,000 bu. ; oats , 6,000 bu. Unltlmorc Market. BALTIMORE , Septlv 22. FLOUR Quiet and unchanged ; receipts , 17,094 bbls. ; ex ports , 32,056 bbls. ; western superfine , $225 ® 2 50 ; western extra , $2 6303.00 : whiter pat ent , $3 75i3 95 ; spring pate-nt , $4 254 40 ; Rio extra , $1fi5390. WHEAT Strong : spot and month. 72Vi ® 72 3-Sc ; October , 71V4fi71ic ; No. 2 red , G7V < fl ! C7 5-Sc ; receipts , 29,293 bu. ; exports , 72002 bu. : southern wheat by sample , 6772o ; southern on grade , CS072Vjc. CORN Strong : spot and month , 331 ® 337-Sc ; steamer mixed , 32' > iR32 ( 7-Sc ; i < 5- celpts , 56,102 nil. ; exports , 254i6 ! bu. ; south ern whlto corn , 35Q36c ; southern yellow , 36 OATS-Flrmer ; No. 2 white , western , 27 ® 27Hc ; No. 2 mixed western , 25Vfec ; receipts , 14 08 bu ; exports , none. BUTTER-Steady ; More packed , 12013c. EGOB Fiesh. Mrm at ICc. CHEESE Active ; fancy New York , 60 ; large , 9Q9Vic ; largo medium , 9Q10c ; small , 9'091ic. ClncliinnU : ilnrkct. CINCINNATI , Sept. 22.-FLOUR-Steady ; fancy , $3.0003.20 ; family , $2.53iJ2.80 ; winter patent , $3.10113.75 ; extra , $2.2502.40. WHEAT Firmer ; No. 2 red , 70c. CORN Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 31c. OATS Firm and higher ; No. 2 mixed , 25o. PROVISIONS Lnnl. llrm nt $1.60. Bulk meats , steady nt $5.37J. - Bacon , steady at $6.50. | WHISKY-Qulet nt $1.25. 1 BUTTER-Steady and unchanged ; fancy Elgin creamery , 22c ; Ohio , 14&lSc , dairy , He8UOAR Steady ; hard refined , $4 5306.10. EGGS-Qulet at 13c. CHEESE rirm ; good to prime. Ohio flat , " Toledo Market. TOLEDO , Sept -WHEAT-Hlgher nnd quiet ; No 2 cash und September , 71c ; De cember , 67Cc. CORN Dull nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed. 31c. OATS Dull and higher ; No. 2 mixed , 21Hc. HYE Dull nnd firm : No. 2 cash , 4S14c. CI.OVERSEED-Activo and higher ; prime cash , $4 00 ; October , $4 SO. MliiitnipolU Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 22.-WHEAT- Flrm ; Beptember , C4C4c ; December. 61 ® 61V4c : May. C24c : No. 1 hard. Wc ; No. 1 northern. C6'4c ; No. 2 northern , 6Jlic. FLOUR Demand good ; llrst patents , $1950403 ; second patents , $3.75@385 ; first cleara , $2.7032 SO. BRAN-In bulk. $7507.75. 1.1 % erpunl Grain Market. LIVERPOOL , Sept. 22. WHEAT Firm ; % 01ttd higher ; September. 6s % d ; De cember. 5s 6d ; March , Cs CVld. CORN Quiet and unchanged to HOUd higher ; September , 3s 2Vtd ; October , 3s December , 3s 3T4d. Grnlii MILWAUKEE. Sept. 22.-WHEAT- HlRlier : Na. 1 northern , CSc ; No. 2 northern , C6'4c ; Docembtr , nominal. RYE-Hlgher ; No. 1 , < S > * c. BARLEY Steady ; No. 1 , 43o ; sample , 31 643c. _ niiliith AVhent Market. DULUTH , Minn. Sept. 22 WHEAT No. I northern , cash. CSc ; September , CS 4c ; De cember , C2 7-8c ; May , CSiic. San 1'raiiPlNou AVlirnt Market * SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 22. WHEAT- Dece-nber , $1 22i , BARLEY Not quoted. > orthTreit Floor Ontnnt. MINNEAPOLIS , Sept. -The North. western Miller reports the Hour output la t week nt Mlnnenpolls , Duluth , Superior and Milwaukee at 413,770 bbls , STOCKS AMI 110MJS. I.lvelr O | ern < lei n of the liar ( ) r to the Snerlaltlen. NEW YORK , Sept. 22. The day's market was lnrg ty given ever to what ar6 known as thq specialties. There was nn upward rush of prices In these stocks at the open- log , but the evidence of weakening In Sugar , which dominates the specialties , quickly brought realizing sales. The tone was rather heavy nnd nt times soinovvhnt feverish for the rest of the day. Trndcrs who had turned bullish In Sugar on the supposition that the long reaction wns over made up their minds that the recent rise was simply a campaign against the shorts nnd turned sellers again. Manhattan jumped 5-S above par on President Gould'f talk of early elcctricnt equipment , but the character of the selling nt the advance aroused distrust and the bears raided the stock. The. extreme range ot both of these stocks was moro than 4 per cent and New York Air Brake , which rose over 2 points in the early dealings , reacted SU. Tobacco also ranged over 3 4 points nnd closed practically unchanged. Ihcse nre extreme examples of vvhnt was going on to a lcs extent throughout the list. Movements oi Individual stocks were very erratic and the market was excessively Irregular. Meantime , the railroad lists were rnthct sluggish and resisted the depression In the specialties except for u few stocks. The Pacifies were notably heavy , especially Union Pacific preferred. This was partly duo to the fnct that London had only Jus ) arrived -at the. conclusion quite definitely formed long ago in Wall street that the dividend on the preferred stock would be only 1 > 4 per cent. The announcement ol the dividend caused a rally of about J point , the shorts having evidently awaited the event to cover. The decline of 1 polnl In Northern Pacific was unexplained unless realizing profits , since the second week'x statement showed earning ! ] to be over $56- 000 In excess of last jears high lev eh The Reading statement for July , showing a de crease In net earnings for all the compan ies of $267,827 , caused some , heaviness in the coalers. Northwcstern's August statement , showing a gross increase ot $253,230 ovci last year's unprecedented earnings , WOE responsible for strength In the grangeis , St. Paul especially being largely absorbed. . The process of relief of the New York money market was continued today by further largo engagements ot gold from London by a debit balance against the sub- treasury of $1,271,444 , and by demands upon domestic centers. New York exchange In Chicago rose from lOc discount to lOc pre mium ; call money in London rose V4 PCI cent , open market discounts there rose 1-8 to 3-8 per cent and the Bank of England raised Its minimum rate of discount from 214 to 3 per cent , nfter having borrowed largely from the market to rnlso the rate to the level of Its own. The demand for silver dollars for shipment to the west has led to the subtreasury giving notice thai the dollars must be paid for in sllvci certificates or trensury notes. Since the ) supply of coin has been nearly reduced to the amount of outstanding sil ver certificates , the bond market continued comparatively dull , but prices wure well held. Total sales , $ l,220OuO. United State' 2s declined ' nnd the new 4s 'i , while the old 4s , coupon , advanced U In the bid price. The Evening Post's London financial ca- blcgrnm snjs : The stock markets hero re main lifeless. They remained dull today era a rise In the discount rate of the Bank ol England from 2',4 to 3 per cent. The rise surprised the market , the advance not be ing expected till next week. The move ment , however , Is justified by the banfc figures and the fact that the * bank Is now obtaining control of the market is shovvr by borrowings by the market fiom the bank having commenced today , the banP charging 3 per cent for four days. Bank. era and discount houses raised monej rates in sympathy with -the bank rate , the market being 2 5-S per cent. American ! nlono were good during the greater part ol the day , but they fell away nt the class chiefly on French selling. The feature was n sharp relapse In Union Pacific , whose dividend Is anxiously awaited. Argentine : wcro castor on unsatisfactory cables con. corning the boundary question , but I an Informed from the best quarters that large bujlng orders came from Buenos Ayres to. day. Brazils were , better on Improvemen In exchange. Spanish 4s were \ery strong Negotiations nre reported with Rothschlle for a fresh Spanish loan of about 5,000,000 If so , it will be. on the security of the Alameda quicksilver mines. Kaffirswen easier. Details of the gold movement foi the week show the sale ot 472,000 In bai gold and of 291,000 In American coin , thi export of 100,000 to New York : of 100,00 to Egypt ; of 20,000 to South America ; o 15,000 to Santos and of 20,000 to Batavla nnd the receipt of 30,000 for Austialla. j largo bank In Hamburg Is said to have los about 250,000 in consequence of demand : rmdo on foreign securities. Tne follovrlnc are the closing quotation : 01 the leading stocks on the New Tort market today : MOM YorU Money Market. NEW YORK. Sept. M. MONEY On call firm , at 4 per cent. PimiE MERCANTILE PAPER 15 pel cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy , vvltl actual business in bankers' bills at $4.83j ® 4.8t for demand , and J4.81ViT4.Sl1/4 ( ( foi sixty days ; posted rates , $4 82 > / < Q > 4 85 ; com mercial bills. ? 4.SO'i < 34.80 . SILVER CERTIFICATES 6162c. BAR SILVER 61 G-lGc. MEXICAN DOLLARS 47 4c. GOVERNMENT BONDS Steady ; 3s 105 % ; new 4s , reg. and coupon. 127U ; 4a rofi. , 110U : coupon , 111 % : 2s , 99 ; Ss , res nnd coupon , 112V4 ; Pacific Cs of ' 99 , 102H- Closing quotations on bonds wera as foi lo-ns : Ilniik of HnKlnml tilntcmcnt. LONDON. Sept. 22.-The weekly state rnent of the Bank ot England shows thi following' chanfes as compared with thi previous account : Total reserve , decrease , 526,000 ; clrcula tloU decrease , 320.000 ! bullion , decrease , S45D25 ; other securities , decrease , 1C15- OUO ; other deposits , decrease , 3,544,000 ; pub lic ncposlts. Increase , iSil.OOO , notes re serve , decrease , 514.000 : government se curities , decrease. 425,000. Ths proportion of the Unnk of England's reserve to lln- blllty Is 5092 per cent , us compared with 43 31 per cent last week. Hoiitoii Stock Qnotntlnni. BOSTON , Sept. 22-Call loans ZVW psr cent : time loans , 4fjG per cent. Closing quotations on stocks , bonds und mining shares : A. . T. & . s K . K\ do pfd M'4 Amer. Hugar . 120-S lloston Elevated . . eJ i do pM . 110 Ed. Electrlo 155 Uay State Gas . 14 Ed. El. pfJ ( new ) . 116V4 Ifclt Telephone . . . .28Z Atchlcon I > M > n Iloiton A. Albany. . .241 Atchlson 4 8J Boston & Maine , , , ,163 < i Allouez Mining Co. . 3Vi C. H & Q Atlantic ? < ! ' ntchburg Notion aL iUna.:26V4 Gin Elec. ( new ) . . . . M' < , hutte X. llos'on . . . 23 Ill'noli Steel . COH Calumet & . Hecla.,680 Mexican Central . . . . 64 Centennial . . . . . . . . . 18 N T. S. N. E. . . . ! > S Pranklln 14 Old Colony . 191 OscTOla > Ore. Short Line. . . , 30 Qulncy } J Ta.marack 1S2 Union Pacific . 32 Wolverine 25V4 Went End . f > > Pnrrolt 23V4 do ptd . 10'iVi Old Dominion . . . 23 % Westlngh. nice. . . . . S3 HumboMt 4Va Snn rrnnclncn Mining Qnntntlonii. SAN rUANCISCO. Sept. 22. The ofllclrtl closing quotations for mining stocks today ncro as follows ; AHa 7 i Julia 1 Alpha Con 4'Justice ' 12 Andes 10 Kentucky Con 2 Ileloher 17 Mexican 23 licit & , Uelchcr. . . . . 23 -li'ntal Con 83 Bullion 3 Oplilr Caledonia 23 Overman r > I Challenge Con IS I'otool 20 I Chollar 19 Savage 13 Confidence CS Scorpion 1 Con. Cala. nnd Va. . . 70 Sierra. Nevada S2 Con Imperial 1 Union Con 23 Crown I'olnt 16 Utah Con 7 Exchequer . . . . . 2 Yellow Jacket 21 Gould & Currle 24 Standard ICO Hale & Norcross . . . . 81 Silver bnrs , C05-8c ; Mexican dollars , 4C@ Drafts , sight , 17Hc ; telegraph , SOc. York Mlulnu : < lnnin < lnnn. NEW YORK , Sept. 22. The following nre the closing quotations on mining stocks : Choler 17 Ontario 325 Crown I'olnt 12 Ophlr < 5 Con Cal. and Va. . . , C3 Plymouth 12 Deadwood 40 Quicksilver 128 Gould U Curry 2) do pfd 3SO Hale & Norcross 70 Sierra Nevada 75 Homeatike KM Standard 155 Iron Silver C3 Union Con 20 Mexican 20 Yellow Jacket IS London StocU Quotation * . LONDON , Sept. 22 4 p. m. Closing ; Consols , money..ICO 13-15IN Y Central 1204 Consols , nee1. ! . .1U9 13-16 Pennsylvania 60Vi Canada Pacific . . . . S9 % Head'ng 0 % Krla H'n.H. P pfd G7Vi Krlelstpfd 37VAtchl on 13f > Illinois Central . . . .116 ii , & X 5S' Nor. Pac. i > fd 70T 'Grand ' Trunk 7H Bt. Paul common..ing | BAR SILVEU-Stendy at 255-lCd. MONEY 1 % Per tent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills , 2t4f2 5-8 per cent ; for three months' bills , 2 6-8(32 ( > i per cent. I'liinncliil Nntcn. OMAHA , Sept. 22 Bank clearances today were $1,154,20054 ; bnlances , J181.703 33. Clear ings last > ear wcro JS64.C91.02 ; balances , J134 990 51. Increase In clearings , J2S9.615 5 ! . NEW ORLEANS , Sept. 22.-Clearlnss , $502,042 ; New York exchange , bank , EOo pre mium ; commercial , $1.23 discount. ST. LOUIS , Sept. -Clearings , $4,063,455 ; balances , $460,242 ; money , 4GT per cent ; New York exchange , 40o discount bid , 15o dis count asked. CHICAGO. Sept. 22 Clearings , $17,815,459 ; balances , $1,730,391 ; New York exchange , lOc premium ; posted rates , $4 S2t44 85. Stocks , South Side Elevated and Biscuit In active demand ; South Side L , 77 ; Biscuit , 33 : Bis cuit preferred , 93t c ; Diamond Match , 149 bid ; Lake Street L , 134 ; North Chicago , 221 % ; Strawboard , 31 : West Chicago , 91 ; City Raltvvay , 2S5 ; Metropolitan. 2ti. CINCINNATI. Sept. 22 Money , 2 < 46 per cent ; New York exchange , par to 20o dis count ; clearings , $1,790,100. NEW YORK , Sppt. 22. Clearings , $17- 398,044 : balances , $7,5r S,5C2. BOSTON , Sept 22. Clearings. $16,387,396 ; balances , $1,999,187. PHILADELPHIA , Sept. -Clearings , $10,923,254 : balances , $1,729,620. BALTIMORE/ . 22.31earIngs , $2,966- 886 ; balances , $479,193. _ DniiU of l rnncc'N Statement. PARIS , Sept. 22 The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes as compared with the previous ac count : Notes In. circulation , decrease. 20,076,000 frnncs ; trensury accounts current , In crease , 24 000.000 francs ; gold in hand , de crease , 200.000 frnncs ; bills discounted , in crease , 7,025,000 francs ; silver In hand , In crease , 3,800,000 francs. Wool Market. LONDON. Sept. 22. WOOL There was n good attendance nt the wool auction sales today. The offerings numbered 14,163 bales nnd were the best selection offered BO far at this series. Morlnos were in good supply and sold at 7ts10 per cent above the July series. Good greasles brought full prices and better cross-breds showed a hardening tendency. Inferior stock was frequently withdrawn during the. course of the day. New South Wales stock sold well. The following are the sales In detail : Now South Wales , 2.700 balea ; scoured , 7V4d@ls 6t d ; greasy , 4iflld. Queensland , 2,000 bales ; scoured , lltsd&ls 4V4d ; ( jreasy , 7U < ft7V4d. Victoria , 1,400 bales ; scoured , 8t4d@ Is GV4d : greasy , CfillHd. South Australia , 2,000 bales ; scoured , Sufds 6d : greasy , Si@ 9V4d. Tasmania , 100 bales ; greasy , 9tsdfjls. Now Zealand , 600 bales ; scoured , 6t4djls ! Od : greasy , SVfc'BCd. Capo ot Good Hope and Natal , 400 bnlcs ; scoured , Is 3dfils 7t d ; greasy. 5i7Hd. Italian Ileece washed sold at 7Q10d. _ INeir York Dry < ! oo < lH Market. NEW YORK , Sept. -Dry goods were quiet today and little interest was man ifested In any branch ot the market except the silk division , where the Interest in the auction sales was qulto marked. The prac tical decline lu print cloths was n source of depression on the part of operators , though It was not altogether unlocked for. Extras selling at 2 cents outside the market have made It Impossible to secure any bet ter offers than this. BO that the quotation on extras 2 1-16 cents less % of 1 per cent remains a purely nominal one. Odd goods wcro nlso less llrm Snles were not heavy In either division on the print cloth mar ket. Locally there was little or nothing now In the situation. Glngharns and other woven colored fnbrlcs nnd essentially win ter goods were the lively portions of the cotton goods market. In woolens nnd worsteds there wns no change. New York Me Stock. NEW YORK , Sept. 22 BEEVES Re ceipts , 1.7SG head ; nothing doing ; feeling steady ; cables steady ; llvo cattle , Il > igi2c ; refrigerator beef , f > 'i&8ic ; exports , 209 cat tle. CALVES Receipts , 03 head ; steady : veals. $ ( i50gS75- tops , $900 , grnssers and buttermilks , $1 25Q4 75 ; no westerns. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccelpts , 4,673 head ; slow nnd Ijarrly steady ; sheep. $300 ® 460. lambs. $5000jCOO : culls , $4000473 HOGS Receipts , 2,419 head ; steady at $4 25JJ4 60 , pigs , $1 60 , western skips , $1.00. St. .loNt'pIi lilrc Stock. ST. JOSEPH . 22 ( . , Sept. -Speclal.-CAT- ) - TLE Receipts. 900 head ; steady and nctlvo ; natives , $4.45i85.15 , Texas and westerns , $5.3504.75 ; cows and heifers , $2.004,20 ; stackers and feeders , $3.25175.00. HOGS Receipts , 2,200 head ; steady ; top , $3.75 ; bulk , $3.70Q'3.75 ( ; no top hogs ; quality only fair. SHEEP Receipts , SOO head ; slow and steady. Cirnlit Hrccliitx at I'rlncliinl MnrketM. CHICAGO , Sept. 22. Receipts today : Wheat , 206 cars ; corn , 598 cars ; oats , 253 cars. Estimated car lots for tomorrow : Wheat. 200 ; corn..SOO ; oats , 330. MINNEAPOLIS' Sept. 22. Receipts : Wheat , 420 cars. ST. LOUIS , Sept , 22. Receipts : Wheat , t > 4 cars. DULUTH , Sept. 22. Receipts : Wheat , 411 cars. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 22. Receipts : Wheat. 139 cars. Receipts at primary markets : Wheat , 1,372,217 bu. : corn , 566.10S bu. ; oats , 33,365 bu. M City rill 11 mill Pro > luloiin , KANSAS CITY , Sept. 22. WHEAT > 4c higher ; No. 2 hard , C6te ; No. 3 , 64V4c ; No. 1 red , 66&c ; No. 2 , C6c ; No. 3 , 6lc ; No. 4 , 6H4c ; No. 2 spring , 62c. CORN Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 27Hc. OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , 25c. RYE No. 2. BOc. BUTTER Firm ; separator , 20c ; dairy , ICc. ICc.EGOS EGOS Steady. 12c. RECEIPTS-Wheat , 83.400 bu , ; corn , 20,100 bu : oats. 27.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 16,800 bu. ; corn , 6- 200 bu. ; oats , 4.000 bu. 1'oorln MarUetd. PEOniA. Sept. 22. CORN Firm ; No. 2. OATS Firm : No. 2 , 23t4c. WHISKY Firm , on the basis of J1.I5. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattle Arrivals Oontinno Fair , but Hogs Pall Off in Numbers , TRADING GENERALLY ON A FIRM BASIS ICIUIiiK Storm Sell for Go oil Conn and llclfcrn Henlnt llcnr Mot c- uicnt lion * AtUniice Slightly Under Light Hcediit * . SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 22. _ . , , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Receipts today 0,392 6ill 3,9t > 9 Olllc al Monday 4 , sl 2.2S5 lO.JOO Ofjjc a Tuesday 6.177 0,617 2M Oniclal Wednesday . . . . 4,790 ' , , OU 4,40 $ Indicates Sunday. The oniclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : _ _ . Cattle , Hogs Sheep. H'r's. O & St. L. Ry 3 . . , , Missouri Pacific Ry. . 14 3 Union Pac. System. . 63 22 15 F. , E. & M. V. R. R. 43 1G C. , St.P. . M. & 0 Ry. 7 B. & M. R. R. R..102 31 K. C. Ac St. J . 7 1 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , B. . . 1 C. , R. 1. & P. Ry.W. 1 Total receipts . . . .237 91 16 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omnh.i Packing Co . 72 ? < 7 G. II. Hammond Co. . . . 191 901 250 Swift and Company . 5C2 1,283 47. ! Cudahy Packing Co . 7Gb l.lGS P. D. Armour. Chicago. 601 1,979 R. Becker and Degan. . . 274 Vansnnt & Co 274ij J. L Carey . .iiiiilir.iil 710 Lobman & Co 303 W. I. Stephens 377 Benton & Underwood . . 2SJ Huston Ac Co 2S Hill & Huntzlneer 43S L. r. HUSZ as Livingston & Schalcr . . . 81 Hamilton & R 498 McCreary igi Hammond , from 1C C 176 . . Swift , from country iw)7 ) Cudahy P. Co. , 1C C. . . . 472 ' Other buyers 466 1,860 Left over 250 750 Totals . cC12 6,174 4,347 CATTLE Receipts of cattle so far this week have run a little ahead of last week and considerably ah ad of the week before. However , there have been none too many of any kind to supply the requirements of the market. In fact there has been a shortage of killing cattle , so that the packers have been compelled to ship In a largo numLcr from other markets to keep their houses going. For that reason the market at this point has been stronger than the other mai- kots. This morning when Chicago and Kan sas City reported weak to lower markets It had very little apparent effect upon the trade at this point , as buyers went ahead Just the same nnd prices here were not material ! ; ' altered from what they were yesterday. Fat cattle , either corn fed or good grassers - ers , sold at about the same prices as yes terday. Of course there were Instances where sellers who did not happen to have Just what a buyer wanted thought the mar ket was easier , but there were just as many who thought It was firm. The trade at any rate was acttvo and the offerings for the most part changed hands early. Corn fed cattle sold as high as $5.40 , with others al $5.30 , $5.15 , etc. In fact the most of the corn fed cattle brought $5 or bettor. Fa ! cattle arc. selling aa high as any time this season. Stackers and feeders , the same as boel cattle , did not show much change In the matter of values. The market was actlvr on good kinds and .the yards were full cl buyera and lookers. The common and me dium grades , as has been the case for. some time , were a little slow and the feeling none too strong. Buyers seemed to feel that cows and heif ers were too high In comparison with other markets and they wanted to shade prices , but anything that the feeders would take was fully steady. Buyers tried to bear canneie a little , but there were not enough here to admit of their being very bearish , and they had to pay about the same as yesterday In most cases. Representative sales : . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4..1250 $3 70 19. .1343 $4 85 19..1109 $5 15 1..1250 4 10 44. .1052 4 85 35..1181 5 13 1..1430 4 40 12S2 5 00 20. . .1204 620 4..1355 4 75 1003 5 05 19..1273 530 18..1153 4 75 1204 5 10 39..1317 540 3..1300 475 3S..11S9 5 10 COWS. 3. . 900 2 25 1. . S10 2 73 1. SOO 3 10 900 2 25 1. . 850 2 75 1..1200 3 15 1. . 870 2 & 1..1000 2 83 1..1130 3 25 3..1010 2 50 15. . 792 2 90 1..10M ) 3 30 1. . C20 250 4. . 9CO 3 00 " 1135 3 30 3. . 9' 3 2 75 2. . 10-15 300 4. 947 3 40 13. . 972 2 73 HEIFERS. 4. . 800 3 33 2 . C70 3 40 3. . 573 3 C3 BULLS aT.illo1 Si 1-W103SS 1. . 450 3 80 CALVES. 23. . 418 4 75 4. . 440 5 00 ] . . 230 f > 50 1. . 120 5 00 9. . 370 5 00 1 . 130 6 50 STAGS. 20..1155 4 50 , STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 2. 850 3 40 1. . 6SO 4 00 5. . 912 4 20 1. SIO 3 50 61. . 723 4 00 27. . i > 67 4 25 1. 510 3 50 1. . 910 4 00 20 . 5SI 4 25 6. 603 3 05 2. 610 4 10 14. . 710 4 35 1. 670 3 75 28 910 4 15 23. . 723 4 40 2. 970 4 00 3. . 1010 4 20 4. . 852 4 40 13. 839 4 00 WESTERNS. No. Av. Pr. No Av. Pr. 57 LOWS. . . . 990 $2 85 93 feeders. 859 $1 00 10 feeders. 859 3 50 101 feeders. . 821 4 00 30 feeders. 952 3 75 NEBRASKA. 393 feedcrs.lOofi 4 00 Western Union Hcef Company. 23 Steers. . . . 887 375 IS COWS 990 390 9 c&c $11 DO IlOCiS While the receipts of hogs are fair for this time of the year the arrivals this vc k Imvo fallen off considerably from what they wcro last week. One week ago today 200 cars of hogs were received , while today's arrivals fell considerably short of 100 cars. The market , however , was In very satisfac tory condition. Advices from all other pell- Ing points Indicated lover markets , but un der the Influence ot moderate receipts and a very active donmnd the market here opened a shade higher and the most of the hogs sold on that basis. A few of the latest arrivals may not hnve fared quite so well , as the extreme close was hardly eo strong e.3 the early market , but at the tame tlmo a Blanco nt the table of average prices nt the head of thp column will show tlmt the aver age price txtld for all the hogs wan conMd- crnbly above the general market ot yester day.Tho The hogs sold largely nt $3.7003.SO. with the long string at $3.72H < P3.75 , while yo- tordny the popular price \\ns $3.70. In other words the Improvement In price wns largely on the heavy mixed hogi , which brought 214c moro than yesterday In moat canes. The trada was nctlvo nt prevailing prices and the hogs were practically nil sold < nrly. Representative sales : SHEEP The receipts of sheep were not quite up to the record made yesterday nnd the day before , but there was a fair run. Of the number here , however , seven earn were consigned direct to packers , so that the ac tual of.orlngs on the market were far from largo. The trade In feeders attracted a good deal of attention on account of the largo number of country buyers , nnd the market on that kin 1 of stuff was active and a little stronger. I3v cry thing offered was snapped up In sl'ort order and the pens were soon cleared Fat sheep and lambs were also In good demand , as local packers were all In nce'd of supplies and the movement was active and pilTB fully steady. Most everything In the pens wns told nnd weighed up In good sea son. Quotations arc : Good grass westerns , $3.00 ® 4.00 ; fair to good , J3SO@3.90 ; good year- llnga. $4.150 > 4 25 ; good to choice lambs. $5.00 (3525 ( ; fair to good lambs , $ i,00@5.00 ; feeder wethers , 2-year-olds and over , $3.75@4.00 ; feeder yearlings , $4 00@4.15 ; feeder lambs , $4.254.75. Representative sales : No. Av. Pr. 132 western ewes 92 J3 25 15S western ewes 91 3 25 10 western ewes i 113 350 37 western ewes 89 350 201 breeding owes 95 3 TO 250 western ewes nnd wethers . . . .100 375 472 western ewes nnd wethers . . . .10(3 ( 3 75 20 western yearlings 76 3 90 1 buck 70 400 14 Iambs , tailings 3S 400 21 western wethers 83 4 15 178 western wethers 77 4 15 200 Utah lambs , feeders 69 400 294 western lambs 57 4 65 42 Utah lambs , feeders 69 I 70 100 Utah lambs , feeders 69 470 22 lambs , feeders 53 475 226 Utah Iambi , feeders 67 4 90 CHICAGO L1VI2 STOCK MAIUCET. Heel Cattle Sell Well , HOKH Slow nml hlii't-p I-nlrly Active. CHICAGO , Sept. 22 The ruling features of the cattle market today were the same as on previous days of the week , good droves of beef cattle selling readily at firm prices , while common nnd medium grades moved off rather slowly nt lOQloe below last week's prices. Sales of native bcel steers were on ft basis of $1.00(56.00 ( for com mon to pretty good lots , up to $5.5005.65 for prime shipping cattle , with extra lots sal able at J5.70JJG.5. The bulk of natives sold at $4.90@5.50 , and exporters were free buy ers. Cows and heifers sold better , Homo prime yearling 700 to 813-lb. heifers fetching $5 , and a few extra bulls brought $4.30@ > 4.40. Calves were active at $0.007.50 for best grades and western range cattle were In good demand at unchanged values. The local demand for hogs showed no Im provement , nnd there was a fair average reduction of 2Vfc0-5c , packing lots catching it the worst. Hogs sold largely at $3.80(3) ( ) 3.95 , coarse heavy packers selling at $3.450 3.05 and good to prime hogs at $3.9004.00. Pigs sold at the usual wide range of prices , little fellows going nt $2.9003.90 and stronger weights at $3.403.SO. Trade In sheep and lambs was only fairly active at a fair reduction from the prices lately paid. Lambs gold at $3.55@3.75 for poor to choice flocks , feeders selling at $4.5004.80 and choice western range lots at $5.40 5.50. Cxtra choice native lambs were quotable at about $5.90. Sheep were rather slow at $3.0033.50 for common , up to $4.20 ® 4.50 for choice natives , bulls selling at $2.45 < J2.75 and feeders at $3 9004.05. Range sheep sold slowly at $3.0004.20. Ilecclpts : CrittlP , 11,000 head ; hogs , 20,000 head ; sheep , 14,000 head. Kniinnn City Llie Stock. KANSAS CITY , Sr-pt. 22 CATTLE Re ceipts , 7,635 natives , 2,400 Texans. The vig orous demand for dressed beef and butcher cattle caused most desirable lots to sell SfrlOc higher ; nil other grades , killers and feeders active at steady prices ; choice heavy stet-rs. $5250660 ; medium , $300jj025 ; lights , $4S51545 ; ntockers nnd feeders , $120 (5500 ( ; butchrr cows and heifers , T2 80iJ4 60 ; butcher bulls , $2800360 ; western steers , $3 4004 40 ; Texas steers , $3 0003 65 ; Texas butcher cows , $2800360 ; canning stock , $230 02.75 HOGS RecelptP , 7,125 head ; lights , good demand and strong to 5o higher ; heavy , slow and steady prices : heavy hogs , $365 380 : good packers , $36503.75 ; lights , $355 ® 377'i SlinCP Receipts. 2.600 head ; Bupply mostly range Block that sold readily at strong prices , range Iambs , $4 90ti3 25 ; range muttons , $3 8004 25 ; range feeding lambs , $1 2504 60 , range feeding sheep , $3 8004 00. St. I.oiiU I.Me Stork. ST. LOUIS. Sept. -CATTLC-Recelpts. . 3.SOO head. Including 2,500 Texans , ship ments , 1,800 head ; market steady , fair to fancy native shipping : and export xteera. $1000605 ; bulk of Bales , S1S00533 , dressed beef and butcher stcrers , $4 4005 35 ; bulk of sales. $1600510 ; steers under 1,000 pounds , $3 3004 UO ; bulk of Bales , $3 3501 25 ; stackers and feeders , $2250450 : cows and heifers , $2 0004 SO ; TOXUB and Indian stpers , $3 65 ® 430 : cows and heifers , $23503.15. HOGS-Uerplpts , 3,400 head ; shipments. l.SOO head ; murkot steady ; yorkers , $1750) ) 390 : packers , $3700395 ; butchers , $ ,1800 > SllbnP Receipts , 1,600 head ; shipments , 250 head ; market steady : native muttons , $1000425 ; lambs , $5000565. Cincinnati ! , ! > Stock. CINCINNATI , Sept. 22. HOGS Easier nt $1000410. CATTLE Steady at $2 0004 15. LAMBS Steady at $3000565. ' Stork In Sl ht. Record of receipts of llvo stock at the four principal markets for September 22 : Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Omaha 6,392 5,711 3,969 Chicago 11,000 30.000 14,000 Kansas City 10,095 7,125 2CfO St. Louis 3,000 3,400 1,600 Totals „ 30,487 40,230 22,129 JAMES E. BOYD & GO , , Telephone 1030. Oniohn , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS 110ARD OP TRADB. Direct wire * to Uhlcacn and ttnr TorK. Correspondent ! i John A. . Warrtn A Co. JD33. H. R. PENNEY & . . CO. , Itooiu 4 , N. V. Life Hide. , Oninlm , Neb. StocksirainProvisions ( Direct AVIr'a New York , Chlonsa and IVentcra I'oluti. The battle of Ne braska that will culmin ate in an election next November is on. The opposing polit ical parties are already7 lining up and strength ening their organiza tion. The candidates pre sented to the favor of the voters are entering the field and the active work of the campaign about to be begun. For the latest reli able news of the battle of Nebraska in 1898THE OMAHA BEE will be unex celled Although a republi can newspaper voicing the principles of the republican partyTHE BEE prints all the news of all political parties. No one who wants to keep informed re garding the progress of this great political bat tle can afford to do without THE BEE. from all newsdealers I5c a week. By mail 50c per month without Sunday. $2 for three months vitli Sunday. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO. , Oroaba ,