Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 OafATIA DAIIjY 111312 : THURSDAY , SEPT.EMiniTK 2ii , 1898.
MI.NOII sinvno.Y.
, .Smoko "J A II" Cc cigar.
Klncst work , BlufT City Laundry.
Stockcrt Carpet Co. , 205-207 Bwy.
Mooro'a food kills worms and fattens.
I1 C. II. Jacqucmln & Co. , jewelers und op
tlclaus , 27 South Main street.
Mr , und Mrs. John Mornn returned yes
Icrday from a ten days' sojourn at Colfa :
' The Women of the First I'reshytcrlai
church will hold a sociable this afternoon a
3 o'clock In the church parlors.
J , C. Blxby , heating and sanitary engineer
I'lans and specifications for heating , plumb
Ing und lighting. 202 Main , Council Blurts
Jnmos Harrington went to Burlington las
ovcnlng , where ho will make arrangement !
for booking n number of shows for thi
Dohnny for the coming season.
S , A. Browstcr , editor of the Creston ( la.
Advertiser , was In the city yesterday to at
, tend the Iowa di.y festivities at the cxposl
' ' Don't you think It must bo a pretty ROOI
laundry that can plcaso so many hundred
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle,1
, 724 Broadway.
Wayland Olrton of Magnolia and Jose
uhtno Kox of Missouri Valley celebrate *
Iowa day by getting married In this ell ;
Vyesterday , the ceremony being performed V > ;
Jrhtlitt Ambrose flurkc.
H. C. Addis has announced himself aa i
candidate for the nomlnotlon of justice o
the peace on the republican ticket. For thi
past year Mr. Addis has held the position o
, supervisor of janitors under the Hoard o
All members of Hazel camp , No. 171
Modern Woodmen of America , are rcquestec
to meet this morning at 0 o'clock at th' '
Terminal company's depot , Ninth street am
Broadway , to take the train to the cxposl
tlon to take part In the exercises of Wood
roan day.
Charles Hoonan of 1315 High street re
ported to the police yesterday evening tha
his house had been broken Into during hi
absence and several articles stolen. Twj
tramps giving the names of Lynch and Me
Donald were arrested on suspicion of belni
the parties.
Ladles desiring valuable Information con
cernlng their ailments should send or call fo
"Tho Vlavl Message. " Vlavl Co. , 320 Mcr
rlara 1)1 k.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Snfe IlltMiern Make n Haul.
Word was received by the authorities hen
yesterday morning that the Botna Vnllej
State bank of Hastings. , In. , had been robbec
ilurlng the night and the safe blowi
open , the robbers securing $2,135 and escap
Ing with their booty. The safe was blowi
about .t o'clock In the morning and althougl
th'o sound of the explosion was heard bj
n number of people , llttlo attention was pate
to it at the time , the sound being mlstakei
for that of firearms. A man named Brown'
ell , the proprietor of u hotel , was the enl ]
person who considered It worth while t <
Investigate , and when ho reached the banl
Jj- building ho was knocked down , hound am
" " Bagged , In which condition ho remained foi
over an hour , only being released whei
" "the fact of the robbery was. dlscovere <
uS6rtly after 4 o'clock. The safe was lit'
crally blown to pieces , portions of It be
Ing blown through the vault door. Thi
money taken consisted of $1,485 In currcnc ;
and $050 In silver. The work was ovldentl ;
that of export safe blowers and Is sup
posed to have been done by two men win
, \vere seen loafing about the town Tuesday
. , The bank was not Insured against robbery
, * " ' Hnitrry rptiilicrN * Ileiiiiion' .
tyZ * Tcstcrday wag the first day of the reunlot
Of the survlvlnemembcrs al Uo First lows
JJL battery and tho' liny was spent 'by ' the mem
Ijcrs who are hero lu renewing old acquaint
' / * 'fticcs and attending the lovva day excrcls'ei
' * Hit the exposition. A meeting was held li
Iho' evening in the parlors at the Ogdcn , a
which an Informal program was mappei
out for the remainder of the week. Thli
evening the members will hold a camp fin
tit the Ogden and a typical army "bean1
banquet. During the day the tlmo will bi
upcnt in visiting the exposition principally
Those present who enrolled their name ;
on the register up to last evening are
v. l > "rank II. Kox , Sluuvnee , Okla. ; W. 0. DIHs
Lli.Ho P.uck , Ark. ; Frank Spencer , Ashton
8. D. ; E. Krazler , Morning Sun , la. ; W. F
Connor , Dallas , Tex. ; B. Laughrar1 , Ames
i la. ; James Eltlng , Medlapollx , la. ; S. B
Darlington , Northfleld , la. ; Henry Ooffon
Council Bluffs ; Dr. J. H. Molesworth , Mil
ford , Kan. ; J. W. Lcggrtt , Truro , * la. ; Dr
8. Black , Burlington Junction , la , ; Sam *
Delong , Clarlnda , la. ; O. A. Coiner , Sllve
City , la. ; B. F. Parker , Tarklo , Mo.
Democrnfx Convene Toilay.
The democrats of Pottawattamle- count ;
will hold their county convention this morn
Ing at 11 o'clock In the superior court roon
, In the court house , J. H. I'lumer of thi :
. city Is said to be slated for the nomlnatloi
for county auditor , while John Huntlngtoi
of Oakland or Harvey Ouron of this slty wll
bo given 'that ' for clerk of the dls'rlct court
Thn nomination for recorder Is said to Hi
between Alex McCandless of Avora and W
B. Fisher of this city. The contest for thi
nomination for county attorney Is betweei
T. E. Cnsady and W. H.Vaie , both o
Council Bluffs. Koscoo Barton of Avoca
who was a candidate , Is said to have with
drawn from the race. For county super
* visors A. W. Wynian and Luke Smith ar
Bald to have the Inside track on the nomlna
tlons. O. H , Lucas , Cal Maynard and Am
l (
. brose Burke are 'tho three most promlnen
candidates for justice of the peace. Tlieri
la considerable opposition to the nomlna
tlon of Burke and a lively time may de
John Aten used Colo's Hot Blast heatc
last winter.
, J'nrt. S of The Bees ! photogravures of th
" Xjcxposltion Is now ready and can be had a
the Courcll Bluffs nlUce.
For AVhliinliiu ; Henry Slum.
J. A. Skaggs and S. P. Skaggs , two horse
rnen who have u stable of runners at thi
Union Driving park , were arrested yestcr
< lay afternoon on nn assault and batter ;
chat-fig preferred against them by Henr ;
Sims , a negro. At the hearing , which wa ;
held before Justice Burke , Sims tostlflci
that ho struck town yesterday mornlni
and went to the Driving park to get a joli
whore ho was assaulted by the two Skaggi
instead of being given employment. Thi
defendants asserted that Sims "stiFseiV
them and refused to leave tholr stable whei
ordered and that they were compelled to pu
lilm out. The court discharged J. A. Skaggi
iind lined S. P. Skaggs $1 and costs.
Marrlnue IleeiiNea.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterda ;
( o the following persons :
Name and Hesldence Age
' Frank A. Perkins , Chicago 41
Nora K. Ransdell , Council Bluffs 2 :
Julius It. Johnson , Council Bluffs , . 2 !
Fophla M. Kofot , Council Bluffs. . 2 :
AVayland Glrton , Magnolia 2 !
Josephine Vex , Missouri Valley 1 !
1E. . Bliss , Omaha I ;
Mlldreth M. Pace. Council Bluffa s :
reoiile'x I'urty Convention.
The members ot the people's party ol
J'ottawatlamle county will hold their count )
convention this morning In Farmers' ball
In the court house at the same hour us the
democrats. They are not expected to name
u ticket , but will simply go through the
formality of endorsing thy nominees of the
ileujociiitlc gathering.
Pottawattamie County Republicans Pick
Ticket in Short Order.
Work 1'unlicil Stoiullly Alicnil anil t
Whole Job t'omiilcteil In Tno
Hour * After I ho DeleKlltL' *
Arc Cullc'il to Order.
Clerk of District Court F. L. HK1
County Auditor H. V. INN !
County Attorney W. H. KILPAC
County Recorder K. K. SMl'J
County Coroner V. L. TREYNC
County Supervisors JACOB HAN8I
The above ticket was nominated yesti
day by the republicans of Pottawattan
county In convention assembled. The cc
ventlon was undoubtedly a record break
lasting as It did less than two hou
Speeches and other side Issues ordlnar
attending such gatherings were dlspcns
with and the business of the convent !
transacted with a rapidity that enabled I
delegates to leave for Omaha shortly at
1 o'clock to take part In the exercises
Iowa day at the exposition.
The convention was called to on
promptly at 11 o'clock In the superior co1
room of the county court house by Cha
man Frank Everest of the county cent
committee , who named J. W. Roland
Neola as temporary chairman and E.
Lougeo ot this city as temporary secreta
On assuming the gavel Chairman Rola
announced that there would be no oppi
tunlty afforded anyone to work oft a
oratory on the convention , as the buslm
In .hand was to bo got through with
quickly as possible so that every ono coi
go to the exposition and help swell 1
crowd at the Iowa day exercises. On n
tlon of E. E. Hart It was decided to d
penso with the usual committees and tl
the delegates answering the roll call
declared seated as the delegates to the cc
ventlon. There had been no contests i
ported and on roll call It was found tl
every township and precinct , except L !
coin , was represented. Then , as a anotl
time-saver , n motion declaring the te
pornry organization permanent carried a
J. D. Johnson of Council Bluffs was c
pointed reading clerk. A. T. Fllcklnf
moved that the convention remain In si
slon until the business for which It b
been called was completed and the motl
carried without any opposition.
HeiflitH to Nominate.
Having dispensed with the usual prell :
Inary formalities J. L. Blanchard of Avt
moved that the convention proceed to bal
and that the first ballot for each office
an Informal ballot , thus doing away w
formally placing the candidates In no
Inatlon. The first nomination to be tak
up was that for clerk of the district coi
and as Freeman L. Reed , the present i
cumbent of the office , was the only can
date before the convention'on motion
A. T. Fllcklnger the rules were suspem
and his nomination was made by acclan
There were six candidates In the Hi
for the nomination of county recorder
deeds and the Informal ballot resulted
follows : Elmer E. Smith of Macedon
G6 ; John Gelger of Mlnden , 13 ; A. C. Rar
of Garner , 12 ; E. H. Ohlendorf of Coun
Bluffs , 27 ; William Larseu of Council Blul
31 ; W. H. Lynchard of Council Bluffs ,
The first formal ballot resulted In the no
Inatlon of Smith , the clerk not having ll
to record the result of the ballot befo
on motion the nomination was made unt
The Informal ballot for the nomination :
county attorney developed the fact that t
contest lay between W. II. Kllpack of Nei
and John Llndt of Council Bluffs. The !
formal ballot resulted aa follows : Jo
Llndt51 ; George H. Scott , 28 ; W. H. K
pack , 54 ; C. F. Klmball , 26 ; J. B. Sweet ,
On the first formal ballot Kllpack Increat
his vote to 75 and Llndt his to 59 , wh
Scott and Klmball dropped to 17 each. T
second ballot did the work , the nomlnatl
falling to Kllpack with 94 votes , Llndt i
celvlng the same number as on the forrr
ballot , Scott 0 and Klmball C. On motl
of E. C. Brown the nomination of Mr. K
pack was made unanimous. J. G. Bards ]
of Neola In a few words thanked the cc
ventlon on behalf of the citizens of his to
for the nomination ot their candidate.
Auditor Iliinler ( o Pick.
The nomination for county auditor
expected to develop considerable of a cc
test and probably a number of ballots 1
fore a selection would be made , but It f
to R. V. Inncs , the present deputy unc
Auditor Matthews , on the second fern
ballot. The Informal ballot gave John
Matthews 27 ; W. M. Shepard , 35 ; N.
Phillips , 13 ; R. V. Innes. 63. The n
formal Increased Inncs' vote by ten , tl
number evidently going to him from 5Ii
thows. The result of this ballot was : Mi
thews , 15 ; Shepard , 41 ; Phillips , 39 ; Inn
73 , The second ballot ended ; Innes , i
Shepard. 155 ; Phillips , 28. Number of vo
necessary for a nomination was So so
will be seen that Innes had none to spa
On motion of E. L. Shubert the nomlnati
of Mr. Innes was made unanimous.
Dr. V. L. Treynor was nominated :
coroner , the nomination on motion of 1
H. B. Jennings , the present Incumbent , 1
Ing made by acclamation. The nomlnatl
for two members of the Board 'of Com
Supervisors produced a genuine surprise ,
It had been generally supposed that Coloi
W. F. Baker and Jacob Iluncen would
accorder renomlnatlons without any oppo
tlon. There apparently was not any to 3
Hanscn and on motion of Delegate Bards ]
he was declared one of the nomlness by i
clamatlou When the balloting for the otl
nomination was started It devcloed the f.
that Colonel Baker had ah opponent In i
person of J. P. Hess , the well known pre
dent of the Grape Growers' association , I
as It turned out the nomination was tote
to neither of them. When the First precli
of the Fifth ward was reached In the r
call for the Informal ballot five votes wt
to John Matthews , present county audit
The other precincts took the cue and BO
every outside precinct was clamoring
change Its vote from either Baker or Hi
to "Honest John" Matthews. It being ot
the Informal ballot , It was decided not
make any changes and the clerk announc
the result as follows : Maker. C4 ; Hess , 4
Muyne , 3 ; Matthews , 59. The first fern
ballot was never announced as the votl
was almost unanimous for Matthews and 1
nomination was made unanimous aralc
much cheering and laughter.
This closed the work of the conventlc
the business having been transacted
something less than two hours and It a
lourned sine die. The delegates from Ka
lownahlp will convene tonight at 8 o'clo
n the court house for the purpose of puttli
in nomination a township ticket.
fount } ' C'entrnl Committee.
Following the adjournment of the conve
tloa theru wu a meeting of th ? county ce committee yesterday afternoon. A , L
Preston of Avoca tendered his reslgnatloi
as member of the committee , which wa
accepted and H. V. Batty from the sam
townshop was appointed In his stead. Th
committee discussed preliminary plans fo
the opening of the campaign through th
county and It was decided to hold a meet
ing next Wednesday at Oakland. All va
canclcs in the committee were filled , th
following being the members ! Mlndcn , Joh
Gelger ; Pleasant , C. P. Wasaer ; Knox , J. i
Blanchard ; I ayton , I. T. Spanglor ; Yorli
J. M. Kllllon ; James , Henry Brandes ; Ltn
coin , A. E. Young ; Valley , William Hard
man ; Center , Paul Beesley ; Bclknap , II. C
Macrae ; Washington , George Evans ; Sllve
Creek , A. E. Seaburg ; Carson. Guy P. Llml
vllle ; .Macedonia , J. H. Lowry ; Grove , 0. M
Putnam ; Waveland , J. E. Forsythe ; Wrlghl
T. A. Hupp ; Garner , W. S. Clay ; Haze
Dell , Elijah Parish ; Norwalk , n. D. Cook
Hardln , D. T. Dryden ; Keg Creek , Charlc
T. Hanlcy ; Neola , H. L. Robertson ; Boomei
H. L. Axtcll ; Crescent , J. H. Mayne ; Rock
ford , F. S. Friend ; Lewis , Ora Clark ; Kane
outside , E. E. Cook ; First ward , first pre
clnct , Ed Fuller ; Second precinct , S. I !
Connor ; Second ward , First precinct , J. I
Sweet ; Second precinct , 0. G. Balrdj Thlr
ward , First precinct , N. C. Phillips ; Secon
precinct , W. M. Frederick ; Fourth wan
First precinct , F. J. Day ; Second preclncl
V. L. Treynor ; Fifth ward , First preclnci
William Klnzcl ; Second precinct , Fran
Peterson ; Sixth ward , First precinct , J.
Ferrler ; Second precinct , George Cooper.
flty TiiriiN Out Kit Miiiine to Help Celc
lirnte IOITII Dny.
For the greater part of yesterday Coun
ell Bluffs was almost depopulated , Its cltl
zens having gone across the river to Oman
to attend the parade and exercises of low-
day and help to materially Increase the 1m
mense throng nt the exposition. Althoug
no concerted move had been made for
general holiday a number of the store
were closed In the afternoon ns were fii
city and county offices. All tbo court
were closed for the day and the pupils c
the city schools were given n holiday.
Governor Shaw and party left the Gran
hotel shortly after 12 o'clock and the cav
nlcado as It yasaed down Broadway mad
an Imposing spectacle. Governor Shaw wa
mounted on a gallant gray , while Adjutau
General Byers and Colonel C. G. Saunder
rode at his side. Directly behind the gov
ernor rode Lieutenants Will Murphy an
Charles S. Lincoln of the United State
Twenty-fourth Infantry , who were there1 b
special Invitation of the governor. Follow
Ing In order were the other members c
the governor's staff , all resplendent In unl
form. Behind the governor and staff cam
a number of carriages containing city an
county officials and members of the Boar
of Trustees of the public library and prom
Inent citizens. In the carriages were
Mayor Jennings , Hon. G. F. Wright , WU
Ham Moore , J. C. Mitchell , John Deno , :
P. Hess , A. C. Graham , Judge JVoolso
and daughter. Judge Macy , V. i3. Bendei
Judge Smith , Hon. Lucius Wells , Flnle
Burke , Hon. D. C. Bloomer , M. F. Rohrei
Uov. L. P. McDonald , S. B. Wadswortl
W. S. Balrd , Alderman Chrlstensen , Al
derman Casper , Judge Aylesworth , F. 1
True , Chief of Police Blxby , Flie Chic
Bates , W. B , Reed , Thomas Bowman , E. \ \
Hart and H. W. Binder.
The High school cadets In command c
Captain Butts formed on Pearl street an
saluted ns the governor and party passe
and then took the motor for Omaha , wher
they were a prominent feature of the Coun
ell Bluffs contingent In the parade. A ban
of twenty-flvo pieces In two carryalls ac
I companled the delegation across the rive :
The Evans laundry is the leader in fin
.vork for both color and finish. 520 Pcai
street. 'Phone 290.
Few I'oinllH | < N niul n Holt.
About a baker's dozen of so called middle
of-the-road populists answerer ! the call Is
sued by L. H. Griffith of Anita for a con
vention to be held yesterday to place i :
nomination a candidate for congress fror
the Ninth district. The understanding wa
would not stomach
the mlddlc-of-the-roaders
ach the fusion nomination of J. J. Lyom
but the meeting yesterday failed to dcvclo
any stmon pure populist willing to mak
the run and become a candidate. This be
ing the case Chairman Griffith suggeste
that the only thing to do under the clr
cumatances was for the convention to en
dorse the nomination of Lyons. This sug
gestlon made tv/o of those present bolt th
convention , asserting as they left the ) ha ]
that they would call a meeting of their ow
In the near future and , nominate a candl
date who was not a demopop. The ten wh
remained In the convention then agreed t
the suggestion made by Chairman Orlffit :
and Lyons received the endorsement.
Den ! In Cnnniinimntea AVliereby S (
Lnnln Concern IH Tnrneil Over to
Ainerlenii Tolineeo Company.
ST. LOUIS , Mo. , Sept , 21. J. B. Duke
president-of the American Tobacco compan ;
who has been In tlo city for several days
today consummated a deal whereby his com
pany has come Into the possession of th
Hrown Tobacco company's plant nt Eight
ecnth nnd Choutau avenue. He paid $1 ,
250,000 for the property and took possessloi
at once.
Mr. ' Brown , president of the compan
bearing his -name , has been retained t
act as general manager of the business 11
this city for the American Tobacco companj
Ever since President Duke and his nttorne ;
have been In St. Louts rumors ha > o con
nccted his company with the purchase o
the Drumrnond Tobacco works. In nnswc
to a question as to whether ho had heel
negotiating for the purchase of the Drum
mend plant or contemplated buying It Mi
Duke said :
"Wo nro not negotiating for the purclms
of the Drummond works , but we are alw.iy
on the lookout for a bargain. If we can ge
what we wnnt at our price we will take It
otherwise we will make no deal. We ar
well satisfied with the bargain made today
With Its Increased facilities the Brown plan
has a capacity of 10,000,000 pounds. Durlm
the last year the output was Just half tha
amount. "
For Commercial Traveler * ' Home.
BINOHAMTON. N. Y. . Sept. 21. Oeorg
E. Gren , president of the Commercla
Travelers' hoinp association of America ha
started a 10-cent endless chuln of letter
for the purpose of procuring money to bulli
the home , the cornerstone of which was lali
In this city In 1S04.
Injured liy n KnllliiK : Floor.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo. , Sent. 21. A section o
the floor nt tha American BlPcult company' ;
I factory fell In today , Injurlnc three em
ployes , Harry Matthews , Walter Bulmon
1 und Al Pastcrnek. Matthews' Injuries an
i fatal and the others are In a precarlou :
Shipment of ' | ne Cattle.
CHAMHEIILAIN , S. D. . Sept. 21. [ pc.
clat Telegram. ) One of the finest bunchei
of cattle from the ceded Sioux land ranget
to leave hero this fall left ) tonight by a spe.
clal train of eleven cars for Sioux City.
' Dally TrenmirStatement. .
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. Today's statement -
ment of the'condltlon of the treasury shows ;
Available cash balance , $314,099,862 ; gold
reserve , J213.6SS.995.
To Malic Yoiir Family Love You
Buy "Garland" Stovoa and Hangea.
i *
Prominent Des Moines Citizens Oall fc
Captain's Punishment
Connliler Hint the Olllcor' * Aftiniil
Upon Merchant I.nrnonVa Un-
ciillcil For niul Mioulit lie Cou-
iililcrcil nt AVanhluKtoH.
DES MOINES , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Many prominent signatures ni
being secured to a petition asking the rei
rlniand by the War department of Captal
D. L. Howell of the Seventh Infantry fe
the assault on A. W. Larson , a promlnci
clothier , In the Savory house a few daj
ago. On the strength of the fact that Lai
eon had his wheel In the hotel by suffei
anco of the management ot the bouse , th :
the brushing of mud on the clothes of ft
army oltlcer was purely accidental and I
view of the additional fact that the offeni
did not justify an assault which brougl
$10 and costs in the police court the no :
morning , the petitioners belleTO they ha :
just grounds for bringing the matter 1
the War department's attention. After
long preamble the petition concludes :
"Now , therefore , we , the undersigned cl
Izens of Des Moines , la. , respectfully pi
tltlon our honorable representative , Cat
tain J. A. T. Hull , that he take such neth
and aggressive steps at once that this mai
tcr may bo brought before the proper oil
clals of the War department , so that the
may In their wisdom take such action :
will result In proper punishment belli
meted out to the said Howell , "
This morning about twelve or fifteen <
the men on guaid nt Camp McKlnley wei
taken violently ill shortly after eating the :
breakfasts. The cause of the Illness wj
attributed to the milk fcerved. Samples (
the milk -were sent to Prof. Weems at tli
Ames Agricultural college. The dairy con :
mlssloncrs think It Is possible that elth (
the milk or some of the other food serve
at the camp was Infected with tyrotoxlca
and nro anxiously awaiting the result of tl ;
examination. The men who drank the mil
were sick for a short time , but were BOO
relieved with stomach pumps and will ei
perlenco no eerlous illness.
There was a mutiny at Camp McKlnle
today. Two members of Company E refuse
to work In the hospital. Captain Olmsteai
who has charge of the camp , has writte
to Colonel Lambert at Newton , directing hli
to come to Des Moines Saturday to confe
with reference to the discipline of his reg
ment. If no means can bo devised by tli
colonel Captain Olmstead will take the mal
tor In his own hands. "If necessary , " sal
he , "I can telegraph for a company of re ?
ulars to enforce discipline. I should lit
to have a company of my own reglmer
( colored men ) , who nro genuine soldier
I am Inclined to believe that upon the
appearance mutiny would die out very sue
de.nly and completely. "
Xettton .Mnrilrr .
NEWTON , la. , Sept. 21. ( Special. ) New
ton's murder mystery deepens and is tr.
talk of the town. George Carter , a barbe
was found dead In a ditch in North Nowto
early Saturday morning and who the perso
is that took Carter's life Is a question ever
one has been asked. A coroner's Inqulr ;
lasting all day , was held Saturday , but we
unable to determine how Carter was klllei
so that a post mortem was made necessar
and was held yesterday , the result of whlc
proves positively that a. murder has bee
It was found that the head had bee
struck with sufficient force to produce deatl
piobably with some form of a sand bai
gravel stones having been found where th
body was discovered.
The coroner's jury , after a two days' ses
slon , has adjourned till next Monday. A
examination of the dead man's skull reveal
the fact that he was sand-bagged althoug
the jury does not know where to lay th
crime as yet. At Carter's funeral Job
Lemme , ono of the pall bearers , was ar
rested and taken to jail , he being the las
person seen with the deceased. Lemm
was released , it being generally believe
ho had no hand In the affair. It Is stii
believed there is a woman in the case.
.11 1 11 1rm Out of Work.
ALBIA. la. , Sepr. 21. ( Special. ) Th
miners In the coal mines at Cedar mines
three miles west of tha place , went out o
a strike a couple of days ago. The men dc
manded that the company set two specie
days each month as a day on which the
would receive their pay. The operator
stated to the men that they had been re
celvlng their money twice each month , o
days that It would suit them to pay the me :
and they declined to meet the demands c
the miners. Then the mlncrs went out on
strike and this morning the operators poste
a notice that there would bo no more wor
at Cedar ; that the mines would bo closed fo
all time to come. The- work was Immedl
ately commenced to pull out the Jnsid
track , bolrers. ere. The mine was , In it
day , one of the largest In the county nn <
gave employment to a large force of men
The operators claim that they have to han
the coal underground too far and that ther
Is no money In mining It and that this give
them n good excuse to let the men go am
stop the works. The mines have been li
operation over twenty years and was knowi
as the Chicago and Iowa Coal company.
SlioeUInu : Jliirilcr Cnne.
OUTHUIK CENTER , la. , Sept. 21. ( Spo
clal. ) Isaac Fltz , living about three mile
from Yale , In this counry , shot and kIHe
his brother-in-law , James McClcllen Satur
day. Fltz had loaded a hog In his wagoi
to take to Yale. McClcllen came Into hi
brn > ord on horse IMC ' They had vioril
over an old feud. Fltz went to his houst
got a ehotgun and shot McClellen , then wen
to Yale , sold his hog , returned , loaded tnt
his v.agon the body and drove six miles t <
the homo of McClclfen. He v.ent ) Int
th house and told his sitter he had klllei
her husband , lie unloaded the body , am
put up the horse of McClellen's , which h
had led. Ho then started home , stopplni
at the first bouse , and told them to go eve
to McClellen's and take care of his slatei
as he had killed her husband.
A coroner's Jury found him guilty of murder
dor , and ho Is now In Jail here. Both mei
are about 35 years old and each has a wlf
and ono child. Fltz Is not very bright am
Is rough In his demeanor. This Is the firs
murder ever committed In this county.
Dlrn of Her IliiriiH ,
OTTUMWA , la. , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Mrs. Owen Stevens died at Slgour
ney early this morning from burns bus
talned In a lamp explosion last night. Sli
was horribly burned. A daughter follow ei
the screaming mother In her burning gar
inents all over the yard and extlngulshei
the flames after receiving serious burns her
1'nyliiK IOMHViirriintN ,
DES MOINES , Sept. 21. ( Special.- )
Freaeurer Herrlott has paid $100,000 In war-
ants In conformity to a call for the war'
ants Issued a month ago. This leaves the
loatlng debt of the state represented b >
mtstandlog warrants about $100,000 , All ol
he 6 per cent warrants were taken up and
35,000 of the 6 per cent warrants. It U
expected In nbout two weeks lo take up nl
the state's outstanding warrants cxcer
those Issued under the terms of the new la'
and which were awarded In public compc
tltlon at about 4 per cent. Thcso warrant
will bo Issued from tltno to tlmo as require
to meet expenses and to take up the ol
TnIi-i front tin * Klonillki- .
SIOUX CITY , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) P. B. Wearo of the North America
Transportation and Trading company Is 1
Sioux City and has expressed his views 1
regard to Alaska and the Klondike rcglor
from which country ho has Just returnee
His company Is now operating twenty boat
In connection with the Alaskan trade an
also n number of trading posts In the In
terlor. Mr. Wearo says his opinion ot th
output of the. Yukon district this year wl
bo $11,000,000. Of this amount ho expect
to see $10,000,000 brought out' , the rest belli
needed for living purposes. Ono boat ha
brought out $0,600 000 already In dust , bat
and drafts and this Is the property of aboi
2,000 persons. He estimates the Klondike c
Canadian diggings to bo much richer tha
these on the American side. Mr. Wear
assigns all the stories of failures In the
country to the fact that men have gone 1
for only a short tlmo and have become dls
couraged before they ever dug a bore. U
declares thcro are untold fortunes scattere
about there , but It takes nerve and bar
work to get at anything. Mr. Wcaro look
for the real wealth of the country to com
from ere mining for gold , silver , coppe
and coal. Ho adds that there are nbout 15
000 people In that country nt present.
Condition of Iowa Farmer * .
CLINTON , la. , Sept. 21. ( Special. ) On
Northwestern train last evening going t
Chicago with stock were three farmers froi
Story county. On the way hero they wer
not talking politics , but they said that n fe' '
years ago they bought farms In Story count
for less than $20 an acre and ono of thei
wu stelllng of a farmer who had just boi
rowed $30 an aero at 6 per cent on a quarte
section of land he had purchased. They a
agreed that his rand Is worth $60 nn acr
and that ho will pay out. They further sn
that farms cannot bo bought In Story count
for less than $40 to $50 an ncro and tha
half the farmers have virtually paid fo
their farms during the past twenty year
and had 50 r > er cent added by Increase I
price , at the same tlmo adding new nn
valuable buildings. There Is nothing th
matter with Iowa farmers.
O ) > rrn HOIIHC In Sl
FOUT DODC1E , la. , Sept. 21. ( Special
Fort Dodge is to have a new $20,000 oper
house as the result of a proposition mad
by the Midland Life Insurance assoclatlo
of this city. They made the proposltlo
that If $500,000 of new business was offere
them they would build a new theater to cos
not less than $2(5,000. ( The people took hoi
of the enterprise and In that easy way nr
assuring the addition to the business block
of Fort Dodge. There Is one theater In th
town now , but owing to lack of facllitlc
It is almost Impossible to get first-clot
attractions lo come. The scheme Is orlf
Inal with the men behind It.
MyitrrioiiM nixiiiienriincc Solved.
DAVENPORT , la. , Sept 21. ( Speclal.- )
R. H. Bryson of Gallatln , Tenn. , arrive
hero from St. Louis Saturday and identlfle
a man arrested Friday as James B. Alex
ander , thus clearing up a mystery that ha
puzzled the St. Louis pollco since Septembc
3 , when Alexander disappeared from th
Hotel Normandlc there and was never hear
of again until ho telegraphed from her
Friday to his Oallatlu relatives for monej
Ho has a broken-hearted mother In Galla
tin and was a bookkeeper In a bank ther
until ho broke down from overwork. H
Is Insane , but not Incurably so.
CluiNoiI liy OdU-oro.
ATLANTIC , la. , Sept. 21. ( Speclal.- )
Ycsterday a deputy United States marsh :
had a warrant for Charles Warnom , Jr. , t
take him before Judge Woolson at Counc
Bluffs , charged with bootlegging. Charli
seemed ccaceful and asked permission t
get his coat In a neighboring barn. Th
olnccr followed close , but Warnom teethe
the chances and broke for liberty with th
officer a close second , revolver In hand. Tw
shots were fired , but Warnom did not slot
but ns tSo omcer slacked up to shoot 1
earnest ho surrendered. Ho Is now In th
Council Bulls jail awaiting trial.
AVI1I VlHlt Croiton.
CIIESTON. la. , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) President McKlnreylll visit Crcs
ton October 11 , the first day of the strcc
carnival and peace Jubilee , Congressma
Hepburn has so Informed Chairman Hars
after a personal Interview with the prcsl
dent. Mr. McKlnley will deliver a speed
and continue his journey to Omaha
Iot > n \ < MVN > nton.
Cedar Rapids pollco captured a burgla
who had $1,000 In money and much Jowelr
In his pockets.
Mrs. Mary Prlchard , who died alone nn >
In want nt Charles City recently , left ;
largo fortune to her heirs.
Delia R. Gllley , a society girl of Waterloo
lee , was drowned In the Sioux steppliu
from an excursion beat in the dark.
The Des Moines Lumber company charge
Us manager -with swindling It of $14,00
by bogus sales of lumber in London.
Milt Williams , convicted of murder am
sentenced to bo hanged at Iowa City , ha
received a rehearing and a Hfo Imprison
ment sentence.
Van Meter , the- high diver , was kllh-i
while diving at the Hello Plalno fair. H
struck on his side In the water and wa
taken out paralyzed.
The Sioux National bank of Sioux City
which failed some time ago , has distribute !
$40,000 among the depositors. This make
15 per cent of the deposits that have Iwci
Counting the recent donation of $25,00
contributed by ex-Governor Drake tr > th
Iowa university , which bears lily name , tha
gentleman has given that Institution mor
than $100,000 slnco Its establishment.
It Is now said In Iowa that If the governo
had permitted the organization of a com
pany of soldiers of convicts from Anamosa
aa the inmates desired when the war brok
out , they would1 not bo clamoring to bi
mustered out and returned home.
I'lentlfiilni'MN In tin * MnrKt'tlni ? o
IH till * I'Vntllrc of 1'rcn-
Ollt lillNlllfNN.
CINCINNATI. Sept. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Price Current says : Plentlfulncss o
hogs is reflected In enlarged marketing
Western packings arc 365,000 , compared will
325,000 the preceding week and 265,000 las
year. From March 1 the total Is 11,540,000
against 0,910,000 a year ago. Promlnen
places compare 09 follows :
Cities jfjis. 1897.
Chicago 3,815,000 3,350,001
Kansas City 1,630,000 l.OlS.OOi
Omaha 990,000 892,00' '
St Louis 702,000 690,001
Indianapolis 551,000 468,00i
Milwaukee 678,000 412,001
Cincinnati 328.000 303.001
St. Joseph . .M 513,000 207,001
Ottumwa 348.000 311,001
Cedar Rapids 258,000 234,00 (
Sioux City 190,000 135,001
St. Paul 1C3.000 45.00 (
Wichita 85,000 87,001
I'lillmlelpliiu i'fiiriJulillro ,
PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 21 The prograrr
[ or the Peace Jubilee , on October 26 and 27
Includes a civic parade , dedication of th.
restored Independence hall , reception tc
I'rcDldent McKlnley and a bicycle parade on
ho IIrat day. Features of the second day
vlll bo a naval parade nn thu Delaware * ,
> arade of land and naval forces , dedication
if the ( irant monument in Fairmont park ,
vith an address by President McKlnley , who
vlll there receive the troopi. In the even-
ng a banquet In honor of the president will
it given.
America's pavorite Cigar
&CO , ,
* * !
' Distributers ,
S'Z9s : :
3 for 25c
lOc Straight 70UNCIL
2 for 25c BLUFFS , IA
5 Per Gent on Iowa Farms.
We lire prepared to place loans on improved Western Iowa
farms at 5 per cent. Mentev on hand , no Uelav. AVe have for
sale several choice I'KUIT. " GAKUKN , ( JKAltf AM ) STOCK
1'AKMS. VKRV CIIHA1' . Cheap money Avill make land go up.
Investigate our bargains.
39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Primary , Secondary or Tertlarr
BLOOD POISON permanently
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can be treated nt home for onmo
price under same guaruntv. If you
prefer to como here we will contract
to pay railroad fare and hotel bills ,
and no charge If we fall to cure.
taken mercury. Iodide j tash and Btlll
have aches nnd pains , Mucous Patches
In mouth. Sore Throat , Pimples , Cop
per Colored Spots , Ulcers on any part
of the body , Hair or Eyebrows falling
out. It la this serondary
We ftuarsnie ® to Uure
We solicit the most obstinate cases
and challenge the woild for a case wo
cannot t-uru. This disease has eihvays
baffle-d the skill of the most eminent
$500,000 capital brhlml our uncondi
tional guaranty Absolute proofs sent
acalcd on application. 100 pagu book
ent free.
AiiiircgH COOK iin.Mnnv co. ,
Maiionlc Temple , CliIcnBo. HI.
I'roNlileiit e luiiiuoM HIM 1'lniiM anil
"Will Mnl.f No .Stops oil
1IU Trip Here.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. The president
ha ! > decided to postpone his departure for
the west until the second week In October ,
Riving himself only time to reach Omaha
by the 12th. This is a change from the
original program , which contemplated nn
earlier start and a visit to other places
before arriving at Omaha. He has received
invitations to many other points whllo on
his tour , but so far has definitely decided
only to go to Omaha on the 12th and to
Ohlcago on the 17th. He was today Invited
to visit Minneapolis , but deferred a. deflnlto
answer. The invitation came from ex-Gov
ernor MerrUm and official bodies of the
Twin Cities.
It Is now expected that Mr. Hay will ho
Installed as secretary of state befoio the
president's departure for the west and it is
hoped to have the War department Investi
gation well under way before the president
gets away. The report that e'x-Governor
Woodbury of Vermont has been asUcd to
accept a place on the Investigation commis
sion and Unit ho had accepted was confirmed
at the Whlto House today. Ho Is the
seventh member of the commission. Thcro
are two places atlll to be filled.
CoiniiilHMloner Hermann Will Make
Important Itet nen tint Ion Neil
oil the Knhjeet.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Land Commissioner Hermann re
turned from the west today Whllo away
the commissioner made an examination of
the Yellowstone park timber reserve with
a view to chancing the boundaries of the
reserve. The commissioner said today ho
would recommend that the reserve be ex
tended on the western border to the summit
of the mountains. Ho will also urge that
the park bo extended on the south and to
Include all of the timber reserve. The com
missioner will prepare a proclamation con
taining these recommendations , which will
bo presented to Secretary Bliss for approval.
Miss Ruth Davis , Des Moines , la. , was
today appointed kindergartener in the Fort
Apache , Ariz. , Indian school at $060 a year.
Elmlra S. Butcher was appointed post
master at Irving , Toma county , la.
i\enil Sir .Iiillnn'N Term.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. The retirement
of Sir Julian Pauncefote , the British ambas
sador , from the active diplomatic bervlco
would have occurred today had not the
foreign officeas already announced , ex
tended his term of service until next April
In recognition of his long and capable service
and the acceptability of his administration
to the authorities here. The ambassador
and his staff are still at Pequot , Conn. , the
plan being to ro-open the embassy hero on
October ID. Secrerury Tower has bei'n as
signed to Quebec to attend the meeting of
the British-American commission.
rienernl ( inrelii IM Cumlnu : .
WASHINGTON. Sept. 21. It U expected
by members of the Cuban delegation hero
that General Callxto Garcia , second In com
mand of the Cuban forces during the war ,
will como to this country In the course of
the next two weeks. Ills coining Is looked
forward to with much Interest In view of
the prominent part ho took In the military
operations around Santiago , and the unfor
tunate clash between him and General Shat
ter following the surrender of the city.
His presence In this country lu likely to
rnlco a question regarding the old criminal
proceedings pending against him.
Mix AVeekN of MnnrnliiK.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. The Austrian
legation will observe t > lx weekB' mourning
In memory of the lalo Kmpren * Elizabeth.
During this period Minister von Hengel-
muller and hU staff will not part rlpato In
any social functions save these of a strictly
official character.
Header of DlttenHeM of Uicit nnd
World'H Herbal Dispensary of Mcdlolm.
T ct'tii : Catarrh nt Head , Throat and
t.uiiRS , nifc-ascs of 1Cyo mid tiar , Fits nnd
Apoplexy , Heart , I..vur nnd Kidney Dlsonscs ,
Diabetes , Brlelit's l.lsciiso , St. Virus Dance ,
Klioutnatlsni , Scrofula , Dioper ourod without
lapping , Tape Wonrtu removed , all chronla
Nervous and Private Diseases.
I flCT EPBACil&lflfln In younc and
LOSS 6 EURHHUUU mlckilo aged men.
OVnJ3l ? 1C Only Phyelclan who unn
dlrtnliLldi properly euro SYPHII.IH
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The only Physician who can toll what nlli
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Th'eo nt n ellatane-e send for question
blank. No. 1 lor men ; No. a for women.
All corri'sponclonco strictly oontldontlal.
Medlcim bent by erprosB.
Address all letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
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C3 Scnd 2-cenr. nmmn for roolr.
7ICE , NO. 102 SO. MAIN ST.
x ornnns FAIT , CONSULT
Searles & Searles.
iteo to cure npccillly nnd mill.
Milly ill ! NnilVOUH , C1IIIOMC AN
illxruarH of men und vrnmeu
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
Night Emissions , Lost Munhood , Hy.
Irouele , Verleoccle , Gonorrhea , Olec t , Syph-
lls , Stricture. IMlfs. Fistula and Rectal
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jy new method without pain or cuttlnir
: all on or address with stamp. Treatment
> y mall.
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| Conntf. < ion Free. Boclcfrte
# 8C ° !
H COO. 2o.
Fees Gas
2i to 350
* , . - . . TO Horse Powe
letiuor Mnehlncry nl All Kln l . r
Council Jlluir. , Iowa.