Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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    Till- ] OMAHA DATiyV BEI ) : TJIl ESWAV , SKPTE 1808.
btcn sown and the dally report showed th
II t of deaths and otcnscn _ lu the hospitals.
Pointing \ Quartermaster hudlngton , Ocn
tral Wallca saldj "These men cannot sa
it vvas. . omobp'iiy. else's fault. It was th
fault of'Qil&rterniaster L4e and It was th
fault of Quartermaster Ludlngtoa , who 1
standing right there. "
Ludlngion made no' reply to Waltcs , a
BUrnbcrg had done to Sangcr.
Trnnxi < ir ( .Arrlti-N lit l
Sli'U from C'nlin.
It I Sept. 21 The transport Scgurnnc
arrived today from Cuba with what vva
said to be one unmistakable case of yclloi
fever The transport brought sick and con
vnleecent soldiers from the hospitals a
BIboney. The boarding olllccr , Dr. Magru
dcr , had bpcn ordered back to Wnshlngto
In the bs'anco of anticipation of the re
cclpt of any moro > cllow fever coses. Gen
cral Whf-oltr' decided to send one of th
camp surgeons to Inspect the Scguranc
and to arrange for the removal of the file
to the detention hospital , which will no1
have to be reopened. The yellow fever pa
tl ( nt on board the Scguranca Is Isolate
and will be kept on the vessel for the prce
ent The Seguranca brought forty men vvh
were not able to care for themselves an
thirty-five convalescents. All these me
V.II1 be transferred to the detention cami
The City of Mexico -also arrived at th
oamp today with Troop M of the Tent
cavalry , which was left behind In Cuba t
care for the belongings of the regimen
There w'dre' seventy-six men In all , elghtee
of whom are sick.
There were 496 patients In the gonen
hospital today. Three hundred and fifty (
the men In the hospital arc seriously 11
There vyrrc two deaths reported toda ;
Lieutenant Alfred J. Roberts of Compati
K , Seventy-first New York volunteers , an
Charles Gongo of Troop A , Sixth cavalr ;
The Third cavalry and the men of tb
Eighth Maine volunteer signal corps d (
parted from camp today.
CALLS Til 13 AllMY hUllOliO > S UOW :
( JI'llcrul DriU'kliirlilK * ' lloxIrcH < o IIn\
Tlu-lr hlntu * rinnlly
CINCINNATI , Sept. 21.-r-Tho Tlmts-Star
special from Lexington , Ky. , says. Goner
Hrecklnrldge , who Is In cqmmand of Can
IIamllt6n hero , and Surgeon General Steri
berg had a long conference Just before tl
surgeon general left here with Sccretai
Algor. General Urecklnrlrtgc wanted
know Just who had the right to cotumni
the hospital surgeoiiH. He- said at Chick
manga these Individuals were a sort of "di
as-you-plcaso" fellows , under uobody's cor.
mnnd. jGoniral Wilson had requested cc
tain things to bo done In the hospitals ;
Chlckaniauga and no attention had bc <
given his demands Investigation , Gei
cral Urecklnridge said , showed that the BU
fieons considered themselves subject only
the orders of General Sternberg. Goner
Hrecklnrfdge. said he found the same troub
nt Camp Hamilton and he wanted to have
distinct understanding regarding the matte
General Sternberg said that the surgeons
Chlcknmauga'wero subject to the eiders
General * Wilson arid that the general ehou
have found this out. It he saw his ordc
were not obejed , ho should have found tl
reason for such disobedience and had tl
matter settled at onco. General Breckl
ridge said the same was the cate right hoi
and ho wanted General Sternberg to infer
General Sangcr that he was the proper pe
son to command the surgeons.
Drlcuiitloii IK rn-NfiiftMl to flic Pro
Mi-lit , AVho Siu-nUx of Their Hrcoril
WASHINGTON , Sent. 21. President M
Klnley todiy. Informally received a. doleg
tlon of about a , , dozen , members of' (
Iloosevclt 'Hmifch llldern" regYment. * A * m
Jorlty of the delegation are from Now Me
Ice and are en route home. They were t
presented by Delegate Ferguson of that ,
iltory , who stated that New Mexico haiWji
ntshcd four at the captains and 44XTof ( t
incn constituting the regiment.
Rttch of tha callers wn presented Indlvl
ually to the president who , after grcetl
them personally , talked with them and
them as a body In nil Informal manner. 1
epoko wltfy earnest enthusiasm of the wo
of the regiment In the Santiago cnmpalg
saying that he was pleased to have the o
portunlty on his own behalf and on belli
of the country at largo to thank the ref
inent. through the present delegation , f
the work JH had done.
"Your record Is one , " he said , "of whl
the entire nation Is proud. I tell peot
who .lalkjwllh .mo about the Hough Hide
thiit'jouiluft lite boats in1 squads of twen
or thirty. Inquiring the way to Santlaf
and that you hardly stopped until you n
rived there.
"You have not only done well , " ho co
eluded , "but I have no doubt you wet
all bo willing to again serve the count
In an emergency " , f
Proforn hiii-KPn AK luxt Otln.
CLUVELAND. 0. , Sept. 21C. . W. M
ralf , llvlngrrfc 51) Mnwood street , this cli
whoso son , Durton t Mot calf , died reccnl
In San Frauclfeca Joftj phold pneumon
contracted \hllp'nt Camp Mcrrltt and
member of tlwillnltfrt' States regulars , w
rake steps to have charges preferred agali
General Otis , no- with the American fore
In the Philippines. Mr. MctcaK said todr
"I am -member of an organization ma
( fom6s Backao Hood's '
Whenever the Blood Is Impure c
Health Poor.
"I luivo used Hood's Sarsaparllln ns
tonic and blood purlllcr for n number i
years and I use It whenever I become di
bjljtnted or my blood id impure and it hi
noycr failed to bring mo back to my no
nial condition. It always strengthens r
invigorates the system. " H. M. PIUTIIK
016 South Street , Atchlson , Kansas.
Hood's Sarsaparill :
8oldbyalt''ruKBlsLt. $ lslxtorfV ; Get Hood
? " - r'l 1 t5 ! "
The Omaha Bee
Map of Cuba Coupon
Present this Coupon with
JOc for
A Map of Cuba.
A Map of the West Indie * .
And a Map of the World ,
'By Mall 14 ocntx.
tjie Omaha Dally Bee
. . .
This coupon nnd 10 Cents will
i obtain three photogravures
I ot the Exposition.
up of people all over the country who hav
lost relatives or friends who had cnllste
In the regular army for service In the Thll
Ipplncs. These men died through exposur
on that pestilential spot ! known as Cam
Merrltt Each member of this organlzatlo
wilt bring pressure to bear on his congress
man to have charges preferred against Gen
cral Otis , who located the camp whore I
was. The organization Is a largo and in
flurntlal one and I believe it wllr bo able t
accomplish the object for which it vva
formed. " < -
Mr. Mttcalf recently" returned from Sa
"ranclsco , where hojcnt to bring horn
uo remains of his son. Ho * states that h
nvcsttgated the conditions at Camp Met
It ! ) and that a more unhcalthful spot fdr
amp could not have beeu found on th
aclflo coast.
Criiml riit'i'pM for Or\crn , lint Ail
nilrnl 1)1(1 rv t I.nml.
SANTANDGK , Spain , Sept 21. Tti
Anchor line steamer City of Home , charterc
jy Admiral Cervera to transport to Spal
ho Spanish sailors captured nt the battle t
antlago , who were recently released by tli
Inltcd States authorities'arrived hero toda
roni Portsmouth , N. II , whence It sailed o
ieptcmbcr 12. Captain Eulate , the forme
ommnnder of the Spanish cruiser Vlzcayi
and the other Spanish naval officers landc
and vvcro mistaken for a party of which At
mlral Cervera was a member. The latte
lowcvcr , was still on board the City <
tome , but a crowd of people followed tl
officers and cheered for Admiral Cerver ;
Captain Uulate refused to make any stati
nent for publication , declaring he reserve
what ho'had to say for the court-martial.
Clinnlitlii .Mi'Iiu ) ro III ,
DENVER , Sept. 21. Chaplain J. P. Mi
Intyre of the battleship Oregon has bet
stricken with nervous prostration , and tl
physician who Is attending him sava that 1
nay bo confined to his bed for some tiin
t Is probable that the court-martial whl <
las boon ordered to convene In Denver ne
week for the trial of Chaplain Mclntyre e
the charge of having unfairly criticised tl
actions of Admiral Sampson and 'Capta '
Evans In the Santiago naval battle will I
obliged to postpone proceedings for sever
weeks on account of the chaplain's Mines
Mr. Mclntyro says ho has not been official
notified of the nature of. the charges again
: ilm , or of the date of his trial , and this h
seemed to worry him considerably. Ho
staying at the house of Attorney Thomas
Dunn , a friend , In this city.
fJciu-rnl lllllpr Cues fo Philippines
WASHINGTON Sept 21. General Mlllc
now lu command at San Francisco , w 111 coi :
ninnd the reinforcements ordered to Manll
Batteries A and D of the California , artllle
will go with the expedition. General Mill
lias made application to have the tree
which accompany him armed with the Kra
Jorgensen rllle. The department "Will stai
upon the order recently Issued respcctli
arms and the commanding general at Maul
will decide what regiments , If any , shall
.armed with the Krag-Jorgenseus.
General Merrlam , who reached San Fra
Cisco jesterday front .Honolulu , has tel
graphed the War department of his arrlv
one ) sajs ho will send his report by ma
This report Is on the siibjcct of campl
grounds and military matters In general
Health ConilliloiiN Improving.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. General La'
ton's report of the health condition of t
troops of Santiago tonight Indicates a dl
tlnct Improvement. The ) number of si
1ms been reduced more than 100 during t
past two dajs and only one death Is I
ported. General Law-ton's dispatch follov
Adlutant General , Washington : Sic
75G'fever case.s , 431 ; now cases fever , ' ,
returned to duty ; 85. " ' < " ' * '
Deaths : Private Frederick William , Coi
pany K , Ninth United States volunteer I
fantry , September 20 , cause not known
' No report received from Fifth Unit
States Infantry and Ninth United Stat
\oluntoer cavalry.
Cent-nil Jiii'lcxou IIuy Apcopt.
NASHVILLE , Tenn. . Sept. 21. General '
H. Jackson received a telegram today fn
President McKlnley Inviting him to act
a member of the board to Investigate t
War department. General Jackson has tak
the otter under advisement and will retu
an answer tomorrow. His friends say
will accept.
ll < Illrnnioiiir Sti aiiff.rH.
KRARNEY , Neb. , Sept. 21. ( Special. ]
Willie Levin , a boy about I5 years of ai
died at 4 o'clock this morning at Ovv
Brothers' grading camp three miles west
town of heart failure. The coroner was 1
mediately called , but did not deem an I
quest necoFsary , as the man who slept wl
the boy saw him dto but did not have til
to get medical aid. The boy had been vv
Owen brothers only about six weeks a
claimed his home was In llawllnsV ;
His father Kn been , telegraphed to , I
as yet nothing has been hculrd from h
and It la believed that-the"boy had to lea
home to make his own living.
I'm in I in-lit MlNNiiiirliin.
MARYVILLU , , Mo. , Sept. -Spec- ( -
Telegram ) Harrison lllcks , aged 67 ,
prominent nnd wealthy citizen of HopUl
fell drnd on his farm near that place yi
tordav Death was. It Is supposed , duo
heart failure. He wn4 descended fi
James Hicks , nr. , born In Sussex conn
Virginia , In 1734 , from whom most of I
Hicks of the United States claim their <
< : < > riiinn lllntorlaii ami roi-l.
mKLIN. Sept. 21. Herr Theodi
Kontono , the German writer nnd poet ,
dead He wns born In 1819 and was a v
correspondent during the Franco-Pruss
war of 1870. He was captured , but soon
leased. Ho was the author , among oil
works , of "Tho Var Against Trance , " " 1
War 'Aealnst Austria" and "Prisoners
War "
tnntlllii AVorilc-ll , U. S. A.
DENVER , Sept 21. Captain C. A. Won
of Company 13 , Seventh Infantry , died toi
at Port Logan from the effects of cxposi
In the campaign nt Santiago and at Tain
Kla. He was 62 years of ago nnd was b <
at Syracuse , N. Y. He has been -with
Seventh thirty years. He leaves a wife t
one daughter.
12x-S * tial r I'aton.
HARTFORD , Conn. , Sept. 21. Porn
United States Senator William Eaton d
hero today from a stroke of paralysis B
tallied Saturday. Ho was 82 years old.
\Y I 111 n in IMuariU lniiN Uciul.
CLEVELAND , 0. , Sept. 21 William I
wards , president of the Cleveland. Urlv
Park association , dropped dead tonight
hla home on Prospect street.
I'roniliitiiit liMtit I'loiiiMT.
BURLINGTON , la. , 'Sept. 21. ( Spec
Telegram. ) Mrs , Mary Qulgley. , a pror
nent pioneer woman , died today-aged 1)4 )
Cniitala Ciiiii ; > llurlril.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. The remains
Captain Allyn Capron , one of the promln
figures a Santiago mul f rr of Capti
All > n Caproti of the Rough Riders. , who 1
In the first battle of the war , were bur
at Arlington National cemetery today w
military honor" . The funeral was ottcm
by a large number of army officers and me
born of lila company. General Miles s
staff , with the Plrat United States artllle
attended. Many tloral tributes were se
omoujt tbuu one from the president of i
United States , A handsome wreath ca
froin the officers who bad participated w
'Captain Capron in Indian , camoalcns.
Repatriation of Spanish Troops Begins a
San Juan.
IH-pnrlnrc nf Other * ( o PolliMV AVhc-i
Tli ? > ! et Thrlr TriuiMMirlntloti
-No I mi Oi-fnnlon fur
SAN JUAN , Porto Hlco , Sept. 20. ( Dc
laycd In Transmission. ) The repatriation o
the Spanish soldiers began today. Ton
hundrid men , of whom 200 were sick an
200 belonged to the engineer corps , salle
for Havre on board the French steame
Chateau la Fctto. Eight hundred Infantrj
belonging to the Austria battalion , will Hal
tomorrow on board the steamer San Fran
Cisco. The water front was crowded vvlt
thousands of people when the Spanish cng !
nccrs marched down to the music of n Span
Ish quickstep , to the wharf , where they wet
received by Captain General Maclas an
General Ortega. The captain general dl
lot make a speech , but he shook hands wit
he officers and men. There was no demon
stratlon made by the people. Some Spanls
leld pieces are already on board the Sa
Francisco , but a question has arisen In th
commission concerning the disposition <
some of the guns , and It was not settle
when this dispatch was filed.
The captain general today gave notice I
1m Spanish troops to retlro from Abonlti
Uaranqultas and Darros on Sunday , an
rom Hunmcoj , Ouamanl and Caycy on Moi
lay. Our troops will wove up and occup
those towns as soon as they are cvacuatei
ind the Spanish troops In position will enti
the city , In order to be ready to embat
on the arrival of the transports here.
The residents of Porto Hlco and some i
: ho Americans hero aro' alarmed because tl
Spanish ships returning from Cuba stop i
: hls port. They believe there Is danger i
Lho Introduction of jellow fever In the Islar
from the Spanish steamer City of Cadiz , i
Borne of the men sick on board were too 1
to proceed and will be brought ashore. Oi
commissioners will protest If there is
repetition of this.
The volunteers have all been dlsbandi
and the Spanish soldiers are engaged In dl
mantling the armories and barracks and
boxing the guns and ammunition. The > a
rejoicing over the prospect of an early r
turn to their homes. Heal Admiral Schli
has refused to purchase the coal stored her
and It may be purchased for the use of tl
United States army.
SpiinUh AlleKf Hail raltli liy
Coaial CurKU May Vet lie
Duty Krec.
NEW YORK , Sept. 21. A dispatch to tl
Herald from Havana says : Captain Pai
of General Dutler's staff and Lleutena
Heed of General Wade's statf have start1
for Matnnzas to Investigate the condltli
of that province , apropos of the repor
violation ot the protocol. They will pro
ably make no-long stay , though that depen
on what they find there. There are repeat
reports that Rodriguez , the Insurgent cor
mander In Havana province , has sent 1,0
Insurgent troops from this province to rel
fdrco those under Betnncourt , commander
the Matanzas province. It is impossible
confirm these reports.
The Spanish response to the second r
quest as to the Comal was recclrod th
morning. It was reported that It Virtual
grants the principle for which the1 Amei
cans contended , but that it is not vvhol
satisfactory. The Spanish contention th
It Is Impossible to admit the cargo free
duties due the port Is relinquished on t :
ground that a precedent has been found f
such action on previous smllar remission 1
the government. Still the Spaniards are o
posed to the admission of the cargo
Havana , suggesting , however , Bahla Hon
and various other neighboring points for d
barkatlon. The American commission w
probably prepare a response to this cot
munlcatlon at the first session in advan
of an answer to the Spanish evacatti
proposition. The need ot supplies is co
bldercd the most urgent.
> a\y Doiiartinoiit Orilern ( lint 1'ui
lliiiitlrcil MI-II ll < > ItccruUcil
anil hunt roruartl.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. The Nnvy d
partment has ordered -100 sailors to be Be
to Admiral Dewey's squadron at Manl
The men will be sent from San Francis
on a merchant steamer. It Is the purpc
ot the department to gather most of t
men from the Pacific coast , but orders ha
been given to Lieutenant Commander Vz
In charge of the permanent naval recrultl
station at Chicago , to recruit 110 of t
bailers there This detail does not nmou
to a reinforcement of the fortes at Man !
for the men are to take the place of sallc
whoao terms of service have expired.
I'lto.MOTiovs AIM : TO in : ANMUINCI
OrilerH to lie INNIILM ! hoifi
Oat Olllt-crN of Volunteer Arin > .
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. The prcsldf
Is now considering the subject of mustcrl
out a number ot general and stalt ofDct
of the volunteer army propoitlonato to t
100,000 volunteers ordered raustei
out. The Hats of officers In t
' volunteer service have been prepai
I and carefully gone over by t
1 president and War department olllola
Many officers , both general and staff , hn
resigned , which tends to simplify the mt
terlng out , ns there is no desire to rcti
officers who do not care to servo longer
The president is considering also the mi
ter of six or seven promotions that are
bo made for gallant services In the Santia
and Porto Rlcan campaigns. These pron
, tlons will be announced In a few days.
' Is probable , however , that they will bo he
i orary and the officers receiving them w
i be mustered out very soon after the pron :
tlons are made.
Donlitral Snui'VMH of AVar hlilp
WASHINGTON , Spet. 21. The Navy c
partment has been Informed by Capti
Goodrich of the Newark nt Guantanamo tl
Captain Watson sailed from that place yi
terday for New York , turning the comma
over to Captain Goodrich. The captain st
the Spanish cruiser Maria Teresa , on whl
the wreckers are working , did not co
off yet as was expected , but It surely woi
bo raised successfully. No word has co ;
to the Navy department of late respect !
the result of Constructor Hobson's effete
to Iloat the Colon and some apprehensl
Is expressed that the ship will go to plei
In the heavy weather that Is now due ale
the south coast of Cuba.
. \irrliliMtt lo tlic I'ltrraKiit.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. The Navy c
partment has received the following d
( patch from Constructor Snow relating
the accident to the torpedo boat Farrag
I being constructed at San Francisco ,
i "SAN FRANCISCO , Sept , 21 Farrat
' went out this raornlns with trial bo
i When running about twenty.eight knots t
outer plate , starboard side , on frame sp
Just abaft after strut ripped on two mines
right angles. The point was bent out. /
ter store room flooded. Strut and conn <
tlon not disturbed. Probably docked t
I morrow , " j .
Mlrlilumi Ucitnhllvani Conic ToRPtlif
In 1 ally anil Hnilornt * Hint anil
UN Taxation 1'rliicljilon.
DETROIT , Mich , Sept. 21. flovernor Pit
grce was unanimously nominated by ai
clamatlon this afternoon by the rcpubllcn
state convention. Many members of h
party who have not heretofore been In ai
cord with the goycnior Joined In the chcc
ing when bo appeared nnd made a cha
actcrlstlc speech of acceptance.
Tor lieutenant governor 0. W. Roblnsc
of Houghton , an ardent Plngrco senate
was nominated after a close contest wli
Gerrlt J , Dlek , cx-prcsldent of the house.
The following candidates of the sta
ticket were nominated at the night seasloi
Per secretary at state , J , S. Stearns
Ludlngton , auditor. Roscoe F. Dlx of He
rlaii SnrlnRS , attorney general , Horace I
Qrt of Sault Sto Marie ; treasurer , Geori
Stcclo of St. Johns ; commissioner ot lai
office , William A. French of Presquo Isl
superintendent ot public instruction , Jasi
r. Hammond of Hlllsdalc ; regents of Sta
university , Ell It. Sutton of Detroit ni
J. Dyron Judklns of Grand Rapids ; mor
bors ot State Hoard of Education , Prof ,
F. Johnson of Ann Arbor and F. M. Plo
of Flint.
The convention elected General Marsh
Allen for chairman of the state centr
committee. The convention completed I
work at midnight. *
COM ) 3113V Wl.\ > TIIU PIHST IIOU >
MiiJorK- C'oimnUlcr In Coniicctlr
iKTiiorcM CIilciiKo Platform.
BRIDGEPORT , Conn. , Sept. 21. T
democrats of Connecticut assembled ted
In biennial state convention for the pu
pose of placing in nomination caudldal
for the various offices on the state tick' '
William Kennedy of Montauck , tempera
chairman , made a long speech , In t
course of which ho advocated blmetallls
independent ot other nations.
The fight over the Twelfth district re
resentatton was very acrimonious , E.
Benedict and Homcr S. Cummlngs lead !
the two factions. The credentials coi
mittee settled the contest by seating be
sets of commltteemcn and giving each li
a vote. The committee on resolutions , fin
Ing Itself Unable to reach an ngr <
incut , has voted to present to the convc
tlon Itself two preambles , ono reaffirm !
the Chicago platform , the other ellmlnatt
such reaffirmatlon. The majority report
the 'committee on-resolutions Is a vlctc
for the gold men.
The following state ticket was noi
Inated : For governor , Daniel N. Morgi
Bridgeport , lieutenant governor , Sam\ \
Bassett , Now Britain ; state secreta :
Joseph T. Fanning , Norwich ; treasurer , A
M , Ross of Thompson.
.Montana Fiialonlntn Meet.
ANACONDA , Mont. , Sept. 21 The den
cratlc , populist and silver republican sd
conventions met at noon today. In ei :
case the chief Issue Is fusion or non-fusli
Only two Judges and clerks of the suprci
court and one congressman are to bo no :
inated , but the coming session of the leg
laturo will elect a United States senator
succeed Lee Mantle and the strife for tl
office complicates the situation. Sena :
Mantle of Butte was temporary chalrm
of the stiver republicans. He made
hour's speech In defense of the exlstcr
of the republican party. A. J. Sellgm
of Helena was chosen permanent cha
In the populist convention Secretary
State Hogan ot Anaconda was tcmporc
and later permanent chairman. Each
the three convontlonsiappolntcd the usi
committees nnd "In-Addition a conferei
committee on fusion.
.Silver Democrat * Put I'p a. Tlcki-l
BALTIMORE , Sept. 21. The democr
of Maryland who favor silver as currci
held a convention in this city today
take action relative to the coming cc
gresslonal campaign. After some disci
slou they nominated William Willis of T
hot county as candidate for congress In i
First district In opposition to John Wai
Smith , tbo democratic candidate , and <
dorsed the other democratic nominees. Tl
also adopted a platform reaffirming i
principles of the Chicago platform of 1
and endorsing William J. Bryan ns i
democratic candidate for the presidency.
toii llfinihllruiin.
TACOMA. Wash. . Sept. 21. The republic
state convention assembled today. R.
Blake of Port Townsend was elected te
porary chairman. After W. W. Roberti
was unanimously chosen assistant secreta
a member of the Lewis county delegat
announced that Robertson was former ! }
democrat and had not > et fully Identll
himself with the republican party. Robe
son requested that his name be wlthdra
and the request was granted , John Elw
of Clark county being substituted.
liluiit .Noiiilnutcil.
PIERRE , S. D. , SerU 21. ( Special Te
gram. ) At the republican legislative ci
vcntlon for Hughes , Hyde and Sully co\ \
ties held at Blunt today Major R. W. Stc
art of Pierre was .nominated for senal
D. P. Thayer of Hyde and T. M. Goddari !
Sully were named for reprebcntatlves.
AV rii tviort'li-Will la MINIMI.
The marriage of Miss Gertie La V
Williamson of Hanscom Place and i
Weston M. Wentworth of St. Joseph , J
was celebrated last evening at the reside
of the brjdo's parents , Mr. and Mrs. S.
Williamson , 1309 South Twenty-Bcve
street , In the presence of a small party
relatives and friends. The ceremony v
performed by Rev. Dr. Slsson of'the Ha
coin Park church. After a wedding din
Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth left by the Un
Pacific midnight train for a short trip
Georgetown , Manltou Springs , Colo. , i
other mountain resorts.
Allfree-Jt'nt T.
MARYVILLE , Mo. , Sept. 21. tSpci
Telegram ) - Harry Allfreo of Now tan ,
and Miss Blanch Jester wore married at
homo of the bride's mother in Maryv
this morning by Rev. E. B. Lytle , pas
of the Methodist Episcopal church. '
groom Is the republican candidate for r
Ister nt deeds of Jasper county , Iowa ,
FALLS CITY. Neb. . Sept. 21. ( Specli
Mr. Eliot J. Cheney and Miss Blan
Jones were married Tuesday morning
8 o'clock nt the home of the bride's an
Mrs A. G. Warner , Rev Bowie of the Pr
byterlan church officiating. Mr. and M
Cheney will make their future home
TECUMSEH , Neb . Sept. 21. ( Special
Mr. F. A. Scott and Miss Viva Rosakra
two of Tecumseh's best known young p
pie , were married at the Rosakraus be-
Jloj iitoii-Siiillli.
John W. B. Doynton of Los Ancelefl t
Mrs. Jenle Smith were married Mom
ov enlng , September 19 , nt the home of
officiating minister , Rev. Charles W. S
ld e.
Wolroiulnir tin * .Solillrr Iloj ,
LEAD , S. D , . Sept. 21. ( Speslal T
gram. ) Lead citizens are celebrating
return of the soldier boys tonight ly
prantl Jubilee , The city Is In holiday
tire and the enthusiasm of 7.000 cltUeni
being let out. A grand procetslon , ape ,
ing and a banquet are the leading fcatu :
Aniiety Prevails Over Successor to the La
King Malieton ,
Orriiinti * Would HUMI'romptU Ai
IU-MM ! IMiiml llntl It N < > ( IK-fii
( or tinI'roNonvt' of Itrlt-
Ixh ( imilioiit.
SAN THANCISCO , Sept. 21. The stean
ship Alameda , from Sidney , Auckland , An
mid Honolulu , brought further pnrtlculn
concerning tbo , death of King Malieton. T !
King's death was due to tvphoid fever. 1
died on Monday , August 2J , and wns burl
on the 24th , a laige number of natives ai
whites attending the funeral.
Shortly before his death the king was r
moved from Apia to Vaillma , the rcsldcn
of the late Robert Louis Stevenson , whl
is at a considerable elevation on the slop
of Mount Vaca. The change from the s
beach to the more salubrious locality
Vaillma was expected to improve the c
clng's health , but ho gradually sank a
lied. The aged monarch of Samoa was n
.tiled that his tlnio had come and he r
lordlngly resigned himself to his end , wl
the fatalism characteristic of the Polincsl
races. In appearance Mallctoa was a 11
looking , stalwart man , with n gray , gr
zled moustache.
CicriiuiiiN AVniit ( o AIIIIOX Inland.
According to a report received it was I
lloved at Samoa that If her majcst :
steamer Hlngdove had not been
Apia the Gel-mans would have holsl
the German flag there on Malleto
death and have proclaimed the antu
atlon of Samoa. Malletoa leaves a daught
an attractive girl , named FAlmoa , who
17 or 18 years of age , and who was educal
at the London Missionaries' society sclv
at Papuatn , which Is near Apia He n
leaves a brother , an elderly chief , who HI
at Apia.
Speaking of Samoan affairs Purser Sm
of the Alameda sa > s-
"Thero is trouble expected there and I
Germans nro bringing back to their tslat
King Mataafu , In a man-of-war. The Ei
llsh have a gunboat there tht Hlngdo
The Ilrltlsh , German and American const
the chief Justice and the president of I
municipal council of Apia hnvo fern
themselves Into a board of control , pondl
the election of a successor to King Malic
of the Samoan group.
"Mataafa was deported by the powers so
jears ago to the Union ( Tokelau ) Islan
to the northwest of Samoa , owing to
presence In Samoa being n disturbing i
Ittlcal clement. He was Induced to sUrr-
der himself to the powers , on the und
standing that It was for the good of his pi
plo that he should go away. The exl
chief was convoved to the Union group
a German man-of-war , together with seve
of his relatives and friends. A itccnt i
blegram from Europe announced the HKt
hood of Mataafa being returned to San
and this will no doubt be done , as the ci
sequence of Malletoa's death. Mataafa r
Mallotoa v\cre related to each other. Matai
Is popular in Samoa and no doubt a la :
section of the people would be In favor
his appointment as king.
"Thero are several opposing sectli
among the Samoan natives , one of the la :
est being headed by Tamaasce , and It
said that each party has a nominee for I
kingship. In view of the conflicting op
Ions , It will bo seen that the position
affairs in Samoa may again become v <
serious and that active war may as Ilk
as not result between the rival parties.
"During the war of 1888-89 the Gcrrr
authorities nominated the chief Tnmaaseo
king , but the only authority h& cxercl
was that backed by the German gu
Tamaaseo Is still In Samoa , living at A'A
amongst the disaffected sections of which
Is the head. "
On rautlnii I'rtltlniiH for lleiwtoratl
of liiaaruhy anil ( lie Other f < i
1'iiiler ' > Cov eriiineiil.
SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 21. The stea
ship Alameda arrived today from Austral
ports via Honolulu. Advices from the 1
ter place , under date of September 14 , i
that the congressional commissioners
finishing their work , nnd expect to le
for Washington September 23. The cc
mlfrsioneis are now being deluged with
tltlons and memorials from the native I
walians. The sentiment of the natives
pears to bo divided. One faction desl
the restoration of the queen , whllo
other accepts the new order of affairs :
asks for certain rights under the now fc
of government. The natives who favor
storatlon held a mass -meeting on Septcm
12 , nnd adopted a memorial which
presented to the commissioners. The i
morlal alleges that the annexation trc
has failed and the Joint resolution Is Inefl
tive because tt was not passed by the p
fdo of the Islands or the icprcsentatl
it the legislature. The memorial conclu
by asking that the constitutional gove
racnt of January IB , 1800 , bo restored tin
the protection of the United States
Among the speakers at the mass meet
was Ilobert W. Wllcox , the revolutloi
who a few weeks ate took the oath
allegiance In order to qualify himself fo
full pardon for past misdeeds Point
to the United States flag over the gove
ment building , he said "It Is useless
say that the flag over there will not cc
down again. It was up before and It cr
down. It will be shown that the anne
tlon vote was carried through by a ha
ful of foreigners. If America loves
why were not Hawallnns nlaccd on
commission ? We are not represented tin
The next thing wo shall not be able
vote "
The other faction of Hawallnns has i
presented n memorial to the commlssl
, This memorial asks for a territorial ft
of coveminent , with full rights for
natives nnd permission to make app
' prlatlons for ex-Queen Lllluokalanl , Pi
! cess Kalulanl nnd Queen Dowauer Kaj
"Huron" .Sccuri-il J\i > Moniy.
VANKTON , S. D. . Sept. 21 ( Special
Word has been received In this city fi
Henry Wagner , who Is now In Chlca
having left for that place last week , a !
reaming that his daughter , Derlha , ]
been deserted In New York City by
husband , the allrged "Ilnron" Gustav
Gotthardt , ho having been a bride of
a few days. After Mr. Wagner left h
for the east ) vague rumors were afloat c
from Mr. Wagner. It waa btated that G <
luirdt was suspected of having Invelg
from Mr. Wagner It was Btatid that Oc
hardt had presented seemingly negotln
paper , and chat Mr. Wagner had bitten
amounts ranging from $4,000 to $10,000 , h
Ing endorsed a draft for $1,000 , and p
chased worthless Northern Pacific bonds
, ' the extent of $5.000 In his letter Mr. W
, ' ner denies these rumors most crnphatlca
taken before retiring quiets the nerve
and causes refreshing sleep.
l'i mnt to tbt ( ut . bliua bubitltulel.
statlnK that his bankers can pntlffy tlu
curious upon that score , llu hns cmplo > cil
I'lnKcrton ilctctftlves to alii him In his
scnich for the missing gon-ln-lnvv. He tint
no photograph of him , however , ami In this
IB very much handicapped. Several at
tempts were made to secure a group photo
graph In v\hlrh Gotthardt would have ap <
prarcd during his sojourn nt the \Vagnci
residence , but to this ho each time objected
Mr Wagner will make a most thoroitgt
search for the man before ho returns.
roil I : .TIH. > VITIHA > S
hurt Ivors of Civil \Viir Itcmriiilu-rci
It ) ( lie ( iriu-rnl ( iov friiini-ul.
WASIUNQTON Sept 21 ( Special ) -
I'enslons have been Issued to the following
Issue of Septembei S
Nebraska Orlglfnl IMvvanl 11 llaker
Ornnd iHlnnd , $ C John \V. Andrew , Lush
ton , $6 , Charles Morte , , L > nch , JG Adill
ttonal Gabriel A. Smith , Ileatrlce , ? 10 ti
' $12.
lo\\i : OrlKlnnl Charles Carroll , Greelej
North Dakota1 Original widows , clc-
Mlnors ofVeiner Meier , Illsboc , $12
Montann. Mexican war survlvota Join
W. Kdens , Hor.emnn , $3.
Colorado IncrcaiO flcorgo S. HawKlne
Victor , ? fi to $8.
INlltlntuil t'tii-rlllK < * llullilcrn.
ST. LOUIS , Sept 21. At ted y s meet In
of the Carriage flullders National COIIVMI
tlon a huge nunibor of nevs arrivals v.or
present. Without nnv opporItlon the follow
Ing olllcers were elected for the c isui i
President , 11 M Parrv , Iiidinnapolli
Ind. , first vlco president , Morrl"
Davton , O , and twelve other vUe president'
Secretary and treasurer , Ilenrv C MeLeit
\Vllinlligton , Del Hvcutho eominltte (
Frank 11 Heel > er. New Hnvin. Conn . C /
Carlisle , South llend , Ind. , M. C. Uuran
I'lliit , Mich , Geoigo 1' llnlromh. N ( "
Haven , Conn ; Frank L Wrvght , St Loul' '
to 1111 term of Mr Parry. Hoard of trtmtcrs c
technical school M H Lam < ( if Phllrntlnhl.
In place of Chaniilng M. Hrltton. decias'd
Thn rcpoit of the sccntni > and treasui'
showed a cash balanceSeptemhei 1 of mi ,
than ? 4,000 and a total m-rmbcrsMp of OC
In honor of the delegate' " this was Caning
Illiilders' dav at the St Lmils exposition.
( hid 1'rllovfH oil I'liruili * .
150STON. Sept. 21. Odd Fellows to tl
number of 20,000 paraded In Uoston todn
beneath a bright sky and through Btree
handsomely decorated In their honor Tl
sticets along the entire line of march wei
llllod with Fpeetntors The route laid ot
for the parade vui five miles long and f <
the ertli1' diotniicebulldlrgs were rlahi
latelv dccoiated with buntlnr Intcispeisi
with the emblems of theorder. . Iluslne'
was ciulte goncially suspended The llr
was revleweil olllclally by the members i
tno sovereign grand lodge , Mavor Qiiliu1
and members of both branches of the cil
government. Governor Wolcott and nta
and membeia of the general court. Chli
Maishal Merrlmnn and department con
mander of the Patriarchs Militant of Mass ,
chu&etts , General IMgar H Kmetson
rot H iio.vr.s inn IT.
lloinnrknlilc hiic-ccMM of n > P I'll
( ; uri- .
People who have buffered for months (
years from the pain and Inconvenience i
that common disorder , piles , will look wit
skepticism upon the claims of the makers <
the new discovery for euro ot all forms i
piles , known Under the name of Pjram !
Pile Cure ; nevertheless the cxtraordlnai
cures performed by this remedy are such i
to vv arrant the Investigation of any sufTcrc
As a case In point the following letter speal
for Itself.
Mr. Henry Thomas ) of sub-station No.
Hosack Ave , Columbus , Ohio , writes as fo
Pyramid Drug Qo :
Gentlemen. I want you to use my nan
If tt will bo of any use to jou. I wns so bn
with the piles that I lost work on th :
account. Nothing did me any good ,
read in Cincinnati oftho many cures of pll <
by the Pyramid Jtile Cure and 1 went to
drug store and asked for It The drug clot
told mo that he had something else that 1
thought was bttter , but I told him that
wanted to tiy the Pjramld nrst.
The first b6\ helped mo so much thnt
tried another and tLcn to complete the cm
used two more boxes , making four in al
I am now completely cured. Have not
trace of piles and I had buffered for foi
years with the worst , form of protrudli
I suffered death from piles , hut I liai
found the Pjramld Pile Cure to bo just i
represented I have iecommemled It to so'
oral of my friends nnd 1 am thankful
bo able to write you what good the rcincc
hns dene for me "
Phjslclans recommend the Pyramid PI
Cure because it contains no opium , cocaln
or mineral poison of any kind , and becnui
It Is so safe and pleasant to Uiu , belnt pall
less and applied at night. The patient
cuied In a surprisingly short time with i
Inconvenience vVhatover.
The Pyramid Pile Cure is sold by drui
glbts at SO cents per package , and If there
anv constipation It Is well to uee the Pyn
mid Pills nt the sumo time with the PI
Cure , as constipation Is very often the cam
of piles nnd the pills cfiectunllv remove tl
costive condition. Prlco of pills Is 23 een
per package.
Wrlto to Pyramid Drug Co , Marshal
Mich. , for little book on cause and euro >
piles , sent by mail fiee ,
§ Northol MuiIcHall , E.Midway.
I Ostrich Farm
a 62 Gigantic Birds 62
Do Not Forgot to Visit the
Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss
House on West Midway. *
or mt MAINJS ,
The two main ftuiurfs of the ExpOHl-
tlon are the model of the Maine In the
Government building and the Do
etrurtton ot the Maine on the Midway ,
next to the Gypsy fortune Tellers
I Old Plantation
100 Southern Kc ro Dancers , idnpery ,
and lakoalkern 1'kkunlnny
Quartet. Handsome Thtatur ,
8co the Village.
T N.Munlock ,
V70 Snodfjrnm
Strt'i't.DnllnsToxns.bajs ; "My son
liml n torrlblo Cnnror on his Jnvv ,
for which the doctors performed
n { minful operation , cutting down
io tlio boiio ntid scraping it. The
Cancer soon returned , how ever , nnd
\\ns more violent than before. Wo
w ere nih ised to try S S S The second
end bottle inntlo nn improvement ;
nfter twenty IxHtles had been token
the Oiineer di nppenreil entirely ,
and ho wns cured permanently. "
( Swiff * Specific ) Is the only remedy
tlmt can Cancer , the most deadly
of all . Books on Cancer and
Dlood Diseases mailed free bj Sw'f ' *
Specille Companj , Atlanta , Gu-
Telephone i217
l.enu v < \\llliam3. . Plops and
Si-pJ. I * * , 1 . " 0.I. . i'J ! , Ut ! niitl 21.
i\crj rti-nlni ; anil inatlnci' * Miinluj ,
\ Vil iirMln j anil iiliu iln > .
iiii'i\r.i : ) .v , n.siri. . VArnnvn.i.ia
cmtTii : cnciiu v.v
ElKht-v car-old Mental Piodlgy.
O'k 1(11. N anil i t Ivl.l. , > .
International Muskul Comlquca.
n \\ivs
HAM.r.vivrim .x. H\MIIY ,
Sketch and Travesty Artist.
TIM : i. no i iui < > > i.ou. itv.
1 Comidv Horizontal liar Experts.
\ llltN V I VI UK K.
The Coppnr nnd th ? Kid.
ANMI ; i , -,1,110 i \ \ 11.1,1 vvis.
Oerman Character and Change Artist.
S\A ( lit nail IHIV l/l. ,
Comedian and Comedienne.
tn viti , ir i \ < -i .
The Supiemo MonoloRlst.
I'm ; Moiiiiiiui i nr.its.
SlngliiK and D.inelng Acrobats.
C'hiilli'iiiiOrclitHlral COIIIMTIN and
Kn-rj Siniilii ) an cnllri * % IM-
' " ntinonss ,
BOYD'S THEATER Mnnaijeri. Tel. ISH.
.SUCOMI inu-1 : >
lliitlnoo Sntitriln ; .
tII/"I- ! < v I.I20MUIVS
15 written to rng-tlmo music
'X fiBJ ! inpSl'c : HHcm"
rn fiflUgCSfiB Mlicy
Pretty Dances
CaUhy Music
75 Specialties
Next Sunday Hanlon's New Superba.
The Creiffhtonlrnv"1 ft ' "
i V > Wl UigllLUll I MnncM.B , Te ,
O. \\oodw.ird , Amusement Director.
TOM < ; ilTSl5. !
Lost Paradise
A < -\t Wct-lv To OIU'IIVNS.
Arc you : to the
Omaha Moseum 'and Theater
1315.1.117 I'ariiam
Admission 10 cents.
Kith ami Ilarnuy Streets.
The most popular resort in the city.
The n traction for week
. \ru-rnona und iionlnK
AiliiilNMlon I'n-c.
" '
14th llarney St.
Strictly first chits street cars from depots
to hotel and onlv U minutes rldo to
sition Ittitcs )203 tt SI09
U. SII LOWAY Manneer
The Best Show Ever Produced at an
" 1,1 .Mvrri. "
The Mystery of the Air.
A Wonderful Hypnotic Production ,
"i.A 111:1,1.1 : .sni.iic \ , -
In the Dancing Girl Illusion.
The Famous Hindoo Magician.
Streets of All Nations
Grandest , Best Amusement
Place on Exposition
Grounds ,
250 People Keprcsentliig Different
Don't mil to take a ride on
on the MIDWAY , and sea a representation
of the BATTl-H OK MANILA In tha Greut
Tunnel The patent rleht for these rail-
vvuyn In any part nf the United HUtm for
nalo liy J A. UrUIltha , at hie ollice on tha
! Trained Wild Animal Show ,
fienorlna III lior Den of I'or
/aiittn llorcll forming Leopard * .
from H yptain Hall. London , East
MiUvvay , 10 cents.
ron tnouj.u