Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1898, Image 1

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Hawkeye Btato Breaks All Becords foi
Exposition Celebrations ,
Citizens of Nebraska's ' Older Neighbor DC
Themselves Pull Justice.
Grand Commonwealth Gives Evidencoora !
Material Greatness ,
( Jrcnt PuriiileVltnexNril by it
Convuiirni ! unit Speeuhex Mnfeiicd
To liy All the Auditorium
Won III A cc-iim module ,
Totul Ailliilnnloun Yenlvrnily 'III,1)111 )
Tolnl to Date 1,177,1.17
To itho Hawkeye state , assisted by The
Ilco's special excursions , belong the honot
of having the biggest state 'lay of any com
monwealth that has yet made Itu obeisance
on the exposition grounds. Us celebration
was attended by the second largest crowd
of the season and every feature was carried
out with an enthusiasm that Inspired the
most hearty admiration. The attendance
exceeded the record for the opening day by
several thousands and the high water mark
of July 4 waa very nearly reached Iowa
day 'vns a tremendous success In every de
tail and It will remain one of the red let
ter .tlays of the exposition. The exercises
nl ( ho day were hcunl by the biggest audi
ence that has ever assembled In the Audi
torium and the program was In every re
spect commensurate with the Importance
of the occasion. The parade was n real
feature and not such a perfunctory affair
ns sometimes accompanies similar demon
strations and the minor Incidentals of the
celebration were of sufficient merit to Inter
est every visitor.
But , nftcr all , the crowd was the dis
tinctive nnd striking feature of the day
From the west heavily loaded trains
brought thousands ot people who joined the
popular excursion organized by The Bee
From the east the HawKcycs came In crowds
that swamped the railroads and threatened
to depopulate the state. And when the twc
big crowds mergrnl Into one Inside the exposi
tion , gates they filled up the big enclosure
nt a rate that almost equaled the
tremendous congregation of the Fourth 01
Jury. The railroads wcro simply un <
ublo to haul the people who wanted te
como to Omaha yesterday and every tralr
that pulled across the bridge was loaded te
the doors. The ctush was almost as greai
on the street catlines. . Early yesterday
morning the street railway company turned
out every piece of rolling stock In Its
bains. The loop service on th (
Twenty-fourth street and Shermar
uveutu IIiiosns multiplied iMtl the tralm
vero frequently running less than 200 feel
npart and oven nt Mnt every car cnrrlce
nil the pcoplo that could hang on the foot
boards. All three cf the lines leading te
the crounds wcio run to their full ca
paclty nnd the rush continued well Into thi
Jum nt thn Gntex.
At the grounds the crowd was In evldenci
from the minute the gates were opened
Several hundred people were waiting at thi
main entrances when the gatemen unlockci
U their turnstiles and from then until lati
In the afternoon the stiles scarcely ceasei
turning. Thcro was n continual crush li
front ot the ticket windows , but the crowi
was admirably handled nnd no ono cxpe
ilenced any avoidable delay. Before '
o'clock the rush was on In full force am
for four hours there was no let up. Evei
the Sherman nvenuo gate south of th
Horticultural building was literally be
sieged by visitors who headed for the low ;
building before beginning their Inspcctlo
ot the grounds. The stnto building wa
flooded with Haw key es all day am
after 8 o'clock It was almost Impossible t
move through the apartments. The low
commissioners were overwhelmed , bu
Jubilant , nnd they congratulated each othe
on the prospect that the attendance rccor
might bo broken.
The arrival of the parade Foon nfter
o'clock added a very considerable contlngen
to the crowd and then the arrivals vvcr
less numerous until toward evening , who
there was quite a liberal local patronage
During the evening when the crowd cam
out ot the buildings to enjoy the Illumlna
tlons and the attractions ot the Mldwn
the avenues wcro almost solidly jammed wit
promcnndcrs. The Plaza concert and th
llrnttorks entertalnr-d Immense audience
and the Midway attractions played to house
that were packed it ) the wnlla.
None of the exposition officials have bee
nble to obtain definite Information In re
\ \ gard to the prospective attendance ot Mod
cm Woodmen today. The local commlttc
of the ardor has expended a good den
ot energy and printers' Ink In organlztn
the demonstration and Us members nro cor
tldcnt that there wlir be not less tha
fi.OOO Woodmen on the grounds. As th
bulk of the Iowa visitors and nearly a !
those who wcro brought In by The Bco ex
curslon will remain over It seems that thi
will ba another record-breaking day.
i\iitcisis : : AT THI : AUDITOIIIIH
( irent Audience Hear * Oooil Muni
mill Hxvellrnt hpeeelicN.
The official celebration In the Audltorlui
yesterday afternoon filled the big bulldln
ns It has never been filled before. Ever
seat was taken long before the hour fc
the exercises to begin and still there wt
no Interruption ot the demands for ad
mUslon. The people filled the lobby nn
stood In the aisles by hundreds. Prom tli
Btago to the pinnacle of the gallery thei
was scarcely enough space left to uccommc
date n 10-year-old child und If the build
lug hud been halt us big again It woul
ha\o been filled as completely. The prc
gram was commensurate with such an as
lemblngo. There was not too much orator
und what ! there was wan worth hearlni
The speeches wcro Interlarded with music ;
selections of more than ordinary merit nu
the entire proceeding was vitalized by tt
enthusiasm ot tha day.
The official party arrived very nearly o
time nnd v.fts greeted with vigorous a [
plause. Vice President Allan Dawson i
the Iowa commission called the crowd I
nrdtr and Introduced the Ladles' band i
Eldorn , which rendered an overture In
fulrfy capable manner. An Impressive Ir
vex-atlon by Rev. A. S. Barnes ot Counc
Bluffs was followed by a vocal solo t
Ml us Nclllo Mao Drowsier , who sang
very trying nt > lccllou with excellent taut
She displayed a eoprano voice ot exception !
ran e and purity , which was heard to bei
tcr advantage In the ballad with which at
rewarded a well merited encore.
Governor tihaw was then Introduced tc
the audience welcomed htm with a generous
demonstration , His address was brief but
pertinent , and It was heard with close at
tention. He paid :
Ladles nnd Gentlemen , Citizens nnd
friends of Iowa "Not many generations ago ,
In the place where you now sit , encircled
by all that exalts and embellishes clvllbed
life , Iho rank thistle nodded In the breeze ,
nnd the w 'd fox dug his hole tinscnred. '
So said Charles Sprnguc , three-quarters of
a century ago , and the utterance Is as true
when applied to the land of the Omahas as
to the land of the Wnrapauongs.
Wo meet this day as citizens of Iowa , on
the soil of n sister state , for no Idle pur
pose 'Iho pcoplo of Iowa nro not Idlers , but
the day will have been lost to us and to our
children unless what Is here said , and done ,
nnd witnessed , ana enjoyed shall bring
thouglitfulncns nnd Increased earn-
half century nnd two years
of Iowa added the
lie flag which has now
ot the world , have
_ s Most of the 1m-
provemenlH tWJK * most of the progress
In the arts nnd sciences , most ot the ad-
varco In civilization have been wrought
within the period of our stnto history Time
would not permit , if the inclination were
piewnt , to arcount the achievements In the
political , industrial , financial , agricultural ,
mechanical , sricntiflc , educational , rollglous ,
or moral world Suffice It to fay that In nil
of these Iowa has rendered her full share of
service and has reaped her full measure of
blessing We can well afford to Iravo to
others the study of the past Let It be ours
manfully to face the future , now moro than
ever big with possibilities and with careful
glance ahead Improve the present
llnnxt of IOMII'K Homci.
In nil the grand exhibit of this remark
able exposition there Is not found that for
which our state has greatest reason to re
joice The product of the farm , cf the or
chard , of the garden , of the1 held , of the
dairy , of the factory , of the mine are here
in great quantity and ot superb quality.
Truly lown Is great In territory , great In
resources , great In product , but she Is great
est of all In her children There Is pre-
hentcd to ray eye from this platform that
which Is Infinitely more valuable than nil
herds and all harvests 1 see scattered
through this audience many of the youth
of Iowa They are from the city , from the
town , from the hamlet nnd from the lown
farm They aio representatives of an ag
gregate of 700,000 of school ago , and of nn
equal number who have Just passed from
educational tuition to face the activities , the
anxieties and the achievements of manhood
and womanhood. These all belong to a gen
eration which will surely be hennl from
Their fathers and mothers have been In
dustrious , have been ambitious , have been
hopeful and have been successful A gen
eration thus circumstanced Is always po
tential Dr Strong tells ot a township In
the Wcrtern Reserve which was settled with
nn energetic , liberty loving , God-fearing ,
educationally Inclined people , nnd which In
n limited period furnished many members
of the state legislature and the state sen
ate , and from the little village of only a
few hundred Inhabitants men went forth to
college professorships east and west , to the
supreme bench of the state and to the United
States congress The same author says
"Northampton , Mass , Vas among Us native
and resident population over -100 graduates
from colleges nnd other educational Insti
tutions , It has furnUhcd the world with 1H
ministers , eighty-four ministers' wives , ten
missionaries , twenty-five Judges , 102 law
yers , nlnety-flvo physicians , seven college
preHldentt , thirty professors , sixty-tout
other educators , twenty-four editors , ah
historians , twenty-four authors , two gov
ernors and thirty otl-er state officers , twenty-
flvo members of the state general assembly ,
two generals , blx colonels , thirteen other
army officers , thirty-eight officcrn of the
United States , among them n secretary ol
the navy tv\o foreign ministers , a. treasurer
of the United States , llvp senators of the
United States , eight members of congress
and ono president " If a territory six miles
square , under favorable conditions , can
make such a iccord , what may we not hope
fully expect from a territory containing GS-
000 square miles , all of It settled , similarly
peopled , and with conditions moro favorable
than Massachusetts ever enjoyed or Ohlc
over porsessed ?
"Know thyself , " euld the Greek phllo v-
pher. "Know thlno opportunity" has become
a companion nnd equally Important maxim ,
When you go homo tonight , tell the chil
dren that the world Is big and constantly
expanding , that this day's experience has
broadened your vision , that Hfo has become
more real nnd hope moro ardent , and thai
both you and the world , and especially the
slate , expects tomethlng of them Wake the
boy In the night , break In upon bis dreams
with stories of hopeful possibilities ; watch
the tire kindle in his eye , then lot him dream
again of greater things , of broader expanses ,
ot higher altitudes , of nobler achievements ,
Nolect neither seed-time nor harvest , watcl
the growing and maturing crops ; watch and
protect both flocks and herds , zealously
guard the Interests ot the shop and the store
and the olfice ; but , above all , look vell te
the youth of Iowa , nnd to all things thai
shall conserve the generation whoso foot
steps crowd the threshold ot the world's ac
I'rrxltlent AVnttlex' Welcome.
The conclusion of Governor Shaw's ad
dress was enthusiastically applauded and
then thn audience lls'tcned with marked ap
preciation to a violin solo by Miss Luclle
rrauchore , who played a "Lcgende , " by
Wlcnlavvskl nnd a polonaise by Mlskr
Hauser. Her performance displayed con
siderable artistic sentiment and n technique
that Is entirely crcldtablo to so young ar
In the welcome ho extended on behalf ol
the exposition management President Wat
tles declared that Iowa Is the finest agricul
tural state in the union , It has a smallei
percentage of untlllablo land than any othei
territory In the world. It has a smallei
percentage of Illiteracy and fewer criminals
This condition ho charged to the fact thai
farming was the principal vocation of the
state's people. Agriculture breeds virtue
nnd contentment and this Influence is ap
parent In the Hawkeye state. There are
no largo cities to draw the people Inte
faster living and to Inbplre them with the
greed for gain.
Continuing the speaker dwelt on tEi
hardships and difficulties that wen
encountered In the pioneer life o
the state. Their struggles will
these conditions left the people ln <
ured to hardship and able to fully appro-
elate the luxuries and conveniences tha
cuino with civilization How gladly tin
settlers who saulcd their wheat 200 mllei
to market and then sold It for -10 cents i
bushel welcomed the scream of the englni
nnd the approach of the railroads. It Is ni
wonder , ho declared , that the people o
such n state should bo Intelligent , prosper
oua and happy.
Referring to the exposition , Prcslden
Wattles congratulated the visitors on thi
fact that their state had been the first ti
line to support the enterprise. The re
suit U the crowning glory of the west. I
marks an epoch in Us history and reveal
a vision of its future that eclipses thi
phenomenal achievements of its past. li
conclusion he assured the visitors that the :
arc equal partners In the enterprise am
cordially urged them to make themselve
at homo In the magnificent White City tha
they had helped to build.
CouxliiK * iioiiieut Speeeli.
The solo "Star Spangled Banner , " b ;
r Mary Teresa Louthan.of Toledo , waa a % er ;
enjoyable Interlude In the oratorical pro
gram nnd this was followed by the oratloi
of the day by Hon. Robert G. Cousins , con
gresaman from the Fifth lown district
Congressman Cousins was given an en
tluislnstlc reception and his eloquent ad
dress was liberally punctuated with strolls
demonstrations. He Bald In part :
I have asked five of the ablest and moa
need ( Americans what they regard as th
chief thing or leading feature tit the tram
( Continued ou Third Page * . )
I PTIMVti i r/ir fiin Tim pi nni"n
He Alone Knows Inside Facts of the
Dreyfua Affair ,
He ( torn (11 London In ; ) | KIINC | In
I'roteet Illinxelf mill Miiy Yet
I'HC Illx Knnuleilliu lo
Ailv niitiiue.
( Copyright , 1SD8. by Pre s Publishing Co )
LONDON , Sept. 21. ( New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram ) The Dally
News' correspondent Interviewed Esterhazy
today a ; , he was about to tuko the train for
Paris Esterhazy said-
"Voit do not recocnlzo me. That Is not
so astonishing. Such as you see me I passed
for several dajs before secret agents to
watch Mme Pay's domicile and not one
of them recognized me. I fancy there weie
fifteen of them the first night , but I mis
trusted e\ents and I was right. I said to
General Pelllcux after the sulcldo of Colonel
nel Henry that It would now bo Impossible
to stop things and that the movement
would be formidable The generals loat
their heads I wrote Cavalgnao a long let
ter , making him acquainted with the moat
salient points In the affair. Ho refused to
receive me. My ruin had been determined
upon , t uns thrown o\eiboard and the
only course open to me was to co away
and await developments General Pellle-ux
said he Knew that the Henry document was
n forgery. I told him at the assize court
that nothing could be built on such founda
tion : ) . He did not listen to me , contenting
himself with the similarity In texture of
the paper reaemblnnco , which was only ap
parent and not confirmed by a closer ex
amination. As I wrote to the minister there
are officers who either from Ignorance or
sheer pervcrseness are hiding the truth
from him. I offered In my second letter
to prove it to him as clear as day , but ho
once moro refused to give mo a hearing.
There wcro but three persons who Knew
the tiuth of the matter Colonel Sandherr ,
Colonel Henry and myself. The first two
nro dead and I alone hold the s > ecrct. "
Major Estcrhazy said he had also writ
ten to M Martin , commissioner of delega
tions Judlclares , who on petition of the offi
cer's cousin had summoned him to appear
before him "I told him , " sold the major ,
"that I refused to attend as I had no con
fidence In Justice and that my cousin's ap
plication was only a pretext to create a di-
"erslon to arrest me and render me help
less. "
Esrerhazy said ho was now reflecting as
to what course It would bo best for him
to follow. "I do not know , " ho added ,
"whether I shall make use of the docu
ments and papers In my possession. It will
depend on the march of events "
The Dally Paris correspondent hears from
a gentleman who recently visited Colonel
Plcquart In prison thai ) ho was perfectly
stern and resolute. Plcquart remarked.
"The maximum Imprisonment I can receive
Is five years. If the worst shoutd como to
the worst I will serve that time , hut when
I como out again It will only bo to recom
mence and so on until justice has been done
to lire ) fits. "
Colonel Fleqnnrt oil Trlnl.
PARIS , Sept. 21. The papero here say
the minister of war , General Chanolnc , has
examined the documents In the Dreyfus case
and has ordered the prosecution of former
Colonel Picquart , on the charge of forgery
and using forged documents.
The trial of Coloner Picquart and M. Lob-
los , a lawyer , on the charge of revealing
documents concerning the national defense ,
was to have begun today before the correc
tional tribunal. The public prosecutor , how
ever , asked for nn adjournment on the
ground that the prosecution of Colonel Plc
quart on the charge of forgery and using
forged documents had been ordered by the
minister ofvarM. . Labor ) , who was counsel
for M. Zola during the latter's famoun
trial , Indignantly opposed the adjournment ,
which , he said , was an attempt to hand
over Colonel Plcquart Into the clutches of
the military authorities.
Colonel Plcquart ! then rose and made a
statement which caused a sensation. He
said "This is , perhaps , the last time I
shall speak In public. I shall sleep , per
haps. In the military prison of Chercherol.
Thetefore , I wish to declare that If I find
there the ati angling cord of Le Mcrcler
Plcard , or the razor of Colonel Henry , It
will bo murder , for I have no Idea of com
mitting suicide. "
The audience was Intensely moved and
shouted , "Vivo Plcquart. " The Judges , how
ever , after a abort deliberation , decided to
Indefinitely adjourn the case and Colonel
Plcquart was led away between policemen.
Lo Mercler Plcknrd , the man referred to
by Colonel Plcquart , was a detective , under
stood to have been employed In the Drey
fus affair , who was found haneed In Ills
lodgings about a year ago , under circum
stances which cast some doubt upon the
theory out forward that he had committed
The committee appointed by the minister
of justice , M. Sarlen , to examine the doc
uments In the Dreyfus case and pronounce
upon the advisability of the government
formally granting the prisoner on Devil's
Island a now trial , met this afternoon at the
ministry of justice. The greatest precau
tions were taken to Insure secrecy.
It Is understood that the committee will
como to a decision by Monday next , when
M. Sarlen will commit Its findings to a cab
inet council , which will bo presided over by
President Faure.
I'roiu-li Cnnvletx Mutiny.
LONDON , Sept 21 A special dispatch
from Paris says the deputy representing
French GuUna In the Chamber has re
ceived a dlspafoh announcing that a mutiny
has taken place among the convicts at
Cayenne , the capital of Trench Guiana.
The mutineers , It appears , overpowered and
murdered their guards , then stormed the
military store bouso and seized the arms
and ammunition there. They nro now , ac
cording to the dispatch , besieging the prin
cipal prison and It Is feared they are In for
freeing the 1,000 convicts confined in the
building. Reinforcements have been tele
graphed for to the Island of Martinique , but
It Is bald they will not arrive In tltno to
suppress the muciny.
Devil's Island , where Albert Dreyfus , the
former captain In the French artillery , Is
confined under sentence for having sold se
crets of the war olllce to a foreign govern
ment , Is but a short distance from Cayenne.
U is/possible that the revolt of convlcte
may be the death knell of the prisoner ,
whose condemnation has so stirred up the
French nation , for his guards are under
strict orders to kill him It any attempt
Is made to release him , or If there la an ;
possibility of his escaping
Anicrleuii < Hrl mi KiiRlliili Ilrlile.
LONDON , Sept. 21. The Inhabitants a !
the pretty Thames village of riourno End ,
Buckinghamshire , royally welcomed It. C ,
Lehman , the English oarsman who coached
the Harvard crew for ivo seasons , and hit
bride , formerly Mlsa Alice Marie Davis
of Worcester , Mass. , on tbelr horno-comlnf
ted r lo their Riverside resldracv , Field-
head. Mr and Mrs. Lehman worn pre
sented with an address of welcome signed
by Lord Curzon and other prom'nput oars
men , particularly welcoming the brldo as
"representing that great nation to which
wo nro united by eo many ties of kinship
and affection , to her English home. "
MAA TIIA > SriH ! CAMIIO.t 'I ( \ t2N ! > V.
Treneli .Vinui * nilor l.lkrljto Tnl < e
' - ' I'lint.
( 'lull-He of n I'lirniienn
PARIS , Sept 21 The Echo de Paris sajs
M Cambon the French ambassador at
Washington , Is to be transferred to Vienna.
WASHINGTON. Sept 21 While ti trans
fer to this particular post Is sold to be Im
probable , the opinion Is growing In well
Informed diplomatic quarters that M Cam
bon will before long take one of the Euro
pean mlFsloni , of the rank of Rome , Madrid
or Constantinople.
The personal preferences of the ambassa
dor ore toward remaining In Washington ,
as his stay here has been the most congenial
and his services conspicuous , Including the
negotiation of the first and only reciprocity
treaty under the Dlngley law and the con
duct of the delicate negotiations leading up
to the conclusion of our peace with Spain.
U H the general wish among the officials
of the State department and throughout the
diplomatic corps that M. Cambon return to
Washington and complete his term of serv
ice after his trip to Paris.
Ho received today his conge , or leave ,
and made arrangements to still by the
French line on October 1.
sii > M : < IOTIATIS : v UK ; I.OA.V
IIothNelillilM Will 'SnUoii Ilnte.
1iirKt > Sum on Alninileii Ml HON.
LONDON , Sppt 21 The Dally News this
morning says the Rothschilds will loan Spain
4,000,000 or 5,000.000 on the security of
the Almadcn quicksilver mines when the
treaty of peace shall have been signed.
% o Ni\tM from 1'unhoilit.
LONDON , Sept 21. Inquiries made at
the British foreign office today show that
no news has been received there from
Fashoda and that nothing has been received
In the shape ot news from General Sir
Herbert Kitchener since he left Omdurman.
News from the British commander Is mo
mentarily expected , however , and It will
doubtless be In the nature ot the guesses
made , namely , that the Egyptian flag Is
now fly Ing over Tashoda.
Tropcllcr of Dlu yteiuner lumiif' ° il.
SOUTHAMPTON , Sept. 21. The North
German Llo > d steamer Kaiser Wllhclm dor
Groste. which arrived here yesterday from
New York , has gone Into dry dock for re
pairs to Its starboard propeller , one blade
of which was lost on September 1 on Its
outward passage. The company's steamer
Saala has taken the Kaiser Wllhelm's pas
sengers bound for Drcmen to that port.
( real Ploniln In hnnlii.
MADRID. Sept. 21. The southem part of
Spain has been visited by terrible Hoods. At
the village of Herrera , near Cadiz , eighty
persons have been drowned. A great num
ber of cattle have perished and the olive
harvest Is lost , especially In the provinces
of Seville and Granada. There have been
many deaths In other parts of the flooded
Don-niter Han Upper IIiuiil.
PEKIN , Sept. 21. Rumors which It li
Impossible to disregard are in circulation
that the empress divvi # r of China has
recovered her ascendancy over the emperor ,
who Is now practically in a Etnte ot tute
rolltlelfiiiN In Spuln Making n Pitiful
Spec-tnele of Tliemxelv ex Coun
try TVeedx n htroiif ? Mini.
MADRID , Sept. 21. Senor Montero RIos ,
president of the Senate nnd president of the *
Spanish peace commission , In an Interview ,
published today , is quoted as saying : "It Is
a painful spectacle to see politicians on all
sides trying to throw on each other the
blame for disasters , the responsibility for
which rested on all parties. I , personally ,
have always favored autonomy for Cuba ,
Spain being unaMe to forcibly maintain her
sovereignty at such a great distance. "
Continuing , Senor Montero Rlos said"It
Is useless to speak ot our disasters. Hai
not the country accused all our governments
ot exhibiting too much weakness towards
the United States ? What Spain wanted was
a man ready to sacrifice himself and who
recognized the Impossibility ot war with a
powerful nation , especially after years ot
useless conlllcts with Insurgents. "
Simnlxli Hold Set en Hennortx.
MANILA , Philippine Islands , Sept. 21.
The report that the last Spanish garrison
In the Island of Luzon had surrendered Is
premature. The Spaniards still hold seven
seaports in Albao province , the principal
hemp district. The disturbances have al
ready resulted In a diminution of the out
put of Albao hemp by 230,000 bales , com
pared with last year's figures. Further
fighting seems imminent and unless peace
Is concluded the shortage will be doubled.
AtlKiixtlrrlvexnt Vlctorln.
MADRID , Sept 21 General Augustl , the
former captain general of the Philippines ,
has arrived nt Victoria , capital of the prov
ince ot Alavala. It Is said be looks 111 and
Is reticent concerning the recent happen
ings at Manila. The general , however , ad
mitted that he contemplated surrendering
before the capitulation actually took place.
He also praised the army eloquently and
expressed the hope that the supreme court
would pass judgment on his conduct.
Grneloim llnecn Crmitx I'arilon.
MADRID , Sept. 21. The queen regent has
sN ned the decree suspending Admiral Mon
te Jo and granting pardon to convicts who
fought as volunteers In the war with the
United States.
hiiH III" f'ommuiid Could Hun Over
the Old Mil 11 Without Any
Other AxxlHtiinue.
KANSAS CITY. Sept. 21. Under a Jack
sonville , Fla. , date the Star prints nn Inter
view with General Fltzstiugh Lee In which
that officer Is quoted as saying-
"All statementB that I expect to go to
Santiago or Porto Rico and that I was dis
gruntled because I did not get to go are
false. I did want to go to Havana and
I have so stated a number of times.
"I told General Miles that I was a soldier
nnd had no favors to ask , but I had the
strongest desire to go to Havana with ray
troops. I presume If there was any large
movement of the army General Miles would
command and all I ask Is the command o (
of the troops In the lead of that movement.
"It amuses me to hear of General Blanco'a
expressed regret that he aid not have a
chance to try conclusions with the Americana
before peace was declared , General Blanco
Is not a soldier. He Is unfit physically tc
command. He knovva absolutely nothing
about modern military tactics. I know
him personally and would like nothing
better than to move against Havana with
my corps alone. We could run over Blanco
and hla army without trouble and without
the assistance of any other troops of the
Seventh corps. "
Colonel William Jennings Brynn in
Washington to Beg for His Release.
Meet * JSotrrnor lloleonili nl > utloiml
Cup 11 nl li > Appointment to See
\Vlint I'nii Ite Done for
ttie T-lrd.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. Colonel William
Jrnnlngs Hrjnn of the Third Nebraska vol
unteers reached Washington tonight from
Jacksonville , Kin. Colonel Hrjaii's uniform
looked ns Immaculate as If he had Just
stepped from his tailor's establishment.
"Colonel Urjan , Jacksonville dispatches
say that you nro likely to resign jour com
mission' ' " was suggested to him.
"Really , I cannot discuss that matter
now , " ho replied.
"Do you expect to meet Governor Holcomb
of Nebraska hero ? "
" 1 do , yes , " ho replied.
"Do jou know whether ho has arrived
> et ? "
Thti question nas answered at the Metro
politan hotel , to which Colonel llryun went
directly Thenv he found awn ting him n tel
egram from 'Jovcrnor Holeomb Informing
him that ho would bt > here tonight or tomor
row morning Colonel Urjnn was asked
whether It was the Intention of himself and
the governor to make an effort to have the
Third Nebraska mustered out of the service ,
but he declined to say what his mission heio
was Ho Intimated that he might hava some
thing to say before he returned to Jackson
In the corridors of the Metropolitan hotel
Colonel Drjan was recognized by several ac
quaintances and given n , cordial gieetlng He
registered simply ns "W. J Ilryan , Lincoln ,
Neb. "
It Is known nn effort will bo made to In
duce the War department to muster out the
Third Nebraska nnd the appeal may bo made
to the president. In the event of the re
quest not being compiled with , It Is thought
to bo likely that Colonel Hrynn may resign
hit commission ns colonel.
JNol to He MtiHtereit Oil ) .
KANSAS CITY. Sept. 21. A special to the
Star from Jac\nonvlllc ! , I'la , says- Colonel
Wllllau J Drjan loft last night for Wash
ington , having secured leave of absence
from General Leo yesterday. Ho will arrive
In Washington tonight and expects to meet
Governor Holcomb ot Nebraska there. Thr
two will see President McKlnley and make
a final effort to have the Third Nebraska ,
Colonel Ur nn's regiment , mustered out.
His departure was not generally Known ,
General Leo Informed the Star icporter
that he had received n very positive tel
egram from Washington stating that ns
some Nebraska troops had already been
mustered out , the Third would bo retained
until another general reduction was made
in the volunteer army , something not likely
to occur soon. Colonel Bryan expects tc
be back at Jacksonville In time to bo pres
ent Sunday during the visit of Secretary
aicHHiiKe from Ilr > iui.
CHICAGO , Sept. 21. It Is probable tliul
Colonel William J. Bryan will take an active
part In the Illinois campaign this fall. Pri
vate R. Kelelmlchen of Company II , Secom !
Mississippi , called on Mayor Harrison to
day with a verbal message from Colonel
Bryan to Mayor Harrison.
"Colonel Bryan told mo before I left Jack
sonville to call on Mayor Harrison while
In Chicago and give him his regards and
best wishes , " said the soldier. "He sends
his love to the democracy of Illinois am !
Chicago and hopes that the party will be
victorious this fall. Colonel Bryan will re
sign from the army within a few weeks
and hopes to como north In time to make
a few speeches for the democrats In Illinois
before election. "
AVur Deiiiirtineiit Order * nil In\extl-
of OntniKex Hi-ported from
SCRIM In , IMilllpiilneK ,
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. Mgr. Marti-
nelll , the npostollc delegate In Washington ,
yesterday received n cablegram from Cardi
nal Rampolla , secretary of the Vatican , In
forming him that the bishop of New Segovia ,
Philippine Islands , nnd several Catholic
priests had been arrested by the Insurgents
and were Imprisoned nnd being brutally
treated by their capors. Cardinal Rnmpolln
directed Mgr. Martlnelll to lay the case be
fore the War department with a request thai
Borne action , If possible , bo taken to protect
the prisoners from harm.
Mgr. .Martlnelll presented the facts as
communicated to him to Acting Secretary ol
War Melklejohn and urged that the depart
ment communicate with General Otis.
In compliance with the request Secretary
Melklejohn directed that General Otis bo In
formed of the situation of the priests and
asked to protect them from bad treatment
If they were In his jurisdiction. Adjutant
General Corbln sent the following cablegram
to General Otis.
WASHINGTON. Sept 20 General Otis
Manila Secretary vntlcan advises bishops
and priests. New Segovia , captured by In
surgents and brutally treated If undci
contiol your forces protect from Inhumai
treatment. By order secretary of war.
H. C. COIUIIN , Adjutant General
In response to this order General Oth
cabled the department today as follows
MANILA , Sept. 21 Adjutant General
Washington Believe reports ot brutality
to Spanish priests exaggerated. Will send
officer to Investigate , which will require
several days. New Scgovln bishopric 10 (
miles distant.
( Signed ) OTIS , Commanding.
The Information contained In General
Otis' dispatch was communicated to Mgr ,
Martlnelll. A further report upon the mat
ter Is expected by the department from
General Otis
I nvelllnir of the Cliumplnln 'Monu
ment Tnlien I'lure In O.uelice ullli
ImnoMlnar Ceremonlex.
QUEBEC , Sept. 21. The unveiling of the
Champlaln monument took place this after
noon. Business places were closed , the Hag :
of England and France Hew from the house
tops and the streets of the old city were
thronged with people.
The monument stands at the eastern em
of the Dufferln terrace on the eminence
which overlooks the St. Lawrence river am
the surrounding country for miles. It li
fifty feet high and designed by the Frencl
sculptor , M. Chevrc. It Is surmounted b ;
the colossal figure ot Champlaln , the "Tathe
of Now France , " represented as taking pos
ecaslon of Quebec In the name of the kluf
of France. In relief on the base of tin
monument are figures and Inscriptions com
mcmoratlne the achievements of the grea
explorer. Many government officials of Can
ada and a number of distinguished guest ;
from abroad witnessed the unvell'ng. ' Tbi
governor general of Canada , Lleutcnan
| Governor Sir Wilfrid Laurlcr , tilr Klockow
\t ( tiroiitulil
tloilein Woiiilinen of Xiiierlen ln > .
War it-u Coititt.i , IMIiiolM lu ) > .
h n. ill. to 1O p. in. , Inilluii ConureKH
Oil llllllllll tirOllllllH.
1(1 n. in. , Omaliii C oni't'rt llnnil lit
lOi.'W n. in. , Mnilern AYooiliiien I'ti-
rnileroiitul I.IIKIIOII.
II n. in. . Modern \Yooiliiien i\crelNC *
i-t Vti'Mtorlmu.
Illi'.O II. III. , UllttlfNllIp IllllllllH
DoeKetl lit ( > % el iiiiient ItnllilliiK.
. ' Illtelieil l
li. in. , PI re ItorxcN > >
- p. in. , OrKini IterKnl \iiilKorlum. .
-t'.W p. in , , McvU-uu llnnil at < in\ em
inent Ilullilluu.
I p. in. , lulled Mute * Life Suliitt
Drill on I.IIKOOII.
I | i. in. . Inlfnt meil I'oreNtern' Drill
on I'lr. " " .
. - . p. in. , Crnnil Sliiini lint lie li > too
lliilliuiH on Inilluii ( .round * .
7 p. in. , Metlenii Itniiil on I'lnrn.
I ) p. in. , ( irnnil Speelnl 1'lrettorUx on
North Trnet.
ski , representing Iho president of the Trench
republic , and the members of the Interna
tional Joint high commission were given the
places of first honor during the ceremony.
At 8 o'clock this morning the United
States cruiser Marblchcad arrived and an
chored near the three British war ships
which arrived yesterday It was xlvcn a
hearty welcome by the Britishers.
ClilciiKo IjViireKNiiinii IN Arrexteil on
the ( hurue of llll\lun I'eriielrnteil
u Mont font Deeil.
CHICAGO , Sept. 21 The dead body of
Jennie Hlckey , a 13-year-old girl , was found
on the breakwater at the foot ot Thlrty-
alAth street this morning. She had been
murdered , her skull having been broken.
Although the body \vns found early in the
day It was not Identified until 10 o'clock to
night , when her two sisters found her body
in the morgue
Thomas Rutlcdge , an expressman , was ar
rested late tonight and although he denies
having known the girl or being in any way
I concerned In the matter , an exceedingly
I strong case of circunatanccs Is against him.
The girl loft her homo nt 7 15 o'clock on
Thirty-seventh street last evening to go to
the- residence of her aunt nt Thirty-ninth
nnd Dcarboin streets. She never returned
and was never seen alive by anyone later on.
Early this morning Rutledge was seen
driving his wagon toward the spot where
the girl's body waa found and there was n
bundle In the wagon which Is now supposed
to have been the body of the murdered
girl. When found the body was neaily dis
robed , being clad only In the underwear.
The dreas and skirts wcro thrown down
beside the corpse. After Iho be > dy of the
girl had bern IdentlfVrt 1 v-pt tftKr-n 'e > the-
homo of her parents and Rutlcdge waa
among those who crowded Into the house to
view the > remains. It was while ho was
gatingat thegirl's dead body that ho was
taken Into custody by the police. Ho told
numerous contradictory stoilcs regarding hln
whereabouts and was caught In numerous
falsehoods before he had been cross exam
ined fifteen minutes The police are con
fident ho enticed the girl away , murdered
her sometime during the night and In the
morning threw her body on the breikwater
with thei Idea of conveying the Impression
of suicide.
A. II. llnrilen Shootx IllxOIIIIK Wife
nt Clnireli mill Her I'atlier
KIllH the Slioer.
ARDMORD , I T Sept. 21. A double trag
edy , news of which reached here today , oc
curred near Center in the remote northern
part of the Chlckasaw nation , A. B Harden ,
whllo drunk , shot and killed his young wlfo
ns she was leaving church and also at
tempted to kill her mother. Ho was pre
vented by farmers , who bound the murderer
and started with him to Center , where there-
Is a Jail. The party was overtaken by J. A.
Page , the dead woman's father , who shot nnd
killed Harden.
Three Wort * \ reilileil to the Iilxt of
Dentlix from the Toledo Hleintor
i\liIOMlou : mill I "Ire.
TOLEDO , 0. , Sept. 21 Thirteen arc
dead as the result of a fire and explosion
in the Paddock , Hedge & Co elevator
last nlsht
In addition to those already found and
who have since died of Injuries , Frank
Pcrchlnskl , Hamilton Parks , son of Super
intendent William J. Parks , nnd ono un
known , who cannot he Identified , nre added
to the list of fatalities The exaet number
of missing Is not yet positively known.
I.lite lltilletlu iNxneil StntliiK Hint thr
I'lltlent Ix .SliOMliiK i\li-eiuc
" \VeiiUiienH.
Mass. , Sept 21. There ap
pears to bo but little change today In the
condition of Hon. Thomas F. Bayard. He
was perhaps a little weaker , but the grad
ual decline was not so marked as during
previous days , this being due , probably , to
the clear , Invigorating weather He began
the evening restlnft easily , with a fairly
good pulae , but nt 10 o'clock a physlclan'n
bulletin said the patient had begun to
show signs of extreme weakness.
Governor 11 OKU Itetnrnx ,
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. . Sept. 21 Amont ;
the passengers on thn Alnmeda , which ar
rived this rooming from Australian pnrtr
and Honolulu , was Governor Hogg of Texas ,
who 1-as been on a trip to the Hawaiian
Islands. He waft accompanied by hlx daugh
ter Miss Annie Rose , bomctlme-s called the
"Rosa of Hllo , " was a passenger. Mist
Rose Is en loute to Topeka , Kan , where she
Is to act an queen of the carnival to be held
there A reception will be given her b -
fore Hho departs for the cast by formei
residents of Kansas.
Movement * * of Oeenn VeNNelx , Sept , ill ,
At Baltimore Arrived Muncheu , frorr
At New York Arriveel Teutonic , froir
Liverpool , Hms , from Naples , Bremen , froir
At Liverpool Arrived Majestic , froir
New York.
At Naples Arrived Aller , from New
At Glasgow Sailed Hestla , for Hum-
At Southampton Sailed Latin , for Now
York Arriveel Wllbclm eler Grosae , fron
Now York for Bremen
At Quc.tifltovMi SailedC'cphalonla , fo :
Secretory of War Talks of Conditions in
Army Camps.
Holds Commanders Responsible for Welfatt
of Troops Under Them ,
If _ _ Any Are Guilty of Laincss They Musi
Take the Responsibility.
.stiioil ltend > lo Supi- | | " \ | | -ncninnil *
for Meillelnex und Siixteiinnee mid
Olll > lll'Mt ClINxtllle C'OllllltlOIIH
KNOXVILLi ; , Tcnn . Sept 21 The sec-
rclary ofnr , who today Inspected Camp
Poland ami reviewed the enlisted men en-
ramped , raailo a speech to the romivmndltiR
ollleois nt General McKco'n hoailunrtcrs |
during the morning , Inhlcli ho fixed the
blaine for the sickness In the different
camps throughout the country on the com
manding officers.
Secretary Alger was given a hearty re
ception by the citizens of Knoxvlllo anil
the commanding officers on Ills arrival llo
wont direct to the camp anil shortly after
wards , accompanied by his staff and tha
olllcers of the camp , all on horseback , thu
secretary rode o\cr the drill Held and In
spected the troops
He then icvlcwcd the grand parade nr-
rangca In his honor , visited the hospitals
and regimental ijuartrra and made a thor
ough Inspection of the condition of the
camp and men General Alger congratu
lated General McKco on the splendid con
dition of the camp and of the troops.
The paiado at Camp Poland was witnessed
by an Immense concourse of peopre The
commands In review were- The Second
Ohio , SlNth Virginia , Third North Carolina ,
First West Virginia , First ! Georgia , Fourth
Tennessee and Thirty-first Michigan
After the review General Algcr asked that
the commanding olllcers assemble at Gen
eral McKee's headquarters and nt the lat-
ler's tent the secretary wa surrounded by
the ollcern ( and the Knoxvlllc citizens' com
mittee. Ho removed his hat anil In a tare-
fully worded speech ho said
"I came hero to visit this camp for the
purpobc of acquainting myself with the con
dition and to see for myself just how the
troops aie faring and to hear from the offi
cers any recommendation they think may
benefit the camp. I want to hear what tha
commanders have to nay about division hos
pitals , and regimental hospitals moro es
pecially There has been a great deal ot
talk about the conditions of the camp hos >
"I wont to say that had the. War depart
ment boon acquainted With the conditions
said to 1m ve existed nt Chtcknmauga the
troops thorc would have been moved long
before they were.
JleeeM I'll Onlr Oooil Il
"Wo received only good icporvs at Wash
ington from the commanding ofllcers ami It
was faiipposed that the outsldo reports wcro
exaggerated , The commanders of campn nitj
responsible for the condition of their camps
and If the men uro not well cared for and
If the hospital and sanitary conditions are
bad the commanding officers must answer
for it.
"The War department has been and Is
ready to supply the demands of the troops
for medicines and sustenance , and thcro Is
no lenson why conditions other than the
best possible should exist. "
Secretary Algcr and party left ) for Chatta
nooga at 4 o'clock.
CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. , Sept. 21. Secre
tary Algor and party reached this elty to
night from Knoxvllle at U-30. The party
was met at the depot by the ma > or of the
clly and a largo number of citizens and
was conducted to the city auditorium , where
3,000 people had gathered lo meet and re-
cuhe them. Secretary Algerwas greeted
with the most cordial applause Ho made
a short speech , thanking the people for their
Ho said with reference to the charges of
mismanagement "That some mistaken have ,
occurred I will admit , but the medical de
partment , the commissary department and
the quartermaster's departments have done
their full duty. I affirm. "
Secretary Algcr and party will spend the
day tomorrow visiting Letter and Sternbcrg
hospitals and Inspecting the various camp
sites of the Camp Thomas army.
III * enllfCliHoll of ( 'nniix Will De elou
AeenmitloiiHniiliiNt tlnnrternuipi-
ter'x null .11 cil Ion I DeiinrlmentN.
LEXINGTON. Ky , Sept 21. A prominent
man , close to the administration , as
well as to the officers hero tit Camp Hamil
ton , says the tour of Inspection of the
southern camps by Socrotury Algcr , Quar
termaster General Ludlngton < ind Burgeon
General Sternberg , will develop numerous
charges from regimental and general Hold
officers against both the medical and the
quartermaster's departments , and especially
agalnat eomo commissaries
The talking wati begun hero today by Gen
eral Wattes against the quartermaster and
other officers who will add testimony befor
the tour U over Secretary Alger Btated that
all ot this * Information and al ! other evi
dence that ho could secure would no pre
sented to the investigation committee et
Washington. At the conference last night
of Secretary Alger with General Ilreckln-
ridge , the commander at Camp Hamilton ,
and other officers , Gdneral Sanger said that
while the division hospital might bo a good
thing , as It was conducted it had been a
disgrace to the rtorvlco , that It had deprive- *
the regiments of their surgeons and caused
hardships on the sick , who should have bet
ter attention at the proper time. Surgeon
General Stcrnberc , In reply , said that all
requisitions had been honored In Washing
ton at * ! that any medical men falling to do
their duty should be reported.
General Waltes told Secretary Alger that
the neglect of Botno quartermasters to fur-
nleh supplies wa criminal. While In
Chlckamauga he frequently made requests
whlrli were not honored. An order was made
to 1iavo all water boiled He made a requi
sition on Quartermaster General Leo for
water hollers No attention was paid to hli
requisition and he repeatedly asked Quar
termaster General I ee to send the boiler *
and telling him how the men were con
tracting typhoid fever he met with a reply
which read
"Tho War department does not furnish
boilers "
General Waltes then purchased the toll-
em himself , but the ee d of typhoid bit
luuuii nna ucr rned ,
O.MA4IA , AttU.