Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1898, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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. * T S > r < V * i . r/ll
A glorious opportunity and a most fitting time ior out-of-town folks as well as Omaha people to buy
! * < just what's wanted , at prices most unprecedented even for us. Makeup your mind , however to this that
at the prices quoted below , even the immense quantities will be sold out very fast , This sale is the re
sult of our famous and recent purchase of the great Peoria dry goods stock , and a number of other
deals , all for spot cash , and by which we are able to give the greatest bargains in our entire business career.
J8ti ! and SSowglas
Now , stylish full bluok and colored
dross gooda. Everything that , Is now
tind stylish In full dres goods will be
displayed In our dress poods department.
600 pcs. of newest effects of
Plain and Fancy Dress Goods ,
nmooth and rough
effects , all beauti
ful combinations in
blue and black , red and
black , brown and black ,
on special Biilu ,
Monday at yard.
$1 Dress Goods at 39c Yard , .
60 Inch colored and
broadcloths , ludios'
cloths , fancy woven Sc'ch
cheviots , novelty cloth
all of thorn
U yards wide ,
actually worth $1 , on
bargain pquaro
at , yard
$1 Black Dress Goods 59c ,
Exceptional value
In 50 Inch
black dross goods
fancv weaves ,
largo and urn all
designs ,
black goods department
at , yard
Except'al ' Value in Storm
60 pieces
of high grade.
uavy blue and black
storm serge ,
and nil wool
etorm cheviots ,
special sale ,
AH wool
French granite oloth ,
rough Bourottes ,
( ill of them worth
81'i'i a yard
on Bale
at , yard
Imported Covert Cloths ,
In all the now shades ,
of blue and garnet ,
brown end eray ,
for teller made costumes ,
on salo.
at , yard
Imported Broadcloths ,
The handsomest-
goods over shown ;
nil the new
loading colors ,
on special sale ,
at , yard
8,000 , Yards Dress Goods ,
from the Hysinger & Rosen-
ithal stock , no matter what the
original value was , many
worth up to $1.50 yard , in
"black and colors , on sale at
So , lOc , 25o ,
Pure silk taffetas in a great
variety of two toned combinations ,
changuablo effects , plain and brocaded
clients , $1.00 goods , In silk department
at 49o yard
Black gros grain and satin
, duchoBso , special value 69o yard '
rk . ,
Waist silks in fancy plaids ,
exceptional quality of taffeta , all hands -
s une now combinations , on sale at Ooc
and SI.50 a yard
0,000 yards plain and fancy
silk from 'tho Hyslngor & Rosenthal
Block , marked to soil at $1.00 a yard , go
at 16c , Uoo and 31ta yard
! 5c 25c 39c
At Exceptionally Low Prices ,
All our suits are made of the best qmlity co
vert cloth , kerseys , cheviot and broadcloth , in tight
fitting , reefer and njvelty effects , also flounced
skirts , in black , tans , browns , grays , blues , all
thoroughly finished and tailored , in four great
groups , at
w 600 wool brllllantlno skirts
, In plain , figured and
jjfe striped , worth from $3.00 to
i'i $5.00 ; on sale at $1.98.
Silk ruffled taffeta skirts ,
ruffled all the way up , ex
ceptional quality of pur *
itlk taffeta ; on sale at
Flno all wool boucle
capes. 21 Incbcs long , lined
throughout with black silk ,
cither plain or thlbet fur
trimmed ; $0.50 boucle capes
at $3.98.
Black kersey and be aver -
ver cloth capes , trim
med and braided , at
200 astrachan fur collar-
cites , silk lined , on special
sale at $2.93 and $5.00.
Evceptlonal Bargain
in SI5-OO Collarettes
at $7.50.
20 ( ur collarettes , with
tab fronts , with tails and
heads In a combination of
blua ( ox and Imitation chin
chilla and electric seal ,
worth $15.00 ; on sale , $7.50.
. . .
During this sale we will make a special offering in carpets for our
out-of town customers. The bargain giving will be phenomenal and you
can save many times the expense of your trip to Omaha by securing
some of these carpet bargains.
An extra heavy quality ingrain carpet , worth 45c ft C _
yard , during this sale at , yard < & CC
Extra flno quality all wool cotton chain ingrain carpet
that always sells for G5o a yard
during this wale at , yard
An extra heavy quality , all wool Hartford in
grain carpet , none bettor made , all the most handsome
patterns. This carpet generally sells at 76c a yard
goes during this sale at , yard
Extra heavy wool faced The best grade tapestry
Brussels Carpets , carpet ,
all now the tan wire quality ,
and handsome it always sells at 81 yard ,
patterns , go tomorrow ,
at , yard at , yard
We will sell axminster , Smith & Sons' best grade " " *
and extra fine velvet carpet , they generally sell atone
ono dollar a yard , wo have all the new and
high class patterns ,
tiny go in this sale at , yard
500 axminster , wil- 500 best grade mo- Vovy largo si/.o rnoquotto
, . . two and
i i i. i i j.i i rugs , yards long
ton and velvet rugs , quette rugs , that three feet wide ,
Worth S2.50 each generally sell up to$3.5o. that generally sell at Sf > ,
, , ' . , , go during this sale , at go during this sale at
gO 111 this Sale , each , each , each ,
$1.25 $1.59
All the Ladies' and Children's Early Fall .aid Winter
From the Hysinger and Rosenthul Peoria dry { roods
stock will bo sold at
Misses' unrf children's nlco soft llcecy camel's hair
and natural gray vests , pants and drawers' go at lOo
and loc each , worth up to 35c.
All tbo elrl's and boys' extra fine qual
ity natural wool , camel's hair and heavy
cotton fleeced vests , pants and drawers , In
all sizes , co at 25c each , worth up
to 35c
Ladles' early Fall Underwear In fine
quality Jersey ribbed vests and pants ,
all sizes , KO at 15c , worth up
to 75o ,
All the ladies' finest quality fleece lined Egyptian
cotton and natural wool vests , pan s and drawers , in
all sizes , go at 25c , 39c and 4c ! ) each ; worth up to $ ' 1.00
75c quality Ladles' Egyptian and natural
eray union Suits go at 39c a suit ,
worth 75c
All the Ladles' Saxony Wool , rlbbedi
handsomely silk stitched vests , pants
and union suits , co at 49c each
worth up to $1.25 ,
All the ladies' extra fine quality French camel's
hair vests and pants , go at 75c each- 75c
worth up to $1.50
The very latest novelties
In ladles' jackets , broad
cloth , kersey and boucle ,
value from $12.50 to $20.00 ;
your choice
Misses' and children's
jackets , all ages , made ot
Imported French boucle ,
mixed novelties , all ot
them lined throughout with
silk , on special sale at
at $3.9S and $1.03.
are the hats ex
hibited tomorrow for the first
time There is that artistic
grace in each that connois
seurs concede to all that emanates from J. L. Brandeis & Son's Pattern Rooms. All
fascinating creations , that will greatly please you with their elegance and chic style Our
trimmer , with her assistants , who have spent "the past month in New York , amons : the
ing Fifth Avenue millinery parlors , have just returned and we will display a hundred
and put them on sale at
trimmed in the very latest style ,
Ladies' Trimmed Sailors ,
the Ronsovolt hat and Military hat , all trimmed with ribbons
bens , ready to wear , on tale at
jT5caiid 98ceach
Remarkable Bargains ill
A great opportunity to lay in your supply of blankets and
quilts during this sale , as we will offer the most pronounced
bargains that ever were offered in Omaha.
Wo will sell 100 U. S. Blankota , made for
the government , but rejected by Uncle Sam
on account of being over weight. They are
this rich dark blue color and every pair
branded U. S. The government always
pays $4.50 each for them , but we will offer
them during this sale at $2.50 each.
200 pair white , grey and strictly all wool
Blankets , worth $5.00 pair ,
at $3.50 pair
At § 5.00 we will sell extra heavy California
Klondike Blankets. These are very heavy and
uitablefor camping out and other
One immense lot of At A full size , extra
heavy soft and warm
fine Silver
Gray cotton blanket in
Blankets , large full white , gray or tun
they would bo cheap
size line and
, very warm at 98c.
At 75c and 9So pair we will sell extra
At and large and heavy cottn blankets , white , gray
and tan , very warm and eott , worth $1.25
and $1.50 pair.
Bargains in Comforts
Wo have one table of very fine , hand knotted , sateen comforts ,
made out of rcmmnunts , each comfort Is made of one piece of
cloth on one side and two different pieces on the other side ,
they are what are termed Mill seconds , well worth $2.GO and each
$3.00 , go during this ealo at $1.25 each
One lot much liner quality , Good substantial Comforts -
larger and heavier , finer forts , heavy and varm ,
baleen , go at $1.50 each. . . . goat75oand'J8coach. .
50c Cashmere Hose | 5c
Many thousand dozens of
misses' , children's and boys'
finest wool hose ,
made full seamless , go 15c
at 15c each , all sizes ,
worth up to 50o. .
Two bargain tables of ladies'
misses' and children's extra
fine guago and Derby ribbed ,
full seamless , f ; > st
black hose , all sizes ,
go at 7ic pair ,
worth 20o
All the ladies' finest imported hosiery in
mace cotton and French lisle thread , worth
up to § 1.00 , go at 19c , 25c and 35c pair.
All the gent's half hose in fast black , tan ,
fancy colored cotton , plain and fancy col
ored cashmere wool , worth up to 50c , go at
lOc , 15c and 19c pair.
Grand Special Bargains in
Extra heavy all linen
crash Toweling , worth
7 c yard , go at
3Ac yard
Extra special bargain in all
kinds lOc , 12 c and 15c all
linen Toweling , huck ,
barnsley , crash , etc. , 6'C '
all in one big lot
at 6Ac yard.
Immense bargain in Turkey
Ked Table Cloths , 2 .and 3
yards long , fringed all
around , handsomely bordered ,
and made from the best im
ported oil boiled Turkey Ked
Damask ,
worth § 1.50
and § 1.75 , go
during this
sale at 09c
Grand special bargain
in 2 and 2i yard long
pattern cloths , of flno Damask ,
would bo cheap at $2.f > 0 each ,
go at $1.00 each
Immense Special Bargain in Napkins
Full size , German Q J ft C
Damask Napkins , 1
worth $2.00 a dozen -go dur
dozen ing this sale at $1.25
Extra Special Hargains in Ladies' and Men's
25c Handkerchiefs ,
3 l-2e and Oc
Three bargain tables piled high with
ladles' and gents' finest quality hem
stitched plain and fancy bordered In
dia lawn Handkerchiefs , go ot 3Vic
and Cc each worth as high as 5c.
820 and 5c
All the finest Imported Swiss em
broidered and pure Irish linen Handkerchiefs -
kerchiefs , worth In the regular wny up
to 50c , KO ul lOc and 12V c each
All the G'-nt'p Japon-
otto , hand embroidered ,
Bilk initial and fancy
colored bordered Imita
tion silk handkerchiefs
L'o at 7io each
worth up to 25c .
All the ladles' and gents' Handker
chiefs , silk Initial and silk embroidered
also illk mumVrs In thousands of
etylea and qualities , go at 15c , 25c , 39o
and 49c each , worch up to $1.50.
I5c , 25c , 39c , and 49c
Immense special bargain in
damaged Turkish Towels ,
some are full size , some are
torn on the side , some torn
through the middle and in all
manner of conditions. They
are what are called mill seconds
ends , they are worth up to
25c each , during
this sale you can
take your choice
for 5c each.
This is a big
During this sale
wo will sell 100 doz
en 2oo , 33o and 60c
Damask Towels at
IDcach. . You
should lay in n sup
ply , as nevcir again
will you have such
an opportunity
Bleached Ger
man Table
worth 75c and
8oc yard during
this tale at
50o yard
1,000 dresser scarfs
bureau scarfs ,
Htand covers , tray
cloths , center
pieces , oic , worth
up to $1.00 each ,
during this sale ,
go at 2oo each. . . .
Great Bargains in
Worth up
9 two
ollars go
10,000 pair Ladles' high grade , real French
Kid Gloves In all the Kail shades , In Foi-
1 tcr's lace hook , ( our button and two clasp ,
In oil sizes ; worth In the regular way up to
$2.00 pair go at
R < fl 7J 7