Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1898, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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The Greatest and Most Wonderful Bankrupt Clothing Sale in American History.
Ahiii j < ni > l lt Oiunlia iiinUo our
Excursionists , More jimr iiivrHiiK plaiM *
plntM't jour luiu-li room ,
inul.r It jour lioinc ( or flip tlini *
Your tickets to the Exposition hflinr mill feel at home. We hntr
eerj Ililnu ren.Iy fur > on n ( 1111
position etc. , and your e\iell-.e ( n j oilrielf.N r it III < < iki >
railroad tickets must bo en re of jour pnoUiiHcn. mill eliecli .
til PHI for oii free f clinrKe. ABU
stamped at our store. J LEWS & SOUS nn > of Uii < Hour wnlkerx to nlior
, jou our n-eepUon room mid linl-
( 0113 unlllne room.
This sale is the result of the largest spot cash cleiil in ciotning ever underuilc .m and successfully carried through by any firm west 01 New York City. More Suits and More Over
coats changed hands in this transaction for less money than ever was dons before. We are going to retail the very best tailored clothing in America for less money than any
other firm here or elsewhere. Every garment is made to satisfy the most critical city trade. It's all made with the same care end attention that's supposed to be lavished on the
exhorbitant priced merchant tailor's clothing and there's the same style the same effect the same fit the same wear everything the squie except the price It's about half
the ordinary store's price or a quarter of a high-toned tailor's fee.
, Overcoats and
500 men's gray and brown plaid and checked Sack Suits 1,200 men's stylish all wool suits , in double and
also hundreds of men's black and blue breasted sacks and frocks , in cassimeres , cheviots and homespuns ,
ounce clay worsteds , also nearly a thousand
beaver Overcoats and Storm Ulsters , all
all wool kersey , melton and beaver overcoats
elegantly made and very serviceable gar and fine frieze , melton and kersey storm
ments , in all sizes and guaranteed to wear , ulsters they would be cheap at $15.00 ,
your choice at , but go in this sale at the phenomenally low
price of
's ' Suits , Overcoats and Suits and Overcoats
Your choice of any man's $10 SuitUlster , or Overcoat from this stock at one- '
The choice of the finest men's suits from
half the real cost. The suits are well made and well lined , very
this stock A great many of these suits are silk
in straight cut , round cut , single or double breasted sacks ,
lined made of the
and satin , they are highest
made of all wool Scotch cheviots and cassimeres , in neat
imported all wool clay worsted
and mixtures all fall and winter grade , ,
plaids stripes
, , good weight and Thibet cloth , Scotch cheviotand English worsted
The overcoats and ulsters arc lined with Italian serge and wool c'assimero. -iUo the ( incut men's kortiey overcoats , lined
sowed with silk and tnudo of all wool bcavor , chinchilla and Irish frlezo , in all with clnv worsted nml BUIimor'k s.itln , mudc In tlio lutnst
colors , regular $10.00 garments , your choice in this snlo at I .1 . . . ' 10.00umUi'J.&O
sizes 3 to 15. They are strictly all wool
suits , made in junior , reefer , vestee and plain
double breasted styles , in fancy mixtures ,
checks and plaids , also unfinished worsteds ,
cassimeres and 18 ounce black clay worsteds ,
they go in this sale at
500 Long
Pants Suits
sizes 13 to
19 , made up in
the latest styles
single and
double breasted ,
made of line all
wool cheviot cassi-
mere and homespun
spun , in the latest
and newest effects ,
RO nt $2.98 , 3.50 ,
4.93 and 0.98.
Boys' ' Overcoats ,
Ulsters and Reefers
In this lot are
thousands of the finest
and newest grades of
boys' all wool reefers and
storm ulsters , in all ages
from 3 to 19 years , at
Lndlos' SOc
4 79c Black 19c Overgaiters 17c
Floor 1,000 pair ladies beautiful
made Shoes
ful Rochester ,
2,000 PAIR Your choice of 5,000 pair ladles' new
est style fancy vesting top , panel top in cloth tops , fancy vesting
Men's plain and fancy cmbroldcret Ladies' finest 83.00 aud plain kid top tops and plain kid tops ,
Velvet , go Slippers at , nlso Leather Slippers Black Vici Kid worth up to § 4.00 , go at
OUe , UUc , 75c , 81 > o nml f 1.0 (
Every style of men's Made to sell for $5.00 , go on sale at
hand turned leather
Slipper that Is
2,000 pair made , worth up to and
' { 3.00 go at , pair
men's black calfskin
skin shoes , in T Lace
all the different
styles of toes Hoys' Shoes 500 pair of ladles' most beautiful
and fancy vesting top , finest
that are now High Cut , plain
worn , both in Shoes lllcycle , all sizes and Patent Leather High Gut Shoes ,
worth $1.50
lace or congress all widths , with plain leather heel or Louis XV
75c go at heel , north { 5 and $6 a pair , go at
all solid soles ,
On Bargain Square on main floorr
insoles and counters , made to 2,000 pair Maloney Bros. ' finest Roches
retail for $2.50 , go at $ .59 ter made shoes for children and misses ,
In all the latest fancy vesting tops ,
pair. made to retail for up to $3,00 , so at
500 men's shoes black
pair , 75c $1,00 $1,25 $1.50
calf skin , made to retail for , , , , , .
$3.00 and $3.50 , go at $2.00
2,000 pair men's winter
weight shoes , in black calf
pkin , tan llussia calf and HUB-
Bia grain , some drill lined ,
many of them full leather 3,800 Ladies' Strap
lined , made to retail at § 4.00 pair , go in this Sandals , in plain leather ,
Bale at $2.50. Ladies' Oxford colored leather , patent
, pair
leather and natin , in almost
At $3.00 and $3.50 we can give
you ford Ties , in black and most color worth
choice of 4,000 pair highest of also leather
over , grades tan , patent , up to § 5 , go at
men's shoes made in America. They include Thiscolebrat-vj" worth up to § 5.00 , go at
every kind of black and tan , medium as well as heavy winter ed § 6 shoo $
weight shoes , in drill lined or full leather lined all were will go on sale SI.50 $2,25
made to retail at $5 and § 6 , go in this sale at at § 4.00. , ,
We are sole $2,50 $ and $3,00 $ S2.25 and $3,00
$3.00 and $3.50 Bair. agents. , , . ,
the All 1.50 SHSRT ! Peoria from the block 49c
This Includes the entire lot of men's uhlrta In the Hysluger & Rosenthal , 1'eorla
dry goods atock. There arc over 500 dozen men's finest and highest grade laundered
shirts , every one worth $1 50 , some even more. It Includes the highest grade of
men's laundered white shirts , made of t ho finest Wamsutta muslin la the body ,
2,200 four-ply reinforced linen bosoms , c ollar bands and cuff bands , reinforced
yokes , , protected seams , thoioughly worked button holes perfect fitting shirts and
perfect fitting Bhlrts In every moaning o f the word.
There are also Immense quantities of the
finest laundered colored shirts with collars
and cuffs both attached and detached , as
well as laundered white shirts with colored
bosoms. All these shirts are absolutely the
best shirts that were ever sold for $1.CO
there are all sizes and plenty of every slzo
wo will glvo you choice of the entire
lot for
Men's SJ.2S Underwear for SOc .
Your choice during tills sale of the finest men's underwear In thin en
tire stock , Including all wool , lleeco lined underwear , natural jrray underwear -
wear , caim-l's hair underwear nnd fancy colored underwear , It Is one of the
greatest bargains wo have ever ottered , Iteinember shirts or drawers in
this sale GOc each.
50c Pfa's Underwear 25c
An Immense lot of men's tine nutnraf pray , camel's hair
underwear in fllnplo and double breasted styles , all aizos
in shirts and drawers , po at 23o . '
The climax of Hat bargain giving reached in our new enlarged
We place on sale today , a nobby
line of men's latest fall
style Derby Hal s small ,
medium and full shapes ,
colors black , brown , bronze j
and tun made for
11.50 our price during
this great sale for only 80o
The ever popular Fedora Hat for neat and nobby dressers ,
The dressiness of a stiff Hat with comforts of a soft one ,
Wnicloio oitt'for ijnrtt cash the entire stock of the Orange Hat
Factory , Opansn. N. J Noted as makers of the finest grades of
men's Fedoras tad Tourist Hats , which wo offer during this sale at
prices far b taw tlto aatual cost of manufacture. These hati were
made to sell tor . TJ.60 and * 3. Wo have divided them iato thre
lots. 'Ihoy.tirB are yours for
Little Folks
School has now commenced nnd the little ones must have something
to wear. We have anticipated their wants and start the Opening K ll
Season by placing on sale , the DUST LINK , THE NOIJHIEST LINE , TUB
HOY'S and YOUTH'S HATS and CAPS ever placed on sale by any housa
or dealer anywhere. Our llnu for Kail consists of children's and boy's
Napoleon * , Cadet nnd Military CHDS , Tarn O'Shantcrs , Crushers , Har-
vards , Hoys' and Chlldran's Oolf Caps , Fedoras , and Knock-abouts , Iresh
from the eastern market , ami at prlcea to command your atentlon and
An unlimited choice of Boys' ' Golf Gaps at 25c
Tarns in all colors at 50c
Military and Cadet Caps at 25c , 50c , 75c ,
Boys' ' Corduroy School Caps at 25c
Boys' ' and Girls' ' Red and Blue Crushers at 50c
Inspection invited.