THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY" , SEPTEMBER 21 , 1808. Sept. 21. Autumn Dress Goods. Prospective Drees Goods buyers only Ferve their own in- iiteresle by coming here "Wo offer till thai is good now and fetching luiving given onr personal attention to the select ing and buying of these Early Fall and Wimter Styles Wo can recommend them as the best the world's market can give. Muslin Underwear Ladies' m u s 1 i u gowiiH , very long and full width , .square neck Trimmed with cmbrolderj Inserting and edging , sleeves to match at 85c each. Ladles' Gown * , Mother Hubbanl stjle , yol.o trimmed with rows of lace In- sertliiK and tuck * , wldo rullle edged with lace at Sic each. Separate Dress Skirts Xew ar rivals Fine Ulnck Serge Skirts , nil lined , vel veteen bound , at ? 3 75. nxcollent Urllllantlno Skirts , oil lined at $775 Deautlful Satin Duchosse Skirts , at $9 00. Would be cheap nt $12 00 These skirt- * are all c\tra well made and have the piopcr shnpe. Domestics Ready made sheets 214x2 % jardE. or 81x00 Inches , at 50c and GOc each Hemstitched nt C5c each. ThefiO are guaranteed torn , not cut. Heady-made I'lllow Casc 45x30 Inches , at 12'/4c and 16c each. Hemstitched , same size , nt 15c each WB will place on sale a line of fine Dress Prints nt 6c per yard. Louisiana Pancy 1'ercales , 30 Inches wide , at lOc per yard. Men's furnishings New neckwear - wear for men and women. Men's Tic" , In puffs , tecks and four-ln- hands , all new styles , COc each Now Dow Ties for ladles , made of black satin , white silk or white pique , at 25c each. White Lawn ut 20c these are the very latest ask to see them. Trimmings Many beautiful styles in fancy dress trimmings , Mousaollno do Sole , tucked , embroi dered or spangled Chenille , dotted and embroidered net , the latest , with lace edges to match beaded and spangled dress fronts. An endless variety of braid trimmings of every description. Corsets 037W.B. corset - sot a gored corset , cut on bias lines , in e d i u in length waist made of a fine quality sateen fin ished with lace and ribbons ; A perfect fitting model , sizes 18 to 30 , In white or gray , nt $100 each. Uxtra flno quality black sateen at $1 25 each. Notions Among the new things We nre showing the "Astoria" Dell and collar to match , made of pretty ribbon In all thu bright color combinations nnd fastened with a highly orna mented clasp. We are also showing a pretty now line of buckles nt 25c , 35c , 40c , 50c , C5c , Toe , $1.00 , $1 50 nnd $2 25 each. Hosiery Ladies' tan cotton hose silk finish , very fine quality .Tic 3 pair , $1 00. Ladles' Ulock Cotton Hose , with mace split soles , also double toe and heel 25c pair Children's fine ribbed Tnn Hose , double toe , solo and heel , only 12V4c , 2 pall 25c. Hlack Cotton Hose , fine ribbed am : seamless , in sizes 5 to 8 % , only lOc pair. Yams We carry a full line oi the best makes oi yarn ? . Such as Sanora Saxony Nonantuni Saxony Starlight Saxony Starlight Zephyr Shetland Impottod Zephyr Oermanlown Starlight Lady Groy Zephyr Starlight Spanish Yarn Flelsher's German Knitting Yarn- Ice Wool (3 ( grades ) Angora Wood (2 ( grades ) Low prices on all. Three Prong Fin de Siecle Combs. Derannstratod today by M. THOMAS GKAFP , un oxpart hiiirurossor. Thebo thrco-pronp fin GO sicolc combs at o ono of ( ho roost useful novelties over pro duced. With them the hair , -whether thin or heavy , can be dressed In many beautiful styles without the use of string or hairpins. It a switch Is worn , the comb Is Invaluable , for once attached and the comb closed , the false hair cannot possibly become loose and fall. The hair lees not como loose , and hats are firmly kept In place In the windiest weather. See them demonstrated by an expert hair dresses 'today In our Sixteenth ctrcctlndow. . visited upon a republican who Is false to his trust for the reason that he sins against a greater light , ho has been taught bet tor , he knows better , and therefore If be falls Is his Kin greater and his punishment should be more severe. "But slnco honesty and fidelity are the teachings of every party It U manifestly un just to punish a party for the dishonesty of one , uho , at the time of his nomination and election to olllco after due Imjulry and core exercised was found to bear a good reputation among his fellows and j counted by these \\l\o knew him beat as fit for the place , but \\l\o after uU election proved false and betrayed the people who put their confidence In him. In every walk , of pi Unto life. In every profession In every day nnd age of the world some men have fallen. Arnold betrayed the counsels at Washington ; Lincoln \\ns deceived and Im posed upon hundreds of times , and even holy writ tells us that ana of the twelve cboecn of the Infinite and All Wise One be trayed him for a few paltry dollars , and > ct , no considerate , patriotic man was justi fied thereby In abandoning the cause of the revolutionary heroes , the union or the re ligion of Jesus Chrlfit. Parties are to b judged by their principles nnd the practical operation of these principles upon the \vel- faro of the people. We should not condemn the whole democrstlc party simply because of the operation * of Tweed In New York , ot tha defalcation of State Treasurer Ramsey , bosom friend of Altgeld , the democratic Idol of Illinois ; vse should not condemn the whole populist party because of Its Taylor , who sold out In thn state legislature in 1891. Us numerous defaulting county treasurers - urers and township treasurers throughout the state , nor can > ou fairly condemn the The Omaha Bee Map of Cuba Coupon Present this Coupon with I lOc for 4 A Map of Cuba. i A Map of the Wast Indtaa. And n Map of the World , By Mull 14 oeuU. The Omaha Dally Dee EXPOSITION PHOTOGRAVURE COUPON. I . . . This coupon ana 10 Cents will obtain three photogravures i of the Exposition. BY MAIL , 2c EXTRA. republican party because It has been curse with a Hartley and a Moore. What thu Clrculiir Alum At. "In the circular of which I speak the 1m presslon Is sought to bo given that in sorri way as the natural result of fusion thei has resulted an immense bum of mono 'made' for the state. Does the fact juatlt the impression ? "Tho cardinal principles of the combln stated In the national populist platform c 1892 nnd reiterated In the successive plal forms are the Issuance by the governmer of irrtdeemable paper or flat money vvlt free and unlimited colnaage of silver at 1 to 1 ns a stepping stone ; the Inflation < our currency to at least $50 per capita ; tl : sub-treasury's scheme as a means of dl : tributlon ; the government ownership an operation of railroads , telegraphs and tele phones with their regulation to suit pom ing their absolute acquisition nnd oniici ship of the sources ot wealth generally. "Tho circular Is searched in vain ti evidence that the large sums of monc claimed to have been made for the pcop Is due In the least to putting Into open tton any of these doctrines , which , with U exception of free coinage of silver , are m now seriously advocated by any consldei fable number of cither leaders or followci of the opposition Their present clali then do not follow from putting Into law < practice their distinctive doctrines. The are not party claims They are claln made In behalf of Individuals only claln of executive officers , whose only power is I execute the laws and dispense the approprli tions made by the legislature. "No state officer can 'make' money f < the state. The state can make no money ft Itself The. state Is supported by the ta : payer State Institutions and state office ; are at best but taxcaters. "Every dollar handled by any officer , be 1 elected or appointed , must first be collectc from the people by the tax gatherer. The ; taxes are levied by the proper officer ar when collected are placed In certain definl funds to be expended according to law. L mo Illustrate with the school fund , aboi which so much Is said In this circular. Crontlnu of the School rniiil. "Section 3 , article \lll , of the state cot atltutlon ( made by republicans ) provldi 'Tho following are hereby declared to I perpetual funds for common school purposi of which the annual Interest or incon only can bo appropriated Tlrst , such pe : centum as has been or may hereafter I granted by congress on the sale of lam In this state Second , all moneja arlslr from tha sale or leasing of sections N 16 and 36 In each township In this sta and the lands ( elected or that may be si lected In lieu thereof Third , the proceeds i all lands that have been or may hereafter 1 granted to this state , where by the tern and conditions of such grant the same ai not to bo otherwise appropriated Kourt _ _ _ 'uro sick , headache , had ast9 In the mouth , coated iP7ie , ca In the itomach , JlitrM * tnd Indlcritlon. Do not KeaVflb but hurt tonto ffrct. U f ntj , lli * inly rikAlp Uk * vitb Uood'i ho net proceeds of land nnd other property and effects that may coma to the state by sellout or forfeiture or from unclaimed ilvhlemls or distributee shares of the cs- ates of deceased persons. Tlfth , all moneys , stocks , bonds , lands and other prop- rty now belonging to common school fund. ' "Ily sections 4 nnd G of the same article if the constitution all rents of unsold lauds , gifts nnd the like , Interest arising from the icrraancnt school fund , all fines , penalties and llccnso moneys and such other means ns the legislature may proUde , are applied o the support of our common schools and constitute the 'temporary school fund. ' "Tho constitution expressly forbids the llmluutlon of the permanent school fund ; hat fund must remain Inviolate. "Tho state temporary school fund Is for current use nnd Is made up principally of : 'Irst , Interest on permanent school fund ; second , rents on unsold lands , this fund Is apportioned to the several counties In Jan- lary nnd July of each year as collected , with ho exception of Interest derhcd from the n\ested school funds , c\cry dollar of this emporary fund Is collected by the county officers from the people and by them turned nto the state treasury. The state ofllccrs ia\o absolutely nothing to apportion until t Is first collected by ofllccrs In the counties , whoso actions they cannot command and over uhom they hao practically no con trol. "If times are good and the people pay the county treasurer , nnd he In turn pays o\er to the state treasurer nnd the reform state officers may apportion the collections made The rule and practice has not been changed and Is the same now that It ha been ever since the adoption of the consti tution In 1875. Hcllot of IliiNluv N Condition * . "Tho payment of taxes reflects the busi ness conditions of the country. In prosper ous times the people have the means and pay their taxes. When times are bad they ha\e not the means , they cannot and do not lapse but remain on the books as so much assets of the state to bo collected In addition to the regular nnnual tax as soon as times Improve and the people ha\c the means wherewith to pay. 'Taxes arc as sure as death * is an old adage worthy oi acceptation "How misleading and untrue It Is , then , for an officer or a party to take credit for pajment of taxes by the people. We cheer fully concede that collection of taxes has been much larger and easier slnco Noem - bar , 1SOG , than for four jcars next preced ing. It is a significant fact which the In telligent voter will not overlook that the date and duratfou of mUcrse balances Is the precise date and duration of a national administration and policy for \\hlch the fusion forces and not republicans are re sponsible and the date and duration of the prosperous finances of which boast Is made Is Identical with the administration of the idol of our party , President McKlnley. "During the years from 1893 to 1800 inclu sive our state suffered an unprecedented series of crop failures , nnd these , added to the business depression over the entire land , made and kept our people In more straitened circumstances than ever be fore In the history of the state. Let me BUbmlt to the candid Judgment of my fel low citizens a few plain facts nnd figures which make their own argument more convincing than declamation facts and fig ures which may not be juggled. home Ii-onocliiMtlc rinuren. "The reports of state and prl\ato banks of this state show that on November 5 , 1892 , wo had of these banks C39. " Capital stock Jll.257,093 OC Generdl deposits 24.S91.113 2J Loans and discounts 28,219,076 4t On December 9 , 1894 , there were of these banks 492 : Capital Block J10.407.8-iS 2 CJcneral deposits lS,074h32 42 Loans und discounts 23,2 3,06 11 On December 31 , 1896 , there were of these banks only 462 : Capital Block J 8,233 GG5 56 General depoiitH 10,227,637 83 Loans and discounts 14MXSO ! $ JS In other words , in those four years sev enty-seven , or one out of every seven prl- vato and state banks , went out of existence and there was a reduction of over $3,000OOC In their capital stock ; over fourteen and a half millions or three-fifths of their gen eral depo'slts , and nearly fourteen millions or nearly one-half In their loans and dis counts. The cxnerlenco of national banks In our state was equally as disastrous. "Turn to the real estate raortgaco In debtedness of our people. In Gage count } In 1S94 there was an increase of $01S : and as late as 1896 there was In Otoe count ) an increase oi $95,651 , and in York count ] $126,129 58. Take collections for this stall temporary school fund , of which I bav < spoken , using Jefferson and Kearney coun ties as illustrations : Jefferson county It 1805 , $3,63247 ; 1896 , $2,944.10. Kearnc ) county. 189S , $2,121.75 ; 1896 , $3.20361. "Their own circular shows , what wo al remember as an Instance of that horrlbli four years' nightmare , that the legislature was compelled to appropriate $ J50,000 ti feed and furnish need grain to our destituti people. Wo were practically forced Inti debt as a state for that amount to inee the awful emercency then upon us. Hov could a people In that condition pay theti taxes , their rental , either Interest or pru- ! clpal on what they owed. "The state , as well as individual credit ors , was unable to collect , but , unlike in dividual creditors , the claims of the utati are not barred by the statute of limitations nnd when times Improve the claims of thi state are made good. Rentals on schoo lands and pavmeuts on school land con tracts , where these were not cancelled , am all demands of the state on citizens re malned unpaid for the time being for th ( same reasons which compelled the banki to break and tbo farmers to Increase tbcli mortgages. In the light of these facts which no ono can dispute , Is It not tbi greatest of absurdity and Imposition t < claim a superiority for the present stati ameers for collections and disburse mentB mndo In these prosperous times am which were not possible in tbo days o drouth and the development of populism Mutter iif Tuxc * I , \ led. "In the same circular they claim a 'baV ance In favor of reform' In school appor tlonmcnt of $51,393 22 In Douglas count ; and $23,525 07 In Lancaster county for thi year 1897 nnd first half of 1898 as com pared with the second half of 1895 nnd tin year 1896. What Is the truth about this I hive already shown ) oi ( the apportion ment Ii made to the several counties fron the money collected The distribution li made In proportion to the children of fchoo age In the several counties. It Is impor tant , then , to ascertain what Is collectct from each county. Nothing Is paid out o the state treasury until It has been paid It by the people What have the people o these counties pild In' "Dcsldes the temporary school fund drawi from the sources above stated , the stati levies a school tax. This was. In 1893 , one half of 1 mill and In 189 ! It was raised t < 075 mill 1895 to 075 mill : In 1896 ( col lected by the fuslonlsts ) , 125 mills , am In 1897 the levy was 1375 mills , or raon than double the earlier levies. These Ifv lea all refer to Lancaster county. In thi last half of 1895 Lancaster county paid ti the state upon such school levy $2,611) ) 13 In 1896 she paid $5SG5 C7 , a total In v eighteen months mentioned by the f proclamation of $8,485 80. Prom Jantia 1897 , to July 1 , 16DS , the same county Ju. , the state upon the school levy $19,383. o $10,8972 ? more than wan paid the repub llcan administration In the time mentioned Trom July ' , ISTVJ , to January 1. 1897 , thi same county paid ti'\e state for rent and In terest on school laiMs $14,391.22 , and fron January 1 , 1S97 , to Uuly 1 , 1S9S , from thi lauio ( itad uknvatf county paid the eUti 135,74930 , or $21,358.08 more than was paid Iho republicans In the eighteen months mentioned. To this add the $1,897.20 , excess i.ild the state on school lands , and we find : hat this county paid to the "present ndraln * iRtratlon $32,25u 2S moro than the name county paid In the preceding eighteen months. It Is only claimed that the stnto l > ald this county In the time mentioned $23,525.53 , so that the county lost In the deal $3,729.28 ; the satno Is probably true of the other counties. > ent lilt of JtiKffllnir. "Tho party making up the fjslon cir cular cunningly makes the time fixed for th republicans from July , 1S95 , to January 1 , 1897 , thus Including the last half ot two rear * and the first half of only one. Tor themselves they reverse this order and Include - cludo the first halt of two years and the ast half of ono only. This was because .hey well know nearly nil taxes In Ne- jraska and nearly all rents and Interests on school lands are paid In the first half of each year , as wo BOO by tlio following figures. Douglas county paid -taxes In tbo first halt ot 1890 , $353.083.44 , In the last half of the satno year , $111,032.53. In the jcar 1897 , first half , $302,56657 , In the last : ialf only $142,860 57. Lancaster county paid In the first half of 1897 , $243,462.94 : In the last half , $129,74301. These figures speak for themselves nnd show the cun ning craftiness with which this circular was prepared. "Another reason why the apportionment of school money was Increased In 1897 and the first half of 189S Is shown by the fact that tha state collected In 1895 from In terest on school lands sold , $149,481.58 ; and In 1897 , $298,045 25 , and In the first hall of 1898 , $200,903.39 , nnd from rents of school lands In 1895 , $43,841.90 ; In 1897 , $115- 27803 ; nnd In the first half of 1898 , $41- 083.28. In vlovv of these collections U la not strange that the disbursements for schools were Increased. "Tho simple truth Is the pcoplo have beer taxed moro heavily ; have paid more liber ally and therefore enjoy n larger appor tionment. It Is the rankest demagogucry foi theao self-styled 'reforrncts' to claim thej have 'given1 this Increased apportionment tc the people. The conditions have in the lasl two years most wonderfully Improved. The fact Is patent ; crops have been bountiful- prices for cereals of all kinds , of sheep , hogs cattle and horses everything raised on the farm has been gratlfylngly higher. Buslncsi has revived ; farmers nnd mechanics , labor ers and professional men are all encouraged How Tcoiilc lime Oiilncd. "Noto again some figures : As shown bj the reports of the state and private banki of this state , on July 14 , 1898 , the genera deposits were $17,669,231.44 ; loans and dls counts , $15,150,952.89 , or a gain In clghteei months of over $7,000,000 In deposits ; at Increase of only about $500,000 In loans The sanio reports show that In all banks o this state there was an Increase of eve : $2,000,000 In deposits from Tebruary 26 , 1898 to July 14 , 1898 ; while loans and discount ! were reduced over $600,000. In other words our people are now , Instead of going Inti debt for living expenses , living bettc : than over before and at the satno time In creasing their deposits In the banks at thi rate of nearly $500,000 per month and de creasing their loans at the banks nt the rati of nearly $150,000. The net result Is In ou : bank operations olono that our pcoplo ar < going to the good at the rate of $050,001 per month. "Take the collections for the state tempo rary school funds , using the same countlei for further Illustration. Jefferson county , it 1897 , $6,365 , or moro than double the amoun collected In 1896. First half of 1898 , $4,202.98 or a gain of nearly onethlrd over the corre spending period of 1897. Kearney county July 1 , 1897 , to July 1 , 1898 , $13,978.75 , o moro than six times as much as In the yea ; from July 1 , 1894 , to July 1 , 1895. "This is prosperity ; these are truly re publican times. The days of busting banks delinquent taxes , relief bills and parties tha feed and grow on calamity are , I hope , sooi all to be only remlnlscenses. MeHci-to'a CimU Trunnnotloni. "Ono of Iho principal claims made b ; the reformers is that in eighteen month their state treasurer has reduced the In terest-bearing debt $700,542.99 , seeking t create the impression that they have glvei this amount to the state. Candor , how ever , comuelled them to state In the sam connection that the present Incumbent re celved from Mr. Dartley tbo following sum of money : General fund , $304,215 84 ; sink Ing fund , $133,737.29. These amounts wer applicable upon the Interest-bearing deb of the state and explain how the treasure paid $437,954.13 of the state debt. He als received money belonging to the other fund nt the same date , $496.107.47 , or a tote of $934,060 $ 60. These figures make th statement of the circular that nearly a ! the cash In the treasury had been stole one hard to believe. Aside from this cas the state bad January 1 , 1897 , as a cas asset the delinquent tax list. Trom thi list Douglas county has paid the prosen treasurer In eighteen months $31,728 57. A Douglas county pays one-eighth of the stat taxes , it Is fair to assume that the presen treasurer baa collected from dellnquen taxes levied prior to 1896 , $253,82866. I addition to this the state levied In 1896 sinking fund amounting to $103,540 84 an the same for 1897. The state sinking fun tax for 1S9C , If collected , and two-third of the tax for 1897. which as wo have see was likely paid In the first half of 189 ! make $172.568.07. These three Items mak much moro than the present treasure shows to have been paid upon the Interest bearing debt of the state and make hi claim of dolnu so much for the state ap pear vorv slim. "A largo amount collected from dellnquen taxes , which I have already explained , ha enabled the present state treasurer to mak the showing of the reduction of state deb over nnd above that received for the pur pose from Dartley , and leaving In his hand on the 16th day of September , 1898 , th sum of $403,991.00 , of which nearly one-hal Is In the permanent school fund. If th action of Mr. Hartley In holding In his hand laige amounts ot money is subject to jus criticism , as It certainly Is , then the hold ing by the present treasurer of the araoun of $170,040 68 of permanent school funds 1 also reprehensible. I maintain that n money taken from the people which 1 available for the reduction of debts shouli bo held for one moment by the state of fleer , but on the contrary should be Imme dlately applied to the reduction of the ob Ilgatlons of the state , and I trust that th next legislature will see to It that our rev enue laws are so amended that large hoard of money will not be withdrawn from th channels of business and locked up wlthli the vaults of the state treasury or farmei out to depositories , but on the contrary tha collection and payment shall be , so far n possible , contemporaneous acts Concerning Cornell' * Claim * . "Tho claim of the present state audlto that ho has saved to the state In roum numbers $100,000 Is equally without founds tlon. This caving Is made up as bo al leges as follows Sheriff's and other fees $21,024 , collecting state taxei , $44,800 ; fron office fees , $28,605.44 , by not paying ealarle In advance , $5,281 64. The change in sber iff a fees for transporting prisoners , Juve nile offenders and Insane persons has beci made by law. In the early days whei transportation was by vehicle a law w.t passed allowing the sheriff 10 cents per mlli for each mile necessarily traveled NOT that nearly every county scat In the stati U accessible by railway and the rate o transportation IB but 3 cent ? per mile , thi law has been properly changed to allow thi sheriff his per diem and altual expenen only. Similar change * Jn tha itatute ri being made nch recurring session of 'he legislature and there Is no foundation what ever for the auditor taking credit for this amount. "Tho secretary of ntnto makes n claim of nearly $20,000 made by his office in eighteen months over that made by his predecessor In two years. The secretary omits to state the fact that of this amount $13,600 was paid by the Union 1'aclflc Kail- road company for filing Its articles of In corporation , an net made necessary by th * wUo action of the republican national ad ministration , which brought to a successful Issue the long-standing and vexatious con troversy with the 1'uclfio roads. It Is hardly likely that a similar occasion will occur again In vour lifetime or mine The Intelligent voter will also recall that acting on the example eel by states nround its. notably of Iowa , the legislature In 1S97 passed a law which taxed nil corporations filing articles with the secretary of state , Previous to that time the law provided n fee of only $1 , which was presumed tc compensate for the actual labor In HlltiR and recording articles of Incorporation , Now- , the minimum fee Is $10 , with an ad ditional 10 cents for each $1,000 on all ar ticles of incorporation where the capital stock Is over $100,000. Under republican prosperity during the lost fifteen month ; there have been more new creamery com panies organized In the state than existed therein prior to that time. Each of these paid a filing fco of $10 , where they vaU only $1 each It Is not claimed , nclthci can It be , that former secretaries of stntt dollar duo the have failed to collect every failed to turn have , state , or. collecting the money Into the treasury. How , then , secretary claltr In fairness , can the present superiority ? , "When wo recall that the supreme cour ! decision tha ! rendered a nearly a year ago under the constitution all fees for service ! rendered by the office ot auditor or secre tary must bo paid In advance Into th the serve , reasury 'by the party desiring ' nnd that neither th to bo performed , auditor nor secretary has handled as palter oj in late months fact hc.r . claim for honesty to the pr. h be based on a atronf does not seem to foundation. Uccnril of llic I.cKlHlnJnrc. remarkable claim madi "Perhaps the most circular IB that In which th , reform In the themselves on the splend plume reformers tin of 189 and record of the legislature "aim is boldly set forth that In their ap- - ' saving n 189 'net proprlatlons they made a over 1895 of $371,378.13. ' Is It possible tha proceed on the prop these pseudo-reformers do not uuderstan , osltlon that the people the difference between amounts appropil amounts expended ? Do the : ated and the presume the pcoplo do not understand tha estimates o appropriations arc simply the fo the legislature of the amounts required the several uses of the government am permission given to expend the amount es to the pcop i fact tlmated ? The- Important appropriated , nl Is not BO much what Is though appropriations which are permission : to expend should always bo carefully mad < nnd within proper limit , but the Importan question Is how much has been cxpendei . The necessity o and tor what purpose. be largely In execs one biennial term may or much , below that ot another term. Lc us compare the expenditures then of th two terms to which our attention Is challenged longed by our adversaries. Elimlnatlm salaries , specific claims and fixed charges wo find there were warrants drawn agalns the appropriation for 18S3 up to September 1 , 1896 , $1,470,699.25. But this Include $250,000 relief bills for drouth sufferers $46,885.26 beet sugar bounty , which warrant $21,127 expenses o have not been paid ; maxlmuva rate case , And $35,000 for can cellatlon of prison contract , making an ng grogato of $353,012.20 to bo deducted fron the gross amounts of the warrants , leavlni a balance paid for the ordinary expense of that term $1,117,680 99. Now tnko th warrants drawn for the corresponding tlm against the appropriation of 1897. We flm that up to September 1 , 1898 , there wer drawn against this appropriation ot 189 $1,306,317.71. Exclude from this amount th warrants drawn on account of the Trans mlsslsslppl Exposition , $78,997.52 , and w have a total net expenditure out of the ap proprlatlon of 1897 up to September 1 , 1S9S of $1,227,319.19 , or In other words the allegci economical reform administration has spen In round numbers over $100,000 moro tha : did the republican administration for th ordinary'expenses of state government. I addition to this , it must bo remembore that the settlement and cancellation of th old prison contract and the substltutlo therefor of the present law was the actlo of the republican legislature of 1895 nnd ye In this circular Issued to the public and 1 which they parade ns monopolists of trutt the republicans are charged with the $35 , 000 paid for the cancellation of the contrac and the purchase of the contractor's prop erty and nt the sarao time these same re formers claim that under the populist ail ministration the penitentiary has becom self-supporting nnd no longer presents a example of republican extravagance. I regret grot to bo compelled to mar this plcasln picture by calling attention to the fact tin the legislature of 1895 , after cancelling th prison contract , appropriated $49,010 for th maintenance of the penitentiary from Apr : 1 , 1895 , to Matth 31 , 1890 , and $52,560 t maintain it from April 1 , 1896 , to March 31 1897. While claiming to have made tht Institution self-supporting the reformer used $44,976 of the first appropriation an $48,976.37 of the second appropriation ; an further In the summer of 1897 used $2,90 of the 1895 appropriation , making a total c $90,859.11 during the two years ot the tlm the institution was under control of th name officers as now and while the clali that it was self-supporting was being mad < Other Item * of Nin liiif. "I am sure I need not moro than en your attention to the fact that the legltl mate costs of maintaining an instltutlo vary with the times , the price of supplie and still moro with the quality of the sup piles which are furnished. A very consld crablo difference may bo made by substl luting , as It Is claimed the facts are , but terlne for butler , cheaper and poorer cloth Ing for the more comfortable and rcducin generally tbo quality of the living of th dependent wards of tbo state. The Horn for the Friendless has been denied supper entirely. The buttcrlne bought for th Hastings asylum In the last fourteen month la 11,500 pounds , for which the 'reforn board paid $1,144 30. At that rate per cap Ita the total amount during the same tlm for all state Institutions would bo 51,85 pounds. Tbo price paid at this rate , all t a Kansas City packing house , would b $5,185.90. What ought to have been pal to Nebraska butter makers Is $10,3718C The amount paid to the Mlesourl factor Is taken out of circulation In Nebraska U Is a new way to stand up for Nebraska The saving made thereby enables them t malio their showing for reform The plal : truth IB that the figures and showing mad In the circular and constituting the spcclou plea of candidates for re-election are nc counted for by the crime of Uartloy , th changes made by law in the fees of office increased collections due to better time and the email saving , If earing there be due to the supplying with poorer accom modatlons and roarer food the Inmates o our state Institutions. Where Hurtle ) Plunrei. "For the crimes of Dartley and Moore VM entertain no thought and speak no won other than the severest condemnation Thei offenses will not Le excused nor palliated , bu let It be remembered their defalcations oc curred during their Inat terms and whlli 8llaa Hoi comb -was governor of this ktate t'nder the law nnd practice which prevails the < o ofllccrs make u report of the condition of their offices every six mouths to the gov ernor The governor ns chief executive offi cer of the state Is charged with general over sight and the duty of conserving every right of the state The successive reports ot Moore during his last term show- upon their face that the fees received by him had not been turned Into the utato treasury Gov ernor Holcomb knew from these reports that the pav menu had been made to the state. i The last report made by Moore , showing the payment ot fees , was In July , 1895. Three I reports were thereafter made by him , each of which showed his default , nnd jet the governor took no step whatever to protect the Interests of the state The testimony ot Governor Holcomb on the criminal trial of Hartley was to the effect that Hartley fully accounted to him In January , 1895 , for every dollar then In his hands nnd that there was i nt that tlmo no default On the trial of the I second suit , brought by the state of Ne- I biaska against the bondsmen to recover the amount of the defalcation , Trnnk T. Hansom. I an attorney for the bondmmn and n high priest In the ranks of fusion , offered to provu by n wltnifs whom ho then produced that on January 3 , 1S95 , and before the approval of the bond of the treasurer for the second term , that there was n shortage of more than $350,000 and that the shortage was known to the governor at that time What ever may be Ihe facts on that precise point the undisputed fact is , that Governor Hol- eomb approved the bond for Iho treasurer for the second term and lhat the bond Is practical ! ) worthless , that the bond of Hart ley for his first term was good nnd that the testimony of the governor In the criminal trial st.uuls as a strong bulwark of defense against the state and In favor of the sureties on the first bond If there was a default on the part of Hartley during the first term It was the duty of the governor to ascertain that fact before approving his bond for the second term and If ascertained to take steps for the recovery of the shortage on his bond If , on the other hand , there was no shortage It was the duty of the governor to take a good bond and If the bond taken Is bad then the loss to the state was made possible nnd contributed to by the fault and negligence of Governor Holcomb. In cither case his failure and neglect contribute to the state's loss. I'roNiii'rll ) General nnd Gvhnlne. "While the showing made by the reform ers does not Justify ihelr continuance In office , their labored attempt to take credit for the widespread prosperlt ) which our people are now enjoying Is another gratify ing evidence of the existence of thai pros perity , the coming and existence of which they BO Ions nnd persistently denied He- publican leaders hav ovei been heralds of prosperity. The claims of the combine so tardily made nro In the lasl analysis flattery of republican policy nnd capacity. Evcrjwhero can bo seen evidence of a gen eral prosperity , not local but national No section , no state , no county can per manently prosper without the same cf- facls being felt by Iho country nt large. A genuine , permanent prosperity Is always general and comes only from favorable , natural conditions nnd the application to them of wise policies. The policy of the republican party from Its Infancy to the present tlmo has been to develop the high est capacity of our people. It dignified la bor ; It gave homes to the homeless , free dom to the slaves , fostered manufactories , gave an unrivaled market to the producer , established firmly our government at home , caused It to bo respected abroad ; unfurled our flag in new and distant Islands be > end the sens , carrjlng Inspiration , enlighten ment and liberty which it sjmhollzes , nnd today gives the strongest possible assur ? ance to the world that under the guidance of Ihe splendid statesman now at the helm A'merlcu ' in the davs to come ia to bo not only the slovvard of all the nations ot the earth , but that under the protection of be nign laws and In the unfolding of our civ ilization will the liberty loving and as piring people of the wet Id be blessed. " Judge Hay ward was warmly applauded nt different points of this speech. DcllierH AiIdrcHH. The Oliver Iheater was filled tonight by these who came to hear Hon. Jonathan P. Dolllver of Iowa , Mr. Dolllver delivered one of the most eloquent speeches over heard by a Lincoln audience. He devoted much of his tlmo to a discussion ot the national Issues , and to the question growing out of the recent war. In speaking of Nebraska ho said that BO far as he could tell the Issue hero was whether the national admin istration should bo sustained. To fall Jn easily carried and con tains lots of comfort In small space. Refresh- lie , appctlilne coup made at ones. Just the thine the endorsement of Ute MeKlnUy admlnl * tratlon now would bo like a m n dliehwc * Ing a competent and cnreful physlc-lna and employing In his place a neighborly and talkntlvo horse doctor. At the close of Mr. Dolllvor's spcooh 5 few remarks were made by Judge HayvrtrJ nnd Judge Jackson. ArrniiKcnieiitu fur Minn Dnrln' Pnnernt IUCUMONU , V . . SopL 20. When th re mains of Miss \Vlnnlo Davis arrlvo hero Friday morning they will bo escorted to Bt. 1'aul'a church , vshcro her father worshiped and vva confirmed They will bo placed In the lecture room and remain there un der A Riinrd of honor until 3 30 p. in. , when the funeral will take place , the Interment being In Hollywood on the Da\ls section. At n conference of thevJeffcrson Davis Mon ument association and members of 11 13 Leo camp , Confederate Veterans , of which Mlm Winnie was a member , It wai decided to place the arrangements In the. hands of the camp The actl\o pall bearers will bo members of the camp Delegations are expected to attend the funeral from nil parts of the south. AMUSKMKM'S. THE Telephone 217 Lentz & Williams. Props , and W. W COLC Act Manager. Pont , is , n > , 2 < > , si. 22. 2U ami 21.- . ery evening mill iiintlncos ( Mindnj- iiiul hnlmdit } . < \su\i , \Yinmuiu onitTin cociiitv Eightoarold Mental 1'rodlgy. o'liitim anil i i < ivi.i : * . International Musical Comliiues. \\KN JIMlAIVnit A \MiHY , Sketch nnd Truest ) " Artist 'i nit : into i'inits i , niii. in , Comedy Horizontal , lar ) Experts. \i ii : < \ .v i * v'i ' UK iv. The Copper nnd the Kid. MI ; I.KM.II : 11,1,1 \ > is. Gorman Clmrncter nnd Change Artist. s \voit ami unr. > , 1 Comedian nnd Comedienne. en viii ir. ixij. . The Supreme Monologlst. TIM : UOIIIIIM ; mini IIICHS. Singing and Dancing Acrobats. iM' eirrlicMi al C'oneerlH nnd Kiory .S it nil a.i nil oiitlri * NIMT * lnMr. ' " HUKOKSS. BOYD'S THEATER T < l. 1119. SHCOM ) WiiJK A HIM SI CCI'.SM. TODi , : iiti. : 'lu.Mt.UT , Hitr . Popular nii.tii itK .t I.T.ON xitn's LAUGHING SUCCESS Prices wrltlen lo rag-lime music 15 25 's 50 Tretly DnnceH The's 75 Urlulit Specialties Next Sunday Hanlon's New Superha. The * " " " * anam , Te , O U Woodward , Amu emnnl Director TOII , aiiio. 'lOMtiiiT , Hi U wooii'xvAn.n > T < ICIC oo. Lost Paradise IVei.t Wuck TWO OUI'IIA.NS. Arc you noing to the Omaha Museum and Theater . 1,315.1817 Fiiriiuni BIGGEST SHOW IN TOWN , AUinibslon 10 cents. SCIILITZ ROOF GARDEN , 10th and Harncy Streets. The most popular resort in the city. The a' traction for thin week DAMM FAMILY LADY ORCHESTRA I2 T > - Afternoon anil Ailiulmiloii I'rc't- . HOTIIH. THE MILLARD 13th and Douglas Sts. , Oinnli.i CENTUALLY LOCATUD -AMEIIICAN AMI ISUIUIl'UAN I'LA.\ J. i : . .M.\llKii , A. ao.V , Props. 14th llurney St. Strictly first ilas Street ears from tlopoln to hotel and enl > U minutes HJo to Uxpo- sltlon. Hates $200 tc $100 H. SI ! LOWAY Manaecr Mill WAI A THE PALACEJF MYSTERIES The Best Show Ever Produced at an Imposition. rovii fiiir.vr A'ITHACTIO > S. "LtlMiT'l'l. " The Mystery of the Air. A Wonderful Hypnotic Production , " .sun. " "i.\ HKI.M : MIIK : \ , " In the Dancing Girl Illusion. "isn.MAni , . " The Famous Hindoo Magician. i'iuroiMi : VM u. MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS. Norlhol Music Hall , E. Midway. SOUTHERN CALIl-OUNIA g g Ostrich Farm g g AVI5ST MIDWAY. Q n62 Gigantic Birds 62 s Zintamanaaa sag a a a a oDe Do Not Forget to Visit the Tea Garden , Bazar" and Joss House on West Midway. * s" TBB0H P3W s c t i IfkLpi U H W M " - " T W a TUB VtONonu op rnii AUT HOKLU U HAST .MIDViAY IO its \lblT THU DESTRUCTION or IHE MAINfJ. The tire main features ut the 1-xposi tion are the model ot the Maine in the Qo\ eminent building and the 13 o- ilruotloi of I tit ) Maine on the Midway , next to the Qyp y Fortune Tellers , , I PfarTtation ] 100 Southern Ntsro Dancers , Rlngen , L and Cake WalKcra I'kkuiilnny 3 Quarut. Handsome Tin-liter , r 8e the Village Streets of All Nations Grandest , Best Amusement Place on exposition Grounds. 250 People Representing Different _ _ _ Don't fall to tnkn a rtite on GRIFFITHS' ' SCENIC RAILWAY on the MIIJUAY , and see a reprenentution of the UA'ITLR OF MANILA In the Ori-at Tunnel 'lh * patent rleht for th an ia I- wa > In any p.iri of thu United Statt * fur halii l > y J A CrimtliH , at hlu ofUce on tha Midway. K * U U " D r "i GENBACH'S t Trained Wild Animal Show , III Imr Oeii of I 'IT Voicll fonmiiK Loopards. UB AUTOMATON from Knypt.ini Hull. London , Ei\s\ ' 4U\\.tj. ! 10 cents. I'otr .sfouisu Of WKST MIDWAY.