Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1898, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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Ail * rrllrx-iueiilH lor tiie-nr ooliiiiiini
rrlll br InUi-ti until la in. for tlif
ftpiilnir nml until Mi'IU lor tiiornliiK
mill * Miu < lm < > iiitinni > .
Itnlen , 1 l-Ku n vroril flmf liisrrtloiii
Ic n .toril tlie-rrnrtrr. > othli > H InUcii
for le-nn Ilinn lo for ( Inflmt Inncr-
tlon. Tin-up crtlsomciitfi taunt ho
run coti-ruiillv < ! > .
A < H crtlNcrn , li > * rrijucnttiiu n nuin-
lirrcil rliroU , run liu\i * unmvrrn nil-
ilrmiii-il o it iiiitnlicreil letter In care
of The Her. A unit era no ndilrcnnril
trill lu > ili-lli. rred on prmnitntlon of
tin'li PC U oii ! > .
A STENOGRAPH ER-Whcn you want one
plnnso < nll up the Remington tvpevvrlter
ofllcc , 1613 1'arnum st . tcli-phone , 1173
A-MG9C 017
BY expert male stenographer , 8 years' ex
perience , rapid operator ; notary Ad-
dro3S B CO , Bee A-MSOfi 22 *
_ _
WANTED , situation by nn experienced
lady stenographer thoroughly compe
tent In short hand. B 37 , Bee. A M793 23 *
SALESMEN for clgnra ; J123 a month and
expenses , old firm , rxperlcnco unneces-
eary. C. C. Uiahop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
TAILORS , attend Dylir's cutting Kchoot.
DEPUTIES wanted , both local and state ;
exceptional opportunities for good men ,
No 1 contracts , both life and accident
politics , weekly henellts , fraternal order.
J. Stuart , 40C-S lice bldg , Omalm
YOUNG men to learn barber trade , only 6
to 8 weeks inquired , wo Rive our gradu
ates employment till they receive In wages
as much as they pay for tuition und ex-
pi'nnes learning St Louis IJiirbur Col
lege , Odd Fellows' Hide , Dodge and Hth ,
Omnhii I'rof. Handolph , Instructor
B-M322 O9
SALESMEN can make { 100 per month sell
ing our olllco specialties to merchants by
fmmple , line side lines , blK prollts Model
Mfg Co , Uox U. South Bend , JnJ
T\VO clothing salesmen wanted In Omaha
nnd ono In each county In every state to
tuko orders for our Jo.00 to $10.00 made-
to-measure suits and overcoats , live men
without experience can make $130 00 per
month. If you can furnish satisfactory
reference wo will furnish a complete Knm-
plo line and outtu and start jou at work
at onco. Tor particulars address Ameri
can Wooolen Mills Co , Enterprise BuildIng -
Ing , Chicago. B M43S Oil ! "
WANTED , the services of a professional
rat citcher to destroy rats on u ranch
on the Union 1'aclllc railway , 50 miles
from Omalm Address Standard Cattle
t'o , A turn Neb B MubJ ii
WANTED laborers for II. & M. extra gang
In Wyoming and Nebraska , free fare.
Kramer & O'Hcarn , 12th and rurnam.
H-M77U J2 *
WE PAY $75 to J125 per mo. und expenses
selling cigars , experience unnecessary ,
permanent position. Bailey Bios Phila
delphia , Pa B-M701 21 *
WANTED , llnot\po operator for permanent
Job In town of 12,000 , married man pre
ferred ; bring credentials to room ITS , Paxton -
ton , between 4 30 and C p. m. , Wednesday
B 7S4-20 *
PACKING and order clerk wanted In
wholesale rubber house , must have shoe
experience. K. T. Lindsay , Onnha
WANTED , salesman ; ( .alary paid weekly ;
experience unnecessary ; permanent.
Brown Bros. Co. , Chicago. B MSOJ 21 *
TAILORS. Pantorlum. NE cor. llth & Far"
B-M7S3 22
100 GIRLS for all kinds of work ; $3 to $7
week. Canadian Olllcc , 1522 Douglas.
WANTED-150 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 87C.
WANTED , girl for general housework. Ap
ply 2201 Spencer ut , , Kountzo Place.
C-703 20 *
WANTCD , nn Al talloress ; one up on gen
eral dressmaking business preferred. Mrs.
II. C. Moses , 303 So. 17th St. , Omaha
C 7JC 20 *
YOUNG girl to do third girl's work In a
small private family , references Call be
tween 10 unil I Friday , 2618 St. Mark's av.
C-M71D 21
WANTED , young girl to do third work In
small private family. References re
quired Applv between 8 nnd 8am nnd
5 and 6pm. 2618 St , Mary's uve
uveC747 20
GOOD girl for general housework In small
family. 2GOJ Pierce st. C M775 U
WANTED , competent girl for general
housework ; two in family , 1021 Park nvc-
uo. C M791 23 *
COMPETENT girl for general housowoTk !
BOD S. 25th ave , C M790 23 *
COMPETENT girl wanted for general
housework , $4.00 per week. Inquire at
onco. 2020 Emmet. C M20S
roil RENT no us lib
CHOICE houses nnd cottages all over city ;
15 to J75. Fidelity , ilrst lloor , N. Y. Life !
D 83.2
HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 10S N. 15th St.
HOUSES , stores. Bemla , Paxton block
FURNITURE nnd leasehold of u 7 and 13-
room modern Hut for sale , bargain ; gooc' '
location ; rent low. Bemls Pnxton block ,
D 850
A FEW COTTAGES. 430 Board Trade
DUNDEE Place house. 605 Bee.
4 , 6 AND 7 room Btcnm heated Hats for reni
Howard Runck , uyt. , 1610 Chicago Street
BENEWA'S residence to rent , 3230 Bnrt
\ \ p-Mb3S
23-3 SOUTH 16th St , B-room flat , J10 J N
Frenzer , Qpp. old P , O. D 70s
TWO-STORY house , fine condition , porce
lain bath. gas. etc. , J2000. F. D. Wend
16th and Douglas. D 750
FOR RENT 10-room house , modern , near ! '
new , hot water heat nnd barn , nt 914 S
33d St. F. D. Wead , agent , 16 & Douglas
FOR RENT , 8-room modern cottage a
M Nnttlnger , Bee Bldg. D 783-22
ALWAYS moving household goods nm
pianos Omaha Vnn & . iJtorago Co , 1511V
Fnrnnm. Tel. , 1B59 D 833
HOUSES , stores. Bobbins , 1S02 Furnnm
6-R COTTAGE. 9th nnd Pierce.DM700
D-M700 23 *
HOTEL good business , furniture for sale
B Eli. Bee. D-M795 O2Q *
FURNISHED rooms-Jl M nnd f.200 pe
week , central part of city. 1702 Webster
E-M300 23 *
TROCADERO-Beds 25c ; clean , 7afo. 110
Harney. E M306 OS *
N.ICJ'L'Yirnlshed rooms for trnnslenta
2209 Spencer St. , Kountze Place , near x
poblton. E-M143
TRANSIENTS , cool rooms , bath 614 N
19 " .
* 1S99J-O3
EXPOB1TION visitors can get rellabiiTin
formiitlon In regard to hotels , room
board , etc. . nt the Oftlclnl Informntloi
Bureau , 1319 Farnam at ; this bureau I
under the supervUlon of the expoHltloi
management Oillca open day and night
nocharse for Information K vu
ROOMS , transients accommodated , 191
CumliiKs. " E M25iS O6
I 3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping
V man and wife , rent taken In board 313 N
fe JI111-
/ H'RNISHED rooms , with bath ; one bloci
torn 24th st. car line. ! > 52 Bouth 2 ll
troet. E-567 30'
FoR RENT , n parlor room to man un
wife or two ladles , 151S Madison avenue
lose to exposition grounds. E $16 23
( Continued. )
FURNISHED room * , also two for light
housekeeping 2603 Dodge street
E-M77621 *
TOR RENT four furnlsh d rooms for
housekeeping , everj thine complete. I2U5
rnrnnm E-MS07 23 *
SARATOGA HOTEL , 24th St nnd Ames
Ave , 4 blocks west from north gate ex
position grounds , bent rooms , $2 , with
meals , $100 without , famltlrs nnd parties ,
$125 n day nn < ! Me European , everthing
new nnd nfal , free baths , double parlors ,
library and p'ano , two lines of street cars ,
vast verandahs , best place to see exposi
tion fire works , Jolly people and a g > mn-
nslutn Telephone , 1931 1' 777
THE BENEFIT HOUSE. 21st nnd Plnkncy
Sts , fifty daintily furnished rooms , one-
nquare from the Arch of the States :
everything new and Ilrst class , terms
reasonable. F S59
TAKE down that "for nale" or "for rent"
sign In your window. The Bee reaches
moro people In n day than will pass your
window in n month , and they consult
thi-so columns when they want to buy or
rent. F-865
THE MERRIAM , nirst class family hotel ,
25th and Dodge Sty. F-SGO
MRS E. L. 8POTTS. 622 N. 19th St. , nice
rooms , gna , bath , first-class board ; rates
reasonable. F M433 S23
WELL Fl'RNISHDD rooms , line board !
1903 Capitol nve T M2SI O7 *
UTOPIA-Famliyliotll. 1721 DavcnporL
r 50-1 Oct 13 *
FIRST-CLASS rooms , with board , In prl-
vato family ; new ; modern honso 2r > 46
Chicago st F-571 22 *
NICELY furnished room with board ,
modern house , near Hanscotn park , on
car line. B 48 , Bee. F D730
TWO rooms , single or ensulto ; perman ° nt.
1136 S. 31st. F-M7.M U
FURNISHED or unfurnished single or
unsulte , by day or month. G21 < & S 19th
G 529-S19'
SUITE of unfurnished rooms , modern G1C
So 29th St G 727 20 *
FOR RENT , two or three unfurnished
looms for housekeeping , modern , furnace
hint. Apply HtlG Leavenworth st
G -M7CS 22 *
i 3 ROOMS. 708 S. 17th ! St G M293 O20
rou iin.vr sTonns AMJ OI-IMCCH.
FOU RENT , the 4-story brick building at
910 rarnam St This building has a lire-
proof cement basement , water on all
lloors gas , etc. Apply at the olllco of
The Bee. 1 910
DESK room. G. G. Wallace , 313 Brown Bile.
NIPE store. Corner 24th nnd Hamilton. Ap
ply 2318 Caldwell. I 803
FOR RENT , a good barn-box stall , cheap.
1D02 Cass St. I M740
IN U. 8. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. 601 Bee Bldg.
Aouvrs AVAvrun.
AGENTS and branch managers ; salary or
commission. Hunter Tailoring Co , Cln-
jclnnatl. O. J M017 Oct-ll
" \VAIt With Spain , " 700 pages , com
plete ; English , Swedish nnd German ; out-
lit free W. A. llixcnbaugh & Co. olllco
14 , Ware blk , Omaha. J M413 O10
WE want agents to sell our medicines.
Ellshunt Medicine Co , DCS Mollies , la
J-M741 2 ! "
ELECTRIC belts , $3 to $3. dally to live
jigents , quick sellers , euro diseases with
out medicine. Electric Belt Mfg Co , G40
Dlversey st , Chicago. J 740 22'
WANTED , good agents to sell a line of
lubricating oils nnd greases. Liberal con-
traits offered. The Atlas Oil Co , Cleve
land , O. J-MS05 21
LIVE agents make from $3 00 to $25 00 per
duy In selling Jap-a-lac , the new finish
for floors , wood work , furniture , etc. ,
easily applied and made In the following
colors' Oak. walnut , cherry , mahogany ,
oxhlood red , malachite green , empire
blue , ebony and natural. Send 2-cent
stamp for samples of llnlshed wood nnd
obtain particulars The Glldden Varnish
Co , Cleveland. O. J-MS04 21 *
Henry F Kecnan. The only genuine his
tory of the war Over GOO pp , over 150
lllus. Authentic , accurate , official , com
plete. Of thrilling Interest. Outfit now
readv. Agents wanted. Liberal terms P.
W Zleclor & Co . 32G Dearborn St . Chicago
cage , 111. J-MS02 21
AGENTS wanted for rapid selling house
hold novelty ; needed In every house , sells
for rash , und can easily IIP carried In
ngent'fl pocket. No competition , no ! !
ceiiHe , a rare , good thing Write for par
ticulars Sutllve Brothers , Krokuk , In
J-MGS8 03
\VAVH3I ) TO Itnvr.
ALL persons desiring to rent their rooms
to exposition visitors kindly call tit once ,
210 S 14th Bt. K M302 O8
WANTED , a. 7-room house , modern Im
provements , centrally located , by Octo
ber 15 , will pay well for right place. Ad-
dicss A tiO , Bee oJIleo. K 715 2o
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co , , MS'
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding
OM. Van & Stoinge , 1511H Farnam. Tel. 15B9
IF YOU are In need of anything try thi
Want Columns of The Bee ; they wll
bring you what you want. N 867
2ND-HAND bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co.
THE BEST IIOMETV2.000 will buy on easj
terms 1 am no agent. X 64 , ne
HIGHEST price for second-hand householc
goods. Largo lots a specialty Brown , 71 :
N. IGth. N M200 On *
WANTED , $2,000 worth of second-hum
i furniture at 304 N. 16th. St , cor. Daven
, port N-M496 O13
NO MATTER how big the mortgage , cai
buy or trade for the equity B 21. Bee
WANTED , to buy 100 second-hand bicycles
Neb. C > cle Co , cor. 15th and Harney.
N-MGW 20
HOUSES to be moved. Wallace. 313 J J
Brown blk. N-M7U
WANTED , pecond-hnnd portable oven W
S Jolley , Albion , Neb. N-MSOO 29'
CHICAGO Furniture Co will tell furnltun
and stoves below cost ; cot bttdx , 75c
mattresses , 50c , pillows , 20c. 1403-10 Dodge
O-M278 O7
$35 OAK sideboard , good as new , for $1C
2603 Pierce st O M774 22
RADIANT Home heater , sideboard , tab !
chairs , carpet cooking stove , almost new
Parties leaving town 722 North 25th
South Omuha. O 778-20 *
Elegant rubber tired phaeton , $90 , cent $2:3
i First-class Snyder phaeton. $115 ! cost $1Z5
i Good Simpson Ltn top phaeton , JI5. cost J
i Good hand made light phaeton , $10 , cost $11 !
; Good hand made light phaeton$35 coat $ 'uO
Pine gents'runabout , rub ttrd , JW rosl V7 !
i Fine 2-wheel curt , nib tired , $30. cost $150 ,
j ' Good 2-wheel cart with body , $20 , cost $05
Elegant open park carriage. $100. cost $17 !
Good Lea top family cairlage , $ ; coat $351
; Lea top eg ? . , nearly new $135 , cost $250
Canopy surrey , new painted , $50. cost $14 (
Open fancy driving buggy. $35 ; cost $1G3
Open \ speeding buggy , $40 : cost $225
c Top box end spring- buggy , $35 , cost $115.
> Top side spring Concord , $35 ; cnxt $150
6 puss full platform carriage , $125 , cost $50 (
Hood milk WHgon , new ( minted . - , test , J5
1 Drummond & Co , ISth and Harney , opt
; I court house , public library , county JMl
rou s ur-noitsis WAOO > S. ETC.
( Continued )
FOR SALE , horse , buggy , harness 2201 N 19
. . *
FOR SALE Cheap , n pair of tine drivers ,
6 years old well bred and good act -rs ,
must be seen to be appreciated Also tine
buggy nnd harness Can be seen nt Leav-
enworth street stables Address 2923
Leavenworth Flat " 1 " P M7CC24 *
FOR SALE , fine saddle horse , 7 yonrM old.
Address B 63 , Bee. P M767
LARGEST stock hardwood lumber , hog
fence , waxing brushes , etc. Chns. II. Lee ,
9th and Douglas. Q Sbfl
HOG , poultry nnd lawn fences ; all wire ; la
best. Wire Works , llth nnd Harney.
B. HAAS , Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 778 ;
plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , resi
dence , wedding nnd gruvo decorations.
Orders by mall or express promptly llllod.
B CAIJN and alto Calm cornet. Marowttz ,
118 N 16th. Q-S69
FOR BALE , ten R.I.P A N S for 7 ccntsi
at druggists : ono gives relief. Q 870
FOR SALE , reliable patent for state of
Nebraska. Address A , Bee olllco , Councl'
Bluffs. Q-643
FOR SALE , St. Louis fire brick , $14 00 per
M. Wm , J. Welshans. 'Phono 2G7
SALE or Trade , machinery , engines ,
pumps. Sprague Machine \ \ rks , 1210 Jones ,
Q-992 O2 *
STAMPS , coins , bought , sold Mortenson ,
401 N 10th. Q-MS43 S30
PIANOS slightly used nt n bargain ; come
quick. Mueller Piano & Organ Co , 214 S.
lS > th Q-M724 24
_ _
A scriptural and seasonable presentation
of a dllllcult problem. By Dr. W W.
Hnrsha of the Theological Seminary ,
Omaha , For sale at city book stores
FLAT of 8 rooms for sale cheap 1023
Dodge St. upstairs. Q M5I8 22 *
FINE lot Indian curios. Dcrlght , 1110 Fnr-
nam. Q-G12 O1G
2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1HG Farnam
"ILLINOIS WILDING" nnd furniture for
sale ; bids will bo received by C E. Hain-
bleton , secretary nt Illinois building
Sherman & McConnclI Drug Co , 1513
Dodge st , Omaha Q-M73S O13
riSlIEU makes Ivorv rim or plain dress
buttons from any cloth Store , Paik Ave
nnd Lo.ivenworth Q M775-O19
TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest
publication Illustrating the U. S. and
Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. ;
nlmost 200 photographic reproductions ,
with a largo map of the East nnd West
Indies , nt the olllco of The Bee , If or
dered by mall , address Navy Photograph
Department , Omnha Bee. R 870
Truthful In her predictions , reliable In her
advice It matters not what your belief
may be nor what your experience with
so-called palmists nnd clnirvoj ants may
have been , Ismnr will convince you that
the past , present nnd future can be told.
She can be consulted dally at her olllce ,
rooms 20 and 21 , Douglas block , cor. IGth
and Dodge , opposite llajdcn Bros
S M174 O3
MME. Gjlmer , genuine palmist. 1M)3 Dodge.
S-M184 O3
VIENNA fortune teller , IS yra. here. 1411
Howard. M ISS O13
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 808 N. IGth.
S-4SG O13
IF YOU want revelations of the past , pres
ent and future consult the only clalivoy-
nnt nnd spirit medium In Omaha who can
and does prove his wonderful power every
Sunday night to hundreds of people. , ad
vice dally on all affalis of lire changes ,
love , troubles nnd disease ; can do more
than all others In his line , as he has had
15 j ears' experience , dally consultation.
1G23 Dodge. Dr. Frederick Milton , satis
faction or no charge , readings by mill
S-M7W ) 23
MASSAGE and baths ; ladles and gentle
men . i , . gnetlc treatment. M. liilHson ,
, 107 N. U. ' T Mobl O15
LAURA ELLISON , baths , massage and
magnetic treatment. 119 N. 16th , room 12 ,
upstairs. T 461-820 *
MADAM SMITH. 118 North l th street ,
massage- und baths , room 2 T 782-26 *
BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter , 203 Doug-
law Blk. T 333 O9
MISS SAVILLA. B07 S. 13th , room 10. mnH-
sage baths T M523 21 *
BEATRICE HARLOW , massage and tub
bath , Egyptian treatment. 1701 Leav-
enw orth. T M608 23 *
MRS DR LEON , electric massage bath
parlors ; restful and curative. 417 8 llth ,
upstairs. T M771 2b *
LAURA ELLISON , biths , massage nnd
magnetic treatment. 119 N. 16. R. 12 , upst'B
T M797 O20 *
VIAVI CO. , 340 Bee building. U-S72
A LARGE Map of the World , one of Cuba
and another of the entire West Indies
showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Hu > tl , San
Domingo , Martinique and all the other
West Indian Islands ; 10 cents , nt The Bee
ottlce. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cuban
Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. U 808
$30 RUPTURE cured for $30. No detention
from business * 6 years In Omaha. Cal
or write for circulars. Empire Rupture
Cure , 932-933 New York Life bldg. , Omalm
Neb. U-873
PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without pain
ono treatment does the work : call or
send for circulars The Empire Pile Cure
93. New York Life building , Omaha.
MARRIED ladles should send 10 cents for
valuable secrets. Box 324 , Omaha
U-MG01 623 *
I MASSAGE , Electric nnd magnetic baths
New Hyglennlc Institute , 220 Bee Bldg , ;
MISS MAYER , lending chiropodist , mani
cure , 400 Paxton blk , has reduced prices
on account of expo visitors , manicure ,
35c ; shampooing , 35c ; foot treatments ,
half price , with directions how to effect a
permanent cure , Infallible foot povvdei
positively cures odorous perspiration nnd
tender feet. U-M&25 sa
LADIES or gentlemen , do you want to
marry In 30 da > s * Send lOc for guaranteed
secret , Box 125 , Omaha U M292 OS
SHOES soled and heeled , 50c. 710 N 16th.
U-M900 B30
SOLES and heels 45c. Petersen's old re
liable shoe shop. New shoes cheap. 10th
and Cumlng. U M30S O9
PRIVATE home , before & during confine
ment , babies adopted. Mrs Ludlow , 2.0i
Clurk U-M541 O15
RITTER'S hospital ; conflnem't cnssn takeni
babies adopted , 2214 Seward. Omuha. tel ,
2234. U-M5S8 O16
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before one
during confinement : babies adopted : ex-
perlenced physician In attendance. 113G N ,
17th Bt. , Omnha , U MBSO
HOT WATER plant for Bale Inquire O !
J. B. Warrlngton , Pender , Neb
U-M680-0-S *
HOW to become lawful physicians , dent-
sts , graduation In other silences Lock
box 96 , Chicago. U 747 29 *
THE Omnha Social club , SU Karbach blk
15th & Douiflac , Is the only liutitiulor
nf Its kind In the west Introduction )
made In our parlors Marriages Corre
xnomlcmts furnished Stamps Alllo T"r
ney. V M30I OS
MEDICAL practice of $3,000 a year Twc
horse * , buggy , etc , two furnished oltlc
rooms , situated In ft live town In Ne
braska , for sale at once. Satisfactory
reasons Address A 35 , Bee U MJOl 21 *
LADIES. u e Fac * PIMPLE CURE ; by
mall. BOc. Wolverine Druggist Co , ,
Agency box 624 , Schuyler , Nb.
U-M7J1 a *
( Continued )
WHAT per cent cash am I offered for n
small omnhu Savings' bank account ?
B 57. Btc. U M792 21 *
DR J ROY , chiropodist Corns removed ,
25c up , 21 years' experience , 12 jeurs in
Omaha. Frenzcr blk . U M793
WANTED , choice fnrm and City loans. R.
C Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg.
$100,00000 special fund to loan on Ilrst class
Improved Omaha property , or for buildIng -
Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company
W S76
614 per cent money. Bemls , Paxton Block.
$1,000 nnd upwards to loan on Improved
property \V. Farnnm Smith & Co , 1320
Farnam St. W S7S
G PER cent city nnd farm loans. Oarvln
Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W 879
ANTHONY Loan&TtustCo , 31B N Y. L. ;
quick money at low rates for choice farm
lands in Iowa , Northern Missouri , East
ern Nebraska W SM )
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brcnnan-Lovo Co. , 219 8. 16th
MORTGAGES , Wallace , 213 Brown Block.
' W M733
MONEY to loan at low rates on Improved
city property In South Omnha. Council
Bluffs nnd Omaha U S Mortgage &
Trust Co. W. II Thomas , ngent , First
Nat'l Bank building. W--M277
ANY amount up to $8,000 ; also buy mort
gages , F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas.
WANTED , bonds , stocks , fnrm nnd city
mortgages , circular for brokers onlv. In-
vestprs' Directory. N Y. _ W 852
$10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON
etc , at lowest rates In
Omnha , South Omaha nnd Council Bluffs.
S'o removal of goods , strictly confidential ;
jou enn pay the loan off at any time erIn
In anv nmounta
MONEY loaned salaried people holding
permanent positions with responsible con
cerns upon their own name , without
necurltv ; easy payments. Tolmnn , R , 706 ,
N. Y. Life Bldg , X 884
MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies ,
pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts ,
lewelcry , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green ,
room 8. Barker Blk X-M416
DIAMOND loan office , W > Douglas , unre
deemed diamonds , wutchcp. , etc. , sold
cheap X 445 Dec. 20
PRINTING , Quick , clean , cheap. 1610 Cnss.
Y M070-S26
WILL erect building on lot 60x160 on 24th
St , So Omaha , Neb , across from the
new postottlce , for nny Hint clnsn busi
ness. F. J. Lewis , room No , 22 , Ware Bl'k.
FOR SALE , the most centrally located nnd
best paying exclusive horse shoeing shop
In Omaha , best of reasons for selling.
For particulars address B 41 Bee.Y .
Y G70-25
OWING to removal from Chicago of the
head of a wholesale fancy dry goods
house nn exceptional opportunity IH of
fered to two thoroughly experienced dry
goods men with $20,000 to $ .13,000 each to
pcomo partners and continue u business
which Is thoroughly established
nnd thoroughly organized In .ill
departments , has been profitable
and If continued under same con
servative policy will glva good returns
upon Investment ; only men of ability ,
highest character , with bank reference
considered ; If desired present head ol
business would continue supervision until
July 1st , 1839 Address V 32 , Care. Lord &
Thomas , Chicago. Y M7B7 25 *
IF YOU want to buy. sell , trade or rent
anything call 513 Brown Block.Y
Y 787-28
WANTED , partner In legitimate office
business , good business ; Judgment and
some money required. Call 512 Brown blk
Y 7S8-26
24th and Ames Ave , will be sold. Nice ,
new , cheap. Call. Y 780
IF YOUR mortgage Is due I will trade
clear lot for equity. X 46 , Bee.
FOR EXCHANGE-CIear 160 acres wheat
land and Omaha city property for sav
ings bank certlllcates Room 512 Brown
block , cor. IGth and Douglas Sts
55-GS527 *
WILL trade two town lots worth $25000
for horses , cattle or anything , investigate
Call room 512 Brown blk. Y 786-20
HOUSES , lo's , farms , lands , loans ; also
llro Insurance. Bemls , Paxton Block.
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
tlmo to dispose of them ; let the people
know thnt you want to dispose of them
The Bco reaches the people who have thu
money. RE 863
FOR BALE , desirable resldenco lots , 124x
130 ; In first class location ; t < > n minutes
wnlk from court house ; cboip for cash
Address O 61 , Bee. UE-883
FOR SALE , cheap. 1 15-room house an (
lot on 17th st , north of Lcnvenworth
also 1 11-room house on 17th ave Call a
701 8. 17th ave. , upstairs. RE M29I OS *
TO BUY or sell houses , lots or lands. Cal
on J. W. Robblns , 1S02 FnrnamREM7C9
Lots In Malone > ' .s addition , llvo block
southwest of Armour's new plant , $150.00
Terms easy.
1G01 Farnam St.
RE M590 30
BARGAINS In houses , lots , farms : sale o
trade. J. N. Frenzer , opp. old p. o
HOUSE and two acres , N W.710 " !
4-room house nnd largo lot , paved st. , $750
Neat cottage with trees 19th street , $1,2W ) .
F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas Sts.
SNAP1 5-room house , barn , full lot will
shade trees , 2'4 ' blocks from car , enl >
$700 00 , in good repair , call at onco. 452
Burdette nt. or 1611 Itard st
RE-M754 22 *
FOR SALE or trade , 40 ncres for truel
garden , 4 miles from South Omnha , wll
sell for $20000 cash , balance to suit , o
trade for Improved or unimproved towi
property , horses , cattle , etc. Room 51
Brown Block. RE 7S5-2G
FOR SALE , $5 00 per acre , 160 acres land
miles from Norfolk , Neb , In Rlkhon
valley. Big bargain. Must Bell B 5S , Bee
RE M790 22 *
WE HANDLE the best furniture an
stoves ; highest market prices paid ; sol
at sma ! < profit. David Brodkey , 110 8. 1
M-166-Nov. 11
WE will sell good woven wire cpts wit
mattress for $1 25. Lewis , 1U1 Dodge.
LOST , sorrel mnre. white stripe on face
weight about 1,100 Ibs. Any one tnkln
up Bitch ii mare kindly communicate wit
W A. T'nvlnn T.naf.fc
LOST Saturday afternoon , pair gold-rln
spectacles In somr principal store build
Int Return to Bee olllce for reward
EAGLE Loan onice-1211 Douglas ; old's
established , moat reliable , accommodat
Ing ; business confidential , selling out $40 ,
00000 stock of unredeemed diamonds a1
big bargains. % 5 Octl
DR LIBBER , cancers , female diseases
1912 Leavenworth. M 417 Oct-ll
AN BANTS school , 717 N. Y. Lifer Night
school from Sept 20 & $3
AT OMAHA Bus. College , Ibth & Douglas.
HORT-HAND , up-to-dnte , taught by court
reporters. Bojles' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg
OMAHA WS COLLEGE , shorthand ,
Boyd's theater. 643 O16 *
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1 00 per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co , ISJJ
Fnrnam St , telephone 12S4. S91
VE rent nnd Bell the best typewriters
made : largest , stock of good supplies in
Omaha United Typewriter nnd Supply
Co. , 1612 Fninum St S > 93
REMINGTON Standard typewriter nnd sup
plies , 1619 Fnrnutn St 715
SOLD , rented , repaired Dcrlght , 1116 Fnr-
nnm. 613 O16
ALL women who can't raise family should
consult the renowned German specialist ,
Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents.
MAX FOGEL makes , cleans , repairs
clothes. 307 S. 17th M-321 O9
JOE YOUBEN. the tailor , Boyd's Theater
bldg ; lovely suits $15 , clothes cleaned and
mended nt most reasonable prices , work
called for and delivered. Tel. 1328.
413 O10
V. TAUCHEN , work guaranteed. 1511 Har-
ncy 4S3 O13
Mrs Martin gen'l ngt teacher 2233 Charles
i ) v\ci.ta : SCHOOL.
IIORAND S , 1510 Harney St. will reopen
for adults , Friday , October 14 ; children ,
Saturday , October IB , private lessons ,
singe or ball room now. Please call.
BG6 015
'IANOS of any design made to order , old
pianos overhauled nnd made equal to
now , second-hand pianos nlvvaya on
hand C Sommcr , prop , 321 S 10th St
205 OG
J , R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 518
Pnxton block , wnnt jour nucllon sules of
real estate , merchandise , furniture , llvo
stock , etc. 893
YARD room , or storage with trackage
centrally located. Address box 52 , City.
OMAHA Rubber Stamp Co. . 215 So. 13th.
Phone 10J3. Write for catalogue.A1439
-A1439 O12
PIANOS tuned , $150. Rose , 1521 Dodga.
343 09
NEW wheels , $17.BO to $25 ; 2nd hand wheels ,
$5 to $10. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chicago.
PLUGENO stops punctures ; fully guaran
teed ; dealers send for terms. Model Mfg.
Co. 1604 Cass. 179-O3
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick
ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. 13 & Calif.
W. COY , removed to 1716 St Mary's Ave.
WE SOLICIT nnd furnish posltons for
stenographers free. The Smith-Premier
Typewriter Co. Telephone 1284. 891
WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodge St
GOLD , silver nnd nlckelplatlng ; get your
bnseburner nlckelplated. Omaha Plating
Co , 1302 rarnam , entrance on 13th.
M-B22 O14
LATHAM & PECHAC , Mfr. of ornamental
windows , churches , residences , 1012 Farn
M521 O14
SCHOOL for euro of these defects. Julia
E. Vaughan. 30G N. Y. Life bldg. 736 O18
H. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Douglas.
KARLING'S furniture repair shop , 1220
Harney. R M931 S30
GONNELLA manufactures artistic stain
nry. Inside ornamental work a specialty
317 S. 10th. MG21-NOV-24.
ONLY corset made having waist line. Room
10 , Crelghton Blk , 15th & Douglas.
MISS BEYMER , vocal studio , 512 Karbact
block. 755-8-27 *
MASONWORK Jobber. E. Healy , 1822 Clarl
Street. 077-626 *
LIFE insurance policies bought for cash
Richard Herzfcld , 171 LaSallo St , Chicago
M. 8. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel , 1331
8. II. COLE , signs. 705 8. 27th. 481 O13
EYES tested free. Optical Institute , Hheelj
block. 946 N'ov30
C. A. CABE , vlollna repaired. 416 Sheeh
block 238-N14
SUES & CO. ,
Bee bldg , Omaha , Neb.
Ccnd for our 1 n c Im ent'
ore' Guide lei 10. t
( Should bo read dally by all interested , ai
change * may occur nt any time )
Foreign mails for the week i-ndlng Hen
teml > rr24 H9S will eloHO ( PROMPTLY In ul
cases ) at tha General Postotfice an follows
PARCELS POST MAILS close one houi
earlier than closing time nhovvn below.
Truin-Atlnntlo Mull * ,
WEDNESDAY-At 9 rT m ( supplemental
10:30 : u. m ) for EUROPE , per s H Ger
manic , via Queenbtown , ut 10:30 : a m. foi
EUROPE , per B. B. Kensington , vli
Houthampton ( letters munt be dlrcctec
"per -nslnfton" ) .
THURBDAY-At 6 a. m , for EUROPE , pel
( Continued )
B. s. F Bismarck , via Cherbourg , South
ampton and Hamburg.
SATt'RDAY-At 6.30 a. m. for FRANCE ,
ISH INDIA , per n e , Lu Normandlo ,
via Huvro ( letters for other parts of
Europe must bo directed "per I.n Nor-
mundV ) , ut 6.30 a. in for ECROP15 , per
n. s Umbrln , Ma Quccnstovvn ( Ictiorsi for
Franco , Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Portugal
tugal , Turkey , Egypt nnd British India
must bo dlre-ctcd "per I'mbrla" ) , nt S n
m for NETHERLANDS direct , per s 8
Mnusdnm , via Rotterdam ( letters must bo
directed "per MnuMdam ) , nl 9 n m for
ITALY , | ur s. B Ems , via Naples ( letters
must bo directed "per Ems' ) , at 10 n m
for SCOTLAND direct , per s H. Furncs-
Bla , via Glasgow ( letters must bo directed
"per Furnessla ' } , lit 1030 a in for EU
ROPE , per H R Bclgcnlund. via South
ampton ( letters must bo directed "per
Belgenland ' ) .
After the closing of the Supplementary
Transatlantic Malls named above , addi
tional supplementary malls nro opened on
the piers of the American English ,
French und German steamers , nnd irmaln
open until within ten minutes ut the hour
of sailing of steamer.
for South nml C'cntrnl Ainerlen ,
\Ve-Ht IiulIeN , Etc.
WEDNESDAY At 10 a m. ( Bupplemcntary
10.30 a in ) for SANTA MARTHA , per
s s. Bolvernon , nt 1030 a m. for HAITI ,
per s s Prlns Wlllem III ( letters for
Venezuela , Curucao , Trinidad , British nnd
Dutch Guiana must be directed "per
Print Wlllem HI" ) , ut 12 30 p m ( supple
mentary 1 p m ) for ST THOMAS , ST
ISLANDS , per s B Fontnbclle ( letters for
Grenada , Trinidad nnd Tobago must be
directed "per Fontnbello" ) , at 2 p m for
PORTO RICO direct , per a a Arkiidln ;
ut 11 p m for JAMAICA , per btenmer
from Baltimore ) .
THURSDAY At 1 p m ( Hupplcmentary
1.30 p in ) tor BERMUDA , per a s ,
Orinoco , ut 1 p in for JAMAICA , per
R s Ardnndhu ( letters for Belize , Puerto
Corttz and Guatemala must bo directed
"per Ardandhu" ) .
SATURDAY-At 2 30 n. in. for NEW
FOUNDLAND , per B. H. Carthaginian ,
from Philadelphia , nt 10 a. m ( nupple-
mcntnry 10.JO a in ) for FORTUNE
CARTHAGENA. per s s. AIlc-Khany ( let
ters for Costa Rica must be directed "per
Alleghany" ) , nt 10 a m ( supplementary
10.30 n m ) for CAPE HAITI , AUX
CAYES nnd JACMEL , per H B H. Du-
mols. ut 11 a. in ( supplementary 11 10 a.
in ) for VENEZUELA and CURACAO ,
via Curacao , per a H Abydos ; at 11 a m.
for PORTO RICO direct , per B B Mara-
culbo ( letters for Curacao , Venezuela and
Colombia , via Curacao , must bo directed
"per Murncalbo" ) , nt 12 in for NEW
FOUNDLAND , per a. s. Portia , at 8.30
p m for NEWFOUNDLAND , per
steamer from North Sydney.
SUNDAY-At 1 p. m. for NORTH BRAZIL ,
per B s. Thercalnn.
Malls for Newfoundland Dy rail to Hall-
fax , and thence by steamer , close nt this
olllco dslly nt 8 CO p m Malls for Ml-
quolon , bv rail to Boston , and thence by
steamer , close nt this olllce dally nt S 3i ]
p. m. Malls for Cuba close nt this
ofllco dally at 7 A. m for for
warding by ateamcrs sailing Mon-
dajs and Thursdavs from Port Tampa ,
Flu. Malls for Mexico Cltj , overland ,
unless specially addi eased for despatch by
steamer , close at thlB olflco dally ut 2 M
n. m. nnd 2,30 p. m. Registered mall
closes ut l > 00 p. m. previous duy.
Truni-l'nclllu MnllH.
Malls for China nnd Japan , per s. s. Co
lumbia ( from Tacoma ) . close hero dally
up to September * 19th at C-30 p m Malls
for the , Society Islands , per ship Tropic
Bird ( from San Francisco ) , close here
dally up to September 21th at 8.30 p. m
Malls for China. Japan nnd Hawaii , pet
s. 8. City of Poking : ( from San Francisco ) ,
close here dally up to September 25th at
0.30 p. m Mails for Australia ( except
those for West Australia , which are for
warded via Europe ) , New Xealnnd ,
Hawaii , FIJI nnd Sumoan Islands , per s. s
Alameda ( from San Francisco ) , close
hero dally up to September * 30th at 7 n
m. , 11 a. m. and G.30 p. m. ( or on nrrlvnl
nt New York of B. s. Etrurlu with initial :
malls for Australia ) . Mulls for China nm !
Japan , per B. B Empress of India ( fron
Vancouver ) , closa hero dally up to Octo
ber * 3d at 6.30 p. m. Malta for Australia
( except West Australia ) , New Zealand
Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , per B. HVnrrI >
moo ( from Vancouver ) , close her dnllj
after September 30th and up to Octobei
13th at 6:30 : p. m.
Transpacific malls nro forwarded to port o
sailing dally nnd the schedule of closlni
Is arranged on the presumption of the ) :
uninterrupted overland transit. * Rcgls
tered mall closes at 6:00 : p. in. prevloui
Postofflce , New York , N. Y. , September 10
PROPOSALS for fresh vegetnblos Hend
quarters Department of the M'Hsourl ' , Olllci
of the Chief Commissary. Omaha , Neb ,
September 19 , 1598. Sealed proposala , It
tilpllcate , will bo received here until 1
o'clock a. m , central standard time , Octo
ber 8 , 1S9S , nnd then opened publicly for fur
nlshlng and delivery of such quantities o
potatoes and onions as may bo required b )
the Subsistence Department at Forti
Crook , Jefferson Barracks , Leuvenwoith
Logan H. Roots , NIobrara , Reno , Rlley
Robinson nnd nt Omaha depot Proposal !
1 also bo received and opened by thi
nmlssarles at Jefferson Barracks
Leaven worth , Logan H. Roots , Reno am
Rlloy , until 11 o'clock a. m , central Btan
dard time , October 9. 1893 , nnd by the com
mlBsaries nt Forts Robinson and NIobrara
until 10 o'clock n. m. , mountain etandan
time , October 9 , 1M > S , each post commissar ;
receiving proposals for his own post only
The right IB reserved to reject nny or al
proposals Inholo or In part Blank pro
posals nnd specifications , showing In detal
the articles nml quantities requhed , am
giving full Information us to conditions o
contract , will bei furnished on application t
nny of the above mentioned olllcera. Her
bert Katz , major and C. S. Vol.
S19-20-21-22 O6-7
, Denver ,
Colorado , Utah ,
California , Black
llllln , Montana &
Pugct Sound * 4 Vi pm 4 00 pr
Hauling * Locul . . . . 7.00 pin 7:40 : pr
Lincoln Font Mull 2:55 : pm "ll:40ur :
Denver , Colorado ,
Utah , California
nnd ' Bound. * 11BO :
I'uget pm 2:15 : ar
Dally , Dally except Sunday.
pOfiT road Omana , Kansas City ,
ARTHUR Lantern Itutlrouii jho Poi
Arthur Route" Ticket OHIc
Furnam btreot Teli
ArrlV <
St Louis Cannon
Kunia.UPTy ! & * 4 M pm 'll * " '
eft ? ' Express - '
press . . . . . . 7.i : „ ,
Omaha & Qulncy
8:3 : ° Pm 7:45ai :
' 8:35pm :
n \II/\\AY TIMD OAltn.
( Conllnued. )
p.oc ; : ISLAND
, t Pnclllc Rnllrond-"The
Great Rock Island Homo "
City Ticket Olllcc , 1321
Farnnm Street. 'IVIephono
428 Depot , Tenth nnd
Mason Streets. Telephone
Leave Arrive.
DCS Molnon Local . " 715 ; nm " 11:25 : am
Chicago Ejpren : . " 11.30 nm 8:00 : am
I Chicago Fast Ex-
press . . 6:00 : pm 1:25 : pm
St Paul Fast ExPress -
. Press 6:00 : pm " 11:25 : am
Lincoln , Colorado
Springs , Denver.
Pueblo nnd Went . 1:30 : pm 4:15 : pm
Des Molnes , Rock
Island nnd Chicago
cage 7.15 pm 8:50 : pm
Colorado Fiver . . . . G.40 pm 8:50 : am
Dally. Dally except Sunday.
ncnpolls & Omaha Railway
Ooncrnl Onicos , Nebraska
Division , Fifteenth nnd
Webster Streets. City
1401 Fnrnam Street. Tele
phone , 66t Depot , Fifteenth und Webster
Streets. Telephone , 1,45.1.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City Accom . " S-fiO am 8.35 pra
Bloux city Accom . " 9:50 : nm 1:35 : pm
B 1 n 1 r , Emerson
Hloux Clly , Poncr. .
Hnrtlngton und
Bloomtlcld lN : pm " 11 : am
Sioux City , Man-
knto , St. Paul &
Minneapolis 6:00 : pm 1.00 ant
No 2 , 8t Paul Lim
ited Makes no
Htops In Neb 6:00 : pm
No 1 Exposition
. . . no
atop In Neb 1.00 era
Nos 21 nnd 22
Exposition Local ,
to Emerson , stops
nil Btatlona except
BrlggM . . . . . . 6:15 : pm 'S-30 art
Dally Dally except Sunday. Sun
day only. Does not stop ut DeSolu or
ern Railway City Ticket
omce. 1401 Fnrnam Street.
Telephone , 501. Depot ,
Tenth and Mason Streets.
Telephone , 629 ,
Missouri Valley Railway
General OIllceH , United
Stutes National Bank Bldg ,
_ -i- Southwest Corner Twelfth
nnd I'Wnnrn Streets. Ticket Ofllce , 1401
Fnrnam Street. Telephone , BG1. Depot ,
15th and Webster Stieuts. Telephone 1.433.
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills. Dead-
wood. Hot Springs. S:00 : pm 6:00 : pra
iVyomlng , Casper
and Douglas . . 3.00pm 6.00pm
lastings , York Da
vid City , Superior ,
Geneva , Exeter &
Sewurd 3:00 : pm ' 6M : pm
Norfolk , Vcrdlgro
nnd Fremont 8:15 : am " 10:45 : nm
Lincoln , Wnhoo &
Fremont 8:15 : am ' 10:45 : am
Fremont Local 8-15 am
York Passenger. . . 0:10 : pm 9:40 : ant
Dally. Daily except Sunday. Sun
day only. Dally except Saturday ,
Railroad General Ofllces ,
United States National
Bank Bulldlnir , B. W. Cor
ner Twelfth and Fnrnara
Street. Ticket Otllc , 1401 Furnam Street.
Telephone , B61 , Depot , Tenth und Muson
Streets. Telephone , b2f.Leave.
Leave. Arrive * .
Sioux City , M n-
kato. St. Paul , 6:00 : am 8:40 : am
Minneapolis . . . , . fi. . < u pm io-45 pm
Sioux City Local. . 7:45 : urn 9:00 : pra
St. Paul Railway City
Ticket Olllcc. 1504 Farnam
Street , Telephone , 284. De
pot , Tentr nnd Mason
Strcets. _ Telephone ,
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Lrtnltcd
Express 6:45 : pm 8.20 nm
Omaha & Chicago
ExpresH 11:00 : am "l-ifi pm
Sioux C'ty ' nnd Dos
Molnes Express Ml-00 am " 4-15 pm
Manilla Local * 10:00 : pm 9:15 : am
Tlcket Ofllco , 1415 Farnam
Btreet. Telephone , 89. Do-
not , 'icnth and Mnson
Utreets. Telephone , C29
Leavo. Arrive.
St "Louis "Canon
"Ball" Express. . . 1:50 : pm * ll:30 : am
Overland Route" General
Olllces. N. W. Corner Ninth
nnd Farnam Streets. City
Ticket Olllce , 1302 Fnrnum
Street. Telephone 310. Do-
pat , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone G2S.
Leave. Vrrlvo.
'Tho ' Overland
Limited" for Den
ver , Salt Lake ,
and western p'ts . 8:50 : am 1:45 : pm
The Colorado Spe
cial , for Denver Ac
nil Colorado p'ts. * 11.5S pm 6:40 : am
Fast Mull Train for
Denver , Halt Lake ,
Pacific coast und
all western points 4:35 : pm 6:40 : a
Lincoln , Bnutrlco & .
Stiomsburg Ex. . . 3.30 pm 12:30 : prfl
Fremont , Colum
bus , Norfolk , Gr'O
Island and North
Platte 4-M pm 4:115 : pm
Columbus local GBO : pm 9:40 : am
South Omaha Local Pass Leaves , G.15 u.
m ; 7:00 : n. m ; 9:10 : n. m : 4:05 : p. m. Ar *
rives , 10.30 a m. ; 3:30 : p , m ; 0 p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves 0:40 : n. m. ;
0 DO n m , ; 7-40 n. m ; ' MO n. m , ; 10:30 : n.
m. ; 12 30 n , m ; 2:15 : p , m. : 4.30 p. m. ; 4:33 :
P m ; 4 BJ p m. ; BB5 : p. m ; 8-20 p. m. Ar-
rlveH. 7 20 n. m ; 8:25 : n. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. ; 11:30 :
a m ; 3,03 p , m , ; " 3:30 : p m. : 1:20 p. m. :
5-40 p. m , 1.30 p , m ; "CCO p. m. ; 5.05 p.
m , 11 B5 p. m.
Dally. Dally except Sunday.
road Generul unices and
Ticket Onice , Southeast Cor
ner Hth nnd Douglas Streets
Telephone , 104 Depot , 15th
nnd Webster fits. Telephontt
11 U J
, , . _ . , Leave. Arrive.
KanHUa and Neb.
Limited . . . 3:03 : pm * 12.65 pra
Kansas City & hi
Louis Expresh . * 9-30 pm G'OO am
Nebraska J.oiil , . 4.30 pm * 9,45 am
Dally. " Dally except Sunday.
Dally Dally except Hunclay.
Miulo mi KITfotlvo Drfpnne.
ST. PAUL. Sept. 20. A Helena , Mont. ,
special to the Dispatch says Arthur Weld ,
an employe of the American Dlscut com
pany , was shot and killed last evening , <
few minutes after 10 o'clock , near the North
ern Pacific passenger depot , by Elbert Dlllf ,
an engineer of a nwltcli engine. Wald was
a roommate of Edward Wilson , a discharged
fireman , who had gone to the yards for tli
purpoE of revenging himself on Dills , whom
lie accused of causing his dismissal. Th
police hnvo Information that reads them to
believe that Hif two men Jumped upon DIIU'
unglnn , emi of them throwing pepper In tb *
face of the fireman , -while the other attacked
DIIU , who defended himself with good
effect , but waa badly Injured.
Mori * Tolinrro Conniilliliillinn.
DETROIT , Mich , Sept 20 H Is reported
In tobacco circled hero than the Immense
tobacco plant nf Daniel Scotten & Co , ban
been consolidated with tlio Continental
Tobacco comapny and the American Tobacco
company , vrtilch respectively control tha
plug tobacco and clgarelto trade. Orln
ficoiien , manager of the company , Is out of
the city mid therefore verification Is Impos
sible. The Bcotten company Is a larga
manufacturer of plug and chewing tobacco
and fately added to Ha plant a cigarette
i niuuuu illlot-trl eaKl-
ground nmt
uer med
llaxseed lfor druggl OMAIIA ,