Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1898, Part II, Page 14, Image 14

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Wheat Takes a Sharp Upward Turn on
Strong Cash Outside Markets.
XJecentlier mid Srplnnlicr AVIirnt Clone
1 1-H mill 1 ; t-l CuntN IllKlirr Tlinii
Ycntcrilny 1'rovlnlonn G-u-
crnlly A < l\nnce.
CHICAOO , Sept. 20. Strong outsldo cash
markets and light northwest receipts were
factors In a sharp advance In wheat tdoay.
December closed IHc higher and September
lic higher. Corn and oatu were both
favorably affected by wheat nnd advanced
bbout 'Ac ' each. Provisions were weak early ,
but turned strong and closed at slight ad
vances all around.
A surprise was given traders In
at the outset by the big dropping off In re
ceipts in the northwest , Minneapolis and
Dututh reporting but. S20 cars compared
with 1,093 yesterday und 1,921 n year ago.
To add to the natural bearish effect of thetv ;
figures , Liverpool cables were firm und
higher and tlicro was qulto n good demand
to cover foreign acceptances. December
started with plenty of business at G2Vii ®
C2c against yesterday's closing prlco cl
C2Uc and Inside of halt an hour the demand
had advanced the price to G2u. Septem
ber , In the meantime , showed even
moro ( strength than the later du-
llvery , opening UG'.ic hlcher at C5Uc
nnd advanced to l5 ! ic. At G2Tic for De
cember the advance waa checked. That
prlco was cloi-e to "call" figures and quite
a good deal of Helling by holders of those
privileges ensued , resulting In a slight 10-
DCtlon. A period ot dullness ensued wlli
prices varying but little until about noon ,
when the Atlantic port clearance figures
were posted , showing the surprisingly large
total of 077,000 bushels , of which Now York
contributed GOG.OOO bushels. As yesterday' *
visible supply statement gave stocks at New
York at only 18S.OOO bushels , today's bis
{ shipments were entirely unlocked for anil
us a buying flurry ensued Immediately De
cember advanced to C3c and September tc
GGlic , with the demand quite general. Brad-
etreet's figures on the world's visible sup
ply , showing an Increase of 3.G92.000 bushels ,
encouraged sellers again and caused price ?
to drop a little , December getting back tc
62 0 , but near the close the strength shown
by outsldo markets , especially for the casli
article , started buying again and th ? markel
from that tlmo on ruled very firm. Decem
ber was finally bid up to G3SC3Vjc am !
closed at GSTJC. September advanced U
G6c and cloyed at CG'Jc.
Corn was very slow , but strong , the mair
Influence being the strength ot wheat. Ca
bles wore firm nnd foreign houses took c
good many scatteied lots. Clearances wcr <
liberal , 301,000 bushels. Receipts were 911
cars. December ranged from 29 40 to 29Vi <
nnd closed He higher at 29ic.
The market for oats wa almost al
a standstill. Only a small scalp
ing buhlnoHs was don nnd price :
until late In the session ( showed scarcelj
uny variation. Trading became more acttv <
late In the session In nympathy with wheat
nnd prlci-s advanced some , the market clog.
Ing firm at the top. May ranged from 22'ii <
to 22V8e and closed at 22lS22",4c. "
Provisions started weak. Hog receipt !
were liberal and there were the usual yel'
low fever reports. The colling pressure wai
not heavy , however , and moderate buyl'if
by packers caused prices to harden later
Trade nt no tlmo was very largo. December
bor pork closed 2VjC higher at JS.27V4 ; Uo
comber lard , 2',4c higher at $4.771,4 ; Jan
uary ribs , 2V4c higher at $4.70
Estimated receipts for Wednesday : Wheat
17G cars ; corn , 450 cars ; oats , 2GO cars ; hogs
S3.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. Open. lllrh. Low. Clonr.
04H 04 03H-U
20H. H
il > H 1UW vnv. .
ITU , 2W i sou at
Sll H am ,
8 17S S 171 , B15
H IS H30 8 in HUT 825
007H 0 I'M 007K
405 4 70 4ns 470
47G 4 75 477Si 47.1
4bU 485 4 SO 4 as 4 B''V
826 6 221. .
47S 405 47U 4i)7 ) > i
No. . : .
Cnsh quotations were as follows :
FLOUH Steady ; special brands , JI.25J
4.EO ; hard winter patents. J3.40S3.UO : sot
patents , J3.30fi3.40 ; straights , J3.uOS3.10
jakcrs. J2.0Wi2.10.
WHEAT No. 3 spring , C2M65V4c ; No. :
red. GOc.
COUN-No. 2 , 20 Q30'4c.
OATS No. 2 , 22' i224i ; No. 2 white , 2l'ic
No. 3 wlllto , 2J'iii)2lL''C. ) '
IlYE No. 2.I7c. .
BAHLKY-No. 2 , 32iT44c.
8KKD8 No. 1 flnxsced. SS' c. Prlmi
timothy dPcd , J2.2Wi2.45. (
' bbl. JS.221-
I'HOVISIONS-JIess pork , per , -
CIS.27H. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . JI.70S4.7714. Shor
ribs sides ( loose ) . J5.inn5.3r . Dry saltoi
nhoulders ( boxed ) . J4.50fl 1.73. Short clea ;
Bides ( boxed ) , J3.52Hfi5.t',0. ,
VVIIISKY-Dlstlllcrs' finished goods , pc
gallon , J1.23.
StIGAllS-Cut loaf , J6.0S ; granulated
J3.04.Kollowlns nro the receipts nnd shipment
for today :
Articles. Receipts. Shipments
Klour , bbls , 9,00
\Vhent , bu , 222fKX ) GG.OO
Corn , bu 45S.OOO 209.00
Oats , bu 450.0001 207,00
llyo , bu 41,0001
Uarley , bu. , .vl. . . 114,000 | 9,00
On thn Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady ; creameries , 13Tf20c
Jalrles. HM lTc. Ksgs. llrjn , I3 4iffl4c
Cheese , steady , 70SHc.
M3W Yonic < ; IMHAI : : , MAUKHI
rtuoditloiin for < li < - liny OH ( iciicrn
elpts , 71,311 bbls. : exports , 29,302 bbls.
Irmer on new spring1 patents und extr
vlnter wheat brands ; spring patent :
3.801J4.45 ; winter straights , J3.40 3.50 ; win
er patents , J3.755j4.00 ; spring clears , J3.30i
.50 ; extra No. 1 winter , J2.75S2.90 ; cxtr
Io , 2 winter. J2.GO'o2.75.
COHNMEAI/ Steady ; yellow wcsterr
1JARLEY MALT-Qulet : western. 535i ( k
WHEAT Uecelpts , 90,500 bu. ; export !
1,591 bu. ; spot sluing ; No. 2 red , 73 1-85
; 5-Sc. f. o. b. afloat , spot und to arrlvi
ptlos opened llrm und displayed bullls
indencles nil day on small spring when
celpttf , heavy clearances , higher cables ,
ir export demand and strung northwest
n markets. Light itpeculatlve trade wa
to principal check to advancement ; close
1 0'7-So higher ; sales Included No. 2 ret
ptember , 71ii71'jc ; closed , 7H c ; Decem
, r , G7 7.1GQGS 1-Se.
COHN Hi-celpts , 32,775 bu. : exports. 220 ,
t bu. ; spot firm ; No. 2 , 35 3-sc. f. o. I
loat. Options opened steady on cable
id were sustained all day by the strengt
wheat , supplemented by smaller car Ic
tlmates , and a heavy export trade ; close
rtly Wo higher ; September cloned , 3IU <
ccmber , 3i 3-Sl3ltac | : closed , 34'ii' .
3ATS Hocelpts , 215,500 bu. ; exports , 16,01
. ; spot nrm : No. 2 , 25c asked ; No.
lite. 27Htf2Sc. Options inactive un
1OPS Steady ; state , common to cholci
0 crop. 40 6c ; 1S97 crop , Sfil2c ; 1S9S cro ;
fl7c : Paclllc coast , 1S36 crop , 4&Gc ; IS ;
ip , S12c ; IK'S crop , lliil'c ; London ipuie
VOOL Dull ; dumestlu fleece , ! Hj23i
xas , :3ffl5c.
' 'HUESE Steady nnd firm ; largo while
8c : small white , Sc ; largo colored , i i' '
, small colored , Sc.
, -UTTEH-Uccelpts , S.391 pkRS. ; mark (
n ; wcalcrn creamery. 15Hfc21c ; Klgla
: faclory , llHyHUc.
aas-Ut'celpui , 11,073 pkgs. ; mark (
i ; western , lie.
ALLOW Steady ; city , 3 5-Sc ; countr'
303 5-Sc.
ICE Steady ; fair to extra , D l-S-ff6 i (
nil , 5 7-S(7 l-8c.
, OI.ASSKS Firm : New Orleans , ope
tie , good to' choice , 2SQ33c.
. OTTONSEED OIl -Trailo llRht an
' , -OH barely steady ; prime summer ye
V. 22Vio asked ; spot , 22c for future il <
ry ; summer yellow , 21Vi < i c ; prime wit
yellow , 27ii2Sc.
liTALS The metal market continue
mow llttlo animation , but rules gcnei
steady , with prices In some Instnnci
, mdo higher. Despite the fact that di
mand Is slack , holder ) of lend and spelter
were disposed to raise nnkliiK rates. At thn
close th metal exchange called pie Iron
warrants quirt , v.-Itli J . ; C bid and JG.9."i
asked ; lake cniiper iUlet | , with J12.25 bid
and JU1.ri > 4 nxked ; tin quet , with J16.12VJ ! bid
anil J1C 25 nxki.'di lead quiet but steady ,
with J4.00 bid und JI.03 asked. The firm
that fixes the settling prlco for leading
miners and smelters ut the west quotes
lead at J3.S3.
OMAHA ( in.Mill.U , .MARKET.
Condition of Trnili * nnd ( Imitation * on
Mtiuilc nnil Fit nay Produce.
EGGS Good stock , 14c.
BUTTBIt Common to fair. 10H12o ; sep
arator , 21c ; gathered creamery , 19c.
LIVEPOULTUYHens. . 7it7Hc ; old
roosters , 4c ; spring rhlckens , 7'/ic ; ducks , 5
© Cc ; geese , not wanted.
GAME Teal , blue wing , J1.73 ; creen wing ,
Jl.DO ; mlxeO , JI.75'112.25 ; pralrlo chickens ,
young , Jl.GO ; old , J2.50.
PIORONri-Llve. per doz. , Jl.OO.
VKAL Choice , Oc.
CELERY-Per doz. bunches. 30Q36C.
ONIONS-Now , per bu. , 40S50c.
BEANS-Hnnd-plcked navy , psr bu. , J1.25.
1'OTATOKS-Pcr bu. , COC.
CABBAGE , per Ib. . Ic.
TOMATOES-Per four-basket crate , 23
CUCUMBERS Homo grown , per doz. ,
ORANGES-Seedlinps , J2.73 ; Medltcr-
ranoan sweets , S2.75f3.00.
LEMONS-Callfornla , 16 ; fancy Messina ,
BANANAS Choice , large stock , per
bunch , J2.00fo2.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
J1.75 < H2.00.
APPLES-Per bbl. , choice shipping stock ,
52 15ft3.0) ) .
WATERMELONS-Crated , 13QHc ; loose ,
Yil 12c.
CANTALOUPE Rocky Ford , per crate ,
J 1.2ii.
PEACHEB-Callfornla , 20-lb. case , S3c.
PLUMS-Oregon. Jl.OO.
PKARS Bartlett , California. J2.25 ; othei
varieties. J2.00.
ORAPES-Nntlvp. per hns.ket. 12'4o ; Call-
fornla Tpknys , Jl.DO ; Ohio , per bushel , 15c.
< itAMihilti.lKS \ ons n. per uox ,
J1.23 ; Capo Cods , per bbl. , J7.50.
NUTS-Almonds , per Ib. , largo size , I2fj
13c ; small , lie ; Brazils , per Ib. . 9&10c : En
glish walnuts , per Ib. , fancy soft shell , llti
12c ; standards , SS9c ; filberts , per Ib. , lOc :
pecans , pollshod. medium , G(07c ( ; extra
large , SiftDc ; largo hickory nuts , Jl.OOfl.N
per bu. ; small , J1.16 < 51.23 per bu. ; cocoanuts
per 100 , Jt.DOSS.OO ; peanuts , raw , 6 > 4c
roasted , 7Hc.
MAPLE SYUUP-Flve-gal. can. each ,
J2.75 ; gal. cans , pure , per iloz. , J12 ; half-gal
cans , JO 25 ; iiunrt cans , J3.50.
HONKY-ChoIce white. 12',4c. '
DATES-Hallowee , CO to 70-lb. boxes , 6Hc
Salr , 5c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , Oc.
FIGS Imported , fancy 3-crown , 14-lb
boxes , lOo ; r-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 3-lb
boxes , 22 < S23o per box ; California. 10-lb
boxes , Jl.
CIDEH-Per half bbl. , J3.23-fr3.50. -
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. :
green hides , Cc ; No. 1 salted hides , 8Jc ; No
2 salted hides , 7 ° ; c ; No. 1 veal calf. S to II
Ibs. , Oc ; No. 2 veal pair , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c.
TALLOW , GHEASE , ETC.-Tallow , No
1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2'ic ' ; rough tallow , lUc
white Ki-easp , 24Q2-ic ! ) ; yellow and browi
grease , H T(2' ( r.
SHEEP PELTS-Grecn salted , each , ItJJi
i5c : green salted shearings ( short woole <
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( shor
woolcd early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 6c ; dn
flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher woo
pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4B5c ; dry flint
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts
per Ib. . actual weight , 3if4c ; dry Hint , Cole
mdo butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , nctua
weight , 4ft5c ; dry Hint , Colorado murralt
wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3Q4c.
St. IOIIH | Market.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 20. FLOUR-Qulet am
steady ; patents , J3.40JT3.60 ; straights , J3.1
ST3.M ; clear , J2.76tf3.00 ; low to medium , J2.0
( (72.nO : rye Hour , Jobbing nt J2.75 in sack :
and J3.00 per bbl.
WHEAT Futures fractionally hlghei
than yesterday at the close. Spot , hit
higher ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator am
track , avn'Oc : September , ra'io bid ; Do
rember , fflc bid ; May , C63-Sc bid ; < > No. ;
hard , cash. C3c.
CORN Futttres wcro fractions hlghe :
than yesterday. Spot , steady ; No. 2 cash
2SUc ; Septembr. 28 5-Sc bid ; December
2S'4r bid ; May , 294c.
OATS Steaily ; up small fractions foi
futures , with spot about steady ; No. :
cash. 22c bid : track , 23tT23Uo : September
22 5-Sff22 ( : ; c hid : De"ember , 21 jc bid ; May
23Hc : No. 2 white. ! 6c.
UYK Tllrher , 4flc.
SKEDS-Flaxsoml. S.Wc. Prime tlmoth :
seed. wpnk ° r : J2"0T2.35.
CORNMFAT. Quiet , J1.K51T1.70.
TinAN Firm ; packed , east traclc , 4Cc.
H/V-FIrm ; timothy , Jl.5X8.50 ( ; prairie
BUTT ri Firm , but unchanged ; cream
orv. H"ri' p : dairy. l3ff717Uc- .
Knf5Ci nwr > r : 12Up. loss off.
WFUSlCV-Pfpndy. J1.25.
METALS Lend , J3.S7'A sellers. Spelter
PROVISIONS T > nrlc. lower : standnn
mess. Jolihlnu , * S 2S Lard. hlRhPr ; prlmi
steam , 4.K2 . ; oholrp. J4.r,7U. Dry sal
meats , hnxPd shonldprs J4.73 : pxtra shnr
clear. J5.M ; ribs. JS. < 12 . - phorts , J3.73. Ba
J3TtO pxtrn < her
pon. bovpil sbotildprs :
pli nr . JfiOftrlbq , Jfi.lJl' . ' Rhorts. J8.37'A.
PKCRIPTS F'nnr ' R.OOO bbls. : wheat
570M Int.pnrn. . ! < 000 bu. : onts. 1S.OOO bu.
P UPMENTR V'onr. ' fi.OOO bblR.wheat
17.000 bu. ; corn , 24.000 bu. : oats , 15,000 bu.
nnlttmorcMnrkol. .
BALTIXIOnn. Sept. 20.-l .OUR-Dul
and unchanged. Receipts , li,900 bbls. : experts
ports , 9,100 bbls. Western superfine , J2.25f
2.BO ; western extra , J2.65ji3.00 ; winter pai
out , J3.75fi3.M ; spring patent , J4.23ijf4.40 ; IU
extra. J3.C5i33.90.
. WHEAT-FIrm : spot nnd month , 70T
70Uc ; October , 70c : steamer No. 2 rsd
C4V-C. Receipts , 42,032 bu. : exports , 80,00
bti ? Southern wheat by sample. 64Wilc.
CORN Easy : spot nnd month , SogssUc
October , 33'4ifT33c ; : steamer mixed , 32f
3" > lc. Rpcelpts , 125,834 bu , ; exports , 42.8o
bu. Sotitbprn white corn , 34S35c.
OATS-FIrm ; No. 2-white , western , 2 n
No. 2 nilxfd , western , 2IVj025c. Receipts
. IO.P.OO bu. : exports , none.
BUTTER-Stendy ; fancy creamery , 201
1 21c ; creamery Imitation. 17e ; creamery la
die. 14 < f/15e : good ladle. ISffUc.
EGGS-FIrm : fresh , lOc.
CIIEESE-Steady ; fan > -y New Tori' '
tnruo. 83-808 0 ; fancy New York , stnal
S 7-8(79ii' ( (
POUI/rRY-Chlckens : Hens , OHOlOc ; ol
roosters , each , 20 < iJ2rc ; sprlnKcrs , WSWv
Ducks : Puddle. SH-TiSc ; Muscovy nnd mor
crcl SifiOp. GeP'o : WpstPrn and southerr
each , 30JT40c. Pigeons : Young , per pall
Ciiidimntl MnrUrt.
fancy , J3.00 3.20 ; family , J2.53f)2.SO ) ; wlnte
patent. J3.40 3.75 ; extra , J2.25fl2.40.
WHEAT-Flrmer ; No. 2 red , j c.
CORN Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 30 fJ31c.
OATS Firmer : No. 2 mixed , 2lc.
RYE-FIrm ; No. 2 , 4Sc.
PROVISIONS I ird , steady at J4.CO. Bui
meats , steady nt J3.37 > ,4. Bacon , In fair dc
mand at Jfi.oO.
WHialCY Firm nt J1.25.
BUTTER Firm and unchanged ; fane
Elgin creamery , 22c ; Ohio , HftlSc ; dairj
SUGAR-Steady ; hard refined , J4.53S6.10.
EGGS Firmer nt 13c.
CHEESE Firm ; good to prime Ohio fla' '
llvirio < il CJrnlii .Markol.
tires closed steady : September , 6s lOV O
December , 5s 4fd ; March. 5s 5 > , id.
CORN Spot American mixed , nev
steady : 3s liid ; September , llrm. 3s 1 7-Stl
October , firm. 3s 21Jd ; December , Urn
3s 35-Sd.
rhltuilrllihlii Stnrkct.
Firm : good demand ; fancy western crearr
ery , 21c.
EGOS Firm nt 12c higher ; fresh westen
CHEESB-FIrm nnd Uc higher.
MlimenpollN AVlicnt llnrkpt.
Stronger : September , 63ic ; May , 62e ; N <
1 bard , GTMc.
FLOUR Market strong ; first patent !
J3.95ff4.05 ( ; second patents , JJ.7503.S5.
BUAN-In bulk. J7.00fi7.25.
( irnln MnrUrt.
MILWAUKEE , Sept. 20.-A\niEAT-N (
1 northern , CSc ; No. 2 northern , 66c ; De
cember , ( i3c.
RYE-Stcady ; No. 1. 47c.
BARLEY-Flrmer ; No. 2 , 43 i@45c ; Ban-
pie , 31IT42HC.
I'forln Jlnrketn.
PEORIA. II. . Sept. 20. CORN Slow an
easy ; No. 2. 29 > ic.
OATS Irregular ; No. 2 white. 23
WHISKY Firm on a basis of J1.23.
Sun I'rnncUco Wlicat Mnrkrt.
Quiet : December. J1.19 > i.
BARLBY-Qul t ; Decemb.'r. J1.204.
CofTrf llarket.
tlona opened firm , with prices unchange
to 5 points htshcr on covering by short :
light support from abroad and marked it
crease In distribution from American ware
houses ; ruled sttMtdy but Inactive , with
local contingent In control. Buying checked
by BluRKlsh consumptive demand , liberal
receipts and bearish average to foreign ca
bles ; clos'd steady nnd unchanged tn 10
points higher ; snli'S , 77,500 ban * , Including
September , J5.livg5.20 ; December. lS.fi5fl3.fio.
Spot coltce , Rio , dull but steady ; No. 7 In
voice , Gc ; No. 7 Jobbing , 6'ic. ' Mild , quiet ;
Cordova , ! > til5c.
STOCKS AXD no.vns.
Dcnmml for StockH Stnnll nnil Ank -
iicxn li-vcliiim In Sonic I.lncn.
NEW YORK , Sept. 20.-Thc stock market
today presented all the characteristics of
genuine reaction. Last week's sharp re
covery eliminated the short Interests very
largely nnd the forced liquidation of profits
had been mostly completed during the pre
vious continued decline. The market was
thus freed to a general extent from tech
nical Influences and In condition to respond
tn the prospects for General business In the
country. lt failure to do so yesterday was
attributed to unsettling Influence ot the
slump ir. Sugar. The ucars were evidently
timid about continuing their campaign
further against Sugar nnd were Inclined
to cover , so that this Influence toward re
action wns removed. Nevertheless , the
market drooped heavily toward a lower
basis with one or two exceptions In the
list and closed only barely steady at u
level generally 1 per cent or more btlow
last nluhfs level. The action of the mar
ket was not different in character from
that which prevails at a tlmo when the
business outlook presents general dlncour-
UKument , contraction of activity and de
clining profits. The demand for stocks was
very small all day und prices went down
easily under comparatively light offerings.
A\onkness was particularly manifest In To
bacco , the Grangers and Pacifies.
The action of these stocks Indicated the
liquidation of a heavy Individual specula
tion on the long side. 'The sharpest brtitk
In the market was coincident of the mark-
Ine ; up of call loans to 6 per cent. This
flurry In the money market was disap
pointment to bull operators , especially in
view of the engagement of over J2OUOOOQ
In gold for Import nnd the mailing from
the Treasury department yesterday ot
checks for Interest on registered 4 per cent
bonds duo October 1 , amounting to J4.910-
000 , which are payable Immediately. Thn
HUbtrensury's debit balance at the clearing
house also ran up today to J1.261.45S , re
flecting a large Increase in government ex
penditures. The sluggishness of the gold
movement Is bomewlmt remarkable In luce
of conditions. Call money in London la
' , < per cent ngnlnst G per cent here today.
London discount Is 1 % per cent to 1 7-S ,
against 4 per cent hero Last month's trade
balance In this country's favor was J35.0UO-
WAI on top of the favorable balance for ev
ery month In the preceding year. In addi
tion , London has recently bought securities
. In this nrjricet. It Is a fact that part of
1 today s gold cnguKements was made by
bullion dealers here who are shipping silver
In response to the existing active demand
attributed to Spanish account. There la
not sufficient demand for the exchange
against the silver shipment to make u
market and there Is a better profit In Im
porting gold. Exchange Is thus clearlv
demonstrated to bo at the gold Import
point and the. question arises , What has
been done with the country's credits abroad
that they do not bring a larger gold move
ment ? The Immediate future or the local
money market is , however , clearly toward
ureater case.
Dealings In bonds were not nn a large
scale today and prices were toward a lower
level. Total sales , J1S10,000. tJnlud fctaiet
4s , old and new , were U lower In the bid
prlco today.
The Evening Post's London financial
cablegram says : The stock market here
opened steady today , but closed generally
dull on the unexpectedly large elllux ( if
gold from the Bank of England. Americans
were good at one tlmo on German orders
to buy Erie , Union Paclllc and Northern
Pacific common. A small feature Is the
I revival of speculation In nitrate shares ,
Spanish 4s were llrm on Parlsi buying , and
I Spanish exchanse on London fell sharply
to 39.SO , ngalnst 40.88 nt the opening ol
the month. I have Information from an
excellent quarter that negotiation by the
Hong Kong bank and Chinese cortrnmenl
for railway loans are proceeding most sat
isfactorily for British Interests. Consols
were lower today on the gold movement
and on an unconfirmed report that th (
Bank of England Is seeking to get con
trol of the money market by borrowing
on consols. This point , If true , would b'
most Important , but I cannot express r
definite opinion nt the time of cabling. The
total efflux of gold from the bank today
wns 742,00f , which , the official stntemfnl
says , Included .C397.000 In bar gold am'
215.000 In United States coin. All Is sale
to bo going to New York , but I have rfn-
son to believe that a portion of the bai
no'd ' has none to Germany.
Tne following ore the ctoMnc nuotatloni
ot the leadlnc stocks on the New lorl
market today :
Total sales of stocks today , 453,100 shares
Including 4,055 Atchlson preferred , 14.72
Burlington. 3,725 Loultwlllo & Nashville
10.353 Manhattan , 43.325 Northern Pacific
17.141 Northern Paclllc prferrcd , 17.72
Rock Island. 18.395 Union Pacific. 28,130'St
Paul , 37,000 ITnlon Pacific preferred. 22.15
Tobacco , 9,120 Chicago Great Western
11.810 People's Gns , 3.2S9 General Electric
122,300 Sugar , 13,543 Leather preferred.
X MV York Monrr Market.
NEW YORK. Sept. 20. MONEY On cal
nominally 4 per cent.
per cent.
tctual business In bankers' bills nt Jl.Wi
© 4.84 for demand , and J4.811.S2 for pKt
t'.iivs : posted rates , J4.83fT4.83 ( % aud J4.J-5
4.85Vj ; commercial bills , $ .SO"4TI.8l.
105 % ; new 4s reg. , 127si ; coup. , 127Vj ; 4 :
registered , 110 % ; copon , llli ; 2s , 'J1 ; Ci
reg. and coupon , 112H ; Pacific 6s of 'UI
102H ,
Closing quotations on bonds wrera as fol
lows :
97 ; Dlntnond Mntch , 110 : l.nko Street , 1S (
Strawbonrd , 31 ; west Chtcauo , 9I\ bid ;
Cltv Itiillwav. 200.
OMAHA , Sept. 20. Clearings today wcro
J1.129.S73.30 ; balances , JlJi.lfii.M. Clear
ances last year wcro JSSI.742.42 ; balances ,
J7S.7W.79. Kxcess In clcarliiRS , $215.130.88.
BOSTON , Sopt. 20.-ClearlnB9. J17,573,410 |
balances , Jl,261,458.
1'HILADKM'HIA , Si > pt. 20.-Ctcarlngs ,
JI3.193.CSI ; balances , $1,947.537.
HAI/miORH. Sopt. 20. CloarlnES , J3.053-
092 ; balances , $535.511. . . „
NEW YOHK , Sopt. 20. CIcarlnRS , $100-
4M.279 ; balances , IS.S77.002.
ST. I..OU18 , Sept. 20.-ClearlnBS , Jj,170.-
194 ; balances' , $733,164. Money , 41(7 per cent.
New York oxrhangc , 35c discount bid , 20o
discount asked.
C'INCINNATI , Sept. 20.-Money easy nt
IWtfi TIT rent. New York exchange , par
to 2f.c discount. Clearings , J2.123f.OO.
NKW OU1.KANS , Sept. 20.-ClearlnKs ,
JW.697. New York exchange , bank , 50c pre
mium ; commerflal , J1.25 discount.
nnxdin Stoclt On ttli > " ,
BOSTON. Sept. 20.-Call loans , 2UCT2U P"
cent ; tlmo loans , 4SO per cent. Closlns
quotntlons on stocks , bonds und lnininb
ihares :
A" . T. & tt r . " ; < i Atch'son pM 34U
American Susar . .1WH Old O < ? n. lilc-Ulc. . 47't '
do pfd . 109 Itnston KlevutcJ . . 70
Hay Stale Oii . 1'4 Ii U. Ill 1M
IlPlt Telephone . . . .2SO Cen ! HlPctrlP 1'fd. . 99
Hilton & Albany. . JW New Kni'lnm ! 6s . . .in
STalne..lMii4 Allouez Mlnlnc Co. 3
. , n. . Attnntln * '
PlttsbiirK I'M ' . W4 Ho ton & Montana..Ml
ilvn. niectrlo ( new ) M > , Duttc & llojtun. . . . M
Illinois Steel . 70 Cnlumet & Hecla..5 J
Mexican Central . . 7T4 Omlpntilnl 1'
N. Y. & N. K. pfd M Krankltn J ? *
OM Colony . 190 Osceola M *
Or < on Short Line. 31'4 CJulncy 116
Hulibcr . 44 nmnrnck ill
I'lilon 1'aclllo . lltt Wolverines
W t Dml . ftl'i I'nrrott MJ4
West. ITlectrlo . . . . 30 Old Dominion 5T-4
do pfd HmnlxilJt ; _
Snti FrnnelHCii Mining Unotnllonn.
SAN FnANCISCO , Sept. 20.-Tho onlclal
closlnc quotations for mining stocKs today
were na follows : _ _
Altft" . 7 Julio. . 1
Alpha Con . 4 Justice . M
Anrten . 9 Kentucky Con . 2
lielolier . 1" Mexican . 22
n < 1 & llnlchcr . "I Oorlitental Con . M
Hutllon . 3 Oph'r . 4S
Onlalonla . So Overman . J >
OmllenRO Con . 18 I'oUwl . 21
( hollar . IS Savace . l.i
Confidence . f. Soorplon . 2
Coa. Col. & Va . 67 Slerr.1 Nevada .
Con. Imperial . 1 Villon Con . 23
C'rown 1'olnl . 10 Utnh Con . 7
Oould & Ourrlc . 22 Yellow Jacket . 18
Hale & Norcrosa . bO Standard . . . .160
Silver bars , C03-8c ; Mexican dollars , 46 ®
Drafts , sight , 17Hc ; telegraph , 20c.
XIMV YovU MInliiK QuolnUon * .
NKW YORK , Sept. 20. The following arc
the closing quotatio us o n mining stocks :
Choler . 15 Ontario . 350
Crown Point . 12 Ophlr . 45
Con. Cal & Va . K > I'lyniouth . 13
IV.ilwood . K .Quicksilver . 12. ,
Oould & Curry . S ) | do pfd . 3.V )
Halo & Norcross . 75 Sierra Nevada . 75
JtonveMnke . 4500 Standard . 160
Iron Silver . 67 ITnlon Con . 18
Mexican . 20 Yellow Jacket . IS
Ijiinilnii' Stix'lf fl
LONDON , Sept. 20.-4 p. rn.-ClosIng :
Consols. monciy..lOD 9-l N" . Y. Central IiJi
Consols , account. . .110 I'ermtylvania &X'
ran. 1'aclllo . SK'i ' Heail'tip ' V\
Urlo . 14 , U. 1' . pfd C77 ( ,
Erie 1st pfd . 38 Atchl.ion I35 ,
Illinois Central . . .117 I , . & N U8 > i
N. P.-icIno pfd . 80 Grand Trunk 7i
St. 1'aul common. . lli',4
MONEY- % per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 14 per cent. The rate of
discount In the open market for thre
months' bills Is 1 13-1G1 7-S per cent.
KmiNUH City Grain mid 1'rnrlnloiiii.
KANSAS CITY , Sept. 20. WHEAT Hard.
active and higher ; soft , neglected ; No. 1
hard G4SC5c ; No. 2 , G20C4 c ; No. 3 ,
© GS c ; No. 2 red , 64c ; No. 3 red ,
No. 2 spring , fS@61 > 4c ; No. 3 , 55c.
CORN Lower and weak ; No. 2 mixed ,
27Vi2Sc ; No. 2 white , 28@28V c ; No. 3 , 27
@ 274c. .
OATS Dull ; No. 2 white , 25c.
RYE No. 2 , 47c.
HAY Firm ; receipts light ; choice tim
othy , $7. OOiJf" . 23 ; choice prairie , $6. CO.
BUTTER Firm ; separator ,
dairy , 16c.
EfJGS Firm ; fresh ,
Siiuriir 3I
NEU * ORLEANS , Sept. 20.-SUGAR-
Contrlftignl. strong : seconds , 2V4@4 3-lCc.
MOLASSKS Unchanged.
LONDON. Sept. . 20.-BEET SI'OAR-Sep-
tember , 9s Gd ; October , 9a 7Ud.
NEW YORK , Sept. 20.-SUGAR-Raw.
firm but quiet ; refining , 3ic ; centrifugal ,
4Uc ; molasses sugar , IP/jo ; rellned , strong.
Cnllfoniln Dried Frulln.
DRIED FRUITS Firm ; evaporated apples ,
common , firm at CSSc ; prime wire tray ,
SVfec : choice , 9c ; fancy , 9V > f. Prunes , 4'5(8V'C. (
Apricots , royal , HClIic ; Moor park , lagioc.
Peaches , nnp elert , 71190 ; peeled , 12yi5c.
Oil InrUet.
OIL CITY. Sept. 20.-Credlt balances ,
$ l.Cj ( certmcates , first and only sale , 1,000
bbls. cash at J1.02U ; closed , $1.02'i bid for
cash ; shipments , 97,881 bbls. ; runs , 10,533
City Mvc Stook.
ceipts , 11,305 natives , 2.G30 Texans ; largo
supply seemed to stimulate demand ; all
desirable stock active ami strong ; common
cattle slow and a shade lower ; choice
heavy steers. J5.20ft5.40 ; medium , J4.COfj5.20 :
lights , Jl.fiWIG.lJO ; stockers and feeders , $3.30
8I4.S5 ; butchers , cows and heifers , J2.SO ®
4.75 ; western steers , $3.DtyR4.90 ; Texan steers ,
t3.10fl3.nS ; Texas butcher cows , I2.SOS3.30 ;
canning stock. J2.25'/2.75. ' !
IIOGS-Receipts , 12,230 head ; fairly active
local and shipping demand ; light hogs
steady ; packers 5c lower ; heavy , J3.GMf3.80 :
mixed. J.t.60ft3.7B ; lights , J3.30Tr3.70.
SHEEP Receipts. 4.645 head ; active de
mand for shei p and lambs at strong prices ;
lambs. S3.nrtfi5.SO : mtittnna. STKSttM ' . " . rnnn-n
St. Ion I * Ilv < - Stock.
, SSJ' ° VIS. ' SepV 20.-CATTLE-UccclptB ,
4,200 head , Including 1,700 Texans ; ship
ments , 200 head ; market steady ; fair to
fancy native shipping and export steers.
Jl.COtf3.C5 ; bulk of dales , Jl.COfia.SO ; dressed
beef and butchers' steers , J3.75ft5.25 ; bulk
of sales , J4.20fJ5.10 ; steers under 1,000
pounds , J3.COfjl.CO ; bulk of sales , J3.COft4.25 ;
stockers and feeders , J2.S5QI.50 : bulk at
sales , J2.901i4.20 ; cows and liPlfe'rs , J2 Wit
4.SO ; bulk of cows , J2.401j3.IO ; Texas nnd In
dian steers , J3.0W < 4.2E ; bulk of sales , J3.400
4.00 ; cows find heifers , J2.4ftf)3.25.
ilP8-,10"1' ' " " ' 5,900 head ; shipments ,
1,500 hPfld ; market steady to a shade
higher ; yorkers. J3.S5ii3.93 ; packers , J3.SOH
3.9u : butchers , J3.9CV 4.00.
SHEEP-Receipts. l.SOO head ; shipments ,
none ; market steady : native muttons , J4.0 (
04.25 ; lambs , J4.10-55.53 ; stackers , J3.2303.63.
St. .loxcrili I.lvr Stock.
ST. JOSEPH , Sppt. 20. ( Spcclal.-CAT- )
TLE Receipts , 1,000 head ; steady and nc-
tlvo ; natives , J4.IOQ5.20 ; cows and heifers.
J2.00-fN.00 ; stockers and fenders , J3.2&ft4.45 :
westerns nnd Tcxans , J3.W > j5.05. | '
HOGS Receipts , 3,500 head ; slow und 5c
lower ; top , J3.kO ; bulk , J3.70&3.75.
Stork In Slirlit.
Record of receipts of live stock at the
four principal markets for September 20-
Cattlo. HOKS. Shepp
Omaha 4,833 5,643 2 ' 5M
Chicago 6,5iX > 24,000 2'XC ( )
Kansas City 10,99 * 12,230 4ci5 !
St. Louis 4,200 5,900 UOC
Totals „ 32.591 47.77S Fl Oll
INSTRUMENTS filed for record , Tuesday ,
September , 20 :
Warranty nn-dx.
J. H. Vanes nnd wlfo to J. A. Mc-
Crary. lot 17. block 12. Orchard HIII..J i
D. H. Goodrich and wife to Randolph
Carter , lot 16 , block 4 , Mahoney &
M's 1st add ; . 150
Spencer OtU to S. C. Abercromble.
lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 10. 11 nnd 12. block 1.
lots 1 to 7 , block 3 , Otis Place 1,000
M. J. C. Ryan and hut > . to Edward
Hanson , lot 4 , block 21 , 1st add to
Carrman Place goo
Jessie Trenberth and hus. to Rohrt
Major , lot Hi block 45C , Grandvlcw
add 175
South Omaha Land Company to M ,
J. Brlec ? , s < 4 lot 3 and n'.fc lot 4 ,
block 251 , South Omaha 875
J. C. Enewold nnd wife to Omaha
Loan and Trust Company , lots 15
and 16. Paulsen's add 100
M. C. Allen to F. U. Davis , lot C ,
block 61 , Omaha 3.2S2
F. R. Davis and wlfo to Ryron Reed
Co. , lot C , block 61 , Omaha B.250
Unit rinlm DooiU.
C. L. Lnmh to S. C. Aberrromhle ,
lots 1 , 2. 3 , 10. 11 and 12. block 1.
lots 1 to 9 , block 3 , Otis Place 23
C C. Oeorcp , ndmr. , to II G. Robin
son , c i lot 4 , block B , Shlnn'8 add
Total amount o ! transfers..Jll.lES
Fair Run of Stock and Very Tew Killing
Oattlo on Bale ,
llomnnil In Urgent for the Ilrot Crude
Kccdcrn Active ami Strung
Pnrtlnlty Hi-Hint nu
llflort o the llcurn.
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 20.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Receipts today . 4Mi3 , rt)43 ) 2,6o6
Olllclal yesterday . 4.6SI 2,293 10,396
Two days this week 9,571 7.943 12.M2
Same days last week. . 7,729 6,527 3,731
Saino days week bi-foru .3SG 7.9J1 ll.5t > l
Average prlco paid ror hogs for the last
several days with comparisons :
Indicates Sunday.
The olllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C. , M. & St. P. lly. . . . 1
O. & St. U Hy 1 3
Missouri Pacific Hy. . 5 4
Union 1'ac. System. . . 41 15 3 1
! ' . , 13. & M. V. H. H. 47 29 S 1
S. C. & P. Ry 2
C. , St.P. . SI. & O. Uy. 9 8
U. & Al. It. K. II. . . . Go 31
C. , H. & Q. Hy 4
1C. C. & St. J 25
C. . It. 1. & P. Uy. , 13. 3 1
C. , K. 1 & P y. , W.JJ . .
Total receipts . . . .201 93 11 1
The disposition of the day's receipts waa
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Uuyers > . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omnna Packing Co. . . . . 51 n3 &rt
U. H. Hammond Co. . , GOO 1,101 S3
Swift and Company . . . . 49S 1J53S 674
Cudahy Packing Co S30 1,11 ! ) 357
Armour ft Co 337 1,2M 1,037 ,
It. Decker nnd Degiin , . 14
Vansant & Co 75
J. It. Carey 117
Lobman & Co 2S3
\V. 1. Stephens 193
Renton & Underwood. . . SS
Huston & Co 73
Hill & HuntzlnRpr 303 . . . . . . . .
It. F. IIusz 61
Livingston & Schaler . . 147
Hamilton & R 2.V )
McCrcnry 53
Cudahy P. Co. , K. C. . . . 703
Planklnton i > . Co. , Mil 162
Other buyers 264
Left over 300 300 75C
Totals 5,121 6,621 3,251
CATTLE The receipts of cattle were
large , as win bo noted from the table ot re
ceipts above , but the most of them were
feeders , so that packers did not have a very
wldo selection. The fact , however , that of
ferings ot beef cattle were light was the
making of the market , as early advices from
other selling points all Indicated alow and
\\eak markets. The demand hero was ot
such large proportions , while the available
beef steers were In such small supply , that
there was a livery scramble among buyers
to secure as many loads as possible. The
result ) \\as that corn fed steers sold at prices
that were generally stronger than yesterday ,
good cattle bringing J5.00QC.40. It did not
take very long for buyers to clear the pens
and the thirty loads ou sale were all dis
posed of early In the morning. The demand
for western grass beef cactlo was also
and the market strong.
Cows and heifers wcro In good demand
and the market active nnd steady. Every
thing offered met with ready sale at very
satisfactory prices.
There were a good many feeders In the
yards this morning and t'ho country demand
did not appear to bo especially vigorous , but
regular yard dealers appeared to anticipate
a largo buying demand , as they all seemed
to want good cattle , nnd the market on the
best kinds of feeders was stronger in addi
tion to being active. The common and me
dium kinds did not show any Improvement ,
but on the other hand were Just as they
have been on most days of late , that Is ,
rather slow and scicky. Representative
sales :
2 feeders..1045 350 43 feeders..1053 4 20
W. C. Cowan.
Scows 1071 33T 39 feeders..1023 425
2 feeders..1050 350
OS feeders..1037 4 00
5 feeders..100S 4 0 14 feeders. . CSS 4 33
21 feeders..1121 4 < v > 30 fwdors..l07S 430
1 calf. . . 242 2 60 fi steers. . . , SG3 n ro
1 bull. . . . .icou 2 G5 1 steer. . . . 830 3 50
1 cow. . . . . 760 3 00 1 feeder. . 690 3 GO
1 cow. . . . . 910 3 00 2 cows. . . . , 960 3 50
2 cows. . . . 895 3 Oi ) 3 feeders. 830 3 SO
13 cows. . . . 939 3 40 2 fei-ders. 570 4 25
S cows. . . .102S 3 50 1 fwder. . 720 4 50
I ako Tomb Co.
1 cow 10SO 300 3 feeders..10SO 4 05
5 cows 9V ) SCO 39 steers..1230 4 15
15 steers..1166 3 8D
8DShclllcld. .
1 steer 1110 380 C6 feeders. . 1139 4 OC
1 heifer..1230 4 GO
41 steers..1CH1 395 20 steers..11G5 4 00
Ill feeders. . * 27 4 do n feeders. . G3S 4 33
30 feeders. . 867 4 OG
Rockford Live Stock Co.
4 steers 932 3 25 10 alters . . .1020 393
8 steer * 1182 385 17 steers. . . .109S 100
Ntw Hampshire Cattle Co.
12 steers..12W S 6i r. steers , , . , *
15 steers..10GS 393 1 steer 930 100
Al Willis.
10 cows 1CO < ) 3 tVi 14 feeders..JOB 44.
1 cow 950 3 66 1 feeder..1220 4 45
F. Stout.
16 cows 1090 370 33 feeders. . 11S2 443
Mrs. P. HenclT.
1 bull 1390 270 10 feeders..1011 420
1 cow S30 3 W 1 feeder. . . 1300 4 20
1 tow HBO 3 60 2 feeders..1140 4 20
1 cow 1200 S fO 19 feeders. . . 997 4 20
7 cows 1034 3 GO 25 feeders..1137 440
2 cows 1150 3 65
Dan Rogers.
1 steer 900 3 00 3J feeders..1219 4 33
6 cows lews SCO
63 heifers..1052 3 80
24 steers..lf.9 ( 3W 17 heifers..1067 415
6 steers..1000 390 40 8ti'ors..l2rt3 425
16 heifers..1120 415 4t steers..12J9 425
7S feeders..IOSO 4 f" ) 76 feeders. . 1104 103
78 f coders. . 10&G 4 05
HOGS Today's receipts ot hess wcro con
siderably larger than a week ago. and about
the same ns l\\o weeks ago , RO that It wan
a good fair run for the second day of the
week. The market opened slow nnd weak
under the Influence of very unfavorable re
ports from other markets. Buyers , how
ever , wanted the IIOKS , and the decline hero
amounted to only 2M,05c. , The market was
active at the decllno when the trade
was once under way anil the hogs
were all sold early In the morning. The re
ports from other market points all indi
cated n much larger Break In values. Ono
of the largest packers In Chicago wired that
they bought a drove lOc lower than yester
The hogs sold hero at J3.G5@3.SO , the long
string at $3.70. Yesterday the range wns
J3.703.SO. with the bulk of the sales at
J3.72'i < ff3.7r > . It will be observed thai ) the
top for the two days Is the same , two good
light loads going at J3.80. For a while back
heavy and light hogs , If prime , sold In the
same notch , but just nt present t'here Is a
premium on choice light. Today's decllno
wipes out a portion of yesterday's gain , but
leaves the market stilt a llttlo better than
It was at the close of last week , as will bo
noted from the tnblo of average prices at
head of crflutnn. Representative sales :
SHEEP The receipts were considerably
smaller than yesterday , but at the same
tlmo there was a fair showing of muttons ,
both sheep and lambs , and a very light
sprinkling of Htockers and fe-eders. The mar
ket us a whole was In a very satisfactory
condition as regards the selling Interests.
Packers appeared to want the sheep and
the trade might bo summed up as n good
steady and active market. Most everything
sold in good season. There nothing In the
way of news to be said about the feeder
market. As was noted yesterday the demand
for that kind of stuff Is good right along
and fully equal to or In excess of the supply.
1 .Quotations tire : Clnod grana westerns ,
i'3.90ffj:4.00 : ; fair to good , $3.803.90 ; good
yearlings. $4.1504.25 ; good to choicelambs ,
J5.00ift5.25 ; fair to good lambs. $4.90515.00 ;
feeder wethers , 2-year-olds and over , $3.75
( TH.OO ; feeder yearlings , J4.00@4.15 ; and
fedcr lambs , $1.2501.75. Representative
sales : _
No. - '
3 culls * ' 25
241 Utah sheep and yearlings S9 3 9.i
451 Utah sheep and yearlings 95 4 00
192 Utah yearlings 90 400
1C Utah yearlings S3 4 M
12 Utah sheep SU 4 W
m Utah sheep 90 4 tm
Ml Utah feeder lambs ffl 4 ,0
U2 Utah feeder lambs G2 4 70
15rt Utah feeder lambs fiO 4 ,0
357 Utah lambs Gfi 515
345 Utah lambs Gfi 5 In
5 Utah lambs i-l 515
293 Utah lambs & ! 515
83 Utah lambs 81 615
420 Utah lambs G9 515
Cuttle Mnrkct Shown Ilri-liliMl Im-
| iriiv < 'ini-iil on Inriil OITrrliiKH.
CHICAGO , Sept. 20. The supply of cat
tle was largo for Tuesday , but the demand
was better and cattle that were choice
sold readily nt steady prices , Cattle that
lacked quality were rather slow In llndlng
purchasers , und prices for such consign
ments were weak , with sales largely u
dime under the best the. sumo day last
week. Native beef steers sold at Jl.10fj4.75
for the commoner lot , up to $5.504(5,75 ( for
strictly choice to extra shipping bnuves ,
the greater part of the offerings crossing
the scrjlcs at $ l90f < 5.55 ; fed westerns sold
freely nt JI.10fifi.iJO ; prime lots averaging
1.135 to 1,730 pounds going at the top price.
The stockcr nnd ferder trade was very
good and stock heifers averaging n llttlo
over 700 pounds as high as J1.35. Calves
were active nt steady prices , with a fair
supply. About 3,500 western range cattle
were received and there was a pretty
good demand , but prices were GftlOc low r
in many Instances.
Trade In hogs was slower than usual ,
nnd prices ruled wonk , sal s averaging 6c
lower than yi-stunluy. Sales were at an
extreme range of J3.50 4.H711 ! for the com
monest to the bent her , the bulk of the
offerings selling at mMTtOO. A good many
llttlo nlcs sold nt J3.00TI330. The best bog
sales wcro made early In the day nnd the
late market was very unsatisfactory for
Tlif-re was n fair demand for sheep and
lambs , the better class soiling at stonily
prices , while others wr slownnd weak.
Native shnrp were salal-'o ' nt J2.,5/3 , GO for
common lots , un to fl.2Wl.50 for good to
prime flnrks. Western ranee sheep were
wanted at J3.GOi4 40 for romrnon to prime
flocks. Lambs sold at J3 75fjfi 25 for the
pooro t to the best , western Iambs brlng-
| ? : ' ! B.3 head ; hogs. 21.000
head ; sheep , 22,000 head.
XIMV York I.tvo Sloolr.
NEW YOniC. Sept. 20.-HEKVKS-Re.
celpts , 773 head ; nn trade , of Importance ;
fooling Btonilv : cobles stfnrtyj llvo cattl" ,
llfi'lZc : rofrlgWator beef. SVfcc per pound :
exports , S7 cattle and 7.695 quarters of
beevp.3 : cnlvfs. rooolpts , IftS head ; steady ;
vralf i-ViOIiS 50 : ether calves , nominal.
SIH3KP AND LAMHS-Hocolpts , 1.76S
beadprlmo nhoop llrm. others Btradv :
lambs ntindy : shorn. JI.OO84.G5 ; lambs. JS 30
7S75 : culls. J4 20ft4 50.
1IOOB Honolulu 2,316 head : llrm at J4.25Q
4.GO ; pigs. JGO > > ac.CO.
Telephone 10IW. Otnahu , Neb
Dlrft wlren to Chlcaro and New York.
Corrupondrntii John A. Wirrrn A Co.
TI5I.KIMIOM3 in.ii. :
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
Ilooiu , \ . Y. Life lllilK. , Ouinlm , .Noli.
Direct Wlr'a New York , Chicago aud
Potutf , j
The battle of Ne
braska that will culmin
ate in an election next
November is on.
The opposing polit
ical parties are already
lining up and strength
ening their organiza
The candidates pre
sented to the favor of
the voters are entering
the field and the active
work of the campaign
about to be begun-
For the latest reli
able news of the
battle of Nebraska in
BEE will be unex
celled , \ '
Although a republi
can newspaper voicing
the principles of the
republican partyTHE ,
BEE prints all ' 5tne
news of all political
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