PAGES 1 TO 8 FHE OMAHA DAILY H ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAIIA , WEDNESDAY MORNliNG , SEPTEMBEll 21 , 1808-SIXTJ313N PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. COMING FOR TOE BEE Popular Excursion to tbo Exposition Undo : Management of This Paper , THOUSANDS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF II Liberal Hates of Tare and Most Gencroui Entertainment is Provided , IOWA DAY CELEBRATION COMES TODAV Hawkeyes Prepare to Make a Tremendoui Demonstration at the Grounds , FORMAL EXERCISES AT THE AUDITORIUN mid AildreNNCN ot Welcome hj Vrculilent nnd Governor , Followed Itf tin ; Eloiincut ConKre innu , CouMlnn from Tip toll. Total Ailmlnnlon Yetcrday 18 , < t7' Total to Date iiJ8 : , : n : The popular excursion that has been or santzed by The Bee will bring thousands o visitors to swell the exposition crowd dur Ing the remainder of the week. The bull of the visitors who are thus enabled to sci the great show at a nominal expense wll arrive today nnd there Is every Indlcatloi that the attendance will reach well toward the hlch water mark of July 4. Jlost o 1 them will stay during the remainder of tin * week and help to create a boom In gate re cclpts that will annihilate the las eomblanco of Indebtedness. The BCD excursion has caught popula fancy and Nebraskans the state over ar ; / ) making preparations to take advantage o S opportunities offered by the project to vlsl the exposition during the present week Crowds from every city of the state ar coming , people who , hod It not been for Th Beo's entcrprlae , would have remained a homo through considerations ot time am expenses and people who planned to com and enrolled themselves ns Bee excursion Ists to augment their supply of spendlni money. By special arrangements with the B. & M railroad The Bee Is enabled to offer to sub ecrlbers , old and now , unsurpassed oppor tunltlcs and privileges to visit the exposl tlon at n minimum expense. Extremely lov railroad rates , largo discounts at hotels am tree admission to ten of the best attraction on the Midway nro the privileges extendei to those Joining the excursion. For fiv days , beginning today , the excursion wll last nnd that the attendance will bo In creased many-fold as a result Is already as euied. The rates from the various' towns Including all expenses , are given in anothc column. In addition to thousands of Nebraskan brousbt to OmaW by The Bee there wll , bo a big crowd of Hawkeyes on hand toda ; to assist In the celebration of Iowa day The members of the Iowa commission nn confident that this will bo the biggest stat day of the whole show and the reports tha nro received from all parts of the state In dlcatei that their assurance Is well founded Every town In the state promises to sen a party to swell tbo throng and the rail roads have made arrangements to handle tremendous traffic. lotto liny Kxercle . The exercises of the day will be held a the Auditorium at 2:30 : o'clock Instead c in tbo forenoon as Is customary on slmlla occasions. The change Is made on nccoun of the parade , which will occur Just befor noon nnd In which n largo proportion of th Iowa visitors will participate. The Audi torlum program Includes a number of ver attractive musical numbers , which will fur nlsh cnjoyahlo Interludes In the speech making. After an organ voluntary Vic President Allan Dawson of the Iowa com mission will deliver the Introductory ad " ilrcss and this will bo followed by a selec tlon by tbo Ladles' band of Eldora. Mle Luollo Franchero will play n violin solo prc ceding * ho address of Governor Shav President Wattles will respond to the gov crnor ns the representative of the exposl tlon amnacemcnt and Hon. Robert C Cousins will deliver the oration of the da ; There will ( tlso bo vocal solos by Nellie Ma Browster nnd Mary Teresa Louthan and concluding quickstep by the Iowa Agrlcul tural College Cadet band. The exercise will be followed by n dress parade on th Plaza by the cadet battalion of the agrlcul tural college and a reception nt the low Btate bultdlnc. There will bo fireworks 1 the cvcnlnc- J.VCIJHSIO\S FOII cmu.vno Committee to MnUe ArrimKetiient * * ° Filial DetnllN for the Celebration. W. B. Knlstern , general passenger nn ticket agent ot the Chicago & Northwest crn railroad , and Will H. Clarke , secretar of the Union League club of Chicago , wor among yestcnlay's arrivals. These gentle men como as a special committee accred Itcd by Chairman William.H. . . Harper c the Chicago day executive committee t niako any remaining arrangements tha may bo necessary In connection with th Chicago day celebration. They will romal In Omaha today and will then return t Chicago. Both gentlemen were decidedly cnthusl nstlc over the prospects for a large at tendance from Chicago. Mr. Clarke said the 50 pcoplo had already taken berths In th Union League club special , which will com over the Northwestern road. The train wll include n dining car and the excursionist will cat and sleep In the cars during the ) etay. All the roads will run special train for the occasion and the number of ticket already engaged Indicates that they wl have all the business they can handle. for AVooilmeii Day. The celebration by the Modern Woodme of America , which occurs tomorrow , hn been organized on an elaborate scale an promises to secure the attendance of scv eral thousand Woodmen from this and ad joining states. The exorcises of the da will bo supplemented by a marching dri : ' pf Foresters In uniform , which will t Iven on the Plaza at 4 o'clock. The fol owing program will bo rendered In th Auditorium at 11 o'clock ; Music , Omnh Concert band , address of welcome , Gov ernor Silas A , Holcomb ; response , Hon. / It. Talbot , chairman ot the board of dl rectors of the Modern Woodmen of America music , Omaha Concert band ; address , Pree ident G. W. Wattles ; address , T. A , North rott , head consul ; address , Mrs. E. D. Wat -giipremo oracle of the Royal Neighbors c America. I In the Aiiiinrlnm. \ Superintendent Conway of the govern if Tut fish department has arranged to hat iv'lot of new material shipped to Omahi with which tbo exhibit will be rejuvenate for Jublleo week. A new feature of th Csh show Is a lot of Qulnnat salmon egg which b.avo Just been received from Cai [ fornln and which will be hatched out carlj In October. These eggs are about the size of a small | > ea and a black spot on cad Indicates the head of the embryo fish , while a line of film shows what will sometime bo a fish. The fry will bo about three- quarters of an Inch long when they are latched. Superintendent Conway has shipped E.OOO black spotted trout , whlct lave been hatched during the exposition , to the state hatcheries at South Bend. DAY FOII ( ; IMH\I. : United Stnten Set * the Pnee nt tin Kx | . < > * illon. The United States senators and congress * men who were scheduled to assist In thi celebration of Government day nt the expo' sltlon nro apparently busily employed oi home , for none of them outside ot the Ne braska members appeared. Consequent ! ) the exercises of the day possessed merelj a local significance , the congressional partj being limited to the two Nebraska senator : and Congressman Mercer , who were ac < compnnled by Rev. W. H. Mllburn , thi blind chaplain of the senate , C. H. Blrtle superintendent of public documents , nnd E C. Snyder , private secretary to Scnatoi Thurston. But the presence of n few senators mon or less seemed to have no Influence. 01 the peoples who wanted to see the exposltloi and the crowd at least fulfilled all expecta tlons. Only a small proportion of the vlsl tors attended the exercises , but they pourei through the buildings and over the ground by thousands. Even a very limited minor Ity was sufllclcnt to furnish a very com pllmentary audience to speakers of thi day , and when the ofllclal party arrlvci at the Auditorium at II o'clock they founi the lower part of the house well occupied The exercises were preceded by a shor concert by the Omaha Concert band , and a the speeches were commendably brief , tlv crowd was retained until the close. Th guests of the day were given a flattcrini reception , which seemed particularly dl reeled to Dr. Mllburn , who was conducts to the stage by hla daughter and Genera Manager Clarkson. President Wattle briefly announced the nature of the cele hratlon nnd Introduced Senator Thurstoi as chairman. Senator Thurston was given a very com pllmentary reception , after which he Intro duccd Dr. Mllburn , who offered an earnes Invoratlon. In this he rendered thanks fo the victories that had attended the Amcrl can arms and for the magnificent trlumpl of man's labor which Is represented by thi exposition. Ho thanked God that the clos of the century Is glorified by such a apecta clo and prayed that It might tend to develo ] the sentiment of brotherhood throughou the laud. HOAV Coiifcrena Helped. In welcoming the congressional visitor President Wattles referred particularly t the assistance that had been rendered b : the general government In building the ex position. At that tlmo the panic of 159 had been followed by the drouth of 189 nnd 1S95 , nnd the conditions were 1 : every way discouraging. The nsslstauc of the government was essential to mak the enterprise a success. The congresslono representatives had saved the exposition b ; their effective work nnd to them ! s duo n small part of the credit for the magnlflcen result obtained. President Wattles also nmphaslznd th value of the exhibits In the Govenimj-u building , which had been of the greatest In tcrest to thousands of visitors who woul otherwise have never enjoyed an opportunlt to see how the work of the various depart ments of the government was carried on. Senator Thurston expressed the scntlmen of the committee nnd said that Its member weio nmnzed at the wonderful spectacle tha has been piesented to the people at this ex position. The United States government ha recognized but few expositions by the appro prlatlou of money and the Installation of a exhibit. It was with extreme hesitation ate to the result that the task of securing gov ernment recognition had been undertaker The speaker paid a high compliment to Sen ntor Allen and Congressman Mercer , when he said , had been more than anyone els responsible for the success that had bee achieved. In making the appropriation th government had recognized the resource and the future of the mighty empire of th west , nnd hero It hod made the best ex hiblt that it bad ever made at any exposl tlon. Senator Thurston emphasized the servlc that had been done by the government I bringing together the Indian encampment This , he said , Is n spectacle thai the worl never saw before , nnd Is not likely to se aaln. He expressed his gratification tha the exposition Is a financial success an predicted that the closing weeks woul bring a still greater measure of prosperity It was not to bo expected that while th soul of the nation was bound up In the wa the people could give the exposition th attention It deserves. But now the cloud of war have passed away and the sun c prosperity shines In n aky resplendent wit the stars of the union. This Is a glorlou year. In 114 days two great navies hav been destroyed by American mcn-of-wa and a great army of 250,000 men has bee routed by 23,000 American soldiers. Cilve Credit \ehriinka. . Senator Allen was Introduced and suf gested that all the credit for this onterprls did not belong to Congressman Mercer an himself. Every Nebraskan who had come t Washington had assisted to bring about th result. Then the achievement of the man agement was wonderful. It had been ex pected that this exposition would be Ilk that of Atlanta , but It had gone further , an become the admiration of the world. Ever citizen of the commonwealth Is proud ot i and It Is a picture that every Nebraska will carry In his heart for all time. Senator Allen was followed by Congress man Mercer , who was greeted with gcnerou enthusiasm. He made a happy allusion t the harmony between the beautifully undu latlng prairies of Nebraska and the magnlf cent panorama ot the exposition , one th handiwork of God , and the other the be ; production ot man. He refuted the suggee tlon that thla country Is having too man expositions , and contended that they are th most effetclve educators of the people. Th ! exposition Is not to bo seen in a hurry. Pec pie who take their tlmo and Investigate th exhibits fully will find hundreds ot thing that they had never thought ot and the they would miss altogether If they tried t sco tbo whole show at once. The speaker referred briefly to some ot th most valuable features ot the exposition an declared that many of them are worth com Ing from Europe to see. This Is especial ! true ot the Indian encampment , which Is th history of a race that will soon be extlnc In conclusion bo eulogized tbo wonderfi progress that Nebraska has made In the lai fifty yearn and declared that In a few moi years It will not only be the greatest cor producing state In the union , but Its metre polls will bo the biggest packing center 1 the world. Tha concluding address by Dr. Mllbur was heard with more than ordinary In terest , Ho was Introduced by Senate Thurston as a man who had been denied tb sunlight , but whose soul la Illuminated b the knowledge of God. Dr. Mllburn rcferre to the time when the bill that provide for tbo organization of Nebrasna aa ( Continued on Seventh Amicable Adjustment of Peace Terms ii Anticipated in Havana , WORK WILL BE COMPLETED WITHIN A MONTf Hrnlth Condition * Arc Somewhat Im < proved , hut Simnlfid Siilillcrn Die nt the Unto nf Fifty-Three 1'cr liny Yellow Fever Cn e . ( Copyright , 1S9S , by Press Publishing Co. HAVANA , Sept. 20. ( Now York Worli Cablegram Special Tclegfam. ) Materla evidence that the Spanish government which Is guided entirely by Captalri Genera Blanco , anticipates an amicable adjustmeu of the terms of peace Is afforded by the ship nient today ot moro than 400 cases contain Ing documents relating to the administrate ot the government of Cuba by Spain. Thcs documents relate to the military and clvl government up to 'thrco ' months ago. Genera Blanco has given orders to all department for the Immediate preparation of Inventorle to all the property of the kingdom on th Island. The work will bo completed wlthli a month , by which time .ill the articles o agreement for the withdrawn ! of the Spanls forces will bo ready for the signatures of th two governments. General Bcnabe , military sanitary Inspector specter ot Havana , tells me that the physlcn condition of the city Is now better than I ha < ) been for years. There are some ne\ cases of yellow fever , but of a very mil type. The deaths from all causes nrnon the Spanish troops near the city nverag fifty-three a day and the total deaths , In eluding tbo city and suburbs , ninety-three Three Americans named French , Drake nn Peterson were stricken with yellow fever I the harbor , but they are now Improving Quarantine Is very strict , only persons Im mune from fever by reason of former nt tacks being allowed to sail for the Unite States. Reports to British Consul Genen Jerome show that twelve American and Ens llsh subjects are suffering from yellow feve in the city. No deaths today. LOUIS SIEBOLD. DRAWING IN SPANISH LINE ! American Soldier * Tnke Their Place a * .Soon nn Porto Hlco In I3vntimtcd. SAN JUAN , Porto Illco , Sept. 19. ( De layed In Transmission. ) The evacuation e the outlying positions occupied by the Span lards began today. Aguldallo , San Sebastla and Lares were abandoned by them and th troops of General Garreteon's brigade an the Eleventh Infantry moved In and holste the American flag. The Spanish troops froi the abandoned positions are being concen trated at Arcclbo , from whence they wl ! reach San Juan by railroad as soon as trans portatlon Is available. They could not ente the city before , owing to Its crowded condl tlon. tlon.On On Wcdnesdy the Spaniards will evacuat the Island of Vieques , where a company c American troops , dlspatchmed from Genon Grant's brigade , has been landed. The Spar leh troopj from thiV inland of Virtues wl remain ul Huamnco until the Spaniards fa back on the line ot the military road. Span Ish control Is now confined to within a lln drawn from Huamaco to Abonlto , and froi there to Areclbo , less than one-third of th Island. The Spanish evacuation commissioners , t the meeting of the Spanish nnd America commissioners today officially Informed th Americans that they had been notified c the sailing from Spain of two transport Intended to embark troops hero and also tht 400 Cv 'nlsh soldiers will sail from here tc morroAon a transport which Is expecte from Cuba. The departing troops consist ( 200 slek men nnd 200 members of the engl neers' regiment. The meeting of the com mlssloners was entirely without friction , an It was owing to the good feeling "prevallln between our soldiers and those of Spain the It was decided to allow the company e Americans to land at the Island of Vlequt before the Spaniards left. It was decided today , In the Interest c order In the Island , to allow Amerlcar to enter the Spanish lines , nnd vice vors ; In pursuit of marauders. This obliterate the neutral zone , and It Is believed It wl result In the complete suppressslon of dls orders at Utuado and other places In th Interior , and afford protection to native an Spanish residents alike. In splto of the fact that some of them hav been disillusioned , the Influx of America promoters continues. Most of them are j Ponce and unable to reach San Juan , owln to the military regulations. An agent of th | American Sugar Refining company Is her j and many others are seeking business or portunltles , franchises and concessions. A I of them arc fretting over the unavoldabl delays. The condition ot the troops on the Island I not Improving. Almost 2,000 men have re ported sick. General Brooke Is doing all 1 his power to Improve the condition of th soldiers and afford them every comfort p./ / Bible. He has ordered every military tet on the Island to be fitted with flooring. MEN ALL ANXIOUS TO STAR' General Miller Hurrying Prepurn tlon * for DlMpiitcli of Force to Philippines. SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 20. The troop Just ordered to the Philippines are all anx lous to depart as soon as possible and the ! wishes are likely to be gratified , for Gcncn Miller , who hopes to head the expedlttoi Is doing all ho ran to expedite their trans portatlon. The numerical strength of th forces ordered to the Orient Is as follows First Tennessee regiment , 1.2SG ; Twentlct Kansas regiment. 1.301 ; Fifty-first lowi 1,251 ; First Washington regiment , 1,315 ; re crults Second Oregon regiment , 300 ; bal tallon Twenty-third regiment , U. S. A. , 40C total force , 5,856. All of Che. troops name except the Washington regiment have bee attached to the Philippine expedltlonar forces. The Washington men have belonge to the Department ot California. Although the Sixth and Seventh Calltornl regiments are anxious to see active servlci there seems to be little prospect of thel being added to the expeditionary force. I case no general should bo assigned to th ! expedition , the command will devolve upo Colonel John H. HoHey of Che First \\ast Ington volunteers. He ranks Colonel Fui ston by reason of prior service In the reguls army , both having mustered In their coir. mands on May 11. General Miller has mad application by telegraph to the chief of ore ! nance at Washington for enough Krag-Joi gensen rifles to arm the four regiments thi are going with th eexpedltlon. The Wye rnlng battery of light artillery will be r < talned here. The Eighth California , no doing garlrson duty , will probably bo le undisturbed. I'reolilent VlnlU Fort Meyer. WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. President Mi Klnley Ibis afternoon made a personal li spectlon of the hospital at Fort Meyer , V Accompanied by Adjutant General Corb ! the president drore unannounced to tl fort. Ho proceeded directly to the hosplta and , Introducing ljlltl ijfIL Major Davis the United States ntfl iReon In chargi of the hospital , Infanf Vm that he hai como to make an I'jW f B of the Instltu tlon and to pay blsKSJ jC to the patlenti and thoeo In chariB / | B president care fully Injected " ' / JSWn > nd examinee the food supplied t ? jYnospltal patients Ho expressed hlmwSfeMtell satisfied will the arrangementsJBBfe.ff0' caring for th < sick , but deslredl . 'ilVo understood tha the patients \vcr < * jjjSlf t for nothing tha would Imorovc Hjndltlon or rendc them moro .sncoxivs ouunus c Cavalry Willet tin to Fort Mi-ml < no I'lrM L'oiiteinplntril , CAMP W1KOFF , N. Y. , Sept. 20. Th Ninth cavalry which was under orders ti go to Huntsvlllo will go to Fort Grant Ariz. , to relieve the Seventh , ono of th regiments which did not leave its horn post during the war. Batteries A and J of the Second artillery left camp todn ; by the Long Island railroad for Annlston The Twenty-fourth Infantry has had It orders changed , owing to the discovery tha Fort Douglass In Utah Is only a halt regl ment post and cannot accommodate th whole regiment. Therefore half the rcgl ment will go as originally ordered am the other half will go to a station In Ar Izona. The Second cavalry has been ordered t move , thus countermanding the orders as signing It to Fort Meade , S. I ) The hospital now contains 515 men. Man of these are beyond hope and for the ncx two weeks It Is feared there will be man deaths , mostly from typhoid. Hrnve Men of the AVInnlo v. WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. General ordc No. 497 , Issued today from the Navy depart ment , tells the story of the terrible flgh ot the little torpedo boat Wlnslow In th first battle of the war nt Car donas last May , In the shape c an ofllclal recommendation from Lleutcn ant John Bernadou , the commander ot th craft , looking to the advancement ot Bradj Cooney and Johnson of his crew , to war rant officers , which Secretary Ix > ng did. Th order also quotes from the report of Cap tain Nowcomb of the Hudson , his trlbut to the remarkable bravery displayed b Lieutenant Bcrnadou and his men at th tlmo when many men would have felt Ilk abandoning all hope. Aluer to A'lnlt ramp Poland. KNOXVILLE , Tenn. , Sept. 20. Evcrythln Is on the qul vivo today at Camp Poland , 1 expectation of the visit of Secretary Algc tomorrow. Orders for the review have bee issued. It will take place tomorrow morr Ing at 8:30 : o'clock. The secretary and part will proceed at once to Camp Poland on thel arrival here. Brigadier General Rosser ! expected hero In command of the Thlr brigade. He has been nt home sick. Th Fourteenth Minnesota has Its Bleeping cai nnd Is loading today. The regiment goes b way of Louisville , Indianapolis , Chicago t St. Paul , and will probably get there Thun day afternoon. Thirty-seven cars nro re quired for the regiment. THIRTY-THIRD DEGREE MASON ! Supreme. Conncll of the. Norther Jnrlndlotlob .Vovr in SeMNlun at Cincinnati. CINCINNATI , Sept. 20. The suprem council ot sovereign grand Inspectors gcnen of the thirty-third degree , Scotlsh Rite , ft the northern Masonic Jurisdiction , openc Its eighty-sixth annual session hero toda ; The supreme council was opened In fu ceremonial form by Henry L. Palmer , inoi puissant sovereign grand commander. D vine blessing was Invoked by Rev. J. I Seward , grand prior. The call of the ro of officers and emeriti members occuple much tlmo of the session , after which re ports wcro read. The supreme council adjourned at 2 p. n to ro-ussemblo at 7 p. m. to confer tb thirty-third degree on the following Illus trlous princes : Charles F. Young , Lowel Mass. ; James S. Manning , New York ; Henr Stowell , Troy , N. Y. ; Calvin W. Eaton , Al bany , N , Y. ; George F. Barker , New Yorfc William E. Demarest , New York ; John 1 Newell. Ogdensburg , N. Y. ; William I Downing , Blnghamton , N. Y. ; Thomt Brooks , Rochester , N. Y. ; Dexter D. Curtl Corning , N. Y. ; Clarence E. Stumes , Brool lyn ; Charles H. Luscomb , Brooklyn ; Charle E. Hayes , Buffalo ; Edward L. Tlllou , Eliza beth , N. J. ; James H. Durand , Rah way , J J. ; James W. Brown , Plttsburg , Pa. ; Alfre S. Bishop Plttsburg , Pa. ; George Hal Philadelphia ; Charles T. Lewis , Toledo , O William L. Bates , Dayton , 0. ; Lon B. Win ser , Reed City , Mich. ; Thomas Munroe , Mm kegon , Mich. ; Charles M. Heald , Gran Rapids ; Lucius D. Harris , Grand Rapldf J. O. Osborno , Kalamazoo ; R. W. Montrosi Gallon , Mich. ; M. B. McGee. Crystal Fall Mich. ; Thomas H. Williams , Jackson , Mich Albert Stllles , Jackson , Mich. ; W. E. Jew ett , Adrian , Mich. ; W. T. Durbln , Andersoi Ind. ; Charles B. Harris , Goshen , Ind. ; ( Blackmer , Lafayette , Ind. ; Henry W. Mor < ! hurst , Fort Wayne , Ind. ; T. R. Marsha Columbia City , Ind. ; Seth F. Haskln Peorla. The officers of the supreme council pai tlclpatlng In the ceremonies during the da and In the work of conferring the thlrtj third degree tonight were : Henry L. Palmer , M. P. , sovereign gran commander , Milwaukee ; Charles Lev ! Woo < bury , past grand lieutenant commando Boston ; Samuel Crocker , Lawrence , gran master of state , Boston ; Marquis Fayotl King , Portland , deputy for Maine ; Georf W. Currier. Nashua , for New Hatnpshln Marsh 0. Perkins , Windsor , for Vermoni Charlea C. Dame , Boston , for Massachi setts ; George H. Kenyon , Providence , fe Rhode Island ; Charles William Carter , Noi wlch , for Connecticut ; Charles E. Eld Syracuse , for New York- , Robert A. Shlrref Elizabeth , for New Jersey ; James Isat Buchanan , PlttsburT. for Pennsylvanlt Enoch Terry Carson , Cincinnati , for Ohle Hugh McCurdy , Corunna , for Mlchlgat Nicholas R. Ruchle , Indianapolis , for Ind ana ; John Carson Smith. Chicago , for 111 nols ; Charles M. Cottrlll , Mltwaukee , f ( Wisconsin ; Newton D. Arnold , grand trexai urer , general H. 13. , Providence. R. I. ; Cllr ton Freeman Paige , grand secretary , gcr cral H. E. , Blnghamton , N. Y. ; Charles < Hutchlnson , grand keeper of the archive Massachusetts ; James E , Balding , grati master general of C. , Milwaukee ; Robei Emmett , Patterson , grand marshal genera Philadelphia ; William Rlley Hlgsby , gran standard bearer , Bridgeport , Conn. ; Georf Otis Tyler , grand capmln of the guard , Ne York ; Joseph P. Abel , assistant grand eei retary , Burlington , Vt. ; Rev. Joslah L. PCM ard , grand prior , Lowell , Mass. ; Henry ( Urner , marshal of camp , Chicago ; Abel ( Cook , marshal of camp ; Ozlas W. Shlpmai marahal of camp , Detroit ; William J. Burr ham , grand almoner , Auburn , Me. ; Andre Newbach , grand organist , Cincinnati ; Thci doro M. Emmons , grand ecnechal. In addition o the names of candldati for thlrty-thlnl degree , Scottish Rlto Fri Masonry , whoso names have been sent I these dispatches , the Hon. Asa Bushnel governor of Ohio , and Thomas Klto of Cli clnnutl were , under suspension of the ru that requires n candidate to stand In non Inatlon one ysar before Initiation , adml ted as candldi. . at once and permitted receive the cUgree with the regular cai dldatea tonight. THEY ALL CRY FOR BRYAN Nebraska Popocrata Appeal to the Boy Oratorio Gome Homo. THEY NEED HIM BADLY IN THE CAMPAIGN UcinoHthcttcN of the 1'lnttc U Itching to Take the Stump Asrnln ami 1VI11 Soon ThrouUp IIU Coiuu > ltiloii. LINCOLN , Sept. 20. ( Special Telegram. ) Governor Holcomb has gene to Washing ton , It Is Baltl , on the earnest solicitation of the popocratlc leaders , who are feeling desperate over the condition of the fusion campaign and dcslro to get the Third reg iment mustered out so Bryan can help tc stump the state. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 20. A special tc the Star from Jacksonville , Fla. , says : Col onel William J. Bryan of the Third Nebraska volunteers will shortly resign his commis sion In the United States army and resume the discussion of public questions. This statement Is not made upon the authority ol Colonel Bryan , however. When asked to ex press hltns'Mf on questions ot public Interest ho said : "You can say that 1 refuse to dis cuss any matters connected with politics the army or myself , except that I BCO nt reason to change the views In regard U expanding the territory of the United States I expressed In my Omaha speech made before - fore entering upon this army life. " This Is all Colonel Bryan would say ex cept to add : "You might also say that I an not so enamored of camp llfo that I wouli at the clos > o of war apply for a commlssloi In the regular army. " The Third Nebraska Is slated for Cuba am unless Colonel Bryan resigns , will , wlthli a few weeks , go south. While ho will no say what ho IB going to do , or when , then Is no questioning that Colonel Urynn Is go Ing. to do something and do It booo. Tha ho has determined upon n course which wil rcqulro some action in the near futun means that he is going to resign his conv mission , Issue a statement as to why hi does this and then enter fully Into the dls cusslon of public questions on lines some what moro extended than In the past. Hnril Work to Keep Still. Colonel Bryan Is looking and feeling well but Is undoubtedly suffering for the re stralnt he has placed over himself. "If you knew , " he said to a reporter fo the Star , "what It costs mo to keep stll when there Is so much to say about thing of Importance to the people and of life long Interest and moment to me , you wouli appreciate the strength of my will. " When asked If ho would talk freely on al subjects when he has once broken loose h said : "You know how It Is when a dam breaks There Is no telling when the flood stops.1 When his candidacy for the prcsldentla nomination was suggested ho said : "A mai may say things and express opinions upoi public affairs which will not meet publl approval. These results are not always favorable vorablo to himself. An Idea Is overythlni to mo , far moro than any olllce. I can g down to defeat with an Idea as graceful ! ns any one you ever saw. " Colonel Bryan would not talk of the con dltlou of his regiment or the deslrablltt of Its being mustered out , as It has a dlrcc bearing on his political and personal at fairs. He refused to name the date when h will finally announce his decision to reslg his commission. He seems to have full made up his mind , however , to his futur course. He said : "I shall do what I think 1 right , regardless of any temporary advantage tago or disadvantage which may result fror that action. That is what a man should d and the only motive which could control hi actions. " NOT WISELY BUT TOO WELI Cheyenne Olrl Mnrrlen n Man Wll Tiiriin Ont to He Only nil Adventurer. CHEYENNE. Wyo. , Sept. 20. ( Specla Telegram. ) In Juno last Herman Single tary came hero as the. representative o Howard Calo & Co. , a Shrevcport , I a. , rea estate firm , and on behalf of his < mploy ers traded Louisiana property for th ranch property and town house of Chnrle Hecht of this place. While hero Slngletar ; posed as a wealthy plantation owner am after a few days' acquaintance married Mis Alice Hazen , a teacher of languages , prctt and well connected. Slnglctary gave hi wlfo as a wedding present the deed to tb Heclit residence , one of the finest house In the city. The couple left on a wcildtm trip August 13. Today Mrs. Slnglctary returned alone penniless and without any baggage. Sh says she and her husband visited Omah and Kansas City , stopping at the best ho tels. At Kansas City Slngletary bough several city lots , paying for them with i draft on a Shreveport bank , which subse quently proved worthless. While at Kan sas City Mr. Cole of Shrevcport nppeare with an officer and a warrant for Single tary's arrest on the charge of embezzle ment. Slngletary evaded arrest and mad his escape , leaving his wlfo at the Mid land hotel , owing a board bill of J80 an with no money. She was obliged to surrcn der her personal effects In order to ge funds to return. She now flmls that th property given her hero really belongs t Slngletary's employers , that ho has anotho wife living nnd Is accused by his employ worked four -month ! crs , for whom he had of a large number of crooked transaction : which will place him In the penitentiary I caught. REPUBLICAN OUTLOOK GOOI Mondell of Wyoming ThlnUn III State Will lie IllKht In I.lnc This Full. WASHINGTON. Sept. 20. ( Specal ) Tele gram. ) Ex-Rcprcscntatlve Mondell left fc Wyoming today and will remain In thi state during the campaign. Mr. Monde today declined to discuss the political oul look in Wyoming , except to say that pros pects for republican success were bright , The contract for Installing the hcatln and ventilating apparatus In tbo Sout Omaha public building was today awarde to the Korsmoycr Plumbing and Hcatln company of Lincoln at $3,595. An order was Issued today , to take effe < October 1 , making the following poatofllci money order offices : Nebraska Admal Basin , Brule , Cams , Edison , Elk City , Idi Smlthflcld. South Dakota Canning , Hughe county ; Harrlsburg , Lincoln county ; Voc nany , Bon Hommo county. Mary A. Harrington was today appolnte teacher in tbo Flandreau , S. D. , India school at $540 per year ; alto Sadie Her nfEer , laundress at Rapid City , S. D. , t JoOU. See u iiplotch oil Atuiiumcilii. BOSTON , Sept. 20. A < able message froi DV. Krentz ot the Eui.upean Vnlon of Ai tronomers announces tl/o discovery by Sere phln of Pulkowa ot n star-llko condense tloa in the center off the nebula ot An THE BEE BULLETIN , Weather Forecast for Nebraska Cloud * , Vnrl.ible Bouth Winds. Page. 1 The llecS liny nt the i\poKltlon. AVorli tit ( InCuliiiit ConinilaMlon. Colonel Itrjmi Will IlculKn. llnyvtnrd Flit } * the Popocrnt * . 0 Council UlulTK Local Matter * . liMtn Xew * iniil Comment , \elirn lu NCUN , MlrrhiK l"p the > trn Scnndnl. 8 .11 in lllll mill tin ; 1'nolflc KiprcH * . It ) Mpnrtlnur Kit * n tn of u Day. Hawaiian ComniNNlnn nt Work. 11 HUM l.cj ci Tnke tlu * Tow tit Iiiunnn Itnniinct Omnium * . ( 'mil HcccptlDii A ft nit * Ccrvcrn. Aflnlr * nt .South Omaha. Udltorlnl mill Comment , lit Hi"l < Mof Itcccnt Piilillcntlnnii Omaha School * Open for tin- Year I.IIIIK ami Miorl Men Identified. 1 > l Commercial mill Financial Noun. 10 " \ Chlnce Tenipcrntnrc nt Uiiinluit Hour. Dew. Hour. DPK TODAY AT Till : UM'OSITtON IIMVII Day. 8 n. in. to 10 p. in. , Inillnn Count-en lit the Kiienniimient. K ) n. in. . Oinnlin Concert Hand n Auditorium , llllto it. in. , Unttlcnhlp Oreuoi lloeUed nt Government HiilldliiK. 1in. . , Fire lIorxoH Hitched hy lilee rel ) ( ) . - p. in. . Orarnu Iteeltnl lit Auditorium p. in. , limn I'aradc lantern tin OrounilM. : ; ! ( ) p. in , , IOMH Day RxerclncM a the Auditorium. 1 p. in. , I lilted * Stnteit Life Suvlm Drill oil I.IIKOIIII. t p. in. , Oinnhii Concert Iliind at AK rleilllllrul ItilMilIIIK. 7 p. in. , Mexli-nii Hand oil l'lu/.n. II p. in. , ( iraiid Special FIriMrorkn , dromeda. If this Indicates a change In th condition of the well known object the dls covery will bo of Importance. EIGHT MEN PERISH INFLAME ! SpontnneoiiH ComhiiNtioii Sett Flrt ; < Toledo' * Union Kleviitor , Will eh IH lluriied to tin ; Ground. TOLEDO , O. , Sept. 20. Eight men ere mated and eight moro' fatally burned Is th icsult of the most disastrous flro that eve occurred In Toledo. The spontaneous com bustlon of dust In the grain elovntor owne by Paddock , Hedge & Co. , nt 9 o'clock caused this terrible destruction of life , nn none of those who were taken out after th flro started were far .enough from death' door to tell any of the details. The foreman , W. J. Parks , was blow through a window and severely Injurec Ho had with him at the ttmo thrco of hi children. Ono of them was burned t death. A little daughter was fatally burno and the third child severely Injured. The names of the dead as far as can t ascertained are : SAMUEL ALEXANDER. BERT WAINWRIGHT. FRED GARRETT. HAROLD. PARKS. JOHN SMITH. ' GRACE PARKS. FRANK VAN HOUSEN. JOHN CARR. The Injured : Dave D. Kemp , Barney Welch. Charles Kolfer. Fred Pardlglllls. ' Elliott. Charles Brookseekcr. , Everett Smith. Hamilton Parks. William J. Barks. W. C. Jordan. Peter Haas , Al Baldle. Four others , names unknown. Tncoinn'N llxpiiNltlim TlnllilliiK. TACOMA , Wash. , Sept. 20. The Exposl tlon building , the largest structure of 11 kind In the northwest , was destroyed by fli this afternoon. The flames wcro dlscoverc j at 1:30 : o'clock. In fifteen minutes the. vos j structure was a seething mass of lire. Tli building was owned by the Tacoma Lan company and Is a part of the property morl I gaged by the Provident Life and Trui company of Philadelphia. There was no it surance. Tlmlier Fire. DEADWOOD , S. D. , Sept. 20. ( Sped ; Telegram. ) A timber flro now beyond cot i trol Is raging In the heavy timber In tl Iron Creek district , eight miles west < { , Death * , ood. It has been burning since Sa : urday and a larco scope of country h : been burned over. ROOSEVELT ANDJHE MACHIN Reformer I'arUhiiritt DOCK Not Ilellcv the Colonel Would Accept 1'lntt Mnchliie'N Support. ( Copyright , 18D8. by Press Publishing Co LONDON , Sept. 20. ( Now York Worl Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Re Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst , askc his opinion of the action of Co onel Roosevelt In accepting U support of Senator Plait and the machlr In his campaign for the governorship , tell graphed the following reply : "I cannot yet liellevo that Roosevelt hi so far humiliated himself as to go nr see Tom Platt about the governorship. J\ \ man could have my vote who would truck to Platt that much before election , for 1 would probably truckle still moro nfti election. " MliilntcrN Condole with Il. PEKIN , Sept. 20. The diplomatic repn sentatives ot Russia. France , Belglui Spain and Holland have called upon : Hung Chang to condole with him upon h dismissal from the Chinese foreign offlc Much comment has been excited by tl action of these ministers. ROOMS FOR COMMISSIO Sccrctnry nf United HtntcH Diulinm HiiKHKeN ( InnrlcrN for the AmerlcniiN , ( Copyright , 1838 , by Press Publishing Cc PARIS. Sept. 20. ( New York Wor Cablegram Special Telegram , ) The seer tary of the United States embassy todi engaged rooms at Hotel Continental for tl American peace commission nnd bulto. Tl French government offered confercnco roe at the foreign otllco , Qual Dorsal , for mec Ingn of the commissions , but the offer cai not he formally accepted until both Spanli and American commissioners arrive. It h ; been decided by the government that tl commissioner ! ) shall have no lalllta escort while here , but all meinbew w be formally received at the Ely e by tl president. _ , FIGURES DO SOT LIE Iccords of Nebraska Show Popocratio Campaign Oironlars Do as a Rule. FALSITY OF FUSION CLAIMS EXPOSED 'udgo Haywanl Mercilessly Dissects the Little State House Joker , ECONOMY THAT IS REALLY EXTRAVAGANCE Boasts of Saving Merely Dover Tip the Results of Incompetonoy. FRUITS OF THE GENERAL PROSPERITY People * Moro Ahle to UIchnrKC Thrlr UhllKntloiiH to the Stale mill There fore Popocrnt * Clntiu to llaie "Mmlc" Moro Pnlillc Money. LINCOLN , Sept. 20. ( Special. ) At th republican county convention thla afternoon Judge Hay\\ard addressed the delegates and spectators for nn hour , taking for his text the campaign circular recently Issued by the popocrats ot Nebraska. Ho carefully and mercilessly dissected the claims ot economy and wlso business management made in the document , showing by actual figures from the records that the economies boasted of are not economics at all , but were cither the result of direct violation ot the state law , ns In tbo case of the purchase ot buttcrino from n Kansas City packing liouso Instead of butter from Nebraska farmers for use In the state Institutions , or are mere figments of a lively Imagination , such as the claim that the general affairs ot the state have been moro wisely nnd cheaply administered by the popocrats than they were by the republicans , as when the facts nro that the present administration has spent $100,000 moro during the last year for the general running expenses ot the state than did the administration that preceded It In the same length of time. Ho also exposed the chicanery ot the state house ring In juggling with figures con cerning tax collections nnd presented nn ar ray of figures to show that Moscrvo Is as reprehensible as was Hartley In retaining a largo sum of state money on his hands ; In stead of having mailo such a wonderful re duction of the statu debt ho has merely dis charged his duty and Instead of having found the state treasury empty when ho took the oltlce ho received from Bartley nearly $1,000,000 In rash nnd has received In ex traordinary collections slnco then almost 1500,000 more , while of the amount of money ho received from Bartley almost $500,000 was expressly set aside to bo used In dis charging the Interest bearing obligations ot which ho now boasts of having token up. All the while the regular resources of the state have been moro than over prolific , the result of the general prosperity enjoyed by the country under the wlso national re publican administration. Text of JndRO Hnyivnrrt'H AddreH * . Judge Ilayward exposed the absurdity of other claims of the popocrats as well , IIU speech In full Is : "In January , 1897 , the administration ot this state passed under popullstlc control. A circular recently Issued , signed by the three chairmen and three eccrctarlcs of the three alleged 'reform' parties , entitled 'Tho Ilcform Record' nnd bearing a legend , 'Truth wears no mask , seeks neither place nor applause ; all she asks Is a hearing , ' con tains the claim nnd undertakes to give n mass of flgurtv ) upon a consideration of which the populist state officers ask for ro-electlou. The circular Is authorita tive nnd Is being widely circulated over the state. These claims and figures In brief are that In the olllce of commissioner of publla lands nnd buildings they have gained to the state In comparison with republican record , In round numbers , $358,000 ; In the office of secretary of state , $19,000. Net savings by appropriations for the year 1S97 over 1S95 , $371,000 , and In addition to this largo minis of money In the conduct of iho olllco -superintendent of public Instruction , state treasurer and various state Institu tions generally. "Accepting the figures ot this circular the voter Is led to believe that during the last twenty months the present administration has saved to the people ot this state nearly $1,000,000 , or to bo moro accurate $959,916.43 , In addition to the high sounding claims rondo for the attorney general on account of suits brought and not yet determined. These claims , neither small nor modest In amount , rcqulro candid consideration. The circular parades these state officers as per sonification of truth 'wearing no mask , seek ing neither place nor applause and only seeking a hearing. ' Are thcso figures a plain statement ot unvarnished facts , or are they on the contrary a distorted , Jumbled mass of misleading statements containing here and there a half truth contltutlng- In their entirety nn Imposition and a lie ? Are these officers truly seeking no place , no applause ? Are they simply asking a hearing , or Is the circular but a specious plea of the coterlo seeking place and re election to positions far more remunerative than are open to any ot them In the walks of private llfo ? What 11 Pnrty Mny Claim. "A party may Justly claim credit for the legitimate and natural results flowing from putting Its distinctive party principles Into practical operation. It can claim no mo nopoly or Individual honesty. Honesty and patriotism are a common heritage of good citizenship. These high attributes are found In the great majority of pcoplo with out regard to political affiliation. I appeal to the citizens of Nebraska , be they pop ulist , democrats of either variety , prohibi tionists or republicans , only because I have confidence In their Intelligence to discern the truth , nnd equal confidence In their hon esty to act upon the truth a they see It. The citizenship of this state Is law abiding , honorable and patriotic ; they live In high hopes and have lofty ambitions for them selves Individually and for the state at largo ; they have nothing In common with the thief , the mischief maker , the dis turber of public peace or the unpatriotic. It Is a tenet of every American that hon esty , faithfulness , efficiency , love of coun try nnd fidelity In her service should bo recognized and rewarded , and equally as strongly embedded In the heart and brain of every true man of whatsoever party la the proposition that the lawless , the false , ho who has betrayed a trust reposed In him , In either public or private life , should bo certainly nnd adequately punished. Wo make no defense for wrong doing ; wo auk no Immunity from punluhment for the de faulting ofllclal who has violated the trust and the confidence of his f el Iowa and has brought dUgraco upon his party and the state. I go further : Whatever may ho said of the defaulters who belong to other partle tf.elr name Is legion , I belle fo unities ot the law eliouia bo QMAJ1A ,