THE OMAHA DAII/T J5EE : TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 , 189S. 11 SPECIALffllGES AilvrrtlnciiKMltx tor tlimo eiiliunuii "III | lc tnUcii until 1- in * for tlif rvrnliiK mill mull .silllt fur nioriiliiu aiiil MniDlii ) cuinuim. Kitten , I t--u a ivoril llrxl limrrf Inni 1 < ! n ttoril HirrfiiMi-r. INollilr.u I it Urn fur IONI Iliaii S.V * fur lln * IIrut liinrr- MOII. Tilt-HP llllvrrtlNL-KICIllH lllllHl llV run ciniNeciilli < ! > . Advi-rllncru , rrfitimltnu n nuiii- lier - l flircl.- , run linvn Himivrm nil- ilrrNnril to a iiniulirri'il teller In earn "I The llei * . AniMrrn mi mlilrcfmeil trill lie illlitrrd mi prcHcutatlon of tlir 'heoU onlj' , HIT ! ATIONH WANTED , WANTED. situation Ijy an experienced Indy stenographer , thoroughly competent In short hand. 11 37. Bee. A-C15 19 * IJY expert male stenographer , 1 years' ex perience , rapid optrutor ; notnry. Address B 50 , Hot. A-M73520 * A 8TICNOGRAPIER-When ] you want QUO plcnso rnll | i the Remington typewriter olllce , 1G1D Farnam St. ; telephone. 1573. A-Mf,90 , 017 WAVI'MD MALU IIKLP. HALES ! .3N for cigars ; 1(23 ( a month nnd expenses ; old firm ; nxjcrlcnce unneces- Bury. C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo. B-650 TAILORS , attend Dyhr's cutting school. CIS 8. 13. B-031Dec2 DEPUTIES v/nhted , both local nnd state ; nx > optional opportunities for good men ; No 1 contracts ; both life anil nccld iit polities , weekly-beiy-Iits ; fraternal order. W. J Stuuir , 400-S Bee bldg. , Oiniilm. B-M255 YOUNO men to lonrn barber trade ; only 8 to 8 wcekH I'iKiulreil ; we five our grndu- ntca employment till they receive In wages ns much us they pay for tuition nnd ex- ncnsus learning. St. Louis Barber Col lege , Odd Fellows' Bldg. . Dodge and lltli , Omnha. Prof. Hundolph , Instructor. B M322 O9 _ _ _ _ _ _ SALESMAN ran muko $100 per month sellIng - Ing our olllce specialties to merchunts by sample ; line side lines ; big prollts. Model Mfg. Co. , Box B , South Uond. Ind. B-MI52 TWO clothing salesmen wanted In Omaha nnd one In each county In every state to take orders for our Jo.00 to $10.00 made- to-measure suits and overcoats ; live men without , experience can make $150.00 per month ; It you can furnish satisfactory reference wo will furnish a complete sam ple line anil outllt nnd stnrt you nt work at once. For. particulars address Amerl- cnn AVboolen Mills Co. , Build ing , Chicago. B-M15S O12 * WANTED , . Hie services of a professional rn.t catchT to dcHtroy rats on a ranch on the L nlon Parlllr railway , 50 miles from Omnha. Address Standard Cattle Cp. , AmcH. Neb. B-M5G2 22 WANTED , young man between tlie ng'-s of 22 nnd SO yours , who has hud experi ence In the shoo business. White George II Bernstein , -Nebraska City , Neb. n-MCOO 20 WANTED , experienced nnd successful so licitors to call or write us for Information regarding our new library ; exclusive ter ritory and liberal contract. I ) . Appleton & Co. . 101S Walnut street , Kansas City , Mo. , Subscription Dept. 15 M7CO 20 * WANTED , experienced furnishing goods man. Albert Cahn , 1322 Farnam st. B-M7C5 20 WANTED , boy from II to 17 to work In furnishing goods store. Albert Cahn , 1322 Farnnm nt. B M7CO 20 AVANTED , Inborcrs for B. ft M. oxtrn gang In Wyoming nnd Nebraska : free - fare. Kramer & O'Hcarn , 12th and Farnnm. B-M770 22 WE PAY J75 to { 125 per mo ( nnd expenses selling cigars ; experlenco unnecessary ; permanent position. Bailey Bros. , rhllii- dolphla , Pa. B-M7G1 21 * ; AXTRII FISMAI.U , L.8 for-nll kliuls of work ; $3 to $7 week. Canadian Olllco. 1523 Douglas. C-S51 159 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S7G. C M511-Oct-20 GIHIj wanted for general housework. 2020 Emmet. C M20S 1'HOFITAULB homo work for men or women ; day or evening ; $6 to $12 weekly , no cnnVaSslnfj OP experience needed ; plain Instructions and -work mailed oil applica tion. Brazilian Mfg. Co. , New York City. C M017-20 * WANTED , girl for general housework. Ap ply 2201 Spencer .St. . Konntzo Place. , C-703 20 * WANTED , a good cook. Mrs. Marsh , SCKi I'lno St. , cast of Browncll hall. hall.CMOD1 C-MOD1 20 WANTED , an Al tnlloress ; one \ip on KCII- ernl dressmaking business preferred. Mrs. II. C. Moses. 303 So. 17th St. , Omaha. C 720 20 AVANTED At once , good cook , also second girl , llrat-class wages. Apply 2002 Ames Avo. C-710 in * WANTED , wet 2202 ! Clark.CM549 C-M549 20 .XOIWG girl to do third girl's work TiTH small prlvnte family ; references. Call be tween 10 unil 1 Friday , 261S St. Mary's nv. C-MTCO 21 J'HER , must bo quick and apt ; answer In own handwriting , stnto experi ence , reference and Biliary expected. Ad dress B 63 , Bee olllce. C 741 19 WANTED. > 'oung girl to do third work In small private family. References re quired. Apply between S nnd D n. in. nnd B und ( J p. m. 2dlS St. Mary's nve. C-717 20 LADIES to embroider pillow covers : work sent to your home ; good pay ; send reply envelope for particulars and sample. Man hattan Embroidery Co. , 12S Watr St. , New York. C-M75G 20 * GOOD girl for general housework In smal family. 2C03 Pierce at. C M775 22 roil iin.vr CHOICE houses nnd cottages , nir over city $5 to $75. Fidelity , first Hour , N. Y ; life D-SJ2 HOl'SES. Benowa & Co. , 103 N. 15th St D-S53 HOUSES , stores. Bemls. Pnxton block. D-MI MOVING household goods nnd plnnos Omaha Van & Storage Co. , ISllVi Fnrham Tel 1559 D-S55 Fl'llMTfUK and leasehold of n 7 and 13 room modern Hat for vale ; bargain ; gout location ; rent low. Bcmls Paxton block D Wfl A FEW COTTAGES. 436 Board Trade. D-J.57 DUNDEE Place house. COS Bee. D-M39J FOIl SALE , Nov. 1 furniture and h'libo o four houses known as Farnam Terrnc Hotel. Enquire. 20J6 Farnam St. D-M758 20 * _ I , 6 AND 7 room steam heated Hots for renl Howard Ilanck , ugt. , 1610 Chicago Street , D-M273-O7 _ BENEWA'S residence to rent , 3230 IJurT MODE11N ten-room brick. Keys , 2001 Cnp- Itol avenue ( adjolnlnt ; ) . D SI4JO 20 * HOt SE8 & stores rented & rents coHectTd" Jo ? n W Kobblns. ISOi Farnam st. D-M937 _ _ VOl11ENT , S-room nil modern detachei hulls . near Hnnucom park. J. II. Sherwood wood 423 N. Y. Life. D-731 19 _ yscit'TII 16th St . ' S-nioin Hat , $10 J x Frenzer. Opp. old I' . O. Dns TWO-STOHY house , line condition , pori-e . Iain bath , gas , vtc. , ' $ :0.00. F. D Wead 1 * " ICth and Douglas. D 730 roil IlENT 10-room house , modern , near ) ; new hot water heat nnd barn , at 914 S 33d St F D. Weiul , agent , 16 & Douglaa D-751-21 1MAM > PAl'TOHY. PIANOS of any tTcslgn made to order oh plnnos overhauled and made ti new. second-hand plnnos always 01 band , r Soinmcr , prop. , 321 ti. 10th st , J65 Otf roit nr..vr-ri H.M.SIIKH FfllNISHED rooms-l.BO and $2.00 per week ; central part of city. 1702 Webster. H-M.100 23' THOCADEUO-Beds 36c ; clean , safe. 130S irarney. E-M100 OS' NICELY furnished rooms for transients. 2209 Spencer St. , Kountzc Place , near ex- posllon. E-M143 TRANSIENTS , cool rooms , bath. 511 N. , lath. K99 ? O3 EXPOSITION visitors con get reliable In- formnllon In regard to hotels , rooms , board , etc. , nt the OfTlclnl Information Bureau , 1319 Farnnm st. ; this bureau Is undpr the HUprrvlslon of the exposition management. Otllce open day and night ; no charge for Information. E wi HOOMS. transients accommodated , 1916 Cumlngs. E M2ofl Oo * 3 Ft'UNIRiIED rooms for housekeeping ; man nu 1 wife ; rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th. E-M321 FURNISH ED rooms , wlth bath ; one bloclt from 24th st. car line. i52 South 2Sth street. E-5G7 30 FOR RENT , n parlor room to man and wife or two ladles , 1518 Madison avenue ; close to exposition grounds. E GIG 23 'IVE nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1520 N. ISth t. E-M72020 * "UHNISHED rooms ; also two for light housekeeping. 2C03 Dodge strret. E-M776 21 HOO.'MS AM ) IIOAIll ) . HE MERIIIAM. nirst class family hotel , 25th and Dodge St. . F-EGO HE BENEFIT HOUSE , 21st and Plnkney < Sts. , fifty daintily furnished rooms ; one- square from the Arch of the States : everything nrw and llrst class ; terms reasonable. F S39 IRS. E. L. SPOTTS. B22 N. 19th St. , nice rooms , gas , bath , llrst-clasa board ; rates reasonable. F-MI55 S23 I'AKE down that "for sale" or "for rent" sign In your window. The Bee reaches morn people In u day than will pass your window in a month ; and they consult these columns when they want to buy or rent. F SG5 YELL FURNISHED rooms , line board. 1909 Capitol ave. F-M2SI O7 EXPOSITION VISITORS , The Saratoga hotel , European or American , $1.00 and up ; ndjoliis the grounds , Sherman avenue car line passes the house ; summer resort style ; families sollcted ; modern , cool , homelike ; baths , gas , piano nnd library. Telephone 1931 ; double pnrlors , ham- morUs , vast verandas , park , seats In the street cars ; no dust ; Jolly people nnd croquet. Write or 'phono this minute ; special offer for Yhoso who do. F SGI UTOPIA-Famlly hotel. 1721 Davenport. F 501 Oct. 13 'IRST-CLASS rooms , with board , In pri vate family ; new ; modern house. 2316 Chicago st. F 571 22 * NICELY furnished room with board , modern house , near Hanscom park , on car line. B 48 , Bee. F D730 TWO rooms , single or ensultc ; permanent. 1136 S. 31st. F M72I 2.1 roil m.vr tJ\FUHMsiui : ) HOOMS. FURNISHED or unfurnished single or cnsulto , by day or month. 621V4 S. 19th. G i29-S19 3 ROOMS. 70S 17th St. G-M293 O8 SUITE of unfurnished rooms , modern. G16 So. 29th St. G-727 20 * FOR RENT , two or three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping ; modern , furnace heat. Apply 291G Leavenworth st. G-M7CS 22 FOIl IIK.vr STOIII3S AMI OFFICES. FOR RENT , the 4-story brick building at 916 Farnnm St. This building has a lire- proof cement basement , water on all lloors , gas , etc. Apply at the olllce of The Bee. 1 910 DESK room. G. G. Wallace , 313 Brown BIk. I-SG2 NICE store. Corner 24th and Hamilton. Ap ply 2518 Caldwcll. I-S63 FOR RENT , n good barn box stall , cheap. 1902 Cass St. 1 M740 IN U. S. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. CM Bee Bldg. 1-112 AC.KNTS WANTED. AGENTS and branch managers ; salary or commission. Hunter Tailoring Co. , Cin cinnati. O. J M9I7 Oct-11 * WAR With Spain , " 700 pages , com plete ; English , Swedish nnd German ; out- lit free. W. A. Hlxenbaugh & Co. , ofllce 14 , Ware blk. , Omaha. J M412 O10 AGENTS wa.Ued for rapid selling house hold novelty ; needed In every house , sells for cash , nnd cnn easily be carried In ngcnt'9 pocket. No competition , no license. ; n rare , good thing. Wrlto for particu lars. Butllvo Brothers , Kcokuk , lown. J-MGSS 27 * WE want agents to sell our medicines. Ellshunt Medicine Co. , DCS Molnes , In. J-M741 21 * ELECTRIC belts. $3 to $9 , dally to live agents , quick sellers , cure diseases with out medicine. Electric Bolt Mfg. Co. , G40 Dlversey St. , Chicago. J 740 22 * AGENTS wanted for the only otllclal "HlH- tory of Our War with Spain , Its Causes , Incidents and Results , " civil , military and naval ; steel plates , maps nnd engravings ; by Hon. Henry 11. Russell , Senator Proc tor ( Vt. ) sind Senator Thurston ( Neb. ) ; the greatest seller over known : 1,000 more agents wanted ; wo pay freight and give credit ; write for terms nnd territory to the Bole publishers , A. D. WorthlnKton & Co. , Hartford , Conn. J M762 20 * AGENTS , you can make big money taking orders for our ladles' nnd gouts' mackin toshes ; established twelve years ; reliabil ity guaranteed ; we sell only through agents ; buy at headquarters ; send for terms. Pond Rubber Co. , 4SS Washington t. , Boston , Mnss. J M759 20 * WAXTKIJ TO IIKNT. ALL persons desiring to rent their rooms to exposition visitors kindly cnll nt once. 210 S. 14th st. K M302 OS AVANTED , a 7-room house , modern Im provements , centrnlly located , by Octo ber 13 , will pay well for right place. Ad dress A GO , Bee olllce. K 745 25 STOUACJI3 , PACIFIC Storage nnd Wnrehouso Co. , 908- 910 Jones , general storage nnd forwnrdlng. [ M-S61 OM. Van & Storage , 1511 ! * Farnam. Tel. 1559. M-S65 WAXTKII TO 1IUY. IF YOU are In need of anything try the J Want Columns of The Bee ; they will ' bring you what you want. N 867 SND-IIAND bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co. N-M7C4 ' THE BEST HOME ; $2.000 will buy on easy terms. 1 urn no agent. X til , lift- t i N-M751 _ HIGHEST price for second-bund household goods. Largo lots u specialty. Brown. 712 N. 16th. N M2t O ? ' WANTED. $2,000 worth of second-hand furniture nt 301 N. 16th. St. . cor. Daven port. N M9ti ! O13 NO MATTER how big the mortgage , i-an buy or trade for theequity. . H 21 , Bee. N-505 WANTED , to buy 100 second-hand bicycles. Neb. Cycle Co. , cor. 15th and Harney. N-MGiO 20 HOUSES TO MOVE"P. . D. Wead. N-752 HOUSES to bo moved. Wallace , 313 J. .1. , | Brown blk. N M7oJ FOIl SAI.13 I-TIIWITtUU. CHICAGO Furniture Ca. will sell furniture and RtuvM below cost : cot beds , 75c ; mattresses , & 0o ; pillows , 20c. HOi-10 Dodge. 0-MJ78 01 HOUSEHOLD furniture , Including stoves , d ftimust leave city at once. Address o 2i2J N 20th. O-M76I 20 $35 OAIC sideboard , good as nrw , for $10 , 8603 Pierce st. O M774 22 1'im SAI.K HOUSES , w.vnoNS , irrc. I Elegant rubber tired phaeton , . tout $226. I First-class Snyder pha ton , $115. cost $32. > Good ( Simpson Lea top phaeton , $15 ; cost $2:5. Good < hand made light phaeton , $ (0. ( cost $115. Good i hand made light phaeton. $ : cost $2" ' . Fine ; gents' run.ibout , rub tired , JSO , cost I75. Finn 2-wherl cart , rub tired , $50 : cost $150. Good 2-wheel cart with body , 120 ; cost $ nc. Eltgant open park cnrrlnge , $100 ; cost $373. Good Lea top family carriage. $ > j ; cost $350. Lea top cge , nearly new , $135 ; cost $250. Canopy surrey , new painted , $50 ; cost $140. Open fancy driving buggy , $3Ti ; co.'t $1G3. Open i speeding buggy , $10 : cost $225. Top box end spring buggy , $35 ; cost $115. Top side spring Concord , $35 ; cost $150 . 6 puss full platform carriage , $125 ; cost $500. | Good milk wagon , new painted t'u. rest * -'i > . ' Drummond & Co. , ISth nnd Harney , opp. court house , public library , county Jail. P-619 O16 FOR SALE , horse , buggy , harness. 2209 N. 19 P 919 S-3i ) FOR SALE-Cheap , n pair of tine drivers , f > years old , well bred and good arters ; must bo seen to be appreciated. Also line biiRgy nnd harness. Can be so-cn nt Lcnv- rnworth street stables. Address 2923 Lwnnworth. Flat " 1. " P M7032I * FOR SALE , fine saddle horse , 7 yearn old. Address U 55 , Bee. P-M7G7 FOR .SAI.I : Misciit\\iots. LAROEST stock hardwood lumber , hog fence , waxing brushes , etc. Chas , R. Lee , 9th and Douglas. Q 866 HOG , poultry nnd lawn fences ; nil wire ; Is best. Wire Works , 14th and Harney. Q-67 B. HAAS , Florist , 1813"Vlnlon St. , Tel. 776 ; plnnts , cut Mowers , bouquets , hall , resi dence , wedding nnd grave decorations. Orders by mail or express promptly tilled , Q SG3 B CAHN and aito Calm cornet. Marowltz , 418 N. IGth. Q-SG9 FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S. for B cents , at druggists ; one gives relief. Q S70 FOR SALE , reliable patent for state of Nebraska. Address A , Bee ollicc , Councl' Bluffs. Q-643 FOR SALE , St. Louis flro brTck , $14.00 per M. Wm. J. Welshans. 'Phono 267. Q-M69S SALE or Trade , machinery , engines , pumps. Hpraguo Machine \Vrks , 1210 Jones. Q-9'J2 02' STAMPS , coins , bought , sold. Mortenson , 401 N. IGth. Q-MS1S S30 PIANOS slightly used nt n bargain ; como quick. Mueller Piano & Organ Co. . 214 S. 18th. Q-M724 2 * _ "IIOW GOD GOVERNS THE UNrVERS E7' A scriptural nnd seasonable presentation of a dlillcult problem. By Dr. W. W. Harsha of the Theological Seminary , Omaha , For sale at city book stores. Q-630-2S FLAT of S rooms for sale cheap. 1G23 Dodge st , upstairs. Q M5tS 22 * FOR SALE One bay family carriage horse , phaeton , harness and gent's hnnd- made Kentucky spring saddle. Also two English setters nnd sixteen Plymouth Rock chickens. F. L. Mares , 2uth and Ple-rco Sts. Tel. 1777. Q-MG0419 * FINE lot Indian curios. Derlght. 1116 Fnr- nnm. Q-G12 O16 2D-IIAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnnm Q-C11 016 SECOND-HAND sowing machines from $3 up. Neb. Cycle Co. , cor. 15th and liar- ney. Q-MG79 20 'ILLINOIS BUILDING" nnd furnlturo for sale ; bids will bo received by C. E. Ham- bleton , secretary nt Illinois building. Q-G75-24 SHERMAN-WILLIAMS CO. , mixed palntH. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha. Q M733 O13 FISHER makes Ivory rim or plain dress buttons ; any cloth. Store , Park nvo. nnd Leav'w'th. Q M775 O19 MiHciM.v\iot.s. ! TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest publication Illustrating the U. S. nnd Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. ; almost 200 photographic reproductions , with 'a large map of the East nnfl West Indies , nt the office of The Bee. If or dered by mall , address Navy Photograph Department , Omaha Beo. R 870 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. , cleans cesspools & privy vaults. G21 N. 16. Tel. 1779 R-M512-S20 * CLAIRVOYANTS. ISMAR THE GYPSY. Truthful In her predictions , reliable In her advice. It matters not what your belief may bo nor what your experlenco with so-called palmists and clairvoyants may have been , Ismar will convince you that the past , present nnd future can bo told. She can bo consulted dally nt her olllce , rooms 20 and 21 , Douglas block , cor. 16th and Dodge , opposite Haydcn Bros. S-M174 O3 MME. Gylraer , genuine palmist. 1G05 Dodge. S M184 O3 VIENNA fortune teller , 18 yrs. here. 1411 Howard. M 488 O13 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 80S N. 16th. S-4S6 O13 IF YOU want revelations of the past , pres ent nnd future consult the only clairvoy ant nnd spirit medium in Omaha who cnn nnd does prove his wonderful power every Sunday night to hundreds of people ; ad vice dally on till affairs of llfo changes , love , troubles nnd disease ; can do more than all others In his line , as he has had 15 years' experience ; dally consultation. 1623 Dodge. Dr. Frederick Milton : satis faction or no charge ; readings by mail. S-M7G9 23 BIASSA iK , IIATIIS , I3TC. I MASSAGE nnd baths ; ladles and gentle man ; magnetic treatment. M. Brlsson , 107 N. 12. T-M5G1 O15 LAURA ELLISON , baths , massage and magnetic treatment. 119 N. 16th , room 12 , upstairs. T IG1-S20 * MADAM SMITH. IIS North 15th street , massage and baths ; room 2. T 173 19' BATHS , ladles only , Mrs. Porter , 203 Doug las Blk. T 339 O9 MISS SAV1LLA , 607 S. 13th , room 10 ; man- sago baths. T M523 21 * , BEATRICE HARLOW , massage and tub bath ; Egyptian treatment. 1701 Leav enworth. T MGOS 23 * MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. 11th , upstairs. T M771 26 * IMSIISQNAI , . | VIAVI CO. , SIC Bee building. U-872 A LARGE Map of the World , one of Cuba nnd another of the entire West Indies showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Haytl , San Domingo , Martinique and all the other West Indian Islands ; 10 cents , at The Uee office. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cuban Map Dcpt. , Omnha Bee. U SOS $30 RUPTURE cured for $30. No detention from business' G years In Omaha. Cnll | or write for circulars. Empire Rupture 1 Cure , 932-833 New York Llfo bldg. , Omaha , Neb. U-873 ' PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without pain ; one treatment does the work ; call or send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure , 932 Now York Life building , Omnha. U-S74 DOCTORS If you have money , brains and enterprise , but few patients , 1 may help you. Wrlto to X 24. Bee. U Mfo6 ! MARRIED ladles should send 10 cents for valuable secrets. Pox 321 , Ornnhn. - U-M601 S23 MASSAGE , Electric nnd magnetic baths. New Hyglennlc Institute. 220 Bee Bids. ; tel. 1716. U M33J MIPS MAYER , leading chiropodist , mam cure. 400 Puxton blk. . has reduced prices on account of expo , visitors ; manicure , Soc ; shampooing. 35c ; foot treatments , half price , with directions how to effect n permanent euro ; Infallible foot powder positively cures odorous perspiration and tender feet. U MS25 S29 LADIES or gentlemen , .o you want tn marry In 30 days ? Send ICc for guaranteed secret. Box 125 , Omaha. U-M292 OS SHOES soled and heeled , 50c. 710 N. IGth. U-M900 S3 ! ) SOLES nnd heels 45c. Peterson's old re - liable she shop. New shoes cheap IGtli i and Cuinlng. U M30S O9 PRIVATE home , before & during 'confine- ment. babies adopted , Mrs , l.udlow 220 ! 3 Clark. U-MS41 O1& ( Continued. ) HITTER'S hospital ; conilnem't onsss taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Seward , Omnha ; tcl , 2231. U-M5SS O16 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement ; babies adopted : ex perienced physician In attendance. ll.V. N. 17th st. , Omaha. U-M580 HOT WATER plant for sale. Inquire of J. B. Wurrlngton , P nder , Neb. U-MCS6-O-S' DR. J. ROY , chiropodist. Corns removed. 2)0 up upwards ; 23 yenrs' experience ; 12 years In Omaha. Frenzer blk.VM71S V-M71S 20 HOW to become lawful physicians , dent ists ; graduation In other sciences. Lnrk box 6 , Chicago , U-747 2S' THE 6rMhTsoclnl ! club , 311 KarbaehlTk ] 15th & Douglas , N the only Institution of Its kind in the west. Introductions made In our parlors. Marriages. Corre- snondents furnished. Stumps. Alllo T"r- 11 oy. V M304 OS MOXI3Y TO LOAN IlGAb KSTATI3. WANTED , choice fnrm nnd city loans. R , C. Peters i : Co. . U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg , , W-S75 $100,000.00 special fund to loan on llrst clnsa Improved Omnhn property , or for build ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company W 876 6Us per cent money. Bemls , Paxton Block. _ $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved properly.V. . Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fnrnam St. W S7S G PER cent city nnd farm loans. Garvln Bros. , 1013 Farnam St. W-S79 ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ' . quick money nt low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , East- em Nebraska. W SbO MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha rfral estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. IGth. W SSI MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block. W-M733 MONEY to loan nt low rates on Improved city property In South Omnha , Council Bluffs and Omaha. U. S. Mortgage & Trust Co. W. H. Thomas , agent , First Nat'l Bank building. W-M277 ANY amount up to $8,000 ; also buy mort gages. F. D. Wead , IGth and Douglas. W-MIS1 WANTED , bonds' , stocks , farm nnd city mortgages , circular for brokers only. In vestors' Directory. N. Y. W-SS2 MONKY TO LOAN CHATTELS. $10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND CAR RIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. , nt lowest rates in Omaha , South Omnha and Council Bluffs. No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off nt any time erin in any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 306 SOUTH 16TII. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY IN CORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X 8S3 MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent positions with responsible con cerns upon their own name , without security ; easy payments. Tolnian , R. 706 , N. Y. Llfo Bldg. X SS4 DIAMOND loan office , 1315 Douglas , unre deemed diamonds , watches , etc. sold cheap X 113-S-20 MONEY loaned on llfo Insurance policies , pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts , jewelery , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green , room 8. Barker Blk X-M416 BUSINESS CHANCES. PRINTING , Quick , clean , cheap. 1G10 Cass. Y M670-SM BRICK store with fixtures will be for rent after October 1st. Best location , good opening. CluirJtB C. Smith , Exeter , Neb. Y MGU2 20 * WILL erect building on 'Ibt ' 00x150 on 24th St. , So. Omahn , Neb. , ' across from the now postotllco , for uny first class busi ness. F. J. Lewis , room No. 22 , AVare Bl'k. Y-113 FOR SALE , the most centrally located and best paying exclusive horse shoeing shop in Omaha ; best of reasons for selling. For particulars nddress B 41 Bee , Y-G70-25 WANTED , partner with railroad experi ence to Join In building short line In ter ritory ; money all subscribed. Address B 54 , Be olllce. Y-718 19 * OWING to removal from Chicago of the head of n wholesale fancy dry goods house an exceptional opportunity Is of fered to two thoroughly experienced dry goods men with $20,000 to $25,000 each to become partners nnd continue n business which Is thoroughly established nnd thoroughly organized in all departments , has been prolitnblo nnd If continued under same con servative policy will give good returns upon Investment ; only men of ability , highest character , with bank reference considered ; If desired present head of business would continue supervision until July 1st , 1899. Address V 32 , Care. Lord & Thomas , Chicago. Y M757 23 TYI'EWIIITEIIS , TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1625 Farnam St. ; telephone 12S4. 891 WE rent and Bell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of good supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter and Supply Co. , 1012 Farnam St. 892 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup plies , 1619 Fnrnam St. 715 SOLD , rented , repaired. Derlght , 1116 Far nam. G13 O16 FOR EXCHANGE. IF YOUR mortgage Is due I will trade clear lot for equity. X 46 , Bee. . ii-206-S13 FOR EXCHANGE-For Iowa or eastern Nebraska farm or for sale on payments , nn "A 1" residence , eight blocks frorr pastofllce , on boulevard ; house of eight rooms .modern , best residence location for physician In Omaha. Address B 16 Bee olllce. Z 179-19 WANTED , to exchange bicycle for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co. , cor. anA Harney. K M681 20 WANT to trade bicycle for piano ; will pay spot cash for difference. B 40 , Bee. Z-MGS2 20 FOR EXCHANGE-Clear 1GO acres wheat land and Omaha city property for sav ings bank cortltlcates. Room 512 Brown block , cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. FOR SALE IlEAh ISSTATU. HOUSES , lo's , fnrms , lands , lonns ; also lire insurance. . Bemls , Paxton Block. I RE 885 HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now la the tlmo to dlspocc of them : let the people i know that you want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money. RE SC8 KOR SALE , desirable resldcnco lots. 124x 130 ; In first clnss location ; ten minutes' walk from court house ; ch jp for cn.-ih. Address O 61 , Bee. RE-S8 < ! FOR SALE , cheap , 1 15-room house and I lot on 17th St. , north of Leavenworth : nlso 1 11-room house on 17th ave Cnll nt : 701 S. 17th nve. , upstairs. RE-M20I OS' . TO BUY or sell houses , lots or lands. Cnll I on J. W. Bobbins , 1802 Farnam. Farnam.REM7fi3 RE-M7fi3 SOUTH OMAHA PROPERTY FOR SALli Lots In Maloney's addition , live blocks i southwest of Armour's new plant , J150.GO. Terms easy. POTTER & GEORGE COMPANY. 1001 Fnmam Ht. RE-M53G30 . BARGAINS Good six-room house on lot 33 feet front mar 27th and Blonde streets , Sixty feet front on South llth street , near Dorcas , with 4-room frame house , M.200. In Kountze Place , near 24th and Blnncy sts , good nlnn-room house , all modern and In good ordfr nnd a barn , lot 50 feet , n.Cufl ; good value. Six blucks south from the Burlington depot a large lot with three small cottages ; all tenanted. T50. Joseph B Piper. Wlthnell block. RE-M5S4 , BARGAINS In houses , lots , farms , sale or I trade. J. N. Frenzer , opp. old P O. I RE-ES7- ron MAM : itn.u , ESTATE. ( Continued. ) HOUSE and two acres , N. W. , $710. 4-room house and largo lot , paved St. , $750. Neat cottage with trees , 15th street. $1,260. F. D. Wead , IGth and Douglns Sts. SNAP ! 5-room house , barn , full lot with shade trees. 24 blocks from car , only $700.00 ; In good repair ; cnll at once. 4J26 Burdettc st. or 1611 Izard st. RE-M75I 22 HAM ) FI'IINITI'IIE. WE HANDLE the best furniture and stoves ; highest market prices paid ; sold at small profit. David Urodkey. lln s. 11. M-l(6-Nov. ( 11 WE will sell good woven wire cols with mattress for $123. Lewis , Hit Dodge. 753-S27 LOST. LOST , sorrel marc , white stripe on face , weight about 1.100 Ibs. Any one taking up such u mare kindly communicate with W. A. Paxton. Lost M546 LOST Saturday afternoon , pair ttold-rlm spectacles tn some principal store build ing. Return to Bee olllco for reward. LOST-711 20 LOST OR STOLEN , bay mnro , 4 yenrs"ohT weight about 750 , 3 white feet nnd liald face. 4310 Ames nve. Lost M753 20 * SIIORTIIAMI AXU TYI > E\VUITIN . VAN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. Night school from Sept. 20. xss AT OMAHA Bus. College , Hth & Douglas. SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court reporters. Boylcs' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg MW OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE , shorthand , Boyd's theater. 43 O15 MEDICAL. ALL women who can't raise family should consult the renowned German specialist , Dr. Pries. 1513 Dodge St Letters 2 cents. S23 LADIES , Chlchester's English Pennyroyal pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send -Ic , stamps , for pnrtlculnrs , "Relief for Ladles , " In loiter by return mall ; at druggists. Chl- chester Chemical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. 753 20' TAILORING. MAX FOOEL makes , cleans , repairs clothes. 307 S. 17th. M21 ! O9 JOE YOUSEN , the tailor , Boyd's Theater bldg. ; lovely suits $15 ; clothes cleaned and mended nt most reasonable prices ; work called for and delivered. Tel. 1S2S. 413 O10 V. TAUCHEN , work guaranteed. 151R Har ney. 4S3 O13 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan office 1211 Douglas ; oldest established , most reliable , accommodat ing ; business confidential ; selling out $10- 000.00 stock of unredeemed diamonds at big bargains. SG5 Octl DANCING SCHOOL. MORAND'S , 1510 Harney St. , will reopen for adults , Friday , October 11 ; children , Saturday , October 15 ; private lessons , stugo or ball room now. Please call. 5C6 O15 AUCTION. J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 519 Paxton block , want your auction sales of real estate , merchandise , furniture , live stock , etc. 893 TRACKAGE. YARD room , or storage with trackage centrally located. Address box 52 , City. 89G IlUIIIIKIl STAMPS AND STENCILS. OMAHA Rubber Stamp Co. , 215 So. 13th , Phone 1023. Write for catalogue.M439 M439 O12 PIANOS TUNED. PIANOS tuned , $1.50. Rose , 1521 Dodge. 3IS 09 niCYCLES. NEW wheels , $17.50 to $25 : 2nd hand wheels. $5 to $10 , Omahn Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chicago. G19 PLUGENO stops punctures ; fully gunrnn- teed ; dealers send for terms. Model Mfg. Co. , 1C04 Cass. 179-O3 PRIVATE HOSPITAL. DR. LIEBER , cancers , female diseases. 1912 Leavenworth. M-417-Oct-19 HARDWOOD LUMBER. OMAHA Hnrdwood Lumber Co. , onk , hick ory , ash , cypress , poplur , etc. 13 & Cnllf , G09-S-26 HOUSE MOVER. W. COY , removed to 171B St. Mary's Avo. S45-N-29 STENOGRAPHERS. WE SOLICIT nnd furnish posltons for stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. Telephone 1284. S94 ELECTRO PLATING. WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodge Bt. M827-Oct-29 GOLD , silver and nlckelplatlng ; get your baseburner nlrkelplated. Omaha Plating Co. , 1302 Farnam , entrance on 13th. M-522 OH GLASS WORKS. LATHAM & PEC1IAC. Mfr. of ornamental windows , churches , residences , 1012 Furn. M521 Oil STAMMERING AMI STl'TTKHING. SCHOOL for euro of these defects. Julia E. Vaughan , 30G N. Y. Life bldg. 730 O18 STEREO AND ELECTROTYPI\G. H. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Douglas. 817-0-23 FUHNITl'ItU REPAIRING. KARLING'S furniture repair shop. 1220 Harm v. R Mail S30 STATl'ARY. GONNELLA manufactures artistic statu ary. Insldo ornamental work a specialty. 11 317 S. 10th. MG2t Nov-2i KPPEHLI3Y CORSETS. i ONLY corset made having waist line. Room I 10 , Crclghton Blk. , 15th & Douglas. I 673-S-26 _ " " r " - - I ; VOCAL STUDIO. MISS BEYMFH , voial studio , 512 Karbach block. 755-S-27 IINWORK. JIASONWORK Jobber. E. Healy , 1822 Clark Street. U77-B2'i' ' FIX.V.NCIAL. LIFE Insurance policies bouuht for cash. Rlrhard Herzfeld , 171 LuSullo St , Chi cago. 9'JS O3 . M. ITHNITI'IIIJ PACKED. M. B. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tcl , 1331 & 5 " SUES & CO. , . .PATENT.- AM ) SOLICIIORS Etc bldq , Omaha. Neb. Ecnrt for our Jren Invent ors' Otitde. Tel. ltl3. ) ! SCHOOL FOR niinss CITTIMI. LATEST tnllor system ; diplomas awarded , Mrs. Martin , scn'l ag't , teacher. 2:35 Chas , -772 019 sini'i sTlt. COLE , signs. 703 3. 27th. 481 O13 OPTICAL. EYES tested free. Optical Institute , Sheely bluck. -916 Nov3J V10LI.NS REPAIRIHI. C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Sheely block. -2S-N14 MITICI : . ( Should bo rcart dally by all interested , as chaises may ociur at any time. ) riuTlKii inullH lor the week eiuliiiB Sp - tcmlu r 24. IviK , will rhixe ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the General Postolllce as follows : PARCELS POST MAILS close olio hour earlier than closing time nhuun below. Triiiii-Atliintlc MnlN. TUESDAY At 6 n. m. for IRELAND , per s. s. Servia , via CJueenstown ili'lti-m lor other parts of Europe , must be dlrn.-t'-d "per Si'rvla" ) ; nt 7 ti. tn. for El'ROPL' . per s. s. Trave , via Southampton and Bremen tlctters for Ireland must bo dlreetetl "per Trave" ) . WEDNESDAY Al 8 a. in. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Gir- niatilc , via QuetMistown ; at 1U:30 : a. in. for EUROPE , per H. s. Kensington , via Southampton ( letters must be directed " 1 r K . nsingtun" ) . TlirilSDAY-At C a. 111. for Et'ROPE. per s. s. F. Bismarck , via Cherbourg , South ampton tun ! Hamburg- SATURDAY-At ( i.30 a. in. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY , SPAIN , POR TUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT and BRIT ISH INDIA , per s. s. La Normnndlc. via lluvru ( letters for other | iartn of Europe must be directed "per La Nor- imuidle" ) ; at 11:30 : n. in. for El'ROPE , per s , s. Umbrla , via Ojieenstown ( letters for France. Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Portugal tugal , Turkey , Egypt and British India must bo directed "per Umbrln" ) ; at ! > . m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. MiuiHilain , via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "per Miuisdam" ) ; nt ' ) n. in. lor ITALY , per s. s. Ems , vl.i Naples ( letters must bo directed "per Ems" ) ; nt 10 n tn. for SCOTLAND direct , pur s. H. Furnes- pln , via GlnsROW ( letters must bo directed "per FurnessU" ) ; at W'M : a. in. for El'- ROPE , per s. s. BclKenlnnd , via South ampton ( letters must bo directed "per Belgenlnml" ) . After the closlnK of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above , addi tional supplementary malls arc opened on the piers of the Aint'rlcun. English , French and German steamers , and remain oren until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. MnllH for South and Control America , AVcftt IiulloN , lite , TUESDAY At 9 n. in. for BRAHIL nnd LA PLATA COUNTRIES , per s. s. Colerlduc , via Pernambuco , Itahla nnd Rio Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil must bo directed "por ColerldRC" ) ; at 11 n. in. for PRO- ORESO , per s. s. Gran Antllla ( letters for other parts of Mexico must bo directed "per Grnn Antllla" ) ; nt 1 p. in. for IN- AGUA nnd HAITI , per s. s. Benlson ; nt 8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per stenmcr from North Sydney ; nt 10 p. m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from 1'hlln- deluhla. WEDNESDAY At 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for SANTA MARTHA , per s. s. lielvernon : at 10:30 : a. m. for HAITI , per s. H. 1'rlns Wlllem III ( letters for Venezuela , Curacao , Trinidad , British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per Prlns Willem III" ) ; at 12:30 : p , m. ( supple mentary 1 p. m. ) for ST. THOMAS , ST , CRO1X , LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS , per s. H. Fontnbelle ( letters for Grenada , Trinidad nnd TobuRo must be directed "per Fontnbollu" ) ; nt 2 p. in. for PORTO RICO direct , per s. H. Arkndln ; at 11 p. m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Baltimore. THURSDAY At 1 ] > . m. ( supplementary 1:30 : p. in. ) lor BERMUDA , per s. H. Orinoco ; at 1 p. in. for JAMAICA , per s. H. Ardundhu ( letters for Belize , Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala must bo directed "per Ardandhu" ) . SATURDAY At 2:30 : 11. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per n. s. Carthaginian , from Philadelphia ; nt 10 a. m. ( supple mentary 10:30 : n. in. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA nnd CARTHAGENA , per s. s. AllPKhany ( let ters for Costa Rica must bo directed "per Alloghany" ) ; nt 10 n. in. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for CAPE HAITI , AUX CAYE3 und JACMEL , per H. K. H. Du- mols : at 11 n. m , ( supplementary 11:30 : n , m. ) for VENEZUELA and CURACAO , nlso SAVAN1LLA nnd CARTHAGENA , via Curacao , per s. s. Abydos ; nt 11 n. m. for PORTO RICO direct , per B. H. Mara- ralbo ( letters for Curacao , Venezuela and Colombia , via , Curacao , must bo directed "per Maracaibo" ) ; nt 12 m. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per H. B. Portia ; at 8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney. SUNDAY At 1 p. m. for NORTH BRAZIL , per s , s. Thereslna. Malls for Newfoundland nr rail to Hall- fax , and thence by steamer , close nt this olllco dNlly at S0 : p. m. Mails for Ml- quelon , by rail to Boston , and thence by steamer , close at this office dully at 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Cuba close nt this olllco nt 7 . . for daily < i. in. for warding by steamers Balling : Mon days nnd Thursdays from Port Tampa , Fla. Malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer , close at this office dally at 2i : ; ; n. m. nnd 2:30 : p. m. 'Registered mall closes nt 6:00 : p. in. previous day. Tritiin-riirltlc Mull * . Mnlls for China nnd Jnpan , per s. s. Co lumbia ( from Tacoma ) , close hero dally up to September * 19th at 0:30 : p. m. Mnlls for the Society Islands , per ship Tropic Bird ( from Snn Francisco ) , close hero dally up to September 24th nt 6:30 : p. m. Mnlls for China. Jnpan and Hawaii , per B. B. City of 1'e.klng ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to September 25th nl 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( oxcepl these for West Australia , which nre for warded via Europe ) , Now Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji and Samoan Islands , per H , H Alnmcdn ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to September * 30th nt 7 n m. , 11 a. in. nnd 6:3U : p. m. ( or on nrrivn at New York of s. s , Etrurta with Brltlsl malls for Australia ) . Malls for China nm Jnpan , per s. s. Empress of India ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally up to Octo ber ' 3d nt fi:30 : p. in , Malls for Australb ( except West Australia ) , New Xealand Hawaii und FIJI Islands , per H. H. Warri- moo ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally after September 30th and up to October 13th at 6:30 : p. m. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port o hailing dally nnd the schedule of closlnf is nrranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. 'Regis tercd mall closes nt C:00 : p. in. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. Postofllce , New York , N. Y. , September 16 1S9S. Colorado , Utah , California , Black Hilly , .Montana to I'UKet Sound 4:33 : pm 4:00 : pm nbtliiKs Local , . . . 7:00 : pm 7 40 inn Lincoln Fnht Mall " 2:55 : pm 11.40am Denver , Colorndo , Utah , California und Puget f.ound. * 11:50 : pm 2:15 : am Dally. Daily except Sunday. IIAILWAY TIJin CARD. ( Continued. ) CHICAGO. I'.OCt ; ISLAND .t Piu-ltle Railroad "The Great Rock Island Route. " I ity Ticket Office. 1WJ Fnrnnm Street. Telephonn 4IS Depot. Tenth and Mnson Streets. Telephone " Leave. Arrive. DCS Molnes Locnl. . . 7:15 : nm 11:25 : am t'hl'ago ' Express . . " 11.30 am " 8:00 : nm Chhngo Fast Express - press 6:00 : pm 1:25 : pra St Paul Fast Ex press 5:00 : pm 11:23 : ara Lln > oln , Colorndo Springs , Denvbr , Pueblo and West. . l:30pm : 4:23 : pm Des Molnes , Rock Island and Chicago cage 7:15 : pm 3:50 : pra Colorado Flyer 6:40 : inn 8:50 : ara Dally. " Dally except Sunday , [ CHICAGOrVrTp AUI. . MIN- ticapolls & Omuhn Hallway General Offices , Nebraska Division , Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. City Ticket Office , 1401 Fnrnnm Streut. Tele- phcne , ( Al. Depot. Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. Telephone 1,45 * . Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accom. . Ji50 ; am " SS5 : pm Sioux City Accom. . " 9:50 : am 8:35 : pra B 1 n I r , Emerson Sioux City , Ponc.i , llnrtlngtim und Bloomileld 1:00 : pm " 11:58 : am Sioux City , Man- kato , St. Paul & Minneapolis 6:00 : pm 9:00 : am No. 2. St. Paul Lim ited Makes no stops In Neb. . . . . . . . ' 6:00 : pra No 1 Exposition Llmlted-Mnkes no stop In Neb 1 9:00 : ara Nos 21 and 22 Exposition Local , to Emerson , stops nil Millions except Brlgcs 6:15 : pm * S:30 : nm Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sun day only. " Does not stop nt DcSotu or Coffmnn. CHICAGO & NORTHWEST , ern Railway City Ticket Office. 1401 Fnrnam Street. Telephone. 561. Depot , , - Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , C29. Lcavo. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Special 6:40 : am * 11:55 : pra * o. Vnlley , Sioux City , St. Pnul & Minneapolis 6:00 : am * 10:45 : pra .o. Valley , Sioux City 7:45 : am 9:00 pm 'arroll , Dennlson , Council Blurts. . . . 11:30 : pm 9:40 : am lastorn Ex. , Dos Molnes , Mnrslmll- [ FREMONT. ) 'JLKHORN & Missouri Vnlloy Railway Gcncrnl OlllccH , United Stntcs National Bank Bldg , , _ Southwest Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office , 1401 Farnnm Street. Telephone , 561. Depot , 15th nnd Webster Streets. Telephone 1.453. Lonvo. Arrive. Black Hills , Deart- wood , Hot'Sprlngs. 3:00 : pm C:00 : pra Wyoming , Casper and Douglas 3:00 : pm " 5:00 : pm tastings , York Da vid City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter Sewnrd 3:00 : pm C:00 : pm Norfolk , Vordlgro nnd Fremont 8:15 : nm " 10:45 : am .Incoln . , Wnhoo & Fremont 8:15 : nm " 10:45 : nm Fremont Local ' S:15 : rim York Passenger 6:10 : pm 9:40 : nm Dnlly. Dally except Sundny. Sun- dny only. " * Dally except Saturday. \ SIOUX CITV & PACIFIC Railroad General Offices , United States National Bank Bulldlnc , 8. W. Corner - , nor Twelfth and Farnam Street" " Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 5G1. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets , Telephone , 62S.Leave. Leave. Arrive. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Office. 1604 Farnam Street , Telephone , 2S4. De pot , Tentr nnd Mnson Streets. Telephone , 629. _ Leave. Arrive. Chicago Lrtnlted Express 5:45 : pm 8:20 : am Omaha & Chicago Express 11:00 : am " 4:15 : pm Sioux C'ty nnd DCS Molnes Express . . 11:00 : nm " 4:15 : pm Manilla Locnl * 10:00 : pm 9:16 : am W A B A S II RAILROAD- Tlcket Office , 1415 Fnrnam Street. Telephone , t > 92. De- Cot , ' .Tenth and Mason treets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louln "Canon "Ball" Express. . . 4GOpm : ll:30nm : Dull/ UNION PACIFIC "THE Overland Route" General Offices. N. W. Corner Ninth nnd Farnnm Streets. City Ticket Office. 1302 Farnnm Street. Telephone 310. Depot - pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone C2S. Leave. , 'irrivo. ' "Tho Overland Limited" for Den ver , Salt Lnke , und western p'ta. . * 8:50 : am 4:45 : pra The Colorndo Spe cial , for Denver & all Colorado p'ts. 11:55 : pm 6:40 : am Fast Mall Trnln for Denver , Salt Lake , Pnclllc coast and all western points 4:35 : pra 6:40 : am Lincoln , Beatrlco & Stromsburg Ex. . . " 3:30 : pm * 12:30 : pra Fremont , Colum bus , Norfolk , Gr'i. ' Island and North Plalto 4:35 : pm 4:15 : pm Columbus local 6:50 : pm 9:40 : am South Omnha Lornl Pass I.enves. 6:15 : n. m. ; 7:00 : n. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. : 4:03 : p. m. Ar rives , 10:30 : a. m. ; 3:30 : p. m. ; 6 p , m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves 6:40 : n. m , : 6:50 : u. m. ; 7:40 : n. m. ; 9:40 : a. m. ; 10:30 : a. m. ; 12:30 : p. in. ; 2:15 : p. m , : 4:30 : p. m. ; 4:33 : p. m. ; 4:55 : p. m. ; 5:65 : p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m. Ar rives , 7:20 : a. m. ; 8:25 : a. m. ; 9:10 : n. m. ; 11:80 : a. m. ; 3:05 : P. in. ; " 3:30 : p.m. ; 4:20 : p. m. ; 6:40 : p , m. ; 6:30 : p. m ; " 6:60 : p. m. ; 9:05 : p. tn. ; 11:55 : p. m. Dully , Daily except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Offices and Ticket OHIre , Southeast Cor ner Hth and Douglas Streets Telephone , 101. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone Leave. Arrive. Kansas and Neb. Limited 3:00 : pm 12:65 : pra Kansas Clly & fat. Luiils Express . . . 9:30 : pm 6:00 : am Nebraska J.ocnl " 4.30 nm " 9:45 : ara Dally. Dally except Sunday. D.illy "Dally except Sunday. For Rats , Mice , Roaches * and Other Vermin. IT'S A KILLER. After tiling , ill vrrtnln ttclc wttrr and tht open air. Hence ( hit Ulltr ii > the most cleanly cntarth. Tor Sale by all Druitzliti. Price , IS CcnU. HEW10N MANUFACTURING ft CHEMICAL CO. , 9S WllUun Aittt\ \ . New York.