OMAHA DAILY BEE 1 ESTABLISHED JUXE JO , 1871. OMAHA , TUESDAY MOirSTNG , SJ3L'TEMH.EK 20 , 1898 TWELVE PAGES. RIXGLI3 COPY FIVE CtiXTS. CROWDS ARE COMING "Exposition Attendance Grows Steadily as the Days Run Swiftly By. PROMISE OF SUCCESS ALREADY REALIZEC Balance Sheet Shows the Finances to B < Satisfactory in Condition. MONDAY SEES MANY STRANGERS PRESEN1 People Oomo from Afar Off to Visit thi Transinississippi Fair. GOVERNMENT DAY BRINGS NOTABLE ! xerel efi nt ( he Auditor ! Will Hi I'lirth-liulled In l.y Itepr.i Of (1111,1KlNllltlVI thu ( Jen era I ( iotcri Tula ! Attendance Venlerday I.'JIT Total ( o Dali- l.l-OOH ! Monday brought the usual Influx of nev visitors to succeed these who luvo goni nway full of admiration for the great show The fresh arrivals were fully as numer oils us usual In spite of the fact that i largo number of people are waiting to Iowa day and Modern Woodmen's day , am this Is taken as u very reliable Indlcn tlon that the expectations of un unprece dented nttendancc during the week nn likely to be realized. In view of the ex ceptlonal events that are scheduled fo thu middle of the week and which wll chnw very largely from the territory Imme- dlatcly surrounding Omaha n slight stag nancy was probable nt the beginning , bu this did not occur. Another very encour nglng fact Is that a largely Increased pro portion of yesterday's arrivals was fron comparatively distant points , and most o these will spend the entire week In tin city. Today and tomorrow the tide fron Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska will set li with full force nnd there Is every assur ance that the next few days will see tin blggent crowds that have yet appeared. As far as the original debt of the exposl tlon Is concerned the enterprise Is uov fairly out of debt. Of the amount that wai outstanding September 1 only about $27,00i remains , and the operating expenses u | to last night will not exceed $38,000 This Indicates n total Indebtcdnesi of $65,000 In round numbera and tin exposition has almost exactly this amoun to Its credit In the i bank. Hut the lurgi expenditure which has been authorize ! nn account of the stock tihow now eland as Indebtedness and until this la out o the way the management will not conslde Itself entirely free from obligations. Tin exposition has put up premiums aggrcgat Ing $35,000 for the stock show nnd the prep nrntlons of the grounds nnd the construe tlon of the buildings will add nearly $30,001 to thlH amount. Whllo these amounts an charged -'lUlobtcdncBJ ' on ihe books the ; represent expenditures on account of benefits fits that are yet to accrue and OB far a : the original expenditure Is concerned thi exposition docs not owe n dollar bcyoni what It has the money In the bank to pay Wyoming duy was nnother ot those on phonlous terms that fill space In n pro gram without materially inflating the gat receipts. Inasmuch ns the state has beci decidedly backward In \K \ support of tin exposition Governor Richards decided tha It was not worth while to celebrate the oc ( union , and there was nothing to dlstingulsl It but the Informal attendance of a fev Wyoming people. Martian ( lie Stoelc Shiny. The only remaining feature was the open Ing of the poultry exhibit that is the be ginning of the big live Block show tha will bo put on In Its entirety early In Oc tober. Three of the big barns that hav recently been erected south of the Inldai encampment have been devoted to the dls play of blooded cocks nnd hens and by toda ; the show will bo In full swing. Supcrln tcndent Lowellyn says the quality of th display will exceed anything that has bee previously shown In Nebraska. The bul breeds are exceptionally well rcprescnte < nnd there are especially good showings o brown leghorns and light brahmas. Th birds wcro being rapidly Installed ycster day. A largo proportion of the exhibit come from Nebraska nnd Iowa , but Mis Hrurl , Kansas and a number of other west cm states are fairly represented. The reason the poultry show has not as Binned larger proportions IB alleged to b the action of the management In chargln up an entry fee of 50 cents for each bin ! This has caused n tremendous protest fror prospective exhibitors and hundreds of ex hiblts have been kept away on that nc count. The exhibitors assert that thi charge has never been made before at an poultry show In this part of the cotmtrj They say that as the premiums ranpe fror HO cents to $2 there Is not the slightest In ducement to poultry fanciers to make ex hlbltB. The cost of entry absorbs all the could expect to win In premiums , nnd th exhibitors nre out the cost of trnnsportn tlon und of employing men to look atte their exhibits. The effect of the rule ha been to limit the display to the very bes birds , and although the show Is not a largo ns these which have Ijccn made n recent Nebraska state fairs there Is an ex cellent collection of really fancy stock. ( iovi-rniiit-nt Duy ProKriini. The celebration of Government day thi forenoon will bring one ot the most dla tlngulshcd parties that has yet visited th exposition. The senators and congressmr who will participate In the exerclscn hav been authorized to represent their respect Ive branches ot the national govcrnmen and this gives their visit a more than or dlnary significance. The exercises of th day will occur nt the Auditorium nt 1 o'clock nnd will be followed by n lunch n Market's cafe tendered by the exposltlo management. There will be an Informal re ceptlon In front of the Government bulldln at t o'clock , a sham battle nt the India encampment nt G and fireworks In the even tng. The guests ot the day will dine n the Omaha club , where they will enjo the hospitality of the Iowa mate commit filon. MOItn DAM'lMi IIV THU IMIA\ > lied SUIiiN Ana I n Ainiixi- the Pulill ttllli Their ( iyi-nlloiiN. There wcro dances and dances out at th Indian village yesterday afternoon an night nnd the only reason that there wci not more of them was because there was nc time between o'clock and midnight. Th season of Indian festivities opened with crow dance nnd closed with n uhost danci both of which It Is contended are religion functions Time on the rrow dance was called who half n I'on-n warrior * , Homo 6f them cla In clllzcnii' rlothes , but more In paint an feathers , walked out In front of the reserve 1 ( Continued on Fourth Page. ) VESUVIUS' ERUPTION SERIOUS I'VrllliVnlliN Arc Covoreil llli n ami ThrlvliiK Timim Arc Threatened. ( Copyright , 189S , by Press Publishing Co. ) NAPLES , Sept. 19. ( New York World Ca- blcgram Special Telegram. ) Travelers from all points of Europe arc flocking hereto to see Vesuvius In eruption. The spectacle ! nt night Is one of Indescribable grandeur. The fnlnt , palpitating slow that normally mnrkK th greater crater Is now exchanged for n vlvcl tongue of light , colored at times like the rainbow. Illuminating the heavens and reflecting with exquisite effect In the waters of the bay. These manifesta tions arc accompanied by deep rumblings and thunderous subterranean explosions , fol lowed by great eruptions of lava and ashea. Fresh lava streams are dally moving down the mountain side , encroaching on the cul tivated regions , causing great loss and dam age to Drooerty. The observatory Is seriously threatened by the subsidence of the ground on which It ! n built , and one great lava stream now coming clown will certainly overwhelm It unless diverted from Us present course , torrent near the crater has n a mile , dividing Into three ins , each seventy or eighty htch ns they pour down the again subdivide Into numer- Btrenms. They advance at a rate of forty yards per hour , overwhelming everything In their path , Bearing the veg etation In their vicinity ns though lire had passed over It. An enormous quantity of lava keeps pour ing out of the crater. It has filled Ver- tcrnmi Valley , a deep ravine , and the ashes lie several Inches thick for a long distance down the Bides of the mountain and on adjacent villages. Yesterday the Inhabitants were seriously alarmed , but have been somewhat reassured by a par tial cessation of the eruption today. Frightful misery and Immense damage to property will bo caused If the eruption breaks out again on the same scale ns on Friday and Saturday. The slope of Vesu vius Is one of the most thickly populated districts In the world. The fertility of the soil Is notorious and In the best parts four crops n year are garnered from It , but one great aid to this fertility Is the numerouh wells now beginning to dry up , and fanners arc In despair. Today nine new craters have been counted round the central crater , but even this extra vent does nothing to check the flow of lava from the latter , although there Is a marked cessation In the more violent belching fire and smoke. DENOUNCES THE DREYFUSITES ScnthlliR MnnlfPNtn IN iMnllcd hy tin ; Due il'Orlt-niiN. Who ACCIIMCN MIii- iNtry of Donlilc-DealliiK. PARIS , Sept. 19. The Due d'Orleans has Issued n manifesto denouncing the Dreyfus- Ites. The manifesto begins thus : "At last the promoters of the odious plot against the honor and security of the father land have thrown oft their mask. Intimi dated by them -the ministers have lowered themselves BO far as 'to ' become their ac complices. " The Due d'Orlcang accuses the ministry of seeking a revision of the Dreyfus proceed ings , while convinced that Dreyfus was guilty , under pretext of calming the public for their own profit. He declares that the prospect makes hla heart quiver and he concludes his manifesto In these words : "Frenchmen , wo nro masters In our own country. Your servants , subject to occult and pernicious power , presume to Impose upon you the will to which they submit under the pretext of proving the Innocence of a man whom the military tribunals have condemned as n traitor. It Is the army they nro trying to destroy and Franco they are striving to ruin. "Frenchmen , we will not allow It. " The manifesto has fallen rather flat. The Dreyfus affair presents no new features. It Is stated that General Chanolne , the now minister of war , has decided to appoint an entirely new staff for the ministry and to organize the secret Intelligence department. M. Prcssence , a leader In the Dreyfus agitation , has been summoned to appear be fore n council of rho legion of honor , on the ground that ho has presided at meeting at which orators have denounced the army. ISSlin.S UAD1CAI , IMPISUIAIj EDICTS. Chlnn'M Kmpcror Startlen ( h Native * tvllh Illn ProKri-NNlvt-iu-Hx. PEKIN , Sept. 19. A remarkable series ol imperial edicts has been published during the past few days. The edicts have startled the officials while making a favorable Im pression upon the old foreign residents who are unusually skeptical ns to the prac tical value of such orders. The emperor has addressed to the people ple n long explanation of his now policy , de claring that In many respects western civ ilization la superior to the existing order In his dominion and announcing his In tention to adopt Its good features nnd dis card the bad ones. The most radical edict establishes n pos tal service throughout the empire. In It the emperor nsks the people to co-operate with him In making the newly established system a success , assuring them , that they will thus aid In strengthening the re sources of the cmjilre. A fresh edict followed extending to prac tically every one the right to memorialize the throne , a privilege heretofore restricted to certain classes. The latest edict com mands that monthly accounts be rendered tc the government receipts and expenditures e\ cry where and that these accounts be pub lished. The emperor directs that the edicts bo posted throughout the country , In or der that the people may see the endeavors to promote their welfare which ho Is mak ing. TIHIvS UAISB MOlli : OIUUCTIONS , Dlnarmanient of MiinnnlniiinN Delnyvil hy the Commander. CANDIA , Island of Crete , Sept. 19. The disarmament of the Mussulmans has been delayed. DJevad Pasha , the Turkish military commander , demanding that the arms be de livered on board a Turkish war ship. Ad miral Noel , the British naval commander , Insists fhat they be handed to n Drltlsh guard. CANDIA , Isle of Crete. Sept. 19. Edham Pasha , the Turkish governor , has Just had n proclamation publicly read , Baying thai by order of the sultan all arms must bo sur rendered to the committee formed for thai purpose. The surrender has already begun , There Is no disorder. Hurricane In .Spain. MADRID , Sept. 19. A destructive hurri cane today swept over southern Spain doIng - Ing great damage In the provinces ot Sevllli and Granada. Six persona were killed ami nuny injured end n number ot buildings wcro destroyed at Seville and eighty-five houses were demolished and many personi fell victims to the storm at Guadlx , lu thi province of Granada. I'lfl ) Injured In Slreel Car Accident , HR.VDFORD. Eng. , Sept , 19. An clertric . street car was derailed while ascending a hill here today. Fifty persons were eerlouslj 1 Injured. Several : ot them are dying. PVT inn n i niiPOT nrHM ntTn ENLARGES I'OKEST RESERVE Black Hills Keservation Increased by Several Thousand Acres. PRESIDENT HAS SIGNED THE PROCLAMATION Certain Tract * on ( lie SonlivtiN ( SoiillK-iint of Original llener e Are lleHtored to ( lie I'llll- llu Domain. WASHINGTON. Sept. 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) The president today signed a proc lamation enlarging the Dlack Hills forest reserve In South Dakota. The reservation na created by executive order of February 22 , 1897 , contained 967,650 acres , while the reserve created by the proclamation ap proved today embraces 1,211,630 acres. A tract of 159,360 acres on the southwestern corner and one of 7,650 acres to the south east are excluded from the reserve ami re stored to the public domain. This land la eliminated from the reservation for the reason that It Is devoid of forest growth. On the north and cast of the old reserve Is added nn extensive area of 433,110 acres , which extends Into Wyoming and covers 43,000 acres. At the request of residents of the Dcadwood district there Is eliminated from the reserve 22,400 acres. All land re stored to the public domain Is now subpcct to entry. The comptroller of the currency today de clared a llfth dividend of 10 per cent in favor of the creditors of the Sioux Na tional bank of Sioux City , la. , making In all 45 per cent on claims proved , amounting to $410,519. The comptroller of the currency has been Informed of the appointment of 0. S. Gll- bertson , vice president of the First Na tional bank ot Lake Mills , la , , and S. H. Larson , assistant cashier. The St. Louis National bank was today approved ns reserve agency for the Mer chants' Exchange National bank of Lin coln , also the- Continental National bank of Chicago for the First National bank ot Eldora , la. An order was Issued allowing one addi tional carrier for duty at Marshalltown , la. , poatolllce. This order takes effect Novem ber 1. The chief architect of the Indian schools Is preparing plans for a new steam heating plant nt Genoa , Neb. , Indian school , for which congress has provided $13,000. SIXTI3KX MILLIONS OF PUPILS , Animal lleport of ( lie CnminlMNloiicr of Htliicnttoii. WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. The annuar re port ) of the commissioner of education has been presented to Secretary Bliss. The re port shows figures for the work for the year ending June 30 , 1S9S , and among other things , says : "One cause of congratulation on the part of those who hold the doctrine that popu lar education Is the safeguard of our Amer ican institutions Is the continued pros perity of the elementary schools. The In crease during the year 1896-97 amounted to 257,596 pupils ovtir the previous year. The total enrolled In elementary schooU amounted to 15.-I52.426 pupils.Atlfling to It those In colleges , universities , high schools and academies , the total number reached 1C- 255,093 pupils. "The ttttaf amount of schooling received per Individual on an average for the whole United States at the rate of school attend ance for 1897 Is nearly five years of 200 days each , and reaches quite seven years In a few states that arc the most lavish In their expenditures for education. A llftlo more than one-fifth of the entire population at tended school nt Bomo tlmo during the year. "A still greater occasion for congratula tion Is the Increase ot students In colleges and universities. This Increase has gone on steadily for twenty-five years and In 187 ! only D90 persons In the million were en- roi'led In these Institutions. In 1897 the number has risen to 1,267 in the million , being more than double the number. Dur ing the same period there has been an Im portant change In regard to conditions ol admission tt > colleges. The standard has been raised to such an extent as to require nn average of a year's work more In prepara tion for the freshman class. Considering the elevated standard , It Is safe to estimate the number In higher education measured bj the standard of 1872 as three times as large In 1897 as Bwenty-flvo years before. This Increase was most remarkable In tboso stu dents taking what are called post graduate studies and engaged In the work of original Investigation. The professional students It the schools of law , medicine , and theologj Increased during the same period. Durliif the same period scientific and Pechnlca schools multiplied. " In view ot the continually Increasing de mand for higher education , says the state ment , the Influence of professional educa tion , and especially the rapid growth of thai class of students that ) make- special experl studies In post graduate' work , Is In the highest degree assuring. A largo portion of the report Is devoted to statistics-of edu cation In the United Stutes. During the year there were maintained In Alaska eight een day schools , with 1,210 pupils. IlIidL'KSTS TO lU'IT TUB SKIIVICB t Hiilt-N UN to How Volun teer * Slay lie MuNlered Out. WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. The following statement Is given out at the War depart ment : The War department Is Just at present undergoing an experience which Illustrates the alacrity with which the average cltlzer hastens to his senator or representative It congress In emergencies. The cessation ot hostilities and the Im probability of their renewal , with the dull ness of camp life , has apparently created t feeling ot restlessness among the men of the volunteer army , who , in the majority ol cases , have given up positions of larger com pensation , and many of them are imploring their political representatives to procurt their discharges and the latter In turn art Hooding the War department with request ! for prompt and Immediate action. To such an abuse of privilege has thli grown that the War department has beer obliged to call attention to that paragraph of the army regulations which requires thai all communications from subordinates to su periors must pass through military channels and to decline , as a rule , to entertain appli cations for discharges ot enlisted men un less they come to It In tbo proper manner. A soldier who Is desirous of securing hh discharge and has good and sufficient rcasoni upon which to base It will save himself i great amount of trouble If he will set fortl the reasons for his discharge In a letter ad dressed to the adjutant general of the arm ] and hand It to the captain of his company who , In turn , Is required to forward It to thi colonel of the regiment , and the latter tt pass it along through brigade , division am corps headquarters , with their recommenda lion. Unless this Is done this departmen will send the paper back to the compan ; commander for his recommendattton , am that takes time which may be saved by fol lowing the proper rule. The department has promulgated a rullni In thin connection , which Is to the effect tha publlo'pollcy will not permit at this time tbi I consideration of applications for discharges of men serving In the Phlllpplno Islands , Honolulu , Cuba or Porto Hiro. The reasons for this arc obvious. Aside from the question of transportation Involved and the necessity of supplying the places of men.who are to bo discharged with other * from the states. It Is to be remembered that the war Is not over and that much depends upon the re sults and deliberations of the peace commls- sloifers who have sailed for Par's. Tnmi Import * ( o t rummy. WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. The United States consul at Montevideo reports to the State department that beginning August 1 last an additional permanent tax of 2 per cent was Imposed on all Imports Into Uru guay. The proceeds arp to be applied first to the payment of outstanding treasury cer tificates , now about ten months behind , and afterwards to the proposed harbor Improve ments. The tax Is of especial significance to Americans Interested In the exportation of lumber and refined oil upon which the duty Is already very heavy. Cnlli-r * oil tinPresident. . WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. Senator Faulk ner , Charles Schlcrln , chairman of the Cuban relief fund , and General Hates , who participated In the Santiago campaign , were among the president's callers today. The president talked at considerable length with General Dates concerning the details of the slego of the Cuban city , remarking that ha h.ul conversed with so many participants that he foil quite conversant with all the particulars of It. I'oMmnMcr * Appointed. WASHINGTON. Sepr. 19. The president has appointed the following postmasters : Illinois , Sycamore , J. K. Ellwood ; Iowa , DCS Molncs , Lowls Schooler ; Greenflcrd , John J. HetherltiRton ; Guthrle Center , Charles II. Ashton ; Marcngo , David M. How- land. Kansas , Cherryvale , Theodore C. Veeder. Montana , Great Falls , II. 0. Chewin. Nebraska , Ponca , James II. Logan. Washington , Chehalls , D. W. Hush. Okla homa , Ulackwell , G. L. Lage. Consular Auriit Hcporled Kllloil , WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. The State de partment recently asked Consul Short at Constantinople to ascertain the truth of the report that our consular agent at Can- dla. Island of Crete , had been killed In the recent massacre nt that place. Today a ca blegram from the consul general was re ceived stating that ho had been so far unable to learn anything dcflnltu from Can- dla , communication with that place being very dlfllcult. After tinHalHvay Companies. WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. Upon official Information received nt the Treasury de partment that certain railroad companies are not afllxlng the required 2-ccnt revenue stamps to rebate checks given to passengers when fares ore paid to the conductors , the commissioner of Internal revenue has given Instructions that evidence bo procured with a view to Instituting proceedings against these companies for violation ot the law. Cllllllll ColllllllHNlllll 111 ( JOOll Health. WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. The War de partment has received a cablegram from Jnor Clous , " the secretary of the American Military commission , dated Havana today , stating that the commission has removed to Vodfidl , a suburb of Havana , and that all of the party , at nc-il as 'the people on the steamer Resolute , notwithstanding newspaper reports to the contrary , are In good health. Kan I kiicr on Canadian ConnnlNNloii. WASHINGTON. Sept. 19. Senator C. J. Faulkner of West Virginia was today ap pointed to the position on the Canadian commission made vacant by the retirement of Senator Gray when he was transferred to the Paris Peace commission. The tender of the position was made by the president today In n personal Interview with Senator Faulkner , and was accepted by the latter. Appointment * li.v tinPresident. . WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. The following appointments were announced by the presi dent today : Gcorgo H. Plckerell of Ohio , to bo consul at St. Nicholas ; Fred Page Tustln of Oregon gen , to bo commissioner for the district of Alaska , to reside nt Wrangcl ; Thomas L. Ling , Interpreter to the United States consulate - sulato at Fu Chan , China. PIIJ-H ii lilt Interest Hill. WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. The treasurer ot the United States today mailed 27,512 checks , aggregating $4,910,29 } , In payment of the in terest duo October 1 on United States regis tered consolsIs , with notice that they must ho presented for payment. Dividend on Sluiix City Ilniik. WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. The comptroller of the currency has declared dividends In favor ot the creditors of the Insolvent na tional bank of Sioux City , la. , 10 per cent- YELLOW JACK GAINS HEADWAY Ileenplltilatlnii from Different Pnrtd of ( ho Infeeted Country Shown IIlull Per Cent of Dentlin. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Sept. 19. Reports from the south tonight Indicate that the yellow fever epidemic Is slowly gaining head- way. The following synopsis was gleaned from reports emanating In that section ntsht : The Louisiana Board of Health tonight made the ofiiclal announcement that up to date four cases of fever have been reported In Now Orleans and five cases at Harvey's canal , above Now Orleans , on the opposite side of the river. No deaths have been re corded In either place. A recapitulation of the epidemic through out Mississippi shows that out of a total of 109 cases seven deaths have occurred , the death rate being 12 per cent heavier than that of last year. Two new cases have appeared at Taylors , but Dr. Wood reports no Increase. No new cases have appeared at Jackson. Alabama has a strict quarantine against anyone from New Orleans and other Infected places entering the state and Montgomery also has quarantine guards on every train. The department of the Gulf today ordered Battery D , First artillery , from New Orleans to Newman , Ga. . on account of the preva lence of yellow fever In the gulf city. The second biennial convention of the Journey men Barbers' union of America , which was scheduled to meet In Memphis October 4 , has been postponed to November 8 , owing to the quarantine maintained by the local authorities : SHOE LASTERS WALK OUT Kiiiilon | of Seven I.arKC llounci Claim Higher AVnuex nnd ( o < ! et Them Inaugurate StrlUr. DROCKTON. Mass. . Sept. 19. Nearly l.GOO lasters In the big shoe factories ol Drockton , Rockland , Whitman , StoughOon , East Weymouth , Mlddleboro nd Randolph were ordered out today , the manufacturers , with the exception of W. L. Douglass & Co.'s establishment In this city , having de clined to accede to the demand * of rhe tast ers for n new prlco list , providing for an Increase over the old rates. A protracted fight Is expected. All the lastvra In Drock ton , with the exception ot those ot the Douglass factory nave gone out. WILL NOT AWAIT EVACUATION War Department to Bond 10,000 Men to Ouba for Garrison Duty. TROOPS ARE TO SAIL ABOUT OCTOBER 1 OrKnnlr.nlloitN ( lull Are < o Comprise thu I'oree ofHIKM ) Men Not All Gained I'lenNiint .Now In Culm. WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. It la the present Intention of the administration to send to Cuba ns a garrison force for the Island about 40,000 troops In addition to the force now In Santiago under command of General Lawton. The organizations which are to comprise the Cuban garrisons have not all been designated yet , but It Is assured that nt least half of them will bo > oluntecrs. Within two weeks orders will be Issued for the movement to Cuba of the llrst 10,000 of the permanent garrison and It Is the expectation now that they will sail from tbo United States about October 1. These troops will be followed quickly by others until the entire force of 40,000 has been established on the Island. It Is not the Intention ot the administration to await the evacuation ot the Island by the Spanish forces before sending United States troops to Cuba , as the Indications are now that It may bo several months before the Cuban commissioners complete their work. Quito naturally , a considerable number of Spanish troops will remain on the Island until the rellnqulshment of Spanish sovereignty over It has formally been concluded. The rainy season In Cuba Is nearly at an end and the most delightful season of the year on the Island Is about to begin. Dur- lug the late fall and winter months the climate In Cuba Is not only enjoyable but healthful and with such care as will betaken taken for the health and comfort of the American forces to bo stationed In Cuba officials of the War department have no fear that serious illness among the men will follow the occupation of the Island. CAMP W1KOKK IlOM'lTAIi 1U2POUT. Til ! DeatliH Occur Sick llemoved from Ulvlxloii HoMpllul. CAMP W1KOFF , Montauk Point , L. I. , Sept. 19. The deaths reported from the general hospital today were : Austin Dun- lap , Company L , Second regular cavalry , who dlpd from the result of an operation for tyacnla ; John Lander , corporal , Twenty- first Infantry , dysentery ; William H. Drown , Ninth Massachusetts , dysentery. Dr. Senn , assistant surgeon general , who has b en hero for several weeks , left to day. Dr. Greenleaf succeeds Dr. Senn In the hospital here. There are 721 patients In the general hospital. This Increased number Is due to the fact that the patients from the divisional hospitals have been all moved to the general hospital. The steamer Shlnnecock took 300 sick to New York to day and the yacht lied Cross took fifteen sick of the Ninth and Second regiments ot Massachusetts to New London. A largo number of men left on furlough today. Three new wooden hospital bulld- IngK are being put up , as It Is believed that many of the sick patients cannot bo moved for some tlmo yet. The question of sending General Wheeler's cavalry brigade to Huntsvlllc , Ala. , has caused numerous messages to bo exchanged between General Wheeler and the War de partment. General Wheeler says he does not know Just when the cavalrymen will be moved from Montauk , but ho expects that they will bo moved before the first of the month. General Wheeler , who fully ex pects to return to congress , will resign from the army service early In October. IIo says he will do what ho can for his men In the way of having them located In a healthful camp before he leaves the service. ( ; I.MHAI.S WITHOIT ASSIR\MB\T.S. I'll of HlK CiinipN Itendern KoiirrniiKi' int-iit \ - - -MMiiry. WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. Major Generals Dates and Sumner , who were prominent In the Santiago campaign , reported at the War department today. They arc expecting n new assignment under the plan which Is contemplated for the distribution of troops. They have been at Montauk , but the breakIng - Ing up of the camp there leaves many ofllccrs unasslgncd and without duty. Gen eral Xllles , with whom they conferred , has been very busy with his scheme of re organization , but It hna not yet reached n point which makes obtainable any definite Information as to where troops or com manding officers will go. It Is almost set tled that General Shatter will return to San Francisco and resume command ot the Department of California. Such Is his de sire and no doubt It will bo complied with. The probability that n number of general and staff volunteer ofllccrs will bo dis pensed with has caused considerable dis cussion among those who may bo among the number. A number of officers desire to remain In the service and Influence Is already being brought to bear to keep them on the rolls of the War department. 1'repnrlliK to Iteeelve AlKer. ANNISTON , Ala. , Sept. 19. Secretary Algcr will not reach Camp Shlpp until Fri day , but arrangements for his reception have already been made. The Commercial club and city council will appoint commit tees to receive the secretary on his arrival In the city and Drlgndlcr General Frank will order n review of the men now In camp here , numbering 7,000. The officers are highly pleased with the water supply from Cold- water springs. The spring sends forth 42- 000,000 gallons of water n day. The camp Is now well supplied with pipes and water la carried to all parts of It. The health o ( the camp Is excellent , there being but three deaths In two weeks. HI. I.oulH WeJeonu-N | h , . Twelfth. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 19. The Twelfth In fantry. U. S. A. , ICO officers and men , arrived hero today In sections , under the command of Major W. H. Humphreys. This regiment , which took a gallant part In the battle ol Kl Canoy , came from Montauk Point and will bo stationed at Jefferson barracks , near this city. Ucfore the war the Twelfth In fantry was stationed at NIobrara , Neb. Mayor Zlegenhcln , at the head of a reception com mittee , took the men In hand , gave them n hearty welcome and fed them bountifully on their arrival In the city. Later In the week the regiment will bo paraded and given a public reception. AVhlte and Colored Moldlerx Climli. LEXINGTON , Ky. , Sept. 19. Private J. II. Whalcu ot the Eighth Massachusetts died at ) Camp Hamilton today of typhoid fever , making the sixteenth death. General llrcck. cnridgo reviewed the troopa before an Im mense crowd today. Secretary Alger will review them tomorrow. There have been frequent clashes between corored Immunce and white soldiers and serious trouble IE feared. DealliM In Porto Illi-o. WASHINGTON , Sept. 18.-In dispatches to the War department tonight Major Gen eral llrooko reports four deaths among the American troops a' Ponce , Porto Hlro. The deaths are : O. C. Brace , Company A , Third TEMPERATURE AT OMAHA Hour. ! ) < . Hour. DOK. TOI1AY AT TIIIJ 1-\POMTIO.\ : . At ( Inironnilni ( iovertinient | ) n > - . S n. in. lo II ) p. iiin Indian Conurt-NN lit lOneaiilliluent , 111 n. in , . Oiiinliii 1 iiiu-ert Hand at .V.Mtltorlnni. II n. in , , Kr < -lR < < H of ( ! IM eminent Day , Auditorium , llt.'to n. in. , MaUlexlilp llllnolN llueked nl < io\eminent llnlldlnu. Iin. . . I'I re Home * llltelied liy Kleu- trlcltj. - p. in. , Oruan Iteeltat at Auditorium , -i.'tll p. in. , > Ie\leun Hand nl AII- illtorlnni. I | i. in. , I lilted Slate * l.lfe Saving Drill on I.IIKIMIII. I l > . in. , Omaha Concert Iliinil a ( Cov- ! emmelit ItiilldIIIK. " p. in. . Slinni llaltle on Indian ( ironnilN. 7 | i. in. , .Meileaii Hand on IMa/ii. Wisconsin , typhoid fever ; Morton Hen t Icy , Company C. Nineteenth United States In fantry , typhoid fever : Frederick Llddle , Company C , Nineteenth United States In fantry , malarial fever ; Frederick S. Phelps , Hattory H , Fifth artillery. ( 'limit .Meade lv -r PnllonlN , CAMP MKAD13 , MIDDLCTON. Pa. , Sept. 19. There are over 100 typhoid fever pa tients In the division hospitals and the Ked Cross wards haj o been Increased to double their former size to accommodate this class of patients. The society 1ms thirty-five trained female nurses on the ground taking care of the most serious cases. Chief Surgeon Glrard has recommended to Surgeon General Sternbnrg that mos quito bars , bead nets and buckskin gloves bo made a part of the regular equipment of the men In the army who are going to Cuba , Porto Rico and the Philippines. The llrst division of General Graham's corps , which Includes four Pennsylvania regi ments nml Is In command of General S. M. H. Young , will probably be ordered south early In October to move to Cuba for garrison risen duty. KIIIINIIN Soldlei-M llnlKi * DlNlin-liaiiee. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 19. Just ns the fust mall on the Missouri Pacific was about to pull out this morning a number of Kansas soldiers boarded the single Pullman at- t'.iched to the train , declaring that they had ridden to St. Louis In a common coach and proposed going the rest of the way In the Pullman. It took the trainmen about thirty minutes to put off the obstreperous soldiers. The Missouri Pacific will refuse tvj pay the flno for being late Into Kansas City with the mail , and will show that the soldiers were the cause of the deftly. The govern ment will be called upon for nn Investiga tion. Minnesota Ho > H < ! < -t .SleeperN , CAMP POLAND. KNOXVILLB , Tnnn. , Sept. 19. The Fourteenth Minnesota regi ment win return to St. Paul In Pullman sleeping cars. When the train to trans port this regiment reached this city last week It was made up of day coaches. The officers of rhe regiment objected to making the long trip In the coaches and so notified the railroad officials. It was Imperative to order Pullmans and twenty-seven of these cars arrived hero this morning. Nine others will come In tomorrow morning and the regiment will start on Its long Journey To morrow afternoon. Film-nil of ( it-iK-rnl lliiMkell. COLUMHUS , O. , Sept. 19. The last tribute to the memory of Hrlgadler General J. T. Haskell was paid by Columbus this morning and the body shipped to the National ceme tery nt Arlington for Interment. The fu neral was held at Trinity Klscopal church. The church was packed with citizens and the streets were lined. The escort consisted of local military and secret orders and thu Seventeenth Infantry. The remains left hero ove.- the Pennsylvania road at 1:15 : p. m. with n military escort. AI er on a Tour of Camp * . CINCINNATI , Sept. 19. Secretary Alger arrived from Detroit today , accompanied by his aide. Major Hopklna. IIo found await ing him hero Sugeon General Sternberg and General M. P. Ludlngton , quartermaster general of the United States army. The BOO- rclary's visit hero Is to begin n series of In spections of camps and hospitals In the west. Ills attention will bo given to the camp and hospital at ) Fort Thomas today. His next visit will bo to Lexington , Ky. APPOINTMENTS 70 CHURCHES ilN for \cliraNUa OUtrldx .Made hy ( iernian MethodUt lOpUcopal Conference. KANSAS CITY. Sept. l-Spceial ! ) ( Tele gram. ) The session of the west conference of the German Methodist Episcopal church closed this morning with the appointment of ministers. The appointments for the Ne braska districts nro ns follows : Nebraska District J. G. Llest , presldlnfi elder ; Beatrice , Neb. , C. G. Meyer ; Clatonla , Neb. , P. C. Schramni ; Cortland , Neb. , Henry Sleboldt ; Friend. Neb. , John Schaun ; Graham. Mo. , L. D. Wagoner ; Humboldt , Neb. , C. E. litrhardt ; Jensen , Neb. . Heiirj Minor ; Kramer. Neb. . J. A. Nigg ; Lincoln , Neb. , First church , J. Demand ; Lincoln , Neb. , Second church , Ed Heck ; Oregon , Mo. , John Lauor ; Sprague nnd Highland , Nub. , J. D. Hamrnel ; Sterling , Neb. , J. J. Stein- Ingcr ; St. Josepn , Mo. , Charles Harms ; Swanton , Neb. , H. H. Hnckman ; Wathcna Kan. , H. C. Ellfcldt ; White Cloud , Kan. , H. Slekmann. Gustnv Uecker , professor al Mount Pleasant German college. North Nebraska District Ed Salenbach , presiding elder , Arlington , Neb. . H. A. Trel- ber ; Hlg Springs. Neb. . M. H. Knet-k ; Halliu end Ansley. Neb. , O. n. Schnackenberg ; CulbcrtEon and Francis , Neb. , Matthew Her mann ; Denver , Colo. , First church , John Koehlcr ; Denver , Colo. , Second church , H , O. Lclst ; Duncan and Columbus , Neb. , F. Rclchnrdt ; Hustle , Neb. , John Hwlnk ; Grand Island and Palmer , Neb. , W. F. Frlcko , Henderson and York. Nob. . J. C. Mueller ; Kalamazoo and Falrvlew , Neb. , C. F. Kruse ; Macon , Nitb. , H. J. Dlercks ; Nebraska City , Neb. . G. J. Mueller ; Omaha , Neb. , F. Kal- tenbach ; Oscsola , Nub. , A. J. Ross ; Papll- lion , Neb. , J. A. C. Tanner ; Pueblo , Colo. , C. F Haucr : Rushville , Neb. , C. H. Sud- brook ; South Omaha , Neb. , L. J. Haas ; West Point , Nub. . W. Tonat ; Waco nn.l Seward , Neb. . P. W. Mattbael. Volume of > aval History Heady , WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. Advance prints of volume 7. series 1. of the official records of the union and confederate navies In the war of the rebellion have been furnlsheil the Navy department by the governmenl printing office. The volume comprises the operation of the North Atlintl" blockading squadron from March 8 to September 4 , 1SG2. The distribution of tbo work Is o congressional and not a deoartmental one. REPUBLICANS RALLY Voters of Douglas County Greet the Party's Standard Bearers. WARM WELCOME TO THE CANDIDATES Oroighton Hall Packed to the Doors with Enthusiastic Citizens , HEARTY CHEERS FOR THE PRESIDENT Naino of William McKinley the Signal for Tumultuous Applause. JUDGE HAYWARD DISSECTS SOME FIGURES i\ploden Menerve'n Claim for Won. oVrfnlly KHIclcnt .Tlaiiaueiiieiil Mr. itoNi-tvnlcr ( iUcn | | lt. I'nrly Sonic Advice nn to Candidate ) ) . The republican state candidates made their bows to the voters of Douglas county last night nt Crelghton hall. The hall was packed with enthusiastic republicans and erstwhile members of other parties who art- tired of populist mlsrulo who made the building shake with applause every tlmo the name of William McKlnley was men tioned and whenever a tribute was paid lo "Old Glory. " It was a gathering calcu lated to Inspire those who arc to do the Douglas county end of restoring Nebraska this fall to Ha old place In the republican column. It was to the tune of the "Star Spangled Banner" that Judge M. L. Hayward , the candidate for governor ; Ccnek Darns , for secretary of state ; N. D. Jackson , for at torney general ; T. L. Matthews , for auditor and J. F. Saylor , for superintendent of pub lic Instruction took their seats on the pint- form , and they were Introduced to the audi ence to the tune of a "Hot Tlmo In the Old Town" and with the most ener getic clapping of hands , stamping the lloor and wild cheers. A little later Senator John M. Thurston and "Our Dave" Mercer made their appearance and the cheering that ac companied n recognition of their presonro was deafening. G. II. Williams , the candi date for commissioner of public lands , acted as president of the rally. The first spenekor was JudgeHayward. . Ho attacked the manifesto put forward by the fuslonlstH , as their Issue , with nn array of llgures that Is formidable and made their claims of economy , good financiering and retrenchment seem ridiculous. Ho said : Our fusion friends , every tlmo they meet In convention , reiilllrm the Omnlm platform of 1SU2 , but did It ever occur to you that they never attempt to defend that platform , feeing that they were beaten so beautifully In the campaign of that year ? In this year they have changed their tactics somewhat and hnvu undertaken to prosecute a cam- pnlgu of libel and slander ami also of misrepresentation - representation of the wise ndmlnistrntlou cf Mr. McKinloy. Mr. McICInluy's administra tion needs no defense at my hands , but ( hero are somu things connected with the-admin istration of iiffnlrw In .this state to which I would Ilko to call attention. CiiMh Turned Over to Meerve. In that pamphlet they claim that when Treasurer Mornerve went Into olllce he found a shortage from his republican predecessor of $500,000. In looking over the treasury figures this Is what I have found : That the total cash on hand turned over to Air. Mcaarvo by his predecessor was $034,060.00 In cold cash. 1 ask you In nil fulrnvis if , with $931,000 turned over to him , what 13 ntlint by Mr. Mcservo by saying that "tho most cf the rash balance wan stolen .by his predecessor ? " Another statement Is to the olTcct that ho has reduced the state debt to the amount of $700,000. Let us sc-o what the aspcts of the Btato were. Ho had $930.000 turned over to him. There was n balance In the general fund to t > c applied to this pur pose of $ r > 37'j : > 3.13. The state levied In 189.1 , ISIiC and 1897 a tax for n sinking fund. Mr. Mi-servo collected In 1897 the tax levied In ! & % . The assessed valuation for Nebraska was $ tfi7,078,270.37. At 60-100 of a mill for 189B , Mr. Meservo collected for 1S9 ( > S10.1- 540.81. Wo find that In Nebraska two-thtids of the tax Is collected during the Hrfit e\x \ months of the year. For Instanc" , during thi ) first six months of 189C $3.J.l oS.l.-H wan collected ; for the second half , $ lll,032.r.i : ; for the llrst half of 1837 , $1102,500.57 ; for Iho second half. $142,000. The sinking fund lux for 1S96 collected in 1897 amounted to JlOU- 540.SI , and mid to thin two-thirds of Iho same amount , ti.iy $ C9,027.23 , being .ho amount collected In the first half of 1898 on the 18117 tax. then add $253,828,50 , tha amount of delinquent school revenue col lected , and flnally the $537,953.13 cash turned over by Hartley , and you have almost u mil lion dollars with which to pay off the $700.- 512.9 ! ! Mr. Meservo boasts of ptylng off ns a reduction of the state Indebtedness. Judge Hayward also gave some llgures on the school collections mid appropriations to the different counties of the state , showing how Iho popocrats had appropriated to themselves ihc results of republican pros perity. They had taken Iho first two halves of 1897 and 1898 and compared them with the two last halves of two prior years when the people , having Buffered with drouth and hard times generally , had not paid the school revenue. They charco tha republicans with the last halves of 1895 nnJ 189C. He produced figures from the trcaH- urorB of the two counties ot Douglas und Lancaster for Illustration. Unlitrimfor UKIlllnd. . So far as the penal and eleemosynary In stitutions of the state are concerned mid the populist claims of retrenchment he ridiculed the statements put forth. If tha penitentiary 1 Belf-sustalnlng now it IB because there Is a demand for that kind ot labor which did not exist In the poor years , and us for the other Institutions the retrenchment bragged about has been largely duo to the fact that the blind boys at Nebraska City hud been fed on 10-cent butter , also the unfortunates of the School for the Deaf und the School for the Feeble Minded. These Inmates are not In n nosltlon to complain. For the Moore shortage ho considered the blunder of Gov ernor I'olcomb as much responsible [ IB any other thing. The governor should have seen to It that all the money was In the treasury. Cenek Duras contrasted the reductions made of the national debt under republican rule with the Increases for which the demo cratic party was responsible. IJuchanan In creased the public debt In times of peace from -$23.700,000 to $90,700.000. ami Orovcr Cleveland added $202,000,000 to It. After the war and under ( /rant's administration and up to 1892 $1.225,000.000 had been paid on the national debt. Mr. McKlnley. with an Increase of $200.009.000 , had freed millions of suffering humanity from Spanish oppression and made thu nation a power among the nations of the earth and the flag eland for freedom every where , whereas Orover Cleveland , with his $262,000.000 , had done nothing for this country or the world hut add to their burdens and Icavn Hie naMon poorer oft than ever In every wr y with all HH Indus tries paralyzed. D. L , Matthews , tie candidate far auditor , said the question jfaa whether the people