rl TILE OMAHA DAILY 15EE : SU2DA\ , SEPTEMBER 18 , 1808. SOCIETY DURING LAST \VEEK \ Lawn Fete Adds a Bit of Brilliancy to an Otherwise Lively Season , DELIGHTFUL EVENING SPENT FOR CHARITY Mail } ' fiiieMn lliiterlnliivil l y Clinrm- Dames mill .Ilium- * During the Karl ) 1'nrt of n Tnlcal Illitlaii Summer Bociety turned out very well lost even ing at the beautiful lawn fete given for the Joint benefit of the Creche and of the Visiting Nurses' association. The exposition nnfl other counter attractions may have kept eomo away from the leading charity event of the season nnd a few found the weather o trlflo cool for outdoor festivities , but these who did attend found the t > plcal Indian summer evening admirably suited for danc ing and for jaunts among the various campj located about the broad lawn. The artistic success of the affair was note- worthy. The spacious grounds surrounding the residence of 0. M. Hitchcock , at Twen tieth and Dodge streets , were prettily Il luminated with hundreds of lanterns of va rious sizes and between these there were myriads of snrall Incandescent lamps of variegated colors. The lanterns and the tlcctrlc lights were well arranged , the largest lanterns forming the outer lines and thb smaller ones being effectively grouped within. About the lawn were scattered rugs odd cushions that looked pretty and would have been Inviting on a warmer evening. The most prominent part In the decora tions was formed by the booths themselves. They were attractively constructed and ar tistically arranged. The presence of a half hundred fair > oung society women , ap pareled In gowns becoming to the vocations they adopted pro tcmpore , added Immensely to the attractiveness of the scene. The lied Cross booth was the first found by the visitor and hero were dispensed the soft beverages served In the hospitals. The booth was presided over by Mrs. Herbeit Kogers , assisted by Misses Georgia Llndey , Delia Chandler nnd O'Urlcn. All were thu regulation costumes of the hospital nurses , The gypsy tent attracted much attention and within were told many fairy tales and hazardous guesses as to the future of so ciety folk were ventured. Mrs. Clement Cbaso was In charge and was assisted til dealing out futurities by Misses Alice An- dreesen , Marie Crounso and Bessie Towlo , nU of whom were striking gypsy suits The Ian booth proved a popular one. It was pre sided over by Mrs. Drandcls , who with her aides presented a pretty picture of Japanes ( fan girls , with gonns Imported from Toklo. The candy booth did a big business. II was In charge of Mrs. Goldsmith , who wa ; assisted at the booth by Mrs. Hoeder am : Miss Bennett , while Margaret Hitchcock Cnrrlo Goldsmith and Heth Valll peddlei candy about the grounds. Mrs. Felix Me- Sliano looked after n very pretty ilowei bboth , with a grab-bag on the side , am uas assisted by Mrs. Chlttendcn , Mlsse , Louise Mcl'hcrson , Clara Shroeder , Me Cracken and Clovcrldgc. The dairy bootl vv'as graced by the presence of these dalr ; maids : Misses Grctchcn Crounsc , Flor , Webster , Anna Shlverlck and Florence Kll Patrick. Refreshments were nerved in ; largo tent at the rear of the lawn. This wa In charge of Mrs. Nee , assisted by Mesdame Cameron , Jackson , Harrows and Glfford ain Mlssea Frances Purvis , Caroline I'urvls Ethel Morse , Louise Emerson Mossci Blanche Rosewater , Patterson , Lulu Peyck and Eugenia Campbell. Tha fete wan opened by a delightful con rcit rendered by the Oiiipia Musical Unlo band. After the last number h l bee concluded n court crlcr with a stout pal ct lungs called the asbemblago to order an uuiounccd that Home malefactors had bee captured on the grounds by private dc t-ctlves and would bo tried without furthe c.'reraouy. Thu fairest , In more ways tha oin , Jury ever cmpannclcd in Dougln tounty was then secured. Before a doze beautiful women Hen Wood wao tried an ctnvlctcd of the charge of spending to luuth time on the Midway. He was line CO cents and told to sin no more Samui C ld\vill was convicted of beating th Omaha Street Railway company out of nlcl el and was fined $1 and costs. I ) Bridges pleaded guilty to feeling a youn woman's pulse and was fined $5 and give thirty days. I'eto Winston was convlctc of loaning one of his Midway passes I nnother man and was lined 30 cents. Tl mock court was largely attended and ll proceedings evoked much merriment. Wl ! Itnin Carter presided as judge. G M Hltct rock acted as prosecuting attorney an Charles S. Elguttcr appeared in all of U cases for the defense. Edward Morsmn was an energetic chief of police. On the adjournment of the court the lol MAS of the court bouse were quick ] cleared by the deputies nnd trade wi driven to the deserving booths. Uetwec shopping tours the guests enjoyed danclr r.n u largo platform covered with eras ! erected in the rear of Mr , Hitchcock home. For the dancing Kaufman's o chretra played a program of a dozen plea : Ins numbers. The success of the fete wi due to a numerous committee of socle ! women , of which Mrs. Winston was cnal : man. The fall opening of the local society hi never occurred earlier than It has th year. It has rarely happened along ; early. In the middle of the first month > autumn Indoor dances are taking plai with great frequency , nnd for the nci future are scheduled many more affairs th arc ordinarily dcfened until October at November. In addition to the cordial r ccptlons given in honor of distinguish ! visitors to the exposition by Mr. and Mt George W. Llnlnger , the dancing parti of MUs Kountzu nnd Miss Kcnnard we notable events on the calendar of the pa w eek. It is a gratifying sign to sen that tl local society has fairly adopted the cak walk. That form of diversion has been a vanclng apace for sonic time past , and ti Midway entertainments have not retard Us progress into the upper realms. La season it was the vaudeville that attract Omaha society folks ; this winter it lee as though It might be the cake-walk ; wh the harvest will be In the last year of t century may bo left to tbo imaglnatlv Two prominent society men of Dubuqv la. , are now receiving letters from numcro Tba Kojal U tlio highest grade baking powder known. Actual te U how ll goesono- third further than toy other braid. Absolutely Pure friends condoling with them over their re cent disappointment. They left Dubuquc about n week ago ostensibly for the cast. The one said ho was going to leave that night for Chicago , nnd the other declared he had to go directly to Boston. A few days a young woman from Ouhuque was thoroughly surprised to meet them both In Omaha. The Joke of the whole matter Is that they both have a decided penchant for one of our leading society girls. Their explanation was that they were hero to visit the exposition , which was quite plausible when It was learned that the young woman in question left for a flying trip cast on the evening of their arrival here. If the young men were surprised to meet each other at the Omaha union depot as they alighted from different trains , they were more than surprised when they found that the fair object of their unintentionally joint attentions was not hero but In Chi cago. What they said to the maid who con veyed this depressing news to them may not bo printed , but it can be said that they proceeded to do Just what any two men in such n dilemma would have done. Jli-M. Arthur Itriiiiilrln "I'roHt" Pnry. The brllllintly lighted parlors of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Urandels , 2405 St. Mary's avenue , wqre thrown open to a number of guests on Thursday evening , the occasion being an entertainment called "a frost , " given In honor of the following visitors : Mrs. William Barnett and MUs Lcyla Edel- mann , both of Los Angeles ; Mr. L. Tewcles and Miss Hertha Teweles of Milwaukee , and Mr. and Mrs. M. Strassbulgor of New York. Some of the guests , anticipating a frozen atmosphere within , provided themselves with fur garments. These they found to bo very superfluous amid the cheer and warmth of their reception. "Tho frost" was carried out In u most unique manner. The dining room disclosed n wintry scene. The windows dews , mirrors nnd all the glass In the room were covered with frost. Thb table was a dream In white decorations and sparkling crystal. Above it hung evergreens , glisten ing In the light with the sparkling handi work of Jack Frost. On the center of the heavily laden table was a massive block of Ice , which had been hollowed out to contain the salad. Frosted ferns surrounded this and the frosted table mirror , which ran the length of the table. At each ulato was the guest's name card , cilisted over to resemble snow , and all the refreshments served were dalntly carried out in the character of the season. iK I'nrty tit Ivountje'K. Mr. Herman Kountzo gave an decani dancing party on Thursday evening In honoi of the Misses Kountze. The spacious house was magnificently decorated with palms ropes of smllax , ferns and cut flowers. Th < orchestra was stationed In the hall on : raised dais , screened with palms. The numberless rose-colored lights brought ou the beauty of the dining room with its fln < ppolntments and bewildering profusion o oners. Refreshments were served then urlng the evening. Mr. Johnson and Mr Jartley Kountzo were among the guests o lonor. The affair was most enjoyable an < \as attended by a largo number of soclet ; icople , representatives of the younger so being in the majority. MlMM KeiiiiariVH Unnoo. One of the pleasant affairs of the week wa ho dancing party given by Miss Eva Ken lard at her home. Nineteenth and Dodg trcots , on Friday evening in honor of he ousln , Miss Kennard of St. Joseph , Mo. I as attended by 'three ' score of the youni ocloty folks of Omaha nnd Council Bluffs 'ho two largo parlors were crashed and at orded splendid dancing space. Excellcn uislc was provided and dancing was cnjoye mtll an eaily hour. The last dance was fol owed by an impromptu' coke walk , in whlc ! many vyell known beaux and belles of Omah oclety displayed a wonderful degree of apt ness. 1'nrtj. Mrs. J. II. Evans entertained on Frlda evening for Miss Eldrcd of Elmtra , N. "i The front hall was beautifully decorate \ltli palms , festoons of smllax and red rosei The color scheme of the parlor was yelloy \hllo pink predominated in the library , roue being used in profusion. The gentlemen present took part in a ha ( Tlmmlug contest. Some of the creation were works of art. An observation table an ho leadpcncll sharpening contest of th women created much merriment MoomcntN of Soeley Folk. Miss Dickinson left on Friday for Chi cago. Mrs , J. E. Melklo is homo from the Blac Hills. Miss Olive Frederick left for Kansas Clt ast week. Mr. Frank Gregory has returned froi Milwaukee. Mrs. T. D. Davis has returned from a eastern trip. Mrs George Becker and Mrs. M. Dcgc are homo from Denver. Mr Frank V. Badolett Is home from Mat lattan Beach for the summer. Mrs , W. II. Wytnan has returned from tl west much improved in health. Charles W. Eugel left last Thursday tto a tend the University of Nebraska. Miss Edith Wllcox wilt attend school t Rockford , 111. She left on Friday. Mr Odin C. Mackay will leave today fi Saint Mark's school , Southboro , Mass. E. A. Smith of this city leaves today fi Iowa City to enter the Iowa law school. Mrs. Alfred J , Lunt has returned from six weeks' visit at ) East Orange , N. D. Miss Ida Meyer left last Sunday for three months' visit to Leavenworth , Kan. Miss Florence Grldley returned to S Mary's school , Knoxvllle , 111. , on Thursda ; Miss Helen Cady on Tuesday left for Kno1 vllle. III. , where she will enter St. Marj ball. ball.Miss Miss Mary Wallace will leave on Monde to enter the senior class at the State unlve slty. slty.Mr. Mr. George Martin and Mr. Ellis w ! leave Tuesday for the University of Wl consln. Mrs. C. W. Lyman returned yes erdi from New York , where she has spent tl Bummer. Mrs. A. C. Powers has returned from two months' visit at the summer resorts Colorado. Miss Edith Thomas started for Boston i Thursday. She will attend tha Quln House school Edwin N. Robertson of 2427 Dodge stre < left for Lincoln on Thursday to attend t ) State university. Mr. Frank W. Vlerllng will attend tl Wcntworth Military academy at ) Lcxlngto Mo. , this season. Miss Bears , Miss Florence Lewis and t Misses Her left on Tuesday for St. Mar ) hall , Knoxville , 111. Miss Louise Korty left on Friday f Rockford , 111 , where she will enter t eomlnary for the coming year. Mrs. T. B. McCulloch of Chicago , who h been vleltlng relatives here the Tast fe months , left for home yesterday. Mr. S. Katz returned on Thursday frc Lexington , Mo , , where his eon Gay entcri Wentworth Military academy for the year. Mies Maymo Hutchlnson , who has bei spending the summer with friends in Ca ada and Macklnaa Island , returned la w eek. Miss Hattte Stevens re-turned from CI cage this week , having been summon there to attend the funeral of her aunt ai uncle. Miss Georglo Hobble Is home again aft a three months' outing at Bayfleld , Wl Mrs. Hobble and Mies Hobble win not i turn to Omaha until October. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ford and t children are home from an extended easte trip. They returned by way of the grc lakes and stopped for a few days in Mi neapolls. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Smith of Log Angel who have been spending the last two mont la the east , have returned to tbU cl They are the guests of their daughter , Mrs. Jay D. Foster. Mrs. A. D. Beaten , who has been touring the coast cities the last two months , will return home this week. Miss Ethel Tukoy , Miss Fannlo Core , Harry Tukcy , Austin Collett , Frank Lehmer and Edwin Chapln left for Lincoln on Fri day to attend the State university. Oett-o-To ii ( Itu-nlN. The Misses Kountzo of Denver are guests of Miss Gertrude Kountze. Mrs. E. E. Edwards of Los Angeles Is the guest of Mrs. Clement Chase. Mrs. Hautk of St Louis has been visiting her daughter , Mrs. Fred Metz. Mr. Barclay Kountze of New York is the guest of Mr. Herman Kountze. Miss Nellie Dcmpcy of Chicago is visiting her Bister , Mrs. Davis Mahooey. Mrs. Louis Williams of Denver Is visiting relatives and friends In tbo city. The Misses McDonald of Jefferson , la. , are guests of Mrs. J W. Daw-son. Mrs. L. Vance Philips of New York is the guest of Mrs. Euclid Martin. Mrs. S. Tuthlll of Lisbon , la. . IB visiting nt the home of Mr. J. A. Tuthlll. Miss Natson of Chicago Is visiting at the homo of Mr. William J. Broatch. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. MacDonald of Duluth are guests of Mrs. G. C. Frederick. Mrs. William King of Mount Vernon , la. , is the guest of Mrs. Howard Smith. Miss Bertha Block of Atlantic City , N. J. , is the guest of Miss Ella Rotschlld. Miss Bessie Dnum of Pittsburg , Pa , , was the guest of Miss Orrutt this week. Mrs. Sutton and daughter Olllo of Jeffer son , la. , are guests of Mrs. E. Bliss. Miss Ella Bailey of Kansas City , Mo. , will bo the guest of Miss Seavcr this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew Rosewater nro en tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Mcinrath of Kansas City. City.Miss Miss McKell of Toledo , O. . will bo the guest of Mrs. Howard Smith the coming week. Mrs. Holterhoff of Los Angeles , Cat. , will bo the guest of Mrs. William A. Redlck this w cck. Mrs. Roeder of New York is the guest ol her mother , Mrs. GordBinlUh , at 1919 Dodge street. Mrs. John Gallgher of Zancsvtlle , O. , Is the guest of her brother , Mr. A. G. Bu chanan. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. W. Ilayt of Park City , Utah , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. II Wyman. Mrs. Magdalene Birso Houston of Kansas City will bo the guest this week of Mrs. J , H. Collins. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. H. Humell of Denver , formerly of Omaha , are spending some time in the city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gannett of Washington D. C. , are being entertained by Mrs. Georgi A. Hoagland. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ross nnd Mastcl Fisher of Lincoln are visiting Mr. and Mrs , Morris Wilson. Miss Wright , who has been the guest ol Miss Dickinson , left Friday for her homo ir Des Molnos , la. Mrs. Charles D. Overshiner and Mastci William of Santa Clara , Cal. , are guests ol Mrs. D. E. Cable. The Misses Reynolds of New York , whc have been visiting their brother , returnee home on Monday. Mrs. St. Gcyer has been coifed to Dei Molnes by the serious illness of her mother Mrs. S. E. Kenjon Mrs. Walter Ilcoman and little daughter Nellie , of Marlnctto , WIs , ore guests o friends in this city. Miss Swan of Mississippi , who has beer spending some time with Miss Llndsey , let for Iowa last week. Mrs , Cascorlus , who has been the gucs of Mrs. W. Ross , refurned to Coloradi Springs on Thursday. Mrs. Turner of Chicago , Mrs. Richard ! and MUs Richards of Freeport , 111 , , an guests of Miss Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Gedney of SI Paul , Minn. , formerly of this city , will vlsl 'Mrs. Frank L. Gregory. / Mr. Large of Butte , Mont. , who Is on hi way to Ann Arbor , spent n day with Ml J. D. Crelghton's family. Mrs. A. H. Sonnermann of Brockton Mass. , is spending the month of Septembe with Mrs. Porter Garrett. Mrs. Gurdon W. Wattles will have as he guest the coming week her sister , Mn McIIugh of Sioux City , la. Mr. E. T. McDonald , who has man friends In Omaha , was married at Milwaukee keo last Wednesday evening. Mrs. George F. Day of Butte. Mont. , 1 visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. . McLaln of 2211 Wlrt street. Mr. James P. Hall of Buffalo , N. Y. . wa the guest of Mr , and Mrs. Charles C. Rose water for a few days last week. Mrs. Fries and son Charles of Chleagi who have been visiting Mrs. Edward Haj maker , returned home last week. Mrs. M. S. Bostwlck and daughter Marie of Chicago are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Georg W. Holbrook on Madison avenue. Mr. Frank Coatcs and Mr. Herbert Toi bcrt of Dubuque , prominent society men < their city , are taking In the exposition. The Misses Ella and Anna Hafner of liar nlbal , Mo. , are the guests of Mrs. E. I Packard , while taking In the exposition. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Burgert nnd Mr Ilurgert of Toledo , O. . will be the guests i Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McNutt and Mr 0. B. Moore of St. Joseph , Mo , , are vlsltln at the home of Mr. Everett E. Buckingham Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McWhortcr entei talned Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Keen of Ket tucky. They left for their home on Frlda Mr. Frank Furguson , formerly of Oma ! and now with the Continental Notional bar of Chicago , Is spending his vacation I Omaha with his mother at 2607 Woolworl avenue. Mrs. D. C. Dunbar and MUs Jennings i Salt Lake and Miss Lally of San Kranclsi are spending some time with Mrs. E. ' Lew is. Mrs Z. P. Foster , Miss Clara M. Mo and Mr. Ralph N. Smith of Los Angfli are the guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Fo : tor. tor.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Williams and Mr Fred Hlldebrand of Milwaukee , WIs , al guests of their brother , Mr. Oscar C. Wl Hams. The Misses Schmidt , who have been tl guests of their sister , Mrs Arthur Met will leave for their homo at Davenport , U on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Edgar B. Ellis , who ha' ' been stopping with Mr nnd Mrs. J. 1 Butler , have returned to their homo Kansas City. Mrs. Oeorgo Flamming of Jpfferson , WU who has been visiting her sitters , Mrs. V , H. Holmes and Mrs. E. F. Scaver , returnt 1 home on Friday , Dr , and Mrs. Barber of Toledo , O. , wl I have been entertained bv Mr. and Mt P. P Ktrkendall during the past fortnlgt ] have returned home. ] Mrs Allna Atkins of Fort Worth. Tea ! who has been visiting her sister , Mrs. I MacNell , has gone to Kansas City and S Louis for a few days. I Miss Caroline Walker of Mocourt , 111. , at i ! Miss EOlth Pendell of Hannibal. Mo. , a the guests of Miss Elizabeth I'arrotto i 4S01 Davenport street. Dr. and Mrs. I. C Wood of Logan , Ii Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kite of Wymore , Nt ! attended the exposition last week , guests < Mrs. J. A. Dempster. Mrs Edward Rosewater Is entertalnlr 1 Mrs. Hannah May and her daughter , Ml Minnie , of Philadelphia. Mrs. May waa to merly a resident of Omaha. Ml Van Steenwyk of Milwaukee , wl has been the guest of honor at several dl ners while in the city visiting Miss Shive I Ick , returned homo on Friday. | Mlsa Ida Badollet of Vlncinnes , Im .who has been In the city for two wee the guest of Mr. E. P. Coldwell and famil returned home on Wednesday MUs Harris , acompanled by Mrs. Ellzi . * beth McCaslIn Whitney and Miss Be Whitney of Walla Walla , Wash. , arrived the city on Thursday morning. Mr. James E. Preston arrived from De vcr yesterday and Is the guest of Mr o : Mrs W. N Babcock. Mr. and Mrs. Prest will leave for Denver the first of the ww Mrs. C. O. Beardsley , Mrs. W. H. Blr mler of Ottawa , O. ; MUs Katherlne Brow Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ringle of Hutchlnso Kan. ; Mr. H. W. BlrXmlcr of Fremont , C Mrs. L. Eberly , Mlsa Ebetlyi and ijust Virgil Ebcrly of 'Wooster , O. , and Mr EU- wnril Tueaso of Naiokon , O. , are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allen , Colonel R. J. Hardcsty of Dodge City , Kan , , Is making a tour of the exposition and will be in the city for several days. Ho Is nn old-tlmo resident of western Kansas. Mrs. Wilton and daughter Margurct ol New York arc the guests of Mrs. Warren Sultrier. Mrs. WlUon Is the wlfo of Gen eral Thomas Wilson , formerly stationed al Omaha. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stewart and daughter ol Axtell , Neb. , Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Maxwell , Mrs. 1C. 0. Holmes and MUs Edith Dorscj of Beatrice , Neb. , nro the guests of Mrs , S. A. Vance. Mrs. W. Ross entertained the following guests nt a house party last week : Mr. and Mrs. C. White , Mr. and Mrs. MacNclU and Mls MacNclll of Colorado Springs , Mr. Hln- rod of Now York nnd Miss Cott of York , Neb , Mr. William King , the well known foot ball player of the University of Nebraska In the seasons of ' 94 and ' 95 , Is In the city for a. few dajs preparatory to resuming hla course in medlclno at the University ol Pennsylvania , I2ii < cr < iiliiniciitN of the ' \Vc-ck. A dinner on Tuesday night was given bj Mrs. C. Bevan Oldficld. On Thursday evening , In honor of theli daughter , Mrs. O. T. Eastman , Mr. and Mrs Samuel Burns entertained elaborately n dinner. Mrs. Charles T. Kountzo on Tuesday even. ing entertained at dinner in honor of Mrs 0. T. Eastman , who returned to her home In Chicago yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Gannett of Washington D. C. , who nro stopping with Mr. and Mrs George Hoagland , were guests of honor ut t dinner given byMrs. . II. T. Clar'aan FrldHj night. In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. John R , Weld of Maplcton , la. , < Mr. and Mrs. M. G Perkins were at home to their friends ot Friday evening. There were flfty guesti present. A kcnslngton was given by Miss Bonnet on Wednesday in honor of her guest , Mrs Turner of Chicago , Mrs. Richards and MUi Richards of Freeport , 111. About thlrtj guests were present. A score of young women spent a dellghtfu afternoon on Tuesday at the homo of Mr Herman Kountrc , the occasion being the tci given by Miss Kountzo complimentary ti her cousins , the .Misses Kountze of Denver It was an informal gathering and vvai marked for its charming simplicity. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hengren pleasantly enter talned their friends at their home , Thlr tleth and Dorcas streets , last Baturda ; evening and a very enjojable program wa : carried out. The Misses Anna Herngrei and Nellie Sundblad and Messrs Clyde am W. C. Sundblad furnished some oxcellen music , . .Refreshments v\ero nerved durlnj the evening. A violet card party was given by Mrs W ! 11. Uenriett in honor of Mrs. Tuner o Chicago , Mrs. Richards and Miss Richard of Freeport , III. The score cards were ciutt' ' unique , they being decorated with violets Mrs. . Joseph Woodman sucured the flin prize , a bon bon box , while Mrs. Rlclmrd : carried off the second , a silver jewel box Elegant refreshments were served. Ono of the novelties of the week was th Atrorlcan beauty post-nuptial lutichwi given by MUs Flora Webster compllmentar ; to Mrs. Herbert Wheeler. An Imincns' ' mound of American Beauty roses occuplci the center of the dining room table. Ever ; coursn carried out the exquisite color o the flower , even to the bon bens and ices Covers were laid for twelve. On Tuesday morning Mr. and Mrs. Gcorg Llnlnger were at homo to the members o the Old Time Telegraphers' association am the United States Military Telegraph corps They were assisted In receiving by Mr. am Mrs. Edward Rosewater , Mr. and Mrs. J. J Dickey , Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Korty and Mt and Mrs. ilcElroy. On Tuesday afternoon with his usual hospitality , Mr. Llnlnge opened his doors to the members of th Transmisslsslppl Charities and Correctloi conference. The members of Brownell hall alumni liv ing in Omaha tendered Mrs. Upton a recep tlon at the hall on Tuesday evening. Th halls > and parlors on the first floor , wind are so well arranged for entertaining larg gatherings , were admirably decorated b Mrs. Charlea Young. Mrs. George Smith an Miss Abba Bow en. The suests were re celved In the reception hall by Mrs. Upton Mrs. Philip Potter and Mrs. Sidney L Barkalow. Dainty refreshments were serve during the receiving hours. AVcililliiKH mill UiiKii Mr. Jesse V. Long and Miss Mae Hopsoi were married on Thursday evening nt th < homo of the officiating minister , Rev Charles Savidge. Mr. George H. Purvis and Miss Daisy U Clybourno , both of South Dakota , were mar rled on Thursday In All Saints' church , Rev Thomas J. Mackay officiating. Mr. Edgard West Jones of Guthrio. Okl , nnd Miss Lee Anna White of this city wer married at high noon jesterdoy In Al Saints' church , Rev. T. J. Mackay official inf. inf.Tho The engagement of Miss Alice Rlghter o Lincoln and Mr Aithur Hn > Er ) 'iron ' n this city is announced. Miss Rlgbtcr I well known In Omaha , having btcu fru quently entertained by Miss Ura Kelly. Ono of the plcaeantest affairs of the las week was the wedding of Mr. Horace J Holmes of Omaha and Miss Edith M. Whit ney of Grand lelojid The ceremony too place In the parlor of the First Mcthodls church in this city on Wednesday cvenliij Rev. Mr. McQuold officiating. On Thursda morning Mr. and Mrs. Holmes left for th Now England states to bo absent a month On their return they will be at home a Kearney. Neb. Mr. Holmes is well know- In Omaha bunlDees circles The bride Is teacher In the schools at Grand Island , Nel Besides the Immediate relatives and friend present at the ceremony the following out of-town guests were present Rev G I MacAdam of Fort Worth , Tex. ; Mr. an Mrs. F J. Taylor , St. Paul. Neb ; Rev I A Guild , HaBtlnss. Neb. , and Mr. and Mn Jay Levorty of South Omaha. After th rnrcmony the company adjourned to tli Paxton hotel parlors , where on Informal rt ceptlon was held. The marriage of Miss Cordelia L. Glbso to Mr. Robert H. Morton occurred on Tuei day evening at the hcmo of the bride i mother , Mrs. M. Gibson , 818 Soul Twenty-fifth street. The ceremor was performed by Rev. L J Kuhns and was witnessed by a few frlem i nnd the relatives of the contracttns partli and was followed by a sumntuous suppci a largo and representative attendance Tl music for the evening was rendered by tl , XUopla Mandolin club. The bride wi gowned In a white organdie , carried a Ian bouqu-t of bride roses. The bridcBtnal Miss L. Wcntworth , were white balls and carried pink roses The groomsmc was Mr A. M Eastman. The weddlt gifts were many and beautiful. Pott < plants , bride roses nnd smllax were a : , ranged throughout the parlors In mark ( profusion and with good effect These n 1 tending from out of the city were Mrs \ Morion. Modole , la , mother of the groan Mrs Llghtcll. Modale , Dr. and Mrs Bourn I Hannibal Mo , and Miss Pauline Herma Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. Morton hm gone north on their wedding trip , stopult en route at St. Paul and Minneapolis. Thi will be at home at 834 South Twenty-fourl street after October 1. Oil < lu > Siirlnl CnUMiiJnr. A R o'clock tea will bo given by Mrs F. ] Connor on Thursday evening. i Complimentary to Mrs. William Batne of Los Angeles. Mrs M Strasburger of Nc York , Misi Hertha Tcwclcs of MlUsauU and MUs Leyla Edelmann of Los Angele Mr. and Mrs Herman Cohn have UuueJ I1 " home" Wedu ' da Mtatlons for an "at on September 21. A reception will be tendered Rev. and Mt Rtllly by the members of Saint Mathla cmr b on Wednesday evening if the parli - . r-xtn. _ IliiiUt > > Jlflil for Trial. James Llndiey , who was charged wl having shot at Sergeant Carter of the rxp eltlon guards while the latter was attempt ) ! to place him under arrest for trespass a * whose hearing has been on in police cot for tha r > st several days , wax bound r.v to the district court yesterday His bom were placed at JSOO , which he furn'atv ' with Charles Fanning as surety. Where School Children llcpnrt , Superintendent Pearse announces that t cchool children should report on Muidi morning at 'tb school o ! the 3Ulrl"t which they live. They should do this r gardless of where they attended last yea U mar bo noailblo .later on to crant p mils for children to attend schools In dis tricts other than those In which they llvo , but In no case will such permits bo granted before the opening of schools. The public school teachers of the city held their first meeting of the year in the city hall yesterday They were addresstM by Su perintendent of Schools Pearso regarding the work of the coming year NOTABLE MEETINGS OFWOMEN October Will See I.eiiilrm of Club Work ( iiUberril In Oninbrt for Conference. The annual meeting of the Nebraska Federation - oration of Women's Clubs will bo held In this city October 11. Immediately following , October 12 , 13 and 14 , will occur the Trans- tnleslslppl Congress of Women's Clubs , the annual meeting of the board of directors ot the General Federation and the annual meet ing of the National Household Economic as sociation , Among the prominent women who will tnlto part in the programs arc Mrs. Platt of Denver , vice president of the General Fed eration ; Mrs. Sclwyn Douglas , Mrs. A. E. Glddlngs , Mrs. Willis Lord Moore , Miss Julia Lathrop of Hull House and Mrs. Van Vech- ten. ten.It It is hoped , too , that Mrs. Lowe , president of the General Federation : Mrs. Hcnrotln , Mrs. Peattlo and MUs Cole will bo in at tendance. Coming at such an opportune time the week of the peace Jubilee when advantage can bo taken of low railroad rates , the nt- tcudanco will doubtless be unusually large. Thursday evening , October 13 , the mem bers of the Omaha Woman's club will tender a reception to visiting club women In their parlors in the First Congregational church. HOW TO USE THE HUMAN VOICE Minn Lllllc d'AiiKClo llcrKli Tnlkn to the Women on the "h In Kins' Tone In Speech. " Miss Lllllo d'Angclo Bergh gave a parlor talk before a good number of women at the Woman's club rooms yesterday on "Tho Singing Tone In Speech. " Her own voice is a striking example of musical quality , and she gave the audience a lesson upon howIt Is produced , showing especially how much depends upon correct breathing In speech as well as in singing. "Breathe slowly , breathe deeply , breathe rhythmic ally , " said Miss Bergh. "Speak from full lungs , not empty ones ; keep your magnet ism. Do not diffuse It nor throw it away in the panting , hurrying fashion of American women. The baby uses the scale In his beautiful cooing voice , but when he is 2 or 3 ycare old ho becomes susceptible to the Influence of the harsh voices around him , though a little cnro on the part of the parent might save for him his aweet na tural voice. " Miss d'Angelo Bergh gav-o some breathing exercises , which were practiced on the spot by the audience. These , though very sim ple , will , the speaker says , expand the chest and improve the figure , whllo they conserve good health and a pleasant voice. After the lecture Miss Matrlna Dlctrlchson , a pu pil of Miss Bergh's , sang two songs , by Grclg , accompanied by Miss Josephine Thatcher. Miss Dletrtchson has a broad , full soprano voice , which eho uses artistic ally. OMAHA SUllimUS. Florence. Prof. William Lighten made a business trip to Omaha Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howard made a busi ness trip to Omaha Thursday. Mr. Ernest Skinner , the ferryman , was a business visitor In Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. Lou Grtbe of Omaha spent Sunday hero visiting her mother , Mrs. Reeves. Mrs. Lunda of York. Neb. , Is vUltlns rel atives here and attending the exposition. Miss Nettle Myers entertained a party of her young lady friends from Omaha Friday. M. Daly and two little daughters visited with Mrs. Daly's mother In Omaha Satur day. day.Clem Clem Halstead and family moved to Blair Friday , where they will make their future home. MUs Dena Carlson of Omaha was visiting with the family of Frank Wilson Sunday end Monday. Mrs. John Stalon and daughter , Mrs. John Simpson , made a business trip to Omaha Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Elhert of Fort Crook were visiting Mrs. Elhcrt's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Flnkenkellcr , Thursday. Wlllard Green and wife and Charles Green and slbter , Kale , went to Blair Sunday to at'cnd the funeral of a relative. Charles Smith , a former resident of this city , now with Burko's show , Is in the city visiting friends for a few days. Miss Rognhild Skjelkvalo arrived here Monday from Norway , Europe , aud will make her future home with Olc Oleson. A party of friends of D. C. Hass surprised him at his homo Wednesday evening , It beIng - Ing bin birthday. Refreshments were served. At the business meeting of the members of the Presbyterian church last Wednesday J. Bell was elected trustee to succeed Charles Carlson. M. Standlsh and wlfo of Humansvllle , Mo , have been hero the past week visiting with Rav. James A. Wilson , the pastor of the Christian church. Gcorgo Atkins and wlfo of Lewis , la. , were visiting tbo family of W. C. Harris Monday and Tuesday , leaving for their home Wednesday. Mrs. Domlneo of Montana and Mrs. Kane of Omaha were here Thursday visiting Mrs. J. W. McNabb. Mrs. Domlnee Is here to visit the exposition. MU3 Alice Prlco of Lincoln , Neb. , end MUs Efflo Stahl of Davenport , la. , were v's- iling Mrs. W. R. Wall Saturday and Sunday and attendlnc the exposition Mlsa Mlnnlo K. Allison , a former B heel teacher of this place , and her mother , Mrs. J A. AHUon , and sister of Chicago , were vipltlng friends hero Tuesdiy. The ferryboat at this place has not been able to run the lunt few days on account ol the sand baii. drifting in the river , making It so shallow that tbo boat cannot land on the Iowa side. James Nicholson of Company E , Third regiment Nebraska volunteers , now at Pan ama Park , Fla. , Is home on sick leave. He ! will remain hero about twenly days yut before - ' fore returning to the regiment. A church social was held at the new Ponca church building , about ihrco miles north of town , Friday night The building was Just recently finished. The proceeds of the social go to purchase chairs for the church. I W. Barnes Lower , who has bc n the paste - to- here of the Presbyterian church for tli la-it three years , resigned end will atteni Princeton college. A call has ben ixtenJcd to Rev. Robert E. Graham of Wahoo , Neb. , to fill Mr. Lower's place. Ilrlixoil. The Ladles' Aid society will hold a meetIng - Ing at the Methodist church next Wednes day at 2 P. m- MUs Josle Powers , who has lived in Ben- fen for Home time , leaves for her new homo In Omaha today , I Mrs. W. H. Eafford left for Waterloo last I Wednesday morning , where she wlir visit I with relatives for a few days , I George Boise of Bloomfleld , Neb. , was a visitor at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. i Stelger last neck while visiting the expos- ) I Hon. i Mrs. Smith and tons Sidney and Jeane left for their home In western Nebraska last Sun day , afwr a visit with her brother , Fred A. Ilatley. MUs Inez Swlck of Creston , la. , was n visitor at the home of Miss M. E. Safford during the last week while attending the exposition. 1 Mr. Howard retuincd to his home In Il linois last Monday afternoon after an ex- 1 tended vUlt at tbo home of his son , James A Howard. Master Wllber McDill , who has been visit ing at the home of his uncle , J A Mor- gau , for two weeks , has returned to his home In Hiawatha , Kan. Mr. Kellar of York county , Nebraska , ( or- 210-12 S. 16th St. Special prices on Colored Silk Waists $8.50 Waists for $5.87. 6.87 " " 4.75. 5.50 " " 3.75. Special Prices oo Ladies' ' Ties , Pink Hno ) anil White Piqtio Ascot Tlos that have never sold for loss thun Hoc , fnrloc. 50o qunllty PlnM Asi-ot Tios.Stock Collarsfor .Tic. Wo carry n full line of Or , Jaeger's Underwear for ladles. NEW FALL CLOAKS KOll INFANTS mid CHILDHEN FROM $1.CO up. New fall and Winter Underwear. Children's Hlbbcd Pants or Vests , with or without ( leeclng , 23c. Children's part wool Underwear , white or grey , suinlrost size , 25c rise of Cc on each pair Children's Flceco Lined Union Suits , any size. 50c. Ladles' Tall Pants or Vests , light or heavy weight , 25c up. Solid Oak Sideboard 18x40 Pattern French Bevel Glass , 2T > xlS Toj ) , nil qunrtorod suwcil oak and finely polished. 100 Other now designs to select from , in price from $10 ° ° to $250 ° ° Dewey & Stone Furniture Co. , HI5-NI7 Farnam St. On sale Sept. JO.20-2 ! . merry a resident of Benson , was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson last week , while attending the exposition. The Interior of the Methodist Episcopal church was the scene of enjoyment last Fri day evening. The occasion was a social given by the Sunday school scholars of the church , who wished to help raise Ibe church debt before the close of the year. The social was a succcbs socially and financially , nnd nearfy $8 was realized as a profit. The evenIng - Ing was opened with a short bull Interesting program , lemlered wholly by the Sunday school , which consisted of songs and recita tions , after which refreshments of cake and coCfco were served. A week from Sunday evening the church and Sunday tchool united will have special services. Arri'ilc'il for Mi Mrs. N. Thomas , who said she lived In Boston , and Mrs. S. J. Browu of Twenty- ninth aud Leavenworth streets were ar rested jestcrday'clmrged with haying stolen a quantity of goods from the various Six teenth street department stores. Mrs. Thomas' plunder consisted of a baby shirt and a roll of silk ribbon , while that of Mrs. Brown was made up of a coat , sev eral dozen handkerchiefs and small stuff Mrs. Thomas was given a hearing shortly after her arrest and discharged , but Mrs. Brown was held. CASE OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY Mnrlitn Oritce I'crUtnn , hiipponcil liulcliereil Girl , Coition Home lo ' " " " See Her Ov ii runerul. MIDDLRBOnO , Mass , Sept. 17. The sup posed victim of the Bridgeport , Conn. , mur der , Mai Ian Grace Perkins , arrived at her home this afternoon In the best of health , to the great Joy of the family and to the unbounded astonishment of the community. Her father , at the time of his daughter's arrival , was on his way back from Bridge port with the gruesome remains which he had Identified as Grace and for which thu funeral arrangements , Including the digging of the grave , had already been completed Miss Perkins came from Providence , R. L , and was accompanied by her lover , Charlca Bourne , and nt first it was stated that the couple had been married. This was afterwards denied by joung Bourne's uncle. The young woman , however , wan Imme diately recognized by the b > slanders at the station and the news spread around the town with Incredible rapidity. There was a large crowd at the gate as the young woman stepped from the carriage and rau Into the house. Jusl across the street from the Perkins bouse Is a little cemetery and only this morning , In response to the request of the undo of Miss Perkins , n grave had been dug by the sexton In tbo family lot and the new earth thrown up beside It could be plainly seen fiom the house Half an hour after Miss Perkins arrived home a local undertaker's wagon diove up to the house and In It was Ihc coffin which hud been ordered by the family. The funeral arrangements had even gone BO far that tbo family minister bad been abked to conduct the eervlcc WESTINGHOUSEABSORBS IT _ Important Uleetrleal Concern nt Cloelninl In Taken Into ( he Pold of ( lie Combine. CLEVELAND , 0 , Sept. 17. A private telegram received here today states that the Walker Manufacturing company of this city , one of the largest electrical manufac turing concerns In the country , has been absorbed by the Westlnghouee company. Should this prove to bo correct it would leave only the Westlnghouse company and the General Electric company in the field. It was stated at the local odlco of the Walker company here this afternoon that all of the leading officials ot the company have been in New York since Monday , I'HVSIOJNS KOll WKSTHKN V1JTI5HAXS. K of Civil War Iteiiieiulierril liy tinfieneriil fJm eriiniend WASHINGTON , Sept. 17 ( Special. ) Pensions have been Issued to the following : Issue of September 3 Nebraska- Increase Layton Butln , Dor chester , JG to JS. Iowa. Original Jacob Albert , Keokuk , $8. Increase William H. McCune. Clinton , JS to J12 , Joel Hodson , Soldiers' home , Mar shall , } G to $8. Original widows , etc. Lou- Ina C. Slanfleld , Croton , J8 , Susan J. Ogdcn , Perry , 8 , Sarah Tebus , Madrid , $ J2. Houth Dakota HeUuue and Increase Al exander MathUon , Letvher , $17 to 130. Montana Additional Special , September 6 , Edgar M. Towar. Butte , )6 to $3. Colorado. Original Special , September C , William A. Huntley , San Bernardo , $8. $ Action \ KiiliinliinrelilMt * . ( Copyright , 1SSS , by Aissocluted Press ) BERLIN , Sept 17 The ossasMnatlon of the empress of Austria at Geneva , Switz erland , on Saturday last by an Italian an archist has led to a violent outcry in some -SCOFIELD'S- Suits Latest Style Furs Everybody Invited to Look , 1510 Douglas St. We are showing all the latest ideas in Hats , Toques IBonnets We invite you to examine our slock before buying elsewhere. F. M. Scliadell SL Co. , 1522 Douglas Street. 2,000 Street Hats. Kxcluslvo styles very newest fashions. Alee a laigc line of Imported Pat tern Hats. Big line of Hair Goods. 1511 Douglas of the reactionary organs for repressive measures against anarchists. Statemenls have appeared In ( several of Ihe newspapers to the effect that the Ger man government Intended to take the Initi ative In proposing International action. Of ficial circles deny any such Intention , but they declare that any proposals on the sub ject will bo well received by the German government , which will do all possible to co-operate with united action. In splta ot this there Is no chance of any nwccp- Jng rcpress've action in the Reichstag. Mo > eineiiiH of Oeeiiii Vi-Hneln , Sei ( . IT. At New York Arrived Umbrla , from Liverpool. Balled Campania , for Liverpool , Hekla , for Copenhagen , Werra. for Napfen ; Spaarndam. for Uotterdam ; Ilhynland. for Southampton , Anchorla , for Glaigow ; Penn sylvania , for Hamburg. At Liverpool Arrived Etrurla , from New York. At Quccnstown Sailed Cymric , for New York. At Havie Sailed La Oascogne , for Now York. At Antwerp Arrived Southwark , from Now York AS Marseilles Salltd Burgundla , for New York. At Antwerp Sailed Frlesiand , for New