THE OMAHA DAH/T BEE : SUXDAY , SErTEMBEK 18 , 1898. ' 17 LAUNCELOT LEWIS' RIDE. Journey of Six Hundred Miles Through Australia , I/A Si 1 In these days of records and record break ers , It seems almost Impossible for any one to win fame In a wholly new sphere. It Is Improbable , however , that the record made by Launcolot Ashley Lewis , son of John Lewis , a well known stockman of Koorlnga , South Aurtralla , will ho beaten for many years to come. His ride may he looked upon us unique In the annals of Auitralaslan travel. Few lads of twclva summers would career or dare to face a Journey of nearly 600 miles through the Australian scrub , land over- Erown with stunted trees , with no compan ion but a couple of ponies and no guide but his own Idea of locality and such direction as he could obtain from an occasional camper or from a bushman 'that ' ho chanced to meet. Young Lewis , notwithstanding all these dif ficulties , looked upon his trip In a very mat- when In his presence , and Is his most at tentive listener during the sermon. She may deliberately enter the purplt and climb uii into on of the pulpit chairs , or sit on the steps of the chancel , or stand on the chancel j ' cushion , and rest her little chin In her' hands , while her elbows rest on the roll , and she gazes Intently at the speaker during half the service , but she hears every word ho says. Yesterday she took her In the gallery and scattered lose leaves on rlio congregation below. She horrifies the staid and formal members of the congregation , and more than one has tried to restrain her and keep her In dignified hounds ; but they might as well have tried to have restrained the sparrows of old Chat built their nests In the altars told of In the Psalms Like the average woinar , "when she wills BUB will , and there Is an end of It" the large open Inclnnure adjoining" the big " . " She handles monkey house in the "Zoo. the wheel very cleverly , much to the amuse ment of the largo number of spectators who spend hours In watching the funny antics of the big ape. The photograph was taken under great dimcultUn , for "Maja" U very much afraid of the sight of a lens , nnd will not keep still for a moment , It she become * aware of the oresenco of a camera. Our Illustration was obtained , after n number of Uflcleea efforts , by using a concealed ap paratus. FISIII.VG KOII si'oxons. How Tlicy Are SlnMril find HrouRht I'll from HIP AVntor. The sponges of commerce and the dried specimens of other species arc not the actual animals , but merely their skeletons , or framework. That which constitutes their vital parts Is removed In prcpanag them for market. Sponges do not have the power of mo tion possessed by most animals ; they are nearly always attached to submerged ob jects Since It Is Impossible for them to go In search of food , they can grow only In f \ \ / \ LAUNCELOT ASHLEY LEWIS ON THE KOAD. ler of fact way , for ho undertook It purely as a holiday Journey. Early last January he decided to pay a visit U > some friends living at Warrnanbool , Victoria. In such a case moat boys of that ago would be taken to the railroad station und handed over to the conductor , who would Keep an cyo on him. This boy cnmo from a more daring stock. Ills father has on moro than ono occasion made overland trips from tl > o southern to the northern parls of the Australian continent. The boy himself hav ing had a thorough training In hush llfo and horsemanship , concelvcU the bold plan ot doing the long and lonely Journey of 'iTO inllcB each way In true bush fashion , astride his favorite pony with a pack pony by his BilU1. BilU1.He ai rived at Adelaide , Australia , from Koorlnga , about January 20 and after loadIng - Ing his park horse , proceeded via the Coor- eng and southeastern towns to the border , thence to Portland. Port Kalry. and then on to Warrnanbool. Ho covered the 570 miles In sixteen da > s of actual travel. His Journey was only marked by two remark able Incidents. In writing of his experi ence young Lewis says : "I might mention that the pony I rode was only 11 % hands high. The Journey along the Coorong was very louely. There are only two sheep sta tions on the Coorong , a distance of nlnety- ono miles. The only exciting experiences I met were when traveling through a bush fire between the Glcnclg river and Portland. I traveled forty-four miles In ono day through forest country and heavy sand. ' About midway I had to pass through about . ! ' three miles of burning timber. It was the i warmest tlmo I ever had. "My pony Ilex carried mo splendidly nnd was nulto 'rcsh on arriving home. Neither of my ponies had a scratch or a hair off them. I brought all my traps back with mo and I had a most enjoyable trip. My actual traveling tlmo was twenty-three days , although I rented live days of this time , so 1 suppote I really could say that I traveled the whole distance In eighteen days. " 1IAIIY FOll A MASCOT. IVeo lilt of Humanity Cut * Queer Ciuier * In a Church. Central Methodist church , Memphis , Tenn. , has a mascot. Now , "a mascot Is a mascot" to begin with , but this particular mascot Is a wee tot of three , possibly four , Rummers. She Is Just u little dot of human- Uy that belongs to everybody and to no body , relates fho Memphis Appeal. She Is no higher than the chancel rail , but makes herself at homo In the big pulpit chairs. In the pews , on the organist's scat or any place where It suits her fancy to be. Her name Is Nelle , and that Is nil any one know B. She goes to Sunday school and to church , and visit * the neighbors with the freedom of a westerner who tcorns restraints nud formalities. The peopfo In the neigh borhood do not take kindly to her Informal visits , but the Uev. Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Hamner , the pastor and his wife , receUu the llttlo stranger , and treat ! her with much consideration. The result Is , she Is very fond of them , anC BUOWS ber appreciation In ono very promising way. Little as she li , she could give nn "old salt" some points on the modern methods ot swearing , but Dr. Hamner told her It is not nice to swear and she religiously retrains from swcnrlngfa Nello Is a brown-haired maiden , whose btraight locks her mother keeps braided In two tiny braids down her back , or , rather , her neck. She Is neatly dressed , and is sun-browned until she Is "brown as a berry. " She speaks with a foreign accent , reading those who do not know her parents to believe she Is cither n descendant of the American aborigines or of some European nations , or may be of the Isles of the sea. A cvcMM ! AIM : . IliuiillcM the Wheel Cleverly niul Iloex Unity Trlcl.H. Undoubtedly the greatest favorite with old and young of all the Interesting inmates of the "Zoo" in Vienna Is llttlo "Maja , " the unique female chimpanzee , which came here about nl\ years ago Trom Went Africa. On her arrival In Vienna little "Maja" was very weak nnd small , but since has do- \cloped splendidly under the tireless care of her keeper , a woman , who remains with her almost all the time and has taught her many tricks. "Maja" han very cleanly habits , knows how to beg , throws kisses , rides a llttlo toy horse , playa tcn-plns and within the last few months has been made acquainted with the most modern of out door sports , cycling. Ever since "Maja' ' received her wheel , a child's tricycle , she as bcco untiring In practicing upon It In places where there Is plenty of food such a-s they require. They are more active In fresh than In still water , and die In a short tlmo If exposed to the air. The surface of a living sponge la covered with minute pores , through which water Is Imbibed , carrying with It both the air and the organic particles neces sary for the support of life. Sponges are distributed through all seas , and are classified , chlelly , according to the structure of the skeleton. The Mediter ranean and the Red Sea are the sponging grounds of the old world ; the grounds of the new world are the Bahamas , southern nud western Florida anl parte of the West Indies. The best sponge of commerce Is found In the Mediterranean , and Is known ns Turkey , or Smyrna , sponge. It Is obtained by "MAJA , " THE CYCLING CHIMPANZEE. Absolute purity is the chief ornament of this fame-crowned beer. VAL.RLATZ BREWING Co. MILWAUKEE , U.S.A. For Sale by Foley Bros * Wholesale Dealer * , 1412 Douglas Street Omaha. Neb. Tol. 1081 divers , who go clad In armor when diving. Sponges are usually obtained by fishing for them. When a sponging vessel arrives at the fishing ground In the Bahamas It Is an chored and the crew Immediately get ready for work. Tbo sponge fisher's outfit con sists of small boat called " " a a "dingey , a long hook und a water glass. The sponge hook is a threo-pronged Iron fork attached to 'the end of a very long pole ; the water glocs Is simply a wooden water bucket with n bottom of common window glass. To use It the gjiwa bottom Is thrust Into the water , the fisherman puts the ball around bis neck and then buries his head deep In the bucket to exclude the light. Thcro are always > two men to each dingey ; ono to act as "sculler" and the other as "hooker. " While the sculler propels the dingey along very slowly the hooker , in a kneeling position , keeps his head In the water glass , looking down In the water. When a good sponge Is sighted the hooker gives a signal and the dingey stops. Together the sculler and hooker thrust the sponge hook down through the water and run It under the sponge ; the roots are thus pulled loose from the rocks and soon the game Is In the dingey. Thus the work goes on until a boatload is obtained , and then ( hey are taken ashore and placed In crawls to bo cured. Too crawls are buUt far stick- Ing pieces of brush or staked Into the sand Juit out of the water , or where It Is very shallow. They remain In the crawls whllo under going maccrntlon nml the refuse Is carried away In the ebb and How of the tide. Usually they arc left In tbo crawls for a week ; then the fishermen remove them nnd glvo them n beating for the purpose of removing all chonco of Impurities. After the beating they nro thoroughly cleansed and are ready for market. 1'llATTI.n 01Till ! YOUNOSTKUS. "Harry , " said the teacher , "In your essay on 'George Washington * you say that he never went fishing. What authority have you for making that assertion ? " "Why , " replied Harry , "haven't we been taught that ho never told a lie ? " A little boy had been sent to the corner grocery to get some eggs and on bin way Sack ho dropped the basket containing Ihcm. "How many did you break ? " asked Ills mother. "Oh , I didn't break any , " he replied , "but the hulls came off EOIUO of them. " "Nellie , dear. " said the Indulgent father to his -1-year-old daughter , "If you like your new dolly , you ought to como nnd put your arms about my neck and glvo mo a real nlco kiss. " Nelllo compiled , but as she did so she remarked : "Ob , papa , I does dest spoil you dweadful ! " Of course It happened when there was company present. "Mother , " said Willie's elder sister , who had been reading a nautical story , "what Is a spanker boom ? " "You bet I know , " broke In Wllllo vocif erously. Then they all made haste to change the subject , not because Wlllio knew , but be cause he thought he knew. An exchange says that a llttlo girl In Hlllsdole , Mich. , petitioned the Lord for fair weather and the next morning 'tho ' sun shone bright and clear. She told of her prayer to her grandmother , who said : "Well , now , why can't you pray tonight that It may be warmer tomorrow so grandma's rheumatism will bo better ? " "All right , I will , " was the response , and that night as she knelt she Incorporated this request In her llttlo prayer : "Oh , God , make It hot for grand ma. " The young king of Spain Is a bright boy. The following anccdoto Is told about him by the Madrid correspondent of the London Telegraph : "Ono afternoon King Alfonso , on roturnlng homo from a walk , ascended the staircase and looked In vain for the officer who should have been In command of the royal guard on duty. The king called for an adjutant and asked him the name ot the of ficer on duty that day. 'It Is Captain X. , your majesty. ' 'Will you kindly remember mo to Captain X. , then , and tell him I often think ot him , though I have not had the pleasure of seeing htm for quite a long time. ' " A llttlo girl , about 9 years of age , was obllgxxl , for sorao tlmo , to endure the nag ging annoyance of a maiden aunt , relates nn exchange. The child puzzled her llttlo mind as < to the best means of getting rid of her tormentor and at last hit upon a plan which , she thought , would have the desired result. She spent the whole of ono morning writ ing a letter , and , having finished It , she disappeared In the garden. In the course of the afternoon her mother asked the gardener what Allco.had been doing , and was surprised to learn that she had dug a deep hole and put a letter In It. A search was made , and the following epistle was discovered , addressed to the potentate ot the nether regions at his residence : "Dear Mr. Satan Will you kindly come and take away Aunt Jane ? She Is a very fussy person , and does worry mo so. Alice. " GOSSIP A1IOIIT NOTED 1'KOri.E. Marlon Crawford says of himself : ' Most of my boyhood was spent under a French governess. Not only did I learn that lan guage from her , but all of my studies geography graphy , arithmetic , etc. were taught mo In French , and I learned to wrlto It with great readiness as a mere boy , because It was the language of my dally tasks. The consequence quence la that to this day I wrlto French with the ease of English. " George W. Smalley , the American tory who Is now correspondent In this country for the London Times , had no greater trial dur ing the war with Spain than the humiliation of having his dispatches passed upon by Grant Squires , General Grccly's assistant censor. When Mr. Sraalley was receiving $15,000 a year as London correspondent of the New York Tribune Squires was making $7 a week as a reporter for that paper. Lord Wolsfloy , who Is at the head of the English nrmy , Is a very busy man. One day ho Is In Scotland , < the next day reviewing the troops In Yorkshire , then In London Inspect ing the volunteers , a day or two after wit nessing n night attack at Chatham and tor pedo trials at Sheerness , and then with the cadets at Sandhurst. The commander-ln- chlef's apparent youthfulness makea people forget thait ha Is now 65 years of ago and has been actively employed In the army for forty-six years. Mr. Curzon's term as viceroy of India will last five years. His salary Is about $100,000 a year , with all expenses paid by the govern ment , and ho Is expected to live In great magnificence. This salary nnd perquisites seem small compared with the Incomes of three of 'tho ' native princes who are allies of Great Britain , and each has $15,000,000 a year. The office of Indian viceroy Is one of great power and great responsibility. While the late Lord Lytton was hated for his tyranny nnd exactions , Lord nipon , whom Mr. Curvon succeeds , was Idolized by the people , who are a grateful people when well treated. Durham Whlto Stevens , upon whom has brcn conferred the Japanese decoration of the Second Order of > the Illslng Sun , had previously received two other decorations from the Japanese government. His ac quaintance with Japan began In 1873 , when ho was appointed secretary of the United States legation at Toklo. In 1884 ho received the third-class decoration of the Order of the Illslng Sun. In 1895 ho received the sec ond-class decoration of the Order of the Sacred Treasure for services rendered dur ing the Japanese-Chinese war , and In con nection with the conclusion of the new treaty between Japan and the United States. The Sirdar of the Egyptian array , says an English paper , once had a very extraor dinary experience , having swallowed a bullet with which he had been wounded , and which ho now preserves as a memento. During the campaign of 1888 Major Kitchener was hit In the sldo of the face by a bullet during n skirmish near Suaklm , and was taken down the Nile nnd thence to the Citadel hospital at Cairo , where , despite nil the efforts of the surgeons , the bullet could not bo located. The wound was a healthy ono and soon healed , and the medical officers came to the conclusion that the bullet had worked Its way out , without being noticed , on the passage down the Nile. The major's nurse one day tempted his patient's ap petite with a tasty beefsteak , which tn major had no sooner attacked than he p it his hand to his throat , exclaiming : "Dllton , If there was no bone In that steak. I've swallowed that bullet. I felt It go down , " This proved to be the case. To Mko Yonr Wife Lore Yon Bur "Garland" Stoves and Ronea. JOHN PHILIP SAUSA Writes : When worn out , I find nothing so helpful as a glass of Vin Mariani. To brain-workers and those who expend a great deal of nervous force , it is in valuable. JOHN PHILIP SOUSA. From the Surgeon-in-Cliief of the French Army : long , tedious inarches , our soldiers nnd olllcors found Instant relief from fatigue and hardships when using the marvelous tonic , Vin iMtiriui'l ; it pvevcuted fevers and sickness hi the marshy and unhealthy territory. H. LIUEUMANX , M. D. Surgcoii'in-Chitf French Army Its History for a Oentury Marked by a Succession of Tragedies. CRUSHING BLOW OF RUDOLPH'S ' END Story of tlic ArcliiluUr mid IIU Un- liiippy I.ove llnxlinlllaii'ft I2.\c- citdnn Iiiiiiiiiieralilc Sor- roivn of the lliniicror. Again fate has dealt a heavy blow to the houses of Hapsburg and WIttelsbach , add ing another sorrow to that heavy burden which has borne down to despair the ancient rulers of Austria and Kavarla. The spirit of tragedy seems to have marked them for Ita own and to have played with them In order to drive Ita lessons deep Into the hearts of men. The fate of the empress of Austria Is but the climax of a life over flowing with heartburning and tragedy. Chief of the recent tragedies of the house of Hapsburg , relates the New York Her ald , was the supposed suicide In 1SS9 of the Archduke Kudolf Krancls Charles Joseph , son of the empeior nnd heir to the throne , the ono on wnorn nil the hopes of the im perial house hail rested. This affair Is now known as the Mcycrllng dratpa. Several versions of the tragedy have been given out , but the facts In the case probably never will bo known to any ono outside the royal house. The archduke was deeply Infatuated with the charms or the Baroness Vetcera , a beau tiful young girl , who returned his love. He wished to bo united to her by morganatic marriage , but his father would not allow It. On the evening of January 20 the arch duke met the baroness In a gamekeeper's house , not far from the castle of Moyerllng. In the morning both were found dead , lying side by side. It was asserted that the baroness had taken poison and that the prince had shot himself. Another story Is to the effect that a for ester went to the house where the prince was staying In order to ask the game keeper for some Instructions regarding the hunt that was to take place. Ho knocked loudly at the door. A window was opened and a man jumped out nnd ran away. The for ester aimed and fired. The fugitive fell , and when the forester walked up to him he rec ognized , to his horror , the crown prince , who had fainted. The shot had entered the prince's shoulder , The forester called for help , and , with the assistance of a man who ran to his aid , carried the prince Into the gamekeeper's house. The baroness , ceclng the prlnco In a faint and bleeding from a wound , Imagined that he was dead. She Immediately took up her traveling bag and pulled out a phial. Ilcforo she could bo prevented she drank Its con tents nnd fell dead upon the floor. Soon afterward the crown prince came to and was taken by his own orders to the castle of Jleyerllng. Hero ho ordered his valet from the room Into which ho had been carried , and hero ho placed a pistol to his head and fired a fatal shot. Letters of the prince and of the baroness , found after the tragedy tend to dlspiove tbls version , and Indicate a premeditated sulcldo on the part of both parties. Then thtro were several witnesses who declared that they had seen the bodies of the prince nnd the baroness lying side by side Immedi ately after the tragedy. Another hlory of < luAfTnlr. . A roan by the name of Johann Tranquileln , known by the sobriquet ot "Baron Scbau , " who died on Ward's Island after a career of dissipation In the United States , asserted that ho drove the crown prlnco to Meyerllng on the day of the tragedy , and told a very different story of the prince's death , Ho said that ho drove the prlnco and a Jolly party of friends to Meyerllng. No women were In the party. Supper was served In the castle of Meyer- ling , and during the festivities Baroness Yetccra suddenly made her entrance Into the supper room nnd with Hashing eyes asked the prlnco If It was true that he had re nounced her. The prince , after a silence , answered that bis father would allow no further relations between himself and the baroness. The latter then drew a revolver and llrcd at Kudolf. The ball wounded him but slightly , and he caught the Infuriated woman In his arms. She managed , houe\er , to turn the pistol against herself and Indicted a mortal wound A relative of the baroness then sprang up and brought a champagne bottle with all his might upon the head of rho prince , who sank upon the floor und died. The lovers were j then laid aide by side upon a couch , and all the witnesses to the scene were sworn to secrecy. The court , of course , hubhed up the affair as much as possible , and to the story of the prince's taking off has never been authorita tively told. Another crt/el / blow to the Hapsburcs was "When Worn Out .5 ? JOHN PHILIP SOUSA The Well-Known American Composer. NEVER HAS ANYTHING 11EEN SO HIGHLY AND SO JUSTLY I'RAISED AS VIN MARIAN I MARIANI WINE Braces Body and Brain MARIANI WINE has written endorsements From more than 8,000 , American Physicians. MARIANI WINE is Specially Indicated for ; NorvoUH AfToetlon" , Thront mill I.IUIK IMnrnni'N , I ) > Nir | > "ln , Aiinoinlii , AVcnk- from whatever cnimcN , 1'rofoiinil DriircxNlou or 12xliiiiiMlon , LA GRIPPE , GENERAL DEBILITY , MALARIA , For fhosc who are run down * OVERWORKED MEN , DELICATE WOMEN , SICKLY CHUM Sold liy nil DrufiKlxt" . llrwitrr of Iniltiitluim a nil Siiliittltiitp.i. SriCIAI < OFFISH To nil viho irrKc incnUonliiR tinOinnliii lice , trn iteml n tiook roiUnlnliitr jinrtrnKn nml pnilo mouti-iitM of r.JII'CltOlt.S. H.'Ml'lUCSy , IMtlNCUS , CAHDl.VAI.S , AHCIUIISIIOl'S nml ollior illniliiuiiUhcil iiurnunnKvii. MAHIAM & co. , r.a wnyr iftTii sTiinuT , M\V YOUIC. Paris 11 Boulevard Haussmaun ; London 83 Mortimer St. ; Montreal 2S-30 Hospital St MARCHING OF ENGLISH SOLDIERS ( Reprinted from The J ondon SkctcJi. Ciononil Sir Kvclyn Wood says : "lie- Rurtllng the Infantry iimi'dilng , it was the best seen during my command at Aldershot , or since I was llrst stutloned there twenty-eight years HKO. Many ollieers availed themselves of the tonl'e and reconstltuent properties of the well- known Mariani Wine the most certain as well as the most palatahlu method ot inducing resistance to fatigue. " the death of Maximilian I of Mexico , who gave up the command of the emperor's navy In order to found an Imperial throne. The o\erthrow of the alien ruler and his execu tion by those whom ho had tried to subdue are matters of history. Added to this was the Insanity of his wife , the Empress Carlotta - lotta , and the scandal attaching to the spending of her fortune by another royal personage- . The disappearance of the Archduke John after ho had contracted a marriage with a pretty llttlo Austrian singer was another cause of grief. Ho had been one of the bril liant members of the Hapsburg family , but his waywardness led to the taking away of hlh titles. Ho would not ) bow to the em peror , and finally , when ho had been ban ished from the court , ho bought a merchant vessel and started out In life ( or himself. The vessel Is supposed to hnvo been lost at sea. ( liuirrol With Archduke. A kindred soul was Archduke Henry , youngest non of the late Archduke Rainier , viceroy of Lombardy. Ho was a general In the army , and whllo stationed at Gr.itz I ho made the acqualntnce of Franleln Hot- ' 1 mann , a singer at the theater , with a j i monthly salary of 50 florins. She was by no means a great singer. Her last role was that of Pamela , In "Fra Dlavolo. " But she was pretty , quick wilted , the very type of n. Viennese girl , nnd , above nil , Irreproach able In her conduct and manner. The archduke paid court to her , and when ho was obliged to take the field In Italy ho promised that ho would marry her If his llfo was spared , and this promise he faithfully kept. The emperor stormed , fumed and did all In his power to reclaim thq prodigal , but all his efforts were In vain. Archduke Henry had vowed to bo true to Frnulcln Hofmnnn , and not all the powers In Chris tendom could persuade him to abandon her. All Francis Joseph could do was to de prive the archduke of his military rank and expatriate him. The marriage took place on February , 1808 , and not until 18S9 did the emperor show any signs of relenting. In the latter year he allowed the archduke to present his wlfo nnd daughter to him , and thus the family quarrel was ended. The troubles of the Imperial house were enlarged after the death of Prince Hudolph by the difficulty Of finding a successor to the emperor. Charles Louis , his brother , was regarded as weak , morally and Intel lectually , though endowed with low cun ning. Ho did not seem the ono that could grasp the problems Of the Austro-Hungar- ian empire. He resigned his claims In favor of his son Francis Ferdinand , however , and thus removed ono embarrassment only to bring on another , for Francis Ferdinand , It Is feared , Is Ignorant , deficient alike In heart and head. Scandal has followed him throughout Austria and Hungary. In Spain bos been found another cause for gloom. There the queen regent , daughter ot the Archduke Charles Ferdinand , a cou sin of the Emperor Francis Joseph , has been compelled to see the fairest portion of the heritage of her eon taken away and has lived In fear that the Spnlah people them selves would arise against her and sweep her and her child from all power. Thcso are some of the things which em bittered the days of Francis Joseph and which brought lrto the life of the Empress Elizabeth much of the sorrow which weighed her down In her late years. You Invtto disappointment whan you ex periment. DoWltt's Little Early Risers are pleasant , easy , thorough little pills , They cure constipation and sick headachb just as sure as you take them , wnnjf OTHERS FAIT , DOCTORS Searles & Searles , SPECIALISTS. Dnuruntee to cure perdlly and rmll- rnllx all NKHVOUS , CIIUOMO AM ) 1'IIIVATE dlicdic * of men nnd iroineu WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life. Night EmlMlons , Lost Manhood , Hv. drocele. Verlcocele , Oonorrhta , Gleet , Syph ilis , Stricture , Piles. Flitula and Rectal Ulcorn , Diabetes , might's Disease cured. CONSULTATION Kit 12 H. Stricture nd OUetSTicodrae by new method without pain or cutting. Call on or addriia with stamp , Treatment by mall. Ml 8URLB 5 TERRORS OF LA GRIPPE. From the Chicago Medical Em. "Many patients recover very slowlyJi The lassitude and weakness calls for- something hi the nature of n tonic , amti for this purpose I tun .satlstlod that \f have found a preparation that answerwi the purpose. I refer to Vin AlarinnJ. " The L. S , GOVERNMENT wants sUxmtr men In Its feervlco. With ono ao- cord the Army nnd Navy endorse IIAK-IIKN ad the greatest , known strcnRtliencr , invlgorat- or and restorative. It creates solid 'lesu , mus cle and strom-tli , clears the brain , stronBthrns the nerves and causes the RCneratJvo orunns to quickly rcgntnthulr nor mal powers. For nerv ous prostration , overwork - , work , Impaired vitality' In cither sox , or oxccrnUo use of opium , liquor or lob.icco. It positively cannot bo excelled. Ono box will work wonders. Six will euro. iAH-lir.N Is for sale by all drutjslsts (1O t l > - IrtH , BO coiit . Ono to two months' treatment. Fill out and mail us the diagnosis sheet In each , box , and wo will nlvo your case special atten tion wlthoutcxtra clwrifa 1IAK-1I12NIs pre pared by llialmer O. Uennon , I'll 1) . , U. S. , di rect trom the formula of E. B. llartou , M. I ) . , Cleveland's most eminent specialist. Mailed In closed package ! on receipt of price. 1MIS , DAHTON AND llK.VbON , ( II Uar-lJon Utoclr. t lovcland. O. For sale by ICulin & Co. , 15th und DOUR las ; J A. Fuller & Co. , 1402 DoimlaH St. . and Grabuin Drug Co. , 15th nnd Farnuin ; Klriff 1'hnrmncy , 27th and LonvrmvortM ; Peyton's I'hnnnacy , 21th nnd Leuvenworth ; JO. J. Scykora , South Omnhii , and ull oilier druggists in Omaha , South Omnlm , Council Bluffs. ChlehMtcr4 KcgUik Dltnond Itrnod. Orlfflnnl * nd Only Grniilno. ore ( tlwtji ttlttUe LADita &ik , Drugftit f r CTtfcAffcrftioiti * l > ia nonaJiranil la lied L 1 cJ ( ui t liio\ fboifi , i * ll wltk bluA rtbbon Tiiko \ | no other. Rtfutt dangtrout tubidfu * > IfoniaiuJ imtlatton * > E HrDfRliti , r fnd ID Mtmpi for pkrtbiUri , tritlranulKli "Pfttlef for I < tllrB.nttrt r , br rcli Mull. 1O.UOU llmcBUi ! / * , * Tapir. iehenttr Chemical Co.Hii U ffn Boat ) n Bold dj til Loetl U ; 1'llll.AUA. , i A safe nnd powerful remedy for functional troubles , delay , pain , nnd irregularities , is Successfully nre crit > ed by the highest Specialists. Price $ i.oof or n c.iptulc > . Knldbyall UruKcl'ts.or I'oittrcc. 1' . O Itox soar , N. Y. Use and Facial Soap Facial Cream If beauty IH only Hkln deep we can tnaUn you beautiful. JOHN H WOODUtMlY , 1J7 \V. 12d Ht. , N. Y , 1G3 Strite Ht , C blcago , IIIIH bad 20 yearn' tiraotlcnl exprleneo treating the skin , Healp and complexion im. I.KOMI AUDI'S ANTI-PILL Cures the Pill Habit. ' Comitlpatlon. Djspoimln , Blllonnm-nn , NVr- voiiftlllti. Action nut followed by conlUon BR . Dnnbtit ? Tryit. Sampln fr.-o. DriiRKlftii ZSe.oraddroM ANTI.PILL ( .0 , , Lincoln , Nob. Patronize Home Industries II > riircliiiMhi < iouiU Minli- lit the 1 < > liMvluuuliriinUii Knr.tnrlrN ! BUHWERIEH. OMAHA HIliWIMJ ASSOCIATION. Carload shipments mmlo in our own re frigerator cart ) . Illuo Itlbbon , Ullto Uxport , Vienna Kxport nnd Family Export deliv ered to all juirtH of the city. BOILERS. OMAHA woiiics , JOII.V II. I.OWHUV , Prop. Rollers , Tanks nnd Sheet Iron Work. Bpeclal facilities for doing repairs , etc. Tel ephone 1359. CORNICI3 WORKS. ( i. K. II'IMTIII. K.\ni.n Conxion woiucs. Manufacturer of Galvanized Iron ' " jrnlces Galvanized Iron Skylights. Tin , Iron and Hlate Hooting. Acerit for Klnnoar H Steel Celling. lOS-10.12 North Eleventh street FLOUR JIILLS S. Iill.MA.V. . Flour. Meal , Feed. Bran , 1013-15.17 Nnrth 17th street. Omaha. Neb. C. U. Bluck , Man- ueer. Telephone C92. IRON WORKS. DAVIS & < ; ow < ; ni. . nio.v wouics. Iron nml Unixx Koiiiiilrri. Manufacturer * ) and Jobbers of Machinery. General repairing a specialty. 1U1 , 1003 unj 1605 Jarkuon street , Omahu , Neb LINBKED OIL. v MVSIII > on , WOHKS. Manufacturers old procc-a raw Uine-U oil , kettle boiled llnaecd till , old proc' 'u frouml linseed cukes , grouni ) and ncreerfd luxrieed tor druscliU , O11A11A.