Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Smoke "J A H" Co cigar.
Finest work , Bluff city Laundry.
Btockert Carpet Co. , 205-207 Bwy.
Mooro'n food kllla worms nnd fattens.
R. IJ. Hubbard left last evening for Port
land , Ore.
C. H. Jactjuomln & Co. , Jewelers nnd op
ticians , 27 South Main street.
Frank Miller of Chicago , formerly of Coun
cil muffs , is the gucit of Ins uncle , L. C.
J.V. . Kirk nnd F. S. Thomas have been
appointed special policemen without expense
to the city.
C. W. Itccd , who has been stopping with
.7. J. Stewart the last week , left for his home
In Denver yesterday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. D. Kelly of St. Paul ,
Minn. , arrived In the city yesterday on a
visit to the exposition.
A marriage licence was Issued yesterday to
Fred Heidi , aged 10. nnd Anna Hotelier , aged
38 , both of South Omaha.
Albert Hoiks , mayor of Orange City , la. ,
IK the guest of Attorney Flnley IluVke and
family while visiting the exposition.
Sheriff Funk of Uuffnlo county , who Is tak
ing In the exposition , called on the local au
thorities of both county nnd city yesterday.
J. C. Hlxby , heating nnd uanltary engineer.
Plans and specifications for heating , plumb
ing and lighting. 202 Main , Council Bluffs.
Hcv. W. H. W. Ilces , formerly pastor of
the llrondway Methodist church , now located w i
In Cincinnati , 0. , Is In the city visiting
C. Otto Falk returned Monday from a trip
to his old homo In Sweden. During his two
years' absence ho made a trip Into the Arctic
E. J. Nally of Chicago , assistant general
manager of the Postal Telegraph company ,
was In the city yesterday and paid the local
ofllco a visit.
Don't you think it must be a pretly good
laundry that ran please so many hundreds
of customers ? Well lhal's Ihe "Eagle , "
724 Iiroadway.
Captain W. C. McCrnry and family of Kan-
Haw City are visiting Ills parents , Mr. and
Mrs.V. . M. McCrary of Fourth street , and
taking In the exposition.
Thomas Gaylor Is enjoying a visit from his
brother , Edward Gaylor of Grand Unplds ,
Mich. Thin Is the fliTt time the brothers
have met In thirty years. !
The funeral of Ilernard Carter , son of Mr.
nnd Mrs. P. J. Carter , will take place this
morning from the family residence , 1407
Pleasant street , at 8:30 : o'clock.
County Treasurer Arnd turned over yes
terday to City Treasurer Heed $5OS2.H. ! be
ing the city's proportion of the taxes col
lected during the month of August.
Miss C. O. Lynn , who has been visiting her
uncle , Captain O. M. Urown , the genial city
ticket agent of the Burlington system , left
for her hone in Kansas City yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vallrath nnd A. Hays-
sen of Sheboygan and P. J. Mungancn of
West Superior nro Wisconsin visitors to the
exposition who are stopping In the Bluffs.
Owing to the inclemency of the weather
the spectacle of the battles of Manila nnd
Santiago to have been given this week at
Lake Manawa has been postponed until Sun
day evening.
Frank D. Loughran , who was caught In the
net of robbing a showcase In George Davis'
drug store , pleaded guilty In police court
yesterday morning nnd was sentenced to
thirty days In the counly jail.
Private Illchard Klsscll of company L ,
I Fifty-first Iowa volunteers , is homo from
( 'amp Merriam nt the Presidio , San Fran
cisco , on a furlough. He is In poor health
nnd Intends to try to secure his discharge.
Mr. Robert Kohlcr and the Misses Evange-
llne ami Llllle Kohlcr comprised n family
party from Shcboygnn , WIs. , which arrived
In the city yesterday to visit the exposition
1 nnd nttend the exercises of their state day.
The Enthusiastic club will meet Friday
nftcrnoon at tbo residence of Mrs , Sacked ,
1HG Third avenue. It Is desired that the en
tire membership bo present , as there Is bus
iness of Importance to ccme before the meet
There will bo an important meeting of the
Women's Christian Temperance union at IS
Pearl street this afternoon nt 3 o'clock.
Plans relative to the state convention will , '
be discussed and all necessary arrangements
The local railroad ticket agents received
word yesterday that the rate to Chicago ,
from Council Bluffs , which for some tlma
past has been $ ! > .2r > , would bo restored to the
old figure of $12.25 on Wednesday , Septem
ber 21.
Mrs. Frank Snethcn , living nt 1009 Twen
tieth avenue , Hied an Information yesterday i
afternoon charging her husband with being |
Insane nnd ho was taken Into custody by
Deputy Sheriff Baker.
( Jus Hlnrlcbs , William Klrkuff , Dave Cum-
mlngs and Julius Zlmmerll left yesterday
for n ten days' prairie chicken hunt In the
Fort Nlobrara country. Their friends saw
to It that they were well provided with
"ammunition" of all sorts before they
Victor Hovce. the young lad who , on ac
count of his fondness of running nway from
home , has been such a source of trouble to i
the police for some tfrao past , was placed In j
the Christian Homo yesterday. Manager
Lemon has consented to take charge of the I
boy nnd the necessary papers were made out '
yesterday by the child's relatives.
J. D. Hosier of Chicago , superin
tendent ; C. M. Levy of Burlington , superin
tendent Iowa lines ; O. E. Stewart of Ot-
lumwn , superintendent east division lowfi
lines , and J. H. Duggcn of Creston , superin
tendent western division Iowa lines , composed - |
posed n party of Burlington officials which
arrived yesterday on a visit to the exposi
lloliert Wendt of Omaha and Henry Bauer ,
n farmer who lives a few miles cast of town ,
became Involved in nn altercation on Broad
way yesterday iioialng. They were on the
point of settling the dispute with their lists
when Constable Albert ! Interfered nnd placed
them both under nrrest for disturbing thn
peace. They will have a hearing this mornIng -
Ing before Jusllce Vlcn.
The remains of Mrs. Fnyotto Gllmer , who
died last Friday while visiting her sister ,
Mrs. .M. M. Hcndricks of 1502 Avenue A ,
were taken to her home In Lebanon , Vn. ,
last evening for Interment. Services con
ducted by Rev. G. P. Fry , pastor of the Fifth
Avenue Methodist church , were held nt the
residence. The remains were accompanied
by Mrs. Gllmer's husband nnd Mrs. Hcn
dricks ,
Ladles desiring valuable Information con
cerning their ailments should send or call
for "Tho Vlavl Messafe. " Vlavl Co. , 326
Merriam blk.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 2SO.
lli iil Kxlnte TrniiHfera.
The following transfers were filed yester
day in the abstract , tltlo'nnd loan olllco of
J. W. Squirt' . 101 Pearl street :
Sheriff to John P. Allison , receiver ,
lilt lot 10 , block 3 , Jackson's tuld ,
s .1 : $ C,5M
Sumo to mune , sVi lot 2 , block 8 ,
JefferlH' subdlv , H d 6.447
Snmu to pa me , lot C , block 8 , Hyatt's
subdlv , s d . S.S33
Same to same , swU 17 nnd seVi 18-74-
IJ , s d 11,706
Sumo to vnme , plx lots In Mullln's
HUbdlv and four lots In Railroad udd ,
H d 2,800
Samu to sump , lot 8 , block 10 , Jeffries'
HUbdlv , H d 3,233
Bamo to mime , lots 4 , & nnd C , block 1C ,
Curtis & Ramsey's ndd , nnd lot 7 ,
block 5 , JeffrU-H1 subdlv , a d 1,382
Same to same , lot 3 , block K , Curtis
& KumHoy'B ndd , H d 3,927
W. P. Olllcer , tniatce , and wife to Kd-
KUT A. Hnlnl. lots 1 nnd S , block C ,
Potter & Cobb's add. w d 350
K. L. Shugnrt to Charles Cnttellc , lot
4 , block 2. Boers' add , w d. 400
Jeremiah W. Burhnnnn to J. M. Fen-
Ion , lot 9 , block 3 , Itayltss & Palmer's
ndd , w d 400
Philadelphia Mortgage nnd Trust com
pany to llu"h G. Robinson , eH lot
1 , block 7 , Boers' add , w d 1,150
Twelve transfers , total $57,722
The Evans laundry Is the leader In fine
work for both color and finish. C20 Pearl
etrceU 'Phone 290.
Missouri Valley Medical Society Meets This
Morning ,
Ronil A f ni1nnrc of It * Strong Mcnt-
! irrnlili in Kxiicutcil to lie 1'rcnrnt
( o Knjoy the Fine 1'ronrmu
ArrmiKcil for Thrill.
The annual meeting of the Medical So
ciety of the Missouri Valley opens In tills
city this morning and will last over Thurs
day. The meeting marks the tenth anni
versary of the organization of the society
nnd on this account Dr. V. L. Treynor , tha
noting secretary , expects a larger attend
ance than usual and has prepared an extra
program. The sessions , of which there will
ho two each day , will bo held In the court
room at the federal building and will bo
devoted to a discussion of subjects of In
terest to the medical profession. The com
mittee on arrangements , consisting of Drs.
L/onalrl / Macrae , V. L. Treynor and F. S.
Thomas , will see to It that the visiting
medics are properly entertained while hero
nnd will be ably assisted by the local mem
bers of the profession , who will throw
open their houses to the visitors. H has
been the usual custom to close the annual
meeting with a banquet , but this year an
exception will be made. At the close of
the meeting tomorrow afternoon the local
members will take charge of the visiting
doctors and escort them across the river
to the exposition , where they will be their
guests for the evening. The evening will
close with supper at one of the cafes.
The onicers of the society are : President ,
F. W. Porterfleld , M. I ) . , Atlantic , In. ;
flrst vice prenldcnt , B. F. Cruinmcr , M. D. ,
Omaha ; second vlco president , John Green ,
M. D. , Council Bluffs ; treasurer , Thomas
B. Lacey , M. D. , Council Bluffs ; acting
secretary , V. L. Treynor , M. D. , Council
Bluffs ; assistant secretary , F. W. Dean ,
M. D. , Council Bluffs.
The committee on credentials Is composed
ns follows : V. L. Treynor , M. D. , Council
Bluffs ; B. B. Davis , M. D. , Omaha ; W. J.
Flndloy , M. D. , Atlantic , In. ; J. M. Mul-
hani , M. D. , Adalr , la. ; L. L. Bond , M. D. ,
West Side , la.
The following comprise the judicial com
mittee : Donald Macrae , M. D. , Council
Bluffs ; F. S. Thomas , M. D. , Council Bluffs ;
A. L. Wright , M. D. , Carroll , la. ; J. M.
Knott , M. D. , Sioux City , la. ; J. M. Em-
mert , M. D , , Atlantic , la. ; A. F. Jonas ,
M. D. , Omaha.
The society has grown during Its short ex
istence of ten years to be one of the strong
est medical organizations In the west , Its
membership being drawn from Iowa , Ne
braska , Missouri , South Dakota , Kansas and
Wyoming. It was organized in September ,
1SSS , on a call Issued by Dr. J. M. Emmert
of Atlantic. Dr. DonaFd Macrae of this city
was the first president and Dr. James Carter
of Omaha the flrst secretary. Dr. T. B.
Lacey of this city has acted as treasurer of
the society slnco Its organization. Dr. Don
Macrae , jr. , the secretary of the society , Is
away with his regiment at Camp Merrlam ,
San Francisco'and his place Is being filled
by Dr. V. L. Treynor , who has spared no
pains to make this year's 'meeting n banner
ono In the , history of the society.
Dr. D. S. Falrchlld of Clinton , one of the
faculty of Drake university's medical school ,
who Is on the program for a paper , cornea
as a guest of the society. Dr. Alexander
Hugh Ferguson of Chicago will also be a
guest of the society and will read n paper
before the meeting.
Iliiy'.s Record of the IoliiK of the
I.UVT'M nniclnlN.
The trial of the suit of C. E. Haggerty
and wife against E. T. Waterman and wife
In the district court was completed yes
terday and taken under advisement by
Judge Mncy. The plaintiffs filed nn amended
petition yesterday , setting up that at the
time Haggorty signed the deed In contro
versy nnd thp contract of support he was
of unsound mind nnd consequently not com
petent to understand what ho was doing.
The defense sot up by Mr. nnd Mrs. Water
man was that the old folks deeded the prop
erty to their daughter , Mrs. Waterman ,
In conoldcratlon of her and her husband
contracting to support them for the re-
mnlnder of their lives. On the resuming
of the hearing yesterday morning the
plaintiffs made nn offer In court to glvo
a conveyance of the property to Mrs.
Waterman for her life and to her children
absolutely , to take effect Immediately on
the death of the plaintiffs. This offer was
refused by Mr. nnd Mrs. Waterman and
when during the course of her examination
Mrs. Waterman was asked by the counsel
for the plantlffs If she Intended holding on
to the property of her aged parents In
opposition to their expressed wishes she
answered that she did. As brought forth
in the testimony , the object of .Mr. and
Mrs. Haggerty In suing to have the deed
set aside is that the property may be so
deeded that their grand children , the chil
dren of the defendants , may have the
benefit of It. The case has attracted more
than ordinary attention , the aged plaintiffs
being pioneer residents of this city.
Part' ' of the evidence In the divorce suit of
Mrs , Naomi Beebe against Frank Beebo was
heard before Judge Macy In the district
court yesterday and the case continued for
the attendance of an Important witness who
was unable to be present yesterday.
John P. Allison of Sioux City , receiver of
t'ho Western Home Insurance company , filed
eight ) sheriffs' deeds yesterday In the ofTIco
of the county recorder , the consideration
being $55,182.4 ! and requiring war revenue
stamps to the value of $57. The deeds were
dated August 3 but Mr. Alrlson had with
held them from being recorded until ho re
ceived a decision from the Internal revenue
deparUment at Washington to whether sher
iff's deeds required to bo stamped.
I . "n no ml of HiiKi'iif * > Allen.
The funeral of the late Eugene S. Allen
was hefd yesterday afternoon , the services
nt the First Congregational church , of which
deceased had been a leading member for
many years , being very largely attended.
The pastor. Rev. J. W. Wilson , paid an
eloquent tribute to the deceased , referring
In touching terms to the exemplary nnd con
sistent Christian life that Mr. Allen had
always led. The remains were followed to
their lust resting place In Falrvlew come.tery
by n long cortege of sorrowing friends , 'The
pair-bearers were Messrs. Jacob Sims , John ,
Corliss , Frank True , Carl Morgan , H , Jones
and C. F. Klmball. Mr. Allen leaves a wife
and ono eon.
Hemline of lloxpltul Work.
Mrs. Laura MacBrtde , corresponding sec
retary of the Women's Christian association
hospital , has completed her report for the
month of August and It shows that twenty-
eight patients were admitted during the
month , twenty were discharged , and fifteen
operations were performed. In all forty-six
cases were treated In the hospital and two
outside. There were no deaths during the
month and three student nurses entered tno
training school. The financial report show *
that the net receipts for the month were ;
Cash on hand August 1 , $91.07 ; received
from hospital patients , $470.45 ; from other
sources , $102.17 ; total , $753.09. The disburse
ments for labor nnd supplies for the hospi
tal were $731 , leaving a balance In the treas
ury on September 1 of $19.19.
furrri.vH IIKAIIV FOR IOWA u.vv.
Council lllufT * I'rcimroi ( o MnUr n
Illjj IloiiiiiiiMtrntlnii ,
Although the attendance nt the meeting
last night nt the Grand hotel called by1 Pres
ident Graham of the Council BlUITs Exposi
tion association to malto arrangements for
participation In Iowa day at the exposition
on Wednesday , September 21 , was not ns
largo as had been deslreO , It was a repre
sentative one. After Informally discussing
the matter the general sentiment of those
present was that the mayor should Isauo n
call for a mass meeting tonight at the opera
house , and In accordance with the wishes
of the meeting Mayor Jennings has Issued
i the following proclamation :
To the Citizens of Council Bluffs :
Whereas , Wednesday , September 21 , has
been designated as lown day nt the Trans-
Mississippi Exposition ; and ,
Whereas , Iowa Is the first In Importance of
nil the transmlsslBslppl states , and Potta-
wnttnmlo county and Council Bluffs are second
end to mi county nnd city In the state , the
time seems opportune for our citizens to
make a grand nnd effective display on that
occasion. It therefore seems fitting that a
muss mcotlng of all citizens shouldbo held
for the purpose of discussing plans nnd
measures for participation In the exorcises
of that day.
Therefore , I call n public meeting of citi
zens to bo held at the Dohany opera house
this evening at 7:30 : o'clock for the purpose
above mentioned.
The following committee was appointed
to call on the business men of the city ,
both retail and wholesale , and request their
presence at the meeting tonight ; also to
urge that they close their places of busi
ness on Iowa day and glvo their employes
nn opportunity tb participate In the parade
and exercises and help swell , the crowd
from Council Bluffs : Mayor Jennings ,
chairman ; T. J. Evans , E. W. Hart , Wil
liam Moore , S. H. Wndsworth , B. M. Sar
gent , W. H. Bradley , C. B. Randlett and
P. Gunnoude.
M. F. Rohrer , E. H. Odell and F. J. Day
wore appointed a committee to call on the
officers of the different fraternal and other
organizations and solicit their co-operation
and attendance at the meeting.
A. C. Graham , G. F. Wright nnd Fred
Hill were constituted .a committee to wait
on the Iowa exposition commission and
get all the Information possible about
the program for Iowa day and what
was expected of Council Bluffs in the mat
ter. This committee Is to report nt the
meeting tonight.
Victor E. Bender , Colonel W. F. Baker
and Prof. II. W. Sawyer were appointed as
a committee on arrangements for the mass
meeting tonight.
Colonel W. J. Davenport of the Burling
ton suggested that an effort bo made to
Induce all the railroads In the city to close
their oftlces on the afternoon of Iowa day
and stated ho would do all he could toward
this end. He suggested that the railroad
men of the city be Invited to take part anil
form a division.In . the parade. Another
suggestion made was that the High school
cadets bo Invited to take part In the pa
rade as a distinctly Council Bluffs organ
ization. The general sentl'Jient was that
the stores of the city should bo closed at
least during the afternoon of the day and
that there be a general outpouring of the
people of Council Bluffs at the exposition
that day.
Card of ThniikH.
Mr. E. L. Bunnell nnd family wish to ex
press their sincere thanks to their many kind
'rlcnds and the members of Masonic lodge
for the deep sympathy nnd kind assistance
rendered them nt and slnco the death of
their father , Lucian Bunnell.
Rev. J. RIale used Cole's Hot Blast heater
last winter.
Council IllnlTN Slay Ilitvv n 1'liint for
Milking SttM'l llrldm-M.
J. T. Ollphant of Newcastle , Ind. , was In
the city yesterday looking over the ground
for a suitable location for a plant for the
manufacturing of steel bridges and Iron
structural work of all kinds. He conferred
with the city nnd county authorities and
stated ho was much Impressed with the city ,
which ho considered a most desirable loca
tion for the establishment of such a con
From Investigations made by Mr. Ollphant
ho had learned t'hat there , were upwards of
fi.OOO wooden bridges of one kind nnd an
other In this county alone. In many states
the county wooden bridges are being re
placed with iron and steel structures ns be
ing more economical In the long run. This ,
Mr. Ollphant believed , would be the case
In this county before long , especially If a
plant for the manufacturing of such work
was In operat'lon here. Ho thought the time
for the establishing of such a plant hero was
opportune and although he come to no de
cision while hero yesterday , there Is a be
lief among those with whom ho consulted
that something may develop from his visit.
To Mayor Jennings while discussing the
project Mr. Ollphant ) stated that such a plant
as ho contemplated erecting would give em
ployment to nt least seventy or eighty men
within six months after getting It under
I'roKriini of Five Event * l Oltcreil to
( ho Public.
The races at the Driving park , which had
to bo discontinued on account of the rain ,
will bo resumed this afternoon , when a pro
gram of flve events will bo offered. The
meet Is now under the management of the
directors of the Union Park Driving Park
association , which ought to Insure Its suc
cess. Women will bo admitted free this
afternoon and alf the complimentary tlckots
issued for last Saturday will bo honored
today. The entries for today are :
First race , half mile : lone Parker , 109 ;
Olivia L , 100 ; Devoir. 100 ; Klttlo Foster ,
103 ; Mary 7.ox , 103 : Joe O Sot , 100 ; Tapestry ,
103 : Ed L , 109 ; Mnmle Boorse , 100 ; Alllo
B , 103 ,
Second race , four and a half furlongH :
Myrtle M , 105 ; Lmly Dunn. 103 ; Sydney
Fox , 105 ; Jim Bond. 105 ; Euglno S , 105 ;
Slow Go , IDS ; Oudla K , 1U5 ; Franclu Brook-
wood , 103.
Third race , five furlongs : Belle of St.
Louis , 9S ; Sam Durango , ! i8 ; Tom Lilly , ! > 9 ;
PIuc , 94 ; Joe O Sot. i)2 ) ; Mlko Hnverty , K ) ;
Ed L. M ; Sir Walter , 93 ; Doru G. S9 ; Scorn
ful , 91.
Fourth rnce , three-quarters of a mlle :
His Honor. fl3 ; Klngzella , 93 ; Pearllo Mills ,
94 ; Red Duchess , 94 ; Ella Pensunce , 91 ; Jim
Watson , 91 ; Aquinas , 94 ; Hurry B. 94.
Fifth race , gelling , one mile : Mr. PIpp ,
101 ; Lula Fry , 91 ; Ivory , 107 ; Gloja. 97 : Gold
Top. 97 ; Sallle Lnmar , 91 ; Serf , 91 ; White
Whlng , 97.
Chluf HIxby'M Illllx.
Chief of Police Blxby ts having consider-
able trouble with the city councir over the
matter of bis bills for the feed of his horse
and telegraph tolls. The chief uses bla
private horse In Che service of tbo city and
expects that the city pay at least part of
the expense of feeding the animal. Some of
the aldermen are , however , opposed to this.
The matter has been referred to a special
council committee consisting of Aldermen
Sayles , Casper aad Johnson , who am to
report at the next regular meeting. The
bill for telegraph toNs , which only amounts
to 'about J3 , was thrown out by the council
and payment refused.
Another bill of the chief's t'bat wan thrown
out by the council was ono for $2 for photo
graphs of n pickpocket that ho had takru.
Chief Blxby contends that It Is the custom
for police departments In all cities of any
slzo to have criminals of any nofo photo
graphed so that pictures can be placed In the
rogues' gallery nnd sent to the police of
other cities.
Chief Blxby has notified the council that
.ho will not UPC his horse In the service
of the city untess his feed Is paid for nnd
no matter how Important the business maybe
bo demanding , he will .not make use of the
telegraph service until the bill already pre
sented Is ordered paid. The refusal of the
council to allow these bills Is based on the
claim that there Is nothing In the city or
dinances which provides for their payment ) .
Part 2 of The Bee's photogravures of the
exposition la now ready and can be had at
the Council Bluffs ofllro.
( inrrnloiiM Mr. Ivcy ArotmoH Ire of
.Iiineiiu I'cole liy AeeiiNiitloiiN
Miute In I'ortlanil I'mierM ,
PORT TOWNSENO , Wash. , Sept. 13. The
steamer Farrnlon arrived from Alaskan ports
with about sixty passengers today. Among
the passengers were several direct from the
Pine Creek mining district. Reports from
that section are favorable for the future.
Sixteen men belonging to the Standard Oil
company expedition were among these re-
'turning. ' The expedition prospected In the
Shorley Creek district nnd a number of
claims were located. The company expended
about $75,000 onthe expedition.
Word conies from Juncau that two war
rants for the arrest of Collector of Customs
Ivoy have been sworn out before thn United
States commissioner at Juncau. Mr. Ivey Is
now on the Yukon nnd in discharge of his
ofllclnl duty. The warrants will be served
Immediately on his return. The warrants
nro the outcome of certain accusations made
against citizens of Juncau by Ivey in n pub
lished statement made last June , whllo Mr.
Ivey was In Portland , prior to his going to
St. Michaels.
Viet I in of .It-IMI in < Fire.
JEROME , Ariz. , Sept. 13.-"uarMs
the eecoud victim of the fire , dic.l todnv.
Others are badly burned. There Is no gen
eral suffering , ns 'there is an abundance of
supplies nnd the weather is lln-3. Tents nnd
shacks are going up on the smoking ruins
and everybody Is resuming business. The
Qmclter plant was unharmed and Is running
full time. The IOEBI-B of the Invtranso com
panies are heavier than estimated in first
New WeNtitiliiNter'N Fire Ineeiiillar- .
NEW WESTMINSTER , H. C. , Sept. 13.
It Is generally believed that Sunday's fire
was of Incendiary origin. The police have
arrested Jack Shepard , a farmer , who has
stated that ho knew the flre would hap
pen. Sheuard is considered mentally un
balanced. Ho was recently in Jail for n
trivial offense and when released swore to
"do" the town.
Kli-vntor ami Content * .
ATLANTIC , la. . Sept. 13. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A supposed Incendiary fire nt Audubon -
dubon this afternoon destroyed Captain
Stuart's grain elevator nnd over 25,000
bushels of wheat and corn. Most of the
grain was to bo moved soon to make room
for the new crop. There was $2,000 Insur
ance on the elevator and grain.
i'i-llnn of Iowa Frlen < ln.
OSKALOOSA , la. , Sept. 13. ( Special. )
The nttcndance at the Iowa yearly meet
ing of Friends In this city Is larger this
year than ever before , and representatives
are present , not only from lown , but from
all over the United States. Severn ! excur
sions brought in many visitors on Sunday ,
and counting the town people It Is safe
to say from 15,000 to 20,000 visited the
grounds during the day. Services were held
in the church nnd on several stands on the
grounds , and Friends also occupied nearly
all of the church pulpits in the city. The
Society of Friends is growing In numbers
every year , and it Is prosperous In every
way. They are especially proud of their
educational Institutions nt the head of which
stands Penn college of this city.
Moiulainln Carnival.
SIOUX CITY , Sept' . 13. ( Special. ) The
official program for the Mondamln carnival
to bo held In Sioux City October 3 to 10 , has
been announced. It provides for plenty of
good fun and frolic for the week , and large
crowds are expected. An effort Is being
made to secure the nttcndance of President
McKlnley on one day.
loivu Newn Xote * .
Fnlrfleld schools enrolled 7S1 pupils this
Forty thousand bushels of corncobs are In
one pile at Sallx.
Nevada's school buildings are furnished
with electric bells.
Hall around Rlverton destroyed much corn
and other vegetation.
The tenth annual district fair at Perry Is
on with n large attendance.
John Hagen was arrested nt Lemars , ac
cused of Insulting school girls.
The Rnthbone P'-'TS of Iowa now has a
membership of moro than 5,000.
Company G of Fort Dodge has returned
home , having lost flvo men in camp.
The schools of lown show about 10 per
cent increase In attendance this year.
The Carroll council has appropriated
money to send the local band to the Omaha
Sloan Is suffering from a gong of petty
thieves. They carry away everything left
out of doors that can bo lifted by hand.
Ono of the Incidents of the balloon ascen
sion at the Tlpton fair was that the big air
bag went up in smoke. It caught lire in
Reuben Bennett , a wealthy farmer of Web
ster City , was fatally injured In a runaway.
Ho is SO years of ago and one of the pioneers
of the state.
A giant oak tree , which has withstood the
storms of a century nnd shaded the lovers
of four generations nt Iowa City , has at last
succumbed nnd much sorrow Is the result.
Iowa. I'rexH Comment.
Marshalltown Times-Republican : It has
been asserted that the democratic party In
Iowa is dead. This may be so , but It Is in
cumbent upon the republican party to see
that Its corpse Is well burled this fall.
Davenport Republican : There was fusion
at Marshnlltown. but also some confusion
when It was found that only about sixty pop
ullsts nnd forty-three silver republicans
were In attendance , while there were about
BOO democrats.
Cedar Rapids Republican : "Tho democrats
have come to us , " said General Weaver ,
"we hove not gone to them. " The Marshnll
town platform verified this statement. The
populists have not been swallowel ; they
have swallowed.
Sioux City Tribune : September 21 Is Iowa
day at the Omaha exposition nnd a big at
tendance from this state la expected. The
day will bo given up to Iowa and Iowa pee
ple. Governor Shaw will deliver an address
and Congressman Cousins will be the orator
of the day. As the latter probably has been
working on his address for some time , some
thing line may well be expected from him.
For bret > . . surface ; , cores , insect bites ,
burns , skin diseases , and especially piles ,
there Is ono reliable remedy , DoWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWltt's
don't accept counterfeit or frauds. You will
not bo disappointed with DeWHt'i Witch
Hazel Salvo.
Leaves Jacksonville nt 2 O'Olock and is Duo
on Friday Morning.
Tlilrty-iiKli : < Slolt In < hr
mill Tlipfci ; Will llr Sc-llt Direct
to Tlirlr Itcxiieultvc
. . . 'J4 ' : .
MOINES , Sept. IS. ( Spcclnl Tclo-
grnni. ) The niljutnnt general today re
ceived a telccrara from Colonel Lambert ,
commanding the Fiftieth Iowa , stating that
tbo regiment left Jacksonville this after
noon at. 2 o'clock and that It will arrlvo
hero on Friday morning by way of the
Northwestern. Captain Olmstcad , the mus
tering ofllccr , has asked the War depart
ment to pay the men for an extra month
and muster ( hem out as soon as they nr-
rlvo hero Instead of giving them thirty
days' furlough. There are thirty-eight sick
In the regiment. These will ho sent di
rectly homo Instead of being brought here.
The last 0 ner cent state warrant was
paid today. The state now has no warrants
out drawing moro than G and eomo are
drawing but 3.SD per cent Interest.
I'ntrnl Medicine Vcmlrr UIIIIN Afoul
of tin ; I.utv.
DUUUQUE , la. . Sept. 13. ( Special. ) The
first prosecution for a violation of the war
revenue law waa conducted before Commis
sioner Cady In the custom house. P. W.
Morgan , who manufactures and sells a patent
medicine , was the defendant. Last week
General Deputy Collector C. 1) . Hayden en
tered Dr. Morgan's place to view his stock
of goods and ascertain If the sealed bottles
bore ( revenue stnmps of the denomination re
. quired by law. Mr. Hayden found many
bottles around which circulars were wrapped ,
advertising the bottle for sale at } ! All of
these bottles bore revenue stamps of the
5-8-ccnt denomination. The law requires
that a 23-cent bottle of medicine shall bear
a 5-S-ccnt stamp , and that an additional
G-Sc-stamp shall bo put on for each additional
25 cents at which the bottle and Its contents
Is valued. Therefore the bottle should bear
a 2 t-2-cent stamp.Mr. . Hayden caused Mr.
Morgan's arrest and the defendant stood up
for examination. Morgan admitted all the
allegations , but set up in defense that the
bottles bearing the dollar wrapper were sold
for 23 cents.
"Then why didn't you advertise them for
sale at 25 cents , and not for $1 ? " asked Mr.
"Well , to bo honest about It. " replied
Morgan , "I wanted to let the public think
it was getting | 1 worth of medicine for 2.
cents. "
"Just a trick of the trade , that's all , "
Interpolated Mr. Longuevlllc.
Morgan was bound over in $300 bonds to
await the action of the federal grand jury.
Ho furnished ball.
otiiil Coin nil t tee Confer * .
SIOUX 'CITY ' , Sept. 13. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The republican congressional com
mittee of the Eleventh , district of Iowa had
an Important conference In Sioux City
today. It was held to outline the general
situation and outline a plan of campaign.
The reports of the various county chairmen
were unusually encouraging to the party.
No disaffection with the ticket was reported
and the general opinion seemed to bo that
all that Is necessary is to ( jet the voters
to the DOIs ] this fall. It has been de
termined to make an active fight. It was
practically decided to open the campaign
nt LeMars about October 8 , when well
known speakers will bo present. This will
bo followed by largo meetings In every
county in the district. The subject of the
campaign funds was left to the state com
mittee meeting in DCS Molnes this week.
Judga Lot Thomas of Storm Lake , repub
lican nominee for congress , was present
and expressed the opinion that the campaign
outlook is favorable.
Woiiillniry County Di-iniirriiln.
SIOUX CITY , Sept. 13. ( Special. ) Con
siderable Interest Is being taken in the
AVoodbury county democratic convention ,
which Is to bo held tomorrow for the pur
pose of placing In nomination candidates for
the various county offices. Last spring the
democrats carried Sioux City by large ma
jorities , every candidate being elected. It
Is this fact which has brought out i\ large
field of candidates for county ofllccs from
the ranks of the democrats , populists and
free silver republicans. They have formed
an alliance , and will divide up the various
odlccs. Captain Harry Gooch , the young
commander of Company II , Fifty-second
Iowa volunteers , Is being urged for candi
date for the office of clerk of the courts.
The young man has never been In politics ,
hut the war brought him to notice and he
may get the nomination.
Siriiinn I.nnil Crnnt
FOUT DODOE , la. . Sept. 13. ( Special. )
The Board of Supervisors of Webster county
revoked a trrant of swamp land made to
B. P. Fuller In 1S91. Fuller is a real estate
man and promoter and a resident of Hum-
boldt coun'-v. The Board of Supervisors
contend that ho has failed to carry out
his contract and they have accordingly
taken the land from him. The land In
question has been sold to private parties
since given to the county by the govern
ment , about , forty years ago. Hero arises
n nucstlon as to whom the county must
look for Indemnity for the value of the
land. The land Is estimated to be worth
$18,000 and It Is likely that action wll ! bo
begun acolnst the government for the re
covery of money lost to the county through
the sale of the land.
ConuroM.HlonalnilrnntM | ,
FOUT DODOE , la. , Sept. 13. ( Special
Telegram. ) The democrats of the Tenth
district meet in Fort Dodge tomorrow to
nominate a candidate for congress. There
are but two prospective candidates , Ed
Anderson , a Kiithvcn business man and
member of the Iowa legislature , and Horace
Mann , a. Kossuth county free silver re
tv VOTK TII n x & .M B.
2J to 25O
KlWatnr MaelilniT- All ICIiuU.
Call on us or write for prices & descriptions.
DAVII ) IIR.\IlnV & CO. ,
Cuuwcjl IlluHii , luiva.
"Let's cfccw this instead. "
There has never been any question of
rivalry about
It is acknowledged by all to be the Victor *
Its campaign has been successful because
its forces have been irresistible These
forces are high quality and large quantity
for a. low price. In no other way can
you get so large a. piece of really .good
chewing tobacco for JOc.
America's Favorite Cigar
&CO. ,
' Distributers ,
S'zes :
3 lor 25c
lOc Straight COUNCIL
2 for 25c BLUFFS. IA
0 Per Oeztf Ftaev QSowa \ \ Farms.
We arc prcp-ircd to place loans on improved Western Iowa v
farms at n per cent. Money on hand , no dulny. We have for Of
sale several choice FRUIT , GAUDKX , GKAltf AND STOCK li
TAK.MS. VHUY CIIKAI * . Cheap money will make land go up. r" "
Investigate our bargains.
39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Union Park , Council Bluffs ,
mimencing Monday , Sept 12th ,
Admission , 50 cts. Ladies Free.
Mender of uleicascH of xtcn and
\VorIU' llorbul l > l i > oui.ury of
I CL'fii : Cntnrrli of HcaJ , Throat mid
[ , unp6 , IlM-ii603 of 1'jo nnil 1'nr , t''ts ' mid
Apoplojcy , lleurl , 1'Vfr nnil linlticy iJisoiiM'ft ,
Dlivtiutee , llrlgtit'x 1. fcusc , hiniis liuiic'd
lUinuinulUni.Scrof'iln , Dropsy vurt'ilrlllimil
lni | | > lii - . Tiinuornm ri'iiinvctl , ull clironlc
Ni-rvoua uml t'rlvuto Dlsont-cs.
LOST MANHOCD-f . .i.C. . . .lAi !
CVOLSil I * * _ o" ' > ' I'lij-flcinil who i-iin
d 1 rntLiEOi pioncrlyc'iirc nVI'IIIMS
without ( IcMroyliiff trctli ami lioiifb. No inc'p
till' } ' or polhoti mineral iiffil.
Tlioonly J'hyslflun v.-lio can toll what nlli
you without aFkltiK a question
These nt a illPlxnco Kond fnr qucsllOD
blank. Nn. 1 for niun : No. 2 for women.
All corrrpoiilcnro | ( Btilctly contldtntlal
Medium btnt liy orprcse.
Aclcln-fiB all letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
55S llroud way . COUNCIL m.l'l'TS , IA
CF Suud 2-ccnt Btiinu tor rt-utr.
ice Sou tli Main St.
; ' . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 1 n I in : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in : 1 1 n
" Jirc you Qoing eat ? 3
uV. ill" " * l1" " ' ' " ' 'nu ' > > " " " " " " " * * " ' I' ' ' " I" 3
from Hult.lo , t Nl , - r I'.lli r lw J.
Ill * ruulo U tltiut. ; ) ! A i.rffun b (
I"'Ji.K il..f. . ' > M lUtorl. , . | , , | l Ui llri . ' hi. mouiltln li Ik. tJutl ! J ? . It nrjltr , . 2 "
liiixttomrkl trtlo III thp Ht l.1 , '
All iVr , 'i 4j u lnl cirtjr ( Italo. rill Ml lii S
I ur Illiutritnl d > | . | . UxLi on tl u t' t4 , nr Itformi
' ' ' i.i'i u"i iVi"M '
. i m 11 M M'I in ;
i'-1 ' . Counrll niufffl.t
Hates , $1.23 jmr day ; 75 rooms. Klrst
ti ovoiy resp'cct. Motor II , , to n Ml
1 oca uRency for the Celebrate ! 8t
ctiou.Ct U ° ' ° r < * lrst-u " " ' r lu